Here's my character sheet, let me know what you think :)

Areya -- A small doll that has red hair and blue eyes. She was made to be Phynnia's height when she was nine (9) years old as Phynnia is unable to see clearly. She is then as short as 4'9" (roughly 144.8cm) and weighs about 63.9lb(28.58kg).
Phynnia -- A young woman in her early 20s. She has dark blonde hair and unknown colour of eyes. Her parents asked her to keep her veil over her eyes until the day she dies. She has respected their wishes and keeps it on. Her height is roughly 5'3" (160cm) and she weighs about 120lbs (54.4kg)
Both girls are quite reserved and not known to throw tantrums or speak loudly around others. They are not shy, they would just rather enjoy being with each other than having to be with others. They will make friends, but also keep them distant enough to not reveal too much about them. They are quite smart and know how to work around problems.
Areya has more expressions than Phynnia (obviously because she can see and Phynnia cannot). She has learned a lot about the world and how expressions work.
Phynnia is cheeky and can make a mess of herself. While she is reserved, she can be blunt and quite harsh towards others. She has a medical condition that makes her lack the emotion capability to feel pain, sadness, etc. The same medical condition also affects her eye sight.
Phynnia used to live in a town near Gloomminister. Her life was full of riches, which is why she was able to obtain Areya as her helper and, soon, a sister. She had many toys and dolls alike, but none could ever compare.
One night, Phynnia's father comes home with a dejected look on his face. He sits down in a char, slumped. Her mother, the loveliest elf the young girl new, comes in asking the father, "What's wrong with you?" Her father slowly looks up at her. His eyes looked tired, and he had a white face. He only mutters, "We're bankrupt."
After that, nothing was the same. Phynnia still had her parents, but they didn't look like they loved each other anymore. Areya had become a punching bag for a while, getting hit in the face (which is why she's unable to talk properly anymore). Eventually, Phynnia was able to attain acceptance to Glimminister. Areya came along as an assistant to Phynnia (they can't be apart since that's the only way Phynnia can see and do things.)

"We're the same, you and I. I'm your mouth and your my eyes."
Names: Areya Pierre (left) & Phynnia Pierre (Right)
Species: Elvish + non-human
Age: Phynnia is 21, Areya is ageless
Gender: both are female
Species: Elvish + non-human
Age: Phynnia is 21, Areya is ageless
Gender: both are female
Areya -- A small doll that has red hair and blue eyes. She was made to be Phynnia's height when she was nine (9) years old as Phynnia is unable to see clearly. She is then as short as 4'9" (roughly 144.8cm) and weighs about 63.9lb(28.58kg).
Phynnia -- A young woman in her early 20s. She has dark blonde hair and unknown colour of eyes. Her parents asked her to keep her veil over her eyes until the day she dies. She has respected their wishes and keeps it on. Her height is roughly 5'3" (160cm) and she weighs about 120lbs (54.4kg)
Both girls are quite reserved and not known to throw tantrums or speak loudly around others. They are not shy, they would just rather enjoy being with each other than having to be with others. They will make friends, but also keep them distant enough to not reveal too much about them. They are quite smart and know how to work around problems.
Areya has more expressions than Phynnia (obviously because she can see and Phynnia cannot). She has learned a lot about the world and how expressions work.
Phynnia is cheeky and can make a mess of herself. While she is reserved, she can be blunt and quite harsh towards others. She has a medical condition that makes her lack the emotion capability to feel pain, sadness, etc. The same medical condition also affects her eye sight.
Phynnia used to live in a town near Gloomminister. Her life was full of riches, which is why she was able to obtain Areya as her helper and, soon, a sister. She had many toys and dolls alike, but none could ever compare.
One night, Phynnia's father comes home with a dejected look on his face. He sits down in a char, slumped. Her mother, the loveliest elf the young girl new, comes in asking the father, "What's wrong with you?" Her father slowly looks up at her. His eyes looked tired, and he had a white face. He only mutters, "We're bankrupt."
After that, nothing was the same. Phynnia still had her parents, but they didn't look like they loved each other anymore. Areya had become a punching bag for a while, getting hit in the face (which is why she's unable to talk properly anymore). Eventually, Phynnia was able to attain acceptance to Glimminister. Areya came along as an assistant to Phynnia (they can't be apart since that's the only way Phynnia can see and do things.)