◈ P e r s o n a l i t y
Adventurous ◈ Confident ◈ Stubborn ◈ Friendly ◈ Rebellious
Even amongst the other free-spirits from outside island society, Manny likes to be loose. So now finding herself in the heavily regulated academy, she's decided to rise up against these meaningless etiquettes and expectations! She publicly ignores any rules she doesn't agree with, scores poorly in all her classes (except Parliament Studies, Manny likes challenging herself in that one), and only accepts punishments in order to show her resoluteness. Since nobody can really stop her, no punishment seems work, and her acting out tends not to hurt anything other than her own education and reputation, more relaxed disciplinaries have begun letting her get away with such actions as going to the wrong classes, not wearing the uniform, or perching atop the Seraphim statue.
Despite her rejection of this foreign culture of unnecessary rules and order, she in no way desires to hurt anyone and is actually quite social and amicable. She, in fact, rather takes pride in helping other people. Unfortunately, things she considers "requiring help" include being anything less than a high-energy, optimistic extrovert. Add in her complete disregard for age and she'll even bother adults just trying to relax because they "look bored and need some fun".
◈ H i s t o r y
Manny was once a part of the Yharta, one of several tribes of nomads that have lasted for generations living on fleets of large, low-flying ships skirting the Endless Ocean Below and catching various goods to trade with the islanders. While these tribes are mostly disliked by islanders due to surviving the Liberation War through exiling mystics, the Yharta took it a step further and actively supported some Ni-Seraphi with information in exchange for peacefulness. When the Order of Harold and Hope won the war, it was nearly decided to end the Yharta. Eventually, an agreement was made that allowed the tribe to subsist, but all Yhartan mystics were thenceforth to join the newly founded Harold's Academy for the Magically Inclined and become islanders, among other compensations.
The girl herself was a middle child of a large family, leaving her lots of room for mischief and adventures. Her infectious personality drew in several other brats upon whom she was quite the bad influence. Together, the squad lived in merriment, causing plenty of damage to things and themselves in their daredevilry, and growing close in their war against consequences from their elders.
It was an especially unwise endeavor that resulted in the manifesting of Manny's magic. An attempt to catch a scorpiotross bird revealed a fatal allergy to its venom. Fortunately, what could have been a tragedy was instead the absurd sight of a four ton frigidon wearing a fluffy white dress and standing atop the poop deck. Shock, confusion, then relief, was followed by sorrow. After all, a mystic was forbidden from remaining in the Yharta.
With heavy hearts and after difficult goodbyes, a ship separated from the tribe, carrying Manny's massive form to the nearest port city. The time on that voyage was a constructive one however, as all the other Yhartans onboard took time to sit down with her. To reflect on what happened, and what is to come. To treat her like the person she was, instead of the animal she looked. And when the large island materialized overhead, Manny felt a bit like herself again. And as the ship slid into the harbor, Manny chose to look forward instead of back.
◈ R e p u t a t i o n
The young Yhartan would have faced little scorn for her heritage thanks to the Academy stamping hard on such things, if not for her disregard towards rules supporting many negative presumptions about the tribe. Despite her short time at the Academy and ever-changing appearance, Manny has already become well-known as a delinquent, especially to anyone who desires order or their personal space. However, there are plenty who don't mind her eccentricities and some even find her endearing. Proudly facing any animosity towards her head on has also earned her an amount of respect.
◈ G o a l s
The tribe granted few opportunities, and Manny was content to fall into whatever role caught her. Now in a strange new world with countless options that yet feel so unattainable, she is left lost and indecisive. Thus, she instead avoids such burdensome thoughts and lives life in the moment, enjoying herself as she can.
◈ R e l a t i o n s
Yharta - She and they still consider her Yhartan, and they regularly exchange letters when able. Unfortunately, the difficulty in making contact with wandering nomads makes such letters rare.
Janitorial Staff - It's not often for a student to take being a janitor as their apprenticeship, so Manny's become something of a mascot and been admitted into the S.S.G.E., the Secret Society of Grime Elimination. Their clubhouse is a broom closet featuring a fully stocked minifridge.

◈ "Bein' a cait does nawt make cait chow taiste any beidder, Ah'm teilin' ya!" ◈
◈ M y s t i c C l a s s i f i c a t i o n
◈ G i f t
◈ M y s t i c C o d e
Reincarnation automatically triggers if Manny dies, her aeonheart is interfered with, or if she consciously wills it. Upon activation, her old body turns to dust and she reincarnates as a new creature at peak health and swaddled in fluffy, snow white clothing unique to her gift. There are only a few consistencies between incarnations - she is always female, physically fit, has a butterfly mark on her neck over the vessel connecting her aeonheart to her brain (though it's usually hidden by fur, feathers, or scales when in animals forms), and her human forms are always of her true body age. Other than these, all physical characteristics can and do change. Her animal incarnations are nearly biologically identical to real animals, but their physical brains differ to support her human thought processes and she retains her aeonheart.
◈ L i m i t a t i o n s a n d W e a k n e s s e s
While Manny can cause herself to reincarnate, that is the extent of control she has; the creature and its physical appearance being random. Consecutive reincarnations in quick succession temporarily increase the time it takes between death and reincarnation at a rapid rate, meaning "rerolling" is detrimental in any time-relevant situation. Her gift's automatic activation upon her aeonheart being influenced additionally means many otherwise mild or even beneficial effects can trigger it. Finally, despite these forms always being physically fit, she can never become stronger as any efforts would be undone upon the next reincarnation.