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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 36 min ago


Skarsneek of the Red Hill

Listening to Takeshi and explaining more on Yurine, parts seemed like a cover-up. No way someone that strong or resourceful was just dumped into grave keeping.

Though then again, it's not that improbable. Maybe she just really does want to have some peace and quiet in that kind of job.

Oh well. He shrugged his shoulders at that. "Well, hopefully she got whatever we need to help out with Hinami there."

Arriving at the cemetery, the chilly air seems to soak into his bones as the mist hung over the. Takeshi pointing out that this was not natural had Skarsneek went down on all fours and placed his ears against the ground in order to get a clue or two.

"I wouldn't bother." Skarsneek said to Lunatea as he dusted himself. "You'll be wasting energy, and this might work out to our advantage."

"I mean, you're a rabbit right?" He gestured to her two long ears. "You should be able to pick up noises far better than all of us."

"Just stick together, Takeshi, you lead the way, Luna, stay in the middle so you can support and warn all of us." Skarsneek laid out a plan for their formation. "Atsuha, cover our rear by putting some web silk. That way we can tell if anything approach from the back."

"Hinami, you're with me and behind Takeshi."

Whether they follow his plan or not, it's entirely up to them. Skarsneek was more than willing to change or adapt according to their suggestions.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

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@PaulHaynek @Restalaan @Hammerman

Kozukata Cemetery

The sisters gave but a wave of greeting to their new gremlin ally, their attention already arrested by Hinami's faltering condition. With Lunatea also joining them, Takeshi lead the way as the group made their way to find Yurine, the death keeper. Atsuha listened to the young lord as he gave a brief backstory of his supposed caretaker. Atsuha winced a bit when he stated that she guards the graves, preventing enemies from defiling them for their own purposes. Presuming the obvious - that she hated monsters - what would she think when she heard the sisters' tale? Two formerly human sisters who were turned into monsters due to the effects of forbidden Onmyōdō techniques. She may feel even less inclined to help them.

But, Atsuha wouldn't give up now. She couldn't; she'd die before that point.

Upon arriving at the cemetery, the sisters already felt the magic imbued in the thick fog. Whatever this Yurine is like in person, she must be a powerful spellcaster. "Never mind the lack of sight. Something about this fog is making chi-reading more of a chore than it needs to be." Atsuha groaned. "Nee-san. I-I don't like it here..." Said Hinami rather sheepishly. She was holding her head and looked somewhat morbid. "It...It hurts..." Atsuha looked at her sibling with high concern and held her shoulders. At this point, the mark on her head began to glow faintly, signifying it was trying to hold chi at bay.

Takeshi suggested that splitting up to cover more ground would help them find the Death Keeper faster. "Out of the question. Sorry, Takeshi-san." She replied to the young lord sternly. "That's not acceptable currently."

Luna offered to attempt to blow away the fog with her wind magic, while Skarsneek suggested they travel together in a formation of sorts."Luna-chan." She said. "I'm fairly confident that this isn't normal fog, I doubt a simple spell will be enough to get rid of it. If we combined our magics into some of my dispel talismans it might work." She looked at the ofuda in her pouch, then looked at Hinami. "But perhaps the one who made this fog wouldn't much appreciate it if we just up and got rid of it. It may be best for us to follow Skarsneek's lead and form up."

Hinami tried to keep up with the party at a labored pace. "N-no. D-Don't want to be...alone..." She uttered.

"But, Skars-kun, I insist that I stay with Hinami. It's complicated... But just trust me." She said to her lover with a sober smile. "I'll still cover the rear, but you stay in front of us and behind Luna. Please understand." As she began making silk and placing on the ground behind them, she hoped her lover would understand her feelings.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Hunger was something that Eula understood all too well. Even if it was a semi-inefficient way for her to intake energy compared to charging via electricity, it was...pleasant to eat. She wasn't sure why, but the automaton just knew that she enjoyed eating, and had already greatly enjoyed some of the simple staple foods of Shizuyama already. She'd especially taken to a variety of rice balls called "Onigiri" which not only carry a substantial amount of nutritional value, their compact size and ease of eating without utensils-

Once Eula had run through an entire subroutine of "craving some riceballs" she would begin to formulate her plan of action against the food stealing bandits. She would prefer to do as Honoka requested and simply not harm them but...it wasn't as if Eula had it in her to kill them or grievously harm them to begin with. With only one of her stun-guns operational at the moment, she was confident that she could, at least, manage to incapacitate a fair number of them before the effect would wear off. She could easily out-muscle five ordinary men, but if they had more of those glass swords, she was likely to receive critical damage once more. And their words...

If she left them alive and just carried all the food back, then there was a chance they'd attack other humans. Even a joke about resorting to stealing from children and the elderly was disconcerting. This would be her second encounter with bandits and yet...something was gnawing at the back of her mind. Why were there so many criminals? She imagined the Varjans must have supplied the other group given their firepower, but these were common starving thieves.

Thinking was getting her nowhere as her logic circuits looped over and over. Perhaps...the most direct route was to show overwhelming force from the get-go. If they were cowardly enough to steal from opponents that couldn't put up a fight, they likely would be cowed if Eula showed the gap in strength.

As such, the two bandits' conversation would suddenly be interrupted by an entire tree being uprooted, revealing Eula directly behind it. "Hello. I am here to reclaim the food that you've stolen. I suggest that you allow me to do so," she said, before holding the tree over her shoulder as if it weighed as much as a simple plank. "Failure to yield your ill-gotten goods will result in me needing to resort to violence," she said, before curling her bicep around the tree's trunk and fully crushing it into two halves that fell to the ground in front of, and behind her.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Mentions: @Restalaan@AzureKnight

"I wouldn't bother." Skarsneek said to Lunatea as he dusted himself. "You'll be wasting energy, and this might work out to our advantage."

"I mean, you're a rabbit right?" He gestured to her two long ears. "You should be able to pick up noises far better than all of us."

"Just stick together, Takeshi, you lead the way, Luna, stay in the middle so you can support and warn all of us."

"Hmph." Lunatea folded her hands. "Sure, I can do that."

Luna offered to attempt to blow away the fog with her wind magic, while Skarsneek suggested they travel together in a formation of sorts."Luna-chan." She said. "I'm fairly confident that this isn't normal fog, I doubt a simple spell will be enough to get rid of it. If we combined our magics into some of my dispel talismans it might work." She looked at the ofuda in her pouch, then looked at Hinami. "But perhaps the one who made this fog wouldn't much appreciate it if we just up and got rid of it. It may be best for us to follow Skarsneek's lead and form up."

"You have a point," the wererabbit replied with a nod. "I can feel strong magic surrounding us. Perhaps it comes from the fog."

"Still, if we think we're to ambush whoever created this fog, we should be aware that they should already be prepared for that possibility. If I were them, I would've made myself immune to the fog. For all we know, they could have perfect vision under all of this and they are now watching us with an amused smile on their face."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Honoka's House


~ @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

"Hello. I am here to reclaim the food that you've stolen. I suggest that you allow me to do so. Failure to yield your ill-gotten goods will result in me needing to resort to violence,"

All the bandits were startled into action by Eula uprooting a whole tree all by herself. They all gathered before the Automaton, and all present when she is snapped the fully-grown tree into two like a twig.

The bandits flinched, they were ready to hightail it out of there rather than face a monster this strong. But when Eula demanded their food, their hunger made them hesitate. They all took one look at each other, wondering if they were of the same mind not to hand their supplies and face starvation. The Automaton would also notice that their weapons were simple swords and spears. None of those fancy glass swords or foreign crossbows.

Soon, one brave bandit stepped forward. With a gulp, he decided to confront this mechanical monstrosity. The others looked at him in awe. "That's some bold accusations, girl! What makes you think these are ill-gotten? We stole these from the Varjans! That's hardly ill now, is it?"

The bandits knew they could not best Eula in combat, so perhaps they could best her in words. A bad gambit, however, since the Automaton can simply exert her strength some more to achieve her objectives, regardless of any words thrown.

Kozukata Cemetery


~ @Restalaan (SKA), @Hammerman, @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS) ~

Takeshi nodded at the plan, they would stick together with him at the front. "Alright. Stay close to each other, okay? The mist is thick and a bit of distance might be enough for us to lose each other."

And with that, the group ventured into the foggy cemetery. The mist was chilly but that did not deter the party from exploring. What might deter them, though, was the lack of detail they can see under the thick cloud over the area. Since they were also together, it would take them a long time to find anything in this graveyard. And it was not a guarantee that they would actually find what they were looking for, instead of something unwelcome.

Still, the group soldiered on and in a few moments of walking, Takeshi stopped in his tracks. His gaze was locked on a gravestone to the side. This memorial stood out from the others, it was more decorated and cleaned up compared to the other graves. The young Lord Oja silently approached the grave and kneeled. "Mother..." He muttered.

"I never knew her, you know?" He decided to reveal to the yokai. "She died giving birth to me. She was loved and remembered by everyone she knew, my father most of all. As for me, I just know that she loved me. Well, was told that she loved me. Loved me enough that she didn't mind dying so that I could be born."

Before the taskforce could say anything in reply, a female figure obscured by the fog approached the group quickly with a masakari axe in hand. "How dare you!" But upon seeing Takeshi, her grip on her weapon slipped. The figure was an old woman with graying hair, wearing simple purple clothes. "Young master? Oh..." She fell on her knees, prompting Takeshi to go to her. "I thought you were dead...!"

"I came here looking for you. It's good to see you, Yurine." Takeshi replied. "Have the Varjans been here? Have you ran into any trouble?"

Yurine clicked her tongue. "No Varjans yet, just bandits. Nothing I can't take care of." The old woman then looked at the taskforce. "But... aren't those yokai, milord? Don't tell me they have captured you?!"

"Not captured, rescued." Takeshi quickly cleared the misconception. "They are here to help us. Everyone, this is Yurine."

Terauchi Temple Training Grounds


(Currently in collab)

Terauchi Temple

(Currently in collab)




*Finish 'Pre-Emptive Strike' to unlock next tale*



Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Mentions: @PaulHaynek@Restalaan

Lunatea did as Takeshi instructed, walking as close to the human male as she could. She focused her attention to her surroundings, her ears twitching as they tried to pick up even the slightest noise. Still, nothing came up, other than the sound of their own steps. As a result, she didn't pay attention to the writings on the tombstones that surrounded her, and when Takeshi abruptly stopped, she crashed into his back.

"H-huh? What's the matter? Don't just stop like that!" she spoke with a slightly terrified tone. The longer she stayed in this fog, the more the hair on her neck stood up. There was no doubt about it. Something, or someone hostile was hidden under all this white.

She quickly regretted saying those words.

"Oh…" She looked away with a guilty expression. "Your mother… she's buried here…"

She remembered her own mother. Even though she could be annoying sometimes, she loved her very much. And she would no doubt be distraught if anything were to happen to her.

He, no doubt, felt the same. Even if he never met her.

She opened her mouth, wanting to give a few words of comfort to him.

Only to be interrupted by the arrival of an axe-wielding woman.

The wererabbit quickly readied herself for a fight, only to realize she wasn't an enemy in the slightest. She was, in fact, Takeshi's old caretaker.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Yurine." She gave a polite bow, flashing her panties to Skarsneek who stood behind her. "He is indeed correct. We are here to help the people of this island in their fight against the Varjans."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 36 min ago


Skarsneek of the Red Hill

"Got ya," Skarsneek said with a thumbs up to Atsuha, not really going to argue since Hinami's conditions looked to be getting worse.

Admittedly, he really did wish Atsuha can tell him more about this. He didn't precisely like being left in the dark, especially when it was someone close to him.

So with that, they traveled in the mist carefully as a group. Skarsneek constantly scanned and watched their rear like a hawk. It took a while as they moved in silence until he saw Takeshi stopping in his tracks when they walked past a row of graves.

Turning his attention to a particular one, he noted the much more cared-for condition even as Takeshi explained further whose grave it belonged to.

He kept his comment to himself but when the nape of his neck rose, Skarsneek turned instantly to where a figure came from the mist.

Both clubs slammed into one as he readied for a fight, he hadn't even noticed until she was this close and that was only due to the figure shouted first.

Though when she muttered Takeshi's name, and the latter recognized her in turn. Skarsneek relaxed himself a little as he rested his quarter-staff against his shoulder.

"You're lucky, nearly everyone got wiped out in the first attack. Takeshi here is the only one that made it out. Not sure about your lord." Skarsneek gave a summarized version of current events to her. "We're rounding up everyone that can fight, and you're the few on that list."

Though taking a closer look at Yurine, she certainly aged gracefully in his opinion.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Thankfully, negotiations weren't completely out the window from the start. Eula had expected them to rebuke her claim of banditry. "I see. You would have a valid point, if I hadn't overheard two of your companions already. One mentioned Satoru spying on an elder and child, and the prospects of stealing from them," Eula said, before pointing at the two bandits she'd overheard. If she had an audio playback function, she could really frighten them by outright speaking their own words back to them. But, she'd have no idea who Satoru was without having overheard someone speak.

"Plus, I was sent here due to you stealing from another person. It is only from their wish that you not be harmed that I haven't attacked and simply taken what was stolen," Eula said, before her stony expression softened a touch. "...Please, respect that person's kindness. I do not intend to take everything that you have stolen. While I know that I should bring you all to face judgement, the economic and social circumstances make your actions...understandable," the automaton said, remembering another flash of her missing memory.

"Hm? Eliminate them? But...I mean, if we were hungry, we'd be stealing too, right? We're automatons, so we can go a lot longer and just live off of lightning. You're too serious sometimes, Eula."

"...But, if you do wish to continue plundering, I would insist that you do not target this island's people. There are invaders that have ruined your's and many other's lives. The Varjans are a threat to everyone, bandit, civilian, yokai, human...it doesn't matter." Starting to walk towards the center of the camp, Eula would add: "In the end, if the Varjans win, your hunger will be whetted with steel, instead of understanding."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@PaulHaynek @Restalaan @Hammerman

Kozukata Cemetery

"Thank you, love, really. Please understand; Hinami, follow behind me and let's continue onward." Atsuha said, motioning for her sister to follow. Adhering to Takeshi's advice, they continued their trek through the graveyard huddled together with the others. It seemed that the fog got thicker the deeper they ventured in. After a little ways, Takeshi made a sudden stop in his tracks. His abruptness started the sisters a bit, thinking danger might have reared its fangs. They quickly saw he was eyeing a lone grave in particular, he walked over to it slowly. Kneeling down at it, he revealed to the group that the tombstone belonged to his deceased mother.

"O-Oh, I see. I-I'm sorry you never got a chance to her, Takeshi-san. But, based on what you've said, I'm sure she was a wonderful person. She'd be proud of the man you've grown into." Atsuha said, attempting to comfort the young lord. Hinami looked on with a sober look on her face, silently empathizing with Takeshi. Before they could comfort him further, a presence in the fog promptly made itself known - one that showed hostility. While Atsuha had talismans at the ready, the sigil on Hinami forehead began to glow more brightly as she held her head in a delirious aching. The Jiangshi began to make a low, snarling sound as her eyes dilated first before coming more predatory. She was looking dead at the woman, who was revealed to be none other than Yurine the Deathkeeper. Upon seeing that Takeshi was among them, the shock caused her to topple over. Takeshi quickly went over to her.

Takeshi and the others explained the situation to the old woman, but the de-escalation of the situation did little to calm Hinami's animalistic side. "Sister!" Said the spider, as Hinami's snarling grew more violent. She soon nearly charged at the Yurine. Thankfully, Atsuha with her monstrous strength was able to hold her long enough to wear she could imbue her chi into the sigil to strengthen it. Hinami's snarling died down and she soon calmed, she sank into her sister's arms as she passed out.

"Yurine-san, I beg for your forgiveness! My sister means no harm, she is just unwell!" Atsuha said, in an almost panicked tone. "We are hear on this island to aid Lord Takeshi and all of the people here from the Varjan invasion. We came to see if you were still with us and to request your aid in the fight. But also..." She looked at her sister, still resting in her arms.

"I came here in the hopes that your knowledge in caring for the dead would somehow aid in my sister's condition. Please, anything you're able to do would be most appreciated! I implore, please, help my sister! She's...She's all I have left..." She was pleading at this point, a bit of tears welling up in her eyes.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Honoka's House


~ @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

The bandits glanced at each other, some carefully huddled close to mull over Eula's words. They seem to relax as they whispered to each other, reassured that this girl favored words than violence, even if she had the enormous advantage should it ever come to blows. Their hushed whispers could not be heard by Eula but they soon came to an end and the bandit who talked to the Automaton stepped forward once more, more confident than before.

"We spoke the truth, girl." He started. "All our meager supplies are from the Varjans. Even if we were entertaining notions of robbing villagers, we haven't actually done it. Not really worth it, since most of the food's been taken by the Varjans anyway. Whoever sent you, girl, is pulling the wool over your eyes. In fact, we haven't stolen anything for the past week now."

Well, this was quite the dilemma. Two sides with two differing stories of the same problem. It would be up to Eula to guess who was lying and who was telling the truth. If she left the bandits alone now to try and investigate further, they'll probably leave the area to avoid meeting her again. She might need to make an ultimate decision now.

Perhaps, that was the only way to reveal the actual truth.

Kozukata Cemetery


~ @Restalaan (SKA), @Hammerman, @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS) ~

Yurine readied her axe back up when Hinami acted out, but Takeshi was quick to stop the old warrior while Atsuha calmed her sister down. "Yurine, I know they're yokai. But trust me, they're here to help. And in turn, we must help them." Takeshi stood in front of the Hangai sisters.

It defused Yurine, but her face fell. "Oh, my lord. Fighting with the yokai has never been the Oja way."

"No Oja had to fight off an overwhelming human invasion. And from the merciless Varjans, no less." Takeshi replied. "We need every help we can get. If we are to save our home, Shizuyama can't afford anything less."

"...The Varjans have changed you, young master."

"The world has changed." Takeshi finished.

Yurine let out a deep sigh and took a glance at the Hangai sisters. "...I don't know anything about yokai medicine so I cannot promise anything that would help the undead. However, I do know a mixture that our warriors imbibe to help them medidate, or help them during their seppuku. It numbs the body, so only the mind is active. Maybe that can help." The grave keeper suggested. "Yokai are hardy, though, so we may need a stronger dose."

"Can you make one right now?"

"They're relatively easy to make, but I don't have the key ingredients with me." Yurine replied. "Fortunately, there are some nearby. The red spider lilies are a key component for the mixture and they grow beside a pond near here."

"I know where those are. Let me gather them." Takeshi stood up. "Lunatea, you're with me. The rest of you, stay here and watch over Yurine. Yurine, keep an eye on them, will you?"


Takeshi led Lunatea through the fog-covered graveyard. "Don't worry about getting lost. I know this place pretty well so we can leave and get back easily."

Indeed, soon the two emerged from the thick cloud and into a dirt path leading out of the cemetery. "Lunatea, I have to ask." Takeshi began. "Atsuha and Skarsneek seem awfully close from what I've observed. Are they... together? Y'know, 'together'?" He asked from the Wererabbit.

The young lord seemed a bit anxious for Lunatea's response. But still, honesty is the best policy as they say.


~ @Restalaan (SKA), @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS) ~

After Takeshi and Lunatea left, Yurine glared at the trio of monsters. "I don't smell much Demon Energy on him nor do I detect any charm spells on him neither. So somehow, you yokai HAVE convinced him normally to accept your aid against the Varjan invasion." Shaking her head, the old warrior continued. "I doubt the young master made that decision lightly. He has put immense trust upon you, yokai. I can only hope he has made the right choice."

"Now then, what exactly is the undead's problem?" Yurine inquired about Hinami. "And who are you exactly? Quite the diverse cast you are. I mean, one of you's a Goblin. Not a yokai we usually see around the Zipanguese isles."

Terauchi Temple


After the exchange with Ayu, Relica wandered around the temple grounds to get a better feel of the refugees' situation. While some of the villagers eyed her suspiciously, most were too busy helping their fellow refugees or too busy mourning what they have lost. However, there are a few who bowed at her in gratitude, considering Relica to be part of the taskforce that saved them.

As Relica walked, she would overhear a conversation between two peasant women.

"But they have Lord Oja!"
"Nobody can break him. Not even the Varjans!"
"I guess we can hope... Wasn't it Lord Oja who fought off a pirate raid in Port Izumi?"
"Yes! And he escaped the trap that Lord Ichimonji set for him in that bandit island. Lots of people tried to bring him down, and they wound up dead!"
"Even so, everybody's luck runs out sometime."
"It's not luck. He is the most cunning Island Lord we've ever had. If he were a little more ambitious, he could have conquered all of the Zipanguese isles."
"Maybe you're right..."
"Mark my words, we haven't seen the last of Lord Oja."

Terauchi Temple Training Grounds


(Currently in collab)




*Finish 'Pre-Emptive Strike' to unlock next tale*



*Tale commencing*
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Mentions: @PaulHaynek

"I know where those are. Let me gather them." Takeshi stood up. "Lunatea, you're with me. The rest of you, stay here and watch over Yurine. Yurine, keep an eye on them, will you?"

Lunatea nodded.

Takeshi led Lunatea through the fog-covered graveyard. "Don't worry about getting lost. I know this place pretty well so we can leave and get back easily."

"Hmph, you don't have to worry." She huffed. "My ears are sharp enough to pick up the voices of the others, even from this distance. If worse comes to worst, I can use that to find my way back."

"Lunatea, I have to ask." Takeshi began. "Atsuha and Skarsneek seem awfully close from what I've observed. Are they... together? Y'know, 'together'?" He asked from the Wererabbit.

"You just have to ask that, don't you?"

"Yes, they're together. I thought that's obvious enough."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

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After making sure that her toolbox was securely locked, and chained to her workbench, Relica nodded to herself. Things were more or less set up, to a point where she could get most minor and mundane tasks done properly. Satisfied with her progress, the gremlin left her new station, curious to take a stroll around the temple grounds and take a gander and eavesdrop at what was going on in this place. The gossip between some farm-women made the little one roll her eye. They honestly believed a little shit-stain isle like Shizuyama could conquer all of Zipangu? Get real. If the most you could muster was a measly 1,000 soldiers, then there was no way you guys were ever going to expand. Or, at least, that was Relica's opinion.

She eventually came upon a Monk, who accosted her for help. He wanted to travel somehwere that was potentially dangerous in order to provide healing to the people there. Relica just raised an eyebrow, placing her hands on her sides and given the eastern cleric a once-over from top to bottom before responding.

"What kinda healing do they need, mister? 'Cuz if its just broken bones and injuries, that's fine. But if you're going somewhere where people're actually sick and ill, you might wanna think things through. Helping those in need is noble and all, but if they're infected with some disease, you might get yourself infected. Then, when you return here, you might spread it to the folks in this temple. So, which is it? Injuries or illness?"

It wasn't that Relica was some kind of heartless monster (hah, the irony), but rather that she was trying to think rationally. Ayu had said that this temple was the largest gathering of Shizuyaman survivors on the entire island. If some well-meaning, but naive, monk went off to heal some small collective of dirty, unwashed and sickly peons and then caught their nasty himself... Well, he could end up doing more harm than good. the gremlin wanted to minimize the amount of unnecessary risks the taskforce and the natives would have to deal with, since there was already an enormous amount of obstacles working against them.

"If all you needa do is deliver medicine though, I think we could work out a way to do that without putting your health at risk." Relica then added, a smug smile appearing on her face as she hatched a cunning(?) plan in her noggin.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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This was growing a touch complicated. The bandits were insisting that they'd stolen all of their supplies from the Varjans. And at that, that they'd only taken from the Varjans a week ago, rather than the immediate threat proposed by Honoka. In truth, there wasn't enough information present to ascertain a certain answer. ...Right now, she really wished that someone more acquainted with human behavior was around. "Hm. While I don't believe that you're lying to me, I'll have to check your supplies to make sure," the automaton said, holding her hands up to show that she meant no harm. "In addition, can you inform me if any other groups may have stolen from civilians in the area?"

There wasn't anything that she could do if it was an entirely separate group of bandits but...it should be rather easy to identify Varjan rations, even if they had been stolen from villagers. "Given your knowledge of the Varjan camps nearby enough to steal supplies, have you considered enlisting with the local army regiment? You could serve as scouts, and secure your homeland from the invaders it faces," Eula suggested, trying to find a clean way to get the bandits and Honoka what they wanted. The wilds would be safer with fewer criminals, and the bandits would have a chance to earn food and safety in an organization.

"Times are rapidly changing. Yokai as well as humans need to work together to repel the Varjans." ...The longer this conversation drew on, Eula found her resolve faltering. The lies told by the village woman Saki had tainted her perception of human honesty and now...she was ill-inclined to believe either side at face value.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Honoka's House


~ @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

"Hm. While I don't believe that you're lying to me, I'll have to check your supplies to make sure, In addition, can you inform me if any other groups may have stolen from civilians in the area?"

"What the--?! No way!" The bandit was suddenly defensive about the food. "You're asking for too much. If you want to see our food, you'll have to get past us!" And just like that, the bandits readied their weapons again. None of which seem able to hurt Eula, but it showed off their flimsy courage.

"And what do we know of other groups? Haven't heard of them ever since the Varjans came. They could've joined the invaders for all we know."

"Given your knowledge of the Varjan camps nearby enough to steal supplies, have you considered enlisting with the local army regiment? You could serve as scouts, and secure your homeland from the invaders it faces,"

"Don't try to fool us with that." Another bandit spoke up. "We've heard about Sanjo Beach. All the mighty warriors of Shizuyama are either dead or captured. It's why the Varjans are running around our island without a care in the world. They know anyone who can oppose them are gone."

"Times are rapidly changing. Yokai as well as humans need to work together to repel the Varjans."

"Work together with yokai? We know you only want to eat us. We won't fall for your 'work together' trick." The bandit retorted. "You'll eat us as soon as our backs are turned."

"Well, I heard the yokai give you a good time before they eat you." The other bandit pointedo out. "Really, it's a better death than getting mauled by Varjans. Or worse, captured and tortured."

"No, no. The yokai eat you during the good time." Another bandit piped in. "You keep going until your soul is completely sucked out."

This negotiation sure turned... somewhere. But perhaps Eula can take advantage of these bandits' ignorance of monsterkind.

Kozukata Cemetery


"You just have to ask that, don't you? Yes, they're together. I thought that's obvious enough."
Lunatea Vern Farnsworth

"...I see." Takeshi betrayed no emotion in his brief reply. Although, the lack of it was probably more telling.


The two soon reached their destination, a clearing near the edge of a pond. There, the human and the the Wererabbit were greeted by a small field of the red flowers that Yurine needed for her concoction. "Those are the flowers we need. Let's both gather some, the mixture might need an extra punch since a yokai will be using it." Takeshi wasted no time in plucking flowers from the moist soil but as they gathered, both Lunatea and Takeshi would detect a presence heading towards them. An entire group, actually.

Takeshi immediately put himself in front of Lunatea, and faced the newcomers. The incoming group was actually made up of Shizuyaman warriors, armed and armored however. "...I know you. You're from Kikyo's group." The young lord identified them.

"Indeed, and you soil her name by trapaising with the yokai! Just like what you're doing right now!" A samurai stepped forward to accuse. "We heard that you left with some of the yokai. Thought it was a prime opportunity for the yokai to 'betray' you."

Takeshi said nothing in reply, only stepping forward himself with a face of tranquil fury. The two men put a hand on the hilts of their sheathed swords, eyeing each other carefully, trying to figure out which one of them would make the first move. Several silent but tense moments passed, only broken when the samurai made the first move. He moved forward, his hand pulling his blade out of its sheathe for one clean strike.

But in those precious few seconds, Takeshi already had his own sword out and it was already wet with the samurai's blood. The samurai stared at Lunatea in disbelief for a moment while his open neck oozed out his blood, before dropping dead to the ground. The young lord spared not a single glance at the first casualty, immediately focusing on the five remaining warriors. Three samurai swordsmen and two archers, the latter having nocked their arrows and aiming at Takeshi.

"I don't want to hurt any of you! Stop!"

Terauchi Temple


"What kinda healing do they need, mister? 'Cuz if its just broken bones and injuries, that's fine. But if you're going somewhere where people're actually sick and ill, you might wanna think things through. Helping those in need is noble and all, but if they're infected with some disease, you might get yourself infected. Then, when you return here, you might spread it to the folks in this temple. So, which is it? Injuries or illness? If all you needa do is deliver medicine though, I think we could work out a way to do that without putting your health at risk."
Relica Rune Nox-Umbra

"Your concern for me is greatly appreciated, lady yokai, but I know the risks. I was told that the illness isn't exactly infectious, but I don't think I will be returning here once I get there. At least, not until I've made sure that the sick have completely healed. So don't worry about the illness spreading to the temple, or anywhere else." The monk assured Relica. "And besides that, I still need to be there to properly identify the illness. Medicine is one thing, but I also need to tell the people how to use it."

"Still, you've made me curious. How are you able to get medicine there without risking me? Is it some kind of teleport technology or magic?" The monk asked. "I've heard tales of the incredible magics and technologies the outside world had. Ships that flew in the air, giant orbs that can locate anyone in the world and statues that can instantly impart knowledge to those who approach it. Do you have something like that?"

Terauchi Temple Training Grounds


(Currently in collab)




*Finish 'Pre-Emptive Strike' to unlock next tale*



*Tale commencing*
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Mentions: @PaulHaynek

Lunatea raised an eyebrow at his reaction. Was that a hint of jealousy she just saw?

When they arrived at the field of flowers, the wererabbit couldn't help but be awed by the beautiful sight. So many flowers… and they're all red like that… Beautiful, yet eerie at the same time…

Lunatea nodded at Takeshi's instruction. She bent over and plucked the flowers, storing them inside the small handbag she carried. As the bag was enchanted with magic, it could carry a lot more than its puny size would suggest.

Little did she realize that by bending over like that instead of crouching down, she was flashing her panties to the young lord everytime his gaze went to her.

Unfortunately, their peaceful gathering didn't last long as soon after they began, a group of warriors arrived.

And to her surprise, even though they looked Shizuyaman, they were hostile to them.

All thanks to her "filthy" youkai presence.

Before she could open her mouth, the young lord already put himself between them.

"No need to protect me," she whispered. "I can handle a few bigoted humans, thank you very much."

When they insinuated that she would betray him, naturally, the wererabbit took offense to it.  "Betray him?!" Lunatea raised her voice so they could hear. "How dare you even suggest that?! I'm no traitor! I don't have anything to gain from betraying him!"

Takeshi, however, responded completely differently. Instead of saying something back, he opted to reach down for his sword instead. Lunatea soon realized that he only did so because the men also put their hands on the handles of their blades.

Before she could say anything, Takeshi already made the first move, slicing the head off one of the men.

Lunatea gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. "W-why? Why did you do that?!" Weren't they on the same side?!

"I don't want to hurt any of you! Stop!"

"He's right! I don't want to hurt any of you either!"

But if it came to a fight then she'd defend herself of course!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

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@PaulHaynek @Restalaan @Hammerman

Kozukata Cemetery

Seeing Hinami pass into a peaceful slumber, the gravekeeper lowered her axe, with Takeshi now speaking with her on current events. Thankfully, it seemed he won Yurine off with a bit of convincing. She stated that she knew of a remedy that calms the body allowing the mind to focus, perhaps then it would be easier to figure out what drove this negative feelings inside of Hinami. She would first need enough ingredients to make the remedy, however, as she didn't have the necessary flower - red spider lilies. Seems there were some nearby, fortunately, with Takeshi agreeing to scout out for them and Luna volunteering to follow.

"Please, be careful Takeshi-san. You as well Luna-chan. And, thank you..." Said Atsuha to the duo leaving to find the necessary herbs. That leaves her with her sleeping sister, her lover, and the gravekeeper herself. At Yurine's questions, Atsuha felt that the first one was easy enough to answer. "We are yokai from various backgrounds who were contacted by a supporter of the Oja family and Shizuyama as a whole, sent her to aid Takeshi-san the the natives against the Varjan invaders and save as many lives as possible. There's not really much more to it than that."

However, at the second question, she fell silent for a moment, looking over her sister. She then seemingly braced herself, as if it was quite the emotional burden for her to speak on the next subject. "Truthfully, I that's something I also wish to know. I'm not sure if it was something I did or something else that happened at some point. It may help if I gave a bit of context." She paused for a moment, as if she was gathering the courage to divulge the information she had been holding back.

"You see, my sister and I are not natural yokai. We, we actually were born humans just like you and Takeshi-san. However, one day, my sister died from an illness. She...is very dear to me and I simply could not accept that she had been taken from me. So, I did the unthinkable - I underwent a ritual that involved resurrection magic. After I perform the ceremony, my sister and I took the forms you see before you now as punishment for breaking taboo. Perhaps her fury is some form of karma for defying the laws of nature."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 36 min ago


Skarsneek of the Red Hill

"You seen other goblins before? When?" Skarsneek asked, slightly surprised at that. He never knew goblins reached this far, he himself didn't consider coming east until there was a mission to screw the Varjans over.

"But me? I'm Skarsneek. I'm here to screw the Varjans over." He pointed a thumb to himself before getting to the meat of the story. "But as to why Takeshi there changed? Let's just say their defense of the beach went poorly. He was the only survivor, heard your lord was captured but he might be dead already."

"And the Varjans are worse. Much worse than you think." Skarsneek answered before pointing out the most significant reason. "They're attacking and conquering a nation of anti-mamono...so they can use this island to invade Zipangu as a whole."

Honestly, Varjan would've such an easier time if they just offered a joint effort. Although considering how Shizuyamans are, it'll be rejected out of sheer pride.

"This ain't just your Island business anymore, it's the entire east we're talking about here."

Once done, Skarsneek and Yurine attention drew to the reason why Atsuha and Hinami came here. To find a stopgap measure for her fury.

Come to think of it, was that the purpose of the talisman?

Honestly, the shocking thing wasn't them turning into monsters but trying a forbidden resurrection spell. Those things aren't lightly to be taken.

Slouching forward as Skarsneek squat down in contemplation.

Thinking on it further, that uncontrollable anger seemed similar to how a zombie or ghoul when first emerged. Only seeking to fill their desire to feed.

"...Atsuha, how long was this ago?" Skarsneek addressed her as he stood up and got closer to Hinami. The answer can't be that simple but it's a possible one.

It took a long while for normal undead to turn into ones capable of speech and coherent thought. Liches and Vampires skipped the process due to the former transformation of a strong background of magic while the latter was transferred or born to them.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

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"I wasn't concerned about your well-being, dummy. That Ayu-lady told me to help you people out, and I can't really say spreading a disease around would be helping." Relica replied, when the monk thanked her for her concern. Maybe she was just being shy?

Upon hearing the monk's comment about the various bits and bobs of advanced technology and magic in the outside world, the gremlin gave him a raised eyebrow of surprise. She hadn't expected someone from a traditionalistic society like this to be interested in foreign tech and science. Much less so when you factored in that this guy was a monk - ergo, some kind of priest or clergyman, who weren't exactly known for being open-minded and interested in concepts and/or things beyond their very narrow teachings. Perhaps there was hope yet for this far-eastern backwater?

"Can't speak for those statue-things you mentioned, never seen anything like those myself. Still though, yeah. The rest of what you brought up do exist for sure. Not really anything new though. I think it's more a case of your home here just being a bit too stuck in your ways." She replied eventually, looking around the temole grounds at the other Shizuyamen.

When the question about how she could ensure him not being contaiminated though, a wry smile came across her face.

"Like this!"

Blip. Clink. Swish. Bmmmmmmh! Vzzt. Tonk, tonk! Fop. Fop. Fop. Fop. Fop. Fopfop. Fopfopfop. Fopfopfopfopfopfopfopfopfopfopfop! Wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

A metallic rod suddenly shot up from the the pack on Relica's back. A pair of rotor-blades then folded outwards once it was done extending, and they began to turn slowly. Then faster. Then faster. Then faster still. Finally, the little lady became airborne, hovering at roughly the same height as the monk's head - seeing as he was considerbably taller than her. As she now floated gingerly in the air, lazily circling the monk, she spoke - albeit a bit louder in order to overcome the noise of the spinning blades above her own noggin.

"With this, I could just fly in over the infected area. And, if we had a rope and a basket, I could just carry the medicine and whatever instructions you wrote down on something, and deliver it safely without us ever needing to set foot in the actual place and risk infection." She said, apparently very pleased with her own genius plan, as she was positively beaming with pride.

After the little show-casing of her technical prowess though, the gremlin landed once again. The rotor-contraption folded in and sunk back into her pack once more. Dusting herself off from the small bits of dirt and debris that had been thrown about lightly while she was hovering, Relica walked over and stood closer to the monk before finally adding her last bit of thoughts.

"Anyway, how can a disease not be infectuous? If it wasn't, how the heck did these people catch it in the first place? Well, whatever. I'll just have to trust you know what you're doing." She sighed. "Let's get going whenever you're ready. I'll let you do the talking to any of your fellow locals and natives, as long as they ain't hostile. But if we get into a situation where we need to fight, I trust you'll follow my instructions, got it? My top priority here is to get you from here to there, in one piece preferbly, and I can't do that if you don't listen to me if or when it really counts, got it?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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...Well, diplomacy had failed. Time to resort to the "significantly less violent than lethal" method.

Seeing as they weren't allowing her to inspect their food supply, Eula had a feeling that they were definitely hiding something. It was a minor request, one which could easily be fulfilled if one had nothing to hide. As such, the sound of Eula's knuckles clenching would be audible while she looked at the bandits around her.

But, seeing as she was of moderate intelligence and these bandits...were not, she thought to at least try one last tactic before things went south. She had no doubt that she could beat them in a fight but...doing so now would only confirm their suspicions about Yokai in general. "Actually, that's only superstition. Perhaps there are tales of some yokai devouring souls in your land, but ever since the latest Demon Lord took power, monsterfolk around the world have become more docile. For example, back during the old days, a succubus could indeed suck a man's soul out during the...'good time' you mentioned. But now, they only siphon a modicum of energy out. Allow me to present a diagram," Eula said before smashing a rock into pieces, picking up a jagged piece, and beginning to etch it into the bark.

As if she wasn't surrounded by bandits, she would calmly sketch out a diagram of how magical energy transfer worked for monsters, which...might be the steamiest thing that the bandits had seen in some time. "While it is common in some uncivilized areas for Mamono or Yokai to interact with humanity in this way, you can rest assured that the members of the task force are in control of their instincts. I myself, as an automaton, can go off of nothing but electrical charge for months at a time. Also, I would not force anyone to be my partner. ...Also, I apologize if this disappoints but..." the automaton would consider her words carefully for a moment, before slowly raising an index finger up.

"None of you are my type. However, I wouldn't be against simply being 'friends'."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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