NPC List

Name: Agronak
Current Stats:
Level: 18 | Form: Adult Orc (Warrior) | Tier: 3
Current Skills:
- Ingestion - Unranked -After consuming a required amount of biomass from a particular Creature, 1 of that Creature's Skills can be copied at its lowest Rank.
- Berserk - Rank II - Orc Inheritance. At the cost of suppressing one's intellect and awareness of their surroundings, an Orc enters a savage fury that increases their physical strength and numbs their sensitivity to pain. Lasts 1 minute.
- At Rank II, physical speed is also increased, though reflexes and perception remain unenhanced.
- Dusk Vision - Rank II - Orc Inheritance. One's eyes need less light to see by, allowing them to see normally in dim light conditions and half as well in darkness so long as it is not completely black. Color perception is half as accurate in dim light, and in darkness the perception of color is lost. This Skill does not apply to other vision-related Skills.
- At Rank II, color perception is returned fully in dim light.
- Danger Scan - Rank I - Ingested Skill. Detect non-living threats within 10 feet, such as hazardous terrain, traps, etc. Remain acutely aware of them for 1 minute.
- Slash - Rank I - Ingested Skill. Powerful Bladed attack to enhance a weapon or claws, etc.
- Windsprint - Rank II - Ingested Skill. Increase Speed for 30 seconds.
- At Rank II, the skill can maintain Rank I speed for 1 minute.
Equipment and Inventory:
- Reinforced Leathers - Equip, Armor - A fur lined jacket, a set of faulds, and pants made from leathers and layered with bits of metal plating and spikes. The leather is of rough quality and the metal is low quality iron.
- Old Iron Boots - Equip, Armor - A pair of boots plated with iron sabatons, shin guards, and an attached knee pad. The iron is of low quality and the boots are well-worn.
- Iron Greataxe - Equip, Weapon/Tool - A large axe requiring two hands to wield, even for those who are proud of their strength. It is a sturdy, if unaesthetic weapon. Can be used to fell trees without too much damage to the blade.
- Steel Dagger - Equip, Weapon/Tool - A well-made knife of good quality steel. It holds an edge much better than iron and is somewhat lighter. Long enough to kill a man, useful enough to clean game or most other tasks for a knife.
- Treasure Pouch - Storage Item - Agronak's treasure pouch. Only he and the person who takes it from him will know its contents.
True Age:
14 Years
Past Life:
The Warchief of the Players' tribe. He has only recently attained his position, and killed the previous Chief when they had already started to grow old and past their prime. His challenge was legitimate and followed all the required rules, but there are still murmurings that "he could have never beat the Chief in the ol' days," and Agronak sees this as a black mark on his pride as a warrior. Thus, he has a heavy hand towards insubordination and is trying to get the tribe ready for a big raid or fight of some kind where he can really prove himself as their leader.
New Life:
Orc Runt > Orc Grunt > Adult Orc, became Warrior

Name: Yambagorn
Current Stats:
Level: 9 | Form: Elder Orc (Shaman) | Tier: 3
Current Skills:
- Ingestion - Unranked -After consuming a required amount of biomass from a particular Creature, 1 of that Creature's Skills can be copied at its lowest Rank.
- Berserk - Rank I - Orc Inheritance. At the cost of suppressing one's intellect and awareness of their surroundings, an Orc enters a savage fury that increases their physical strength and numbs their sensitivity to pain. Lasts 1 minute.
- Dusk Vision - Rank II - Orc Inheritance. One's eyes need less light to see by, allowing them to see normally in dim light conditions and half as well in darkness so long as it is not completely black. Color perception is half as accurate in dim light, and in darkness the perception of color is lost. This Skill does not apply to other vision-related Skills.
- At Rank II, color perception is returned fully in dim light.
- Field Scan - Rank III - Ingested Skill. Detect life signs around the user within 30 feet, and remain aware of them for 1 minute.
- At Rank II, one can roughly sense the silhouette of the creatures within range.
- At Rank III, one can sense if a given creature is hostile, and the user's awareness remains for 2 minutes.
- Fire Bolt - Rank II - Ingested Skill. Release a magical bolt of flame to attack an enemy, with a range of 60 feet.
- At Rank II, the bolt is more powerful and produces a strong impact.
- Aid - Rank II - Granted Skill. Spend MP to heal small wounds and relieve non-threatening ailments.
- At Rank II, the skill can restore a greater amount of HP, stop light bleeding, and numb light pains.
- Scavenge - Rank III - Ingested Skill. Quickly identify useful items in the surroundings. When the User concentrates, "useful" items within 10 feet of them will appear to glow to their sight.
- At Rank II, the glow can be sensed through obstacles or darkness.
- At Rank III, the user can sense roughly what type of item it is and the range increases to 20 feet.
Equipment and Inventory:
- Shaman's Roughspun Robes - Equip, Armor/Cloths - Ol' Yamba has had more years to learn how to sew than most Runts will survive. She made these clothes herself, and while they're nothing like real armor, some of the plant fibers they're made from are especially good at protecting things in various ways.
- Gnarled Staff - Equip, Weapon/Focus - A gnarled limb from a special tree. It helps Yambagorn focus what little magic she knows, but it also seems to help when she stirs her brews as well...
- Bone Charms - Equip, Accessories - Bones, beads, flowers, dried ears...a lot of things went into making these various charms, and they have quite the eerie rattle...
- Herb Pouches - Utility - Numerous pouches for numerous ingredients--mushrooms, leaves, powders, dried bugs, living bugs...
- Treasure Pouch - Storage Item - Yambagorn's treasure pouch. Only she and the person who takes it from her will know its contents.
True Age:
37 Years
Past Life:
The Shaman of the Players' tribe. She is the oldest of all the Orcs within the group, but has never truly evolved past the Adult stage. If an Orc fails to continue their evolution before a certain age, they become an Elder. While Elders are respected for their wisdom and should still be considered quite threatening under most circumstances, they will never again change form unless the most unique of circumstances can overcome the rigors of aging. She has learned a great deal about reading the weather, tribal politics, the habits of prey animals, the time for planting crops, and the use of herbs for healing and strengthening. She has some degree of magical knowledge, but any Enlightened Mage would likely surpass her in this field. She has recently had a vision of her death, and believes she must soon find potential successors and train them.
New Life:
Orc Runt > Orc Grunt > Adult Orc, became Scout > Elder Orc, became Shaman

Name: Shamar
Current Stats:
Level: 13 | Form: Adult Orc (Scout) | Tier: 3
Current Skills:
- Ingestion - Unranked -After consuming a required amount of biomass from a particular Creature, 1 of that Creature's Skills can be copied at its lowest Rank.
- Berserk - Rank I - Orc Inheritance. At the cost of suppressing one's intellect and awareness of their surroundings, an Orc enters a savage fury that increases their physical strength and numbs their sensitivity to pain. Lasts 1 minute.
- Dusk Vision - Rank III - Orc Inheritance. One's eyes need less light to see by, allowing them to see normally in dim light conditions and half as well in darkness so long as it is not completely black. Color perception is half as accurate in dim light, and in darkness the perception of color is lost. This Skill does not apply to other vision-related Skills.
- At Rank II, color perception is returned fully in dim light.
- At Rank III, color perception is half as accurate in darkness.
- Danger Scan - Rank I - Ingested Skill. Detect non-living threats within 10 feet, such as hazardous terrain, traps, etc. Remain acutely aware of them for 1 minute.
- Scavenge - Rank II - Ingested Skill. Quickly identify useful items in the surroundings. When the User concentrates, "useful" items within 10 feet of them will appear to glow to their sight.
- At Rank II, the glow can be sensed through obstacles or darkness.
- Muffle - Rank II - Ingested Skill. Muffle the sounds of your movements to become stealthy. The user's footsteps will be significantly more quiet, but this is only a deduction from the normal amount of noise they would make. Therefore, one's armor, weight, etc may still produce sounds beyond a certain level.
- At Rank II, one can stifle the sounds of their interactions with the environment as well--a sudden fall or a snapped twig will be suppressed, though they may still produce sounds beyond a certain level.
Equipment and Inventory:
- Wolf Cape - Equip, Armor - The hide of a large wolf, a trophy from a past hunt. Provides some measure of protection against the elements, but only a little against weapons.
- Buckskins - Equip, Armor - Bits of hide, grass, treebark, bones, leather, and all other sorts of things bound into functional clothing. Serves as partial protection, but is especially useful as camouflage in the wilds, rendering the wearer much more stealthy.
- Iron Hand Axe - Equip, Weapon/Tool - An axe is a sturdy, if unaesthetic weapon. Can be used to fell trees without too much damage to the blade.
- Shortbow - Equip, Weapon - A well-made shortbow of springy wood. Its recurve design, figured out after years of experimentation, allows it to shoot with greater power and range than a bow of this size usually would.
- Treasure Pouch - Storage Item - Shamar's treasure pouch. Only she and the person who takes it from her will know its contents.
True Age:
12 Years
Past Life:
The Head Hunter under Warchief Agronak, Shamar's job is to train scouts and rangers for the duties of patrolling the tribe's territory, setting and harvesting traps for fish and small game, and bringing down larger beasts. Shamar is somewhat of a social outcast among the tribe, because she hasn't whelped any broods of her own and has killed at least one potential mate. It's hard to recruit hunters in the first place because every young, black-eyed Runt wants to be a mighty warrior instead of a scout who lurks in the shadows, and given her ostracization Shamar has been left to take on most of her burden alone. It's wearing on her and the dissatisfaction is abundantly clear.
New Life:
Orc Runt > Orc Grunt > Adult Orc, became Scout

Name: Auguz
Current Stats:
Level: 16 | Form: Adult Orc (Warrior) | Tier: 3
Current Skills:
- Ingestion - Unranked -After consuming a required amount of biomass from a particular Creature, 1 of that Creature's Skills can be copied at its lowest Rank.
- Berserk - Rank II - Orc Inheritance. At the cost of suppressing one's intellect and awareness of their surroundings, an Orc enters a savage fury that increases their physical strength and numbs their sensitivity to pain. Lasts 1 minute.
- At Rank II, physical speed is also increased, though reflexes and perception remain unenhanced.
- Dusk Vision - Rank I - Orc Inheritance. One's eyes need less light to see by, allowing them to see normally in dim light conditions and half as well in darkness so long as it is not completely black. Color perception is half as accurate in dim light, and in darkness the perception of color is lost. This Skill does not apply to other vision-related Skills.
- Skewer - Rank I - Ingested Skill. Powerful Piercing strike to enhance a thrusting weapon or horns, etc.
- Slash - Rank I - Ingested Skill. Powerful Bladed attack to enhance a weapon or claws, etc.
- Tough - Rank II - Ingested Skill. Passive increase to one's natural defenses.
- At Rank II, one's resistance to flinching and being knocked off balance is increased.
Equipment and Inventory:
- Woven Braids - Equip, Armor - Natural cordage and fibers intertwined to make thick, resilient braids. Used to tie together other pieces of clothing or armor, or even when wrapped around the limbs by themselves, they form a thick covering. Though they are vulnerable to slashing attacks, they provide a fair measure of defense.
- Partial Leathers - Equip, Armor - A few pieces of armor here and there, made from sturdy leather. However, the quality has degraded over time.
- Iron Arming Sword - Equip, 1H Weapon - Anyone who studies the blade has held one of these at least once. Though easy to mass produce, these blades are somewhat lacking in quality and balance compared to higher quality materials. Auguz stole this one from an unlucky human who stumbled into the tribe's territory back when he was just a Grunt.
- Treasure Pouch - Storage Item - Auguz's treasure pouch. Only he and the person who takes it from him will know its contents.
True Age:
13 Years
Past Life:
The Head Warrior under Warchief Agronak, Auguz is in charge of training the young orcs, making sure all the village's crafters are maintaining the old armory and building new armories, enforcing discipline, and generally being the second in command of martial affairs the way the Shaman is second in command of the tribe's social structure. Currently, he thinks the latest broods have been raised too softly because the Old Chief had reduced the frequency of raiding and fighting in favor of building up the camp. He's pushing the Runts hard to try and separate the wheat from the chaff.
Some have wondered if he'll ever challenge Agronak for the position of Warchief, but it seems unlikely. He and Agronak are full blood-brothers, something rare in Orc society given that both broodmothers and strong males don't have much concept of monogamy. Agronak has long established himself as the dominant brother, and there's some disdain of kinslaying among full-bloods, so Auguz has probably never considered being that ambitious.
New Life:
Orc Runt > Orc Grunt > Adult Orc, became Warrior

Name: Bowbh (Say "Bob" like you're underwater)
Current Stats:
Level: 20 | Form: Adult Orc (Crafter) | Tier: 3
Current Skills:
- Ingestion - Unranked -After consuming a required amount of biomass from a particular Creature, 1 of that Creature's Skills can be copied at its lowest Rank.
- Berserk - Rank I - Orc Inheritance. At the cost of suppressing one's intellect and awareness of their surroundings, an Orc enters a savage fury that increases their physical strength and numbs their sensitivity to pain. Lasts 1 minute.
- Dusk Vision - Rank I - Orc Inheritance. One's eyes need less light to see by, allowing them to see normally in dim light conditions and half as well in darkness so long as it is not completely black. Color perception is half as accurate in dim light, and in darkness the perception of color is lost. This Skill does not apply to other vision-related Skills.
- Smash - Rank III - Ingested Skill. Powerful Bludgeoning hit to enhance a blunt weapon or fists, etc.
- At Rank II, it's even stronger.
- At Rank III, it's even stronger.
- Material Analysis - Rank III - Granted Skill. Gain information about the Material Components of the target. Higher Ranks give more detailed information.
- Tough - Rank II - Ingested Skill. Passive increase to one's natural defenses.
- At Rank II, one's resistance to flinching and being knocked off balance is increased.
Equipment and Inventory:
- Leather Overalls - Equip, Armor/Clothes - Actual clothing, made by an actual tailor for an actual blacksmith. Too bad he's dead now.
- Tool Belt - Equip, Clothes/Utility - The now-dead blacksmith also had a proper toolbelt. Bowbh is putting it to good use and has actually developed a great deal of respect and reverence towards his own tools.
- Iron Smith's Hammer - Equip, Weapon/Tool - A heavy headed hammer on a sturdy wooden handle. You could probably kill a Runt just by dropping the thing on their skull. When someone like Bowbh swings it, it's just as effective a killing implement as a tool of artistry.
- Treasure Pouch - Storage Item - Bowbh's treasure pouch. Only he and the person who takes it from him will know its contents.
True Age:
Past Life:
Bowbh is considered middle-aged for an Orc, maybe even old for a tribe that's seen as much combat as this one has. Some say his father was an Ogre or some variety of Giant, others say he evolved into a Big Variant like some Dire Rats and Slimes do when they level up after eating enormous amounts of food. Whatever the case, it's surprising that an Orc who stands over 6 feet tall and weighs more than 250 pounds is a Crafter rather than a Warrior. But at some point in his youth, Bowbh was actually captured and taken from the tribe for a period of time. He somehow found his way back to them, missing an eye and much more reticent than he used to be, but he's never really talked about the experience since.
Then again, Bowbh doesn't talk a lot to begin with. Or's not that he can't, or doesn't want to, but it's like there's...a problem. The things he sees in his head--designs that most other Orcs wouldn't have the brains to understand--it's like there's a missing connection between his brain and his mouth. The words don't come out right. Or maybe they do, and he just doesn't have the right words in his vocabulary. He's damn good at making stuff, though, and that's all he really cares about.
New Life:
Orc Runt > Orc Grunt > Adult Orc, became Crafter

Name: Builge ("bull-gee," like "geek")
Current Stats:
Level: 6 | Form: Orc Grunt | Tier: 2
Current Skills:
- Ingestion - Unranked -After consuming a required amount of biomass from a particular Creature, 1 of that Creature's Skills can be copied at its lowest Rank.
- Dusk Vision - Rank I - Orc Inheritance. One's eyes need less light to see by, allowing them to see normally in dim light conditions and half as well in darkness so long as it is not completely black. Color perception is half as accurate in dim light, and in darkness the perception of color is lost. This Skill does not apply to other vision-related Skills.
- Blunt Damage Resistance - Rank I - Ingested Skill. Passive Resistance against Blunt Damage is increased.
- Empty Slot
- Empty Slot
Equipment and Inventory:
- Partial Leathers - Equip, Armor/Clothes - Bits and pieces of leather armor made by tanning pelts. It's of quite poor quality and hasn't been maintained well, when it wasn't built very sturdily to begin with. It looks kind of impressive because it's been dyed a bright, bloody red though.
- Dual War Scythes - Equip, Weapons - Builge claims he was once part of a raid on a human army. The only truth of it was that the farmers on their way to market had been conscripted soldiers, and thus had a pair of homemade tools-turned-weapons with them for safety. He selfishly claimed both weapons for himself even though he'd only helped kill one of the militiamen, and then promptly shortened their handles about a foot each so he could hold them both at the same time (defeating the purpose of a polearm).
True Age:
8 Years
Past Life:
A Grunt who's gotten too big for his britches, Builge's official "job" is that of a lookout. He's supposed to stay out of everyone else's way, make sure no outsiders get into the camp, and do whatever the adults tell him to. Despite constantly coming up with excuses to skip out on training, he's a naturally large specimen for his age. It follows that he's not quite bright, and takes joy in bullying all the other Runts born in the broods after his (which includes yours, of course). He has lofty aspirations of being Head Warrior, and even Warchief, someday and lacks the patience, foresight, and impulse control to see that now probably isn't the best time for such ambitions. Luckily, he knows he'd get his ass kicked so it's unlikely he'll issue a challenge anytime soon.
New Life:
Orc Runt > Orc Grunt