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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by DragonicQueen
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DragonicQueen Little Bluebird

Member Seen 2 days ago

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: New York City
Skills: Hydrokinsis

Sera solemnly nodded, taking the trident from her sibling, holding it tight. "Right we should....." The young demigod speaks softly and looks at the hippocampi. She got onto the sea creature, keeping quiet as they rode back. At least Camp Fish-Blood was safe now and wouldn't need to worry about being attacked for now. Her eyes glanced to Leda's body before finally speaking up. "I'm.... I'm sorry for your loss, Kiera. Even though I didn't know Leda for long.... She was very, very brave and an amazing girl. If you need a hug or just want to be left alone, I understand." Grieving was a struggle, some wanted comfort while others wanted to be by themselves. She just wanted to be helpful during this time of mourning no matter what.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: Labyrinth

Andy was relieved letting Mads take the sword. They were able to move. But they were being followed. Mads handed the sword back to her. She reluctantly took it, mouthing 'I'll find you.' She turned and started to run.

Her eyes burned as she did. But she didn't let herself cry. Now wasn't the time. She couldn't afford to. Andy made sure that Chocolate was near her. She hated herself for running knowing what would happen. Stupid prophecies.

Location: Train

Niah sunk into the seat of their reserved cabin. She was thankful for the room. Part of her didn't want to dare to eat, but she had been trained to eat when the chance was given while on a mission. You didn't turn down (non-cursed) food.

There wasn't anything to say. But she had warmed up to the other two. There was something about doing quests with people that made that happen. You trusted them with your whole self while on a quest. You couldn't but learn to like them at least a little. And Niah was still rather impressed with how Jason had talked them out of trouble at the hotel.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: the Gym
Skills: N/A

Nancy raised an eyebrow at Zeke's noncommittal answer. That was interesting. From what she could tell, Zeke was hopelessly in love with the idiot. She hadn't actually had a bad opinion of Demi - she didn't realize it, but it had unfortunately been a self-fulfilling prophecy on Demi's part. He was chaotic and foolish and a danger to everyone around him. She didn't see what her brother saw in him. But then again, she never saw what anyone saw in anyone when it came to romance. Maybe she had always been like this. Maybe it was a trauma response. Nancy didn't care. She liked herself the way she was. She wouldn't change it. If she was given a choice, she'd choose to be like this without a doubt.

"I'm not an expert on things like this, but isn't he going to be, like, totally pissed?" Nancy asked, somewhat dryly. She was having a hard time wrapping her head around what this could mean for Zeke. It was just such a foreign concept to her. The closest she could think of would be how she'd feel if Mads and Niah abandoned her to go help one of their siblings... It would hurt and ache, but she would be fine. Would she?

She flinched, feeling something brush up against her legs. It was a cat. Or at least, it looked like a cat. Nancy couldn't help but be immediately suspicious. Maybe it was a monster disguised as a cat. "If you're a monster, I swear to the gods, I'm going to lose my shit," Nancy muttered to the cat. She was glad to have Joanie with her.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo
Skills: Agility, Endurance

Demetri nodded towards Alexios, moving in closer just happy to feel the comfort of another person even if it wasn't Zeke at the moment. He rested his head atop his shoulder, speaking softly towards him. "Right. Ofcourse. I'm sure there was a reason." He watched as a pillow and blanket appeared before him, taking the items and placing the pillow against Alexios' arm as he wrapped himself up in the blanket and laid there quietly. "I wouldn't mind a cup of hot cocoa." Almost as quickly as it was asked, a warm cup of cocoa appeared within Demetris hands. He watched as the steam rolled up into the air, staring at it blankly as he waited and waited and waited for Zeke to call him. By the time the cup was finished, the final rays of light stretched across the sky and Demi felt empty inside as he pulled out the prism and stared at it for a moment.

He placed a Drachma against the prism, holding it up towards the stray red light. It split into a stream of rainbow light, though the color seemed dulled but Demi chalked it up to it being the light of a sunset. He tried to contact Zeke, tried to call him that night, but either the Iris call didn't go through or Zeke didn't answer. He wasn't sure whether or not that was even possible to happen. By now Demi had moved the pillow over a dozen times, adjusting and readjusting as he tried to get comfortable while he waited for the call to go through. Hours passed, tears came and went, and eventually Demetri fell asleep laying down on the train's bench, the prism clutched tightly in his hands by his head.

Cassian couldn't help but laugh at Janelle's comment. He didn't know whether it was a joke or not, knowing full well how she felt about the pair, but either way it was enough to lighten his mood just a little. "I don't think I need more than two guesses as to who that might be." He replied with a bit of a chuckle. He felt bad, for all of them, Janelle lost a man she thought she had, Demi was abandoned by the same guy, and Nancy had to go and face her worse trauma while taking the aid of a god that personified all that made her skin crawl. He tried not to let it get him down.

Cassiam looked over towards Kristin, trying hard not to let out a sigh. He understood what she meant, but still it seemed he and Zeke were in the center of all the drama. Though Zeke more so than himself. "Yeah, I know. But it's hard not to take things personally when one person dumps a shake on you and another punches you in the face."He admitted with a bit of a laugh, still in shock at both of those events that all happened within a day's time. He looked over towards Demetri, glancing at the god and demi-god as he watched him getting pampered over there. No. Pampered wasn't the right word, comforted. But still the stung of recent events made the scene appear worse than it actually was. He let out a long sigh before speaking again. "I don't blame you either."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 20 min ago

Location: Train Station -> Train
Skills: N/A

Stella got onto the train with Niah and Jason. She did agree with Niah and Jason that she wished that they could do something more about the basilisks but there really wasn't much they could do if they wanted to catch the train. However given that they were getting on the train with mortals she really couldn't say anything aloud about that. She kept a hold of Arbor as they got onto the train, and petted his head softly as they found their way to the compartment.

It seemed that someone was on their side as they got to keep the sleeping compartment that they had before. Inside she heard the announcement and relaxed more into the seat, and smiled a bit as they were told that they would be able to eat in the dining car. "Oh that will be nice... when do you think we'll get to eat?" She gently managed to get Arbor to relax in her lap, and set her bag next to her as she pet him more.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Janelle Gauger

Location: Train
Skills: N/A

"Oh tahtally, dough de group we're stuck wit in general is so bad and ahverly chaotic, surprised no one is dead yet. No one ahn dis quest really likes each ahther, aside frahm very few groups, so at dis rate doesn't seem like we're goin to accomplesh anythin," she ended up saying towards Kristin and Cassian with a bit of a shrug. This group they had was basically a ticking time bomb with how much people hated each other honestly.

She fell silent again, not really saying much of anything else. The group they had was too dysfunctional to do anything. Though Janelle did wish that if anyone on this quest died at the moment that it'd be Zeke, or Demi. Or both of them, since honestly she hated them both right now. Well, actually she wasn't sure if it truly was hatred or anything like that. But she was just classifying it as that for the moment until she figured out a better way to describe it then that.

Jason Gauger

Location: The Train
Skills: N/A

He was kind of glad that no one had taken over their cabin by the time they had boarded and gotten to it. That made their life easier in the fact that they didn't have to go track down another empty one, which could have taken forever to accomplish that. He took a seat in the cabin, not entirely sure what to do at this point with regards to what all was going on and he really hoped they reached the end of their quest eventually. Or at least mostly closer to their goal.

They were told about the dining car being setup, and he wasn't sure about going there right now. Given the fact that their last encounter in the dining car had gone incredibly poorly for everyone. Including the innocent people on the train. "We'll get food soon, but be careful cahnsiderin de last time we gaht food ahn de train. Prahbably best to wait until de train is mahvin a bet befahre we'll 'ead dere to get sahmethin."

Marygold Isley

Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: N/A

Well, she had been expecting chaos. Just had honestly been expecting a bit more of it before they had even gotten to the sword in the first place. Of course because of all of said chaos now, they were on the run, which probably wasn't the best of things to be doing. Especially since with all of the chaos they still didn't exactly have a full idea of where they were going now that they actually had the sword. But it was a start anyway.

She heard Madalyne say which way to go, and she followed along after the others towards the way that they had gotten into the area. Mary had to agree that it was probably better then the front entrance. Of course Madalyne decided to try and play hero or something and was telling all of them to get through and she'd be right behind them or something. "Yeah no, come on and get going already since we still have to worry about getting the hell out of the Labyrinth, so you get going too or I will drag you out of here too," she said as she started heading down the pathway after the other two.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 30 min ago

San Fransico, Amtrak Train Station:

It took three days for the group to travel from the East Coast of the US to the West Coast Niah, Stella and Jason were treated to really great views across the US. Traveling by train was usually the slowest due to the track system there were a few small delays here and there due to the freight trains also sharing the tracks. But overall the trip was otherwise very safe this time around and uneventful, food for sleeping car passengers were provided and a menu had been provided for their meals thanks to the tickets that they had bought for their ride over. The weather for the three day trip was also very beautiful, if the three of them wanted over the course of their trip could go to the viewing car as well to if they wanted.

When the train finally arrived at the San Fransisco Amtrak station it was around two in the afternoon, as the train came to a stop Niah would have used this station once before with her quest with Nancy and Madalyne all those years ago when they were on the quest for the gem. New Rome wasn't that far either they just needed to get there from the station, the passengers who were getting off of this stop were now slowly leaving now as well to.

Kiera Donovan

Location: New York City
Skills: Sword Fighting, Hydrokinsis.

Kiera watched as Leda's body was taken into camp, she whipped away a few more tears as she turned towards Sera and walked over towards her half sister and pulled her into a hug. She didn't say anything really for a few minutes as she held the hug a little bit longer letting out a quiet sigh. "Thank you, she was a really great person.." Kiera said as she looked over at Hercules who was still busy doing something with some of the other merpeople campers. Kiera knew that he had some sort of connection with Leda on a previous quest with Kristin and Zeke, she really wasn't in the mental headspace to tell the cyclops that Leda had passed.

"I need a moment to myself, could you tell Hercules what happened?" Kiera asked, as she rubbed her arm slightly she really needed to take a few moments to herself right now and she didn't want to go into camp either. There were a few campers around talking amongst themselves about what had happened but they kept their distance as well to, they were happy that the three of them were able to delay the enemy from attacking further now.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Labyrinth
Skills: Mystiokinesis

Madalyne looked over her shoulder at the horde of monsters that were after them, she knew that the prophecy was going to happen very soon, and she knew that she was going to end up falling into the pit. But there wasn't one here yet which was probably a good thing then she had some time with her niece still. "Alright i'm coming." Madalyne said as she used some of her magic to create a barrier behind her as she followed the others out. They would be able to get out of that side entrance without to much of an issue as Madalyne turned towards Damon who still probably knew a quicker way to get out of this area of the labyrinth.

"Damon do you know a way to get back into the darker area of the labyrinth?" Madalyne asked him, as she could hear a monster's voice yelling out in the distance. "Find them and make sure that you return the sword or the boss will have your heads!" One of the monsters yelled out very annoyed Damon turned to Madalyne and nodded. "Follow me we can lose them in that part of the labyrinth." Damon said as he quickly started to lead them south from the structure and towards what looked like a massive looking wall could be seen in the distance the roars of the monsters could be heard picking up the scent of the demigods fleeing.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Philadelphia Amtrak Station
Skills: N/A

The trip across the US to Las Vegas was around the same time length as well to about three days, stopping at different train stations around the US, and a small delay here and there as well to due to the freight trains going through. Though luckily the group didn't encounter any of the monsters. Alexios ended up leaving on the second day of the train ride due to some godly business that he needed to tend to. However the god said he would meet them at Las Vegas when their train arrived as well to, the group could access the cafe car as well to if they wanted or the dining car as well to if they were hungry. The same menu was provided to them if they did choose to dine in the dining car Kristin had opted for the dining car and had the salmon and coconut shrimp for dinner and lunch the entire train ride and napped whenever she could as well to.

On the third day they had arrived it was a little bit past noon now as the passengers had gotten out of the train Kristin looked at everyone. "Shall we get ready?" Kristin asked them all as she grabbed her pack and started to get off of the train, she really did hope that Zeke and Nancy would be there as well to. When they all got off of the train Alexios was already there waiting for them on the platform and smiled waving at the group.

Luckily for Zeke and Nancy they had gotten a ride thanks to Apollo, and they had sometime to explore the city if they chose to their father had given them a nice hotel room on the other side of the city not to far from the train station either. Their new little kitty companion looked like they were play fighting with Joanie they hadn't encountered any monsters since they had arrived either at the city which was a good thing probably.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: Labyrinth
Skill: Mistkinsis

Andy was thankful the others, and especially her aunt, were with her. She followed Damon's directions. She wanted to suggest that they partially split up so the monsters wouldn't know who to follow, but there were probably so many monsters it wouldn't have mattered.

She clutched the sword, and smiled at her aunt, tears still pricking at the corners of her eyes. "We have to lose them. We need some way to disguise our scent or confuse them." She said, and as soon as she did she remembered she could do magic. She smiles a little sheepishly and then pulls and pushes at the Mist. Flawless copies of them appear and start running down a different path.

"Let's keep going." Her sheepish smile has turned happy. She's proud of herself.

Location: Train -> Train station

The three days on the train had been surprisingly quiet. After their first day, Niah had been worried they would never make it to California. But here they were. She took a deep breath and looked toward New Rome. They could have walked there from here. She longed for the secluded little town and the coffee shop and the comforting hills. She longed for her home. After a moment she looked the other direction, west, toward San Francisco.

"Alright, to get to Mount Tam we're going to have to take a couple of busses or a taxi. We have to cross the bay and go a bit north." She points in the general direction of the Mountain that is their destination. "Taxi would be fastest, but also over a hundred to get there. The bus will take like four hours, but would only be about ten dollars each." Considering they had eaten on the train the whole way across the country Niah wasn't sure how their purse was looking. They had been lucky to get the money from the rich Cyclopse but she had no idea how much was left at this point.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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The morning rays crept into the train's cabin, hitting the prism within Demi’s hand as the rainbow light pressed against his face. The image of him sleeping appeared before Zeke in a shimmer of light as the Iris message finally went through.

Ezekiel petted the cat while they waited for their father to answer. The sun shifted through cracks in the boarded up windows. It played tricks on Zeke. He thought he saw something. Ezekiel shifted and rubbed his eyes, blinking rapidly. The dust mites shifted and revealed Demetri. Curled up with Alexios' arm around him. Zeke's jaw clicked and looked away.
"Why the hell am I seeing this?" he muttered angrily, staring past Demi's image at the cat.

Demi shifted in his sleep, pulling the prism closer towards him as he curled up on the bench while he slept. Zeke’s voice cutting through as he dreamed on, muttering to himself. "What're you talking about Z? What're you looking at?" His eyes still closed as he now lay half asleep.

Ezekiel startled. He stared more intently into the sunlight, seeing it shift to reveal the rainbow within. It was an Iris message.
"Dem? Demi, you're sleeping. Wake up." Ezekiel didn't fully realize how much he was missing Demetri until he saw him. He really should have reached out to him yesterday.

Demi slowly sat up, rubbing at his eyes with his free hand as he wiped away a dried tear from his cheek. He blinked, blinked again, waking up into a full start as he noticed he'd gotten an Iris message from Zeke. His eyes went wide, a dopey smile coming across his face as he saw his boyfriend's face once more. "Zeke? Zeke?! Are you ok? Where are you? You missed the trainivebeensoworriedaboutyouyouvegotnoidea!" His words rammed together with the speed of a rushing minotaur as elation hit him. His voice choked up in his throat "I just…I'm just so glad to see you…"

Ezekiel quickly looked up, knowing Nancy had for sure heard Demetri. The conversation he had with her the night before was still fresh in his mind. What if Demetri was mad? He looked back at Demi, and saw the elation on his face and broke into a boyish grin. Maybe Demi understood why he left.
"Demi, breathe. I'm okay. We're asking our dad for a ride. Nancy just needed space and I needed to go with her. Besides, you look plenty cozy without me." As soon as he said it, Zeke regretted it. He really was glad to see Demetri.

Tears welled up in Demi's eyes, sniffling as he wiped them away in between each sniffle. "Space. Right. No, that makes sense. And ofcourse I can't go because I'm not a child of Apollo." He responded before his voice cut short as the ending of his message finally clicked in place. His chest tightened as he broke eye contact from Zeke. Maybe he did want him to be comfy without him? A part of him was dying to tell Zeke that he wasn't, that he'd spent all night crying himself to bed, that he'd gotten into a fight over him. But he didn't know if Zeke would care, nor did he wish to burden him with any of that knowledge. So he shut himself down, keeping his mouth quiet for a moment. "Yeah…very comfy…" His heart wasn't in his words as he pulled his legs up towards his chest.

Ezekiel looked away as well, fighting the urge to laugh or throw dirt into the sunbeam and end the message. "Then why did you call me?"

"Call you? I thought…" Demi's heart shattered into pieces as he heard. He'd thought Zeke had cared enough to send a message but he figured now it was more that his got delayed as he fell asleep. "I've been trying to call you all night…I fell asleep trying Zeke. I thought you sent this…I guess…I guess it doesn't matter…" There was an edge to his voice, laden with deep sadness and frustration that roiled inside of him.

Ezekiel glanced back at Demetri, fidgeting uncomfortably. "I wanted to let you know, but it was time sensitive and I knew you would try and stop me or try to come. You're safer there. Wrapped in the arms of a god."

The sensation burned hotter in his chest the more that Zeke spoke. "Would that have been a bad thing?! Am I such a burden that my coming with would be so bad?!" The urge to swipe the blanket over the prism to end the call was enormous, but his want to talk to Zeke was greater. He lowered the prism, cutting his face from view as he took in a shaky breath and exhaled. He waited a moment before lifting it back up with red eyes and tears ready to burst. "I'm wrapped in a damn blanket when it should be your arms!" he yelled as he threw the blanket onto the ground.

Ezekiel clenched his hands into fists, ready to yell back. He didn't even look at Nancy, not wanting to see her face and what judgment may lie there.
"Demetri… This isn't about you. This isn't about us. This entire quest isn't about us and why I left isn't about us. I …" he started shaking his head at a loss for words. "I don't want to fight with you, Dem. I've been on some pretty wild quests, but this one is different. I don't want to walk into this hotel from hell after yelling at you and being mad. Especially if our memories are going to be wiped or we don't make it out. Just know that why I left has nothing to do with you. I have to go. I'll see you soon."

All the fight that was in him had washed away. It had nothing to do with him. The words stung and left an empty feeling inside of Demi. How was it that Zeke got to be mad when a god was thrust upon him but Demi wasn't allowed to be upset when he got recklessly abandoned? "Right…well don't be a stranger then."

Ezekiel looked conflicted as he looked through the light to Demetri on the other side. He didn't like that he was being berated for leaving with his sister. Did Kristin tell them nothing of their final conversation?
Still, Zeke found himself wishing he could comfort Demetri. To get him to understand.
"I'm sorry you got caught up in this." He shifted his hand and the light faded, cutting off the call. He stared at the empty space for a moment, feeling sad and angry and hurt. Would they ever understand each other?

The call cut out as Demi watched a familiar hand motion coming from Zeke. He hadn't called to yell, he didn't want to fight, but as he watched the gesture on the other end his heart just stopped. As soon as Zeke faded from view, Demi began to sob. His legs still pressed against his chest as he buried his face into his knees and cried. Why was he being so difficult? It was like he was trying to push him away. The prism remained in his hand, gripped and now unused. He had no idea if he would get to speak to Zeke again before the Hotel. What he did know was that if Zeke wanted to talk to him, he'd have to make the call himself next time.

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo
Skills: Agility, Endurance

Days had gone by and not once was there a notice from Zeke. No shimmering prism of light to let him know how he was or just to see how he was doing. No cheeky rainbow to ask him if he's up. Just radio silence. Somehow the silence was worse than the fight. He was left alone with his own thoughts, the darkness inside of him gnawing like an encroaching hunger that couldn't be satiated. The dining car was a nice touch, it would've made the trip that much more enjoyable had Demi been in better moods. He'd watch as the others hung out, never daring to step near them since the fight. He'd made his apologies to Cassian the following day, but after that had kept his distance. Cassian hung out with Janelle and Kristin, and Janelle didn't like him, and Kristin wouldn't abandon Janelle. So Demi stayed to himself, well with Alexios as well most of the time. But he must've thought him a bore, as Demetri hardly spoke those two days.

The third day's afternoon approached and they finally made it towards their destination. Demi nodded towards Kristin, standing up as his head became light. His pack felt heavier than ever before, and each step brought upon pulsed visions as his sight faded in and out for a moment. When they got off the train Demi looked around helplessly and exhausted, but there was no sign of Zeke. Alexios was there however, and a small tired smile appeared on his face. "Hey, how'd the godly business go?" he teased. "I don't see the others so give me a sec, I'm gonna call them and see how they're doing." He wanted to call Zeke, to see his face, but he couldn't bear to right now. So he called Nancy, catching the sun's rays into the prism as he sent her a message. "Hey Nancy, we made it to the Vegas station. Where do you want to meet up? If you want to, that is…"

Cassian had had a wonderful trek across America. Looking out the window as they pass several states each with their own forms of beauty. City's, sprawling countrysides, and everything in between. He wished they could have the time to visit them all, to play tourist for a few hours and then move on to the next. But he knew that this trip wasn't for leisure, they were on a time crunch for the end of the world or things akin to it. But at the very least for now, he could enjoy himself and enjoy what little he could see through the cabin windows.

As the days went by he tried to have a different dish each day. Trying all the train's dining car had to offer. After all who knew when their next good meal would be? They were heading to a hotel meant to mess with your mind as well as time while searching for the doors of death and a titan that would be guarding it. All he could do was hope that Alexios would help in the fight and give them the godly aid they needed to defeat the guardian. Once they'd arrived he grabbed his back and made his way out. "Finally! The train was nice and all but I miss the fresh air, walking in a space larger than the cabins, and " Cassian stretched to his fullest as he hopped out. Taking full advantage of all the space he had now.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 20 min ago

Location: Train Station -> Train
Skills: N/A

The three days on the train had passed without monster attacks, thankfully, and they even got some lovely views of the states as they traveled together. Stella had gone up a few times to the viewing room with Arbor, and even taken a few moments off the train when at stations to get outside. It had been a bit constricting abroad the train, and she had wanted to get off sometimes just to go touch the grass or fields of wheat that she could see out the windows. As they got into California she could feel herself longing more and more for home, especially since they were not too far away from her parents house. She had so much she wanted to tell them, so much she wanted to show them.

Once off the train she stretched a bit and looked around. San Francisco. Home. Or close to it. She let her eyes dart across the bay, to where her home was tucked away, and where she knew Niah's home was as well. Heck, they had nearly been neighbors from what she understood. So close to that camp, and yet she was Greek and not Roman.

"Bus might be better better cost wise, but... we would have to transfer buses, wouldn't we? I... I do... have some emergency money. I think this is an emergency." Stella shuffled her feet a bit as she looked at Niah, wondering how the older demi-god would respond to that.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Janelle Gauger

Location: Train
Skills: N/A

She was sort of glad that they were reaching their destination. It had been a long trip for the most part, and not exactly one she wanted to repeat any time soon. The whole situation was messed up still to her, she was still kind of glad that the rest of the trip was way more relaxing. Even if things were a bit on edge, most of that of course surrounding one person on the train in the group. Janelle didn't think much about that though, since they had other things to worry about. Maybe she could stay away from both Zeke and Demetri, since currently being away from only one of them was possible.

Nodding her head, she just grabbed her things and followed along off the train, feeling along to ensure she didn't exactly bump into anyone else. Her mind did briefly go towards the glasses that Aphrodite had given to her, but she mentally kicked herself for thinking of that again. Janelle was not sure if she'd use them, at least not at the moment considering sometimes not being able to see anything could be beneficial at times. Made it easier to ignore people for one thing.

Jason Gauger

Location: The Train
Skills: N/A

He was glad that they had finally reached the end of the rails for the train. Since considering the chaos that had occurred during their initial day of travel, it seemed like they'd never get to the west coast. Made it seem like at times that they would end up dead from monster attacks or that the train would get derailed or whatever again. That was just insane, but they were finally in California. So now they had to deal with the second part of their journey.

Jason followed along after Niah as she spoke and explained the way to go in order to continue on their quest. The entire US was still a bit confusing to where everything was, so he wasn't even sure what place they were in in comparison to other parts of the state or where they were heading "Lead de way den Niah, you know dis area and 'ow to get to where we're 'eadin, so i'm joehst goin to fahllow you. Either o' de ahptions would make sahme sense, 'owever we do 'ave de issue o' quickest and all, ahr best fahr de cost. Sence taxi sence it is faster would lower de resk o' us runnin into mahnsters befahre we get to our destination, while busses sence dey take lahnger would make dat mahre likely to 'appen."

Marygold Isley

Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: N/A

Well, this was going amazingly well considering for them. Sure they were running from monsters now, but they were still alive, and thankfully they had the sword with them. So that at least was part of their mission accomplished! Now came what was probably going to be the hard part, that being the small little fact of them having to now get out of the Labyrinth, with the sword, with probably every monster now definitely going after them. Things were definitely going super well for them.

They were being chased, and the shouting behind them meant that they definitely were on Labyrinth's Most Wanted at this point. However Andy came up with an idea and a plan, as they followed after Damon. Mary was actually kind of impressed with her creating the copies of them, here was hoping that it would work out now. "Nice job, here's hoping that it keeps them distracted long enough for us to put more distance between us and them."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The sun had just barely started to rise in the little gym that Nancy and Zeke had settled in for the night, the sun would lightly hit Nancy's face and Zeke would feel their feline guest starting to lick his face. A loud meow would come from it trying to wake up the two children of Apollo. They could hear the sounds of a police siren going off, other than that it was pretty quiet the two of them could try and summon Apollo if they wanted to.

Ezekiel's face started to twitch under the licking of the cat. He startled a little when he heard the meow. Ezekiel opened his eyes to see green eyes and smiled.

"Morning sunshine." He sat up and stretched. He looked over at Nancy. "Nanc, you up?"

Nancy was a light sleeper. She hadn't always been that way - when she had been a kid, she used to be able to sleep through anything. But now, the slightest noise was enough to make her stir. She woke to a louder than necessary sound - the strange cat that had accompanied them the night before meowing. "Mmhmmm," Nancy answered her brother. She got up to her feet, feeling a little stiff. It was never fun sleeping in the clothes she had worn the day before, but she was somewhat used to it at this point. She'd been on enough quests for New Rome. "Sun's rising, it's now or never," Nancy then said.

She didn't look excited by any means to talk to their father. Her last interaction with Apollo had been one of the better ones, but there was still a lot of hurt there. Nancy blamed him for the worst aspects of her life. She blamed him for her curse, for what had happened in that place, and for a number of other misfortunes that weren't as big as those two. But still, they needed a ride. They'd missed the train - intentionally, but they had missed it all the same.

Nancy closed her eyes. She held out a hand to Zeke, if he wanted to take it, and she prayed to their father. "Hey, Dad? If you're listening, your favorite children need a ride. Life or death emergency. It's Nancy, by the way - and Zeke - in case you already forgot who we are."

The cat continued to rub against Nancy's legs while Joanie was eyeing the cat like it was her next meal while looking over at Nancy expectantly if it was some food. As if on queue there was a bright light through some of the windows that were in the gym and the two of them would feel the heat of the sun briefly as the chariot could be spotted briefly through the windows as well as it came to a stop at the front entrance of the gym. Then the door was quickly opened and Apollo entered the gym looking at the two of them and smiled as the cat stared at the god letting out a little hiss. "How are my two favorite children doing and you called for me?" Apollo asked as he made his way over to Nancy and Zeke giving them both a hug.

Ezekiel smiled a little at the offered hand. He rested his hand on Nancy's, giving it a light squeeze. Zeke didn't rely on Apollo much or ask him for much, but he prayed alongside Nancy that he would listen this time. Shortly after Nancy finished talking, the sun shifted to fill the gym. Ezekiel shielded his eyes but saw the chariot. His heart started to pound his chest with anticipation. What he wasn't expecting was his father giving them each a hug.

"Uh, hey, dad... Thanks for coming. We were wondering if we could get a ride to the Lotus Hotel. And maybe a few pointers on how to survive it." Zeke squeezed Nancy's hand in reassurance when he mentioned the hotel. He wanted to remind her that he was here and that she could lean on him if she needed the extra strength.

Just a few words were enough to invert Nancy's mood. She had been calm, cool, and collected. The mention of the place - and their request to be taken there in the Sun Chariot, which meant they'd get there within just a few short hours (if it even took that long)... It sent her reeling. She knew all of this, logically. She had been the one to make this plan. But it didn't change the outcome. Her stomach felt like it was trying to squeeze itself up through her throat, all while wrestling her lungs. Her vocal cords felt like they were about to snap, her kidneys explode, and her heart shatter.

Later on, she wouldn't be proud of what she did next. It was a defense mechanism. But it didn't make it right. "I'd love to hear some pointers from you on the place. Maybe you have some on how to notice when your daughter is trapped there? No? Nothing coming to mind?" Nancy spat at their father, her temper inflamed. It was easier to be angry than scared.

Apollo looked at Nancy for a moment as she seemed to be angry at him for some reason, he looked sad for a moment when she brought up what had happened to her. "If I had known you were there years ago I would have helped you and taken you out of there as soon as I could." Apollo said sounding sad for a moment before speaking again.

"Due to what had happened to you in there last time you shouldn't have any issues with the Hotel like last time, just don't eat the lotuses that they give you, you'll have to make sure that the others stay focused in there as well to." Apollo said as he looked down at the cat and smiled as he reached down to gently pet it, and the cat started to purr slightly. "But I can get you to Vegas no problem." He said as he made his way towards the sun chariot which looked like a very expensive and fancy looking super car waving for his two children to follow him.

Ezekiel swallowed a lump in his throat when Nancy spoke. If words could hurt, he definitely felt like the venom in them would have done Apollo in, but other than a slight discomfort, their father didn't really react. At least it didn't seem that way to him. How could he have not known? He was a god wasn't he? And don't eat the flowers? What kind of class B answer was that? That was fucking obvious and they already knew that. Ezekiel's hand in Nancy's clenched a bit. His own anger radiated through him, but he didn't say anything. Sure, he could defend his sister, but this wasn't his pain to vocalize. He had his own bone to pick with Apollo and this wasn't it.

He wanted to ask about the doors and the giants and how they were going to survive, but for now he waited. His hand stayed in Nancy's, following her lead.

Nancy stared her father down, her gaze a challenge. If Apollo were a mighty god, then he would've known she was in the Lotus Hotel. If he didn't know, then he was a pathetic god. Given that she knew his strength and power, the former had to be true. The conclusion she had drawn - the one that she believed, deep down in her heart - was that Apollo only cared about her when it was convenient. They were on a quest that would help save the world, therefore, he came. If she had cried out in terror in the midst of the night - if That Night had happened again - would he come?

She didn't think he would.

"Yeah, no issues at all," Nancy said coldly. "I'm so glad to know that the attempted rape is going to work out in the gods' favor." She wasn't accusing Apollo of knowing that was going to happen, so that way they'd have a demigod who could navigate the Hotel when they needed one. But she also wasn't not accusing him of that. She let go of Zeke's hand and crossed her arms, physically signaling her emotional walls and boundaries rising back up. It helped to hide the fact that her body was shaking.

Apollo stared at his two children for a moment getting the feeling that they were mad at him for something as he snapped his fingers slightly as the chariot transformed into a sedan so that one of them could sit in the back of the chariot. He then turned to Nancy looking sad for a moment, he did feel sorry about that night if he had seen that happening to her he would have been there sooner to help her. "Nancy I regret not being there sooner for you when you were younger if I had seen that happening I would have been there before it happened." He told her as he motioned for the two to get into the chariot. He then stopped for a moment as he started to dig into his pocket and pulled out a vial and handed it towards Nancy.

"By the way this is for your friend's condition, my sister had some help with it. It's a treatment for her so she won't be forced to turn on the full moon, i'm still working on it for you." Apollo told Nancy as he climbed into the chariot.

Ezekiel looked between his father and sister. The standoff was intense, but Apollo was trying. Ezekiel bent down and grabbed his pack.

"You weren't there for her, dad, and you weren't there for me. Hell, I don't think you've been there for any of your kids, but you can do something now. What are we walking into with the doors of death? Supposedly we need a god to kill the giants and get to Thanatos." Ezekiel made the decision to sit in the front passenger seat. He looked down at the cat, smiling. "Come along, Sunshine," he cooed and held the door open for the cat. It jumped up, seemingly happy with the decision.

Nancy was shaking, physically and emotionally. She took the vial carefully and held onto it tightly, recrossing her arms. The chariot had transformed, becoming an ordinary car. Zeke seemed to be rather attached to the cat, which was fine with Nancy - it didn't seem to be a monster. She got into the back seat with Joanie. She knew that they needed an answer to Zeke's question. She knew that was what they needed to focus on. But the trembling words escaped from her lips anyways. "Why didn't you see? You're a god," Nancy asked, figuratively laying her cards on the table.

Apollo looked at Zeke for a moment and sighed slightly. "You already know the laws we are limited in the lives of mortals and with our children created by good ol pops himself." Apollo told him as he looked at his daughter. "I don't know the Fates maybe or it's the hotel itself." Apollo said as he started up the chariot and smiled at the little cat as it went over and jumped onto his lap and gently started to pet it. "And you already have a god with your group." Apollo said referring to Alexios clearly.

A prickling sensation moved up Zeke's arms when Nancy spoke again. He shifted carefully in his seat, buckling up and looked from Apollo to the cat then out the window. The hotel having some sort of block over it made sense. How else where the lotus eaters able to get away with so much over the years. However, Zeke didn't think Nancy wanted to hear that.

More importantly, Apollo gave Ezekiel absolutely no useful information when it came to their quest. Zeke snorted at the mention of Alexios, and crossed his arms. "You mean the god I punched in the face because he's a dick who's betrothed to my boyfriend? Oh ya, I'm sure he will be super helpful."

Nancy's anger wasn't calmed by Apollo's words. In her rage, she wanted to curse the gods. She wanted to vow that she would tear Olympus down, brick by brick. She wanted to cry that if the gods were not all-powerful, that they could not See all, then she would prove it to be so. The men who had assaulted her were long dead. She had killed them. But the gods were still here. As was the Hotel. Instead, Nancy remained silent in the back seat. Her hands were clenched into fists and her knuckles were white. She almost wished that Apollo had been angry with her, that he had screamed so that way her anger could rise and rise and rise - but yelling at him, when he was just trying to be the perfect father, it didn't satisfy her anger.

"I know what Aphrodite is doing, and she always likes to meddle in people's love lives, but he will help you that I do know he will." Apollo said as the Sun Chariot quickly flew into the air, and started to travel across the country to where they needed to go. He then parked the chariot in front of a hotel. "Your little friend there will be the key to getting through the Doors of Death and on the other side, just follow it and it'll help you and the rest of your friends." Apollo said as he dug into his pocket and pulled out a wad of human currency. "You won't have any problems with monsters this will pay for your room and board here until the rest of the group comes." He told the two of them.

Ezekiel wasn't sure how to take that information. He would help but at what cost to his relationship with Demetri? They arrived in Vegas in record time. Zeke didn't think he'd be able to travel normally after this. Apollo gave him some more information and some money. Ezekiel had never seen so much money before. He half listened to his father, intrigued that the cat would be their guide. He would need to get the cat some food.

"Um, okay.... Thanks for the ride and stuff." Zeke smiled slightly at his dad, very aware of Nancy's presence in the back. He grabbed his bag and let the cat jump out of the car before he waited for Nancy.

Nancy hopped out of the chariot. She didn't say a word to her father. She just nodded slightly. It was strange, being back in Las Vegas. She hadn't been back here in years - not since the Legion rescued her from the Hotel. Her blood felt like it was both boiling and freezing. She didn't want to be here longer than she had to. She didn't want to sit inside another hotel, a place that would feel very much the same. She didn't want to be a demigod.

Apollo got out of the chariot and approached his daughter she had been pretty quiet, he knew that he hadn't been the best father that he could be to all of his children and if he could he would have been there for all of them, he wanted to try and comfort her more but he wasn't sure if she would explode on him or not. "You'll be alright in there I know you are strong just watch over your brother while you are in there." He said as he looked at Zeke. "You two take care of each other and the others in there." Apollo told him.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by DragonicQueen
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DragonicQueen Little Bluebird

Member Seen 2 days ago

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: New York City
Skills: Hydrokinsis

The hug wasn't quick like Sera expected, a nice long hug, probably what Kiera needed at this time actually. Once it ended, the young girl looked over to Hercules. "Oh right…. Right. Of course." Breaking such news to another person she barely knew was going to feel horrible. Yet it had to be done right away. "Take your time, Kiera. I'll let him know what happened. Don't worry." She took a breath, readying herself, then walked over to the Cyclops. Her heart was hammering in her chest. Tripping a bit on the sand before finally getting to Hercules. "Hey there bud. Ah I need to talk to you….." She rubbed her arm a bit nervously. "We um didn't all make it back safely…. Leda well she…. She sacrificed herself. She's no longer with us. I'm very, very sorry."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Las Vegas Baby! — Hotel Room

The first thing Ezekiel did when they got to the hotel was order a fuck ton of room service and then took the longest shower of his life. Daddy’s bill, right? After that, he sat in the fluffy robe with slippers to match and ate. And ate. And ate. He fell asleep feeling like crap, but he had a smile on his face. The next day, he was less indulgent.
Room service was still ordered, of course, but Ezekiel managed to get himself into the pool for a few laps and some exercise. In the evening, he walked around Vegas but kept the hotel in sight. Thankfully, nothing evil lurked in the corners, and he was free to roam.
He had never been in such a lively city before. There was so much life and colour here. And the lights at night were mesmerising.
Before Ezekiel retired on the second night, he located the train station where the rest of the group would arrive. His fingers drummed a beat on his leg nervously as he looked for Demi’s train. At this point, he didn’t even know if Demi wanted to be with him anymore. Ezekiel had put him through enough grief. There should be trials and tribulations of demi-god love featuring Aphrodite and her meddling ways.
Ezekiel returned to the hotel to tell Nancy when the train was coming in and if she wanted to form some game plan. Since arriving, they had hardly talked about the car ride with Apollo or the Lotus Hotel. He didn’t want to push Nancy, but they were nearing the final hour.

On the morning of the third day, Ezekiel rose slowly. He reached out and scratched his new friend under the chin and along the ears before patting its rump and stood to stretch and shower. ”Hey Nanc, if you’re awake, could you order me some french toast?” he asked before he disappeared into the bathroom.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Las Vegas
Skills: N/A

It had been a few days since they had arrived in Las Vegas. It was different than she remembered, but very much the same beast underneath. The hotel they were staying in reminded her of the Lotus Hotel. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the shadows of those men, stalking her like helpless prey. The laughter of hotel guests in the casino, in the restaurants, in the pools - it sounded like screams. In the middle of the night, she would wake up in a cold sweat, screaming her head off. She felt like she was losing her mind. And maybe she was. Each minute that passed in this place, she felt a little less like herself - a little more like some pitiful damsel in distress. She didn't eat much. She didn't know if Zeke noticed. She gave her food to Joanie.

If she didn't hate the scent of it, she probably would've spent the entire time smoking.

Instead, she chewed on ice chips. She filled cups with them and popped them into her mouth, grinding her teeth down against them, crunching them down. She didn't take showers. Her hair was a filthy, tangled mess of curls. She shoved it down under a bandana, a hasty method to keep her from looking insane.

On the second day, when she couldn't stand the hotel walls, she took Joanie and left. She went to where her mother had lived. She didn't know what to expect when seeing Betty again. But in the end, it ended up not mattering. She learned that her mother had died in the early 90's of an overdose. Just another soul claimed by the strip. Nancy didn't feel anything, when she learned the news. And that made her feel monstrous.

The night of the second day, Nancy had sat in the empty tub of the bathroom. Like a nervous tic, she shuffled her cards over and over again, never picking one out, just shuffling. She eyed the phone installed in the bathrooms. Most hotel rooms in Vegas had one there. Nancy always assumed it was so that way when you died on the toilet, you'd have a chance to phone someone right beforehand. She wished she could've called Mads and Niah. By the time morning had come, and dark shadows had permeated under her eyes, Nancy was sitting on the too soft bed. It was supposed to be the day - the day that they'd go to the Lotus Hotel.

She didn't think she could eat anything. The same had been true of the day before. And mostly the day before that. Water and ice chips were the only things she could get down.

"Yeah, I got you," Nancy said to Zeke, as he went into the bathroom. She had ordered room service for him a few times. She always insisted it was left outside the door. And when she would open the door to grab it, she had her Celestial Bronze daggers at the ready, just in case it happened again.

She moved to pick up the phone, only for a shimmering image to appear in front of her. The image was of Demetri. She scowled unconsciously. She would've rather done this entire mission without them. "Meet us outside of there in half an hour," Nancy said firmly. She was doing her best to look indifferent, to seem tough and invulnerable, but it only succeeded in making her more haunted. She waved her hand through the image, hoping that would dispel it. She felt sick to her stomach.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 30 min ago

San Fransico, Amtrak Train Station:

The train station was pretty busy, there were a few trains going up and down the west coast as well, as people could be seen boarding the other trains to their destinations. Outside of the station the group would be able to see a bus stop along with a few taxis driving and either dropping off passengers or picking them up. A bus was just now approaching the bus stop in front of the station, whichever the group decided to take regardless it would take them to their intended destination. So far there wasn't any signs of monsters in the area which could either be a good thing or bad thing. But once they made it to Mount Tam then they would most likely start encountering more monsters in the area.

Kiera Donovan

Location: New York City
Skills: Sword Fighting, Hydrokinsis.

Kiera would walk a bit of a ways off, she eventually found a spot to sit down and looked forward quietly as she whipped away a few more tears as she looked over her shoulder she was still in eyesight of Sera and Sera would be able to still see Kiera. She couldn't help but wonder how the cyclops would actually react to the news of Leda's death. Hercules finished setting up a few more defenses for the merpeople as his attention turned towards Sera as he approached her. The monster had been pretty busy and focused on what he was doing and didn't see the other campers carrying off Leda's body.

When Sera started to relay the news the cyclops started to cry as well to, he had lost his original parents at the hands of Leda and Zeke when he was just a baby. But he didn't remember that really being a baby and all, he was brought up by the various sea creatures and people in and around Atlantis along with the cyclops that were allies to Poseidon. He set down his tools and hugged Sera and lifted her up into the air letting out a cry before setting her back down. "Thank you for letting me know about mommy.." Hercules said to Sera.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Labyrinth
Skills: Mystiokinesis

Madalyne looked at Andy and smiled she couldn't help but be really impressed and proud of her niece as she watched the illusions of them fleeing into other parts of the labyrinth. How long that would be effective Madalyne really didn't know at all, and they needed to keep moving forward. "Thats really impressive Andy." Madalyne said gently patting her on the shoulder as she continued to run forward deeper into the labyrinth once more.

"Where does the map say where we need to go next?" Madalyne asked Mary since she had the map still and it was probably their only guide out of here as well to. If Mary looked she would see the arrow on the map turn to the right at the end of the hallway that they were in and that would lead them up to a massive flight of stairs. Madalyne looked over her shoulder she could hear a few growls from the monsters, she wasn't sure if they had spotted them yet but it looked like the illusion was starting to fade the further they continued to move away.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Philadelphia Amtrak Station
Skills: N/A

Alexios looked at Demi and gave him a friendly smile. "Oh it was quiet boring really having to deal with other godly affairs is quiet lame. I'd much rather be either partying or here with you." Alexios said winking at Demi as Kristin rolled her eyes slightly as she watched the others now getting off. She saw the Iris Message that Demi had sent and seeing Nancy's face briefly telling them to meet her and Zeke at the hotel. "Alright then we meet Zeke and Nancy there." Kristin said as she started to lead the group down the street, it didn't take them to long to get to the Strip. The hotel could be seen just across the street from where they were now as Kristin started to cross the street once the traffic allowed people to cross.

Joanie was in the bedroom with Zeke and their new cat companion, Joanie would then fly over towards the door and started to claw at the door like a cat demanding to enter and making noises. There was a knock on the door which was the food that Nancy and Zeke had ordered the French Toast was laid on the floor as per instructions that Nancy had made for room service.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Las Vegas Baby! — Hotel Room

As he showered, Ezekiel could hear scratching on the door, followed by dragon-like sounds. He had quickly learned the different sounds of Sunshine and Joanie. ”Joanie, I’m in the shower. Give me a minute,” he called out. He showered and dressed in some new clothes quickly.
Ezekiel had split the money with Nancy and went off to get a couple new shirts, a pair of pants and shorts. It felt terrific to own new clothes. It had been years since Zeke had bought something new. He was used to wearing camp attire. Clean and dressed to take on the day, Ezekiel opened the door and smiled.
”Morning Joanie,” he greeted before retreating to eat his breakfast. He glanced over at Nancy, pushing the fruit bowl towards her silently. Nancy had barely eaten since they got to the hotel, and he was rather worried. His powers could only heal so much.
”We’ll need our strength… Thanks for ordering breakfast.” Zeke didn’t really know how to handle this matter or Nancy. To the best of Zeke’s knowledge, Nancy didn’t need handling, or rather, want handling.
He dunked his french toast in syrup and ate a few bites before clearing his throat. ’The train should be arriving soon. When should we leave?”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: Labyrinth

She was proud of her magic. It had been a good idea and was working well. It felt a little weird to be so proud of herself. She normally felt so behind the others at camp. Mostly because she was so much younger than most of them. Arthur was the only one really in her age range. Well, there was that new girl but she had only been at camp a day before all the quests happened.

"Thank you." Andy said blushing a little at the compliments. They had a ways to go still so they couldn't sit around. Andy looked up at Mary waiting for her directions. She clutched the sword close to her.

Location: Train station

"Yeah we would have to transfer busses." Niah had gotten better at understanding Jason's accent over the last few days. She nodded and looked at the two options. "If we've got the money for the Taxi that's the better option in the long run I feel like. But we're talking almost $200."

Niah led the way over to the taxi stand. When a taxi was free she leaned over through the passenger window. The driver didn't give her any weird vibes. He seemed to be human.

"Willing to go to Mount Tam?" It was a long ride if the driver was near the end of their shift he might be reluctant to go that far. He nodded. And Niah climbed in.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo
Skills: Agility, Endurance

Demi rolled his eyes at the Party God. His incessant flirting wasn't going to score any brownie points with Zeke, and even more so doing it while he wasn't around. His smile faltered slightly at the thought of Zeke. A pain cutting through him deeper than he realized before adjusting the strap of his bag on his shoulder. Nancy's answer was short but informative. Meet at the hotel. They could do that, sure. She didn't look too good from the brief glimpse he was able to catch, his own vision failing him in spots as his eyes worked hard to focus. Nancy was a warrior, they trained for this, but Zeke? How was he fairing if his sister looked like that? Another knot formed inside of his stomach as he thought about it before pushing the idea out of his mind.

As Cassian stretched he couldn't help but eavesdrop on the call being made. He saw as Demi contacted Nancy, finding it odd that he didn't bother to contact his own boyfriend. Maybe it was so Alexios and Zeke wouldn't start a fight? Or maybe it had to do with the faint sounds of raised voices and sobbing he'd heard a few nights back. Either way he was resolved to keep his nose out of it lest he risk another outburst that would land him with more than a bruised chin. He slowly made his way towards them, looking over at Kristin. "So we meet up at Location. Sounds easy enough, just…where is the location?"

Without hesitation Kristin began to lead the group over towards the Lotus Hotel and Casino. Making their way out of the train stop, through bustling crowds, and on the other side of the street from it. This was it. The hotel in all its glory, and all that kept them at bay was a traffic light. Soon it'd change and they were able to make their way across, and Cassian began to grow nervous of what was to come. His first major battle and it would be with a Titan.

Demi kept up with the group as they headed towards the building, lagging behind only slightly as his long legs afforded him bigger strides to help keep up with those who had more energy than him. The entire time all he could think of was seeing Zeke again, seeing how he was ok, and about how he should've bought a sandwich from the train to give to him since he'd probably hardly eaten the past few days. Which was rich coming from him.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Las Vegas
Skills: N/A

"You're welcome," Nancy said to her brother. She didn't make any motion to touch the fruit bowl. She knew logically that he was correct - she never would've made praetor if she hadn't. She needed to eat something. But the thought of eating food in Vegas... it was like her mind had put up a gigantic mental block against it. The very idea made her feel sick. And vomiting wasn't going to help anyone when it came to the quest. She'd be fine. Her adrenaline would carry her. Instead, she picked up her little cup of ice chips, and she plucked one out, before popping it into her mouth.

"We need to be there in thirty minutes," Nancy then answered. "They just called. Told them to meet us outside the place." If any of them decided to go in early, all alone, Nancy doubted they'd be able to help them. Well, that she would be able to help them. Apollo had mentioned that she would likely be immune to the spell of the Lotus Hotel and Casino, but that wouldn't be true for the others. She ate another ice chip. She wished Mads was there with her. Mads had been there before - she was so strong and so brave, and Nancy felt so weak and so helpless.
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