β«β A p p e a r a n c e βWith a dull brown mane of wind-swept hair, there is little doubt about what Arthur spends his day doing if the aviation goggles weren't enough of an indicator. His ever-present smirk tends to give off the first impression that he has set up some grand prank and is just waiting for it to unfold, which isn't always a wrong assumption to make. Arthur often foregoes putting his robes on properly and instead lets them drape over his shoulders as if a sudden gust would blow them off entirely. And he is often caught with his House necklace hanging from his belt. If one were to look at a picture of him, it would them all they need to know about his reputation.
Seeing him in motion brings a new perspective. The way he flies has a whimsical bounciness to it as if his body truly had no mass. While walking, he will frequently lean and sway past his centre of gravity. He appreciates his freedom of movement with every motion he makes. β "Our grandparent's war was for our freedom, so I'm going to take to the skies and taste it... Tell the Illuminaire I'll be back in a week." β
β N a m e
Arthur Everwood
β S p e l l c a s t e r N a m e
β A g e, H e i g h t, a n d W e i g h t
18, 6'1" (185.4 cm), 155 lbs (70.3 kg)
β R a c e
β G e n d e r
β S e x u a l O r i e n t a t i o n
Hasn't figured it out yet. Bisexuality can be assumed.
β Y e a r
2nd Year
β P e t
A green Gupoo named Gub
β H o u s e
House of Harold
β I l l u m i n a i r e
β C l a s s e s
β Gifts
β Sustained Flight
β Cartography
β Portal Exploration - Rejected
β Daemons - not his choice
β Teamwork - neither was this
β Ni-Seraphi History - detention subject
β A r e Y o u O n Y o u r H o u s e ' s W a a g a T e a m?
β "An exercise of force simply means you failed with words... So is it cool if I skip detention today?" β
β P e r s o n a l i t y
Rebellious β Steadfast β Unreliable β Crafty β Whimsical
Due to his aloof outlook on the Academy and tendency to skip out on commitments, calling Arthur steadfast may seem out of place. But he is resolute in his ability to take such actions. Tell him what to do off authority alone, and he will disregard you. He will only follow orders if he agrees with them or respects the person who said them.
His strong desire to oppose authority doesn't leave him in a dour mood. Arthur frequently keeps in good spirits and finds fun in every action he takes. After all, if anything were to take his happiness from him, it's unlikely to be the right path in the first place. You will find him constantly fleeting between different activities or courses of action, taking fun in the ebb and flow of his whims.
β H i s t o r y
Arthur grew up on a peaceful and relatively out-of-the-way sky island called Evendell. There was plenty of grass and wildlife to explore for the small village that called the land their home. He was in a household of non-Mystics, except for the memory of his grandfather, who lost his life in the Liberation War. Arthur's grandmother, Harriette Everwood, practically raised him as much as his parents did and certainly swayed his worldview more with stories of his grandfather, Tristan. Some were probably made up, but they still left a young Arthur with a sense of wonder.
When Arthur's gift manifested, his grandmother called him for one last story. And it was apparent from her demeanour that this one would lack the whimsy and light-heartedness her previous entries detailed. This time, she didn't bother to structure it like a tale. Harriette spoke from the heart. She talked about the last moments she spent with her husband. Although he had joined the war effort by choice, Harriette begged him to stay knowing that his gift was likely too weak to make a difference. But he was stubborn and wouldn't change his mind. It took little more than a month before the news came back of his passing.
Now that Arthur's gift had manifested and had so closely resembled his grandfather's abilities, she asked him to run from the Academy recruitment. She was grateful that the Liberation War was won, but she could never forgive that it took her husband so willingly just to let him die. She at least wanted to see her grandson be free for that cost. That was the first time Arthur had seen his grandmother crying. The next day he would take off from the sky island to evade the Academy recruitment.
For the next six months, Arthur would go from sky island to sky island as a skyship stowaway. He typically made ends meet with petty theft and odd jobs. There were occasional run-ins with Academy recruitment trying to detain him. But Arther had two tricks up his sleeve, he was quick, crafty, and had luck. A whole lot of dumb luck. So he avoided capturing the few times it happened.
Arthur eventually met someone around the same age as him with a gift named Sullivan. The two had both decided to evade the Academy, although Sullivan's reasons were far less thought out. He just got a kick out of stealing and didn't care much for the rules. Arthur found that reason kind of funny. The two got along quite well and decided to travel around together.
One day Arthur was cornered by a shady dude in an alleyway he hadn't met before. The guy was offering to show him how to make some real money. Arthur told him to 'eat dirt'; the guy didn't want to take no for an answer. So a chase ensued leading to Arthur barely getting away from the stranger but being caught by authorities. He was detained and shipped off to the Academy.
It has been over a year since Arthur has been at the Academy; he has settled down a lot since he first arrived. He came to accept that his grandmother was quite misinformed about the Academy. Even though the fact that he was brought here by force still really rubs him the wrong way.
It has also been over a year since Arthur has seen Sullivan. He had assumed that he would reunite with his friend at the Academy. But every passing day seems to prove that assumption incorrect.
β R e p u t a t i o n
Arthur's entrance as a student by force along with his frequent antics and 'days off' has garnered him notoriety in the short time he has attended the Academy. If you are a good student, you are told to steer away from him. Arthur couldn't be happier with this.
Quite annoyingly, Arthur isn't completely disruptive either. He has been known to help those struggling in Sustained Flight and is known as one of the better tutors for it. When he shows up that is, which is about a fifty-fifty chance.
Arthur is labelled as lazy by a few of the Academy teachers due to his appalling attendance rate in some classes. But anyone who knows him would disagree. He is productive and active for a good portion of the day. He just doesn't spend his efforts on the Academy work alone.
β G o a l s
Despite often coming off as contradictory, Arthur has never felt as though he has swayed from his feelings and drives. He simply has and cannot still express them in a meaningful way. In short, Arthur feels an inherent wrongness with the current system making Academy attendance mandatory and the reputation those who oppose that are labelled with. He sees it as contradictory to restrict someone's freedom like that when the goal of the Liberation War was to free humanity. This is one of many bones he has to pick with the system, despite feeling support for it in general.
Arthur simply desires the respect necessary to be able to communicate these ideas and have people listen. But truthfully he wouldn't know what to say if he got it. He still doubts his convictions from time to time. If he was truly heard out, would people even agree?
β R e l a t i o n s
Harriette Everwood is Arthur's grandmother. Most of his rebellious streak was brought on by her stories and the things she taught him as a kid. He keeps semi-regular correspondence with her via letters.
Sullivan Belclaire (18) was another delinquent who Arthur spent time with while dodging the Academy recruiters. The two have not been in contact since Arthur was brought to the Academy.
The Willow Gang is a notorious school gang at the Academy known for causing trouble. It didn't take long for Arthur to join in the fun.

β "My gift isn't meant for fighting, it is to see the horizon and find out what lies beyond." β
β M y s t i c C l a s s i f i c a t i o nElementalistβ G i f tGift of the Gentle Winds
β M y s t i c C o d eArthur can control the air around him, speeding it up and manipulating its direction. His ability to control it is more subtle than historic figures with similar abilities. He struggles to summon strong currents and will use a considerable amount more stamina doing so. But he can manipulate smaller currents in larger areas for more extended periods.
His gift is incredibly versatile and has a variety of uses that he has only just begun experimenting with. Arthur will struggle to push a boulder or redirect a sword's swing. But manipulating smaller and lighter objects comes with ease. One trick he is particularly fond of is using a bunch of cloth which can make for a very manoeuvrable smoke screen in the air. This was a technique he used while avoiding Academy recruitment. It also bolsters his already adept flying skills and can help correct other objects (and people) in flight too. β L i m i t a t i o n s a n d W e a k n e s s e sArthur canβt properly attack someone else or defend himself with wind unless using considerable effort. In a one-on-one fight, his best course of action is to rely on speed and fly away while barraging the chaser with a constant wind flow to tire them out. While it is effective, it depends on him being the faster combatant and assuming a fair fight.