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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Archmage MC
Avatar of Archmage MC

Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (80/100)
Location: The Under - Pizza Tower
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia's efforts to clean up her fellow seekers had... limited success. They were at least smelling better, if anything. There were discussions of stories, both a continuation of her own story to explain the mountain they had to deal with, something Sectonia really didn't want to think of due to the cold. There were some other stories from the group, Bowser having the most interesting one of all of them shockingly. This 'Kirby' sounded familiar, but she couldn't place where she had heard that name before.

With the group eating their respected breakfast, Sectonia had her antillions pack away her new little camp set and the group got going through this tower, deciding to head into these 'staff only' rooms to see what these actually were. And it was... The exit to this tower? but not wanting his new 'guests' to leave just yet, out came this so called 'pizza face'. And the name was apt, as he was just a big pizza. And much like what Nadia quipped, he got right into it without even a single word.

"Perhaps he has no form of higher thought Nadia." Sectonia said, giving her own little quip as she summoned her own minions to compete with the minions summoned by Pizza Face, leading to a strange minion brawl between the denizens of pizza tower, and Sectonia's antillions. with that done, Sectonia boosted her allies with her Haste. Still, it was soon made apparent that Pizza Face was just going to hover above the playing field, making it so the seekers had to come to him.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by DracoLunaris
Avatar of DracoLunaris

DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The Koopa Troop

wordcount: 1,032 (+2)
Bowser: Level 12 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (235/120)
Bowser Jr: Level 12 EXP: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (120/120)
Kamek: Level 12 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (112/120)
Rika: Level 8 EXP: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (46/80)
Location: The Under - Home of Tears

”Sausage, sweets and pepperoni!” “No!” “No!” “No!”

”Cheese, peppers and seafood!” “No!” “No!” “No!”

”fruit, mushrooms and honey!” “No!” “No!” “No!”


”mushrooms, sweets and pepperoni!” “No!” “No!” “No!”

”peppers, seafood and pepperoni!” “No!” “No!” “No!”


”sausage, sweets, and honey!” “No!” “No!” “Ohhh, now that’s my pizza!” Arno broke the tune of the last however long as he looked at the offered pizza with something approaching love, before snatching it and adding “Took ya long enough! Wasn’t my sweet tooth obvious?”

”pepperoni, cheese, and peppers!” “No!” “Mmmm, yes! Now that’s more like it. Nice and spicy“ Willa declared before snatching up the offering

”seafood, mushrooms, and fruit!” “No!” Shyler cried out in fury, before his eyes suddenly dropped the rage at bad pizza they had been filled with, and focused on the final pizza “Oh, no wait! yeah that sounds good actually.” before politely asking “can I have it?”

”KAMEK!” Bowser roared in his advisor’s ear, which finally got his attention, causing both him and the dry bones holding the pizza to leap into the air, and spilling the dish to the ground as a result

”A, um, oh, yes sire?” he turned to ask after landing, leaving Shyler dancing with impatience yet unwilling to simply snatch the pizza now that his senses were back

”We’re heading up” the king simply informed him, jerking a thumb towards

”Oh, ah, yes, of course. My apologies. I got a little caught up in solving the puzzle”

“Can I…. Can I have the pizza now, please?” Shyler repeated, edging closer

”Hmmm? Oh, yes, of course, here you go” the mage replied, before waving the dry bones closer ”Enjoy”

“Thank you” the final troll said, sounding genuinely touched as he took the pizza

“Alright! 3 .. 2 .. 1 .. Pizza party time!” Arno chanted, before all three pizzas tossed their pizzas up in the air, and then swallowed them in one gulp

”I uh … huh” Kamek said as he looked on, stunned as all his work vanished in an instant, with nary a moment given to savor it.

That said, despite their speed eating, the trolls still looked like they had enjoyed themselves immensely, rubbing their bellies in a satisfied manner.

”So” Bowser asked ”Was it worth it?”

”Ehhhhh” The mage examined the mess resulting from rejected pizzas, and wasted ingredients as a result, and then shrugged

“Course it was worth it. Because now we can tell you where you need to go to get out” Arno

”Staff only, boss door” Jr called over

“Uh. yeah. Good guess” Arno conceded for the trio

”Uh uh” replied noncommittally, before calling out ”now hurry up, we have a pizza to face” and then giggling at his own joke.

”yeah booooo, weak! Where’s the presentation!” Bowser jeered in tandem with Nadia’s laughter, not rating this bad guy highly at all so far. 3/10 at most.

”This was the guy we had to get out of the levels before he showed up? Yeesh, we coulda taken it slow if we’d known that” Jr complained

Either in response to the mockery, or because he was just going to do it anyway, the big bad boss of the pizza tower summoned a whole host of cronies to do his bidding.

As Artorias aptly demonstrated as he flipped first into action, those minions were going to be a real hurdle when it came to actually getting a chance to hit the pie in the sky.

”Two can play at that game!” Jr (who was still fighting on foot due to not having had the time or energy to fix up his machine) called out, before summoning minions of his own.

”Flukefey flight, dive bomb those piggy snipers!” he called out, sending a wave of tooth and wing swooping down at a squad of piglins armed with crossbows, before following it up with ”Murlock Marines! Koopa Corps! Goomba Swarm! Meet those mooks head on!” creating a veritable swarm of strikers that surged forwards with the prince at their center.

Goombas trampled over cheese slimes only to be skewered by fork knights, who themselves were knocked down by spinning koopa shells and beaten down by the murlock’s crude weapons. Sympathetic recoil damage peppered the prince as his strikers got hurt, but by using his aoe healing spell, he turned that same sympathetic connection into a boon, healing himself far more by hitting his whole swarm than using single targeted heals on himself ever could.

Of course, he wasn’t the only minion summoner, with Kamek joining in with a pronouncement of ”More than two, actually!” before conjuring up a horde of drybones and a quartet of magi-clones to join the fight, chump blocking and spell blasting more of the minions.

Now, it could probably be argued that adding all these extra minions, on top of the antlions already cluttering the tower top thanks to a certain bee-queen, simply made more of a chaotic mess rather than fixing the issue, but the other two Troop members did their best to work around it.

Or rather, over it.

”One royal fastball, coming your way, you cheap third rate villain!” Bowser called out as he reeled back and then hurled the deadliest projectile he had available.

Namely Rika.

”woo hoo!” the princess cheered as she sailed through the air, before yelling ”I’m going to get a slice of you!” while chopping sideways with a fly-by swing with her halberd like lance, before using her maneuvering thrusters to spin around, her feather fall rune to get a double jump’s worth of extra altitude and then her grappling hook to latch on and come swinging around for a second hit.

She warped the spear under her other arm and aimed to deliver a piercing strike to the back of the pizza pile, before flipping her weapon around in an instant, and opening fire with its rear mounted cannon, along with her rifle and rigging guns, using the recoil to blast herself back towards Bowser.

The king for his part shoulder barged through a scrum of mooks, before lashing out with tentacles and dreugh claws deployed from his shell while he used his own claws to catch his boomerang of a projectile before she could get into trouble crash landing among their foes.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by DracoLunaris
Avatar of DracoLunaris

DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Vandelay Campus - Research and Development

Location: Midgar Sector 06, the City of Glass
Midna’s @DracoLunaris, Geralt’s @Multi_Media_Man, Tora
Word Count: 3334 (+4)

Those who decided to venture to Vandelay’s Research and Development division were in for a surprise when Sandalphon informed them where they’d be headed. “Your destination is the volcano situated in the rear of Vandelay Campus, the angel explained. “The R&D division exists beneath it, using the heat of its magma for geothermal energy, as well as its proximity to the plate’s underside and Deep-Paris to its advantage. DespoRHado’s troops are accessing it via the Employee Express, and I suggest you do the same. Oh, and for the duration of this op, hail me using callsign Halo. I will hail your team using callsign Phalanx.”

Following her directions and the trail of destruction left by their cyborg precursors, the trio set off. Even without Poppi to help him, Tora could bounce along at a decent clip, and the possibility of augmenting his quest to recover his companion with Vandelay’s finest tech gave him enough hope to stave off despair. Driven by the thought of seeing Poppi’s smile once more, he forged ahead alongside Midna and Geralt through a belt of structures somewhere between Vandelay’s public-facing front and its purely industrial facilities. These turned out to be primarily residential areas, not for the minority of human personnel who commuted to the campus, but for its robotic workers. They encountered VA-SER, TEC, PGR, and OL units, as well as diminutive SCR-UB, CAR-11E, and O5-KARs. Such machines might not need to sleep, but they did need to recharge, and these motel-esque power stations provided just the place to do so. Of course, being robots they received accommodations much, much smaller and meaner than any hotel might possibly consider offering, barely more than cubbies, and being non-combat robots they’d put up no fight at all when DespoRHado tore through the place. The whole area was in crisis mode, with panicked SCR-UBs and CAR-11Es flailing their arms as they rolled around in circles. That made getting through to the nearby on-site subway station easy, at least, and after descending to the platform the trio found that a train had just arrived.

They also found the DespoRHado rear-guard. Hulking and gorilla-like, the robots had been too big to board the Express themselves, so they remained behind to destroy any Vandelay robots attempting to use it themselves. When they spotted the newcomers, the three Unmanned Gears turned on them, their eyes glowing as they released mechanical roars.

“Mastiffs,” Sandalphon’s voice announced. The angel routed her communication line through the magically-attuned Midna, and came through with just a slight, almost melodic echo. “I do not have authority over these units. They wield brute strength, agility, and hidden arm-cannons. You are clear to engage.” If the Seekers wanted to reach R&D, they’d need to get through these things first.
”Good, I need a warm up anyway“ Midna boasted, before declaring ”I’ll take the one on the left“ and then racing to do just that.

“Then I’ll go right. Tora, can you handle the middle one?” Geralt asked, not unkindly, but also without the tinge of pity the Nopon might be fearing. If he needed a hand, they’d be happy to provide it, but if not, there was no point in putting the extra focus on their friend when they could instead put it on their enemy. Regardless of the answer, he drew steel and cast Quen to protect himself, moving towards his chosen foe.

Tora gawked up at the giant Unmanned Gear, approximately five times his size, with nothing but a medieval hammer to his name. “Mehhhhh…”

As Midna’s wolfos charged forwards, the princess quickly shifted so that both her feet were on its back, and then right before they came close to the brute bot, leapt off of it and into the air. While her steed switched to entirely focusing on evasion, the princess grabbed the massive tree spear she was carrying in both hands, and used it to deliver several swift downwards thrust, glinting from both the charge she had pumped into it crackling as she struck, before slamming a shadowfist downwards to finish her combo. A respectable burst of damage, but these Mastiffs were tough as nails. Planting its back foot, the unit attempted to clamp its arms around Midna’s shadowfist in order to grapple her and pull her in for a pounding.

Knowing about the hidden arm-cannon in advance was very helpful, given that the one he went after raised one of its arms and launched a grenade at Geralt, who was able to quickly pivot around it, avoiding a direct hit and leaving the projectile to detonate behind him as he rushed in. The Mastiff responded with a roar and a downward punch, which Geralt deflected with the flat of his sword before lifting it up and along the machine’s side, scoring the metal but not doing much damage without the time to build up any momentum. The Mastiff replied with a backhanded swipe from its heavy arm, more to ward the Witcher off than anything. It leaped backward out of range, launched a pair of hastily-aimed grenades, then barreled forward to pull off a spectacular dropkick.

Tora, meanwhile, was suffering. Once it registered the tiny, ovoid creature in front of it as a threat, the Mastiff went to town, repeatedly punching and slamming to ground to try and squash him. Having been a steadfast defender for so long, Tora tried to block the attacks on instinct, but even if his hammer were suited to the task he had no extra ether shielding to protect him. After eating a few hits, he focused on evasion instead, trying to dodge the Mastiff’s wallops in order to bludgeon it legs, but he was too slow and the robot just stepped away from him each time. Finally, Tora bounced into the air, leaping as high as he could to bring his hammer down on the Mastiff’s head. The hammer promptly flew from his grasp, leaving only a dent behind, and the Unmanned Gear grabbed Tora in its giant arms to squish him like a squeaky toy. “MEH-MEH-MEH!” he yelped as he struggled helplessly, his eyes bugging out on each squeeze.

”Vibrava! Initiates! Support Tora!“ Minda shouted as she wrestled with the mech that had her by the shadow hand. To do so, she stabbed the spear forwards, and then held it there to use it as additional leverage to keep herself from being reeled in. Then she aimed to punish it for keeping her close by discharging the remaining voltage stored in her spear via a trio of rotating pillars of lighting, while also opening the shadow hand, and rapidly expanding a vollybomb into it. The magical explosive rapidly grew in size, seemingly harmless until its radius touched the floor below and everything inside was wracked with the resulting detonation. It did a number on the Mastiff, cracking its armor in enough places to send pieces flying, and its head in particular took enough damage to render its optics useless. When it staggered drunkenly to its feet it wildly swung what remained of its arms around, trying to swat Midna down before she could sting him again.

While she did that, her minions moved to aid Tora. The hooded initiates of the penumbra cult stepped away from all the fights, and then bowed down, planting their hands to the ground and sprouting psychic roots around the foe that was squeezing the life from Tora (a safer bet than the spears which would risk friendly fire) and repaying the immobilizing favor. Her Vibrava, meanwhile, buzzed around behind the robot, before threatening to swoop in to deliver an armor sundering crunch to the back of its head.

Unfortunately, the Mastiff’s design prevented that–stooped like a hulking gorilla, its head seemed to be completely obfuscated by its hunchback from behind. Sensing stronger opponents, however, it promptly hurled Tora at one of the initiates like a football, then unleashed hell with its arm cannons.

Geralt sidestepped away from the backhand, performed a pirouette to avoid the poorly-aimed grenades (the explosion from one sent some shrapnel into his back, but the Quen shield meant that Geralt barely felt anything), then lifted his sword into both hands to deflect the flying simian robot, knocking it ever so slightly off course and off-balance. He followed up with a heavy downward swing as the machine UG was getting up, gouging deeply into its arm and leaving the mechanical limb sparking. Lifting his blade, he thrusted forward as the Mastiff punched at him, moving closer to let the limb sail harmlessly past his side, a solid foot of his sword penetrating into the machine. Eyes narrowing, Geralt took advantage of this unexpectedly effective attack and withdrew his blade to quickly slam the pommel of his sword into the machine’s face before it could react. Rather than react with any sort of discombobulation, the Mastiff simply grabbed Geralt with both of his massive arms, though the grip on the damaged one was noticeably weaker.

Having rolled to a stop nearby after his head-on collision with one of Midna’s Strikers, Tora picked himself up dazedly, then shook the stars from his eyes. If nothing else, the Nopon certainly possessed a hardy constitution, and being a chew toy for a Mastiff was nothing he couldn’t handle. When he got up, though he saw Geralt subjected to the same treatment “Oh, no!” If Geralt got his back broken by a bear hug here, Tora’s mission would be that much closer to dead in the water. He mustered up all the heroic courage he could find, scooped up his hammer from where it had fallen, and charged toward Geralt. “Hold on friend, Tora is coming!” He lifted his weapon overhead, ready to bring its business down on the Mastiff’s foot with everything he had.

While the boys duked it out with their own gorilla bot, Midna and her minions found themselves occupied with the other two. For the one flailing around blindly, the princess drifted up into the air out of range of the targetless attacks, and then proceeded to summon and drop the massive steel ball on a stick that was her clubba-club right on top of it.

Her Vibrava meanwhile had a bit more of an issue with its brute. Having failed to find a rear weak point it was at least at range when the grenade spam started, and the psychic roots restricted the ability to aim the shots at it. Still, one of the explosive shots managed to clip the dragon, causing a retaliatory darrage thorns shooting out of the pokemon and at the bot, dealing light damage.

What didn’t cause light damage was the mon retaliating by unleashing the power of the earth beneath the Mastiff, shattering concrete and sending geothermal energy raging up in a miniature volcanic eruption that unsteadied the machine as much as it buffeted it with geomental might. As it stumbled, the pokemon hammered it with blasts of dragon breath, tight beams of purple energy hammering the machine while making sure to keep out of range of those powerful arms.

The Mastiff stumbled when Tora’s hammer came down on its foot, and Geralt took advantage of the opportunity to draw the Sign of Aard between himself and it, the concentrated telekinetic blast launching the machine backwards. Geralt turned his head to his Nopon “rescuer” and nodded with a short, “Thanks, Tora,” much to Tora’s delight, before charging back in, steel sword finishing the job on its damaged arm as the UG regained its bearings. Following up with a spinning cut to the body, Geralt carved a furrow into its armor and blocked the punch it tried to counter with.

Seeing the situation Midna and her Strikers were in, Geralt scrunched his face up and, after taking another heavy swing at the Mastiff and dealing far more damage than he felt he ought to against the armored machine, summoned the Judicator in the middle of the group, commanding it to launch its spectral fires at both other Mastiffs to distract and deal some minor damage to them.

Returning his focus to his enemy, Geralt stepped in, deflected a wild flailing punch, and strafed around the side of the machine while bathing it in a concentrated stream of fire from Igni, turning its metallic body cherry-red and ripe for a finishing strike.

Tora knew the limits of his strength -as well as his reach- but he also knew very well just how pliable hot metal can be. While Geralt kept himself one step ahead of the furious machine’s swings, Tora waddled in beneath the purview of its red-hot haymakers, took his hammer in both wings, and dealt a single well-placed smash against the outside of its left knee. Already softened up by the intense heat, the thin metal around the critical joint gave way, buckling in a way it shouldn’t beneath the Unmanned Gear’s weight. It reeled, attempting to stabilize itself as much as possible to counteract the instability before it fell, but Tora just kept hammering. “Meh-meh-MEH!” After two more blows his hammer blasted straight through, and the Mastiff began to fall. Unfortunately, it happened to fall directly toward him, and as the robot’s shadow enveloped him Tora gawped up at the smoldering heap metal. “Oh no!” Thinking quickly, he reached out his hammer toward the Witcher, hoping that he’d be able to snatch it and pull the attached Nopon to safety.

Tora’s hopes were met with results as Geralt yanked the Nopon out of the way of the collapsing Mastiff, and to ensure that their efforts were not in vain, his steel sword was brutally stabbed into the machine’s chest, tearing through the softened metal like a hot knife through butter, and he dragged it through the molten slag with ease, destroying vital components and shutting the Unmanned Gear down for good. “Good work. Now let’s see if Midna needs a hand or four.”

They turned to her just in time to see a giant cyber-bear headbutt the final foe into a wall, before Midna and her vibrava unleashed earth power and vollybomb strikes on it in quick succession, blowing it to smithereens.

She also had the audacity to be standing there with her arms casually folded while doing this.

The Mastiffs had been rather tough nuts to crack, but with the last one out of commission, the trio could finally board the monorail in peace. Tora waddled on and plopped down to rest for a moment, panting, as the monorail automatically pulled out of the station. This had been his first taste of combat since losing Poppi, and the reality of how much weaker he was -and how little help he could be- stung. He wanted nothing more than to stand between his allies and whatever might bar their way, fearlessly negating whatever they might throw at him, but now the others were the ones rescuing him. Twice. Even if he happened to be of some use during that skirmish, the negatives dwarfed the positives. His eyes fell on the hammer, laid down beside him on the ground. If not for Poppi’s unexpected aptitude at the batting cages, he wouldn’t even have this. It was a sobering reality.

Midna wasn't exactly blind to this reality either. She'd assumed the Nopon would have asked if he needed help, but given what she had just seen, it was time to be proactive.

”So, I take it the shield you used to use was a Poppi thing? Do you need a replacement?" She asked, pulling out her green thorn shield out of a portal and offering it to him, before thinking and adding ”or anything else? I've got all sorts of things sitting in the Twilight realm, and I'm pretty versatile in what I use, so it won't hurt to lend it out."

Having said that, she swept a hand around the area, and summoned several crates she had used to store gear, offering up everything but the helmet, pauldrons, mimic tooth necklace and rosary she was wearing.

”Ah, but maybe not that" she added after a moment, sending the cursed sword back to where it came.

Without much in the way of pride in anything but his engineering ability, Tora quickly relented and accepted Midna’s help. After sorting through all the interesting gear, he took both shields -the Sabo Shield to wield and Darwin’s Danger Shield to wear- and the Scorcher Flamethrower (which Midna seemed equally sad and excited to see him choose with for some reason). He might not be proficient with ranged weapons, but anyone could use a flamethrower: just walk forward and hold the trigger. With the extra protection and literal firepower, Tora felt a bit better about what lay ahead, not knowing that the resistance encountered so far was just the tip of the iceberg.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Yankee
Avatar of Yankee

Yankee God of Typos

Member Online

Word Count: 372 (+1 exp)
Level: 4 - Total EXP: 159/40
Location: Dystopiascape - Midgar

In the morning, Pit dragged his feet a little in getting up. He was awake and lounging in one of the random bunks he'd claimed late last night, going over all of the information from yesterday again in his mind. It still felt like he had so, so many questions and barely any answers - and not just about Midgar. The Consuls were such a confusing element of the world. There was the nature of that red spirit too, but when he'd checked on it last he'd found it faded away.

The loud, alarm-like ringing that filled the building pushed Pit into instant action. Nearly tripping in his haste he skidded into the kitchen where the sound had come from. "What's going on?!"

Upon noticing the call in progress Pit tilted his head curiously, but didn't say anything else until the conversation was completed. When it was he shook his head in disappointment.

"I can't believe they're fighting each other when there's so much more important stuff they could be doing, like helping people!" He said. Then, after a beat, "...okay, I can believe it but it's still dumb."

He was through the portal with the rest of the Seekers as soon as everyone was ready, back at the venue of last night's debate within seconds. The scene was chaotic and a little ominous, immediately proving the words of the caller true. Said stranger stepped out to greet the group soon after, going over the current situation with two pairs of attendants at her side. She had introduced herself as Sandalphon.

Pit was surprised that this was the person on the other end of the phone line. He was getting a strange read from her, so much so that it almost distracted him from listening to what she was saying. It was probably obvious to anyone with eyes that she wasn't human, but besides that it was hard to tell. Was the halo over her head even real? He came back to the topic at hand when his group started to declare what sections they'd be tackling.

"I'll head to Security too," he decided. Depending on what they found there, maybe it would be possible to put a faster stop to the conflict.

Level: 8 - Total EXP: 185/80 ------ Level: 6 - Total EXP: 124/60
𝙱𝙿 ●●●● ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
Word Count: 532 (+1 exp)
Location: The Under

The round of stories ended with Ms. Fortune, who as promised talked about her experience in the Dead Zone. It was a harrowing tale, but more than that... it seemed that the Feral also remembered more of her life in this world than some others did. Primrose didn't bring it up again, but she did make a mental note of it. The question of why? stuck in her mind, but as she'd already decided to get Asgore to make good on his promise later she pushed the thoughts to one side.

The Seekers finished up their breakfast and took as many leftovers to go as possible - and then some. The newest addition to the team introduced himself as Artorias, though his title meant nothing to the group. The Travelers gave him the courtesy of their names as well, and once everyone was ready they all trudged into the Staff Only area and through the door that would lead to the way out.

Though they knew it to be the way up the tower, Primrose and Therion hadn't expected to take them right to the top. The view from where they were was portentous, similar and yet so different from all of the caverns they'd seen so far. Just how big is this place? Therion wondered, glancing suspiciously up at the dim light above the area. Did the Under, as its name implied, stretch beneath the entire world of light? Were they going to have to scour every inch of it?

Before that, the Pizza Tower's boss came to greet them. It didn't speak, only laughed, but it was hardly intimidating. Some poked fun at it, which Primrose thought was warranted. Having just learned what pizza was, she supposed to boss of a whole pizza themed tower would also be... pizza.

First to the fray was Artorias, swiftly followed by Sectonia and the Koopa Troop summoning minions of their own. With battle already beginning, the Travelers did their part in the ways most typical to them: outside of melee range.

Therion didn't add to the pile of summons, instead staying behind the front line and aiming his throwing daggers at the boss. He had no idea if this thing was an actual food golem or what, but he tested the effects of his blades on it, probing for a weak point. The daggers sank into the cheese of its face, the nose, the pepperoni and pineapple eyes both.

Since Sectonia had already buffed the Seekers' speed, Primrose decided to go on the offensive rather than offer a buff of her own. At the moment, Pizza Face came off as a pushover anyway - had she danced it might have been overkill.

"Luna Λ," she said, raising an arm and pointing it towards the giant floating pizza while casting the spell. The image of crescent moons traced the ground of the tower's roof, and though they were meant for Pizza Face they erupted in small explosions of magic when a hapless monster stumbled into them. With the stage so crowded, friendly fire with the Seekers' own summons was inevitable. The dancer clicked her tongue and switched tactics, changing to the more familiar and controllable spells. "Moonlight Waltz!" The spell surged at Pizza Face directly, washing him in dark magic.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Archmage MC
Avatar of Archmage MC

Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

Vandelay Campus - Production

Location: Midgar Sector 06, the City of Glass
Roland’s @Archmage MC, Partitio’s @Dark Cloud, Goldlewis Dickinson
Word Count: 3060 (+4)

Roland didn’t really care too much who he went with in this group. But from the sound of things, Goldlewis seemed to know the most so he decided to go with him. He really wasn’t sure exactly what was going on with the whole DespoRHado fighting Vandelay, but perhaps he could get two birds with one stone. As he’d be working with these people, he explained how his distortion mask worked as he put it on. ”With this mask on, people don’t pay much attention to me, with only vague memories of what they saw and nothing concrete. But if you guys know what this is, you can overcome some of its effects. At least enough that we can fight together and know that you're fighting with a masked man. Maybe someday you’ll even remember my name.” Roland said, putting his mask on in front of everyone and doing his whole thing. He also explained those with high enough perception could actually fully remember who he was even with the mask on as long as he explained things, stating a couple librarians he knew could do just that.

After a flurry of hastily-made decisions on who would be going where, the five teams bid one another a hasty farewell, then hurried on their separate ways. As Goldlewis took off, quickly picking up speed as he barreled toward his chosen destination, he sized up his two teammates. From the beginning he knew that splitting up the Seekers would be a risky proposition, only possible in the first place because they had quite a few people when out in full force. Split five ways, however, that roster started to look a little thin. Goldlewis hadn’t gotten the chance to work with either Partitio or Roland so far, and with both of them new recruits as of yesterday, he didn’t even really know them. Their demeanors, level of competence, and capabilities were complete mysteries to him. Every crew needed people to fill certain essential roles, from functional ones like offense, defense, and healing to tactical ones like leadership and support. Right now, Goldlewis couldn’t be going in any more blind, and he hated it.

Luckily for the hardened vet the latter of the two quickly showed his true colors, not having been up to much over the past bit since their meeting with Sandalphon. Partitio had spent some of his time the other day going to see how the folk back in the slums were, a bit of a trip in itself or so he told Goldlewis.

Helped a few folk with some heavy lifting, even chipped in at the bar much to Tifa's vehement and many polite attempts to decline his assistance but he wouldn't take no for an answer and went to washing dishes, serving drinks and making quite a few fast friends. He didn't pay for his drink a couple nights back after all and a merchant always pays for the things he gets.

At the very least, it seemed like this trio -without any fliers, speedsters, or teleporters- formed one of the lower-mobility teams, so it was a good thing that the Production division of Vandelay Campus seemed relatively close by. He, Roland, and Partitio ran along the scorched-earth trail left by the invading DespoRHado force until they made it to a breach in the division wall. They jumped through and found themselves in a walled courtyard, surrounded by factory buildings on its other sides and home to a large, showy statue depicting the Head of Production with Amazonian proportions. Trashed SBR units and the remains of a few DespoRHado troops lay in pieces, strewn around all over the place, with some of cyborg corpses messy enough that Goldlewis averted his gaze.

By looking elsewhere, however, he noticed a couple interesting things. One was a curious snail by the statue-adjacent water feature, the pigmentation of its skin jet-black. More importantly, he saw that while the big doors were sealed shut, with ‘LOCKOUT’ flashing on screens above them, there lay a conspicuous access passage marked ‘DO NOT ENTER’ in a mostly fenced-off lot nearby. Cargo containers lay stacked in front of it as a convenient means to climb up, and the heavily-perforated wreck of a four-legged HGOG unit suggested that the invaders had indeed gone this way. He did notice one other thing: a small, blue shape cowering beneath a bench, trembling in fear. It looked like a dog, and even if it didn’t remind him of that poor Meowstic back in Sector 05, he couldn’t ignore the poor thing. He knelt down for a better look, and saw a four-legged robot with floppy ear-flaps and big, shiny, yellow eyes. “Aw, don’t be scared, li’l feller,” he cooed, reaching out his hand. The KUT-WAN tentatively poked out from its hiding spot, then rubbed up against the veteran’s massive mitt, wagging its tailpipe. “Aww, wouldja look at that. What a cute li’l sucker.” As endearing as it was, however, it wasn’t mission critical. He picked himself up and headed toward the way in he spotted earlier to get the mission started.

As he and the others climbed up and into the corridor, he brought up his communication glyph and dialed in on his newest contact. “Sandalphon, come in. You read me? Over.”

“Reading you loud and clear.” Through the medium of magic, the angel’s voice possessed no static distortion, only a slight ethereal reverb. “For the course of this operation, please refer to me with callsign Halo. I will meanwhile hail you with callsign Mustang. Acknowledge?”

“Roger.” Picked due the southern dialect shared between himself and Partitio, Goldlewis supposed. A few moments later, past a couple destructible crates and jerky lifts, the trio reached the end of the hall, and a door slid open to reveal an open-air loading bay, with shuttered garage doors on each side. The trio arrived just in time to see a gang of DespoRHado cyborgs finish off the last SBR unit standing.

Then they turned toward the newcomers, their weapons at the ready. “Hey! Who the hell’re you?”

“They’re not with us,” the heavily-armored unit leader snarled, slamming his heavy axe and shield together for intimidation. “Take ‘em out!” His squadmates, armed with a mixture of swords, hi-tech crossbows, and grenade launchers, obeyed without question.

Roland could only roll his eyes and sigh. ”I’m not surprised these guys want to fight.”. His allies and the enemies, if they paid enough attention, could hear that Roland didn’t make any noise as he moved, nor made any noise as he drew his weapon, a large two handed sword and moved with quickness that his frame or demeanor wouldn’t suggest.

When a slash connected, almost no sound could be heard. It almost sounded like the impact was underwater, with how muffled it sounded. But the damage could clearly be seen as he swiped at an approaching cyborg. Seeing this guy moving way faster than he probably should, one of the cyborgs with a crossbow shot as Roland turned to look at him. With dexterity of a master, Roland used his sword to bash the projectile away from himself before moving in to land his blow. It was a clean cut, but not enough to fell the cyborg outright, and as he used his heavy crossbow to block the swordsman Roland hit earlier came back for round two.

Goldlewis followed Roland into the fray, his coffin held up in front of him as a makeshift shield. A triple shot of crossbow bolts, custom-designed to puncture solid metal and tear through circuitry like muscle fiber, slammed into it as his advanced. Despite the alarmingly loud impacts, the bolts snapped instead of the reinforced lid. When another trooper lobbed a grenade with a punchy FOOM, it exploded against the veteran’s coffin in a burst of flame, only for Goldlewis to burst from the flames and scatter the duo with a mighty Behemoth Typhoon. The bowman leaped back, but the grenadier got clobbered, and as he tumbled away the squad leader surged into fill the gap. He hurled his heavy shield at Goldlewis, landing a painful blow on his shoulder, then caught the shield as it bounced off in order to come down with a leaping cleave from his axe. Unfortunately for him, his attack speed was slow enough that Goldlewis could step back and catch the axe with his coffin’s chain, then turn it aside. He battered the squad leader’s armor with a shoulder barge, then pragmatically brought his foot down on his foe’s strong enough to crack the ground. As the cyborg reeled, a back-down-forward Behomoth Typhoon knocked him away, and Goldlewis followed up with a Thunderbird heligrenade to chase him down.

By that time, of course, the other cyborgs had rallied. One with his sword decided to head after Roland, who had almost ignored him to go after his crossbow ally. He’d soon find this was Roland’s plan, as Roland skillfully parried the cyborg’s sword, before counter attacking himself. It was being shown why he was part of Shinra’s guard at the debate pretty clearly, even if he looked unassuming. That made a couple clean hits for Roland, even if he had yet to decide the fight. When the grenadier started lobbing explosives into the middle of Roland's fight, however, that complicated things.

At the same time, the Thunderbird gave the squad leader a chance to show off a new trick. When he picked himself up, he blocked the heligrenade's blast with his shield, which in turn transferred fire damage to his axe. Clearly the brutish weapon was more technical than it looked. He moved in with the other crossbowman and swordman, all three challenging Goldlewis together. Rather than let rip with a Behemoth Typhoon when he could be easily punished, the veteran put up his defense, waiting for an opportunity.

”Crap crap crap.” Roland said, almost a bit comedically as he hopped away from the thrown grenades, trying to defend himself with his greatsword. Still, he took some damage from the explosive nature of the grenades. Through the smoke of the grenades however, Roland dashed out again, swapping his weapon to a pair of swords that he used to slash up the grenadier cyborg who had attacked him in a flurry of blows. Unprepared for the deadly flurry, the cyborg went down, but all the extra attention Roland paid to the grenadier left him open to the crossbowman, who took aim with gritted teeth at the agent’s back to nail him with a black steel bolt, of which Roland deflected with his reflexive counter.

Thankfully or rather embarrassingly for the merchant his throwing of hands were initially in the air rather than at the face of these fellas so he went largely unnoticed when he had dove for cover from the hail of crossbow bolts and explosives "Could've been easier-" the crossbowman hadn't even turned in time as the succinct sound of a high pressure nail as it fired into the back of his skull, Partitio having been the one to fire it yet he looked as though he would have preferred to not have "If we just talked partner." he sighed holstering the unconventional weapon at his side.

Partitio was surprisingly quite a capable fighter as when he dropped the crossbowman he switched up hands and brandished a nasty looking spear made of a sort of mish-mash of robotic scrap, a hand still on his hip ready to draw the nailgun once more.

With the damage already dealt to the cyborg by Roland, a nail to his unarmored head provided enough physical and mental shock to take him down. Since Partitio entered the battle by helping the Turk with his enemies, though, that left Goldlewis with the three that remained. The swordsman and squad leader attacked together while the crossbowman kept his weapon trained on the target, locking Goldlewis down on defense since any action in his part would result in a quick triple-shot and getting combo'd by the other two. When the two melee fighters got tired of chip damage and split up to attack him on either side, the veteran knew he had to move fast.

"Try this on!" He bellowed, swinging his coffin around on its chain in a heavy metal whirlwind to batter both aggressors in quick succession. The crossbowman timed his shot and let loose, only for Goldlewis to Roman Cancel his attack and instantly switch to blocking again, wasting the cyborg's triple shot. As the man grunted in frustration, Goldlewis took his chance to met the squad leader head-on, coffin versus axe. Sparks flew, and the crossbowman hurried to reload.

Unfortunately for him, a sudden gout of flames engulfed him in a fiery blast with a little extra oomph, with a bit of a BP boost Ember lit the ranged fighter aflame dealing a good portion of damage to the cyborg. Partitio had snapped his fingers, causing a spark to ignite that turned into the fire as he stood at a safe distance from the actual fighting. He wasn't no stranger to a good old brawl but he knew when not to bite off more than he could chew.

With the shooter partially consumed, Goldlewis could give the squad leader his full attention. He blocked as his foe chopped away with his flame-infused axe, then challenged with an elbow strike to interrupt his offense. When his opponent blocked on reflex to stop further jab checks, Goldlewis immediately went low, first with a kick while basically sitting on the ground and then a stronger low mule kick to sweep the leg. The cyborg went down, and Goldlewis knocked him away with a down-forward-up Behemoth Typhoon. As his foe recovered he jumped, airdashed, and came down with a windmill of alien arms. The cyborg took it head-on and quickly ate the veteran’s dust, an upward punch from the UMA that knocked his block -or more accurately his mask- right off. Fearless, he still swung on Goldlewis’ followup, cutting another Behemoth Typhoon short with a couple hacks of his axe. He ended with a big kick straight to the big man’s gut, but all his strength only moved the big man back about a foot. Goldlewis shook his head, clicking his tongue, and kicked back, bowling the cyborg over. A deluge of Thunderbird bullets forced his opponent to block on wakeup, though the chip still hurt, and when Goldlewis jumped to airdash at him again he kept his guard up. This time, however, the veteran landed without attacking and grabbed him. “You damn-!” he growled, seizing the cyborg by the chest to deliver three massive headbutts. “FOOL!” When the last one crashed right into his dome, the squad leader’s muscles went slack, and he pivoted away before falling right on his face.

Of course, the other swordsman was still a problem. Or it seemed like it would be, until Roland finished off the Swordsman he had been dueling with with a few precise slices to cut up the poor lad, before swapping out his two swords for a fancy looking shotgun and shot the swordsman that was advancing on Goldlewis in the back with three precise shots, using that opener to advance on the Swordsman with an oppressively big sword that seemed to be made more for crushing than slashing. The swordsman tried to block the massive sword, but found his sword being crushed by Rolands attack, and it didn’t take much more than that to topple him.

With that the skirmish was over, furious but brief. While the Seekers wielded greater firepower and more varied skills in general, the cyborgs’ number advantage and solid weaponry still turned out to be a threat. As his heartbeat slowed back down, Goldlewis stopped his wristwatch as he straightened his tie. Team Mustang’s performance left something to be desired. “Chances are we’re gonna be outnumbered even more goin’ forward. We’re all gonna need to fight toe to toe and coordinate crowd control to keep from bein’ overwhelmed. These ain’t toys these guys are packin’.”

His feedback came to a stop when he noticed a certain four-legged robot headed his way. “You again?” He said in disbelief, his brows raised at the KUT-WAN that somehow managed to follow him from the earlier courtyard. Goldlewis kneeled down and patted it on the head before pushing it away. “I’m sorry, li’l guy, but it’s dangerous out here. If you tag along you’re sure to get scrapped. Go on now, git.”

When he stood back up, he looked between the two shuttered doors leading out from the loading bay, put his hand to the glyph beside his head. “Sa…uh, Halo, you read me? Which way should we go?”

“I would recommend the high road,” the archangel replied. “There’s a button on the barrier wall behind you that should open it. If you use the teal pipes to reach the 04 Plant, there’s a good chance you can reach the facility rooftops. That would allow you to skip more fights inside Production’s factories.”

Goldlewis nodded. “Copy.” He jumped up and hammered the button with a backfist, causing the barrier to recede downward and expose the loading bay to the open air. Then he took a deep breath. It would be a lot of jumping and climbing, but it would be better than a slog through more time-consuming punch-ups. We got this. he told himself. “Let’s move, y’all.”

Roland sighed, but followed. This was such a pain, but a job is a job.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The Under ~ Pizza Face

Word Count: 566
Level 5 Ganondorf: 12/50
Exp: 1
NEW EXP Balance--- 13/50

Ganondorf's mood had begun to sour when it became clear they'd have to deal with Pizza Face. Just when he thought they'd go one morning without having to fight something. Well it had to be done, and there was no use complaining about it. So the Gerudo just accompanied the other Seekers through the Staff Only door. What they found on the other side was... not at all what Ganondorf. Given the nature of the Tower he expected something much more food-themed. Not something quite this fantastic.

And then Pizza Face himself showed up. He was quite literally a floating pizza that resembled a face. And here Ganondorf thought that the name was simply metaphorical. Silly him. The fighting almost immediately started. Most everyone jumped into action and went to work. Artorias went for a direct assault, while the Travelers went for a more indirect assault. Meanwhile the other royals set about summoning hordes of their minions to do the fighting for them. Ganondorf thought for a moment about doing that himself, but drew his two swords instead. Some days a warlord just wanted to battle his enemies and crush them personally.

Ganondorf walked a few steps forward, letting himself get surrounded by Piglins and Forknights. Pigs? Food? How was anyone supposed to take this kind of enemy seriously? The Gerudo got started with a gout of purple fire from his Violet Flare. After that he swung his swords in sweeping, crisscross motions all around him. His size and the length of his blades made it difficult for the Piglins and Forknights to get close enough to strike. Then with a final sweeping circular slash, Ganondorf finished off the group minions around him. Then he quickly looked for another swarm of minions in order to do it all over again. The others could try and attack Pizza Face head-on if they wanted. Ganondorf was going to wait until the time was right.

The Gerudo waded through group after of group of Pizza Face's minions. Most of them didn't even register as a threat to him. His two swords became a slow whirlwind of pain and death around him. Crushing or cleaving any minion that dared to come at him. And all the while, the power of Darkness gradually built up in Ganondorf's blades. The more he swung and attacked, the more violently they glowed with dark power that further increased their strength. But rather than unleash it like he had done in Pig City, Ganondorf instead chose to hold onto the power his swords were building up.

After all, this would allow him to be a terror on the battlefield and easily wipe out swathes of enemy minions. But more importantly he didn't want to unload his full power until he was given a prime opportunity to do so against Pizza Face himself. And as long as the floating pizza freak remained high above them, then whatever damage Ganondorf could do to him would be minimal due to that factor. One of the others would surely force him down to the ground soon enough. All the King of Evil had to do, was wait for that opportunity and wipe out enemy minions in the meantime.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by TruthHurts22
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Member Seen 1 mo ago


Lv. 3

Pizza Tower

Having expended so much effort to get the group's cheese, Ichiban wasn't super thrilled to do the next task of making a bunch of pizzas for some picky troll guys. "Man, I was never good at this sorta logic stuff," he muttered, though he still invested in trying to figure it out, so he wasn't part of the gang's storytelling circle. He felt like he did enough of that last night anyways.

After a point where Ichiban was about ready to start throwing down with these tree things for how difficult they were being, a new route ahead was made clear. "Oh, we don't gotta deal with these guys then?" Ichiban wanted to go and gloat to them, but the relief at being able to avoid more pizza puzzles made him happy enough to let go of the grudge. He decided to leave them with a few toppings they hadn't used for any of their own pizzas yet. "Here y'guys are, hope you can figure it out yourselves."

With all of their own rations made, Ichiban was eager to get the party moving, sticking close to the front as they all were lead through some of the Staff Only doors. "Mask Fragments," Ichiban mused, "you guys were talkin' about them before. This Egg place you need 'em for, is that where this Guardian guy is?" He felt like he was really getting the hang of how the world worked.

Once everyone made it to the boss room, Ichiban whipped out his phone. "Oh sweet, a new job was added!" He tip-tapped his phone for a second, before in a flash of light he donned this new job, coming out with a fancy black suit, thin sunglasses, and a freaking katana. "Awesome! This'll be perfect for slicin' up some mean pizza monsters!" He stanced up, sword held high. "You guys go after the big dude, I'll cover ya from that smaller ones!" He charged into the fray, slashing and slicing up Cheeseslimes and Fork Knights alike, though less goopy enemies would be a bit tougher to cut through alone.
357 Words
+1 EXP
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Level 8: 06/80
Word Count:
Location: Home of Tears
Points Gained: 1
NEW EXP balance--- Level 8: 07/80

After listening to the story, Jesse felt that she could probably become real friends with most of the Seekers with a little more time.

Right now it just feels like we’re close allies because of all the battles we fight together. But they’re all so…likeable. Most of them, anyway. It’s nice.

The next day, their quest for the Quest Items continued. Right now their best bet was facing down Pizza Face.

At the top of the tower, the boss emerged. Jesse blinked. “Pizza…Face. Pizza Face. Yeah, I don’t know what I was expecting.” She said. She wondered if he had the piece on him, where he’d be hiding it.

Is it one of the toppings?

As she began to sprint and Float and fire her gun at the minions, she couldn’t help but laugh at the absurd imagery of the brave knight taunting the giant floating pizza. “To be honest, not sure if he’s going to be very receptive to insults to his honor.” Jesse said.

It seemed like the minions were mostly covered, so Jesse figured it was time to start putting holes into the guy. Floating above the fray she switched her Service Weapon to Spin. Pizza Face was a big, unarmored target, so the damage of Spin should hypothetically be the highest out of all her weapons even at mid-range. She began to fire into his cheesy face, Levitating while strafing.

After her gun began to steam, overheated, she dropped to the floor and Evaded pre-emptively to cause Pizza Face to lose her. Then she saw Ichiban cut through some Forknights. One barely survived.

“Let me get this one, Ichiban!” Jesse called out. She had been meaning to try this move out. She reached her hand out and locked psychically with the Forknight. A thin blue tendril of energy connected him to her, and he was stunned by the sudden intrusion into his mind. Jesse squeezed her hand slowly like she was crushing a stress ball. Then there was a release, and a blue clarity seemed to overtake the Forknight’s mind. Now he was under Jesse’s control, having Seized his will. The Forknight turned on his fellows, distracting and damaging the other minions to give Jesse’s allies a little bit of extra breathing room.

“Nice. Glad that’s working again.” Jesse said.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Yankee
Avatar of Yankee

Yankee God of Typos

Member Online

Vandelay Campus - Security

Location: Midgar Sector 06, the City of Glass
Pit’s @Yankee, Benedict’s @Dark Cloud, Giovanna, Sandalphon
Word Count: 5995 (+6 exp)

With the Vandelay under siege, the combat-capable machines had come flooding out from the Security division to face the DespoRHado interlopers head-on, leaving entire swathes of the campus engulfed in warfare. While the cyborgs, Unmanned Gears, and assault androids of the attacking force made great headway at first thanks to the element of surprise, Vandelay’s robots rallied to push them back. The two sides fought bitterly, often locking themselves into stalemates throughout the company’s facilities, but through the chaos Mistral and her chosen elites had carved a path. Over the flames, smoke, and sparking wreckage loomed the formidable towers of the Security division, left critically understaffed as its squadrons rolled out in force. That was Mistral’s destination, so naturally Giovanna’s team would be heading there too.

Sandalphon, connected via Gio’s communication glyph, guided them through thanks to the intel fed back to her by her androids. “Come in, callsign Vertigo,” she’d hailed the Seekers at the outset. “This is callsign Halo. In order to reach the Head of Security, you’ll need to take a roundabout path. Enter the forward watchtower, descend to its depths, and catch the L.I.F.T. to access the main tower.”

"Got it!" Pit dutifully responded. He was accustomed to getting directives just like this, but it had been a while. He was energized by it despite Sandalphon's inflection-less voice, eager to get up close and personal with some of Midgar's big players and help them see the error of their ways.

That forward watchtower, stationed strategically at the forefront of the campus, was easy enough to find; the carnage left behind by DespoRHado’s advance led straight to it. Getting in would be a problem, however. The whole area in front of it was a warzone, with squads of DespoRHado soldiers and Vandelay robots duking it out with seemingly no regard for collateral damage. Benedict’s age made high-speed operation a difficult proposal, although he could overcome his slowness with smart use of his abilities. With two sides so focused on one another, however, the Seekers were able to sneak through and into the watchtower. Once Giovanna locked the door behind them, ensuring that the forces outside would stay outside, her team could focus on the tower’s dark, purple-hued interior.

Of course, their troubles were just beginning. Full of floating platforms and security nodes, this place had already been a mess by the time DespoRHado’s advance teams reached it, and now it looked like a disaster. DespoRHado forcing their way down the elevator in the tower’s central yellow node had disrupted the data streams and left the place in lockdown, blocking the way forward.

“There are three data hubs accessible from this main room,” Sandalphon reported. “You’ll need to reconnect and reboot the data nodes in each to lift the lockdown on the elevator and reach the basement. There are Vandelay robots in each, so stay sharp. My androids reported a blade-wielding model that specializes in counterattacks, so beware them in particular.”

Giovanna crossed her arms, charting a course across the floating saucers and bridges to reach one of the data hubs. “We can handle a few each, right? Wanna split up to get this done faster?” Without waiting for a response, she took off, a red-haired blur dashing and leaping past hapless TEC units in order to reach her objective.

"Sounds good! But—" When he looked over Giovanna was already getting a head start on their objective, taking Sandalphon's guidance with her and leaving Pit and Benedict on the ground floor.

Benedict shook his head, sighing out of exasperation as the agent dashed away "Ah yes, a rhetorical question." He looked to the cherub then back to the passage where Giovanna disappeared with a frown. "I may be more a burden to accompany anyhow, run along."

"Sure, but—"

The tactician drew his weapon, already making his way to one of the data hubs the agent had not already run off to.

The angel stared after the both of them for only a second before he cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted, "...but I have NO IDEA HOW TO REBOOT A DATA NODE!"

His outburst drew the attention of a nearby TEC unit, who loosed his hat and wiped his metallic forehead with the back of his hand. “Say whaaat?” He shook his head in bemusement. “Dude. Why’d they send a repairman who, like, doesn’t even know how to fix data nodes? Total bummer, dude…”

Huh? Repairman? Pit blinked at the robot worker, complete with a painted metal uniform. Maybe a big tech company like this would send in people to fix their systems while they were still in the middle of an active raid.

"Um, I'm in training?" It was the best he could come up with. Pit jogged over to the TEC unit, clasping his hands together. "And I don't wanna fall behind! Could you help a guy out?"

“Uhh…” The TEC unit scratched his big chin, running a finger over the chip in his jawline. Then an idea occurred to him. “Well, I guess everyone’s gotta start somewhere! And once you figure it out, I can totally leave everything in your hands. Naptime, here I come!” He crouched down and began drawing lines on the floor with chalk, first creating a big circle. Pit leaned over him curiously to watch his work.

“See this thingie here, li’l man? That’s the main node. Waaay bigger than these ones here. First you gotta, like, resync the ones closest to it.” He drew couple smaller distended circles, then used arrows to illustrate their compaction. “Basically, just shoot the big ol’ buttons, but make sure you time it right. Then smack the main node juuust right, and bingo! Home free.” He raised a mechanical eyebrow at Pit. “You… catchin’ all this, dude?”

"Yeah, totally! Shoot the buttons next to the big main thing, then hit it the... big main thing." The boy nodded to himself like it was the simplest thing in the world. If the robot's explanation was right and he just had to do some manual labor, then he was sure he'd be okay.

"Who knew this tech stuff could sound so easy?" Not wanting to be the last one back into the main tower area, he started towards the final side room and waved over his shoulder to the TEC unit. "I think I got it from here! Thank you!"

Naturally, Giovanna reached her hub room first. With Rei at her back she moved like lightning, and as she went along many of the walkways in her path assembled themselves, magnetizing together out of triangular segments floating in the air with no regard for gravity. When she reached the circular platforms, ringed around the sides be curved rectangles layered to form a sort of peripheral shell, she also found that Vandelay’s reserves tended to teleport into battle around here. The first squad appeared in flashes of electric-blue code, a trio of SBRs led by a BES. She dashed in without hesitation, denting the first grunt’s chassis with a trio of side kicks while leaning on Rei for support, and when it doubled over a knee sent its head flying. While the other two grunts charged into the grinder, the elite put up a blue bubble shield, and when Giovanna cannoned into it with Trovão a moment later it stopped her flying dropkick in its tracks.

She fell to the floor and rolled backward in time to avoid an overhead slash, but the BES thrust his weapon skyward to extend the length of its blade. Gio narrowed her eyes and blocked the ensuing flurry of sweeping long-range slashes, then charged forward. Rather than waste time on the shield she used it as a springboard to repel her up and out of the arena, quickly going where the BES couldn’t follow. Three AIR-1N units flew down to stop her, only to unwittingly become her stepping-stones as she swung off the first two. The last one she held onto while swinging long enough to flip up and land on top of it, and while it flailed in confusion she seized the bomb from its hand. With a grin she leaped into the air, hurled the bomb back to take out her pursuer, then airdashed to bring her right to the ledge she’d been aiming for in the first place.

After dashing down the hallway, and startling a couple SCR-UB units in the process, she arrived at a smaller domed room with a handful of curved platforms attached to its walls. A few normal data nodes floated in the air, but the halves of two of them appeared to be opening and closing sporadically, their interior lights red instead of blue. On the highest platform lay a giant node, its front pointed toward a receiver in the direction of the main room. She spotted a couple technicians here, but none of the robots bothered her, sith some help from Rei and liberal use of her double jump, Giovanna began to climb. Once she got a good angle on the first weird node, she realized that its movements seemed to be out of sync with the general click, click-click-click rhythm of this place. Gio also realized that she had no idea what to do about it.

She approached the railing of her current platform and leaned over it. “Hey, how do I fix this?” she called down to a VA-SER unit.

“Eh? How would I know, I just work heah!” he replied in a light Boston accent, clearly not some sort of technician. “Whenevah I see those TEC guys, they always just end up hittin’ those things.”

With no better ideas, Giovanna tried that next, though without any projectiles of her own she needed to be a little creative. Trovão did the trick, though it took a couple tries to time it right. After repeating the process a few times, climbing higher after each one, she reached the main node and its conspicuous red ‘DO NOT HIT’ button. When she touched it, Rings of light began to move in toward the center, which she quickly learned were meant to indicate when she should whale on the button. This time she got it on the second try, and when she finished the sequence beams of brilliant blue letters and numbers began to flow freely from node to node. “This place must be big with preschoolers,” she muttered before jumping down to the bottom level.

The moment she touched down, a special WA-ES unit armored like a samurai flashed in, seated with his legs crossed. “Protect bosses,” he murmured, rising to his feet and deploying his laser blade with a flourish. “At all costs.”

“Hey, we got a lot in common,” Gio snarked, readying herself for a fight. “Let’s be friends.”

Without a word, the WA-ES adopted an iajutsu stance and stalked around, waiting to strike. Gio dashed forward, but the moment she went to kick it the robot burst forward with a dash-slash that knocked the woman down in a spray of blood. “Ugh.” Jumping to her feet, she turned in time to dodge a series of laser slashes launched by the WA-ES at long range, zig-zagging after the second blade beam. This time she ended her dash-in with a block, and though her foe slashed again, she took only a smidgeon of chip damage. “Hmph.” Rinse and repeat, but third time was the charm. On her third dash-in, she went from baiter to baiter, provoking her foe’s reflexive slash only to bull through it with the invincible startup of Ventania. Her whirlwind kicks stunned the robot and gave her a free combo, allowing her to pile on the damage with a barrage of kicks into Sol Nascente launcher, then finish with her wolf kick Sepultra.

The WA-ES crashed down, then rose surrounded by an orange aura, his spirit aflame. Drawing a second katana, he clashed them together in an odd rhythm, then began to swing. His slashes extended just like the BES unit’s, albeit faster, and they quickly locked Giovanna down in blockstun. She grimaced, not happy about the chip damage dealt to her arms, and charged in only for the WA-ES to parry all her attacks. It then repeated the blade storm from earlier, but this time Gio knew the rhythm well enough to dodge it. Rather than get parried again, she just threw it, using her legs and the twist of her body to slam him down like she did Roland the night before. An angry stop hit him OTG, and when he rolled to his feet he unleashed his final attack. A wave surged out from him that unceremoniously knocked Gio down, much to her chagrin, allowing the WA-ES to plant his swords and pose with one foot up while he delivered a mumbling, unintelligible haiku. Giovanna tensed up, waiting for the kicker, and heard a series of Japanese drum beats echo through the room. Doom, doom, doom, doo-doo doom, doom. Then the WA-ES attacked. Moving by instinct, Gio blocked on the same rhythm, her precise timing turning each into an Instant Block that slid her closer to her target. By the time the sequence finished, she was close enough to Tiger Knee her Tempestade divekick, instantly crushing the robot’s head beneath her heel. “Whew,” she breathed, wiping her forehead. “That was kinda fun, actually.” With the data stream repaired, she went on her way.

At the same time, Benedict contended with a similar gauntlet, but without Giovanna’s agility he would need to forge his own way. Even if the bridges constructed themselves in front of him, the little arenas they led him to would wear him down with repeated run-ins with gangs of Vandelay robots. Though this mostly SBRs and AIR-1Ns, the last platform in his path would ace him with a towering HG-0G, armed with multi-grenade launchers and armor that couldn’t be broken by ordinary means. Past that, provided he even made it that far, a similar set of malfunctioning data nodes waited to be resynchronized inside the data hub, but reconnecting them and rebooting the main node would confront the tactician with a WA-ES of his own if he didn’t manage to give the deadly machine the slip.

On another side of the tower, Pit was doing his part. After getting through the doorway from the main lobby he ran down the hall into the area on the other side, darting over and around what remained of the SBR and GNR guards. He hardly fought them at all, focusing on making up time and getting to the data node. His bow only made its appearance when one of the larger BA-B00 units appeared to block his way. It moved as if to summon a barrier, but the angel was faster. He manifested his weapon as he swung an arm up, spinning it in hand so its bladed edge could chew into the robot's metallic body. It severed the hoses running from the back of its head to its arms, shutting down whatever ability it had tried to use.

"I had plenty of practice smashing machines yesterday, don't even try it!" he told them. With a push the BA-B00 fell backwards and Pit rushed over it into the next room, the other robots in vain pursuit.

Once inside the data hub room itself, he zeroed in on the largest machine he could see. Just as the TEC unit had shown him, there were smaller versions of it nearby. Shoot the buttons, time it right... how am I supposed to know when's the right time? He squinted at the small nodes while he moved up closer to the main one, watching them flicker and flash. He didn't really get what he was supposed to be looking for, but he did find himself bobbing to the steady beat thrumming throughout the room. Strangely enough it seemed a lot of the lights and screens inside blinked to the same cadence.

...oh. Duh! Bow drawn, he let loose his arrows to strike the mini nodes until their red lights turned to blue, then turned to deliver a kick to the main one on the beat. It's like a rhythm game!

He knew he'd gotten it right when a bunch of lit up squiggles flowed out from it. Well, he was pretty sure that was a good thing anyway. Turning to run down the self-assembling walkway, he noticed another robot teleporting in. It wore a kabuto on its head and with extra matching armor, resembling a samurai. Pit's interest was piqued, and when it activated its laser katana the angel let out an ooooh!

"Are you the counterattacking robot?" he asked it, leaping from the higher platform in order to meet it on the bottom floor of the room. The WA-ES might have answered, had Pit not dove right into battle.

He brought his bow down in an overhead slash as he fell, and the samurai bot raised its own sword to block. It easily threw Pit off of it, adopting a lower posture and sheathing its blade, its hand hovering over the handle. In this stance it shrugged off the volley of arrows Pit fired at it, the light constructs plinking off its body. It's tough! Just as Pit was about to switch tactics and engage it in melee again, the WA-ES shifted and shot towards him with its sword drawn. And fast!

Pit blocked in the nick of time, but the speed and size of his opponent bowled him over. He tumbled along the ground, not quite recovering fast enough to avoid a second dash attack. It started its slashing combo immediately after, catching Pit with a few slices before he could get the timing right to block them. Pit hadn't connected the dots that all machines, including the robots made for battle seemed to operate on a specific rhythm. It was mostly instinct that allowed him to strike during the very few openings the WA-ES gave him until it finally clicked. After that it was just a matter of peppering it with his strongest arrows, letting the draw and release follow the tempo.

When the WA-ES changed mode and its second blade was drawn, Pit happily met the samurai robot's challenge and split his own bow apart. They struck, countered, and parried each other all to the background beat, but as the skirmish went on Pit began to find himself on the back foot. He was up against a machine that seemed like it was built to deflect attacks, and simply put it was better than him at it. But he didn't intend to lose. Before the flurry of swords wore him out too badly he made a snap decision.

"Gah, sorry, but I shouldn't waste time with you!" He broke away from the robot for only a second, just enough time to charge back towards it with the Upperdash Arm quick-swapped in. It blew past the WA-ES' guard and slammed into the machine, the impact sending it hurtling off its feet and into the far wall where it left a samurai shaped crater. Sparking like crazy but still functional it struggled to dislodge itself, though its compromising position made it hard to counter the charged arrows shots that Pit sent its way to finish it off.

Okay, all set! The angel turned on his heel and headed back towards the central room, eventually finding himself stopped by the robots he'd run by earlier. With a groan he spun the two blades in his hands and was right back into battle, clearing himself a path in order to regroup with the Benedict and Giovanna.

He arrived back in the tower's central node not long after Giovanna. When she caught sight of him the secret agent gave a nod of approval. "Nicely done."

"Heheh, no sweat!"

Unfortunately, it looked like the divide-and-conquer strategy lost its edge here, since while the trio had divided, not all of them conquered. The third and final hub had yet to fire up, but she couldn't say there was no sign of Benedict. She spotted the tactician roughly halfway to its entrance, his complete lack of agility meaning he got bogged down right away and got stalled out by the HG-0G. Gio put a palm to her head. "Well… crap."

Suddenly, the red lights turned blue, and a brilliant torrent of letters and numbers blasted out of the port above the entrance to the third hub. In quick succession the data stream linked up the rest of the floating nodes, then terminated at the central hub, and just like that the whole tower came back online. Surprised, Gio looked down at the elevator console. It was good to go. Surely Benedict hadn't done this, though. She glanced back in the direction of the third hub. "Who…?"

As if in reply, the doors slid open, and an unfamiliar man hurtled out with a black, cat-eared ball-shaped drone floating alongside him. He looked fairly unremarkable at first blush, with brown hair and a pretty plain face, but his yellow jacket looked pretty cool, and the robotic arm with which he wielded a roughly guitar-shaped bludgeon made of scrap looked even cooler. His red scarf trailed behind him as he dashed along the walkway in bursts of three, quickly reaching the arena where the HG-0G had Benedict knocked down. "Hey, green machine!" He leaped up into the air and launched his robot hand as a magnetic grappling hook, then zoomed toward the four-legged juggernaut. "Why don't you pick on someone a little more your own size?"

The HG-0G whirled around to try and hit him with its arm, but upon landing the daredevil vaulted directly over his foe, leaving the machine utterly baffled. "Uh, hello?" Grinning confidently, the dude tapped the HG-0G on its back leg as scrap flew in to whirl around his bludgeon. "I think what you're tryin' to say is, 'he's right behind me, isn't he?'"

When the robot turned, it instantly took a giant baseball swing full to the face from the enlarged club, strong enough to spin its head like a top. It staggered backward, more disoriented than damaged thanks to its armor, but a moment later the guy strummed his bludgeon like a guitar to unleash a beam of concussive musical power. The Beat Hit pushed the HG-0G just far enough to send it teetering over the brink and into the void. "Whoo!" The dude exulted, pumping his fists as his scrap guitar fell apart. "Finally! Chai one, armored spider bot…well, who's counting, heheh…"

Gio and Pit jogged up to where Benedict and the newcomer were. The agent’s eyebrow was raised. "Hey there. How's it going?"

"Oh, hey!" Chai turned around with an easy smile, happy to have some company. "I didn't expect to see anyone else here! What's up?"

Unable to suppress an incredulous smile of her own at this guy's laid-back attitude, Gio shrugged back. "Uh, not much. Just passing through, I guess."

"Your name is Chai?" Sandalphon's voice echoed from the sigil floating beside Gio's head, which lit up slightly as she talked.

"Yup! Chai's the name, and not getting killed by robots is the game," he declared, probably thinking that sounded cooler than it did. Gio found herself quickly getting a grasp on this goof's personality. He pointed at the cat drone beside him. "Oh, and this is 808! Say hi, 808."

The drone meowed. Something then pinged it, and a girl's voice issued from it. "Chai, you dumbass, you shouldn't just give your name to anyone who asks! They could be the enemy!"

Gio crossed her arms. "Wow, the cat's kind of a jerk."

"Hey! I'm not a cat. 808's the cat, I'm the one who built her. And I'm not a jerk! Chai, back me up here."

He consciously averted his gaze. "Not touchin' this one…"

Sandalphon cut in. "My androids reported an unknown human running around. A swing first, questions later type, they said. And that's the extent, since you swung first."

"Ohh, haha…" Chai laughed nervously, tugging at his color. "Were those…not bad guys? Sorry, uh, it's been a long day. Loooootta robot attacks…"

"Your androids?" 808 gave Gio a suspicious look. "Chai, they're part of the army attacking Vandelay! I knew you were the bad guys!"

"Aren't we kinda attacking Vandelay too?" Chai scratched his head.

"This situation is complicated. I intend to take over DespoRHado to put a stop to this madness, so our current goal is to remediate between them and the Vandelay bosses before they destroy one another." Sandalphon informed them. "What are you doing here?"

He shrugged. "Uh, nothin', really. Well, I was locked up for a little while, but no deal. After I busted outta there with my smooth moves, I figured I'd track down Korsica. Kinda need her password for…stuff."

"You mean, Head of Security, Korsica? Whaddya know, we're looking for her too." Gio turned to head back to the elevator, beckoning him to follow. "Wanna go together? We need all the help we can get."

Chai grinned and followed her, joining the group as they returned to the central node. "Heck yeah! I've been fighting all on my own for, like days."

"It hasn't been that long," 808's operator immediately contradicted him. "And I've been helping, c'mon."

"You should all get moving," Sandalphon advised everyone. "You have a lot of ground to cover and not much time."

Giovanna nodded. When she reached the elevator terminal she pressed it, and the floor of the central node began to descend.

Of course, it would be too simple if the elevator could descend in peace. After a few moments, a fresh squad of Vandelay robots zapped in. This included three SBRs, two larger, tougher ES units, and one other: a strange blue machine with a head like a traffic light and two tires for legs, arranged like a motorcycle. With a crazed laugh it planted it's lance in the floor of the elevator, creating a beacon that put every other robot in a bubble shield, then engaged run-away mode.

"Those shields shrug off physical and elemental attacks," Sandalphon advised. "Either burst them with energy or destroy the source. That SEN-C0 will keep making more as long as it's online."

"Got it." Gio got ready to fight. "Let's do this."

"Music to my ears!" Chai grinned.

"Right on!"

A little aching in the joints and winded from getting knocked down by the HG-0G, Benedict simply sighed. "Considering these are machines anything can be broken." looking between them the tactician evaluated that the shield itself wasn't impassable but the danger of being within the enemies reach was…

Without a second thought he went through with the idea he was forming, quickly tapping his cane thrice upon the industrial grade floor "But let us have a shield of our own," suddenly the Seekers and the newcomer Chai felt a strange sort of effect wash over them "That should make you withstand an attack, go for the lance now while you can get safely within distance!"

Benedict sounded a bit tired from using such an ability though he didn't look like he was ready to keel over yet as the apparition of a pale woman appeared by him summoned to cast a quick Media on the party to restore a small amount of health to them, specifically the strategist who needed the extra little bit of vitality to put a bit more pep in his step.

Refreshed and ready to rumble, Pit took up a battle stance of his own. He still had the Palutena Bow equipped and wasted no time in raising it up to manifest an arrow of light.

"I bet I could pop a few of those bubbles," he said while thinking to himself, these have to count as "energy" right? I mean, what else could they be? "Then you can leave wheels to me!"

He was banking on the homing nature of the arrows to chase down the SEN-C0, starting the fight off in the way he most usually did by firing upon their opponents. His plan went south when the SEN-C0 turned out to be really fast, speeding between the edges of the battlefield far quicker than the arrows could possibly hope to adjust.

"Aw, come on! Don't run away!" The angel gave chase, firing as he ran, but the blasts of light couldn't catch up. They crashed against the walls as they tried to swivel towards their target.

While his arrows did put cracks in the blue bubbles around the SBR and ES swordbots, it wasn’t a lot; it’d probably take four to pop just one of them. As per Sandalphon’s advice, Gio elected to ignore the shielded enemies and target the projection lance first thing. She took to the air, reinvigorated by the heal from Apsaras, and advanced using the shields to her advantage–their resistance to physical strikes meant she could bounce off them like a pinball to gain distance and speed. In no time flat she reached the lance and began to whale on it, her fiery divekick followed by a flurry of kicks. One ES tried to stop her, but thanks to the protection bestowed on her by Benedict she shrugged it off and finished the job. The lance deactivated with a staticky burst, severing the links that sustained the other robots’ barriers, then flew back into the SEN-C0’s hands. Of course, the minute it got its weapon back the SEN-C0 went full offense, rushing the nearest Seeker down to deliver a ruthlessly fast flurry of stabs.

Naturally this was Pit, as the boy had been stubbornly pursuing the machine as it darted around the elevator arena. His complaining about the robot running away was finally addressed, but the SEN-C0's sudden change from keep away to assault caught him by surprise. The first thrust was completely negated thanks to the Dragon Shield Benedict had cast, but the second and third found their mark in Pit's chest and shoulder before he could even react. He grit his teeth and quick summoned his own shield in the form of the Guardian Orbitars, withstanding the rest of the flurry.

So now it wants to fight, huh? Which to be fair, if he were to fight he would prefer to have a weapon when doing so too. When the SEN-C0 geared up for another rush and Pit's shield dissipated, he lashed out with a wide slash toward the robot's front tire. "Ha!"

The well-timed cut left a horizontal slice in the rigid, tough rubber of the SEN-C0’s tire, and it began to leak air. Whether the robot cared -or even noticed- was another matter though. Rotating on its axels, it wheeled around to perform a low sweep with its back tire, then brought its lance down in an overhead plunge. Pit leapt over the sweep and caught the spear with his bow, both of his pressing to it as he landed again and the two broke apart from each other.

It wasn't quite as fast on just one wheel so Pit was able to get out its way while denting the machine's chassis with the stronger dash shots. The final dash shot took him inside of the SEN-C0's range instead of out of it as Pit went for the back tire as well, trying to stop it from being able to move at all. He swung the bladed side of the bow forward, a moment too late as the robot bounced itself up into the air on the same tire. It came back down cackling with its spearhead pointed at the angel, but seeing as he wasn't taken by surprise this time Pit met the attack with a cheeky smile. Seconds later the SEN-C0 crashed against the energy shield provided by the Guardian Orbitars and was sent sprawling to the ground. Laid out with a flat tire, there was no way it could recover before Pit turned it to scrap.

Meanwhile, Gio and especially Chai had been working their way through the other enemies. True to form, the secret agent worked with no-nonsense efficiency; if these simple machines weren’t going to force her to layer her offense, they’d just get methodically pounded into pieces. She deflected an attacking SNR’s sword arm away from her as it slashed, grabbed it by the wrist to break its elbow over her knee from below, shattered its knee with a low side kick, and bashed it to pieces with a turning hook kick. One ES lunged at her with a huge thrust that she managed to block, and when it followed up with a wide cleave she flipped over it to deliver a Sol Poente split kick to the head. The ES managed to maintain its footing and launch a rising crescent slash that clipped Gio’s next attack and popped her up, but with no conversion into combo she just fell to the ground the next moment. When she rose she did so with Trovão, blasting into the ES and driving it before her as she took it to the wall. It bounced off the side of the rising elevator shaft, staggered, so Gio grabbed it and rammed its head against the metal until it had been scraped away into nothing.

At the same time, despite his earlier bravado, Chai managed to genuinely style on the rest. He moved with a strange sense of rhythm, beating his enemies to a catchy tune. He nailed the two SBR with a two-handed heavy attack that left behind a cloudy streak of dust, caught them with a quick follow-up, then launched himself upward with a backflip strike. After smashing the bots back down, he hurled his bludgeon down after them, then came down with a stomp on top of its shaft to unleash a concussive wave of sound. The ES joined the party with a heavy swipe, but Chai seemed to see it coming and brought his weapon up to defend himself at just the right moment, parrying the bigger robot. From there he went with light, heavy, then Shred, unleashing a lightning-quick flurry of off-beat hits. Scrap from the environment whirled around him as it went on, finally coming together around his bludgeon for the grand finale, an overhead slam that hit the SBRs too. Though this sent the ES flying in a spray of batteries that Chai picked up, he grappled onto it and zoomed up after it to continue with a midair beatdown, coming to an end only after he returned the ES to earth and nailed it with a super-cool soundbeam.

“Nicely done. That should be all of them,” Sandalphon told the team. “The elevator will be reaching the transport station momentarily. Take a quick breather, then get ready for more.”

Nodding the ex-Turk agreed "Quite, we should ready ourselves then," Benedict sheathed his blade, and while they waited for the elevator he used the moment to both think and have the white lady Asparas sooth the others with another Media "Hm, maybe we can use the element of surprise to get the advantage on the enemy. Yes, on our way down the elevator have your bow drawn at the ready. If there is another of those shield bearing automatons we should strike at it at first chance." the tactician said suddenly to the young angel after a moment of quiet pondering. Pit blinked at the old tactician and then snorted.

"No need to tell me!" he said, bouncing on his feet and shaking out his feathers before preparing to ready his bow. Better safe than sorry.

As for the others he was yet to think of how they could offer more than fighting front and center. He would have to be ready to give the newcomer a slight edge, Chai seemed quite capable of taking on a challenge so the kid could benefit from Raging Beast to up the damage he could dish.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Zoey Boey
Avatar of Zoey Boey

Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Vandelay Campus - Signal Tower

Location: Midgar Sector 06, the City of Glass
Raz’s @Truthhurts22, Roxas’ @Double, Sakura’s @Zoey Boey, Sandalphon
Word Count: 5611 (+6)

Out of the five teams, four got off to a decently quick start, even if the routes quickly communicated to them by their new mission control weren’t exactly straightforward. Goldlewis, Partitio, and Roland were given a rough direction to head in to reach Production, the crew headed for R&D were pointed toward a section of robot residential zoning in hopes of reaching a subway that could take them to their volcanic, Giovanna’s team could set their sights on the identifiable landmark formed by Security’s forward watchtower, and Zenkichi could lead Karin and Blazermate toward the grand Atrium in search of Finance. The journey in store for the last team turned out to be a bit more complicated.

“First, please refer to me over the comm lines using the callsign Halo,” Sandalphon began. “I will do the same for you, as Skywatch. The office of Kale Vandelay, who DespoRHado’s most capable associate means to hunt down, can be found within the upper reaches of that superstructure.” She directed her gaze up at the crowning feature of the campus, the sky-scraping ‘V’ tower. “However, I believe that when Sam flushes him out, Kale will flee to a more remote and well-defended location. If you join the large-scale firefight currently taking place in and around the Atrium, there’s no chance of reaching it in time. That’s why I would like 2B and 9S here to assist you.”

At Sandalphon’s command, the DespoRHado androids called in two Flight Units, descending from secure airspace at high speed only to slow to a smooth hover beside their operators. They both arrived in their sleek, aerodynamic flight forms, but a moment later they reconfigured into their imposing mech forms so that 2B and 9S could climb aboard.

Sandalphon nodded in approval. “These will fly you into the vicinity of the tower, at which point I would like you to lend tactical air support until the VIPs surface. Once they do, you’re free to pursue and engage.”

”You got it, Halo.” Sakura said, practicing her Callsign. It also sounded cool. She was admittedly nervous about flying. ”We got this, guys.” She said to Raz and Roxas, and offered them both a high five. Roxas was the first one to reciprocate. Raz had to leap up a bit to reach his, but he was sure it looked cooler than it felt.

”Nice!” Sakura said with a big grin.

Seeing the humans do this, 9S glanced over at 2B, gingerly raising his hand as if to offer one himself. He thought better of it before she saw anything, though.

Once locked in, the androids reconfigured their Flight Units again, providing somewhat tricky but ultimately serviceable platforms for Raz, Sakura, and Roxas to stand on, or at least hold on to. The black coat bedecked Roxas jumped up on 9S’s Flight Unit.

“We will forgo our typical evasive maneuvers to avoid ejecting you, but hold on tight anyway” 2B advised them flatly. Roxas was quick to take this advice. The last thing he wanted was to become a smear on the ground.

”Let’s do this!” Raz, pumped as ever, with his previous worries for today put on the backburner, pulled his goggles down. He was ready as he ever was.

Soon after, Sandalphon waved everyone goodbye, and the Flight Units took to the air. The wind whipped the Seekers’ hair and clothes as the ground receded beneath them. In a matter of moments team Skywatch was cruising high above Vandelay campus, able to see almost everything neither underground nor within a building’s interior. Fights between Vandelay robots and the DespoRHado assault force could be glimpsed all over, along with widespread destruction, especially near the Atrium, where all the well-trimmed lawns and hedges appeared to be on fire. They approached their destination, soaring without a care over the bitter corporate warfare down below, but when they drew near the stupidly huge ‘V’ things began to get interesting. What looked like from a distance like flocks of birds and fireworks clustered around the towers ended up being a huge dogfight between the companies’ airborne forces. Aerial Unmanned Gears called Sliders, outfitted with missiles and sometimes worn as winged jetpacks for gun-toting cyborg paratroopers had engaged an armada of bomb-chucking AIR-1N fliers and (much more dangerous) VU-TOR1 bots, backed up by long-range GNR support from the tower itself. The result was a chaotic mess of explosions, gunfire, and light rays.

“Enemy sighted. Moving to engage,” 2B announced.

“Engaging targets!” 9S confirmed, allowing his partner to take the lead. “Let’s thin the herd!”

Both Flight Units opened fire with mounted machine guns, quickly annihilating a half-dozen enemy robots with streams of incendiary death. Their opponents turned on them quickly, taking potshots or moving to intercept them. With their speed and maneuverability limited by their passengers, the Flight Units held firm, allowing the Seekers to join the fight.

Sakura made some type of loud, nervous noise, holding on tight to 2B’s Flight Module. She was glad she had Levitate, but she still didn’t want to fall. She stood up and fired a one handed fireball at nearby fliers, to no effect, the relatively slow projectile missing entirely. ”Not good enough..!”

Using her psychic powers to push herself against the flier, she hyped herself up with a yell and let go, standing only on her feet. She gathered energy in her hands. ”Hadoken!” She fired a much bigger fireball towards a nearby flier. It absorbed any bullets it encountered, and though it wasn’t a direct hit, her advanced techniques let it explode to knock anything nearby off course.

”If they get close to us or behind us, I can protect us, 2B-san!” She shouted down to her pilot. If they flew behind them, her fireballs gained both travel distance and speed as the enemies would be flying right into her blasts, making them actually fairly effective as air-to-air projectiles.

Her first challenge came in the form of two Sliders, one with a cyborg attached and another flying on its own. Locking onto 2B's Flight Unit, the Unmanned Gear fired off a couple semi-active laser-guided AIM-9X Sidewinder rockets. As they homed in on the street fighter’s ride, the cyborg paratrooper followed behind them, his Yellowjacket-3au auto rifle ready for some good old-fashioned spray-and-pray.

”Crap!” Sakura shouted, immediately undercutting her previous confidence-filled statement. She brought her arms back together and then forward, palms out and wrists almost touching, firing several fireballs as fast as she could. She was trying to knock the missiles out of the air and provide visual obstruction. The fireballs were forceful enough to trigger any impact based explosives. As for the paratrooper, well, she had to deal with the missiles first. ”There’s a guy on us!” She said, any further details cut off as her fireballs detonated the missiles in a burst of flame, shrapnel, and concussive force.

"Roger." Assuming that Sakura's call-out meant that she couldn't deal with the paratrooper, and that she was ready for intervention, 2B reoriented the Flight Unit in order to shoot the new threat down herself. The dual chainguns opened fire, their salvos ripping through the air to cut the cyborg down, but doing so threatened to send Sakura tumbling if she hadn't steeled herself as 2B believed.

”H-hey, woah!” Sakura said, flailing her arms, her eyes bulging. She managed to grab onto one of the big sticking out parts of the Flight Unit. ”You’re pretty eager, aren’t you?!” She called out with a nervous smile.

“Ah.” Realizing her mistake, 2B made an effort to even out her Flight Unit, as well as to apologize. “...Sorry,” she muttered. Sakura wouldn’t get any better than that, though, since the android needed to focus to keep the pair out of the thick of things, where attack could come from any direction. Bullets, bombs, and missiles filled the air, more frenetic than ever now that a couple new powerhouses had joined the fray.

Unlike Sakura, Raz wasn’t afraid of a little air time. Once defensive maneuvers were made, Raz used the momentum of the curves and barrel rolls to fling him up high! ”Yaaaaaaah!” As he reached the peak of his leap the dogfight below threatened to leave him behind, but he was quick on the draw. Targeting one of the unmanned Sliders with Mental Connection, Raz zipped right over to it mid-flight, and slammed down on top of it. ”’Scuse me,” he said, gripping the Gear’s main body in TK, ”I’m gonna borrow this for a sec!” Wrestling control of an automated robot was tricky to say the least, so Raz’s “borrow” ended up more as a “hold on for dear life and pray”. He used the strength of his TK to try and guide the Slider towards its allies, wrangling it like a rodeo bull as it tried to steer itself. It was all just a big lump of chaos. Though chaos was a tactic that sorta kinda worked! The Slider clipped and slammed into a lot of its kin, enough to disrupt the majority’s pursuit of the others, and Raz peppered out some Psi-Blasts at the manned ones, striking the passengers - and if all else failed, they’d have a wild target to try and shoot, one that barely knew what it was doing itself.

Unfortunately there wasn’t a whole lot Roxas could do. Even just freeing one his hands in order to summon a Keyblade would risk him losing his grip and potentially fall. But if he did nothing then it was more likely that 9S would end up being shot down. In other words, he had to something. So he risked freeing up one of his hands to summon Oathkeeper. With it he took some potshots with Blizzaga. He wasn’t sure how much the wind and flight speed would affect his accuracy but maybe he’d get lucky and hit something? He was hoping Blizzaga could maybe freeze up some servos or mechanical joints, which might possibly result in enemy bogeys losing their flight control and subsequently going down. Luckily for him, the basic Sliders and AIR-1Ns both tended to stop moving momentarily while flying whether to attack or seek targets, which meant that as long as Roxas could take aim he could probably land a few hits on the low-health war machines. And 9S slowed down his Flight Unit to give the keyblade master just that chance, slow enough that Roxas could stand atop it. Of course, doing so made it that much easier for the GNR units lined up at the windows of the nearby tower to take aim, the direction of their beam cannons foreshadowed by thin red targeting lasers.

”Over there! In the tower!” Roxas said to 9S, having to shout in order to make sure the wind speed didn’t overpower the sound of his voice. He also pointed his Keyblade in the direction of where he was spotting the GNR units as well, ”Get me close if you can! I’ll take care of the rest!”

Registering both the threat and his passenger’s attention, 9S pushed his Flight Unit forward. “Understood!” The trio peeled away from what was quickly becoming a machine feeding frenzy and made for the snipers’ nest. While the GNRs zeroed in on the imminent threat as best they could, they needed to ‘lock in’ a beat before their beams of light blazed forth, which gave 9S enough time to evade them. When the android got close enough to pull up alongside the row of glass windows, Roxas found the gunners just one tricky but still very doable jump away.

Roxas pulled up his hood so that it would help obscure his identity on any stray security cameras, then he lunged forward and launched himself off the edge of 9S’s Flight Unit toward the nearest window of the tower. The white and red GNR Unit stationed there scrambled to try and fire its beam weapon but the red beam only served as a tell Roxas could exploit. He crossed both his Keyblades in front of him within the red line so that when the beam came it was reflected away from Roxas while he was barrelling toward it in midair. Then he twisted himself around and used that momentum to bring the Keyblades around and down onto the GNR Unit. Then he followed that up with an additional slash from each of his Keyblades and that seemed to be enough to finish the unit off.

Now the Keybearer found himself in a window-side hallway staring at an entire row of a dozen GNR units. They’d been previously aiming their weapons outside the open windows to try and shoot down aerial foes. Now they were whirling around and training their arm-mounted beam cannons at the newly arrived intruder. Roxas jumped to the side, narrowly dodging a volley of beam shots. Instantly he dashed forward toward the nearest GNR while simultaneously hurling one his Keyblades at the next one down the hall. Before the nearest could get off its shot Roxas made it near enough to bat the cannon away from its aim by hitting it with his Keyblade. Meanwhile the Keyblade he had thrown had crashed into the cannon of the next GNR, also throwing off its aim as well.

Roxas then hooked his Keyblade around the neck of the GNR right in front of him and forcibly pulled it in front of him to take the incoming volley of shots from the remaining GNR units. Sort of like using a human shield, except with a robot rather than a human. As the GNR he hid behind fell, Roxas dashed forward to continue his assault. He used flowmotion to launch himself between the parallel walls of the hallway, slashing his way through the line of GNR units along the way. When he reached the center of the enemy cluster, the Keybearer quickly thrust Oathkeeper straight up above him, ”Thundaga!” he called, conjuring an AOE of lightning strikes around him to fry the circuits and electronics of the robotic foes he was fighting. After that he remembered the sigil that Sandalphon placed on him before the mission started, ”Halo? This is Skywatch.” he told her over the magical connection, making sure to remember to use callsigns instead of names, ”I need an extraction, tell 9S I’m coming out hot! He’ll know what to do!”

"Understood, Skywatch," Sandalphon replied, her voice clear and calm. "...Request confirmed. 9S en route."

Then Roxas ran forward to the end of the hall. He finished off whatever stragglers remained of the GNR’s and then… he leaped straight out of the window and back out into the sky - hoping 9S got the message and would grab him before he became a splat on the ground below.

Luckily, the Flight Unit cruised by just in the nick of time. Trusting Raz to fend off the Sliders currently in pursuit, 9S swooped in close to the building to catch Roxas just before he really began to fall. His death-defying maneuver went off without a hitch, but the three were hardly out of the woods just yet. Missiles from the Sliders exploded against the surface of the building just meters away, sending a shower of glass down as the Flight Unit picked up speed. A moment later the Sliders emerged from the smoke and closed in, locking on for another salvo.

”I need you to catch me from falling again.” Roxas said to 9S, but unfortunately had no time to wait for a response. He launched himself from the side of the Flight Unit and in mid-air appeared to change into a streak of light that homed in on the nearest Slider. As soon as he made contact, Roxas attacked it with a Cross Slash. Now he was in the air among the Sliders with only moments to act, ”Thundaga!” he let loose the spell to zap and fry the other Sliders around him. He started to fall but only for a moment or two before 9S and Flight Unit swooped by and caught him.

Meanwhile, 2B and Sakura’s had continued their flight path around the periphery of the fight, avoiding the machine mosh pit while they picked off AIR-1Ns and Sliders. It wasn’t long until their efforts attracted some especially unwanted attention, though. A high-pitched, keening screech announced the entrance of a large VU-TOR1 unit. The mechanical bird of prey swooped in and began to hover near the Flight Unit, the beats of its massive energy wings strong enough to buffet Sakura with wind. It let out another cry and extended its talons upward before coming down in a nasty triple slash.

The chances of this giant bird robot being another mook to blast were fairly low, Sakura thought. Sakura crossed one arm to withstand the wind, her short brown hair and headband whipping around. Sakura focused on the oncoming bot and braced for impact. She met with the triple slash with her forearm, scraping aside the dangerous blades with blue sparks. With her focus on defense in order to get a bead on this thing, and no further action taken, the Vulture backed away. It then executed a corkscrew dive, driving its talons to strike twice as it passed by. Seeking to tear up the Flight Unit as much as Sakura, it would repeat the corkscrew two more times, adjusting its aim to pursue its target each time.

Sakura blocked the dive as well, wincing from the pain. But, way better than getting hit. When she noticed the Flight Suit getting damaged, though, she knew she had to act. Grabbing onto the raised section of the Flight Suit, she watched it come in for its next dive. Hopefully she had gotten enough of a read on this thing's timing to hit the anti-air! ”Right there!” Sakura shot her leg upward, bending it with impressive flexibility, the top of her foot angling over her shoulder. It was Sakura’s signature Chin Buster kick, a solid whomp to Vulture’s metal body to interrupt its dive and knock it out of the air. If she could create space with this, she could begin throwing her hadokens to stop it from getting close again. ”Really hope I don’t have to try and jump towards it…” Sakura muttered, having seen Roxas do some crazy stunt out of the corner of her eye.

Her well-timed kick struck on the perfect beat, knocking the Vulture up in a backflip with an affronted squawk. When it righted itself, it found a volley of fireballs headed its way, and promptly flew around. 2B rotated her Flight Unit to keep it trained on the enemy robot, and when she had a clear shot she let loose. The burst of bullets clipped the bird and persuaded it to fly back into melee range, where 2B couldn't get a bead on it without endangering her passenger again.

The android called to Sakura over the roaring wind. "Do that again! Once you stagger it, I want you to jump straight up!" The Vulture swooped in to slash with its claws once more.

”A-alright! If you say so!” Sakura said, steeling herself as the Vulture dive bombed her. It was hardly an advanced dive kicker, so Sakura repeated the same timing, throwing her strong leg upward to smash it away. Then she brought her foot down, crouched, and jumped into the air.

Barely had the street fighter lifted off before 2B took action. Golden energy streamed from emitters on the Flight Unit’s long, rigid ‘tail’, coating it in light to form a huge swordblade as the machine began to spin. It pivoted around in a full revolution and cleaved clean through the Vulture’s middle in a splendid golden crescent, sending its halves spiraling to the ground as the air hummed from its passage. The blade dissipated and the Flight Unit halted its momentum just in time to catch Sakura on the way down, like she’d executed the mother of all kickflips, equal parts exhilarating and terrifying.

Sakura lay on her belly, hanging tightly onto the flight unit, shaking. ”Hoaa-haha…ha! Wow! Okay! We did it!”

As intense as that encounter had been, the Seekers formed only a small part of the fight in the skies–a fight now visibly going in one side’s favor. Relatively slow and featuring only lobbed explosives in terms of attack, the AIR-1N units ended up as fodder for the faster and harder-hitting DespoRHado forces. Though they also lacked durability, the Sliders could avoid damage better and deal out a lot more, especially with a cyborg at the helm. Vandelay’s Vultures were their side’s saving grace, but what they made up for in ability they lacked in quantity, and enough punishment would put them down just as easily.

The Seekers weren’t the only third party in the fight, though. By now, the fighting on Vandelay Campus had definitely caught the public eye, and helicopters full of news crew had taken to the sky to buzz around the facilities. A little too close, in fact. One helicopter, its doors thrown open to reveal a daredevil photographer ready and willing to take chances for an exclusive scoop as the vehicle drew closer. At the same time though, it drew the attention of a wave of AIR-1N reinforcements flying up from below, and the machines did not seem to discriminate between non-Vandelay targets. In only a few moments the chopper would be swarmed by bomb-tossing robots.

At this point Raz’s Slider-Hijack plan had gone belly up. While it did result in crashing a decent chunk of the assembled Gears, the one he was riding threw him off a while back, and with both 9S and 2B focused on helping the other two he had to sort out his method of flight on his own. How has he managed that?

Just barely.

Utilizing the shared Levitation from Sakura, Raz was bobbing through the air like a tennis ball in water; since he still hadn’t mastered the art of ball-less levitating, he figured he’d use his weakness as a strength! ”Whoaaaah! Ahhhh-hah! Look out below!” A steady rhythm of Raz freefalling and then levitating straight upwards, unfocused in how to control himself, kept him at an okay level in the air. And every time he passed an enemy, be it a rogue Slider or an AIR-1N Unit, he’d telekinetically snatch and sling it at another attacker.

Probably not the flashiest thing in the battle for the news copter to focus on, but whatever. Raz noticed the chopper, and the robots moving in to attack it, and pivoted (best he could) to reach it as well. ”Oh no you don’t!” Raz cut his levitation, spinning into a dive that would get him to a spot under the chopper faster than the AIR-1Ns could fly to it, then kicked it back on, slingshotting himself up and up and– thunk! He hit his head against the bottom of the chopper, just as he gripped one of its skids.

”Owwww.” A little head trauma wasn’t going to deter him though. He swung himself up and over the edge of the chopper, landing inside with the news crew. ”Okay, everyone, remain calm!” He raised his hands to show he meant no harm. [color=FF8c00]”I don’t mean you harm! But those guys do!” Raz turned to “those guys”, being the Vandelay robots, and began a counter-defense for the chopper, zapping them with charged Blasts and TKing away any bombs they chucked at ‘em. He also struck a suuuuper cool pose for the camera people. That was important.

“Whoa!” After hearing the thunk the photographer had leaned out of the chopper to try and get a bead on what hit it, only to get a snapshot of a giant, goggled head. Nobody could have missed the junior Psychonaut’s ungainly stop-and-start flight through the chaos, but he hadn’t expected Raz to board the helicopter in person. “Here, grab my hand!” he yelled over the punchy whir of the rotors, crouching with one hand extended, only for the boy to vault in himself. The minute he landed, he got flashed by the photographer’s camera. “Nice!”

Of course, he wasn’t blind to the danger. “Yeah, no kiddin’!” When the fight began, the man went into overdrive, maneuvering around to get the best angles despite the danger of falling. Once satisfied, he let his camera fall and produced a notepad instead. “The name’s Frank West, by the way. You got time for a quick interview, kid?”

”Uhh…” Raz paused his defense to look at Frank over his shoulder. ”Maybe later? I’ll get my people in touch with your people.”

Frank raised an eyebrow. “‘Your people’?” After Raz said that, though, the man took notice of his custom uniform for the first time. Those colors, the holographic orange wires…it had to be! “Oh, I gotcha! But what’s Psych-OSF doing out here in the first place? What can you tell the people at home about the situation unfolding at Vandelay?” The next second a bomb exploded against the chopper’s exterior. While it was weak, it still caused the flying machine to rock worryingly, for all the difference that made to Frank’s composure. He was already jotting down notes. “Relax, I’ve covered wars, y’know.”

Raz flinched, not from the bomb, but from Frank’s question. ”Aw crap.” He looked down at himself as if to confirm that yes, he was still wearing his clothes. He totally blanked on what his being there meant in the greater scheme of things, turning this clash of two factions into a sort of melee-a-trois, to get a little fancy.

”Nothing! I can’t tell you anything, I just… I just work here.” He refocused his efforts on protecting the copter - these Vandelay bots had to run dry eventually, right?

As soon as he noticed the news helicopter, Roxas could only let out an exasperated sigh. Were these people nuts? Vandelay was a literal warzone right now. This was no place for a non-combatant! The Keybearer indicated to 9S that Raz was with them and looked like he needed a pickup. Roxas spoke into the sigil in order to reach Sandalphon, ”Halo? This is Skywatch. Looks like the media’s showing up, but they’re just a casualty waiting to happen. Any idea how to get rid of them?” he asked her, hoping she’d have a suggestion. If not then maybe 9S would?

“That’s not surprising,” Sandalphon replied, and she sounded about as happy about it as she sounded surprised. “Media attention is an inevitability given an operation of this scale. I brought it up to Sundowner during the planning stage, but he said to ignore them. Normally the media remains at a safe distance; whoever’s in there must be categorically insane.” She paused for just a moment to think. A warning shot was out of the question. “If you cannot convince them to leave with words, you’ll have to do so indirectly with danger.”

”Great, no pressure then. I read you, Halo. I’ll see what we can do. You should know Raz is already over there. I hope he hasn’t said too much.” Roxas replied with a shake of his head. Unfortunately he didn’t know exactly what they were going to do. But he supposed they could probably start by going to get Raz, ”C’mon, 9S. Let’s go grab Raz. See if you can draw some attention on the way there. We need to convince those reporters that it’s too dangerous to stick around here.”

”Raz-kun..!” Sakura shouted, cupping her hands around her mouth. ”Oh, right.” Then she began to psychically transmit her thoughts to Raz.
”Raz, this is Sakura…Are you in the helicopter? Can you tell those guys to get the heck outta here?! What kind of crappy cameras do they have where they have to be so close, anyway?!” Sakura transmitted her thoughts.

”Trying to run damage control right now,” he thought right back, ”in a lotta different ways!” Continuing to glance over to Frank, since it was hard to remain totally silent under his interrogation, Raz figured it was time to work some journalistic magic.

”I am not on the record here!” He kr-zppt a trio of AIR-1Ns that had gotten closer with a big burst of Psi-blast. ”You can’t quote me on anything, I don’t consent, I have the right to remain silent, uhh…” He felt himself floundering a little, digging the hole they were in even deeper. This guy covered wars! So, as Raz was trying to protect the copter from the mounting explosive offense, an idea sparked. Not a good idea or anything, but…

In a brief lull of battle Raz spun around to face Frank and tugged his goggles up. ”Mr. West, sir, my name is Razputin, and while I’m sure there’s plenty I could divulge to you right here and now, I have a proposition for ya.” He paused to fire some more blasts out of the open door. ”If, if you and your crew fly to safety, then after this all blows over I can score you an exclusive interview with ex-Secretary of Defense Goldlewis Dickinson himself! I’ve been working under him for a bit now, so trust me, he’s way more in the know about what’s going down than myself.”

The newsman’s eyebrows went up again. From flat-out denials to huge promises? This guy must be getting desperate, and the story here must be juicy. Even Frank could see which way the wind was blowing though. “Now we’re getting somewhere!” he joked. Outside the chopper, the population of AIR-1Ns had dwindled down to almost nothing. Raz had been doing a good job, and the efficiency of his psi-blasts against these bots in particular couldn’t be understated. Of course, more enemies could show up any time. “There’s a lot more that I want to know, but I’ll get outta you guys' hair. I’m already in a boatload of trouble for endangering the chopper,” he chuckled wryly as he turned to yell at the pilot. “Let’s get out of here, pronto!”

“You got it,” the anthropomorphic rabbit in the pilot seat called back. Though he’d been doing a spectacular job with evasive maneuvers so far considering he was piloting a civilian helicopter, he seemed happy to leave the danger behind.

“Sure you’re gonna be okay, kid?” Frank peeked down from the helicopter’s side doors. It was a long way down, so hopefully whatever Raz used to fly had more juice.

This was about when 9S’s flight unit came by, with Roxas in tow, ”I hate to ask, but… how much did you have to tell them to get them to leave?” It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Raz, because he did. But of the Seekers on this team, Roxas was the one with a direct line to Sandalphon. So it sort of fell to him to keep her in the loop on this stuff so she could keep everyone else in the loop. As Raz hopped onto the Flight Unit, Frank waved goodbye, and the chopper peeled away.

Sakura looked uneasily between the news copter as it flew off and the barely safe skies. As well as the rooftop below which undoubtedly she and the others would have to drop down on at some point to do battle. ”Are we ready?” She asked.

“Attention, Skywatch,” Sandalphon hailed them. “I just received new intel from some of my androids. Kale Vandelay was just spotted on the bridge leading from the Vandelay Building to a Signal Tower, and Jetstream Sam is confirmed to be in pursuit. I’m transmitting the coordinates to 2B and 9S. Make haste.”

”Guess it’s time for our actual mission. I’m ready when you guys are.” Roxas said, with little else to do but wait for them to go on the move.

”Good!” Sakura said, holding onto 2B’s unit tightly, knuckles white. ”Let’s show ‘em what we can do.”

Confirming the new data, 9S nodded. “Coordinates received. They’re moving fast. Hold on tight, everyone!” With that, both Flight Units began to pick up speed, descending in a wide arc around the Vandelay Building to leave what remained of the midair mayhem behind.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Scarifar
Avatar of Scarifar

Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Home of Tears - Crumble Cavern
Level: 3
Experience: 71/30 (Level up available)
Word Count: <750 (+1 EXP)

Rubick listened to everyone's stories about how they came to be in this world, and their time spent within it. Rubick could not help but marvel at how Galeem had taken over so many different worlds and merged them into this amalgamation. While this was happening, Rubick took the time to enjoy a slice of pizza; he had never had any before. It was delightfully cheesy, with a hint of spice and the tangy taste of the tomato sauce. In short, it was delicious. After finishing the piece in his hand, Rubick helped himself to a second slice. He just couldn't resist, it was just that good. Perhaps this Pizza Tower wasn't so bad if it meant he could enjoy such a wonderful meal.

Sectonia's antillions came over to Rubick in their attempts to make him "beautiful", but Rubick only allowed them to clean off his robes. Other than the dirt they had accumulated, Rubick was already satisfied with his appearance. The antillions did their job, then scurried off.

After they entered the door marked "Staff only", they came face-to-face... with Pizza Face. It also summoned a whole bunch of goons, forcing everyone to combat them and Pizza Face at the same time. He got to work doing what he did best; creating chaos. He jumped from place to place using his Blink Dagger and his Weaver's Warp, helping out where he could. Rubick used Telekinesis to stun groups of random mobs and Fade Bolting others. He also made use of his teammates' abilities, like summoning his own versions of minions using Kamek's spells, using Bowser's Fireball Master to blast some denser groups of enemies, and taking Ganondorf's Swords of Darkness to power up his own basic attacks. He then took Primrose's ability for Dark Magic to continue the assault, blasting Pizza Face with his own version of her Moonlight Waltz.

This was Rubick's element; being in a chaotic battlefield and slinging spells. And he was loving it.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Lugubrious
Avatar of Lugubrious

Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The Under - Pizza Tower

Level 10 Nadia (221/100)
The Koopa Troop’s @DracoLunaris, Primrose and Therion’s @Yankee, Sectonia’s @Archmage MC, Jesse’s @Zoey Boey, Ganondorf’s @Double, Rubick’s @Scarifar, Ichiban’s @Truthhurts22, Artorias’ @Dark Cloud
Word Count: 1851

With the tension that typically accompanied a boss fight thoroughly broken by a hearty round of laughter, jeers, and mockery, everyone was ready to get down to business. Pizza Face’s choice to start the fight by barfing out a bevy of minions sort of set the tone for the whole fracas, since any chance it had of being a serious trial by combat the instant Sectonia, Kamek (as well as Rubick by extension), and Junior summoned an absolute horde of underlings in reply, blanketing what had been an imposing arena with a throng of silly-looking critters slapping each other around.

Out of all the peons she only recognized the Water Workers, but if the rest were comparable in terms of strength, they’d be nothing to write home about either. The crowd sort of blocked Nadia, so rather than beeline straight for the big bad like usual, she hung back for a moment at the edge of the mook brawl, her bemused enjoyment writ plain on her face. Guess I can sit back and relax. Somehow, the goofiness of this throwdown felt oddly appropriate for the bizarre Pizza Tower’s climactic battle. The others -at least those with a shred of humor in their hearts- clearly felt it too. Artorias even took a moment to critique her mouthiness, and after dispatching an airborne refrigerator he followed up with something she didn’t quite understand. Huh? What does that have to do with anything? His crazed grin implied something funny, though, so she placated him with a tentative laugh. “Haha…yeah!” Satisfied, he ran off to join the fray, smashing through the melee two or even three minions at a time.

He wasn’t the only one, either; Ganondorf made his displeasure known through a remarkable display of violence, his frenzied bladework carving a trail of carnage across the arena, made all the more fearsome by Sectonia’s Haste. Ichiban joined the fray in slick new formal wear with an equally sophisticated-looking curved sword in hand, and Nadia’s surprise quickly turned to excitement. “Heck yeah, Ichi! Mess ‘em up! Just don’t cut the cheese!” Of course, by the time she said that, he’d already done it. “...Gouda grief.”

While some of the Seekers’ heaviest hitters pulverized the small fry, the others focused on Pizza Face himself. Artorias reached him first, and gave the greasy entity ample reason to stay as far off the ground as possible. Leveraging his brand-new boxing skills, the knight practically pounded the pizza’s face in. When the flurry ended the oversized pie quickly hovered out of range, his cheesy features covered with welts and bruises. He even had a black eye and bandages, somehow. Things didn’t go much better, though. While the steak Nadia fired from her Bait Launcher bounced off its head to splat down on the arena, where the tiger appeared with only minions within mauling distance, Bowser’s ‘projectile’ worked a lot better. Flung into the air by royal strength, Rika cleaved through Pizza face’s crust and a foot or two of cheese-topped red sauce better than any pizza cutter. She then redirected her aerial momentum with a burst of speed, latched on, and whipped all the way around to lay into the oven-baked boss with everything that cool-ass lance of hers had to offer. The impressive display ended with a perfect dismount that sent her right back to her new dad, and Nadia felt like clapping–she couldn’t have done better herself.

Of course, that was no reason not to try! When Therion and Primrose made their moves, so did she. Saving her boxcutters for later, Nadia charged into the chaos with her claws out. First up, a familiar Water Worker. It went down to a good old Cat Scratch rekka, sliced up by the first two hits and popped like a water balloon when she drove her hardened ears in. “Water you even doin’ here?” Two Forknights charged in, and she went low to trip one well before it reached her with a hyper-extended leg. “Armor, huh?” She turned into lightning blitzed through the other with Charge, electrocuting it. As she rematerialized behind it, she jammed her elbow into its back, then launched it overhead with Limber Up. “You’ve hel-met your match!” Her head blasted off to hit it mid-air, keeping it juggled long enough for Nadia to extend her arms, snatch it, and slam it headfirst into the floor. As the other Forknight tottered to its feet the feral grabbed it by the mouth and pulled the cheese-creature out of its armor, which clanked down on the ground. A Piglin squad bore down on her, and while she kicked her head into one to daze him the others managed to smack her. “Ow, hey!” In return she jammed the cheese-thing into one’s face like a cream pie, blinding it. “How’s that for head cheese?” She promptly took another swing to the shin. “Agh, you little stinker!” The next, however went over her head as she went low to take out their legs with Kitt n’ Spin. “Sorry, piggies…” She flipped into the air and hurled a Purrge of Vengeance straight down to blow away all three in a rippling eruption of pure Hydro. “This one’s a wash!”

A cheeseslime sludged toward her, but an upward claw slash unstuck it with a shlorp and she jammed her other hand straight into its face only to find that it wouldn’t come off. “Eugh. Stick around, why dontcha?” An idea struck her, and she lifted its gooey mass above her head. When span her arm up like a drill, the cheeseslime quickly flattened out and then flew apart, its globules scattered far and wide. “What a spread!”

By that time, Therion had sunk a whole handful of throwing knives into Pizza Face’s ugly mug, and Primrose’s dark magic scored an explosive direct hit. Barnabee had joined the fray too, pelting Pizza Face with bees before he dashed up to deliver some choice cuts with his saw-toothed sword. Nadia watched as Jesse perforated the boss with Spin bullets, quickly depleting the last of its health. “Oh crap, I’m gonna miss my chance!” She scooped up her head and took off, running toward the spit where her allies were polishing off the last few mooks. Wait a second. Grinning wildly, she jumped into the air, springboarding off Ichiban, Artorias, and finally Ganondorf in ascending order. “Thanks for the lift, fellas!” she laughed, sailing into the air. With a final burst of blood she shot straight up to Pizza Face. Nadia shot off her forearms, sinking them into Pizza Face’s cheesy cheeks, then snapped back her muscle fibers to drive her best dropkick of all time straight into his fungal nose. “Call this gratuitous,” she quipped, face-to-face with the big pizza. “But I don’t leave mush-room for error!” With that, she unleashed the blood pressure in her legs in a terrific shotgun-like blast, kicking off him in the process. As he reeled, she plummeted back to earth, twisting around to land -as always- on her feet.

Of course, immediately after landing, Nadia let out a long-overdue breath, hyperventilating with wide eyes. “Holy frijoles! Can’t believe that worked.” After a moment though she quickly straightened up, clearing her throat. “I mean…can you believe that worked? I surprise myself sometimes~”

As she said this, a beat-up looking Pizza Face descended to the ground, seemingly inert. Then he suddenly began to vibrate, scrunching down until finally, it popped open to reveal a strange man, sitting on a toilet and reading the newspaper, a man with blue overalls, a red bowtie, and a white shirt plus gloves. As Nadia and the others gaped, the paper slowly lowered, revealing that the man had a slice of pizza for a head. He laughed nervously, slowly crunching up and setting aside the paper, then cracked a wide smile as he climbed out of the Pizza Face machine.

”Hello, hello”

The moment his foot touched the ground, everything began to change. In the distance the light turned a soft orange, surreal and dreamlike as strange shapes, pizza toppings, and TV sets depicting Pizza Head began to float about. The rock surrounding Pizza Tower and the vegetation transformed, becoming meatballs and green peppers, with flowers and fungi taking on the likeness of Pizza Face. Over Pizza Head, eight likenesses of his own ahead appeared, arranged in two rows of four, and the next moment something similar happened to Nadia. Over her head appeared eight round bells, just like the one she wore on her collar, and the rest of the Seekers experienced a similar phenomenon with iconography of their own. Then the symbols faded, leaving Nadia to wonder just what the hell was going on. The feeling coming off this guy…it felt like the Nowhere Monarch, back in King’s Station. And the Orphan of Kos, the day before that. She could never forget that crawling, pervading sensation of wrongness. Her eyes widened as Pizza Head grinned at them, a pipe in his hand. “Another one. Somethin’ that shouldn’t be!” she hissed, sharpening her claws. “And won’t be for much longer!”

As if in reply, Pizza Head ran over to the far side of the arena, and reached down over the edge to stretch and plunge his arm through solid stone. When he pulled his arm back up, it came with a Brooding Mawlek several times bigger than himself, which he nonchalantly tossed onto the stage. In quick succession Pizza Head dredged up four more minibosses: a Dark Quartz Ogre, Big Dog, an Eyebrute, and Grovetender. Once all five were on the scene, Pizza Head stood idly by, ready for more tomfoolery.

Nadia forced a smile as she drew her boxcutters. Everyone present would need to divide their attention between the boss and the uninvited guests to pull through this. “Guess we’ve got our work cut out for us.” Still, compared to the Mom fight this really wasn’t that bad. She whistled to try and get the three-headed hound’s attention so she could lead him toward one side of the arena. “Here, doggy! Let’s play!”

Until Pizza Head is defeated, all characters take 1/8 of their max health (a 'pip') in damage from every hit they receive. When hit a character flashes invincible for the next second afterward. Healing is disabled

Edinburgh MagikaPolis - Dead of Night

Level 8 Big Band (102/80)
Ace Cadet’s @Yankee, Red’s @TruthHurts22, Mewtwo’s @Double, Frisk’s [@Majoras End]
Word Count: 1291

When two more serious threats showed their ghastly faces, the Seekers quickly regrouped. They didn’t plan to just sit around and wait for the Darkbeast to come to them, but Paarl was even more aggressive than they predicted. First off the block, Ace charged in with a speed and tenacity that belied the clanking weight of his kit, his blades glinting in the arcane lamplight as he carved at the emaciated horror’s fleshless leg-bones. He landed a clean couple hits as Paarl tensed up, chipping rather than breaking the bones, before the monster let out a shrill scream. Arcs of electricity burst off it in a wave of concussive force to knock the hunter down in the middle of his pre-emptive strike, and Paarl began to attack.

As it moved, its bones ground together horribly, the sound enough to make Band’s skin crawl. He steeled himself and charged in to give Ace a hand. He bulled forward with Brass Knuckles, but Paarl ignored the cracks it left in its bones to slash at him with lightning-infused claws. Gritting his teeth, Band blocked both, then performed a backstep to avoid a downward slam and set up for another Brass Knuckles. Instead he accidentally backed right into a trash can and toppled over backwards. “Gyat, damn!”

At the same time, Lucia chased down the Revenant, knowing that it couldn’t be allowed to sit back and wreak havoc with those rocket launchers from afar. Pumping her arms, she ran in a zigzag pattern as the demon blew chunks from the roadway with its missiles. It ended its salvo by firing its last two rockets both simultaneously and right at her, aiming to take her out in one deadly blast, but this cop was made of sterner stuff. She pivoted and performed Flipper Shot, a fiery backward scoop-up kick to intercept the missiles and flip them upward. With a daredevil grin she let fly the follow-up turning roundhouse to smack the rockets right back. They blew up against the surprised Revenant’s body and broke its poise long enough for her to close the distance with EX Tornado Spinner, launching diagonally upward to blast it with three fiery kicks. Unfortunately for her, this hellspawn knew fire all too well. When she landed it lashed out with a headbutt, bopping Lucia’s skull with its own, then kicked her backward. She slid to a stop on one knee and looked up to see the Revenant wrench a streetlight out of the ground, then swing it like a bat. “Sonuva-!” Lucia blocked, but the enormous bludgeon shattered her guard and sent her flying with the explosion of its luminous magic crystal.

While those three got started, Albedo had elevated himself to a second-story balcony with a Solar Isotoma. He ran along a section of window ledges and leaped to deliver a downward plunging attack, landing on Paarl’s back. Unfortunately, his swordblade found no real flesh to pierce, and it simply grated along the monster’s spinal column and ribs before lodging in the gristle. Still, Paarl bucked to get the alchemist off, hurling its body into the nearby building. The wind-knocking blow left him stunned and crumpled against the window where Paarl bashed him, and while Albedo’s defense could take it, he felt less confident when the Revenant turned its attention his way. Grunting in exertion, he leaped down from the second story to the ground just as the rockets blew the window -and surrounding section of wall- to smithereens. Several voices could be heard screaming from inside.

Band rose from where he’d fallen with a groan, more angry that he’d tripped himself up than hurt, and found Paarl coming straight toward him. He blocked its toothy lunge and reeled back, from the close-up view of its grotesque, weirdly-human face almost as much as the force. As he slid he grabbed the trash can that tripped him and slammed it against Paarl’s face like a beer bottle in a bar brawl. It recoiled, and Band risked a glance in the direction his fellow officer had flown. “Lucia!?” She’d smacked into another street lamp and bent it from the impact, and while she was on her feet again he saw her clutching her back in pain. That impact broke the street lamp, too, and to make matters worse, a mob of skeletons seemed to be coming up behind her. This street is too narrow, Band realized. There wasn’t enough room to maneuver around these monsters, there was too much stuff in the way, and with two lights out the dark of night was beginning to retake it, too.

The bad news didn’t stop there. A blonde man appeared in the destroyed section of wall, and though in his nightclothes he wielded a fire staff and the determination to protect his family. “Fireball!” he yelled, aiming at Paarl.

“Wait!” Band reached out his hand.

Too late. Aren’s fireball burst against the monster’s dried-out hide, and while it did some damage it also triggered Paarl’s enmity. The monster lunged upward at him and snatched him from the window by the arm with its jaws, hurling him into the ground. He barely got the chance to howl in pain before Paarl dragged his claws through him. Immediately, the poor soul began to resurrect as a skeleton, his staff held tight in his deathgrip.

Band growled in anger, but he knew he couldn’t let it go to his head. “We have to move!” he yelled to the others. “We can’t fight here, there’s too much collateral!”

He spent the meter on another Super Sonic Jazz, clipping both Paarl and the Revenant as he blasted past them . Once the blaze of glory ended he slid to a stop, looking over his shoulder just long enough to confirm that he’d gotten the monsters’ attention. The Revenant bellowed in anger, and with a screech Paarl launched after him, smashing through whatever clutter happened to be in its way as it chased him down. “Hoo, boy,” Band sighed in resignation. Too late to back out now.

“That’s right, follow me!” Turning back to the road ahead, he leaned forward and began to play. Sound streamed from his back and his legs to propel him down the street, allowing him to pick up speed as he ground across the cobblestones and even up stairs, somehow. Paarl rampaged along behind him, growing ever closer, but the twists and turns in Band’s path made it smash into the walls a few times on the turns. Explosions went off behind him as the Revenant shot its rockets, but Band buckled down and forged ahead. The further he went in this somber borough, the darker and more foreboding the architecture seemed to get, and the more skeletons he found. Band made sure to choose the path with more undead each time, plowing straight through them when necessary, until the chase brought him up a couple flights of stairs and through a fancy wrought-iron gate. In front of him lay a circular monument plaza surrounded by the tall, grim buildings of Edinburgh Magicapolis. The clouds had parted, and that old devil moon shone down on the sinuous, sparking bones of Darkbeast Paarl as it crashed through the gates behind him, followed shortly by the Revenant. “Plenty of room to dance.” As Band turned around, he spotted Albedo and Lucia dropping down into the plaza on a different side, having taken to the rooftops to bypass the labyrinth as they followed the commotion. Then ran over, and the Seekers faced the monsters together. “Let’s see ‘em off.”

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Dark Cloud
Avatar of Dark Cloud

Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Online

Vandelay Campus - Security

Location: Midgar Sector 06, the City of Glass
Pit’s @Yankee, Benedict’s @Dark Cloud, Giovanna, Sandalphon
Word Count: 2382 (+3)

Soon enough the elevator’s descent came to an end, and the door slid open to reveal a long, slick, empty hallway. Pit, Chai, and Gio all took off like a starting pistol had been fired in a footrace much to the dismay of the elderly ex-Turk who wasn't as quick or spry as the others, speeding through the corridor past the shiny benches, trash cans, and display screens, most of which offered security slogans like ‘If you can remember your password, it’s too simple!’ and ‘Zip it! Keep our secrets safe!’. Some text displays also constantly scrolled by like market tickers, saying ‘Be on the lookout for any unauthorized individuals‘, ‘Do not stare directly into the data beam’, and ‘All paper files should be encrypted before submitted’. They sped past a couple turns and downward ramps to reach a second sliding door, and after narrowly avoiding a head-on collision with a little SCR-UB unit just vacuuming the floor, Chai marveled at the sheer size of Security Wing 1’s private L.I.F.T. station. “Whoa!” None of the Seekers here happened to have been down in the abandoned subway system outside of Sector 05, so the giant rectangle on wheels was all new to them.

It also happened to be home to a crew of TEC units. “Watch out, Chai,” the wannabe rockstar’s operator warned him through 808. “These guys are ready to ambush you on the L.I.F.T.”

Chai didn’t seem all that concerned though. “Oh, these guys are like the dude upstairs, they don’t know me. See?” he pshawed as he sauntered onto the mobile platform with confidence. Gio followed tentatively, willing to hear him out–or at least let him take the fall. “Sup, fellow Vandelay employees!” Chai grinned at them, one eyebrow raised as he made a sliding motion with his hands. “Catching the L.I.F.T.?”

The nearest TEC unit nodded enthusiastically, gesturing to the giant machine with his wrench. “Security Wing 2, just as alwa-”

“The intruders! Stop them!” A sudden shout came from the direction of the entrance. In front of the door stood a hulking machine, his sleek brown armor accentuated by giant drill bits like horns, giving him the appearance of a barbarian rhinoceros. A squad of SBR units surrounded him.

Wiping a bead of sweat off his brow, Benedict breathed a heavy sigh of exasperation both from the exertion of trying to keep up with Chai, Pit and Giovanna, as well as the never-ending obstacles that seemed eager to get in their way "The work is never done without something to block progress," the tactician muttered as he bent over hand on knees to catch his breath.

Shaking his head, the TEC unit tried to placate things. “Nah, these are the guys that fixed the security system, man.”

“Idiot! That one’s the defect, and none of them are with us!” Tunnel Rhino yelled back.

The TEC unit took a second look, then nodded slowly. “Ohhhh…”

Tunnel Rhino spun up his drill bit, and his SBRs deployed their swords, while the TEC units only looked at their wrenches forlornly. They cleared out while the combat bots charged in, ready to fight.

Though he didn't look it, Benedict was quite done with these adventures and made a mental note that after this he would need to take less strenuous jobs of his caliber. As soon as the battle began he flourished his sword cane buffing himself with Bulwark to up his defense. Another note to be made would be to acquire a sort of firearm, a sword would do little to metal and gears.

Well, a man-made sword anyway. A divine weapon the likes that Pit wielded was clearly made of stronger stuff. He swapped from bow to blade and back again in a flash, meeting the robots' advance head on. An arrow smashing against a SBR unit marked which enemy Pit would be targeting next as he followed closely behind the beam of light. Up close, the bow-turned-sword did a number any machines - and though the angel's strength wasn't quite enough to demolish a robot in just one attack, his technique and experience meant the small fry were no problem.

Tunnel Rhino was a tougher beast. On the first charge Pit had to throw himself out of the way of the bulky machine. "Whoa!" As the reploid barreled past Pit turned to fire upon him with his literal fireball wreathed arrows, hoping the slightly stronger shots might put a dent in him.

To their credit, they did leave quite a few dents, but Tunnel Rhino had a lot of surface area to him. “C’mere, pipsqueak!” he bellowed, chasing Pit down as fast as his multi-ton mass could but always finding the nimble angel one step ahead. While Chai kept dispatching SBRs with his flashy musical combos, Gio swooped in to back up Pit against Tunnel Rhino, alleviating some of the juggernaut’s pressure by applying her own. Her unrelenting dash-dance quickly left Tunnel Rhino outmaneuvered.

After about thirty seconds of combat, Sandalphon hailed Giovanna. “Vertigo, this is Halo. We cannot afford to waste time fighting an endless series of reinforcements,” she pointed out. “I can spool up the L.I.F.T. for you. Get on and defend it.”

At the same time, that annoyed voice came out of 808. “Ugh, there’s no end to these guys. Fine, you all hold them off.” Next to Chai, a blue flash went off, and a young woman appeared. She wore her dyed hair to one side with the other buzz-cut, as well as a denim jacket and shorts over a white crop top and bandolier full of tools, and she sported a hot pink prosthetic leg. “I’ll get this rolling.” Firing off a spray of suppressive laser fire from her pistol, she ran for the control console.

“You got this, Peppermint!” Chai called as he ran in to help tackle the attackers. Nearby a irate Benedict fended off a combat bot, and quickly gave the rockstar a boost of Raging Beast to add a bit of oomph to the kids attack, though he didn't mind the addition of more helping hands he was reticent to immediately trust these newcomers.

There came another blue flash by Gio, however, and Peppermint ran headfirst into the chest of a very tall woman in white. Sandalphon had teleported in via her link to Giovanna, appearing from nowhere to help with the controls, and as Peppermint stumbled backward her cheeks were bright red. “W-w-what the!? W-where’d you come from!?”

“I’m here to speed my allies on their way. Time is of the essence, and we have none to waste.” Sandalphon answered as she turned to the controls, calmly and intuitively pressing buttons and flipping switches to get the L.I.F.T. online. “You’re Mr. Chai’s operator, correct? Then we’re of one mind. Let us work together to increase efficiency.”

The doors to the station opened to admit another squad of SBRs, this time led by a menacing mechanical kraken with metal tentacles. Peppermint swallowed, albeit not from fear, and stepped up to the console to help. “Uh, sure.”

Quite ironically Benedict felt more apt to trust in Sandalphon's words and actions than those of Chai or the other young woman "Mmhm, I concur." was all the tactician said as he stood by to let the two work at the console though he kept an eye trained on Peppermint with his hand gripping his cane tightly.

While keeping out of Rhino’s reach, Pit knocked a SBR down with a flying kick and finished it off with a twist of the bow, carving through its midsection. Momentarily clear of enemies he hopped back towards the L.I.F.T. He was surprised, but not disappointed to see their coordinator pop in while she was supposedly directing the other groups as well.

"Defend the platform! Roger, Halo!" He said. The Palutena Bow disappeared in a small shower of sparkles, and in their place two shields formed and floated in midair. The Guardian Orbitars swirled around Pit until he stuck his palm out towards a squad of robots. They flew to either side of him at about shoulder height, facing the opponents as golden energy began to gather in front of them. "Continuous fire!" The energy bolts shot forward. Individually they were weak but peppered like this he could keep them at bay and even destroy a few. The weapon's trump card was always an option too, ready to deploy at a moment's notice.

Pit’s resplendent barrage was just the covering fire the others needed to converge on the L.I.F.T. In a flash Giovanna arrived to stand by his side, and though Chai happened to be in a veritable mosh pit of Vandelay robots that included Volt Kraken, he quickly managed to work his way out too. He used Pickup Crash, landing two heavy attacks on one SBR before spinning his guitar vertically like a propeller, magnetically gathering scrap from busted bots as he did. When the ensuing wallop hit home, he grappled to the SBR as it hurled toward the L.I.F.T., bringing him over as well. “Whoo!” he yelled, landing with a knee slide like a rockstar. “I’m on a roll!”

“Not yet you’re not,” Peppermint muttered, rolling her eyes. Working together at the terminal with Sandalphon, the two got the L.I.F.T. ready for action in record time. A loud BANG rang out as the wheel locks disengaged, and as Vandelay bots made a run for the mobile platform it rose up from the station, its glass railings popping up into position. “There you go!” Peppermint grinned, shooting a cheeky finger gun at Chai and the Seekers as the L.I.F.T. began to move. “Expect the worst!” She then disappeared again.

“Not so fast!” Although beaten up thanks to the team’s collective efforts, Tunnel Rhino charged their way. Instead of trying to reach them himself, he grabbed Volt Kraken and gave his fellow Reploid the fastball special, hurling him through the air. Cackling as he flew, Volt Kraken extended his metal tentacles, and they crackled with electricity.

His journey came to an abrupt end as a bright blue sniper shot slammed into him and blew him clear into the far tunnel wall. Surprised, Giovanna looked over to see Sandalphon still standing by the terminal as the Vandelay units rushed toward her, a high-tech energy rifle in her arms. “Do be careful,” the archangel advised before warping out in another flash, just as the robots’ swords came down on her. The next second the L.I.F.T. and all its passengers left Security Wing 1 behind.

Though they were out of the danger zone for now, Pit couldn't quite keep still. He rocked on his heels and then tried imitating a few of Giovanna's kicks before he spoke up.

"Maybe it's because the robots are all busy fighting each other, but the mission's gone pretty good so far! Waaay easier than usual." He mimed swinging Chai's guitar-shaped club around, coming to a stop after the spin and gesturing to the man himself. "Plus we got a new friend out of it! Or two? I think I saw your cat thingy beam in a person."

He glanced at Benedict, giving the old man a cheeky grin. "Bet even you couldn't find anything bad to say so far."

The tactician huffed with a slight hint of amusement as he breathed through his nose "When it is necessary I will." Benedict said with a snort all the while he watched Peppermint and Chai closely.

“I said I’m not a cat!” The voice of the mechanic girl insisted through 808.

Chai shrugged with a good-natured smile as the wind whipped at his scarf and hair. “Hey, take it easy on ‘em, Peppermint. I’ve been with you for, like, five missions now, and even I don’t fully understand it.”

“That’s ‘cause you don’t understand anything,” his friend berated him. “And can you not tell my name to literally everyone we meet? We still don’t know if we can trust them!”

Giovanna shook her head. “Hell of a cold shoulder you got there, Pepp. Just relax, you don’t need to trust us. Think of us as two groups doing our own thing in the same area, ‘kay? We’ll settle for you guys not stabbing us in the back.”

For once Benedict had to give the agent some credit, Giovanna at least understood that outwardly these new people had no reason to trust them even if they seemed to have goals that aligned, if they would be amicable to not betraying them then their presence was beneficial.

It made the tactician a bit more amicable to the idea of Chai and Peppermint tagging along. Still he wasn't going to let down his guard.

“I dunno,” Chai said, clapping a hand on Pit’s shoulder. “I like this dude’s ‘friend’ idea way better. You guys are super cool! ‘Specially those kicks of yours, lady. Both your shoe-kicks and your kick-kicks, I mean.”

Allowing herself a smile, Gio crossed her arms. “Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself, kid.” Not knowing that Chai was twenty-five, she mistook him as being a little younger. She then turned to Pit. “What with all the wind in the tunnel here, I’m surprised you stayed upright doing those kicks a minute ago. I could show you a thing or two later if you like."

"Really? That'd be awesome!"

At that point the likes of Benedict tuned out of the conversation, uninterested in the banter and unimportant chit-chat between the Seekers and their new acquaintances, opting to stand aside and let them enjoy the time they had to talk while he mulled over things.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by DracoLunaris
Avatar of DracoLunaris

DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The Koopa Troop

wordcount: 2,407 (+3)
Bowser: Level 12 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (238/120)
Bowser Jr: Level 12 EXP: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (123/120)
Kamek: Level 12 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (115/120)
Rika: Level 8 EXP: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (49/80)
Location: The Under - Home of Tears

”Gotcha!” Bowser reassured his daughter as he caught the shipgirl after she pulled off her two times fly by of pizza face.

”Did you see that! I stabbed that pizza face in his face pizza!” Rika cheered, trying and failing to join in on the pun-ishment being inflicted on their absurd foe.

”that’s not how puns work!” Jr called out as he swept in with a squad of strikers, which crashed into the food based mooks who were trying to swarm the pair.

”Awww” Rika sighed only a little disappointed as she started casually lancing and grizco blasting mooks upon being set down onto her own two feet again by the king.

”Good effort though” Bowser encouraged her as he joined in with the carnage.

As they sliced, diced, and blasted mooks, the rest of the crew followed up with yet more strikes on the pizza face. They were so effective that in only a few more moments the boss was descending from the sky, looking ever so defeated

”Well, that was a cake walk” Bowser declared prematurely as he dusted off his claws, jinxing them to world -1 and back in the process, while Jr and Kamek both wondered why the fall looked less like a thing dying and more like a thing crashing.

Then the machine of bread and cheese popped open its face, and revealed the true form of their foe.

”Wait, so, the pizza face was secretly a different guy who also has pizza for a face? What?” Jr called out as he threw his hands up in confusion that was matched by the other koopas, but not Rika, who savantly pointed out that ”Well I mean it’s more like he has a pizza head instead of a pizza face seeing as he has a body and stuff”

Then things got weird, and what had been silly … well it kept being silly, but more of a killer clown silly instead of a regular clown silly. The sky turned orange and filled with pizza toppings, and then they all got what Jr was pretty sure were healthbars, the Koopas getting images of shells, while Rika got a weird warbling mishmash of symbols that after a few heartbeats seemed to give up and just turned into another spiky shell.

Rika declared this supernatural acknowledgment of her new family status as ”Neat” while a much more spooked Jr retorted that ”No, not neat! we’ve all only got 8 hit points or something!”

”What do you mean by that young master” Kamek enquired to which the prince replied that ”That we can only get hurt 8 times and then that’s it, game over!”

”Well doesn’t that mean he also only has 8 of these points of hitting?” Rika pointed out, which got Bowser onboard, declaring ”Yeah, then let's go pulp that pizza face back into dough!” just in time for the foe in question to summon up some reinforcements to stop them from doing so.

Bigger, nastier reinforcements this time.

While four of the monsters emitted bestial roars of one kind or another, while the fifth among them simply gazed at them with the gaping hole in its masked face. Then it reached up behind its back, and pulled the lid off a pot that it had strapped there, unleashing a steady stream of burning mask like whisps that acted like homing missiles, arching up into the air and then flying straight towards a target before exploding violently on contact.

This latter effect was discovered when one smashed head long into Bowser and, well exploded. At which point they found out exactly how right Jr had been about what the little floating icons had meant, as the ones that had attached themselves next to Bowser reappear, only for one to ‘pop off’ of its row and fall away into nothingness.

As the king grunted in pain he flashed white several times, during which more homing wisps slammed down into him, yet none of these seemed to do any additional damage till after a few seconds when the flashing ended and a second shell token got knocked off.

”Gah, make them stop!” the king demanded, unable to really take any kind of cover up on the towertop battlefield, or move fast enough to duke the shots into missing like Rika (with her projectile slowing gaze) was doing just to the right of him.

”Don’t worry papa! I can heal you” jr called out (he and Kamek apparently being further back from the grovetender saving them from being targeted) before raising up his paintbrush staff and calling out ”Cure!” and pulsing healing magics through his father’s body.

The two lost shells, however, did not come back.

”Uh oh.”

The prince tried two more times, even burning away the long cooldown Benediction in a hope it would somehow heal enough, but it was no use, and he was forced to conclude that ”I can’t heal us any more!”

As the prince discovered the greatest malus of this curse, the other two Troop members had moved to lend aid in their own way.

”Toadies, go! Intercept those masks!”Kamek commanded, summoning and sending forth magical minions to physically intercept the grovetender’s own. This not being their intended purpose however, it was a battle he rapidly started to lose a war of magical attention.

Rika’s solution was much more straightforward, one she spelled out rather simply with ”The best defense is a good offense!” while leaping to the side to avoid a whips, and then yelling ”Die thingy!” as she unleashed her nautical firepower upon it.

Rigging turret launched shells soared across the tower, crashing into the grovetender that had been advancing towards them, staggering the monster for a moment, and cutting off the stream of whisps. It also caused its own health bar to appear, and for one of the masks representing its life force to pop off of it.

It looked like everyone was playing by the same rules.

”What’s wrong, cat steal your pot lid?” Rika attempted to taunt it as she struck this first blow, tried being the operative word there.

”Try ‘serves you right for putting your hand in the cookie jar’ instead” Bowser suggested, very thankful that the wisp hail had ended, but perhaps not so concerned as he should be about being down 3 masks after the opening engagement.

”I don’t get it but ok!” Rika replied, but her reiteration of the taunt was interrupted by a warning call of ”It’s charging something!” right before the grovetender finished doing so, and unleashed another attack.

Having closed in while raining down wisps, the masked monster unleashed its other skill, a shotgun blast of 13 scorching hot chains. These lanced out, one right at Rika, nailing her in one of the arms and thereby bypassing her energy shield, while another of the stray shots hit Bowser.

Both troop members lost a shell container, and then suffered the secondary effect of the chains, namely being dragged closer to the grovetender. This would have made its rapid succession of follow up shots devastatingly effective had the invulnerability frames of the pair not been flashing.

As it was it mainly dragged them in nice and close for Bowser to drive home a rocket propelled punch into it.

”How do you like that fuzzy!” he taunted, as Rika followed up with her own punch, only for the invulnerability to be on their foe’s side now, giving it plenty of time to charge up another shotgun blast of chains while they wailed on it ineffectually.

”Dad, get back! You can’t win by just touching it out this time!” Jr cried out in warning, a statement to which Kamek added his own agreement.

Right on cue the chains slammed into the close range pair, putting him down to a measly 3, and Rika to 6, while their blows knocked it down to 5.

Even Bowser could do that math, though his son’s warning had been what actually made him actually stop to do said math.

”Time to go!” he announced grabbing Rika and then leaping backwards, cannons on his shell deploying and firing to blast him back with additional recoil like Rika often did.

”Hey, I could have toughed it out!” the ship girl, who had also done the math, complained, but her papa retorted ”And leave you with one hit left? Not a chance. We’ll still have plenty to do after this shmucks’ done!”

Of course, the grovetender wasn’t going to let them get away that easily, the masked monster firing off another chain of chainshots at them. Rika saw it coming this time, and as the first once lanced close, she summoned her cloyster to use protection, nullifying the attack. Then her Knight to do the same for the next with his shield, but the final striker she had at her disposal had no shield, and so the war cleric was dragged in, sparing them from being grappled, but not her from harm.

Then they were skidding along the ground as Bowser made a landing.

”Your woundednesses, please stay back, we shall take it from here” Kamek told the pair, as the two smaller uninjured troop members took to the fore.

”Yeah, because I’ve got an idea!” Jr added as he tossed up a pokeball, and summoned Dazzle the Poppilo to the field (with the mon getting his own 8 pokeball icons upon entering the cursed zone).

”It’s time to fight fire with water! Dazzle, use your watergun on the flaming masks” he commanded as the grovetender again unleashed its wisp swarm.

The mon did just this, blowing up a trio of bubbles of water from its nose, tossing them up, and then skillfully swatting them with his tail, sending them sailing fourth to strike home, extinguishing the burning lifeforce of the masks and causing them to drop from the sky.

Those masks were only the vanguard of many coming however, and while Kamek sent a reserve of toadies forth to collide with 4 more, after that he was out of reserves.

”You gotta shoot faster!” Jr demanded of his pokemon, but the attempt to follow this commanded mainly caused one of the next three shots to miss as the mon cracked under pressure, allowing a whips to crash home and knock a hitpoint off both of them

”What;s the matter with you, I could hit those no problem!” the prince berated the mon as more shots rained down onto their flashing forms as they pulled themselves back to their feet, only to have an idea.

A moment later, out of the smoke cloud caused by the exploding masks shot another water gun shot, nailing the next mask. Then in quick succession another shot, and another and another, as the smoke cleared and revealed Dazzle and Jr working together, the Popilo serving his bubbles to his trainer, who then used his paintbrush to bat them forward, nailing mask after mask with extinguishing strikes.

”Told you it was easy!” jr insisted, even as his arms rapidly got tired from the swinging.

”I got your back son!” Bowser declared from behind opened up with his own shoulder cannons, shooting twin dosing streams of water from them.

”Me too! Get flak you dumb masks!” Rika called out as she too joined in, her grizco blaster shooting out large air bursting shots of goop that also did the job.

”Well done your extingishingnesses!” Kamek praised the royals, before turning his attention away from making minions for interception, and instead to launching spells at the grovetender itself, correctly guessing that his weakest ones would do, and saving mana by doing so bit simply tagging it with basic spell blasts.

Four, and then three masks remained, and then the tender switched track again, charging forwards and charging chains. Forewarned however, the troop took this as a cue to back up, retreating well out of shotgun range. Then they switched back to shooting down the whisps when it switched tactics back, and another mask fell as they slowly backed up. Just when they thought they had things down however, they ran out of tower top to run across.

Bowster’s steel boots tethered on the edge of the tower, and though there wasn’t much of a drop, what with 99% of it being buried in the ground, it was just enough to get them to pause, and for the grovetender to get into chain shotgun range.

The chains lashed out, catching and dragging in Kamek, Jr and Dazzle in. All three lashed out as they were pulled in, popping off the next to last mask (as well as plenty of redundant damage), before the grovetender proved itself to have the capacity to learn, as it used its hands to swat at them rather than charging at more, the pathetic strikes still chipping away at their hp reserves.

”We got you!” Rika called out as she, held by Bowser for support, launched her grappling hook and grabbed Jr. The prince in turn grabbed Dazzle, hooking his tail under an arm while his arm was wrapped around his body.

While Kamek simply teleported back, the prince was pulled away, only to be faced with the same peril Bowser and Rika had been, and with no damage blocking strikers to his name. Only a paint brush and an armful of sea lion pokemon

”Oh wait” he said, before commanding ”sing that thing it’s swan song” as he lifted the pokemon up a little so its snout was pointing right at the grovetender, and lightly squeezing him. From the mouth of the mon shot a beam of pink sound waves, which struck the grovetender right before it finished charging.

The last mask fell, and with it, so did the monster.

Jr skidded to a halt, caught by his dad’s claw to prevent him from backspiking Rika, and then stood up. He was about to put down dazzle again, when he had second thoughts, and instead slipped the paintbrush under his front to act as support, now holding the pokemon like a living cannon.

”Yeah, that works” he decided, before the troop formed up, with Bowser uncharacteristically at the back of their formation.

”Alright troop, let’s get that pizza head weirdo!” the king roared, gaining a round of affirmations from the rest as before they went charging back across the tower towards their foe.

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Dark Cloud
Avatar of Dark Cloud

Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Online

Wordage: Less than 750 words (+1 points)
Experience: 14/20 EXP
Location: (The Under) Pizza Tower

The hulking warrior snorted, frowning at the laughter of his fellow Seeker he clearly didn't quite get exactly how insulting the honor of a floating pizza pie could be seen as something laughably absurd. Absurd or not, with a dismissive shrug Artorias grunted and brought his golden bottle of Estus to his lips, giving the healing draught a swig.

With the likes of the big and laughably nefarious looking Pizza Face, covered in odd welts and bruises being pelted by magic and other things alike Artorias considered it the end of the fight, satisfied he had turned the golden flask disappearing as he knelt to retrieve Finstertöter from where he left it.

”Hello, hello.”

The knights hands had only just wrapped around the hilt of the knicked and chipped blade laid out on the rough stone floor of the tower’s peak, Artorias' head tilted slightly with only his shining blue eyes and teeth visible behind the veil of his helmet but to those who could tell the knight looked livid, slowly growling as his grip tightened around his sword almost audibly cracking it with the sheer rage that was slowly overcoming him. Pizza Face though defeated was only naught but a contraption for the true opponent to step from the smoke was Pizza Head.

"Ridiculous," Artorias snarled through gritted teeth, this nonsense was beginning to wear at his nerves so he spat angrily as he turned fully "You should-" Artorias slowly moved as he spoke, with a controlled fury to his movements before he opened his mouth "-BE DEAD!" roaring Artorias lost it, the enraged knight began closing distance at an alarmingly swift pace rushing full-on into the enemy like a bull seeing red.

Slamming into the side of the Ogre that bellowed out in protest, yet the brute didn't budge only skidding back on his squat legs slamming the ground angrily with a gem covered club, the knight only narrowly rolling out of the way. Artorias responded in kind swinging his blade in quick succession one hand slashing and punching the monster.

Unceremoniously, his vicious blows proved more than the brute could handle and with a monstrous groan it fell with a loud thud onto the ground. With the ogre dealt with the knight breathed raggedly turning his wild eyes to focus on one target: Pizza Head.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Archmage MC
Avatar of Archmage MC

Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

Vandelay Campus - Production

Location: Midgar Sector 06, the City of Glass
Roland’s @Archmage MC, Partitio’s @Dark Cloud, Goldlewis Dickinson, Sandalphon
Word Count: 3818 (+4)

Though not the fastest man around, Goldlewis could make slow and steady progress thanks to his double-jump and airdash. He couldn’t clamber around while carrying his coffin, and it plus his weight meant any one-handed catches might spell disaster, so he made sure to choose the least-risky avenue of ascent.

On the way up, he called Sandalphon again. “Come in, Halo,” he hailed her, his voice betrayed some of the strain of continuous physical activity.

“Reading you, Mustang.”

“Call me old-fashioned, but I like to know who I’m workin’ with.” Pausing a moment after a big jump to wipe his brow, he took a deep breath. “Any chance you could tell me more about yourself?”

“If you like.” Sandalphon’s reply was matter-of-fact. “For a long time I served as the combat coordinator and sigil-bound archangel for the leader of the Apostles, the elite unit of the Northern Illian Church in Grams. Some time after the catastrophe that befell our city, however, I ended up here in Midgar instead, working among the Sankta of the Lateran Church in Piltover, which you might know as Sector 01. While I had a lot in common with the Sankta and worked well alongside their Apostolic Knights, earning their goodwill in return, I felt it necessary to take a more proactive role against the Ever Crisis. DespoRHado did not quite live up to my expectations, but since enlisting I have worked to increase its efficiency and reform the organization from within.”

After himself up onto a ledge, Goldlewis shifted the weight of his coffin onto his other shoulder and rubbed the soreness out of the original. “The Lateran Church, huh? Guess that makes sense, you bein’ an angel and all. It’s easy bein’ laid-back when you got that much firepower; those guns of theirs are nothin’ to sneeze at.”

“Indeed,” Sandalphon replied. “Not only is the Lateran Church Midgar’s leading manufacturer of firearms, but every Sankta is required by law to own a patron firearm for self-defense. Their empathetic racial trait and all-governing Law ensure the peace, but they also ensure that anyone without such traits…can only ever get so close.”

Goldlewis couldn’t speak to that himself, but he felt like he understood the archangel’s decision. “Mm-hm.” With a final effort, he heaved himself over the black-and-yellow stripes and into Plant 04.

Inside lay a hideously tangled mess of assemblers, conveyor belts, splitters, joiners, power lines, poorly designed and bottlenecked in several places, with a large square elevator platform way over on the opposite side. Worse still, there were no elevated walkways or even clear ways through the plant, forcing everyone to squeeze through, climb over, and jump between the conveyors and machinery, with assembly arms and conveyors stopping and starting unpredictably. Goldlewis heaved a sigh and got to work.

”Well, I guess it's time to start climbing.” Roland said, sighing as well as he began to climb. Unlike Goldlewis though, Roland was much better at climbing due to his nimbleness, even if he was complaining just as much. Roland jumped from conveyor to conveyor, making sure he got a steady foothold before he continued onto the next one. When a machine arm tried to stop him on the third conveyor, Roland just sliced it with his weapon to make it stop, not wanting to have to deal with it possibly knocking him off.

Bringing up the rear, Partitio didn't have the edge of the big man's jumps or Roland’s knack at climbing but the merchant knew a thing or three about rough terrain. The Wildlands back home were rife with bluffs and cliffs to climb for a pioneer to traverse, so this wasn't too difficult for Partitio, but as he climbed methodically he lagged a bit behind the others.

”This is dangerous, are you sure this is the safest way?” Roland said as he hopped to his next conveyor belt, not liking having to move around so much heavy machinery.

"Hoo-wee…You can say that again." the merchant called out to Roland sounding out of breath as he did his best to not get hit by the haywire machinery. Just in case he had his machine spear in hand, to strike at a mechanical arm if it got too friendly with him.

“Judging by the rate at which this plant’s factories are producing, I’m estimating an approximate efficiency rate of twenty-six percent,” Sandalphon mentioned, her typically calm tone tinged by disgust. “Give or take. That means they’re just spinning their wheels about seventy-four percent of the time. Despicable.”

Goldlewis nearly stumbled off a conveyor line as it suddenly lurched beneath him, and only narrowly avoided a fall as his attempt to steady himself met with a set of metal beams headed to an assembler for processing. With a frustrated groan he hopped down to the floor. “What a doggone pigsty,” he grumbled as he ducked underneath a conveyor, then climbed up to jump from splitter to joiner to cross a needlessly complicated manifold. Any route the Seekers took was bound to be dangerous, but ‘bothersome’ was another story. Toward the end, his progress came to a dead stop when faced with a solid wall of conveyors and lifters, all shuffling various items around at a snail’s pace as space in the connected machines became available one unit at a time. As far as Goldlewis could tell, there wasn’t any space big enough for him to fit. “Aw, to hell with it,” his spat, readying his coffin. “We’ll be doin’ whatever dolt designed this a favor by tearin’ it down.”

Without hesitation he began to clear out the plant’s clogged arteries, demolishing them one backed-up conveyor at a time with his mighty fail’s giant swings. He bashed, bent, and broke the array of poorly-conceived machinery until it was barely standing, then produced a Thunderbird grenade to blow the pile of shoddy workmanship to pieces. It all came tumbling down in a tremendous noise, and the discontinued conveyors -suddenly free of obstruction- started spewing out batteries, motors, insulated wire bundles, and boxes of screws like reservoirs through broken dams. Quickly the destruction began to cascade through the system, causing assemblers to jam up and precariously-stacked transport equipment to buckle and fall. Still, the destruction opened the path to the exit, and all three hurried to get on. Only after coming to a stop did Goldlewis, much to his astonishment, spot that same KUT-WAN dog squeezing under a conveyor to gallop over and sit down next to him on the elevator. The veteran shook his head. “Still followin’ us? You got some brass balls on ya, boy.”

The KUT-WAN just barked, its tail pipe wagging. Goldlewis reached down, picked it up, and put it on his massive shoulder. “There ya go, you’ll be safer here. ‘Til we get into another fight, anyhow.”

After everyone boarded, it ascended in a blistering burst of speed, stopping and starting between floors two and three until the lift reached the roof and stopped so abruptly that everyone flew into the air. “Whoa-oa-oa!” Goldlewis howled, flailing his arms as he reached the apex of his arc. As he hung in midair, he got an admittedly spectacular view of the Vandelay Campus in the light of day, from the distant Vandelay Building that rose from the Atrium to the volcano atop R&D to the Dendemille Showcase theater. Then he landed with a grunt. “Hah!” he exhaled. “Gets the blood pumpin’, don’t it?”

”A bit unnecessary though?” Roland said, looking back at the huge mess Goldlewis left behind. ”I just hope that the poor line workers gotta clean that up tomorrow.” He then sighed before saying. ”That's that and this is this.” and while not far behind the merchant called after "What in the heck was all that-" Partitio's hollering was cut short as he tripped and fell, thankfully not a long fall only onto his posterior but he grunted and as he dusted himself off he sighed "Darn it…At this rate I ain't got no chance of keeping up."

“Your destination is the tower on the left,” Sandalphon instructed the team. “The one with the yellow and red stripes. My androids just reported that Sundowner is closing in–he’s been carving his way through the Production Center’s assembly lines. Hurry!”

Between here and there was at least half a mile of rooftops, covered with all kinds of external machinery and connected by a labyrinth of teal pipes, steel rails, and hanging cables. Both DespoRHado and Vandelay soldiers could be found littered throughout, usually in the process of destroying one another. Bomb-chucking AIR-1Ns flew around the buildings, helping to highlight targets for the Vandelay Sniper Joes to lock onto. DespoRHado’s cyborgs came armed with Sliders to help them fly around, though, as well as agile Raptor packs to help them hunt down and rip apart their enemies. The Seekers had their work cut out for them.

Looking down, Roland said. ”Be careful you two, that is quite the fall.” With that said, Roland made his way along the precarious footholds. Thanks to his distortion mask and silent movement due to his gloves, it was rare that any of the patrolling cyborgs even glanced at Roland’s position, with those that did soon forgetting what they were doing once Roland moved out of their line of sight. Of course, most of them were paying more attention to the Vandelay bots, anyway. Out of the three, Roland had the easiest time getting to their destination when it came to not attracting attention to himself.

Climbing, straddling, and scaling up and down the various pipes, rails, and cables, Roland found that he was the first to make it to a good destination. Being in such a spot, Roland decided to pull out his gun and give the other two an overwatch if they needed it. His bullets would only tickle from such a great distance, but it could get enemy attention which he could hide from if needed.

With Goldlewis neither the most agile nor inclined to trust the freight rails, since even if they could hold his weight and he could somehow hold his weight a bunch of freight could plow into him either from behind or in front at any second, the former Secretary of Defense needed to find a different way. He ran past noisy, overclocked AC units and small groups of chatty VA-SER units slacking off on the rooftops, not stopping to read any of the blue PDAs left lying around nor the scrolling display screens. The Production rooftops were a visual mess, its workings lively to the point of being boisterous, but on closer inspection everything seemed to be operating along a certain upbeat rhythm. Crane platforms, lifts, bridges, pistons, steam vents, even the flashing lights. Once Goldlewis stopped working against it, navigation got a bit easier.

Out of the other two, compared to Roland and Goldlewis their merchant ally wasn't as strong or agile as either of them. He struggle to keep up with them though not for lack of trying, for what he did lack in those departments he made up for in stamina. Cussing quietly as he worked his way past the same AC units Goldlewis had, he hit a bit of a snag as his coat got caught in the fan thankfully only ripping the hemming slightly but doing nothing to keep him from being any less conspicuous for a man straddling a vent, looking up Partitio glanced between Roland and the VA-SER units "Pssst, give a feller a hand." the merchant whispered urgently.

Offering a hand, Roland pulled the poor merchant up. ”We’ve gotta get you a rock climbing wall or something.” Roland said, noticing the difficulty Partitio was having with climbing

"So you're tellin' me folks would pay for rocks to climb?" well wonders never cease it seemed, it gave Partitio a bit of a chuckle "I tell ya, things here in this world are pretty darn strange." he muttered to himself with a shake of his head before continuing on with both Goldlewis and Roland.

The loudspeaker system came online with a harsh noise so that a tired-sounding robot voice could deliver an announcement. “Reminder: To compensate for Project Armstrong Flow, a new day of the week was added. Please note, on this additional day of the week, working is mandatory.”

That made Goldlewis pause halfway across a walkway he’d just extended to blink in confusion. “What in tarnation…?” Roland could only roll his eyes at such a stupid thing, although no one could see that behind his mask. Partitio just shook his head in disbelief, he wasn't surprised that a big company would make up some nonsense day just to increase work but it also angered him a little, but the merchant didn't linger instead following a bit closer to Goldlewis.

A few moments later, Goldlewis came to a series of what looked like miniature water towers. A little precarious, but nothing he couldn’t jump and airdash across. “Well, here goes nothin’.” Unfortunately the moment he landed on the first tower, it creaked alarmingly, and he froze in place. The next second one of its supports buckled beneath it, and its weight did the rest. “DAMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!” He fell all the way to a lower section, hollering the whole time. he slid down a sloped roof and slammed down on one of two suspended cargo containers, and though it swayed wildly its cables held. “Gah!” Goldlewis spat, getting to his knees.

“Mustang, are you alright?” Sandalphon asked. “Please respond.”

“I…I’m fine,” the veteran groused. When he got to his feet, however, he was forced to admit otherwise. These cargo containers hung over a large open lot in front of the QA center, full of forklifts and organized stacks of supplies ready to be shipped out across production as needed. Right now though, it hosted an all-out brawl between Vandelay robots (mostly GNRs backed up by a trio of hulking, bubble-shielded BA-B00s with mitts almost as big as their torsos) and DespoRHado forces, including both cyborgs and doll-like androids with a mooing Gekko as the main course. As he watched, a stray shot hit one of the container’s cables, severing it and leaving the other three sorely taxed. “Aw, hell!” he moaned. “I might need a li’l help down here!”

Roland could only sigh as he made his way down to the water towers that Goldlewis fell through, responding to his call for help. In order to pull some of the cyborgs that were going to investigate the loud noise, Roland shot one that was heading there, before hiding himself and making his way to Goldlewis, the cyborg investigating the area where he was shot but going to find no one there. It would only keep the attention of one of them, but that was one less enemy they had to deal with.

Finding his way to where Goldlewis fell, Roland looked down on all the horrible stuff down below in the industrial yard. ”Pssh…. You got yourself in a lot of trouble huh.” Roland said. He looked around, noticing the crane that held the container Goldlewis was standing on. Seeing the battle below, it would be best that Goldlewis didn’t fall into the middle of that mess. Using his stealth, Roland made his way down by climbing a strut and across the catwalks to the crane controls. Giving Goldlewis a motion about his plan, Roland fiddled with the controls to try to get him away from the fight below and somewhere along the upper catwalks out of danger, or at least somewhere that didn’t lead to him falling into the mess below.

After a few false starts in wrong directions, with Goldlewis waving to Roland to hurry as more stray shots, explosions, and flying mechanical parts imperiled him, the dangling container began to ascend away from the brawl. A prominent lever also got the cargo trolley moving down the crane’s boom and closer to the mast where Roland was working the giant machine from the operator cabin. “Whew,” the veteran breathed, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. A few moments later the container came to a stop next to the mast, swaying mildly, and with a jump and an airdash Goldlewis landed on a catwalk. “Close call,” he remarked brusquely as his new ally exited the cabin, jabbing a thumb at the wrecked liquid storage tower. Silvery alumina solution spilled out from its wreckage where it had fallen. “Crappy worksmanship’s what that is,” he grumbled. “Don’t fancy that Partitio feller’s chances.” He cast one last glance at the QA center, which seemed big and important, but ultimately out of his way. “Let’s get moving.”

Up above the said merchant put his index finger, and middle finger into his mouth and whistled shrilly "Dang it, I'm up here fellers! Ain't gonna make it down without breaking my dang legs." he held out his hands in a placating gesture, not sure what to do short of falling to either his doom or an injury that no amount of rest could cure. Unsure of how to proceed he did his best to leap to a container in the air, almost losing his grip on the cable as he swung from it but at least he was a bit closer to the ground than before "Oh, maybe-" the merchant began to say reaching out to a loose hanging cable yet was cut short as he lost his grip and fell.

“Partitio!” Goldlewis whipped around, but he knew he’d never reach in time. Instead he slammed his coffin down, popping open the lid. “UMA!” In reply, the alien’s long, skinny arms reached out from the celestial void within, three of them snatching the merchant by the arm as he fell past. The sudden stop in momentum wrenched his arm painfully, but at least he wouldn’t be hitting the ground. Quickly the UMA hauled him up and laid him down on the catwalk before vanishing back into the coffin, which it closed from the inside.

Partitio groaned, feeling his arm he breathed a sharp breath through his teeth "Ah hell." the merchant seethed in pain, lifting himself slowly from the floor.

The merchant gave the big man a weak smile "Thank ye' kindly mister. Really-" Partitio grunted, pushing his arm to set the bone as he used his ability to recover his health to ease the pain "Saved my skin. Certainly owe you a drink." his ability wouldn't heal the injury, it was fortunate however that it was at least superficial and only a slight fracture else he wouldn't have been in any shape to use it.

They moved from the catwalk to a larger walkway, then toward the last factory complex separating them from their destination. Inside were huge conveyor belts with assembly presses big and strong enough to pancake cars. At first it looked like there would be no way to go but straight through it, but Goldlewis spotted an external conveyor lift transporting what looked like circuits to a higher level, open to the air and everything. He grabbed onto a platter as it appeared, propped his foot on one three down, and despite the lifter’s protesting groans found himself gradually elevated upward. After a bit he jumped off again before he could be pulled into and crushed by the machinery, landing on a balcony overlooked. Stepping through the door confronted him with a big rectangular pit surrounded on all sides by huge fans, probably some sort of cooling facility for the whole plant. On the other side he could see the Production head’s office with its scrolling purple ticker, towering over the factory. Unfortunately, the walkways and ramps that spanned it didn’t go the whole way. Goldlewis stopped where the bridge gave way, his brows furrowed as he examined the network of branching pipes that rose up from the coolant reservoir down below like giant trees. Some of the pipe lids barely held on, and he could see pressure release valves everywhere.

”Why is it you always choose the most dangerous way? Do you have a death wish?” Roland said, poking fun at the situation as if it was another precarious one. ”So what's your plan to get across this one now?”

Goldlewis shot a look at the man. “You wanna head downstairs and dodge through the factory line, be my guest, smartass.” Old and experienced the veteran might be, but he wasn’t above trying to prove himself. After another moment of thinking, he set his coffin down and cracked open the lid. The UMA handed him his Skyfish minigun, and once Goldlewis took aim, he squeezed off a quick burst at one of the valves. When he did, a nearby pipe cap went sailing upward on a geyser of steam, hung there for a solid two seconds, then clattered back down into place as the steam relented. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Given the sheer weight of the minigum, though, it would be very difficult for him to both maneuver around and fire it.

”Ok settle down, gramps. I won't stop you if you want to do it like this.” Roland said, giving another smartass answer as he saw what Goldlewis was thinking. ”I’ll get the steam hatches open and flying, you just make sure you don’t slip again.” Roland then pulled out his gun and took aim at the barely holding steam caps and got ready to shoot. ”I will say one good thing about this city, unlike the city I came from, bullets are cheap and plentiful. No Head putting an obscene tax on ammo.” Roland remarked as he shot the first pipe, then the second, then the third, and so on as Goldlewis made his jumps. Once the veteran reached the top, it was time for him to return the favor. He took a bit longer cycling around between vantage points, but plenty of bullets and not much spread meant that Goldlewis could trigger the same pressure releases to get Roland up to join him.

“Made it!” he wheezed afterward, putting the Skyfish away. The KUT-WAN still clinging to his shoulder rubbed its head against the man’s whiskery cheek, and Goldlewis patted him in turn. He gave Roland a stiff nod, then turned to face the corridor leading out of the building. “How’s it lookin’, Halo?”

“Most of the androids with Sundowner were destroyed as he made his way through,” Sandalphon replied. “I believe he’s riding an elevator up to Rekka’s office as we speak, however. Hurry and you’ll just make it.”

Goldlewis nodded. “Roger.” He squinted at the shiny blue glass that crowned the Production office’s face, unable to imagine a more direct route inside from this altitude than that. “It’s go time, folks.” After a deep breath he took off running down the hall toward the balcony on the far side.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Archmage MC
Avatar of Archmage MC

Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (81/100)
Location: The Under - Pizza Tower
Word Count: Less than 750

This so called "Pizza face" really wasn't all that difficult to take down. That was, until it opened up and showed itself to be a mech. A mech driven by... "What is THAT hideous creature?" Sectonia said, even more repulsed as he seemed to grab through solid earth before pulling up more creatures of equally hideuousness. That and his horrible movements and motions...

"I will not stand such an abomination to be in our way." Sectonia said, starting the fight by throwing her large rings of light. While the large rings scattered across the battlefield, weaving, wobbling, and zig zagging all about, Pizza Head and his... alien motions gave him the proper movement to dodge the randomly moving rings. With a hop, step, even some jazz hands, Pizza face jumped, danced, and even stood still to dodge the random rings as if he could see where they were going to be. That or perhaps he was insane as he pointed and laughed at the queen bees attempts to hit him.

This didn't help Sectonia's mood at all, and as Pizza Face was laughing at her attempts, Sectonia used her blink ability to blink over him and with a staff in her hand, bombarded him with her dark lightning. He stood there, laughing as lightning hit him, until eventually, either due to his power or poor mental faculties, reacted with a yelp as he jumped out of the way. At least it could feel her wrath. Not wanting to miss an opportunity to strike the fool down, Sectonia swapped her staff out for her swords and charged to slash the pizza man. Pizza head in return countering with an oversized boxing glove, knowing Sectonia back and hurting... quite a lot? it was as if she took 7 more blows of that caliber she'd be done for.

And again, after doing his move, he pointed and laughed at the queen, dropping his guard entirely. Sectonia used this opportunity to slash as him from behind with an overhead swing coming out of her blink, which again, Pizza head seemed to feel. Apparently this creatures own insanity caused him to drop his own guard...

Her other cohorts were likewise dealing with the summons that this Pizza Head pulled out form nowhere relatively fine, leaving Sectonia and a few others to deal with the big guy himself.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Zoey Boey
Avatar of Zoey Boey

Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Vandelay Campus - Finance

Location: Midgar Sector 06, the City of Glass
Blazermate’s @Archmage MC, Zenkichi’s @Multi_Media_Man, Karin’s @Zoey Boey, Sandalphon
Word Count: 7159 (+8)

While the other teams scattered in order to reach their various destinations, those who opted to join the fray in Finance were faced with a relatively straightforward path laid out before them. Their objective lay within the confines of the most high-profile building on the Vandelay Campus, the absolutely colossal ‘V’ whose two prongs stretched up into the heavens from the iconic glass-domed atrium, itself a massive edifice to begin with. To get there, Zenkichi ended up retracing some of the steps he took last night along the road to Dendemille Theater, only to turn right and proceed along the main thoroughfare to the atrium with Blazermate and Karin at his back. While the detective and the heiress might contend for the position of leadership in this little squad, Zenkichi at least possessed one tangible advantage: the fact that Sandalphon routed her communication line through him, tinged as he was by the supernatural.

“The office of the Head of Finance is very high up within the atrium, and his private elevator is inaccessible,” Sandalphon told them over her magic connection, after explaining that she and this team would go by the codenames Halo and Hardline respectively. “While Khamsin can’t reach it on his own, he told us he had an idea, and refused to elaborate. His team has already inside the Atrium and have entrenched themselves against waves of robots fresh from Security. You’ll have to fight through them in order to reach Khamsin.”

True to her word, the wide-open thoroughfare leading to the Atrium sported some of the fiercest fighting in the entire Campus. Khamsin had apparently hogged a huge portion of the DespoRHado assault force for himself, including Gekkos and Grads, and Vandelay had trotted out an appropriate response. Rather than typical GNR and SBR units, this taskforce featured SBR-CUR swordfighters with red-hot blades and flame-throwing GNR-FL0 units, backed up by burning BL-1Z5 boxers with fists of fury as strong as they were fast, and airborne VU-REV bombers with wings of flame. Therefore, as one might expect, the well-trimmed lawns, flowers, and hedges were all on fire. The defensive line formed by DespoRHado in front of the Atrium’s main entrance meant that Vandelay’s robots lay between the Seekers and their goal. It was a blazing battlefield, and it looked like the Seekers would need to wade right through it.

”Goodness…” Karin said as she ran, watching the war in front of her. She frowned at the sight of the burning flowers. ”What a shame.”

”I can give us cover for a time if I heal you all up first.” Blazermate said, healing her allies and herself with some overheal and getting a projectile shield ready to give the team cover as they passed over the lawn on fire. There wasn’t really much point in summoning her striker yet.

Karin looked at her body thrumming with healing energy. ”Marvelous, Miss Blazermate.” Standing by a tree, she regarded the battlefield thoughtfully.

”I don’t see any way around it, I’m afraid. Any enemy we bypass will shoot us in the back, and any enemy we haven’t passed yet will gun us down from the front. We’ll just have to carve a path through both sides, with Miss Blazermate protecting us from any enemy we aren’t currently engaged with. ” That was her plan, anyway. No one here, as far as she could tell, possessed the ability to slip through a battlefield unnoticed.

”Mister Zenkichi, I recognize a fighter when I see one. I assume you are up for this task?” She asked with a wry smile.

"Of course," Zenkichi replied coolly, "These old bones aren't that worn down just yet. A few robots is nothing." With a deep breath, his semi-professional outfit was replaced with the gunslinger-themed Phantom Thief attire he fought in, and he smirked. "This Wolf is ready to hunt."

And he would have ample opportunity. As the newcomers approached, a GNR-FL0 on overwatch spotted them, and he sounded the alarm. “We got incoming!” A whole bunch of the fiery SBR variants turned on the Seekers without delay, quickly forming up in bombastic fashion. They flipped and somersaulted to assemble themselves into a dynamic battle formation, landing in flashy action poses. Of course, some of them flubbed the maneuver and ended up knocking into one another, causing a petty squabble that quickly spread through the whole squad.

“Idiots!” A single BL-1Z5 punched the air at high speed, drawing oxygen into his furnace to set his fists ablaze in a burst of flame. “Get them!” Grumbling, the smaller robots put their differences aside and obliged, the GNRs staying back to spray streams of fire while the SBRs closed in with burning swords at the ready.

As the fight began, Sandalphon’s voice reached them. “Be advised. At low health, these units will Overcombust, shrugging off hits while they chase you down to detonate on top of you. Their leader will split the battlefield with walls of fire. If you can, extinguish his flames.”

”Thank you!” Karin said to their advisor, running forward. Those sword units seemed predictable. She assumed they would swing the first chance they got. She sprinted forward to meet the first foe and then dashed back, her momentum reversing on a dime to bait out a swing. Then she dashed back in a delivered a brutal series of advancing palm strikes into the bots metal body before sending it flying with an elbow towards its fellows that followed behind.

Blazermate meanwhile kept her healing beam on whoever was pushing forward first, letting them absorb some light hits that might get through. Hearing about the exploders, Blazermate had ways of blocking said explosion, notably her projectile shield and even an ubercharge if it was needed. It was a bit of a shame that they were fighting only robots here, she kind of wanted to make some zombies that could help out, but right now she was on healing duty and that was all she was doing. It was too dangerous to go for the purgatory cracks right now, even if the exploding ghosts would help a lot.

Zenkichi ran forward, greatsword resting on his shoulder as he went right past the flaming sword-wielding machines, taking a few light hits in the process, and charging down the GNRs in the back. Grunting as he hefted his blade and brought it down on one of the shooters that hadn't broken formation, he followed up with a stab through the downed soldier's body, disabling it and kicking it to the side before moving on to send its allies following in its footsteps. Even as flames washed over his overhealed body, he didn't complain, more than used to shrugging off minor damage as he fought through hordes of enemies with the Phantom Thieves.

Finished off by the greatsword's deadly stroke before it could activate its Overcombust, the SBR-CUR never rose from the spot where Karin’s bare-handed assault deposited it. More than a little spooked by the ruthlessly efficient display, the four GNR-FL0s spread out to either side in an effort to surround Zenkichi, as well as gain some distance. He could chase down and wreck one, sure, but that’d give the others the moment they needed to burn through his overheal and into his health. As his underlings split, the Blaze made its move two. It executed a powerful low uppercut, scraping his fiery knuckles along the ground before swinging upward to send a flaming furrow through the concrete walkway. In a flash a wall of flame split the battlefield in half, and the Blaze did not hesitate to advance through it to back up the two remaining SBR-CURs facing off against Karin.

”I see.” She saw Zenkichi vanish from her sight with a wall of flame. She eyed the trio of killer robots in front of her coolly. ”So the three of you have chosen to face me alone? I suppose self-preservation isn’t cost effective programming. Karin said, running her hand through her golden hair coils.

Honestly though, being separated from Zenkichi and Blazermate wasn’t ideal. She might have to figure out a way to push through it. Karin dashed to the left, the wind separating visibly around her. She made to put the robot on her left between her and the other two bots, so they would have to get around their comrade before attacking her. Her leg snapped out into the ankle of the Saber bot, and she stepped forward and turned her shoulder into it, moving to get past the sword and crunch her back into the bot. ”Orochi!” After that she made to snatch its sword arm by the wrist and glance over her and the bots shoulder to see what its allies were up to. While the other SBR hung back for a moment, perhaps knowing what was in store, the Blaze went full offense, rushing Karin down with a flurry of fiery punches.

”Hmph.” Karin turned and maneuvered the SBR into the way of the flurry of blows, ensuring Blaze would pummel his subordinate instead of her. She popped the loosened sword up into the air, jumped to meet it, and elegantly flung it towards Blaze. It span quickly to cut into him. The bot stumbled backwards and she approached. They exchanged blows. Every time the Saber unit tried to get close, she circled around, putting the Blaze unit between it. When Blaze unit thought her movement was getting predictable and wound up a swing, she dropped onto her palm and shot her legs forward, eyes closing confidently as she shattered the big bots kneecap. Saber brought its sword down and it clashed with her forearm. It swung and she traced the tip with her eyes, stepping from side to side. It brought a sword horizontally and she prepared. She caught the blade between her palms with a crack of ki. Seemingly with no effort, she used her arms like a scissor and twisted it out of the Saber units hands. ”Predictable~” She cooed smugly.

As the Blaze unit clambered onto its feet, slow in mobility but still high in power, she crushed the Saber unit with a series of palm strikes. It flew to the ground and went into Overcombust, ready to squeeze a few more dollars out of its creation process. Karin aimed her hand and fired her grapple hook to the Overcombusting bots chassis, and then attached the other end to the big boxer bot. Karin had gained plenty of experience fighting enemies that exploded with no regard for their own safety down below the city. They were never particularly gifted with any amount of intelligence- otherwise, they would probably choose to live! The thought made her chuckle.

“What the-!” The moment the Saber flew toward him, the Blaze realized what was about to happen and clamped his jaw. “Hrrgh!” At just the right moment he parried his incoming ally, rebuffing it long enough to ram his fist into its chassis with an upset punch and flip it over his body. The Saber slammed into the ground and bounced away, then promptly detonated in the air. Rumbling, he turned back to confront Karin, fire welling up in his forearms. He slammed the ground, unleashing a quick but weak wave that could still knock someone over, before pumping his fists in a dramatic ultimatum, complete with flashy red background and pop up text. He then struck five poses, moving like a Tokusatsu hero. He first extending his left arm to the right, then right arm to the left, then both fists up and crossed, then forward, then side-facing with one pulled back. After the fifth pose he zoomed straight toward Karin with a trail of flame to unleash five mighty corresponding blows.

Karin had dropped into a crouch, the quick wave dispersing as she slid backwards slightly. The robot began to pose, and Karin raised an eyebrow. She took the moment to carefully advance, not wanting to get baited into over-extending by a taunting opponent. When the boxing bot blazed towards her, her caution proved well warranted. The blows smashed against her arms as she deflected most of the force, her boots grinding into the concrete. This wouldn’t do.

”Ressencho!” She spent most of the V-Meter she had gained thus far on a V-Reversal. Blocking one strike, there was a streak of white light and a darkening of the surrounding air for a brief moment. Karin glided past the next oncoming fist and then stepped into a defensive elbow strike. While it would only deal a small amount of temporary gray damage, it had force and knockback to let Karin turn the tide on her attacker. Karin dashed forward and kicked the boxer, looking to wear him down and prevent it from starting up any big, hard hitting attacks like that again. No big dramatic walls of flame, ground pounds, or posing. She aimed to dent his chassis one practiced strike at a time and force a mistake. Eventually he obliged, forcing his way through a non-committal kick to crush the ground where Karin had just been standing. Leaping over his head she brought her leg down like an axe onto his back, kicked the back of his knee and then popped his heavy body into the air with a Tenko palm strike. She followed it up with another one, yelling as she put all her force into the follow-up strike, cracking the concrete with a gust of wind. In a shower of sparks the boxer flew away, no longer able to fight. With one final flourish, Karin turned her attention to the flame wall and her ally on the other side of it.

Shaking his head as the gunners tried to surround him, Zenkichi tutted. ”No good fighter is a one-trick pony. Valjean!” Summoning his Persona, Zenkichi pointed to his left, calling ”Triple Down!” as he broke to the right, rushing for one of the gunners as Valjean unleashed a barrage of gunfire on the two to his left, the wide-ranging attack more than enough to fit both of them within its range. Sure, leaving one enemy free to attack wasn’t ideal, but it sure beat the hell out of three.

As the gunner he ran at hefted its flamethrower and bathed the charging Zenkichi in flames, he grit his teeth and kept running, the heat quickly sapping away at his overheal. He stopped suddenly, planting his foot hard onto the ground, and swung with his greatsword, transferring the momentum of a running man into the swing of his sword, and all of that force concentrated on the edge of its blade meant there wasn’t even a sliver of hope for his target. With a crunch, the gunner unit’s torso was split in half just around where the bottom of a person’s ribcage would be, and Zenkichi turned to the one he hadn’t had Valjean target.

This gunner was more wise to his tricks, and circled around as it unleashed its flames on Zenkichi. Not sure how long the fight would last, he kept his revolvers in reserve, instead charging head-on once more. He wasn’t as fast as Karin, but he was no slouch, either, and his overheal had barely run out as he reached the second gunner, while the two Valjean had shot up were regaining their bearings, fairly hurt but still functional. ”Still standing, huh? Not after this, you won’t be! Valjean, Megido!”

As orbs of Almighty magic appeared and exploded among the gunners, Zenkichi swung at the unharmed opponent. Lacking the same momentum thanks to having to stop to direct Valjean, the attack left the gunner hurt but undefeated. It retaliated by cracking its flamethrower against Zenkichi’s face, and he snarled before planting his sword in its gut, planting his hand on its shoulder, and tearing his sword out and through the side, dealing massive damage to the robot and finishing it with an overhead slash. His focus, however, had left him blind to the two GNR-FL0s behind him, Overcombusting and about to detonate right on his back.

Seeing Zenkichi in trouble and having charged her Ubercharge, Blazermate deployed it, saving the turk from the explosion coming his way through sheer invulnerability. ”close one! You know, we should make use of this invulnerability.” Blazermate said, as she flew up to deal with a GNR-FL0’s herself, her confidence boosted by her invincible state. She then realized that these guys were… not nearly as scary as she thought they’d be. It was like fighting a newcomer to robattling as they took hit after hit. Sure they were at least durable, but they just attacked her while she was uber, even combusting in her face in a very predictable pattern when she got a good punch on what she assumed was its face. ”Ooh…. huh.” Blazermate said, not expecting that.

She joined up with Zenkichi to heal up the man while she herself swapped over to her ubersaw. Since she could see the health of these things and when they would combust, she could hit them with her ubersaw, then zoom away just a bit before they would start to combust to leave someone with a harder hitting attack to finish them off. As she moved over the wall of fire to heal Karin, she touched a red crack on the way, having been too fearful to grab one before. This summoned an angry cute ghost that zoomed off to blow itself up and destroy one of the GNR-FL0s Blazermate had weakened prior.

”Hey Karin, ever gotten a kritz? You seem to be doing well in the taking hit department.” Blazermate said, giving her friend a dose of kritz.

”A what?” She asked, before startling as she looked down at her glowing fists and a surge of power.

Zenkichi smirked as the GNR-FL0s exploded against him without dealing a lick of damage, thanks to Blazermate’s ubercharge, and pounced on the last he could see on this side of the fire, crushing it beneath his greatsword and easily finishing it off, leaving him alone. ”Thanks for the assist!”

With the last of the flamethrower units destroyed, the Vandelay robots’ reserve force had been thoroughly decimated, allowing the Seekers to advance. Of course, that also meant that the extra power coursing through Karin’s limbs courtesy of the Kritzkrieg had nowhere to go, so she really needed to get moving if she wanted to have any hope of actually using it. Up ahead the corporate warfare at the threshold of the Atrium had continued to rage unabated. DespoRHado’s offensive line had held despite their foes utterly inundating their entrenchments with fire, since while most of the rank-and-file cyborgs had been burned out and melted away, the Gekkos and especially the Grads remained, the latter serving as nigh-impregnable barricades. Meanwhile, DespoRHado’s relentless gunfire and brute force spelled the end for most of the attacking SBR-CUR and GNR-FL0 units too, so only the elites remained.

As the newcomers approached, they could see in front of them a pair of Blazes contending with a Gekko and supporting troops. A heavily-armored cyborg had just been disarmed, his enormous black axe slamming head-first into the ground, and the man put up his dukes. Before he could throw a punch the Blaze threw two, demolishing first the cyborg’s right arm at the elbow and then his left with fiery hooks. As the cyborg reeled the Blaze wound up and plunged his fist straight through his enemy’s torso. “...Perfect!” The cyborg promptly exploded. Just then, the Gekko peppered the other Blaze with gunfire, then went in for a mighty football kick. Avoiding it just in time, the Blaze knocked it off balance with a well-aimed hook, then got floored by a sweeping turn kick. Mooing in victory, the Gekko stepped in to finish the Blaze off with a stomp. In the nick of time the Blaze rolled backward, away from the crater the Gekko left in the concrete, and the first Blaze arrived to snap the Gekko’s head back with a blazing uppercut. It staggered backward, brought its head down and pawed the earth like a bull. With a resounding moo it charged, but together the two Blazes sent forth waves of fire that the Gekko charged straight into, quickly overheating its systems and bringing it to a halt. Then a VU-REV descended on it like a bolt from the blue to smash the Gekko’s head into the ground. As the Unmanned Gear moaned the VU-REV hopped back, detaching and hurling its flaming wings like giant buzz saws to melt the Gekko into three pieces before its wings returned.

Then the three robots, warded off by inaccurate suppression fire from DespoRHado, turned on the newcomers. The Blazes charged in, and the big bird immediately spat out three fireballs to explode and carpet the ground with flame.

“That VU-REV unit is a high-level threat,” Sandalphon warned the team. “Don’t jump at it if it’s alight. It’ll only come down if it’s shot, and is only vulnerable if it’s wings are off or extinguished.” Back at her forward base, the archangel put her hand to her jaw, thinking. Then she came to a decision. “I was planning to do this when you reached DespoRHado, but…”

A sudden flash of electronic blue light went off next to Zenkichi. When he turned to look, he found himself faced with all seven feet four inches of Sandalphon, here in the flesh. She looked down at him briefly, her face impassive and her strange pupils blinking rather than her eyelids as she quickly adjusted to her new surroundings. Then she turned to face the Vandelay triple threat, an oddly futuristic staff in hand. As she turned it upside down and tucked it under her arm, its head began to spin behind her, and it became apparent that the shaft that she aimed toward the team’s enemies was actually the barrel of a rifle as tall as she was. “I will oversee this battle personally.”

Karin nodded approvingly. ”How very gracious of you- glad to see you are not merely a strategist and opportunist.”

”Wow, shes a big lady! I don’t think my shield will cover all of her. ” Blazermate said, a bit confused. She then looked at the mooing Gecko out of sheer confusion. Also… why did it have shockingly organic legs? What the heck was that thing?

”It’ll only come down when it’s been shot at, you say?” Zenkichi asked while drawing his pistols. ”Valjean and I can handle that.” With that simple declaration, he called on his Persona once more to ”Triple Down!” and circled around, taking a few shots at the VU-REV in the hopes of forcing it towards the ground.

”I’ve got a shield to give you cover, so just shoot at it. And avoid getting punched or set on fire.” Blazermate said, getting ready to deploy her projectile shield.

When Zenkichi’s Persona opened fire, Sandalphon joined in from the back of her group. Once spun up, her rifle belted out extremely bright blue bolts of energy, the speed and weight of its shots just a few steps shy of a handheld railgun’s. Those payloads plus Valjean’s Triple Down took a couple chunks out of the metallic phoenix, and unable to maintain its altitude the VU-REV descended to lessen the stress on its systems for recovery. “Well struck,” Sandalphon commented. Their efforts put the big bird in reach, but before Zenkichi could sink his teeth in, the team would need to deal with the bombastic pugilists. Both Blazes pounded the earth to send out rolling fireblasts that left a carpet of flame in their wake, and a moment after they arrived to challenge the integrity of Blazermate’s projectile shield -as well as that of the melee fighters- personally. “Capitalizing on the VU-REV will be difficult while they remain,” Sandalphon cautioned the others, taking aim from the backlines at the bird to make of the opening what she could.

”Understood. We’ll keep you covered.” Zenkichi answered simply, stowing his revolvers and hefting his greatsword before charging forward and taking a few swings at his chosen Blaze. The pugilistic machine managed to actually block one, but the second swing hit true, and on the third swing the pair exchanged heavy blows, both stumbling back. ”Not bad.” Zenkichi mumbled, before standing tall and swinging again.

The Blaze had gotten wise to him, however, and easily avoided the relatively slow swing before edging just into Zenkichi’s range and hitting with a quick jab, jumping back before the backswing could land. ”Alright, you’re clearly a different caliber than the others.” Zenkichi praised before letting out a sigh. ”Bring it!” He taunted as the two circled each other, eyes narrowed.

”Then I suppose this one is mine!” Karin said, engaging another Blaze after avoiding their fireballs. She had already battled one- would this Blaze be any different? Karin threatened the Blaze by shifting her feet just outside of his effective swinging range. She backed away from a few strikes, but instead of whiff punishing, she took the opportunity to dash away from the Blaze she was fighting and towards the one Zenkichi was circling. She turned her shoulder into the back of the robot and slammed into it, looking to send it stumbling towards Zenkichi in a very cheeky move.

Her unexpected strike proved to be just the ticket that the Blaze, already softened up a little by Zenkichi’s attacks, needed for the Seekers to break his stun gauge. His poise broke for a moment, rendering him more susceptible to being combo’d. In order to give Karin enough of a break from her own Blaze to put her plan in action, Sandalphon distracted him with a sniper shot, but his own stun wasn’t high enough to keep him locked down. As soon as he could he punched a new fire wave across the ground that swept beneath his ally and set the area aflame. By this time, the flight systems of the VU-REV recovered, and it flapped into the air. It shrieked and began to do backflips in place, a beam of condensed flame sweeping outward across the ground with each revolution to pollute the battlefield with lines of blazing fire. It managed to churn out four before Sandalphon’s third shot forced it back down towards the ground again.

Karin frowned at the Blaze she had left trying to catch up with her with that large flame wave. Though she was back to back with the enemy, she trusted Zenkichi would handle it and dropped into a kneeling crouch, taking the chip damage to block the flame wave and prevent it from hitting Zenkichi while he was ideally punishing the stunned Blaze bot.

Unfortunately pushing back in towards the Blaze would be hard with the streaks of flame in the way. With Sandalphon suppressing it, Karin walked forward to meet the Blaze in battle, looking to hop over the line of fire. Blaze took advantage and struck her out of the air. Indignant, Karin landed with a back roll and avoided a follow up overhead swing that cracked the floor. ”Simple!” She put the Blaze back on the defensive by striking with her legs, swiping at his torso and knees and preventing effective counter strikes by controlling the space between them. It swung and the fist came close, Karin watching it pass by. Then she stepped in and cracked into its knee before zooming forward with an EX-Tenko that launched the Blaze into the air with a burst of golden energy. ”Tenko!” This allowed her to combo into yet another upward palm strike that bounced it up again! For the final one it was getting out of range, so she stepped forward and slammed it away from her. Karin dashed forward as he got up, to swing, she brought the back of her fist down onto its face, elegantly crossing her feet as she did.

After that she advanced with a series of elbows and palms that crushed the metal before resetting into a grab, twisting the bot’s wrist and twirling past him, using his own body weight and strength to throw him bodily into the floor. ”Weak!” She span and brought her heel down on his head like an axe, splitting it in two and destroying the bot.

As Karin jumped in and stunned the Blaze he was fighting, Zenkichi wasted no time in taking advantage of the opportunity. He quickly activated his Fury, adrenaline burning through his blood and his vitality as his blade mercilessly cut down the machine in an invigorated flurry of blows that came much faster than his previous attacks had. After a quick series of truly devastating blows, he deactivated the self-harming ability, finishing the Blaze unit with a furious overhead slash.

”Go Karin!” Blazermate said as she healed Sandalphon as she brawled with the VU-REV. With the Blaze having been defeated, this freed up Blazermate a bit so that she could also assist in attacking the VU-REV. Calling out to Sandalphon and saying. ”You got a good gun, hit the glowing bit!” Blazermate said, pointing out the weak point of the robot, her scan ability highlighted, she decided to go in a bit herself and get some ubersaw swings on it while it was still down.

“So that’s where it is.” Sandalphon calmly adjusted her aim, waited for the spin-up, and pulled the trigger. Her rifle’s payload slammed through the armor of its upper chassis and into the VU-REV’s flame reactor, frying it. The robot squawked and dropped like a sack of bricks, twitching for a few moments until it got its reactor’s temperature under control.

As it stirred again to try to retract back into the air, Blazermate held up her shield arm which let out a loud sonic scream. With the VU-REV being at ground zero, this momentarily stunned it, which let Blazermate hit it one more time before she was forced to move away. As it flew back into the sky, Blazermate did her own bit of flying, but instead of flying into the sky, she stayed on the ground flying about and making her way to touch a few more cracks along the ground, unleashing two more purgatory ghosts that angrily zoomed at the VU-REV and detonated.

Looking battered and bruised from the hits it had already taken and the exploding ghosts, the VU-REV shot its lasers once more, aiming at Blazermate. She blocked what she could with her shield, but this only did so much to lessen the blow as she flew towards a third and final crack. Upon summoning the third ghost, the VU-REV. Decided to target the ghost, knowing it would explode if it reached it. Unfortunately not knowing what a ghost did, being a robot itself, this had no effect as the third ghost angrily zoomed into and blew up, blasting the VU-REV in a strangely bloody but ghostly explosion.

On its last legs, the robot shrieked, and readied its ultimate attack, Burning Revenge. It ignited its wings, first the left, then the right, then the left, then wrapped both around itself as its core flared up dangerously.

“Block in time!” Sandalphon called to Blazermate urgently, analyzing the pattern as fast as she could based on the similar stunt from the Blazer earlier. “Or….evade?”

The next second, it fired off a perfectly-aimed flame beam from its left wing, then right, then left again, before twisting in midair with the last of its strength to let rip an unblockable fire wheel.

Blazermate did just that, blocking the first two lasers, with her shield taking the damage for her. The third hit managed to disable her shield, with the extra damage going to Blazermate herself, but that was all she needed as she was going to dodge the big attack anyway, barely flying out of the way with her metal kimono heating up quite a bit by the heat. But she dodged towards another crack, which as the VU-REV had to cool down after such an attack, another ghost zoomed at it once Blazermate released it from its purgatory. Its impact blew the weakened robot to smithereens in a fiery blast strong enough for the human Seekers to feel it in their bones.

Zenkichi let out a heavy sigh as the wave of heat washed over him, breathing heavily for a few moments. ”Oh my god that’s miserable. Leather and heat do not go well together…”

The VU-REV’s spectacular demise heralded not just the end of this fight, but the Vandelay incursion against DespoRHado’s entrenchments. As the Seekers gathered, adrenaline dying doing, Sandalphon turned her weapon in her hand to hold it like a staff and approached DespoRHado with a calm, purposeful stride. “I trust I don’t need to introduce myself,” she stated impassively, connecting herself directly to all the cyborgs that survived their trial by fire so that none could avoid hearing her. “In accordance with the established operational parameters, I have secured on-site reinforcements to provide assistance with the elimination of Vandelay’s Financial Department and the seizure of its assets. Move aside.”

“Yes, ma’am,” the squad leader replied without delay. “All Grads, disengage and form up!”

DespoRHado’s mighty armored siege engines released their pitons and slide across the stone to open the way for the Seekers. Not breaking stride, Sandalphon moved calmly between the lines. Only when she became aware of a noisy disturbance in the water off of Circuit Royal did she turn her gaze from the Atrium’s entrance. After a moment, a gigantic shape leaped over the perimeter facilities of the campus and came down on the Atrium’s front lawn, sending out a wall of air and dust that extinguished the leftover flame. Having taken the field against the Machines in the Valley of Ruin yesterday, Zenkichi would recognize the unmistakable metal monstrosity he witness on the way back to Midgar: the titanic Metal Gear Ray. It shook the water of Regatta Bay from its immense wings like a duck, then began to stomp forward.

Despite the enormous possible threat, Sandalphon remained stoic. “Stay calm,” she whispered to Zenkichi through the glyph. “All part of the plan.” Indeed, as the Ray approached, it did not engage its weapons. Instead the awe-inspiring machine stepped right over the Seekers and the DespoRHado defensive line to smash through the front of the Atrium. Inside the vast, lavish space stood a colossal statue of Kale Vandelay, several times larger than the Ray and almost as tall as the Atrium itself. Khamsin was standing there too, and though his fused mech stood tall and proud the Ray practically dwarfed it when the Metal Gear approached. Once it drew near, the Ray leaned down and opened its jaws, allowing Khamsin to climb aboard as it made its critical calculations. Then the giant used all its might to thrash itself upward, hurling Khamsin like a boulder from a trebuchet straight toward the Chief Financial Officer’s office, many hundreds of feet off the ground.


Following in Ray's footsteps, Sandalphon watched him disappear from sight. The sound of a lot of glass shattering could be heard a moment later. “I…see,” she remarked, affected more than she would’ve expected by the ridiculous sight. “So that was his plan.” After another moment she did an about-face to address the Seekers. “You must follow in his footsteps,” she told them matter-of-factly. Above them, a whole host of what looked like large boxes floated throughout the Atrium. Some of them had little parks on them, others offices complete with cubicles and robot workers. A variety of sky-lines twisted and turned all over the place. “Through whatever means you can. My part is done, and I cannot redeploy to assist you again this mission. If you need me, however, feel free to call.” She closed her eyes and bowed politely to the Seekers, then abandoned them, teleporting all the way back to mission control in a flash.

”Wait… do we need to fight that giant robot later or am I confused about the whole situation? Or is there ANOTHER giant robot and we’re going to see a huge, HUGE kaiju fight?” Blazermate said, scratching her head.

After another moment Sandalphon’s voice reached the team in reply. “I would recommend not engaging the Ray. In addition to being very dangerous, it would take far more time to dispose of than you have. It shouldn’t target you without cause, but I would give it a wide berth, just in case.”

”We’re already planning to fight one giant robot, no need to add more. Well…two if Konoe’s still got that thing he had in the Metaverse somehow…” Zenkichi added, still very wary of the Metal Gear before them. ”Let’s, uh…get going.” He suggested.

A loud shout suddenly rang out from behind everyone. “DEAD ON!” When the Seekers looked over, Karin and Blazermate at least would see a familiar face. A one-eyed cyborg ninja had just staggered one of the Grads, then kicked its forward plating to send it spinning like a propeller. After slicing through it the newcomer leaped over the Grad and split it in half with a single slice across its center mass, leaving its red-hot halves to fall apart as he landed. It was none other than Raiden, back to settle his score with DespoRHado and the Winds of Destruction. “Kept you waiting, huh?” he grinned, his robotic lower jaw giving him an almost skeletal leer. “Hope you people saved some fun for me!”

“DespoRHado’s nemesis,” Sandalphon observed, taken slightly aback. “Though it looks like he may be biting off more than even he can chew, his presence puts the mission in jeopardy. Please hurry to the objective, everyone.”

Raiden’s assassination of a Grad kicked DespoRHado into high alert. The other three Grads and the remaining cyborgs immediately swarmed him, and as if that wasn’t enough, the idle Ray stomped over as well. In doing so he inadvertently opened the way for the others, though whether or not he’d be able to take on all this heavy metal himself was anyone’s guess, though not necessarily their problem. Raiden had already demonstrated that he was a loose cannon, and not necessarily the team’s ally, especially if he planned to exterminate the same faction that the Seekers might be able to use against Shinra and Konoe.

Shaking his head in frustration, Zenkichi sighed. ”I can’t believe that lunatic! I’m no fan of these guys myself, but to go against them single-handed…? He’s insane.” Looking around the atrium, his eyes narrowed at the sky-rails and floating islets all over the place, before turning to Blazermate. ”Would you be able to fly up to one of those islands? I don’t have a hook for the sky-rails, but there’s gotta be some way to get around here without one. If they can be moved, that might be our way up.”

”I’m sure Mister Raiden will be fine.” Karin said with a dismissive wave of her hand. Karin fired her grappling hook at an upper portion of the wall, pulling herself up. She took a moment to situate herself, pushing off, and fired at a nearby floating section. Then she zipped quickly up to it and looked over it down at Zenkichi.

”I suppose we’ll have to find a way down for you.” She considered. ”I shall look as well.” She began to connect her grappling hooks to the closest island and pulling herself up, ascending higher and higher among the man-made technological pieces of land. She didn’t quite know what she was looking for, a switch or some kind of useful implement.

”I got you Zenkichi. You're a lot younger than the last guy I had to carry around, hehe.” Blazermate said before scooping up Zenkichi in her arms and flying up to the island with the rest of the group, that being Karin.

”Oh, well, splendid work, Blazermate.” Karin said, before continuing on her more manual mode of travel.

It would be a ways to go before the team reached the same heights that Khamsin managed to, but theirs was a simple and effective strategy. It wasn’t long until they reached the overlook that preceded the hall to the Head of Finance’s office, itself richly decorated with miniature gardens of colorful little trees and leafy bamboo shoots, the area decked out in gold, white tile, black marble, and dark wood. It’d be absurdly classy if not for doors dead ahead, ripped asunder by a giant rocket-propelled chainsaw axe.

”I think I prefer flying via airplanes…” Zenkichi admitted, a little queasy, after being carried up. ”There are medabots that turn into planes, but they are a lot less of an easy ride I assure you~.” Blazermate said as she put him down. Them then launched about via the man cannons that were situated on the various floating islands. ”Wow this place is pretentious. Like, really? Ego much?” He added as a final comment once they reached the doors to Finance.

Karin regarded the splendor with a rub of her chin. ”It is a bit garish.” She said. ”Clearly someone more focused on showcasing wealth than interior design.” Karin criticized. With everyone’s thoughts on Roquefort’s choice in aesthetics cleared away, they could finally begin the last leg of their journey. Into the belly of the beast they went, driven by the sounds of combat up ahead.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Scarifar
Avatar of Scarifar

Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Pizza Tower
Level: 3
Experience: 72/30 (Level up available)
Word Count: <750 (+1 EXP)

The fighting eventually died down as everyone brought down enemy after enemy. Even Pizza Face was taken down thanks to everyone's efforts. However, it seemed that it was merely Phase 1 of the battle, as Pizza Face's... face opened up to reveal a pizza man inside. Rubick barely had time to be surprised before everything around them changed, and Pizza Head pulled out new enemies from the ground. Everyone took up battle positions once again, with Rubick taking on the Eyebrute.

It wasn't Rubick's first time taking on a monstrosity of a creature, but he could never get over his repulsion for them. Still, at least it made the feeling of blasting away at them with his spells all the better. Speaking of which, Rubick began by blasting the Eyebrute with his Fade Bolt, causing the creature to stare at him with a malicious glare. It then launched its eyes at Rubick, one after the other. Rubick merely dodged one of its eyes and caught the other with his Telekinesis, then launched it back at the Eyebrute, knocking it back. It then got enraged and charged at Rubick on all fours. Rubick used his Blink Dagger to teleport behind the Eyebrute, who proceeded to continue charging for a few more seconds before stopping as if it were confused it had not crashed into Rubick yet. It then retched up a new pair of eyes and turned around to spot Rubick once again, and it fired its second pair of eyes at Rubick. Rubick performed the same motions as last time, launching an eye back at Eyebrute, and dodging out of the way of the Eyebrute's charge with his Weaver's Warp.

At first, Rubick found it mildly entertaining, pretending like he was matadoring a bull. By the fourth repetition, however, he found it to be tedious. The Eyebrute wasn't much more than a mindless brute with a very simple attack pattern. He fired off a few other spells and abilities, but if the Eyebrute felt any of them, it didn't show any reactions Rubick could discern. Eventually, Rubick decided he had enough. When the Eyebrute ceased its charge, Rubick Blinked on top of the Eyebrute and proceeded to swing his staff into its lower jaw, unleashing Ganondorf's Dark Explosion and sending the monster toppling to the ground. Rubick sighed, feeling remarkably unsatisfied. Even the two brothers back at the arena were more challenging than this.
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