Lance Banner

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A
Well Lance wasn't entirely sure as to what to have happen or what to really say. They were basically going to end up screwed over a bit. He glanced over at Jaclyn when she mentioned having a back up plan in case they needed it, he wasn't entirely sure what to think of it especially since she didn't mention what it was that she was thinking. Of course, all worries about what she was doing went out the window when Guin decided to start punching Exodus. This was going to go over well.
She seemingly wasn't able to switch, and Lance was prepared to shift in order to knock back Exodus in the event they needed it so the other two could more easily get away, when he saw what power Jaclyn was starting to manifest. And it did
not look like it was under control.
"Wait don't---" he started to say, but it was already too late.
Jaclyn had lost control of it and there was a loud boom that rattled throughout the entire area, and throughout the entire base.
It had been an explosion, and all three of them (plus Exodus) were fairly close to the explosion when it went off. All three of them would feel the heat from the explosion. Jaclyn would have burns on her hands and arms, ringing in her ears, and her arms would definitely be in a lot of pain. Guin would fair a little better since she wasn't directly there. But she'd be thrown rather hard into a wall, so along with the blood coming from her head, she'd land awkwardly on her arm and luckily didn't break anything, but her entire body would be hurting a lot. Exodus definitely faired the best (then again, it is Exodus), but he'd get thrown back a bit too from the explosion and did seem to get a few injuries from the explosion. Lance himself, much like Guin, would get thrown into a wall and he felt blood coming from his head as it started trickling down his face, and he landed on his leg, but that actually landed with a crack, seemingly breaking. But all of this still wasn't the worst part. Oh no.
You just caused an explosion in a pressurized tin can.
There was a decent size hole in the corridor, and unfortunately, seemed like they were on one of the outer walls, which was exposed to space. The air pressure instantly shifted, depressurizing the entire corridor and alarms were starting to blare
very loudly. Lance instantly tried to see about throwing up some sort of shield or something to potentially stop them from getting sucked out as everyone started getting pulled towards the opening. He managed to create a very thin layer, but air was still leaving, it seemed to just stall it for a little bit for them to maybe come up with a better issue.
"That isn't going to hold anyone have any idea on how we can not die?" “You are but snakes and I shall not let you destroy our Eden!” Exodus said as he started to draw back the debris towards the hole. Unfortunately, as he started attempting to fuse all of it back to the hole, he seemed to fail at it, and ends up tearing the hole to be a bit
bigger. Well this was great.
Without thinking much else to do, Lance created a large bubble of light, pulling Guin and Jaclyn into it (imagine like a Green Lantern sort of thing) and managed to save the three of them. Exodus on the outside managed to create his own bubble around himself. Problem was though now they were in a corridor that didn't have any oxygen in it, next to a hole that went out into space, and they were stuck there next to Exodus, not counting all of their injuries.
At least things can't get much worse right?
Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A
"Well... That at least worked out a bit now didn't it? We got through there, even if once more we're running, especially since it sounded like Magneto might be more then a little pissed off over the illusion choice..." Mira commented as they went along the corridor some more. There was the sound of footsteps behind them though, which meant that unfortunately they couldn't stop for more then a few moments to try something in general. They had not much time to attempt anything really, which was not a good thing at all.
They were heading down the hallway, and Mira looked at the map that she had, trying to figure out where they needed to go in order to reach the hangar, and she figured they had to take only one or two more turns before they were in the same corridor as it. That was something, they were getting closer at least. She was about to say something to the others about how they were getting closer or to agree with the idea of trying to make themselves invisible, when the entire building seemed to rumble and there was a loud boom coming from somewhere.
Alarms started to blare all throughout the facility, and now Mira was insanely concerned as to what was going on. Since explosions in space were not a good thing.
"Ok, that can't be good, where the hell did that come from and what was it?" There were a few rooms lining the corridor they were in currently if they wanted to duck down another one or something like that in hopes to avoid Magneto and his goons.
Marygold Isley

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A
"Well, that's kind of cool," Flynn said to Perry with regards to seeing all of the ghosts that were popping up, not so much the fact that she wasn't in control of them.
Ed's attempts to send Cortez away didn't exactly work out to well. Trying to make the bubble, Ed would end up making the bubble directly
next to Fabian, as opposed to around him. "Well, sorry, a bit of an unexpected thing. Might have overcharged things a little bit too much now. Since well, the unexpected side effects of things getting overcharged if you aren't entirely used to what can happen can result in this sort of thing. My apologies a bit on that," Fabian ended up saying to the group. "Not exactly reversible, I tend to boost them by accident more then anything, so can't exactly fix that. You probably can figure out how to deal with this... Development. I suppose."
Mary was thinking of what all was being said, and her brain started to panic a bit. He tended to use his powers to seemingly boost the powers of others. To the point where they can go out of control. This was not a good thing as something started to rise in the back of her mind, and it wasn't the little voice in her head that she had more recently gotten accustomed to. Nope, it was the other one, that had been almost deathly quiet since the alternate reality chaos. Actually it had been a fairly peaceful past little while with that voice being quiet. But no, whatever Cortez had done might have just woke up the quiet voice in her head, and that was not a good thing. Her powers were a bit more difficult to go out of control, well, at least her normal powers anyway.
Something seemingly snapped, her eyes shifting to a bright red color though at the moment, and she seemed to pay no mind to the chaos around her. The alien ghosts that were there were seemingly trying to punch everyone around them. However, seemed like they weren't very smart ghosts, as every single time they tried to hit someone, they missed entirely. So at least they got lucky with that one right? Mary however, wasn't paying attention to that, and her attention turned straight towards Cortez.
Before anyone could potentially stop her or even notice what she was doing, she seemingly charged towards him, and despite being almost a foot shorter then Fabian was, she had managed to twist his arm around behind him, and kicked his knees causing him to fall a bit to the ground,
"You sure you can't possibly fix what you just screwed up? Since if you don't you might end up potentially dead in a few moments," she said, though she sounded mad, it was actually a bit weird really and something sounded almost off about how she spoke.
"I can't, I only really know how to charge them, not the reverse as I said," Fabian said. He was about to say something else before the explosion rocked the area that they were in as well with alarms blaring.
Mary instantly let go, her eyes shifting back to their usual green, and she took a few steps back,
"Ok, anyone else think explosion on a space station bad?" she asked, fire appeared to dance along her arm, and now she was focusing a bit on getting the fire to dim back down and not cause any issues. The fire was currently down to a small level, meaning it was under control. For the time being. Though that's not the thing she was worried about.
Flynn had decided to try to do something about the ghost aliens, and noticing the one that was the block of ice, he shoved it over without too much effort, causing it to shatter and break when it hit the ground. So that alien ghost was gone for the most part anyway. The explosion though was a bit concerning,
"Not sure what we can do right now, since it sounded like it wasn't super close to where we are, but yeah, considering if it is one of the outer walls there might be an area that is completely open to space. So no oxygen in that area or anything." Guin we've got a really big problem in more ways then one. she said telepathically to Guin, not sure how to explain what was going on through her head.
Robert, Carolina, Max, Pietro and Miranda "I mean in my opinion at times Xavier is really similar to my dad, and that isn't exactly a good thing, just saying not sure why you'd send him cards. Not to mention who actually cares where he specifically is at any moment, he'd mentally say something if he actually needed help more specifically with something, just saying," Pietro said towards Robert with a bit of an eye roll. They basically were stuck here with this guy at the moment.
"Who knows really where anyone is, all the corridors really look the same, at least to me." "I will say the place definitely is more complete then the last time I had visited this place," Miranda mused a bit, looking around the area at the moment.
"Please, it's a fancy pressurized tin can, honestly. Actually not even that fancy. Just incredibly boring!" Pietro said with a shrug. Before there was a loud explosion and the entire area seemed to shake from the force.
"Case in point tin can with limited air, why was there an explosion if this place is supposed to be so great?" he then added as an alarm started blaring a bit now.
Guina why did you attack Exodus???? And also metal tin can explosion please tell me you aren't anywhere near that and are currently running away from Exodus?