Please Don't Break, Please Don't Break
“Eh? Wa-wait, I’m not–!” Left with the laptop, Mika had not expected to find herself so quickly face to face with one of her great nemeses–technology. She could manage the basics, of course, but being from an old fashioned family out in the countryside and having a…somewhat different…upbringing from many of her peers, she had never quite caught on to all the latest media trends. She looked from side to side as if expecting someone to take the burden off of her…but with Kaeru, Nyoko, and both Satos gone, it seemed like she had no other options. She approached the device with all the caution of one whose home only contains plastic plants when asked by a friend to care for their prized azaleas.
Okay. Okay, she could do this. She didn’t have to touch any buttons, did she? The screen didn’t look
that bad. The large image was clearly a map of the park. That other window in the corner seemed to be displaying several…charts? Wavelengths? Some kind of data being measured? Could spiritual energy be analyzed by non-magical means? It certainly seemed to be peaking in regards to the large mass at the park’s center. Mika furrowed her brows and leaned closer.
This wasn’t like the torii gateway of a sacred site, was it? Or a demon’s personal domain, where their powers could alter the surroundings inside their lairs? Was this a passage that the Grudges were coming through, or some kind of giant “mother” Grudge that was spawning the others? Either way, it had to be destroyed–research could come later.
“Kyo-chan, destroy it!” she ordered, holding one hand in the
rin seal to direct her thoughts through their link. His answer was immediate,
Don’t gotta tell me twice!
I'm Gonna Break It
He slashed and bludgeoned his way through the enemy, roaring with centuries of pent up fury. But the Raskhasa pulled back in surprise for an instant as ghostly hands lunged from the earth to grapple with the Grudge’s limbs. Though the amorphous beings tried to escape by shifting in a variety of ways, the grasping hands waved like grass in the field wherever they went. Kyozan lunged with his claws outstretched–
“Ha! If you pathetic wretches can’t even escape spirits of that level, I should’ve just–!”
And immediately tripped to slam face first into the dirt, his huge frame completely stretched out flat. He could almost
hear a certain feline femme’s purring laughter as the ghostly hands released his legs. His own throat let out a rumbling growl–but when he lifted his face up, he had a wry smile and licked his lips.
“I shall play with
you later.” He muttered. While he climbed back to his feet, the other Contracted pair joined the battle. That tall human woman packed a surprising stiff punch, and her demon followed it up with flames that blew apart the rest of the Grudge’s head. As Kyozan resumed carving his swathe of destruction, Suzume asked him if he knew what they were looking for–and not a moment later, he received a message from Mika. The image flashed in his head, and he leaped up to the top of a nearby swingset. As the metal creaked under his bulk, he peered over the dark throng and saw the larger, pulsating mass from whence they came.
“Don’t gotta tell me twice!” He looked down at the crowd again–given how much space he’d cleared, the cat’s restraints, and the fiery female pair, he didn’t think they’d have any trouble with the remaining Grudges. And all the mewling human peasants had been evacuated. So now he could
really cut loose!
Kyozan leaped as high as he could, straight up–and then, as if kicking off the air, he flickered away like a black-and-blue flame through the sky. As he lost speed his form reappeared some distance over the crowd, but now he fell at an angle towards that disgusting hive.
“Behold my wrath!” he said, followed by a maniacal, howling laughter. He raised one clenched fist, and an enormous ball of azure fire blossomed over his shoulder. As he fell, accelerated once more by gravity, the mass of spiritual power took the form of an enormous fist. “
The disembodied limb, easily bigger than Kyozan himself, hurtled down at the black mass with incredible force…