Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Power Mimicry - Active Power: Chaos Magic

Despite Guin and Pietro's distrust of Magneto, OfAll was believing him. A part of her mind thought she should follow their lead, being they actually knew him. Another part of her mind said the opposite for the exact same reason; lenses could be clouded. It just didn't make sense, at least presently, for Magneto to play confused. Unless he was trying to get one over on them and couldn't have them suspecting that since they were all still here, meaning he'd have to try again sometime.

Or unless he was luring them into a false sense of security, planning something much worse he would shortly be leading them to.
Still, it seemed like a lot of unnecessary trouble. But what could you really put past megalomaniacs?

In any case, the situation was at hand, and OfAll had to focus on the concrete at least as much as the abstract.

And that's when something very real caught her attention: the sound of Lance snapping his leg back into place.

Besides being mildly sickening, this had the side effect of dialing OfAll's mind back onto own injuries.
Movement -her own, or others' near her- caused a fresh wave of stinging from the movement of air across her hands and especially her arms. The need to survive -adrenaline, had distracted her from much of her pain up until this moment. Things had calmed down, and it was all coming back.

She was only vaguely aware of Carolina appearing, her words washing over OfAll though she wasn't quite catching their meaning.

Then the words spoken by a different voice rang clearer in OfAll's ears. "Not really," she answered Bethany, distress conveyed in her voice, "is Edus with you?" OfAll asked, registering how finally they had found -or been found by- on of the group who had been taken. The rest had to be close, right?

They could get out of here --Magneto willing.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 24 min ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: Perception, Basic Spellcraft, Soul Staff (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

So Magneto had intended for there to be Contests of Strength for the right to be in his new paradise. Though it appeared they were meant to be voluntary contests, no death situations only meant to help bolster defenses while the Asteroid was still being worked on. It was clear to Max that Exodus must have done exactly what he had implied earlier. He must've heard about the way it was meant to work and twisted the ideals to his own crusade as an excuse to go and fight X-men new and old to not only prove themselves worthy, but to also eliminate those who may stand in their way later on down the road. It all made sense and allied with what Max had managed to learn about Magneto throughout the years. He wanted to counter Pietro's own refusal of the proposed truth, with how in all these years Magneto had been the only one to consistently offer mutants a choice, even when M-pox ravaged across the country he came to the MU and offered them a chance for the cure, something Charles never did. He wanted to tell him there was no way that Magneto could know everything that happened when he doubted Charles himself could account for every single one of his students or followers.

There was so much he wanted to say, but it all fell to the wayside as a sickening crack resounded in the metallic corridor. Lance was injured, Max needed to help but his healing magic was touchy at best, especially with that bubble of light around them pushing him off. He took one step forward when Carolina came into view and began yelling at him for leaving them behind. "Now's not the time for that Reed. But if you'd like an answer as to why I'll be happy to explain it all to you once this situation is diffused and we are on our merry way." Max replied with an edge to his voice before giving his attention to Jaclyn. "No, but I can attempt to contact him…again." Ed had been the most difficult person he'd ever tried to call, it was like he didn't want to be found by Max, like how he felt on the walk to the Dark Castle. Distant, fearful, and alone. Fortunately for him his spell made contact as scanned over the bodies before him, Lance's leg being the only injury he could see.

Now what was meant to be said was "Ed, It's Max. Magento found us but he seems to be friendly for now. Lance is injured, his legs broken...can you patch him up from afar?" But unbeknownst to Max, his spell had come with mystical static that plagued the message Ed received. So all his dear mystic friend would receive is "Ed, It's Max. [Tcssssshhhhcht] found us [tsht] he [Tssshhhhhhhcchhssshht] friendly for [Tsht]. [Tsssht] is injured, his legs are broken...can you patch [tsshrt] up [tsht] afar?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry)

Ed let those with computer skills figure out what they could on the computers. What Flynn told them was terrifying. Cortez could have killed them if he had overdone it. Though, among mutants that wasn't all that unusual he supposed. Death was always flitting around them. He turned to start to ask Mary a question when Max's voice came into his head.

He frowned. He hated that. People invading his mind. His family trained against it. But Max had only seemed to get there a little bit. Whatever message he was trying to relay came in bits and pieces. The important part was that someone was hurt. Max's message was garbled enough that he had no idea who was injured. He wished that Annie was there so that she could give him help with guessing who it might be.

"Max just told me that he has met up with some others. Someone is being unexpectedly friendly and someone is hurt. The message came in a garbled mess. Apparently, he doesn't know that I am resistant to telepaths." Ed shrugs, "He is asking if I can heal the person from afar. Theoretically, I could, if I knew who it was." He hadn't ever tried to heal someone that wasn't in eyesight. He couldn't think of a reason for it to not work though. So he just had to guess who was hurt and hoped it worked.

Ed thought for a moment and narrowed it down to Lance, Guin, and Jaclyn. He didn't have any hair from Jaclyn so he couldn't heal her. But the other two he could. He reached into his pocket and tapped the two vials that had been neatly labeled Guin and Lance. Guin would feel a warmth spreading from the top of her head down to her toes and she felt back at 100% suddenly. Lance would feel the same thing, though he did not get back to 100%. He might be able to walk, but it wasn't recommended. For those watching they'd see an orange light emanate from the tops of their heads and surround them before disappearing. The color of the light was easy to associate with Ed. It was the color of all his magic.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 39 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: SPACE! Again…

At the sight of the explosion, Antoinette took a moment to catch her breath and survey the situation. There were a lot of people in the room currently, including Magneto, who they had tricked a short while ago. Antoinette took a careful step backwards to avoid drawing attention to herself. She removed Arnold from her shoulder and tucked him safely away in her sweater.
An orange glow caught her eye, and Antoinette turned her head to see the glow moving over Guin and Lance. She recognized it as Edus’ magic and smiled. At least she knew he was here and okay. As for the rest of the situation, it sounded like Pietro was having a heart-to-heart with his father. She assumed it was going well as no one was currently attacking the other, but that left her with one question – now what?
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 days ago

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

Guin didn't notice Max perform magic on her wound, as it was on the back of her head. She wasn't going to remove the pressure she was keeping on it, so she didn't notice that the bleeding had stopped either. If she had noticed, maybe it would have altered her opinion of him. Just maybe. Instead, she was hyper focused on Magneto and the bullshit he was spewing. She didn't buy it, not for a second. People could change - but not that much. He was still the man who twirled nukes with his finger, who threatened the human race with extinction, who abused his children. There wasn't room for nuance.

"If you're not lying, then remove your helmet," Guin challenged. "Let me see the truth for myself." She was calling his bluff. She knew there was no way Magneto would take off that helmet. There was no way he would let her dive into his mind and see what the truth was. Maybe it was stupid to challenge him here and now, but she didn't care. She wasn't going to be afraid of him. And she wasn't going to let him get away with hurting people again. This was the same Magneto, just in space.

Others from the group rejoined them - not Mary though. Instead, Mary sent Guin a somewhat alarming message, about someone with a power that sounded suspiciously like performance enhancing drugs. Magneto's claiming he's innocent. Calling his bluff. Come join us if you can. Probably without your new friend. We're either going to fight to the death or leave. Although she figured a fight was somewhat guaranteed - if Magneto was telling the truth, then Exodus was behind all of this.

And he had already tried to murder Pietro once.

She flinched slightly, hearing the crack from Lance trying to set his leg. Not too much later, the pain in her head then ceased, as if the wound was healed. Guin tentatively dropped her hand, before prodding at where it had been with her fingers.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil was running with the others, finally making it to where more of their team was located. OfAll, Lance, Guin, Pietro, Exodus, and Magneto were all there - as were Carolina, Bethany, Mira, Annie, and now himself. His stomach twisted with discomfort at that thought. It wasn't the fact of who was present... No, it was the pronouns he mentally used. Annie had just told him to trust his gut, something he knew had been attributed to his feeling that he had sensed Lance's death... But instead, he was applying it differently.

For the last however many weeks, he had been denying something building up inside. He had been ignoring what his gut had been telling him.

Neil Spellman was not a boy.

It felt like a dam breaking loose, and they trembled. Tears welled up in their eyes. They hadn't even said the words, they had just thought them, but it was... it was so liberating. So freeing. Maybe it wasn't the time or place to have the egg hatch, but Neil didn't care. The tension left their shoulders and they stood a little taller. They felt warm.

"S-so... What's going on?" Neil asked, sounding a little dazed. No one was fighting, not exactly anyways. In fact, everyone seemed to just be... talking?
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: Coding
Fit Of The Day

Perry grew even more upset hearing that Cortez could have done more damage. "I do not regret punching that douchebag in the face. Hell, knowing he could have killed us makes me want to go back there and punch him again, but we got more pressing matters. Let's get those cameras pulled up." With some maneuvering, Perry managed to get a camera pulled up. It wasn't great by any means, the angle was wrong, but it showed them some things.

"Here we go, we can kind of see them." Ed had mentioned that Max was communicating telepathically with them. That had to be a weird feeling. "Perhaps you can see who it is on the camera now?" she suggested. Either way, they should get moving soon. Connect with everybody and get off this stupid rock.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 19 min ago

Robert Linden

Finally seemed to be making some progress. Nobody seemed to be about. Simultaneously relieving and annoying. He stopped for a 20ish seconds in order to reabsorbed the X-Men suit and de-absorbed his normal clothes, putting them back on the outside. He was no-where near where that explosion had happened, the only thing that suit would do right now is get him beaten up by angry brotherhood mutants. As he panted heavily and walked around a few steps with hands on hips. Running took it out of him, especially while trying to concentrate on keeping his spine intact. He let out a long sigh "Feck it" He let out from under his breath. No specific reason to be running now, he would conserve his energy by switching back to the wheelchair... Or at least, that's what he was going to do, when he suddenly saw an explosion of orange light from out of one of the open doors. "What in the power of Greyskull..." He mumbled, before slowly sneaking over and looking into one of the computer rooms to see a kid sat at a computer with 2 girls and another guy in there. Didn't recognize them. Could be with the other X-Men, but could also be some of Magneto's new worshippers. Best play it safe and act dumb. He poked his head through the door "Ummm, hello?" He asked. "New recruits for the construction team? Maintainance? Tech-Support? Robert Linden, chief architect for the Asteroid." He slowly sidled around the outside of the room, trying to act naturally, but also being wary in case they decided to just laser him to death (Brotherhood mutants were prone to trying that one) "Sorry, just need to get to this computer..." He strategically chose a computer that would allow him to keep an eye on the 4 in front of him while also checking. "Just need to check some of the internal sensors. There was a big explosion a few minutes ago and just need to make sure that we're not all about to be turned inside out in a violent explosive decompression." He laughed in order to hide his true feelings which was utter terror.

If these guys were some of Magneto's worshippers, they may be about to head off and start a fight in his Asteroid that could rip the station apart and if they were X-Men... Well, much of the same, frankly. Point is, that he had FINALLY figured out how to get Magneto out of Earths problem box without killing him and now that solution was falling apart because Erik just HAD to go and grab an X-Man for his station. And then there was Jasmine. If he was turned into People-Patte here and now, who would look after her? He breathed a sigh of relief as none of the internal sensors seemed to be registering any decompression. "Well, the good news is we are going to live right now, but the main question is how i can help our brave, intrepid explorers to the stars?" He asked with a big friendly smile that hid his preparations to defend himself if he should be attacked.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Lance Banner

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Advanced First Aid

Magneto thought for a moment with what it was that Guin was saying and asking of him. It took a moment for him to come to a decision on it though. "If that is what you wish, then so be it," he said to her, before he pulled his helmet off of his head, holding it under his arms, looking right at her. "If you must."

Well now Pietro was just insanely confused by the whole situation. Since he could guess what Guin had been expecting to have happen, and he was positive that that was not it. ...I've never seen him actually willing take that thing off... Why did he take it off? Pietro said mentally to her, clearly a bit weirded out.

Lance was kind of glad that Ed (wherever he was) seemingly had healed him and Guin at the least. Though sounded like he was unable to heal Jaclyn or anything, which made him just sort of look at her injuries a bit now. "Here, let me look," he said as he took one of her arms carefully to not irritate the injuries anymore and started looking at the burns on her arms. "Well, can't do much for the burns at the moment considering they aren't bleeding and don't have bandages or anything to potentially dampen that. Not even pain killers. However the fact that you feel them and that I'm guessing they hurt is actually a good thing. Means there isn't as much damage to the nerves so the burns are less severe, guessing second degree burns if I had to guess. You should be fine for a little while until Ed shows up to help heal this..." he said to her, trying to be a bit reassuring to her about it. Though the burns probably hurt like hell. His leg still did and he was hesitant to try and walk on it at the moment. Course he could shift but that might not exactly be the best of options right now.

Looking over towards Carolina when she made her comment, he nodded his head, "Well of course, anyone who comes here can come and go if they so choose, they don't have to stay here if they do not wish to."

Pietro was about to say something towards his father when there was a slight rumble of something coming down the hallway, and if everyone looked over that direction, they'd all see a lot of water coming down the hallway a bit further along, and no idea of where it was that it was coming from. Pietro was very much about to go start rushing people out of the hallway, when metal started going forward, eventually cutting off that part of the hallway past everyone (the group watching the camera can still see the group though) and there was the sound of water slamming into the metal wall, and a little bit of water started seeping through the cracks in the makeshift wall.

"Ok, well, first an explosion, now the place is flooding. Seems like this sort of place is cursed at this rate if you ask me."

Marygold Isley

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

"...Actually killing us directly might not have been the goal. Causing our powers to go haywire could do a lot more damage then that. Think about it Perry, when your powers went crazy it summoned up a bunch of ghosts that started attacking us. Now imagine if that power got caused on a larger scale, as in enough to summon hundreds of them. That wouldn't just necessarily get you killed, but probably would have gotten a lot more people killed all at once. That would be more concerning then just him burning us out and killing us that way..." Mary ended up saying, though she was very much a bit scattered brain at the moment.

Her mind was very much trying to argue with itself and actually try to come up with a reasonable plan as to what to do since it didn't seem lie getting out of the situation was going to be so simple. They had to deal with the sort of situation they were in. The others were currently dealing with Magneto, which was a good thing, well, she still wasn't entirely sure what the whole situation with that was. It was very confusing at points trying to piece together what was going on at the moment.

Then someone else just had to show up, great. As if what was going on in her head wasn't bad enough to deal with, there now was another person here.

"No, we're not here to jump on the Magneto bandwagon, actually trying to think of where best to avoid him at all costs, since you know, typically we aren't exactly on great terms with the guy. she commented, turning to look at Robert now. She wasn't exactly in the mood to overly be dealing with more people, or fighting actually at the moment. If she had to fight someone she's not exactly certain how it would end.

"Um, okay, so are you going to attack us for just being around like practically everyone else around here or not?" Flynn decided to ask Robert, before there was the sounds of yelling coming from the door and farther along down the hallway. Though the yelling cut off, before being replaced by another sound coming from the same direction.

It sounded like rushing water.

The ground rumbled underneath them and Flynn walked over to look outside into the hallway that they had come from. What he saw was not something he was super thrilled to see. There were more doors in the room but thankfully this seemed to be the only one that actually was open currently and he shut it and ensured it wasn't going to open any time soon. "Our lives aren't simple, we've got a problem," he said as the sound of water got a whole lot louder, and underneath the door there looked to be water seeping through. "The hallway might be underwater now. Or close to it."

"Wait what?" Mary asked as an alarm started going off on the computer, showing that there seemed to be damage or something in the corridor next to them. There was only a few other doors in the room, and looked like only one of the doors wasn't connected to that hall. The others were starting to have water seep through them into the room.

Really not overly wanting to do it considering the chaos in her brain, she started searching telepathically for anyone out in that hallway. She eventually found someone. Actually it was the person who they had encountered earlier who could control and create water. However they seemed to be freaking out a bit, trying to stop their powers from going out of control, but that seemed to be making the entire situation worse. "...It's one of the ones who attacked us earlier, Their powers are going haywire..." she said thinking for a moment, before looking at Robert and the computers again. "Alright, right now we all might get screwed with this, but considering our last encounter with them they seemed perfectly fine and in control of it, well. Which considering our current situation and encounters with people I'd say there is likely only one person who could have caused that. We know some about Cortez from the computers and our own interactions with him. Perry, see if there is anything else about Cortez in the computer aside from what we've already found out. We need to figure out the best way out of this room though. Mr. Linden, I'm Marygold Isley, current field leader of the X-Men, what do you know about a guy by the name of Fabian Cortez?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry)
Skills: Magic (shield & healing)

Ed watched the camera feed a bit. The newcomer seemed a bit frazzled to him. At least he wasn't acting aggressive. Mary asked the same question he was wondering. Though the man wasn't actively aggressive, he was nervous about them.

Then there was water coming under the door. Ed sighed and tried to put up a shield to stop water from coming under the door. There was still some water seeping through some cracks. He reinforced his shield. If this guy was an architect on the ship he might be able to help them find a way out. They still needed to meet up with the others. But at least at the moment, they weren't dead. And Ed hadn't missed that Magneto had taken off his helmet. Maybe the guy had turned over a new leaf? Is that who Max had meant when he said they had run into someone who was acting nice? That seemed likely since Max was with Lance...and Lance wasn't putting weight on his legs. That probably meant he was really the one who had broken his legs.

"And if you aren't thinking of how to kill us when we aren't looking, maybe you can help us meet back up with our friends and get off this rock. Uh...No offense to your design, but we don't really want to be here." He asked and tapped the vial with Lance's name on it.

He watched the video and could see the orange glow of his magic wrap around Lance's legs. He wasn't certain how much better that was for Lance, but hopefully, he'd be able to stand now.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Power Mimicry - Active Power: Chaos Magic

OfAll was still trying to get back on top of her pain. She wasn't sure what was going on between Max and Carolina, but registered how Max answered her and made an attempt to contact Edus.

Why didn't he..? Her thought trailed off. Her figuring mind needed to take a back seat at the moment.

Soon after an orange glow was discernable over Guin and Lance beneath Lance's yellow light, and their injuries seemed improved. OfAll understood -- Edus didn't have her hair, yet, so he couldn't do the same for her. At least this was proof Max had made contact and that was reassuring.

OfAll thought she heard another voice down the hall when her attention was shifted back to Magneto as Guin requested he remove his helmet, clearly not thinking he would. Yet, he did.

Lance was carefully taking OfAll's arms at that point to have a look at them. Somehow, she felt a bit better from the acknowledgement. If nothing else, hearing the words "you should be fine for a little while" was like doubling down on OfAll's own thought 'you just have to overcome the pain a little longer'..

She could manage.

And. . .had Magneto just said, with no uncertain wording, that they could leave?

Forget flood of relief, though -- a literal flood seemed to be on its way to them -- Magneto blocked it just in time with a makeshift wall of metal, though water seeped through the cracks.

One of OfAll's brows lowered over her eye. Where had that come from? The Asteroid would require a supply of fresh water. Had the storage bay for that just burst?

Pietro's thought on the place being cursed reached her ears. Her mouth twisted a little guilty -- the first part of that "curse" had been her own doing. Surely her explosion hadn't had anything to do with the flood, though?

"We're supposed to be meeting up with the rest of our group," OfAll stated to Magneto, concern evident in her voice and expression, "are there...are there any flood protocols that would seal off rooms?" She didn't know where they were in relation. She looked to Max. "Do you still have a link with Edus?"
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Carolina Reed

Location: Blackbird
Skills: N/A

Carolina stared at Max giving him a slightly annoyed look as she crossed her arms over her chest, he could have at least explained himself why he just up and left all of them like that was still rude and annoying as hell to her. When she turned to look over her shoulder she quickly smiled seeing both Annie and Neil were there now and quickly made her way over to the two of them. "Are you guys alright?" Carolina asked, she was glad that the two of them were alive and well now as Carolina turned to look at the others.

A slight glow went over both Guin and Lance seeing that the two of them were healed now which was a good thing then and Ed was able to heal them from afar. What happened next surprised Carolina as Magneto took off his helmet, which was something that he never did at all before out of all the encounters she had with him, his helmet was always on. However she started to hear the rush of water and Magneto managed to create a wall of metal blocking the water from rushing all of them. "So is there a way out of here?" Carolina as Magneto she was relieved that he said that they were all free to go.

Bethany Bell

Skills: N/A

Bethany was actually surprised that Magneto said that they were all free to come and go as they pleased which was actually a relief then and that they weren't prisoners here or anything like that. Neil and Annie luckily were able to catch up to them now as Bethany leaned herself up against a nearby wall. So far Magneto still didn't attack them which was a good thing then she was still worried about Exodus though as she stared at him for a moment.

Then Bethany could hear what sounded like rushing water and she could see a wave of water coming their way luckily Magneto managed to erect a metal wall blocking the water from washing them all away. The water slowly started to leak through little cracks in the wall, and she wasn't sure how long the wall would last. "Well that certainly doesn't look good at all." Bethany said as she agreed with Carolina if there was a way out for them to try and escape this area of the station.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 19 min ago

Robert Linden

Robert frowned at Flynn as he asked if he was about to attack them. "Nope, not gonna attack you. i'm trying very much to keep this station fully intact and working and there seems to be a few people around today that are doing their damnest to prevent that." Suddenly, the alarm started blaring on the computer screen as the faint sound of rushing water quickly grew louder "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL NOW?!" He yelled, quickly tapping at the keyboard to order all of the warning systems to report in with any errors. As Flynn closed the door and water rushed past, his heart dropped "That explosion, it must have ruptured one of the coolant tanks or hydroponics or-" That was weird, all of the systems that had anything to do with water seemed to be coming back as A-OK, no errors, no ruptures, no nothing... But failsafe flooding alarms were still going off. "Dammit, the bloody internal damage sensors must have been-" but it seemed that he wasn't allowed to finish a thought today as Ed accused him of waiting for them to have their back turned before stabbing it.

"Alright, let me make something very clear!" He growled. Before scrunching up his face, his clothes absorbing into himself before the X-Men suit was deabsorbed around himself. "Robert Stephen Patrick Linden, Codename Upgrade, Xavier Institute class of 2007. I made this place for 1 reason and 1 reason alone. I want Magneto off my damn planet and i don't want to kill him. Giving him his own station where he can bugger off to space and leave everyone on Earth alone seemed like the best way to do it. Trust me when i say, i want to be here as just little as you do. But we all want him gone. So let's give him the means to bugger off peacefully." He continued tapping away on the computer, trying to get the drainage systems from fire suppresion working. He then heard Mary mention about a mutants powers going haywire and it took a few seconds for Robert to figure out "Cortez..." moments before she asked him about Cortez. "Him and his sister showed up here a short while ago. Bloody snake-oil salesman that one is. Gives your powers a quick boost, but the come down... Seen a few guys act like it's Cocaine. Seemed a little too big into the Magneto Kool-Aid so i didn't think too much of him. Was hoping he'd go with Magneto when he left Earth." He continued tapping, before finally a ding and a distant clunk sound. "Right, got the air-tight emergency doors closed, so the water won't be spreading anywhere else, but that doesn't help us get out of here." He groaned. "I'll try and get the pumps working, but they were never really designed to handle this much water."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 39 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: SPACE! Again…

Antoinette glanced over at Neil. They stood closer to each other, arms barely brushing the other as they shifted, so she saw his posture change. He moved from looking caved in, to upright and straight. Antoinette was curious as to what brought his shift on, but it made her smile. Antoinette shifted her gaze back to the room when Carolina approached. Antoinette smiled and hugged her friend.
"We're good. How are you and the others?" Magneto's voice drifted back in. His voice was just one of those voices that could do that. She imagined that was one of the reasons why so many people followed him. He commanded a room without even trying. She noticed then that he was no longer wearing his helmet. It rested comfortably under his arm. Antoinette blinked once, twice, and looked at Guin. Well this was interesting. Then Antoinette heard something that shouldn't be.
"Is that…." She turned around to see water rushing down the hallway. A piece of metal quickly blocked off the entrance, but the water just started to seep under the door. They really needed to find the others and get out of this place.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: Coding
Fit Of The Day

Perry acknowledged the new face, unsure at first. Granted, it was one guy versus the rest of them, so he would be taken down even if the new dude wanted to harm them. It seemed it was not the case, but she still didn't trust him. Hell, he even admitted he made this facility they were trapped in. This facility, now, was being blown up with water rushing in. And to top it off, Robert made his way over to the computer, the one she was on, and started using it without acknowledging her! The jerk...

"First off, hey, the name's Perry. Second, regardless of where you were before with Xavier, the fact we are standing in a place you built and were brought here against our will doesn't exactly inspire confidence and trust. So you'll have to excuse me if I keep an eye on you and what you do until we get off this rock."

Perry pushed her way back onto the computer while Robert did his thing to find info on Cortez. She struggled in doing so, but managed to find something. In doing so, it confirmed everything Robert said. "He's right. There's nothing on Cortez from before. No one seems to know anything. He and his sister came about recently. And then it goes into his powers. All in all, grade A douchebag with a punchable face. So I suggest we get off this rock soon. Find the others, of course. Any means of escape Robert?" she asked with emphasis on his name.

Seems there were two douchebags with punchable faces on the asteroid.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 days ago

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

Guin was speechless, something that didn't come naturally to her. Magneto had removed his helmet - the very device that kept her or any other telepath from being able to enter his mind. She could hijack his body, she could violate him in every way that she could think of, she could erase every aspect of his being and leave him an empty vessel. He had removed the main barrier keeping her from murdering the person that he was. She almost thought it was a sign of trust, but she dismissed that idea. It didn't make sense for Magneto. The person who removed his helmet didn't match up with the father-in-law she knew, the one who tried to kill humans and abused his child.

She silently put a finger to the side of her head, and she entered Magneto's mind.

"He's telling the truth," Guin determined. "About all of it. He doesn't mean us harm...yet." Even having been inside his head and seeing what Magneto believed to be real, Guin was hesitant. Maybe the memories had been falsified somehow. Or even if everything was correct, Magneto could change his mind and decide to kill them all. She was about to say more, to ask that Magneto - as a show of good faith - leave the helmet off for the rest of this little adventure, when she heard the sound of roaring water.

She turned her head quickly, seeing a gushing onslaught coming towards them, only for it to be cut off by metal doors sealing shut. "Fucking hell," Guin cursed. "You sure this place is space worthy, Erik?"

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Ironically given the circumstances, Neil felt lighter than ever before. Sure, they were pleased to see that it seemed like Magneto was telling the truth and they'd all be able to leave, but that wasn't what had filled them up with a newfound buoyancy. No, in this weird metal crucible of a Star Wars space station, they had finally understood a little bit more about themselves. As they turned their head to hear the roaring wave of water coming towards them, Neil reflexively held their hand out, about to use their telekinesis to stop it - only for metal doors to instead slide shut, cutting it off mostly. The doors didn't seem to be air tight, an issue for another time given that they were in space, as water was slowly trickling on through them.

"I don't think it is," Neil said, to Guin's question.

They then looked behind them, seeing that there were still options. The way they had come from looked okay. And from what they remembered, there had been doors and a branching hallway, so they'd have some choices to make. But if there was one thing they knew, they couldn't just stand here and stare at the water. "We should move, before something else goes wrong," Neil suggested, before turning and going back the way they had come from.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Lance Banner

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Advanced First Aid

"It is, the issue seems to be from something else though not entirely sure what. Of course it is entirely possible something was damaged when someone decided to blow a hole in the station. Which was not something we expected to have happened." he said towards Guin when she had asked about it.

"I mean you have ro realize things like that are possible when you've got psychos like Exodus on board," Pietro muttered under his breath. This was getting insanely ridiculous, and they were running out of options especially when considering the fact that there was a large wave of water on the other side of the wall now that was trying to get through and maybe even drown them.

Lance got up from where he was now that his leg seemingly was doing better thanks to Ed (wherever he was really) so now he could at least move around and not cause any issues for anyone else because of it. "Well that sort of thing would depend on how the water systems and everything would work to determine if the explosion would have caused damage or something..." Lance ended up saying out loud. He seriously doubted that the explosion would have caused that much damage though. There would have been water surrounding them already if that had been the case. Even when everything was opened to space there should have been something.

Mira was all for the whole idea of getting out of this hallway. Especially given who they were currently around at the moment. She backed up a bit now, before glancing towards where Neil was walking along, "I agree... We probably don't want to stick around in the event that it doesn't hold and this area gets flooded again..." she said to the others.

"Well hopefully we can catch back up with the others so we don't have to be here much longer... Since this is not exactly the best place to be at the moment. At least until we can figure out where the others are currently. Though pretty sure they were supposed to be down that hall that we were going towards before everything kind of started happening. Which means they might be stuck in a room or something too now..."

This is still insanely weird that we aren't fighting my dad... Since what the hell. I still don't trust him so hopefully we find the others quickly and get out before something else happens... Either that or an argument breaks out that doesn't end well.

"Down the direction those two are heading down there is a few other pathways and halls that connect towards that part of the facility. Though a lot of the halls are interconnecting. Which means that it might be well flooded that direction as well. So precaution would be recommended on that. Doors might have been sealed off and shut to prevent water from going elsewhere."

"I guess it gives a starting point at least..." Lance said, figuring they might want to get moving in general. Getting out of this hall before something else happened would probably be for the best. Though what Magneto had said about the hall made sense. Though considering the others were in that direction it made it a bit more difficult to get to where they might be.

Marygold Isley

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

She was really starting to not like this guy, at all. Her temper was starting to get the better of her as the guy seemed to not overly get exactly why she was asking about Cortez. "The reason why I'm asking is because genius this station doesn't have any more damage to it aside from wherever that explosion came from earlier which is in a completely different direction from where that flood water is coming from. That flood is being caused by someone who has the power to manipulate and create water from farther down the hall. A person we had ran into and who had attacked us mind you. The same person whose powers were perfectly fine before, no issues perfect control of it. As we headed down this way, we ran into Cortez, who I'd assume at this rate considering he kind of caused some of our own powers to go haywire, headed that way. Don't you think it's a bit odd that suddenly that same initial person's powers suddenly go haywire when a guy who can cause that walked that way? The issue isn't any system on this place, it's because of one of the people in it... Probably." she added the last part because she wasn't a hundred percent that's what happened. It was currently the best option that she could think of since the person down the hall is freaking out which is probably going to make things worse.

Flynn walked over and opened the one door in the room that wasn't having issues with water coming through, and unfortunately for them, it turned out to be a closet, that meant that there weren't really any exits out of this room. "...Guess that means no exit for us, so that's just great. Since all the other doors seemed to at least be somewhat connected at various points, to the now flooded hallway."

Mary's attention started shifting around the room, looking for any sort of way that they might be able to easily get out of the room. Unfortunately there didn't seem to be an easy way to get from where they were currently. The amount of water was a bit of a concern though. They couldn't just open the door or anything, practically the whole corridor was full of water and they were not with too many options now as to where they could easily get going to. "There are a million things that could go wrong, and we are running out of options on what to do..." she muttered under her breath, her head swirling a bit from all of the chaos going on inside of it right now.

Well looks like you're in a bit of situation aren't you?

Shut up you're not real, go away.

Oh you know, just sitting around seemingly waiting to drown if that door has any issues of if the wizard's shield's fail. You could potentially do something about that.

No. Not going to do it. Especially not with you deciding to be around.

Oh? You mean from that box in the back of your head that you and the space chicken decided to lock me in? I never went away, despite the bird trying to help your brain heal but it's so screwed up no one can fix it to begin with.

No, shut up shut up shut up.

"Uhhh... Are you okay?" Flynn asked, Mary sort of had been looking at the floor for a little while and it was seemingly a bit creepy at this point with it. Well, more weird in general.

"Yeah... Um... Fine, just fine," she responded, though her head was saying otherwise.

Told you. You are kind of on the weaker side, and your powers and everything are starting to spiral. You were fine before, holding it off after what started happening with Perry's powers, but not anymore. Hence why I'm able to be here and you can't keep my mouth shut anymore. Well if your powers are going to go crazy, either kill everyone in here already or gets us out of here. I really don't like the idea of dying.

If you shut up for two seconds I could think of something! Mary snapped mentally at her. Though to the others around her the only thing they'd see would be her shutting her eyes and putting her hands to her head.

Well since you won't do anything. I will. Might as well put all of the chaos around you to some use. Since your powers are starting to go crazy.

Her hands suddenly seemed to have fire coming from them though as her powers started to go insane, and not her usual ones. Seeing what was going on though, much like when it happened before not long after Cortez had messed with her around the same time as Perry. "Go out go out go out..." she muttered as the fire seemed to be getting worse.

Yeah no, I'm taking over now since you clearly can't do anything right.

After a moment, the fire seemingly was under control. Well mostly anyway, though now there was seemingly a ball of fire in her hand as she started thinking for a moment. Her eyes were red in color instead of their usual dark green. "That idiot sort of messed with everything with my powers including a flaming bird which means might want to burn off whatever extra energy there might be before we all get burned cause that would be bad you know." she commented, looking over at the others now, "Otherwise I might be the one blowing a hole in this place. Though might be able to get us out of this roof if people don't mind the idea of getting a little warm or something a little bit."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Power Mimicry - Active Power: Chaos Magic

OfAll's expression creased with a fresh twinge of responsibility as Magneto, in answering Guin, commented on what he didn't know to be her explosion. She caught what Pietro said. He also didn't realize the "psycho" in this case had been her, technically.

Lance, however, provided some reassurance for the second time in several minutes as he clearly doubted one thing had to do with the other.

Enough of that for now. OfAll refocused with the sound of Mira's voice. She turned to her, Neil and Antionette, smiling: "It's great to see you three alright." She wanted to ask what happened, but figuring out where next to go was the priority.

It was the opposite of reassuring when Lance next surmised the rest of the team they came to rescue -who must have decided to split up too, or started out that way- could be stuck in a room or something. OfAll hoped it wasn't a classic drama TV show situation where they were trapped in a room filling with water.

What were the powers of those who weren't here? She tried to think. Edus with his magic. She wasn't sure the extent he could do with it, but they seemed reliable at least. Perry...OfAll couldn't recall. Then Marygold's had plant based powers and, as OfAll recalled from the fight on the Mansion grounds, fire. That could potentially evaporate the water --depending on rate of influx...

Magneto's voice sounded over her thoughts, as he provided directional information.
So far in the match between his apparent benevolence and Guin's skepticism, the leader of the Brotherhood was coming out ahead.

"Thank you," she said to Magneto before walking from Lance and Guin over to another of their teammates. "Max, I manifested your magic. . . There was a bit of uncertainty evident in OfAll as she admitted this, but it wasn't the time to get into everything. As it was, she was speaking in a low tone; her voice not to carry much past who was immediately near her and Max. "If that might help at all with one of your circuits, now or up ahead." She'd just wanted him to be updated as he would know if her sharing his powers would be of any additional benefit. She wasn't looking to be told what to do with them, she could think something else up herself -still unsure as she was on using them again at all- though possibly, as an aside, Max could keep her from attempting something with them again that she ought not to.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 24 min ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Space Station > The Moon
Skills: Mutant Circuit, Basic Spellcraft, Soul Staff (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Neil had asked what was going on, and to be quite honest Max could barely tell. Magneto had stated as plainly as he could that he was not involved or aware of the kidnappings caused by his underlings, yet everyone still wished to pin him as the bad guy. He'd gone through a lot, and sure some of those moments were a bit villainous, but even then he's been showing the ability to change and adapt with the times so much so that he was willing to move out of the planet just to have peace. More so now as he willingly removed his helmet in front of all for Guin to verify his thoughts and even still did she doubt the words he had said and images she had seen. How anyone could be so stubborn… Then again Max knew her and Pietro, not well but well enough to know they were a pair of hard heads who couldn't seem to grasp the fact that Magneto was getting old, he was tired of fighting and just wanted to settle down. Hell, he'd even adopted Andy moments before she vanished out of sight. A part of him wondered if she was on this craft, but he didn't dare ask.

He was about to suggest something when a rumble came from down the hall. The sound came louder as water began to rush towards them only for a metallic barrier to be put into place to stave off the water. "The link I had with Ed was patchy at best. It's almost as if he resists the very idea of such magic, but it's hard to tell. Could just be weird space interference, either way…" Neil began walking off towards another direction as Max grabbed Jaclyn's hand and brought her with him as he mouthed he was sorry. "Neil, wait up. I might have a better way to regroup and get out of here. I just-" He laced his fingers between Neil's, then Jaclyns. He could feel their pulses beating as one, in rhythm as Max felt the flood of magic flow from Jaclyn to him and spark ignite between he and Neil. His eyes changed, replacing them with nothing but the void of space filled with galaxies that swirled where irises should be. "I can sense Ed. I think…I think we can bridge the gap, a direct line to him as we attempt to gather our allies."

Max gripped their hands tight, but something was wrong. He'd handled power like this before but he'd never tried to rip a tear between an unknown location and himself, he overshot the distance as the massive surge of power thrust his portal forward in space. For brief seconds all around could see the edges of the planet Venus, the vacuum of space pulling everyone closer as Max's feet slipped and he now dangled halfway through his own portal. He looked towards Neil with an apologetic look "I think I took too much power…I'll be back, I'm sorry. Just be safe." The last words were aimed more towards Jaclyn, as he could see just how much chaos could come from one mishap of his magic. Hopefully she'd take the cautionary tale to heart. He let go of both their hands, letting himself drift out into space before dropping the magic that kept the portal open to ensure the rest were safe. "If Ben finds out he's going to kill me." He'd no idea where he was, well he had a rough estimate. But the Sun would be so forgiving if he kept adrift, so Max slipped between dimensions, a black void appearing on the Earth's moon as he looked around. "Huston…I've got a biiiig problem." He muttered as he fell down on his ass to take a breather from the massive jump.
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 19 min ago

Robert Linden

Rob listened to Mary starting to complain at him, he was listening for the most part, but mostly was trying every trick he knew of with the computers in order to get some of the pumps active... Failing that, he was hoping he may be able to open one of the airlocks in the entirely flooded area and vent the water harmlessly into space and then repressurize the area... But then he stopped. The kid who created all that water was still probably in the flooded area and that was consigning him to death. "Look, i appreciate that, but the simple fact is that i am a man who believes in fixing problems first and then assigning blame later. Right now, i am focussed on exactly 1 thing, getting everyone on this station through this day alive and for anoth..." He stopped mid sentence as he watched Mary start to get more noticably angry. "Crap he got to you, didn't he?" He asked. He set the computer to run a diagnostic on the pumps to figure out why they weren't working, which would take a few minutes anyway. He then jogged over to her. "Usually, i've just been confining those going through withdrawls to a quarters, but-" He then saw the fire blaze from their hands and stopped dead... "You..." He seemed to back off a little, before the metal from his wheelchair started to creep over his face and through his hair, as well as across his suit. He had no idea how the Professor had managed to design the suit to act as almost a second skin to him, but he suspected it had something to do with Unstable Molocules "Now, you gotta be careful with that, there is sensitive equipment in the walls, i insulated them as best i could, just be careful or we are getting either crushed by water pressure or turned inside out due to decompression."

If this one was suffering from withdrawl he frankly didn't trust her to open a tin of beans that was already open without turning said tin into a nuclear inferno, but he also doubted he had the power to prevent her from doing it anyway. So, better to try to aim her in the right direction. Talk calmly and try not to aggravate her. "Just keep in mind that-" He pointed to the others in the room with a broad sweep of his arm. "-Your friends are all in here with you."
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 days ago

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

"Wait, Max, I--" Neil began to say, only to be cut off by Max grabbing their hand. It felt like a steady tug, a redirection of energy flowing from Neil's body into Max's. They felt the pace of their heart change, until suddenly it was beating at a new tempo. Their mind felt dazed, like their ears had been filled with cotton and they were then spun around and asked to try to sing a song they had never heard before. They had been trying to explain to Max just moments ago that they didn't have any magic, that they didn't inherit their family's gifts, that their necromancy - which was strictly speaking more of just reanimation - and their telekinesis was just a mutant power.

But it was too late.

The next thing Neil comprehended, they were staring directly at a planet - and it wasn't Earth. They could feel the gravitational pull threatening to pull them on through the portal, and if they had been able to scream, to shout, to protest they would have done something - but they were locked into whatever bond Max had formed. They assumed that it must have been a deep, ancient magic - one practiced by only the most experienced and talented of mages.

And then, just as quickly as this all had started, Max let himself fall through the portal - he released Neil and OfAll from the spell - and the portal slammed shut.

Neil stared at the space where Max had been, dumbfounded.

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

Guin's left eye twitched, as she stared in shock at what had just happened. She thought she had understood the extent of everything she didn't like about Max. But now, it was becoming more and more clear that he was a complete disaster. In an effort to save time (which really, she had to wonder how much time that would be), Max had almost killed them all. They had felt the pull of the vacuum of space, as it threatened to kill them all by tossing them straight into Venus. She didn't trust the space suits that Max had made to really hold up.

If he's not dead, I'm going to kill him myself. "What the fucking hell!" Guin snapped. Was walking really that bad? Was this really going to save them so much time? Did EVERYONE have to use their out of control powers inside of a space station, just flirting with the possibility of killing them and everyone else on this space station? Her irritation with OfAll flared up anew as well, as she had been a big part of this entire mess beginning thanks to her manifestation of Max's powers.

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