【Aki Rakuyō】

~"The Noble Houses don't deserve to have that much power."~
【Personal Info】
【Age: 295
【Age Appearance: 18
【Gender: Male
【Race: Shinigami
【Former Rank: Ryoka.
【Former Division: 3rd Divison
【Additional Appearance Info: Despite preferring more modern clothes Aki still primarily dresses in the black and white of the Shinigami uniform in hid free time. He is about 5'4 or 162 and 52 kil or 114 pounds. He wears Himaru on his back.
Aki was lucky enough to end up in Hokutan, the 3rd district of west Rukongai, after dying, even if he had no memories of his life in the human world. Despite this it took him several years to even attempt to enter Seireiti after becoming aware he had Reiatsu because he had no interest in becoming part of the Gotei 13. After learning that keeping the balance meant souls in Rukongai were killed if things were bad enough in the human mind he changed his mind.
Still it took Aki two tries to get into Shin'ō Academy due to him barely failing the written exam the first time. Seeing unarmed combat as the weakest link in Zankensoki he put the least amount of work into learning Hakuda while trying to raise the other to about equal levels for the sake of versatility. In his third year he ended up sparring against the strongest member of his class: Yua Ōmaeda. Their kido skills were about equal, but in everything else she greatly outclassed him and as such he lost. Determined to win in at least some form Aki focused more on Kido from then on and over the course of a few more sparring sessions grew closer to the rebellious noble, asking her out after six months.
The Ōmaeda family found out before things got serious between them and pulled a few strings to let Yua graduate early and become an unseated officer if she broke up with Aki. The remaining two years were mostly unremarkable and Aki eventually graduated as well, joining the third division and befriending Eichi. All in all aki considered things to be going pretty well until Hiroki began taunting him. eventually Aki was pushed too far and began chanting the incantation for Ōkasen. He was stopped before he could use the technique but it was still enough to get him in trouble. Luckily it only ended with Aki missing out on several chances for promotion over the next couple of years.
【Personality: While Aki is introverted and prefers to avoid crowds he doesn't mind hanging out with friends. He also doesn't let his competitive streak get in the way of befriending people who have beaten him.
【Age: 295
【Age Appearance: 18
【Gender: Male
【Race: Shinigami
【Former Rank: Ryoka.
【Former Division: 3rd Divison
【Additional Appearance Info: Despite preferring more modern clothes Aki still primarily dresses in the black and white of the Shinigami uniform in hid free time. He is about 5'4 or 162 and 52 kil or 114 pounds. He wears Himaru on his back.
Aki was lucky enough to end up in Hokutan, the 3rd district of west Rukongai, after dying, even if he had no memories of his life in the human world. Despite this it took him several years to even attempt to enter Seireiti after becoming aware he had Reiatsu because he had no interest in becoming part of the Gotei 13. After learning that keeping the balance meant souls in Rukongai were killed if things were bad enough in the human mind he changed his mind.
Still it took Aki two tries to get into Shin'ō Academy due to him barely failing the written exam the first time. Seeing unarmed combat as the weakest link in Zankensoki he put the least amount of work into learning Hakuda while trying to raise the other to about equal levels for the sake of versatility. In his third year he ended up sparring against the strongest member of his class: Yua Ōmaeda. Their kido skills were about equal, but in everything else she greatly outclassed him and as such he lost. Determined to win in at least some form Aki focused more on Kido from then on and over the course of a few more sparring sessions grew closer to the rebellious noble, asking her out after six months.
The Ōmaeda family found out before things got serious between them and pulled a few strings to let Yua graduate early and become an unseated officer if she broke up with Aki. The remaining two years were mostly unremarkable and Aki eventually graduated as well, joining the third division and befriending Eichi. All in all aki considered things to be going pretty well until Hiroki began taunting him. eventually Aki was pushed too far and began chanting the incantation for Ōkasen. He was stopped before he could use the technique but it was still enough to get him in trouble. Luckily it only ended with Aki missing out on several chances for promotion over the next couple of years.
【Personality: While Aki is introverted and prefers to avoid crowds he doesn't mind hanging out with friends. He also doesn't let his competitive streak get in the way of befriending people who have beaten him.
【Notable Traits】
✔Peace and quiet
✔The night sky
✘The Noble Houses
✘Being unable to help those he cares about
✔Peace and quiet
✔The night sky
✘The Noble Houses
✘Being unable to help those he cares about
【Defining Traits】
▼Narrow minded
▼Narrow minded
Yua Ōmaeda: Ex and former rival
Eichi: Rival
Hiroki: Nemesis
Aki and Yua met while attending Shin'ō Academy and while they didn't immediately hit it off they began dating during their fourth year. Unfortunately Yua's family learned about them dating and pressured her into breaking up with Aki. He doesn't blame her for this but being unable to contact her has moved on.
Eichi: Rival
A fellow member of the third division Aki met on his first day after joining. They ended up arguing over something minor and eventually became friendly rivals.
Hiroki: Nemesis
A member of a branch family of the Ōmaeda who taunted Aki about Yua. Eventually Aki couldn't take it anymore and nearly attacked him. Ever since Hiroki seems to go out of his way to mess with Aki in minor ways.
【General Aptitude】
Fighting Style:
Aki trained in as many parts of Zankensoki as he saw feasible in order to be able to fight without needing help. Still he mostly relies on Kido and Hoho to fight from a distance, and focus on not getting hit himself. As a result he isn't as good in close quarters combat or tanking hits.
Reiryoku(Unused Points): 95 (0)
Reiatsu: {290} (4)
Strength: 15 - Unremarkable
Resilience: 25 - Average
Mobility: 25 - Average
Spirit: 30- Average
Proficiency: (Numeric Value)
Zanjutsu: (49 - Layman)
Hakuda: (20 - Layman)
Kido: (85 - Practitioner)
Hoho: (70 - Practitioner)
Perception: (61 - Practitioner)
Kido Specialist:Kido Scholar | Kido Practitioner Primary Hado 1-40 secondary Bakudo 1-20
Notably, those who do not possess this Specialty only choose a Primary and cannot use any other class of kido. Otherwise, those possessing this specialty must choose either Hado or Bakudo as their Primary and Secondary, respectively. The Primary discipline gains the full allotment of spells for their rank, whereas the secondary gains the allotment for one tier below their Proficiency. Individuals exceeding the Grandmaster Proficiency Tier are capable of utilizing their secondary at the same rank as their primary, but they are not capable of creating new Kidō of that class. Individuals below Grandmaster cannot utilize Forbidden Kidō, whereas those at Legend or Mythic Proficiency may create Forbidden Kidō. Individuals below Adept cannot create new Kidō.
Shunpo(Hoho Practitioner):
Hakaitsuchi(Hoho Practitioner):
: meaning “Flash Steps,” this technique, while not the pinnacle of Hoho, is the primary Arte afforded by the Skill. This Arte allows the user to move faster than the eye can easily follow by using as few steps as possible to cross a distance. The higher the user’s Hoho Proficiency, the faster and more efficient this Arte becomes. This technique clashes against the Perception Skill, meaning that the lower an individual’s skill value is, the more difficulty they will have predicting the trajectory of or even following the user’s movement. This becomes more pronounced if the Perception Skill is at a lower Proficiency Tier than the Shunpo User’s Hoho Skill.
Hakaitsuchi(Hoho Practitioner):
Meaning "Battering Ram," this technique turns a headlong charge into a deadly-quick dash using Hoho, to enhance the attack that comes after it. Mechanically, the user may add one tier of their Hoho Skill to a Zanjutsu or Hakuda-based attack that comes directly after this technique.
Sealed State
~"Come on what do you need those spells for? Just stab that hollow!."~
Additional Description: A normal katana with a gold colored guard and handle. The blade and sheath meanwhile are the same red color
Attunement (1): Phase One - Unattuned
Deviation: Koi
Inner World & Spirit:
Zanpakuto Personality: One thing that Aki and Himaru have in common is their aggressiveness, though the dragon wishes it's master would use his zakpakuto more.
Attunement (1): Phase One - Unattuned
Deviation: Koi
Inner World & Spirit:
Description: A vast mountain range through which Himaru (Fire Ring) soars in the form of a dragon made from flames.
Zanpakuto Personality: One thing that Aki and Himaru have in common is their aggressiveness, though the dragon wishes it's master would use his zakpakuto more.
Ability: In this form it gives the ability to use fire and the blade itself becomes burning hot. Entering their Shikai doubles their Reiatsu stat modifier.
Nokoribi (Ember): Himaru's blade ignites and as Aki swings it around embers are thrown towards his target
Name: Shakkaken (Red Fire Sword) Aki points Himaru to his target and charges a Shakkahō through it. Thanks to Himaru's flames the power of the spell is boosted (10 points higher than Aki's spirit stat) while maintaining it's explosive properties.
Kyokaen (Mirror Fire Flame ): Aki holds Himaru pointing straight up and as he moves it the side a "wall" of fire as tall as the sword from hilt to tip is left behind it. This allows it to basically clash with techniques or attacks that hit it. It always uses Aki's spirit at but it goes up against Kido or energy based attacks it clashes against the opponent's spirit and for Zanjutsu/Hakuda or a physical object it is against their strength stat. Even if it fails the incoming attack will be debuffed (it'll act like it's one milestone tier lower than it would have been). If it wins, the attack is blocked.
Name: Shakkaken (Red Fire Sword) Aki points Himaru to his target and charges a Shakkahō through it. Thanks to Himaru's flames the power of the spell is boosted (10 points higher than Aki's spirit stat) while maintaining it's explosive properties.
Kyokaen (Mirror Fire Flame ): Aki holds Himaru pointing straight up and as he moves it the side a "wall" of fire as tall as the sword from hilt to tip is left behind it. This allows it to basically clash with techniques or attacks that hit it. It always uses Aki's spirit at but it goes up against Kido or energy based attacks it clashes against the opponent's spirit and for Zanjutsu/Hakuda or a physical object it is against their strength stat. Even if it fails the incoming attack will be debuffed (it'll act like it's one milestone tier lower than it would have been). If it wins, the attack is blocked.