Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

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Death to horny hornets...
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Just a little gear update, Gringor swiped Kalaj armor and is wearing it. Is that okay with you?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

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Got some bbcode slips.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

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@Crowvette @Nakushita

Go Io, Go Yuki! Kick that swordsman's ass! Go, go Team Death Oni!
*Waves pom-poms around and jumps up and down like a lunatic*

... Oh, and I suppose Shizuka can go smile at butterflies.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Should I go? I was honestly just waiting cuz I didn't wanna cut out Yuki.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago


Hmm, let me think on this.

Which I can take long on 'cause...


Hey everyone! Update will be delayed to next week to give time to those who haven't posted yet.

Sorry to those who posted early. :(
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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I don't mind if you want to wait but I actually discourage waiting for other players to post before they do. One of the reasons is that two players might actually be waiting on each other.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Should I go? I was honestly just waiting cuz I didn't wanna cut out Yuki.

One of those situations where, "Yo, you wanna go first," is the best question to ask. Speaking from experience there.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 19 min ago

Now that I no longer havea fever, and can somewhat tell what I'm saying and doing, I decided to try again.

I felt like we were lacking in the department of native Zipangu-monsters, so I went ahead and made one. Hopefully, we can all get along and be the bestest of friends!

Name: Musubi no Yoruhana // Yoruhana no Musubi

Race: Nurarihyon (Temptress Family subspecies)

  • Mistress of the Night: The Nurarihyon are high-ranking monsters of Zipangu, and as such it should come as no surprise that they enjoy an ample supply of powers. The ability to manipulate darkness, shadows and light, the power to cause illusions, hallucinations and fear, the the conjuring, appication and breaking of curses, as well as vastly superior strength, speed, vitality and senses to that of any ordinary human. Furthemore they can see perfetly well in the dark, even without any light at all, and are higjly resistant to all forms of dark, shadow or negative energy-based magic or attacks. They also possess a large amounts of magic energy, making them formidable spellcasters.
  • Dark Sorcery: As with all Nurarihyon, Musubi is very skilled and well-versed in the art of dark magic. From using it to attack and inflict pain, to causing devestation and destruction, to creating familiars or illusory threats/obstacles, the powers of the dark, the shadows and the unholy bend to her whim! Or something like that. Things like going invisible, creating body-doubles or crushing opponents with a tar-like wave of concentrated malice are all equally easy to this sorceress of the night.
  • Magic Tattoos: Like most other Nurarihyon, Musubi's body is home to several mystic tatoos, which in turn bestow a variety of benefits to her. In total she has three tatoos, with the largest providing her with resistance to physical attacks. The second provides a resistane to things like charms, hexes, curses or other debilitating effects or ailments. The last, and smallest of the three, provides a minor resistance to all forms of magic attacks or damage. Note that the bigger the tattoo is, the bigger the boon it gives - as such, her final third tattoo only gives a very minor amount of protection when compared to the other two.
  • Smoke'n Mirrors: Musubi's kiseru/pipe is a magic item that, aside from being used to smoke tobacco, can be used as a weapon. In practice, it can summon four varieties of different cloud or fog-like effects. The first is a noxious, horribly smelling cloud of stinking fumes, which causes anyone with a sense of smell who enters it to become nauseous and feel like they're about to hurl. The second is a cloud of acid, which will burn sensitive areas like the eyes, nostrils and inside of the throat, but is particularly dangerous to metal items, as it will eat away and erode them. The third is a cloud of choking, toxic gas which will strangle any breathing creature inside of it. Initially it only renders the victim unconscious but if remaining inside of it for too long, the knocked-out victim may suffocate and die. The final fog is an incindiary cloud, which sets everything and anything inside of it on fire and burns it or them as long as they remain inside. Musubi can freely control and decide which of these fog-type spells to use, but they all have a limited range and size, and should she leave the vicinity, the effects quickly disappears. To anyone but a Nurarihyon, this item is nothing more than a pipe, so stealing it is pointless, other than robbing Musubi of its powers.
  • Yoru no Yaiba: The wakizashi that Musubi carries with her is a special, enchanted weapon forged for her per request. It is a non-lethal weapon that drains the vitality and stamina of those it cuts, without actually drawing blood or harming them. The blades does however still inflict pain and the sensation of being cut by it is still there, meaning it still hurts just as much as a regular weapon to be struck with. Furthemore, the blade has a small curse placed upon it, dimming the vision of anyone who is struck by it. This effect stacks and gets more serious the more times one is hit, eventually causing blindness. It is only a temporary curse though, and will eventually vanish on its own. The blade is also enchanted to ignore non-enchanted or non-magic armor, cutting through solid steel plate as if it wasn't there at all. Musubi, however, doesn't like to fight and only uses this weapon as a sidearm or means to defend herself in a pinch, as such, the sword is rarely ever drawn or used. When she does use it though, the temptress is proficient enough to be called a competent swordsman, though she's by no means an expert or master.
  • Silky Kimono: Musubi's short kimono is silky and soft, as well as stylish and fetching. Made from a combination of moonmoth silk and ushi-oni strings, it is a light, but incredibly durable, piece of fabric. It has been enchanted to also be both self-cleaning and repair itself, should it ever get torn. However, aside from those two things, and looking really good, it is not but a piece of attire.
  • Lighteater Bloom: The flower that Musubi wears in her hair as an accessory is more than just a piece of fashion. It is actually an unwithering magic flower from a Dark Demon Realm, which has the property of absorbing light and holy energy - albeit in a very minor regard. The piece of cloth she uses in conjunction with this in order to tie her hair is also enchanted with the same kind of protection, together giving her a lesser ward against this sort of magic - which would normally be more effective against her kind.

Musubi is a calm, collected and cool lady with a mature air and charm about her. It would take quite a lot to get any sort of larger or more intense reaction out of her, a result of having lived a very long life and both seen, heard and experienced a great many things. This doesn't mean she's completely unflappable or immune to surprises or unexpected situations, but for the most part her reactions and responses are rather subtle and muted.

While she has a pleasant and approachable demeanor most the time, she can be quite haughty and nonchalantly condescending. When her rudeness or backhanded way of speaking to others is brought up, she merely apologizes insincerely and laughs it off melodically, as if it were no issue or fault of hers. The nurarihyon is self-confident, brave and bold, but not necessarily arrogant or pompous - as she doesn't brag about her own power or capabilities unless someone brings up the topic.

While Musubi is mostly patient and calm, she's got very low tolerance for incompetence or failure, and gets easily annoyed with those who come up short - especially when they had all the means with which to succeed. She's the type to hold grudges for a very long time and shows no mercy, concern or empathy to those who've earned her scorn. Regaining her favor or getting on her good side if you've managed to offend or anger her is also extremely difficult and time-consuming, to the point that most people wouldn't have what it takes to manage it. She pities the dumb or dull-minded while she mocks the braggarts and self-righteous.

As a high-ranking monster, she's very intelligent, clever and cunning, prone to playing mind-games and telling white lies, even when there's no need to. She's also a bit of a voyeur, prefering to watch and not get personally involved, finding more amusement and enjoyment in seeing how others handle situations or predicaments. of course, if the need arises, or she runs out of patience, she'll interfere herself. Unlike many Zipangu-natives though, Musubi doesn't habe any pre-conceptions that foreigners are more barbaric or inferior to the people and monsters of Zipangu, and she's actually rather open-minded and tolerant - especially since her looks and charms tend to attract both humans, monsters, men and women, and she doesn't discriminate.

Due to her long life, Musubi's also developed a talent for reading people - both their faces, tone of voice, body-language and even their breathing. Because of this, she's very hard to fool or lie to, and she can quite readily tell if someone's being honest or not when they speak to her. She obviously can't read minds and if you're good enough, got a great poker-face and got a really good handle on your emotions, then you can probably deceive her - but it'll take a lot of effort to do so. Besides this though, she's for the most part easy-going, has a sense of humor, is open and approachable and is quite easy to perceive as a mature and likeable upper-class noblewoman, if a bit sharp-tongued and mischievous at times.

She loves smoking tobacco, fun but organized banquets, moon-viewing, cherry blossom-viewing, alcohol, soft music, night-time and sincere, honest people. She dislikes dogs, off-key singing, sour foods, unwarranted bragging or self-importance, The Order, cloudless sunny days, parasites and liars/dishonest people.

Musubi hails from the Zipangu ilse of Tatemori. There, she's lived for the better part of these past 600 years. She isn't fond of speaking of her past or bringing up her age, but its safe to assume she had a rather well-off upbringing - given that she can play most Zipangu-native instruments, do calligraphy, sing and dance, read and wrrite, do mathematics and has skills and experience in a leadership-capacity.

She reveals that she's traveled a bit outside of Zipangu, visiting both the western lands as well as the Mist Continent (albeit only once for the latter). But the maority of her life has been spent in the Zipangu-region, in and around her home island, or its neighbours.

When the Varjans decided to invade Shizuyama, Musubi watched with moderate interest at first. However, as the days passed and the threat wasn't repelled, she eventually lost patience and decided to pay a vist to Shizuyama herself. Only as she was about to leave was she approached by a messenger from Otomo Isle, under the direction of the Lady Inari there. Amused by the prospect of a fox-youkai gathering a force of monsters to aid the foolish and weak Shizuyamans, Musubi took it upon herself to travel to and meet this fox... And then decide on what to do next after that.

(Demon or Griffon)
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

Update out! Sorry for the late post. I wanted to post the update but then the Internet died.


Accepted! Hopefully she sticks this time. XD
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 19 min ago

Hush you. :T

Now to have a certain gremlin throw a temper-tantrum for being accused of being together with a muscle-bimbo. And then promptly plan the demise of said muscle-bimbo.

Oh, right, and I need to do that whole collab thingy with the nurararararihyaan too.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

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@Enkryption, @The Irish Tree

Hah, I greatly enjoyed that post. <3

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

@Enkryption, @The Irish Tree

Hah, I greatly enjoyed that post. <3

Yeah. Basically. Been joking about Whimsy taking on a Humanoid Form like Carroll, out of jealousy, and they have a fight every time they see each other.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 19 min ago

Shizuka never learns that the monster girls ain't gonna listen to his lectures, huh? :P
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 1 day ago

Shizuka never learns that the monster girls ain't gonna listen to his lectures, huh? :P

Such is the pain of dealing with unruly monsters. They could stand to learn some decorum and wit!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

Update out! Sorry for the late post but also, there won't be another update this coming weekend. Next update will be on the next weekend.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 19 min ago

Well... Time to burn down an entire village and blame it on the Varjans I see~

... Oh, and hope temple interiors aren't a "no smoke" zone. :3
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 19 min ago

Monk was being a doo-doo head, so Relica had to punish him.

Yes. Had to. It was obligatory.

This will undobutedly have no foreseeable consequences for the taskforce what so ever!



No, you shut up!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

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Will this come back to bite us in the ass later? Highly likely.

Did that guy had it coming? ABSOLUTELY!

Huh?.....Stealing? No, I didn't! I was just making sure we got paid!
1x Laugh Laugh
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