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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

The crystal clear memory, the moment of your death, burns at the back of your vision in exquisite detail. In this image, time freezes and every minutia stands out for you to ponder at your leisure. Behind it, the rest of your memories stretch into infinity like an endless hall of mirrors. Somehow you know you will never forget any of it. Moments of bliss and despair, weakness and triumph alike, engraved into eternity.

It would seem that you are alone, in this “eternity.” Endless darkness stretches out in every direction. Yet you feel claustrophobic, as if sealed in a box waiting to be opened. You stand upon a floor, but to look down reveals no shadow nor footprint. You are not sure if the pristine, featureless expanse is emptiness, or shadow. You have a body, but your eyes, nose, and every nerve may as well be nonexistent for all the perception they provide.

Yet your ears hear a voice.

“Awaken, O bereaved spirit of another realm…”

You are reborn.

The Orc Camp: Your New Home

You awakened with what was possibly the worst headache you’d ever known. It felt as if you had just had a vivid dream that lasted…days? Weeks? Months? You dreamed you were a little creature, a miserable Runt of a thing, and that you struggled to survive every single day even as an infant. You dreamed memories that weren’t your own, names that didn’t make any sense, and other creatures that were bigger, stronger, and far meaner than you.

Then you realized it hadn’t been a dream. But you, the real you, had indeed woken up.

You found yourself in the Brood Pit, a large, circular dugout beneath an overhang of rock. The entire camp rested at the base of a mountain, with a sloping ledge and trails at its edge that led down past rocky brushland to a dense treeline. Many of the camp’s shelters were thus carved into the rocky outcrops and cliff faces, though tents and crude wooden buildings were scattered around as well. The Brood Pit’s name came from the fact that this was where baby orcs were left while the broodmothers went about their other activities. Hidden from the sight of flying raptors by the rocks, and kept from escaping by the walls of the pit and several guards who were always on duty, the infants would be quite safe here until they matured into proper Runts.

Which became the case for yourself and many others, as of today.

“OI! WAKE UP, YA BUNCHA MUKHS!” A mukh was some kind of insult to the Orcs, implying low status, subservience, dumb muscle…a mook, basically. You saw several of the other Runts snap to attention. And a huge, looming figure appeared above the pit—the Head Warrior, Auguz.

“Today’s the day, Runts!” he roared, causing some of the younger infants to start bawling. The wetnurses, a couple of pudgy, older Orc females, began gathering the babies to them and hushing them with food—such as fat, squirming grubworms and some kind of pasty gray gruel. Auguz looked over you and the rest of your generation with an appraising eye, and subtly nodded. He opened the wicker gate of the Brood Pit’s protective fence, and forcefully gestured until all the Orc Runts filed out.

“Today is yer first hunt!” He walked around the group like a drill sergeant, though the Runts were the furthest thing from disciplined or trained. “You’re to go into the forest, find somethin’ good to eat—and kill it, pray-fur-ably!—then bring it back here! IN ONE PIECE!” He violently pantomimed to get his point across. “Ya don’t eat it! Ya don’t tear it up! Ya bring it back, to PROVE to us that ya gots what it TAKES!” He suddenly drew a long, somewhat worse for wear sword and began waving it around, almost putting out more than one eye with it.

“If’n ya comes back alive, then ya gets to come outta the Brood Pit for good, and start trainin’ to be a REAL Orc! And if ya can’t do that…” His voiced lowered to a threatening growl. “Then don’t come back at all!”

“Uh…if we couldn’t get back, uh, alive…wouldn’t we’s be deads?” piped up one Runt. Auguz whirled and smacked him with a backhand across the face, knocking him to the dirt.


Mutters and mumblings began breaking out among the other Runts, and it seemed a few of them were already scrambling back to the pit to grab what few possessions they had available to them. Some proudly declared what they would be hunting or where they would go. Those dream-like memories within you bubbled up again.

You knew very little about this world. But your human mind had long been able to process what was going on around you, even as an infant in your new body. Thus, you had overheard other Orc hunters talking about their activities. You had seen creatures brought in, butchered for their meat and other useful things. And perhaps even an “attack” or two, where some unlucky mukh wasn’t watching where he stepped or the camp guards got caught lacking. So you knew about a few kinds of creatures and resources in the area.

You just had to decide what to do from here.

A New Quest is Available.

Quest Giver: Head Warrior Auguz
Quest Details: Find Something to Eat and Bring it Back Whole.

  • Kill a Creature
  • Keep the Target in High Quality Condition
  • Return to Camp Uninjured



[[OOC: Feel free to add or flesh out anything about the scene that you feel would’ve prompted a response from your character. The “target selection” only applies to what you’re hunting for the Quest—there are plenty of other things you might find if you go looking for them! Ask if you need any further details and feel free to go off in search of named NPCs or interact a bit before heading out…or whatever you decide to do!]]
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Hmm. A most curious name had been given to her this time around, but not much else it seemed. Rags to cover her, a wooden stick, and a rock. Then being thrown into a mission alongside her new kin to see if they could fend in a basic manner for themselves or die trying. A trial by fire, then, to weed out weakness and ensure strength among a people that seemed to value such things. Not that it didn't make sense in their predicament, and after what the Divine Spirit who had spoken to them had said. Not that the other figure had gone out of notice to her either as well, for that matter.

Basic survival? Ah. The prospect was almost refreshingly familiar to her, somehow, as old memories and things from the past came back to her wakening mind. Things honed since her time on the island and on it likewise came to mind. Things witnessed in infancy in a new life. Yes. This would do. And the system pinging in with a new quest was certainly useful to keep tabs on things.

When the Head Warrior gestured for them to come out of the Brood Pit, she did so quietly and without a word. Maintained herself as simply someone in the background of the group of Runts she, and anyone else brought here for all she knew, and listened to the Head Warrior's instructions as she observed him primarily from her position. His demeanor. His emotion. His tone. His body language. On occasion her eyes would silently look about the rest of the Runts in the group as well, seeing how they were processing or handling the situation.

Yet as others ran back to grab their things, Lazash had walked out initially from the Pit with all she had either worn on her or in her hands. Not much, but it felt like second nature to do in such a situation at the same time.

She would briefly watch as other Runts would start to run back into the Pit to grab their things or declaring what they would go after, but her calm silence did not cease simply because many of her currently-alive peers were getting excited. Thus not skipping a beat, she would walk up to Auguz and give him a respectful but simple nod before asking a simple question where only he and she could hear-

"Head Warrior. Do you know where any creatures that come out at night sleep during the day?"

She would keep her tone as respectful as she could, though whether it mattered if she got slapped to the ground or got an answer or nothing at all from it was another thing. Once Auguz clearly had answered her, or didn't answer, or whatever the case was, Lazash would make sure she had her stick and rock in hand before walking oddly calmly past him and out toward the woods. She had a quest to complete if she was to be around longer.

Her first step was to head in outright and scout things out, getting away from the camp exterior with possible Dire Rats, and heading into the woods proper as soon as possible. The idea was to enter with caution, keeping an attentive set of eyes on her surroundings as she moved in. Didn't want to step in some burrow, or slip on a slime, get ambushed by a Tatzelwurm, or similar things if she could help it.

In particular she would be keeping a careful eye on things to this end. But her primary goal was clear to her otherwise, and that was to see if any other caves were nearby at the base of this mountain wherein something like a bat or other nocturnal animal might sleep. Something that would be resting during the day, more vulnerable than those creatures that came out during the time the sun was up. That or if she could find any other unusual or unique creatures, locations, or things out there beyond what she knew.

If she ran into a Slime or Tatzelwurm, some kind of edible herb or material she knew about by now, or even something else unknown otherwise, along the way? Well, that'd certainly be something. Perhaps even a bonus, depending on what said creature was and the situation at hand. Hence why she was and would be moving along in an expeditious yet distinctly careful manner through the woods, not trying to stick close to other Runts that might rush out there more hastily in case they stirred up anything or brought some unwanted attention.

If, for some reason, the Head Warrior did give her any information of worth for her search then she'd make whatever good use she could out of that.

And if she ran into anything she wanted to, or noticed other creatures along the way, she'd try to cast her Creature Analysis on them to start collecting information.



[Target Selected: Nocturnal Creature(s)

Destination: To find a habitat or home of some kind of Nocturnal Creatures, which would be asleep during the daytime, preferably the kinds that would be in another cave such as bats.]

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 1 hr ago


// So this is what hell is like //

Darkness, permeating eternal void of nothing. It wasn’t cold or warm he couldn’t feel his arms or wiggle his toes. He couldn’t open his eyes his senses couldn’t smell, hear, taste, or feel anything. Not even nausea at the weightless ness he was experiencing. Was he in a coma? All he could remember was the snow storm then a truck horn then nothing. How long has he been floating through this place. A voice interrupted his thoughts, he didn’t hear it like he thought he would, he heard It in his mind. A faint voice, a feminine voice then the opening of giant gates into a grand room.

All he could do was simply stare at what was happening before him and listen to her words. Words that were both soothing and powerful. She was speaking of another world and all he could think as his mind tried to rationalize and embrace this new information was think this was some kind of weird purgatory or a side effect of being in a coma.

“Some say that the Orcs were born on the battlefield; the twisted hearts of soldiers in trenches and mass graves, brought out by years of brutal conflict like a blooming flower in the warmth of spring. As if within the heart of every man or elf is an Orc waiting to be set free--the intrusive thoughts, the trauma within the soul, the battlefield that many soldiers never return from even after their bodies are back home among family and friends. I will hope that your experience with war was not so tragic.”

Field Scan - Rank I - Ingested Skill. Detect life signs around the user within 30 feet, and remain aware of them for 1 minute.
Familiar Bond - Rank I - Create a magical bond with a creature to tame it. Unlike Summoning, this often requires a great deal of time spent, and the creature must remain by the tamer's side. Rather than expending magic power, the proper resources must be present to maintain the Familiar's needs. At Rank I, only Tier I creatures can be persuaded to become a Familiar.
Channel Weapon - Rank I - Produce a special physical energy aura to increase the power and durability of a given weapon. Consumes Stamina as long as the aura is maintained, or until after a successful attack has made contact. At Rank I, the boost is roughly 5% the weapon's original qualities.
Danger Scan - Rank I - Detect non-living threats within 10 feet, such as hazardous terrain, traps, etc. Remain acutely aware of them for 1 minute.

“If it is any solace to you, the truck driver was not harmed, and though your family has been broken by the loss, they are well cared for by loved ones and friends...”

A thought pinged in his mind like wasn’t able to explain let alone the words spoken to him, he was told to choose one? The only thing he really understood from the list in its entirety was the first one and mentally selected it without truly thinking as his mind was lost concentrating on the fleeting words of this place and this strange lady. It spoke of his time in the war or maybe of stories long forgotten of war. He never was in trenches so to speak on deployment in the mountains and another with the villages he did do things he wasn’t proud of but he still did them.

She continued on with her stories and words, words like Aedven, orcs, knights, wizards, and magic. More about not being heroes but to see their potential, to understand all languages and remember their past. What did she mean by you shall be an orc, he remembered a few things from the time in the army but not much, just stupid brutes kind of like marines.

Was this hell was this what he deserved? He wouldn’t say he didn’t deserve it even with the good that he tried to do every day to get passed what he did. Then there was the last part, no injuries and a broken family? Was he truly gone then no coma just straight to hell? At least they were taken care of and now he can try to repair what he did to deserve this. As he continued to what felt like free falling towards some primitive encampment.

“Wake up recruit!” shooting awake mid sleep as he heard something from his past and immediately snapped to attention looking around and clutching his head. Momentarily caught between what was a dream and what was real trying to anchor himself to something. When something big began to yell at them and pulled him back to reality anyway “OI! WAKE UP, YA BUNCHA MUKHS!”. He quickly made his way out the gate when it was opened. It seemed that in times of stress he was now defaulting to memories of time spent in the army. he didn't have a bunch of time to think about what or who was in front of him but he did know who the big boss was.

A basic mission to test their abilities and show just how harsh the Orcish upbringing was. Sounded dangerous when all he had was a stick and sharp rock. Bring the prey back in one piece no time limit just get it done by the end of the day. So what if he got more than one then and ate the other? More than likely wasn’t a good idea if these orcs “shared” everything. For a moment all he could do was stare at the war chief and his beaten sword in thought before moving toward one of the exits after making sure he had his stick and sharp rock.

He remembered a few things from the goings on of the camp and the orc gossip. At least some of the edible plants seemed like they could hold him over for a little while but maybe he could just hunt something and drag it around till he hunted something else and ate that one instead? These strategies were simple and he knew he had to get these things first so maybe just knowing these things was good enough.

The sudden notification of the “quest” made him flinch for a moment Find something to eat and bring it back whole. Sounded simple enough. The list of targets was fairly big so he decided on random and just observe his new surroundings for a little while. Who knows by the way that weird lady was speaking it sounded like he wasn’t the only one sent here. Standing straight with a posture and walk that displayed purpose he made his way to just outside the camp and looked around. Deciding to stay there for a moment before proceeding.

As he stood b the entrance gathering the lay of the land and how it flowed he didn't realize he had quietly started humming to the tune of don’t stop believing by journey.


<<Current Quest: Find Something to Eat and Bring it Back Whole.
Hunt Selected: Random
Location: just outside the camp examining the area.>>
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Location: Orc Camp
Quest: Hunt for Food!
Current Activity: Looking around the orc camp for supplies

It's hard to remember one's youth, least of all when you had the rare opportunity to live two lives. Gren was awoken by the shouting and instinctively started swinging his arms, as usually when someone starts shouting that meant they were trying to attack him and a good punch to the jaw shuts them up quickly. But aside from bonking an unfortunate runt who was too close, Gren was not being attacked by anyone. He sat up and saw a bunch of the other kids line up for something so he ran over to see what it was all about. That's when he heard that it was time for the babies to become orcs! Or well, runts. But it was better than being a baby!

The job was simple. Go into the forest, kill something, bring it back. Sure there was some more nuances like "Don't eat the thing you kill" and "bring it back in one piece", but these minor details were stuff that Gren didn't feel the need to dwell on. And if anything he needed to figure out what he was going to hunt. He wanted something big, something to show the older orcs he was a good warrior, but he also didn't want to die. To that end, Gren went to grab his stuff, which was a stick and a pointy rock he had, like all young orcs. Despite being a wee youth even he knew that these tools weren't going to be enough to hunt most animals. Made him wish he had a gun. Then it made him think, what was a gun again? Memories started to fill his head that he wasn't sure was memories or just dreams... Or maybe he's just hungry.

Gren had a new idea. No sense in hunting on an empty stomach. While he's out there, he ought to get something to eat first. He's heard about some mushrooms that the hunters would eat that'll keep them full all day. Nothing they ever feed the grunts, but it is something you can find out in the field, so Gren figures he ought to find that first so he can hunt and fight on a full stomach. Otherwise he might actually eat whatever he chooses to hunt first, which is exactly what he's not suppose to do. Next, Gren would need to figure out how to hunt most of the beasts in the forest. While he was confident that he could just bash them with his stick, they're also usually faster than him and might run away if he's close to killing them. So he'll need something that'll let him hurt them from afar. Fortunately he remembers seeing some of the old women make rope some vines and tree bark, and that gave Gren an idea. He could make a sling, get some rocks, and use that to throw at the animals and hurt them. Maybe even kill them.

Finally Gren needed to find something to actually kill. Slimes were just about everywhere and probably something he could kill easily, but he has no idea how he'd bring one back "whole". Maybe if he had a bucket or something, but if he wanted one he'd have to go find one in the camp. Which he might do, now that he thinks about it. Plenty of supplies in the camp he might be able to take with him if he's fast. Still slimes aren't really that impressive to kill and he's never eaten a slime before, so he doubts the orcs would like it if he brought back one of them. Direrats are a bit more impressive and actually have some meat on them, but even Gren knew they could be dangerous due to their bites. No, if anything Gren ought to hunt a Jackalope. They might not be that aggressive but Gren knew that their horns and hides are useful to the crafters, and Gren wanted to get on their good side. Plus the meat was tasty.

Thus Gren had a plan. First, find something to eat. Second, find stuff to use to hunt. Finally, kill a Jackalope. While he's sure the older orc expects the runts to run into the forest now, Gren ops to take a detour and look around camp for stuff he can use, things that the other orcs throw out and he might want. Scrap cloth, bits of string or ropes, bones stripped of their meat. Heck if he could manage it he'd just take stuff like a pot or bucket so he could use it as a helmet. Of course, Gren also doesn't want to end up getting beaten by his elders, so if it looks like they aren't going to be an easy mark, Gren would rather avoid incurring their ire. Maybe, since he's fairly big and eager to please, some of the elders might be willing to lend him stuff if he does a few chores for them around the forest or camp. It's not like there was a time limit or anything, though Gren does hope to do some hunting before the day's end.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Such A Birch
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Such A Birch The Friendly Fighting Tree

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Darkness and ethereal light danced across his vision in waves that seemed to entrance his senses despite the the unsettling nature of them. A gentle voice belaying the power it originated from, whispered into his now pointed and, frankly, oversized ears like the memory of music. Phantasmal and effervescent. Despite the pleasantness of this dreamlike memory, it was the fetid smell of unwashed flesh and damp heat of proximity that nudged Duram from muddled sleep to reluctant consciousness. and not a moment too soon as the rough and discordant voice of the Head Warrior crashed through the Broodpit like a pack of angry mandrills.

As he gazed about the pit, taking notice of the more eager individuals chomping at the bit to prove themselves, he couldn't help the giggle that escaped at the irony of his current situation.

'My life in my world ended in an enclosure just for my new one to start in another. Here I was told gods don't have a sense of humour' He thought with a sardonic grin.

Duram gathered his meager belongings as he went over any relevant information he could recall about this quest. His mind immediately latched onto the Leppa fruit he had seen some of the older orcs enjoy, he didn't much care for the thought of hunting something for glory. Intent of just gathering food and only dealing with a hostile animal if necessary. Though the thought of the blue orb shaped fruit reminded him of the guard that had been ambushed some time back. That was roughly the same time others were being warned of Tatzleworms in the trees.

It was a creature that he was somewhat familiar with considering some of his high school friends had been obsessed with cryptids and SCP's. It was said to have the head and front limbs of a cat and the body of a snake. An interesting creature to say the least and the small animal lover couldn't help but be fascinated as his mind wandered. Did its behaviour reflect that of other felines or was it more reptilian? Was it scaly or furry? Nocturnal or diurnal? It was obviously an ambush predator, did it camouflage like reptiles or was it due to coloration and pattern? What was -

His mental questioning of the specifics of the amalgam creature were cut short as he reached the outskirts of the camp on his way to a nearby copse of trees. His plans of climbing and seeking a better vantage point halted for the moments as a familiar sound registered in his mind. It was coming from a mo-hawked runt with uneven tusks. Not that Duram could talk considering he still had his milk tusks, minuscule as they were. Agar if he remembered correctly, was humming a tune that realistically had no place in this new land. Shocked and more than a bit apprehensive of the possibility, Duram decided to do the same thing he always did when this song played on the zoo's P.A system. He quietly sung along with a small smile.

"Strangers waitin'. Up and down the boulevard..."

Mentions: @ReusableSword
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


She had died younger than she would have liked.

A lot of people probably thought the same, or would have if they could, but she felt that dying in a pool of her own blood at age eighteen in particular was something she was allowed to feel regretful of. Akeno didn’t question the truth of her own death, it wasn’t hard to believe when she could still vividly remember what it had felt like as the knife entered her body, recall the panicked look on her killers face before he fled, the sensation of warm blood spreading across her stomach and side as she found herself laying on her back and not remembering how she got there.

No, that wasn’t something she could just dream up.

All because she had the bad luck to find herself in that situation and the bad judgement to let it end the way it had. It was easy to feel bitter about that, easy to wallow and give in to either anger or misery; easy, but not helpful. If she’d ended up in heaven or hell she could indulge in those feelings for as long as she liked, for all of eternity even, but she wasn’t so lucky as to end up in either of those places; like it or not she’d been given a second chance at life, of a sort. Not the second chance she would have asked for, nor the one she wanted, but she’d been given something that she needed to keep working at if she didn’t want to end up dead again.

Akeno hadn’t considered herself a religious person in life, she still didn’t consider herself one now even though she’d literally met what might have been a divine being, but if an afterlife did exist she wouldn’t ever have guessed it would involve being reborn as an orc into a fantasy world where magic and elves and winged goddesses existed. Reincarnation had been one of the options, she supposed, but not like this. You weren’t supposed to remember who you were in the versions of reincarnation people spoke of in religious texts; you weren’t supposed to wake up in the body of a child, a toddler, with knowledge of two lives lived, one much shorter than the other, rushing into your head all at once. Or was she an orc child suddenly remembering a life she had never lived? Was she Akeno in the body of an orc, or was she an orc who remembered the life of Akeno? Was there a difference? Technically speaking her name wasn’t even Akeno anymore. She had been given a new name to go with this new body, something harsh and ugly sounding, but now that she remembered who she was there was no reason to keep answering to it. Her name was Akeno Kudo, or just Akeno now she supposed; she had no family here.

Philosophical and theological questions aside for now, Akeno had work ahead of her. It seemed that today was the day she was going to become an adult in the eyes of the… tribe? Clan? It was the day all of the children were to prove themselves ready to leave the nest and become a proper member of whatever this group was called. That, or die trying. It was a very Spartan method of child rearing that she was suddenly being thrust into, though even with death being a real possibility this whole quest thingvwas still relatively low down on her list of concerns right now.

As some of the other runts rushed back to get their belongings and others rushed out towards the woods to complete the task they were given, Akeno lingered at the edge of the brood pit long enough for the rush to die down before walking out of camp and towards the woods as well. But rather than rush deep into the brush looking for animals or things to forage, she circled around the camp and entered the woods from a different point and began searching until she found a small clearing that was far away enough not to be visible from the camp but hopefully close enough that nothing dangerous lurked nearby.

Ever since she had come into awareness of herself in this world, something had been bothering her about her new body; something off. It would have been weird trying to figure this out in the camp with all those orcs around her, but in the assumed privacy of this clearing she could finally check. With a final glance around to confirm she was alone, Akeno held her arms out in front of her, stretching her fingertips as far forward as they would go, then raised her arms up above her head and did the same, arching her back and stretching her entire body out. Leaning forward, she tried to touch her toes without bending her knees and found she was able to do so, but not without feeling an uncomfortable burning sensation in her waist and lower back. Standing back up, Akeno held one arm out in front of her again and wrapped the fingers of her opposite hand around her forearm, then moved them up to her bicep and curled her arm to flex it. Letting out a sigh, Akeno let both arms to her side.

This body was weak.

There was muscle definition, that just seemed to come naturally to orcs she guessed, but it wasn’t much and definitely a far cry from the level of fitness she had in her previous life. She had been lean then, tall with long limbs and built for speed rather than power, but now she was basically scrawny; her arms and legs were thin, she lacked the flexibility she had developed over years and probably her sense of balance too, and she didn’t need to look down to see that her stomach was smooth and slightly protruding. It was like all of the effort and training she had put in other the last seven years of her life had been reset, like she was back in the body of a child. No, it wasn’t such like that, she was in the body of a child; an orc child, but still just a child.

At least her eyes seemed to be good; she wouldn’t know for sure until she got into a fight but she could see clearly and her visual acuity was probably about the same as before. Her body could be trained, given enough time, but if she had poor eyesight in this new life she wasn’t sure what she would have done; odds were low that there was anything like an optometrist around here. But her reach… if she compared herself to the other orcs in the brood pit then she was tall, she thought, but compared to everything else she was small.

The only thing she still had from her old life was her memories; her experiences and her training. But whether or not she could even use them with a body like this she wasn’t sure. And that was the real reason she wanted to come out here. Akeno took a deep breath, held it for a second and let it out in a long slow exhale, then took a starting stance.

She started with a basic kata, one of the entry-level ones, the Taikyoku Jodan; it was basically just a high block followed by a punch, repeated multiple times in multiple directions. Akeno had no problems performing it from memory, but her movements left something to be desired; her arm was a little slow to reach above her head for the block and her punches lacked snap. Repeating it while putting more effort into the motions helped a little, but it still didn’t feel natural. Frustrated, she moved on to a different kata, a more complicated one; Gekisai Dai Ichi. Again, her recitation of the movements was fine, but the movements themselves… everything felt sluggish, it felt like a struggle to get her body to cooperate and the end result was inadequate. It was like she was a beginner again, back to the clumsy child that was first learning karate and was unable to keep up with the rest of the class; the child that wanted to give up, before it began to make sense to her. Only now it was worse, because she knew what it was like to be able to do this and do it well.

If she was like this then she wasn’t sure how she was going to be able to fight, let alone hunt something. Not that she wanted to kill something anyway, but still.

There was still the skill she was given, the one she had picked because she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to do karate at all without it, but she didn’t know how to activate it. Did she have to call it out like some kind of special attack, or was it something that only worked in a fight? The description of it said it needed to be activated. Lacking a better idea, Akeno fell into a starting stance again and tried to visualise an opponent in front of her, someone she had fought against in the last tournament she entered before her death. Taking another deep breath, she exhale and began the same kata again, this time with an opponent in front of her.

This time it was there.

Her body felt light. Her body felt strong. Her body moved in the way that she wanted it to, in synch with her mind in a way it hadn’t been before. Her arms snapped into the block position, her fists snapped against the air, she didn’t have to readjust her balance every time she raised a leg for a kick. It was karate, just the way it had felt before.

And then it ended.

Akeno breathed in, suddenly short of breath and let her body relax. She could still do it, albeit in short bursts and through the use of a skill, but even in this body she could still do it. It seemed to take a lot out of her, but the description said it just needed to be activated at Rank 1; so did that mean if she levelled this skill up, it could be active all the time? That wouldn’t be a substitute for getting stronger, putting some muscle on this small frame, but it was something to consider.

If she was going to fight, if Akeno was going to avoid dying a second time, she would need to both strengthen this body and also regain her karate.

But before either of those, she was going to need to find something to eat.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Grunthor grumbled quietly to himself as he rubbed his eyes, easing the new mindblowing headache by applying pressure to his upper sinuses and getting the pleasant tingles from the first day eye rubs. Sitting up his mind wandered, the Goddess of this realm was using him, and potentially others, as some sort of experiment. What was the purpose? To see if orcs could become more than brutal humanoids? For what purpose? He didn't ask these questions though since he was guaranteed no answers. He also hadn't thought of them until recently, he was always a bit slow when it came to asking things beyond how to do some physical activity that he was unfamiliar with.

He did remember to memorize the skills that had been made available to choose from. They were simple enough, hell most of those 'skills' were just basic strikes and combinations. Did giving them a name hold that much significance? His thoughts were interrupted by the Head Warrior bellowing into the Brood Pit to give the newest generation that was able to move and speak their job. Which was to not be a useless sack of meat and get something food related for the tribe.

Their objective give the rest scampered back to get their makeshift weapons and skittered off. Grunthor however stood there and thought about what to hunt. The dire rats were capable of inflicting sicknesses, the birds could breathe fire, the snake cats were capable of poison, slimes held no detriment beyond physical capability, and the horny rabbit was speedy and quick to flee. Only the slime and jackalope were 'safe' to hunt without any lasting effects on his own person.

While trying to decide he gathered his stick and his sharp rock, not his weapons of choice but his new body was not trained in the slightest. His knuckles lacked calluses, his bones weren't any harder than a typical orc youngling. In the human realm he had trained in safety, this world did not have that luxury, at least not the he was aware of. The only good thing was he was a kid again, and kids were boundless sources of energy! Until they crashed. But he had hours before he'd reach that point.

If he was conservative with his energy he could probably last the whole day. Although snacks would be good to have and in survival situations like this he didn't have the luxury of being picky. Leaving the village he looked down. taking note of the footprints all going off to the forest, all of them intermingling except a set went off on its own. Strength in numbers were a thing, but too many numbers got in the way and he didn't feel like competing too much.

His stride was kind of more of a lumbering gait as he followed the singular footsteps. It didn't take him long, but by the time he got there the female Runt was finishing off some sort of martial art that no other orc had ever done. Tilting his head he watched her finish before speaking. "Having fun? He asked, his voice rough sounding with a childish pitch. God he already missed his own voice and he had barely talked in this life!

@King Cosmos
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Online

Her breath rattled out from her lungs, her gaze heavenward.

When was the last time she drowned so deeply in that fathomless blue? Her cabin had no window when she laid down to rest. Her back had been too bent when she was out and about. Summer memories, like snowmelt stained by tar pitch, recalled with fond nostalgia those golden days fabricated through the moving picture and the songs of the proletariat. And yet, those false memories paled still to the brilliance before her gaze. So far she could fall without end. So close she could touch it if she reached out. Her vision, fading.

Not from tears of joy. Not from tears of grief. Just from the blood she was losing with every bite. A pitiful wolf, as starved as she, as desperate as she. Gnawing away at her withered flesh, gnawing away at her toothstick bones, gnawing away at her shrivelled organs. The pain chased away the dark, that pain of being consumed alive, and the old woman could only let out a whisper of a laugh.

A pitiful beast. It’d get more out of her if it knew how to boil a soup.

Her hand reached out, unsteadily. Grasped the coarse fur, felt its ends prickle her skin. Felt the cold seep in from the tundra beneath. Felt the wind scar her exposed flesh. Felt the loss numb everything that she was. Felt it all, as she lost it all.

And, in the end, once everything was lost, the thing that remained had to be her soul: spiteful and blackened, a piece of coal the size of a fist clenched in anger.

Esfir could rest, knowing that there was never the promise of Heaven that awaited her, that the cauldrons of flame could drown out the howling of her mind.

She closed her eyes. She let it go.

And found out that even the God she believed in was a lie.

She was still Esfir, even now.

Shunted into the body of a half-beast, cast into a brood of ugly little monstrosities, inheritor of a lineage of violence and servitude. Those in power remained in power, but she could appreciate that 'Auguz' figure's honesty. It was clear where he stood. It was clear where she stood. And it was clear that there would be no hard feelings if she smashed his skull open and turned his sinew into glue. Theirs' was a brutal lot, a brutality that she could understand all too well.

To work, or to die. Whether capitalism or communism, that remained the same here.

She watched. She listened.

She enjoyed, even, this scrawny body of hers that had not yet become broken from decades of abuse.

Two runts who sang. One who showed greater purpose and thought. Another with an unnatural composure. A child that practiced movements too controlled to be of instinct, and the other who approached them. That was enough. She knew she was ordinary enough that it would not be her alone who was cast into this world beyond her world, this Dark Age bereft of the fruits of revolution, the corruption of inflated capital. She knew, so she approached.

When had her steps become so light, her fingers so comfortable with curling and uncurling? It had taken her far too little time to catch up to the one that had approached the Head Warrior and with far too much ease, her fingers wrapped around the runt's wrist, pulling her back. Pulling her to the couple, that martial artist and the one drawn to such movements.

"We were human, once."

A statement of fact. Firm as winter wastes.

"We work together, to hunt more than we need, so we can eat for ourselves before our return. That brute spoke only of what we had to do, not what we could. And we can do far more."

@Kazemitsu@King Cosmos@Crusader Lord
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


But before she could go about the proper rest of her business, a hand grabbed her wrist and drug her back swiftly to the Brood Pit.

"We were human, once."

"We work together, to hunt more than we need, so we can eat for ourselves before our return. That brute spoke only of what we had to do, not what we could. And we can do far more."

Hmm. What some did not ever seem to realize was that much could be supposed or guessed at about others by their behavior. By their words. By their steps. The sort of things she had come to observe in her past life so much, watching on from the sidelines, that it had become second nature. This case was no different.

There was someone else who could tell as well, then, that more of them had come over here than just themselves. Observant. A speed of step and coldly solid firmness of grip that spoke of purpose, without hesitation or lack of resolve. Resilient Determination. A firm tone that despite its youth spoke far more volumes than the other Runts in the pack she'd heard thus far, even a tone and voice despite being from a stranger felt vaguely familiar to her mind at the same time. Ah. It made sense where that particular familiarity came from then. She'd never forgotten it ever since those days of the past, sticking in her mind ever since then.

Whatever it takes to survive, no matter what, even if it meant a brutal efficiency born of necessity. A voice which was both familiar yet was as ever a double-edged blade of sorts.

Right or wrong, true or not, that was what her gut instincts told her about things as her mind translated her observations into information. This one felt like a survivor to her, and she was likewise right. They were once human, and could do far more than the other mere Runts could do in this case. Yes. While she'd initially intended to head off on her own, it did make sense to work together if there were others more capable than the average youngling here.

Lazash nodded in assent to Esfir, of course doing so once the latter had finished speaking.

"Far more indeed."

This new life was beginning to become more and more interesting by the moment today.

@Zeroth@ERode@Kazemitsu@King Cosmos

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Unkown58
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Unkown58 A Real Mystery

Member Seen 12 mos ago


Time seemed to freeze as she fell backwards. Her eyes took in the scene as every little detail got burned into her mind, from the slight tear in the corner of the packaging box of her bedframe as it barrelled towards her, the wide-eyed look of the movers – their mouths frozen on a half-uttered curse – to the clown-shaped stain on the ceiling. It seemed like forever and yet no time at all. Veronica wanted to laugh and cry and scream. She was twenty-three years old! Her whole life she had been careful, always tried to do the right thing and kept out of trouble. She had never seen the need to take unnecessary risks, having been quite content with staying safe at home and living vicariously through the words of others. Yet the second she tries to take a step outside of her comfort-zone, the second she tries to have an adventure of her own, this happens. Everything comes to an end because she tripped over her own feet attempting to escape from a runaway bedframe. She can’t decide which is worse, dying in such a mortifying way or knowing that this is the story people will be told when they asked what happened to her. Veronica’s only consolation as the back of her head made contact with the railing and everything faded to black, was that at least dying meant that she wouldn’t have to live with the mortification for long…

Kill me now...

Groaning in pain, Veronica clutched at her head as she tried to soothe the pounding headache. How long was she out? She must have really hit her head hard when she…fell down the stairs… No, that can’t be right… her name was Vola and she’s never even set foot on or seen a proper staircase, let alone have fallen down one! And yet the memories were there, walking up to her new apartment, excited to start her new life, the movers shouting…dying… Just like that, everything came flooding back to her, her previous life as Veronica, meeting Jehanne and being told that she’s getting a second chance at life (just like in so many of her favourite fantasy books!), choosing a skill (as soon as she gets a chance, she is so going to experiment with Rune Scribe), receiving a blessing and being told that her new life would be that of an…orc…well, nobody said that being reincarnated would be easy.

Glancing around the Brood Pit, she took a few minutes to observe those around her and her surroundings, while going through her memories as Vola, grimacing slightly. This wasn’t going to be easy, especially since it seems that as a Orc Runt, she is rather low on the pecking order, which is something some of the more experienced Orcs will hold against her and the others if past memories are to be believed. She’ll have to do her best, try not to antagonize anyone and make herself useful. Hopefully, that will be enough, but if not she might be able to try her luck by integrating into a human settlement? That is only to be considered as a last resort though, since Orcs haven’t exactly done anything to endear them to the other intelligent races. From what she heard, if she just waltzes into a village she might as well sign her own death certificate. So she’ll do her best to make it work here first, she’s a smart girl, how hard can it be? Damn, if she wouldn’t kill for a book right now…

Whatever other thoughts and plans she might have come up with had to take a backseat with the arrival of a huge looming figure – the Head Warrior, Auguz according to her memories. What followed was a scramble as everyone snapped to attention, the Runts of her generation filing out after him, listening attentively to his commands. Throughout this process, Vola did her best to make herself seem small and unassuming, avoiding catching his eye. Looks like they’re getting thrown in the deep end, she better learn to swim and quick. As soon as they were dismissed, she collected the few supplies that she had to her name while thinking through the best course of action. In spite of all the knowledge that she gained from books, that didn’t really translate well into information about hunting. Depending on its range, she might be able to use Rune Scribe to electrocute a tree and consequently bag a Tatzelwurm, that would take quite some luck and stealth on her part though. She could try something similar on the ground and use herself as bait to try her luck with a slime or a dire rat? She might have more luck scavenging? Vola still remembers a few ways to identify non-poisonous plants from some books that she read a while back and she does remember a few conversations that she overheard from more experienced Orcs that described a few sought-after plants… It might be best to just explore first, get a lay of the land and see what she can find before deciding on a strategy.

Before she heads out though, she should see if there is anything useful lying around, like a basket or something to write with, maybe some pieces of bark that she can carve words on in place of parchment? Maybe if she can get her hands on a bow and arrows she can use Rune Scribe on the arrows? That’s something she should definitely test out later.

Decision made, she walked deeper into the camp, a quiet whisper marking her first words in her new life. “You can do this V, all those hours reading isekai stories has to count for something…”

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


So much for this place being private.

Akeno didn’t jump when a voice suddenly called out to her, but her body was tense as she turned to face the orc who had stumbled across her. They weren’t a familiar face, because she hadn’t been paying attention to any of the other orcs in the brood pit; maybe she should have been, maybe then she’d have some idea why this one had followed her out here and approached her. She was trying to come up with a response, perhaps something that would excuse what they’d just found her doing, when two more orcs entered the clearing.

Yeah, her hiding place really wasn’t very good.

Humans. These orcs were also humans? Like her? Why hadn’t she considered that before? The goddess never said there would be others, but she hadn’t said she’d be alone either. She should have been paying more attention to the other orcs, to see if any of them were acting oddly, like she must have been. Although, even if she had done that she probably wouldn’t have noticed anything weird; reading people wasn’t her strong suit. Well, most of the time anyway.

This young orc, who sounded old in a way Akeno couldn’t really define, wanted them all to team up. They wanted to hunt more than they were asked to, so that they could eat more than they would get otherwise. Why? Probably because runts like them would only get scraps from their own hunt anyway and if Akeno wanted to build up her strength, if any of them wanted to get stronger, they needed more than that. But there was that other skill she had too, the one she hadn’t picked; Ingestion. Eating itself was a way to get stronger for orcs it seemed; you could get Skills just from consuming something that had them.

That felt… fittingly savage, for what little she knew of orcs. Akeno wasn’t much of a movie person, or a book person, but she knew what an orc was just through cultural osmosis. Still, she wasn’t sure she wanted to complete this quest by beating some animal to death with her bare hands and then eating it to gain its strength. Not because she thought she couldn’t, though there was obviously risk involved, but because the whole thing just felt… taboo. No, not exactly that. It felt primal. Savage. It felt like something she didn’t want to be.

But if she wanted to survive for any length of time here, Akeno wasn’t sure she had much of a choice.

“Why return at all?” Akeno shrugged her shoulders, as if dismissing her own point as soon as she’d made it. “Why not keep everything you hunt for yourselves?”

@Crusader Lord@ERode@Kazemitsu
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Location: Orc Camp
Quest: Hunt for Food!
Current Activity: Talking to Vola @Unkown58

Gren was walking around the camp holding his stick, looking for orcs who didn't look too busy that they'd be annoyed by him bothering them. He was also looking for any usable tools to swipe. A bucket would be nice, but what would be better would be some sort of blade. A knife or ideally, an axe, something that he can use as both a weapon and a tool. Or some rope. He had an idea to try and make a stone axe with his sharp rock and his stick, but he needed some rope to tie it together. Of course if he could just swipe someone's axe himself, he can skip the crafting project and get straight to work.

As Gren was looking around he spotted one of the younger orcs also wandering around. Pretty sure she came from the same brood pit as he did. He vaguely recalls her name, something with a V. Violet? He's pretty sure it was the name of a flower. Pretty name for an orc. Either way, she was a fellow runt and Gren figures if she's in the camp instead of the forest, she had the same idea as he did: find some gear in the camp before heading out. Figuring that two heads were better than one, the slightly bigger orc boy walked over to the orc girl. "Hey! You a runt too, right? Got orders from tha boss to go a huntin and stuff. Me too, but I wanna look fer stuff round tha camp fer I gotta go into da woods. He didn't say we couldn't go unprepared right?" Gren gave her a big toofy grin and held his fist out to her. Despite being a runt who hasn't really learned much in the ways of social etiquette, his past life was filling in the blanks in his head and told him that a fist bump would be a perfectly serviceable way to greet someone.

"Name's Gren by tha way. I'm lookin fer a bucket so I can scoop up slimes if I kill em. An something ta eat. Shouldn't go huntin on an empty stomach right? And if I'm real lucky, maybe I can find some rope or a blade, to hunt with. You help me, I help you, yeah? We runts gotta stick together, at least till we're bigger and stronger." While Gren had a vague idea that orcs are suppose to be mean and tough, Gren as a person simply didn't feel the need to be so aggressive to a stranger. He doesn't have anything to prove to her, only Auguz, and Gren knows that teamwork is important to get the job done. While he doesn't quite understand it, he still remembers his past life of crime and how most of his success could be attributed to his crew, who had skills he didn't to do things he couldn't, while he used what skills he had to do things they could not, which was usually breaking metal doors and smashing people's faces into the ground.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Unkown58
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Unkown58 A Real Mystery

Member Seen 12 mos ago


Current Location: Orc Camp
Current Activity: Talking to Gren @Lucius Cypher

Vola’s search for any possibly useful supplies has yet to bear any fruit. Anything that seemed to look promising has already been claimed by bigger, more experienced orcs. Hopefully she’ll find something soon. Before, when she was still Veronica, she had never done anything violent in her life! The worst fight she had ever been involved with had been a vicious online debate about the love life of one of her favourite characters in a book she was reading! She really doesn’t want her first altercation to happen when the only things she has to her name is a rock and a stick.

Just as the girl was debating on the best possible place in camp to move her search to, she saw him approaching. Had she not recognised his large figure from the brood pit, she may very well have mistaken him for one of the Grunts, which brings up the question; why was he approaching her? It was already surprising enough that he was still in the camp and didn’t just blindly charge into the forest like so many of the others, so maybe he had the same idea as her? Why approach her though? She’s sure that she hasn’t done anything impressive or eye-catching as Vola before this point… Whatever. She’ll have time to doubt and second-guess everything later. Right now, though, she needs to stay sharp.

As she listened to him talk (what was his name again? Grog? Greg?) she found herself relaxing slightly. So far, he seemed a lot nicer than what his frame initially suggests and she easily returned his toothy grin with a smile of her own, bumping his fist after half-a-seconds consideration. Did orcs fist bump? She couldn’t remember coming across it before in her pre-awakening memories…she must have just missed it. “Yeah, he didn’t, did he? Lucky for us though.”

As he introduced himself as Gren (Vola knew that it started with a Gr!) and suggested an alliance, Vola nodded enthusiastically. Honestly, from what she remembers of other orcs, she didn’t have much hope of teaming up with anybody, at least not until she managed to do something to prove her worth, so this chance was unexpected, though extremely welcome. So many possibilities were already opening up with the addition of a teammate. “It’s nice to meet you Gren! I’m Vola. You have a good point; I look forward to working together then! Some rope would really come in handy, I’m also keeping an eye out for some pieces of wood, and maybe some rocks that we can throw or use as ammo if we find a sling?”

Hopefully with the addition of another set of eyes, they’ll be able to find something.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 1 yr ago


How long had he been floating in that formless void?

Was it days? Months? Years? He wasn't sure-- but with a bright flash; he was freed from the suffocating embrace of darkness.

And he was offered a choice.

  • Type Analysis - Rank I - Choose a specific Type for this Skill: Creature, Magic, or Material. Upon analyzing a target, information relevant to the chosen type will be displayed. Higher Ranks will grant more detailed information. (For example, using Creature Analysis on a Slime would tell you the most generic, widely known information on Slimes as a species)
  • Danger Scan - Rank I - Detect non-living threats within 10 feet, such as hazardous terrain, traps, etc. Remain acutely aware of them for 1 minute.
  • Rune Scribe - Rank I - Normally, this Skill requires the User to be capable of at least one other Magic Skill. Use a personal writing system to imbue magical effects. At Rank I, the scribed Rune has only half the effectiveness of the original Spell and fades after 1 day. (For example, one could use this with a piece of parchment to produce a consumable Scroll of Fire Bolt--or place the Rune somewhere in the environment with certain spells to create a sort of booby-trap.)
  • Earth Wave - Rank I - An AOE spell focused on the caster, with the associated Element's effect. At Rank I, Earth Wave creates a seismic movement within a 5 foot radius all around the caster, violently throwing targets affected by it to the ground where they're battered and pushed until they're outside the area of effect. Even if a target manages to keep their balance, moving over the terrain becomes very difficult.
Divine Spirit Jehanne

With a wry grin, the man reached out-- and took for himself the one option that had never once been available in his old life; to walk the path yet untraveled by his ever-searching mind.

When he awoke as a small green humanoid; an Orc, he was given a new name to accompany him on his new journey-- Ushnekh.

Ushnekh's Orange-Gold eyes scanned over the crowd of Runts as the Head Warrior dictated orders to his generation of 'Mooks'. Though Ushnekh would've rather ignored the orders of the Head Warrior to instead go test the magic he'd been granted since his insertion into this strange and magical world... It would be far easier to blend in with the others of the settlement while he got his bearings and reduced the chance of him succumbing to the unfamiliar elements of this strange new world. When the head warrior had finished the Orcish equivalent of an inspiring speech preceding dismissal to carry out the newly assigned quest, Ushnekh took care to mind his pace amongst the herd of runts leaving the Brood Pit; ensuring he was not too close to either the front nor back as to not stick out from the rest. It was hard to repress the excitement he felt to test his new abilities, but the thought of what might happen to him should any of other Orcs discover his unusual intelligence and abilities
kept his gait steady.

Which begged the question-- would an Orc be able to gain his skill by cannibalizing his corpse?

A thought for later perhaps.

But now that he had broken line of sight with the majority of the runts, Ushnekh took the chance to duck into the nearest spot of woods, and inhaled deeply as he ensured there was no one else around. Slowly, he focused on trying to feel for his skill, for his [Earth Wave]; attempting to register the source of power that lay dormant within him... And then he felt something slip.

A strange feeling of fatigue surged over Ushnekh; almost as if he'd spent an entire night staring at a screen-- as a sudden surge of energy released through the earth below, creating a violent shockwave. For a moment, Ushnekh stared at the result of his test; blinking the shock away before hastily scuttling off-- hoping he wasn't seen.

Perhaps it would be best to instead focus on the Quest he was given for the time being... And to that end, had decided to stalk off to follow and observe one of the other Runts to see what would be considered "normal" for a first hunt.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Inside Camp

@Crusader Lord
"Head Warrior. Do you know where any creatures that come out at night sleep during the day?"

Auguz looked down at Lazash with a raised eyebrow, before giving her an amused half-grin. His yellowed teeth glinted as he sheathed his blade and spoke to the runt.

“Think you’re clever, aye?” The sound he made might’ve been a chuckle, or a growl. “Alright then!” He turned slightly and pointed to the north-west of the camp, not down the slopes towards the forest but further up the jagged mountains. “There’s caves where Camazots make their nests, up thataway!” Then, he shrugged. “Or, ya could try findin’ a Nooki den down in the woods. But,” and here he either chuckled or growled again and waved the little female off on her way, “Ya might wanna think about why them night time beasties prefer to slink around inna dark, geh heh heh!”

Gren and Vola
@Lucius Cypher@Unkown58
Gren opted to take a detour and looked around the camp for stuff he could use, and in the process met Vola doing the same. Most of the other orcs didn't take notice of the Runts running around, as many of them seemed to have their own tasks to attend to or at the very least were focused on something besides babysitting. In fact, one orc was so focused on sprinting across the camp, stone axe in hand, that he almost ran the two newbie hunters over. As Gren and Vola just barely stopped short before their paths could collide with the runner, they would see this orc hop over a nearby cookfire that had several other adults sitting around it. One of them lurched to one side, wooden bowl full of something that steamed suspiciously, and hollered at the sprinter.

“Oi, mukh, what’re ya runnin’ ‘round like that for!? Ya almost spilled me breffast!” One could hear the shouting easily over the short distance between the two Runts and this group. The runner only laughed at those he'd offended and kept going.

“Outta my way, fatarse! Bowbh’s makin’ me a new knife—so I gotta bring’im wood for the forges!” As this orc-turned-woodsman disappeared around a tent corner, the others around the fire went back to eating--but not without continuing to grumble among themselves.

“Hmph, more wood? What ‘e needs is more ore! And better stuff, too. That bog iron ain’t worth gruhk!” said one, gesturing with a hand-carved wooden spoon before scooping a big pile of gray gruel with brown chunks in it into his tusked maw. The word "grukh" was said with the same emphasis one uses when struggling to excrete after eating too many dairy products.

“Aye, but for that ye’d need a propah cave to mine—and good tools! Ya can’t make a pickaxe outta wood!” said another with a somewhat square head, who pulled up a skewer out of the flames. The blackened stick had been used to impale what looked like a black, ash-charred rat, which he promptly took a crunchy bite out of followed by a deep belch.

“Y’know, I saw a cave on me way back from up north the other day. Betcha there’s ore in there!” replied the first, hitting another next to him on the shoulder in excitement.

“Yeah? Well you go find it then, and don’t come cryin’ to me when ya get eat by somethin’ down inna dark!” countered this orc, who looked like much less of a morning person than the others. He yawned, before turning his entire bowl of gruel up and loudly slurping it down.

While this conversation was going on, if Gren and Vola were particularly opportunistic they might notice that these three orcs weren't paying the best attention to their belongings around them and the cookfire. They could see a few objects that might well qualify as "useful" for their purposes...but, the three orcs were sitting at such angles to one another that, while a Runt might be able to grab something without one noticing, it was almost certain the other two would see the thief. Thus, if they really wanted to, it might be best to just pick one or two items and make a break for it. Considering they were eating and talking at the same time, and not really focused on the little ones, they probably wouldn't notice Gren or Vola had taken something until the two were gone...Although, if what they took turned out to be valuable, they might be risking earning the adult's ire. The question was, what did Orcs value?

  • A stone hatchet, left unattended and leaning against a tent.
  • A fire-roasted bone with a few big chunks of meat left on it, cooling on a stone near the fire. A femur of something small but stocky...like a goat, maybe?
  • A pouch made from some kind of animal hide, hanging on a tent post by a rope belt.
  • An unlocked wooden container, roughly the size of a breadbox. It has a sliding lid on top.
  • A small basket woven from strips of cane and straw, with several handfuls of charcoal inside it.

Optional Quests Available.

  • Gather wood for Bowbh’s forges.
  • Gather ore for Bowbh’s forges.

    • Optional: Gather Bog Ore
    • Optional: Gather Cave Ore
    • Optional: Bring Bowbh high quality ore.
  • Discover the North Cave

Which Quest(s) will you accept?

Moving Through The Camp


As most of the Runts made their way towards the camp's entrance, they passed by a handful of rickety towers. Made from rough-cut timber stacked somewhat like a game of Jenga, these wobbly structures had ladders made from rope, sticks, and occasionally a long bone by which Orc Grunts scrambled up to serve as lookouts. The lighter demonkin had an easier time climbing the towers without bringing the whole thing down on top of them, though more than one of the tribe had cracked their thick skulls on the ground after a collapse or a tumble. Older than Runts but still not full-grown, these adolescents had often poked fun at the younger Orcs by taunting them, stealing food, and occasionally throwing things at them in the brood pit.

“Oi! Look at awl da widdle dummies, headin’ out on their fuwst big hunts! Bah ha ha ha!” jeered a particularly large Grunt. Standing at about five feet tall and about fifty pounds heavier than most Runts—maybe with the exception of Gren and a few others—the bully called Builge had been an especially sharp thorn in the sides of the latest batch coming up from the pits. “Betcha at least half of ‘em don’t come back! Buncha mukhs! Yeah, I’m talkin’ t’you, weaklings!” But Builge did little more than harass them from his perch—probably because every time the big lug dared to move a muscle, his pile of twigs threatened to topple itself. At one point, the platform he stood on remained level, while the base did its best slinky impression.

They would then come to the palisades proper---numerous logs, from trees and branches alike, sharpened into stakes at a variety of angles and plants in the ground with all the pointy bits out towards the world. There were a few platforms here, or even an attempt at stacking rocks into a sturdier wall every so often, but for the most part these defenses seemed to be little more than a very tall fence meant to keep any hostiles out of the camp. Falling onto, or charging into, these spikes would certainly not be a good time for any creature or group that tried to charge the base.

The orcs standing guard, holding large but crudely made wooden shields and vicious looking spears, gave each Runt a glare and a nod as they ushered them out of the camp and onto their first hunt.

As Agar looked out, down across the slopes and over the tops of the shorter trees down below, the view might have actually reminded him of his home—the beautiful mountains and forests of Montana, camping at the foot of the Rockies, or hiking in the canyons and lake valleys. The forest, on closer inspection, seemed to favor a more “northerly” flavor, with what looked to be a great deal of large conifers, but the weather was quite temperate and great hardwoods grew in thick patches among the mix. Close to the camp, most of the underbrush had been cut back, but the woods grew denser and darker not far beyond the treeline.

In the distance, he could see a place that must’ve been some kind of hill or rocky cliff, for a section of trees rose above all their brethren quite suddenly and at an angle. This rise was almost directly east of the camp, though if his experience riding far across the range wasn’t lying to him, it was probably at least an hour’s walk away. A little further to the south of that rise, it seemed like there might be an opening in the canopy, but whether it was some sort of clearing, meadow, or just a hole in the ground couldn’t be seen from this distance at this angle. Something in his instincts said “lake,” but was it the Orc part of him, or the human?

If he looked back at the mountains where the camp had been nestled, he would see that the orcs’ settlement was essentially on the bottom of a wide, ramping valley that only went a short distance vertically up the mountain base—but being backed into the rockface at least seemed like a good defensive strategy. The rocks to the north of the camp looked much more scalable, with switchback trails over ledges and a few worn paths that could be seen even from a distance. The southern mountains seemed rougher going, but also didn’t rise as high as the other side of the range. However, both sides of the valley stretched tall enough that, as he craned his neck back and blinked against the haze in the sky, Agar would be able to make out snow atop several peaks and a few that even reached cloud cover.

Speaking of clouds, there didn’t seem to be many today. The sky was bright blue, and if the sun still rose and set in the same direction as on Earth then the time had to be somewhere roughly between eight, maybe ten o’clock in the morning at the latest. So the Runts had clear weather and bright sunlight to hunt by, at least for those who didn’t delve into caves or something like that.

Now that he had the lay of the land, perhaps Agar would find it a little easier to keep his bearings as he set out on his hunt…

At that moment, Duram approached, singing a song easily recognizable by just about anyone except those born on this strange, new world. Would Agar betray what, up until now, he likely only knew about himself? Or would he play like the other orcs of the camp, who gave Duram the kind of looks people would probably give someone who loudly screamed obscenities in a public plaza? Agar and Duram would also see one of the other Runts, leading another by the hand, following a growing trail of footprints into the forest--one set was light enough as to be barely there. Another set was heavier, and deepened the first set as they'd intentionally followed at a lumbering gait. And now these other two made four runts, all heading in the same direction.

Then Agar and Duram would also hear a sharp crack coming from somewhere else in the forest, followed by a cloud of birds taking flight.

As Akeno performed her kata in the clearing, perhaps the strange peace known to come from martial arts mastery was what calmed the area and made even an Orc seem not quite so threatening to the local fauna. Hop by gentle hop, ears and nose a-twitching, came a wary creature to nibble on the lush, green grasses at the very edge of young Akeno's training ground.

It was certainly aware of her, as whenever she stopped her movements or made a snapping turn to another direction, the Jackalope would also stop whatever it was doing and twitch one floppy ear in her direction. Its stillness had the kind of tension that said "if I get even an inkling of a threat, I'm off like a shot, sister." But so long as Akeno didn't look directly at it or move too close, after a few moments it would go back to chewing the scenery---quite literally.

But then Grunthor came onto the picture, and though he wasn't trying to be actively disruptive he also had a more lumbering gait. As he spoke to Akeno, the Jackalope moved into the shadow of a large tree. It was still visible, if one cared to really look, but could disappear into the brush at any given moment---and it almost did so, as a loud sound interrupted the two runts.


That unmistakable caw was one the runts had heard before, because the creature that made it had been caged more than once by the adult orcs in various attempts at domestication. Though they couldn't see it, they knew an Elwet had to be out there, somewhere, among the brush.

Not long after that, Esfir showed up, dragging Lazash behind her. The other female orc had been interrupted in her thoughts just after leaving Auguz and skirting around the known places where Dire Rats tended to nest, but now it seemed like she'd be going into the forest proper instead of scouting for caves. Then again, it seemed like Esfir had an actual plan, and what's more she wanted to work together.

Would this be the first Orc Runt Party?

Another caw answered the first Elwet. The Jackalope, on the other hand, clearly didn't like the sight of so many potential predators gathering in one spot. Even without anyone making an aggressive move towards it, the little beast jumped into the bushes and took off in a mad dash! They could hear it rustling the underbrush, but it was completely lost to sight...and within seconds, would be lost to hearing, too. Although, it did seem to stir something up not too far away--which provoked a third Elwet's screech. Maybe a whole flock of the creatures was nearby?


The place where Ushnekh slipped into the woods, in a different patch of tree and brush than where it seemed most of the other Runts were heading, now sported a perfectly circular patch of broken ground around 10 feet in diameter as if some strange kind of mining or farming machine had broken the first layer of earth into multiple, angular chunks and then rolled them over a handful of times. The centerpoint of this area had sunk in almost a foot deep, as the rest of the earth had been pushed out away from it to form a crater. The noise and danger of his spell caused an entire flock of small, mundane looking birds to flee the trees with startled cries. Did that mean that most animals would avoid such noise? Or...would something dangerous come to investigate?

Ushnekh didn't seem to want to hang around to find out, and decided to scuttle off in search of another Runt to tail--but just before he left the newly made clearing, something dropped out of a tree right on top of him!

The monster appeared to have been somewhat stunned or shocked by the sudden shockwave that had rattled the base of a branch it'd been resting on--part of said branch was still curled in its tail. However, by the time Ushnekh reacted to what amounted to a coiled rope suddenly dropping on his face and bouncing off with a heavy thud, the creature too had recovered its wits.

With a shrill hiss, the monster lunged at his leg with its fangs bared!
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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“Because we’re children,” was Esfir’s response to the martial artist runt. “We can afford to be as such.”

None of them knew yet, after all, how cruel this world could be. None of them knew where they stood amidst the creatures of the forest, and none of them knew of what laid beyond the forest. And certainly, none of them had the tools for building a home to begin with. Though a violence-based meritocracy founded by a pillager-race was not something that Esfir particularly approved of, her past experiences had formed her present decisions. One could only afford scruples after one’s present and future were secure.

And now, for those horned chickens…

Without a second thought, she passed her rock to the martial artist. Similar weapons better fit one accustomed to using two hands. The stick Esfir kept, holding it in one hand as her ears swivelled gradually. She had heard three, but three hardly made a human family.
They could do three though. Three for one.

“It’s in that bush. One grab its body, the other its horns. Keep clear of the head, it breathes fire. Third break its neck or crush its throat. Do it clean, do it quick. If other chickens come out in defense, I’ll block them out while you three kill one. If you can’t do it clean, just do it quick.” She rotated her wrist. So novel, how it spun without cracking and popping. "If there's more than three of them, we need to cull them faster than they can come."

The Spirit gave her a blizzard and from experience, Esfir knew. Even a dry gust could blind and repulse.

@Kazemitsu@King Cosmos@Crusader Lord

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Location: Orc Camp
Quest: Hunt for Food!
Current Activity: Talking to Vola @Unkown58

Vola! That was her name. Gren was glad to see that she was being so cooperative, he was afraid he was going to have to bully her into working with her. She seemed to have the same idea as he did about getting some rope to work with, so Gren figured that's what they should look for first. As Gren was about to lead another search, he almost got ran over by a running orc! A memory of a massive truck running into him flashed in Gren's mind and he froze. Fortunately the runner managed to avoid the two children and Gren came back to his senses. "What... Huh?" Gren looked to see where the runner was going, but alas, the orc was too fast and was out of sight before Gren could process what he was doing. But in exchange, Gren did spy three orcs sitting around a fire, eating and talking. Gren's mouth salivated at the smell of roasting meat. Even if it was just rat meat, it smelled delicious. Better than the usual watery slop that got fed to the babies. Didn't even have any seasoning!

He also heard the orcs talking about some work that could be done. Finding wood and ore for the Bowbh, who Gren recognized is the clan's main craftsman. They'd have to go into some caves though, but that was fine. If Gren remembers correctly there could be some interesting things in the cave they could kill, as well as grab those ores. Not to mention those mushrooms that Gren was thinking of grabbing were also in caves! He could kill three birds with one stone. Or two orcs with a bad decision. Could go either way.

Speaking of bad decisions, Gren spotted some stuff around the camp that he could grab. Oh sure, it's nothing that the orcs threw away, but it could be stuff that Gren could still nab. Useful stuff. However there wasn't a way for Gren to grab any of it without getting spotted, even if those three orcs were just lazing about right now. No doubt they'd be roused to action if they spot him nicking their stuff. So he had an idea. Since Gren was too big to be sneaky, he could be a distraction while Vola grabs something useful. Patting the orc girl's shoulder, Gren told her his plan.

"Psst. Here's wat I'm thinking. I'm gunna go talk to tha orcs, distract em a bit. While they looking at me, you go nab something useful. Like that axe, or the bag with tha belt. I'll have em looking the other way for like a minute, while you grab the stuff and run. You ready?" Gren wasn't really going to ask Vola if she even wanted to do this, or had any other plans. Moments like these you really just had to act on your feet and think fast. Besides, doing it this way means that ultimately it was up to Vola what she wanted to get. Maybe she doesn't grab either and gets something that Gren thinks is useless. Regardless he'll just have to roll with it: better that one of them succeeds than both of them failing.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 1 hr ago


// So this is what hell is like //

Agar looked out from the entrance to the camp taking in the looks of the surroundings. He couldn’t help but take a deep breath of the mountain air. The leering and jesting from the big orcs on the wall was mildly distracting so Agar just paid more attention to his surroundings to get a better view of the place and get his bearings.

A small encampment nestled in a valley, a good defensible position but would be hard to escape if everything fell. Tall mountains to either side with thick forests, a clearing in the distance with a sudden drop off in foliage seemed to be a lake or swamp. Deciduous and evergreen trees spoke of mild winters with the snow barley visible on top of the mountains, temperate climate more than likely. Should be some good roots or undomesticated wild vegetables around and not just those roots he heard some of the others talking about. The small rise in the forest would be a good spot to make a small outpost or look out stand.

Another runt came up to him during his thought processes and immediately tipped him off as to his habit of humming, without wanting to get in a deep conversation about it with the other gate guards and random runts around he motioned for the orc to follow him with a nod to confirm both their suspicions. Agar then began to move in the direction of the loud crack that scarred those birds out of the trees earlier. He wanted to see just how out matched they were to the local wild life while being careful about it.

After getting a little ways away he spoke to the other young orc that he was just now able to get a better look at. A little shorter than he but not much, their skin color and hair color was lighter than his. They gave off a feeling of a happy and possibly carefree attitude at first glance. He didn’t think he had to explain who or what he was to this one based on their reaction to him humming earlier so straight to the point then.

“Agar.” He stuck out his fist for a fist bump greeting, “Formally Johnathan 45, army rangers and rancher out of Montana, killed by a semi-truck, you?” entirely blunt with little to no emotion or hesitation either it would make sense or not either way he needed to relay certain information to this one before continuing. “by da way I know I’s caught myself humming but we shouldn’t out ourselves and who we’s are to the rest of the tribe, I get the feelin that special doesn’t last long ‘ere might be more of uz out ‘ere too.”

He didn’t much care about exposing so much information to this one, if he wasn’t going crazy hopefully they would understand. If he was going crazy and this one wasn’t like him then he would just have to have a “unfortunate hunting accident” didn’t seem like the orcs cared to much about that any way.

"Anyway, I goin to see wat da big crack was." pointing towards where the birds flew away. "den wat yous want to do? me don mind." it was hard to stay away from how the orcs talked and he found himself dipping in and out of their speech patterns.

@Zeroth@Such A Birch

<<Current Quest: Find Something to Eat and Bring it Back Whole.
Hunt Selected: Random
Location: just outside the camp examining the area.>>
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Unkown58
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Unkown58 A Real Mystery

Member Seen 12 mos ago


Current Location: Orc Camp
Current Activity: Working with Gren @Lucius Cypher to steal the stone hatchet

Vola and Gren had just established their partnership when it was almost cut short as a running orc nearly flattened them in his haste. Barely stopping in time to avoid a crash, Vola sent an absolutely scathing glare after the retreating figure. That’s right keep running you sorry excuse of a –

Glancing back at Gren, whether to commiserate about what a mukh the runner was or to suggest continuing their search will remain unknown as she saw the way he froze momentarily before shaking it off. Tilting her head slightly she looked back at the runner’s retreating figure in consideration. Did Gren know that orc? Some of the older orcs have been known to terrorize the Runts for fun, is that what happened? Whatever it was, it’s probably none of her business, so unless Gren brings it up, she’ll keep her nose out of it.

Thankfully, she soon had something else to focus on as her ears picked up a rather interesting exchange after the runner interrupted the breakfast of several other orcs. Hmm. From her memories as Vola, Bowbh is a pretty big deal as the camp’s Head Crafter. All of the conversations that she overheard from other orcs thus far has the same consensus. Bowbh makes good stuff. It would be extremely useful to get on his good side. It might be risky, but she and Gren should take a look at that cave in the north. Even if they don’t manage to mine anything, they can always collect some lumber on the way…maybe see about getting some bog ore? Even if the quality isn’t that great, it might make for a semi-decent pickaxe that they can use to get the high-quality stuff…

A pat on her shoulder broke her train of thought, and Vola turned her attention back to the larger Runt as he relayed his plan. As he talked, Vola’s eyes took in the mentioned objects, as well as a few others as she mentally played through everything that might go wrong. If they get caught they would be in so much trouble! As Runt’s they were already bottom of the barrel, this would just be painting a target on their back! However…so far they haven’t been able to find anything as useful just lying about and there was only so much time in a day…

Okay. Okay! This was most definitely a bad idea and goes against everything that she had just decided a few minutes ago, but they could really use the supplies! Besides, Gren’s plan was actually not that bad, definitely more thought out than what she would expect from an ordinary Runt whose only worldly experience comes from the brood pit. As long as they don’t get too greedy or take anything too valuable, they should be able to get away with it.

Giving Gren a slight nod, Vola took a deep breath to steel herself. “Alright, yeah, I’ll try to grab the axe then. Lets meet back up outside the camp’s entrance after?”

Walking away from Gren, she made her way casually walked behind the tent where the axe was leaning, keeping an ear out for Gren’s distraction. The second that she heard his voice she peeked out and once she saw that all of the gathered orcs heads were turned, she’ll grab the axe as quietly as she can before making a break for it toward the agreed upon meeting place while trying not to draw any unwanted attention towards herself. This was actually really exhilarating! Vola has never stolen anything in her life before! Maybe she could make a grab for the pouch as well - Yeah, no, how’s that sun feeling Icarus? She should just concentrate on getting the axe.

Taking a deep breath from her vantagepoint behind the tent, she prepared herself. As soon as Gren starts talking, the Great Stone Hatchet Caper will start. She can’t afford to make any mistakes…Jehanne definitely wont give her a third chance if she dies on the first day.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Location: Orc Camp
Quest: Hunt for Food!
Current Activity: Talking to some orcs as a distraction for Vola @Unkown58

With Vola ready and willing to go with Gren's genius plan, Gren slapped his face to hype himself up for the operation. He probably wasn't cute like some of the other orcs, so he'll appeal to the orcs' ego! Butter them up and ask them about their work and conquests, get them to showboat a bit. Once sufficiently hyped up, Gren walks over, making big stompy steps so he could be easily heard. Making sure to stand opposite of where Vola was, Gren butts into the conversation to ask about the cave to the north. "Uh, hi! I'm gunna go out an hunt! But did ya say sumthin bout a cave in da north? What were ya doing up dere? Were you fightin monstahs, or maybe huntin?" Gren looked to the orc who had first mentioned the cave. He seemed to be annoyed by the runner nearly ruining his breakfast, so Gren felt he was most susceptible to some honeyed words. "You look really strong, yeah! You musta killed lots before. I wanna know how to be strong like you, so when I go huntin I'll get something good for tha camp!"

To further distract the orcs, Gren demonstrated his "technique" with his stick, emulating smashing something with his stick like he would with a hammer. It also reminded Gren that he ought to look for a bigger stick: What he has right now was small enough that he could hold it in one hand, but he'd rather have a bigger, longer stick that would provide more momentum even if he had to use two-hands to wield it. If they get that stone hatchet, they could probably cut down a small tree or a branch to fulfill Gren's wish. Speaking of which, Gren knew he would need to move quickly once Vola secured something. He didn't want to be around if or when these orcs realized that they got robbed.
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