It is a galaxy teetering on the brink of civil war, twenty years after the violent close of the last. The Clone Wars, as the series of conflicts were called, was supposed to have only lasted a couple years, planned out in detail by the Dark Lord of the Sith. Yet the most minute of changes, deviations or miscalculations slowly resulted in an event that was beyond even the man who was purported to have been the most powerful of his kind in millennia. A man who lived when he was supposed to have died, an apprentice with doubts that led him to question his own motives, another who would not be swayed and instead stayed true to the order that raised him. One after another these small changes that would have otherwise just been footnotes in history would drastically change the outcome of a war that was supposed to have been decided.
Where it truly came undone was with the First Battle of Geonosis. Hundreds of Jedi and entire battalions of clone troopers descended upon the planet to liberate not three hostages set to die at the hands of the Trade Federation, but to rendezvous with Obi-Wan Kenobi and the recently turned Count Dooku. It set the stage of the entire war, as without a clear leader another took control of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. One who did not have the same ideals as its founder, or the desire for true reform in the galaxy. The one who inherited the revolution was one who despised the Republic for everything it stood for. One who had lost everything in a war that, without knowing the truth of the conflict, the Republic interfered with and punished his people dearly. General Grievous, more machine than Kaleesh at this point for the wounds he suffered during the Kalee-Huk war. With his leadership the conflict became far more than what his 'master' intended.
He played his part though, at least initially. Battles were fought in those beginning stages where Sidious planned them, including the First Battle of Coruscant. There Grievous began to understand the Sith lord's intentions and made his own plan. It was one that as the months turned to years, made Palpatine realize that he could no longer crush the 'rebellion' and simply seize control over the Republic to create his empire. More than that, Dooku had turned back to the Jedi and more suspicion than ever was upon him. He had been backed into a corner, a wolf no longer among sheep, but among the hunters. The Republic and CIS bled each other for every system, the Clone Wars ramping up with every passing year and invalidating his plan with each battle. Palpatine had shifted from planning to destroy the Jedi in one fell swoop, to being forced to rely on them until the very end.
Five years into the Clone Wars the plan Grievous had set into motion was finally coming into play. Since realizing Sidious' plan, his true identity and what that meant for the CIS, he had steadily ensured that certain assets remained out of reach from both the Republic and even his own allies. More and more the CIS drew upon the finances of the Banking Clan, the resources of the Trade Federation and Bactoid, as well as every planet under their sway. As the Separatist leaders bickered among themselves as to who was stealing what, Grievous assembled a fleet that would be unrivaled. Thousands of warships sequestered away in old Sith Space and preparing for one final assault. When it finally came, he hit the Republic without mercy. Kuat, Kamino, Balmorra, Ord Mantell and even Corellia came under siege from what they believed to be the entirety of the CIS fleet. Without question the Open Circle Fleet rallied to defend these key worlds, pulling assets away from the defenses of others. And that was when Grievous struck the true blow. In a single night the CIS shattered the defensive fleet of Coruscant, the planetary shield that protected it, and tore the heart of the Republic from its chest.
It became known as "Knightfall" to those who survived, partially for the last stand of the Jedi Knights who held the line against overwhelming odds, only to fail. Under the rain of turbolaser fire from orbit, Cortosis Battle Droids ransacked the capital, relentlessly hunting any who did not perish with the bombings of the Jedi Temple and the Senate Building. It was there that Palpatine himself met his end, an irony of sorts for the Sith Lord who planned out the Clone Wars so carefully, only to fall victim to another's and be buried beneath the glassed ruins of the Republic he tried to control. If things had gone another way, it would have been there that the Republic died to thunderous applause, instead it shattered into a dozen regional governments without the jewel of Coruscant to hold them. Without the clone armies to defend them though, many would fall to Grievous and his new Confederacy. Some would question where the Jedi and their army went, only ever hearing the desperate calls for retreat.
In the aftermath of such a traumatic event though, others did stand tall among the wreckage. After a valiant stand against the odds, those remnants who were unable to rejoin the main fleets settled where they had fought so hard to keep free. Corellia became a new beacon of hope in the galaxy, declaring itself the true inheritor of the Republic and standing firm against the Confederacy. With the Green Jedi lords to govern them, they would secure much of the Core Worlds south of Coruscant, claiming the ruins of Kuat and working to rebuild the rings after the traitorous attack that destroyed them. Yet many hold doubts towards the Corellians, noting how they denied the Republic in Exile when they were still on the run from the Confederacy, and worse yet how many of the worlds that have joined with them, did so without a choice. Regardless of how noble their intentions, the severity of their crimes or the accusations against them though, much of the southern galaxy flourishes under their control.
To the north others contest the Corellians, and foremost among them the nascent Galactic Empire. Much like their rivals, they too arose from the remnants of defenders who had nowhere else to go. With the CIS swallowing up former Republic territory across the entire Outer Rim, the Eight Fleet under the authority of admiral Jira Renkar quickly moved to secure as much as they could around Ord Mantell with the help of the shattered remnants of the Republic military. Surrounded by the enemy and hearing the call to surrender, they instead chose to keep fighting, swearing to defend those who had been left to suffer at the hands of countless such invasions throughout galactic history. Though they did not start with a strong industrial base like some, they had something more. They had the hearts of the people, the steadfast loyalty of their military and an Emperor who could be believed in. And so an empire was built in the smoldering embers of the Clone Wars, admiral turned Emperor clutching the galactic north in a fist of iron against the tyranny of the CIS and vowing to destroy the separatists once and for all. Some say that while the propaganda depicts the Empire as a force of righteousness and justice, there is an underlying culture of violence and tyranny, but while those very same people have come to accept the new status of the galaxy in their own way… For the Empire the Clone Wars never ended.
And then there is Mandalore. It was there that the Republic in Exile found themselves unlikely allies in the form of Duchess Satine and the new Mand'alor. Already the two had been working on securing the future of their people, of both the more pacifist Mandalorians and those who wished to carry on their warrior culture, and so when the Jedi and the Republic came seeking their aid, they gave it freely. That moment joined ancient enemies together, two sides who had fought each other almost since the founding of the Republic, having nearly ruined the other many times over the millennia. Jedi and Mandalorians united, all past grievances set aside in order to secure the future of both of their peoples. It was on that foundation that the legitimate Republic government "officially" relocated to Keldabe City, "elected" Satine as chancellor and ceded military powers to the Mand'alor. Since that moment their standing in the galaxy depends greatly upon from whose lips it is said, with the Corellians decrying them as little more than a band of looters and mercenaries with stolen Republic hardware. Certainly their assault on Kuat that left it little more than ruins lends credence to such, and with the Jedi assisting freely through the new Jedi Enclaves, it's harder than ever for the GRM to play public relations.
Yet, while the Corellians sabotage their image at every turn, historians call their rise the "Third Great Crusade" and warn of the impending invasion… Many look to them as the true inheritors of the Republic. Under the mythosaur skull banner, all are equal and all have the same chance to earn their place. To be Mandalorian is a choice, one that every world in their republic has made, and all have so far benefitted from their protection and lended their arms towards securing their space. No matter whether they be Miraluka, Twi'lek, Kaminoan, Devaronian or just a regular human, all are considered to be Mandalorian under their Mand'alor and afforded the same rights whether they fight for their republic or work for it.
But while the Republics fight and vie for supremacy against each other, they ignore the threat surrounding them. The Confederacy still lives, though it has bled key worlds and founders over the last twenty years. Muunilist broke free in order to join into the Corporate Sector Authority. Dozens of sectors have been lost to the steady advance of the Empire. Most of their core world sectors were found to be too rebellious to keep direct control, instead handed over to the puppet-Republic under Alsakan. More and more the Confederacy burns under the rule of Grievous, who still sees it as his duty to dismantle the Republic completely, but struggles to maintain control over his own systems, much less those under occupation. Even Kalee is no longer his to command, as the Empire seized it years ago. It is a rebellion that has stagnated long past achieving their goal, without the sense to lay down their arms. More than that though, with the general meeting any resistance with force, crushing any who dare to rise up against him, it is inspiring more and more to treat with their republic kin. And they can taste the blood in the water.
So it is that after twenty years, though the galaxy has changed much since the close of the Clone Wars, it is once again teetering on the brink of civil war...