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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 22 min ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Train

Ezekiel couldn’t believe what Janelle was saying, especially since she had already been on a quest with him once before. When he was on a quest, he was all in it. Maybe he joked around a little, harassed Kristin but he listened to direction, made suggestions and more importantly, worked with all three of them. Worked with her in order to help her win. And now she was telling him the entire group’s lack of communication was all on him?
Ezekiel started seeing red. His knuckles cracked from squeezing his hands so hard to keep from turning around and yelling at her. She was hurting. She was pissed. She was whatever she was feeling, and Zeke was the punching bag. Fine. He could be the punching bag but not in front of everyone. He shifted in his seat and looked back at Janelle. He spoke at a normal volume but there was restrained anger in his voice.
”Now is not the time? Seriously Janelle? Then why the hell did you bring it up in the first place? If you have a problem with me, take me aside and let’s work this out because if you have that much of a problem with me then we need to talk about it before we go to Hotel Hell and have to try and survive while also completing the quest.”
She walked away and Zeke turned back around, a scowl on his face while he crossed his arms and glared out the window. He was still aware of Demetri on his lap, but he was in his own head about how everything had gotten so screwed up that he didn’t pay much attention to his boyfriend or Kristin’s voice saying she was going on a walk-about.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

Demetri stretched his front paws out against Zeke's lap. Claws coming into view before slowly retracting back as he yawned. "Not too long? Just since the shadow ghosts had appeared that night at camp. They don't seem to be harmful I think? Just kinda…show up." He answered, his tone nonchalant and dismissive. Demi's demeanor shifted however as Zeke began to talk once again. Telling them about Nancy's weakness and what she'd been through at their destination. His bright eyes shifted towards her down the car, narrowing slightly as he focused on her shape. He felt almost guilty having her here now.

Cass gave their new feline friend a quizzical look. He hadn't expected to hear it begin to talk, though he supposed that wasn't abnormal within the world of Demi-gods. Literal Sphinxes existed within this world, as well as Labyrinths that were living beings of their own right, why couldn't a child of Zeus cat talk? Of Course that meant that Demi had been purposefully dodging questions until this very moment. He'd decided not to remark on it, instead listening to what Zeke had to say about Nancy's weakness. He looked towards her, only glancing from the corner of his eye, as she paced down the corridors. Pity lacing his gaze before it moved over towards Zeke once more.

Demetri couldn't believe what he was hearing. The fur on his back began to stand as the purring slowly moved into a low growl. When he'd felt Zeke’s hand leave him, he instinctively moved onto his haunches, glaring daggers at Janelle. Not that she could see. He had a few choice words for Janelle, all of which would make him appear ableist even though he wasn't. Just as quickly as she'd attacked Zeke, she'd moved on and went to sit further away from them all. He began pacing side to side within Zeke's lap, looking up at him. "She doesn't even know what she's talking about. Don't listen to her. You tried to make things private and speak to her before we ever went public but sooo many things got in the way of that. If she can't get over herself and help with this mission, then she's the selfish one." What he'd really wanted to do was scratch her and tell her she's stupid and blind for not seeing that Zeke was trying to do the right thing. But he doubted Zeke would appreciate that.

Cassian leaned back in his seat, feeling just the same as Kristin was no doubtedly. "Yeah, couldn't have gone better" He tried not to lay too much sarcasm into his comment, figuring that would only set others off even more. He looked towards the couple before settling his gaze on Kristin. Getting up from his seat and straightening his shirt. "I'll go with you. The rest seem to need some time to think, and I'm not so keen on having one of us going off all by themselves. Even if it is just a train car away."

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Labyrinth

Andy frowned, thinking about the name. It was familiar. "The guy who made the Labyrinth? This is his workshop?" She looked around, surprised. "I wonder if there is something else in here? But all I found was the wing stuff."

She then got a bright smile as an idea crossed her mind. She put everything down and opened her backpack, and started digging through and pulling out the magic book she had gotten magically. She flipped through it and found a magical repair spell. Andy tried to do the spell, but nothing happened. She frowned and tried again. Sighing, she looked up to Mads. "Think you can get the spell to work?"

Location: Train

Niah wondered what Jason meant by it being a fun conversation. She knew conversations with godly parents could be awkward. She got along well enough with her own mother, but she rarely saw her. Well, that was an understatement since she had only met her mother once. Niah paid for her food.

"Let's eat here. Otherwise, we will feel cooped up in the cabin the whole trip. Too bad I don't have a deck of cards or something." She took her food and gently picked up her coffee before sipping it slowly. The warmth of it felt good. "Pick a table." She told Stella. "And get something to eat, Jason." A rule of quests was to eat when you could. Rest when it was safe.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Train
Skills: N/A

Nancy didn't need to look directly at the group to see that the conversation had ended and it was safe for her to return - no, she caught a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye, seeing Janelle and some of the others get up and go separate ways. Nancy rosed an eyebrow, her interest piqued for the moment. She doubted the story of her trauma would've caused that sort of a reaction. She must've missed something else. That or her trauma had been so boring that the Greeks felt a need to go do something else... But no, she decided it was probably just a symptom of the dysfunction that plagued the Greek demigods.

Nancy walked back to where the group had originally been sitting and she reclaimed her seat. Zeke was scowling, glaring out the window - and his cat was still in his lap. Cassian and Kristin were both gone, and Janelle was sitting just a few seats away. "I take it I missed something," Nancy said, giving Zeke an invitation to talk to her if he wanted to. She was beginning to find it a bit strange and unhealthy how attached Demetri was to him, but she didn't say anything for now.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: N/A

Leda didn't want to admit it, but she was a tad relieved when Kiera successfully shaped an air bubble around her. She just hoped that somehow the magic of Kiera's demigod abilities could deal with the immense pressure of heading down to the ocean floor as well, but she didn't raise the point. It'd be a dark and somewhat funny way to go, but Leda didn't believe it would happen to her. She fully believed she was meant to have a heroic death, to sacrifice herself for something bigger - not just die at the bottom of the ocean from her body caving in under pressure. "Mm, why wouldn't I be?" Leda replied to Kiera with a slight smirk.

"It's not like my fragile body is depending on my girlfriend's mastery of the sea," she added jokingly. Leda glanced at Sera. She had noticed how the new demigod seemed to really respond more to Kiera than anyone else. She supposed that it made sense, as the two of them were siblings, but Leda did feel ever so slightly slighted. "What's been going on with you since I last saw you then, mate?" she asked Hercules. She didn't want him to think of her as a mother, but they could be chums at least.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Janelle Gauger

Location: Grand Central Station
Skills: N/A

She actively chose to tune Zeke out completely at this point, but considering he was getting annoyed with her was probably a good thing. Since she didn't see anyway things might go back to the way they had been even the day before. All it would have taken was Zeke actually saying something earlier in the day, or when she had blatantly asked him before, but he had chosen to stay quiet about it. If he had been at least somewhat honest then, or hadn't waited until she had already heard everything else from literally the entire rest of the camp, then she wouldn't be as mad as she was right now.

Her social skills for the most part were lacking, typically because most of the time people tended to ignore her, so she never really understood the idea of not just stating your mind or explaining how you saw things compared to everyone else, but apparently that was not a good idea to do. Did she care? No. Because the emotions going through her head right now were not exactly the best right now and for the most part she just wished that she was alone and didn't have to deal with everyone else on the train right now. The funny thing was, she hadn't even yelled or raised her voice, she had said it rather calmly, and for some reason Zeke decided to start yelling about it, people tended to need to see things from the point of view of others, she already somewhat tried that, and found no explanation for why he lied to her point blank. So why wasn't he trying to see things from her perspective? He literally lied, to her face about something that was kind of important, then basically walked away and pushed her to the side when she more or less confronted him about it and just walked away without even explaining anything.

Jason Gauger

Location: The Train
Skills: N/A

He was silent for the most part as he walked up to the pair, he ordered just a simple sandwich for himself and a drink, before paying for the food and grabbing it from them. Stella had asked about eating in this car or back in their compartment, personally he wasn't too sure if they should be out and about constantly given the fact that there was always the chance that some sort of monster was going to pop up on the train again like the cyclops group before, who knew what else they could possibly run into right now.

"I'm fine either way, it doesn't really matter too moehch to me what we do ahr where we go," he ended up saying with a bit of a shrug, looking at the pair of them. They had a bit of a trip ahead of them before they reached their destination on the other side of the country. There still was the lingering question in his mind though of what instance they were supposed to run into that would require the object that Ares had given him. Yeah, this was going to be loads of fun clearly.

Marygold Isley

Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, maybe," she responded with regards to the teaching Madalyne German thing. Mary wasn't too sure how the wings could be useful, and she shrugged somewhat. "Yeah, no idea how you could fix those things, so who knows how it'll work out. We might not be able to do much with them, since they kind of are useless unless they somehow get repaired, not sure how we could do that..."

As if right on cue with regards to that, Andy started going through her bag before pulling out a book from her backpack. Huh, well that was definitely an interesting thing, what were they going to do with the book though in general was beyond her. Though as soon as she revealed that it seemed to be a spell book of sorts, she couldn't help but wonder where she had gotten that. "Where did that come from? Though a repair spell, definitely useful if you want these things to maybe work."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 37 min ago

Amtrak Train:

The man at the counter nodded towards Jason as he started to go and make the food that he had requested, taking a few moments as he went to go and prepare it before handing it over to Jason once he had paid for it. "Here you go." He said as he went to tend to a few other customers in the food car. It was quiet for the most part as the train continued to move more and more away from the city and into the suburbs. In one of the windows they'd hear a sudden thudding sound, and there were a few harpies that were now flying along side the train one of them making eye contact with the group before flying off. They weren't able to get into the train but they ended up landing on the top of the car. To the mortals in the car however to them it looked like there were just a bunch of birds going a little bit crazy for some reason.

Kiera Donovan

Location: New York City
Skills: Hydrokinsis

Kiera looked over her shoulder to Leda and smiled towards her gently holding her girlfriend's hand. "Just making sure that you are alright." Kiera told her girlfriend, if she somehow ended up loosing control or something like that then Leda would most likely start drowning rather quickly, which was something that she didn't want to happen to Leda. The bubble that she had around herself and Leda was holding for now which was a good thing as well to. Kiera ocasionally looked at Hercules the Cyclops, he seemed rather young by the looks of it and if her girlfriend trusted him then she would trust him as well to.

Hercules moved his hippocampi alongside Kiera's and looked at her as he smiled. "Been working with the other good cyclops with Poseidon! He's really nice and we make a lot of cool things as well to!" Hercules answered her, he seemed to be happy and had a better upbringing and raised to not attack demigods unlike his other brethren they seemed to be more hellbent on making them all into snacks. "What about you?" Hercules asked looking at Leda. Sera would start to hear some singing in the distance, she could see a rather beautiful woman singing nearby on the ocean floor and she'd feel a sudden lure towards it as well to.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Labyrinth
Skills: Greek Mythology, mystiokinesis

Madalyne looked at Mary and smiled towards her. "I'd like that if you are willing to teach me anyway that is." Madalyne said to Mary as she looked at Andy and looked around the workshop, it looked like it was totally destroyed and burnt for the most part and nodded slightly. "Thats my guess or at least whats left of it." Madalyne said to Andy as she lightly kicked some dust and dirt around somewhat the room seemed to have seen better days as well.

Madalyne turned her attention towards her niece as she pulled out her spell book that she had on her, and looked it over as Andy started to work on it. Nothing happened however, she knew that Andy had been learning some magic from her and she was still completely new to it as well, so she understood that Andy couldn't get it on her first try. "Well theres three pairs of wings, and it could be useful or at least some parts of it if we can't use it salvage is also pretty useful." Madalyne said to Mary as she looked over the spell that Andy had found in the book. She closed her eyes as she held out her hand as a small purpleish light came from her hand, as the parts started to slowly repair themselves and they all looked good as new. "There we go." Madalyne said looking at the two of them and smiled slightly as she looked at Mary. "We should move on where does that map say where we need to go next?" She asked Mary.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Camp Store
Skills: N/A

Kristin looked at Cassian as he offered to join her and smiled. "Sure the more the merrier." Kristin said to Cassian as she made her way towards Janelle. "If you want to you are more than welcome to join us." Kristin offered to Janelle, it was up to her if she wanted to come or not, the girl sounded like she wanted to be left alone right now. The whole love triangle thing that was going on between the three of them was pretty noticeable now. Janelle had feelings for Zeke by the looks of it or something to her as she looked at Cassian. "Lets head up train then." Kristin said, she just wanted to get out of there the tension was a little to unbearable to Kristin right now, and quietly left the train car that they were in and into the next one.

Joanie continued to eye Demi as Nancy sat back down, she let out a little sound before flying off of Nancy and decided to annoy Demi Cat and started to bite at Demi but not to hard letting out a little hissing sound towards the cat and batting her wings at him clearly the little dragon was bored right now. Other than the annoying sounds from Joanie the rest of the train car was fairly quiet for the most part as some people were giving the group some strange looks.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Location: The Train - Dining Car
Skills: N/A

Stella smiled softly as Niah said that she could pick the table for them and went to find something akin to a booth, and plopped down at it on one side, with Arbor taking up the spot next to her. She set down her food, as well as Arbor's and started to eat. She was feeding her little pup when she started hearing the sounds that started to bother her and she frowned a bit and turned to look out the window she had put herself right next to and gasped a bit.

They looked like birds with women head's and chests, and it seemed that they had spotted the group as well. She watched as they started to fly and then heard thuds as she assumed that they were starting to land on the roof of the train compartment they were on. So much for lunch, and so much for avoiding monsters for too much longer. She handed Arbor the rest of his food, as she was sure he would need his energy, while she looked at the other two. "What should we do? We can't let the mortals know about them, right?" She had lowered her voice to a whisper, as to not alarm anyone else. She knew that the mortals didn't see what they saw, thanks to the Mist.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by DragonicQueen
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DragonicQueen Little Bluebird

Member Seen 10 days ago

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: New York City
Skills: Hydrokinsis

The singing was beautiful, she wanted to get closer to it. Realizing why she spoke up about the singing. "Is that a siren?" Sera remembered that there was stories on these creatures. Ships crashing into rocks because they were lured in by the songs of beautiful mermaids, better known as Sirens. Some people said it was because of sea madness and the sirens where actually seals. But now to hear the luring song of a siren.... it was more believable that gorgeous women were responsible.

She looked over to the others, seeing the glance Leda gave. Was something wrong? Sera wasn't meaning to ignore anybody. She was just overwhelmed by it all and tried to focus on one thing at a time. Having a sibling made things easier but also maybe a bit difficult. It'd be a slow process to try and reach out more, Sera was rather shy and quiet.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 22 min ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Train

Demetri's words of retaliation were appreciated, but they only made Zeke feel sad as well. He should have talked to Janelle first. He knew how news traveled at camp, and Coach Hedge had made quite the scene for him and Demetri.
He felt a presence beside him and turned to see Nancy had rejoined them. He sighed at her simple words. She wasn't prying, and he was thankful for that, but Nancy had become a good person to talk to over the short time they had known each other.
"Apparently, I am the reason for the group's communication barriers because I didn't tell Janelle about Demi and I," he said and looked back at Demetri for a moment. "I know how rumors spread at this camp. I should have spoken to her first, but I was focused on the quest and wanted to approach the situation with her privately." Zeke absentmindedly scratched under Demi's chin while he spoke to Nancy.
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually miss my little run down trailer, and the kids I went to school with. I was bullied, but at least I was bullied for what I am rather than what I turned myself into."
Nancy, Demi and even Kristin knew of his previous life with his mom's unsavory career, and being bullied about that and being poor. When he started at Camp Half-blood, Zeke didn't want his reputation to be the poor kid with the stripper mom who couldn't even afford basic cable. So, he started to overcompensate for what he lacked. He pushed himself to be the best in the infirmary, best in archery, best with sarcastic comebacks. Cold-hearted and an asshole. He achieved his goals, but at the cost of friendships and he hurt Janelle. If he just acknowledged how he was feeling rather than blocking himself all the time, he and Demi could have started even before Janelle arrived at camp.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

Cassian walked alongside Kristin as they went about the train car. Stopping when they'd reached Janelle. He didn't dislike Janelle, as a matter of fact before this quest she had been an extremely nice and likable person. But at this moment, he figured she may need some time to herself to think and move through her own emotions. He gently tapped Kristin's hand before motioning his head towards Zeke and Demi. "If you'd like to stay here alone that's fine too. I'm sure Nancy wouldn't mind making sure nothing goes awry while we're gone." He tried to keep his tone as gentle as possible as he spoke.

Demetri opened up one eye as he felt the nibbling sensation. Seeing that Nancy's dragon had followed her over as she sat back down to his side. He reached out towards Joanie, batting at her with his paws. He didn't strike hard enough to hurt, keeping his claws retracted as he played with the dragon. As soon as Zeke began to absent-mindedly pet underneath his chin, he rolled onto his back exposing his belly as he continued to playfully strike at Joanie.

Cassian began to scout out the train car as he followed the child of Athena. He wasn't sure if they would truly run into any monsters while they were on this ride given how compact they were in, but it always paid to be vigilant. Most of the passengers seemed to be mortals, minding their own business as they went about their travels. But towards the other end of the train there sat someone alone with a hoodie pulled up over their head. He stopped shortly behind Kristin, gently tapping her hand once more. "Hey, suspicious guy off to the back of the car."

Demetris batting slowed down as he listened to Zeke speak. Almost ignoring the little dragon as he paid attention to his boyfriends words. He knew about his past, and assumed Nancy was given some information as well given how open he was being about it. He rolled back over, pawing at Zeke's chest in an attempt for a little kitten hug. "Kids at camp will always talk, you shouldn't listen to them and you shouldn't listen to her either. She's just taking out her emotions on you and being a jerk. I'm really glad you came to camp, and glad I followed those crazy kids on a flying chariot. Otherwise I'd of never met you." He wanted to say more, but stayed his tongue.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Train
Skills: N/A

Nancy wasn't concerned about Joanie playing too rough with the DemiCat, but if Demetri did anything to hurt Joanie, she'd skin him alive - no matter what form he was shifted into. Nancy didn't pay much attention to the strange looks they were being given either, figuring that the Mist would take care of things. What she did listen to was her brother's words, as he explained what had happened. As much as the Romans tended to look down on the Greeks, Camp Jupiter had been no stranger to drama either.

"Mm, the reason that this group cannot communicate is that you're fractured and undisciplined - and I don't mean you specifically," Nancy told Zeke. "Having both of those things be true is the nightmare scenario. Having only one be true, you can work with that." But she knew that wasn't really what Zeke wanted to talk about - it was more the second thing, his feelings of regret, shame, and anger - an Apollo classic.

Demetri already gave the standard, mushy advice. Maybe Nancy would've told Zeke something more warm and feely, had Demetri not been present. Instead, she said: "Have you ever heard the idea that there are no good people or bad people, and that each moment, you have to choose to do good or do bad? I think that's true for lots of things. You haven't turned yourself into anything. You did things. And you can pick to do other things," Nancy paused. "You and I, we can be reborn each day - just like the sun."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: N/A

Leda smiled at Hercules - she was glad that he was happy. Kristin, Zeke, and her had accidentally disrupted his life pretty majorly on their quest. She didn't consider herself a huge fan of monsters, but not all cyclopses were bad (some of them were in the X-Men comics, after all). "Ya make anything cool? Like a tricked out trident or something? Or a brand new Alexa?" Leda asked him. She shrugged, smiling slightly coyly as Hercules returned the question to her. "Oh, I've been gran'. Got a new girl, as you can see. Been eating out plenty," she finished with a wink, "camp food never quite does it for me."

Her attention though was rapidly pulled over towards Sera, as Sera innocently and sweetly asked if there was a siren near them. She didn't know how she hadn't seen it sooner, but there it was - an absolutely gorgeous woman, singing an intoxicating song at the bottom of the sea. Leda hooked her feet into the sides of the hippocampus in order to hold on, and she plugged her ears with her fingers. "Plug your ears, or you'll be her lunch!" she warned the others.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Janelle Gauger

Location: Train
Skills: N/A

Right now she wanted nothing better then to not be on the train, however despite still being a bit away from the group, it wasn't too hard for her to get the idea of what it was that they were talking about or something especially if she stayed within the same train car, so she eventually stood back up out of her seat, taking her cane to see about using it to move around the train. That overall might be the better thing for her currently.

"Persahnally mahvin around de train might be a better din fahr me at de mahment," she ended up saying to Cassian and Kristin, before she followed along after them to wander the train a little bit. Things weren't going too badly, until Cassian mentioned some strange person in the back of the car somewhere. It wasn't exactly specific and all for her to get a clear image of where the guy was compared to where they were, but at least it was something.

Jason Gauger

Location: The Train
Skills: N/A

Jason walked away from the guy and looked around at the train car as they sort of walked away. He wasn't entirely sure what they should really do now, but he kept expecting something strange to happen or chaotic, just because that was the sort of life they had overall it seemed like. He wasn't sure what else they could really do at this point with regards to everything, maybe just sit back and enjoy the train ride maybe?

Of course then came what he expected to have happen, and that was some sort of chaos outside of the windows of the train, seeing harpys deciding to show their ugly faces and start attacking the train it seemed like. "We're ahn a train at 'igh speed, any sahrt o' real fights if dey cause too much cahmmotion and sheft dings around could derail it and everyahne dies whech 'ahnestly would kend o' suck at de mahment..." he was trying to come up with a plan of sorts, any plan on what to do would be great.

Marygold Isley

Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: N/A

"If we have time later or whatever sure. Though doubt we're going to have much in the way of time considering where we are right now," she said with a shrug. Right now they didn't exactly have the time to do much of anything like that really, they had to see about finding their way through the Labyrinth to accomplish their goal. Which meant that they couldn't stick around forever in their current situation or in the workshop.

Mary pulled out the map yet again and looked at it, seeing where it was the arrow decided to point them. It led her to a door on the other side of the room. So she walked over and opened it up, seeing a different large chamber that looked to be fairly dark, and she was on edge a bit with regards to that sort of thing. "Well this isn't ominous or anything like that," she said a bit sarcastically with regards to the room in front of them now.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 37 min ago

Amtrak Train:

Chaos quickly started to erupt in the food car when one of the side windows to the car shattered as a customer screamed and quickly fled the train car, bits of glass started to fly through the opened window as one of the harpies managed to fly in. Upon spotting the three demigods the harpy quickly flew forward towards Jason and started to attack him, using her massive talons to claw and scratch at his arms while squawking annoyingly. Another flew into the train car seeing Stella and her little puppy and quickly flew after the puppy managing to swoop down and grabbed the pupper in her talons and started flying around the room, while Arbor started to try and fight back.

Another Harpy flew into the car and this time went straight for Niah also started clawing and scratching at her, Niah managing to at least shield herself from it's talons as it attacked her. Four more then flew in managing to break another window and they started to steal whatever food that was in the train car other passengers had quickly left the car just leaving the three demigods to deal with the problem.

Kiera Donovan

Location: New York City
Skills: Hydrokinsis

"Oh I made lots of cool weapons and armor very pretty to!" Hercules answered Leda giving her a slight smile, as Kiera looked over her shoulder and blushed slightly at her little teasing and nudged her slightly and rolled her eyes slightly. "I don't think they want to know anything about that." Kiera said teasingly as she heard the singing now and spotted the Siren in the distance, she had to admit that the Siren was pretty beautiful, as she felt the lure of it. For Sera she'd feel the pull of the Siren even more now, and she'd have the urge to let go of her Hippocampus. Though she was moved rather sharply that would snap her out of it's trance as the hippocampus made a little sound that Sera could hear. "Very dangerous don't listen to it! There's some ear plugs in the saddle bag." The hippocampus told Sera.

There was some more singing now as three more Sirens swam over to where the first one was Leda would be able to resist it though as well as Hercules. Kiera quickly snapped out of it as she heard Sera's hippocampus talking to her, and she managed to find some ear plugs which she quickly put them in. "Hold on." Kiera said as she controlled her hippocampus and started to lead the group further away from the Sirens, as the singing started to fade a little bit now.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Labyrinth
Skills: Greek Mythology, mystiokinesis

"Sounds good to me then." Madalyne said as she started to make her way through the door that was there making sure that she had the wings that they had found putting them into her pack as they moved. The chamber that the group had found themselves in was rather large and very dark as well to. There was a breeze that they all could feel that was cool, which usually meant that there was some wind that they could follow. She grabbed the torch that she had earlier and started to light it up using her magic, to light their path somewhat as she looked around.

On the map that Mary had the arrow would suddenly point in a downward direction, they needed to get lower now as Madalyne shined the torch around seeing a pair of stairs. "Lets go this way." Madalyne told them as she paused for a moment and she could hear a loud roaring sound in the distance and what sounded like wings flapping now as well to. However it seemed that it wasnt getting closer but further away which was probably a good thing for now. Madalyne really hated the whole labyrinth now it was giving her really bad vibes as she made it down the flight of stairs and onto the landing, as the arrow continued to go further down on Mary's map.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Amtrak Triain
Skills: N/A

Kristin looked over her shoulder she smiled that Janelle had decided to come with them, as she took a moment and looked around the car that they were in. She didn't see the person that Cassian had pointed out yet as she continued to move down the train car. "I don't really see anyone at the moment." Kristin said to Cassian, if Cassian looked, the person was now gone just leaving the three of them alone in the car aside from the other passengers in the car. The daylight suddenly went dark as the train went through a tunnel leaving them in the dark for a few seconds, when the train left the tunnel a massive looking creature with what looked like a head of a bull holding a massive axe stood in front of them when a loud roaring sound could be heard.

Over in the other car, Joanie let out an annoyed sound seeing that Demi wasnt paying attention and suddenly lifted Demicat up into the air flying up to the ceiling and dropping Demi onto the floor of the train car. Joanie then flew back and landed gracefully onto Nancy's shoulder, as their car went dark for a moment as it went through the tunnel briefly. The three of them could hear a loud roar coming from the train car further down.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Location: The Train - Dining Car
Skills: Knife attack and Pupper Attack

Stella barely had any time to try to enjoy her sandwich when the harpies burst in through the window and started to attack. She let out a cry as she saw her little puppy get swept up one one of those awful things. "ARBOR!" She went to attack the harpy that had her puppy, taking the knife out of her bag that she had gotten earlier. She lunged at the harpy but she missed and ended up flat across the booth seat she had just been sitting in and groaned softly at the feeling. She whimpered as she heard her little pup struggle and fight, until he managed to land a well placed bite, and got himself free.

"Attaboy!" Stella couldn't help but grin as she watched her puppy land on his feet and then lick himself clean of their grasp. He barked, as if to let her know that she was alright, and she nodded at that. She got back up and took an offensive position and then went to attack. She seemed to get lucky, as the one that had been holding her puppy was too distracted licking her own wounds, and so when Stella struck her in the chest, she struck true, killing the harpy, watching as she turned into golden dust, like the other monsters she had watched die before.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 22 min ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Train

Ezekiel smiled a little at Demetri as he tried to stick up for him and make him feel better. Zeke pet down Demi’s back a few times, not feeling strange for doing it. When Nancy spoke up, Zeke turned to give her his undivided attention.
Nancy always had a way with words. Partly because of being a child of Apollo but mostly because she was a leader. Ezekiel admired and respected her for that. What she said first hit home for him. In some things, he was undisciplined, but he mostly was fractured. Broken. He needed to work on that part of himself to be better for Camp Half-Blood. Her second statement helped to ease that fractured soul.
”Reborn each day... like the sun,” he quoted. Zeke smiled and nodded. ”I like that, Nanc, thanks.” At least Zeke could take one thing from this whole scenario. He had people on his side who wanted to see him succeed as long as he knew that he could move forward and make better decisions.
Joanie became frustrated with Demi’s sudden lack of attention and picked him up from Zeke’s lap. Zeke wasn’t overly concerned, knowing cats landed on their feet, so when Joanie dropped him, he didn’t jump to alarm. He was more concerned that Joanie would try to light him on fire. Zeke was about to ask Nancy if the small dragon could breathe fire when there was a loud roar from the neighbouring train car. Zeke turned towards the sound.
”Did that sound monstrous to you?”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by DragonicQueen
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DragonicQueen Little Bluebird

Member Seen 10 days ago

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: New York City
Skills: Hydrokinsis

It was becoming such a want and need to get closer. To let go and swim towards the Sirens. Seraphina snaps out of it, grabbing hold of her hippocampus once again, and grabs the ear plugs in the saddle bag. Shoving them in to protect herself as they are led away from the Sirens. "I didn't think we'd hear, let alone see, Sirens! There was even more that showed..." She was just amazed. To see mythical beings that everyone thought were fake. Sera wondered what other myths she'd see, they were all real, right?

"At least we got away from them..." Hopefully nothing else would appear and cause them trouble. They were going deeper and deeper down into the ocean. Who knows what else would come popping out at them? Sharks? Leviathans!? She was getting very nervous just thinking about such things. "Um... are we almost there?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station

Demetri had plopped himself down into a kitty pancake as Nancy delivered her lines. She spoke like a practiced help desk, her words coming out as smooth as silk while sounding almost as perfect as a Roman formation. He felt that twinge of jealousy again, knowing that if this were a contest and Zeke had to choose between he and her, he'd choose Nancy over him in a heartbeat. He couldn't stew for long, as Joanie had decided it was time to get airborne, lifting him up high as Demis kitten eyes went wide in panic. He failed about, his paws going every which way until he was dropped and landed onto his feet. Immediately he backed up, curling under Zeke's arm so it couldn't happen again. He hated flying when he wasn't the one doing it.

A loud roar echoed from the next car over. It sent chills down his spine and made him subconsciously go up on his haunches. He stared down towards the door where one their section ended and the new one began, wondering what fresh hell awaited for them and the others. "I'll go check it out. Whatever it was, it didn't sound good." Demetri hopped off the seat, making his way towards the source of the roar, only to see a large Minatour standing there with a weapon drawn. Ideas poured through his mind as he debated if he should turn into the monster's mom in an attempt to subdue it. Though the idea was quickly rejected as he realized he hadn't the best frame of reference for what the creature's mother looked like. He bolted down the train car towards Zeke and Nancy, sounds of skittering following him as he used his claws to help him rush through. He quickly transformed
(unbeknownst to him as Femi) and delivered the bad news. "Minotaur, next car over, the other three are with it."

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

Cassian was relieved to hear that Janelle felt up to the task of joining them. As much as having some alone time was good, being able to walk around and get your mind off of things was better. It never helped to dwell on issues and let them stew. He continued down the train car with them when he'd glanced towards Kristin as she mentioned she hadn't seen anyone. His sight only left the suspect for a second but as he looked back there was no one there. Immediately he could feel his heart drop, something was about to happen and they were surrounded by mortals.

They passed through a tunnel, darkness filling the space, and Cassian's hand immediately went towards his side. It hovered above his father's gift, as if to recreate every spaghetti western ever made. Silence. Only the sound of the train's wheels rolling against the tracks could be heard as they made their way through the tunnel, it only lasted for a few seconds but it felt like eternity. When light finally broke he could see a massive Bullman, a minotaur most likely, standing before him with axe in hand. He let out a blood curdling roar, and Cassian was about to spring into action…until he noticed something very crucial. They weren't outside, any vegetation he could manipulate would likely harm the train or its tracks, and as he looked around, not a single soul had any seeded food on them.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Train
Skills: N/A

Nancy shook her head slightly at Joanie's antics, as the dragon picked up Demetri and then dropped him from the top of the car to the floor. It reminded her of how some animals might drop a coconut to attempt to smash it open. Joanie then settled back to her perch on Nancy's shoulder. Demetri didn't seem to be damaged, so Nancy didn't really care. The roar though, Nancy cared more about that. She rose to her feet and drew her twin daggers to her hands, the celestial bronze glinting slightly from the train car's light.

Demetri, ever the scaredy cat, came bounding back over.

"Minotaur. Deos," Nancy said, cursing in Latin. The train was probably one of the worst places to fight the Minotaur. The narrow halls would make it difficult to dodge, but it also meant it would be almost impossible for the Minotaur to turn around, especially once it had gained some speed. Nancy bit her lip for a moment, thinking. If they could get the Minotaur to build up speed and somehow open the rear exit of the last car, the Minotaur would run itself off of the train and hit the tracks. But with all the civilians around...

"Here's what I'm thinking we do. He's already grody as shit when it comes to making turns in an open space, here on a train, it'll be only harder. Someone acts as bait more or less, drawing him forward, and the others attack from the sides. If Janelle can get in there and put him to sleep, we might have a chance. My other idea is to get him to run himself off of the train, via the back or front exits. Basically, we use the space to our advantage and his disadvantage."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: N/A

Leda was keeping her ears plugged, not going to risk letting an inch of siren song come through. She knew that it wasn't 100% soundproof, but she also knew that sound carried differently through water than it did in air, so maybe it would be more effective than she thought. More sirens were gathering and Leda didn't move her fingers an inch - if anything, she shoved them into her ears further. Rupturing her eardrum or something by accident was a far better fate than being eaten alive by sirens.

She wasn't quite sure what Kiera had said - or Sera, really - but the hippocampi started moving in a direction away from the sirens. It seemed like the situation was deescalating. It was somewhat impressive - and bold - for sirens to target not one but two children of Poseidon. "Fucking losers, mates," Leda said, shaking her head. She was confident none of them were getting hurt, which made this a big swing and a miss for the sirens. Though that's how things tended to go in most stories about them...
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Labyrinth

Aunt Mads was able to fix the wings. Andy smiled brightly. Her book had come in handy. She glanced at Mary, "I found it." She said, putting the book back into her bag.

She followed Mary and Mads further into the Labyrinth. Through the destroyed workshop and down some stairs. Chocolate behind her. His breath hitting her hand. The place was darker now. In more ways than one, she felt. Maybe taking the wings had been a bad idea.

Location: Train
Skills: Sword fighting

Niah had been startled by the harpies hitting the side of the train. She cursed and took several quick bites of food. Knowing she wouldn't get a chance until after the fight. And if all went poorly, the food would be lost in the process. Hopefully, they wouldn't also get kicked off the train.

She drew her invisible sword until the last second and used it to get a sneak attack with it on the Harpy trying to hurt her. She got it. The Harpy pulled away. Injured but still alive. She adjusted her stance wider to compensate for the train's movement and stabbed at the Harpy again. A part of her was relieved. The longer they went without a fight, the tenser she got. It seemed as if it was quiet for a long time; it was more likely to have a big fight. She missed. Maybe that was quest paranoia, or maybe there was something to it. Quiet quests seemed to be the most dangerous, though.

She swung again to stab at the Harpy, but she dodged the sword. Niah was getting frustrated. But she couldn't allow that to mess her up. Heck her whole thing was pissing off others to throw them off their game. She swung again. Hitting this time, but the Harpy survived it.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Janelle Gauger

Location: Train
Skills: Heightened Hearing, Hypnokinesis

"Who are you two talkin abooeht anyway?" Janelle asked, listening to the pair as they were still sort of discussing someone being in the area. Cassian has mentioned there being someone, but now Kristin was saying that she couldn't see anyone there? It was a bit difficult for her to tell what was going on without others potentially just spelling it out for her, however the roar startled her, and she wonder what the hell was that and what could they potentially do about it now.

"Umm... Can sahmeone tell me what dat was?" she couldn't help but ask the other two, as neither one of them had said a word since the monster (she assumed) let out a loud roar. Her immediate thought was to try and pinpoint where everyone was, but considering the fact that Kristin and Cassian had both fallen silent, the only thing she knew where it was was the monster. So deciding to try at least something, she decided to try and make it fall asleep, but she was pretty sure she only made it slightly drowsey.

Jason Gauger

Location: The Train
Skills: Sword Fighting

Well, here was the all hell breaking loose that he thought was going to eventually happen. It didn't surprise him at all that the normal people around them had ran for it out of the train car, and personally he was wondering what they were going to do if the harpys caused enough damage to the train and car to potentially derail the train entirely. That was not something he was looking to find the answer for really with regards to everything. Since this was a bad situation.

He instantly drew his sword and swung it towards the nearest harpy by him. Figuring that he might be able to do something or kill one while they figured out how to best deal with this situation. Jason instantly chopped off the wings of the monster, before he swung around and ran the creature through with his sword, killing the thing, and he looked to see what the other two were doing, really hoping this situation could potentially get a little better for them.

Marygold Isley

Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: N/A

"Well that book definitely seems useful to keep around, probably a good thing you found it then," she said to Andy as they continued along the path. The sounds of monsters off in the distance wasn't exactly very reassuring, but at least they didn't seem to be coming any closer to them, so hopefully they wouldn't have to worry about things too severely currently. Though lowering their guard would be a big mistake still considering where they were.

Mary followed along after Madalyne as they headed down a set of stairs, following the arrow along still as they went. Eventually, after the stairs, she followed the arrow along some more, and eventually came across a rickety old bridge that the arrow was pointing towards the other side of it, which looked to have some sunlight on the otherside or something like that. "We should be careful, don't want to fall or anything like that..."
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