Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Adrianna bundled together clothes as she packed for going away.

A drone hovered in her room, with a sizable bar speaker playing a phone call with crystal clear audio quality.

"Are you sure this is what you want? I mean, what are you gonna do up there?"

"Well, it's not like I can do anything here. Might as well scoop a doctorate or handful of degrees with my time. You said it yourself, 'Lexi, as long as the hyperhuman thing remains a hot-button issue I'm going to be stuck short term. Might as well use the time I'm forced to take."

"You could've just said 'keggers', Adie. You know that's about as valuable... Nobody needs a piece of paper to know what they're already fully aware you're capable of."

"Also keggers." Adrianna replied to Alexis. "If I twist the degree like this, you could make a pretty good funnel out of it. Get a few of them together, I could make myself some biodegradable beer pong cups. Could probably make some frat-boy hunk a pretty decent toga out of an A1 copy of my doctorate..."

"Oh good, so long as you know what those papers are actually worth..."

"Now why do you think I called you in here, Adrianna."

"I'm not one of your wide-eyed, naive little kids, Jonas. Get to the point."

"You are not. But your time here, may not be as valuable as you are used to. Patience can be a virtue, Adrianna."

Adie glared at Jonas Lehrer from the otherside of the desk. She gave up considerable height and it was even more pronounced by the layout of the room. The wooden beams overhead, the cold clinical feel produced by the rows of framed pinned insects and anatomical designs, everything added to the perspective that you were smaller and an object of study.

Her glare steeled further.

Interminable seconds passed as the pair maintained eye contact.

"Hmm. I suppose we could come back to this later, Adrianna."

"Patience not so valuable now, Jonas..?"

"I also have other recent arrivals to see. And it would seem the one I'm talking to right now is... less than amenable."

"I'm plenty amenable to talking, Jonas. I'm just not going to play your stupid games. You have something to say, say it. Have I ever proven myself to be anything other than willing to help?"

The unspoken part was the millions she'd pumped into aspects of the school. Sure, they had the means to pay their own way, but there's something to be said for the liquidity of a fresh cash injection, rather than relying on commodities pricing and hyperhuman precious metals transmutation.

Jonas' silence and expression gave the distinct impression that she'd just touched on her reason for being here. Or at least that was how Adie read it.

"That's it, isn't it? You're concerned I'm going to run my mouth, swinging receipts? Jonas, my time here... I only want to be seen as a regular student. I'm not looking for special treatment, if that's your concern. Now if you think I'm going to be OK with... whatever the Hell this is... I don't know what you expected. But I'm not looking for any special treatment. Just set me up with my own penthouse in the faculty bloc and I'll be all good."

Dr Lehrer raised his eyebrow at the last comment.

"It was a joke, Jonas. I'm for the dorms just like everybody else. Like I said, no special treatment. I WANT to be seen as just a reguar student."

"Hmm. We'll see. Could you please let the next one in on your way out?"

Location: Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
The Homecoming Trials: # 1.81 Trekking without the Stars

Interaction(s): Nil
Previously: N/A

Adie looked out over the cliffs as the howling banshee scream echoed all around this remarkable place.

It had been years since they'd gone camping. Dad would load up the truck with tents, a little portable stove that ran on methylated spirits, sleeping bags, and they'd drive on out to some place or another... Camp Resolution when they were young, but then further afield to Eldorado out by Lake Tahoe as they got older.

This was why she was here. To get away from the constant reminders. The side-eyes. The suits.

Of course the hike didn't start that way. There was that strange Australian guy sitting in a chair in the middle of the path back when they first began. Sure, he seemed polite enough. But it was weird enough to draw attention to and to heighten her. It was like he was waiting for something or someone, but if she could go three months without seeing anyone in executivewear it'd be a panacea to the nerves.

A minitiarised drone soared out over her shoulder, beyond the cliff face and turned and snapped some photos. She returned to the path, and the change in the humm let her know the photos had been sent to her phone. They could wait though. She'd look when they got where they were going. She trusted the drone's programming to get some good shots. After all, she trusted the designer and programmer implicitly, they weren't going anywhere. She saw them every day in the mirror.

"Alright, Firebirds, campsite's just ahead." Miranda called out. She'd been invaluable so far, with the rapid info dump on all things new enrollees would need to know just starting out at the school - the Trials, a run down on the House system and offers that would be coming their way, and the H.E.A.T program.

"It looks like we're one of the earlier groups here. We'll find a patch to the clearing for our team, and it'll be two to a tent. After that, you're free to get to know one another as you help put dinner together. Nothing too difficult. We're having campfire pizzas. We've brought most of your common ingredients. Anyone wanting anchovies is going to be out of luck though."

Miranda turned to check on the team as they followed.

She smiled at Adie, "Nothing better for building comraderie than sharing fistfulls of cheese, eh? It's just up ahead."

Adie pushed on as their Faculty representative waded back through the group to check on everyone. She found their clearing and put her pack down. Putting her hands on her hips and taking in a deep gulp of the clean air, and looking deep into the darkest rain clouds she'd seen in a while. She checked her phone. Photos were perfect, as expected.

With the way the numbers worked, and Adie as one of the smaller teammembers she hadn't been given a tent to carry. She'd have to wait for one of the others who were carrying one to catch up in order to figure out sleeping arrangements.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Stories Yet Untold

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: Team 78 Campsite - Southern Plateau, Dundas Island
Chapter #1.82 Bumble Beginnings


The migration Jonna had to commit to come all out to British Columbia had been taxing. She was a first-time flyer, although in unique way, first time flying in an aircraft. It was disturbing to have been caged in metal vessel, unable to escape should something bad happen. To make matters worse, she had been onboard a regular flight with other passengers. She could feel the swarm, a part of her, anxious to break free to understand this metal coffin.

She almost caved, panic-stricken as she was during that flight, but the H.E.L.P agency had been right next to her to talk her down, or should it come to it, sedate her. Although they all suspected that sedating her would make it worse. The swarm did have a mind of its own, after all, and without her to direct the swarm...

Well, wouldn't have that been an interesting headline: Flight 987 Invaded by Bees!

It took significant concentration on Jonna's part adding a lot to the already taxing activity of relocating to a new country and being given the expedited introduction to Pacific Royal. In just twenty-four hours, she was ushered through until she found herself dressed in her PT gear: athletic shorts, a pair of sporty shoes, high socks, shirt, and her jacket. The jacket was for everyone else's sake, rather than her own. She found, from experience, that people did not like looking at the hexagonal hive vents that bees can create to leave. In most cases, only a few were needed to accommodate an everyday traffic flow. There wasn't exactly a need to as she could eat enough sugary food that would then supply the swarm but sealing them felt uncomfortable. It was like an itch that she couldn't scratch that was all over her.

Maddening, really, how others couldn't understand them. They just wanted to be free and especially times like this. Hiking through the woods and after limited time to explore, the swarm had been anxious to be free. Jonna relaxed, the hike and camping trip being exactly what she needed. She lingered towards the rear of Team 78 during the hike as bees crawled in and out of her. They busied themselves with missions as the storm clouds gathered adding a touch of frenzy in the insects as they tried to fill in their adventure before they were sealed in again.

As a result, Jonna was exploring her new home more than others could understand. Messages of the workers came back detailing about flower patches, animals seen, or major landmarks like the sea. It wasn't she could see these things, only understand where they were. Her imagination ran wild, instead. She could picture these scenes that the workers described, imagining more than what she was seeing. It was unique, even for her. She had never been outside of Sweden, and even then, a small part of it. For them to be in a completely new environment, the sense was exhilarating.

They reached their campsite.

Relaxed. Happy.

Jonna was even happier realizing there was food. Pizza, specifically. She headed straight away to prepare a pizza, feeling famished. They even had the ingredients for the best pizza: Barbeque sauce. Just a cheese pizza with BBQ sauce, specifically.

Although she'd argue there were better sauces out there than what they had. Sweet and Tangy was the best. Niklas back at the orphanage had loved American style BBQ and made the best sauce. She smiled at the memory and wondered what Niklas would be making for the orphanage tonight.

Having her pizza in front of her, she sat on the ground happily delicately tearing a piece of crust and popping it in her mouth. Of course, dipping it BBQ sauce first.

Now that she was a little more grounded to herself, her focus went to the conversations around her. Others talked about a dinosaur. Dinosaurs were old news. Extinct for a reason and not as cool as bees. Her attention shifted to those that were working on tents. Something that she maybe should have busied herself with instead of sitting around but that brought an uncomfortable thought. She'd have to share space with someone.

A few bees had been drawn out by the smell of the pizza, crawling up the sleeves of her jacket. One rested on Jonna's shoulder, watching her as she tore another dipped piece and ate it.

She frowned. There was a very real possibility that she would get somebody obnoxious to tent with. How dreadful would that be? She put the thought aside for now, believing she had to gauge the others for compatibleness finally.

"So..." She spoke up delicately wiping her hands on a paper towel, her Swedish accent . One of her bees flew lazily over to it to try and slurp up some of the sauce she wiped off. "...Who tents with who? We weren't assigned, ya?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Nemaisare
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Location: Team 78 Campsite - Southern Plateau, Dundas Island
The Homecoming Trials #1.83: Pineapple Icebreaker

Interaction(s): Ariel @Lawful Newtral, Kisha @TGM, Sierra @JunkMail
Previously: Made It Here

Change didn’t have to weigh hard and heavy; so, he grinned back when someone answered him instead of leaving him hanging. He’d set the tent up; they’d make sure it stayed down. “Alright. Thank you, thanks.” He hadn’t cared who it was, but a smile was definitely better than a frown, and anyone actually willing to take on what he asked them to was someone he’d happily hope stuck around. Not… that he thought there was much choice. They’d all enrolled into team spirit to be folded up and squished together. He’d kind of liked that thought before. Still did. Assigned or not, meant he didn’t have to struggle through finding ways to meet. They were all here already. Might not make them friends, but at least he’d get to know someone. Friends… When the word echoed in his ears rather than his head, his expression turned bemused, not sure if he’d said his own thoughts aloud or if they were just thinking the same. Wasn’t going to turn them down though. “Okay. Yeah. Friends.” Friends were good. This one was tall and freckled and seemed confident; he could use more of that in his life.

But thinking about pizza toppings while ignoring the way the wind was screaming was really all he wanted to do just then, so he focused on that next. Pepperoni, sausage, and cheese were his choices, after careful consideration. Then, he put his in when Ariel pulled theirs out and was very much wondering why he was staying where he was by the time Hawaiian was asked about. He’d held out the pineapple container just in case Miss Friend was asking because she wanted some, then glanced towards the vegan question, not sure if… well… she was definitely looking at him. Wasn’t sure why, but it wasn’t hard to answer. So, head shaking and voice rising over the wind to be a little too loud himself, he did. “Vegans don’t like meat, right?”

Holding out the pineapple to her and her restlessness next, since she didn’t look too eager for the rest of what was on offer, he raised a shoulder in a helpless half-shrug at her confusion while making the same offer of pineapple to the black-haired girl who’d just sat down nearby before pointing to the oven. “It’s hot. But I’m watching my pizza so it doesn’t burn?” Despite the direct explanation, Lucas’ lack of certainty as to how well his meaning would be understood made it sound more like he was asking Kisha if that’s what he was doing. It was the best answer he had though. Or, well, the easiest one.

He wasn’t sure he wanted to try harder if she didn’t get it, wasn’t sure it was worth the effort, maybe she wouldn’t care. Maybe no one would… That’d be—“Huh? I dunno. Okay.”

He’d maybe gotten a little too good at not listening and a little too practiced at being confused. Didn’t realise someone else was talking to him until Stegosaurus echoed itself and then he ran through words stalling for time before he’d even tried picking up the rest of hers. Had to twist back her way to see where she was glancing before he found the context for her question under his arm and falling out of his pocket. “Oh! Yeah.” His grin flashed quick and crooked. “It’s my dad. He thinks they’re cool, like Spike, but I like the longnecks.” As he talked, he’d set the pineapple down and then paused with his hands in front of him as he looked between them and the small plush dinosaur, forehead furrowing. “Can you put it back? I’m sticky.”

He didn’t want to lose it or make it dirty. And his pizza was probably about ready, but he couldn’t move anymore until he was sure, absolutely sure, that the plush wouldn’t fall out. He also had no actual answer to the last question asked. He hadn’t been listening. He knew they were supposed to be pairing off because the tents had two beds, but whether Ariel had already been paired with him or if they’d simply taken him up on his offer, he didn’t actually know.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 33 min ago

The car ride was silent as Geraldine Pritchard pressed lightly on the gas pedal, moving through the Canadian wilderness. Harlowe didn't know where they were going. She expected to be sent to juvenile detention or, more likely, prison after what she did. She moved the left sleeve of her shirt, eyeing the bruises there. They healed somewhat, but she could still see the finger marks on her skin. She rolled it down and glanced at Geraldine to see if she noticed.

She did. Of course she did.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Harlowe sunk into herself. She hated feeling small. She never wanted to feel small. "I can handle myself," was all Harlowe said. Geraldine scoffed, though it was more a chuckle than a mockery. "Clearly dear, if the destruction is to be believed."

Harlowe's mind flashed back to the McMiller household. The father, Humphrey, was a drunk who hurt whoever he could get his hands on. Harlowe thought she would have a protector in the mother, Heather, but more often than not, whenever something went wrong, Heather immediately blamed Harlowe and that was when Humphrey went after her. Moving around the foster care system, she was used to abuse. How people like the McMiller's got chosen was beyond her. She made a note that, in the future, she would do her best to bring families like that to justice.

Not the kind of justice she delivered though.

She knew she was a Hyperhuman for a long time. She didn't tell anyone or show anyone. She knew what would have happened. She would be captured and taken somewhere. Experimented on. Locked up. Who knew? Or worse...

But she had had enough. She knew if she didn't stop him he would escalate. She saw the looks he gave her. So when he tried, she screamed.

And it was loud. She did so unwillingly, but it had to be a defense mechanism. Her ability to manipulate sound must have stepped in to help, increasing her voice to a shattering effect. Humphrey was bleeding from his ears, she was sure she shattered his eardrums. The house was blown, half of it gone and the other in disarray.

Geraldine picked her up after that.

So now Harlowe was sure she was going to be locked up. But why were they in Canada? Geraldine must be a mind reader, because she answered the unspoken questions. "Had I known earlier, I could have stepped in. Gotten you out before this....event happened. I don't mean the abuse, though I do wish I was made aware of that also. I know of your abilities Harlowe. I understand they can be scary. That's why we are going somewhere else. Not another home. Not a laboratory. A school. A boarding school if you want to be technical. A school for people like you to learn how to manage your abilities without fear. Be amongst your peers. You also get a good education. You are already enrolled, though we are a bit late. The opening ceremony must have started. Here we are."

Harlowe glanced out the window and saw the school. It looked normal, she supposed, though if it was a school for Hyperhumans she was sure there was more that met the eye.

Geraldine got out of the car and opened the truck, taking out Harlowe's suitcases. "I packed everything you'll need. There's a strict uniform code, but there are times when you can dress how you want. I am sure after the ceremony you can get settled. And you'll need this." Geraldine took out Harlowe's phone, or rather her music player since that was the main reason Harlowe had it. She handed it to Harlowe. "I'll check in when I can, but the staff here are, more or less, your guardians now. You'll be 18 soon and we can discuss what that means when you leave here. But I trust you'll behave. This is an opportunity for you Harlowe. Don't squander it." Not one for sentimentality, Geraldine went back in the car and drove off.

Harlowe turned to face the school. This was going to be interesting.

Location: Team 78 Campsite - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
The Homecoming Trials #1.83: Let The Music Move You

Previously: N/A

After the opening ceremony and running to get changed and ready, Harlowe followed the others in her assigned group to their campsite. She looked at those with her. She wondered what their stories were. Harlowe, headphones in her ears, turned up the song she was listening to.


As the beat filled her, she considered her options. This was to be an opportunity, though she didn't know what to expect. The opening ceremony outlined a bit, but she was still lost. She barely had time to read up on classes or the school map before she had to get going. Perhaps the others knew more?

Once at the campsite, things got underway real quick. Pizzas were being made and their tents looked like something out of Modern Architecture magazine. This was not camping.

Harlowe noticed a few of the others were all getting together to talk and exchange information. It was kind of nice to see people getting along quickly. She sat down and took her headphones out. She didn't want to appear antisocial. She overheard someone asking about tent sharing. "I don't believe we were assigned anyone. I'm open to sharing with whoever. Name's Harlowe. I'm a pretty sound sleeper. Probably due to my abilities."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Trial Campground - Southern Plateau, Dundas Island
The Homecoming Trials #1.85 Trauma Dumping

Interaction(s): The Campfire Group
Previously: Forced Hands

"Thank you." Haleigh replied to Katja, taking a place nearby the campfire.

As Katja spoke, Haleigh listened in silence. Though she did take a bite of her kebab every so often, it was clear that what Katja had said was having an effect on Haleigh. Some might've seen Katja as trauma dumping; ruining their kebab barbeque and "friendly" campfire. Regardless of what others thought, however, Haleigh understood every part of Katja's lived experience. It was relatable, after all, her own experience in Vancouver being similar to what she spoke of.

She thought of giving Katja a hug, or perhaps a pat on the shoulder. Something to let her know things are okay. Her teammate had already extended similar courtesy back at the auditorium, so it was the least Haleigh could've done. But given the fact that she was in a wheelchair, and that Katja was already distracted by Banjo's excess kebabs, Haleigh let the conversation move on.

That's right. I'm not the only one here with bad history. Can't forget that.

Making a mental note to talk to Katja later, Haleigh watched as the conversation shifted to Trace. They glossed much over their own history, like it was bullet points on a PowerPoint. But when it came to their power? The rest of the kebabs on her plate didn't quite seem appetizing anymore to Haleigh—a feeling that grew even more obvious as the conversation shifted to Trevor.

Who could fault her? Eating a meal during a horror show or movie was one thing. This was full-on body horror being put on display before her eyes, in person!

Finally, the introductions shifted towards Makenna. Someone who Haleigh really hadn't the pleasure of meeting or interacting much with, if even at all. Part of her hoped she had a "normal" ability as Makenna introduced herself. Or, rather, at least something that sounded normal in all this craziness. Something that wasn't "I can grow arms out of my back", for example. Thankfully, Haleigh found herself relieved that Makenna's power was that of sound, or more specifically the ability to control.

Once Makenna finished, Haleigh glanced around the campfire. Most of the team had already spoken, but there were some that hadn't, such as herself. Taking the opportunity while it still existed, Haleigh decided to speak up just to get it over with. They were going to have to know eventually, after all. Keeping her power under wraps was only going to endanger the rest of her team and others at the school.

"I suppose I should probably explain some things. Hi, the name's Haleigh, though obviously some of you already know that. I'm from Vancouver—it's not that far from here, actually. About a day's worth of driving by car. Anyway, my dad is a Mountie. You know, the guys in red, one of the stereotypes when one thinks of Canada. Mom, well..."

Haleigh paused momentarily, before deciding to skip over that point. It was a topic she wasn't willing to go into.

"The Cascades were his stomping grounds, so he frequently brought me on his trips. To hike. Camp. Just anything to do with the outdoors. I guess he rubbed off on me in the end since I became an outdoors blogger and spent time out there solo before... well, the incident. I don't like to talk about it, personally. It's difficult to when one day you're... 'normal', and then the next you've buried yourself alive and become the reason people could've died back home. When your neighbors decide you needed to die over something out of your control."

She looked down at her legs, before taking a deep breath. They needed to know.

"Some of you are probably wondering about the wheelchair, I figure. Honestly, I hate it. I would much rather prefer to walk. But I can't. Not without people getting hurt. It's something that's been hanging over my head ever since I developed this stupid ability. I could sink this island with a stroll. Destroy the school with a jog."

Haleigh grimaced, clearly fighting back her emotions.

"I don't want to be the reason why more people get hurt, so I guess that's why I'm here. Tad's helped me with this inhibitor thing of his, but..."

She trailed off, unable to finish her statement.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Team 78 Campsite - Southern Plateau, Dundas Islands
The Homecoming Trials #1.74 New Beginnings

Interaction(s): Anyone nearby

It has been a long day and an even longer two days. Efraim had to admit that so far, things have been fast and stressful, even if it has only been two days at this place. First, having only an hour to get ready for the opening ceremonies and get through unpacking which he barely did. Not enough time for that, and now being told to prepare for a camping trip. Like little time to relax and unwind or get to know people.

But now that he is here now, hiking in a place he thought he would never go to and not forced to wear an inhibitor. That is a plus, at least. It was hard not to like the sights, and the view is spectacular. The plus side of camping, which he has never done before. So a change of pace he can like, or would like more if things did not move so fast since coming to P.R.C.U.

Efraim had some thoughts about the Homecoming Trials. Some contest or something. He will find out more later, he guessed. Him still trying to get settled in and everything though one thought lingered about it. It is okay if the uniform gets ripped since his powers well might cause the thing to get ripped. As he has found with using his bone armor, it does not work well with clothes.

Either way, by the time they had reached the campsite, Efraim was about ready to eat something. Which it did not take long for the tents to be set up, and pizza was being made. Though the tents they used seemed different than the ones, he would have expected to have while camping. Granted, he has never camped, so maybe things have changed.

So as the pizza was being made, Efraim saw that some people were talking to each other and introducing themselves. So he figured he should introduce himself since the others were doing it. Speaking with a clear Mexican accent, "I am Efraim, and I am open to sharing tents with whoever too. If you are okay with sle..." Efraim stopped mid-sentence as he realized what he was about to say and how it might be misinterpreted. Actually more like probably misinterpreted, and there goes a first impression.

So after rethinking what he was about to say, he calmly spoke, "Yeah, not picky. I am just glad we have some time to relax a bit today, and having pizza helps."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lawful Newtral
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Lawful Newtral Black Leg

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location: Team 78 Campsite - Southern Plateau, Dundas Island
The Homecoming Trials #1.88: ...And They Were Teammates!

Interaction(s): Lucas Bray @Nemaisare, one Sierra Hilton instance @Junkmail, Efraim Tenorio @Theyra, the rest of Team Firebird
Previously: The New Normal

Tent set up and pizza roasted, the time was right to unwind and have a good time with the rest of Team Firebird. A girl on the smaller side came by to sit next to Ariel and that boy, striking up a conversation with him about plushies. They offered her the same accommodating smile, which grew bemused when they saw the same girl talking to three different people? And then more of the same girl...at the same time, working on the same tent? Things rapidly took a turn for the less mundane.

Suppose that was the point of stuffing all these hypes into the same island. They didn't know how life was like for the other kids to come out of the lead-lined closet, but Ariel had been the only hyperhuman with 100 miles of Truth or Consequences. The isolation of their condition made them resent the HZE ions or whatever it was inside them. Now, there were at least ten of their same-age peers with wildly different powers but the same strange compound in their blood, protected by some of the best technological infrastructure they had ever seen. After weeping nights in lonesome roach-infested motel rooms, this was a comforting thought. Something for Past Me to look forward to.

Despite the rumbling gray on the horizon, Ariel relaxed their posture after the initial confusion of the girl's cloning faded. Even with the bunker-like tents, the rain wouldn't be a problem for them. Once they figured out how to use their HZEs to influence water, all it took was a little bit of focus for the descending raindrops to avoid Ariel altogether, keeping them dry and cozy while the world dampened. It had been one of the first practical uses of Hype powers they discovered, and with luck, their time here at Pacific Royal would bring with it a couple more uses. Like self-defense.

Turning their attention back to their spicy pizza and their friends' conversation, Ariel picked up a vague mention of the T-Rex and comparisons of time. It was a shallow middle-school factoid, but they would be the last person to point that out. Instead, they used the piece of trivia to leapfrog into the conversation.

"Whoa, I didn't know that," Ariel remarked to the fact after biting into a super-spicy pizza. Their voice was breathy on account of their steaming tongue pleasantly poison by capsaicin. "Time is weird. It's kind of like how Anne Frank and MLK were born on the same year."

"Also, don't force yourself to stand around in the heat," they added for good measure to the absent-minded boy. "I can watch your pizza for you, if you'd like." Ariel was aware that their water affinity made it just that more painful for them to stand in around in the heat he was in, but once again, peace of mind and good graces were worthy pieces of currency to fight over.

More of Team Firebird had started to file in and make themselves known after setting up their respective tents. The diversity of ethnicities and age groups in the team sank in, and Ariel's mind raced. On the one hand, this many different walks of life and experiences leads to many divergent perspectives, some even contradictory to one another. They couldn't really explain it, but the warning signs of tension was already in the air, like ozone in the air before a lightning storm. They could almost smell it. On the other hand, the stakes at hand were their survival as a group, no matter what flowery words promoting academia were said at the ceremony. All things considered, that was a damn good incentive to work together. Ariel was certain Team Firebird could work well.

And if they couldn't, Ariel was no stranger to working solo either.

Their soft voice once more rang through the dim hum of the pizza oven when some began to introduce themselves. "I agree, pizza is great for group activities like this." Ariel tore off a slice of the sriracha-laced pizza and held it out for anyone and no one to try. More of a statement than anything else. "My name's Ariel. I'll 'room' with whoever, but I guess for now, I'll be in the same tent as him." They used the slice of pizza to point at the boy beside him. "He never told his name so until he does, I'm going to call him 'Dominik'. Because he looks like a Dominik. I'm sorry if that offends you, 'Dominik'."

So far, Team Firebird had not disappointed Ariel's initial assessment: fine folk who were awkward around other people. 'Dominik' was nice and shy. The clone girl (girls?) seemed energetic and inquisitive, rightful traits for a student. The curly-haired one was 'weird and loud'—and those were her own words, not Ariel's. The one with the Scandinavian accent looked oblivious, none the wiser to some bees fluttering about her pizza, poor thing. One of them, Efraim, had a distinct Mexican accent and a curious Ariel tipped their head, smiling at his choice of words in an attempt to comfort him and perhaps show some kinship. And then there were a smattering of others Ariel had yet to get a good read on. Embarrassing as it was to admit, they missed this sort of situation. The first day of school was a horror story for most, but Ariel enjoyed the thrill of figuring out new faces. It was like solving a puzzle.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Location: Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
The Homecoming Trials: # 1.89 Campfire Tales and Terrors

Interaction(s): All quoted below, you know who you are. Calliope - @PatientBean, Cassander - @Lord Wraith
Previously: 'Most People I Know (Think That I'm Crazy)'

"So you metabolize sunlight?" he echoed, turning to Banjo, "That's so cool! I bet you have to ingest a lot more cholesterol to compensate unless it works independently of vitamin D synthesis. We can talk more about it later."

"Huh..." He stopped in his tracks. "I, uhh, didn't know you would know that..." He said to no-one in particular. Mainly himself. "Well, yeah it's independent of Vitamind D synthesis, actually, it's independent of everything. I think-- theoretically at least, it's independent of respiration. But that's a pretty big leap of faith to take, testing whether or not I can go without breathing when I juice. Oh, I... I call it juicing." He became aware he was distracting from the task at hand. "But yeah... yeah, anything else you want to know we can talk about that later."

Banjo's gears ran wild as he wondered just how much he'd been underestimating the football friends. And whether they'd caught on and were just too polite to say anything.

He shook it off and focused on what came next as the large South African sheila took centre stage.

”Well, guess it’s my turn. I’m Katja, but you can call me Kat if you want.” giving an apathetic shrug at the idea. ”My ability is density manipulation which means I can alter my own body mass and toughness. Basically I can turn myself into a human wrecking ball. Or punching bag, so if anyone needs a sparring partner who you want to try your abilities on, I’m your meisie She punctuated that statement with a humorless chuckle before looking at Banjo.

”Guess I’ll follow your example and explain a bit more about myself. As most of you have probably picked up on by my accent, I’m not from this side of the Atlantic, not originally anyway.” Katja paused for a moment as she looked up to the sky and took a deep breath before continuing. ”I was born and raised in Bloemfontein. Now, that name might not say a whole lot to most of you, but a little over a decade ago there was a large anti-hype massacre over there. The munnies got to my parents and well…” She bit down hard on her lips, casting her eyes down for a few seconds before looking back at the people around the campfire with an awkwardly forced smile on her lips. ”I’m sorry for ruining the mood, just felt like the best moment to open up.”

”Anyway...” she took a shaky deep breath to regain her composure, hiding away her pain back into that deep corner before looking at Banjo with that same forced smile on her face. ”You euhm, going to finish that?” Katja said, pointing her thumb to the untouched plate belonging to the Aussie.

"Oh no..." Banjo thought to himself at first. "I didn't just bloody inadvertantly open the floodgates on some kind of mass-trauma dump by everybody in attendance, did I?" But as Katja continued her story, and even heavier, the details which were so painful they must be omitted, Banjo started to justify his decision to himself further. "Actually... this might be for the best anyway. Like I said. Finding stuff in common. A dozen randomly assembled hyperhumans, with the oppression and abuse that we generally face, the odds aren't too bad that someone here might be able to relate to losing parents over it. I mean, it's at least peripheral to you and Sparky McGee over there anyway, huh?"

Most surprisingly of all, when she finished, she threw a smile on and asked Banjo if he was done with his food.

Banjo chuckled warmly, and returned his own smile.

"Have at it." He said, handing her the whole plate, and pointing to the sky. "I filled up earlier." Beween the heavy cloud cover and the late hour, the sun was a barely visible seam in the darkness, but she'd get the gist.

"Well, she seemed friendly enough." He thought to himself. "Maybe I was wrong. Maybe Trace didn't poison that well." He scratched his chin in contemplation with his now free plate hand, before considering what he could do with the arm. "Give it a shot?"

He put his arm around Calliope, who tensed slightly at the sensation, before relaxing into it after making eye contact and confirming it was indeed Banjo who was doing it.

"Whoa... Ok. That was-- Good. This is... Things are working out. This is all good. People are talking. Nobody's trying to kill each other. Calli's sensing it too, maybe? This is good..."

Slowly the supercharged Holden V8 engine which drove Banjo's self-confidence started to up its revs.

“Bloody, ‘ell,” Trace grumbled. “I’m Trace Whitlock. They and them for the lot of you that didn’t get the memo. I’m from Sutton London. My dad is British Military, my mum is dead, and I was scouted for a professional football league before all this happened. And by football—RORY—I mean your fuckin’ soccer. Except better and with less bullshit.” They shrugged. “As much as my power goes. It’s easier to show you."

They pulled the back of their shirt up, which caused the front to ride up as well. Their torso was finely muscled, though far from the definition of Katja’s, and as pale as the rest of them. Their deep blue veins were obvious underneath. At first, it would be hard to tell what was happening in the light of the campfire, but it became apparent that a long limb started to form underneath the back of their shirt. At the end was a hand with fingers. The arm extended longer than a normal one should, lengthening out six feet in front of them. It was as pale as their flesh but didn’t seem to be made of skin. It looked to be denser and made of marble. While it bent in the middle, as if it had an elbow, there was nothing natural about it. The hand splayed its fingers and dove into the fire. It picked up some smoldering coals and held them there as if just holding a handful of rocks. It crushed them into a cloud of fine dust—easily—before dropping them back into the pit. The arm then crumbled away, landing on the ground like chalk before bubbling up as if someone doused it in vinegar before disappearing entirely. “That’s it. And I can produce six of those things.” They could do more with it, but they didn’t care to elaborate. Surprises might be fun in the future. Not to mention, they were already braced for whatever shit Banjo was about to spew.

"Oh, so the dead Mum thing. That wasn't just bullshit." He thought to himself. Trace'd dropped that nugget so glibly he wasn't entirely sure that was actually true at the time. He found himself relieved he hadn't fired back a "That's probably why she didn't move around so much." Especially after what he'd said before.

Oh... what he'd said before.

They were noticeably avoiding eye contact too.


Then when they showed off their power he found himself realising the depths of those self-confidence issues he'd exploited to fire back at them. The guilt made his stomach churn. He was still mad. He'd still probably wind up running damage control on what they'd said before, if and when - god willing - that came up later with Calli. But he still didn't like what he'd done. The depths of shittiness... it wasn't equitable. He just wanted to hurt because he hurt, and that was the clearest way to do just that.

He wasn't going to have to fucking talk about this later with 'em though, was he? I mean, Trace knew the score, right?

The churning didn't stop.

"Well, shit..."

Trevor smiled at the group and gave a small wave.
"Hi everyone! My name's Trevor and I'm a H.E.A.T. program volunteer. My ability is..." He trailed off as he racked his brain for a good explanation. "It's easier to show than tell."

He reached down and placed his hand flat on the ground. In the next instant the skin of his arm started to disappear. Not into thin air and disappearing, it moved into the ground under his hand. But moving was also not quite the right word. His flesh was disappearing and reappearing in the dirt in a rough outline of his hand, then his wrist, and the better part of his forearm that filled in over a few seconds. At the same time, a mixture of dirt, rocks, and grass replaced the limb now half buried in the ground. He flexed his new fingers a few times as small bits of dirt fell back to the ground before taking a firm hold of his original arm and giving a firm tug to free it from the dirt. The arm dangled limply in his grasp as he gave it a good shake to dislodge any dirt stuck to it. He didn't seem to mind as drops of blood welled up near the lump of bone sticking out the top, but he was careful to hold it hand side down.

"I can move other stuff around too. It doesn't have to be part of me either. More importantly I'm with Calliope, cool name by the way. We should stick together."
By pure chance he happened to glance at Trace with all those arms behind her and gears turned in his head. Trevor looked down at his own disembodied hand and had to suppress a chuckle before he even started. This would be perfect, he just knew it. A joke would make her feel better after he spat with Banjo. Even at a distance it was obvious he was struggling not to laugh at his own joke as he tilted the severed limb in her direction.

"You seem like you got things handled but just ask and I'll be happy to lend you a hand."

Okay. So the guy who was interested in how his powers worked was called Trevor. If Trace wasn't lying before the other one was called Rory. With mental notes he started to piece together the names of those on the team, should they remain as such by the end of things.

He hoped so... wouldn't want to have to learn a bunch of new names.

He noticed Trevor didn't really share anything about himself of value. Was it shallowness, only really interested in discussing powers? Or was there something more there that was the reason why he really didn't want to share. Ten minutes ago he'd likely just chalk it up to a lack of depth, but Banjo had underestimated him already once, so now he wasn't so sure...

“Makenna, She began her introduction, shining smile at the ready as it came her turn. “Full merit scholarship Yale undergrad, treasurer of the Yale Daily News, and recipient of the Goldfarb Community Service award.” She paused for a moment, wanting so much it could have ended there. “Not that’s what any of you really wanted to hear about me.” She continued, still smiling as she folded her hands together, looking over the group.

“Four delta esoteric expulsive; vocal projection and mimicry. I can sound like whatever or whoever you want,” Her head tilted as she innocently lifted her eyes to the darkening sky above. “Or just a real screamer if it’s called for.”

With a final flash of white teeth, she looked expectantly to her left to continue the chain.

She rattled off a series of accomplishments like the rote recitation of her CV. Sure, Yale was impressive, even Banjo had heard about there. He knew they were an Ivy league school, bunch of schools famous for their prestige, and they had some weird thing with Harvard. He also knew they had a high end law school, and were known for business management and economics as well. But that was the sum total of what he knew. He supposed it was something to be proud of, and that Makenna was probably pretty quick to namedrop Yale to anyone new. It did after all pop up three times in the first complete sentence she'd bothered to say in his presence.

He wanted to redirect and see if he could get people back on track of actually sharing something meaningful about themselves, but Haleigh took to the stage and he immediately became mindful of criticising what people chose to share, particularly in front of the person who saw him chew out Inigo not that long before. So instead he ate his criticism, and listened in.

"I suppose I should probably explain some things. Hi, the name's Haleigh, though obviously some of you already know that. I'm from Vancouver—it's not that far from here, actually. About a day's worth of driving by car. Anyway, my dad is a Mountie. You know, the guys in red, one of the stereotypes when one thinks of Canada. Mom, well..."

Haleigh paused momentarily, before deciding to skip over that point. It was a topic she wasn't willing to go into.

"The Cascades were his stomping grounds, so he frequently brought me on his trips. To hike. Camp. Just anything to do with the outdoors. I guess he rubbed off on me in the end since I became an outdoors blogger and spent time out there solo before... well, the incident. I don't like to talk about it, personally. It's difficult to when one day you're... 'normal', and then the next you've buried yourself alive and become the reason people could've died back home. When your neighbors decide you needed to die over something out of your control."

She looked down at her legs, before taking a deep breath. They needed to know.

"Some of you are probably wondering about the wheelchair, I figure. Honestly, I hate it. I would much rather prefer to walk. But I can't. Not without people getting hurt. It's something that's been hanging over my head ever since I developed this stupid ability. I could sink this island with a stroll. Destroy the school with a jog."

Haleigh grimaced, clearly fighting back her emotions.

"I don't want to be the reason why more people get hurt, so I guess that's why I'm here. Tad's helped me with this inhibitor thing of his, but..."

She trailed off, unable to finish her statement.

So... she was in the chair for all of our sakes, and not hers. Well ain't that a kick? Trailing off added weight to everything she had just said and every passing beat was uncomfortable. Full of newfound confidence from how things were going with Calliope, Banjo decided it was his place to say something, even though he'd barely spoken a dozen words directly to Haleigh since being here. "Hell, none of us knew each other until only recently, so why not me?" He justified to himself.

"It's ok. That's what I guess a lot of us are here for..." He hid behind the "lot of us", it was complete bullshit in his case. He was here because he was dragged here. "...and you wouldn't be the only person here who's scared of what they're capable of. Truth be told, when I first heard about the 'Big Bang' and the expansion of the universe, I figured I'd be responsible for the heat death of the whole shebang." What he kept to himself, was that it was still a nagging belief he couldn't shake. But to others he knew it sounded ridiculous, so maybe that might be helpful here.

"Not everyone here has control over what they do either." He gestured to Sparky McGee. "But maybe with time you'll be able to run down the street, stop on a button, and rise the dirt you're on a thousand feet in the air. Like shaping a mountain or a cliff-face... things take time. Hopefully, unlike a mountain or cliff-face, maybe this won't take quite so long."

The ending was a bit clunky, but he wasn't really used to offering reassurance. He couldn't relate to the last part at all either. He had almost perfect control of his powers, in his opinion. In part because they were straightforward in nature, but also because as he'd said - his powers terrified him into respect.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by psych0pomp
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psych0pomp DOUBT EVERYTHING / except me... i'm cool

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Helicopter shot over some woods and a rocky incline. You can make out figures working their way through the wilderness in a line formation, being led by two real hot slightly older ladies. An inner monologue starts up, you don’t know who is speaking yet. The voice is younger but deep and crisp, like a young Sam Elliot. “I’d always lived for my adoring masses. The 100k-ish, I mean 1 million, followers I had on Instagram and Twitter. But now, I had to leave that all behind. And, I had to be secretive about it. So, this turned into a trip with ‘friends.’ In which, all my friends would be confused about who I took and laminate lament that it was not them. Instead, I was off to a hidden school for hyper-humans, protected by the most elite that Canada had to offer. So like, Super Mounties or something…”

Location: Team 78 Campsite - Southern Plateau, Dundas Island
The Homecoming Trials: # 1.90: Don't Stop Bee-Lieving

Interaction(s): Sierra # 2 or 3 or 4 @JunkMail
Previously: N.A

Snapping selfies in LA was easy. Just find the light, and it was arid and sunny enough that you always looked good. Snapping selfies in Canada was like trying to take a picture in a child’s ball pit—it really was a toss-up on what sucked the most. Coop tried to get a picture on a scenic rock, but there were too many tree shadows. Then he tried to get a picture out in the open, but the cloud cover made it look like he’d put on a cheap “night filter” that B-movies used. He tried by a tree with his flash on, but it was just too dang green. It washed him out in the weirdest way. So, he just took a picture of the tree and posted it. “Me and the boys hiking in Canada. Hope moose don’t like Italian.” He then had a crisis of intelligence. Was it “moose” or “mooses” or “mises?” Also, do they eat people? After a quick couple of Google searches, he felt better about his choices. Well, except for the fact that he could be gored by a moose. But that seemed quicker and less traumatic than being eaten. Speaking of which—

Halfway through the trek, Coop’s stomach made a horrible noise. It was almost cartoonish in the way groaned. He turned a pitched red and fished out a protein bar from his pack. His pack was 60% snacks, 20% a solar-powered ring light, 10% an extra pair of socks and underwear, and 10% EPI pens (he hoped). He eyed the bee girl, again. At least moose goring would be traumatic and dramatic. His throat closing against his will seemed almost comical. “He lived as he died, trying to ask for help but instead flailing around.” Also, his corpse would probably not be cute. Not that corpses were cute—but—he just wanted an open-casket funeral. Cool. Cool. Cool. Why was he thinking about this right now?

Fortunately for his spiraling thoughts, they arrived at the grounds. He immediately set down his tent. “Man, I hope these tents were heavy because our personal masseuse is in them. I feel like an old lady in water aerobics. Hope I have slipped a disk.” He made a dramatic show of bending his back only for it to pop. “Oh hey!”

No more thought was put into the tent as there was talk about pizza and a portable pizza oven. O-kay, maybe Canada had more in common with LA than he thought. As others milled around, he made a beeline (agh! He needed to make sure he brought his EPI pen) for the food.

He had a large, if almost comically so, piece of his pizza hanging half out of his mouth when he was approached by someone. “Ever been camping before?” she asked. He’d been looking at the group that was clustered by the bee girl, which had included this girl. This girl that was still in the group, and also in front of him asking him if he’d ever been camping.

“Yeah. Used to go camping outside of LA as a kid. I mean the tents didn’t do that but it wasn’t bad. I’m sorry—” he trailed off as he shot his hand out to see if this second identical girl was actually there. He bumped up against her very solid body. “Whoops. Sorry! I thought you were a hologram or something.” His hand rested right below her shoulder but not too low as to be scandalous. He gently patted it as if he’d meant to do that the entire time. “So, what’s your name? I’m Coop.” He then traded pizza to his other hand to shake hers. He realized there was grease and cheese soaking it, and now it covered his left hand as well. In hopes of not smearing it all over himself, he leaned over to a tree and ran his hand down it. “Nature’s napkin?” he questioned, probably more to himself than to the girl in front of him. He then extended his fairly clean hand towards her—a few leaves stuck on it for posterity. “That’s very hot of me, I know.”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by webboysurf
Avatar of webboysurf

webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"With all due respect, you know very little about the situation so maybe just focus on your football throwing and let the grown-ups have a discourse," she said to Rory. "As for you," she addressed Iñigo, "I came over here offering help and you didn't even acknowledge me, let alone how rude you treated Banjo, who also only offered help. A simple 'no we have it' would have sufficed, but as you clearly didn't even know about the lever I'll wait for a 'thank you Banjo' instead. We're supposed to be a team and bonding and stuff and I'll be the first to admit I cringed at that aspect, but at least I am trying. Banjo was trying too, and you essentially spat in his face."

Calliope took a beat to calm down before she went on, acknowledging Rory now, "Sorry, Rory, about my grown-up comment. You meant well."

”You meant what you said.” Rory turned his gaze to Calliope for a moment, unable to mask the sadness in his eyes, before just turning away from everyone and walking out of the clearing for a moment. He could feel the emotion welling up in the chest and clawing at his throat. First sadness, then self-loathing. He was an adult now, there was no excuse for getting this worked up just because he was talked down to. Looked down on. Again. Just like it always happened. Because he was stupid. He was an idiot, and a burden. No one wanted him there, they had been very clear. He was a bad judge of character, he was a child. A big dumb child. Maybe now was just the best time to walk away…

It took a second for Rory to realize his phone was vibrating in his pocket as he had lowered himself down into a crouch behind a tree, his hands clenched so tight the fingernails had drawn a bit of blood in his palms. He quickly brushed them against his shorts, before reaching into his pocket to grab his phone. A small series of texts were the only notifications.

>You made me a promise, Rory.<

>You’re not a quitter.<

Rory shook his head in disbelief, sliding the phone back in his pocket. He cleared his throat with a cough, rubbed his eyes to make sure there were no tears, and waltzed back into camp. William always knew what to say at just the right time. It was hard to tell if it was him being empathetic, or just making the most of his hype gene. Quite frankly, Rory didn’t care. He was right, like always. It was too early to give up now.

Location: Camp Blackjack, Southern Plateau - P.R.C.U. Campus
The Homecoming Trials #1.90 : Is this Kumbayah?

Interaction(s): Team Blackjack
Previously: Introduction to Conflict Management

"So, what are everyone's thoughts on this team swap? I'll be the first to admit I had considered that possibility back at the campus. Now, I don't know. Hard to say if I think this team will flop or not on day 1. We didn't get off on the right foot, so maybe we can try to fix that now? I'm Calliope. My power is ice manipulation." She opened the floor to others.

Rory took a seat around the fire, opting for a spot away from Calliope as he happily munched on a fire grilled beef. As soon as the conversation turned to a discussion of abilities, Rory quickly scrambled to grab the pencil from his wristband. He flipped open the pad, and scrambled to write down Calliope’s power, as described. Calliope - Ice Manipulation. Bully.

"Everyone wants the chance to make a good first impression. There's an appeal to the swap in that alone. But it's not a simple reset," Cass paused.

"The adage of 'the grass is green where you water it' applies. We can stay on Blackjack, make the best of our situation and enjoy our time at Pacific Royal."

The smoke of the fire suddenly blew in his face causing Cass to cough before continuing.

"Or we give up on Blackjack and move to Eclipse or Firebird, either continuing with the same attitude or making the best of a new situation. There's no wrong answer and there's no right answer. It's Schrödinger's cat, whether it's alive or dead is dependent on your outlook." He had been talking too long, it was probably the most any of them had heard him speak.

Cass sheepishly rubbed the back of his head before holding a palm out. The familial sparks emitted from his hand before swirling together to become a small, glowing orb.

"According to Professor Roth and Dr. Lehrer, they call it volatile force manipulation." Cass mused before tossing it skyward, the orb exploding into fireworks.

"I'm not great at controlling it as I'm sure most of you have seen."

Rory paused, moving his head to eat the skewer being held in his left hand. He eyed up Cassander, who had spoken up. He was surprisingly well spoken, for someone who Rory hadn’t really heard say anything at all until now. He didn’t quite know what an adage was, or who Shrodinger was… but the gist was clear enough. And he was right. As much as deep down, Rory wanted to jump ship and hope for the best… there was no guarantee. If the teaching advisor was any indication, Team Eclipse wasn’t going to be any better. But as soon as Cass showed off his powers, Rory quickly wrote down his notes. It took him a second, as Rory’s teammate hadn’t said his name… but Rory matched the picture. Cassander - Volatile Force Manipulation = Fireworks.

Banjo spoke up. "Uhh... My names Banjo." He turned to look at Rory. "I uhh... know the official school documentation says 'Andrew Olyphant'. That's not my name. Only name I've ever known is Banjo. But they needed two names on the paperwork, and, well... yeah."

Oh, this is just going swimmingly, dickhead. Sack up. Before you put these jokers to asleep.

"Anyway... I've kind of always viewed my powers as 'something I can do' more than 'who I am', so maybe we can all bounce around and throw in something about ourselves as we go. Y'know, something a bit more substantial than 'I like Pez'. There's twelve of us here, maybe someone else here'll have it in common and we might actually see each other as people or somethin', or whatever."

"So, yeah. I'm Banjo, and I metaboli--" He turned and looked at Rory and Trevor and considered his audience. "I uhh-- eat sunlight and warmth, and my body takes it and makes me stronger, faster, helps me think a bit clearer, basically all 'round a bit better." He turned and looked at Sparky McGee, never flinching for a moment, staring at him in the face - straight down the barrel. "--And I've never known my parents. I grew up in orphanages and care facilities and bounced around schools for the vast majority of my life. In fact, I bounced around so much, I'm not exactly sure WHERE in Australia I'm from, or... I guess... my parents were from, because I've been pretty much all over. Or whatever. So who's got next?"

Well... let's see how that goes down.

Rory, almost immediately after Banjo spoke up, crossed out “Andrew” on his note card and replaced it with “Banjo.” He remained blissfully unaware of the subtext behind the correction. Banjo seemed to be in better spirits, or at least a bit more cooperative. The fun fact suggestion was a great idea, in Rory’s opinion. He listened intently, and scribbled down a few brief notes. Banjo - Eats sunlight. Stronger / Faster. Rory paused in his notes, looking up at Banjo. The thought of being able to think clearer, without all the distractions and urges muddling his brain, filled him with a sharp pain of jealousy. But as he focused in, he felt it wash away. The first heartbreaking story kept Rory distracted for a moment. He didn’t have any words of comfort to offer. He had just lost his parents… it was a different kind of pain than never knowing them. He finished out his notes briefly. Thinks better.

Waiting for Haleigh to take her spot around the campfire and looking if Banjo was done with his introduction, she took one last bite out of her steak before speaking up.

”Well, guess it’s my turn. I’m Katja, but you can call me Kat if you want.” giving an apathetic shrug at the idea. ”My ability is density manipulation which means I can alter my own body mass and toughness. Basically I can turn myself into a human wrecking ball. Or punching bag, so if anyone needs a sparring partner who you want to try your abilities on, I’m your meisie She punctuated that statement with a humorless chuckle before looking at Banjo.

Rory quickly wrote down his notes on Katja. Katja - Density Manipulation = Wrecking ball or punching bag. He wasn’t quite sure what that meant… or how he would feel with a teammate turning into construction equipment in the middle of practice. Though he wouldn’t mind volunteering to be her sparring partner.

”Guess I’ll follow your example and explain a bit more about myself. As most of you have probably picked up on by my accent, I’m not from this side of the Atlantic, not originally anyway.” Katja paused for a moment as she looked up to the sky and took a deep breath before continuing. ”I was born and raised in Bloemfontein. Now, that name might not say a whole lot to most of you, but a little over a decade ago there was a large anti-hype massacre over there. The munnies got to my parents and well…” She bit down hard on her lips, casting her eyes down for a few seconds before looking back at the people around the campfire with an awkwardly forced smile on her lips. ”I’m sorry for ruining the mood, just felt like the best moment to open up.”

”Anyway...” she took a shaky deep breath to regain her composure, hiding away her pain back into that deep corner before looking at Banjo with that same forced smile on her face. ”You euhm, going to finish that?” Katja said, pointing her thumb to the untouched plate belonging to the Aussie.

Rory’s heart dropped. He wasn’t the smartest bulb in the store, but even he could piece together what Katja was trying to say. His parents had always mentioned the things happening abroad, and the hate people showed towards Hypes. Rory had experienced a bit first-hand, but learned from a young age to keep that hidden. But he knew he had no idea what Katja had experienced. No one deserved that. Rory’s dad has always said it was better H.I.T. stopped Hype criminals before others burnt all Hypes at the stake as witches. Katja knew what that meant more than he did.

“Bloody, ‘ell,” Trace grumbled. “I’m Trace Whitlock. They and them for the lot of you that didn’t get the memo. I’m from Sutton London. My dad is British Military, my mum is dead, and I was scouted for a professional football league before all this happened. And by football—RORY—I mean your fuckin’ soccer. Except better and with less bullshit.” They shrugged. “As much as my power goes. It’s easier to show you."

They pulled the back of their shirt up, which caused the front to ride up as well. Their torso was finely muscled, though far from the definition of Katja’s, and as pale as the rest of them. Their deep blue veins were obvious underneath. At first, it would be hard to tell what was happening in the light of the campfire, but it became apparent that a long limb started to form underneath the back of their shirt. At the end was a hand with fingers. The arm extended longer than a normal one should, lengthening out six feet in front of them. It was as pale as their flesh but didn’t seem to be made of skin. It looked to be denser and made of marble. While it bent in the middle, as if it had an elbow, there was nothing natural about it. The hand splayed its fingers and dove into the fire. It picked up some smoldering coals and held them there as if just holding a handful of rocks. It crushed them into a cloud of fine dust—easily—before dropping them back into the pit. The arm then crumbled away, landing on the ground like chalk before bubbling up as if someone doused it in vinegar before disappearing entirely. “That’s it. And I can produce six of those things.” They could do more with it, but they didn’t care to elaborate. Surprises might be fun in the future. Not to mention, they were already braced for whatever shit Banjo was about to spew.

Rory quickly scribbled down a couple notes for Trace. Trace - *They Them* - Pro Foot Soccer player. He didn’t quite understand why Trace didn’t just call it Soccer… but I guess the British changed the name when they started playing the sport. Rory looked up to see Trace starting to pull up their shirt, and instinctively averted his gaze to the fire between them all. Of course, the fire was bright and started to hurt his vision, so he blinked rapidly a few times and looked back towards Trace… only to see the long limb reaching into the fire he was just staring at. His mind kind of went blank, having to take a moment to reboot and comprehend what he had just seen. He eventually just scribbled down Grow 6 creepy arms.

"Hi everyone! My name's Trevor and I'm a H.E.A.T. program volunteer. My ability is..." He trailed off as he racked his brain for a good explanation. "It's easier to show than tell."

He reached down and placed his hand flat on the ground. In the next instant the skin of his arm started to disappear. Not into thin air and disappearing, it moved into the ground under his hand. But moving was also not quite the right word. His flesh was disappearing and reappearing in the dirt in a rough outline of his hand, then his wrist, and the better part of his forearm that filled in over a few seconds. At the same time, a mixture of dirt, rocks, and grass replaced the limb now half buried in the ground. He flexed his new fingers a few times as small bits of dirt fell back to the ground before taking a firm hold of his original arm and giving a firm tug to free it from the dirt. The arm dangled limply in his grasp as he gave it a good shake to dislodge any dirt stuck to it. He didn't seem to mind as drops of blood welled up near the lump of bone sticking out the top, but he was careful to hold it hand side down.

"I can move other stuff around too. It doesn't have to be part of me either. More importantly I'm with Calliope, cool name by the way. We should stick together."
By pure chance he happened to glance at Trace with all those arms behind her and gears turned in his head. Trevor looked down at his own disembodied hand and had to suppress a chuckle before he even started. This would be perfect, he just knew it. A joke would make her feel better after he spat with Banjo. Even at a distance it was obvious he was struggling not to laugh at his own joke as he tilted the severed limb in her direction.

"You seem like you got things handled but just ask and I'll be happy to lend you a hand."

Rory was very quiet as he watched Trevor use his power. If he was honest, he didn’t quite understand what he had just seen. I guess Trevor could replace his hand with dirt and rocks. It was a bit strange, and a bit gross. Rory didn’t even want to think about using that power. But he did agree with Trevor on sticking together. Most everyone seemed to be a bit more amicable. And Rory did give an audible laugh at Trevor’s joke. It was very clever, if not a bit gross. He quickly scribbled down a note on Trevor. Trevor - Rock Hand, DO NOT BORROW.

“Makenna, She began her introduction, shining smile at the ready as it came her turn. “Full merit scholarship Yale undergrad, treasurer of the Yale Daily News, and recipient of the Goldfarb Community Service award.” She paused for a moment, wanting so much it could have ended there. “Not that’s what any of you really wanted to hear about me.” She continued, still smiling as she folded her hands together, looking over the group.

“Four delta esoteric expulsive; vocal projection and mimicry. I can sound like whatever or whoever you want,” Her head tilted as she innocently lifted her eyes to the darkening sky above. “Or just a real screamer if it’s called for.”

With a final flash of white teeth, she looked expectantly to her left to continue the chain.

Rory felt a little awkward and embarrassed as Makenna spoke. She seemed bright and chipper, but Makenna’s little resume was incredibly impressive. She was clearly very smart, and Rory knew he was not going to be able to keep up with her. It would only be a matter of time before she would think of him as an idiot like Calliope. He jotted down his notes. Makenna - Smart - Voice Projection and Mimicry - Sound like anyone or Scream. Looking at Makenna’s entry, he wasn’t entirely sure what use that would be in training.

"I suppose I should probably explain some things. Hi, the name's Haleigh, though obviously some of you already know that. I'm from Vancouver—it's not that far from here, actually. About a day's worth of driving by car. Anyway, my dad is a Mountie. You know, the guys in red, one of the stereotypes when one thinks of Canada. Mom, well..."

Haleigh paused momentarily, before deciding to skip over that point. It was a topic she wasn't willing to go into.

"The Cascades were his stomping grounds, so he frequently brought me on his trips. To hike. Camp. Just anything to do with the outdoors. I guess he rubbed off on me in the end since I became an outdoors blogger and spent time out there solo before... well, the incident. I don't like to talk about it, personally. It's difficult to when one day you're... 'normal', and then the next you've buried yourself alive and become the reason people could've died back home. When your neighbors decide you needed to die over something out of your control."

She looked down at her legs, before taking a deep breath. They needed to know.

"Some of you are probably wondering about the wheelchair, I figure. Honestly, I hate it. I would much rather prefer to walk. But I can't. Not without people getting hurt. It's something that's been hanging over my head ever since I developed this stupid ability. I could sink this island with a stroll. Destroy the school with a jog."

Haleigh grimaced, clearly fighting back her emotions.

"I don't want to be the reason why more people get hurt, so I guess that's why I'm here. Tad's helped me with this inhibitor thing of his, but..."

Rory nodded as Haleigh spoke. It was nice to see a fellow Canadian on the team… though, quite frankly, he part of him was a little scared. The way Haleigh spoke about her powers, the more it sounded like a curse. He couldn’t imagine not being able to run around without destroying everything. He gave a sympathetic nod in her direction as he spoke, not writing anything down until she had finished speaking. Haleigh - Outdoor Blogger - Sinks things by walking, DO NOT USE.

Banjo spoke up next, and Rory took the opportunity to devour what was left of his skewer before it went fully cold. His impression of Banjo kept changing: he was hard to pin down or understand. But he was kind and compassionate. While Banjo was speaking to Haleigh, the talk of “being scared of what you’re capable of” resonated hard with Rory. Rory’s father was harsh and strict with him once he learned what Rory’s power was. The number of times he heard some variation of “you can never let your guard down and use it like an idiot” was so high that it outnumbered the times he had said “I love you.” That thought weighed Rory down for a moment.

Noticing the brief silence, Rory looked up to see a few eyes gaze in his direction. He hadn’t spoken up yet, and was only now slightly embarrassed about the playbook. He quickly slammed it closed, his leg shaking nervously as he took a breath. He looked up towards Trevor for some semblance of reassurance, before speaking to the group at large. ”Banjo’s right. Not all of us can control what we do. They let us work on that here, safely.” He turned his gaze to Haleigh, trying to offer a bit of a soft smile. His mother had always mentioned how useful her time at P.R.C.U. was in controlling her powers. Maybe it would help Haleigh too.

Rory placed his hands on his knees, willing his leg to stop shaking for a moment. It wasn’t very cooperative, sort of vibrating slightly still despite Rory’s efforts. He looked over to Calliope for a moment, his gaze turning cold for a moment as he did, before looking towards the others and letting his smile return. ”My name is Rory Tyler… My parents went here years ago. I live… lived in Ottawa. I’ve got a brother and a sister, they’re both twins here in the Collegiate program. I guess my fun fact is that I was a pretty good wrestler in high school…” Rory felt a little nervous at this point. He knew he was stalling from having to explain what his power was. He just flashed a smile, trying to make a good impression for those that didn’t already think less of him.

Rory flipped open the playbook and turned it to the last page, which was just a cut-out note in his Aunt’s handwriting with the name of his power. He read the note, and nodded. ”My power is Power Mimicry. I can borrow a power from someone I’m near for a short time… it’s why I’ve been writing notes down in this.” Rory held up his wrist, showing off the wristband and pocket playbook. ”I… I don’t really use it, honestly. Any time I do, I get really sick after.” Rory kept his nervous smile up, looking around to the others. ”So yeah… that’s me. Who’s next?”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 33 min ago

Location: Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
The Homecoming Trials #1.92a: Group Therapy

Interaction(s): The Campfire Crew
Previously: Doing It Right This Time

Calliope listened as, slowly, one by one, each of the others introduced themselves and their powers. But it wasn't only that. Essentially, Banjo set off a domino effect of others unleashing their traumas of the past and what brought them here. She hadn't intended for it to get that far, but maybe it was for the best? They were supposed to be a team (though the team switch was still looming over their heads).

Calliope felt an arm around her and immediately tensed up. Her mind warped back to early high school and....well let's just say that seemingly perfect young girls had reputations that people acted on, whether it was true or not. She looked over to see it was Banjo who did so. She relaxed, allowing him to continue. It was also sweet of him to give Katja his food.

What surprised her the most was Trace opening up. Calliope hadn't expected that. She expected Trace to unleash into all of them, saying how stupid this all was, and going off to brood somewhere else. Instead, they shared their ability. As creepy as it was (and it was fucking creepy) it was also impressive. Everyone's abilities were.

Calli supposed she should also share. It was only fair. "So I admittedly grew up in a very privileged home. My father is a senator in the United States. He worked hard to get there, especially since the country looks down on people of color, even if they were here legally. To that end, once he achieved it, everyone else was expected to fall in line. We had to look a certain way, act a certain way. We couldn't hang out with certain kids if it made us look bad. We were limited in how we interacted with the world. Every time we left the house we were expected to be perfect. Get perfect grades. One slip=up and we paid the price. It was almost like we had to be one unit rather than be individuals."

"Recently, like a few months ago, the pressure got too much. I was out with my parents, making the rounds and showing how great we were, when I just...lost it. I knew what my powers were. Had known for a long time. I think my mother knew, but not my father. But when I lost it, there was ice everywhere. It destroyed the town center's water fountain. The cross-section streets were destroyed. Hell, it looked like fucking Christmas in July. I made it snow! And everyone just...looked at me like I was a freak. A monster. I could handle the strangers looking at me like that. But it was my father's expression that destroyed me. It's funny, he thinks I'm here to learn to hide it better. Jokes on him, I guess."

Calli brought her knees up to her and wrapped her arms around them. She felt lighter, but she would not say she felt better.

Better took time.

Location: Team 78 Campsite - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
The Homecoming Trials #1.92b: Lyrics

Interaction(s): Lakisha @TGM
Previously: Let The Music Move You

Harlowe followed the voice that responded to her. Lakisha, she introduced herself. Harlowe chuckled at her comment. Loud and weird? Sounded like a perfect roommate to her. "Hey Kisha, name's Harlowe. I'd be happy to bunk with you. Loud and weird don't bother me. I can tune it out if it gets too much, but I grew up with six brothers and sisters. I'm used to it."

And more so to the others, she continued. "I suppose in the vein of team building, we should disclose what our abilities are. I can show more than tell." Harlowe took out her phone and started playing a song. Obviously, the volume was low. Harlowe focused, allowing the song to get louder and louder until it was like her phone was connected to a loudspeaker.


Everyone would be able to hear her music. Hopefully, the others enjoyed it. Harlowe began to speak, but as she did so the volume on her music lowered to allow her to be heard. "I can do more than that, of course. But I control sound. I also have really attuned hearing."

Harlowe allowed the music to continue, but she kept it at a level that didn't prevent others from speaking. She was just happy to share her music and her abilities without fear. Perhaps this would be a good environment for her.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by earthtogab
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earthtogab Breaker of Time and Space

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Location: Team 78 Campsite - Southern Plateau, Dundas Island
Chapter #1.94 Hiking & Bacon Topping

Interaction(s): Team 78 - Firebird
Previously: N/A

A hike.

Perfect just what she needed after the long days she’s already had.

From having to fly in From Ontario to British Columbia just a day before, waking up far later than she should, missing her ferry ride, then having to take one later. Now to fan the flame that's letting off plenty of embers she reached just an hour before the opening ceremony, practically throwing her luggage right outside of the auditorium doors and hastily changing into her uniform in one of the washrooms.

Tista looked as unkept and out of sorts as she felt sitting in the auditorium as the welcoming ceremony went on. Drowning out the speaker's words she got lost in her own head until it was time to be off to the Intake house where she changed into her P.E. wear and meet up with the student advisor for Team Firebird as well as a couple other first years .

‘Now I must admit Firebird’s a pretty cool name’ she thought, giving a mental smile ‘Still don’t want to hike though’ she frowned now shuffling her backpack to a comfortable position.

After some walking, that felt like hours to Tista and listening to Miranda go on about trials, house offers and the overall training program. Not gonna lie, she felt on edge with all of that new information, and just hoped it never showed on her face or through her body language. She knew she wasn’t the best at keeping certain emotions in even when she desperately tried to, but as she continued a couple steps behind the main group she felt as though some of her nerves were drifting away allowing for her to walk the rest of the way to the camping site without much of a hitch.

Upon reaching the area in which they were meant to camp out she found a spot she deemed worthy enough to set up her tent, placing her backpack on the ground she got a tent and got to work.

Half way through fighting to get her tent set up right, she looked up and realized people were starting to socialize and having pizza. So she placed the rod that she had in her hand down and dusted off ready to go try and make conversation as she worked to fix up her own pizza.

“Hope they’ve got bacon, cause pizza ain’t pizza without some bacon.” She spoke out to anyone nearby with a grin on her lips, definitely trying to look approachable.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: Southern Plateau - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
The Homecoming Trials #1.95: Road Trips & Introductions
Interaction(s): @Junkmail - Sierra Hilton, @Hound55 - Adrianna Dahl
Previously: TBD

The drive from Orange County to Prince Rupert had been unusually quiet. Road trips for the Townsend family were usually a much more jovial occasion, but a melancholy mood had set over the four on this particular day. It was bittersweet, on one part both siblings were going off to school together, and on another, it would be the first time Arthur and Celeste Townsend had been without their children since the day their eldest had been born.

Normally the one to console everyone, the usually cheerful, chatterbox that was Alyssa Townsend didn't quite feel like herself lately. Another school year at yet another new school. It had been hard enough going off to the Alexandria Foundation last year, a lot like the days leading up to departing for the boarding schools of her youth, but this was still somehow harder. The Foundation's Institute had been unique, but it's location and protocols left little to be desired for someone who wanted to remain in touch with their family throughout the year. Alyssa was grateful when her father finally stood up to his mother and had Alyssa removed from the suffocating environment. But her first experience with a Hyperhuman-only institution left a sour taste in her mouth. She only hoped that Pacific Royal didn't do the same to her brother.

Alyssa's first encounter with P.R.C.U. had come from the two school's friendly extramural league. Attending an away game on the Canadian island, Alyssa had become enamoured with the rival school and began to beg and prod for her parents to transfer to a program there instead. With the discovery of her brother's own Hyperhuman abilities, and with P.R.C.U. being both a closer and more inviting institution, the Townsends' caved to their daughter's wishes.

In the driver's seat, Alyssa's father; Arthur, likewise drove in near silence, breaking only occasionally to announce when they were stopping or to sing along with the radio, even if only under his breath. Her mother, Celeste, on the other hand, kept trying to initiate conversations, only for them to call flat when neither of the siblings put any effort into carrying them. Every so often, Alyssa could hear her mother muttering prayers of protection under her breath, mostly for Alyssa and Oliver at Pacific Royal, but occasionally for them all whenever Arthur's lead foot got a little too heavy on the gas pedal.

After nearly three full days of driving the car came to its final destination. The four of them had arrived in the port city of Prince Rupert. Managing a smile, Alyssa elbowed her younger brother before she and Oliver climbed out of the back of the Range Rover.

The pier was crowded with people, most of which held signs that condemned Hyperhumans. The hurtful words and slurs were familiar, words that had come from Alyssa and Oliver's own grandmother when she had found out about first Alyssa's Hype-Gene and then again with Oliver when the youngest Townsend revealed that like both Alyssa and Celeste, he too was a Hyperhuman.

Pushing through the protestors, Alyssa shielded her younger brother, as the paid made their way towards the pier. It was almost odd that Pacific Royal didn't keep this location more private, shouldn't there have been H.E.L.P security to dispel the rabble? Thankfully, both siblings were able to board the ferry without incident, waving to their parents as the vessel made its way across the Pacific toward the hidden island.


"You're a long way from California, Townsend."

The red-haired girl looked up at the looming mansion. The steel slope of the roof, the ornate gables and the overall height of the building all pointed to it being from the Victorian Era. It was rare to see this far West, most of Canada's best examples were located in its central provinces. Toronto's Distillery District being perhaps the country's best-preserved example.

There was a lot of beauty in it, the history and what it represented not only to her but also to all Hyperhumans.

Not that Alyssa had much time to dwell on it. Since arriving on the island, she had been shuttled to the Administrative building where here and Oliver were assigned to teams. As a part of the H.E.A.T. Program, Alyssa had been assigned to something called 'Team 78 - Firebird' complete with a familiar-looking emblem on her student card. An armband bearing a similar but not identical symbol had also been issued to her.

"Excuse me, Ma'am, but I think this might be the wrong-"

"Sorry, it's an older design. Your team was a last-minute addition, so they're breaking out the overstock from five years ago. You'll get an updated one along with your house uniform."

Alyssa didn't get a chance to ask Oliver what team he had been placed on before the pair were whisked off to some sort of opening ceremony and escorted to separate seats alongside other members of their teams. United with the other students who she would be spending the year alongside, Alyssa tried to study each of them whilst listening intently to Dr. Lehrer.

She clapped excitedly and whistled loudly as the ceremony came to an end. The whole group was pulled aside by their faculty representative and her student aid who explained that because the team had such a hectic arrival that they'd try to give them some space and time to adjust and instructed the team to hike across campus to the Southern Plateau. Their faculty member, a Dr. Miranda Rivers, informed them a truck had been sent ahead with their belongings to lighten the load.

The walk across the island was fascinating. Surrounded by the island's unique vegetation, Alyssa's eyes darted back and forth searching for fauna while engaged in a lively conversation about the Lehrer Hyperhuman Classification System and its flaws with two of the Sierras. They had several fascinating insights into the argument that Dr. Lehrer and Kowalski's work, while valid and perfectly fine for a work of its time, should be re-investigated for further clarification and perhaps expansion to the classification system.

"I truly believe that either primary classification could include all eight secondary classifications. Or even do a sub-classification to further categorize Hyperhuman abilities. Like yourself, it's not simply just Somatic, it's Dynamic, maybe even Expulsive!" Alyssa energetically explained.

“I’m pretty inclined to agree. Most of what of the classification system, from what I’ve read, seems to come from an era where we were trying to explain and categorize the phenomena shortly after its presentation.” The first Sierra responded.

“I’m with her. Metaphorically of course. She’s me. Anyways- I think trying to shove a whole bunch of people into a few categories is a bad move. Think about it, Myers-Briggs is just astrology for people with a job. These categories are basically astrology for people who breathe fire or fart laser beams.” The second Sierra stated as the conversation continued between the three girls until they arrived at their destination.

Mulling around the campsite, Alyssa threw herself into making her pizza. Unable to limit herself to just one set of toppings, she divided the pizza into three evens sections. Mixing a white sauce and a tomato sauce, she created her base before mixing together mozzarella and provolone for her cheese. On the first third, she put chicken, bacon and sausage, before finishing with pineapple and jalapeños. On the next section went steak, red onions and mushrooms while the last section was pepperoni, bacon, green pepper, caramelized onions, and mushrooms.

Excitedly placing her masterpiece into the oven, Alyssa looked around for someone to talk to before spotting a familiar face. Her eyes lit up as she stepped forward, a hand shooting out to introduce herself.

"You're Adrianna Dahl! I'm a huge fan of your work. It's incredibly upsetting what happened to you." She chattered energetically, "I'm Alyssa Townsend, it's such a pleasure to meet you, Adrianna Dahl!"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Suddenly Luce turned away from the approaching teen, hand over her mouth before she stumbled away from the approaching teen. Tad knew exactly what was going to happen next before the retching sound echoed across the campsite. Grabbing a cold bottle of water from the nearby cooler and a wet cloth, Tad and Jessica rushed over to Luce.

"Hey, hey, it's alright." Jessica started kneeling down beside the Blackjack member, "Hi, I'm Jessica Friend, like Tad I'm a student rep, just for a different team. Can I help you to your feet?" She asked, extending a hand to Luce while Tad looked around for Banjo.

Location: Southern Plateau - Dundas Islands
The Homecoming Trials #1.96: Corporate Retreat

Interaction(s): @Hound55, @Mao Mao
Banjo was saying...something, standing over Luce's hunched form as she retched into the grass, nothing but bile and air coming out from the depths of her stomach. A small, half-digested white pill floated on the surface of the sticky, acrid ooze, innocent and accusatory all at once, but then the retching was over and someone else - someone decidedly not Banjo - approached and introduced themselves and offered some actual assistance, rather than dry, vaguely-witty self-deprecation. Luce managed to lean back, resting on her haunches as she shivered with the after-shocks of vomiting; Jessica offered her a new water bottle and a cloth, both of which Luce took quickly and gratefully, and soon enough she was cleaned up, mouth rinsed out. With Jessica's help, she stood, shaky but stable, smiling with embarrassment at Jessica and avoiding Banjo's eyes as she walked around him and back toward the tents.

She was feeling better - the anxiety and panic had reached a crescendo, and now she felt purged almost, nausea flushed out and leaving only those damn hunger pangs behind. She could smell the grilled meats that Tad had been overseeing, and suddenly felt ravenous, any shame or nervousness overpowered by an overwhelming eat something please that she was all-too-happy to oblige. Jess, however, had momentarily disappeared, returning with a spare set of folded uniform. She smiled sympathetically as Luce looked down at herself. Yellow-brownish splatter marred her track pants, with smaller flecks having splashed onto her shoes and the hem of her top. Luce felt her face go red again, embarrassed once more. Wordlessly, she nodded in thanks at Jess as she took the spare clothes, retreating to the tent she and Kenna had set up to change - and find something to bag up the stained uniform. She'd have to find a good moment to toss it over the cliff later. Maybe herself at the same time?

By the time she emerged the team had settled and gathered in a loose circle, all sating their hunger. Luce picked up a plate and seized whatever kebabs remained - it didn't matter to her what was on them, as long as it was edible - and then quietly edged into the group, sitting in silence as she chewed beef and chicken and mushroom and felt the hole in her belly shrink and settle. She felt a lot better, and even the anxiety had been driven away by the food. She sipped her water and surreptitiously swallowed another pill. Didn't hurt to be safe.

Suddenly, Calliope spoke up, and initiated the most haphazard version of group therapy Luce could have conceived; one-by-one, they went around, spilling both background tragedies and their powers in some kind of recreation of the world's worst icebreaker exercise. Still, it was an awful lot more civilized than the team's first attempt at getting to know each other; previously-drawn battle-lines were crossed, truces were struck, and there was an opportunity for everyone to actually learn about each other, rather than making snap judgments based on micro-moments of interaction. Luce was as guilty of it as any other member of the team; she needed to extend the metaphorical olive branch to each of her peers, and hope that they'd offer her the same courtesy.

There were two key exceptions to what was otherwise a shared trauma-dump; Trevor, who seemed honestly too cheery to have had such an experience in his past, and the ever-aloof Kenna, who's contribution consisted of bragging and the obligatory ability explanation. The scream was new information at least, though Luce couldn't help but wonder why she'd held that back previously. The abilities were wild and varied; some seemed straightforward, like Banjo and Katja, while others - Trace and Trevor particularly - were just plain bizarre. A world opened up in front of Luce's eyes, one filled with Hyper-humans in possession of abilities both odd and dangerous, and for the first time since learning she belonged to that world she felt almost normal. She had no active control over her powers, they had no flashy effects, they changed nothing about her body beyond hand-wave-able scars after the fact; she was almost lucky. Trace was marked for life, irrevocably and unwillingly, and while Luce found them strangely beautiful, it was all-too-easy to envision a world where such an appearance was a death-sentence instead. Haleigh, meanwhile, was cursed with power dangerous enough to necessitate the abandonment of them entirely. She felt a pang of shame for being so self-absorbed. Survivor's guilt was the worst her own abilities had to impart upon her; all she needed was to take therapy seriously.

Suddenly, it was her turn, and ten pairs of eyes settled on her face, absent-mindedly chewing a chunk of beef as she mulled over the rapid-fire epiphanies about the revealed scope of it all. She swallowed, taking a deep breath to steady her voice.

"Hi everyone. Sorry about earlier. I'm Luce. It's really nice to meet you all. I'm from Canada - close by, relatively. Houston BC. Never knew my dad, but my mom worked really hard. Used to camp. I don't anymore. Lost my brothers in an accident. Don't like the trees anymore, or open spaces. But it's how I found out about my powers." She put her plate down, lifting her fresh top up just slightly enough to show the first scar on her torso.
"I don't know the rating, or category, or the official stuff. Whatever it is - I don't feel pain when I'm hurt. Hurt bad, I mean. It doesn't slow me down, doesn't stop me, I just keep going. It's like my body just...adapts. Whatever stops working, something else picks up the slack. And then when I'm out, when I'm safe...I heal up real good after. I'm um, I'm not sure I can actually be killed."

She took another deep breath, letting her top down and pulling from her water bottle. That was the most talking she'd done in a long time. "My mom sent me here for a fresh start. Small town stuff, you know. It's really nice to meet you all. Sorry for vomiting, Banjo. It wasn't you. I just panicked. I um...I panic a lot. I'm sorry."

Luce looked around the circle, smiling as warmly as she could muster and letting the nerves wash over her and depart again, allowing anxiety to come and go like commanding the tides. She noticed one missing among their number, and turned her head toward Iñigo, who was sat separately a little off from the circle, propped up against the trees. She shivered slightly to look at it, but raised her hand to wave.
"Iñigo, right?" She called out, putting on her best friendly voice. "Would you like to join us?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by JunkMail
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JunkMail Shitpost Supreme

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sierra Hilton

“It’s my dad. He thinks they’re cool, like Spike, but I like the longnecks.... Can you put it back? I’m sticky.”

"He never told his name so until he does, I'm going to call him 'Dominik'. Because he looks like a Dominik. I'm sorry if that offends you, 'Dominik'."

Sierra hummed in response. The Land Before Time was something she had missed the bus on, having been born in 2005. But she at least knew the reference. She also knew it was beloved by many and it was probably not the best idea to bring up Ducky. She wordlessly got up to return the plus to its original resting place. She handled it with care- it was someone else's after all, but the meaning behind it earned its 'handle with care'. She and her own dad used to have their own inside jokes and sentimental items. Her favorite, for a long time, had been an arrowhead that they had found together while hiking well over a decade ago. There was something about it that sparked a fascination with history- and hearing her father tell her so much about the tribes that used to inhabit the region and how many he had found stoked the flame that much more.

Her powers had developed not too long after that, and then her relationships with most people disintegrated. The arrowhead, along with other mementos, were left in a small box in her mother's house back in Montreal. It was better that way.

"I'm not sure what you mean." said another instance of Sierra, whom piped up from a few dozen feet away. It took her a moment to realize she was talking to Ariel. "He introduced himself just fine! Nice to meet you, Sticky."

It was a bad dad joke and she knew it, but she had a smile on her face and her tone was lighthearted. Sufficiently disarming, she hoped, that it wouldnt be misconstrued as a dig. She decided to lean into her twin's antics. She exchanged a brief look with her twin, who winked to her.


"My name is Sierra."
"My name is Sierra."

They both spoke as one, their voices pitch perfect with one another, and raised a hand to shake. The one in front of Lucas realizing her folly quickly and giggling as she lowered it, since he was, indeed, sticky. "It's nice to meet you. What- uh," her eyes dashed to her twin for support but found herself more focused on Ariel. No matter. "What brings you to this school?"

“Yeah. Used to go camping outside of LA as a kid. I mean the tents didn’t do that but it wasn’t bad. I’m sorry—Whoops. Sorry! I thought you were a hologram or something. So, what’s your name? I’m Coop... Nature’s napkin? That’s very hot of me, I know.”

"Camping in LA, huh? You look pretty good for being homeless." Sierra said, a wry smile breaking out across her face as Cooper patted her. "Don't sweat it, it's not the first time. Wouldn't be the last. Could be here all night if I told you all the... interesting responses I've gotten out of it."

Sierra leaned against the tree the young man used as a makeshift napkin, and raised her eyebrow at his antics. Better than her first time out at least- she managed to give herself a nasty rash after interacting with a certain plant that she shouldn't have been touching in the first place. As he extended his greasy, leafy hand, she envied how unabashedly 'himself' this boy was. Most of her life she had been trying to further herself just to pass the time in the day or to make herself seem better for others. Namely her family. Meanwhile this man shows up with a goofy smile and greasy hands and she's already sold? What she would give to have that kind of charisma.

Sierra looked down at his hand, and then up at him again. Time to be brave.

Sierra lifted one of her hands to her face and spat in her palm, and shook his. "Sierra." she said, leaning in without letting go. She looked at him intensely for a moment. Stormy gray, like distant rolling thunderous skies right after a good rain. "You have pretty eyes." she said simply, then took a bite of his pizza and leaned away, proud of herself. Inside, her heart was thumping against her chest even if she was managing to reign herself in. "Nice to meet you, Coop. What do you do? How'd you get here?"

@Lawful Newtral, @psych0pomp. @Nemaisare
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: PRCU - Western Canada
The Homecoming Trials #1.98: Realization

Interaction(s): Lucille Calder @Roman, Banjo @Hound55
Previously: A Nice First Meal

It didn't take long before finishing up the second helping of kabab, which was still as delicious as the first. Iñigo was ecstatic for a third serving when they observed Banjo introducing himself to the others. That certainly caught their attention, and they were eager to witness another slaughter. But something in the air changed when he was brought up being an orphan for his whole life. It caused Iñigo to think of their little brother, who was all alone in the foster care system, probably wondering what had happened to his parents and older brother. And it also forced them to reflect on their unwarranted, cruel remark about someone who was only introducing himself to strangers in a rather cheeky (and somewhat obnoxious) manner...

Suddenly, Iñigo lost all interest in having that third serving.

Their mother would've been ashamed if she had seen her oldest son's conduct towards Banjo. He did not deserve to be called an "obnoxious tourist." ¿Por qué soy tan bastardo? Iñigo buried their hands into their face in great shame for their behavior, which was definitely deserving of being flipped off. Hell, they would've done the same exact thing. But realizing how despicable they were acting wasn't going to magically fix such an enormous mistake. Iñigo had to apologize, but they didn't know where to begin. So they sought out some much-needed advice from the faculty advisor, the one person they spent the whole day avoiding. Karma was such a fucking cruel mistress.

As Iñigo approached Jim, the older man held up a hand to Tad, excusing himself from their conversation. Turning to Iñigo, Jim motioned for the student to follow him, walking away from both Tad and the rest of the team.

"What can I do you for, Iñigo?"

Iñigo was admittedly still intimidated by him, given he acted like the guards back at the dentation center. It caused them to struggle with their words, afraid of being subjected to verbal abuse they've been accustomed to. "I... I coul- would like some guidance, sir."

"Oh?" Jim raised an amused eyebrow, clearly Iñigo's attempts to avoid him hadn't gone unnoticed. "What's eatin' at ya?"

Iñigo cleared their throat and answered the question without a second thought. "Well, i-its about owning up to my mistake. I know what I must do; I just don't know how to express it adequately, sir."

"Just don't do it expectin' forgiveness, the most adequate way to express something is to just come out and say it. Ain't no need to make it fancy, just mean your words and be done with it."

"I know that, and I'm not expecting it, sir." Iñigo asserted to the advisor and then kicked a small rock, sending it flying into the woods out of frustration. "I simply want it to be genuine, and the only way that's going to happen is if..."

"Stop dancing around it." Jim folded his arms.

"Respectfully, that's easier said than done in my case." Iñigo said in a solemn tone as he looked down at the ground with a frown. They went quiet, desperately searching for the right words to use. Then, they spoke up after a near minute of silence, their voice full of sadness. "I want to at least have a few days of serenity before everyone else on this island finds out. And that especially includes this team."

"You wouldn't be the first student to arrive here in orange, I doubt you'll be the last either."

Iñigo stared back at Jim, clearly irritated with his words of comfort, as they muttered under their breath, "I wasn't wearing orange, sir." Then, they crossed their arms and hung their head low in defeat. "And that's precisely why I've been keeping it a secret. Most people don't know or care about the difference between detainees and inmates. All they will think of is me wearing that jumpsuit and then wonder what "terrible crimes" I've committed to earn the attire."

"Then don't let them wonder," Jim firmly replied, "Perception is like a ship, if you let the waves guide it, you don't know where you'll end up. You have to take the helm."

Iñigo gave his advice some thought. "I can do that."

"One more thing, Iñigo," Jim said, stopping the student from leaving. Iñigo froze in place out of fear more than respect, slightly afraid of being reprimanded for their tone and attitude earlier. "You know that you can come to me, or Tad, if anyone starts to give you hell about your former attire. Tad's a lot tougher than he looks and a far more sound mind than I. He'll be running this school one day, mark my words."

"I will think about it, s-sir." Iñigo replied and dismissed themselves rather quickly, heading back to the tree to strategize on a plan. But that didn't last long on account of being interrupted. Surprisingly, the person responsible was the woman that vomited in front of Banjo earlier. She invited them over to the campfire, providing the ideal opportunity to join the rest of the group. Way better rather than awkwardly inserting themselves. But rather than introducing themselves right away, Iñigo turned their sights over to Banjo, ready to apologize for their behavior. "Before I introduce myself to everyone, I'd like to say something to Banjo about earlier. We can talk about it here or somewhere more private, whatever you want to do."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Wei Wuxian
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Wei Wuxian Xianxia Lover

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Location: Team 78 Campsite, - Southern Plateau, Dundas Island
The Homecoming Trials:#1:99): Here Comes the Hurricane!

Interaction(s): Team 78 - Firebird, Harlowe @PatientBean, Lakisha @TGM
Previously: N/A

How could anyone be so adorably cute, flirtatious, and sexy all at once, while maintaining a level of approachability and intelligence that seemed to draw others in, or dispel them? He understood he wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but that was the way of life.

Yuri took his time packing for the camp. Team 78. He had been chosen for Team 78. The Firebirds. He smiled as he bounced around in the air as if weightless. He sat in midair wondering just how much fun it would be and who he would meet and how many friends he would make. He also wondered who he would find appealing to the eye. He’d finished his training ahead of time to make sure he was ready. Camping was definitely not his thing, but he wouldn’t dare let anyone know how prissy he could be. Clearing his throat, Yuri glanced in the mirror and smiled. Today would be a good day, today would be the day of many more, but something stirred in his mind. A feeling he couldn’t quite shake. It was a bit of uneasiness that he questioned the origin of.

During the ceremony earlier that day, Yuri had been incredibly silent for someone who is often begged to silence. He was observant of what was going on and his face focused on every word, every face, and every breeze that flowed through. Now in the assigned group that would be his “team” for the homecoming trials, he couldn’t help but notice as he floated above them, the various looks. Some were deep in thought, possibly trying to figure each other out. It seemed to take less time getting to the campsite than it took him to gather his things for the adventure, but once there everyone seemed to disperse and go about whatever they were doing. Pizza was being prepared, or rather they would have to help make their own, and tents were up. The size of the tents was adequate. He didn’t know who he would be sharing a tent with, but he was eager to find out.

Playfully floating over to the pizza station, his eyes landed on the dark storm clouds. His head tilted and he closed his eyes. Something felt different, powerful, perhaps even manufactured, but whatever it was the storm clouds made him slightly uneasy. He was in his own little world watching the lightning streak across the bosom of the dark clouds. The thunder raised its voice slightly to let others know it was there. His attention snapped when loud music filled his ear. He turned and floated quickly over to Harlowe. She was speaking about her gift and he was intrigued.

Sound manipulation. How marvelous indeed. How loud can you get?” Yuri asked realizing he never introduced himself to anyone within their group. Before he could, another spoke explaining that their power was speed. It fascinated him to learn about others’ gifts.

So you can manipulate sound and you can move extremely fast. That’s awesome!,” he said, his excitement getting the better of him. In response, the wind ripped through the campsite like a stray dog blowing some pizza to the ground and scurrying through the hair and clothes of everyone gathered.

Yuri blinked a few times and scratched the back of his head. “Sorry about that. I’m Yuri, Yuri Choi. It’s nice to meet you all.”

- -|◄ FIRST---

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tackytaff
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

There should have been more noise.

Makenna's eyes told her as much. The blinding lights of police cars, ambulences, and firetrucks should have come with whailing sirens. The flapping mouths talking at her should have sounded words. Instead there was nothing but a high-pitched ringing that threatened to split her head in two. Somewhere between drunk and hungover - Makenna wanted nothing more than to go to sleep. But a pair of prodding hands kept her from doing so each time her eyes began to drift shut.

Vaguely, she was aware of their fingers silently snapping inches from her face. Willing herself to focus, Makenna looked up to the face of a middle-aged man staring down at her, mouth opening and closing. She reached up to her own head, hand brushing against dried blood crusted into her hair and on her neck.

"I can't..." Her throat hurt as she tried to force the words out, and she faltered after only a few syllables before coking into a fit of coughing that only ended when a styrofoam cup of ice water was placed in her hand. There'd been a bar. Her bachelorette, all her friends had been- A wave of adrenaline hit Makenna as the context of emergency vehicles changed. Her previously blurry vision zero'd in on the non-uniformed civilians and the handful of filled stretchers.

A firm hand gripped her forearm the second she made to move from here seated position on the curb. She looked up to see the ever-present staring face of the officer. He spoke his words slowly and with enunciation, enuh so she could understand them from the mere movements of his lips. "You're not going anywhere."

Location: Pacific Royal Collegiate & University, - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
The Homecoming Trials #1.100: Don't Look Any Further II

Previously: N/A

The wheel-chaired girl followed up, with such candid vulnerability it nearly made Makenna wince. Perhaps she should have gone into further detail with her own introduction, at least given the illusion of opening up. But about what? Carson and her family were too much of unknowns for her to parse through even with the provided phycologist. She blinked black her own thoughts and made to at least look like she was listening intently to each heart-felt outpouring. First from Haleigh, Rory, and even Banjo.

Calliope of course ensured the topic of conversation didn't stray from her long. Makenna managed to hold back an eye-roll as the pretty blonde girl told her harrowing journey of growing up with silver spoon, only to collapse under the perfection of it all. Worse still was the image of every person in the group eating it up like it wasn't absolute horseshit. Even as Luce began speaking her piece, Makenna's eyes remained on Calliope a moment too long, a brief grimace of disgust breaking through her maintained friendly expression at the notice of her blonde pet's arm around the shoulder. She'd really wasted no time sinking her teeth into that one.

Makenna forced herself to listen to Luce, despite it mostly being a rerun of their earlier talk. At least she managed to hold herself from showing all her scars this time around. Makenna inched closer to her as she finished her piece, eager to repair whatever damage she'd done by ditching so suddenly before. She reached in the left pocket of her jacked and pulled out a pack of gum, offering one to Luce as Iñigo was waved over.

"Sorry for bailing," she half-whispered with a bashful smile, "False alarm, but I thought it was an emergency." After a moment she pocketed the gum again and surveyed the circle while Iñigo made his own presence known.

"Oh, don't worry Iñigo" She quickly spoke up, unprompted. "We're all opening up here, no more secrets. Share with the class." Her tone and smile were pure affability, internally she was desperate for something to end the circle of trauma dumping, and whatever petty drama had involved Calliope's new boy toy seemed a wonderful distraction.

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