Lance Banner

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Advanced First Aid
Magneto thought for a moment with what it was that Guin was saying and asking of him. It took a moment for him to come to a decision on it though.
"If that is what you wish, then so be it," he said to her, before he pulled his helmet off of his head, holding it under his arms, looking right at her.
"If you must." Well now Pietro was just insanely confused by the whole situation. Since he could guess what Guin had been expecting to have happen, and he was positive that
that was not it.
...I've never seen him actually willing take that thing off... Why did he take it off? Pietro said mentally to her, clearly a bit weirded out.
Lance was kind of glad that Ed (wherever he was) seemingly had healed him and Guin at the least. Though sounded like he was unable to heal Jaclyn or anything, which made him just sort of look at her injuries a bit now.
"Here, let me look," he said as he took one of her arms carefully to not irritate the injuries anymore and started looking at the burns on her arms.
"Well, can't do much for the burns at the moment considering they aren't bleeding and don't have bandages or anything to potentially dampen that. Not even pain killers. However the fact that you feel them and that I'm guessing they hurt is actually a good thing. Means there isn't as much damage to the nerves so the burns are less severe, guessing second degree burns if I had to guess. You should be fine for a little while until Ed shows up to help heal this..." he said to her, trying to be a bit reassuring to her about it. Though the burns probably hurt like hell. His leg still did and he was hesitant to try and walk on it at the moment. Course he could shift but that might not exactly be the best of options right now.
Looking over towards Carolina when she made her comment, he nodded his head,
"Well of course, anyone who comes here can come and go if they so choose, they don't have to stay here if they do not wish to." Pietro was about to say something towards his father when there was a slight rumble of something coming down the hallway, and if everyone looked over that direction, they'd all see a lot of water coming down the hallway a bit further along, and no idea of where it was that it was coming from. Pietro was very much about to go start rushing people out of the hallway, when metal started going forward, eventually cutting off that part of the hallway past everyone (the group watching the camera can still see the group though) and there was the sound of water slamming into the metal wall, and a little bit of water started seeping through the cracks in the makeshift wall.
"Ok, well, first an explosion, now the place is flooding. Seems like this sort of place is cursed at this rate if you ask me."
Marygold Isley

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A
"...Actually killing us directly might not have been the goal. Causing our powers to go haywire could do a lot more damage then that. Think about it Perry, when your powers went crazy it summoned up a bunch of ghosts that started attacking us. Now imagine if that power got caused on a larger scale, as in enough to summon hundreds of them. That wouldn't just necessarily get you killed, but probably would have gotten a lot more people killed all at once. That would be more concerning then just him burning us out and killing us that way..." Mary ended up saying, though she was very much a bit scattered brain at the moment.
Her mind was very much trying to argue with itself and actually try to come up with a reasonable plan as to what to do since it didn't seem lie getting out of the situation was going to be so simple. They had to deal with the sort of situation they were in. The others were currently dealing with Magneto, which was a good thing, well, she still wasn't entirely sure what the whole situation with that was. It was very confusing at points trying to piece together what was going on at the moment.
Then someone else just had to show up, great. As if what was going on in her head wasn't bad enough to deal with, there now was another person here.
"No, we're not here to jump on the Magneto bandwagon, actually trying to think of where best to avoid him at all costs, since you know, typically we aren't exactly on great terms with the guy. she commented, turning to look at Robert now. She wasn't exactly in the mood to overly be dealing with more people, or fighting actually at the moment. If she had to fight someone she's not exactly certain how it would end.
"Um, okay, so are you going to attack us for just being around like practically everyone else around here or not?" Flynn decided to ask Robert, before there was the sounds of yelling coming from the door and farther along down the hallway. Though the yelling cut off, before being replaced by another sound coming from the same direction.
It sounded like rushing water.
The ground rumbled underneath them and Flynn walked over to look outside into the hallway that they had come from. What he saw was not something he was super thrilled to see. There were more doors in the room but thankfully this seemed to be the only one that actually was open currently and he shut it and ensured it wasn't going to open any time soon.
"Our lives aren't simple, we've got a problem," he said as the sound of water got a whole lot louder, and underneath the door there looked to be water seeping through.
"The hallway might be underwater now. Or close to it." "Wait what?" Mary asked as an alarm started going off on the computer, showing that there seemed to be damage or something in the corridor next to them. There was only a few other doors in the room, and looked like only one of the doors wasn't connected to that hall. The others were starting to have water seep through them into the room.
Really not overly wanting to do it considering the chaos in her brain, she started searching telepathically for anyone out in that hallway. She eventually found someone. Actually it was the person who they had encountered earlier who could control and create water. However they seemed to be freaking out a bit, trying to stop their powers from going out of control, but that seemed to be making the entire situation worse.
"...It's one of the ones who attacked us earlier, Their powers are going haywire..." she said thinking for a moment, before looking at Robert and the computers again.
"Alright, right now we all might get screwed with this, but considering our last encounter with them they seemed perfectly fine and in control of it, well. Which considering our current situation and encounters with people I'd say there is likely only one person who could have caused that. We know some about Cortez from the computers and our own interactions with him. Perry, see if there is anything else about Cortez in the computer aside from what we've already found out. We need to figure out the best way out of this room though. Mr. Linden, I'm Marygold Isley, current field leader of the X-Men, what do you know about a guy by the name of Fabian Cortez?"