Hidden 2 yrs ago 11 mos ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Accepted Characters

Haven 'Swift' Barnes

- @Skai (HEX Text code D2B48C)

Wes 'Valiant' Cassidy

- @Retired (HEX Text code 483D8B)

Sunita 'Fold' Chauhan

- @Tackytaff (HEX Text code C1FF57)

Zachary 'Phantom' Clark

- @webboysurf (HEX Text code fdc68a)

Natsumi 'Chameleon' Collingwood

- @Kuro (HEX Text code 50C878)

Noah 'Bombshell' Cypress

- @Venus (HEX Text code FF6347)

Zelda 'Zero' DiAngelo

- @Lawful Newtral (HEX Text code AACCDD)

David 'Ward' Fermi

- @Hound55 (HEX Text code 708090)

Frederick 'Vorpal' Jackson

- @Roman (HEX Text code 6A5ACD)

Rex 'Brick' Kingsley

- @psych0pomp (HEX Text code 76424e)

Alexandra 'Upyr' Nikolaeva Kuropatkova

- @Zoldyck (HEX Text code CC0000)

Seobin 'Seo' Langston

- @Wei Wuxian (HEX Text code DE3163)

Kaitlin 'Photon' Langstraat

- @mickilennial (HEX Text code FDDA0D)

Adam 'Crazy Slots' Locklear

- @DocTachyon (HEX Text code ed8545]

Sophia 'Sunny' Montgomery

- @Qia (HEX Text code 87CEEB]

Sora 'Spitfire' Moore

- @earthtogab (HEX Text code orange]

Brooklyn 'Black Betty' Vanderhaven

- @PatientBean (HEX Text code 8F2A2A)

Skylar 'Wave Rider' Vass

- [@Eyeshine] (HEX Text code 7fffd4)

Holt 'Subject XJ-9-472' Waters

- @Lord Wraith (HEX Text code 2A7EB0)

Lina 'Vampyre' Ziegler

- @Pirouette (HEX Text code Crimson)

Noteworthy NPCs

Virgil Rowell's Shitlist - (Former Characters)
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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N A T S U M I " N A T " C O L L I N G W O O D A U G U S T 7 T H ( E I G H T E E N ) F E M A L E

"Blood doesn't make a family. People do."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

Natsumi is of Asian ancestry, in particular Japanese. Her hair and eye color are both a dark brown, with said hair often kept in a makeshift ponytail that tends to hangs over her shoulder. She stands at 5'2'', and has an average yet athletic build.

Attire-wise, Natsumi's closet isn't so much different than the average person. Hoodies, t-shirts, jeans, etc. are all commonplace. The only thing that seems to stand out is a preference for anything green in color.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

Natsumi doesn't remember her biological parents.

Placed into the California foster system at an early age, Natsumi had a stroke of luck that most kids don't often receive. Two San Franciscan retirees, Eric and Janice Collingwood, had decided to turn to the foster system after their own children were long gone and out of the house, wanting to spend their retirement helping as many children as they possibly could. Natsumi, among some other foster children, happened to be one of those taken in by the elderly Collingwoods, which gave her the chance to experience a real home for the first time in her life.

Growing up in the Collingwood house was a challenge in itself. Not because the Collingwoods were draconian by any means, but rather because Natsumi had plenty of siblings to keep track of. Things were often chaotic as people bounced from appointment to extracurricular, and it wasn't unusual for Natsumi and/or others to be tasked with cleaning up a huge mess they had made. Despite this, the hectic lifestyle made for a well-bonded family, and Natsumi ultimately came to see the Collingwoods and also her foster siblings as her family, ignoring the fact that none of them were blood-related.

When her metahuman gene came into being, it had been a shock to Natsumi, but also everyone else around her. She had simply been crossing a street, as anyone does, when a distracted driver came barreling down the road. Her body suddenly froze in place, and Natsumi firmly believed that this was it; that she was about to die. By sheer luck, the driver managed to swerve out of the way, and instead sent their car scraping against a guard rail.

What happened next left Natsumi more confused than she ever had been. Rather than people checking on her to see if she had been okay, onlookers began to shout at her, placing the blame for the accident in her hands. They claimed she had "disappeared", scaring the driver into swerving and causing an accident. The crowd grew increasingly hostile towards Natsumi, and fearing for her own safety, she quickly ran off while there was still an opportunity to do so.

Returning to the only safe place she knew of, Natsumi made quick haste for home. By then, however, the incident had already made local news, and the Collingwoods were at a complete loss as to how to proceed. It was then when Aegis swooped in, their proximity to the complex having ensured a swift response. Aegis had promised a solution to Natsumi's sudden problems, as well the ability to further understand what she had become—a metahuman. Feeling as if she had no other option, Natsumi accepted their offer, and packed her things for a trip to the new and improved Alcatraz Island.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

Growing up in a large foster family, Natsumi is practically blind to differences.

She isn't the type to focus on someone's past or what prior offenses they might've done. Natsumi only sees the person before her, and she wears her heart on her sleeve doing so. She desires to be friends with everyone, or at the very least get along with them. If people were willing to talk rather than look down upon one another, then they might just find something they had in common. If they don't, then that's perfectly okay, too! All that matters is that the world ends up with a little less hate than it already had.

Of course, now that Natsumi has learned she is a metahuman, this seemingly naïve perspective of hers has recently began to show cracks within itself. Can you truly change those with blackish hearts inside?

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

Natsumi has the ability to turn herself completely invisible. The cells within her body have mutated upon metamorphosis and are now capable of bending light waves, therefore allowing Natsumi to blend into her surroundings. As this power requires her own specialized DNA to activate, it remains only applicable to Natsumi and her person; the cloaking ability physically can not extend to anything or anyone else.

It is important to understand that Natsumi's metahuman ability is simply what it says on the tin—invisibility. Nothing more, nothing less. She does not become incorporeal like a ghost or spirit, nor can she phase through objects like one. Natsumi remains very much in solid form upon use of her ability and can still be detected via noise, provided one has capable hearing.

As of right now, Natsumi has little-to-no direct control over her ability. Given current evidence, it is theorized that her power exists purely as a defensive mechanism, not unlike that of a Smith's dwarf chameleon camouflaging itself from predators. Her ability has only been seen to come into play upon Natsumi recognizing something or someone as a potential threat or risk capable of bodily harm or death, such as a speeding car, a rabid animal, a weapon of any kind, etc.

Whether or not Natsumi will eventually be able to activate her metahuman power "at will" lies uncertain, as it remains to be seen if she is even capable of doing so on her own.

—— N. Collingwood, Chameleon, Metahuman Ability Report

▼ C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Eric and Janice Collingwood | Two elderly retirees-turned-adoptive parents. The two people in the world that Natsumi has absolute faith and trust in no matter what.

Mateo Collingwood | Natsumi's older brother by a few years. Loveable idiot. Got married last year, which Natsumi attended with her family.

James Collingwood | A year older than Natsumi; the brother sandwiched between Mateo and Natsumi. Likes cars. Plans to learn the trade and become a licensed mechanic.

Steven Collingwood | Almost finished with high school. Loves minature model-making and figma. Wildly introverted.

Anna-Louise Collingwood | The youngest of the bunch. Currently in middle school. Won the regional spelling bee.

TBD | TBD later if needed.

N/A | No one so far, unless you count a small, angry mob of San Franciscans.

◼ UNITED STATES | San Francisco, California

◼ LAPTOP | A laptop that Natsumi had bought recently in preparation for future college or university coursework once she had been accepted somewhere. As of now, it sits mostly unused due to her discovery of her metahuman gene.

◼ PHONE | An old hand-me-down smartphone. The Collingwoods gave it to Natsumi some years ago so she could stay in contact with them in case of emergency or just in general.

▼ P O S T C A T A L O G:

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 11 mos ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


"There is a driving force more powerful than steam, electricity and nuclear power: the will." - Albert Einstein

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"As for the forces, electromagnetism and gravity we experience in everyday life. But the weak and strong forces are beyond our ordinary experience. So in physics, lots of the basic building blocks take 20th- or perhaps 21st-century equipment to explore." - Edward Witten
◼ HEIGHT | 183 cm - 6'0"

◼ WEIGHT | 75 kg - 155 lbs

◼ BUILD | Lean

◼ HAIR COLOUR | Dark brown

◼ EYE COLOUR | Brown

◼ 'VOICE' TEXT COLOUR | Slategray - Or #708090

◼ OTHER | Since the night his powers developed, David has experienced a poliosis - a patch of white hair, discoloured from the rest - at the front of his otherwise dark hair.

David is a very private, withdrawn person with himself and his own thoughts. He galvanizes that with a casual exterior, which wards off probing questions because people figure they already have all the answers.

He will dress neat, casual. The most extreme wardrobe change you might see is rolling up sleeves if it would benefit him for practical reasons.

His body language will swiftly close off if he feels people are getting too near or close to him.

Seems friendly. Is polite. Terrified of being truly known by anyone.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together." - Max Planck

- - -
David was born the second of four kids in the Fermi household.

The Fermi's lived in a decent sized, two-storey family home in Sunnyside.

David was a happy enough child, his older brother Craig was attending CCSF, and it kept him under their parents' roof. His younger sister Maddie, and their youngest brother Charlie were still attending Sunnyside Elementary.

One night, David's father heard what every parent dreads. A disturbance coming from downstairs, alerted by David's mother, he removed the revolver from the gun locker and began the treacherous trek downstairs.

A scuffle. A single shot rang out. His mother screamed from upstairs and waited, hoping beyond hope that there was some kind of mistake. Her husband would have kicked his toe and the gun accidentally went off, just causing minor damage.

The bullet the intruder put in her head suggested otherwise.

The kids gathered themselves and made for the laundry in the basement, whilst the intruder had gone upstairs. Charlie and Maddie were besides themselves. The home invader had their father's gun now. Craig quickly crossed the floor and made for his old little league baseball bat kept under the stairs, whilst David tried to calm the two younger siblings.

Everything that happened next will be with David forever. The creaking of the steps. Craig jumping from the shadows to swing the bat. The intruder sensing the movement, turning and shooting Craig through the neck. The way Craig fell to the cement basement floor, eyes wide open like so much stunned meat. The bloodshot eyes of the home invader as the gun levelled on the three remaining Fermi kids. David's hands raised in defense of their lives, as if pleading. The way time froze as the gun shot blast. The way the bullet hung in the air. Then flattened and fell to the floor. The dull scraping "Freak." label that left the man's throat, before he turned tail and walked out.

The Fermi kids rushied to Craig's side, trying desperately to stop the bleeding, far too late. Maddie trying to call an ambulance between sobs.

They'd experienced so much that kids never should. The loss of a father. The loss of a mother. A brother murdered before their eyes.

When the crime was reported, the question of how the three survived couldn't properly be answered any way but the truth. The police counted and collected the bullets, and the flattened bullet on the basement floor surrounded by nothing which it could have struck.

David was 'outed'. The "Freak" label which the home invader seemed to brand him with stuck with him amongst his peers. His hair had even changed as if to further mark him. It was as if he was a manhandled baby bird. Isolated and ostracised.

He ensured Maddie and Charlie's safety, having them stay at an aunt's home permanently whilst David continued his life alone, awaiting the inevitable. They changed schools, would get a fresh start.

The letter. He'd been identified as a "Person of Interest" for the Federal Ju-V intervention program.

He packed his possessions, and called the people at the Aegis facility to arrange a pick-up. Lest they dig deeper into him and what remained of his family, who he'd managed to keep safe.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"Don't fight forces, use them." - R. Buckminster Fuller

He has surviving family. At the moment he just wants to get through the Ju-V system and out the other side, with the least resistance and divulging the least amount of information about his life as possible, so he can be free to take care of his surviving brother and sister.

Friendly and willing to help with most things, but he will be extremely taciturn with details on his own life, as he looks to protect his surviving family - as the metagene is by definition genetically predisposed and possibly also lies within Maddie and Charlie.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"From all we have learnt about the structure of living matter, we must be prepared to find it working in a manner that cannot be reduced to the ordinary laws of physics. And that not on the ground that there is any “new force” or what not, directing the behavior of the single atoms within a living organism, but because the construction is different from anything we have yet tested in the physical laboratory." - Erwin Schrödinger
◼ Flyrokinesis | Creates and manipulates force fields

◼ Academia | David is a naturally brilliant student. His G.P.A had him looking closely at Stanford until tragedy and the letter disrupted his school year. He's a sound, well-reasoned thinker, with a stable personality.

◼ Strategic Thinker | Whilst he was no Bobby Fischer, David was the Captain of the chess club in his Senior year before the tragedy - with an impressive winning record and having never been beaten in fewer than thirty five moves. He also won in-school Risk tournaments and was part of a formative Board Game Club. After winning an in-school Madden tournament, he was encouraged to take part in a Football strategy class by the HS Coach as a favour to his brother Craig (who was the athlete of the family), his breakdown of the West Coast Offense got him an A+... but also stuffed in a locker as it did nothing to improve his relationship with the football team since Craig had left for college.

◼ Motion | His forcefields are generally static. It is extremely difficult to create such a structure in motion. It is possible to create a 'clockworks' of force field constructs, but such a thing is beyond his ability to visualise or consider at this point, let alone execute.

◼ Distance | At this point he 'stretches' or 'rolls out' a forcefield from a single point, in a shape like a flat plane, dome, or even sphere. But is limited to being able to originate such a force field from no further than about 5 yards from his person.

◼ Quantity | At this point in time he is limited to creating and holding no more than three force field structures at a time. This is likely to see the most rapid improvement, as he has not tested his own abilities and is thus quite 'unfit' in his use with them.

◼ Inexperience | As always, this will change with time.
◼ Trust Issues | An unwillingness to trust others completely due to his past trauma, isolated and nervous.

▼ N O T E S:

Immediate Family | Younger sister and brother - Named Maddie and Charlie. Both attend Miraloma Elementary after leaving Sunnyside Elementary school in the wake of their personal tragedy.

TBD | Test

Home Invader | The man who killed his parents and older brother, Craig. Was never arrested and David could not pick the man out of the police binder. David has however seen his face and will never forget what he looks like.

◼ San Francisco | Particularly Sunnyside and San Francisco County

◼ TBD | Test

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tackytaff
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S U N I T A C H A U H A N September 06, 2004 ( 1 8 ) F E M A L E

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

◼ HEIGHT | 5'1

◼ WEIGHT | 109 lbs

◼ BUILD | Scrawny

◼ HAIR COLOUR | Black-brown

◼ EYE COLOUR | Black-brown

◼ OTHER | Colour code: C1FF57

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

While clearly of South-Asian descent, no one from the Chauhan family has been to their ancestral home of northern India for over a decade. Sunita's parents met abroad while studying for their thesis at Oxford, where they would remain for eighteen years. Their family and portfolios both grew considerably. Sunita and her younger brother, Ishan, along with a long list of accredited research into the human genome. It was the latter that instigated their move across the Atlantic.

Dr. & Dr. Chauhan were offered positions at Stanford, and the family was uprooted and moved within a matter of months. Only 13 at the time, Sunita had little understanding or care for the move; seeing it only as a great opportunity to shake off her awkward adolescence and blossom into a mature American woman.

Instead, she found disappointment. The move had failed to either ease her parent's stereo-typically strict rules, or change her awkward and unpleasant demeanour towards her peers. Most of her time was spent the same was as in England; alone in her room, over-studying, playing music on a keyboard, or practising yoga. It was during one of her meditative exercises that Nitya walked in on her daughter melting into the floor.

Only after this discovery of Sunita's meta-human ability was she let in on the true purpose of her parent's research. Their specialization in the human genome went far deeper than she ever expected. The jobs at Stanford were far more important than simple research positions; a very generous grant had been given to them and a few other scientists with specific goals to goal: find a humane solution to the meta-human problem, or evidence to counter the grim projections found in government-run simulations. It didn't take long for the small team to fracture into pursuing different methods in their search for an answer. But Jaspreet and Nitya Chauhan never shifted from the same stringent value they'd ingrained in their children: there can be no fear where there is understanding. In their methodical search for understanding, what could be luckier than to have their very own daughter to learn from.

Starting at the age of 15, Sunita began assisting in her parent's work. Never more invasive than questioning and the occasional blood sample, it always felt a more wholesome family activity than a scientific endeavour. While she never fell into the same organic-based passions as her parents, she had found an interest in something greater: the magic of her father's preliminary calculations for what it was that her ability was. Thus, she was introduced to the concepts of higher mathematics and physics. Always a model student, Sunita excelled in theoretical concepts and following proofs. She had even begun to perform her father's calculations faster than he could keep up in the last few months before they were discovered.

While they had done their best to keep the source of their accelerated research and consistent findings a secret, it was inevitably discovered by their colleagues. With little recourse on how to punish the guilty parties without exposing the work done, the Chuahan doctors were stripped of their positions and their daughter was sent away to San Francisco.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

Sunita considers herself a good person. It might be lost on some with her short way of speaking and impatient tone, but that only stems from poor people skills and hyper-focusing on her own goals. However she might come across to others, her motivations and intent are nearly always benevolent. She follows the same dream as her parents: to unite humanity and solve 'the meta-human problem', though her methods differ greatly from their own.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

◼ Dimensional Folding | Sunita's meta human ability allows her to collapse and expand her body into multiple dimensions. Early in her power's development, she can only change between a 2-D or 3-D shape.

0th Dimension: ????

1st Dimension: Thus far only entered once by accident, this dimension leaves Sunita the most vulnerable. All of her mass is folded down into a perfectly straight line, capable of being extended long enough to reach the other side of the planet. In this state, any object colliding with her impossibly thin thread would be enough to physically shatter her. As such, it isn't a shape she is keen on trying again; though the potential use for teleportation-like movement (folding into a long line at one location, and then unfolding at a separate location along the line) is worth more investigation.

2nd Dimension: Her figure becomes a flat, micro-thin surface; the area of which is proportional to her body's total volume. While this shape can be quite massive, she has learned to fold this dimension further in order to make herself smaller. This results in the ability to transform into a flat surface of any size, incuding sizes to match an 8x8 meter wall or a standard sheet of letter paper. While in her two-dimensional form, Sunita finds it wise to attach herself to a surface, to prevent her from falling over from her own mass. Attaching to another object is also the only way she can achieve movement in a 3D space; otherwise she is limited to left and right, or as she sees them in this dimension: forwards and backwards.

3rd Dimension: In this form, Sunita is nothing more than a perfectly ordinary young woman.

4th Dimension: ????

◼ Novice | Thus far, Sunita has only managed to fold between the second and third dimensions. She's sure with more practice and study, she'll be able to get herself down to the first, becoming an atomically small point. The fourth dimension, on the other hand, is a fantasy nearly as tempting as it is terrifying.

While 'unfolding' into a larger dimension is almost instantaneous, collapsing into a lower dimension requires immense focus and concentration; something she has only achieved through deep meditation.

◼ Navigation | As one would expect, nothing looks the same when compressed completely flat. After a great deal of practice, Sunita has taught herself how to move in two dimensions, but still struggles with recognizing shapes from the flat perspective.

▼ N O T E S:

TBD | Test

TBD | Test

TBD | Test

◼ USA | Stanford, California
◼ England | Oxford (2004-2017)

◼ TBD | Test
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

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B R O O K L Y N V A N D E R H A V E N J U L Y 1 ( 1 8 ) F E M A L E
"You look breakable. You should fix that."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"I bench literal cars. We are not the same."
◼ HEIGHT | 5'8''

◼ WEIGHT | 132 lbs

◼ BUILD | Slender Built

◼ HAIR COLOUR | Light Blonde

◼ EYE COLOUR | Light Gray

◼ OTHER | Flower Sleeve Tattoo, Speech Color = 8F2A2A

Brooklyn is a native New Yorker. She is Caucasian with light blonde hair and light gray eyes. Her casual attire consists of Rockabilly fashions, usually denim jeans or skirts, leather jackets, and 50's fashion trends, though Brooklyn will occasionally dress in the current styles. Her makeup is typically red lips, black eyeliner and mascara, and some color eye shadow. Her tone is consistent with New Yokers (hey I'm walkin' here!").

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Don't let the shoes fool you, I can snap you like a stiletto."
Brooklyn was raised primarily by her grandmother, who often was called to watch the kids while her mom worked two jobs and her dad stayed out late getting drunk. Cancer took her mother from her, leaving her and her siblings with an alcoholic dad who used his fists one too many times. When Brooklyn's metahuman ability showed up, Brooklyn used it to protect her siblings, knocking her dad out. Eventually, child services were called and took all of the children away, separating them. Brooklyn, having been the oldest, was able to stay with her grandparents.

Her grandfather was a mechanic and taught her the ins and outs of fixing up cars and bikes. Though he never said it, Brooklyn knew her grandparents were fearful of her and her powers, but her grandfather was a staunch protector of her and ensured she always felt safe.

Despite this and her grades in school being all A's, Brooklyn got in trouble more often than not, usually due to tagging, vandalism, petty theft, or staying out past curfew. Unbeknownst to most, Brooklyn also used her powers to protect others and often got the short end of the stick despite helping the community. This solidified her distaste for local authorities like the police.

Once she turned 18, Brooklyn set off on her own, working out of a rundown mechanic shop, fixing up cars and bikes (and even customizing her own). Until the law caught up to her.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"If they try to keep me down, they are in for a surprise."
Brooklyn looks out for her own. Despite her rough exterior, she values respect and loyalty and, when earned, she follows through with her protective instincts. Brooklyn realizes there's a lot of evil in the world and often it is disguised as those that say they want to help, but usually don't. Brooklyn stands up to authority and isn't afraid to speak her mind, even if it gets her in trouble. She doesn't back down from challenges and prefers fists over words, though she can cut someone with wit if the need arises.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Respect the jacket or I break pavement."
◼ Superstrength | Brooklyn has superhuman strength. She is able to lift and move large tons, is able to break things with ease, and can cause significant damage with her attacks.

◼ Invulnerability | Brooklyn is near invincible, able to withstand huge blows that would wreck the average person. She can withstand gunshots, blades, punches, etc.

◼ Mechanical | Brooklyn is knowledgeable in mechanics and is able to fix machines, but mainly cars, motorcycles, and other vehicles.

◼ Street Smarts | Brooklyn grew up on the streets of New York. Due to this, she is able to navigate the streets and all of its wonders.

◼ Newton's Three Laws | Despite her strength, Brooklyn is still susceptible the three laws of motion.

◼ Gravity | Gravity still matters and anyone with gravity manipulation could impact Brooklyn's ability

◼ Medical | Due to her invulnerability, Brooklyn cannot be healed through traditional means. Needles cannot be injected in her skin, she cannot be cut open for surgery, etc.

▼ N O T E S:

The Rooks | The Rooks are a small-time motorcycle gang riding in the Bronx. Though small in numbers, they make up for it with grit. In actuality, they are gentle giants who do good work for the community. They have a long-standing agreement with Brooklyn to protect her shop and the surrounding area as she offers to fix their bikes for them.

Bristol Queen | A beauty influencer who has taken a liking to Brooklyn. The two may seem total opposites, but Bristol enjoys the rough and tough side of New York just as much, if not more so, than Brooklyn. The two get along well and often go out for drinks.

Ryland Chao | The only other worker at Brooklyn's autoshop. Kicked out of his family's home because of him being trans, he works at the shop to make ends meet. Brooklyn pays him more than she should.

Chief Eleanor Carmichael | The prevailing police chief in Brooklyn's neck of the woods. Has run into Brooklyn more times than she cares for. The two butt heads frequently and Eleanor would like nothing more than to see Brooklyn behind bars.

◼ Black Betty's Autoshop | Brooklyn's pride and joy. Named after her grandmother, Brooklyn has put her heart and soul into fixing the place up. If she isn't riding around on her own bike, she's at the shop fixing cars or bikes for others.

Motorcycle | Brooklyn's bike she fixed up herself. Her one true love.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

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K A I T L I N " L I N N I E " L A N G S T R A A T A U G U S T 7 T H ( N I N E T E E N ) F E M A L E

"I'm not interested in making friends, not really in the mood for you either."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

Listed at somewhere between 5’3” and 5’5”, at the precipice of adulthood, Linnie stands fairly average for some of her age, ethnicity, and gender. Her hair is naturally blonde and she’s never had much interest in dyeing it at all. Given her slight use to defer to Texas slang, it can make her a bit of a stereotype but stereotypes are pretty common in California. It doesn’t really matter to her how people see her, it isn’t something that keeps her up at night and this can be seen in her casual, irreverence toward her appearance.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

Kaitlin "Linnie" Langstraat found herself uprooted from Texas to California when she was thirteen-years-old.

It was a normal story. Her mom wanted to get out of Texas. Her dad didn’t want her to breathe. One crucial accident later and the three of them (that is, her, her sister, and their mom) dropped Owens from their name and adopted their mom’s maiden name, trading Houston for Santa Barbara.

While it took some time to get adjusted to her new surroundings, eventually the three Langstraat girls took well to California, or more accurately, no longer having the family patriarch's influence lingering over the family like a dark shadow. Money was tighter, but everyone felt like they had the ability to breathe. It was a welcome sentiment. Linnie’s time at Santa Barbara High School was fine enough; it didn’t take long for Linnie to go from “new girl” to “popular cheerleader” by the time of her sophomore year. Everything became noise and things looked bright. By graduation she hadn’t really found many issues, though it wouldn’t be long after that her latent metahuman gene manifested when she was confronted at a mall by her father.

Suffice to say, her father was hospitalized and the mall is still dealing with repairing the damage she caused. AEGIS scooped her up from her predicament and promised no charges would be filled by the mall in accordance to them taking her in.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

Her mom and sister are still out there, and their father found out they were in Santa Barbara. She’s concerned, but perhaps with AEGIS’ connections they can keep her family safe while she figures herself and these new powers out. She never really had any opinion on metahumans before and now she finds herself one, so she’s pretty ambivalent about the whole situation. It’s best to be pragmatic and realistic, she figures.

As for how she gets on with people? That’s… difficult to quantify. She’s always been kind of blunt and snappy, often putting up an armor that prevents people (especially men) from getting to know her due to her trauma(s) with her father; the idea being that she can’t get hurt if she keeps people at distance. So she doesn’t particularly care about being friendly. It’s easy to write it off as “cheerleader = bitch” but it goes more than that as clearly indicated by her childhood and personal values. At the very least she doesn’t lie to people. Though her distrust of men does often lead her to see actions done by the opposite sex as a bit more aggressive than they are, sometimes resulting in her confronting them if she feels the need.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

Photokinetic Energy Generation: Linnie has the ability to manifest and manipulate energy in the form of light.

It is important to refer to AEGIS file number fifty-five-dash-zero (A55-0) for a full analysis on Kaitlin’s abilities and threat evaluation. As indicated from the incident that awakened her metagene and the damage on public property, it is safe to consider her a project of sorts.

Kaitlin can be generalized as a “blaster”, as she most often manifests and directs her photon-based energy manipulation through the palm of her hands. This is the best way she has found to control her energy projection abilities. Reports indicate these blasts are ionized and can cause electromagnetic effects on its targets, making it quite damaging to electronic systems and shield generation tech. The strength of this depends on her emotional volatility and how long she chooses to direct said energy. Other factors that could play into such volatility include sources of photon energy (see: light sources) around her person. She does not need to directly touch something to draw from it.

Neutralizing Kaitlin is not difficult as her powers are entangled with her stamina and emotional state. While she can utilize light energy to enhance her endurance like armor, she is not only inexperienced, she tires easily. Additionally, her moral and ethical stances may provide additional limitations on her applications of her abilities.
Aegis Operative, Rebecca Chang

▼ N O T E S:

To Be Determined through the Roleplay.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by psych0pomp
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psych0pomp DOUBT EVERYTHING / except me... i'm cool

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"The only thing I've learned is that people are obstacles. And I like crushing obstacles."

A P P E A R A N C E:

"Though they may not always be handsome men doomed to evil posses the manly virtues." 2
// S T A T S:
HEIGHT | 6'5"

WEIGHT | 670.31 lbs

BUILD | Jacked

HAIR COLOUR | Blond - Now Gray

EYE COLOUR | Brown - Now Gray

OTHER | His flesh is made of granite and he resembles a walking, talking statue.

HEX CODE COLOR | #76424e

// D E S C R I P T I O N:
Rex looks like Michelangelo carved a young man with a permanent resting bitch face out of a hunk of concrete. There's a roughness that can't be denied both in demeanor and composition. He's tall, broad, and physically appears to have never not participated in sports. Even if the sports may have devolved from collegiate to demolition. While his face may have suffered a broken nose or two, he still looks the same as in his high-school photographs. A strong cleft chin leads to a powerful jaw, forgettable nose, and large brown eyes. He might have been scouted for a modeling agency ala Abercrombie had it not been for everything that has happened after his fall from grace. He has a tendency to stand straight and tall, but not as if a ramrod has been firmly shoved into his ass, but more like he is forcing his posture to be imposing. Rex likes to wear clothes that would be described as "passing the sniff test" before putting them on. They look good on him, but there's no method to his style. All in all, he'd be considered a fairly handsome All-American teen, if it wasn't for the fact that was also a walking, talking slab of rock.

B I O G R A P H Y:

"Architects of grandeur are often the master builders of disillusionment." 3
Let's begin because it's not a long story and there are not any Shakespearean twists. Rex was born to Trent and Joanne Kingsley. Trent was a Republican senator from Georgia. He always held the majority due to suppressing those that would vote against him. Yet, no one seemed to utter a word about how unabashedly sinister he was. Maybe it was because he had a bright smile and perfectly coifed hair, or being wheelchair-bound always helped. He did push a large initiative to help make public structures more accessible. So, there was that...

Anyway, as you can imagine, Rex grew up on the high end of the large wealth gap in Atlanta, Georgia. He never wanted anything, and honestly never thought to ask. He attended Chapel Hill, a private school for the wealthy elite, and served as running back on their football team, the Chapel Hill Knights, for all three years that he was in high school. There he met Viola Blankenship, a gorgeous girl his age that challenged him on everything. She made him think, and he didn't do that much. It was an Instagram romance and it seemed to define both of their raison d'etre/ Things seemed to be golden for him, and he never thought to question it. The sad thing was, he should have.

In his junior year, his father was arrested on charges of "metahuman coercion." Yeah, no one knew that Trent Kingsley had the power to influence people's minds through his voice. This power was heavily on his fellow lawmakers, constituents, lobbyists, friends, and even family. When Trent no longer had control over his wife and son, they quickly realized they'd been suppressing their true natures. Joann was unhappy with her entire situation. She found that she hadn't even liked Trent. That their marriage was a sham. Red found out that he wasn't the golden child he thought he was. He was a mess of emotions and wasn't able to control his temper. The first time he released it, his fist went straight through his punch bag. His arm was coated in stone. He had to breathe deeply and center himself to get it to return to flesh. Yet, that anger bubbled so close to the surface that it was hard to choke down. Seventeen years of not being able to sort out his true feelings wouldn't be remedied in a night.

Needless to say, all of Trent's assets were confiscated leaving Joann with barely enough to afford them a place. She had some connections and was able to get a decent job fairly quickly. Rex had to leave Chapel Hill and attend a public school. Yet no one gave a shit about him in public school. His problems came from his so-called friends. It started with Viola breaking with him, followed shortly by cyberbullying, followed by spray painting their townhouse, and then verbally abusing him from the safety of numbers.

One day it went too far. Viola reached out to him to talk about what had happened. Rex didn't think to question the invitation. It was in the park after dark. She started by apologizing, and asking if he would like to be her boyfriend again. Rex may have said "yes" too enthusiastically. Viola laughed and responded, "Ew, how dare you. Your dad is a fucking criminal and you supported him for years as he brainwashed us. Do you think I'd want to get back with you? You... manipulator. Tell me, did your dad make me fall for you?" It was then that Rex understood why everyone was distancing themselves from him. How far had his father gone to manipulate his entire life? Rex had just focused on how his father had fucked him up. He didn't get a chance to explain that he was a victim in all of this when someone peaked over the top of a rock, having recorded it all. Rex was surrounded by his former peers. Especially when they started throwing balloons filled with a disgusting substance at him. They jeered and laughed. Viola stared at him with all the vitriol she could muster. Yeah, Rex lost it.

They watched as his body turned entirely to stone, and then the rock that one of the kids was hiding behind lifted into the air and was tossed hard at the group of quickly scattering teens. The rock bounced and rolled, crushing quite a few cars in its wake. One kid felt daring and charged at Rex, breaking his hand as he tried to punch him. He batted aside his former peer with ease, breaking bones upon doing so. Rex then moved through the park, letting his powers control him. He found himself in tune with the stone around him and was able to lift huge rocks with ease and ram his hands into the dirt, pulling up slabs of earth. He didn't kill anyone that night, but there were a handful of kids that had to go to the hospital. The worst of it all was Viola, who had been pinned against her car as a giant rock sat atop it. She was crying, screaming, and begging Rex not to hurt her. That snapped him out of it long enough to drop the stone he was holding--the stone he was threatening her with. About that time the cops showed up. They screamed at him to turn off his powers, but he couldn't. Something had snapped in him, and he couldn't return to flesh. He found out that knockout gas was one of the few things that worked on him.

The next thing he knew, he was in a cell. His mother looked at him, shaking her head. "I knew you were like your father." The disgust and anger rolled off her. He charged at the cell only to find himself restrained with pure metal. He couldn't feel the ground underneath him. He felt cut off from everything. Most of all, he felt cut off from the people that had loved him.

Without money, lawyers, or political pull to get him out of the situation, he was sentenced to Ju-V. He wasn't a lost cause, but he wasn't exactly winning gold stars.

M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"Where this is anger, there's always pain underneath." 4
Rex isn't a complex individual. His interests lie in revenge, however petty. No one is going to fuck with him and get away with it. He led a privileged life until he didn't. He doesn't know if he wants to go back there, but he definitely doesn't want to be here. Shunned. Hated. Disliked. If he knows one thing, it's that public opinion is pretty set in stone when it comes to people. At one time he wouldn't want to be lumped into the same camp as his father. Now, he's fine with proving people right.

Fine, fuck it, he'll be the piece of shit that they want to vilify. It's easier than trying to wrestle with who he really is inside. His formative years were a lie, and all he's been left with is a lump of formless clay. And he can only prove himself with action, and the only action he knows that is effective is anger and fear.

A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"The most precious jewels are not made of stone, but of flesh." 5
// A B I L I T I E S:
STONE MIMICRY| Rex's body is made from granite, and his organs are made from quartz. In this form, he's fairly indestructible and doesn't require to breathe or eat, but he does anyway.
LITHOKINESIS | He's able to feel the stone around him and control it, almost as if it weights nothing to him. He doesn't have the tightest grasp on his power, and will physically appear to lift it though it is more of a kinetic power.

// S K I L L S:
PHYSICALITY | Rex is physically imposing, it's probably why he didn't immediately crumple when his power first activated.

// L I M I T A T I O N S:
TOUCH-BASED | Despite being 'kinetic', he has to be able to touchstone to control it. It can be as easy as going barefoot on the ground to connect himself to the rock below, but if he was inside a room made of metal, plastic, glass, etc. he wouldn't be able to access the stone around it because he's not in direct contact.
EMOTIONAL LIMITATIONS | His abilities are intrinsically tied to his emotions. The more he feels, the more they consume him. If he gets too angry, he becomes mindless and may be more of a hazard than a help. On the other side of the coin, if he's made docile via artificial means or meditative means, his power will recede into nothing.

// W E A K N E S S E S:
CHEMICAL AEROSOLS | Despite not needing to breathe, air-based chemicals still affect him as his body still has a mouth and nostrils and they still lead into the intended organs. Tear-gas, knockout-gas, poison-gas, and even nerve-gas can have their intended effect on him without him needing to breathe it in.
PSYCHIC ATTACKS | Due to his dad's meddling, he's become highly susceptible to psychic attacks. They find no resistance while trying to enter his mind.
WEIGHT | Since Rex can't turn his power off unless he stops feeling emotions, he's stuck in his rock-like state which will immediately send him to the bottom of an ocean, through unsupported structures, and really make elevator and car rides uncomfortable.

N O T E S:

// S U P P O R T I N G C A S T:
JOANN KINGSLEY PORTER | Despite her initial feelings about Rex being apprehended, she's relaxed on her stance given everything that has happened. While she doesn't have the allies that her husband had, she is a journalist and has lots of friends in the publication and investigation business.

TBD | Test

TRENT KINGSLEY | No matter what his dad may think, he's Rex's number one enemy.
VIOLA BLAKENSHIP | Ex-girlfriend, and while he still has a torch for her, he also knows he's an idiot for doing so.

// S T O M P I N G G R O U N D S
US | Atlanta, Georgia

// P A R A P H E R N A L I A

2 Jean Genet
3 Bryant H. McGill
4 Eckhart Tolle
5 Robert Ludlum

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lawful Newtral
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Lawful Newtral Black Leg

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Z E L D A "Z E E" D I A N G E L O N O V E M B E R 5 T H ( 1 9 ) ( C I S ) F E M A L E
"I'm not living, I'm just killing time..."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"For a minute there, I lost myself."
An emotional snowball of energy, Zee seems to always be at the edge of melting, so to speak. Her efforts to maintain some semblance of control manifest in tight lips with an expressive face. Zee's good company, truly, if you look past her laconic troubled exterior. Dark humorous with a penchant for the drama. 60% of her vocal real estate is swearing and quoting songs.

Through circumstances beyond her control, Zee is unable to be physical with...well, anyone. And she dresses as such. A modest wardrobe in the form of oversized shirts, sweaters, and hoodies. Rarely seen in public without gloves.


◼ HEIGHT | 5'6"

◼ BUILD | Slender, unathletic.

◼ HAIR COLOUR | Black hair bleached white by her metahuman powers.

◼ EYE COLOUR | Dark brown


◼ BODY MODIFICATIONS| An old tattoo of a black sun inked over an older bruise on her left leg. Scar tissue spelling out 'murderer' on her right palm, art of her own making.

◼ SEXUALITY| Bisexual

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"I used to be alright. What happened?"
It was a good life of plenty in the suburbs off Boston for Zelda, her only worry the fact that she was named after a damned video game. The only child of the DiAngelos, a loving if eccentric couple of musicians, 'Zee' was nevertheless accompanied by a household of warmth and joy. She could care less about how many people at school made fun of her name and her small stature, home was always there to comfort her with a song. Zee idolized her parents and the happiness they brought to her life.

So imagine what happened if both were taken from her, by her own hands.

High school graduation day. Despite rising tensions with the metahumans, Zee was hopeful for the future. Boston University was on the horizon, and her parents couldn't be more proud. As she rushed them for a hug after receiving the diploma, the die was cast and her latent metahuman powers chose this precise time to make itself known. And it did so in lethal fashion. Zee's tight embrace brought forth a chill, then biting cold, then unbearable frost. Her parents screamed as abysmal temperatures set in, hypothermia claiming them faster than Zee could stop. Well, that's not entirely accurate. She couldn't stop it, and the people that raised her were soon naught but frozen corpses on the ground.

Panic defrosted the stunned Zee. Amidst screams, her own and otherwise, 911 was called and the celebration was soon broken up by the authorities. Manslaughter in broad daylight, what else could she even say to that? She resigned herself to the chains of the law and for the next several months in confinement, she would exercise her right to remain silent. Silence was preferrable to the blood-curdling screams of that day. Silence would have been all she knew were it not for AEGIS' intervention.

Pioneers of peace between humans and the humans beyond, they arrived to negotiate for Zee's release in exchange for her continued interment within their own facility, specialized compounds of rehabilitation for young metahumans. The warmth of compassion pierced through the cold exterior. Was this a chance at a new life? Zee really had nothing left to lose. No parents, no home, no future. Zero.

So why not?

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"I want to live, I want to breathe. I want to be part of the human race."
Few incidents are as scarring as seeing your own parents freeze to death in front of you. Their impromptu tombs haunt Zee's dreams day in and day out, and she suspects they will never stop haunting her until she forgives herself and does better. That first one is a bit too far-fetched, but the second one is something she can reach for.

Zee's powers have already claimed two lives, and by her reckoning, that's two lives too many. With nothing else to cling onto but the weight of the world, she will not let this second chance slip by. From here on, she will use her powers wisely. No one else is getting hurt. Especially Zee. She is never getting hurt ever again.

▼ A B I L I T I E S:

"Murderer, I'm a murderer. I'm not the same as you."
◼ CRYOHUMANITY | Zee's metahuman body is permanently locked at slightly below 0 degrees Celsius. In lieu of shutting down, she has instead adapted to such low temperatures, giving her the ability to freeze anything she touches. With focus, she can also project her body 'heat' into a short-range freezing aura. Additionally, her body's temperature lock means that Zee is extremely resistant and even immune to the cold.

◼ RANGE | As above, Zee's powers is lethal at close range but ineffective beyond. Until she can master her ice powers enough to actually make ice from nothing, which may be never at this rate, she is as effective in combat as a maniac with a knife. But, you know, that knife turned people into ice cubes

◼ HEAT | Customary for an ice person, Zee does not operate well in extreme heat or the proximity of fire. The sheer cold of her own static body makes her somewhat functional in the heat, but high temperatures stop everything else from freezing, defeating the purpose of her powers.

◼ MIDAS EFFECT | Due to the nature of her body, Zee cannot exactly turn off her freezing touch. Anyone spending more than a few seconds of contact with her skin is at risk of deadly sub-zero temperatures. The wild aspect of this power requires her to wear gloves and minimize physical contact with anyone.

▼ N O T E S:

ANTHONY & OLIVIA DIANGELO | Zee's late parents. They were a folk music duo, with all the new-age nonchalance that entails. They cared for their daughter more than anything else, and it pains her to think that the last moments of two wonderful people were excrutiating cold.

TBD | Test

TBD | Test

◼ Newton, MA | A small suburbia, stone's throw away from downtown Boston. Far removed from the troubles of the world until Zee burned that bridge.

◼ TABLET | A laptop is clunky to charge and her phone is worth for little more than a call. Zee relies on the middle ground: a tablet for reading, browsing, and communicating.

◼ HARMONICA | Her mom's favorite instrument. Zee can't play it without the whole thing turning into ice, so this is a sentimental memento above all.

◼ INTELLECT | Neither athletic nor a people person, Zee's lot at life seemed to be academia. She has a keen mind for humanities: anthropology, history, and literature studies. She'd like to use her future to learn from the past, preferrably in a reputable institute, but there's little chance of that with her criminal record, is there?

◼ MUSICALITY | An inherited skill from her virtuoso parents, Zee has a way with music and rhythm. Her specialty is playing the piano, having been taught sonatas since the age of 5. Ever since the advent of her powers, however, Zee has yet to find a piano that feels...right against her icy fingers. To say nothing of the damage she would cause to the piano.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Wei Wuxian
Avatar of Wei Wuxian

Wei Wuxian Xianxia Lover

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Seobin Langston November 14th (EIGHTEEN) MALE
"Careful, your mind can play tricks on you."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Take it all in, or as much as you can handle"
◼ HEIGHT | 5' 7"

◼ WEIGHT | 154 lbs

◼ BUILD | Model/Swimmer/Toned


◼ EYE COLOUR | Brown


◼ OTHER | Seobin is pansexual.

Seobin has three piercings in each ear. He has a tattoo on his chest, one on his back, and a full sleeve on his left arm. Seobin has beautiful chocolate caramel skin. His eyes are a beautiful brown and his lips a kissable soft pink. Seobin is fashion-forward and enjoys accessories. He has a smile that can light up a room. Seobin's hair is not long and he does change the color from time to time. Currently, he has frost tips.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Some choose peace, I choose chaos"
He is an orphan. He never got to know his birth mother and father. They abandoned him when he was three months old, leaving him on an abandoned farmhouse doorstep. Of all the places they could have left him, they chose a dusty farm. A middle-aged man found him. The man was a metahuman, one who could do amazing things with fire. The outside of the farm was a disguise to keep the man safe and out of the attention of humans. He was an extremely wealthy man who had lost his son and wife due to complications years prior. Throughout his life, Seobin grew up raised by this man. After finding Seobin, the man began to grow attached, and as time went on, he began to see Seobin as his son. Seobin went to school like any normal kid and everything was fine.

How did Seobin end up in the Underground? The man who raised him was also part of the Underground, but he tried to keep Seobin away from that life because Seobin's metahuman gene had not revealed itself, and the man thought Seobin was human, that is until Seobin's gene activated. The man began to train Seobin, hoping that he would at least be able to understand his gift. Seobin got his first tattoo at the age of 16. This is when he found out that all it takes is one time. Sadly, the girl who birthed the child died from complications. Seobin was left to figure out how to raise a child and be a father when he himself was only a teenager.

The man, who Seobin knew as his father, educated Seobin on what to do and how to do it. Eventually, Seobin had to leave his son in the care of the old man after an explosive altercation at a restaurant proved too much and AEGIS quickly stepped in to help. Seobin had just turned 18 when it happened and his son had turned 2.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"Stand for something, or fall for anything"
Seobin has a 2-year-old son that he loves with all his heart, and in order to keep him safe and out of the system, he left him with family. His reason for doing anything he does is for his son. No matter the hardship, as long as he is safe and happy that's all that matters. In addition to his son, Seobin just wants to be able to control his fiery emotions. He has seen what losing control can do. This is why he was contacted and retrieved by AEGIS.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"I'll make this as painful as possible"
◼ Psychokinesis | Seobin is psychokinetic. What that means is Seobin can psionically move and manipulate matter and energy.

◼ Flight | Using his mind's power, Seobin has unlocked the ability to become aerial. Though not fast, he can maneuver up to 30 miles per hour.

◼ Underground Champion | Seobin is well versed in fighting. At the age of 13, he would fight in the underground. The Underground was a place people would go to let out their frustrations. A lot of illegal trades and business happened there. It was similar to a fight club. People would view the fights and bet on who would win. Metahuman vs Metahuman. The only way out was to be knocked out or be the one who knocked out others. Seobin spent the better part of 3 years in the Underground with many victories on his belt, but eventually, the Underground was closed after humans found out.

◼ Exertion | Seobin's psychokinesis has one major flaw, his willpower. His willpower can be influenced by his emotions. If his emotions become too erratic, his psychokinesis can become deadly to all those around him, and potentially himself. He must maintain a constant level of control. His abilities are also linked to how trained his mind is. At his current level, he can easily manipulate a car. With maximum effort he can manipulate a pickup truck. He can completely stop a rhino at full charge, and he can fully uproot a tree. The larger the object the more exertion it takes. If he does too much at one time, overexertionc an occur. Overexertion will cause harmful effects on his body. He will experience painful headaches, his nose will bleed, and he can experience a blackout; however, with more training and honing of his abilities, the possibilities are limitless.

◼ Emotions | Though he was working with a therapist to get better control over his emotions, he has always been a hot head, part of the reason AEGIS located him and brought him in. Seobin has a hard time letting things go.

▼ N O T E S:

◼ Maverick Joseph Langston| Maverick Langston is Seobin's father. He is a reclusive multimillionaire. He tends to disassociate from society and lives on a farm isolated from the city. Despite the isolation, he has all the amenities that city folk have.

◼ Jacob Jacovian Langston| Jacob is Seobin's son. Jacob is 2 years old and is currently in the care of his grandfather Maverick. It is unknown if Jacob has the metahuman gene.

TBD | Test

TBD | Test

◼ Jacksonville, North Carolina | The place he calls home.

◼ A SINGLE PICTURE | Seobin keeps a picture of Jacob on him at all times, to inspire him to keep going.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 8 days ago


Alexandra “Sasha” Nikolaeva Kuropatkova February 21 (19) Female
“Some are touched by greatness. Most will only leech off it.”

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

“It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.” - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy
◼ HEIGHT | 185cm - 6’1”

◼ WEIGHT | 55 kg to 86 kg - 121 lbs to 190lbs

◼ BUILD | Emaciated to buff

◼ HAIR COLOUR | Blonde



◼ OTHER | Barcode tattooed on the back of her neck and her right wrist. Russian double headed eagle tattoo on her back.

Due to the nature of Alexandra’s Metahuman abilities her appearance is not something that’s easy to nail down. If she, by her own words, hasn’t “fed” in a long time she will appear very pale, sickly and on the brink of starvation. A gaunt face, sunken eyes, straw-like hair and barely any meat on her bones would be clear giveaways that she’s very low on her charge. On the contrary, when Alexandra is high on charge she has an almost perfect physique. Her face will appear fuller as her skin gains a much healthier color, her hair will regain its volume and her physical build becomes much more powerful.

Alexandra likes to wear baggy clothes that cover as much as possible. Hoodies and cargo pants are her go-to attire. She pretty much always wears a telnyashka whenever she has the chance, as a reminder of where she came from. Alexandra also has a thick Russian accent due to her only leaving her home country very recently. She keeps her blonde hair at a relatively modest length, reaching down to her upper back, and usually styles it into a bun or ponytail.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"The more comfort you have the less courage there is."
Alexandra Nikolaeva Kuropatkova was born into a life of great wealth and privilege. She was after all the only child to one of Russia’s many oligarchs, a lesser one called Nikolai Ivanovich Kuropatkin. Not that she saw him much, as he blamed her for the death of her mother, who died during childbirth. Something Nikolai would never fail to remind the little girl of during the rare times he visited her. Alexandra grew up in a highly protective environment in St. Petersburg, as her father insisted that she’d be homeschooled by private tutors and have nannies to constantly watch over her.

While her early childhood was fine, Alexandra would develop a lot of health related issues when she hit puberty. Her constitution became very weak and she would often be bedridden for extended periods of time due to a lack of energy. These issues only exacerbated as she got older. At some point her body started to reject all types of food, no matter the shape, no matter what it consisted of. Doctors couldn’t find out what was wrong with her until, on her 16th birthday, an incident occurred.

The bedridden Alexandra had to be made presentable for her birthday, her father demanded it. So one of her nannies, Maria Petrovska, came in to check on the emaciated girl. However, as she reached out to check Alexandra’s temperature, something happened that would change Alexandra’s life course forever. Maria screamed out in pain as she touched Alexandra’s forehead, who looked on in horror as she saw her old nanny paralyzed by a sudden pain. But what shocked her most was that she felt… good? Better than she could remember ever feeling. Another caretaker intervened as she tore Maria away from her. She barely looked like the woman she’d been mere moments ago, frail and weak, much like how Alexandra looked. That was when she noticed that her vision had become sharper, her grip in her hands stronger, her ailments gone. And most notably; her hunger was finally sated.

As would later turn out, it seemed that Alexandra’s Metahuman ability appeared to allow her to absorb the life force of other living things. The downside was that this also seemed to be the only thing that could sustain her from this point on, as regular food would immediately be rejected by the body.

Ever the opportunist, Nikolai Kuropatkin wasted no time in exploiting this newfound Metahuman asset. As it turned out, Nikolai had connections everywhere, including in extremist circles who wanted to cleanse Russia of its corrupt and decadent government by any means necessary. Amongst them was an organization called Velikiye Volki (The Great Wolves), which aimed to achieve this goal through the use of Metahuman attacks on Russian society. Nikolai curried favor with this group by offering up his only daughter, as a symbol of his dedication to the cause. And the meek Alexandra went along with it, happy to finally be given this opportunity to make her father proud.

Based near the city of Vladivostok, the next 2 years Alexandra - together with a group of similarly aged metahuman patriots - would be mentored by Boris Ilyich Suvarov, a former FSB officer known as The Captain. Under his tutelage she would learn the basic capabilities of her powers and eventually she’d learn to make physical contact with living things again without immediately absorbing its lifeforce. Besides helping her with her powers, The Captain also taught her basic military training which included things like bivouacking and sambo, a Russian martial arts form. He also instilled in them a great pride for their cause: To rid Russia of all the corrupt traitors and instead bring respect, honor and glory back to their beloved Motherland.

For the first time Alexandra could remember she finally felt wanted somewhere. Amongst the Velikiye Volki she felt like she finally belonged and she saw her fellow Volk comrades as the family she never had.

Things were already set in motion by the time Alexandra reached her 19th birthday. Some of the other Velikiye Volki cells across the country had started some of their attacks, causing panic in the country. Branded Metahuman terrorists by the government, they swore they’d do whatever it takes to root out the Metahuman threat. And they would greatly reward anyone who helped them crackdown on the Velikiye Volki. Alexandra’s cell hadn’t been called upon to do their patriotic duty yet. They were deemed too young to risk their lives. Even as they lost contact to the other cells, there would be no call to arms. The Captain forbade them to do anything risky.

Alexandra was called into The Captain’s tent on a stormy night. A night that would stick with her for the rest of her life. He calmly explained their situation to her. It turned out that there had been a traitor in the Velikiye Volki. That traitor was none other than Nikolai Ivanovich Kuropatkin, her father. He had used Alexandra as a bargaining chip with the Velikiye Volki to learn the location of every cell’s base of operations, pretending to be a supplier of much needed goods that his conglomerate could procure. Now that the price offered by the government was big enough he had decided to cash in and gave up all of the known cell locations. It was only a matter of time before the Vladivostok cell would be hit as well.

But The Captain had a plan. Nikolai wasn’t the only one who had connections. He had made contact with an American colleague Thomas Lynch, a former NSA officer who went into the private sector to work for some organization called Aegis. Lynch could guarentee the kids of the Vladivostok cell safe passage into the United States on one condition:They would have to be separated upon their arrival on American shores and be processed into their Metahuman Rehabilitation program, the so called Ju-V program. The Captain, however, would stay. For now at least.

With false passports in hand, the last remaining intact Velikiye Volki cell of Russia snuck out of the country, right under the government’s noses. Waiting for them in Seattle was Thomas Lynch, who would give each of the cell members a new ticket and a personal Aegis handler for the trip. As faith would have it, Lynch had been assigned to accompany Alexandra.

Destination: San Francisco.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"Let our noble wrath boil over like a wave."
Alexandra is confused about her current situation. All she had known before was either her sheltered life at home or the supportive environment of the Velikiye Volki basecamp. Now she is cast into a foreign country with a culture that seems almost alien to her. This is why she’s trying her best to keep her head low and attract as little attention to herself as possible. Due to her current status of being on the run she is very suspicious of strangers, especially those who seem to act selfishly. Reacting in a sort of “Why are they nice to me? What do they want from me?” way. But while keeping her head down is her immediate priority and her current situation is still messy, her long term goal is crystal clear: To avenge her comrades and put her father’s head on a spike.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Your pain is my gain."
◼ Life force absorption | Alexandra can absorb the life force of any living object, as long as she has physical contact with said object. In fact, she completely subsists on this life force. The more powerful the living thing, the more “sated” she will be. In theory she could absorb entire acres of grass to survive, but a few seconds of Metahuman lifeforce would yield far more “energy”. (And it’s tastier too). The absorption is not instant, but Alexandra can regulate the speed at which she absorbs the life force of something. This speed ranges from barely noticeable to the subject, to extremely draining where regular humans will wither away before your very eyes. Needless to say that the latter option is extremely painful for the subject. Feels like taking a warm bath to Alexandra though.

◼ Physical Boost | Alexandra can apply this “energy” in a multitude of ways. While the primary one is obviously remaining alive, there are some party tricks that she can pull. The more energy she has, the more her strength and reflexes increase. While she won’t be juggling cars around or dodging bullets, it would still be clear that her feats would be very hard for a non-metahuman to rival.

◼ Healing | Another trick she has up her sleeve is channeling the life force to a specific area of the body. While this is a rapid drain on her life force reserves, she is able to greatly accelerate the healing process of most injuries. The usage of this ability is not just limited to her own body, as Alexandra is able to use her own reserves to heal the injuries of others.

◼ Sambo | Best described as judo with boxing and a bit of wrestling, Sambo is a Russian martial art that’s also officially adopted by the Russian Armed Forces. Alexandra was trained by The Captain in this martial art. While far from an expert, she knows enough to be able to hold her own in a fist fight.

◼ Survival Training | Based in the far east of the Russian Federation, the Velikiye Volki camp was surrounded by the vast wilderness of the Siberian taiga. For this reason it was deemed essential that all of the recruits would be taught survival skills for if the worst case scenario came to be.

◼ Physical contact | Alexandra needs to make physical contact in order to be able to absorb the life force of whatever it is she’s trying to “feed” from. This mostly means skin to skin contact. All but the thinnest of fabrics will be able to stop her from absorbing the life force of whatever it is she’s currently targeted.

◼ Energy reserves | Alexandra’s body basically acts like a container for the life force that she absorbed. The more life force she has the more mass she gains, until a certain point when she’s reached her cap. Think of it like eating until you fill your stomach. Conversely, if she excessively consumes her energy through whatever means her mass will decrease, to the point where she’ll eventually look like a walking corpse.

◼ Physical Boost | The physical feats that Alexandra is able to perform would be just barely above peak human ability. Like being able to, with quite some effort, squat the weight of a horse. This is of course completely dependent on whether she has enough energy left in her reserves.

◼ Healing | While the healing of tissue damage isn't much of an issue, grievous injuries will be a much bigger drain on Alexandra’s reserves. Broken bones or damaged organs take a significant amount of energy and also concentration. She isn’t going to be able to heal a broken arm in the middle of a fight for instance, as she will need to fully concentrate on healing said arm. She is also unable to reattach dismembered limbs or regrow them in any way. Once they’re off, they’re off for good.

◼ Only human after all | Anything that kills a regular human is probably going to end Alexandra too. Bullet to the head? Yeah, that’ll do it. Falling off a skyscraper? Gonna end up like a pancake. Gas, drowning, decapitation… It’s all still gonna kill her as easily as anyone else.

◼ Energy starved | Alexandra needs a regular intake of life force as much as regular people need to consume food. If she is kept away from any living thing she will slowly wither away, becoming a frail and sickly individual until she eventually dies a painful death not too dissimilar to one caused by regular starvation.

▼ N O T E S:

Boris Ilyich Suvarov “The Captain” | “The father I never had. He taught me everything I know. I owe him my life, if it were not for him I would probably be dead in a ditch in Russia by now. His current status is unknown, but I pray to God that our paths will cross once more soon.”

Thomas Lynch | “My Aegis handler and a personal friend of The Captain. I am unsure how to feel about the man. He has been a helpful but distant man. Suits me perfectly.”

TBD | Test

Nikolai Ivanovich Kuropatkin | “Oh dearest father, I hope you’re enjoying the spoils of your deceit. Because it will make the moment all the sweeter when I take it all away from you. When we meet again - and it will happen - I will make sure to let you suffer as much as you made my comrades suffer. Just like how you leech off of our Motherland, I shall drain you of your last ounce of strength. This I swear, with the Almighty as my witness.”

◼ Russia | Primorye (Mainly Vladivostok and its surrounding areas)

◼ The Captain’s vodka flask | “A gift from the old man, a memento of better days.”
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 2 mos ago


...Don't wanna grow up…

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

...I wanna get out…

◼ HEIGHT | 5’9”

◼ WEIGHT | 153 lb

◼ BUILD | Slender, Tall & Willowy

◼ HAIR COLOUR | Naturally blonde but dyed red | Straight | Usually worn down in all of its silky glory.

◼ EYE COLOUR | Blue-Green


Grunge & Alternative, Heavily 2000’s Inspired || T-Shirts of favorite bands, shows and movies | Denim Jeans and Shorts | Button-Down Flannels | Doc Martens | Converse | Vans | Leather Jackets | Windbreakers | Sunglasses | Eyeliner | Cherry Chapstick



Noah Cypress is the girl your parents tell you to avoid because she’s a ‘bad influence’, and it may seem that way upon first impressions. Her extroverted demeanor, devil-may-care attitude, and fearless way in which she will stand up against anyone or anything for her loved ones and her beliefs can be intimidating to some. Yet those who get to know her on a personal level will swear to Noah being an incredibly supporting person, loyal to a fault, fiercely protective, and just someone you can trust with your life who you can be sure will have your back. Do you need someone to listen to you? She’ll be there. Do you need unfiltered, honest advice? She’ll give it to you with your best interests at heart. Do you need someone to convince you to buy that expensive item you’ve been eyeing for months or go out tonight? She’s got you. Do you need a wingwoman for a night out, a cheerleader and/or someone to fight with you because someone did you wrong? She’s your girl.

Cross her, though? You’d best sleep with one eye open. She believes in getting mad and getting even.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

...Hey, take me away…
From the day of Noah Jean’s arrival that 31st of January twenty years ago, the first child of Colin and Melania Cypress had been going against any expectations set to her by others. Her wealthy, affluent parents, who had expected a boy, were surprised to find out at birth that they were now parents to an infant girl. When Colin and Melania had expected a soft-spoken, gentle, cuddly lady for a daughter, they got a loud, adventurous, thrill-seeking wild child that pushed the boundaries and tested their limits with her pranks and antics.

Growing up with awareness of her powers and using them for entertainment, Noah’s pranks of making items explode were performed with the only intention of making people laugh, never with malice. But when university professor Howard Sterling purposely failed her from his class in retaliation for her rejection of his lewd, perverted advances, the hot-headed Noah was determined to make him pay. She confronted the man in the campus parking lot as soon as she received the news of her grade, and his arrogant, smug smirk was enough to send her over the edge. With a swift snap of her fingers, Howard’s car exploded, causing damage to the vehicles around it and critically injuring the man.

Unfortunately for the redhead, slimy Howard managed to pull through, and a criminal case was pursued against her. But even with her parents’ influence and the help of the best of lawyers, there was no escaping Noah serving time for her impulsive transgression. However, through some negotiations with the prosecution, they reached a plea deal: Noah would plead guilty to the lowered charges against her, and in exchange she would serve her sentence time at Aegis rather than prison.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

...I want to shout out…
Noah’s only motivation as it stands is to play the part of the good, well-behaved Aegis resident, pass whatever tests or evaluations are necessary to be considered ‘rehabilitated’, and return to her family and friends in Tacoma and get revenge on that son of a bitch Howard Sterling.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

...Take me away, away, away, away, away…
◼ EXPLOSION INDUCEMENT| Noah Jean can cause the instant explosion of inanimate objects with the snap of her fingers.

◼ PROFICIENT COMBATANT| Noah can, at the very minimum, successfully defend herself in case of physical fights with humans without having to resort to the use of her powers.

◼ MUSICAL EAR| Although she's far from an expert, Noah can pick up on how to play songs on her guitar by ear.

◼ LIMITED LEVEL| Noah’s explosions are currently limited to that of a medium level. She can cause a cluster of smaller items to explode at once, but in the case of larger items such as bridges, vehicles, buildings, boats, etc, she is limited to only one item per explosion.

◼ LIMITED RANGE| In order to provoke her explosions, Noah needs to have her selected target within eyesight.

◼ LIMITED DETONATION MECHANISM| As it stands, Noah’s explosions are only triggered by the snap of her fingers, thus rendering her powerless if unable to perform the action.

◼ IMPULSIVITY| Noah tends to act on impulse without really thinking of or evaluating the consequences of her actions.

▼ N O T E S:

Colin & Melania Cypress | Noah’s loving parents, and the ones who fought tooth and nail to keep their beloved daughter from going to prison. They never once doubted Noah’s story about Howard, and are currently working under the shadows to make the man pay for the suffering he caused their family.


Howard Sterling | The perverted, disgusting piece of shit whose fault it is that she’s facing her current predicament.

◼ USA| Tacoma, Washington

◼ ORANGE VAPE MOD| Bad habits are hard to kick, and this is Noah’s most obnoxious one yet. The device seems to be permanently glued to her hand, and her constant puffing on it leaves a cloud of cherry-scented smoke wherever she goes. She has brought its charger and an assortment of fruity scented/flavored juices for refills.

◼ ORANGE ACOUSTIC GUITAR| Living up to the stereotype of rocker chicks who play guitar and not being ashamed of it in the slightest, Noah has decided to bring her guitar along for the duration of her stay in an attempt to keep her sanity, perfect her craft and learn a few lessons along the way. It's the closest she'll get to her belovws karaoke nights for a little while.

◼ IPOD TOUCH| Noah believes that a life without music is a life not worth living. Because she can’t bring her phone to the facility, she hopes this can be a suitable replacement. She has gone through the grueling process of downloading over two thousand songs to ensure her musical needs are met throughout this process.

...It's the same old shit, never ends…

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by webboysurf
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webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Z A C H A R Y " Z A C K " C L A R K S E P T E M B E R 8 T H ( 1 9 ) M A L E
"Look, I learned my lesson... besides, they weren't going to miss it."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Make sure to get my good side."
◼ HEIGHT | 5' 9"

◼ BUILD | Lean


◼ EYE COLOUR | Green

◼ 'VOICE' TEXT COLOUR | Hex Code fdc68

Zack is fairly average in build and appearance, other than his chic hairstyle and green eyes. He has a calculated stare, and seems to eye up every inch of any new environment or person he encounters. He typically dresses fairly plain in an effort to blend into his surroundings, but has been known to purchase (or pinch) elaborate coats to wear in more private settings. His body language is usually relaxed and comfortable, even in stressful environments. After all, worst case scenario, Zack has usually been able to slip away if things get rough.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"What, is this the part where I open up about my bad childhood?"
Sometimes, the system just forgets people like Zack. You've heard it all before. Parents didn't want him, he goes through the Foster system, bounces from house to house, gets involved with the wrong sorts of people... Zack never really had a chance to be anything other than what he turned out to be. He latched on to crime films, stories of partners in crime and found family among crooks, at a young age. It may have romanticized the idea of getting involved in crime. It wasn't long before he met Joey Wallens, a connoisseur of pickpocketing and the scourge of Tower City and Beachwood Place malls, at the age of 12. They both lived near the metroparks, and spent many days and nights hiding from violent parental figures in the woods. Other friends came and went, but Joey and Zack were as thick as thieves. They both were just as obsessed with old crime novels, detective stories, comics, anime, even video games. The two couldn't care less about school or grades, but they both had a voracious appetite for books and ideas to consume and chew on as they talked. They dreamed of one day sticking it to the man and using their talents to help people like them. Zack was like the brother Joey never had. Joey was the first person Zack ever truly cared about besides himself.

The coolest thing to ever happen to Zack Clark was finding out he had powers. It had taken a couple years for the CDP to catch on to their grift at Tower City. One would typically bump into or distract an unsuspecting couple visiting the mall, while the other would make the pull... the two weren't exactly criminal masterminds. But, one officer managed to catch on and went in for the arrest. Zack and Joey booked it, running for the exit. Zack was too busy looking behind him to realize he had veered away from the doors, and was running straight towards the wall next to the exit. He didn't have time to stop... but he didn't have to. He closed his eyes, expecting to slam into the wall... but he wished he could just pass through it. After a lifetime of failed wishes, he was amazed that one came true. Zack was out on the other side, but him and Joey didn't have time to celebrate just yet. The two managed to evade capture that day, and spent the night celebrating with a stolen six pack and a pack of cigarettes. They were riding high.

Of course, Zack's face was then plastered on the news. He was yet another dangerous metahuman to be wary of. Zack knew he couldn't go home, his foster parents were narcs. If he wanted to be in the clear, he would need to get out of state. But... with powers like this, certainly Zack and Joey could hit it big before he skipped town? One last hoorah, and a way to pay Joey back for the years of support. The two planned to hit up a bank in Westlake, one that Joey's mom worked at. The two had been in there plenty of times before. They knew exactly where the vault was, and where they could get some serious cash. They would be in and out. What was the worst that could happen?

Four days after Zack had discovered his powers, he was alone and on the run. The robbery had been a blur. He had left the tip of his pinky behind in the concrete of the wall, his best friend in the whole wide world was in lockup because Zack had left him behind, and Zack Clark was a true fugitive. He ditched the van somewhere near Indianapolis, and took a Greyhound to Los Angeles to get as far as humanely possible from his former home. Zack didn't have too much cash to burn through, and saved what he could to buy a van from someone for a few thousand bucks with the promise they didn't ask any questions. Zack lived out of that van until his most recent arrest. He drove it up to the Bay Area, where he spent a lot of time camping and meeting new friends. It was in these years he met Tre and Becca on separate occasions. Tre was a recent college graduate and a certifiable nerd, double majoring in Computer Science and Philosophy. Tre loaned Zack a lot of books on philosophy as they got to know each other more and more, and was one of the only people Zack felt comfortable sharing his criminal past with.

Zack doesn't really talk about Becca, or the whirlwind romance they shared. He doesn't like to think about how he dreamed they could be like Bonnie and Clyde, and road trip around the country out of his van while robbing banks and living a life of luxury. Of course, none of that happened. Zack spent months trying to convince Becca that a life of crime, just the two of them, would be romantic. Becca kept deflecting, until one day she had enough. When Zack drove to pick Becca up one day and walked into her apartment, he was met face to face with Aegis agents. He was given two options: end up sharing a prison cell with his former best friend, or have a shot at rehabilitation in a new program that might be his last and only chance to turn his life around.

He chose the latter.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"You think I've had enough time to come up with a life plan?"
Zack has always been motivated by survival, plain and simple. Stealing was his way of getting by, and Zack has always prioritized his own survival to the ethics of his actions. In conjunction, Zack believes in the ideals of true freedom and free will: his destiny is his own to make, and he refuses to let the universe decide who he gets to be. As for his goals, Zack has always said he wants to leave an impression on the world that will outlive him. In reality, Zack does seek fame (or infamy, whichever comes first). He acts out for attention and has had dreams of grandeur by imagining he could one day become a "Gentleman Thief." He wants to do good for others, but doesn't quite know how to use his limited skill-set to help anyone but himself.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"You want to see what I can do? Let me use my powers and I'll show you."
◼ Phasing | Zack can change the distance and permeability of molecules within his own body or that he touches to "phase" through solid matter. In theory, he can also close the gap between his own molecules to become more dense, but he hasn't made much effort to try that.

◼ Time | Zack cannot go long distances while phasing, both due to the stress of using the power for a sustained period of time... but also because he cannot breathe. It's like swimming.

◼ Mass | The most Zack has ever tried to phase at a single time was a standing safe in an abandoned office building. He managed to get it to fall through the floor, and didn't have the strength to do it again.

◼ Temperature | Significant changes in temperature can excite or slow Zack to a molecular level, disrupting or limiting his ability to phase through objects. Extreme cold makes him move slower through other objects, which limits his ability to travel and the size of things he can phase (up to and including full disruption). Extreme heat makes him less accurate and makes phasing more dangerous, for fear of being stuck.

◼ One Bad Day | Half of Zack's left pinky is stuck in the wall of a Chase Bank in Westlake, Ohio. He lives in constant fear of leaving more pieces of himself behind anywhere else.

◼ Pickpocketing | He's a thief, through and through. Before he truly understood his powers, or when he didn't feel like using them... it always helps to have sticky fingers to snatch a few bucks or keys to a nice getaway vehicle.

◼ Campfire Cooking | Zack has subsisted on cooking with the worst equipment and gear possible while living out of his van, and spent a lot of time in the middle of nowhere whipping up something to eat. Despite the poor conditions, Zack is a decent cook.

▼ N O T E S:

None | Zack doesn't have allies anymore.

Tre Taylor | One of the few friends Zack has left on the outside, and a lifelong resident of the Bay area. Works in IT at a tech startup in Silicon Valley.

Joey Wallens | He is still sitting in FCI Elkton for the botched Westlake robbery, and wouldn't mind settling their score if he ever got the chance. He was the first person Zack ever truly loved, and Joey loved Zack like a brother.

Rebecca "Becca" York | An Aegis informant, and Zack's biggest mistake.

◼ Cleveland, Ohio | Cuyahoga County Native, spent most of his adolescent life there. It's what he would consider home, if he could consider anywhere home.

◼ The Bay Area | Zack's home away from home for the 3 months prior to his capture, before getting busted in Mexico.

◼ Engraved Arc Lighter | Joey had loaned Zack his trust lighter engraved with his own initials before the Westlake robbery. Zack never got the chance to return it.

◼ Deck of Cards (All Jacks) | A sleeve of Bicycle playing cards, but the only card in the deck is 51 copies of the Jack of Diamonds. The missing Jack of Diamonds was found at the Westlake Chase bank.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 11 mos ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

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H A V E N B A R N E S J U N E 3RD ( E I G H T E E N ) F E M A L E

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Careful with the feathers."
◼ HEIGHT | 5'8"

◼ WEIGHT | 135 lbs

◼ BUILD | Mesomorph

◼ HAIR COLOUR | Light Golden Brown

◼ EYE COLOUR | Hazel


◼ OTHER | To Be Added

Haven has an athletic, yet slim build; with broad shoulders to support her wings, and strong legs for takeoff. She is naturally toned, but must keep active to keep the muscle that supports her ability in shape. She has medium length hair with a natural wave, which normally has a mind of it's own. She's always pushing it out of her face, or sticking it up in a ponytail so she doesn't have to deal with it. Her face is still in the process of maturing, giving her a babyface effect that makes her look a bit younger than her age. All of Haven's clothes are hand-me-downs, lost and found box pieces, or donations from the salvation army. She's gotten pretty handy with sewing, and has created hidden slits in most of her tops and jackets that give her wings a space to slip through. Her style is girly in it's own way, yet she avoids bright colors or loud patterns.

Haven's wings span eleven feet across when stretched to their full length. They've been slowly growing as Haven grows older as if proportionate to her height. They sprout between her shoulder blades, with a small patch of feather tissue connecting them of about two inches. This patch is the same tawny color as the top of her wings. If you were to compare her wings to an actual bird, they are most similar to a tawny eagle. Her wings begin a tawny brown, which then turns darker shades of brown as her feathers reach down to the tips. The underside of her wings repeat the same pattern, albeit ending in a lighter shade of brown than the tops.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"It's not all blue skies and sunshine."
Haven's earliest memories involve her mother. She remembers sleeping in a car or motels, eating grilled cheese for most meals, and many days in the back of a salon playing with the toys in the lost and found box. She was six when she was taken away. From then on, Haven remembers the smell of cigarettes and old carpets. The sound of loud TV's and arguments. Every now and then she'd be placed with other kids, but she'd never stay long enough to get to know them. Not until her last placement.

She was around thirteen, and placed in a home for lost girls. Most of them were older and cruel, but not Isabel. She was the closest Haven could get to a sister. The two watched each other's backs, and kept each other company in the silence at night. As miserable at the home appeared to be, Haven found comfort there with her found sister for a while.

The two matured together, but as Isabel became a young woman, Haven suddenly became something strange and unknown. Her wings sprouted slowly. Growing much like a young bird's would. When it was too much to hide, the other girls bullied her. Even the faculty looked at her with disgust. Isabel was the only one who embraced Haven's differences, but even that was not enough to survive in the home now. They didn't want her there.

So, Haven planned to leave before she was put back in the system. She slipped out in the middle of the night, leaving only a note to Isabel that told her to make something of herself when she made it out of there.

Haven returned to a life without a home. She stayed in the forest outside of the city, away from any unwanted attention. She adapted to life as a scavenger and soon embraced the freedom she now had. She taught herself to use her wings and abilities. She grew to love them. She left the city and travelled across the country, staying in caves and empty vacation homes. After a few unpleasant run ins with the law, Haven was soon found by Aegis agents. They couldn't allow her to return to her new life, and so she was sent to join the Junior Vigilante Programme.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"I just want wide open skies and a place to sleep."
All Haven wants is to be in a place where she can be left to her own life. She wants peace, and if other people are involved, she wants acceptance. She doesn't need much more than the basic necessities of life. One day she does wish to find Isabel again. She hopes that they can start where they left off.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Go on, make a bird joke. It's not like I haven't heard it before."
◼ Avian Physiology: | Haven appears as human as can be, until you see the wings. She is a mix of avian and human DNA. Allowing her several abilities such as...

◼ Flight | Thanks to the wings, Haven is capable of flight.

◼ Enhanced Vision and Hearing | Akin to a bird's vision and hearing, Haven is capable of seeing and hearing over greater distances, seeing sharper images, the ultraviolet spectrum, and has a wider field of perception around her.

◼ Enhanced Lung Capacity | Haven's lungs process O2 more efficiently than a normal human. She is able to withstand low O2 zones and hold her breath for extended periods of time.

◼ Aerial Adaptation | Haven is capable of adjusting to different altitudes and atmospheric conditions that come with high altitudes during flight. This can also come in handy in colder or hotter conditions on ground.

◼ Wing Tucking | Haven's wings are capable of tucking tightly to her backside.

◼ Spacial Difficulty | If Haven decides to take off, she needs proper space and distance to get her wings going.

◼ Limited Senses | While Haven's vision and hearing is enhanced, she has a limited sense of taste and smell.

◼ Physical Durability | Haven requires more calories and rest in order to withstand flight.

◼ Noise | Loud noises irritate Haven's sensitive ears. One blast and her ears are ringing.

◼ Pickpocketing and Lockpicking | Useful for various reasons.

◼ Sewing | Useful for clothing alterations and stitching up scrapes and cuts.

▼ N O T E S:

Not Many | Haven could count the Aegis agent, if they hadn't forced her to join JuV.

Isabel | Old friend, who she hopes to find again.

Officer Mick | The bastard that ruined her lake vacation in Colorado. The one who tipped off the Aegis agents. An anti-mutant asshole.

◼ Any National Park | The best places to sleep peacefully through the night. Haven knows some great spots.

◼ Sewing Kit | Haven can't expect the JuV staff to alter her clothes for her.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


W E S T O N "W E S" C A S S I D Y J U N E 2nd ( 1 9 ) M A L E ( H E / H I M )
"The world can beat up on me all it wants, I'll just come back stronger."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Hit me with your best shot. I can take it."
◼ HEIGHT | 5'9

◼ WEIGHT | 148lbs

◼ BUILD | Average

◼ HAIR COLOUR | Auburn

◼ EYE COLOUR | Green (Indigo when highly charged with energy.)

◼ 'VOICE' TEXT COLOUR | BlueViolet or 8A2BE2

Weston is, in most regards, spectacularly average. Average height; average weight; average build. In a crowded room, he wouldn't stand out. His hair is usually some degree of unkempt, and often just slightly too long. His wardrobe isn't much more noteworthy, either, most seen sporting a dark hoodie and worn jeans.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"When you can do what I can do, it's selfish and stupid to sit by and do nothing."
Weston was born and raised in Philadelphia. Until he was 13, his life was mostly unremarkable. His mother was diagnosed with cancer and passed away a year later after a long-fought battle. Spending all of his free time with his mom during this period, Wes marveled at the bravery and empathy the woman embodied throughout the ordeal.

In the following two years, the young Weston went to live with his grandfather, a retired Philly police officer and habitual volunteer at local homeless shelters. Through his time with his grandfather, Wes learned to appreciate and recognize that there are those in the world less fortunate who are always in need of a helping hand. Upon the emergence of his metahuman abilities, Weston's grandfather proved beyond accepting, actively encouraging the teen to explore his newfound capabilities in safe, healthy ways. Not long after his sixteenth birthday, Weston's grandfather passed away in his sleep.

For the following several months, Weston was shuffled around between distant relatives who he had little to no connection with, ultimately being sent to New Jersey to live full-time with one. While the teen tried to be accepting of his new placement, in the end, he decided to run away and return to Philadelphia. It was there he found himself a member of the homeless community his grandfather had once dedicated years to assisting.

Not long after, an older gentleman within the community was attacked, with Weston thankfully being close enough to intervene, save their life, and fight off the attacker in an impressive display of physical strength. It was this moment that set Wes on his path to vigilantism, the experience encouraging him to actively use his metahuman abilities to aid in protecting those in his community and city.

After two years of vigilante work, Weston found himself wishing he could do more. He had protected his community from muggers, meddled in gang activity, and even prevented more than a few murders on the street, but he couldn't help but feel as if he wasn't living up to the potential of his power. That's when he learned of the Junior Vigilante Program. Seeing the opportunity to help even more people, Wes eagerly volunteered for the initiative.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"You say I'm being brave. I say I'm just doing what I was taught. Help those that need it. Simple as that."
Weston's motivation boils down to one really basic concept: help anyone he can. His mother's bravery in the face of certain death and his grandfather's selflessness to serve others has been instilled in him. He recognizes that, as a metahuman, he has a higher ability to help people than most others, and he doesn't shy away from that responsibility. His goal in joining the Ju-V Program is simply to learn what he can in order to help as many people as he can in the time he has

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"You wanna hurt someone? I'm right here."

◼ Ergokinesis | Weston can absorb, convert, and redirect most forms of energy.

◼ Ambient Energy Absorbtion | Weston is constantly, passively collecting energy. It cannot be turned off. He absorbs ambient light, heat, sound, and more. This energy innately enhances his physiology in various ways. At a base-level, his physical capabilities would be comparable to an Olympic athlete. In addition, so long as there remains ambient energy to absorb, he does not fatigue.

◼ Energy Conversion | The energy Weston absorbs can be converted to other forms of energy.

◼ Energy Redirection | When absorbing non-ambient sources of energy, Weston can redirect said energy in the forms of concussive blasts or reflected as the associated energy itself.

◼ Energy Resistance | As a result of being able to absorb, metabolize, and redirect energy, Weston is highly resistant to most forms of attack. This includes kinetic energy, granting him a great degree of physical durability.

◼ Energy Empowerment | Outside of passive absorption, when exposed to greater amounts of energy, Weston is able to exponentially augment his physical capabilities, including strength and speed. When 'overcharged' this absorbed energy 'leaks' out resulting in an indigo aura that grows in intensity.

◼ Street Smarts| Having spent the last several years of his life living on the streets, Weston excels in unconventional knowledge.

◼ Brawling| While possessing no trained hand-to-hand abilities, Wes' time as a vigilante has allowed him to develop a unique brawling style that suits his powerset.

◼ Willpower| As a result of his upbringing and Weston's ability to withstand significant physical beatings, he possesses an incredibly willful spirit and powerful resolve.

◼ Laws of Conservation | While, theoretically, there is no limit to the amount of energy that Weston can absorb and redirect, there is a limit to the amount that can be stored within his body at any given time. Additional energy absorbed in excess of this limit must be transferred or released within an indeterminate amount of time. Moreso, when Wes enters an 'overcharged' state, he risks uncontrollable discharge of stored energy unless immediately redirected.

◼ Pain Tolerance | Despite having high levels of resistance to most forms of energy, thus negating the majority of physical damage to his body, Weston still feels a considerable amount of pain when exposed to harm. Thus, while physically capable of withstanding attacks, he is susceptible to mental fatigue if he endures too much pain.

◼ Understanding | Weston's utilization of his abilities is entirely self-taught. As such, there are many applications of his powerset that he has never considered let alone displayed. As of his enrollment in Ju-V, the primary utilization of his power is kinetic energy absorption and conversion. He knows he can withstand physical punishment, including up to being shot, and grow stronger as a result. He is also aware that, if he withstands enough punishment, he can generate small, concussive blasts of force from his fingertips - though this is an application of his abilities he's only managed to use twice, mostly unintentionally, and both times after being shot.

◼Restraints | While able to absorb kinetic energy, should Weston be physically restrained in a manner that applies no kinetic force upon him, he would be unable to break free of his bonds.

◼ Presence of Energy | While it would be almost impossible to deny all forms of ambient energy for him to absorb, without additional sources of energy within his vicinity or directed at him, Weston would remain at his base level of power.

◼ Psychic Attacks | If exposed to a telepathic assault, Weston would be as vulnerable as any other.

◼ Gaseous Attacks | Likewise, while his enhanced physiology from ambient energy grants him greater lung capacity than most, Weston still needs to breathe and prolonged exposure to gases will affect him.

◼ Lack of Education | While not unintelligent by any stretch of the imagination, Weston's academics ended prior to completing his junior year of high school. As such, he is without some degree of education.

▼ N O T E S:


The Community | Unhomed individuals with whom Weston lived for three years while operating as a vigilante. Most of the community is aware of his abilities and the role he played in protecting them. It was they, as a collective, who first began to call him Valiant.


◼ TBD |

◼ MP3 Player & Headphones | Weston is never without the MP3 player and sometimes-dysfunctional headphones found in a dumpster and gifted to him by the community. Stored with 600 songs, each at least a decade old, Wes actually uses these in his crimefighting arsenal. The sound is passively absorbed and converted by him to slightly increase his base-level abilities.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Wave Rider

Skylar “Kyle” Vass February 19th ( 18 ) Male

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Wanna touch my hair? It’s soft. Like a cloud."
◼ HEIGHT | 5’7

◼ WEIGHT | 153lbs/69kg (nice)

◼ BUILD | Think Slender Man’s body but with muscle

◼ HAIR COLOUR | Dark brown || Soft like a cloud

◼ EYE COLOUR | Brown

◼ 'VOICE' TEXT COLOUR | Aquamarine/#7fffd4

◼ OTHER | Kyle has his earlobes pierced. Also he's bisexual! *dabs*

Kyle is someone that doesn’t typically dress out of comfort. He isn’t a formal kind of guy and doesn’t like to wear physically-restricting attire. At the very most, you might catch him in a pair of jeans but only when it’s on a cold day. His wardrobe, whether it’s the clothes he has on his back or the clothes that he might pick up while at some thrift shop almost exclusively consists of tank tops, shorts, some sweatpants, a lot of beanie caps and windbreaker jackets. He has a lot of hair ties to, well tie his hair up in a manbun - his preferred style to wear his hair other than down in its natural, silky form.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"I need better friends."
There are a lot of wonders in the world that nobody understands how they can be so perfect. The feeling of getting that one trick shot on Rocket LEague that cements a person's legacy in the hall of fame. Being able to eat a whole five-course meal at the local buffet all by yourself. But the one that tops it all for a one Skyler Vass, often nicked Kyle by his friends, is the ability to find inner-peace before you turned ten by just embracing life to its fullest and not giving a care in the world.

And honestly, that's just what he did.

Kyle has always been a carefree kid. He was born on the Island of Maui. His mother was born there and his father was too. They met through their careers. She was a skating icon and he was a surfer who went mega famous before he was thirty, so naturally Kyle has been active most of his life too and embraced that as a key part of his identity. The lax environment of the Aloha state, for one, allowed him to grow up stress free. Akoni and Suki were the kind of parents who let their child find out who they wanted to be instead of pushing some kind of agenda on them of who they thought he should be. So there was going to be no tragic backstory for this kid.

His first love was surfing and his second love was food. One might argue his third love was enjoying life, but the first two are most important. Kyle was homeschooled for the majority of his adolescence. Another thing his parents believed in heavily. He wasn't without friends because when he wasn't studying for half the morning, he was always by the beach. Always in the water. Always being himself. Even with all the discourse around the world surrounding metahumans and anyone who didn't like that, Kyle was free to be who he wanted to be.

Well, that was until he developed his own powers. It was quite fitting for someone who just went through the motions of the world, someone who became so carefree and oblivious to the harsh realities of the world. He was out surfing one day when he was eighteen and he was facing the largest wave he'd ever encountered. He had been slowly working himself up to The Big One, but he wasn't quite at that level at this point. But Kyle was always a bit reckless when it came to being out in the water. He swam deeper into the great blue than he should. On this day, he caught a big one and rode the wave as much as he could, but as it would turn out, he wasn't ready and he wiped out.

Or, he should have.

By the miracle of whatever deity was looking out for him. By Johnny Tsunami himself, Kyle wasn't just surviving the big one, but as wind itself gathered around him, he began to ride the wave from the top, floating over it all the way into the ocean. This caused quite the stir. His ohana was willing to protect him, but there was only so much they could do to prevent the word of a literal flying kid from the Paradise in the Paciific riding a two-story wave on a specially-made hover board that was definitely waterproof that carried him to safety.

Speaking of safety, Aegis agents came to know about his new-found feats due to a rather accidental posting of the video. See, in addition to having unconventional parents who raised him through unconventional means, Kyle surrounded himself with friends who never thought that far ahead. He never did, either, so they didn't think twice when posting the video on Tik Tok and it went crazy viral. When they approached his family, there was a lot of it that went over Kyle's head. There was a lot that went over their heads too.

Junior Vigilante Program.

What was that? Kyle didn't know. Akoni nor Suki had any idea what it meant either, but even though he had technically didn't do anything illegal per se, Kyle was also a bit at risk, too. He literally had just developed these abilities of his within the last few months and in those few months, if you really wanted to be technically truthful, he did hurt a few people when showing off. Nobody cared because, again, Kyle and his friends weren't the brightest of bunches. They were the kinds of boys that would get inside a giant bubble and Kyle would use his powers to make it fly into the ocean. It's makes sense why they would want to get Kyle far away from irresponsible people that enable that kind of recklessness.

Well, suffice to say, Kyle was packed, took his special hoverboard, and was on a plane to California.

Pretty sick considering he's always wanted to see California girls. Now he had his chance!

Cowabunga dudes!

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"Where are the california girls at? Daisy dukes optional."
Kyle doesn’t want to hurt the people around him. He had a bad experience with how his powers got just a little out of hand and he saw this as an opportunity to learn how to get stronger. But a personal motivation, while somewhat materialistic on his end, he just wanted to see California girls. Is that too much to ask? It was a great opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, so he went with the flow. Riding the wave of life.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Be like the wind, brada!
◼ Aerokinesis| Kyle has the inherent ability to generate and manipulate air.
◼ Wind Generation| Kyle is able to generate his own source of wind. It comes quite natural to him as he can turn it on and off almost like it’s an instinct…though controlling the rate he generates wind is a matter altogether.
◼ Wind Aura | Simply put, for a very limited amount of time, Kyle is able to wrap himself in a constantly-spinning “aura” of wind. It not only helps him control certain hard-to-manage feats, but grants him a significant boost in his speed and offensive, as well as defensive, capabilities. Control over it is great despite how long he can maintain it.
◼ Aerokinetic Surfing| Though typically done through the use of his hoverboard, Kyle can surf using the wind around him. Its easier with his hoverboard because it gives him a vehicle to move around on and it’s significantly easier for him to control since he had spent nearly his entire life surfing. It’s no different than if he was on water with his normal board.
◼ Wind-aided Jet Propulsion | Another case of “it’s easier with his hoverboard”, Kyle is able to manipulate the wind he generates by riding through the air currents and move at faster-than-normal speeds. On his board, it’s easier cause he can control how fast he goes and drift to avoid any major collisions, but when he’s not using his board (or can’t), he surrounds his body with an aura of air and TRIES to control his movements, but it’s a major WIP.

◼ Acrobatics| For his entire life since he could walk, Kyle has always been an athletic kid. It’s been part of his life for as long as he could remember. And especially growing up in Hawaii, it’s part of the culture. He has trained his natural feats to be able to move quite efficiently, which makes his meta ability very fitting. When he’s not using his ability, he can move around easily by flipping all around, jumping over rocks, jumping long distances, maneuvering like a stuntman, and above all else, embodying what it means to be a spider monkey.
◼ Stormwatcher| Being able to know when a storm was coming and when it was long gone is almost as second natured to Kyle as breathing is. Kyle can tell when it’s going to rain by the positon of the clouds. Are they bigger ones? Is it going to be overcast? Partly cloudy with a chance of meatballs? Clear skies? All of this became second natured to him through trial and error. Because he always preferred to surf when the storm was just about to hit so the waves were slightly more chaotic and larger. At a certain point, he became something of a meteorologist himself. If Surfing didn’t pan out like the way he wanted and if was allowed to go back into his normal life, he might do that. Be the hottest weatherman in paradise sounds nice.

◼ Lack of total control without his Hoverboard| As impressive as his feats have come in just months of having his abilities, Kyle lacks a fundamental control over them. He’s like a plane that has lost its landing gear as it comes in for a landing. He might somewhat have a grasp on how to land safely, but the ability to guarantee complete safety when landing is out of his hands when he is going with pure wind. The speed prevents a clear line of sight when trying to land and he mostly has to hope for the best.
◼ He’s only human, after all While he has impressive feats physically and metahumanly, Kyle is still human. He doesn’t have any super resistance or anything like that. Hit him hard enough and he’s bound to bail terribly. Like they say, all it takes is one lucky punch.

◼ Fire = Bad | Simply put, pit him against a pyro head or in a place where a lot of fire or heat is bound to be present, Kyle is bound to totally bail! Fire will suck out any of the wind he might generate and make it into a WILD FIRE!
◼ Ice = Also bad| | Kyle sucks when it comes to ice too. Anyone who can freeze things can also, theoretically, freeze the air, too. And considering that’s his main gimmick, if it’s cold as balls and someone is intentionally trying to make everything below freezing, Kyle might be in trouble. Simply put, hot or cold, Kyle no likey.

▼ N O T E S:

Akoni Vass | One part of my Ohana! Pops always pushed me to follow my dreams and that’s what I’m doing now, makua kane!
Mitsuki “Suki” Vass (nee. Watanabe) | Makuahine always believed in me and I couldn’t ask for a better mom!


Too many to count| Kyle surrounded himself with way too many enablers of bad habits. It’s how he wound up getting checked up on Agent Bubbles…”I mean Aegis agents.”

◼ USA | The Island of Maui, Hawaii

Hoverboard | Isn’t technology grand? Kyle was never one to ask for anything too fancy outside of the variety of boards he has collected over the years. He’s had a skateboard and obviously had plenty of surfboards, but the one that he cherished above all else and what, honestly, has been the best investment, has been this highly expensive and highly innovative hoverboard that responds perfectly to his needs. Even before he developed powers, he used it to get around. Now that he does have powers, it’s DEFINITELY been a godsend. It’s also a nice minty green color.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by DocTachyon
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DocTachyon Teenage Neenage Neetle Teetles

Member Seen 2 days ago


"Double down."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Show me your cards."
◼ HEIGHT | 5’ 6”

◼ WEIGHT | 146 lbs

◼ BUILD | Lean

◼ HAIR COLOUR | Black.

◼ EYE COLOUR | Black.

◼ 'VOICE' TEXT COLOUR | #eab676


Adam has an athlete’s body, geared mostly towards stamina and brief bursts of strength. His training was imperfect since the departure of his brother, but he’s maintained some physique. Adam prefers to dress quite plain, with unbranded tees and jeans to blend into the average. Sometimes he’ll add a cowboy hat to the ensemble, a perfect addition for playing the drunk college kid on a hotstreak.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"The die is cast!"
Adam was born in Nevada at his parents home on the outskirts of Las Vegas. He lived a relatively ordinary childhood, playing cards almost every night with his family and always gathering with the local Paiute tribe and dancing every year at the Pow Wow. Still, his childhood felt defined by the kitschy lights of the city, always winking at him from his bedroom window, beckoning and beautiful.

His older brother, Curt, left for the Marines when Adam was just six, looking to see the world on the government's dime and get out from under the overwhelming presence of the city. Adam’s parents homeschooled him, as they had his brother, to insulate him from the city as he grew older, to connect him with his tribe instead of vapid glitz and glamor.

The city Adam’s parents tried to protect him from took their lives in a car accident when Adam was eleven, when he was at home under the supervision of tribal councilman Darren Anderson. Anderson would take charge of the boy, raising him alongside Curt when he returned from the marines. His parents deaths were always explained to Adam as a true accident, completely random chance, the kind of fate that could have befallen anyone. It’s here he took to gambling, starting with small change with his brother. He tried to cope with that chance and put it in perspective. The odds that he or his brother would die like that too were one in a billion. More likely he could win a hundred hands in a row a hundred times.

Once he was thirteen Adam’s powers began to develop, as small change in his hands transformed into candies and trinkets. To protect the burgeoning metahuman, Curt gave him rudimentary training in martial arts, with slightly more extensive courses in a handful of weapons. As they fought and bonded, Curt told him stories of his service and of history, Iraq and Little Crow, Uganda and Crazy Horse, and more besides. After months of training, Curt began to slow down. He schooled Adam with Anderson, worked the Paiute smoke shop, and trained after hours, but something else was taking it out of him, the light Adam used to see in his eyes. By the time Adam was fourteen, and before he had any chance or inkling to investigate, Curt was gone. The last time Adam saw him was through his second story window, climbing into the side of a blue panel van and peeling away into the night.

By now, Adam was old enough to sneak into the casinos. As long as he made his fake perfect and got his disguise right, he could pick the laziest guard and slip inside. He spent the next three years honing his craft, robbing the casinos blind by counting cards at blackjack and changing small change to high cards in poker. He could create casino chips himself with his ability, so his only weak point was cashing out. He’d been caught more than once, but he would simply dash with as many of his chips as he could carry and return in various disguises with smaller increments of tokens.

His strategy worked without major incident until he was seventeen. A handful of Aegis agents caught wind of a metahuman in the area and joined casino security on their rotation. Two of them caught him red handed at the blackjack table, trying to sneak in a generated ace of spades. He’s now been relocated to Aegis for ‘rehabilitation'.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"The house has gone bust."
Long term, Adam’s motivations are stone simple: cold hard cash. His home tribe exists on a thumbnail of land in southern Nevada, and he intends to buy back as much as he can. He intends to earn it all his way -- counting cards in high stakes matches across the country. At some level, he hopes finding his fortune will let him find Curt and fish him out of whatever hellhole he stumbled into. On the other hand, Adam is afraid he’ll find a corpse.

He figures his enrollment at the Aegis Centre was a mistake. Ideally, he’d never have been caught at all. Still, going down for swindling the casinos had always been a possibility. Better he end up here than a standard juvie joint. Maybe he’ll learn enough to never get caught again.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"I’m playing with a stacked deck."
◼ Instant Market | Using this ability, Adam can transform money into objects based on their value in real world economies.

◼ Gambler | Adam’s been gambling since he was old enough to hold cards, and has been gambling in casinos since he looked old enough to sneak in. He’s an expert card counter with an inscrutable poker face, and he’s had to bluff or fast talk his way out of situations more times than he can count.

◼ Disguise | Adam’s had to master disguise to continue entering casinos with his face on the ‘No Entry’ board. Coupled with his ability, Adam can generate new outfits and fake identification on the fly.

◼ Melee Weapons | Adam has limited formal martial arts experience, mostly with the knife, the axe, and the spear. Years have passed since his lessons, but tilting at shadows in the desert has kept his skills sharp enough to defend himself.

◼ Bankroll | Due to the nature of his power, Adam necessarily has to act within his budget. If he doesn’t have the cash to make a transaction happen, he simply cannot use his ability.

◼ See It To Believe It | Adam needs to be personally aware of any deals he tries to take advantage of with his power, whether it be seeing a posted price or hearing an ad on the radio.

◼ Mark Up | Instead of a conventional energy toll, repeated use of Adam’s power instead results in a mark up on all his purchases. Before long he’s forced to pay double, triple, and beyond for whatever he tries to conjure.

◼ Double Down | When possible, Adam will push his luck for a greater reward. The most he’s ever made has come from doubling down. Even in non-gambling situations, Adam figures he and his abilities are so versatile that they can get him out of anything.

▼ N O T E S:

Darren Anderson | Chairman of the Vegas Paiute tribal council.

Curtis Locklear | Adam’s older brother. Currently missing, possibly deceased.

TBD | Test

TBD | Test

◼ Las Vegas, Nevada | Home of the Las Vegas Paiute tribe.

◼ Ledger | A pocket size leatherbound volume in which Adam keeps track of his expenditures. In total, he has 50,000 dollars to his name.

◼ One Dollar Motorcycle | A deal from Curt, one dollar for his motorcycle, as soon as he was old enough to ride it. In theory, if Curt is still alive out there and intends to honor it, his power could produce it. Adam hasn’t found the heart to try it.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Stories Yet Untold

Member Seen 1 day ago


L I N A Z I E G L E R M A R C H 7TH ( S E V E N T E E N ) F E M A L E
"I hate the sun, sleep a lot, and have bloodlike powers. Call me a vampire, sure."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"But seriously, I'm not a vampire."
◼ HEIGHT | 5'3"

◼ WEIGHT | 102 lbs

◼ BUILD | Thin nearing a sickly gaunt

◼ HAIR COLOUR | The Darkest Black


◼ 'VOICE' TEXT COLOUR | "Crimson"

◼ OTHER | Lina cannot sweat, having all her sweat glands substituted for the glands that produce her syrup-like substance. The syrup-like substance is a crimson, colored by the iron binding to the fiber to give it that color. Although comparisons are made to blood, the syrup-like substance is a brighter red, matching more like the color of a discounted blood prop.

Lina is small, being on average shorter and lighter than other girls her age and due to her power, her pale skin gives the impression she is chronically ill. This is due to constant blood-iron anemia and stunting her physical growth with nutritional iron stolen to supplement the strength in Lina’s power. Careful management of nutrient and mineral intake has made sure she is healthy despite this but this requires excessive amounts of intake of foods high in dietary fiber and iron.

The effect has largely impacted her view of herself, believing herself an anomaly compared to others. She makes small efforts into engaging with how she looks but overall, image is presented plainly. Her style of dressing is conservative with muted colors and fashion selections being dated with a religious Sunday service vibe: Simple conservative dresses, dress shoes, long socks, and maybe a cardigan or sweater if the weather is cold enough. Due to thinly physique, it is almost always cold.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"I was born in the worst place possible, honestly."
Lina has spent her lifetime as an outcast, living in Flagstaff, Arizona. An only child, she’d become the focus of her two parents. Even from the time she was born, she was separated from the other babies as doctors believed she was ill. Her inability to sweat and constant need for certain nutritional supplements had always given her that sickly appearance that she was handled with a delicate but isolating hand. There was little her parents understood about her empowered physiology and so they protected her. She could never be like the other children growing up. When it came to playtime, her parents often told her she couldn’t participate, fearing that she’d become ill either by exerting herself or her parents believing her immune system was weak enough to catch something. In truth, she was far too young to understand how her powers worked so this likely saved her from an early death.

Lina’s parents, for a time, spared her from realizing how different she was. When she would finally gain a little independence from her often too doting parents, it would take one game of tag or a bit too long in the sun for a drip of crimson fluid to scare others around her. As she grew up, fear would turn into contempt. Her parents often cited the other children were jealous but how could they be? Lina had no super strength, flame powers, or any other comic book power that made others dream of having. Her complexion and the syrup’s crimson color lead to the others calling her a vampire, conjuring images of her being some scary creature. Her hiding from the sun to avoid getting too warm often did not help with this.

Her parents, David and Linda, were ironically the bits of positivity in her life to an extend. Their overprotectiveness had been strangling but it kept Lina alive, believing that while she was a freak, she wasn’t freaky enough to be below being loved. When the restriction of the superpowered came to pass, her parents were naturally devastated but privately, Lina thought this to be a potential positive. Her parents, while loved, could not be her whole world. There had to be more and maybe, among her own in a way, she’d find something more to engage with.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"I dunno where this is all going."
To live. At least find a more compelling reason to, because at the moment, Lina feels like her life doesn’t have a purpose. Why is she here other than to simply exist and take up space. It is all horribly depressing but in a way, Lina likes to imagine she is defying this mantra by embracing who she is. This might be a chance for her to finally explore what that allows her to really be.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Kind of hate it but whatever."
◼ Matter State | In short, uses specialized glands under the skin turn viscous fiber into a maple syrup-like liquid that can be secreted from the body. The user can mentally alter the state of matter this substance is in by altering the temperature, making it warmer to turn into a gas and colder to turn into a solid. The boiling and freezing points are relatively low in energy requirements as in, in order for the for the user to turn the liquid into a gas, one just has to think about the liquid getting warmer until it reaches around 110*F and for the solid around 20*F. The user can alter the temperature at their best so long as the substance is touching them and may struggle with temperature altering when the substance is away from their body. It isn't impossible to manipulate the state of matter of the substance away from the person but requires great concentration to achieve the almost telepathic thought with severely ramping difficult with distant from the substance. The substance in all forms is noted to be quite dense, thanks to a slight presence of iron in the solution, sinking to the bottom of a glass of water in both solid and liquid states. The user of this power must maintain a high fiber and iron diet. Overuse of her power will result in extreme dietary fiber and iron loss. Low fiber in the body means that they will have horrid bowel activities and can even risk some more severe consequences of too much use. Low iron count means the body will become anemic leading to other health complications.

◼ Skipping Gym Class| In lieu of physical activity, Lina has taken up all manner of hobbies where she didn’t have to break a sweat. She loves to sketch and has a practice hand at drawing, for example. She has a preference for realism or drawing things “how they truly are” and can remember a scene quite well. She also has a fairly high textbook knowledge of topics and is well read, but nothing more than your average 4.0 high school student.

◼ Nutritional Supplements Please! | Matter State is constantly pulling fiber and iron from Lina meaning she has to ingest more than usual. A lot more than usual. The result is she will start out with a great reserve of matter syrup to use, enough form a solid, cold suit of armor coating her entire body once over. Unfortunately that is the upper limit of her reserve and depleting it, which it naturally does with usage, will drain reserves. Lina would need to be consuming both iron and fiber and give her body time to start absorbing the replacement nutrients. This process starts at around 3 hours after ingesting food. She could directly feed the fiber and iron into her bloodstream via IV for a more immediate absorption, but that would be incredibly cumbersome if she couldn’t just lay around.

◼ No Sweat! | With the sweat glands replaced by glands to produce the matter syrup, Lina has no means to passively regulate her body temperature. She has to rely entirely on the temperature properties of the matter syrup to help control her body temperature. However this has issues because her control over the matter syrup is not knob to adjust finely but rather more like a switch. Turning the matter syrup solid, drops the temperature down to 20*F, cooling her body but at the danger of her becoming hypothermic if her body cools too much. The liquid state is transitional and more susceptible to outside influences in temperature so in cooler environments can act like a substitute of sweat, so long as Lina is not physically exerting herself too much. The gaseous state can be used to rapidly warm Lina but too much can result in mild burns or even heat exhaustion. The whole act of body temperature regulation becomes a delicate seesaw act of solid, liquid, and gas. That is not even considering the dangers of her not managing her fiber and iron intake as a lack of both can lead to dangerous physical ailments that can severely harm Lina if she is not careful. It is no wonder why Lina prefers not to do much or exert herself.

▼ N O T E S:

Linda and David Ziegler | Her parents, what more is there to say? They are her biggest fans and promised to write her letters everyday. Lina suspects that if she were a true vampire, drinking the blood of others maliciously, she’d still have their support. Some days it is too much…

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◼ The Shadiest Spot under a Tree | Although she does have favorite places, none quite pull her in like outside under the shade of a dense tree to watch and draw the things she sees. Flagstaff had so few…

◼ Iron and Fiber Suppliments | Be it pills or snacks, Lina is constantly keeping her nutritional levels in check. Her life depends on it, after all.

◼ The Big Binder | Possibly Lina’s most prized possession. It is a large, personalized binder that contains pages of Lina’s drawings, letters, diaries and everything personal to her.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


F R E D E R I C K ' F R I T Z ' J A C K S O N N O V E M B E R 2 1 ( 1 7 ) M A L E
"I cut my losses a long time ago."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Cut from a different cloth."
◼ HEIGHT | 5' 8"

◼ WEIGHT | 130lbs

◼ BUILD | Skinny

◼ HAIR COLOR | Dark brown.

◼ EYE COLOR | Gray and dark.

◼ OTHER | Multiple tattoos scattered across his body, none professionally done - mostly stick'n'poke jobs in community kitchens or on street corners. Some scarring, slashes from accidents while experimenting with his abilities, but patchy burns too from fires, cigarettes, etc.

Undeniably, and even uncomfortably, Fritz looks rough for his age; he's been forced, through abuse and his own retreat from the social system, to mature ahead of his time. Rough living combined with less food than a growing body needs, but more cigarettes and alcohol than a growing body should get, makes him look haggard despite his young age, and while he miraculously retains youthful vitality, he's still marked by scars, burns, and stick'n'poke tattoos from his time on the streets, and his eyes speak of years he shouldn't have lived yet. His hair is cut pragmatically short by himself (it's difficult to maintain a salon hairstyle living rough, and long hair is a disadvantage in fights) and his clothes are hand-me-downs, found-threads, and the occasional better-quality garment, inevitably stolen.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Let's cut to the chase."
Fritz' parents were young, naive, broke, and immature, and yet still thought they could raise a child on good intentions and perseverance. They were wrong. Fritz was a tricky child, fierce, bold, and ultimately unsuited to the docile, easily-malleable role of a walking talking dress-up-doll his mother and father had hoped he'd be. Eventually, unable to cope, they gave him up to the state, hoping he'd find better care with a foster family who were more equipped to handle the turmoil of parenting. Again, they were wrong. Bouncing through the system, in and out of care homes and foster families, enduring scattered abuse both physical and emotional in the process, eventually molded an already precocious child into a ferocious one, convinced he was innately unwanted, plagued by abandonment disorder, and maturing before his time into the kind of independence and self-reliance born only from neglect. He struck out of the social system entirely and onto the streets in his early teens and, never having a stable home foundation in the first place, never looked back.

His time on the streets helped him develop his already volatile psyche, and when his powers awakened he was only pushed further over that edge. A spree ensued: starting slow with non-violent mugging and burglary, it quickly escalated to assault, armed robbery, culminating in an attack that, pending the results of the victim's coma, could stick at GBH or escalate to manslaughter.

The law caught up with him rapidly, and disarmed, the young teen was of little threat to trained officers. Aegis found him in the holding cells, and in their campaign took on his legal battle. Looking at being tried as an adult, despite his age, Aegis somehow convinced the judge and state defense that the boy should be given one final chance at the Metahuman Rehabilitation Centre; they would provide the stable home and nurturing foundation Fritz had never had the chance to know, and give him the opportunity to harness his natural cleverness and well-earned street-smart cunning for the betterment of himself and his fellow man, Metahuman or otherwise.

Fritz didn't really see that he had much of choice.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"Cut the crap."
Fritz is content to play along with Aegis' rules and the court terms of his inpatient stay at the Centre, seeing it as an opportunity to hone his abilities and observe the workings of the organization, assured that he'll be able to discern something of value for use in the outside world. However he is naturally distrustful of authority figures, and quietly convinced that Aegis too will inevitably abandon their promise and palm Fritz off to somewhere else. He's braced himself mentally for when that happens, and very ready to return to the streets. It is, to Fritz, simply a matter of time.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"The world's pretty cut-throat."
◼ Aichmokinesis | The control over, and manipulation of, sharp edges and piercing points.

Fritz passively hones the sharpness of any held cutting or piercing implement to the absolute limit of its potential, but can also focus to take it beyond that, eventually producing a blade that can effortlessly cut down to the molecular level, cleaving cleanly through even rock and steel.

Alternatively, he can extend the cutting edge beyond the end of the blade, ultimately wielding a kitchen knife like a claymore.

◼ CQC, Survival, Street-Smarts | Naturally, Fritz has taught himself to be quick with a blade and how to properly handle all manner of knives. He's also well-versed in survival skills and how best to approach people to get what you want. He has no aversion to denting his pride or spending some dignity if it will further his goals, and his time in the streets (and accidents in his own power experimentation) has left him comfortable with physically-repulsive situations and first aid.

◼ Conduits Not Included | Fritz requires an item with a cutting or pre-sharp edge in order to hone it; a knife, a saw, a needle, some bolt cutters, even a page of paper. If it has the ability to cut, slice, or pierce, Fritz can enhance it - but he can't turn a flat piece of wood or a plastic tube into a blade to cleave the heavens. He also requires constant physical contact with the item; he can't enhance something he's not touching, and once he lets go of the item it loses his enhancements. An enhanced blade will also 'blunt' as it's used, so Fritz must put considerable effort into keeping an edge sharp, and bad-quality blades will blunt faster and be harder to enhance. Finally, the bigger the blade, the better the enhancement, but the harder and slower it is to sharpen.

◼ You Can't Sharpen Fists, Brought A Knife To A Gunfight | Disarming Fritz deprives him of an object to channel his ability through and therefore renders his power impotent. He's also naturally quite simple to handle at range, and can be detained and incapacitated as simply as the average 17-year-old street urchin.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by earthtogab
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earthtogab Breaker of Time and Space

Member Seen 10 mos ago


S O R A M O O R E D E C E M B E R 15TH ( E I G H T E E N ) F E M A L E
"Back up! Or I’ll turn you to nothing but melted bones and skin..okay ew that image isn’t pretty.."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Never seen a cuter convict!"
◼ HEIGHT | 5'6

◼ WEIGHT | 129lbs

◼ BUILD | Slender

◼ HAIR COLOUR | Dark Brown

◼ EYE COLOUR | Brown


◼ OTHER | Heterosexual

Sora Moore was of average height and weight. She has a slender and feminine physique and usually wore baggy clothes of varying colors varying in muted warm tones. Her hair was a mess of tight coils that fell over her forehead and down her neck. Two piercings lined both of her ears and a flaming phoenix was tattooed on her nape leading down to the top of her back. A thin silver chain was always visible leading down under her clothing. A bit air-headed in nature and with a mouth that's always firing off with random chatter and facts, Sora would be described as friendly and a little over the top.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"The lives we live are what make us, us."
Sora Moore was born to her mother Soana Moore and a father that she never knew. She grew up in the poor side of Downtown Los Angeles and lived a moderate life up until her mother became addicted to drugs. There on out whenever her mother was ‘out of her mind’ she would take on the role of a caregiver for her mother and herself. This went on up until she was eleven when social services came and took her from her mother, placing her within the foster home system.

She moved from home to home never really feeling like she belonged. Despite feeling out of place and missing her mother dearly, she kept her head up and brought on a cheery persona as a way to hide her feelings. Without any real friends made in whatever home she was placed in she was forced to fend for herself whenever troubled kids decided to make her their target. An incident that ultimately landed her at her grandfathers is what made her and others around her realise that she was a meta-human after she bit one of the children leading to them being paralyzed for a short period of time.

At the age of fourteen she was brought to her grandfathers who she had not met before after he came looking for her and officially adopting her. The first year of living with him was rough for her because Sora didn’t know anything about her grandfather Donovan, and apparently he didn’t know anything about her either until her mother contacted him begging him to take Sora in after she lost custody of her.

Through the years she grew to love and appreciate him though wary of him because of his strict ways. Things were going smoothly up until she was about seventeen. It was her final year of Highschool and she couldn’t wait to get out of there with all the taunting and mockery being thrown her way, someway somehow word got around about her ‘druggy mother’ and her time in the foster care system her freshman year and she reputed the taunts with smiles and jokes. But this time Trish Grooves, the leader of the group that’s been hounding her since freshman year, did the unthinkable. She broke Sora’s pendant, the last thing she got from her mother before she was taken away from her. The only thing her mother gave her aside from life…she snapped, grabbing out for the girl and biting her, in her rage she ended up not able to control the amount of paralysing saliva she intended to feed into her. You know something to give the major bitch Trish a reason to fear her and feel pain.

She wishes now she hadn’t done it. Trish ended up having a seizure and to this day lays in a coma while her parents damn Sora to hell. I mean she kinda was in her own hell being sent to a correctional facility until she turned eighteen and was able to be taken to court for a proper hearing. Sora thought this was it, her being a meta-human was one thing… but harming a normie? That would be the odds acting against her; she probably wouldn’t even get a proper hearing. But lucky or unlucky for her, her saving grace came in the form of an associate with the Ju-V, proposing to take her to their institution with others like herself.

Despite her initial hesitation at the request she took it, more so in fear of what would happen in an actual jailing system.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"My ambitions might make people cringe. I know they make me. Yikes."
Sora is what one would call the very definition of simple minded or narrow sighted. She merely focuses on what her needs are right now and goes off based on that. And her current objective is to get out of whatever troubles she got and be able to one day live a life with her mother and grandfather. No matter how impossible it sounds.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Gross I know, grew up with a lot of folks saying just that. Least it gets the job done!"
◼ PARALYSING EXCRETION | Sora is able to paralyze humans and animals alike with her saliva, tears , blood, and sweat. As a bonus her canines, though as sharp as any normal humans, have little holes barely visible that help her regulate how much of the paralyzing saliva she wants to give someone, which she has dubbed her lethal bite.

◼ ACIDIC DAMNATION | Sora has found if she consumes a good amount of acidic foods she is able for a short period of time to produce acidic spit that once met on a surface melts it. Which has her carrying around candies with acidic properties. Just in case if the situation is in need of some Acidic Damnation. 🙂

◼ FIRING SPIT | If she has collected a good amount of saliva or blood (like from a cut in her mouth) she is able to fire it off with the same velocity of a slingshot slinging a small rock.

◼ CLOTHING | If there is any blockage to bare skin she is quite literally rendered useless because she needs to have access to someone's skin to be able to paralyze them. This of course is unless she uses Acidic Damnation which in its own puts her out of commission for far too long to be able to get much else done.

◼ LONG RANGE | Although she is able to fire her spit she still needs to be in a 2-4 feet radius of a person otherwise the projection of saliva won’t meet its target and she’ll look like a spitting fool for all to see. If she is not using her Firing Spit skills she has to be in very close range of a person to be able to either hold on to their bare skin or sink her canines into them to allow for proper paralysis to take effect.

◼ DEHYDRATION | This speaks for itself with spitting too much more than she can produce saliva can cause her to go into a very rapid state of dehydration leading to a dry tongue, throat and coughing fits.

◼ ACIDIC DAMNATION | Despite this being one of her skills, it does a lot of damage to the inside of her mouth as it is not her natural ability and is but an altered form of her paralyzing abilities, which needs outside components to be able to produce acidic spit. Hence why she rarely uses this ability in fear of it doing irreversible damage. 🙁

◼ TOO MUCH EXCRETION | If she uses her paralyzing abilities too much it will start turning against her, subsequently paralyzing her. Which means she has to take a 2-5 hour rest if she had been using the ability for over an hour pushing 2.

▼ N O T E S:

Soana Moore | Sora’s mother who was a drug addict. She was taken from her at a young age and has since never been in contact with her. Despite loving her mother unconditionally, she still holds a slight resentment towards her.

Donovan Moore | Sora’s grandfather took her in after her couple of years in the foster home system. She thinks highly of the man though is a tad frightened of his strictness.

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◼ Los Angeles | The only place she knows is home despite all the shortcomings in her life living there.

◼ CIRCULAR SILVER PENDANT | A simple circular pendant with the S.M. initials she shares with her mother, a way to feel as though her mother is with her everywhere she goes. It looks to have been broken in between the S.W but has been mended.

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