Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 31 min ago

A desperation measure.

The initial burst of speed one may get by physically flinging themselves into a dive-roll was good as a desperate measure to evade a strike, but the delay between finishing the roll, reorientating yourself, and finally attacking, all took too long, especially when one killed their own momentum when initiating that dive.

And, most importantly, it was easy to read. You could feint steps, could feint swings, but could not feint the effects of gravity.

Serenity didn’t turn when Fanilly dove out of the way. She continued three steps onwards instead, three steps that would carry her out of the effective range of the Knight-Captain’s sword. Pivoted once more to face her foe. So that's what it was. A mobile sword style, emphasizing the reach that a two-handed sword could give, while adding in some acrobatic flair. It reminded her of certain schools of spearmanship developed by the Nem, who’d utilize the relevant length of the spear, alongside their natural agility, to strike with unorthodox, rising angles.

It reminded too, of Lucas.

“Two thrusts.” Just an observation.

Their positions were reset once more. But this time, Serenity did not charge. She simply walked.

Shield front-facing, sword hidden from view.

A calmer tempo, one to better respond to a mobility that could not handle a stalwart defense head-on.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Even as Serenity moved out of her range, Fanilly was already moving. The upwards thrust had failed to reach her target, but that was no reason to stop for even an instant.


She had to put on pressure. She had to make every movement a potential threat. She had to constantly apply herself from every potential angle, every potential point of aggression.

It was a sparring match, but that didn't meant there was any reason not to fight to her fullest.

This time she was tilted forward, darting over the grounds towards Serenity's side once more. Obviously she would pivot, just as she had done in response to every attack prior, but this time Fanilly twisted her body as soon as she reached the shield's side, on her opponent's right.

She had to get around the shield.

With both hands firmly gripping the hilt of the wooden sword, she used the momentum of her body to put as much power into her swing as she could. The angle and positioning wasn't the best for striking Serenity herself, and trying to position herself properly to achieve that would likely have lead to more time for another pivot.

The goal was, instead, to push the shield out of the way. Even for an instant, if she could succeed, it would at least force a different response and open new avenues of attack for her.

Even if she managed to catch her, from this angle, her blade would assuredly strike the shield from the side, from a difficult position.

It was a matter of how much that would matter that would determine her next actions.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by DELETED08740


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Location: Closet
Interactions: @VitaVitaAR

Nom des déesses de merde, now!?

"-YEP-HI-JUST-GIMME-MOMENT-" A couple words tumbled out through grit teeth.

Lein dared not turn his head around, but his balance nonetheless faltered just enough to let loose a bottle from the box. In an impossible swing, he used his one free leg to intercept the bottle's downfall and soften its landing just enough for it to tumble unto the floor without breaking. The bottle rolled unceremoniously across the floor, the rest rattling above and eager to join it. With his entire focus dedicated on cursing his situation and his grip clearly slipping from the sudden unwelcome intervention, Lein grimanced as if to direct an invisible force of will into stalling the inevitable as long as possible.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

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"From what I've read and heard, although only a few aside from the paladin remember meeting her in person, Merilia's particular speciality was in teleportation to an extent that hasn't been matched since. A very well-rounded mage and battlemage in general, but dreams...? I cannot believe that even she could have such skill in an unrelated field to ensnare hundreds from another continent without having let it slip once," Lilianna answered, eyes tracking the fighters. Of course, her own style was evident, but she had tried to impart the more generalised style. Speed and mobility were key, but the young blonde--hopefully--would never be favouring fighting unarmed to the same extent. "Of course, I have no magical ability. Perhaps my conclusions are incorrect."

The senior knight smiled slightly, "You want to improve? Then did you learn where your skills are wanting, where the flaws in your form are? Do you have a plan to act on specific improvements? Or were you simply planning to practise aimlessly and hope you got lucky?"

Lilia (Elf)

"Ah, yes, magic allows for taking on much more heavily armoured and weightier enemies without my mother's speed, and low-intensity spells like that are easier to keep going for long periods..." Lilia answered, turning to look at Renar as he left, "O-Of course! If I can be in any way of service, please, ask me!"

The tanned elf's eyes drifted back to her sword as Nicomede made his offer, fingers poking at some of the sword's gems. "I-I would be fine with either, but... i-if it's the magic you're interested in, I could do a demonstration? There's a lot of things that are too dangerous for practice, someone could get hurt really bad at best, and there's some things I can't use if I'm keeping the sword blunt. M-Most of it's pretty weak spells, though! I don't know much that's useful against more than one target, I could only practice with mum most of the time..."

@Psyker Landshark@Krayzikk
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 31 min ago

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Otter
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The Otter

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"I'm an idiot, Fionn. Solid posture."

He'd walked right past it through all that.

Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Krayzikk@HereComesTheSnow

Fionn simply looked down and sighed.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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Gerard Segremors

@The Otter

So it's not that, then.

He frowned, a puff of wind carrying dissatisfaction into the void that had been carved between the inimical dumbasses by the ongoing miscommunication. The problem with going for the legs... lunging like a low wolf...

Alright, what the hell was it, if the incoming admonishment wasn't "Quit throwing yourself so far forward for that stuff," then?

His arms folded, he closed his eyes, awaiting the inevitable from three feet to the right.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Otter
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The Otter

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Fionn MacKerracher


He looked back up at the dissatisfied noise that Gerard himself made, glancing over at the younger man. "Properly covered, lad. That's the important part to remember. If you're close enough to strike at my leg, even if I'm overextended myself, you're close enough that I can split your skull at the worst, or at best just cripple you in return by striking at your hands and forearms, whether or not I let yours land." He lifted his training blade, lightly jabbing at Gerard's chest for emphasis.

"Sure, you might be cutting from tag down to pflug, but like I said, any strike to my leg should be incidental. A result of me not voiding your cut properly. You always aim for a strike that will end the fight, remove the other person's ability to keep attacking, and keeps you covered at the same time. Aiming so low doesn't do that. That is why I keep telling you it isn't a valid target whenever we're keeping score in our spars."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 25 days ago

Steffen Gravinir

Where did that Hundi ran off to? Messing with that door was serious business. It took him too long to get the last one replaced.

It almost made him break his own rules when it came to Candaeln, one he would happily remind to other knights: No running in the hallway!

Still he wondered what the hell Lein was breaking into his office for. He doubted that the Hundi was just there to mess with him: he knew what Lein would've done just for that. If only he knew, he would have remembered which notes or books that had been misplaced, then he could make guesses on what he wanted. Even after the heart-to-heart with Lein, there were still bits and pieces he was worried about from this inconspicuous Hundi. Hell, in fact there might be more to be worried about than his previous image of the mischievous rogue going about in a semi-nomadic lifestyle. It was something expected as he got closer to the lad, but ought not to be ignored.

While his mind was circling thoughts, he turned a corner and speed-walked right into a familiar face. One of the Iron Rose Knights, the same one at the eventful ball the previous week, but also the same one from many years ago too. The first memory served was a tattered, beaten and bloodied face, stumbling and wobbly from his injuries. It wasn't a good memory per say, but the bond between the relatively senior knight and this outlander now turned Iron Rose bookkeeper tightened from such a starting point.

"Oh, Sir Steffen. Didn't expect you to be in such ruffles." Sir Katte, bemused by his friend's appearance, said. "What's gotten you so worked up?"

"Oh, nothing really." Steffen replied, with a chuckle of his own. "Some troublemakers that's all."

"Can't get away from those folks eh?" Katte laughed kindly. "Makes sense when our knight membership shifts younger, especially after the war."

"Any administrator's nightmare, really." Steffen rolled his eyes. Youngsters and their roguish ways nowadays. "Anyway, what are you up to, Sir Katte?"

"Oh." The knight gestured to an envelope in his pocket. "I'm heading into town. Had to deliver this to May."

"Oh May, how's she doing right now?" He recognized that name. She was someone Steffen called his compatriot and friend, hailing from the same village he was from when he arrived in Thaln, and fought on the same side as him and the Roses during those desperate hours. Last time he heard, she was in Aimlenn, trying to make a living in the capital.

"Eh, not too well?" Katte shrugged. "She's living for now, but hasn't been able to get a stable footing. I heard that the school she was teaching at got closed down recently due to funding."

"Ugh, that's not good." Steffen frowned. Poor girl. Fate hadn't been kind to her.

"So I'm sending a bit of money her way, hoping she'll get back on her feet."

Hopefully that would do something.

"I'll see what I can do over here, maybe putting in some good words for her. I do have a voice in that regard."

He wasn't a political powerhouse by any means, but to some, he was a hero of the War of the Red Flag, and was loved enough that he was given the honor to join the Iron Rose. His words would carry a bit more weight than others, considering May also had parts to play in those days of the war. But she wasn't a knight, and had no nobility connection to speak of, so when it came to state actions it would still be limited.

"Good luck Steffen. I'm sure May would appreciate your effort regardless." Katte gave the Ingvarr a kind smile, a wave before parting ways.

Steffen would take a bit of time back in his office for the aforementioned task. He had told himself to excuse from paperwork for the day, but if it's for a friend, he was fine with breaking his own rules every now and then. On that note, it would be great to send a note to Sir Renar's office about that creaky door that he now knew a particular Hundi had caused.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by VahkiDane
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Sergio della Gherardesca

One of the boons of home visits is that home really is the only place in this land I can fetch good tobacco. I can weather Abele's ridiculous antics if it means I don't have to inhale the roasted moss common in some parts. I'd rather not have to spend such expenses on some sleazy charlatan to give me something I can get for a quarter of the price back at home.

I talk as if home itself isn't a gift to visit - my corner of Thaln never ceases to surprise me with how well kept in its beauty, despite my absence, but on this occasion I hadn't had much chance to appreciate the sights. I'd received a letter from my cousin that my younger brother - Abele - had fallen ill. I feel guilt now that my first instinct was to suspect a macabre joke that he'd reeled my gullible relation into. The timing too, was poor. In the midst of the ball fiasco, no less, I was given the letter by a nervous courier who I'd likely made ever the more antsy by my less than cool conduct. I took flight homeward bound almost immediately after reading the letter in full - concluded with my cousin reporting an urge from Abele for me not needing to visit. It was uncharacteristic enough to shock me into action - brief flashes of my father's last days controlling me more than anything.

Quite the luck that it turned out to be a false alarm. Abele had contracted some obscure fever and in the time it took for the letter to deliver had seemingly mostly recovered - although still bedbound. Normally this would have elicited anger, but this time it sparked relief. He was well enough to only require me to stay a few days to ensure the illness was not to have a recurrence. I considered petitioning for more time away, but I'd missed enough with the situation at the ball that I couldn't permit myself to remain more than that. My best physician was to keep me updated with regular letters for a month. I suspect my brother would refuse to see him longer than that.

Now back at Candaeln, I fan the cigarette smoke away from my face. I've been watching it burn away outside the Iron Roses' keep, dressed in shirt and trews. Starkly modest, frankly, but the stress of the past week has stripped my extravagance bare. It'll return - likely as soon as I'm sent out on task. For now, I'll bear the cross of modesty.

And as quickly as it was lit, it fades away. Such is life.

I find myself floating back towards the keep, mostly aimless in direction. And then I looked down to my shirt sleeve, to notice a dispersion of ash across my top.


This shirt wasn't even a favourite. In fact, it almost wasn't worth the visit to the maids to have it cleaned.

Angrily, I stormed into the keep, looking for the maids quarters. A week ago, this wouldn't have happened.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 31 min ago

Shield on the left, sword on the right.

Whereas shields too could be weapons, so too could swords become shields.

Just as Fanilly leveraged her mobility, Serenity leveraged her stability. She had not built up speed herself, not with her striding approach, and while there were some among the knights who would see a shield and decide to charge straight ahead to smash through it, Fanilly was not one of them. So just as how water consumed fire, just as how pillows could withstand what wooden boards could not, slowness could respond better to swiftness.

She didn’t pivot this time.

She stepped inwards, into her foe.

Serenity’s sword arm rose upwards, elbow facing out, as the training weapon aligned with the side of her body. This was not an axe that was being swung, where the pure impact could break bones. This was a sword, versatile and agile, capable of cutting and thrust, but never crushing.

Fanilly’s swing did not strike Serenity’s shield on the side. Her swing instead struck Serenity on the side, blades clacking for the first time in their spar. The impact was felt, but through the padding training vest, it would not leave a bruise.

And now, there was the pivot. The turning of the hips, the extension of her left arm, as the rim of her shield swung towards the Captain’s extended arms while her blade was bound on the opposite side.

It was the philosophy of the Dwarven Shieldragers, whose weapons were hefty enough to supplant shields, whose shields were sharp enough to supplant weapons.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Fleuri Jodeau

"All of the above, actually," Fleuri replied to Lilianna's inquiry about how he'd improve himself. "The dream made me rather keenly aware of my shortcomings and weaknesses. Then when I was pitted against the Mirror Knight, he demonstrated to me my own form without the flaws and vulnerabilities. He didn't just beat me at my own game, he made it his game."

"Then, not more than a few minutes ago, Lein showed up with a peculiar guest. A servant of the Witch-Knight, a rabbit-eared swordswoman from far-off lands, come to observe and instruct, on her mistress' behalf," he continued. "Lein suggested that I spar with her for a demonstration. She moved her sword so quickly that it caused gusts of wind so sharp that they scored the stonework, as a mere side effect." Fleuri pointed to the spots in the training yard where the wind had marred the stone and cracked wood.

"I don't know how well her specific sword movements will translate to the weapons that I use, but it really put into perspective what's possible if one puts enough work into mastering swordsmanship and refuses to accept the limitations of what they think is possible for them, and that's something I clearly need to work on."

Would Lilianna be offended or bothered by the praise of the foreigner's sword mastery? Would she have any interest in testing herself further against this outsider? Fleuri hoped that he hadn't unintentionally offended the senior knight in his praise of the rabbit woman's skill.

@Raineh Daze
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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So rather then letting her shield be forced away, Serenity took the blow and answered with a swing of her shield.

There wasn't any time to evade. The distance simply didn't permit it, no matter how agile she might be. But it was no time to panic.

Not only was it simply a sparring duel, but panicking in battle was how one lost.

Fanilly released her sword with her right hand, keeping the hilt gripped in her left. While she took the blow to her right arm, wincing slightly as she felt it a little even through the padding, it wouldn't disarm her when the sword was no longer there in the first place.

A short, shallow swing, simply to maintain the threat as best she could, though she was aware it would hardly be likely to hit, coincided with the rest of her motion. She moved with the impact, leaving the ground entirely for a moment-

-And skidding across the training yard, landing on her feet. Swiftly the knight caught herself, and as soon as she was able to resume movement she was, sprinting to her opponent's left this time and returning her right hand to the training sword's hilt.

This time, she started with a swing from her right, similar to the blow she had attempted before... only to abruptly transition to a swing from the left just as the wooden blade would have become a threat.



The purple-haired maid swiftly rushed into the closet, first reaching up to take the box supported in the hundi knight's hand, and placing it out of the way on the floor, before reaching up to quickly slam both hands on either side of the box balanced on the broom to prevent it from toppling to a disastrous end.

Removing it from its precarious position, she bent down and placed it beside the first box, grabbing the broom now. Given it had the least potential to end in catastrophic consequences, it had been the last item she chose to remove from Lein's person. Now, at least, there was nothing stopping the hundi from just releasing the shelf and landing on the floor, with both boxes and the broom no longer proving a hindrance.

Still, the maid had been greeted with an incredibly surreal, unexplainable image, one that she couldn't place any possible explanation to.

"I don't mean any disrespect, Sir Lein, but what was that?!"

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

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Renar & Steffen

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by DELETED08740


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Location: Closet
Interactions: @VitaVitaAR

Lein massaged his prosthetic arm as if it was of flesh and blood, shaking off the painful cramps that was sure to be bound. But he was not out of the woods yet. What did this purple lady say - Alaree, Tessa, a trap? Gah, Lein should've known better. Still, it seemed that she didn't yet catch onto the wine yet, so he still had a bit of weasel space.

He was clearly in an apparent position of authority to the maid, so perhaps:

I was fulfilling my obligations in my knightly duties, until I was beset, as I see now, by your entrapment. I'll forgive this trespass, Miss Maid, but just this once.

No, that made Lein sound far too much like Serenity, and he should avoid such haughtiness lest he suddenly have a sneer permanently stuck on his face.

I'm deeply sorry, I was heading by and I noticed that -

Pfft. Lein couldn't even finish that line of thought, he was sure that he couldn't match Steffen's intonations in earnest.

No. Lein was familiar with most of the lower level staffers in the castle (and they toward him, most often accompanied by knowledge enough to suspect foul play), but the maid standing before him was new. A new arrivals, or likely some specialized member. Either way, Alaree would have to take the fall for this one.

"Alaree, huh? She know about your, ah, surprise, by chance? Asked me for a favor, see."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VahkiDane
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Sergio della Gherardesca

Amid puzzled conversation I open the door to the maid's quarters, oblivious to whatever trivial controversy was current in session. I open my mouth to speak only to be distracted by the situation in question - none other than previous agitation Ser Lein, apparently being questioned by one of the maids (Who I sorrowfully admit to not recognising).

Instead I emit little but idle silence, disgracefully hovering by the door to the quarters and attempting to piece together what on earth Lein was up to. A thought crossed my mind that he could simply be a pervert.

@PigeonOfAstora @VitaVitaAR
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

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"Whatever you would be most comfortable with, Lady Lilia," Nicomede smiled, and returned Renar's courteous nod. "The last thing we need is any needless injuries. But an old tutor had a motto that took a long while to sink in. There's no such thing as useless knowledge. Anything you would be willing to demonstrate would be informative."

"The aim is a little different with a lighter blade, Sir Segremors,"
He added, taking a half step back with his right and pivoting to be able to address the two other knights as well. "Like Lady Lilia just remarked upon, a rapier can't always strike decisively against an armored opponent. In that case a disabling strike against a less armored joint might help to pave the way for that finishing blow. Even then your sword is down, and you can't defend as easily."

"For a sword like yours a disabling strike is a waste of an opening."

@Raineh Daze @HereComesTheSnow @The Otter
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Otter
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The Otter

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Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Krayzikk@HereComesTheSnow

"Against an opponent in armour, he'd be doing similar. Looking for exposed areas. Halfswording and using it like a spear for extra control, or outright turning it around and using it like a hammer. Swords like the two of you have, in normal hands, might be easier to beat aside—but you can just as easily evade the beat, come back around, and use the point control afforded by your weapon's inherent balance to seek out armpits, holes in visors, and under-protected necks easier than we can, in some ways, if they don't think to simply push your blade aside with a gauntleted hand."

Fionn narrowed his eyes at Nico. Surely this had to be some sort of trick.

"Beyond that, Lilia's comment towards armoured opponents was about her magic, not purely the blade work."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"But part of a broader point about the normal limitations of a rapier, as I said." Nico disagreed politely, raising his eyebrows slightly. He hadn't expected this sort of pushback on a fairly minor point— perhaps he disapproved of Nicomede's comment during his teaching moment? "Against an opponent in proper plate, of course he can't cut through it any better than I can."

"That being said, of course he does have certain weightier options that I don't just as I have some quicker ones that he doesn't."
Hadn't he essentially said as such? Maybe he'd missed something in their exchange earlier? Still, Fionn looked as though he expected an ambush. "But many of our opponents aren't in plate, or even wearing armor at all. And even enchantments used during forging change our expectations about durability, so I'm not sure it's as simple as separating swordplay from the arcane."

@The Otter @HereComesTheSnow @Raineh Daze
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