Chris, C, Andrews
((Faceclaim: Drew Fuller // Color Code: #00F9FF))
“Keep your head up. Keep your eyes forward. And don't let go.” - John David Anderson Name:Chris Andrews
Age & Grade: Senior, 17 years old. Born February 25th, Pisces.
Label:Artistic foster kid.
Occupation: - Works as a waiter at a local restaurant
- Will occasionally draw a picture or a portrait of/for someone for a little money.
What does your character do for money? Do they work on campus? Of campus? Side hustle? Maybe they do nothing.
Appearance Details- Hair: Dark-brown, slightly shaggy
- Eyes: Green-blue
- Height: 6'1
- Body Type: Thin, but athletic.
- Clothing Style: He wears the boys uniform with a tie and a pair of old, only slightly-too-large black boots. The only two accessories that he wears, is his grandfather's wristwatch and his mother and grandparent's wedding and engagement rings on a chain underneath his shirt. His uniform is always buttoned properly, and his shirt tucked in, doing his best to keep up a neat appearance. Only his socks aren't in keeping with the rest of his appearance, were they not hidden by his boots and long pants. Though some of them are on the older side, and one or two of them have a few obviously mended holes (he couldn't always find the right colour of thread), all of them are colourful and has interesting pictures and patterns on them.
When not in uniform though, his style tends to consist out of slightly worn (some having been mended once or twice) and baggy clothes, like jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, and sometimes an over-sized leather jacket that belonged to his father along with a slightly too-big pair of sneakers he's had for the past few years. - Makeup Wise: None
- Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings: He has a couple of scars on his hands and knees from various knicks and scrapes he got when he was younger, as well as a long thin scar on his forehead - half hidden by his hairline - from when he fell down a staircase when he was thirteen and nearly cracked his head open.
Personality* Quiet * Introverted * Cautious * Protective * Loyal * Creative * Kind * Diligent * Frugal *
A quiet and studious student, Chris does his best to follow the rules and stay out of trouble. After a few hard years and more than one disappointment, he has become more hesitant when it comes to approaching new people, having turned into a bit of an introvert. To the people that he lets in though, he is extremely protective over and a very loyal friend. His protective side also extends to his possessions. He doesn't have a lot in the world, so what he does have is extremely important to him.
Furthermore, he was raised to be respectful and kind to others. He's always the one to give up his seat on the bus for someone else or help to carry something heavy. Chris is also a locked box when it comes to secrets, if other people want their business to be spread around, they'll do it themselves, unless it’s a serious crime or their planning on hurting someone, those are secrets he has no intentions of keeping. He also has a creative side and will spend hours sketching if he could. He is also diligent, working extremely hard in both his studies and his job, as well as frugal. He only has a small income, so he only spends money in emergencies and for the bare necessities, the rest goes into his savings.
Acceptance Status:Placed there as part of the student deference program
HistoryUp until he was six years old, Chris had the perfect family. He lived with his mother, Martha, father, Jared, and grandparents, Harry and Susanna, in a cosy house with a big yard and a cat. Everything was perfect, until his mother got pregnant with his little sister. Everything seemed fine at first and Chris was excited to be a big brother, but then on the way back from an ultra-sound, his mother got into a car accident. Her and the baby didn’t make it. After that, Chris’s father spiralled a bit, drinking more and more and picked up smoking. Jared also made a habit of disappearing for months at a time, only popping by to drop of a random toy for Chris and a little money to help his in-laws raise his kid before disappearing again.
This pattern kept up until Chris was eleven, when his father made one bad decision too many and ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time, getting sentenced to ten years in the California State Prison. For a few years, Chris refused to have any contact with his father, pretending he didn’t exist whenever the man was mentioned. He only started to return his father’s letters at thirteen, after a fishing trip with his grandfather, where the older man used some gentle prodding to convince the boy to at least hear his old man out.
Things settled down for a while after that, Chris was doing well in school, he was one of the best members on the track team and he was starting to take drawing more seriously after receiving some praise from his art teacher and ironically, Jared was more involved in Chris’s life now than before he was locked up, genuinely making an effort to try to clean up his act. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and they did when his grandfather had a heart-attack only a month after Chris turned fourteen, passing away. Things were hard for a while, Chris having to step up around the house and take on more responsibility as well as taking care of his grandmother, who seemed to be declining rapidly from a combination of age and grief. By the time his fifteenth birthday rolled around, things have stabilised a little, and Chris was sure that the worst had passed, until he went to wake his grandmother…It was a lot harder to make funeral arrangements alone.
With his grandparents and mother dead and his father in prison, Chris was effectively a minor without a guardian, so the state stepped in. For the next three years, he was bounced around a lot, from one temporary foster-home to the next. The longest he stayed anywhere in that period was three months and his foster parents didn’t even acknowledge him the entire time. The fact that he was a teenager, almost about to age out of the system, scared off a lot of potential foster homes and made him really hard to place. Eventually, considering that his grades are decent and he was only a year away from graduating anyway, the state gave up on placing him with a family, making arrangements for him to be placed at Edgebaston Acadamy.
Extras:- Luggage:
- Basics: Toiletries, Clothes, a small sewing-kit, etc...
- One or two mostly empty sketchbooks, basic writing and drawing supplies.
- A couple of family picture albums
- A quilt and one or two stuffed toys all made by his grandmother.
- Three cufflinks belonging to his grandfather, his grandmother's pearl brooch and his mother's locket, all carefully hidden inside of some socks.
- An older laptop and phone with their respective chargers.
- A couple of his favourite books, most notably his grandmother's copy of 'Koning van Katoring' and her series of 'Die Buiter', 'Lord of the Rings', 'Truckers, Diggers and Wings', 'Mort', 'Reaper Man' and a handwritten cookbook with all of his grandmother's recipies.
- A shoebox filled with old letters and postcards.
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Bilingual, speaks English and Afrikaans(His grandmother was from South Africa)
- He is extremely good at drawing, still-life and living objects both, his sketches look like they could jump off of the page.
- His dominant hand is his left
- Loves collecting pins, buttons and keychains, using them to decorate his suitcases, duffel bag and schoolbag.
- Will go shoeless whenever he has free-time.
- Has a preference for 'old' music.
- Can hold his own in the kitchen
- Has decent skills when it comes to sewing and knows the basics of knitting and crochet.
- Loves to read.
- Whenever he has a problem on his mind he goes on a nice long run.
- Really good with animals.
- Talks with his father once a week over the phone.
- He's decent at all of his subjects, but especially English, History and Math.
- He used to be on the track team and in the art-club, but had to quit due to bouncing around the system so much. Hopefully that will change now that he's somewhere semi-longterm.