Hidden 1 yr ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Location: San Francisco - Taxi
Skills: N/A

"I agree, a taxi would be the quickest, and the least risk of monsters. We shouldn't waste time, right?" Stella had begun to understand a bit more of Jason's accent over the last three days as well, and also found it soothing in a weird way. She was feeling a bit closer to her quest companions, even if she wasn't sure if they could say the same about her. She was also glad that they could agree on going in a taxi, as a bus trip did pose its own risk at that point.

She gently tugged Arbor's leash on, heading to where the taxi's were gathering and went to get into the cab with them. She gently pet Arbor and let him get into her lap, once again passing him off as nothing more than a service animal. The driver seemed normal and human, and Arbor wasn't acting up to indicate any weirdness, which was a good sign. He did seem to act up more when creatures and monsters were around.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by DragonicQueen
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DragonicQueen Little Bluebird

Member Seen 2 days ago

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: New York City
Skills: Hydrokinsis

"Woaahhh." A squeak sounded out from her lips as Hercules lifted her up for the hug. "You're ah welcome." Sera hoped that Kiera and Hercules would be alright as they greave over the loss of Leda. She'd be around to comfort either of them if needed. Its the least she could do, losing people was not fun. And well now Sera expected to probably go through this more now that she was a fully claimed demigod. Of course she really hoped that it'd be a long, long, long while before someone close to her was killed in battle.

Sera looked at the trident in her hand. It'd probably be best to return it now. She went over to Kiera. "Hey.... I know you probably aren't up to do anything. I can take the trident back to dad by myself if you don't want to come with me." They couldn't hold onto a powerful weapon forever. Their dad would probably be really pissed if he didn't get it back soon. That wouldn't be a pretty picture at all.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Janelle Gauger

Location: Las Vegas
Skills: N/A

Well, sounded like they weren't going to be heading straight into the lion's den of this quest without so much as a hesitation. It sounded like Nancy and Zeke had gotten to Las Vegas pretty easily, so they would be able to meet up with them there. Though she very much was enjoying the idea of not having Zeke around. Seemed like there was less drama to worry about that way. Now if only Demetri wasn't around things would definitely be a lot better.

Of course she didn't know where they were going specifically or what the hotel they were going to even really looked like. So Janelle remained quiet as she ended up following the group that direction, listening to their footsteps to try and guide her way through the street. It didn't sound too surprising that the hotel would be located in Las Vegas based on what she had heard about it, but this wasn't exactly a part of the country she had expected to wander into at all.

Jason Gauger

Location: The Train Station
Skills: N/A

"I might 'ave some mahney if we're strapped fahr cash ahn dings too..." Jason added, remembering the bank card that he had with him. Though he typically wasn't one to use the funds in that account considering how he and his sister had gotten the money, but he had it in the case of an emergency. Since he never used the money, he had actually forgotten about it entirely. He did feel a bit bad for not using it potentially earlier to make it easier for them to get the train tickets, but he did sort of ignore that feeling now.

Jason followed along after the other two as Niah lead the way to the area they could catch a cab. Since this was still a very unfamiliar area to him (and country honestly) so he just let them do the talking for the most part. The driver didn't seem too bad, so he got in the cab, not entirely sure what else to do right now really.

Marygold Isley

Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: N/A

Well things seemed to be going okay for them at the moment, which was a good thing really. However they still had monsters hot on their trail, and from the looks of things, Andy's illusions were only going to last so long. They had to get moving again otherwise they'd run into more problems rather shortly. Mary opened up the map again and looked at the area around them, before see the direction that the arrow was pointing to. Somewhere up some stairs, well that wasn't ominous or anything like that.

"Follow me, up these stairs over here according to the map, and hopefully it leads us to the quickest way out of this place, especially since those illusions won't last forever," she said, before starting to hurry up the stairs. Mary wasn't entirely sure where everything was going to lead, but considering the fact that the map had led them this far, she only really was able to put her trust into it yet again.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 19 min ago

San Fransico, Amtrak Train Station:

"Wait a moment, are you two going to Mount Tam?" A woman asked, as she approached them if Stella looked at her the woman seemed to be familiar to her like she was her biological mother. "It's really nice to see you my child." The woman had said smiling at Stella, it was the goddess Persephone. The cab driver looked at the woman and shrugged if the the three kids were okay with the complete stranger hitching a ride and paid for the fare he didn't care really. Once Niah had gotten into the cab she would suddenly get a vision of some kind, it was in a massive feast hall. She would be able to see her sister Dalisy and three other girls talking together, then the vision suddenly ended as quickly as it came. "Did you want the woman in or not?" The cab driver asked them, he was close to ending his shift but this would be the largest fare since he was paid by the mile he traveled.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Fish-Blood
Skills: Sword Fighting, Hydrokinsis.

Kiera was sitting quietly by herself letting out a quiet sigh as she shifted slightly where she was sitting, there was a little sea lion that came up to her and gave her a gently nudging. She smiled at the little sea creatures as she gently started to pet it when Sera approached her. She looked up at Sera, she knew that they couldn't hold onto it for very long either and she didn't want to have her half-sister traveling around by herself at all. Not after she had just lost Leda, the road between here and Atlantis was pretty dangerous as well to.

"I'm okay with traveling now, the trident is likely a big target for Oceanus' men if they decided to hunt us down for it." Kiera said as she slowly started to stand up and dusted herself off of some of the sand. "Lets head back into camp and let them know." Kiera told her as she made her way back into the camp itself. She stopped for a moment seeing the fish people were putting Leda's remains into a crate as one of them approached.

"We'll send her body back to Camp Half-Blood." They said as Kiera gave a sad smile and nodded. "Thank you, we are heading back to Atlantis to give the trident back to father if you could provide us with transport there that would be good." Kiera said as the Fish-Blood camper nodded. "Sure thing." They said as they waved for two campers who were leading a pair of hippocampi over to them. "They should get you to where you two need to go." They told her as Kiera nodded and started to climb up onto her hippocampi.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Labyrinth
Skills: Greek & Roman Mythology

The stairs would eventually lead them up to a large cavern of sorts Madalyne on the other side of the cavern was a rather giant and ratty looking old man, the man had dragon like legs covered in scales as well to. "Find them they are very close." The giant said as Madalyne tried to figure out who this giant was. They didn't have a god with them to actually go against a giant at all which was a really bad thing right now. There were about twenty other monsters across from them but it seems like they weren't seen yet, Madalyne looked down seeing that the cavern below them looked like an endless fall it probably led down to Tartarus itself.

"Lets keep going and stay quiet and close." Madalyne suggested as she looked around, the map the arrow would point towards a large stone bridge that led across the cavern. They would have to go up again to cross it, which was where they were needed to go, but it also led them above to where the monsters were now currently.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Las Vegas, Lotus Hotel & Casino
Skills: N/A

Kristin waited just outside of the hotel itself, her eyes scanned the area as she watched someone standing outside of the casino itself helping to promote it or something. A few people were entering the casino, but none of them ever left really she wanted to try and help get the people to avoid it as much as possible. However they were about to enter the building itself as well to, as much as she wanted to help these people, they had a quest that they needed to deal with. "We should wait outside until Zeke and Nancy show up, that way we don't end up getting separated." Kristin suggested Alexios looked up at the hotel itself, he was really interested in going in right now. "Want me to get you anything Demi?" Alexios asked him.

Over at the hotel that Zeke and Nancy were staying Joanie had swooped down and snatched what Zeke was eating right out of his hands and hungerly ate all of it before flying over and landing onto Nancy's shoulder nuzzling her and wanting more pets now. Sunshine was curling up for another little nap on the bed looking rather bored at the moment.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 days ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Las Vegas
Skills: N/A

Nancy was fidgeting, waiting for her brother to finish his food. She both wanted to go and dreaded the thought of it. The emotional whiplash was enough to leave her reeling - which was probably a huge part of why she'd lost all her appetite the minute they made it to Vegas. The corner of her mouth twitched slightly as Joanie stole Zeke's food, and she gave her baby a brief pet. Even in the worst of moods, she always felt a little better petting Joanie. She hadn't had the little dragon very long, but it was hard to imagine life without her emotional support monster.

Her heart clenched. Hopefully the Lotus Hotel wouldn't effect Joanie. She stared at her dragon, wondering for a moment if she should really be bringing Joanie with her - if it was really safe.

But then Nancy shook her head. The Lotus Hotel wasn't going to do that to animals. Joanie was going to be fine. And Nancy wouldn't let it happen to her. She'd protect her tiny purple dragon to the very end. "Come on, we should get going - your boyfriend'll be happy to see you," Nancy urged, pacing the hotel room now, back and forth, back and forth.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Las Vegas Baby! — Hotel Room

Ezekiel ate slowly, watching Nancy and the untouched bowl of food. He was very worried about her, and there was absolutely nothing to do for her. Ezekiel couldn’t heal the mind. He hated his limitations at that moment. He hated seeing her in pain. Nancy was trying to put on a brave face, but Ezekiel knew Nancy. They had been together for a long time now. He was sure there were things she picked up about him that he didn’t think about.
Ezekiel went to take another bite of his French Toast when it suddenly disappeared. ”Hey! Joanie!!” Ezekiel pouted for a minute. He reached over to the fruit bowl and ate a piece of melon. He sighed as it didn’t hit the same as the French Toast covered in syrup and icing sugar. That was medicine. He smiled at Joanie with Nancy. At least someone got to enjoy their last meal.
Ezekiel groaned at the mention of Demetri. ”Ya… I dunno. Our last conversation wasn’t the greatest. I mean, I miss him, but…ya.” Ezekiel stood and gathered his things into his bag. He moved quickly, noting Nancy’s nervous pacing. He shouldered his pack and looked at the cat.
”Coming with, Sunshine?”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Location: San Francisco - Taxi
Skills: N/A

It seemed than they wouldn't have to worry about money, between the cards and the cash they had, as Jason offered up Cash as well. Stella gently looked up as a woman approached the cab and asked if they were going to Mount Tam as well, and she felt her jaw nearly drop. She caught herself in time, but thankfully she didn't make herself look like too much of a fool in front of the woman. She felt so familiar and Stella knew who she was almost immediately. She looked so beautiful, but it wasn't too unnatural, it was a graceful sort of beauty, and she smelled of Stella's favorite flowers.

"Oh, yes! We want her in the cab! We don't mind sharing with her at all! Please, get in!" Stella hoped the other two didn't mind her speaking for the group, but she wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to see her older sister. "May I ask what you're doing here big sister?" She had learned over the last few days that you didn't really invoke the names of the Gods, as it seemed to cause trouble, and could get unwanted attention. She was glad that Persephone was here, but that also meant that something bad was about to happen.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Janelle Gauger

Location: Las Vegas
Skills: N/A

Janelle still wasn't a hundred percent sure on what the whole big deal was with the hotel. No one had really fully explained it, only truly mentioning that it was a really bad place to wind up. Otherwise not much had really been explained, but she figured it wasn't such a good idea to ask for more info on the place. Though now they were just sitting around waiting for the other two to show up.

"Dey better show up soon, waitin around 'ere fahr too lahng might make people wahnder what de 'ell we're doin 'ere ahr sahmethin," she said with a shrug, not entirely sure what else to really say or do. Waiting for the other two to show up was going to be a bit of a while. If they didn't show up soon she was going to suggest just going in already.

Jason Gauger

Location: The Train Station
Skills: N/A

This was not something that he had expected to see happen on their way to the mountain that they needed to. Seeing Persephone deciding to join them for a little while on their cab ride was definitely unexpected, but it certainly would make things a bit more interesting. There had to be a reason or something for her to just show up right? Almost like when his own father Ares had shown up on the train to give him something. That had definitely been weird.

"Yeah, she's definitely with us," he also said to the cab driver as everyone piled into the car. He wasn't entirely sure where they were going aside from the name of it. Right now the question of Persephone being there still was there, and he didn't really want to interrupt and ask, especially considering the fact that Stella had just asked that sort of thing. So he was waiting to hear what her answer was.

Marygold Isley

Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: N/A

The escape was definitely a lot harder than getting there, as now they had a lot more monsters coming after them. Especially since all of them knew for certain that they were in the area, since it's kind of hard to hide the fact that they just stole the sword back from them. Would have maybe gone better if their luck wasn't super horrible, but that was just how everything went for them. Here was hoping that things would get better, maybe anyway.

She nodded her head towards Madalyne, staying fairly quiet when she spoke, since talking right now was probably the last thing they really wanted to do. Since that could alert the monsters to their location more directly. Unfortunately where they needed to go was almost as directly towards the monsters as you could get at this point. Yup, just another day as a demigod, running from monsters and the horrible luck to go with it. Works out great for them doesn't it?
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Labyrinth
Skill: Magic

Andy nodded following after the others. Of course, they couldn't escape without any issues. Very soon they'd encounter more monsters. She frowned. There had to be a way around them. Or maybe they could sneak past them? Andy got an idea. She pulled at the mist again. Wrapping it around them. The world got a bit darker for them, but the important thing was she was fairly certain they couldn't be seen now.

"We should be invisible now." She smiled. Now they just had to hope it was good enough and would get them past the next group of monsters. Andy refused to look down into the unending chasm. She didn't want to see the depths of it.

Location: Taxi

Niah nodded when the Cabbie asked if Persephone was with them. She let her pick where she wanted to sit. Since they would now probably fill out all the seats. Niah was surprised Persephone was here. This was the West Coast. Normally the gods sort of divided the continent. Maybe it was because the Romans had been at Camp Half-blood. That was probably messing them up some.

The vision had unsettled Niah. She would have known her sister's face anywhere. Niah had lost the only photo she had of her family when New Rome fell, but she knew what her dead sister looked liked. And she hadn't changed at all in several years. What did the vision mean? Niah wasn't of any of the prophetic types of blood, so why have the vision in the first place? But its implications were interesting. Was her sister actually alive?
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by DragonicQueen
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DragonicQueen Little Bluebird

Member Seen 2 days ago

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: New York City
Skills: Hydrokinsis

"Oh right, probably would be best for us both to go together then." Sera nodded as they headed back into the camp. "Thank you very much." She smiled at the camper before climbing onto the hippocampi. At least it was easy to ride these creatures now that she'd done it a few times. Of course traveling with the trident made it a bit harder due to its heaviness but Sera managed her best to hold it. "At least Father will be happy to have this back in his hands. I couldn't imagine the destruction it'd cause if Oceanus got it again. Bad enough he did have it in the first place." She paused for a moment, thinking as she looked at the camp one last time. "Oh, is Hercules going to stay here? I mean they probably still need a lot of help fixing everything since it got pretty messed up from the attacks."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 19 min ago

San Fransico, Amtrak Train Station:

Once everyone had gotten into the cab the driver quickly started it up and they were now on their way towards Mount Tam. Persephone looked at Stella and gave her a loving smile as she gently have her sister a hug. "Oh just came by to visit you and help you out a little bit." She said to Stella as she looked at the other two that Stella was on a quest with, they seemed to be pretty nice people. "How are the two of you doing?" She asked, the drive so far was going well as they could see the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance now.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Fish-Blood
Skills: Sword Fighting, Hydrokinsis.

Kiera looked at Sera for a moment as she started to wonder about that as well to Hercules seemed to take the news not that well which was understandable. "We could bring it up with father see where he wants him to go." Kiera suggested as she moved the hippocampi as they started to head out of the camp and towards their intended destination back to Poseidon's palace. She kept going back to the image of seeing her girlfriend dying in front of her as she tried to get the image out of her head.

It didn't take to long until they were back in Atlantis, as they were taken directly back towards the palace and the palace guards quickly came to greet them along with their father. Kiera climbed off of her hippocampi as soon as it landed and took the trident as she approached her father and handed it back to him. "I believe this belongs to you father." Kiera said giving Poseidon a smile as he gently accepted it back. "Thank you, both of you." Poseidon then noticed that they were missing one of them.

"I'm sorry for your loss, lets get the two of you in and talk if you'd like." Poseidon said as he gave the two a gentle hug and waved the two of them to follow him as Kiera looked at her half sister and shrugged slightly. "Lets head in." Kiera said as she followed her father inside along with the palace guards.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Labyrinth
Skills: Mystiokinsis

Madalyne smiled at Andy as she could sense the magic that she was using hopefully it would last long enough for them to pass, as she started to head up where the map was showing them where they needed to go. "Stay close, that is a Giant there i'm not sure who it is but since we don't have a god with us it's best to avoid it as much as possible." Madalyne whispered as she headed up a flight of stairs that led them to the bridge of sorts that took them directly over it.

However their luck seemed to end rather quickly as Andy's magic failed and they were now visible once more the giant below them instantly picked up their scent and started to look around and then up. Madalyne looked down seeing that it was looking directly at her before yelling very loudly. "After them now!" It yelled as Madalyne started to panic as she quickly helped them across the rest of the way using her magic to push them forward to the other side. And several monsters quickly started to head up where they were from the way that they had just came from and were slowly crossing the bridge now. She used her magic again and sent a fireball directly at them sending one of the monsters on fire.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Las Vegas, Lotus Hotel & Casino
Skills: N/A

"Yeah hopefully they'll show up soon." Kristin said as she leaned herself up against the nearby wall, the area was really hot but then again Vegas was in the middle of the desert pretty much anyway to. She turned to look at the group, she forgot that this was Demi's first quest and Janelle's second. And they probably didn't know anything about the hotel really as she looked at the two of them, she hadn't experienced the hotel like Nancy did only the stories from other campers along with Percy and Annabeth's encounter with the place.

"So from what I know about the hotel itself it makes you not want to leave at all, no matter what you do once you enter you don't want to get out. And time acts differently in there as well to, so a day in here could mean like a week in the real world out here." Kristin explained, hopefully they understood what it was now.

Over at the hotel Sunshine the cat that Zeke had named quickly woke up and stretched out letting out a loud meow and yawn before it quickly bolted for the door. It waited by the door for the two to follow and meowed wanting them to follow it and leave the hotel that they were staying in. It would eventually lead them to the group, and the cat approached Janelle letting out a meow and demanding pets from her clearly.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Location: San Francisco - Taxi
Skills: N/A

Stella was admittedly still a little star struck when Persephone got into the cab and hugged her, and then admitted the reason was to visit and help her out on her quest. She had gone from being an only child to having some really amazing older siblings in the span of a whole week! She couldn't help but feel like her birthday had come again, which was impossible. She could tell that Arbor was curious about her older sister, as he got up a little and went to curl up in her lap, as if he had known her his whole life. Stella relaxed a bit and brushed off her lap, and started to raise her hand to her mouth, and started to think.

"You said you're here to help, right? May I ask in what way?" Stella finally broached the topic once they could see the Golden Gate Bridge, as they seemed to wiz through the city with ease. Stella had been in the City a handful of times, that she could remember, and it had never seemed this easy as far as she could recall. Of course, that might have been because neither of her father's drove like a taxi driver.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Outside Lotus Hotel -- Las Vegas

While Sunshine led the way, Zeke tugged at his new shirt and hair. He was suddenly nervous, but it wasn’t the same way he got nervous before a fight. He and Demetri didn’t exactly end their conversation on the best of terms, and between looking after himself and worrying for Nancy, Ezekiel didn’t contact Demetri again. He could only imagine how disappointed Demetri was. What if he was going to break up with Zeke? After all, the douche party god had Demi to himself for the last three days.

Ezekiel sighed and ran a hand through his hair, giving up on making sure it fell properly. He glanced over at Nancy. He knew she would run with him and avoid this whole mess if he asked. Of course, if they left, the chances of the others making it out alive were slim to none. All the people selected for a quest were chosen for a reason. Each of them had lessons to learn and strengths to provide for the benefit of the group.

”Just another hotel, right?” He opted for nudging Nancy’s arm rather than looping his around hers. Zeke might have wanted the contact, but he wasn’t sure Nancy would appreciate it. She might think she was trapped. ”I mean, I know it’s not, but… Dad said you wouldn’t be caught in their spell again, so um…” Ezekiel nervously rubbed the back of his neck. He wouldn’t be able to help Nancy in there. Aside from Joanie, Sunshine, and maybe the golden halo with legs, Nancy would have to figure out how to break them free on her own. ”Just remember you aren’t alone, okay? I know I will be out of commission, but I’m still there. I’ll still be here for you, even when you go off and be a badass with Aunt Artemis. And you have Joanie, and Mads, and Niah. They are always with you even if they aren’t physically.”

They rounded the corner, and the Lotus Hotel finally came into view. Ezekiel took a deep breath and let it out slowly, looking up at the place. His eyes scanned down, and they landed on a familiar group. His eyes searched until they found Demetri’s. The weight of Demetri’s watch and bracelet pulled on his arm. Gods, please let us be okay. Eros save us, Aphrodite, let us move on.

Sunshine bounded ahead and wound himself around Janelle’s legs. ”That’s Sunshine,” he informed her. ”According to Dad, they’ll lead us to the door downstairs.” Ezekiel glanced up at the hotel before his eyes drifted back to Demetri. His eyes slowly roamed over Demetri, growing more concerned. He glanced at Nancy and then back. Ezekiel shifted his pack, pulled it open and produced the fruit from this morning. He had been hoping Nancy would get her appetite back, but by the looks of it, Demetri needed the food as well. ”Eat.” He handed the fruit to Demi.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 33 min ago

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo
Skills: Agility, Endurance

Demetri had initially been scanning the crowds in search for Zeke, dark splotches painting his vision as he came in and out of focus during the search. It was hard to keep a smile when he felt as though he had nothing to smile about. After some time his eyes started to lose focus, the busy streets of LA turning more and more into a blur as he stared off into the middle distance. His mind was miles away as he leaned against a streetlamp near the hotel. He'd half heard Kristin's explanation, but none of it mattered. If the hotel was bound to trap them then it'd do so, if not then there was no need to worry about it. Right? To say he was lost in thought wouldn't be accurate, there wasn't a single thought going through his mind at all. It was a blank slate allowing him to reserve as much of what little energy he had left from the days of not eating.

It wasn't until Zeke spoke, his voice calling Demi back out of his head space. Demetri's eyes glided towards those of his boyfriend. He didn't know what to say, he went to take a half step forward, but managed only to get off the street light before getting a bit dizzy from it all. Normally he'd have held onto something, to gain his balance more, but he didn't want to let slip how badly the last fight had affected him. Demi eyed the apple like it was some foreign object before placing his hand on it and pushing it gently back towards Zeke. "I…had a big breakfast. Thanks though, I meant to get you something from the cart…" His voice was shaky as he tried to fight back all the emotions roiling inside of him. Anger, Depression, Elation, Jealousy, he didn't know which to let through, he also didn't want to be more of a burden than he already was.

Cassian had been standing near Kristin and Janelle, hand placed above his brow as he shaded his eyes from the sun in search of their two missing companions. It was mostly in vain, as no matter how hard he looked he couldn't find a single sign of them. His attention shifted when Kristin decided to brief them a bit more on the Lotus Hotel. "Sounds like we're going to need to be quick then. Since time is literally not on our side in this place." he commented as he tried to think before a small cat came barreling towards them.

Cassian went down to pet the cat, mostly putting his hand out to allow the feline to sniff his scent and if it cared to, rub under his palm like it would a post. He looked up and saw Zeke and Nancy approaching. He wanted to make a comment about the name, and ask further questions about what he meant by a cat leading them, but it seemed as though Zeke and Demi were finally getting some "me" time. Not the best kind but…some time enough after being apart for a few days.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Labyrinth
Skill: Electrokinesis

Andy's magic had failed. But Mads got them across the bridge. Andy stumbled a bit but got her feet under her. Andy clutched the sword. She looked in the direction they needed to go. It was clear. But monsters were coming up behind them. She threw up one of her hands, the other still holding the sword, and sent lightning at them. It hit but didn't do much. But Andy wasn't going to give up that easily. She pulled. Gathered the static in the air and then with a thought threw it at the monsters again.

Several turned to dust. That had to be good enough. She spun on her foot and ran in the direction the map had indicated. Her lungs ached. Even after doing so much training, it wasn't the same as running for your life. She knew they couldn't kill the giant. They didn't have a god with them. Unless Damon was really a god in disguise. But Andy wasn't going to hold her breath for that. Especially since she needed it to run.

Location: Taxi

"I'm good." Niah smiled. She felt a little tired. A little drained after what she had just seen. She wondered if Persephone would be able to answer a question. The ride was passing quickly. That was a relief. Though it meant they were that much closer to Mount Tam.

"Unrelated, and I know it might not be on your radar, so feel free to not answer or whatever. But do you know anything about my sister Dalisy?" She couldn't not ask. This was the first time she had ever doubted that her sister was dead. If one of the underworld knew.

"I sadly don't know her, but I can ask my husband about it for you if you'd like."

"If it isn't too much trouble. It's been a few years." Curses for having a human in the car. But Persephone should understand what she meant. "Anyway, Stella's question is the same as my next one." Niah needed to shift her focus back to the issue at hand. Not her long-dead sister.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 days ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Las Vegas
Skills: N/A

Nancy nodded slightly, at Zeke's explanation about his boyfriend. Relationships and romance just sounded exhausting. She didn't get the appeal of them, why other people pursued them so fiercely. She'd be perfectly happy to live out her days in the company of friends, a beautiful platonic cohabitation. Hopefully she would find that with Diana's hunters. She watched as the strange cat woke up and bolted out the door. Apollo had mentioned that they'd need to follow Sunshine. It looked like that started now.

It felt like an eternity stretched out before her, as she stared at the exit of their hotel room, suddenly immobile.

But the spell broke, as Nancy began to walk, her entire body numb as she headed in the direction of the place that had destroyed her life - the Lotus Hotel and Casino. She was quiet at first on the walk, not answering or even responding as Zeke mentioned that it was just another hotel. She had wanted to roll her eyes at him, but found that she couldn't - that her body refused to respond. It was all she could do to put one foot out in front of the other, over and over again, as they followed the cat.

Just before they rounded the corner, Nancy managed to push a physical response from her body - it was small, but it was so incredibly hard. She nodded. She tried to open her mouth to form words, and it was hard, it was harder than the quests she'd been on before - harder than training at Camp - but she managed it. "I know," Nancy whispered.

The others were here. But her gaze slipped off of them, instead focusing on the lobby doors behind them. Her body wanted to dissolve into nothingness. She wanted to scream and cry and run. She stood rooted in place, feeling her heart beat itself to death, over and over again. She tilted her head upwards, looking at the sun in the sky.

And then without explanation - without waiting for the others - Nancy walked forward. She pushed her trembling hands against the door, opening it, and she stepped inside the place that had at times felt like her grave.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Janelle Gauger

Location: Las Vegas
Skills: N/A

She just sort of listened to what Kristin was saying with regards to the hotel, and at least giving them some information to go off of, though she still wasn't too sure what this place would be like. They had to move quickly, but the problem was they weren't even positive as to where in the hotel they had to go to in order to reach their goal. This wasn't exactly going to be a simple thing.

Her attention was drawn away by the feeling of something small and fuzzy rubbing up against her legs, followed by a meow. Janelle couldn't help but giggle a little bit at the appearance of the cat, as she reached down to say hello. "Well where ded you come frahm lettle one," she said as she picked the cat up into her arms, petting it. Of course then her happy little bubble with the cat got interrupted and popped by Zeke popping up with Nancy finally. The cat apparently belonged to them, but she was just sort of ignoring Zeke's words at this point, deciding to focus once more only on the cat in her arms.

Jason Gauger

Location: The Train Station
Skills: N/A

The cab did not seem like it should be designed for this many people to be in it. Well, at least comfortably really. Since there were now four of them plus the driver in the car. Oh well, he wasn't entirely sure where they were going still, but he figured at this point he'd listen more to what the others were saying rather then add to the conversation himself. Since so many voices were already talking.

Well, aside from answering Persephone's question, "I'm alright," he said with a shrug as he listened to the others. Niah was mentioning someone he hadn't heard about at all, a bit odd that she was mentioning it, but he figured it better not to ask or whatever. The conversation seemed to be shifting though as both Stella and Niah seemed to be thinking the same question, and he was wondering too, namely how was Persephone going to help them out.

Marygold Isley

Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: N/A

Mary was pretty sure this was going to be the part where they all died trying to get out of the Labyrinth. They were being chased by monsters, and who knew how far it would be to get to one of the exits of the place. Which meant they could find themselves on the run for a very long time trying to get out for all they knew. That would spell out disaster since the monsters likely could run for a hell of a lot longer then they could.

The bridge was definitely a fun thing to cross. She didn't exactly say much with regards to Madalyne using her magic to seemingly get them across, and then there was the issue of the giant. "We've got to keep going... Though I hope we get to an exit or at least lose these guys soon. Otherwise this is not going to end well for us," she said as they kept running along. She really was hoping this would stop with the chaos soon enough, but she didn't say anything else as she followed the arrow on the map, hoping things would work out.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by DragonicQueen
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DragonicQueen Little Bluebird

Member Seen 2 days ago

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: New York City
Skills: Hydrokinsis

Sera nodded in agreement, father would know best where to place Hercules and to make sure the cyclops was happy & safe. Once they arrived to Atlantis she was glad to see that the trident was now back in his hands, hopefully nobody would be taking it from him again. "You're welcome. I'm just happy that we got it back....." The girl nodded softly before being surprised. She really hadn't expected a hug from the god of the sea. Yet it was nice to see that he cared, she wondered if the other gods and goddesses where the same to their demigod children.

"Mmhm." Sera followed Kiera and their father inside of the palace. "I was quiet curious about what will happened with the cyclops boy, Hercules. If you wanted him to stick around down here in the ocean or if he should go somewhere else." Really she just wanted to make sure that the young monster wouldn't get into anything too dangerous, no matter what the final decision was.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 19 min ago

San Fransico, Amtrak Train Station:

"Well since the fall of New Rome happened monsters, both Giants and Titans have been making themselves at home there for awhile now. And you three might end up facing some Giants there, and you need the help of a god against them at least." Persephone said to the three of them as the traffic started to get congested now as they entered the city proper, the driver didn't seem to really be interested in the conversation going on really which was probably a good thing then.

It took awhile but they were now crossing over the Golden Gate Bridge as Persephone had been petting Arbor and giving the little pup some plant based treats as well to. She turned her attention back to Niah wondering more about what she had said and needed some more details as well. "Is there any other information that you could tell me about your sister? That way I know what to ask." She asked her as they quickly crossed over the bridge now.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Atlantis
Skills: Hydrokinsis.

Inside the palace Poseidon had led them into a massive dining room a large meal had been prepared for the three of them, he wanted to spend sometime with his daughters before sending them back home. There were a few paintings of another boy that was wearing a Camp Half-Blood t-shirt in them. It took a moment until she recongnized who it was, it was their older brother Percy if she remembered right he was spending most of his time in college now or something like that with his girlfriend.

Kiera turned her attention back to her father, as some of the servants were setting up the table now and setting plates down full of seafood funnily enough. "Hercules had spent sometime here before with the other cyclops in my care he's free to stay here with me if he chooses to it is entirely up to him though." Poseidon said, as Kiera started to dig into her food while looking back at her father it was hard to tell if it was day or night down her with the water being pretty deep.

"If you two would like as well you are welcome to spend the night here." Poseidon offered as Kiera turned towards her half-sister, she didn't mind staying the night it had been a very long day after all. "That would be nice." Kiera said to her father as she ate her food.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Labyrinth
Skills: Mystiokinsis

Madalyne was getting tired from all of the running as she started to cross the bridge now as well to as she started to dig into her pocket and pulled something out of it. It was the gem that she, Niah and Nancy had pulled from their quest a long time ago that started up their friendship. When Leandra tried to steal it before they all left she didn't really trust anyone else at camp other than her friends to keep it safe.

A monster managed to hit Madalyne in the side as one of them managed to catch up to her with a sword, she cried out in pain as she turned around and swung her sword at it as it burst into dust. Some blood started to drip from her side as she caught up to Mary and Andy she grabbed Mary's hand and handed it to her. "If anything happens to me make sure you give it to Niah and Nancy when you see them again." Madalyne said as she used her magic and started to form a barrier blocking off the monsters again.

"There that should buy us sometime.." Madalyne said as she started to move again, she noticed that her wound wasn't healing properly now which was odd. They just needed to get out of here as soon as possible and finish their quest she could hear monsters howling and making noises from behind them.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Las Vegas, Lotus Hotel & Casino
Skills: N/A

Kristin watched as both Nancy and Zeke finally started to appear, she was half expecting Demetri to either slap Zeke or start some kind of shouting match about him leaving the group. However that didn't happen surprisingly which was good then maybe they would be okay or something like that. The cat Sunshine just rubbed it's head up against Janelle's cheek clearly claiming her as it's little hooman forever and meowed demanding more pets from her.

Alexios was a little bit nervous and annoyed that a fight didn't happen between Zeke and Demi and a little bit disappointed as well to, but he decided to not say anything really as he stood there a little bit longer when Kristin started to speak up. "Alright then everyone lets head inside and stick together and don't get separated from each other either." Kristin told them offering her hand for Janelle if she choose to take it before heading inside.

Once everyone was inside the hotel the whole place was pretty loud they could all see people some dressed in modern clothing while there were a few others their clothes appeared to be much, much older. Someone quickly approached the group and offered them a plate of cookies, the frosting on them clearly resembling a lotus.

"Good afternoon y'all! Would any of you all like a cookie?" The woman said having a southern accent to her voice, everyone was drawn to taking one of the cookies on the plate. The only two people who weren't affected by it was Janelle and Nancy however. Kristin was reaching for one of them she always did have a thing for cookies.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Location: San Francisco - Taxi
Skills: N/A

Stella paused as Niah asked about her sister, and said that she wouldn't even be on her radar. Niah had a sister? It wasn't as surprising to Stella, as it seemed that some of the other demi-gods had siblings, like Jason and Janelle were siblings with different godly parents, so it wasn't like it didn't happen. However, Niah hadn't talked about her the entire trip and suddenly had brought her up, so something must have happened. Also the factor that Persephone said that she would ask her husband wasn't a good thing, since her husband was Hades... Lord of the Underworld. Stella realized why Niah didn't talk about her sister when that came up, she was probably done.

She wasn't going to press it, as it wasn't her business at all, and they had some other business to attend to. "Thank you for coming to help us with the Giants and Titans then." She sighed softly as she reached over to pet Arbor again, trying to calm herself down. She hadn't really heard of Giants in Greek mythology before, but they couldn't be good right? They were always the bad guys in Fairy Tales, kidnapping princesses and holding things ransom. So, if that was the case this also had to be bad for them too.
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