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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy, Telepathic Attacks
~Fit Check~

Guin's eyes narrowed, as she spotted Exodus coming down the hallway. She hated everything about him, from his stupid hair to his stupid cape. He had almost murdered Pietro. Her breath hitched at the very thought. In front of her, she saw it all happening again - Muscles, gunned down, dying at an OMEN base. Pietro, crucified by a religious fanatic, dying in a shopping mall. No more. If there was ever a time where Guin wanted to scratch someone's brains out with her nails, it was now. But instead, she nodded at Jaclyn's suggestion. She wouldn't voice it, but she felt skeptical they'd be able to defeat Exodus. He didn't need to be one of Magneto's puppets - he could be a supervillain all on his own.

She concentrated, reaching out to Exodus' mind. She didn't pick up any surface thoughts from him - though she imagined he was probably thinking about whether he could convince Magneto to let him crucify more people. He seemed like a sick bastard. The suggestion she planted into his mind took hold almost immediately - whenever Exodus looked in their direction, his eyes would glaze over, just missing them. Guin put a finger to her lips and then walked quickly down the hallway, passing Exodus like two ships passing in the night.

Heads up, guys. We just passed Exodus, the fucking piece of shit. He's alone. Giving you all a mental impression of where he is. Has anyone else run into anyone interesting? Guin whispered into the minds of all the X-Men. They were making good progress on reaching Mary's location. So far, so good. No one had died yet.

She dug the fingers of her right hand into the back of her left hand.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil froze in place for a moment, as they neared a gigantic room. It wasn't the size of the room that scared him however - it was the voices coming from it. Well, one voice in particular. Magneto. He gulped. Magneto was the X-Men's deadliest foe, and Neil had enjoyed the brief respite they had from fighting him. But before Neil could even properly panic about that, the ancient wizard's voice sounded inside of his head, and Neil almost screamed in fright.

Erm, we're on our way there now... your ancientfulness, sir, Neil thought. He always felt awkward when telepaths and people were doing inside-the-mind communication. He didn't usually think in full sentences - more in abstract ideas. It felt silly to think a sentence, especially as he had to think about the one he wanted to say before he said it - and the old wizard probably found that very stupid of him. But there's one problem, there's, well, Magneto's here.

And then, as if Neil's head wasn't full enough already, he heard Guin's voice ring through - it sounded like she was using the conference call line of telepathy more or less, telling everyone her group had run into Exodus. Magneto's here, Neil thought again, not sure how to aim that reply at Guin and not at Max, but, well... What was he supposed to do? He wasn't a telepath. He was barely a necromancer.

He looked on in awe as Annie summoned the Scarlet Witch - and he hoped that Magneto couldn't see them behind the illusion. But he trusted that she had done things right. And hopefully Magneto wouldn't be too suspicious to see one of his kids on the asteroid.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

"The instant they seem distracted by the illusion we're going to sneak on through quickly ok?" she whispered to the group, "I know which hallway we need to go down..."

The voices in the large open area seemingly stopped, as the entire group seemed to have noticed the fact that Wanda Maximoff was there, somehow. Many weren't even sure how she could have possibly heard about the asteroid as it was very much hush hush in terms of secrets. Though to many, it wasn't a hidden thing for them to know that Wanda was also considered to be the favorite of Magneto's children (Pietro typically mentioned how he always was positive that he'd rank at the very bottom of that list) so perhaps it was a good choice to choose making an appearance of Wanda to distract the group for them to sneak through quickly.

"Wanda? I am surprised to see you," Magneto's voice rang out, and it was obvious without them even seeing him that he believed the illusion was actually her. Of course they'd now be able to sneak through the room real quick down the hallway they actually needed to in order to reach the other side. (Annie will be able to have the fake Wanda seemingly hold a conversation of sorts with Magneto)

Mira instantly started moving swiftly and quietly to the other hall, leading the way for the group to head in the right direction to reach the hanger. The others would all be able to follow along fairly quickly without seemingly too much of an issue. There was just one thing that kind of ruined everything a bit. And that was one tiny thing they likely didn't count on.

That being Magneto eventually seeing through the illusion, and he was not happy.

"Find the one responsible for this now! Who dares to cause this trickery!" they'd be able to hear his voice booming out from behind them. Those who were with them seemed to speak amongst themselves before they'd hear footsteps heading towards all of the hallways that branched off of that large central area.

"Ok, now we might want to run," she said to the others, before picking up her speed and heading down the hall.

Lance Banner

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

Guin would be able to hear the response from Neil with regards to who it was that that group was by. She also would easily hear the responses that Pietro and Mary both sent in to her as well.

We've ran into some random guy who decided to remind me that people in the Brotherhood kind of consider me a traitor so yay? Also please please please stay faaaaaaaaar away from Exodus!

We've ran into this Fabian Cortez guy that we had initially run into before. He's kind of like a weasel in my opinion, something is very off about this guy.

"...Let's hope this works out, I don't think we can take on Exodus... If we're caught I'd recommend running... Might be able to slow him down if he decides to attack us... But that's about it..." Lance whispered to the other two right before they started sneaking along to go pass by Exodus and hope that he doesn't notice them. Doing any sort of telepathic mess with his head was not exactly easy or something that would last long, since Exodus has been known to even give Xavier problems in the telepathy department.

The group would be able to sneak pass him and start making their way past on the other side. When the worst thing imaginable happened. Lance and Guin seemed to have done this sort of thing before, or at least had a bit more practice in the stealth department. However all it too was one misstep for there to be a noise. That misstep came from Jaclyn, as she took a step down towards the other side of the hallway, causing a bit of a bang. It wasn't super loud or anything. But it was loud enough for Exodus to instantly take notice.

“What devilry is afoot! Show yourself, foul creatures, and you may have the mercy of EXODUS!” he yelled out to no one in particular. Guin could tell he was seemingly starting to telepathically scan around for anyone, but he didn't seem to overly care and realized that might take too long. So he ended up just sending out a wave of a telekinetic attack. Which despite being invisible to Exodus' vision, that did not protect him from the attack. All three of them would get thrown backwards. Though now there was a lot more noise in the hallway from them being knocked to the ground with a few bangs.

This was not good, since Exodus now had an idea of what part of the hallway they were in without having to scan for them with his telepathy. Which meant that they were probably doomed and their best bet currently was to hope that they could outrun him if they got lucky. At least that's how Lance saw it, since they might not be able to fight him off.

Marygold Isley

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

To say that Mary had a really bad feeling about the entire situation was a bit of an understatement. Cortez was not trustworthy, actually kind of seemed like a weasel or something like that to her. She heard Guin's words throughout her mind about being by Exodus was not exactly a good sign. This place was meant to have a bunch of people who were super strong or powerful, meant to defend the base from any outside attacks. So the question that crossed her mind right now, was why was Fabian here? The guy might have tricked his way in, but no, there had to be a legitimate reason for him to be here, and what were his abilities and powers?

Cortez seemed to chuckle when he heard Perry's remarks directed towards him about what they've been doing and what all appears to be going on with them. "Actually, allow me to offer you some aid, since it looks like a few of you seemed to have gotten banged up a little bit or something from the fighting you endured, won't take much really," he said simply, and without seemingly waiting for any confirmation or such from anyone, he instantly seemingly sent some strange ray of light of sorts from his hands, and it was at the moment aimed at Mary and Perry.

She was not certain how this was going to work out, as she did not trust Fabian, especially considering something about how he explained his powers just seemed off. Though she hated to admit it, after he used his powers, she felt great. Her headache was completely gone (at least for the moment) and any pain she felt was completely gone. Still, at the moment she wasn't going to say so out loud to him, for now anyway.

"Why are you wanting to potentially help us, when everyone else hates us. Since there hasn't been any reason for you to. At all. So why? When clearly you follow Magneto fairly closely, so why be near us or willing to help us in any sort of way?"

"I mean clearly you don't want to be here, so why not help you, if at least vaguely indirectly, leave this place? Seems fairly straight forward, though can definitely agree that for the moment you seem to be heading in the right direction for the hanger, continue along this path and eventually you will reach there."

"Right, well we're meeting up with someone first, and already have a very basic map in my head, didn't need you to point that out."

Robert, Carolina, Max, Pietro and Miranda
"What? Never seen a guy with extra dimensional pockets courtesy of his magic twin sister before?" he asked, before just to prove a point, he put his hand into one of the pockets, well, not really just his hand as part of his arm went down into it too without issue despite the pocket not seemingly being that big. "Each pocket technically has a limit of how much they can hold since there are some limits to it, but yup. I just find things and they randomly pop up in my pockets suddenly. I don't even remember picking up half the stuff. Except filling up the designated snack pockets. Those ones I ensure are stocked with food always." As if to prove that point he instantly pulled out a Twinkie and started munching on it, "Burn so many calories I have passed out before from lack of food and energy, not fun."

Now that Robert was out in the hallway, he's able to more easily tell who a few of the others were. Well, more of who one other member of the group was. That being Miranda who was there. It was fairly known in any circle that involved the Brotherhood that she had been in an on again off again relationship with Magneto himself, though apparently not long before the fall of Genosha, they had a very bad breakup that definitely was a final one. Pietro looked at the guy who apparently knew who he was (which wasn't uncommon really), and looked at him. "Riiiiiiiiiight, thanks for the heads up I guess though thought that was kind of obvious when Exodus decided to try and crucify me earlier and nearly killed me thanks though. And hell no am I joining up with anything he's doing, since our relationship has been bad for a very long time and he's the reason currently that I'm in therapy. Now as to who we've got here is my dad's ex, the wannabe wizard over there, and Carolina who introduced herself already. And as she mentioned, we're just here to find a few people and then leave letting you all be doing whatever the hell you want. Since pretty sure a lot of people here hate the X-Men too at this rate." Pietro said to him with a shrug. He was very used to the idea of a lot of people around here hating him. He accepted that fact, plus the only person from when he was in the Brotherhood that he cared about was Wanda, and she was with the Avengers now, so it all worked out.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by mattmanganon
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Robert Linden

Robert smiled and reciprocated the greetings that the new Mutants extended to him. He seemed a little wary towards Miranda, for no other reason than she might be a little TOO buddy-buddy with Magneto, that was until Pietro explained that this group was not on speaking terms with him. "Well stone the crows-" He smiled, before quickly wriggling his arms out of the brown leather jacket on his back and pulled it around to reveal the "Xavier Institute For Higher Learning - Class of 2007" logo on the back of it, the telltale black X in the middle of a yellow circle, filed with red giving away the exact nature of his allegiances. "Upgrade of Gold Squad." He saluted them, an excited smile on his face. "That was, obviously before the ol' spine got nipped. But it didn't slow me down." He let out a long sigh with a big smile on his face. "So good to see some friendly faces around here. The Brotherhood lot are a little apprehensive about the ol' X-Man thing, but they respect that i made my position here perfectly clear. I am here as a civilian contractor to help them build this place. Hell, the only reason why Erik is so far along is because i've been designing everything for him. Do you have any idea how hard it is making an Asteroid, a literal barren rock in space, actually survivable? Been a Ball-Ache and a half. He's lucky the rock here isn't porous, because otherwise we'd have constant air leaks" He sighed, it was so nice to be able to rant to people that didn't think Magneto was some kind of messiah to mutants and their unquestionable lord and master.

"You're in R&D right now, to answer your question." He nodded to Max. "My domain as it were. Very few other people come down here. The Head Honcho does every so often, but i haven't seen him today." He said, putting his jacket back on. "Who is it yer lookin' for? I might be able to help? Oh! I don't suppose Charles is with ya? I was wondering if he got my Christmas cards?" He then tuned down the excitement for a second. "Nope, gotta stay focussed. Tell me who your friends are and i'll see if i can help you find them..." He then looked at his watch. "Damn... But... We may need to make this a little quick, i gotta go fetch my babby from school soon."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: SPACE! Again…

It was working! Antoinette was relieved when the illusion and Magneto started talking. She followed quickly behind Mira, managing to get a good way down the hallway before Magneto’s voice rose in betrayal. Antoinette let the illusion fade away once the gig was up.
”Ah yes, running would be good,” she agreed and hurried down the hallways. Antoinette was an excellent runner, but she stayed with the group. Hopefully, they were far enough ahead to make it to the hangar without needing to stop and fight those behind them. Of course, if the need arose, Antoinette could cast an illusion of birds to attack or use her pyro ability.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: Mediumship
Fit Of The Day

Perry didn't want to hear another word from the smarmy douchebag but before she could eviscerate him on an intellectual level, he zapped both her and Mary with some ray of light. She didn't need some Care Bear "magic is love" bull. Still, after she was hit she felt....better. Lighter? "Hey man, consent is important, even healing someone."

As she walked forward, she felt something...off. It felt like she was using her powers, but not really. She looked around her and, suddenly, spirits started to form. She hadn't expected to find any spirits on this asteroid but what she saw really stunned her. Materializing, the spirits formed into gray aliens. Straight out of a science fiction movie. What was even more bizarre (for everyone else) is that they would see them too. Almost like her powers seeped into the environment. To make matters even more interesting, everyone would also see Detective Ed and Barry.

Before she could say anything, the alien spirits got antsy and began to attack. "Oh fuck this!" Perry turned to fac Cortzez and decked him across the face. "That's for causing whatever the hell this is!" Barry attempted to shock one of the aliens, but it only stunned the one and barely registered. Detective Ed freezed another, but could only do so temporarily. Perry then, trying to look badass, kicked the iced alien, only to send it wobbling a bit, but otherwise standing. She hopped on one foot, "Mother fu-, god dang it! So, alien spirits are here and are not happy! Any ideas?
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max watched as Neil paused before him in the mirror. Was he not used to this sort of magical communication? He figured with a Telepath as a pseudo leader that it would at least be somewhat familiar grounds. But the message he got back almost solidified his thoughts if not raising more questions. He was barely twenty years of age, not even old enough to drink at his own Halloween Birthday Party which, let's be honest, he could've used a few drinks before that night's events. But here he was, being called ancient by a hot necromancer. Was he old now in gay years? Was twenty the new daddy? Avoiding a full blown gay crisis, he was able to be pulled out by the next sentence that came from Neil. Magento was there with them. That would certainly complicate things, and as much as he wanted to believe in Magento, he knew he wouldn't just simply let them go.

He looked towards Linden, a half smile on his face as he realized that his question wasn't specific enough to answer. "Right. Sorry. I didn't mean this location,I meant this one." He said as he pointed the mirror towards him once again. Showing the magical feed of Neil sneaking around the complex. "To be honest all this looks the same to me, but if you helped build it then I'm sure you could identify the hallway they're in and how best to get there. If we can find this man, we can surely find the rest. They're bound to be together. Help me with this and I'll personally send you a mystic message with confirmation on if Charles had gotten those cards." Max felt they were running out of time. If Magneto was hot on their tails, they needed to hurry. But Linden, like so many other old men, seemed ready to pull out his children's photos and talk.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Power Mimicry
Weapon-on-Hand: Bo Staff

Having a vibe from Guin that she hated the villainous mutant before them, OfAll was relieved when Guin took her suggestion. She had been concerned emotions might've risen over reason.

OfAll listened to Lance's whispered response then nodded to the non-verbal command from Guin to be silent.

She wasn't sure what powers this Exodus had, but if Lance thought their best bet was to run, this was serious. OfAll was thinking she could use her staff in that respect to possibly trip Exodus up --when the unthinkable happened! OfAll had been holding the staff closer to herself so she wouldn't accidentally touch Exodus with it when they passed him, and holding it tighter, but she misjudged the position of the staff in relation to her own stride.

The surprise to herself was slight, but enough that she trode just that much too heavily on her next step.

No time to feel stupid -- hardly time for anything before she felt herself being thrown backwards. She couldn't stop herself from uttering a moaning breath on impact. Not that it mattered, the impact itself was noise enough. She had the idea to throw her staff past him to create a sound distraction, but he already heard the clattering from here. What would he think? It didn't seem a good plan.

"Can you possess him, or someone around?" OfAll grunted to Guin. She didn't want to keep asking her to use her powers, though. "Or, I've an idea if you can't." She wanted to remain their wild card for as long as she could, but they might've already reached that point. She had an idea if Guin's hands were tied.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Blackbird
Skills: N/A

Carolina started to feel relived that Robert was a friendly at least and he was willing to help them out and find the rest of their friends so that they could get out of here as soon as possible. "There's a few of them but they should be the more recent arrivals here, they are Neil, Bethany, Marygold, Perry, Antoinette, Edus, and Mirembe." Carolina said as she watched Max do some weird magic spell and an image of Neil seemed to appear, she smiled she was glad that they were alright and they weren't hurt or anything like that.

Carolina started to think for a moment where Charles was, he wasn't at the mansion when they were attacked, so she had to assume that Professor X was out at the time when they were attacked. "I think he was out when the mansion was attacked and some members of the team were taken up here but he's still at the school." Carolina answered Robert.

Bethany Bell

Skills: N/A

Bethany watched as Annie was able to create an illusion of Wanda as she made her way into the main area, and she was able to hear Magneto's voice. She didn't need to be told twice and quickly started to follow behind the others following behind Mira and Annie towards the far end of the room and into a new hallway. "Nice job there Annie." Bethany said to Annie when she thought that things were clear she could hear Magneto become angry, it seemed that the illusion had failed.

She was still recovering from the mass shadow travel, and she was pretty sure that she couldn't keep them hidden in shadows for to long as she looked at Annie and thought for a moment. "Could you try and make the illusion of us being invisible or something?" Bethany asked Annie if they could sneak past them that would be easy.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry)

"I agree." Ed said in response to Perry's comment about consent, even for healing. He had taken liberties in the heat of battle, which was also why he had blanket permission from the group. It was necessary.

However, with Perry's powers doing something...bizarre, Ed was stunned for a moment. There were two human ghosts, one of them looked like a mall cop, the other some very old-fashioned guy. Of course, there were also the Greys around them. Ed didn't know what to make of the aliens...especially ghost aliens. The quick answer was to deal with Cortez, and now that Perry had punched him it did open options.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

"I don't need the running commentary, thanks," Guin said to Jaclyn, a little miffed. She hadn't just gotten her powers yesterday. And she wasn't stupid. She knew how to use them. If anyone needed suggestions, it was Jaclyn - that was the impression Guin had gotten from the girl on the Blackbird, at any rate. She made a mental note to complain to Mary when this was all over. People on this team needed some serious Danger Room sessions or they were going to get on her nerves. Well, more than they already were.

She had been thrown backwards from Exodus' attack, and Guin was pissed. He had already tried to kill her husband today. She just needed physical contact to make the switch easier - usually just a tap. But this time, Guin darted in and swung her fist, connecting with Exodus' stupid face. She swung again, harder, knocking the mutant back. And finally, she kicked him in the balls, sending the pink mutant into a great deal of pain. All of her attempts to switch with him came up empty though - he wasn't just telekinetic, he was telepathic as well. And his telepathy was creating a psychic barrier, keeping her out. So about staying far away from Exodus... I just kicked him in the nuts.

"Not so tough now, huh, asshole?" Guin jeered, before spitting on him.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil was very happy to see that the Scarlet Witch illusion Annie had conjured seemed to work. He also was glad that she seemed to have an idea of things that Wanda might say or do. Neil figured he could make a pretty convincing Pietro - just make an asshole with ADHD, basically - but he didn't know very much about the things Wanda might say or do. But then, it turned out that maybe Annie didn't know that well either. The loud noises coming from behind them pretty clearly indicated that they had been found out.

And they started to run. Magneto had put everyone on high alert, demanding that the people responsible for the fake Wanda be found. Part of him wondered if the punishment would be being sent back to Earth. If that was the case, then it wouldn't be so bad. It might even work out to everyone's advantage. But he doubted that would be it. Magneto and the X-Men were mortal enemies, destined to clash... Or at the very least, that was what Neil believed.

The wizard didn't seem to have any helpful advice. There weren't any voices inside of his head that weren't his own. He wished Max was here. They could really use an ancient mentor right now to save the day.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lance Banner

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

Well Lance wasn't entirely sure as to what to have happen or what to really say. They were basically going to end up screwed over a bit. He glanced over at Jaclyn when she mentioned having a back up plan in case they needed it, he wasn't entirely sure what to think of it especially since she didn't mention what it was that she was thinking. Of course, all worries about what she was doing went out the window when Guin decided to start punching Exodus. This was going to go over well.

She seemingly wasn't able to switch, and Lance was prepared to shift in order to knock back Exodus in the event they needed it so the other two could more easily get away, when he saw what power Jaclyn was starting to manifest. And it did not look like it was under control. "Wait don't---" he started to say, but it was already too late.

Jaclyn had lost control of it and there was a loud boom that rattled throughout the entire area, and throughout the entire base.

It had been an explosion, and all three of them (plus Exodus) were fairly close to the explosion when it went off. All three of them would feel the heat from the explosion. Jaclyn would have burns on her hands and arms, ringing in her ears, and her arms would definitely be in a lot of pain. Guin would fair a little better since she wasn't directly there. But she'd be thrown rather hard into a wall, so along with the blood coming from her head, she'd land awkwardly on her arm and luckily didn't break anything, but her entire body would be hurting a lot. Exodus definitely faired the best (then again, it is Exodus), but he'd get thrown back a bit too from the explosion and did seem to get a few injuries from the explosion. Lance himself, much like Guin, would get thrown into a wall and he felt blood coming from his head as it started trickling down his face, and he landed on his leg, but that actually landed with a crack, seemingly breaking. But all of this still wasn't the worst part. Oh no.

You just caused an explosion in a pressurized tin can.

There was a decent size hole in the corridor, and unfortunately, seemed like they were on one of the outer walls, which was exposed to space. The air pressure instantly shifted, depressurizing the entire corridor and alarms were starting to blare very loudly. Lance instantly tried to see about throwing up some sort of shield or something to potentially stop them from getting sucked out as everyone started getting pulled towards the opening. He managed to create a very thin layer, but air was still leaving, it seemed to just stall it for a little bit for them to maybe come up with a better issue.

"That isn't going to hold anyone have any idea on how we can not die?"

“You are but snakes and I shall not let you destroy our Eden!” Exodus said as he started to draw back the debris towards the hole. Unfortunately, as he started attempting to fuse all of it back to the hole, he seemed to fail at it, and ends up tearing the hole to be a bit bigger. Well this was great.

Without thinking much else to do, Lance created a large bubble of light, pulling Guin and Jaclyn into it (imagine like a Green Lantern sort of thing) and managed to save the three of them. Exodus on the outside managed to create his own bubble around himself. Problem was though now they were in a corridor that didn't have any oxygen in it, next to a hole that went out into space, and they were stuck there next to Exodus, not counting all of their injuries.

At least things can't get much worse right?

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

"Well... That at least worked out a bit now didn't it? We got through there, even if once more we're running, especially since it sounded like Magneto might be more then a little pissed off over the illusion choice..." Mira commented as they went along the corridor some more. There was the sound of footsteps behind them though, which meant that unfortunately they couldn't stop for more then a few moments to try something in general. They had not much time to attempt anything really, which was not a good thing at all.

They were heading down the hallway, and Mira looked at the map that she had, trying to figure out where they needed to go in order to reach the hangar, and she figured they had to take only one or two more turns before they were in the same corridor as it. That was something, they were getting closer at least. She was about to say something to the others about how they were getting closer or to agree with the idea of trying to make themselves invisible, when the entire building seemed to rumble and there was a loud boom coming from somewhere.

Alarms started to blare all throughout the facility, and now Mira was insanely concerned as to what was going on. Since explosions in space were not a good thing. "Ok, that can't be good, where the hell did that come from and what was it?" There were a few rooms lining the corridor they were in currently if they wanted to duck down another one or something like that in hopes to avoid Magneto and his goons.

Marygold Isley

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

"Well, that's kind of cool," Flynn said to Perry with regards to seeing all of the ghosts that were popping up, not so much the fact that she wasn't in control of them.

Ed's attempts to send Cortez away didn't exactly work out to well. Trying to make the bubble, Ed would end up making the bubble directly next to Fabian, as opposed to around him. "Well, sorry, a bit of an unexpected thing. Might have overcharged things a little bit too much now. Since well, the unexpected side effects of things getting overcharged if you aren't entirely used to what can happen can result in this sort of thing. My apologies a bit on that," Fabian ended up saying to the group. "Not exactly reversible, I tend to boost them by accident more then anything, so can't exactly fix that. You probably can figure out how to deal with this... Development. I suppose."

Mary was thinking of what all was being said, and her brain started to panic a bit. He tended to use his powers to seemingly boost the powers of others. To the point where they can go out of control. This was not a good thing as something started to rise in the back of her mind, and it wasn't the little voice in her head that she had more recently gotten accustomed to. Nope, it was the other one, that had been almost deathly quiet since the alternate reality chaos. Actually it had been a fairly peaceful past little while with that voice being quiet. But no, whatever Cortez had done might have just woke up the quiet voice in her head, and that was not a good thing. Her powers were a bit more difficult to go out of control, well, at least her normal powers anyway.

Something seemingly snapped, her eyes shifting to a bright red color though at the moment, and she seemed to pay no mind to the chaos around her. The alien ghosts that were there were seemingly trying to punch everyone around them. However, seemed like they weren't very smart ghosts, as every single time they tried to hit someone, they missed entirely. So at least they got lucky with that one right? Mary however, wasn't paying attention to that, and her attention turned straight towards Cortez.

Before anyone could potentially stop her or even notice what she was doing, she seemingly charged towards him, and despite being almost a foot shorter then Fabian was, she had managed to twist his arm around behind him, and kicked his knees causing him to fall a bit to the ground, "You sure you can't possibly fix what you just screwed up? Since if you don't you might end up potentially dead in a few moments," she said, though she sounded mad, it was actually a bit weird really and something sounded almost off about how she spoke.

"I can't, I only really know how to charge them, not the reverse as I said," Fabian said. He was about to say something else before the explosion rocked the area that they were in as well with alarms blaring.

Mary instantly let go, her eyes shifting back to their usual green, and she took a few steps back, "Ok, anyone else think explosion on a space station bad?" she asked, fire appeared to dance along her arm, and now she was focusing a bit on getting the fire to dim back down and not cause any issues. The fire was currently down to a small level, meaning it was under control. For the time being. Though that's not the thing she was worried about.

Flynn had decided to try to do something about the ghost aliens, and noticing the one that was the block of ice, he shoved it over without too much effort, causing it to shatter and break when it hit the ground. So that alien ghost was gone for the most part anyway. The explosion though was a bit concerning, "Not sure what we can do right now, since it sounded like it wasn't super close to where we are, but yeah, considering if it is one of the outer walls there might be an area that is completely open to space. So no oxygen in that area or anything."

Guin we've got a really big problem in more ways then one. she said telepathically to Guin, not sure how to explain what was going on through her head.

Robert, Carolina, Max, Pietro and Miranda
"I mean in my opinion at times Xavier is really similar to my dad, and that isn't exactly a good thing, just saying not sure why you'd send him cards. Not to mention who actually cares where he specifically is at any moment, he'd mentally say something if he actually needed help more specifically with something, just saying," Pietro said towards Robert with a bit of an eye roll. They basically were stuck here with this guy at the moment. "Who knows really where anyone is, all the corridors really look the same, at least to me."

"I will say the place definitely is more complete then the last time I had visited this place," Miranda mused a bit, looking around the area at the moment.

"Please, it's a fancy pressurized tin can, honestly. Actually not even that fancy. Just incredibly boring!" Pietro said with a shrug. Before there was a loud explosion and the entire area seemed to shake from the force. "Case in point tin can with limited air, why was there an explosion if this place is supposed to be so great?" he then added as an alarm started blaring a bit now.

Guina why did you attack Exodus???? And also metal tin can explosion please tell me you aren't anywhere near that and are currently running away from Exodus?
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

It appeared that Max and Pietro could agree on something. Charles was about on equal footing as Magento in terms of morality or best dad awards. Casper was a testament to that, as was the whole M-Pox fiasco. When his people were dying, it was Magneto that offered a helping hand, not Xavier. But he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. If Charles was the way into this man's good side, Max would take it. Maybe they shopped at the same wheel depot? Or felt each other's plight? Whatever the reason he needed information and dissing the one man they knew would get them an in wasn't the brightest idea. But then again, Pietro wasn't the brightest mutant. Max was about to interject himself, to derail the speedsters train of thought before he insulted the building this mutant had built, but before he could there was a massive explosion.

His head jerked towards the direction of where the sound had come from. He didn't know what had happened, but surely one of the groups had just ran into trouble. The alarms blared all around them, either for intruders or more likely, a hull breach. Max looked back towards the mirror, Neil didn't seem to be getting whisked away into space just yet, but that didn't mean he wasn't in danger. He focused on the mirror at hand, looking at the location he wanted to get to as his free hand was now outstretched with his pointer and middle finger out with the others curled inwards. He made a sweeping circular motion, trying his best to open up a portal betwixt them and him. Cosmic sparks flew but nothing happened. He tried once more, but not even sparks manifested this time. It was an odd feeling having his magic fail in space. He'd always assumed his powers were tied to the cosmic fields of the universe, but now that he was out in space, his powers were failing more than usual. He took in a slow deep breath, exhaling to center himself before his emotions got the better of him. Strange told him he needed more control, he couldn't rely on his raw emotions to fuel the spells. He felt the spark of magic once more, dancing across his tongue like pop rocks fizzing against the surface. "Neil, hang tight. I am trying to locate you. I have visuals but something is blocking my teleportation. Is Magneto a threat to you? Are you at risk of combat?" He may not be able to get to Neil, but hopefully at best he can send him some undead support if he needed aid in combat.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: Enhanced Empathy/Mediumship
Fit Of The Day

Perry nodded at Flynn as he pushed over the alien she had helped freeze, sending it to the ground in shatters. "Nice teamwork! I set them up, you knock them down! Especially since the last time I tried I nearly broke my foot." She was keenly aware that everyone was seeing her spirits now. Flynn thought it was cool, at least. "Yeah so, everyone, aside from the alien ghosties, we have my two buds! Detective Ed who can freeze things and Barry the super security guard who can taze. They've been accommodating so far!"

Detective Ed didn't react but Barry waved. Perry looked over at Fabian and tried to get a sense of him. Was he telling the truth? She couldn't be 100% sure, but he seemed to be truthful this time, which was annoying. At least she got to punch him.

She attempted to see if other friendly spirits were nearby but to no avail. Detective Ed decided to take matters into his own incorporeal hands and froze another alien. "Nice! Knock it over Flynn!" This was just in time for the explosion to rock them about. "Explosions aren't super great on a good day. I suggest we wrap this up quickly and get out of here before other things blow up."

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Power Mimicry - Active Power: Chaos Magic

OfAll let Guin's sharp answer more or less roll off her back, even though she hadn't been meaning it in a back-seat driver sort of way, more in a game-plan, mind distribution kind of way. Like "have you got this covered?"

Which Guin did, apparently going for brawn over any of her mutant powers, so far as OfAll could tell. She really didn't find Guin's following attitude at all becoming of an X-Man, but thought could be spared for decorum another time. Exodus seemed down, not out, and a tricky thing happened then...in her mind, OfAll was still just thinking of her plan, yet she suddenly felt a kind of fizz as the magical powers started manifesting.

She wasn't prepared for how this felt. She wasn't prepared for it feeling like a car she had to drive or something, and found wielding it was beyond her -- when Max had said his powers were practically unbridled chaos, OfAll had taken it...differently.

She wasn't expecting anything even in the realm of this.

She wasn't expecting an explosion. Burns. Pain; to herself and to her new teammates. Hull breech, oxygen deprivation.
In fact a hull breech was something she had very specifically been trying to avoid -- why she had landed on portalling magic. Instead of fire. Instead of transmutation to possibly change part of the wall into a material they could get through and then transmutate it back so Exodus couldn't -- she didn't know what was on the other side of any wall.

Well now she did, in absolutely the worst way.

She felt terrible. Physically and emotionally - everything. She felt tears in her eyes from the pain, from the impending doom of being sucked out into space -- had she just killed them all?! She blinked, trying to clear her eyes of some tears, noticing a kind of film or shield in front of the opening. Then she looked around.

She could see Lance saying something but the ringing in her ears hadn't subsided. She made out the words "hold" and "not die" on his lips. The expression on his face conveyed what else she needed to know -- he had bought them only time.

Then suddenly that time was gone. The patch job was gone -- Exodus had done something. Could he breathe just fine in outer space and was showing them this?

Apparently not, for in the next instant OfAll saw him encased in a bubble, while they, they became covered by their own. Looking around again, OfAll could tell Lance had made it. So they weren't getting sucked out into space. And they could still breathe.

Partial relief -- for how long would this oxygen last? OfAll wasn't sure how this light-effect-bubble worked, only that injured people would be breathing harder than non.

And now what could she do...for some amount of time she had locked in a power that caused all this. But maybe...maybe she could still use it. To heal. Max had said his magic was one thing. She had thought of a particular use, but what she manifested was the magic.

But OfAll couldn't bring herself to try.
As bad as this went, she was likely to sever limbs and remove skin more than she was to repair any of it.

She wanted to, if not for her own pain to at least start making up for this mess. But she could recognize when trying to help might only make things worse.

She resisted. Or she let fear win out. It was hard to process anything in the immediate aftermath beyond the pain in her arms, and in her hands.

And she'd dropped the staff.

Never feeling so useless, she tried to at least push past the emotional and physical and stay a useful participant mentally. If nothing else, right now, she was watching. Closely watching; Exodus, and the hallway beyond. Watching and thinking...

Those alarms were going off and that explosion certainly wasn't soundless. Somebody would be coming.

The further unfortunate thing is, likely it would be more adversaries.
But maybe...

..maybe there would be someone else.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Antoinette McCarthy

Location: SPACE! Again…

Antoinette opened her mouth to answer Bethany when the ground under them started to rumble. She rested a hand on Arnold, who started to shake on her shoulder. Antoinette looked around them, but there was no indication of where that explosion came from or what it was. Alarm bells began to sound incredibly loud in her ears, and Antoinette swallowed.
”Mass chaos is usually good for invisibility,” Antoinette noted. She looked around at the others. ”Running would be good. We won’t know what happened until we come across it. Hopefully, it isn’t in the way of our getaway,”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Blackbird
Skills: N/A

Carolina listened to everyone as they continued to talk, she started to look around when she started to feel the area start to shake and what sounded like an explosion of sorts had gone off. And then the alarms had suddenly gone off, if she had to guess someone used their powers and caused an explosive decompression. And being in space that wasn't a good thing at all, and whoever might have been close to where it happened may have been sucked out into space. Carolina couldn't help but worry that it was their friends and they needed to find out where it happened and what had caused it.

Carolina turned to look at Robert who seemed to know this place really well and he seemed to be the person who could have a map of some kind on him and where it had happened. "You don't happen to have a digital map of the area where that happened do you?" Carolina asked, they needed to see if it was their friends and to go and help them as soon as possible.

Bethany Bell

Skills: N/A

Bethany continued to move to where they needed to go as she looked around she could hear the footsteps behind them she was starting to worry about what might happen if they ended up catching up to them. When she suddenly could feel and hear a large explosion going off, something must have happened it was either caused by something else in space or someone from their group ended up getting into some kind of fight. And being in a glorified explosive tin can that could explode and suck them all into space that wasn't a good thing at all as she could hear the alarms going off.

"We need to find out what happened, and see if we can help whoever is in trouble either our own people or Magneto's." Bethany said she thought about it some of these people might be innocent and were here just like they were taken against their will. Bethany thought about shadow traveling them to where it happened but she also didn't know where it was actually. But if she had to guess it was one of the outer parts of the station that had just exploded.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry)

Ed flinched at the explosion. For a moment he remembered Iris in her last moments. Seeing Mary on fire was not helping with that mental image. But Mary had it under control. It wasn't killing her. He took three slow long deep breaths centering himself.

"Same name." Ed focused on something ridiculous. One of Perry's ghosts had the same name as him. He waved at the mall cop-looking guy. That helped. It pulled him from the moment.

"If we leave will the ghosts fade?" He asked Perry. "They seem rather incompetent at least."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Robert Linden

Robert looked at the mirror as Max showed it to him. Roberts eyes sighed as he rolled his neck around. Robert had helped build this place, but frankly, the spell wasn't giving him the best view ever. "Ok, i'm gonna show you a random circuit board on a toaster you once owned and ask you if you know where that came from?" He rolled his head. "Look, i'm not in this for Magneto's revolution, trust me when i say i much prefer the Professor's view of the future to Magneto's, but if he and his brotherhood want to bugger off to space, why oh why don't we just let them and save everyone on earth a LOT of hassle? It's the reason i've been helping him these last few years. I want to raise my daughter on an Earth without him, frankly..." He then thought back to the mansion, of all of the exploits he had had in the past. Asari, Professor Logan, Shadow-Man and the rest of Gold Squad... "But i took an oath to help any fellow Mutants in need. But don't you DARE get into a damn fight in here. I keep telling the others, we breach these air tight seals and... Is Glob Herman still at the mansion? You met him? Yeah, we'll look like that. Except without the being alive part." As Pietro backed him up on the whole "All of the blank, stainless steel walls look very much the same." He pointed at the speedster. "Exactly, get me a better shot of the corridors, maybe get me one of the navigation codes and i might be able to tell you where he is." At that point the whole station seemed to rock with an explosion.

"OH SHIT, WE'RE ALL GONNA GET GLOBBED!!!" Rob blurted out as he quickly rolled over to one of the emergency intercomms on the wall. Before he pressed the button, he looked at Carolina "Yeah, there's a whole schematic for the entire station in my lab i just left." He pointed to the lab he had rolled out of, before pressing the buttons to put him straight through the control center "C&C, it's Rob, what the HELL was that explosion? We venting air? I need a Sitrep NOW!"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy, Telepathic Attacks, Problem Solving, Perception, Mechanics, Engineering Design
~Fit Check~

Guin really was not having a great day. She hadn't been able to switch with Exodus, but at least she had gotten to beat the shit out of him. That had been nice. It was probably the one real highlight. Going off into space had lost its appeal after their odyssey to find Lance's dad, so even being up on the asteroid was more annoying than exciting. And she was quickly finding herself annoyed with the newer members of the team. Gods, was she old now - was that the problem? She suddenly felt elderly, at the ripe age of twenty-two.

The main thing ruining her day at the moment? A sudden explosion of mutant power, courtesy of Of-All. An explosion that ripped a hole into the exterior wall. Her body slammed into the wall, and her head was ringing. She didn't register it at first, but her hair was sticky with her own blood, courtesy of a head wound. She heard Pietro's voice chiming in her head, but she didn't have time to think out a response. They were about to die, sucked into the cold vacuum of space. An image of what she was seeing was the only thing she conveyed to Pietro through the mental link.

Before she had time to come up with a plan though, Lance had sprung into action. "I didn't know this was space-proof!" she exclaimed, shocked to see that his light bubble was holding. Exodus' attempt to plug in the hole hadn't worked. But with him distracted, Guin saw an opportunity. And they needed that power to avoid dying here. She closed her eyes and concentrated. It was always harder without a physical anchor point.

When she opened them again, she was in Exodus' body. "It's me, by the way - ya gurl," she explained quickly. She didn't have much practice with telekinesis, but how hard could it be, right? It was just like the Force and Guin LOVED Star Wars. She focused on the bits of debris and whatnot, imagining it coming closer, pulling back in. She needed to reseal this. Her mind was zeroed in on the task at hand. But as she attempted to force a fuse of the broken bits to the exterior of the ship, the paneling ripped and teared, the hole becoming bigger and deadlier and more dangerous.

The bubble that contained her body, Lance, and Jaclyn ended up getting shot out the hole, into the cool, harsh expanse of space. Guin gasped - not for air, although she hadn't been thinking much about keeping Exodus' own TK bubble up. "Oh, come on! That's not fucking fair!" she cursed, gripping with Exodus' TK and doing her very best to drag the light bubble back into the ship. It was almost there, but not quite. Sorry, Mare, you're gonna have to take a number.

Her mind was racing. "Jaclyn, try to use the power to teleport or something - get to another portion of the ship, now!" The wizard had to be able to teleport, right? If he couldn't, then what was the point of being a wizard? Ironically, she was almost hopeful that Magneto would roll up and repair the damage. They could use someone with control over metal right now... "Lance, maybe it's time for you to do your thing?" She figured the Hulk could survive the vacuum of space. Even if they couldn't.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: Necromancy
~Fit Check~

Neil almost skidded and fell to the ground, as the station rocked. His eyes widened. They were in space. He had never been to space before. But he had watched enough movies and read enough books to know that explosions and space were not an ideal combination. Especially if people wanted to keep on living. He had died before, and he had come back - and he didn't know if he could do it again. But more importantly, his friends would die - for real. And everyone on this station would die - also for real.

A part of him - not small, yet not big - felt... content at that idea.

The rest of him was filled with a deep sense of shame.

He had become attuned to death. He couldn't speak to ghosts and keep someone from dying, but he could raise their body. There was an energy to it, a force. And as he reached out with his senses, to see if anyone had been harmed in the explosion... His eyes widened again. He looked at his friends. He didn't know what to say. He didn't like Banner - but wishing this on him... "Lance is dead," he said hoarsely to the others. As he said it, he felt the weight of those words upon him. "I don't know how, but... He's gone. I'm sorry."

He knew some of the others here were friends with Lance. He had never really liked him - running around in a group with an out of control, over dramatic tiny Hulk? It wasn't his idea of a great time. Plus, Lance's temper had been a huge issue for Neil before he had learned to turn green.

Max's voice whispered in his head. Neil furrowed his eyebrows, trying to think hard, but instead... He just felt an emptiness. They had lost someone. Lance is dead.
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