Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tackytaff
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

The bus was empty when Sunita boarded, save for the driver; a man who refused to make eye-contact even after being offered a greeting. Instead, he was busy selecting an unfamiliar song for the vehicle's stereo system. Sunita sighed and took one of the front most seats, somewhere she'd easily be able scope out anyone who came aboard. They began moving without warning, and the Palo Alto suburbs Sunita had called home for five years started blurring past her window. She redirected her focus on the bag she'd brought along. Pulling a journal out, she opened it to a book-eared page. It was one of the three sole-surviving journals that documented her life. From the age of 9, she'd taken to recording her innermost thoughts and notable events. She swore never to make such a stupid mistake again, having burnt the first six earlier that same morning. The smell of smoke still clung to her pressed skirt, blouse, and scarf.

It wasn't a long wait before they came to a stop again, taking a small East-Asian girl aboard. Sunita briefly looked up, giving a short hello, before turning her gaze back towards the book. A similar greeting awaited the boy with white streaked hair, and the others following him. Not for the boy in cuffs picked up from the courthouse, though. When he boarded, Sunita's grip only tightened on her journal until he took a seat; a comfortable number of rows away. At least she could always rely on her off-putting energy to keep strangers from prying into her business or sitting too close. The humiliation of having multiple police and AEGIS agents reading through her private life was still fresh in her mind. The idea of one of her soon-to-be peers getting a peak was too much to bear.

The bus pulled away from it's stop at the airport, and she had just fnished reading a particularly mortifying passage of her 14-year-old-self gushing over a celebrity crush. Needing a break, Sunita lowered the pages to look out the window while they passed through the downtown San Francisco area, heading for the docks. Her family had rarely visited the city, and such a long journey alone was forbidden by her parents for most of her life. Tight streets, packed even tighter with aged buildings, caused her to reminisce about her first home one the other side of the world.
It was a quiet, almost somber, bus ride. No more than a few whispers made their way to Sunita's ears above the noise of the driver's dated choice of music. Eventually they came to a stop, the ocean in view. Sunita stood, eager to be off the crowded bus and free from the music. Pausing in confusion as she recognized the sight outside of the window. There had to have been a mistake.

"Excuse me," She began, attempting again to gain the attention of the driver, to no avail. Instead she turned to the other young adults on the bus. "We're at the wrong harbour." She explained to them, "The Ferry to Alcatraz Island doesn't leave from the Historic Ferry Building. What are we doing here?"

No sooner had she posed the question than it was answered by the arrival of their final member. If they could even be called that. A small, furry animal scurried past the front rows, beelining to the back seats. Sunita quickly sat herself down again, tucking her skirt underneath her and willing the heat to leave her cheeks. At least she didn't cause a commotion like someone further back, but then again, they must have all been thinking it. Whether it be streaked hair, inhuman skin, even wings; all were to be expected when dealing with Metahumans. Sunita was familiar with research of mutated genes; but an animal without visible human traits, unable to even speak in a language they could understand, was staggeringly strange. Her eyes returned down to her journal again until they arrived at the true destination of their journey; remaining withdrawn even after they'd left the bus and crossed the ferry to the island.

While reading worked to keep anybody from approaching her, it caused uncomfortable levels of motion-sickness. Feeling ill kept her from putting up much of a fuss, as once again, her belongings were taken away to be searched. After all, what were another dozen pairs of adult eyes peering into her deepest secrets. Sunita just kept her head down and moved along with the crowd, happy to just pass by unnoticed. A snide comment from the stone-skinned boy made her cringe, and then all hell broke loose. Her own attention had been focused on the warden, missing the start of the scuffle. She managed to catch sight of the winged girl smacking one of the boys, and the Japanese girl vanishing into a cloud of pepper spray.

Sunita watched impassively, lips pressed in an indifferent thin line. The warden continued his speech, though it took on a much different tone than the first; all while the pepper-sprayed girl laid crying on the ground. It was too bad, she'd been hoping for an uneventful first week. Then again, what more could anyone expect from a bunch of teenagers sent to Alcatraz?

"Here," Sunita stopped the brunette that was helping the spray victim towards the guards. In her extended hand was the silk scarf that had been tied around her shoulders up until now. "I think you're..." She trailed off while pointing to her own forehead when she realized it wasn't actually blood on the other girl's face, but something else entirely. She almost inquired further, but stopped after a loud sneeze from the Japanese girl. Stepping out of their way, she fell back in with the rest of the group. They were on the wrong side of the bay to start picking fights and fussing about their situation now. Sunita could only hope to be forgotten and left to her own devices, for as long as she remained on the island.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by DocTachyon
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DocTachyon Teenage Neenage Neetle Teetles

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Adam was no stranger to long rides. One of his earliest memories was getting packed into the family van for the seven hour drive north near Reno to see their cousins in the Pyramid Lake rez. But this was different -- getting jostled through a Megabus terminal at midnight by a huge white guy called ‘Agent Oliver’. There was none of Autine’s baked trout to look forward to either, only a long damn sentence.

It was ten hours on the bus, pressed into the window seat by Agent Oliver’s bulk. A few hours in, Adam dug out a quarter from the well between the seat and the off-color felt interior lining. In his palm, its edges curled together and up into the aluminum coating of a chocolate kiss. Oliver’s meaty paw crushed Adam’s wrist and the man reminded him that cash was not allowed on this trip. The chocolate fell out of Adam’s hand and into the grime filled depths beneath the seats. It bounced off Adam’s red drawstring bag, slumped in the footwell.

Aegis had packed it for him. They caught him on a hot streak at The Flamingo’s hold ‘em tables, and since then he’d been in a holding cell somewhere in downtown Vegas until Oliver came to collect him for the ride, so he hadn’t arranged his own bag. It was mostly essentials: clothes, toothbrush, and deodorant, plus a few packs of cards Adam had left out on his desk. Nothing special, but it didn’t bother him. Possessions came and went too easily for him to get attached. Between his ability and the pawn shop a mile down the road, with a little research, Adam could have whatever he wanted and then sell it off as soon as he tired of it. The only things that really mattered were his leather bound ledger, and the matte blue duffle bag that contained his collected winnings. Both were certainly under lock and key in an Aegis vault, protected by a dozen guys like Oliver.

The rest of the ride proved uneventful. Any questions Adam had for Agent Oliver were met with blunt grunts and eventually threats of more violence from those huge hands. He wondered if every staffer at Aegis would be the same kind of angry meathead. Adam had dealt with the type before, but always in situations where he literally had an ace up his sleeve. It was easy enough to push their buttons and goad them into a big, stupid move. Then all Adam had to do was let the aces fly and send them home with nothing for all their piss and vinegar. But on this bus, Oliver was in charge. He could’ve broken Adam’s wrist, even the whole arm if he wanted to, and all Adam could do was whine about it.

The agent managing the next stop had a sunnier disposition and went by Jones. He was slim, tall, and wore sunglasses under the covered bus platform. Oliver planted Adam at a gray bench with separators socketed every two feet to prevent the homeless from sleeping on it, then sauntered off to discuss the transfer with Jones. There were six guards in a loose semi circle around the stop, uniformed in traditional prison guard garb, complete with dress shirt, tie, and a polished belt full of instruments of abuse. Oliver and Jones were dressed in suits. What separated the ‘agents’ from the ‘guards’? They didn’t seem as experienced. Half of them stared off, bored, into the California heat haze. Then there was a paycheck difference, certainly. Out behind the stop, before the grassy hill rolled up into the rest of LAX, a half dozen cars sat parked on the green. Five were pre-2010 sedans, and one was a brand new Cadillac, as black as Jones’ suit.

Oliver excused himself to the air conditioning of Jones’ Cadillac, and Adam rose from his seat to speak to the agent. Jones was more forthcoming than Oliver, but all he had to offer was a regurgitated version of the center’s virtual orientation video. Jones talked up the amenities and gave him a big smile, but Adam couldn’t tell if Jones’ eyes were looking straight back at him through the sunglasses.

By the time he’d finished with Jones, others had arrived. All seemed exhausted from travel, especially the Hawaiian with hair as long as Adam’s. He carried a huge board, now leaning against the side of the bus stop. Then there was a girl with big hair and a silver pendant who seemed almost pleased to be there, which Adam found disquieting. The last was a blonde, sitting two spaces apart from the others, shrunken into herself. None seemed in a talkative mood, least of all the blonde, who fixed him with a death glare when he walked towards one of the remaining seats. He chose to lean against the bus stop by the Hawaiian’s board instead.

Adam was the last one on the next bus that pulled up. He passed the disapproving blonde from the stop and slotted himself somewhere further back, sliding up to the window and peering out. Jones’ Cadillac was still on, but its engine lay silent, even as the bus lurched forward and peeled away. Oliver would not follow. It took another mile for Adam to believe it and lean back into his seat. His wrist still ached. It wasn’t broken, but a dark bruise was beginning to form. He rested it in his lap and peeked out at the other passengers to distract himself from the feeling.

It was all guards, in terms of Aegis personnel. They didn’t warrant full out agents anymore? Packing more and more metahumans into a bus certainly doesn’t make them less dangerous. Maybe the agents were just the away team. With the jaws of the beast closing around the kids, they were free to leave and grab the next group of hard luck meta brats. Speaking of metas, minus Adam’s fellow LAX transfers, the rest of their number were a boyband reject, a conked out redhead, an excitable asian in green, a brit deep in a book, a blonde in a striped number, and a boy with a shock of white in his hair. Most of them seemed absorbed with their own troubles, especially the boy with the unusually colored hair who stared off into his own little universe. In all Adam’s experience with that pensive sort, especially those sat beside him at blackjack, was that they came in two types. Worriers worked themselves into knots and would waste all their energy away into nothing well before the source of their worry would arrive. Planners thought a little more practically, reviewing their strategies and refreshing the ‘count’ in their minds, and saving their energy when they could do nothing. Which would these kids prove to be?

The next kid to board was an average sort in a hoodie, bopping along to his dated music player. Adam had never thought to obtain an older device. His parents always had such things around when they were alive, but they were some of the many possessions that ended up sold off once they passed. Their taste in music remained in Adam, but their choice of device did not, especially when the latest versions were so easily within his reach.

They were quickly joined by more, a shorter African American boy and a man made out of granite kitchen countertop. From a distance it looked painted on. Then the boy walked closer and Adam could hear the grinding of the stone, and feel the rumble and shift of his weight through the bus frame. The boy was literally and figuratively stone faced. It had to be rough to live with. He certainly couldn’t get around Vegas, too many elevators and moving walkways that would break down under his weight. Adam was glad his power didn’t physically manifest, it was hard enough to sneak around underage as it was, nevermind if he had to hide he was a full ton of stone brick on two legs.

Adam couldn’t bring himself to feel bad for the next passenger, a brunette white girl with huge white wings tucked behind her back. He’d seen too many girls dressed just like it on the strip to truly care. Enough cosplay conventions had come through town where ignorant tourists wore huge, audacious outfits with body mods like those wings and clogged the streets and the Vegas monorail. Maybe things would be different if she could really fly with them, but for all Adam knew, the physics were all wrong. Perhaps she couldn’t fly at all. Would that be a fate worse than rocky skin? To be trapped with a permanent pair of cosplay wings?

He hadn’t time to answer the questions before another stop introduced more passengers. Before long, the bus would be a full house. They were joined by a short girl in a hoodie and a taller girl in audacious red lipstick. There was some commotion with the hoodie girl, who practically jumped into her seat and fussed with a pair of gloves, but Adam was too far to see the inciting incident.

They had to be close now, as passengers were arriving faster by the minute. Two more joined, both perhaps the most haggard he’d seen so far. The girl seemed tired and almost sickly, but the boy looked rough. Adam could make out ugly stick n’ poke tats and the guy passed. Had he done time before? His gaze was jaded enough to fit. Yet there was a jitter and a panic to his motions as he tried and failed to settle in his seat. Maybe he was new to this.

The last addition Adam did not see until it confidently waddled past him on its way to the back of the bus. An otter. Adam blinked twice. He had officially been up too long. He wanted to curl up in one of his mom’s handmade blankets and stop hallucinating semi-aquatic mammals. Before his eyes, it produced an iPod and a full box of cigarettes, complete with lighter. The creature sat on its own, so it couldn’t be anyone’s pet… Could it be another student? Or worse, an agent? It’d be a clever angle. Infiltrate the prisoners with a unsuspecting ‘animal’ that’s actually a meta already under the center’s employ. The otter would be one to watch… Assuming it continued to be an otter once he got some sleep, anyhow.

Soon they disembarked and were sorted onto different ferry passages. Adam went on the second journey aboard the Warden Johnston, along with the remaining kids and guard complement. In all the sixty-six feet of the vessel, Adam was closest to the strung out boy from the bus. He now had the same glazed over, deep-thought expression worn by the boy with a streak in his hair, but with a harder edge to it. His hands twitched with what Adam could only read as anticipation. There was another one to watch.

After the teens were relieved of their things, even Adam’s, it didn’t take long for that poor kid to explode. When they disembarked from the Johnston onto the sun baked concrete of Alcatraz Island proper, Virgil Rowell came out for a speech. Adam had heard of Rowell, but he’d only heard of him from the Center’s official press. From Rowell’s suit and Adam’s previous experience, Adam expected Rowell to have the hard edges of an agent about him, but he spoke with an even-toned kindness Adam had only ever heard from four adults in his life, all of whom had a hand in raising him. If it was a performance, it blew Agent Jones’ clean out of the water. But Rockface Balboa and the rockabilly blonde weren’t buying it. As they spoke up and Rowell took a moment to choose his words, the strung out kid chose his moment.

He dashed and tore a feather from the winged girl, whipping it around in his hand and brandishing it as if it was a wicked knife. The guards acted as ferociously as Oliver had handling Adam, multiple taser lines converged from across the main body of guard and one hit home, planting itself deep in the burnout’s skin and sending him spasming to the ground. One of the girls vanished with a yelp, too fast for Adam to tell who it was. The guards didn’t seem to care who, either, as they blasted the crowds with pepper spray.

Adam was far enough from the action that he only got trace amounts of it, acrid burning against his eyes. He rubbed them furiously and stepped away, almost bowling over another inmate. It was just the same as with Oliver on the bus -- angry bastards in absolute control. What could Adam do? He was half blind, half asleep, and dead out of anything remotely useful in his pockets.

”HOLD!” Rowell’s voice broke the clamor before it could erupt into an all out melee. In his clearing vision, Adam saw that the ‘average’ boy in the hoodie had performed an olympic dash and was now poised to all but bisect the pepper spraying guard. If Rowell had acted a moment later there would have been blood, the guard’s or the kid’s Adam wasn’t sure.

Rowell launched into another speech, but Adam was done listening to him. You don’t manhandle a group of kids out to a maximum security prison and just expect them to play nice about it. Why? Just because you said please? Rowell stopped the guard and that was for sure, but it didn’t erase or even really rectify what had happened. Didn’t fix Adam’s wrist, still as sore as when Oliver squeezed it, now a lovely shade of purple. And it certainly didn’t fix what each and every other kid must have gone through on their own busses, or the cavalcade of abuses that had to be contained inside.

Signing up for this, Adam had determined it was the better option than Juvie. They had him on multiple counts of underage gambling, possession of multiple false identifications, and there was a cabal of casinos competing to see who would fire off the largest lawsuit. The decision seemed simple: be trained in the formal use of his powers at a ‘secure facility’, or spend a long sentence being treated as a dog of the state. It wasn’t hard. Now, with pepper spray tears running uncontrollably down his cheeks, he wasn’t so sure.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Wei Wuxian
Avatar of Wei Wuxian

Wei Wuxian Xianxia Lover

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Mentions: N/A
Interactions: N/A
Location: Alcatraz Island; AEGIS Complex, Recreation Wing - Sport Court

The sun illuminated his rich chocolate skin as he waited. They had decided to transfer him from the Atlanta to Alkatrez for reasons he wasn’t quite sure of. From what he’d been told, there were a few places all around the world, but California was his destination. He had been silent up until now. The unforgiving heat caused him to curse just loud enough for those around him to hear. It was early, and Seo had gotten only a few hours of sleep before the journey to California. The transport took quite a long time. Coming from the east coast to the west coast was both mentally draining and emotionally suffocating, but he made it. He missed his son, the only person that made life worth living. He missed his dad, the one person who understood him fully and helped him become the guy he was today. He worried for them, because his father wasn’t getting any younger, and he’d left his son in his father’s care.

The trip to the pickup spot was rather comical. Some of the escorts in charge of him and a few others from the east coast were placing bets and having a good time. They even asked Seo to use his abilities a few times when things would fly off of the vehicle just to make sure they didn’t lose anything. One of them had even formed a surface-level bond with Seo, holding a conversation about life and family until it was time for them to be dropped off.

“Take care Seo. Remember the reason you’re here. Get it done bud.”

The escort left and Seobin waited along with the others from the east coast.

Seo held a single polaroid of his son smiling warmly at him. He remembered snapping the photo. The memory was freshly present in his mind. He barely noticed the bus arrive to pick him up along with a very large guy made of stone. Seobin ran a hand through his frost-tipped hair and stepped onto the bus, avoiding eye contact as best he could. He wasn’t sure what anyone on the bus was capable of, and he didn’t want to make enemies from the start of this journey. He held the polaroid firmly in his grasp and quickly slid it back into his wallet, placing the wallet in his front pocket. He tried to divert his attention to the view that passed them as the bus moved, but when they stopped, an otter managed to crawl onto the bus. Seo tilted his head like a dog confused and even managed to smile. He was certain the otter was not a normal otter. It even moved as if it was human.

Seobin didn’t have time to marvel at the otter and felt the bus move again. After a while, they made it to the drop-off location. He moved as quickly as he could to get off the bus and wait with the others to be loaded onto the ferry like cattle to slaughter. It was strange how things were done, but Seo was here for a reason, and he hoped by cooperating, he would be able to make a better life for his son. He watched carefully, seeing them load the stone guy onto the boat in hopes that his weight wouldn’t cause any difficulties. There wasn’t much one could do if the boat did go down. Seo would try to help, but thankfully the boat made it to the shore with no casualties. Now it was his turn, amongst the other collectives. He felt the wind blow through his hair and clothes as he glanced over the water. The sun’s reflective rays bounced on the surface, scattering like thousands of bees.

It was odd that he hadn’t said a word to anyone. Back home he was the most talkative guy anyone could meet, but here he was silent, almost secluded from the rest. He had his reasons. When they reached the other side, the were escorted off and led to a specific location on the island. Some had brought items that weren’t necessarily allowed during their stay, but thankfully the guard who’d checked his wallet seemed to soften when he saw the picture and gave him his wallet without any issue. It was at the Recreation Wing’s Sport Court where they were introduced to the Director of the facility.

He barely paid attention to what the older man said, but something else captured his attention. The sound of chaos. Seo watched, from a rather safe distance, but as quickly as it began did their astute Director put an end to it. It gave him some hope that they would be helped at this place. Everything that had happened, and yet Seobin had still not uttered a single word to anyone there. He hoped the girl who could vanish and the girl with the wings were okay. Pepper spray could affect more than the one it was intended for. Though he was safe, he couldn’t help but wonder what could happen next. His eyes peered out at the vastness of water that surrounded them. He placed a hand on the wallet in his front pocket and closed his eyes.

He was here for a reason.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Venus
Avatar of Venus

Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 30 days ago

“To our darling Noah:

Our Cherry Bomb. Our Hurricane. Our Bombshell. Our Gingersnaps. Our Wildheart. May your time inside that prison pass by quickly and without incident, so you can come back to raise hell with us as soon as possible! While thousands of miles will separate us, you know you can count on us to be waiting for you right here on the other side. We’ll do our best to make sure your parents and Salem don’t go too crazy without you, and we’ll send you lots of commissary things to make sure you're taken care of. And, of course, we’ll always keep you updated on all the tea that happens around these parts.

We fucking love you, bitch. Knock 'em dead (but not literally).

Oh, and by the way: fuck Howard Sterling. He’ll get his karma, babe. We’ll make sure of that.


As strong as she had pretended to be in front of her family and friends, there was no hiding the tears that rolled down her cheeks as the tattooed redhead watched her beloved Washington state one last time from the airplane window, flying her away from everything she had ever loved and cared about. The unfairness of the situation Noah Cypress currently found herself in had never been lost on her. When she had first discovered her powers, it hadn’t taken long for the then thirteen year-old to understand just how easily her newly found abilities could be abused, and how dangerous their effects could be if weaponized. Only her parents and her two best friends had been trusted to keep her secret, and had only used it for practical jokes here and there as long as there was a guarantee that they couldn’t be traced back to her. And yet the years she’d spent being as cautious and mindful as possible seemed to mean nothing when, in an act of indignation, humiliation and rage, she’d let her emotions get the best of her and utilized her powers for purposely causing harm.

Noah didn’t just wake up the morning of that fateful day wanting to blow up that old bastard’s car out of the blue. Nobody seemed to care that she had been the real victim in this case. Most even doubted her story and the reasons behind the actions she took. All the prosecutors, witnesses and the university staff could see was a bitter, mentally unstable student that took out her frustrations of a failed class on her helpless professor-- because surely there was no chance that such an acclaimed, esteemed member of the University of Washington Tacoma could be capable of what they were accusing him of, right?


Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

They were all fucking wrong.

Deep down, Noah knew that holding onto hatred only did more damage than good-- that it would only serve to poison her soul. But there was no way that she would ever forgive that filthy, disgusting, poor excuse of a human being for what he put her through. He’d definitely be seeing her after she was done with this little program-- and that was a promise.

The short plane ride from Seattle to San Francisco had gone on smoothly, made easier by how fast the girl had fallen asleep with her tie-dye blanket, her dark shades on and her earphones blasting. As soon as they’d landed Noah made a beeline to the nearest convenience store for some headache medicine, followed by another stop at Starbucks for a venti caramel iced coffee to down the pills with. The hangover from the night before had returned with a vengeance, and the lack of sleep didn't make things any easier.

With her liquid medicine in one hand and her vape in the other, Noah followed the instructions around the San Francisco airport, and soon found herself standing at the Ju-V program’s designated pickup bus stop. She kept her shades and earphones on all the while, alternating between sips of coffee and pulls of her vape. Eventually, a stunning woman that looked like the blonde version of Xena the warrior princess and an older man in a neatly-pressed suit joined her at the stop. The redhead gave the duo a nod of acknowledgement before turning back to mind her own business, not wanting to gawk or appear nosy. In other circumstances, the woman in the camo pants, combat boots and striped top would be the type she’d approach at a bar with the goal of spending the night together. But considering the fact that this whole “Ju-V” thing was marketed as a “rehabilitation program” for “metahumans”, there was no telling what powers or reasons for joining the rest of the people had. The last thing Noah wanted was to get on the bad side of the wrong person and end up injured or dead, so she settled for a few stolen glances out of the corner of her eyes instead.

It didn’t feel like she’d been waiting long until the bus that would take them to prison the program made its arrival. Noah boarded the vehicle after the blonde goddess did, and she had barely stepped a foot on the last step before the doors closed and the bus was on its way again. Her blue-green eyes quickly scanned the bus for a place to sit, and she found the perfect spot right behind a lanky young man with the coolest hair she’d ever seen. He appeared to be the most reserved out of the current bus occupants, which perfectly suited her desperate need for peace and quiet. Wasting no additional time, Noah waltzed down the aisle and took her seat, placing her suitcase between her legs and wrapping her arms around her guitar case. She rested her head against the cool window and tried to enjoy the sights of San Francisco, using her vape as a way to wrestle with the sleepiness threatening to claim her. Barely fifteen minutes later, and the Tacoma girl was fast asleep, oblivious to the happenings of the world around her.

An Aegis agent’s not-so-gentle shake of her shoulder pulled the sleeping redhead away from DreamLand, and she made her way out of the bus with her belongings still half-asleep. The lethargy, however, was short-lived. When her eyes fell on the group of people around her, Noah realized that her plan of avoiding physical temptations might be easier said than done. The men around her were certainly handsome, but it was the women who had her wiping imaginary drools off her chin. There seemed to be a flavor for every taste: different shades of gorgeous blondes, intriguing brunettes (one with a pair of stunning wings), raven-haired balls of energy… They all piqued the redhead’s interest in different ways (some more than others), and she mentally beat herself up for not putting a little bit more effort into not looking as rough as she felt. Oh, well… So much for making a good first impression.

Her moments of vaping and discreet people-watching were interrupted by the arrival of the second ferry, which took her and the remaining others onto the island. She’d kept her head leaning against a pole in front of her and her eyes closed for the majority of the ride in an earnest attempt to combat the dizziness and nausea threatening to take over her. A late night of craft beers, weed and spicy boneless wings; and a morning of little pretzel snacks and an iced coffee were a guaranteed recipe for disaster. She had tried for the most part to remain calm, doing anything in her power to ignore the way her stomach was turning in her abdomen. Unfortunately for Noah, the war was lost, and she found herself emptying her stomach’s contents overboard halfway through the ride.

A mouthful of Listerine and three cubes of gum later, and the pale, queasy Washington girl was making her way to the investigation station. While her belongings were being examined, a guard scanned for any contraband on her person with a handheld metal detector. The device was quiet for the most part, but it made alerting noises anytime it reached her hands, her ears, and her chest. There was visible confusion on the agent’s face as he tried to think of what could be causing the detector to go off, going as far as to run the device around the area an additional few times. When it finally dawned on him what it was that the detector was probably alerting to, his face turned beet red and he quickly turned away, while Noah’s cackling laughter filled the air around them.

A brief moment of amusement before things finally went downhill.

The young woman watched in annoyance as her iPod and her guitar were taken away for ‘further investigation’-- that she had anticipated. But it was the notification that her vape would be confiscated that sent Noah over the edge.

“Hey-- HEY! What the fuck?!” the redhead cried out as a female agent reached into the pocket of her shorts to retrieve the electronic vape mod and place it inside a transparent ziplock bag. Noah had tried to fight off the woman so bluntly invading her space, but she’d been forcefully restrained by another agent before she could go further than dig her nails into her arm. “The iPod and the guitar were pushing it, but you’re taking my vape on top of that, too?! How am I supposed to keep control of my anxiety?!”

“Your vaporizer is considered contraband by our standards, Miss Cypress. We have to confiscate it.”

Contraband?” Noah scoffed, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms in front of her chest like she’d heard the most ridiculous thing ever. “It’s literally vapor that smells and tastes like bubblegum! It has less nicotine than a cigarette! How do you consider something that literally controls my anxiety as ‘contraband’?!” That was probably the dumbest argument she could’ve ever come up with, but nobody ever said Noah was a straight thinker when she was upset.

“We don’t make the rules, miss. We just enforce them.”

“This is fucking bullshit…” the redhead muttered under her breath, tapping an impatient foot on the ground and feeling herself getting more heated by the second. “I have rights, you know! Even federal inmates have access to cigarettes! This is literally a violation of my human rights.”

The guard rolled her eyes at the young woman’s melodramatic antics, choosing to ignore her wild protests and focus on the task at hand. By the end of the examination, the little patience Noah had been blessed with was all but used up, and she chose to take position at the side of the line furthest away from everyone as possible to try and avoid going off on someone.

The new arrivals didn’t have to wait long until a man who identified himself as the institution’s director came out to greet them with a speech. When it had reached its conclusion, the granite man made a comment that earned him the approval of some of the girls and the otter around him. Although she cracked a momentary half-smile, the Cypress girl was quick to purse her lips, conflicting feelings bubbling up inside her. The Noah from Tacoma would’ve roared with laughter at the direct defiance of authority, eager for the chance to join in and see what mischief she could get into with her peers. But the Noah currently standing in the middle of this island prison only wanted to cut her stay as short as possible with good behavior so she could return home as quickly as possible. It was like being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

With how wrapped up she was in her own head and because of her position at the other end of the line, the young woman failed to notice any conflict brewing until tasers and pepper spray were being used against them. The redhead quickly snapped back into reality, eyes scanning her surroundings for any potential threats and bracing herself to unleash her powers on anyone who dared approach her with ill intentions. Fortunately for them, Mr. Director was able to control the situation before it turned into a full-blown riot, dismissing the instigators and addressing the group once more. The longer Noah listened to him, the more incensed she became about how unfair the enforcement of these so-called “community protective” policies would be. Her hands balled up into fists at yet another injustice she'd probably have to face, and one singular, aggressive sentence repeated itself over and over inside her head like a broken record:

“Fuck you, Howard Sterling.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by earthtogab
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earthtogab Breaker of Time and Space

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The flight over to San Francisco though exciting was also very– very daunting for Sora, it had been her first time flying much less first class! But she also has a fear of heights and the thought that she's literally afloat in the sky with not much protection other than a 152+ ton of metal was unsettling. So she kept a firm grip on her armrest, the whole flight her brows knitted and eyes focused out through the window and scanning the clouds right up until it was landing time.

‘Gramps would have loved this.’ she mused as the plane began its descent.

She stood upright, her carry on slung over her left shoulder, a loose fitted white T-shirt accompanied by baggy blue jeans that ended pooled around moderately scuffed black and white converse shoes. Sora’s right hand lifted to play with her pendant idly as she stared down at ants passing by her feet as she waited with a couple other folks looking around the same age as herself for the ride that’ll take them off to ‘paradise’.

Get it cause they're supposed to be heading off to some kinda remote island off San Francisco shores. Nevermind–

Sora lifted her head as a sturdy bus came screeching to a halt, taking a deep breath and giving a quick squeeze to her pendant before letting it fall back into place around her neck. She stepped in after two who entered before her. She gave a brief wave of hello to the dainty looking girl at the front and smiled in greeting at the overly excited girl in green before ultimately choosing to sit in front of the surfer guy she boarded the bus with.

In her seat she peeked through her curly bangs and over the plain dark grey leather seats of the bus at a couple other people on the bus. As the bus moved on she quietly watched with amusement as all sorts of people joined them at each stop, the memorable ones being a girl with wings. She stopped to wonder how comfortable having such huge wings would be, she eyed the hoodie guy that seemed to be analyzing the girl and her every feather. She snickered to herself.

‘Holy mother of Mount Rushmore.’ Sora had to stop her jaw from dropping as she set her sights on one huge hunk of stone stomping on the bus, she physically tilted to the side when he sat. ‘Well you sure as hell don’t see that everyday.’ she shook her head. At about the final stop she peeked up trying to see only to find a tiny otter padding its way down the aisles. She heard someone let out a confused slew of curses, herself stopping to just lean back into her seat shaking her head, some more a stupid grin on her lips. “I’m stuck with a bunch of oddballs aint I?” she whispered this quietly with an exasperated sigh.

Finally reaching the wharf which housed the boat that was going to take the youth to the island, Sora was one of if not the first to shoot up and grab her bag finally glad to be able to stretch her legs and be out of the bus that whilst not cramped gained an air of tension from some of its occupants. So it wasn’t a surprise when she barreled her way down the aisle only stopping to a slower pace when one of the officers gave her a pointed look. Which she responded with a sheepish grin and dip of acknowledgement.

Lining up with the others getting ready to board the boat, she grimaced a little seeing the giant made of stone which she’d happily dubbed ‘Gargoyle’ from the mean set of his face and the very obvious stone state he was in.

‘Yikes, that’s one way to start a titanic replay on a small boat.’

She watched as the girl with wings, hoodie guy, strange haircut guy and tiny green tater tot packed into the boat alongside the giant, evenly distributing their weight with the help of the security personnel on board with them. She whistled out as the boat finally set sail off to the island.

‘Here’s to hoping y’all don’t sink.’ A small salute was done, before she snickered to herself quietly.

When the boat finally returned —which felt like an eternity of a wait for Sora and her tendency to be an impatient twat. She stepped onto the boat getting as comfortable as she could before watching Elsa-in-the-making nervously fidgeting about before stepping onto the boat. Sora pursed her lips and decided she’d had just about enough staring around at people and set her sights to the island in tow.

Her breath hitched as the final person took their seat and the rope took from its place on the deck and they finally set sail. She reached up and gripped her pendant, her heart suddenly hammering, because this was happening, this was all real. Though she tried her darndest to placate her nerves by labelling the institute on a desolate island as a paradise, she knew better than to delude herself. She knew for a fact that she traded one prison for another only this one’s got meta-humans crawling everywhere.

‘Literally and figuratively I bet.’

Soon enough after minutes of gripping her pendant which left a reddened indent in her palm and watching the water slosh against the boat she breathed a sigh as they docked and everyone piled off. Walking through security was tough. Well mostly because they took her pocket knife and her vape pen– “Aaah shit, I knew I should have just put ‘em in my pants.” she grumbled out quietly.

“Hey–” she looked down at the officer's name tag. “-Billy my guy, can’t you just leave the pen with me at least?” she stared up at him with puppy eyes. “It cost me a fortune man, and I mean you kinda look up tight you could use a hit, yah know?” The officer simply glared down at Sora with a look that could kill if he had lethal eye beams, yikes. She gulped, nodding along before walking forward with a pocket knife and vape pen left behind. “I’ll remember you guys, mamas coming back soon!”

Taking one last longing look at the bin holding her precious babies she sighed out, hunkered down into herself and stuffed her hands in her pockets and walked along with the other misfits of the bunch. Down a long corridor the nineteen meta-humans walked until they entered the Recreation Wing's sports court, where they all stood together listening to a Director Virgil Rowell droning on about the ins and outs, importance and yada yada bada bada of the facility. Until things got interesting…

For the sake of all our mentality and brain capacity broken down into parts-‘Boop beep boop!’

Some guy’s being tazed to the ground. Winged chicks slapping him across his face and the little tater tots vanishing apparently and wait is that..OH hell no!

Sora’s turning away and squinting her eyes as pepper spray is quite literally sprayed all over the place, she sucks in a deep breath a little too late sucking in a bit of the assaulting chemicals and coughs out a splutter of spit. Whoops hope no one is nearby.

“Jesus fuck! A warning would have been great yah know!” She wheezes some more hunched over as chaos seems to ensue but her eyes are still shut and her throats still feeling itchy and burny. She could hear people shuffling over to the invisible girl and she only let her mind wonder just a little if she was alright since she got the brunt of the spraying but it strayed right back to one single thought.

‘So much for a fucking paradise!!!!’

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by webboysurf
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webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

CHAPTER 1: Never Start a Fight on Day 1
LOCATION: New Alcatraz, San Francisco, California, US
NOW PLAYING: ♫ Lights - Journey ♫

I swear to God, if I have to listen to this song ever again, I will Van Gogh myself.

Zack leaned back in his seat, stretching his arms when he first sat down. He heard a slight shuffle come from behind him, a sound he was used to at this point. The Pigs are paranoid today… poor guys. He lowered his arms back in and settled in to get comfortable. The last thing he needed was for the cuffs to go back on, even if he could get out of them whenever he wanted. They didn’t seem to like that the last time he tried to walk out. Above all the other crap they sold, what stuck in Zack’s mind was the fear in the eyes of the guards watching over him. The only other time he had seen that look was in Westlake…

Zack was surprisingly used to the strange feeling of the ocean: he loved the slight feeling of weightlessness, and the weird listing that came from the waves. It felt oddly soothing, and was a nice change of pace from the cold hard ground. The only time moving ever felt so different was when he could immerse himself into dense seas of concrete… but now that they were supervised, he knew they wouldn’t take kindly to Zack’s idea of a late night swim. Especially as Zack’s eyes took in the views. He had seen a couple movies about Alcatraz… it was far more intimidating in person. Better than a normal jail cell, I guess. Definitely better than ending up back in Ohio.

Security was as brusque as ever. Zack handed over the few things he had left on him: a lighter and a pack of cards. The cards were permitted, the lighter was taken. Zack didn’t very much care. That thing had been burning a hole in his chest for years, though he still felt the heat even as it was put in a baggy and secured away. Others seemed to be putting up a fight and a stink about getting their things taken and looked through. Zack could probably make a killing by running a side business just nabbing those things back for them… but not yet. Zack didn’t say a word to any of the guards, just stared at them with a curious look. His eyes very quickly scanned over their pockets and belts: plenty of shiny things for the taking…

Jesus, get it together, man. You know the rules… never start shit on day one.

Some of the others… they didn’t get the memo. Rock boy thought he was funnier than he was, but other folks seemed to dig it. Hell, even the otter seemed to like it. Of course… that only escalated things. The bus was a little tense, but the joke seemed to kick most of the crowd into flight or fight. Turns out, most of these bastards were a fighting sort. As Zack felt the tension rising, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. As soon as the breath was held in place, he started from the top of his head and let his molecules phase out just barely. He kept his feet solid, but enjoyed the slight feeling of the wind rushing right through him. He appreciated it more as things escalated. Tasers and pepper spray were not his vibe. But as everyone seemed to freak out, Zack watched on with a callous and uninterested stare. He didn’t mutter a word, holding his breath just in case things got more violent and shifted his direction. But to his relief, their ever gracious babysitter had stepped in and called off the hounds. Zack let his molecules close in together again as he regained his solid form, and let out a quick exhale before gulping in more air for a few greedy gasps. Zack doubled over, hands on his knees as he regulated his breathing again, before standing upright again.

Best to look scared, for now. The sooner they think I’m a goodie two-shoes pissing his pants at the mere mention of AEGIS, the sooner I’m out of here.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 10 mos ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

The group followed the guard down the long Hall, remaining within the Recreation wing, passing by rooms of various purposes. Pool. Sauna. Steam room.

The guard came to a locked door leading to a more open room towards the end of the corridor, opposite the library. He pulled a set of keys that were chained to his person and unlocked the door revealing a half dozen seemingly randomly selected, longer tenured Ju-V program attendees who had been locked in the room. These would function as a 'welcoming committee' of sorts to begin to 'ease them' into coming to terms with the wider body of youths involved in the program.

The room had a ping pong table, two TVs with video game consoles, a small rack with a few select books (microchipped - with a scanner built into the door to prevent theft), central and side tables and chairs, and a book case full of board games, decks of cards and puzzles.

All of which would seem to be surprisingly well kept... except for the fact that boredom runs wild in places like these, and damage to any of the meagre things they actually have to assuage that boredom would be met with severe irritation by their peers. In many ways, their peers were the most effective policing techniques within these walls, and the contents of rooms like this one were more respected than most of the rules in the facility. Not a person on Alcatraz Island, for example, WOULDN'T know if someone broke one of the console controllers and exactly who that person was.

Sat against the back wall, staring at the door as a kaleidoscope of fresh faces all entered, was Laura DiBiase. Her face appeared manic, and over-stimulated and she began to rock, to the discomfort of many of the new arrivals. Her pseudonym of 'Bright Eyes' was clear to see and understand, as they seemed to have doubled in size to take in all the new vibrancy.

A pair of boys of comically contrasting sizes were playing a racing game of some kind or another on the console.

The smaller boy would take off to a considerable lead only for the larger boy to grunt in frustration, before the smaller boy would shoot him a nervous glance, and then somehow mysteriously fall back into the pack.

Neither had sensed the presence of the new program attendees in the room.

Not so inattentive was a lone boy located in a chair in the corner, with an angle on the whole room. Billy Isaacs. He was well aware why he had been shut in this room at this time, and scored himself a seat which took in the whole vista, so he could soak in every breath and step of the new arrivals. He wanted to know what they were thinking before they even thought it, and the most worrying thing was that he could indeed do it. All he needed was time and information, and every second of the former gave him more of the latter.

Libby Trainor stood at the window gazing out as her mind raced once more. Her singular focus had worked it's way back to the fore. It was a vicious cycle. She'd bust out, Aegis would find her, track her down, drag her back, she'd bust out all over again. The cycle had repeated so many times she could barely remember the starting point.

Waiting to greet them was a shorter girl with blonde plaits that spoke with the world-wearied wisdom of a long-timer. This was Program-Attendee number #543 - the lowest number on the island. Known by most as 'The Kid', all of the people who shared her ferry to this place and knew her real name had long since left.

"Fresh meat, huh?" She chuckled raspily. An off-putting gesture for someone of her diminutive stature and general appearance.

"Don't worry. We'll settle ya in real good." She chewed roughly on some type of gum, with a knowing grin that suggested these raw newbies had no idea what they were in for. Whilst it was true, it was also one of the only real joys she had in a place like this, and above all else, you learn to savour the joys. Especially when you can't see how you'd be able to exist on the outside.

"You need to know anythin' just you come askin' me." She turned to share the same view of the room that the group held.

"This here's one of yer standard rec rooms, there's another round the other side. Screws've trickled in about half a dozen, so it seems, to try and eash your transition in terms of coming to terms with yer fellow program-attendees. Yer free to mingle, play at ping pong, vidya games over there... although ya might want to give ol' 'Bulk' over there a wide berth. Apologies for the nomenclature... His name's Brian McIntyre. You'll find a lot of people start goin' by other aliases 'round these parts. Don't you worry 'bout none of that. You'll find yours in y'r own time, or someone'll stick one on ya. Yours truly they call 'The Kid', for obvious reasons."

The Kid looked over the group with a furrowed brow, counting heads.

"Must say, yer have me at a bit of a loss. You seem to be about three-- hup... didn't see the otter down there. Two short. When they normally give a bloc the ol' welcome wagon, they usually bring in a big ol' batch of twenty..."

Billy Isaacs ran his eyes over the latest ragtag assortment of Aegis offerings. The most immediate thing to come to mind was the red eyes.

They'd been pepper sprayed. At least a good few of them. His mind turned the information over in his mind. Likely wide dispersal, single use. There were only eighteen here. Normally a bloc of twenty would be introduced. Presumably two were removed. A fight between two was likely. Whether there were two true aggressors, or if one attacked the other and the second pushed the envelope in self-defense it was less easy for him to determine - Rowell was known to split the baby and punish both sides at the time. Some were immediately transparent in powerset. Otter. Wings. Stone boy. Another carried a large board of some kind - he presumed an elemental of some sort, controlling wind or waves. As far as could be told at this point. A Blonde from out of time carried herself with more weight than her diminutive stature suggested. He pegged her as a powerhouse strength type, despite her frame. Body shapes lie often. Body language? Less so. Another blonde looked muscular, but far more inscrutable - still a mystery.

Billy Isaacs' lip curled just considering 'stripping back' that mystery.

Her eyes held the red of the spray. She was in close proximity to the dispersal. Another in green it seemed took the brunt, he couldn't tell what her part would have been in any of this, though. A red-headed girl amongst them also had misty red eyes... but Billy could see the subtlety in difference.

She hadn't been sprayed. This wasn't chemical based. It was emotional. Billy kept sniffing, he could smell vulnerability.

What would have set that off... homesickness? Possibly, but it was early yet. She probably teared up from the trip, but this was more recent. On the facility.

Security. She'd had something confiscated. She wanted something. And anyone who wants something... the possibilities. He watched her closer. The style of clothes, the probable expense, it didn't look like she'd ever wanted for much. The thin clothing, the posture. She had nipple piercings, he could tell. What form exactly, he couldn't tell yet, but he'd have her show him. She looked like she'd be willing to go along with a lot with him. He wondered at what point he'd hit her limits... and what would be beyond.

Billy Isaacs' lip curled again, at the thought of the 'beyond'.

"Dawkins!" He called. The young boy paused and jumped up from his video game at Isaacs' beckon call, much to the larger boy's frustration.

"--is 'Fingers'. Doesn't look like much, but the kid can get you ANYTHING, ANY TIME. Like a one man 7/11. Well... boy. Price isn't too unreasonable either... but you wanna arrange costs up front. Not that he's particularly untrustworthy, it's just a good general rule across the board with anyone in here."

The younger boy ran across the room, passed the girl at the back wall, whose gaze still hasn't left the group. Her face held a hanging vacant smile that left many looking uncomfortable.

"...And that one there, is 'Bright Eyes'. Now, best we can tell, not violent, but I'm not gonna lie, she's a special kind of crazy. Probably stil best to keep yer distance."

Billy Isaacs kept his focus glued on the redhead, whilst he waited for Fingers to get to him, intent on cracking the rest of this mystery. She wanted something. Something that was taken from her that she wanted. Fill that need, and...

He watched closer. Turned his head slightly, almost imperceptively, in stark contrast to the way that almost nothing escaped his own perception. He picked up anxiety on her, and her fingers tented at the knuckle, almost as if she was craving an eCigarette or...

"Vape pen." He flashed a wide grin in realisation. Hell, he bet that if he got close enough, he could probably even smell the flavour she was craving on her.

Fingers finally got to where Billy Isaacs stood, he waited until he'd gone the whole way to him before he began to walk himself.

"Gonna need you to get me something. For a new friend..." He said. Fingers cowered slightly. He hated this. He suspected he knew the sort of thing he was about to be an accessory to. There just wasn't anything he could do about it. Between Bulk's muscle, and Billy's own power, he was all but untouchable in here.

"So walk with me, a while..." He said. Taking a solid glance in the direction of three cameras monitoring the room, and mentally timing his pace as he began to approach the group of fresh meat.

"Hey, Red! I think we might be able to help you get something you'd be interested in." He called out to the redhead.

"--escape." The Kid stopped, when she became aware of Billy's call to one of the group. Her face froze. Billy killed any intention of warning her with a simple well weighted smile.

The redhead was curious about the request and separated herself from the group to see what he was talking about, a pained look briefly flashed across the Kid's eyes before she moved on. This sort of thing had happened too often for it to be more than a momentary hangup. It was far from the first time he'd targeted some prime piece of fresh meat he fancied, wouldn't be the last time either.

"And with escapes from over a half dozen different Aegis facilities, Libby Trainor got sent down here to, if not stop her, at least slow her down. But it doesn't seem that's gonna happen anytime soon. Best they can hope is to catch her again quickly and bring her on back. Hell, she's probably over there thinking about what she's gonna do in the City in the few hours of freedom she buys herself NEXT time she busts out..."

As Billy Isaacs lured the red haired girl away for conversation, and his eventual proffer, The Kid gradually grew bolder and cut off her description of the girl at the window to describe the latest figure they'd just caught a passing glimpse of.

"And that one there, is Billy Isaacs. The Calculus. He has perception, pattern reading and recognition at a level so terrifyingly honed, that here in this place, he's practically precognitive. You take one thing away from anything I say today, you stay away from him. I'd tell you not to tell him I said anything, or warned you, but it wouldn't matter. He'd see it on yer face, just as soon as lookin' at yer... You don't want to get involved with that guy. Don't get on his bad side, Just best stay well clear..."

The truth was The Kid knew he could warn the group all she liked, now that he had what he wanted. He considered himself far enough above the fray that he barely considered her warnings as having any influence on his ability to attain his goals and desires at all. And the scariest thing was, he was probably right.

Bulk, having quickly grown bored, with the loss of his video game partner, decided to walk up and look over the fresh meat. Immediately catching his attention was a brassy shorter blonde with a very distinctive style of dress. Unsure how to go about greeting her he kind of stood over her, with a perplexed look on his face, as if trying to solve a puzzle. He wasn't like Billy, Billy just had a way of talking that seemed to flow easily, and generally ended with people giving him what he wanted, whether or not they wanted to. Billy had a way with people. With words. Brian noticed people tended to respond better, the less he said. Billy would even tell him to shut up. A lot. It was probably in his best interests. They really did work better when he said less. He'd seen it himself.

So instead he stood there providing her shade. Maybe he'd smile at her if he finally drew eye contact. He hadn't really given it much thought yet.

GM Notes/Directives

* The Program Attendees are Now in the Opening Recreation Room. In the Opening Recreation Room your characters are free to intermingle with other Player Characters and UNENGAGED NPCs.
* In the Opening Recreation Room there is to be NO VIOLENCE WITHOUT PRIOR GM APPROVAL.
* The Unengaged NPCs are The Kid, Libby Trainor - Liberty and Laura DiBiase - Bright Eyes. For more information on any of these Communal NPCs - consult the Character Tab.
*Engaged NPCs:
Fingers and Calculus - Noah 'Bombshell' Cypress @Venus
Bulk - Brooklyn 'Black Betty' Vanderhaven @PatientBean
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


The group soon moved on from the court room. Haven waited until the last of the group shuffled by before she moved from her spot. Her head turned towards the way they came in, where the director was now heading. She watched as he disappeared through the same door they took Frederick Jackson. The door closed behind him, and Haven turned to take up the last spot amongst the group.

The group ahead was quiet, save for the occasional wheeze and sniffle among those who had been peppered. A great addition to such a rocky day for most of them. She noticed Wes ahead as he looked at the amenities they passed. His eyes were red as well, although she didn't remember him standing near the group that had gotten the brunt of it. Something to think about later.

Right now she was noticing the guard pull a set of keys from his belt to unlock the next room they would enter. The fact that it was locked to begin with unsettled her. "Rehabilitation Center" my feathers.

As Haven followed the group into the room, she began to understand why it was locked. It seemed they would be meeting their fellow inmates earlier than expected. Haven couldn't help but tense as she looked at the attendees. The people within the program would ultimately set the tone for their time here. If they didn't play nice, the rest of them were screwed.

They were quickly approached by a young girl, who had decided to be their welcoming committee. Unsurprisingly, her greeting was not welcoming at all. The grin she had on her face told Haven she was trouble enough. Haven wouldn't expect any help from her, or any of them in fact. In places like this, it was better to rely on one's own wits.

She kept her own expression neutral as she looked around the room, observing each of the attendees as she passed over them. None of them really paid mind to the new group, except for the girl against the back wall and the boy in the corner. The boy's gaze was calculating and cold, and Haven made sure to look elsewhere before she noticed his eyes land on her. It was a brief glance, much to her relief. The girl's gaze was something entirely different. It didn't unsettle, but it wasn't fully there either. Haven wondered what her deal was.

Haven's attention was drawn back to the boy as he shouted a name. The girl, dubbed "The Kid" from her own mouth, described the boy that bolted from his spot next to "Bulk" to answer the call, and then the girl whose mind seemed elsewhere while her eyes remained on them.

The overall dynamic in this group was already showing itself. She tried her best to act disinterested, all the while watching as Dawkins aka. "Fingers" came closer with the taller boy from her peripherals. She could hear what he was saying, and it was getting harder not to care why. Dawkins was clearly uncomfortable. The boy was noting the security cameras in the room. Mind your business, Haven. She told herself. She kept her attention on the girl by the window, who The Kid was introducing now. Yet she couldn't help but turn her full attention to the front of the group as the tall boy addressed the redhead, and interrupted The Kid's description of "Liberty".

The boys smile was a threat. The Kid's eyes said what her frozen expression couldn't. Haven watched the redhead leave the group, and all she really could do was hope that the girl could take care of herself. The girls home had already taught her not to mess with people like that.

The Kid made sure her next introduction, once he was far enough, was about the boy. Haven fully believed her this time. She'd decided to avoid Billy as best as she could before hearing it from The Kid's mouth. Places like this had their own little societies, and the rules were dictated by none other than those with the most power and influence.

So, after seeing all of them, Haven decided in that moment to avoid getting involved with any of it. If she could keep to herself, there was a chance she'd find peace here. It's all she really wanted, after all.

That said, Haven decided to find a spot in the room where she could do exactly that. She slipped out from behind the group, giving a wide berth to Bulk as he approached the others, and looked for a spot by a window. Preferably a chair without a back to it.

She chose a table two down from where Liberty sat gazing out. They all had backs, she noticed with disappointment, but she was able to swap a chair out for a stool by the pool table. Haven set her backpack down on the table and took her seat. She glanced back at the group, noticing that Bulk had not uttered a word, and then towards the three on the other side of the room. At least from this spot she could see everything happening.

She found herself searching for Wes within the group. What did he take away from these first encounters with the attendees? She spotted his hoodie; a dark number with faded words that looked just as old as most of her clothes. It seemed like he was a scavenger, too. She noticed his eyes on the redhead and the businessmen. He looked tense. Like he had also seen deals like that being made before. Although the look in his eyes made it seem like he'd seen worse outcomes than she had.

Even though she was still unsure of being close to anyone at all in this center, she didn't look away when his eyes eventually turned towards her. She subtly nodded her head towards the seat in front of her. An invitation to avoid the others with her, if he wanted to.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: Sports Court -> Recreation - AEGIS Complex, Alcatraz Island
Issue #3: FIRE, FIRE, FIRE!
Interaction(s): Lina @Pirouette
Previously: And Now For My Next Trick...

Natsumi had never been pepper sprayed before.

As she faded back into existence, there had only been one word Natsumi could think of: fire. Christ, it stung. She felt as if her whole body had been lit aflame by the guard's pepper spray. Her chest ached from capsaicin-triggered coughing, all the while her cheeks grew brightly red like a tomato. She tried to open her now watery eyes, yet the painful irritation that now seeped into her eyes made it difficult to focus on anything before her.

Why her? She didn't understand. For all intents and purposes, Natsumi was practically an angel or a saint. She had never tried to harm anyone, nor was she ever the type to take advantage of people. It simply wasn't in Natsumi's nature to do such things. All Natsumi wanted to do was make the world a better place; for everyone to get along no matter were they human or metahuman. She had believed AEGIS would help her in that, and yet it had been an AEGIS employee who had struck her down.

She attempted to stand up from the court floor, yet the burning sensation she had been feeling proved too much of a distraction for Natsumi. There had been no grace in her stumbling, and Natsumi appeared more akin to a flailing fish out of water flopping about. She felt helpless and embarrassed; like a prop for the speech the warden was now giving to the crowd.

"You're okay."

A voice spoke to her, attempting to offer some kind of reassurance. Lina, Natsumi believed.

"...Maybe we can wash it out. Hold on to me."

Grabbing ahold of Lina, Natsumi forced herself up to her feet. A wheezed response followed. "...thank you."

Blinking rapidly in an attempt to flush out her eyes, Natsumi allowed Lina take the lead, and followed in the girl's footsteps over towards the one of the guards. Admittedly, she was slightly hesitant to ask a guard for help, given the last few minutes, yet there wasn't much of a choice. After all, Natsumi had no idea how to deal with pepper spray, and Lina likely neither did as well.

Before either of them got far, however, they were stopped by another; the girl from the front of the bus. She handed Lina a cloth of sorts, and pointed to her forehead. Had Lina been hit, too? Natsumi hoped not. Although Natsumi had taken the brunt of the spray, they were nonetheless still in close proximity.

Whatever it had been, though, Natsumi would have to figure out later. It was still difficult to see, and the warden seemed more interested in leading his tour than anything else. Forced along by the guards, she fell into line and followed the rest of the group down a hallway, albeit with the occasional cough, wheeze or sniffle to be heard.

Apparently, there were others like them already at the complex, she'd come to find out as they were led into a commons-like room that held ping pong, video games, and other such recreation activities. Natsumi tried her best to follow along with what the 'The Kid' had to say, but for what seemed to be the first time in likely forever, her people energy had taken a dip. She just wanted to sit down at this point; maybe find a way to flush out her eyes on top of it.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 10 mos ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

David's eyes still burned and his sinuses were on fire, but he kept his mouth shut. "In a place like this." He thought. "Most any attention is bad attention." He walked down the long hall they were led through, squinting through the pain and trying to avoid looking directly into light. "Bide your time, and wash them out when you get an opportunity."

The guard unlocked the door and led them into a large room where a half dozen other program-attendees were already awaiting.

At a glance they were a big guy and a little one playing video games. A young girl with plaits who approached the group. This immediately made David wary, as he questioned the motives of anyone approaching a group of new, and frankly vulnerable, people in a place like this. There was another girl staring at them with a maniacal grin from the back wall. A third who was paying them no mind at all. And a third guy sitting in the corner, apparently sizing them up, much as David himself was.

For some reason, despite doing no more than what David himself was doing in return, this one put him most on edge of all.


Find people of similar temperament to your own. Quiet, balanced.

Alone you are vulnerable. Two people can watch each others' backs. Three, can observe angles.

Ideally, Quiet, balanced temperament, thoughtful, observant. Selfless may be too much to ask for in a place like this, but someone who has the sense to realise the longterm benefit of loyalty and not screwing over friends for short term personal gain in a place like this.

Loud, unreliable, overaggressive, unstable and potentially violent friend is worse than going it alone in a place like this. They will drag you into things you could otherwise avoid.
From David's Notes In Preparation - (Since Destroyed)

Despite being in the group, David felt vulnerable. He felt watched. A worm amongst a dozen and a half on a rock, waiting for birds to decide he was the juiciest one left to peck at.

Since getting out of the literal Rock would be somewhere between 'not possible' to 'unhelpful', getting off the metaphorical rock would be the next best thing.

He watched as the redhead who had fallen asleep behind him on the bus, the one who'd stirred up no end of trouble in the security line, and seemed to have no sense for what David viewed of their current circumstances, was lured away by the watchful boy from the corner.

"That one is gonna be the lesson everyone else learns from, I'm sure..."

"Not your problem, David. Head down. Just forget it. Keep moving."

One less worm lying on the rock. A few others had the sense to step away from the group, but didn't seem terribly concerned with the notice they drew. A loud blonde who blew up over the otter on the bus had drawn the attention from the big guy who was previously playing video games.

Were they targeting the girls?

David's mind ran. Whilst making a direct move at this point would be dumb, maybe there was still SOMETHING that he could do to at least slow it down.

He ran his own eye over the group, he almost immediately eyeballed another potential future target, and then noticed the dress.


He wasn't certain, he hadn't heard her say two words to try and glean any kind of accent. She'd also seemed smart enough to keep quiet and similarly suss out their current situation - much as David had. There were worse moves he could make. He walked quickly over to the board games and retrieved something, before returning and approaching the blonde girl with a box.


She seemed perplexed by the sudden offer.

He tried to explain his reasoning, with as much subtlety as he could muster.

"People don't pay any mind... to two people playing chess." Before tilting his head in the directions of the two people who had been paying extra attention to people within their group.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Annoying People


Location: Alcatraz Compound [Recreation Wing]
Issue #3: Annoying People
Interaction(s): N/A
The blonde sighed, her hands buried in her pockets, as she moved quickly away from the prison veteran character from going into their full spiel about the rules of the prison and the other characters that inhabited it. That was how she saw it, like she was in some kind of awful movie.

“Great. Annoying people and handsy prison guards. Tons of fun.” She muttered under her breath.

Kaitlin ended her “get away from things she didn’t like” exercise at the room’s collection of books, her eyes constantly eyeing the people around her as she made her way there. She wasn’t a particular fan of people before she had powers, so she couldn’t imagine what was more nerve-wracking than a bunch of people she didn’t want to interact with who also had powers. She wasn’t a smoker, but just being on Alcatraz made her relate to the people who were.

She sighed, easing out her anxiety, before a book title caught her attention. She immediately took it from its place among the books and a slightly amused smirk replaced her rather unimpressed-slash-annoyed expression.

The Count of Monte Cristo.

Somebody had a sense of humor.

She flipped a few pages as she found the closest wall and sat on the floor with her back against it. A set of noise-canceling headphones would’ve been nice about now; they certainly would have made dealing with the place she found herself in a lot easier. Why did she leave most of her stuff at home? Oh right, because she didn’t have time to think. Just her luck. Not that it mattered much. She’d deal. She had no choice.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lawful Newtral
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Lawful Newtral Black Leg

Member Seen 1 yr ago

MENTIONS: @mickilennial
INTERACTIONS: Passing by Kaitlin
LOCATION: New Alcatraz, San Francisco, California, US
NOW PLAYING: ♫ Andromeda - Weyes Blood ♫


This was day one of many to come and there was already this much going on? All the chaos, all the frustration, all the rage. On one hand, Zee struggled to find any reason to antagonize the wardens of their new home other than juvenile carelessness. On the other hand, she so desperately wished she had enough energy to be like them. To rave and riot against the Man. Instead, everything passed by her as she just stood there, motionless, wordless. Just a tired stare in her blank blue eyes as everyone else fell into the chaos.

There was a common motif in the anime she used to watch religiously. 存在証明, sonzai shoumei. Proof of life. The kind of rah-rah "I'm going to be the best" energy all anime protagonists seemed to have. Everyone else had a similar mission statement, proclaiming their lively youthful days. Zee was nominally among them in terms of age, but it was clear from but one glance that she was missing something they had. She lived like she had no life to prove.

"Nothing in it for me except a heart that's lazy..."

The frosty blonde remained frosty well after the altercation at the court, disconcertingly aloof about the stinging pepper in her eyes. Tears from the pepper spray had frozen over her cheeks, an alien makeup of clear-white. The group was ushered into a rec room of sorts. They were in a prison, but Zee could only think of a hospital's idea of recreation when she saw the room. Modest, functional, both to a depressing extreme. A sad idea to even have a place like this where criminals used to live. She shook her head. Still had to learn to separate what she saw from what her frozen and cynical mind saw.

Zee tried to pay attention to the welcoming committee instead. A rogue's gallery of misfits and pariahs. People in similar circumstances, they had just arrived earlier. The most conversational of the bunch was...a child. Well, she might not be that young given her way of speaking. Maybe her power related to aging or immortality. Still, it threw Zee in for a loop to see someone who looked that young in a place like this. The wide-eyed one also raised some questions because there was no way those eyes did not carry the weight of her powers. The others did not look as remarkable with their various shades of aloof confidence or machismo, but it couldn't hurt to offer a good first impression. Zee slowly went around the room and said a soft and disturbingly monotone "Hello." to each of her 'seniors'. Maybe in a better state of mind, she'd realize how fucking terrifying it was for a pale blonde girl to almost float across just to say hello. This was not that state of mind.

Good first impression: failed.

No one could say Zee didn't give it a try, though. Whether anyone cared enough to look past the first impression and approach, that was not her problem. Her purpose here was to be safe, and no matter how it seemed that AEGIS was lording over her, these walls would keep her safe. People wanted her executed out there. That wasn't something she could go back to. No chance in hell.

God, Zee needed a distraction. It was a snowstorm in her head, tumultuous thoughts swirling under black ice. One of her peers went to a bookshelf off to the side. Now there's an idea. She followed her lead and picked a random title from the shelf. In her gloved hands was a book on the thicker end, painted in a cover of red and white. M. Butterfly. There would have been a smile on Zee's lips if she still could. This was a screenplay from her high school theater club days, thoroughly dissected and discussed despite never making it on stage. A small piece of home so far away.

"Hello," Zee once again muttered at the girl also sitting alone against the wall. A strange way of saying 'thank you for bringing attention to the bookshelf'. She elected not to follow her lead and instead sat at a nearby table, close to a chess game in waiting. Or was it an argument? She wasn't paying attention.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"I know all about
Your motives inside

Walking home in the late evening hours, a woman hummed softly to herself. Her date, the first of many, she hoped, had gone well. After a stressful week, it had been exactly what she had needed.

The dark figure lurking in the alleyway tensed. He could hear the clicking of heels on pavement as his prey neared. After a stressful week, this would be exactly what he needed.

The woman didn’t notice the man until he was already upon her. A hand muffled her panicked shrieks, and a metal object jammed into her ribs robbed her of any fight she may have had. His vile words left her paralyzed. Threats and promises flowed from his lips like raw sewage. The man grew excited by the woman’s tears. He pulled his hand from her mouth, lowered his pistol, and haltingly undid his belt. The man wanted to make this last.

The man didn’t notice the pounding footfalls until it was too late. A heavy force drove into him from behind, knocking him away from the woman and causing his forehead to collide with the alley wall. He cursed, spun, and drew his pistol to waist level as the man faced down his assailant.

The newcomer was slightly smaller and obscured in a hoodie. They had positioned themselves between the man and his prize. The snarl had barely crossed his lips before the man was pulling the trigger. The hooded individual took a step back as the bullet struck them in the gut. Then they took a step forward, and the man heard the dulled clink as the projectile tumbled harmlessly to the street.

They advanced with surprising quickness, and before the man could get off another shot, his arm was being wrenched to the side. Now that they were closer, the man could see the shadowed visage from under the hood. Youthful features and violet eyes that radiated disgust.

The last thing the man heard before his frightened screams took over the night was the sound of rhythmic percussion.

* * *

Wes idly toyed his finger through the hole in the front pocket of his hoodie. A souvenir of that night five months ago and a constant reminder of the dangers lurking within every shadow. Shadows that the teenaged metahuman was now recognizing crept within the walls of Aegis. Weston's belief in the place as a beacon of justice and righteousness was fading as cracks began to show.

The near-riot in the sports court had just been the first sign of things to come. The remnants of that assault still burned his eyes, and it took considerable willpower not to wipe away the tears that continued to well up. Wes sympathized for the girl in green who suffered the worst of the chemical violation and still wheezed with nearly every breath. The response from the facility guards had been unwarranted as far as he was concerned. The director’s scathing rebuttal had been reassuring, but Weston believed that such an incident wouldn’t remain isolated for long.

The personnel escorting them through the complex had led them to a locked door, revealing other program attendees locked inside. Inmates. Wes had to remind himself of that. They were inmates here at Aegis. A fact that, somehow, had eluded him until just moments ago. Unlike him, the others hadn’t volunteered. This was the second sign of the murkiness within.

The last fracture of the Aegis fantasy, though, was the one that had Weston rigid as he worked to restrain himself. When the group entered the recreation room, there had been one individual who immediately stood out to him. A man who carried himself with lordly weight sat in the corner where the entire space could easily be looked over. Older than any of them, this man scanned the newcomers with practiced efficiency, his eyes drinking in every vulnerability. Weston had seen it before. That hunger. That belief that anything was ripe for the taking. He hadn’t liked it then, and he didn’t like it now.

Billy Isaacs. That was the name offered to him by the small, pig-tailed girl who acted as their tour guide. Billy Isaacs. He wouldn’t forget it. Nor would he forget the rapacious grin that split Billy’s lips when the man laid eyes on the redheaded girl. Weston saw it all. The way Billy’s eyes scoured over her form, stopping briefly at chest level. The way his eyes shone with predatory hunger, similar to what Weston had witnessed in another mere months ago.

Danger. That’s what Billy Isaacs was. Except this danger didn’t bother to hide in shadows. This danger was confident.

Weston’s eyes remained on the man as he approached the girl who no longer wore the nice earphones. Weston remained composed despite his urge to intervene. He knew better than to act haphazardly. And, he told himself, this wasn’t Philadelphia. These people around him weren’t helpless would-be victims. Each of them had their own capabilities. For all he knew, the redhead could eviscerate the man and all his lustful desires with a thought. After all, looks were deceiving. Haven had shown him that much.

His gaze flickered to the brunette as she wandered away from the group. She was faster than appearances would suggest. When that middle-aged boy had attacked her, the quickness Haven displayed in her retaliation had been remarkable even by Wes’ standards. With her facing away from him, Weston could see why. Underneath Haven’s tank top, her back rippled with muscle that was at odds with her slim frame. Her body had adapted to those wings, he noted, and it was evident that, while she may not bench half a ton, there was strength brimming inside.

Wondering just what else she was capable of, Weston let his eyes fall further down her figure. Haven had a runner’s build, he realized. Like all the track athletes from his old high school, she carried a lot of power in her lower body. Now that he looked more closely, the black pants the young woman wore did little to conceal how strong her legs appeared to be. He respected that athleticism. When the chance inevitably arose to train their abilities, Weston knew he’d have to ask to get a workout in together.

She seemed very capable.

That was when he realized Haven was looking his way. She nodded as their eyes met, signaling him to take a seat at her table. Weston chose a spot that allowed him to keep watch on the redhead and her big, bad wolf. Just because he thought the girl likely could defend herself didn’t mean he trusted things to remain civilized.

Still, he allowed himself to keep his focus on the brunette next to him. “Does it hurt?”

Haven seemed to notice the position he took. Her eyes squinted a moment in response to his question as she pieced together the implications behind it.

“No. Not anymore,” she murmured. Haven stared at him. “Your eyes? I’m surprised you got hit.”

Weston’s right hand was almost brushing against the puffy, red skin around his eye before he caught himself. He offered a slight, reassuring smile to Haven in answer to her first question. Then added, “I didn’t. I ran into it after the guard was already spraying.”

It surprised Haven how casual the words sounded. She blinked. “It wasn’t the first time, either?”

“First time with that stuff. Usually, it’s knives or guns. One time this guy had a taser he tried to use. Just things like that.”

Weston failed to consider that, unlike him, Haven might not have had any experience as a vigilante. Neither did he notice the expression on Haven’s face change as he spoke, instead turning his attention to his hoodie.

His nose still burned from the chemicals, and the mention of the pepper spray had made the boy realize traces of it probably remained in his clothing. He frowned a bit at that. Before departing for San Francisco, Wes and the community back home had scrounged up enough quarters to give his limited wardrobe a thorough wash. Now, they’d have to be cleaned again.

As Haven started to respond, Weston rose from his seat. He didn’t want to continue breathing in the lingering chemicals, and he worried that he now smelled of whatever had been in the spray. The teenager stripped the damaged hoodie from his body, leaving him in a white, simple t-shirt underneath that looked almost one size too small on his frame. It had been difficult to find an intact shirt without stains or tears. Though it fit a little too snug for his comfort, especially across his chest, Wes was just grateful to have found something presentable.

Sitting back down across from Haven, Weston realized he had something else to be grateful for. The teen had volunteered for this program for two reasons. First, to train his abilities and skills so that he could better put them to use helping others. That, he knew, would take time. The second was something he had hoped for, but wasn’t sure was achievable, let alone accomplishable so soon.

A smile played across his features as he listened to the feathered girl speak, and the recognition within him grew.

Weston had found a friend.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Interactions: David
Mentions: @Hound55
Location: San Francisco, Alcatraz, Recreation Room

Having dealt with the earlier altercation, the Director signaled for a guard to move the group out of the court and to whatever place they were supposed to be going. Seeing the guard fumble around with keys in front of a door prompted a smirk from Alexandra. She had expected a more advanced security system in a facility like this, like a retina scanner or something. Hell, a card system at the very least. But those old fashioned keys? It almost seemed quaint.

Then again, even if there were high tech security measures in place, nothing was going to stop inmates like these from eventually breaking through it. So it kind of made sense to not invest more than the bare minimum in it.

Eyes still stinging from the spray earlier, Alexandra had been trailing at the back of the group. They were herded into what seemed to be a generously stocked rec room, at least compared to the ones she was used to back in Russia.

Alexandra noticed there were other program attendees already present in the room, acknowledging their presence wasn’t an immediate priority for her. First order of business was finding a way to rinse that damned pepper spray out of her eyes. It had already taken a lot of restraint on her part to not give in to the urge to rub her eyes. Luckily there was a water fountain close to the door they had all entered in. While not ideal, it was good enough to get the job done. It didn’t seem too dirty either, which was definitely a plus. As she got to work clearing her eyes of the spray something felt off though, as if she was being watched. It made a chill run down her spine.

That, or it was the girl who froze that seat back on the bus.

Finally having dealt with the irritant substance and quickly wiping her face with the bottom of her shirt, Alexandra rejoined the group as they were being given a sort of welcome tour by a child who sounded much older than her appearance made her out to be. She was just in the process of getting the new arrivals up to speed on the longer serving Ju-V attendants.

The introductions got interrupted mid way by an older boy yelling out at the redhead that boarded the bus at the same stop that Alexandra had a few hours ago. The heavily tattooed girl seemed intrigued about whatever it was this guy was offering her and so she parted from the rest of the group. To Alexandra it seemed overly naive to be so trusting of strangers offering anything you’d find interesting according to them. She’d heard enough stories from the Velikiye Volki veterans who had served time in Russia’s prison system to at least know that much.

Alexandra was only half listening when the little girl continued her introductions, refocusing again when she brought up the boy, or Calculus as she called him. She made it sound like he ran the place, and given how another boy, Fingers, jumped through hoops to get to him, it seemed like that assessment wasn’t too far off. It made her glance back at the redhead, hoping that she knew what she was getting into.

The rest of the group of new arrivals took the departure of their redheaded member as their cue to split off as well. Taking a page out of Calculus’ book, Alexandra picked an isolated table from which she could observe most of the room. Here, she thought, she’d be able to monitor not just the older Ju-V peers, but also her fellow newbloods. And given how it was in a corner, she hoped that no one would really bother her.

Unfortunately, that idea proved to be too optimistic.

Out of all the tables in the room the boy with the colored streak in his hair approached hers. She remembered him from the bus ride, he had been mostly busy with his own thoughts back then. Honestly, out of all the people to approach her, he had been one of the last she expected. He held a board game in his hands. She didn’t have to guess which, as the first word she’d heard him speak immediately gave it away.

Alexandra looked up to him with a frown. Why her? Why not anyone else who obviously didn’t go out of their way to avoid people?

As if on cue, the boy explained his reasoning behind picking her. Seemed like he didn’t want any undesired attention either. Or maybe there was a bit more behind it. Sitting back in her chair, she narrowed her eyes at him as she tried to look for an ulterior motive. He certainly didn’t look like he had one, but one could never be too careful. That’s another thing the veterans had taught her.

“Fine.” Not wanting to cause a scene, she acquiesced by gesturing to the seat opposite hers. As she was carefully observing the boy while he was setting the game up, Alexandra remained quiet, never taking her eyes off him. The silence might have been uncomfortable to some, but that was just the way she liked it. Only when the boy finished the setup and took his seat did she finally break the silence.

“How are we deciding colors?”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 38 min ago

LOCATION: Recreation Room

It all became a blur. At one point she was standing there as some jamoke prattled on about his facility and how they were here to learn or grow or some bullshit when the fight broke out. Brooklyn had been looking forward to it. Cracking skulls and asserting dominance.

However, as quickly as it started, it was finished. Injured people, both security and inmates alike (because as pretty a place and name you want to put on your brochure is, this was still a prison). Brooklyn became even more agitated. In fairness, her first chip was the damn otter that joined them that NO ONE was talking about still. The second was the warden or whoever. She wanted to punch his face. He had a very punchable face and, in her experience, people with punchable faces often held views or did things that warranted face punches.

She was a bit beefed the stocky guy who made the first comment towards the warden hadn't said a peep since. He was one of the few here she felt any semblance of a connection to. Annoying, actually.

But she bit her tongue (a rare feat). As much as she wanted to start shit again, she didn't wish to get those injured or those unable to handle themselves caught in the crossfire. She counted, on one hand, those that fell in that purview, but she was the poster child of 'not judging a book by its cover'.

She followed along with the group inside. She took special care in noting weaknesses in the facility; guards not being alert, walls that looked like they could be plowed through, makeshift weapons if it came to that. Soon they were in the rec room and were introduced to the others within the facility. Their makeshift tour guide droned on, but Brooklyn couldn't be bothered to care all that much. Instead, she glanced at the others, sizing them up. As her head turned, she felt a shadow over her. She turned back to see a mountain of a man standing there, staring at her. He was cute in a "golden retriever" type of way, though she got the sense there was nothing behind those eyes. And her thoughts were confirmed when he just. continued. to. stare!

"Keep starin' at me and I'll rip your arms off and play jump rope with 'em." The nerve of this dude! "Anyone going to claim their lost lamb here?" Perhaps he was lost from a tour group and got separated from his mommy. Either way, she had little time to be hand-holding anyone here. "What happened to hello? How are you? My name is? What just cuz you're locked up you get to be rude? I'm not the broad to try that with."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 10 mos ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

The Director's leather shoes clacked along the most immediate route back to his office.

The troublesome boy would be taken a more circuitous route, possibly via a holding cell in a more secure section, so that he might be more susceptible to receiving the conversation about the severity of the situation in which he finds himself.

In the interim, there was more work to be done for the most recent new additions to the program.

"I... apologise for my tardiness." He offered as he walked in to find the small, quiet girl sitting opposite his desk.

"We have kept you in here a little while because where possible we don't like adding individual new program attendees to the populus. Socially it's... less than ideal. Cliques and groups form, individuals can have troubles. Its not what we want to do. But your parents were most insistent on seeing you off personally, and we chose to respect their wishes." He said, taking a seat opposite. His speech was crisp, despite clearly being in a situation he was less comfortable with. Perhaps even moreso because of it.

"Your group is currently getting to know each other better in a recreation room, with a small random assortment of other more tenured program-attendees. We find its the best way to ease them in, to what can be considered by some to be a very confronting situation."

The Director paused and thought for a moment about the best way to handle this.

To send her in under guard escort could itself set a confronting message, but he also didn't want to continue to make his presence overly familiar to the group as they formed bonds and initial introductions. Feeling watched and surveilled, which they of course were regardless of how they felt, could adversely impact behaviour, social integration, trust...

Besides, he would have to talk with Frederick Jackson.

...and he would of course want to gain his first impressions on this new group and consider possible early projections.

This group was... particularly interesting.

"Grant here will take you to that recreation room, where you will hopefully get to know the other children better." It wasn't apparent whether 'Grant' was the man's first or last name, and this helped soften the relationship and role of the man at present.

Sophia got to her feet and was led down the same pathway to the Recreation wing that the Director had taken, missing Fritz being dragged into a secure section by seconds, a scuffed line from where his shoes had dragged the only sign he'd been there in the first place.

They walked down the long corridor and Grant directed her to the Recreation Room where her cohorts were congregated.

What would they make of her?

What would she make of them?
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sophia’s heart fluttered with a mix of anticipation and nerves as she found herself now sitting across from the Director. His leather shoes clacking against the floor earlier had unnerved her, the sound echoing through the room mimicking her heartbeat. She was used to quiet moments, yet somehow, she still felt entirely out of her comfort zone. To calm herself down, the girl tried to focus her gaze on five small details of the room as she’d been taught before—the patterns in the wood, the way the light streamed through the window, the bolded nameplate on the desk, the phone positioned near it, and, finally, back to the director’s face.

It didn’t work.

Nonetheless, when the director finally chose to speak, she mustered a small, polite smile in response, her emerald, green eyes managing to meet his. She listened carefully as he explained the reasons for her temporary isolation, her fingers tracing the sunflower pendant hanging around her neck out of habit. His words were measured, and his discomfort in this situation was evident. She empathized with his unease, knowing that this was a new experience for both. The Director spoke of her group getting to know each other in the recreation room, and "Sunny" nodded softly, absorbing his words. She understood the reasoning behind the approach, though the thought of meeting the others made her heart race just a little faster.

Sophia's attention drifted as the Director fell silent. It was clear he was deep in thought, and she felt it was best to give him the time he needed to collect his words. Besides, she had a feeling that if she tried to speak right now, her voice might fail her. When he did finally choose to speak, however, she found herself sitting straighter in her chair, her eyes moving to the other person in the room to whom she could finally put a name.

Agreeing silently with the Director's guidance, Sophia pushed herself up from the chair's comfort and fell into step behind Grant. His confident strides set the pace as they ventured down the corridor, her mind a whirlwind of anticipation and curiosity.

The Recreation Room loomed ahead, a realm of possibility where introductions and impressions awaited. The girl’s thoughts took on a life of their own, spinning scenarios of acceptance and skepticism. She wondered about the judgments her newfound peers might pass on her. Would they dismiss her because her abilities seemed unassuming, overshadowed by more overt powers? The doubt threaded through her thoughts, tugging at her self-assurance. Her gaze dropped involuntarily to her outfit, a fleeting moment of self-consciousness creeping in. A soft cringe lifted the corners of her lips as she observed her choice. The green floral dress, a testament to her affinity for the natural world, suddenly felt like an unspoken statement. Perhaps, she pondered, it wasn't the best attire for this moment. But earlier, when she had chosen it, the dress had felt like an extension of herself—comfortable and genuine.

As they neared the Recreation Room's entrance, Sophia's fingers brushed against the delicate fabric of her dress. She took a deep breath, steadying herself for the interactions that awaited. As the door swung open, she stepped forward with a mixture of nervousness and a hint of excitement.

The former feeling increased dramatically once she heard the doors slam behind her.

Sophia's gaze flicked around the room, the faces before her seeming to blur together. A pang of unease gnawed at her, urging her to seek refuge in a quiet corner. She needed a place where she could sit, maybe even blend in, and fade away from this spotlight of uncertainty now on her. The doubts she'd pushed aside while saying goodbye to her parents now surged back, relentless, and overwhelming, and it took everything within her to keep her facial expression checked. Her fingers instinctively clenched at the edges of her dress, a physical anchor in the storm of emotions swirling within her. The fabric offered a familiar reassurance, a tactile connection to her own presence amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces and unspoken judgments.

Summoning a flicker of determination, Sophia navigated through the crowd, her steps guided by a silent need for solace. And then she found it, a sanctuary in the form of an unoccupied seat tucked away in a corner. It was a refuge inviting her to lower her head, gather her thoughts, and take a moment to collect herself. With a small sigh of relief, the anxious girl settled into the seat, her fingers finally releasing their grip on her dress. She lowered her head, her blonde hair forming a gentle curtain, shielding her from the world for a moment. The table in front of her seemed like a lifeline, a safe space where she could regroup and steady her nerves.

At least for now.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

INTERACTIONS: Aegis Agent, Mountain Man and Freshwater/Saltwater Otter, everyone who heard him
LOCATION: San Francisco International Airport → HOP ON THE BUS → Boats n Hoes~ → Fun Playroom


"What a total bummer."

Those words echoed in the usually empty head of one Skylar Vass as he flew on a commercial flight, escorted by a couple of Aegis agents, no less, from Kahului Airport to San Francisco International. Flying coach with special circumstances or something to that effect made no sense to Kyle, but it wasn’t because he was looking too much into being escorted by these agents but, honest to god, he wasn’t even thinking about it. His mind was elsewhere. It was back on Hawaii and he kept thinking about what led up to this moment.

When he got his powers, Kyle didn’t know what to think or feel about it. He had always been an agile kid. His parents were the best and let him find his own way. He was homeschooled, which gave him the freedom to learn at his own pace. He wasn’t the kind of kid who would go on to be a big time scientist or even become a teacher. Kyle passed with average marks and made use of the free time. He loved to surf. He loved cliff-jumping. He loved swimming and skating. Extreme sports was not just part of the soul of the island but it was his lifeblood. Both of his parents were famous for their talents on a board. His mom was a famous skater while his dad was for the water.

So somewhere along the lines, Kyle developed a love for both. Excelling at speed like his mother did on land but took after his father for a love of water. Combine that with friends who often encouraged Kyle and his bad habits of doing some insane, crazy stunts that often led to broken arms, bruises all over his body, and an impressive amount of trips to the local clinic. It got to the point that Kyle was on a first name basis with every nurse and they didn’t need to bring up his information. It could be assumed by his injury at that time.

But getting his powers was a totally different story. Kyle didn’t change when he got it. One might say that his stunts grew in scale and so did the attention he brought on himself. The friends he kept encouraged him to go big or go home.

As it turned out, going big wouldn’t let him go home. Because within half of a fortnight, Aegis came-a-knockin on at his home, explaining the reason for their visit. One of Kyle’s bros convinced him it would be a good idea to use his powers on them and the other filmed it. That’s how he wound up on a plane to San Francisco.

Not your brightest idea, Kyle. Not at all…

When the plane landed and Kyle retrieved his singular luggage that wasn’t the backpack he had as a carry on, he waited with the good agents of Aegis, thinking about his life choices, but as he did, the simple-minded Hawaiian felt whelmed by his environment. No matter the reason, the fact remained that he was in a city that he always wanted to visit. He loved the idea of California. To a lot of his ohana back on the Island, California was like the distant cousin of Hawaii. The cousin that didn’t do everything they could but had enough of the working pieces. Plus, Beverly Hills 90210 and Katy Perry always made it seem like its own paradise. Even though Kyle wanted to think about the reasons that brought him here, all he could do was enjoy finally being in Cali. He wanted to see some California girls, with daisy dukes and bikini on top!

As he started to board, dressed in shorts and a tank, big hoverboard under his arm, Kyle found himself humming California Gurls as he took a seat in the back. Despite everything happening, Kyle was just happy to be here. Happy to be able to keep his board. It didn’t even occur to him until he heard a commotion that there were some interesting people on the bus. He spent so much time gazing out of the window like the tourist he was, taking in the sights of San Fran. It only really clicked when someone made a big deal about an otter.

Brown eyes glanced at the little critter and he mused, “Ay brada, you think that’s freshwater or seawater otter?” He asked the Aegis agent that sat next to him.

The man shrugged. “No clue. My knowledge of otters is nonexistant.”

Shoots. Kyle responded before returning to his previous activity of gazing at the sights that they’d pass. There were others that came aboard or that he had only just realized such as the man made of stone and the winged angel, but he was still going through the motions of jetlag that Kyle kept to his own devices.

By the time the bus came to its destination, Austin, the name of the aegis agent that sat near Kyle who didn’t give him his name technically, but Kyle estimated that he looked like an Austin, had gestured to him to get up. “Roger dat, Austin!” Kyle saluted Austin with the hang loose hand gesture.

“My name’s not Austin. It’s Steve.”

“Really? Roger dat, Not Austin, It’s Steve!” He gave Not Austin, It’s Steve a simple grin and descended off the bus and the dark-haired Hawaiian felt at home when he saw where they were. He looked around and couldn’t help but feel at peace being near water.

Then came the ferries to carry off them off in batches of two to the giant island in view. Kyle was in group two because they had to account for Mountain Man. A hui hou, Mountain Man and Otter! Did they actually acknowledge Kyle’s simple farewell to them as they boarded their ferry? Probably not, but Kyle did it anyway because he didn’t know what else to do.

After the ferry came back and he rode on it himself, he pondered about how it would have been easy for him to just go across the sea with his board, but due to reasons of if he tried to do anything with his powers and Austin/Steve might attack him for it, Kyle knew that wasn’t a good idea. He didn’t have his bros to convince him it would be, either, so that meant he had to ride it out.

If only people would have told him all hell would break loose once they got to the island. People bled, a feather was used as a weapon, some cute Japanese girl got hit with pepper spray after she started to disappear (Wow that was killer!). But the worst of it all and probably the one thing that lingered in Kyle’s mind was his board being confiscated. He felt naked without it. He felt incomplete. What was a surfer, a kid from the island who spent his entire life on a board, without one? Whether skate, hover, or surf, him and his board was the closest thing he had ever come to finding his soul mate.

And now that he had to be without it, no matter how overdramatic it was, Kyle lost part of his free-spirited soul. Not even the residual hummings he tried to focus on of California Gurls could mend his broken heart. No amount of activities he saw as they went further into the facility, not the pool nor sauna nor steaming room could take his attention off the fact that he really needed to know where his board was.

But then everything changed when the activity empire attacked.

Okay, maybe more like a small battalion, but Kyle soon found himself in better spirits. A twinkle lit up his eyes when he saw the consoles. Something to know about Kyle: while he was an avid gamer, he didn’t play a wide variety, but he loved skating games. Skate, Tony Hawk Pro Skater - you name it. He loved playing those. He lived for those to an extent. He even liked Shaun White’s snowboarding game.

Honing in on the part of the rec room where the consoles were, both of the boys who were playing it went up and left and, Kyle being the kind of guy who never let a situation pass him by, he made a beeline for the console, making himself comfortable and continued playing whatever racing game it was those two were having a ball with. “Kinda wished it was Skate but a game is a game.” Kyle understood he was talking to himself. Most might find that weird, but then again, Kyle wasn’t necessarily the kind of person people looked at and thought ‘wow that kid is someone who totally fits society’s definition of a tool’.

Kyle was not a tool. He rode the waves and often crashed and burned when he went too high up.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Wei Wuxian
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Wei Wuxian Xianxia Lover

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Mentions: @Hound55
Interactions: Libby Trainor
Location: Alcatraz Island; AEGIS Complex, Recreation Wing - Recreation Room

Though not as chaotic or talkative as the others, Seo was making sure to be observant. Every person he encountered, his brain stamped their name and their visual. Maybe it had to do with his abilities, or maybe it had to do with his own cautions. Remembering faces and names helped him identify who was around him just in case anything ever happened that required him to recall information. It was a skill he'd put into play many times before. Here, at the AEGIS Complex, things would be no different. He was here to learn to control his anger and to help grasp a more in-depth understanding of his power. His father had taught him all he could and that was enough at the time, but after the incident, Seo needed to know more. What was he capable of? Could he do more damage than he realized? Was there a limit to what he could do? One thing he never wanted to happen was to lose control of his power around his son. All he ever wanted to do since his son's birth was to be a father his son would be proud to call dad. Every minute away from him was difficult. He missed the little giggle whenever he would use his power to float him up and down in the air or the smile whenever he would look into his son's eyes or the times when his son would hold just one of his fingers while he slept. He was doing this for him and he would always be there to protect him.

He remained silent and slightly distant from the group as they were led by a guard further into the facility. Stepping through the door, they were instructed on what the room was. A place they could chill and have fun. He was nervous. Outside of those where he was from, he didn't have any other friends or associates. He would try his best to open up and make friends here, but part of him would always keep a guard up. His father always taught him that only a fool would trust someone easily. It was earned, never freely given. Someone approached them and started talking to them collectively. All the while Seo's eyes had fallen immediately on a guy who was staring at them, as if calculating what each of them did or could do, or perhaps it was what they needed? Once more he scanned the room after breaking his gaze from Billy and took in the sight of the recreation room and those gathered. He was listening and observing, something he was very good at. Every individual she introduced to them seemed to hide something beyond the mask they wore. All of them wore a mask, whether that mask would soon be removed lingered on the edge of his mind. Perhaps it was his job to remove the mask and see who actually stood before him.

Libby, her name was Libby and she'd escaped several times from other facilities until she landed on Alcatraz. To be frank it would be near impossible for any to escape this place without an ability that allowed flight or water breathing. An isolated island definitely allowed for more complex plans of escape, but no matter how you went about it, the results would be the same. One could attempt to swim, but it wouldn't take long for them to be captured and brought back. Escaping from an island would require something more exciting. While he glanced over at Libby, he listened to the girl talk about Billy and it all began to make sense as to why he'd been staring at a few of them the moment they'd stepped foot into the room. What he wouldn't give to pluck the inner chambers of his mind to see what made him tick. When the small one finished talking, Seo levitated over to Libby and gazed out of the window next to her.

"Do you feel like a pet trapped in its cage? Or do you feel like there is purpose here after all?" Seo said, wondering just what this girl could do. "Forgive my lack of manners, my name is Seobin. I hear you like to escape and I was curious as to why."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Fritz watched the others he'd arrived with trickle out, while he remained against the wall, the heavy paw of one of the larger-set guards resting on his shoulder; empty of malice, but full of firm authority. Rowell, for his part, nodded to the guard and made a small gesture with his hand toward a different exit, before turning on his heel and leaving the hall himself. Rowell was headed to his office; Fritz, as he soon found out - guided firmly but not roughly by the same heavy-set guard with the same spade-like mitt on his shoulder - to a secure, holding-cell type area. The place looked like a waiting room, benches flanking the doors at either end, while the walls were lined with cubicles. The front wall to each cell was some kind of sliding-door arrangement, well-polished glass and digital touch-pads to the side; within they were clearly sized for one person each, with a single cot, a secured-to-the-floor chair, a desk that jutted out from the wall like a chunky shelf, and a nondescript toilet, tastefully hidden behind a screen into its own kind of personal stall. These were clearly processing cells from Alcatraz' younger days, just modernized and, from the look of them, either sparsely-used, or frequently-cleaned.

The guard swiped a pass over the pad next to one of the cells, and the glass front slid across with a soft hiss. Fritz got a short-lived glimpse at someone standing, watching, in the neighboring cell, before the guard politely gestured forward, encouraging Fritz to step inside in a way that Fritz thought underplayed the choices that were actually available to him at this juncture. Fritz walked in and turned around, the glass wall already sliding shut - clicking when it was finished - as the guard pocketed his pass and stepped out of the far end of the room into some kind of checking-office, with a window that looked into the waiting room. Fritz peered at the best angle he could find through the glass front of his cell, watching the guard as he sat and thumbed through a magazine.

Fritz sat down on the edge of the cot. Despite experiencing actual regret (though no remorse - he felt the distinction significant) for his behaviour, he still scanned everything in his environment for access or defense. They'd clearly thought ahead; on the opposite wall he could see small sheafs of paper on the desks in each cell, along with a pencil. No such stationary existed in his. He sighed, and tipped himself backwards, resolving to stare at the ceiling until such a time the guard returned and ferried him on to wherever he was supposed to be next.

A light knock came from the wall next to his head.
"New here, kid?" Came a voice, drifting through the front of the cell. Fritz got up, leaning on the wall at the front of his cell - angled out-of-view of the guard's windows - and listening carefully.
"I saw the ferry come in across the bay. Not even half an hour yet and you're in holding."
Fritz didn't say anything. Whoever it was probably wouldn't respond well to him pointing out that they were in holding too.
"Thinking 'well you're in here too'?"" His neighbor continued. "Understand something. Theft. Assault. Criminal elements. AEGIS have their ideas about punishment for wrong-doing. I have mine. We don't see eye-to-eye."
Fritz rolled his eyes.
"You causing trouble already?"
Fritz sighed.
"I pulled a feather out of some bird." He paused. "Girl." He corrected, pausing again. "Bird-girl." That would have to do.
"Charming. Word of advice. Out there - keep your hands to yourself. You'll have enough enemies in this place. Don't make me one of them."

Fritz opened his mouth to reply, but heard the door at the end of the hall open, and the weighty footfall of the guard returning. Fritz stepped away from the wall, back toward the middle of the cell. The guard appeared and waved his pass over the touch-pad again, the glass wall sliding open once more.
"Director Rowell will see you now. Come with me."
And go with him Fritz did, stealing another glance at his neighbor as they passed by; tall. Well-built. Crossed arms rippling with well-maintained muscle. His dark eyes stared out from beneath a dark brow, not a shred of emotion across his face.
Grand, Fritz thought. The street-justice assholes are in here, as well.

Fritz sat in an opulent but uncomfortable chair - some combination of rich, dark wood and quality leather that looked expensive and tasteful but felt like all hell to actually sit in - in front of Director Rowell's desk. The guard who remained his erstwhile escort stood quietly at the back of the room, and Fritz could feel his eyes boring through the back of his skull; he fidgeted, unable to comfortably relax his arms where his wrists remained zip-tied. His eyes darted around the office, that instinctual lizard in the back of his mind still writhing, anxious and unnerved to be without a weapon. Fritz imagined it would be some time before the survival instinct settled and his hands stopped twitching.

Director Rowell stared at him from across the desk, taking a quiet moment to absorb the full scrawny figure of Frederick 'Fritz' Jackson. He was a sore sight, as painful as it was to admit; the child, still a minor at only 17, had not fared well on his self-imposed exile to the streets. Rowell suffered to think what Fritz may have experienced that the streets seemed the better option to him. He gestured to the zip-ties with one hand while beckoning the guard with the other.
"Can we remove those, please? I think Mr. Jackson here will behave from now on."
The guard hesitated, but at the arching of Rowell's eyebrow moved forwards, carefully snipping off the zip-tie and allowing Fritz to rub his chafed wrists and stretch his arms. He felt his shoulders click as he rolled the joints carefully.
"Thank you. Far more civilized, eh Frederick?" Rowell said, delivering a warm smile as he did so.
"Fritz." Fritz corrected, and Rowell simply nodded in return.

"Noted. 'Fritz' it is."

There was a pause; neither the man nor the boy spoke. Instead, each got the distinct impression that the other was eyeing them up.

"What I said earlier. Does any of it need repeating? Do you require further context? This place is your last chance. I understand your own unique... 'need' for a weapon, as an extension of yourself. But unfortunately, a trust issue has formed here. Given enough time to accrue goodwill, and social capital, you'll actually be given weapons as part of your own training process - and in the interest of understanding your own powers. But at the moment, such a thing is impossible."

"Without demonstrating a suitable level of rehabilitation on your part, you can't be trusted with the things which come later in the process. It's that simple. Without the existence of this program - of AEGIS - you would be in a cell. As you've seen, even within this program we have our own cells, which would be more than suitable for any... hiccups... in your own personal growth. But if we feel progress is impossible, it's still entirely possible to have you 'failed' - at which point, your sentence would be altered through your own actions, and you'd serve out your due term apportioned to you by the full extent of the law. Which, I can assure you, would be less empathetic than we here have been."

You could almost hear the cartoon-like 'gulp' that ran across Fritz' mind. He had little desire to let the courts decide his fate; despite his years on the streets he was well aware - perhaps even more finely-attuned to - the growing sentiment the public held against Metahumans. There was little doubt a derelict like him would make the perfect example in the eyes of politicians for their new 'hard on metas' stance that would surely win them enough votes for their preferred seats.

"At this point the question is, how big a leap of faith are you willing to take on other people, when it comes to your last chance? Because you're looking at being thrown in a deep dark hole, and never seeing the light of day again."

Rowell stared across his desk at Fritz' furrowed expression, his own face betraying no hint of emotion. He was a stone wall, in this moment a disciplinarian through-and-through. Fritz nodded.

"People, not so much. But I'll toe the AEGIS line." Fritz looked back at the guard who was watching him with a raised eyebrow from beside the door, and then turned to meet Rowell's gaze. "I don't want to hurt people. I just don't want to be hurt."

Rowell raised an eyebrow in an expression that might have resembled compassionate amusement, had Fritz the capacity to recognize compassion.
"Well, that's a good start. Just make sure you hold up your end of that bargain."
Rowell held a hand up and beckoned the guard forward with two fingers.
"Jones here will escort you directly to the residential wing. You'll be on curfew tonight. Time to ruminate over your purpose in being here. And a chance for your peers to forget about this afternoon's...festivities."
Jones put that meaty paw back on Fritz' shoulder, and he looked up at the gargantuan man. Jones looked back down. Fritz got up, and left Rowell at his desk, watching the two of them leave over castled fingers.
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