Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Leah Jordan

Location: Gym > Framework
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

"Never really played stuff like that, I've got a Switch but I just have Skyrim on it. Not much a gamer, really." Leah said as she followed Andy upstairs. She rolled her jaw as they walked. She'd be feeling that one in the morning. "You've got a mean kick there, by the way. I've had maybe a dozen concussions before,but no one's ever put me to sleep with a kick to the face. That was smooth." There weren't many ways to get on Leah's good side, by a nasty blow to the face was a pretty good start. Leah's powers made her a pretty good frontline tank, so whenever there was some sort of scuffle or combat situation, she was always at the front of it, throwing up barriers of stone and shattering someone's entire existence with a kick to the ribs. Most of her fighting was done in a simulation, so no one actually died when she gave a leg-shaped landslide.

Once she and Andy were on the top floor, they saw some guy playing Mario Kart on the damn Frames. "Jeez, you doin' something illegal up here?" She asked, seeing the guy seem utterly terrified by their presence. Sure, Leah was intimidating and was probably taller than this boy, but she wasn't that scary. "People always fool around with these things when no one's looking. It's not like you're the first. Relax." She told Ed, having seen the guy around once or twice. He was in a year over her, but they never talked. "You ever been up here yet, Andy?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Danny Kingston

Location: The Field (School Carnival)
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

Danni teared up a little as everyone rushed to him, demanding to know what was wrong, why he needed help, and to come to his immediate aid if and when he needed violent revenge. He gratefully leaned into Dee as he wrapped an arm around Danni's waist. "Guys, you're all t'e best and I love you all so much." His eyes watered at the displays of friendship, but he had more important things to talk about. He took a deep, shaky breath, completing the truly herculean task of calming himself instead of running with the overwhelming amount of love and affection he felt for these three around him.

"Uh, okay so we spent a lot of time chattin' about Ebby, and talkin' about fashion, and you know, just chattin'. So then, I asked for a vibe check and Aggie said somet'in' about cosmic energy and it flowin' t'rough me and gettin' grounded and t'en she said I'd be a knight after I was done bein' grounded so I asked another t'in' and she basically told me I was goin' to kill everyone unless I had a ot'er person and I have so many people so we should be good on t'at front, I t'ink, but t'en she was like 'lol Ebby banged a dragon and you can have t'e egg" so viola," Danni gasped after rambling without pause, and he revealed the shiny red-gold scaled egg nestled safely in the jacket. "I now own a dragon egg."

"But what do I do with a dragon egg, not to mind a full fledged dragon? Like, I'm kinda panickin', I haven't even had a pet and now, I 'ave a dragon?! Like, will it just 'atch, do I need to sit on it, do I need to keep it warm?" Danni demanded loudly. Dragons - mentally, fucking cool. Reality, how the fuck do a person take care of a dragon?! "Like, should I set t'is on fire and just carry it wit' tongs? Does it need to be in my pocket all t'e time? Or maybe we put it in one of t'ose boxes t'ey put chicken eggs in in classrooms? Who can I even ask about t'is?! T'ere 'as to be a prof who knows, right? Right?"

Danni frowned as something dawned on him. "Maybe we shouldn't. What if t'ey take it away from me? T'ey can't take my baby away! Oh, Pops would kill me. Dee, we can't tell Pops until I figure out a way to get Papa to agree to keep my baby." Danni jolted as he realized he forget something very, very important. Omg, Aggie also gave me t'e scoop. T'ere aren't any Sinister clones here yet, but apparently Lady Nimrod, t'e person replacin' 'er, is a fuckin' Sinsister clone and we 'ave to be on the look out!"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Madalyne Crane

Location: Avenger's Academy, Fairgrounds
First Day Fit
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: N/A

Madalyne giggled slightly when she saw April's reaction to her scaring her. "Sorry April, I couldn't resist." She said giving her friend a smile as she looked at the rest of them. "Also happy birthday Dorian!" She said to her friend, she wasn't as close to him like she was with April was but they got along pretty well together. Madalyne watched as Mai headed off to do whatever it was that she wanted to do, waving goodbye to her. "Got any plans for your birthday Dorian?" She asked as she thought for a moment she had forgotten to get him something for his birthday. "We can if April wants to have a movie night or something in our dorm and you pick whatever movie you want to watch." She suggested while looking at April.

Madalyne watched as Sabine put on the hat that Agatha had given her, and she quickly went invisible which was really interesting and pretty useful as well to. Danny came out with what looked like a dragon egg hidden under a jacket that he had around it, asking what he could do with it. "Maybe something Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon, you get like a container thats heated and put it inside to keep it warm or something?" She said with a slight shrug, as she pulled out the box of tarot cards. "I got a deck of tarot cards when I went into Agatha's tent earlier." She said, Madalyne decided to keep the letter from Dr. Strange to herself for now and tell April about it she wasn't planning on transferring out to Strange Academy anytime soon either. She had all her friends here after all to and she didn't want to leave them behind and start at a completely different school not knowing anyone either.

Diana Novikova

Location: Avenger's Academy, Stark Hall
First Day Fit
Skills: N/A

Diana continued to eat her wings while looking between her little brother and Zelda who looked like she was still having her mouthful or something like that. Percy started to explain why he was here at the school while Diana took another handful of her fries as well to and ate them. She took a drink of her soda and setting it down on the table, she thought for a moment why she was at the school in the first place and smiled slightly, while Percy wanted to make a name for himself in his own way she wanted to follow in both of their mother's footsteps.

"While Percy is more or less a fanboy of Odysseus I wanted to basically follow in our mother's footsteps and eventually become an Avenger or something like that." Diana said she knew that both of them started out as SHIELD agents before joining the Avenger's themselves that was maybe her second choice if they decided to offer her a job in case the Avenger's or being recruited for another hero team and things didn't work out.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Zelda Flynn

Location: Stark Hall
Skills: N/A

She looked over at Percy when he asked his question, thinking for a moment about how best to potentially answer it. The truth was that she didn't exactly know why she was really at the school. Well, aside from the fact that her sister went here, and her parents were still involved in SHIELD. It seemed like it was more of expected of her more then she actively wanted to be at the school. Then again, she was pretty sure being at a normal school would get boring after a while, but she wasn't entirely sure how best to explain what was going through her head.

"Um... Well... I actually don't really now what I want to do... I feel like it was kind of expected for me to go. Though I'm not really interested in saving the world or anything... More interested really in making things to be helpful, lie the costumes that are meant to withstand various things, that sort of thing..." she ended up responding, taking a piece of her cotton candy and popping it in her mouth. She wasn't so much wanting to fight a lot, not that she wasn't good at it, she surprisingly could hold her own, but she didn't really care much for it.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: the Field (School Carnival)
Skills: N/A
First Day Outfit

Well, to her the fight was starting to go a little long, and personally she just sort of wanted to go run off and do something else. As much as she loved sword fighting and all, this was kind of going slow since Victoria didn't seem to overly be doing anything, seemingly just expecting her to basically make all the choices in the fight or something. Zari knew she could keep fighting and all all day, but her attention span was starting to run thin, this wasn't even a fun fight or whatever anymore. So she was ready to move on. Maybe to find Andy. Or oooooh maybe she could go to the fortune teller.

"Not really interested in joining any clubs or whatever," Zari said to the one person with a shrug, before putting the foam sword away. "I do want to go try something else though. Want to go with me to find Andy and then go to the fortune teller? Or do you want to wander off or something like that to do your own thing. Either way I'm going to the fortune teller eventually, so if you want to meet up there later we can or something." she was kind of wondering where Andy had wandered off to at this point, only having a slight vague idea of the last place she had gone, and she wanted to head off to try and find her at this point.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Victoria van Dyne

Location: Foam sword fighting
Skills: None used

Victoria prided herself on not giving up easily. She was a machine, and while not free of the faults of humans on purpose, she could ignore them a lot better than they did. But this girl either did not know that she was a machine, or she was denser than the core of a black hole star, as no matter what she did, she could not provoke a reaction to the topic. And if she was honest with herself, it was kind of annoying!

However, that annoyance paled in comparison with that poor theatre troupe reject. Where Meghan's power failed to have any effect on her, King's verbal vomit was succeeding beyond reason in making her angry. When Zari also proclaimed no interest in joining the group, Vicky snorted and in a rare moment of savagery, picked some particularly saucy lines form the classic to paraphrase: "I wonder that thou will still be talking, nobody marks you, thou sodden-witted lord! Hast thou no more brain than I have in mine elbow? I do desire that we may be better as strangers, forsooth."

Turning away form the clown, she addressed Zari: "Sure, let's go to the fortune teller's. I need to say goodbye to Mrs. Harkness before she leaves. I'll let them know to meet us there. There is also a spaceship on display, I want to hit that before the day's over." she said, pulling out her phone.

From: Viking Vicky
To: What's with Andy?; Earthbender
Subject: Done with swords
Hi. Zari's done humiliating me in the ring, so we're heading to Agatha's. Holler if you want to meet someplace else!

Hitting the send button, she pocketed the phone and started walking, pointing at a tent in the distance: "That-a-way."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ever Faithful
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Ever Faithful Will always be Ever Faithful

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ardere Terrane

His muscles are huge! The redhead stares in awe at Thompson's physique before quickly remembering where she is and what she is doing. I'll...I'll-I'll take right-Left! Ardere stuttered, quickly turning around to make sure she wasn't backing up into a wall. Her small hands continue to clutch her jar as if it was made of fragile glass. And I don't use magic-I mean, hi Thompson, I'm Ardere-sorry...I don't use magic....

Her cheeks began burning bright red as her hair and Ardere's voice slowly faded away, her tongue remaining still after Ardere caught herself from spouting more words. "Umm. Thanks for offering, Teddy." She finally spoke, entering the dorm room to set aside her will-o-wisp. "I don't know what kind of help I need..."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sabine Bassard

Location: Outside Agatha's Tent
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

Sabine listened intently as Danny spoke about his talk with Agatha. She ignored Danny asking Agatha for a "vibe check" assuming the old woman had no idea what that meant. Her ears did perk up a bit when Danny mentioned him killing everyone unless he had someone else with him. Her mind raced back to her own fortune, where she would have to overcome the struggles of her past. And would have to be put through hardship. It wasn't like the old woman to mess around, but to flat out tell someone he would kill others?

Back to reality (or as close to reality as one could get when talking about a mythical creature!?!) as Danny showcased his new egg that supposedly held a dragon? A motherfucking dragon! Sabine wanted to touch it, but that would have been rude and, also, she watched Game of Thrones. "I don't think Agatha would give gifts that were not allowed for use at school. Though I guess she is leaving so she might be burning a bridge or two. Literally, as the case may be." Still though, a dragon egg was about the coolest gift she could imagine. It made her Yankees hat look like....a Yankees hat. Wtf Agatha!

"We really need to get off this Sinister clone thing. There are more pressing matters to worry about. Like the upcoming talent show. Also I want to check out some of the club booths." Really, anything to get her away from the onslaught of people she would rather not interact with today.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Gym
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive)
~First day fit~

Andy smiled at Leah's comment about her kick. She could just imagine the pride in her ...well the pride in the voice of the Drummonds. It felt like ages since she had had a proper fight like that, and even though it had been so short it was nice. She knew it had been both ages since she lived in the gym and also only a few months.

"Hi. I'm Andy. Yeah, I'm new. But not like a Freshman. Or a Senior. I mean I'm a transfer so yeah I'm new." Andy stumbled a bit trying to figure out exactly how to put it. Explaining she had time traveled was off the table. Hopefully, Ed would accept 'transfer' as a good enough excuse.

"No, I haven't been here yet. What is this place?" She asked. It looked alien and futuristic to her, which if she was honest a lot of things did. Her phone buzzed. She pulled it out, half expecting it to be a text from her mom. Even though Selene was with her, she had been oddly quiet since she had basically forced Andy into getting into a fake swordfight. However, it was an email from Victoria.

"Maybe another time. My girlfriend and her roommate are going to the fortune teller's tent right now and I wanted to go too." Andy says, shoving her phone back into her pocket. "Leah?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

@Kirah@Blizz: "Il-il-ilegal? Me? What? No! Never!!" Ed insisted, practically tripping over his own tongue at Leah's playful accusation. If it hadn't been obvious yet, it would be now - this guy was a geek. He probably had never even gotten so much as a detention at the Institute, and if he had, it probably would be for something like getting too high of a score on a math test. His glasses almost fell off of his face and he frantically pushed them back on up. "S-sorry, just a little bit jumpy," he apologized, as Leah told him to relax.

At Andy's question though, he seemed to become more confident and engaged. "It's called the Framework. Basically a totally immersive virtual reality, simulates your powers and different scenarios. It's like the Danger Room the X-Men use, but better, because no one gets actually sweaty. I've been... well, I've been porting in a bunch of my favorite video games into the software, some of them are pretty retro, but I've always been really excited by the idea of actually playing my favorite games. Like, can you imagine being Link instead of just button smashing?" Ed explained excitedly.

"Oh, uh, that's too bad," he then said, as Andy made her excuses to leave. "Wait, here, this is my SuperLink - hit me up if you ever wanna try something out with the Framework. We aren't supposed to use it without the teachers but... where's the fun in that?" he said, before giving both of them his social media info. "My handle's @ArcadeAA."

@BlueSky44@Forsythe: The King's shoulders didn't slump until Vicky's particularly withering remark. They dropped the faux-Medieval act quickly. "Look, I'm just trying to do something nice for people here, okay? You don't need to be nasty and insult me," King told Vicky, clearly hurt. "There's an anti-bullying initiative here at the school. I think you might want to consider looking into some of the resources for it, maybe you'll learn a thing or two about how to treat other people."

@Ever Faithful@Natsu@Ogobrogo: Ogo is back, so have fun you three! :) Maybe this could be the start of a beautiful friendship - or maybe not. One thing though that would occur to Teddy however is that Mary Sue's last name, Sullivan, is the same surname as one of the new teachers at the school - Oliver Sullivan. Sullivan is supposed to be helping out with the speedsters on campus, as well as teaching some math/computer courses, so Teddy is likely more familiar with him in the former context rather than the latter.

@Trainerblue192@Achronum@Nallore: When Mads took out the deck of Tarot Cards, she'd notice (likely for the first time) that they weren't exactly standard cards. There was an odd sort of magical resonance about them, a sort of magic that she had never felt before. It was almost like they hadn't been crafted by someone from this dimension.

"Here, I can go and ask her if she has, like, an instruction manual - it's my turn anyways and I don't wanna hold up the line too much if someone else shows up wanting a reading, I'll be right back, Dee, I promise," April swore. "And up to you if you wanted to do a movie night, Dorian - it's your day, I'm down to do whatever you wanna do," she said, before heading into the tent.

Percy Novikov

Location: Carnival - Food Trucks
Skills: N/A
~New Outfit~

Percy rolled his eyes at his sister's aspirations - because that was how siblings behaved. Truthfully, he thought his sister would make a good Avenger. Or maybe she'd even decide to get involved in mutant rights and go join the X-Men. The only thing she could really do to piss him off would be to join the Fantastic Four - Percy hated the Fantastic Four. Well, he really hated Mister Fantastic - the rest of them were okay. "Not going to found your own team, sis?" he teased gently. "Could do an entire theme of bow and arrow based heroes. Get both of the Hawkeyes on it with you."

Zelda's answer interested him, mostly because it was surprising. Basically everyone at this school he had assumed would want to be on one of the prestige superhero teams. The Contest of Champions, in which high schools had to participate, was basically an elaborate scouting opportunity for the Avengers, the X-Men, and so forth to find new recruits for their ranks. "So you want to be Edna Mode?" Percy asked, referencing an old superhero movie he had watched a lot as a kid. It held up pretty well for something made over thirty years ago. "This isn't me being an asshole, but what is your opinion on capes? As much as people joke about them, a lot of heroes do wear them. Are they even functional anymore?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

April Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - Agatha's Tent
Skills: N/A
~First Day Fit~

The tent flap fluttered shut behind April, as the young girl gasped in astonishment. She had never taken any courses with Professor Harkness, but she had heard a lot about her from her roommate, Mads. "This is just like Doctor Who!!" April couldn't help but squeal. The tent was far bigger on the inside than on the outside - it was bigger than even their dorm rooms at AA, and those were (as April's mother was fond of reminding her) incredibly spacious. Crystals floated through the air, reflecting the light and casting rainbows. Books and potions and candles and cards and other magical tools drifted about, enchanted by the master sorceress herself, Agatha Harkness.

"Hi! It's so good to meet you! Well, um, we have met before but, like, not officially. Or not for a long time. Anyways. My name's April Flynn - my roommate's in your class, or was in your class, Mads? She said that you are, like, THE witch. Thank you so much for doing readings, I'm so excited!!" April chirped.

The candlelight flickered as Agatha peered at the young girl, the light source casting long shadows on the back wall of the tent. Through Agatha's mystical senses, she could see the third presence in the room - a grey warrior with the sharp keen eyes of an owl, her gaze boring into Agatha's. "Γκρίζα κυρία."

"Bless you," April immediately chimed in, assuming that Agatha had sneezed or something.

"... Thank you, child," Agatha replied after a short pause. Her eyes flickered back to the shadow on the wall of the tent, before resting on April again. "I believe I met your sister earlier, Zelda...? At any rate, what is it that a Mistress of the Mystic Arts can do for you? What forbidden secret shall we conjure up from the ether?

April's heart began to pound, as a million different questions went through her mind. Unlike her besties, she had never really gotten her fortune told before. Yes, there were a few witches in her family, but April was estranged from them at best. She had never had information about her destiny given before - what sort of person would she be? Would she be a hero like her parents... or a villain? Would she fall in love? Would she get married? Would she finally manage to take home the crown in the Contest of Champions - would she check off everything on her high school bucket list, Prom Queen, Class President, and so on? Would she, Dorian, and Danni stay together as a trio? Would something tear them apart from each other? Was she fundamentally destined to be good or bad? And then... Then there were things she did not understand about herself, feelings she hadn't examined, hints of something...

Agatha Harkness probably knew more about April than she did herself, April figured.

"So, like, I have tons of questions but I think the most important one - when you're talking to like one of the most powerful witches in the world, so you need to make the question count - is... What kind of person am I going to become? There's... there's some bad people in my family tree. I guess I just want to know... if I'm going to be good enough..." April asked softly, blushing bright red. She didn't have a famous last name, but she did have a famous grandfather. And aunts and uncle. And cousins, too, with the way things were working out for the Minimoff twins.

"Mmm, yes, I see," Agatha said, fixing April with a somewhat pitying gaze. There was more than just one legacy that this child had to bear. "Not everyone in your family is wicked, my dear. And perhaps those you believe to be are falsely accused. Now, let's see what the Cards have to say..."

April cringed in embarrassment and shame, about to trip over her words, only to be cut off by Agatha raising a finger, indicating for her to be quiet.

"Not now, dear," Agatha said. The tarot cards began to dance and swirl through the air, crossing back and forth, forming strange shapes and patterns. They cascaded down to the table in the shape of a helix, before bouncing back up into the air to continue the dance - only one card fell out, hitting the table directly in front of April - the High Priestess. April wasn't quite sure, but she could've sworn she caught Agatha rolling her eyes??? But then, three cards darted out from the shuffling pack, coming to a rest on the table.

"There we are," Agatha mused. "Now, I have done for you a simple past-present-future three card spread, although as I am quite sure you observed, the High Priestess insisted on making herself known. Your mother has the blessing of the goddess Athena - this perhaps is her making her presence known. However, it also speaks to distance from the spiritual influences of your family. You are disconnected from them, the people you are so afraid to become like... and yet, you have much to learn from them. Seek out those connections, my child. And grow."

"As for these three cards, in the past, you drew the Eight of Pentacles. This is a card of effort and dedication, of perseverance, work, and reflection. You have been striving towards your goals for quite some time and have set yourself up for success. In the present, you drew a card of major spiritual forces - the Devil, Reversed. This is a card of freedom, releasing yourself from chains that bind you. I sense that these chains may be your own preconceived notions of yourself and what you are expected to be," Agatha explained somewhat sharply.

"Which then brings us to the question of your future and who you might become... the Empress. Again, this card speaks of a major spiritual force. The Empress is the divine feminine, compassionate, caring, and free. That is the person I see you becoming, my dear. A good, kind person."

April was too overwhelmed at first to speak. She hadn't known what to expect when asking Agatha that sort of question - what to expect from any question - but she felt like her spine had been twisted. Everything about the reading felt... wrong. It felt uncomfortable. It was like Agatha had pinned her to a wheel and started throwing knives of accusations at her. The admonishment for her fears about her family stung, but truthfully, it was the last thing Agatha had said that felt just... wrong to her.

April didn't know what it meant, but she didn't want to be the Empress. But hadn't she always wanted to be a hero? Hadn't she always wanted to be a symbol of female empowerment, just like her mother? Shouldn't be told that she was going to be some divine feminine, good and caring and kind, be the ultimate win from this reading? Why did it make her feel sick and twisted inside? Why did it make her feel like running away from the tent? Why did the eyes of the Empress feel like they were boring into April's skull every time she glanced at that card?

Why did it feel so wrong?

"I, um, wow, thank you!" April forced herself to say, feeling like the silence must've stretched on for an eternity. "I'm sorry if I, like, offended you with the stuff I said about my family - I know you know a lot of them - I just... Yeah I've never really met them and you know what's on Wikipedia and all about what some of them, well most of them, have done and I... Yeah, it was stupid of me. I'll do better. I promise!" April's heart wasn't really in it, though. She couldn't help but fixate on that Empress card, it was eating away at her, and she had no idea as to why.

"Um, can I ask another question?" April added. "I probably should've gone with this one instead, it's not nearly as heavy, totally chill if you like don't wanna and just want to have me leave so the next person can come in, but... What do you see for my love life - like, am I gonna find Princess Charming?" While she was deeply curious about this, it was also just a distraction - something to take her mind off of that reading and then have something she (hopefully) would be more comfortable sharing with her friends.

"Of course, child - you may ask as many questions as you like. Space isn't the only thing that operates differently within this tent. Time does as well," Agatha explained. "We could talk for hours and to your friends outside, it would be just ten minutes. Now, let us see what there is for your love life..."

The cards danced again, the Empress card and all the others shuffling themselves back in. This time, no extra cards forced themselves to appear. The three cards Agatha drew were the only ones that danced down to the table, coming to a halt in front of the two women. This time, the cards were Four of Wands, Temperance Reversed, and the King of Wands. Agatha chuckled slightly.

"What?" April asked, rapidly turning pink again.

"Oh, you drew the Honeymoon card - rather appropriate," Agatha explained, tapping the Four of Wands. "This card is for a joyous celebration, a momentous occasion filled with love and beauty. At any rate, Temperance in its reversed position here indicates a period of realignment in your life, one that is often needed in order to bring balance and equilibration to you, body and soul. And then the King of Wands is a card of fiery passion - but more critically, asks for you to manifest that which is needed. In short, you will find love, my dear... but only if you choose yourself to pursue it. It will not come to you unbid."

"So I have to make the move?" April repeated, having gone from pink to fierce crimson. Her thoughts immediately went to Sabine. Would Sabine like that, being pursued? Or would Sabine want to be the one doing the pursuing? Could April even muster up the confidence to ask someone that perfect and beautiful out? Sabine barely even knew who she was! Maybe Danni could wingman her? But then her mind went to what Dorian had said, was he right? Would Danni get upset about all of this? The more she thought about it, the more confused she felt. "Well, um, thank you so much! I'm gonna - I'm gonna go and I can leave the flap open or closed? And I can tell the next person to come in?" she said, standing up and getting ready to leave.

Her brain felt like contradictory mush.

"One moment, my dear - you see, I am trying to leave the students of this institute better than I found them. And today, that means distributing a variety of magic items to those who come to see me, ones that I hope will aid you on your heroic journeys of self-actualization," Agatha explained. She snapped her fingers and a tiny vial of a clear, shimmering liquid appeared. The glass vial had a small hole at the top, allowing a silver chain to be threaded through it. "This water comes from the River Styx. There is enough for just one use, but I hope it will serve you well."

April stared intently, taking the fragile vial into her hands. She could feel the water inside of it and it felt... strange. It felt almost hot and yet hardened at the same time, slippery and static. She knew enough about Greek myth thanks to her mother to recognize the Styx as the river Achilles had bathed in, the river that flowed through the Underworld. What Agatha thought she could do with the water of the damned, she didn't know...

It made her uneasy, but she put the vial's cord around her neck anyways.

"Th-thank you, Agatha. I hope you have a good time at your new school and... and I'll think on what you said," April said, before remembering. "Oh, also, I almost forgot, but do you have, like, a dragon care manual for Danni? He's kinda losing his mind out there."

"Hmm? Oh, yes, yes," Agatha said, giving her familiar Ebony some scritches behind the ears. "There should be information in the occult section of the school library. Ms. Crane can show you to it."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Dorian Gray

Location: Agatha's
Skills: First Day Fit

Dorian watched as his best friend began to calm himself down with his embrace, eyeing the folds of fabric as he waited for a response on what was hidden beneath. As usual he had to weed through as much unnecessary information as possible, Danni had many talents, but telling a story straight wasn't one of them and neither was it Dorians if he was honest. It's how he was capable of keeping up with all of it. A few things went through his mind as Danni continued to speak, holding all his questions as he tallied them with his fingers until his bestie was done talking. All thoughts thrown to the wayside as Danni revealed the actual egg. A real life dragon egg. Or was it a dragon cat egg? Did Ebony fuck a dragon as a panther or as a dragon? Could Ebony become a dragon? Could this dragon become a panther? Or did Danni just have a winged panther like the one from that old anime Cardcaptors?

"Se détendre Danni, tout ira bien oui? So let's try and get everyt'in' in order. You are goin' to do somet'in' to get grounded, after t'at you're gonna become a badass knight and all you need to keep yourself from killin' everyone is already here and surroundin' you. So…très bien non? Chances are you get grounded for havin' a dragon and then do some dope ass shit to become all knight like before you prove t'at you can totally raise it and become a dragon rider!" Dorian was totally on board with being a dragons uncle. But Danni was right, how did someone raise a dragon? They'd need a lot of sheep or something and would they need gold? Dorian began to think, but decided that the most pressing matter was taking care of the egg. He unwrapped himself from D as he sturck his palm with his fist as an idea hit him.

"Oh! I met t'is totally chill teacher. T'e new guy Mr. Poisson Pas. 'e 'ad loads of stuff in 'is office! I'm sure 'e knows about dragons and raising t'em. Doubt 'e'd tell on us. Mais, let's wait for April to come back in case Aggie 'as somet'in' for us." Dorian paused, debating on if he should even comment on the Sinister clone revelation, deciding that was dorm room talk for later. He'd almost forgotten that others were even there, pink coloring his cheeks as he realised he had been spoken to and hadn't even bothered to respond because of his concern for Danni. His rubbed the nape of his neck as he let out a little laugh. "Oh merci beaucoup Mads. But be careful what you offer, because I am always down for a 'orror movie screenin'." Already the wheels began to turn as he thought up which movie they should watch tonight, after he dealt with Percy of course.

Her suggestion for a heated container wasn't bad either, but he doubted the egg needed to be set on fire. Sounded like a good way to end up with a sunny side dragon if anything. "Oh like t'ose Pokémon Egg containers? Do t'ey actually make t'ose? It'd be so cool to see t'e whole process!" Thoughts immediately cut short as Mads revealed her gift from everyone's favorite witch. He grew up surrounded by decks, his own father having gotten a mystical one he'd used on many occasions. When Maddy revealed it his smile faltered for a moment. He expected immense power or something to radiate off of it but…it was just like his dad's.

"So cool! You try any fortunes yet since you got it? Oooo ooo or maybe a guidance card? Or a single card pull for the day? Or perha- Merde! I'd forgotten all about t'e talent show! I'm so nervous what if I tank? Or what if I get put on a lame team with lame people? It'd make the contest such a draaaaag." Dorian tried to tell himself he'd do fine and how all three of them would end up on the same team, a dream team with some extras to help. "uh…maybe once we're all done 'ere we can check out t'e clubs. I 'eard t'is year we 'ave a space engineering club and I'd love to see t'at tech! Or maybe we could see t'e knights. T'ey always seem a bit like fun."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Danny Kingston

Location: The Field (School Carnival)
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

Danni blinked at Maddie as she offered suggestions, face scrunching up in confusion. "Game of T'rones, 'ouse of Dragons? Are t'ose like, video games or somet'in'? Sounds like we have t'e same idea t'ough. A little warm t'in'y for t'e baby." Danni cooed at the bundle in his hands. He held it a little closer, rocking it happily. "And you t'ink t'e Nemo guy who lies about bein' a fish is goin' to 'ave answers, Dee? I guess it's wort' a shot, but it sounds… fishy." Danni giggled at his own joke. Sure, he panicked at first, but the longer he held a dragon egg, the more excitement replaced panic. He beamed at Sabine, who immediately soothed his concerns about narc teachers. "Oh, t'ats true! Technically, she was a professor 'ere, so anyt'in' she gives me is school approved, right? You're so smart, Beanie! Once April comes back and t'e birt'day boy decides on t'e flow of t'e day, we'll go see t'e ot'er clubs!" He attempted to pat her arm in a comforting manner with his elbow.

Danni sent a kiss after April as she promised to get some more info on dragon handling, frowning as he marched through Dee's reasoning. "But I don't want ta be grounded! I just want ta enjoy 'avin' a dragon, and bein' a 'ero! It's not fair t'at I'm gettin' grounded for it." Danni pouted. He wasn't giving up his new baby for anything, he just didn't see why he couldn't talk his way out if being grounded! He had a whole technique that usually worked, unless Pops was really upset and Danni learned to give up when the cold, sharp voice came out instead of just the disappointed looks. Why was a thing he got from a professor making that happen?! Ugh, he was working himself back up, so instead he leaned back on Dee.

"Actually, t'at's a good point, Beanie. Did everyone practice all summer for t'eir audtions? Should we do a last run just ta 'ave anot'er set of eyes on it? Or should we just do t'at tomorrow?" Danni wondered, nerves that the events of the day pushed aside returning in full force. "Like, originally I was just goin' ta do explosions cause who doesn't like explosions? And just like do some dancin', but t'en Pops got involved and it got prettier but God it's complicated because t'e judges might care an itty, bitty, tiny bit about control. So, you know Dee, if you get put on t'e worst team, I'll probably be right t'ere wit' you!" Danni was suddenly not nervous anymore. If Dee thought he was going to be on the worst team, Danni was definitely going to be on the worst team, and then it would be the best team because they would be together! Hopefully, April would be with them too, because even then the Young Avengers wouldn't stand a chance.

Danni eyed Maddie's cards, an idea popping into his head about his sticky situation. "Ooooh, Maddie I want anot'er reading later! Maybe you can tell me 'ow ta not get grounded because of my baby!" It was a brilliant idea! It must be so useful to be able to read the future! Maxie tried to explain these things once, but it was boring and it went in one ear and out the other. And speaking of cards…

He bounded back to Sabine, getting real close to whisper in her ear. "So, you and Princess, 'uh? Is t'is like… a real thin'? A gunna be t'ing? Danni asked, something dark and nasty in his chest. He ignored that, though. He was definitely just doing this to make sure Sabine wasn't just messing with April. April was a little… fragile and although he knows he can be a little airheaded when it comes to other people's emotional states, he had to make sure he and Dee were ready to catch her if she fell. And if he had to do a little snooping, and more a little later, then he would. He wouldn't be a good friend if he didn't!
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Leah Jordan

Location: Gym > Framework
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

All Leah could do was roll her eyes watching this guy stammer and fumble like this. Honestly, this was her third year at this school, and she'd seen at least a hundred games emulated onto these tanks, and this guy was a year over her yet still panicking. Whatever. He was probably not actually downloading Mario Kart, but some other game that people played for "plot." Copium notwithstanding, "Yeah. These things are basically the closest to a real world fight we get around here. One time I chopped a Sentinel's head off with a street lamp, and used it to cave another one's head in. True story." She told Andy this story like it was just a casual thing. The street lamp went straight through the neck until about two thirds of the way, at which point its head basically fell off because its weight was no longer supported. "You'll probably get a chance to fool around with them soon, they like to get people used to them soon as pos-"

Leah's phone began to buzz, and she checked it. Victoria was... Messaging her? Weird. They never talked. At all.

Earthbender: Sure.

She had a way with words. "Yeah, I guess they want me there to. I already saw Agatha, but I've got nothing better to do right now. Let's go." She said, slipping her phone back into her pocket. She made a mental note to ask that girl how she has her contact information, and followed Andy out whenever she started leaving.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 12 days ago

Teddy Thompson

Location: Stark Hall - Outside doorway to Room 401
Skills: None Used!

As the girls entered their room and began to do…whatever it was that freshmen girls do in their rooms, Teddy kept a respectful distance from the door, trying his best to act like he wasn’t painfully aware of the redhead’s less-than-subtle staring. He smiled politely, looking slightly above the girl when she spoke to him, but otherwise keeping himself slightly turned away from the door. Eye contact was difficult, but he didn’t want to be rude. As much as he would have preferred that Ser Nemo didn’t just drop a bombshell on him, he did need to get used to, well, being perceived. He was going to be a TA for Combat 101 this year, and if he couldn’t kick that little hangup, it was going to be a rough year. He knew that. He knew that in his soul.

Didn’t make it any easier.

After a moment of hearing the two girls…talk? Let’s go with talk. After a moment of hearing the two girls talk, it became crystal clear that the two of them might be just as awkward as he was, which, in a weird way, made him relax slightly.

He still didn’t have a clue what he was supposed to do for them.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you too, Mary Sue…uhm…” he called from outside the room, pausing for a moment as he pressed his lips together in thought. “I’m sorry, he called you Ms. Sullivan, right? You wouldn’t happen to be related to the new speedster instructor, would you? Oliver Sullivan?” he asked, just trying to fill the awkward silence - usually a comfy space for him, but perhaps a little suffocating given the context. He didn’t know much about the guy other than the name, but maybe it could break the ice?

When the redhead - Ardere - spoke up, Teddy couldn’t help but smile fondly to himself, chuckling quietly. Her little throwaway line could be the tagline for his whole life. God, did anyone ever really know what kind of help they needed?

“And I have no idea what kind of help I can give,” he replied, pausing for a moment as desperately scoured his thoughts. “Actually…” he started, tilting his head. “I think the spaceship club’s got a restored alien ship that you can go inside and check out, if that’s something either of you might be interested in?” he offered. Teddy, bless his heart, was probably the worst-equipped person when it came to trying to guess what freshmen girls might be interested in, but who didn’t like spaceships? They were neat. Basically just cars but for space.

Okay, it was a hail mary, but what else could he do? Ser Nemo was counting on him…apparently. Well, not enough to properly arrange this whole mentor group - one that Teddy had never heard of before, mind you - beforehand, but that’s some high quality shade for a different time.

Phan Le Chi Mai

Location: The Field (School Carnival) > Shady Smoke Spot > The Field (School Carnival)
Skills: None Used!
~First Day Fit~

Alright, listen up chucklefucks - Chi Mai didn’t dip dip potato chip because she was scared of Agatha. Let’s just put that to rest right now. She had nothing but mad love for the crew, for the famski, but when sweet Danny Boy came out of that creepy-ass tent holding a whole ass scaley egg and screaming for help in that excited-not-scared way of his, she saw the opportunity and seized it. Because - and let’s all gather around the campfire and roast some truth s’mores here for a moment - a bitch was not even remotely high enough for this shit. And that was a crime. What sort of hero-in-training would she be if she didn’t do her best to stop crime where she saw it?

So she split. A little bobbing and weaving through the carnival chucklefucks later, and she had found a nice lil obscured alcove to dip into to satisfy the beast. She gave a little glance around and, when she was satisfied that nobody had noticed her and was prepping up to bust her one-woman rendition of a smokestack, she ducked back inside, crouched down, and fished the pen from her pocket.

She then proceeded to write elegant, evocative lines of poetry, detailing her thoughts on the futility of mankind’s attempts to establish any sort of meaningful legacy in a universe that ultimately would just move on- nah, just fucking with you, guys, she got high. She did her thing, coughed, waved away the clouds, coughed some more, put away the pen - oo, would you look at that, more coughing - then ducked back into the crowd, only smelling slightly like candy. And weed.

As her head began to grow weightless, she managed to spot a familiar hot blonde in the distance who was pointing. And bruh…something about the way she was pointing was fucking hilarious to Mai. Vicky was fucking hilarious. She needed to be around something fucking hilarious right now. She wasn’t the closest to Vicky to be honest, but a high Chi Mai was a friendly Chi Mai. And with no more thought than that, Chi Mai impulsively skipped over to intercept her and some green-haired chick she didn’t know.

“Viiiicccckkkyyyy!” Mai called out, throwing grabby hands toward her as she approached. “I got ditched and now I’m bored. Entertain me!” she continued, moving to match Vicky’s pace. Not wasting a moment she teased “So…who’s the green-haired hottie?” she asked mischievously before leaning forward, hands clasped behind her back, and shooting a glance over toward the green haired girl. “I’m talking about you.” she said directly. “Name, please. It’s the hottie tax.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Madalyne Crane

Location: Avenger's Academy, Fairgrounds
First Day Fit
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: N/A

Madalyne turned her attention towards Danny when he said that he hadn't heard of Game of Thrones, or House of the Dragon. "Both are shows that are based off of a book series called A Song of Ice and Fire, it's really good you should give a read, or watch the show for the most part. Well actually the final season kinda sucked ass honestly but I won't spoil the ending if you haven't watched the show. I can give you my copies of the books from home if you want." Madalyne said as she looked down at the deck of tarot cards, she could sense some sort of magic coming off of them. They definitely weren't normal cards either. It looked like the others weren't able to sense what she was from the cards, her attention turned to both Danni and Dorian asking about it.

"Lets see what they do." Madalyne said as she started to shuffle the deck a little bit and stopped a few seconds later as she pulled out Four of Pentacles out of the deck. And then a few seconds later four gold coins suddenly appeared right in front of her, and then quickly disappeared right before her eyes. She was curious what the rest of the cards actually did, but she decided to do it later in the safety of her dorm.

"I don't think that these are used for regular readings." Madalyne said as she looked at Dorian and smiled. "Horror movie night it is then, whatever you decide to pick birthday boy, i'll order some pizza later tonight then to." Madalyne said to Dorian, she turned to Sabine. "You mean the Contest of Champions tryouts i'm guessing right?" She asked, she didn't really remember it being called a talent show which was weird to her.

Diana Novikova

Location: Avenger's Academy, Stark Hall
First Day Fit
Skills: N/A

Diana listened to Zelda as she spoke, it was interesting to her as well to, most of the other students that she talked to or her other friends around the school always did have aspirations to be scouted out by the other teams for the Contest of Champions. "Capes I think are kinda cool, though I always think that they could get caught on something. Or your opponent could simply grab it and fling you around like The Hulk or something." Diana said, she always did think that they were really awesome looking, but they always did end up getting caught on something.

Her attention turned to her little brother once more, and smiled towards him. "Although finding a team and running it would be cool, but I want to be the solo archer of the team. Also are you planning on having a solo session with Agatha later or something?" She asked Percy she was mostly just curious if he was wanting to do one alone or not, she remembered that sometimes Agatha did do more than one reading. "If you were gonna do a solo session I was gonna go to the archery range. I want to challenge Kate to see whos the best one in the school to." Diana told him, and she figured that Percy would want some space away from her to.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 12 days ago

Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: Stark Hall, room 401
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

Mary Sue turned her head, and held in a wince at the first bit of strictly positive social interation that she'd gotten from somebody her own age was based partially in the fact that this person seemed to know of her dad. "Yeah, he's my dad!" She said, with a smile, not wanting to scare the boy off. Mary Sue had... mixed feelings on other speedsters; it really was something growing up with a dad who could never be more than a few minutes away from you, and she felt a bit of unease at the thought that, even now, her dad could just... appear. She didn't htink he would or anything, but it made a sense of privacy something that she really didn't have.

"Are you a speedster too?" She asked, turning her head, and silently hoping the answer was no. She did want things to go well, and even if he was, it wasn't like she was going to break off any potential relationship they could have, but she'd be lying if she she said that it wouldn't be hard to make a connection with him. At the idea of a spaceship club, Mary Sue's eyes widened, and she said, "Yes please? Where's it from?" She was excited. She'd heard a bit about different kinds of aliens from her dad, but she'd never actually seen a ship before, and it sounded wildly interesting.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Zelda Flynn

Location: Stark Hall
Skills: N/A

"...I'd only really recommend capes to anyone who flies, it can sometimes help when it comes to aerodynamics and stuff like that... Flying straight, controlling directions that sort of thing, especially if you want to not worry as much about balancing yourself out and having the outfit be a bit more lightweight..." she answered Percy's question with a shrug, "For most other people I personally wouldn't really do that, but if someone wants one to be dramatic I wouldn't stop them. That I'm pretty sure is the reason a lot of people wear capes honestly..."

Zelda knew that her reasonings for being at the school was a bit on the strange side. Everyone practically wanted to just be a superhero, it kind of fit with the theming for the school in general to do something like that. But no, she preferred to do other things, and despite being able to likely hold her own in combat if needed, she preferred to be by herself for the most part. That was just the sort of thing she'd prefer overall, but she wasn't sure overall about it. Actually she typically didn't mention the full reason or things that interested her with regards to the school.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: the Field (School Carnival)
Skills: N/A
First Day Outfit

Zari looked over at Vicky when she started more or less going off on the King guy, and she couldn't help but find what she said not exactly nice with regards to it. "...If you didn't want to join, you could have just said so, you could have been a little nicer about it," she commented. The main reason she didn't join was because she wasn't all for joining clubs or anything, at least not at the moment. Maybe she'd see about looking into the club a little bit later or something, but right now she wasn't very interested in that sort of thing.

Her attention shifted though as they started heading away in general from there now, and someone that she very much didn't recognize came racing up to her and Victoria. Zari had no idea who this girl was, but she clearly knew her roommate, and she seemed to be a bit strange even for her really. "Uh... My name is Zari," she ended up managing to say to Mai, unsure what else to say, since this was a little weird. Usually she was the one rushing up to people with loads of energy asking for introductions or something like that, so she had no idea how to fully respond.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ever Faithful
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Ever Faithful Will always be Ever Faithful

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ardere Terrane

"I'm not a speedster... definitely not." Ardere answered before pausing in her step and looking at her bed, almost as if she has forgotten her identity at that moment. My powers are different. I can...heat things up. Set them on fire. Melt them too. A wicked curl formed on the ends of her lips though that cruel grin concentrates with the dark circles of regret in her eyes as the redhead glanced around the room. Awkwardness returned in the dorm room, prompting her to consider an escape from the uncomfortable silence. Teddy did mention a spaceship.

"Spaceship?" Ardere repeated, looking back to the brawny upperclassman, curiosity washing over her face. "There's a spaceship here? She mentally slapped herself; of course there's a spaceship here. It's the Avenger's Academy after all. I'll-I'll come with you guys...I don't know where to find one here.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Victoria van Dyne

Location: Foam sword fighting > Fortune telling
Skills: None used

Whatever King said has flown over Vicky, as by the time he reacted, she was already leaving in the direction of Agatha's. When Zari commented on her remark though, she pouted: "It's not that I don't want to join, although I don't. But I did not sign up to English language and rhetorics class because I approve of the misuse of the language in any of its' historical versions to look cool. If he wants to do an imitation, he would do well to put some effort into it. I don't get riled up about many things, but spoken language is already vague enough as it is without adding more confusion by using it badly."

Her phone than screamed "YOU'VE GOT MAAIIIIIIIIIL!" in the voice of Super Kami Guru from the Dragon Ball Z abridged parody twice in a row. "Allright, it looks like Andy and Leah are on their way over to-"

She failed to finish her sentence, as she was interrupted by one of the things in life she both dreaded and appreciated. Phan Le 'Chill' Mai was a walking contradiction, as far as Vicky's feelings towards her felt. Mai was, admittedly, the first person in the school that opened up to her, which genuinely helped her to come out of her shell. Without Mai, Victoria believed the endeavor might have failed altogether, and for that, she was grateful. On the other hand, to her socially awkward self, Mai was entirely too much to handle. Regular Mai could make Victoria shudder awkwardly, or be at a loss of words. This Mai was high as a kite. This was the kind of Mai that made Victoria want to flee.

Alas, it was not to be. As Mai reached out for her, Victoria thought it best to tank the glomp lest the Asian girl might fall if she tried to dodge. She stood there frozen awkwardly, before her system recovered and she gently patted the other girl on her back. "Hi, Mai. You should introduce yourself first before asking." she scolded lightheartily, stopping herself just short of using a tone of voice reserved for babies and little children. "We were heading to Agatha's, you want to come with?" she offered, trying to ignore the screaming of the olfactory sensors in her nanite shell.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sabine Bassard

Location: Outside Agatha's Tent
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

Sabine rolled her eyes at Madalyne's comment. Whatever you wanted to call it, it was basically a talent show. How else would one describe a bunch of students going up to demonstrate their abilities? Regardless of the end result, you either won or lost. If she ended up on a team full of losers, that was a loss in her book. She wouldn't want to make up for their slack.

But as April went to get her fortune and Mai poofed to who knows where, her mind raced as to what she would do for her competition. Her power wasn't one that was easily viewed. She supposed there would be some staff who could see if she was telling the truth or not, but she would have to get creative.

She came back as Danny questioned her about April. She should have expected this. Danny was true blue when it came to people he cared about. A trait that was sure to bite him at some point, but she wouldn't be the one to do so. Hell, if anyone so much as made Danny sniffle she would end their existence. But who was April to her? She had to admit, it might have started off as simple flirting, but was she ready for a commitment? "Hard to say at this point, Danny. She's cute, smart, and kind. I wouldn't say I am ready to jump headfirst into anything, but I'm not saying no either. We're young, let's see where this goes, yeah?"

She wouldn't disclose what she planned to do at the auditions. That was for her and for the others to see and be wow-ed at later.
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