![]() _______________________________________________ First Middle Last Pronouns | Age | Ethnicity | Height (In Inches) | Weight (Pounds/LB) _______________________________________________ Single word that defines your character. _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Quote about Skills here." ___________________________________ [REMOVE THIS. A list of everything your character is good at... just, uh, keep it realistic. If I see one judo black belt with survival skills training, cooking, and rifle training, I'm gonna slap a bitch. REMOVE THIS.] [Skill name here] ⫻ (Brief (or lengthy) explanation of skill/talent here) | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Quote about appearance here." Essentially how your character looks. Be detailed here. Go over skin color, build, height, hair (including color, style, etc), scars, and other body alterations (Piercings, tattoos, etc). Along with describing clothing style but that's optional. |
[hider=Character name here][CENTER][h1]Character Name Here, or get a banner from[/h1][/CENTER]
[i]"Character quote here."[/i]
[center][img]no anime[/img]
[sub]First Middle Last
Pronouns [b]|[/b] Age [b]|[/b] Ethnicity [b]|[/b] Height (In Inches) [b]|[/b] Weight (Pounds/LB)
Single word that defines your character.
Skills & Talents[/sub]
[i]"Quote about Skills here."[/i]
[sub][REMOVE THIS. A list of everything your character is good at... just, uh, keep it realistic. If I see one judo black belt with survival skills training, cooking, and rifle training, I'm gonna slap a bitch. REMOVE THIS.]
[b][Skill name here] ⫻[/b] (Brief (or lengthy) explanation of skill/talent here)[/sub][/hider]
[/cell][cell][sub][b] Appearance[/b][/sub]
[i]"Quote about appearance here."[/i]
[indent]Essentially how your character looks. Be detailed here. Go over skin color, build, height, hair (including color, style, etc), scars, and other body alterations (Piercings, tattoos, etc). Along with describing clothing style but that's optional.[/indent]
[/cell][/row][/table][sub][b] Psychology[/b][/sub]
[i]"Quote about personality here."[/i]
[INDENT][b]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/b] (What does your character hope to accomplish in life?)
[b]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/b] (What is your character's outlook on life?)
[b]SECRETS ⫻[/b] (What is your character hiding?)
[b]SEXUALITY ⫻[/b] (Your character's sexual preference?)
[b]FEARS ⫻[/b] (What does your character fear?)
[b]REPUTATION IN OLD COVEN ⫻[/b] (What was their reputation in the old Sycamore Tree Coven? Did they play a part in its dissolution? If they're new, simply place N/A here.)
[b]ROLE IN THE BATTLE AGAINST THE STYGIAN SNAKE ⫻[/b] (Basically, how did your character aid/hinder the against with the Stygian Snake? If they're new, simply place N/A here.)
[b]FLAWS ⫻[/b] (What holds your character back?)
[sub][b] Backstory[/b][/sub]
[i]"Quote about backstory here."[/i]
[indent]Pretty standard affair. I'm not going to expect a super long essay here, just the basics and whatever.[/indent]
[sub][b] Abstraction[/b][/sub]
[i]"Quote about abstraction here."[/i]
[indent][b]TYPE ⫻[/b] (Put Adept, Apparition, Aberration (Afflicted/Agent/Adjoined/Abscised/Abominable), Blind or One-Eyed-Open)
[b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/b] (Put the name of the Abstraction here, with a one-sentence description of what the Abstraction does. If Adept, put what Lux they have, and what their channeler is.)
[b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b] (Go in-depth with what exactly the Abstraction allows them to do. Please be as detailed as possible because if it's not in the sheet; they can't do it. If Adept, detail every individual spell.)
[b]LIMITS ⫻[/b] (What are the limits to their abstraction? The stronger/more complex the ability, the more limits I want. Remember Emotional-Fields will inhibit the use of certain abstractions on other Paranormal beings.)
[sup][b] Other[/b][/sup]
[i]"Extra Quote here."[/i]
[indent]Anyyyything else?[/INDENT]
First Name.Last Name (If Applicable) | |
![]() "In character quote about character in question here." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Write description of Character Relations here. |
[hider=*Character Name Here*'s Relationships][table][row][cell][h3][b]First Name[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Last Name (If Applicable)[/b][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]Picture of character here, try not to go too damn big[/img]
[sup][i]"In character quote about character in question here."[/i][/sup]
[color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Write description of Character Relations here.[/cell][/row][/table][/hider]
NOTE. If you're going to make an NPC, PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE ANY OF THE CODING. This way, I can add your NPC to the appropriate section easily.
[row][cell][h2][b]First Name Here[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Last Name Here (If applicable)[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]NO ANIME, and try not to use an oversized ass photo please[/img]
[b]Age | Name | Pronouns [/b][hr//][i]"Optional quote here."[/i][/center][/cell][cell]
[indent]Write their description here.[/indent]
[indent]If applicable.[/indent]
![]() _______________________________________________ Britney Leah Williams She/Her | 28 | African-American | 6'3ft | 260lb _______________________________________________ Fellow-Feeling. _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Gardener, model, magician!" ___________________________________ Paranormal-Expert ⫻ Due to her own experiences dabbling in the Paranormal and prowling her family's archives on all things magic, you can call her an expert. Britney's knowledge of the Paranormal is unmatched in the Coven and was instrumental in defeating the Stygian Snake. Her knowledge kept her around, despite them not liking her, and was the sole reason Auri recalled her. Dancing ⫻ Britney was always a great dancer, from typical ballet to more risqué dances. Gardener/Botony-Knowledge ⫻ Due to her abstraction, Britney knows a great deal about different plants and whatnot. Modeling ⫻ Britney is a plus-sized model! This has made her great at striking a pose! It also gave her a keen fashion sense, confidence, problem-solving, adaptability, etc. First-Aid ⫻ Britney learned First-Aid after the battle with the Stygian Snake to apply it to not just herself but to others in case another situation along those lines arises. Leadership & Cunning ⫻ The girl is a natural-born leader and has a knack for picking the best decisions to make... at least, she believes so. The girl hides a cunning streak and will step on other people to get what she wants. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Enough about how tall I am...." Britney has a bit of size to her body, mainly because she's so damn tall at six-three, a height that boys wish they had. Both her mom and dad were huge in height, and they said they were "big-boned," too, so they had a ton of mass on them. It's the first thing people notice about her, and it's not good because she's very insecure about her height. Unfortunately, that's just something that she lives with, but she loves it when people don't bring it up. The other aspect that makes her look big is her body shape; she has an oval shape primarily shaped by extra body fat that she can't shake off due to her genetics. Britney has a bit of a gut, but it's not flappy or saggy at all, and she's happy she doesn't have a fupa at the very least. Britney. Puberty was tough for her, but she is very curvy. Inherited from her mother and father, her butt has always been big (the butt of many jokes, you may say), and she's chesty (at 44D) though they don't look that big because she's so damn tall. She is a woman. However, people think she is fat because of her body shape. While she is a bit heavier than other girls, she is far from morbidly obese. Britney has a soothing and approachable aura, as she usually has a broad smile and rarely raises her voice. Britney is generally talkative and preppy but has a slight air of nobility about her - though she can sometimes sound condescending. If that confidence fades for whatever reason, something is very wrong. Britney is African-American, though she claims she has roots in the Dinka tribe, which is why she's so damn tall. |
Drake.Blackmore | |
![]() "If Jade couldn't get him to chill, who can?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: High. Hardheaded, impulsive, reckless, and obsessed with being the "hero". Jade probably tempered him, but now that she's gone, it's only a matter of time before he puts the rest of us on the line. Drake and Britney rarely interacted with one another, and that was for good reason. Britney never particularly cared for Drake, and she always thought he was a reckless moron that lived in his fantasy world where he was the hero. Britney always thought highly of Victoria and Jade, and they were friends until the reveal of what happened. However, she was cordial to Drake nonetheless. She hoped that, in the ten years that passed, Jade could temper his ego and bring him down to Earth. She couldn't |
Alizée.Altieri | |
![]() "It was going to end this way, I suppose... It's better this way." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Britney and Alizée initially did not interact much during the battle with the Stygian Snake. However, that changed after the dust settled, and it turned out that Alizee was hunting people. Britney, out of guilt for her actions and a desire to take some heat off herself, defended Alizée whenever she could. She stopped the other members from picking on her, pushing the leadership to help Alizée. There was a suspicion that the Void Light controlled Alizée, forcing her to night stalk. When Alizée had her climactic fight with Ashley, Britney was the one who tried to convince Ashley not to kick Alizée out, but when that failed, the two kept in touch. They became very close friends, and Alizée occasionally gets an invitation to any fashion show that Britney is a part of. Liability Rating: Eliminated (Formerly extreme). The Void Heart had eroded her mental state to the point that she was beyond help, and she was only going to make things so much harder for them. The incident at the Strip Club is proof of that. Britney feels deep-seated regret for what happened to Alizee, though she knows that, deep down, it was for the best. It was unlikely that Alizee could have been helped, and even if they had sealed The Void Heart, it would have resulted in Alizee's death. |
![]() "Funny, as stupid as she is, I feel like I can depend on her." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: Moderate. She is stupid, but a stupid you can reason with. I can't let her die out of principle. Britney and Linqian barely interacted with each other, but she had a very close relationship with Jinhai. Britney always thought Linqian was impulsive, idiotic, immature, and whiny, the opposite of Jinhai. Britney didn't feel one way or the other about Linqian but was cordial with her out of respect for Jinhai. After the Old Coven fell apart, Britney kept in touch with Jinhai, and she was saddened to hear that he had died. However, during the recent events at Vedi Veni Vedi and beyond, Britney has come to see Linqian as a friend and had silently vowed to watch out for her out of respect for Jinhai... even though it's obvious she has a lot of growing to do. |
Luca. Oliviera | |
![]() "One of my greatest mistakes..." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: Ambulant, but who knows how far he's willing to go to get rid of the Rot. Britney ruined Luca's life. She knows this. She can't sugarcoat it. She did it to have more footsoldiers in the fight against the Stygian Snake, and while he contributed plenty to the fight, it came to light what happened. Britney knows that the Rot is killing him and will eventually abscise him, and it is her responsibility to save him from this fate. However, she knows he doesn't want anything to do with her and thinks that's fair. After all, it was her fault, and he has every reason not to trust her. Thus, Britney avoids Luca. |
Sloane.Faris | |
![]() "She's not who she says she is; I wished people like Jack saw that." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: Moderate. Power-hungry and controlling, she would rather have her artifacts be used against the Coven than admit that someone just robbed her. Eliminating her should be fairly easy, however. Britney and Sloane were initially cordial with each other... or at least Britney tried to. She always thought that Sloane was annoying and a bit of a control freak - and only said "the Coven should protect the city" as a means of hiding what she really wanted: control of the Coven. However, once it came out what Britney did, she was vehemently critical of Britney and even did the unthinkable: sided with Emily. Britney was surprised she had even come but knew she couldn't be trusted. The fact she kept something vital from the group to protect her ego is proof of that. |
Tayla.Choi | |
![]() "Something happened to her, and I'm not sure if she even belongs here anymore..." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: Ambulant. Britney has suspicions about Tayla and feels something is up with her. It's hard to tell what because she's the most distant and mysterious of the "reunited" Coven, and Britney hasn't had a chance to get a read on her. Her abstraction would be tricky, but killing her would be accessible without James acting as her crutch. Tayla and Britney barely interacted with each other in the Old Coven, but Britney knows that James Madigan's death hit her hard. Hard enough that she disappeared from the Coven and returned as a whole new person, Britney has her suspicions about Tayla, but she is the most distant of all the Old Coven members... which worries her. |
"Edict".Devola | |
![]() "I pegged him with a cactus once." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: Low. Okay, Greyson is a dick, but a harmless dick. And I may have to trust him either way. Greyson and Britney had a tricky and complicated relationship... in the Old Coven, Britney always thought that Greyson was an asshole and a troublemaker. Still, he provided the Old Coven with resources that, if they didn't have, they would have been up shit's creek without a paddle. So, she was very cordial towards him when he wasn't being a piece of shit, but things changed after the Stygian Snake was defeated and Britney turned into Coven Enemy #1. The two gained a closer friendship, which eventually blossomed into a relationship... however, Greyson was still a manipulative asshole that used Britney for her abstraction. Eventually, she realized he wasn't good for her, and the two broke up, leaving Britney mentally scarred for life. It doesn't take a genius to tell that Greyson still has feelings for Britney despite it all. While she said she was done with him, she was open to trying again if he changed. She's taking baby steps, but she knows that she may have to trust him if what he told her about the House of Cards mafia turns out to be true (if it isn't, then they're definitely done). |
Jack.Hawthorne | |
![]() "... Did he fucking enter the Void?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: Ambulant. Went into the Void. The creatures there could have affected his mental, and he is the best equipped to be Father Wolf. Needs further observation. He would be very difficult to kill. Jack and Britney are close. They were close in the Old Coven, and ten years apart has not, and will not change that. She told Jack all about the All-Verse and, eventually, the Void, where he would find his true calling. He didn't defend her much against the rest of the Coven, and she couldn't blame him. Britney saw him off on his journey and was pleasantly surprised that he hadn't been killed during his adventures. He's loyal, dependable, and robust - However, Britney wonders if he can be trusted as much as he says. The Void may have affected his mind somehow, and Britney is never brushing that possibility aside. It is why Britney is beginning to develop her Mode: Sky spell group if she tragically needs to take care of Jack. However, she does appreciate him letting her use the Noble Vow. |
"Sully".McPherson | |
![]() "I have Sully's back through and through." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: Low. He's a bit of a goofball, but he never gave me a reason not to trust him. A close friend of Britney, as she was the one that taught him how to use the Chalice (She was surprised that he even found the thing by dumb luck alone). He acted as a healer, saved her life and many others, and was one of the Old Coven's heroes. Sully was one of the few members of the Old Coven who defended her despite it all, and Britney appreciates that above all else. Though, she feels like she didn't deserve the kindness that he showed her. |
Leon.Richoux | |
![]() "He's a liability, and nobody knows about it." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Leon was another member of the old Coven that Britney didn't interact with - but she knew his name as she made it her mission to learn every member of the Old Coven's names. However, Britney was there to assist Daisy in creating the seals for Lady Lelou and placing the Apparition inside him. Britney wanted to be the one to handle Leon, given that Daisy couldn't find her ass with two hands in regards to magic, but Daisy adamantly disagreed with this. Britney respected the choice, gave Daisy the reigns, and kept it one of many secrets. Afterward, however, Leon essentially gave Britney the cold shoulder due to her actions. However, with the disappearance of Daisy, Britney is starting to regard this as another wrong decision in a sea of them that she and the Old Coven made. Britney believes that Lady Lelou should be removed from Leon as soon as possible, and they need to find the channeler before someone else gets it, which makes Leon a problem Liability Rating: Extreme. He is not one of us anymore; other people are pulling his strings. He should be eliminated immediately. Britney always felt Leon was a disaster waiting to happen, but that was up until she had to interact with the Temple. It became dead obvious that Leon's loyalties lie elsewhere, and while he has nothing to do with it, Britney believes that he sent the Temple goons after her, Jack, Auri, and Stormy when they were sealing the Void Heart. Thus, Britney distrusts him and does not want him anywhere near the Coven and is actively planning to kill him. Which is why she keeps a silver fork on her at all times. |
Stormy.Carson | |
![]() "An anchor, we need him. _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: Low. Depending on whether he can keep his hero complex in check. He will be difficult to beat in a direct fight. Britney and Stormy never interacted much during the war against the Stygian Snake. He was a dependable asset, but the two had little in common. He also hung around Drake, so that was a negative. However, he was openly and violently critical of Britney's actions when they came to light, though she wondered if he was trying to impress the others. He was a massive part of why Britney got voted out towards the end of the Coven, and Britney was not looking forward to meeting him. This turned out to be fully justified when he threatened her in the first meeting... however after he calmed down after Alizee's death, he made it clear that he was willing to give Britney another chance, and she would do everything in her power not to let him down. He was a massive help in defeating the Void Heart and defending them from the temple, even accompanying her to the Temple when she was willing to go alone. |
Anya.Baksh | |
![]() "I know I can't trust her" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: Ambulant. I'm not sure where she lands, but she's hiding something. Britney has mixed feelings for Anya... It didn't take a genius to tell that she saw herself as better than everyone else, looked down on people, and lacked compassion. Britney knew there was something untrustworthy about her but was cordial towards her nonetheless. However, she defended Britney's actions, even though she didn't ask for it, and knew she made a wrong decision - despite being buddy-buddy with Sloane. Britney knows that Anya can't be trusted, but she could be helpful nonetheless. Britney will keep her eye on Anya to see if her suspicions are founded or if she must be eliminated. |
Evelynn.Serenelight | |
![]() "A great person all around." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: Mimimal. She is stupidly overreliant on an abstraction that is unreliable. Could be disposed of without an abstraction. Britney and Lynn were friendly towards each other, and she sees Lynn as a friend nonetheless. Enough to hang out with her and Lila and have some drinks. Britney always silently believed that Evelynn was useless and her abstraction was too broad to be useful. Though, she kept that to herself and still played along when the time came. |
Lila.Blackwood | |
![]() "She may already be dead, and there's nothing we can do to stop it." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: Moderate. It's unknown how much of an influence the Crow Maiden has on her, and if the need arises, she would be extremely difficult to kill in a straight encounter. Britney and Lila hardly, if ever, interacted with one another in the Old Coven, and she wondered if Lila silently disliked her for her actions (She did, but Britney was oblivious to that). However, their relationship was still good enough that Lila trusted her to seal the Crow Maiden when it began haunting her. However, Britney made a mistake, and their relationship is about to dive bomb yet again. |
Jasper.Wilde | |
![]() "I know how you looked at me. Why didn't you come and say something when you had the chance?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: Low. He's chill. Reliable... needs to drop his obsession with Sloane. Someone I should keep close... despite his friendship with Luca. Britney sees Jasper in high regard. She sees him as a creative, laid-back, and great person overall. She and him talked and hung out a lot... though she knew that he always had a crush on her but was hoping for the day that he would get the courage to ask her out. Even though they didn't have the opportunity to interact during the post-Coven reform, she hopes to sit down and finally get a conversation out of him. However, she unintentionally avoids him because he and Luca are seemingly joined at the hip. Despite not liking Sloane herself, Britney doesn't approve of his borderline obsession with her. |
Adora.Phoenix-Prescott | |
![]() "You contributed too much... and everyone just brushed you aside when you stopped being useful to them." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: High. Regarding capabilities, she poses no direct threat to the fresh New Coven. However, she is functionally human and very obviously not in the right frame of mind to be here. She should have stayed away. Britney and Adora were close friends in the Old Coven... Britney taught her the true capabilities of the Trinity Ring and somehow did the impossible and convinced Adora to stop being stubborn so they could use the ring's true capabilities. However, Britney didn't approve of everything Adora said and did; she still held a lot of respect for her. She was also friends with Lisa. Though, after the brutal death of Lisa, she understood what Adora was going through and wished to help her... but she didn't want anything to do with the Coven. Britney was surprised to see that she had decided to return, but she knew that she was not mentally stable enough to indeed be of any help. However, Britney will not push Adora away (as it's not her place to) and will help her. |
Layla.Hyacinthus | |
![]() "There are a lot of unknowns with her and that scares me." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: Extreme. Possibly the biggest in the entire Coven, and I am planning to kill her. She was the backup host for the Void Heart, meaning she was either being built up as a backup in the event of Alizee's death, something else was going on, or she was that easy to manipulate. She is working with alien organizations plotting to kill me, a person that only had her best interests at heart, all because she let an Apparition feed her a lie. May have to eliminate her for the good of the group. In the Old Coven, Britney had no clue that Layla existed. She was always distant, but there was something... off about her. They had bigger fish to fry and went on to all but forget about Layla. However, she got pushed to the forefront when she became the Void Heart's new host. Desperate to save her from the same fate as Alizee, Britney sealed the Void Heart with the help of Jack, Auri, and Stormy, but that left the issue of Layla. It's obvious that she is hiding something, and Britney wonders if it would have been best to let her kill herself. Britney doesn't trust Layla, even though she puts on the veneer of being friendly with her, as she is hiding something dangerous. Britney believes she is a threat to the rest of the Coven and should be eliminated immediately. |
Luna.Inoue | |
![]() "She just doesn't belong with us. Never have. Never will." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: High. She is working with the organization that wants to kill me. I have to find some way to get her away from the group without killing her. Luna and Britney were close as they often worked together. However, when it came to light that she was poaching members of the Old Coven to the Mafia, she was rightfully kicked out (What sane Mafia has kids working for them?). The issue now is the reveal that the House of Cards mafia is after her head; Britney will be adamantly against her worming her way back into the Coven. She is more intelligent than to kill her outright, though, as that would only piss them off more. |
Aislin.Rose | |
![]() "She never realized what we were up against. You can't wish everything away with the power of love and friendship and flowers...." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: Moderate. Painfully naive. Doesn't understand the full potential of either of her Lux. She could endanger the group, but I doubt it. Britney never liked Aislin much; she thought she was too idealistic and naive to be of any use. She couldn't see either of Lux's true potential, which was frustrating to Britney. Aislin was extra standoffish against her after the reveal, but so were many people. Britney's glad she didn't answer the call to return. |
Kenshiro.Murakin | |
![]() "I'm glad he's back at the very least." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: Low. Dependable. Well-liked. An asset we need. Britney always thought highly of Kenshiro... despite looking like he came out of an anime, he was an instrumental and valuable member of the Old Coven. He was popular and well-liked, and Britney never noticed a noticeable shift in his demeanor towards her. Britney is glad that he is back. |
Ayrin/Aaron.Thorne | |
![]() "A very unique but impractical method of utilizing their own Lux, I say." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: Miminal. They are powerful and tricky to deal with if push comes to shove, but they have a great head on their shoulders. They are unlikely to threaten the Coven or our mission. Britney always thought highly of Aaron/Ayrin... even if they thought locking spells to each form was hilariously impractical and had no usage. However, Britney sees Aaron/Ayrin as a friend and another reliable asset in the reformed Coven. |
Amara.King | |
![]() "She always wanted to be something she wasn't. She's playing an angle. She has to be." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: Ambulant. I don't know much about her, but I have never gotten a read on her, and I doubt that'd change. I will be cordial towards her, but I have my suspicion and eye on her. Britney and Amara worked a lot during the war against the Stygian Snake, and Britney found her abstraction fascinating. Though, despite it all could never get a read on the woman and thus always kept her at arm's length. However, she was one of the many who was mad at Britney for what she did... and Britney was happy to see that she wasn't at the first or second meeting. |
The.Void.Heart | |
![]() "If I go down, I can at least say you'll never hurt anyone again, you sick bastard." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Liability Rating: Eliminated (Formerly extreme). Idiotic Apparition. He is too cocky for his good. His downfall was a longtime coming, but his defeat caused us more issues. Britney never trusted the Void Heart, and then that distrust turned into outright hatred. She thought he was a sick bastard who turned an otherwise innocent young girl into his plaything and tool. Fortunately, he was always an idiot for his age, making eliminating him for good too easy. However, he had more connections than she thought. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Alizée Viola Altieri She/Her | 25 | French/Caucasian | 64 in. | 99.5 lbs. _______________________________________________ Night-stalker _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "If you see me, it’s already too late." ___________________________________ Trailing ⫻ Once she has settled on a Blind target or weak Apparition she likes, she can follow them at a distance all night. This includes staying out of sight, stalking, and blending into the environment around her. She can also pick up on subtle cues that give an indication as to where her target goes, especially if spooked. For example, she can see a window shutter waving in the wind and deduce that her prey has lept inside. Silence ⫻ She is able to move with the least amount of noise possible, placing her weight carefully so she doesn’t shuffle her clothing or disturb creaks in the wood of the floor, or scatter stones. This enhances her ability to trail a target. Parkour ⫻ The city is her oyster when she takes to the rooftops. Able to maneuver in front and back flips, rolling falls, careful foot placement, and hoisting herself over a ledge, she can navigate the maze of structures like a dancer. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Do I look normal?" Stands at 5’4 feet with a slim, leaning on thin, build. Her skin is ivory and freckled, like she doesn’t often see the sun. There’s endurance in her muscles, but it doesn’t show much in her build. This endurance allows her to leap from structure to structure when scaling the city’s skyline. There are a series of scars starting from her right collarbone down to her hip in the shape of bite marks, with scars mirroring on her back. Theses scars are from when she was bit by the Stygian Snake. She has silver rings in her pierced ears. Depending on her mood, she prefers hoodies and casual wear to obscure her face when trailing. When she’s not trailing, she dresses well in silk blouses and slacks. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Layla Veronica Hyacinthus She/her | 20 | Caucasian | 63 in. | 50 lbs. _______________________________________________ Haunted _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Strange what you’ll do to survive." ___________________________________ Hyper-vigilant ⫻ Due to always having to be on guard from void entities, Layla is hyper-aware of her surroundings. She will notice subtle footsteps or a glint in the darkness. Fast reflexes ⫻ Dealing with the hungry mouths of the void entities, Layla is used to dodging attacks, finding an escape, and running out of harm’s way fast. Survivor instincts ⫻ Layla can identify, more often than not, the solution necessary to survive in a given situation. This causes her to be unreliable in team fights, as she will turn and run to save herself if the fight goes south. Tormented Soul ⫻ With her history, her world is very black and white. It’s either ‘you suffer’, or ‘others suffer’. She knows how to exact her will to appease the void. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I like to look clean. It’s about all I got." Layla has soft features, like a porcelain doll. Ivory skin that nearly matches her white hair. She’s very thin, leaning on malnutritioned. You can count her rib bones. She eats, of course. However, the stress causes her to be unable to gain any weight for her small height. Her body is marred with strange bite marks of varying sizes along her arms and legs. Her hair is wispy, a bit curly, with the color of the full moon. She often likes to braid parts of it with flower accessories. Often, a blue fabric rose will be woven in her hair. She likes to wear summer dresses. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Vul Bahlok Grah-Zeymahzin (aka: ‘The Void Heart,’ or ‘Void’) He/him | ??? | Apparition | 7 inches | 3 lbs. _______________________________________________ Haunter _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "I can see right through you." ___________________________________ Predator Gaze ⫻ He’s always watching, sizing up the next potential victim, trying to guess how tasty a person is based on their look and manners. Battle Strategy ⫻ He is the reliable number two to his haunted in a fight. He can identify and seize opportunities, or fill the gap. Voidly Knowledge⫻ He has knowledge of the Void, its legends, and its denizens. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Don’t stare too much - you might get nightmares." He’s a dark, purple-tinged orb surrounded in a voidly purple aura. His mouth is massive, able to crack open to the sides of his eyes to reveal sharp, jagged teeth. He’s often seen smiling in a predatorial manner. His eyes are cold, always displaying the power of the void in them - black sclera, purple irises with a ring of deep red around the pupil. Touching him is similar to touching his void hands - cold, with an immediate weakening in the body. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Tsukino (Luna) Inoue She/her | 29 | Japanese | 63 inches | 101 lbs. _______________________________________________ Spite _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents ”Eh, I know a couple things." ___________________________________ Taekwondo Blackbelt ⫻ She has attended a local Taekwondo dojo for the past eight years, earning a black belt. Her classes also cover how to handle a sword. Firearms ⫻ She knows how to aim, reload and use firearms from her dealings in the criminal world. Criminal Connections ⫻ She has criminal connections, able to find her way into near any VIP booth and make those shadowy dealings with the criminals of St. Portwell. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I just count myself lucky." She's slightly short at 5’3, and built thin with lithe muscle. A runner's body with similar endurance. Taking Taekwondo classes twice a week gave her trim muscle and shaped abs. Due to her abstraction, her eyes slightly glow white, with burning irises. She hides this behind gray contacts. Her hair is dyed white and carefully cared for, often straightened. The bangs often cover her eyes. She has scratch scars across her back and chest from when she fought in the battles against the Stygian Snake. She has a tattoo of the House of Cards Mafia's skull on her left shoulder. She has a date tattooed on her wrist surrounded in the branches of a Sycamore tree. The day she joined the Sycamore coven. She is often seen wearing dresses and formal wear. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Aislin Seraphina Rose She/her | 25 | Caucasian | 64 inches | 125 lbs. _______________________________________________ Idealist _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "It just needs a splash of color." ___________________________________ Creative Application ⫻ She is able to think creatively in how she uses her abstraction, which can benefit her in situations. Artful World ⫻ She is talented as an artist, able to create poetry and art with appearing minimal difficulty. True Friend ⫻ She is sincere, and that comes across when she speaks, increasing the chances of Aislin becoming a true friend to those around her. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I like my hair, lil’ mousse and it's good to go." She has always felt she is a bit on the shorter side. Naturally curvy a bit, with long slender fingers. Light skin, warmed by the sun on occasion. Her hair is dusty brown, styled in a wavy bob, parted on the far side. It's unruly, but she likes it like that. She has a few cuts of scars on her arms as a reminder of her fight with the Coven against the Snake. She is often toting her own graphic tees, sweaters and leggings. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Alizée Sken (Chain) Vul (Dark) She/her | 0 | Apparition | 77 inches | 55 pounds _______________________________________________ Bound _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents ”I’m like a hunter. I was a hunter?" ___________________________________ Phantom Menace ⫻ Alizée can achieve perfect stillness, and without feet to touch the ground, can follow any target completely silently. Zero-Gravity Maneuverability ⫻ Alizée can use her ability to float to pass over obstacles that would hinder anyone else, such as the ability to cross over water. Void Speaker ⫻ Alizée knows how to speak the old tongue of the Void. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ”Haven’t I always been like this?” She's tall at 77 inches, just a little over 6 feet. She's usually a little taller than that due to her preference to hover a few inches off the ground. Her build is thin, without a lot of the appearance of muscle. Her body itself is an interesting spectacle. The ivory skin is marred in two places: Both of her hands, mainly the fingers. They are elongated, grotesque, boney and gray, like they are under some type of sickness. Alizée doesn't know why they're like that. Besides that, her appearance of skin could be considered unblemished and quite normal. White hair flows down in loose curls down to her thighs, often seen slightly floating around her. Her face, which is actually a dark, faceless void, is covered by a broken metal skull mask with red eyes. Matching the battered look of the iron mask, she wears double sets of iron cuffs and chains on her wrists and ankles. The chains aren't linked to each other, they simply float around Alizée. She appears to wear a white silk dress shirt and a white, flowing skirt. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Eksa Alden Thresh She/Her | 28 | Black-Scot | 5'8" | 137lbs _______________________________________________ Dissociated _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Cultivated meself, I s'pose." ___________________________________ [Student of the sciences] ⫻ Eksa is very well-educated. With multiple degrees in scientific fields such as medicine, chemistry, and biology, she has devoted significant amounts of time to her own intellectual betterment. As such, she is quite knowledgeable on matters pertaining to the aforementioned topics. [Sharp Mind] ⫻ Knowledge does not equal wit, but Eksa possesses both in spades. She's sharp - not only is she attentive, adaptive, and open to learning, but she does such things quickly. Her mental acuity is her strongest asset, most would say. [Steel-willed] ⫻ Eksa is not one to fold under pressure. As a technical medical professional, panicking isn't something she can afford, nor something she is prone to do. Aside from an unshakable psyche, Eksa is also one to detest surrender. She won't give up - and that is evident from her past. No matter how hopeless something seems, you can count on Eksa to be one of the last to admit such a thing. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "They always give me that look.." Initially, Eksa doesn't appear too out of the ordinary. She stands a bit taller than average at 5'8" and weighs about 137 pounds. Her hair is a thick, dark brown mane which she infallibly wears in side-swept twists. Her equally-dark eyes sit behind a pair of thin-framed, circular spectacles that sit lightly over her broad nose and defined cheeks. Her high cheekbones and angular jaw shape, accompanied by the smooth, clear, light-brown tones of her skin lead her to generally be seen as rather attractive, conventionally. Aside from her face, Eksa is similarly blessed with a womanly figure, though her wardrobe tends to conceal this - with the overcoats she always wears being the main culprits in such an act. Her general attire generally consists of darker shades; black, brown, khaki, etc., and is more often than not business-casual in style, with blazers and turtlenecks being a favorite of hers. Notably, Eksa does possess a bit of a quirk when it comes to her outfits - that being that she always wears an overcoat. She doesn't usually actually wear the sleeves, however, and just lets it hang from her shoulders. This article serves one purpose for Eksa, and that is to conceal her left arm - or lack thereof. Being that her arm was amputated a couple inches above the wrist, her partiality for overcoats stems from her self-conscious nature. Though this technique is only successful for preventing stares from passersby, and those who don't interact with her for long, in her experience. Finally, aside from how she looks, there is one thing to note about Eksa that is inescapable - that being her voice. Due to an accident in her past, Eksa's vocal cords and lungs have been irreparably damaged. This has caused her to develop a croaky, pained vocal structure whenever she speaks. This, alongside her insistent, unpredictable coughing fits has led many-a stranger to ignorantly surmise her a particularly persistent smoker. Unlike her arm, however, this is something which she can't really hide - a fact which causes her much distress. Overall, despite her pretty appearance, it is the focused nature of her expressions, her off-putting voice, and her broadened silhouette that has led some of her colleagues to dub her intimidating, of all things. |
Marma | |
![]() Age unknown | Marma | They/Them "..." | Description: Marma is a benevolent, if completely reticent, apparition. Despite its refusal to really communicate at all with Eksa beyond a couple very rare occasions, it has deemed its place to be at her side. It has, over the years, been a boon to Eksa and a stalwart presence where she was otherwise completely alone. This has led to a bit of a bond forming between the two, despite Marma's unresponsive nature. Eksa has only seen Marma's true form one singular time, as the apparition disguises itself by possessing an article of clothing Eksa wears in the form of a leather cuff on her left bicep. Abstraction: Black Bough Marma's abstraction is called Black Bough, and this allows it to summon an inky, black limb to aid it in its needs. Said limb is usually rather herculean in strength, and can take many different forms, be they that of a tree branch, a tentacle, a paw, or even a regular hand - though all forms are befouled by a dark, smoky visage that betrays their true paranormal nature. While Marma seems to have no true purpose, this ability is one that it often uses to assist Eksa in her intents. Though, of course, this is usually kinda rare due to their need to shroud paranormal things from most of their surroundings. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Linqian Han She/Her | 26 | Chinese-Congolese | 5’6” | 124lbs _______________________________________________ Fickle _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "My brother stole all the brains in the womb, hah." ___________________________________ Languages ⫻ Chinese is Linqian’s first language, and the one that was primarily spoken in her household and with her two brothers. She is fluent in it and prefers it over English. She also speaks Kituba, taught by her mother and used in the few years they lived in the Republic of Congo, though she can't read or write in it. She can speak very basic conversational French. Cooking ⫻ Linqian learned to cook from both her parents, and is the only one in her remaining family with any skill for it (her brothers burn most things they cook). She is surprisingly talented at it, going beyond cooking out of necessity to being able to cook fancy meals (when she feels up to it). Bartending ⫻ Linqian has worked in bars since she was legally able to, to help keep her family afloat. She’s good at making drinks, and passable at service - with time, she’s gotten better at keeping control of her emotions in front of customers, at least. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Don’t look too hard." The first thing noticeable about Linqian is that she has a resting bitch face, eyes slightly narrowed and lips turned down. The second is that she’s clearly mixed, between her coily hair and hooded eyes. She’s a bit taller than average - though where she’s originally from in China, she’d be counted as tall. She’s relatively slim thanks to working on her feet and cutting costs by cutting down on the meals she eats. Her body is pear shaped, with a relatively flat chest but more curves towards her hips and legs. Linqian’s hair is formed in tight coils that fall just below her shoulders. She styles it in a few ways, most often a bun or low ponytail, but quite often will leave it loose. She used to straighten it, but has stopped since she grew to love her hair type more. Linqian’s eyes are round, with a gentle upturn at the outer corner. They are dark brown in colour with a hooded, double eyelid. The bottom lid creases up when she smiles, making her eyes much narrower - she looks prettier when she smiles than when she doesn’t (there just isn’t much to smile about right now). Overall, though, she views herself as attractive (and she is) - even if not conventionally. Clothes wise, Linqian will normally wear tight shirts tucked into waist high shorts or loose trousers. When it’s colder she’ll wear a thick fleece jacket over the top. She enjoys wearing dresses and skirts, but rarely finds an occasion to. She dressed mainly in shades of blue, black and white with the occasional brighter colour thrown in - namely red, orange or yellow. She has her ears pierced, but doesn’t always wear earrings. On her right hand she has always wears a pair of wedding rings. Linqian also needs glasses, due to being a bit short sighted, but she almost always wears contact lenses when she goes out or doesn't bother. |
Britney.Williams | |
![]() "She stopped me from getting mobbed by a bunch of cultists, that counts for something." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | x years ago… ”What? Why the fuck are you asking about Britney? Fucking hell, its been years.” ”I contacted her today.” ”... So? Why the fuck would I care?” ”Because you got pissy that I contacted Sloane, Qian-er. I don’t want to deal with that again.” ”Fuck off, Jinhai, I barely know Britney! Talk to her, don’t talk to her, I don’t care. You’re close, you like her, you think she’s oh so smart even after all she fucking did. I don’t care. Don’t talk like I’m fucking controlling or anything.” ”Well, you did-” ”Nope, stop right there. I have no opinions about her, okay? Happy. Let’s end this fucking conversation.” current day… ”It’s funny, Hai-er, but I think that me and Britney might be starting to become friends… Strange how things work, isn’t it? She’s helped me a few times now… And I’m confident she’ll have my back. I’ll have hers, too, and not just because of the whole… situation with Greyson. I like her. I can see why you were friends. I really do. I’m glad that we’re growing closer. I still don’t entirely trust her, but who do I fucking trust? Not a lot of people. I do get the feeling she looks down on me… but that’s fine. She’s probably right to. In what world do I live up to you? I’ll accept being the inferior version, always.” |
Drake.Blackmore | |
![]() "He realllyyy hated Jinhai, but we got on so well I had to ignore it." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | x years ago… ”What’s the occasion?” ”Huh? I’m not just allowed to crack open a fucking beer without it being for something?” ”... It’s a Wednesday night.” ”Fucking- stop with the judgement. I was just remembering shit, okay. All those parties we used to have with the coven… Made me want a beer. Shit isn’t as interesting here, though. There used to be all sorts of shit to watch- like whenever Drake would get smashed and start fights. Fuck, I remember one time when he was going on a proper rampage against anyone who pissed him off.” ”We remember that very differently. I was one of the people he was pissed off at.” ”... Yeah, that was why it was so fun to watch.” current day… ”Drake hasn’t changed. You wouldn’t be surprised. Bet you would be all snobby about him punching Sloane in the face, saying something about how ‘you always knew he was the type to hit women.’ I think she fucking deserved it, fucking bitch… But I get it. He hated you, like I hated Victoria, and you didn’t like him. But he’s my friend, whatever you think. Thought. Fuck. He’s lost someone too. Jade was… well, I imagine he’s feeling the same as me. His future, gone. Fucking suck. But we’ll make him pay. I swear, we’ll fuck him so hard with a lightning dildo that he’ll wish we’d killed him right away.” |
Luca.Oliviera | |
![]() _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | x years ago… ”Do you remember Luca?” ”Who?” ”That answers my question, then.” ”Oh fuck off, Jinhai, who the fuck is Luca?” ”One of Britney’s victims. Quite curious, actually, what he was adjoined with. Could rot near anything away. Would solve a fair few problems we have with plastic waste… Perhaps I should see if I can get in contact with him.” ”... you know what, I don’t care.” |
Sloane.Faris | |
![]() "Well, she still has a massive stick up her ass." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | days before Jinhai’s death… ”I think that Sloane has something important to tell me. Her texts have been a bit odd lately.” ”So? Why the fuck would I care?” ”Oh, I can’t talk to you about my concerns? Why don’t I go talk to someone else, then, like Anya-” ”Fuck no, you promised you wouldn’t contact that bitch…its been ten fucking years. Alright. What’re you so concerned about?” ”It’s just interesting. Maybe it's about the murders, or all those artifacts she’s been hoarding.” ”Hahaha, that’s boring shit, why wouldn’t she just come out with it? Maybe- maybe she’s going to fucking confess to you. Imagine that, emotionless Sloane having fucking feelings!” ”You might be onto something... It’s not a surprise, with looks and brains like mine. Anyone would want to date me. So many did during college, it was a real pain to turn them all down.” ”Oh shut up, there’s no fucking way. It's been ten years- and even if she did, you wouldn’t say yes, would you? Fuck, have some standards, Jinhai.” current day… ”You know who else hasn’t changed? Sloane. She’s still just as stuck up as she was ten years ago. With that fucking boring expression and constant judgments. The other day, she told me that I had to take responsibility for how fucked up my life was. Hah. I’d like to see her live a day in my shoes, do a day of actual fucking work. But you know what? She backed off when I said you’re- you’re- well, you know. She offered to pay for the funeral. I accepted, because it’s not about me. It’s about you. Giving you the goodbye you deserve the… fuck. I don’t want to. I’m glad that even though she’s the worst, she values your friendship. Most of your other friends didn’t, fucking assholes. I still don’t like Sloane, but she’s slightly less shit. It is still so fucking hard to not slap her. You aren’t even here to stop me, but I’ve fucking managed it- better than Drake, hah. But she needs to fucking watch herself… because I can only hold myself back so much.” Linqian really didn’t get on with Sloane, and that hasn’t changed. She did try to get on with her ten years ago, because Jinhai did, but she just couldn’t. Sloane was stuck up, ruined everything fun with her permanently dead facial expressions and dished out constant critiques towards Linqian and many others. The arguments between the two of them were some of the fiercest, because Sloane was a constant fucking inconvenience to Linqian’s life. She seemed to take issue with Linqian just existing, and Linqian took great issue with her attitude. A fair few times it almost devolved into a physical fight (on Linqian’s half, at least), and the only thing that stopped it was Jinhai physically dragging her away. |
Tayla.Choi | |
![]() "Hey, want to grab another drink? Just us this time, I promise." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | current day… ”Fuck, Tayla’s changed a lot. You’d hardly recognise her. She’s been through some shit… I don’t know the half of it, but I can see why she’s fucked up if what Greyson brought up is part of it. She even has a kid now- he’s super cute, honestly, made me miss when Yi-er wasn’t a fucking nightmare. We’re similar, cause we’ve got a lot to fucking protect and we’ve lost so much shit… I feel bad for taking Greyson’s side, sorta, when shit happened. I mean, he was just being his normal dickish self and she tried to fucking smash a bottle over his head. Fucking hell, it was bad… Hopefully that shit just blows over. Course I’ll choose Greyson- he’s my friend and fucking paying me- but I don’t want Tayla to get hurt. Her kid doesn’t deserve that… she doesn’t deserve that. I’ll make sure she survives, if I can.” |
"Edict".Devola | |
![]() "How the fuck does he keep pulling out more stacks of cash from his pockets." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | 10 years ago, post leaving the coven… ”What the fuck is this?” ”An agreement that you won’t contact Greyson now that we’ve left Sycamore.” ”Are you fucking with me? You wrote a whole legal agreement shit- I already agreed not to, can’t you take my word for it? Fucking hell- what is your fucking problem with Greyson? I get that you hate him, but this shit is going too far, Jinhai. He’s not even that bad!” ”And that’s the fucking problem, Linqian. You don’t think he’s that bad. He’s a criminal who can get inside your mind. But you just see him as some fun friend - one that you can hook up with now that Bianca’s out of the picture.” ”Keep Bianca fucking out of this, Jinhai.” ”I’m not wrong. I’m being pretty reasonable, letting you keep in contact with people almost as bad. But Greyson- Greyson’s a dangerous creep. I don’t want you around him.” ”’Let me’? You’ll let me, will you? Just like I let you be around Sloane and Anya and all those other fake bitches- I’m not stupid. I know what he’s like. Why the fuck would I even sign this?” ”Perhaps I’ll finally ask Anya out for dinner like I was considering… I’m sure you’d love to have her in your life more, right, Meimei? Or, I never see her again.” ”Knock it off with the ‘meimei’ shit, you ass, I’m minutes younger… Fine. Fine! You don’t see Anya, I don’t see Greyson. None of that shit you’re worried about would happen, but whatever. Even if I wanted to, I don’t have the fucking time to see him right now… And you’re wasting my precious time off with this shit. Just give me the pen.” current day… ”If you were here, you’d be so fucking pissed at me. I mean, if you were here this wouldn’t even be happening… Haha. I’m hanging around Greyson again. Well, more than that- yes we finally fucked, I can tell you’re judging from up there, fuck off, Jinhai- but I’m also working for him. Look. I need the money, he has the money. No, I don’t fucking trust him completely. But he’s my friend as well as my boss, technically. Would’ve still been all these years if you hadn’t fucking- well, whatever. He can take all the shit I throw and throw it back. I like that. It’s not fun being around people who just get upset when I’m a bit mean to them, or get pissy over all the little shit. He gives back as good as he gets, y’know? I can actually fucking relax a bit around him, which I need. I feel a little more like someone with their own fucking life when we hang out… I can forget about all the shit responsibilities a bit even without letting him in my brain. Sure, he’s a dick, but so am I. You know how many people can put up with me? It’s not fucking many. And he’s good company. You’re not here to stop me anyway. But don’t worry. I’ll keep him away from Yi-er.” |
Jack.Hawthorne | |
![]() "Another one that got on better with my brother than me." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | 10 years ago ”I can’t believe he actually did it. He’s insane.” ”Huh, who?” ”Jack. He went into the Void… he’s basically throwing his life away.” ”Oh yeah, that’s fucked- what’s the void again?” ”... It’s a space outside of reality, between different universes. Filled with horrors that make the apparitions we fought look tame. Going into it is an awful idea. It’s suicidal.” ”So we won’t see him again? Oh well… he was fucking edgy anyway. I don’t know why you’re so bothered by it, he chose to do it. Let him die in the fucking Void or whatever.” ”Do I look bothered? I just think he’s out of his mind, but if he dies, well…” ”His own fucking fault, right?” ”Exactly” current day… ”Jack’s still edgy as shit, but he’s more tolerable now. That’s growth for you- which one of us grew, who knows. Also he made it back from the Void! I know you were fucking convinced he’d died... But he did it. Survived and all that. He’s going around checking on us daily and shit. We still don't have a lot in common, and he’s friends with Sloane and Anya but… I don’t care as long as he helps me kill the fucker the killed you.” |
"Sully".McPherson | |
![]() "If I missed anything about the coven, it was the beer Sully provided. Well, Sully too." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | x years ago ”You know who I miss from the Coven? Sully. Fuck, that free beer… Shit’s so expensive.” ”You got these for free from work, didn’t you?” ”Yeah but its like piss water- fucking flavourless, barely any alcohol… I want the good shit, but we can’t fucking afford it! Didn’t have to worry about that with Sully around. I can’t believe we could drink more easily as teens… fuck.” ”Yeah, shit was pretty wild then… But at least Sully was there to stop you killing anyone when drunk.” ”I never tried to kill anyone- punch them, yeah, but I didn’t try fucking murder.” ”But you might have if Sully wasn’t there to stop you when I couldn’t, right? Hey, hey, stop heating up, you really can’t take a joke anymore, Qian-er. You’ll ruin your beer… Look, I’ll get you a nice one with my next paycheck, alright?” current day… ”Fucking hell, I haven’t had the chance to talk to Sully cause shit keeps happening. First, we all got shot- I was seriously considering risking my life for that guy, cause he was in a bad spot… But then, next time I see him he throws a fucking toga in my face! You should’ve seen it, a whole fucking toga conga line. It was embarrassing as hell- and Sully tried to throw me right in the middle of it. With, guess who, Vashti fucking Nour! She’s kinda- no, fuck, I’m not talking to you about that shit. When there’s the chance, I need to drag him out for a drink and actually catch up… not fucking togas or conga lines, just a shit ton of free booze. I’ve fucking missed that.“ |
Leon.Richoux | |
![]() "As long as he keeps his wolf form and his cult away from me, we’re good." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | current day… ”Hai-er, you might really judge me for saying this… but… I just can’t keep it from you… Leon’s mom is really fucking hot. Soooo fucking hot, I almost joined their cult- that’s a joke, I’d never join a fucking cult. Did you know Leon’s family ran one? Of course not, you would’ve told me… it was fucking weird. Makes me want to be around Leon even less. At least he replaced the car he destroyed! I’ll be fucking civil, because he’s strong which we need… if only he wasn’t such a stuck up asshole. Fuck, I think he’s worse from before. He fucking lectured me over shouting at him- yeah, I know, gotta work on my temper, fuck off- as if he hadn’t just nearly crushed my car. With how his mom is no wonder he feels so fucking superior- that cult gave weird vibes. I ain’t going near that again.” |
Stormy.Carson | |
![]() "Not sure I can talk to a college professor." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | x years ago ”Ah, Qian-er, before I forget - do you want to sign this card I got?” ”Huh? What’s the occasion?” ”Stormy just became a Professor. It’s quite a competitive role, you know. I figured it would be a nice gesture to send him a congratulations card. He did so much for us all, after all.” ”Fuck off, you just want to stay in his good books in case there’s something else like the Stygian Snake so you can hide behind his shields.” ”You know I never got close enough to the fight to need his shields.” ”Course you fucking didn’t… but don’t think I can’t see you, Han Jinhai. You can’t hide your shit from me.” ”Think whatever you want, Meimei. Are you signing or not?” ”... Sign for me. My handwriting’s awful.” current day… ”Stormy’s still the same, I think. I didn’t really know him that well. He absolutely went for Britney when he first arrived, which fucking hell… not the time. But he’s still doing all he can to protect us, I guess. His shields certainly haven’t changed! But fuck, he’s too smart for me. I’m sure you guys would get along more now… Well, he’s fine.” |
Anya.Baksh | |
![]() "She won’t feel superior when I burn her face off." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | x years ago ”Hai-er, be honest with me, you’re still in touch with Anya, aren’t you?” ”No. I signed the same contract you did, do you really think I’d break it? Here, check my phone if you want to be sure.” ”I know there won’t be anything fucking there- in dreams! You can talk in fucking dreams!” ”We don’t… What brought this on? It’s been years.” ”Because my dreams have been fucked recently, and I can tell she’s fucking taunting me. It’s shit with you and Yi-er- fuck she was in them once too! It was a fucking nightmare! I hadn’t even thought about how she could just jump in them, and how you could be getting around that fucking contract you made me sign… which i still think is fucking ridiculous, you could’ve trusted me, but fuck- You really aren’t? If I find out she’s in your dreams, I swear, I’ll fucking end both of you.” ”I’m really not, I swear. Trust me.” current day… ”Fuck, I was so happy when Anya didn’t turn up to the first meeting… but then she fucking turned up to the second one! Dealing with Sloane was bad enough, but both of them? Fuck, I hate her so much. She’s so much fucking worse than Sloane- at least Sloane argues with me. Anya just fucking ignores me. She treats me like I’m nothing. I can’t believe you were friends with her. At least Sloane is doing something for that. But Anya? She’s done fuck all. Hasn’t said a word to me, that bitch.” |
Evelynn.Serenelight | |
![]() "Fucking bitch." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | current day… ”I can’t- I fucking can’t. It’s so fucking hard to say to you, fuck… Evelynn, that fucking bitch, I hate her guts. She said- fuck- she said that I deserved to lose you… That you deserved to fucking die. You didn’t deserve it. Fuck, maybe I deserve the worst, but you don’t. You should still be fucking alive- I fucking hate her. She’s the fucking worst, the next time I see her I’m going to make her wish she was dead. She’ll be in so much pain that she won’t be able to move, all she’ll be able to do is beg for me to put her out of her misery and I fucking won’t. I’ll make her regret it. Fuck, I can’t believe she said that… I hate her. I hate her so fucking much. You didn’t deserve it. If anyone deserved it, it was me. I don’t care what people say about me, but you? You were fucking everything… But she used you to hurt me. She fucking trampled all over your memory. I’m barely fucking holding on, Ge. I think I might fucking kill her… And I wouldn’t regret it. She’d deserve it. Fuck…” |
Lila.Blackwood | |
![]() "Shit, she’s changed!" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | current day… ”You know who’s grown a fucking backbone? Lila! Uh- you know, kid with the crows. I’m not an asshole, I won’t use her old name. Fuck, she’s changed so much… She was one of the only ones with the balls to tell Meifeng to go fuck herself. The PRA leader- absolute bitch. There’s a shit ton more crows now, though… I sure hope they don’t shit on me. I don’t have the time to clean the shit out.” |
Jasper.Wilde | |
![]() "Man, anyone can tell you have the hots for Luca. Don’t deny it." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | x years ago ”Ohhhh shit! Jasper’s got a proper exhibition now! With some fucking, I dunno, art gallery in St Portwell? I don’t fucking know- but it looks cool.” ”Let me see- oh, you’re right. The art they’ve chosen has quite the melancholic feel to it… The tragic artist, I suppose. Have you been in touch with him lately?” ”No- and I don’t understand any of that shit. Art is art, all I see is some fucking cool colours. You smart types can talk about that shit without involving me. Maybe I should text him, it’s been a while… He was always so chill. I miss bitching about Sloane with him, cause you won’t fucking do it with me.” ”You’ve never tried. There’s plenty about Sloane I could bitch about, even if we’re friends. But if you want hatred… You’ll have to go to Jasper.” ”Heh, yeah, he really goes above and beyond with that! Fuck, some of the things he said… When I get time I’ll shoot him a text.” |
Adora.Phoenix-Prescott | |
![]() "You’re not special because you lost something. The rest of us just had to get on with it because we didn’t have any choice." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | current day… ”Adora came back, what a fucking surprise. I thought she’d be hiding away somewhere, cause we all bring back bad memories or something… Whatever. I’m willing to put it all to the side. Sure, we fought all the fucking time before, because she was a judgmental bitch. When she called you a coward… Fuck, I was ready to burn her skin off. But as long as she doesn’t act like that, I’ll be civil. We both got bigger fucking problems to deal with. I don’t have time to deal with her problems, because I’ve lost you… Fuck, at least I’m not making it everyone else’s problem, too.” |
Layla.Hyacinthus | |
![]() "She’s fucking latched onto me now, hasn’t she?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | current day… ”That little asshole, Yi-er, tried to teach Layla to say Jiejie when we were partying… If you heard how she was saying it you’d hate it just as much as I do. She butchers it so badly… I don’t even want to be around her. She’s annoying and whiney, but she’s latched onto Britney and Greyson is doing some mind shit on her so now I’m also stuck with her. So got really fucking clingy, too, what if she’s attached? I don’t have the energy to deal with another young adult, especially if she wants support. I can’t deal with that shit right now.” |
Clancy.Patrick | |
![]() "Wasn’t this kid shot?!" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | current day… ”You’re not going to fucking believe this, Hai-er… Ashley had a cousin! He’s like, ten or something! Cute little kid if you ignore him surviving being shot… But fuck, I’m not sure how to feel about a kid hanging around with us. We’re not exactly good influences. Eh, he seemed like he could handle himself. I’m sure it’ll be fine.” |
Kenshiro.Murakin | |
![]() "" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | 10 years ago, during the coven… ”I think Kenshiro’s starting to get used to America more…” ”Course he is! I’ve been doing my fucking hardest to help him with the culture differences… I took him out for some proper, shit fast food burgers yesterday. Dunno how they’re still running with the Stygian Snake destroying the place.” ”Heh, of course they’re still open. There’s still a few difficulties when we’re planning… People say things he doesn’t quite understand, but I’ve always managed to smooth it over.” ”You always fucking do. Y’know, he’s wayyy better at explaining magic than you are. I’m actually getting better- which you didn’t help with at all!” ”There’s only so much I can do for a student as bad as you…” current day… ”Fuck, Kenshiro’s gotten more dramatic… He’s lost a lot, I guess. Honestly, I was kind of jealous when he just started crying over Kari. I wish I could do that. I don’t have the time to cry over you. But, he was still the same Ken in a way, speaking way too fast about shit I didn’t understand. I kinda missed it.” |
Aaron/Aryin.Thorne | |
![]() "The fuck, you’ve gone all artsy and shit? Oh, you were always artsy and shit? Can you still take a punch, then?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | 3 years ago… ”Fuck, you know what Aryin just texted me- and it’s definitely Aryin, cause Aaron doesn’t fucking shit talk like this.” ”Yeah?” ”’Seven fucking years. Seven…fucking…years. That’s how long I’ve had the displeasure of knowing you. From the day we met I knew we’d never be friends. I made sure of that when I pushed back and forced you to fight me-” ”Fuck, how long is this?” ”Shut up- ‘Some would say I won that fight, some would say we tied, but you know what I’d say? I think that you fucking lost that fight but won the war because I fucking love you bro. Seven fucking years, here’s to seven fucking more.’ This fucking bitch, I didn’t lose the fucking fight! When are we next going to St Portwell, I need to beat her fucking ass.” ”You can just say you miss her, Qian-er, it’s alright, I won’t judge you for going soft.” ”Oh fuck you, Jinhai.” ”I think it’s sweet. All your other ‘friends’ from Sycamore barely- Alright, cool down, I won’t shit talk them. But you can actually depend on them.” ”Yeah, yeah, you’re right… I do trust that fucker more than I do anyone else. Don’t tell them I said that.” ”Heh, I’ll consider it… Well, what did you do for your ‘friend anniversary’ or whatever this is.” ”I sent them a letter.” ”... Wow, I’m surprised, you can still write?” ”You fucking- yes I can. All it said was, ‘seven years, fuck you’ with a heart, anyway.” current day… ”You were right, y’know. Well… you were always right. But I can depend on Aryin… Aaron too, obviously. Fuck, y’know I wasn’t sure because they’ve been so fucking busy since I came back. But as soon as I saw them again, that was it. Like ten fucking years hadn’t passed. I need someone I can actually trust, because you’re not- fuck. I just can’t trust anyone else right now. They’d be fine around Yi-er, too- and you now how much I don’t want fucking coven members around him. You were the same, even with your friends… Whatever. I know they’ll have my back without any fucking conditions. Maybe it’ll be the same for Britney… and Greyson. But I can depend on them. Fuck, it really is good to see them again. They actually fucking understand shit! Not that I’m unloading all my problems on them- you know I can’t do that- but they get the money shit. Fucking sucks. I forgot how strong Aryin’s punch was after ten years of texting and calls… Fuck, I think it might bruise. Definitely don’t tell them- oh. You can’t. Haha. Well, don’t worry. With this bitch on my side, I won’t be joining you anytime soon.” |
Amara.King | |
![]() "She keeps giving me this flirty look… Sorry, you don’t have a chance. Go fuck Bianca or something." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | ”So I heard the strangest thing about you, Bianca and Amara…” ”Huh?” ”Supposedly the three of you… had a bit of fun-” ”Stop right there. Who the fuck told you that?” ”Amara herself was bragging about it.” ”That fucking- I’m going to fucking end her. Nothing happened! Fuck. That bitch. Don’t listen to anything she says about us, okay! Fucking telling my brother… bitch… ugh…” |
”Luna”.Inoue | |
![]() "I don’t give a fuck about the whole mafia thing, I dislike her as a person. She’s fucking boring." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | 10 years ago… ”I always knew there was something suspicious about Luna… But trying to get people to join her mafia group? I couldn’t have guessed it was something so stupid.” ”Heh, funny story…” ”What?” ”A couple of days ago she tried to approach me with that. She was going on about how she could give me another family and some shit about money, I don’t remember. It was boring as fuck. I just told her to fuck right off… I don’t want to join some shitty mafia. If I was going to it would be Grey- well, I wouldn’t, obviously. I didn’t bother saying cause it didn’t seem important.” ”Are you fucking with me, Linqian? You didn’t think it seemed important? That someone tried to get you to join a mafia.” ”Tried. As if she could make me. She ran away soon as I told her too, fucking coward.” ”I’m going to kill her.” ”Oh c’mon, Ge, stop being so dramatic. She didn’t do shit, and she’s gone now. Chill- heh, ironic I’m telling you that. You get real pissed when it comes to this kinda shit with me, don’t you? Don’t worry, if I see her again, I’ll kick her ass.” |
Aislin.Rose | |
![]() "Start talking about dreams again and I’ll show you my fucking dreams." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Current day… ”So, Aislin came back too. She’s… the exact fucking same. It didn’t bother me as much back then, cause I was a teen without all this shit on me. But now it fucking pissed me off. I live in the real world with a shit ton of responsibilities, and she’s out here smoking fucking weed while we trying to find the person who killed you. Next thing she’ll be talking about how we should forgive and forget or some other fucking shit. Idealism doesn’t get you anywhere. I can’t eat dreams and good karma for dinner. Fuck, I’m getting more pissed off just thinking about it… I don’t have time for her idealistic shit.” |
Bé.Rochefoucauld | |
![]() "I’m glad he’s not come back." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | x years ago… ”Are you still in touch with Bé?” ”... Why are you asking now?” ”Cause I was thinking about the coven and I just remembered that asshole. You used to be friendly with and, fuck, I wanted to make sure I won’t have to see him again.” ”We’re not. We lost contact a few years ago… But Sloane’s still in contact with him, I can get his number from-” ”Don’t you fucking dare. Hearing about her is already bad enough.” |
![]() _______________________________________________ Sloane Aiesha Faris She/Her| 27 | Syrian American| 5’2” | 105 lbs _______________________________________________ Severe _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Not everything I do is work." ___________________________________ [Sailing] ⫻ Sloane was never too far from the harbor growing up with her parents sharing their passion for sailing with their child. She knows how to pilot and maintain most civilian level sea vessels, and is above average when it comes to navigating, knot tying, fishing, and elbow rubbing the rich douchebags sipping back martinis at the yacht club. [Cardio] ⫻ Sloane has woken up and gone for a jog almost every day since she was thirteen years old, excluding that awkward time in her life where the world was kind of ending. She could not only get up and run a marathon this moment, but she would probably finish close to first. [Fencing] ⫻ A newer hobby of Sloane’s that she has only taken up in the past couple of years. She isn’t the greatest fencer in the Oregon scene by any means, but she has yet to hit her ceiling. [Antiquarian] ⫻ The woman has always been fascinated with history, and there is nothing that interests her more than an old object with a high price tag. Sloane is not only good at identifying vintage antiques from counterfeits, but she has a knack for finding the rare, expensive collectibles her discerning customers ask her to acquire. Sloane currently owns two antique stores: a high-end, expensive place Faris Imports catering to the wealthier clientele, whom she is excruciating picky with when it comes to who she’ll deal with, and a tourist trap in the mall called Curious Curios where she offloads bad incense, packs of tarot cards, and bins upon bins of “haunted” dolls. [Cartomancy] ⫻ It’s a little insane not to believe in the power of the occult or the existence of fortune telling after you’ve seen the things Sloane has seen. While Sloane dabbles in astrology and other pseudosciences to help determine the right path, her preferred method of divination is through tarot reading. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Clients expect a professional. I dress to meet expectations." Sloane is composed almost entirely out of sharp angles, crossed arms, and huffed sighs. Her face appears to be carved from granite with pronounced cheekbones, a pointed nose, a cleft chin, and a jawline so strong it could crack diamonds. She puts a clear effort into her appearance, plucking her eyebrows to perfection and picking shades of shadow to accent her dark eyes. Her olive tone skin is healthy and hydrated. Her ears are pierced with tasteful and expensive earrings that are hidden behind her straight hair, which is long and black with faint streaks of premature grays running through it. She’s petite but holds herself with a quiet intensity that makes her feel more imposing than she actually ever could be. Sloane has decent curves and is overall fairly fit, but it isn’t her physique that makes her stand out from the crowd and turn heads: it’s what she’s wearing. Sloane has an impeccable fashion sense, shunning the latest flash-in-the-pan trends and instead committing to a timeless look with tailored clothes made to work with her small frame. She leans heavily on sophisticated sweaters, simple button-ups, wide leg trousers, and long coats to fill out her silhouette. She also typically has some type of gloves close on hand. Sloane almost exclusively sticks with a mix of black and white, but if she’s feeling especially wild she might pull out something beige, brown, or, if she’s feeling real frisky, navy. She keeps the jewelry to a minimum but always wears an old, expensive wristwatch on her right wrist that hides an old burn, the face rotated around to her inner wrist to protect it from scratches. Sloane overall appears very stoic and unflappable, but she doesn’t always look unemotional. In fact, she has perfectly mastered expressing not just one but two emotions: bored, her go to default for most occasions, and annoyed, which is just her bored face but with more rolling her eyes up to the ceiling. Her smiles are a thing of rarity and a popular game amongst the Coven after the defeat of the Stygian Snake was seeing if anyone could make Sloane laugh harder than a sharp breathing out of the nose and a soft hmph. When she speaks, Sloane has as much charm and inflection as an early text-to-speech program. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Sullivan Nicholas McPherson He/Him| 28 | Irish American| 6’5” | 300 lbs _______________________________________________ Abandon _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "What is it? Jack of all trades, master of being a good-for-nothing?" ___________________________________ [Raw Strength] ⫻ Sully was a linebacker in high school, and while his dreams of going pro have long faded years of working construction and odd jobs has seen his strength linger on. Although he can’t hold a candle to professional strongmen, he’s almost always the strongest person in the room. He can easily heft up heavy loads with hardly a sweat and it would require a gang to keep him down on the ground. [Intimidation] ⫻ Those who know Sully are aware that he’s about as dangerous as a newborn kitten, but it doesn’t change the fact that if he wants to he can look like a tough son of a bitch who can make someone eat their own teeth with just one hit. He actually uses this to dissuade violence, as he detests physical altercations. [DIY] ⫻ Sully has a knack for fixing, tinkering, and crafting. This can range from simple quick repairs that require little more than some tape and elbow grease, to complex mechanical projects that are just shy of requiring an extensive engineering degree, to uncharacteristic like being able to hem a dress or build a computer. He can even perform some rough first aid, although some might be squeamish about his methods. [Woodsman] ⫻ Sully isn’t a full blown survivalist, but he spent his youth camping, hunting, and fishing with his father and has grown to appreciate the outdoors. He feels most at home in nature and can rattle off facts about flora and fauna with ease. [Iron Stomach] ⫻ The man is a bottomless pit, casually able to crush local food competitions and drink anybody under the table. His social media feed is a horror show of gluttony and alcohol abuse, but on the brightside he did win a $100 gift card to a local wing place once. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Yeah, I’m pretty hard to miss." Sully isn’t just a big man, he’s a landmark, a lighthouse guiding people towards safety where they can hide in the protective presence of his shadow. His face is an open book, his emotive blue eyes betraying any feelings he might try to keep beneath the surface. He hides the softness of his jawline and the doubling of his chin beneath a short, well-maintained and oiled beard. His brown hair is cut short and has started to thin out in the back. His skin is well moisturized and he always smells faintly of the woods mixed with a good bourbon. He’s a massive man and is almost always the largest guy in the room. He used to be absolutely shredded, but an overly indulgent lifestyle has softened his muscles and rounded out his gut. However, he is still quite strong thanks to him mostly performing physical labor and he holds his weight pretty well. His hands are notably rough, often coated with fresh scratches from screwing around with some kind of household repairs. Sully dresses in flattering if simple clothes, sticking to the traditional look of the local foresters and fishers with his flannel shirts or cardigan sweaters, straight legged jeans, and well-worn boots. Sully knows that almost nobody will be able to see his bald spot, but he’s still too young to learn to accept it. Instead he always wears some kind of hat, sticking with knit beanies in the fall and winter and switching it up for a baseball cap in the warmer seasons. Sully has a welcoming, teddy bear air about him that makes him seem extremely approachable despite his size. His voice is deep and warm, with a rich laugh that is easy to entice out of the man. He’s prone to staring off into the distance as if his eyes are trying to catch up to his wandering mind, yet despite this apparent flightiness he never seems to miss the thread of the conversation. Sully has a tendency to keep his hands in his pockets and moves with all the speed of a tortoise frozen inside of a glacier. |
Britney.Williams | |
![]() "Monster." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Irredeemable. Failed to see consequences of actions that led to future crises. Seeks forgiveness only because she cannot stand being disliked. Probably working an angle. Must be monitored. Do not trust. She will only make things worse. I respected you. You taught me so much. I fear that I’m making the same mistakes. How could I be so stupid? |
Drake.Blackmore | |
![]() “Bastard." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Useful. Trusted. Dependable until recently, but blameless for change. Things feel different since Jade’s death. Don’t understand why, grief is shared. Needs guidance, just don’t push too hard. More fragile than he seems. Reckless. Keep him close. Unhinged. Needlessly causes harm to others. Has always been like this. People don't change. He's as responsible as Father Wolf is for Jade's death. Am I to blame for this? No. You should know me better. I thought we were friends. |
Alizée.Altieri | |
![]() "Puppet." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Suspicious. Volatile. Could be a victim, could be an accomplice. That apparition is dangerous. Should be sealed. Keep watch on. Might need handling. Last resort only. Owe her that. It was unfair how they treated you. You needed our help. I should’ve spoken up. I worry that we made another enemy. |
Eksa.Thresh | |
![]() ”Craven." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Coward. False martyr. Not the only one to give the ultimate sacrifice. Should’ve come back sooner. Waste of talent. Think drug pushing saves lives? Only here to save her own skin. Selfish. Unforgivable. Who isn’t? I thought we were friends. I should’ve called. I was too afraid. Now you’re just another stranger. |
Linqian.Han | |
![]() "Bitch." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Unstable. Unreliable. Says one thing, does the other. Self-centered quitter. Any wonder she’s single? Learn to commit. Unlikable. Unimportant. It should have been her. Damn it, it should have been her. I don’t mean it. You know I don’t mean it. I’m sorry. My efforts to impress him were at your expense. God, I didn’t even call when I found out he... |
Luca.Oliviera | |
![]() "Victim." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Pitiable. Unfortunate. Don’t go easy on her. Why didn’t Ashley help? So many questions. It’s like he doesn’t really want help. It’s like he wants an excuse not to help. How bad can it be? Could want people to feel sorry for him. Disgusting, then. Truly rotten. Impressively committed if this is just an act. Need to find out more. Try to be gentle. I don’t know what you were going through. How could I, you never told me? How could I, I never asked? I owe you more apologies than I’ll ever know. |
Tayla.Choi | |
![]() "Wretch." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Quitter. Junkie loser. She dishonors his memory. Too scared to seek help from those who could give it. Probably shouldn’t even be here. A liability. Dead weight. I’m so sorry. I didn’t see how much pain you were in until it was too late. I’m a horrible friend. I didn’t know how to help. I don’t think I really could. |
Finn.Reid | |
![]() "Artifice." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Curious. Oddity. Not feeling like a human feels pretty human. Difficult to read. Difficult to believe. Spy for Sebastian? Nobody can hide forever. More danger than he’s worth. Being too harsh? Doesn’t deserve it. What do you want to hear? That I’m afraid of you? That if someone as kind and caring as you is considered subhuman, I lose sleep over what they think I would be? |
"Edict".Devola | |
![]() ”Counterpart." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Bizarrely similar. Family first. A legacy of liars and thieves, apples stuck in the knotted roots. Crimes second. Wrongly kicked out. Innocent until proven guilty. Dead if true. Careers swapped. Heard he’s legit now. So he could’ve been fixed this whole time? I feel bad for you. Too busy abusing that Warm Little Center you never realized how many of us wanted to be around you for you. I doubt they would think the same of me. One way we differ, I guess. |
Kali.Mahendra | |
![]() "Enigma." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Out of nowhere. A ghost. A mystery. Would he even know if he was the real deal? Vanished. Another runaway abandoning a city that needed him. So he’s a fed now? Hard to believe. Harder to trust. Makes everything muddy. I don’t think you’re the same person I knew. Actually, I don’t think I ever really knew you. Was that my fault? Should I’ve been more open? |
Simone.Le.Fay | |
![]() "Soloist." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Above it all, yet strangely curious. Couldn’t get a conversation in with Britney without her being there. Her accomplice? Doubtful. Gone as soon as the going got rough, another fairweather friend. Quit her band almost as quickly. Good to see some traits were consistent. Of course she’d come back now. Just like the rest. I’ll admit it now, I was intimidated by you. I saw one of your shows recently—left before you noticed, I think. I can see why you want to perform, but it doesn’t change a thing. You should’ve stayed. They would’ve listened. |
Clancy.Patrick | |
![]() "Who?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I'm no good around kids. All my toys are too expensive to play with. |
Jack.Hawthorne | |
![]() "Redeemable." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | The king of cowards. The worst of them all. Said they should protect St. Portwell then left their entire reality behind. For what? To hide under the blanket of shadows? Because of a whim? Ten years without a word. Suddenly he’s back. He could be useful, but what’s stopping him from just leaving again? A couple more dead bodies? A close call? Perhaps he deserves more credit. More sensible than some people. Maybe I felt betrayed when you left us. Misjudged you because of it. We could've used you then, but thank you for being here now. |
"Sully".McPherson | |
![]() "Imbecile." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Enabler. Distracting dimwit. Thanks for the recruitment but he’d actually be forgiven if he retired. Defended the undefendable. The Chalice would be better in literally any other hands but his own. Whatever. It’s not like he’s going to stick around this time either. Just leave the Chalice by the door. I can’t believe I gave it back to him, but I’m glad I did. You and Auri could help me get a few of them back, but I’m too embarrassed to let any of them know what happened. I’ll find another way. |
Everleigh.Thorn | |
![]() "Traitor." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Unrecognizable. Left without a word. Unbelievable. Shows up working for Emily? Unforgivable. Just a different person now. Basically a stranger. Shouldn’t even be here. Abandoning the 8th now that she doesn’t feel safe? Good to see the disloyalty wasn’t personal but a personality flaw. Expressed radical ideas back in the day. Scary thoughts. Someone to watch. I don’t understand what happened. You were one of the few that could always make me smile. Where’d Eve go? |
Leon.Richoux | |
![]() "Mutt." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Wasted potential. Bad luck? Bad luck is just bad planning. Daisy was to blame, but the blood is on his hands. Sounds like he's still trying to protect the city. Definitely needs proper guidance. Could he be made to heel? Doubtful. Probably too much of a pig to see the pearl before him. I know I should forgive you. How could you have any idea? But what bridge would I even be trying to repair? I was too distant. Jealousy, I guess. |
Stormy.Carson | |
![]() "Keeper." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Dependable. Steadfast. He is owed respect. Sadly a reactionary; would do better as a revolutionary. Couldn’t see the Coven for the failure it was. Could’ve helped defend the city without it. More forgivable than the others, but still left. Another hypocrite after all. Everybody disappoints in the end. Get used to it. Relying on him now would be stupid. If I had reached out would you have come running to help? I imagine you would. Don’t know why I didn’t. Maybe I’m stubborn too. |
"Lyss".Burns | |
![]() "Scion." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Distant. Standoffish. Little more than a surname. Similar in that regard. Also where it stops. She left like the rest. Abandoned her city. Abandoned her duty. Could’ve righted her family’s wrongs. Could’ve been something. About as useful as a corpse, all things considered. I was always too harsh on you. I couldn’t stand how much you loved your family. I wanted to know what that felt like. |
Anya.Baksh | |
![]() "Sister." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Rival. Companion. Best Friend. Undeniable. Undefinable. Undoubtedly perfect. Understatement of the year. I know how it makes you feel because it makes me feel the same way so I’ll never say it outloud, but I love you. You feel like the sister I never had, only you’re better than anything my parents ever made—myself included. I fondly remember practicing spells and interpreting dreams, discussing business and practicing divination. Your intelligence and determination motivates me when I am feeling weak, which I fear is an almost daily occasion, and I admire your way to not be afraid of celebrating your accomplishments or caring about what other people think. In all honesty, I wish I was more like you. After Jade passed there weren't many people I felt like I could still talk to. I’m so happy that we’re friends. I don’t know how I’d go on if I lost you, too. |
Adora.Phoenix-Prescott | |
![]() "Weakling." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Pathetic. Crybaby. Should’ve been smarter. Enjoys wallowing in misery. Learn to accept responsibility and move on. What else would’ve happened? The last hold out. Actively harming the city by doing so. Was, anyway. Good thing she has her. Doesn’t matter. Still unbelievably self-centered. Quits and then thinks things can go back to how they were? Pathetic. Should’ve died in Lisa’s place. For your own sake, you need to move on. You’re the only one who can forgive yourself, because you’re the only one blaming yourself. I know it wasn’t your fault. I shouldn’t have said it was. |
Layla.Hyacinthus | |
![]() "Burden." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Quiet kid. Useless child. Why’d they let her fight? First red flag for the Coven. Don’t know why she stayed, don’t know what happened when she left. Traumatized, probably. Hopefully okay. Not like it matters. I ignored you then. I’m ignoring you now. I should reach out, make sure you’re alright. I know I won’t. |
Evelynn.Serenelight | |
![]() "Fraud." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Showoff. Grandstander. Just wanted to be popular. So tired of hearing about “visions”—who’s the real cursed ones? Unreliable abstraction, untrustworthy user. Could’ve been a horoscope in a newspaper. Rather rely on the cards, thanks. Didn’t think to warn us of what was to come? Guess nobody does like the bearer of bad news. Total trash. It’s unfair how much I blame you. I know it is. I know you couldn’t have seen this coming. I just need someone to be angry at. I’m sorry. |
Lila.Blackwood | |
![]() "Lackey." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Gutless. Voiceless. Followed after the flock, never brave enough to soar alone. Helped sometimes around the hideout. Not utterly useless. Some people are born to kneel. Seems different now. Don’t mean the obvious. More driven. Crows are often misinterpreted to be bad omens. Sometimes they’re signs of good changes. Usually they’re just birds. I never tried to get to know you. I just always assumed the worst. I know, I should do better. |
Britney.Williams | |
![]() "A strong herbal tea with just a splash of bourbon." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Look, I get it—everybody’s all aboard the fuck Britney Express these days. All my homies hate Britney. Well I’m gonna go ahead, stand my ground, and date myself when I say, “Leave Britney alone!” Without Britney and her spooky knowledge I’d be dead. If you didn't do the things you did to those people they’d probably have been dead too. Think about it, without it they wouldn’t have any of those, uh, emo fields to protect the big snake dick from fucking with their brains. Sure, look, I’ll agree: the no consent part was way uncool, but it beats being dead. Britney, you’re part of the team, and even if you fumble every now and again know that I got your back. |
Drake.Blackmore | |
![]() "Bro, you know it’s time for jagerbombs!" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | It’s like nothing ever changed. Your like a brother to me, but like in that way where you’re both old enough to realize that each of you is kind of a cool person and not in that way where one of you gives the other one a wedgie so bad it rips your underwear. Which, to be clear, is something that has never happened to me, shut up, we’re talking about you, Drake. It’s so good to be around this guy. It feels like the best years of our life were frozen in place and comes unfrozen when we’re together. You were always so fun. Usually, anyway. Real, um, real damn shame about Jade. Look, bro, if you wanna track this fucker down and do some street justice I’m one hundred percent behind you all the way. You’re Michael Jordan, I’m Tom Brady. I know they didn’t play together and it was totally different sports, but what I’m trying to say is that we’re money. |
Alizée.Altieri | |
![]() "A gin and tonic for the young lady with a fresh squeeze of lime. Huh? Oh yeah I totally put my heart and soul into this one ." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Okay, okay, okay, okay. Let’s just take a moment right now and lay down a couple of ground rules. As we already discussed earlier, ignoring consent is something ol’ Sullybobs here isn’t gonna be cool with. Alizée, girl, like I get you got this Void thingy attached to you and it needs to feed on life energy or something but…okay. I’ll admit. I don’t get it. I got a magical cup. Why don’t you just get a magical cup? Take that Void thing, stir it up real nice, find yourself a glass, and put it in that glass. Boom. Problem solved. At the very least if you’re gonna go about sucking strangers dry just dig through some forums and find the people looking for that kind of experience. They’re out there. Probably. I wouldn’t know. What I do know is that if you wanna play on this Coven, you gotta leave those normies alone. . |
Eksa.Thresh | |
![]() ”Guiness, obviously. Ow, ow, I’m joking! I’m joking. Some unpronounceable scotch with a splash of water to open it up, just the way grandpappy drank it." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Eksa, I want you to know before I say anything else that I am trying my best. You know I respect you, you know, as a bi woman, as a black woman, as a Scottish woman, as a credit to her industry whatever…whatever it is that you actually do there. It’s all a bit too complicated for me. But I’m sure you can explain it to me because you were always so kind and patient with my dumb American ass and I just gotta say how proud I was to share the field with someone as brave and as strong as you. If you ever need anything just give Sully here a call. Eksa, darling I guess what I’m trying to say is that I would always, always, always be there to give you a hand. Fuck, no, I didn’t mean it like that! Eska! I swear! That one wasn’t on purpose this time! |
Linqian.Han | |
![]() "Here’s my Bud Light buddy! Oh, right, you’re my Miller girl now. Sorry, Henikenen? Right yeah, fuck that shit, Pabst Blue Ribbon it is!" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Ayyyyy, alright, let’s go let’s go! I don’t care what the haters say, Linqian is one of the funnest gals in the Coven. I mean, she can absolutely go from zero to fuck you in no time flat. Some people say that’s a bad thing, I say that’s exciting. Keeps the dynamic fresh. You know, just try to keep the hair pulling and eye scratching to a minimum, it does kind of send a bad message to the new recruits. But they just don’t know you like I do. You know, get a couple drinks in and she just lets the fun social butterfly side out and everything’s cool. So glad you made it back. Sorry, uh, sorry I didn’t make it to the funeral. Work’s been, you know, um… about a drink? |
Luca.Oliviera | |
![]() "Luca’s turn! Someone get the beer bong, my mom’s gonna kill me if I ruin another varsity jacket. " _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You know you’re fantastic, Luca. A positive attitude is the one thing I think that we can always use more of, and you got that shit in droves. Now I know that I kinda left you all high and dry after the battle with the Stygian Snake, but that doesn’t mean you can’t rely on Sully. If there’s anything, anything, anything ever casting a dark cloud over that sunny disposition just let me know and we’ll come up with a way to make it go away. Air hug, brother! By the way, do you know if Olivia is coming back? I figure you’d be the one to know. She’s a real sweetheart. |
Sloane.Faris | |
![]() “Nothing? Really?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Look, Sloane, I get it, you didn’t like how lightly I treated the situation but look, if you want Serious Sullivan you got Serious Sullivan right here: those people could not have done what they did if all they ever had was doom and gloom. Now, I’m not saying we gotta sugarcoat things, but a little bit of levity helps way more than a whole shitton of evidence saying that we’re screwed. Now I appreciate what you did for us but you gotta stop pretending like being a cheerleader is a bad thing. People need light to get through the dark. Now c’mon on, put your hand in and give me a “Go team!” just this one time. I won’t tell a soul. |
Tayla.Choi | |
![]() "Can I mix it with what? Um, yeah, next round. Right now you look like you need a water." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Tayla you were hands down one of the wildest partiers in the good old days. Like you always amplified that bitch up to eleven and, honestly, I’m not gonna lie you even out partied me sometimes. Like, look, I don’t wanna get all afterschool special with you, but I heard about the shit you got into after I left and, I don’t know man, it just kind of broke my heart. You know obviously I’m happy you ended up getting your shit together, but I really wish you’d talked to one of us about it. We’re a family, you know. Me casa is our problems, or however it goes. Now you better bring that daughter around to meet Uncle Sully. You know I’m great with kids! |
Finn.Reid | |
![]() "Motor oil. Just kidding, I know you like gasoline. Oh c’mon Bella, it’s a joke. We’re having fun! Bella! Bella c’mon!" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Look, Finn, buddy, I think I owe you a bit of an apology man. Back then I was under the impression that we were just playing around with all the robot jokes and the beep boops and, you know, I thought you were in on it. Having done a little growing and maturing of my own, I realize now that we may have taken things too far. Dude, I just want you to know that it doesn’t matter, you’re part of the team no matter what. So now that we buried that, I always wondered…you and Bella, like, you guys did right? Because I’ve seen some convincing documentaries on the internet about step siblings and… |
"Edict".Devola | |
![]() ”Vodka tonic but it’s actually just soda water, right? Go ahead, buddy. Don’t worry. It’s definitely not Everclear. " _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Oh, mister wise guy here! Mister smooth operator here! Gotta say, bro, it was a pretty confusing time of my life and having you stir around my emotions like it's a martini didn’t really help. Honestly, I just think you’re kind of a creep and while I’ll still acknowledge that you were a valuable member of a team you definitely still give vibes of being the weirdo that chooses to wear the mascot costume because it lets him hang out with the cheerleaders. And like we all know you did it so dude, just do yourself a favor and admit it. It’s water under the bridge anyway, so stop pretending like you’re something you’re not. |
Kali.Mahendra | |
![]() "What Greyson had? Okay man, but fair warning, it’s straight Everclear." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Kali, Kali, Kali…oh right, Kali. Yeah man, no I remembered you, of course I did, you were, uh, definitely there. Totally there. Hey look bud, I mean we can reminisce about all the good times we had together that I one hundred percent remember but really I wanna talk about you right now. Because you’re saying some stuff and doing some stuff that makes me think that maybe, right now, you just need someone to be a friend and listen to you. So, you know, if there’s anything you need to get off your chest, I’m your guy. Oh, yeah, cool, you’re with the FBI? Oh interesting. Okay, well, anyway, like I said, it was nice meeting you. . |
Simone.Le.Fay | |
![]() "Alright, finally somebody is going to margaritaville. Frozen, I know. Soothes the throat." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Simone, you expanded my taste in music by like a thousand percent but I said it before and I’ll say it again, T-Pain has the best singing voice on this earth. Period. Don’t let the autotune blind you. I’ve seen footage, it is a fact! But if I’m being honest, it kind of felt like it didn’t matter what I thought. I’m not trying to start anything, like you’re entitled to your own opinion and allowed to do you own thing, but it felt like you never really wanted to be part of the group. Now I value what you did and I do think of you as family, but sometimes you gotta horse around with the others a bit to really build up that feeling of comradery. You know, crack a towel on someone’s ass or smack someone in the balls–metaphorically speaking. You know what I mean? You know what I mean. |
Clancy.Patrick | |
![]() "Hey kid, want a soda?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You say Ashely is family, kid? Well hell, the way I see it makes us family. Forget the soda. You want a beer? |
Jack.Hawthorne | |
![]() "A dark ‘n’ stormy? Dude, nobody’s watching. You can drop the bit." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Look, Jackie Boy, I get it man. Magic’s real and all and that’s totally awesome but you know what’s also pretty powerful? Catching the rays of a beautiful sunshine, tossing a ball around with a couple of buddies, cracking open a few cold ones. What I’m trying to say man is you’re too focused. You need to diversify. I’mma break it to you right now, bro, because I think you’re one of those dudes who thinks jocks and nerds are different, but man, jocks and nerds are exactly the same: they hyperfocus on one thing and that alienates those around them. But that’s important man. You cover one side, I got the other. Still, like, I don’t know man, let’s go for a hike, maybe do a little fishing, and you can tell me about whatever the hell this The…Thel…The-Llama thing is? |
"Everleigh".Thorn | |
![]() "Pick your poison. Arsenic? Ha ha, good one. No really, what do you want to drink?” “What do you mean it’d be like Jonestown?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Okay, Eve, this is getting a little too intense for my blood right now. Listen, I really dug the old peace, love, and understanding girl I used to party with. You always had some of the best bud. Honestly, I can even kinda gel with the whole fuck-the-man, fight-the-system style we’re working with these days but man, you’re kinda scaring the shit outta me right now. It feels like you drew a line and then just yeeted yourself a mile over it so like, what if maybe we were to redraw the line, stop it just short of complete and utter anarchy, maybe dial the extremism back down to just around “kinda passionate”, and like, set that as the new standard. Like, let’s at least have the protest first before we go off and start a purge, okay? |
Leon.Richoux | |
![]() "Straight whiskey? Damn straight! Ruff ruff, that’s what these big dogs do!" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Leon, you are straight up just the coolest dude I know, man. Back in the day you were like my idol, my mentor even, guiding me at the gym, at school, and on the field. I feel like it’s because of cool people like you that I didn’t fall into the shortcomings of becoming that asshole, bully jock by showing me that you could both be popular, be on the team, and still be your own damn person. Now I know that it’s been a while since we really hung out, with you getting a little too busy to kick it with the old crew these days, but I ain’t mad. Yeah, no, I’m real happy for you, yeah, you know, cool to see the gym’s doing well, the boxing career is stellar. Yeah, it’s just, you know, for me like sports kinda just became whatever, right? You know, like I’m busy with other stuff now. But I am really glad you’re hanging around again, you know I love you, man. Plus you got a hot mom, bro. Look, I don’t even swing that way, but for Lynette? Shiiiiiit, oui oui, mon ami, you might have to start calling me Pops. |
Stormy.Carson | |
![]() "Another seltzer water for my DD! You do have my keys, right? What’re ya talking about? Who the heck did I give them to, then?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Look, man, look, I get it, you’re in the right, you’re always in the right, there isn’t anybody I know who has never been more in the right almost all of the time besides you, Stormy. So know that when I say this, it comes out of a place of respect as your friend: you gotta accept that sometimes it’s okay for something to go wrong. Losing ain’t a bad thing; it’s motivation. It’s what keeps us hungry, keeps us feasting. Now I know you’re a beautiful, tough son of a bitch, but you will be beaten down sometimes. And when that happens, I’ll be right there for you to lean on because I know you’d do the same for me. But you gotta give Britney a break, okay? |
"Lyss".Burns | |
![]() “See, like I said, you aren’t the only one capable of making zombies." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You know, I just gotta say it was really refreshing having someone come find me for once asking to join the Coven. Honestly, just nice to not have to give the spiel again. Look, now I could go on and on with praise for how you coached your little undead players or how you gave it 110% when it came to that final tussle with the big bad evil snake guy, but Lyss, I gotta bone to pick with you. I do. No, really, this is serious, dead serious. Look, it’s because of you that I gotta lie directly to my mom’s face, telling her that she makes the best meatloaf when you and I both fucking know that ain’t true. Compared to that final meal you made for all of us my mom’s meatloaf is like eating a damn hockey puck. I’m having dinner with her Sunday. I can’t keep up this charade. Please, give her some recipes, please. You need me to beg? I’ll beg. Name your price. Whatever. |
Anya.Baksh | |
![]() "Anya. Anya! Anya, Anya, Anya! Where are you going? We’re getting blitzed! Anya! Hey, Anya! Huh, maybe she didn’t hear me." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Anya you ever notice how weird it is that we didn’t hang out more? Like, if I didn’t know any better I would think that you didn’t even like being around me. Look, it’s cool if you don’t wanna party with the crowd or don’t enjoy getting shitfaced, but there’s nothing wrong with a little relaxation. You can’t always be about business and magic all of the time. I mean, look at me, I’m about neither of those things and I’m still making it in this world. Kinda. But what I do know is that nobody makes it without having a team behind their back. Like, you can be the star player, but if you don’t have a true squad watching your six it doesn’t matter how much of an ace you are. So come on, play with us. I’m sure you can have some fun. |
Adora.Phoenix-Prescott | |
![]() "Right, I got my dudes, you got your bitches, and this puppy is full of Bud Light. We’re finally doing this: FLIP CUP CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH RIGHT NOW!" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I feel like you and I are cut from the same cloth, girl. But listen, you gotta take a second and be more considerate before you start running your mouth or you’re really no better than the bullies we tried to shut down. Still, I gotta respect the teamwork and hustle you displayed with Vanessa and Clementine, and I really appreciate you watching out for Lisa and bringing her out of her shell. Man, I still can’t believe she’s gone. If I’m being honest, I sometimes feel like it’s my fault that she died. If I had been in better positioning I could’ve been there to heal her with the Chalice. Like, that shit eats me up some nights. Still, we gotta keep pushing on for them, you know? |
Layla.Hyacinthus | |
![]() "Hey, kiddo, how about we just start off with a nice protein shake?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Look, Layla, now I appreciate anyone who wants to be part of the team, but you gotta understand that there’s nothing shameful about cheering from the sidelines. In fact, it’s the voices from the sideline that gives us on the field motivation to push on when we’re feeling defeated, no matter how quiet and small that voice might think it is. Now it might sound like what I’m saying is that I think you should stay out of the way, but that totally isn’t it. In fact, I have an idea—Stormy’s a good guy but he’s a little thickheaded and tends to get in too deep. Would you mind watching his six so old Sully here doesn’t have to keep running back and forth to heal his ass? |
Evelynn.Serenelight | |
![]() "Hold on, hold on, I’m getting a message from the spirits. They’re saying…Long Island iced tea? H’okay, just be careful. They’re stronger than they taste." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Lynn, I just gotta give it up to you—you’re the unsung hero of the Coven. Everybody always wants to give it up to the main players for why the team is doing good, but I know that it’s the people coordinating things from the side that really shaped our victory. We couldn’t have done it without you. Plus, your indecisiveness gives me confidence when it comes to my own inability to make up my damn mind. Like, shit, Lynn can’t even pick an option and she can see the future, so it ain’t so bad if I waffle for a little bit longer, know what I mean? Anyway, I don’t need a fortune teller to tell me that there are bright things in store for us now that you’re back with the squad, buddy. Need me to top off that flask? |
Lila.Blackwood | |
![]() "Oh sorry, didn’t see you there. Here bro, finish this for me? I shouldn't have gone one-for-one with everybody…" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Hey I don’t think my opinion here really matters or not but I just wanna say that I’m happy for you, Lila. Like obviously it’s not a one-to-one comparison, but as a gay dude who spent longer than he should’ve in the closet and still feels pressure to present as if they’re a straight man in certain company it’s nice knowing somebody who’s so open about this stuff. However, this doesn’t take back how I felt about all the bird shit there used to be on my truck back in the day. Like goddamn, that bitch was almost white after every meet-up. All those years of becoming a vet better have taught you how to put a diaper on those birds, Lila, or I’m gonna recruit you for scraping duties. Still, shit aside, I’m glad we got to you before the Snake’s cronies could back in the day. Good to have you back. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Tayla Takara Choi She/Her/They/Them | 25 | Japanese/Korean | 5'10 | 103lb _______________________________________________ Tragic. _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Nothing useful." ___________________________________ Self-discipline ⫻ She's two years clean off oxy and she plans to stay that way. Takes a lot of practice and discipline not to fall back into old habits and get triggered by stressors. Bilingual ⫻ Speaks English and Korean fluently. Used to know Japanese before the divorce. Lost it cause she doesn't have anyone to speak it to. Fishing ⫻ Grew up on a fishing boat, helping her father with the daily catch out on his boat. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I call it Heroin Chic." Tayla is pale as fuck. All those years on a fishing boat didn't give her a tan like her father. She burned like an egg on an Arizona sidewalk. SPF 100 is her bestie during the summer. She's tall, 5'10, and so thin the wind could blow her over. It's not healthy, she knew, but it's a lasting effect she's having a hard time getting over after going clean. She's mostly skin and bones. Her ribs and backbones are easy to see through tight clothing, so she keeps her style baggy. When she first kicked her habit, anything she ate either got thrown up or shat out, so she went without eating to feel a little less miserable. She still doesn't have a healthy relationship with food, but at least she eats. For a while there it was only a skinned apple and sweet potato once a day. Not even pregnancy did her breasts any favors. Still as flat as ever. Her lips are wide and thick. She often accentuate them with lipstick. Her hair is pitch black and it's almost styled like a mullet. She keeps her bangs long and over her eyebrows. From ear to ear her hair is short. The back lays on her neck and is cut shaggy. She does it herself. She can't stand it longer than her nape. Her eyes are dark brown, almost black and narrow. Her double eyelid is shallow at best and her eyelashes are short as hell. Lash lengthier mascara only does so much. Lastly, she's gone without it. Her ears are pierced and depending on her mood, she'll wear big hoops or studs. For the last 18 months, it's been studs. Her baby likes to pull on large hoopy things that cause mommy pain. She wears rings on her pointer and ring fingers on both hands. She has an array of them and generally chooses whatever she sees in her jewelry box first. She cares little to match them with her outfit, just like she cares little to match her outfits. She keeps to dark and neutral colors, so more often than not she leaves the house decently matching. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Finn Holmes Reid He/Him | 26 | Caucasian(looks the part) | 6'0 | 175 _______________________________________________ Loyalty _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "What I know may surprise you" ___________________________________ Melee Fighting ⫻ Finn is skilled at hand-to-hand and using a melee weapon when fighting after limited training with his parents, which continued after their deaths. Driving ⫻ After years on the road, Finn has become a good driver. Cooking ⫻ Something he picked up from Bella when he lived with her. Astronomer ⫻ A hobby he picked up while hanging out with Bella, and he is knowledgeable about constellations and other celestial topics. Well Traveled ⫻ Since traveling throughout America to understand humans more. Finn has been across the states and picked up some things from his travels and is used to traveling on the open road. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Nothing fancy" Finn stands at 6'0 foot and has an above-average build. He has brown hair and a stubble beard. Finn has fair skin and has some scars. Mainly on his arms and the most prominent being on his right hand. The most notable about his appearance is that he has heterochromia, or having two different colored eyes. His left eye is green, and his right eye is blue. Other than that, Finn carries himself like someone who still has some sadness in him. Like a subtle or hidden sadness, and yet Finn keeps going. At times, he acts like a confident person who lives a normal life and at other times, he carries himself like a wanderer in that he tries to fit in where he travels to but rarely feels like he does fit in. But having two different colored eyes probably does not help in that regard. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Greyson Michael "Edict" Devola He/Him/Himself | 27 | Italian/African American | 6' | 177lbs _______________________________________________ Listening. _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "You ever read Dale Carnegie?" ___________________________________ Smooth Operator ⫻ Edict was known for being smooth like glass long before his Kindling Event. He has a natural way of gauging the mood and interest of those he's speaking to, particularly in crowds and groups where he can deflect attention drawn to him. Wheeler Dealer ⫻ The mindset of a money maker is one that is constantly on the hunt. The mentality is, ultimately, that the vast amount of liquidity can buy peace of mind: To that end, Edict is constantly hunting for the bottom dollar with expertise and efficiency. Underground Broker ⫻ From the moment he realized there was a world beyond the mundanity of his forefathers, Edict has been hunting for a way to profit from it. To that end, his travels since the Sycamore Tree Sealing have diversified his portfolio of accessible supernatural resources. Made Man ⫻ The modern age of the Mafia has opened the books wide for members who would've never been accepted before. To this end, Edict has "made his bones" and is able to call upon elements of the North-Western Outfits as a young but influential Capo. One Step Ahead ⫻ Edict is used to paying for information and scrounging around for it himself when he just can't trust anyone else: He loves the hunt, and even more the puzzle that is putting it all together for a well executed plan. Dirty Hands ⫻ Sometimes there's no other option but to get your hands dirty. It's not fun, and he doesn't relish in the action, but Edict was raised with death being a simple consequence of business. As such, he's not unfamiliar with a firearm, nor is he lacking a source for them. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Wealth is like a Badge: Stupid people flash it constantly, thinking it will impress or intimidate. Smart people flash it with tact knowing that it'll serve them well." Edict is extremely aware of his appearance and the impression it gives to those around him. As such, he does his best to make sure that whatever can be changed to fit a given situation is done so with purpose and intent. His Father always stressed that one should dress for success, and he holds this philosophy close to his heart. At his core, he's a fair skinned individual with thick hair that curls out the longer it gets. His hands and feet are large, and while he doesn't work out heavily he has natural definition and bulk in some areas such as his forearms and calf muscles. He has green eyes, thick eyebrows and wide, flat ears that sit with a slight flare outward from his head. At current day, he has a goatee styled in the fashion of Anton LaVey. His body hosts several tattoos symbolic to his family, their religious practices and his own occult beliefs. A sycamore makes the centerpiece of a large mural hosted upon his back, a dozen axes sticking from various places in its trunk. The leaves remain full and hang over a few other scenes, highlighting them like little panels in a story. A rosary trails down his right arm, the cross at the end situated in his palm. The beads lead back to his neck, where they wrap around several times in a tight pattern. Preferring to keep a business/casual style, he rarely lets his hair get long unless he needs to disappear. Typically he uses a small amount of product to swipe it back; not so much that it becomes a helmeted crust of hair on his head, only enough to organize things. His clothing choices range from jeans and tank tops to fine suits color coordinated and perfectly tailored. He sees his wardrobe as an armory, and is always keen to select the perfect tools to convey the impression he wants. As such, its not uncommon for him to travel with a small duffel bag holding an extra outfit in case the need arises. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Leon Hunter Richoux He/Him/Himself | 29 | French/Irish American | 6'8" | 300lbs _______________________________________________ Fighting _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Don't huff and puff at something you won't blow down." ___________________________________ Mountain Man ⫻ Sometimes you meet a family, they look normal enough; then a freakshow saunters in and you wonder whose Uncle descended from their troll hide in the hills. Turns out its a kid, and all you can wonder is what the FUCK they're feeding this shaved bigfoot. Leon started putting on muscle and height at an early age, and has since come to subscribe to the ideal that one's body is a temple; and his is a citadel. His job consists of fitness and health, and his lifestyle has been built around maintaining that for as long as he can remember. The Legacy of King Gravity ⫻ "Gravity" Richoux was Leon's Father: A world class boxer, trainer, and heir to the Richoux clan's powerful Orange Lux lineage. Leon has followed the example in every way possible, turning whatever he couldn't into a signature flair all his own. Indomitable Will ⫻ The capacity for strength of mind is of utmost necessity for those who wield the Tiger's Courage. You have to have a capacity for it even before you awaken, so of course Leon would be tenacious and unwavering in the face of whatever adversity is in front of him. Unflinching ⫻ Thanks in no small part to Leon's Iron Will, he can be quite the stone faced killer if need be. Not only undeterred by threats, he is rarely pushed into action of any kind without a great deal of patient consideration beforehand. This makes his recent actions especially worrying for his friends and allies. Natural Learning ⫻ Leon's not traditionally smart; his time spent learning has always been hands on and by the seat of his pants. There's a great deal of history, even about his own family, that he doesn't know. But, that has never stopped him from developing a biting wit or a fantastic knack for working with his hands. Instruments, mechanics, fighting; he just takes to it like a fish to water. St. Portwell's Own ⫻ Being his Father's son, Leon has continued the fighting tradition and risen to the heights of World Champion in his weight class. He's recognized well around St. Portwell, and to a lot of Blinds in the community, he's something of a local pillar. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Why worry too much about shit that gets blood on it?" Leon is a mountain of a man standing just under seven feet tall. At his size, the natural bulk of a human is enough to cause a great deal of attention to be drawn to them, and in this case Leon has only done more to draw eyes. His fair tone skin is covered in tattoos from his hands to his pelvis, some having to do with his profession and career, others being symbolic to his family and their history or even local imagery with nods to his underground life. Prominently on his right pectoral is the Richoux clan's crest: A tower shield backing a deer in forward picture, a crown atop its head. A set of lions in the bottom right hold up small suns in their paws. Aside from the ink, Leon is fit as hell. With his job mostly consisting of eating and training for fights, he has as much time as he wants to focus on his physique. He keeps his hair long, usually tying it in some various form of bun in the gym, then letting his full mane flow otherwise. His hands are crooked, broken knuckles and scar tissue pushing the fingers into different directions than intended, but they still close into massive hamhock fists that large piston arms carry with ease. His face is surprisingly clean for a pro boxer, notably absent of the same kind of severe scarring one can expect from being drilled in the face so often. Leon was raised in the Wicca tradition, and both Lord Gravity and the Lady Hunter were dedicated not only to the faith, but to the aesthetic of their kindred spirits. As such, the tall and majestic young man came to mirror the look, going for a mix of traditional gothic aesthetic with the punk and grunge Oregon and the North-West are known for. Even his own ring gimmick is modeled after the preferred look: Lots of black, lots of plaid patterns and toque hats or cloaks and capes in the colder climates. Warmer climates see him in tank tops and ripped jeans with undone laces. Occasionally, for some sort of event or banquet, he'll dress up in one of a couple specially tailored outfits that are more reminiscent of a European Count or Baron than a boxer. In private, it's usually something much more casual; gym wear like a pair of sweat pants and t-shirts. |
WEAKNESSES ⫻ Being an Apparition created by the belief of Werewolves, Lady Lelou's abstraction makes Leon susceptible to all the standard werewolf weaknesses. The primary weakness of Leon is silver, as the mere touch of the substance (whether or not it's a silver blade or silver fork) will cause severe burns that will heal very slowly - not even healers will be able to help him. If he's exposed to Wolfsbane, it will also cause the same effect - but it's highly toxic if ingested. Fire-based attacks are also extra-effective against him, and Leon instinctively fears fire - even a candle will cause him to be unnerved. However, whoever is Leon's "Handler" will have full control of him.
![]() _______________________________________________ Kenshiro "Gamaken" Murakin He/Him/Himself | 28 | Japanese | 5'9" | 153lbs _______________________________________________ Hunting _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "The movies always make Samurai look glamorous. It's dirt work." ___________________________________ Wild Upbringing ⫻ Ken's upbringing was, like many Adept Legacies, fraught with danger and violence to which he was purposefully exposed. As such, Ken is always expecting trouble just around the corner, is unsurprised when it appears, and well prepared to deal with it. Son of Gama ⫻ Ken was born to a clan responsible for defending certain temples and artifacts located deep in the Kanto mountains, where it's said the honored spirits of Shimmer's natural environment are free to roam and come for veneration. He has spent almost all his life involved with or surrounded by Apparitions, and he has a wide knowledge of the different spirits and mystical creatures found living in or passing through the Shimmer. Trained in the Arts ⫻ Like a member of any other Palette Clan, Ken was trained from the moment he was able in order to defend his home and the legacy of the Gama clan. To such an end, he's studied the Hundred Scrolls of Master Kai, memorized and mastered the Gama Pact, and is a direct student of the famed "Ten Ton" Takedo, whose signature technique consists of the weaving of Purple Lux not only into one's blows, but to their weapons as well. Toad Sage ⫻ Ken has a close relationship with his branch's Patron Apparition; a mountain spirit known as the Emperor Toad, whose wisdom and patience are matched only by the grandeur of his rotund form. When it comes to the Gama Pact and its association with the Kin Clan, Ken has been taught things in desperation that the Emperor certainly wishes he hadn't disclosed. This gives Ken an uncanny mastery over the clan's Gold Summoning techniques. The Last Samurai ⫻ When Ken's branch was eliminated, he was unprepared and barely managed to escape with his life. Now, all that he has left is the Emperor Toad, whom he smuggled out of his nearly destroyed village and brought back to St. Portwell It's there that the Emperor is kept, in an isolated lake somewhere outside the city limits. Ken's property is a small boathouse permanently docked there, and he serves as the Emperor's last and most distinguished guard. Strange Survivor ⫻ With all the strange bullshit that he's gone through in his life, Ken has an uncanny knack for pushing himself beyond his own limits. Struggle, hardship, these are things he's simply used to; and his mind is hardened to his own suffering. Its left him with a clear head and equally clear goals, and a near superhuman level of bodily willpower in order to meet those ends that he craves. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I'm pretty good at blocking my face." Ken doesn't exactly have any particular sense of style or impression of himself as a fashionable man. While he's made some headway in living like a normal Blind, with a job and a place to live that he can go back to safely and stash magical shit beneath the floorboards, he's not particularly concerned with appearance overall. As far as his physical form, Ken's interdimensional traveling has left his body in something of a suspension since the time of his clan's decimation. As such, his appearance is something close to a twenty-three year old version of himself. Clean shaven, with a long and thick mane of dark brown hair that hides his ears, Ken's face has a bit of a triangular shape with a slightly pronounced inward slope of the chin and forehead. Accompanying, his nose is somewhat flat though not overly wide, and sits perched above a slightly small mouth. His time in America has introduced him to things like tattoos where he had been isolated from them before, and he's since gotten several both in commemoration of his abilities and his lost Family. Prime among them is a back mural depicting a mountainside, wilderness, amphibians; especially these, of which thirty can be found living among the piece. In speaking of his body, it was always expected of him to maintain peak physical condition; which he has managed to do without the esoteric old school torture exercises his Father and Uncles regularly put their kids through. Clothes are usually comfortable things for him, having spent his childhood basically in Fundoshi and sandals and upgrading to robes when he became a Kindled Adept. Nothing overly tight or form-fitting unless it's able to stretch. As such, catching him alone on his property or on the rare occasions he's in town will see him in simple t-shirts and sweatpants, usually in open toed sandals or flip flops no matter how cold it gets. He has managed to gather up something of a wardrobe from different realms he's visited, and often incorporates similar methodology when acquiring said garments. This leads to having a unique and somewhat exotic look despite him neither caring about coordination, nor about general sense overall. Often times a Blind will ask him what brand his shirt is, or what store he buys from, and he always tells them he shops "Out of State". |
![]() _______________________________________________ Kali Mahendra He/Him | 26 | Indian | 5'11 | 180lnbs(?) (Think of it as a rough estimate honestly) _______________________________________________ Lost _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "I hate talking about myself." ___________________________________ CQC Training ⫻ For as poorly trained as the PRA is there is still a bare minimum standard required to be cleared for field deployment. Technically, he should be more adept with firearms but ever since he firs shot a gun they've always made Kali incredibly skittish. Too much power to handle mentally. To make up for it he doubled down on close combat training instead. Fists, stun batons, even knives just feel less inherently... deadly. Running ⫻ People say running away from your problems is easy. For Kali it's an art form. One he's mastered through years of experience. For as long as he could remember he's always been running to or from something. His legs and his heart have been forged into dynamos of motion as a result. He might not be the most graceful or the most powerful but when he starts running as long as he has feet to hit the ground, he won't stop. Cooking ⫻ It's a right of passage to learn to cook in an Indian household. Being taught the various spices, watching his mother cook all sorts of recipes from Bharat, and being guided until he could hold his own in the kitchen is likely the closest Kali has ever gotten to real family bonding. Now that he lives alone it's an invaluable skill, one he treasures greatly even if the memories are still bitter sweet. Cleaning/Other Various House-Husband/Handyman Traits ⫻ He's lived alone for a while now. He never thought he'd end up in a point in his life where he'd genuinely look forward to spring cleaning or know the inns and outs of how to repair his own sink but... life truly has a way of throwing you places you'd least expect. Regardless, someone has to fix his apartment's windows and it sure as hell isn't gonna be the landlord. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "You know, it's funny. Every time I look in the mirror I still think... is that what I look like?" You wouldn't sus him out to be your average officer, that's for sure. Yes, whilst in full uniform he pretty much looks the part of your average gun toting paranoid machine of the law aside from his skin tone being several touches darker than most, but when the long sleeves are off what follows is a very different picture. Tattoos adorn both of his toned well trained arms, full sleeves, snaking all the way to his shoulders full of iconography from various movements, religions, mythologies, the works. His back isn't much better being turned into a sort of eclectic time capsule of ideas and beliefs that he might have held or still holds to this very day. There's a sort of collage effect at work here though with how he's allowed his body to become various artist's canvasses. Hard to say if it was a cohesive vision or just a lot of correcting after the fact to make it all work, but it certainly is something. His hair, black, silken even, and wavy, especially in the wind. It rests just above his eyes though you could imagine that if the job didn't require the bare minimum of tidiness it would fall even farther than that. There's a bit of scarring above the right eyebrow, either from a bad scrape or maybe a bad mission, hard to say especially since it's normally covered well with makeup to the point where you have to squint to get a good look at it. Off duty his fashion sense can flip-flop between something you might see on the Saint Lawrence Paris catalogue, black skinny jeans and all, or something more in line with a Yohji Yamamoto lineup with large draping forms that fall above his toned yet undeniably skinny frame. Earrings do appear to be a pretty constant staple, at least when he's not in uniform. A Ruby and a Sapphire, one for each ear. Surprisingly understated but the color makes it pop enough to draw attention way from his oddly colored eyes that seem to swirl between sunset orange and sea-foam green depending on the angle you're looking at them from. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Simone Marie Le Fay She/her | 27 | African-American and Chilean | 5'1 | 135 lbs _______________________________________________ Siren _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Find yourself in the Blood." ___________________________________ Musical Aptitude ⫻ Simone has been playing the guitar and the piano since she was a child. She can play songs by ear and has an arsenal of the classics ready to whip out at any given moment. Her singing voice has been begrudgingly described as a jazzy Disney princess. Her bread and butter is songwriting, and combined with the rest of her musical talents has crafted her into a musical virtuoso. Basic Physical Defense ⫻ Part of her family training was learning basic hand-to-hand combat. Most of her skillset relies on defensive mechanisms to protect herself in the face of danger. She was also taught to navigate and use a variety of different environments to her advantage in battle. Ancient Knowledge ⫻ The required studying of her familial lineage has led her to a deep understanding of ancient civilizations, their culture, languages, symbols, and the like. To know her ancestors, she must also know their life and the circumstances of their realities. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "The Artist can become the Muse." Simone is a reclusive and mysterious individual, which emulates throughout her overall appearance. Her dark features are a harmonious blend of her African-American and Chilean roots. She possesses light brown skin that glows with a warmth reminiscent of honey, thanks to a meticulous skin routine. Framing her face is a cascade of black hair falling in waves down her back. Her eyes, pools of deep, expressive onyx, reflect a blend of intelligence, weariness, and dangerous curiosity. Her nose is slightly sloped while her lips, naturally plump, possess a softness that can effortlessly transition from a gentle smile to a nasty grimace. She usually dresses in all black, favoring vintage dresses and coats in flowing, slinky fabrics that flatter her feminine figure. Her jewelry collection is vast, consisting of older designs that she adorns all over her body. Her favorite is a silver necklace that twists into a treble clef with an encased opal stone. Another accessory she is almost certainly wearing is her family crest on the breast of her dress. She’s pretty short, measuring at a mighty 5’1, and naturally curvy at 135 lbs. Most of her muscles and fat are situated toward the lower half of her body. She would never win in a game of strength but has found herself to be both nimble and swift on her feet in a fight. |
Drake.Blackmore | |
![]() "Out of all my old Coven members, he's the one who worries me the most." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Drake was always at the center of attention which is exactly where I didn't want to be. I kept my distance, just like I did with most of the other members of the Coven. However, I wasn't oblivious to the the way he looked at me. His actions during the battle of the Snake were the hammer in the nail of my lowly opinion of him. He was a reckless boy who was desperately trying to be some type of hero and that desperation led to a lot of issues within the Coven. I didn't keep up with Drake after we both left, and seeing him again is bringing up old feelings of distrust. |
Britney.Williams | |
![]() "Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Considering I kept most of the other Coven members at bay, my relationship with Britney could have been considered close by my measurements. Britney's knowledge of the Paranormal made me gravitate toward her, sucking up her brilliance like a sponge. I also genuinely just got along with her on a friendship level, that is, until the revelations came out about her and what she did to defeat the Snake. I didn't keep up with her after leaving the Coven and am anxious for when the time comes for us to see each other again. |
Alizée.Altieri | |
![]() "Someone needs to handle her." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Alizee is a walking liability. She has minimal control over her Apparition and her night-stalking habits were detrimental for the Coven while she was in it. Why Auri even invited her back is a mystery to me. Her actions are only going to draw negative attention when we try to defeat Father Wolf. At this rate, regardless of Alizee, I'm not sure we'll ever get there. |
Eksa.Thresh | |
![]() "Smart and helpful. I hopes she speaks up more." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I wasn't close with Eksa, but we did hang out every once in a while. She was smart - maybe even the smartest in the group common-sense wise. That's probably why I felt like she put up a wall with me, rightfully so. Not unfriendly, but obviously not trusting of me. I wouldn't mind working with her. She seems like she has a good head on her shoulders. |
Luca.Oliviera | |
![]() "A walking reminder." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Luca is probably the one I know the least about out of all the members of our old Coven, only because he joined so late. I know he was helpful enough during the battle. I'm waiting to learn more before I formulate a real opinion. One thing is for certain, I feel horrible for what Britney did to him and as long as he's sick it will always be a reminder to me that I can't trust Britney like I used to. |
Sloane.Faris | |
![]() "Someone's got to set the standards around here." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I admire her smarts and ambition, but she's really gotta work on her people skills. Even after all this time, I remember she wanted to lead the Coven. To be honest, I don't think she would have been a bad candidate if she could've got her act together. She sort of intimidates me for that reason - because if somehow she did get it together, she would be a force to be reckoned with. |
Tayla.Choi | |
![]() "Is she okay?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I didn't stay around Tayla much, only because she was good at getting herself into trouble. Didn't keep up with her after leaving the Coven either, and I was pretty shocked to see how different she looked when I saw her for the first time. It's obvious she went through something, but I wonder what it was? |
Finn.Reid | |
![]() "What an interesting creature." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Personally, I don't know him well, but I quietly studied him because of his mysterious nature. It was kind of my thing, being friends with the weirdos of the group. Couldn't say we were really friends, though, but I tried to make him feel included, just like one of the others. I learned a great deal about Abominables from him. |
"Edict".Devola | |
![]() "Stay far, far away." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | The only thing I think about when it comes to Greyson is how far away can I get from him? His abilities are impressive to say the least, but dangerous in a way I couldn't afford to get caught up in. I've seen the way people attach to him like a drug, and I've heard of the seedy business he's been engaged in since the Coven disbanded. I want nothing to do with it, but I'll be cordial for the sake of the Coven. |
Kali.Mahendra | |
![]() "I wonder if he still remembers our song..." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I don't even know where to begin. Kali has changed so much since the last time I saw him. Something snapped, and I don't know what really happened. We were friends back then, the quiet kids. The one I could go to when I just wanted some peace and quiet. That's gone now. Every so often the memory of me saving his life at the battle replays in my nightmares. I just can't seem to forget. |
Linqian.Han | |
![]() "Every time I look at her I see his face." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | It's obvious that Linqian doesn't like me, but I don't really know why. I never did anything to her, but... there are several things I did with her brother. That probably had something to do with it, but none of that matters anymore. He's gone now, and I hope whatever negative feelings she has toward me died in the grave with Jinhai. |
Jack.Hawthorne | |
![]() "Glad to see he's alive." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Jack and I made a good team. We bonded over our love of magic, and were often each other's guinea pigs when practicing new spells. We tracked the Snake, Jack through the netherworld, and I through our current realm. That only lasted for a short while, because then he disappeared. I didn't even know he was still alive until he popped out of one of his portals into Auri's flower shop. I'm curious to know what he's been up to. |
"Sully".McPherson | |
![]() "I missed his kind soul." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Sully was always there for me when I needed him, but especially when I first joined the Coven. I feel a sense of comfort with him that I don't with the others. I wasn't much of a beer drinker back then, but he always had my favorite green tea on deck. I didn't keep up with him after I left, but part of me wishes I did. He's a good guy. |
Everleigh.Thorn | |
![]() "I don't know what happened to her, but she doesn't belong here anymore." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I never really liked her, but seeing her now makes me like her even less. She's unpredictable, and that scares me. She's another liability. Maybe the rotten ones will naturally weed themselves out of the group. I might find a way to speed up that process if she continues to be an issue. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Clarence Patrick He & Him | 12 ½ | Irish-American | 4'9 | 84lbs _______________________________________________ Lonely _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents ___________________________________ Lockpicking ⫻ Surprisingly, Clancy has some nimble fingers and can pick through some of the more basic locks out there. Outdoorsman ⫻ Hitchhiking hundreds of miles from home, and being raised by a military man with some hard old-fashioned values has taught Clancy a ways of how to behave in the wilderness. If you left him out in the woods, odds are he wouldn't struggle too much. Clancy's hiked his way far enough to at least have a rough idea of what's safe and sane. Grift ⫻ Clancy has a natural grift for getting a hold of items & getting into places he shouldn't. Lifting stuff off shelves, climbing into locked buildings, slipping under a gap in the fence to get into private property. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Clancy carries the frame of a pubescent boy, no older than twelve or thirteen, with a voice that just about veers on the cusp of breaking. His features are smooth, with not even a wisp of body hair apart from that found on his head - an unkempt mass of charcoal fuzz. His eyes possess a dull, ice blue tone, resembling flinty chips of ice - and his skin is a pasty white, more likely to burn than tan. A length of puckered skin runs along the underside of his left arm, from the elbow to halfway up the sleeve; a consequence of a bicycle mishap when he was a little younger. Some time on the road had taught him to dress sensibly; Clancy wore a mottled-green flannel lumberjack hoodie over a khaki-tone undershirt, with navy cargo pants & a laced pair of sneakers. Sometimes with a pair of gloves, if the weather wascold. Among his possessions was a denim knapsack which he was often seen lugging about, containing whatever goods he can snag off store counters when nobody's looking. Since the incident at the strip club, he's been forced to undergo a change of clothes, wearing a green hoodie bearing the likeness of a state sports mascot best described as a poor man's Donald Duck, and a pair of oversized denim pants with sleeves that have been obviously torn at the edges in an amateur attempt to adjust them to the wearer's shorter height. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Jack Hawthorne He/Him | 29 | White | 5'9" | 178lbs _______________________________________________ Wise _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Interdimensional traveler, master of magic, and friend in dark places, at your service." ___________________________________ Loremaster ⫻ Jack has been to many places, met many people, and seen many things. Through his travels, he has encountered virtually every form the Paranormal can take, including the abominable things that aren't normally seen in Shimmer. Give him a minute to think, and he'll likely have many answers to a mystery. Jack's personal favorite subject is the way magic is used by people, and he always dozens of spells for all manners of Abstraction wrote down somewhere, that he can hook others up with if they're looking for something to add to their playbook. Like a mad scientist, most people can simply ask Jack for pointers and he'll throw them dozens. Pokerface ⫻ Jack plays a mean hand. You'll never be too certain if he's cheating or if he's just outmatching you with raw skill once the cards are broken out. This certainly helps when money is at stake, but Jack is also pretty difficult to get an accurate read on, as he doesn't give away any cues when lying. No quiet words, no lack of eye contact, he lies through his teeth like a politician. Musician ⫻ Maybe it's the magic fingers, but Jack can play a guitar well enough to impress a crowd on a stage. Most of what he plays is gloomy, gothic music that flips between mellow and heavy with little in between. Sneaky ⫻ It turns out that being a shadow wizard lends well to staying hidden. Jack has a talent for concealing his presence, and remaining undetected by most people with or without magic. He can get the drop on people better than most, and throw off anybody from crazed witch hunters to the PRA with little trouble. Resourceful ⫻ Sometimes you need to patch stab wounds, and sometimes you don't have a first-aid kit. Sometimes your car broke down but you don't have anything to fix the radiator. Jack's good at finding ways to get around most material needs, and is crafty enough that he can survive where most would perish. When winter comes and all you have is an old kerosene space heater to stay warm, Jack will cook a great breakfast using a pot, a circular pan, and a roll of aluminum foil (or a water bottle instead) as if the stove worked just fine. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "The Void is cold, around this time of year." Jack stands at 5’9” and always seems to be dressed for winter. Trench coats, wool pants, combat boots, the works. He wears multiple layers to keep himself warm in the cold, but also for the purposes of magic. Jack could easily pass himself off as someone’s eccentric college professor just by his fashion choices. He hasn’t cut his hair in ages, and always has it like a black, shoulder length, frazzled mess that has a mind of its own. Under all of his layers, one would find dozens of scars from cuts, burns, and other forms of damage. One that sticks out most is the destroyed remains of his left shoulder, which still aches from time to time. In place of it, Jack has a hand and arm that are made entirely from magical darkness. |
"Reality calcified, time and space crystalized. Entropy made manifest. Don't lose it out there." ![]() ................................................................................. | . . When Jack Hawthorne first entered the Void, he was vulnerable to its influence like anyone else. The horrors of unreality fascinated him, but a fascination didn’t stop his mind from fraying at the seams. He was lucky to have only caught a glimpse of them, but Jack knew deep down that he would not be satisfied without deeper answers for long. He drifted through the Void’s shallows, learning what he could before he could no longer safely study anything new. It frustrated him, not being able to venture further. So he returned to Shimmer, and sought answers back in familiar territory. Scouring through books, secluded libraries and the paranormal scenes of the country, Jack’s pursuit eventually led him to the doorstep of a man who called himself Mortimer Zapata. In exchange for a written copy of all the knowledge Jack had acquired in his life, as well as Jack’s discretion, Mortimer worked his magic to create a special object to accommodate Jack’s incursions into the Void. |
![]() "A sanctuary between the stars." | In the absence of a safe place in which they could work and hide from the dangers of St. Portwell, Jack Hawthorne, Kenshiro Murakin, and Emperor Tennogama put their capabilities together to create a pocket dimension. Nestled between the boundaries of the All-Verse's realms, the Eleventh Path is a manifestation of their work, and a mix of two very different aesthetics. The exterior is a simple japanese estate, with a long staircase of stone leaning down to an open field. The surroundings are dense, lush foliage of moss and trees, resting atop a sheer cliff of vibrant stone. The sky above the Eleventh Path is the All-Verse itself, flowing around the space like water around heavy rocks. One can stare into the open air and see all of the cosmos swirling within their view, held at bay by the work that went into the sanctuary. The interior of the building consists of two floors, each containing of rooms tethered to the “anchor” or the foundation, that can be reshaped and rearranged however Jack or Kenshiro choose, using their purple Lux. The first floor contains a library, private areas for Jack and Ken, and a meeting room for others to gather and plan their actions. |
Britney.Williams | |
![]() "I owe it all to you." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You were the first one who showed me that magic holds infinite potential. It was your wisdom and knowledge that led me down the path to who I am. I shouldn’t have left so soon. You were hated by everyone, and I could have stood by your side. I know that you're a better person now, than you were back then. I want to believe that you and Luca can settle your differences, one day. I believe you will. Reza would be proud of you. |
Drake.Blackmore | |
![]() “What would she say if she saw you hurting one of us?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I know that you are grieving. Jade was kind, and we were all made better by her presence, but we are your friends. It is not our fault, and you need to understand that some things can’t be avoided. You are not to blame for her death, and I hope you can come to terms with that. You are still my friend, Drake. |
Alizée.Altieri | |
![]() "I couldn’t save you, even now. Please, forgive me." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You understood. You knew what the Void could hold better than even I did back then. You were in pain, you needed help. You needed someone to tear the Void Heart away, and yet everyone treated you like a monster. I know you were better than that. If I had stayed, I could've helped you. I could've found a way to free you from his grasp. Ten years, and I wasted it all. You can let go now, my friend. |
"Lyss".Burns | |
![]() "We're much safer with you on our side. Thank you for coming back." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Your army held back the tide of apparitions long enough for us to take back the city, and we were never outnumbered thanks to you. I don't blame you for leaving once we were finished. I feel safer, knowing we have someone with us who can raise the dead once again. |
Linqian.Han | |
![]() "I owed both of you my life. You weren't as hated back then as you think." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Without you, the Stygian Snake wouldn't have been sealed away. That was your achievement. Not Jinhai's, yours. You were crucial to our success, and you were never in his shadow. I respect you for what you've done. And if I find Father Wolf before you, I will drag him to your doorstep, kicking and screaming. You'll be the first to know. |
Luca.Oliviera | |
![]() ”I will find a way to rip that thing away from you, if it kills me." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You never asked for this. How much suffering did you endure through all these years? You were always a kind friend to us all, and no one can rightfully blame you for the hate you felt. I didn't cause this, but you are my friend. I will find a way to sever the Rot from you so that you can live your life in peace. There is always a way. I can tear open holes in reality without a passing thought, I can get rid of an apparition. |
Tayla.Choi | |
![]() "This doesn’t have to be your fight. It isn’t fair to you." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You severed your Lux and left because you wanted nothing to do with us. Your life was more important to you, as it should be. I don't think I can say anything to you that would make you feel comfortable around us after everything you've experienced, but you were one of us once. That is enough justification to come to your aid, should you need it. |
"Edict".Devola | |
![]() ”Every snake has its fangs." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I still have a few of those books you "acquired" from the old days. You did what you had to do for all of us. You might be fickle, but we owe you for your contributions. I have very little that you could steal, so it costs me nothing to associate with you. Just refrain from using that magic of yours, because I will know if you try. |
Clancy.Patrick | |
![]() "What did Ashley Stone tell him of us?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I don't know you, but you knew Ashley. Perhaps fate brought us together to avenge her as one. I wonder where you'll go once we've seen this through. You're clever to have made it this far, and very dangerous. I hope you truly are on our side. |
"Sully".McPherson | |
![]() "Perhaps I should have joined more of your gatherings, back then. If we survive this, I’ll drink you under the table." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I don't know how long we would have all stayed together, if it weren't for you. You're the sun to an endless night, Sully. The Chalice saved our lives so many times, I've lost count. I was often too busy studying and plotting escape routes to join you, and I regret not bonding with you more. I hope that bridge hasn't been burned. |
Leon.Richoux | |
![]() "You eased her pain, by being there when I abandoned you all. Thank you." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I want to hate you. I want to cave your skull inwards, and hang you from the highest point of your Temple by your intestines. And yet, I cannot bring myself to. Your cult worships the Void Heart, the very thing that plagued Alizee for so long, but you were here for her. I left her to fend for herself, left all of you to settle things without me. I believe she was happier, knowing at least one of us was by her side. You did more for her in my absence than I could have done for anybody in the decade that I spent away from Shimmer. And for that, I can forgive you. |
Anya.Baksh | |
![]() "You are still welcome in my dreams, if you can mind the horrors." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | How many times did you laugh silently as I almost fell into the Pit, trying to open a door to the Void? I'm glad you are still alive, my friend. I have discovered countless spells that you'll be thrilled to learn. My channeler, the spellbook I kept close? I have still never reached the last page. I wonder what you'll think of the spell I'm trying to develop now... |
Adora.Phoenix-Prescott | |
![]() "You are more than the power in those rings. The Trinity did not make you a beacon of hope in our darkest days, and yet we looked to you for strength." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Let me tell you something about the paranormal, Adora. It can move mountains, raise legions of corpses from the cold sleep of death, and take us to places no human being was meant to witness. And yet, it did not make you who you are. Your magic bludgeoned a demigod, but you set an example for the rest of us. I know that Lisa died proud of your actions, you deserve to forgive yourself. There is more to your story, and you need only to turn the page. |
Layla.Hyacinthus | |
![]() "You will understand, some day." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | If they lay so much as a finger on you with the feintest trace of ill intent, I will scatter their ashes across the All-Verse and make all the Lux Ancestors tremble in fear. I will not let you suffer the same fate as Alizee, and no one in this godforsaken reality will stop me. Not even you. |
Sloane.Faris | |
![]() “Would you believe me if I told you just how often I dwell on what could have been?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I always wanted to protect St. Portwell, I always wanted to push the coven in the direction of a lasting entity that kept people safe from the nightmares we fought. I tried to make the coven work, and so did you. But one day, I came to the bitter, dejected conclusion that the coven no longer existed. We were different after we no longer had a world to save. You remember it as well as I do, don't you? You were all my family, I had a purpose because of the coven, and yet it didn't last. I have the utmost respect for what you've done in the last decade, because you did what I could not. One day, we will have vengeance for our slain friends. When that day comes, you won't be the only one who protects people from the paranormal. Hold me to that. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Stormy Jasper Carson He/Him | 25 | White | 6’1" | 203lbs _______________________________________________ Unfaltering _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Need a hand?" ___________________________________ Academic ⫻ Stormy has a PhD in world history, and teaches at a University a few days away from St. Portwell. It might not help much in a fight, but being a Paranormal, he also knows about of lot of historic events that aren't academically recognized. Mean Left Hook ⫻ One of Stormy's oldest hobbies is boxing, the man throws hands like nobody's business. If he didn't go the college professor route, he could've gone on to be a pro boxer. Built like a Fucking Tank ⫻ Stormy is, also, pretty damn sturdy. You can't just swing a baseball bat over his ribs and call it a day, this man will grab you like a sack of grain and throw you through the wall if you're not careful about how close you are. Upstanding Member of Society ⫻ You would think that this would be a given, but most people in the magic world are less than capable of passing scrutiny from people like the PRA. Stormy has not been convicted of heinous crimes or anything similar. He's technically untouchable. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "And that's how I got this scar." Stormy's a pretty big dude, built like a nuclear bunker and has the presence to back it up. You would never expect a man who wears Carhartt, has ink up to his elbows, and the most glorious facial hair you've ever seen to be the academic type. Having grown up tough, he also has a lot of muscle that often goes unseen by most, with a build like most professional boxers. Add in the boots, and Stormy seems more like a lumberjack than a wizard or a professor, with plenty of pockets and thick layers to keep warm. He gives off a sort of "gentle giant" atmosphere, like a rhino that could kill you without effort, who looks at you without flinching, but doesn't feel the need to aggress. Stormy is also covered in old, mostly faded scars from his time with the coven. Fighting the Stygian Snake left its mark, but he usually tells people who ask that he got them in street fights as a kid, rather than fights with a demigod. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Amara Talia King She/Her | 26 | Black | 5'7" | 180lbs _______________________________________________ ass _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "When you’ve got an army in your head, you pick up a few tricks." ___________________________________ PRA Background ⫻ Back when Amara was a senior agent going by the callsign Legion, she often occupied multiple roles on and off the battlefield. Amara developed a diverse range of operative skills including recon, CQC, small and long arm combat, and field leadership. Strategy ⫻ Amara could outsmart damn near anybody in a chess game, and also come up with some clever tricks in a more practical situation. She can look at evidence of past actions taken by someone, and use those to predict how they’ll act in the future. Slippery ⫻ Go ahead, just try and keep her contained. Even without her phantoms, Amara has a knack for getting out of places she’s not meant to get out of. If you tie her wrists with a bunch of rope, she’ll just dislocate her wrists to slip them free. Multilingual ⫻ Amara can speak French, Spanish, Korean, and a bit of Russian. She’s working on that last one. Handy ⫻ Amara happens to know how to fix a lot of things, which comes naturally since she owns her own place. Busted light switch? Easy. Busted floorboards? Sure. Busted sink pipes? Bitch, please. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Ladies." Amara typically dresses for comfort, wearing wool cardigans and sweatpants 24/7 and keeping her hair permanently buzzed down short. All of her clothes are usually old, as she doesn’t like to throw anything out unless it doesn’t fit her anymore. Amara has a slim and athletic build, thanks to her years as an active agent of the PRA. She only shows off when she has something to gain, but she has plenty of visible muscle under those clothes, enough to imply that she occasionally hits the gym. She also usually wears a pair of gold earrings when not “on the job,” which doesn’t mean much these days. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Everleigh Thorn She/Her | 28 | All-American | 5'8ft | 142.5 lbs _______________________________________________ Rebel. _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "I've seen and done things I shouldn't of." ___________________________________ [Boxing] ⫻ (Picked up after the battle of the Stygian Snake, Eve has become a regular at St. Portwell's Golden Gloves Gym.) [Crisis Negotiator] ⫻ (Eve has a way of will to get what she wants, striking deals and backstabbing others. She's very persuasive!) [Local Guide] ⫻ (Eve is well acquainted with St. Portwell all the factions that harbor within, she knows all the hot spots and the hot shots who run the show.) | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Looks can be deceiving." Everleigh can be described as 'young' female at a height of five foot eight. She has some ink on her forearms mostly of anti-establishment type of tattoos and slogans. Eve is of a lithe build and is often wearing post-punk apparel still showing her roots are deep within a movement that long died in St. Portwellk, some might consider this anti-authority She is often seen wearing black spit shined boots or shitty sneakers, and jeans with the cuffs rolled up mixed with random band t-shirts. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Alyssa Burns She/Her | 27 | European-American | 5'9" | 145lbs _______________________________________________ Real _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "I know a thing or two." ___________________________________ [Cooking] ⫻ She learned it all from her grandmother. [Underworld Connections] ⫻ Lyss understands how the shady side of the world works. She has friends there, and they know people who know certain things that helped her in her career. [Weaponry and Combat] ⫻ Even with the ability to summon her own personal army, Lyss has learned that it's a good idea to defend herself without it. She carries a pistol with her, and also a lucky metal bat. She prefers to use the bat first. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and get your shit together." Lyss has a sort of unblemished, untouched look to her beauty. Her fair skin is smooth and unscarred. Her most striking feature would be her eyes. They're a green flecked hazel, and they seem to peer through to the soul of anyone she meets. She wears smokey eyeshadow to highlight them. Besides the eyeshadow, Lyss prefers not to wear any other makeup except for her staple lip colors; these colors remain between dark red and mauve. She is rarely seen without any makeup, as it has become a part of her and not just an accessory. Her dark brown hair falls to her middle back. Since she was born, it has always been a sleek, smooth, and shiny straight style. She rarely does anything with it, except to push it back from her face. Her height comes from her long legs, and her figure curves at the right places in an hourglass shape. She stands tall and at ease, as if she is unfazed by most things. This is all a ruse, of course. Underneath her clothes lie toned muscles ready to take action at any moment. When it comes to clothing, Lyss rarely steps out of her general style. Her wardrobe consists of dark colors like black, brown, maroon, or navy. Her jeans are usually a dark washed denim or black. She is not shy to show skin, but she always balances out a tank top with her favorite dark brown leather jacket over top. In regards to shoes, Lyss prefers boots or slip on sneakers to anything with heels. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Evelynn Ann Serenelight She/Her | 27 | White | 64 In | 127 pnds _______________________________________________ Oracle _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "I wish I was more useful." ___________________________________ [Customer Service] ⫻ Evelynn has spent the past decade working in customer service in some shape or fashion. From client-facing, to call center work and more, Evelynn has developed a natural rapport with people. People often remark that their customer service voice is much more soothing and less agitating than her normal voice. [Lover of puzzles] ⫻ From her earliest memories, Evelynn has always loved a challenge and more so loved puzzles. Whether a puzzle board or a complex problem, Evelynn finds joy in working it out. She can often be found playing these kind of games on her phone to pass the time. [Alcoholic Bloodline] ⫻ Thanks to her family, and for her practice, Evelynn can handle her alcohol quite well. While she has yet to go bottle for bottle with her grandma, she knows it is only a matter of time before she develops a stronger liver. [Strong cup of joe] ⫻ Every morning Evelynn makes a cup of coffee and those who stay over remark that it is one strong cup of joe. [Unlucky in love] ⫻ Evelynn has no success in her love life yet this has always been for the best. She has a habit of falling in love with the first man who shows her interest. The longest relationship she has been in has been for only three months. After the breakup, it seems everyone reveals their red flags, and she realizes she has dodged a bullet. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "You're not very pretty, and you're not very bright." Evelynn is a woman whose appearance is a mesmerizing blend of uniqueness and elegance. She rocks light brown hair with straight bangs that frame her face, giving off a touch of sophistication. Her hair is often pulled back into a practical ponytail, showcasing her ability to balance style with practicality. Her green eyes, like shards of emerald, carry a spark of intelligence and a hint of mischief. Evelynn's makeup is an artful expression of her creativity. She spends entirely too much time on her eyeliner as it enhances the captivating allure of her gaze. A dash of dark lipstick adds that rebellious touch. She is pierced, and each one tells a different story of herself. A small silver hoop in her left nostril and an industrial bar piercing in her right ear contribute to her rough and tough look. She got these after she left the coven and ventured far to truly find herself. This act of defiance against what was her ordinary life set the stage for what was to come. Tattoos, and many of them. Both of her arms served as a canvas for her friend's imagination. She has various small tattoos that do not look professionally done, yet she loves them all the same. The cat on top of the yarn, the dog chasing its tail, and all the various characters from her favorite movies and TV shows all blend to form the sleeve on her left arm. Her right arm shows a level of detail and refinement that contrasts with the other. A deer with a crown of roses, an owl that sits on the branch of a sycamore tree, and a snake that wraps around her arm, overlapping itself. The lines on this arm are crisp, the colors clean, and the cost too high to count. Her fashion is a bit basic. Sweaters and cropped hoodies overtop high-waisted jeans, or a crop top shirt overtop high-waisted shorts. Either way, she always fills out her outfits with an odd assortment of jewelry and Doc Martin boots. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Lila May Blackwood They/Them/She/Her | 25 | White | 65 (In Inches) | 110 (Pounds/LB) _______________________________________________ Nevermore. _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "I have quite the bounty for you today." ___________________________________ [“Quote the Raven”] ⫻ Lila is well-versed in what her avian friends want and need to thrive. After she left the coven she enrolled in Oregon State University and went through a veterinary program, and currently works as a vet tech in town. As well, she is also well-versed in taking care of most animals. [Cooking] ⫻ Lila is a fantastic cook. While she does not need anything fancy, she often shares her food with her flock and as such, she wants to have the ability to give them something new constantly. As well, she has a love for cooking for her friends and family, and this has led to her place becoming a small meetup spot. [Lay of the lands] ⫻ Lila has spent countless days outdoors tending to her flock and as such, she has learned how to navigate the woods without rousing suspicion from other witches and warlocks | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I am not for everyone." Lila is a vibrant and confident soul standing at a petite five feet five inches tall. Lila rocks short, texturized hair that exudes an edgy charm, a testament to her fearless approach to self-expression. She sports an eclectic wardrobe, often opting for crop tops that flaunt her midriff, paired with flannel pants that rest tight against her hips. Lila adorns her hips with chains that jingle and dance as she moves. She proudly wears a variety of expensive-looking rings on her fingers, each telling a unique story that she does not know. These are the gifts her flock has given her over the years, and she treasures each one more than anything anyone has given her. In embracing her natural beauty, Lila chooses not to conform to conventional beauty standards and she confidently goes makeup-free, allowing her visible acne scars to shine as badges of resilience and self-love. Lila's authenticity and openness about her journey contribute to the magnetic energy she exudes. Lila proudly wears a distinctive tattoo that adds an extra layer of uniqueness to her already bold persona. Inked on her left forearm is a stylized crow, each feather on the wings are colored with the colors of the LGBTQ+ pride flag. The tattoo serves as a powerful symbol of Lila's own trans journey, resilience, and her connection to her queer community. When asked about the tattoo, Lila often shares stories of the people she has met, the challenges she has overcome, and the triumphs of her identity. It's not just body art for her; it's a narrative of her life etched into her skin, a testament to her strength, individuality, and the vibrant community she proudly represents. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Jasper Nathaniel Wilde He/Him | 24 | German-American | 75 inches | 170 pounds _______________________________________________ Visonary. _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "I may have a thing or two that could fix that problem" ___________________________________ [Green Thumb] ⫻ Thanks to his off-the-grid dwellings Jasper has grown quite a garden. He prides himself on being able to produce much of what he eats and has plans to expand his growing operation further. [Artist] ⫻ While his style is not for everyone Jasper is considered talented enough and is considered an emerging artist. He is currently focused on networking with other artists in the PNW region and is a constant presence at many art festivals. He currently has two collections, one that he brings to the various creator fairs for sale, and his collection that he plans to exhibit someday. [Connections] ⫻ Jasper has connections all over St. Portwell. Thanks to his social butterfly nature he has found a place in the heart of many. As such, if he is not back in his studio creating art he is out with his various friends enjoying the town. [Creative Problem Solver] ⫻ Jasper has always liked finding creative solutions to his problems. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "If you can overlook the paint this shirt is quite nice" At a towering six foot five, Jasper possesses an undeniable physical presence that commands attention. While he does not have the most muscular of frames, he still does enough manual labor to keep himself in some shape. His hair is like a manifestation of his artistic chaos, as it tumbles in waves and carries an untamable energy that defies both styling attempts and product alike. His hair often frames his face highlighting his striking green eyes that seem to hold an entire range of emotions all within themselves. Jasper often dresses comfy but nice, and he is often seen in well-fitted trousers accompanied by a button-up shirt. However, he leaves an intentional gap by leaving the shirt unbuttoned, revealing a lot more chest hair than one might expect and a gold chain nestled against it. He is a big fan of accessories, and he will have any number of rings on his fingers and bracelets on his wrists. Despite his attempt at having a more refined look, he will often be seen with paint stains on even his nicest clothes. This is something that he cares less about. He is an artist, and he will have inspiration regardless of what clothes he wears. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Aaron/Aryin Thorne Any | 26 | White | 5’7”-5’11” | 140-145 pounds _______________________________________________ Strange. _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents " Oh that was me. Yes, I know you thought it was a dude. I’m really good with makeup. No, they’re not that short." ___________________________________ [Singer at a bar] ⫻ Aryin is a great singer, and they try to spend every weekend at the local karaoke bars. While they’re not good enough to become a professional singer, they’re more than good enough to be the best in their friend group, the coven, and the 317. [Art as a passion] ⫻ Aryin is also an artist and they make their living at the 317. They don’t claim any one style but prefer to let the art tell them which direction to take it. Their abstract art is made in a rather strange way. [Amateur Boxer] ⫻ Aaron has also spent quite a few hours in the gym learning boxing. While they’re not going to go anywhere with it they can still use their skills from this martial art to further bolster their fighting skills when powered up. [DJ] ⫻ Aaron has a side hustle as a DJ for hire. They are nothing fancy, but they know how to get a crowd dancing at whatever function they’re hired for. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I can be whichever one you want me to be." There are a few constants that are shared between these two halves of Aryin’s same whole. They are both white, with Heterochromia. Their eyes are green and brown, and the location of these colors switch sides when they swap. They like to wear loose, baggy clothes because Aryin is tall at 5’11 while Aaron is shorter at 5’7. Thus, when they’re out as Aaron they need to always ensure that whatever they wear will also fit the taller Aryin and vice versa. While that is a necessity, they do have a separate style for each. Aryin tends to be bubble gum pink and colorful meanwhile Aaron simple and basic with his clothes. Aaron has shorter, fluffy brown hair while Aryin has longer straight hair that they often keep bangs with. Neither have any tattoos nor piercings as that could mess with their body transformation. A tattoo that could look good on one might look distorted and wrong on the other. |
Britney.Williams | |
![]() "You will redeem yourself, or you will die trying to." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You did something that I don’t think I have it in me to forgive. You made monsters out of our friends, and yet if our roles were reversed I don’t know what I would have done. Britney Williams, you make me feel conflicted. In this new coven, I will keep one eye on you and a second on your future. If are truly trying to make amends, you had better show up here and in the future. What you did for Lila was a start. What would you say if I thought the sealing failed? |
Drake.Blackmore | |
![]() “The man who I thought could move mountains." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Oh you were so my type back in the day. Strong, charismatic, and heroic all bundled into a cute frame. Time has changed, but not you. You may try and keep your secrets today, but the future has a funny way of telling some truths. If you ever need someone to talk to, I am always available and I will bring the strong stuff to help you out. l think you need therapy. |
Alizée.Altieri | |
![]() "I saw you die a hundred times, but it never prepared me for it actually happen." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I shall bring flowers to the mural for you.And I shall do whatever is needed to ensure the void is never a problem again. |
Eksa.Thresh | |
![]() ”A promising future awaited you, I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | i wish I could have got to know you better. It’s getting hard to look at the mural today knowing who might be on it tomorrow |
Linqian.Han | |
![]() "We shared a drink in one future." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You used to be a colossal bitch. I looked to the possible futures and I don’t think you are. I think you’re like a New York nice, abrasive, and rude with your words but secretly you care very much about the rest of us. At least those of us not named Sloane. Though if that possible future taught me anything it was to not get drunk with you. You’re an angry drunk and I’m a sad one. That does not mix well. |
Luca.Oliviera | |
![]() "I looked to the future to see if I can help. I never find answers but you never stop being you." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Luca, there are many words that I want to say to you, but we both know you’ve heard them a million times before. I will say no matter what the future actually brings, you will greet it with a smile and a brave face. I have a super soaker I can fill with alcohol if you ever want to have a drink |
Tayla.Choi | |
![]() " You cut yourself off but the future still has plans for you.." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You don’t need any more power than what you have now. You and your son always look happy together in the future I’ve seen, and I’m here for you if you need any help in the here and now. If you ever need to know if a gift is a good idea let me know and I’ll look for you. |
Finn.Reid | |
![]() "Another name on the mural, another face I thought I’d forgotten." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I will never stop until we find who did this to you. I think I’ll take a shot in your memory |
"Edict".Devola | |
![]() ” You are and always will be, a fuckup. You’re our fuckup, but a fuckup all the same." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You caught a lot of flak, some of it deserved but most not, back then. I see you haven’t changed today. You nearly killed us all back in the church because you were scared. If I could I’d vote you out again, but that wouldn't be for the best. I think the future holds hope for you, and I might stick around to help get you there. I will never let anyone leave a drink unattended around you. Ever. |
Kali.Mahendra | |
![]() "For a fed you were alright.." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I did not like learning that you were a fed, I liked it even less as I learned you were gone at the same time. I hope you can rest easy now. |
Simone.Le.Fay | |
![]() "Another close friend lost to the wolf." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You always had my back before, I’m sorry I wasn’t there to havea yours. Maybe I’ll need to take my power more seriously to help the others |
Clancy.Patrick | |
![]() " Your an enigma. What does the future hold for you?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I can’t say I hope to get to know you. Kids scare me. |
Jack.Hawthorne | |
![]() "I hope we can talk one day about your future." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You came back. I worried that you’d stay home forever. You were another guy I felt was owed much. You did things that no one else could’ve done, and I never thanked you for that. What if I told you that in every possible future, with every possible threat I see, you’re there holding the lines alongside us. You left us before, but the future says you’ll never leave us again for long. I always wanted to talk to you one-on-one back in the day. Maybe we can get a drink and catch up sometime in the present? |
"Sully".McPherson | |
![]() "My man." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You did something that no one else could have done, and that made the bad times bearable. Beer chalice aside, you did more to keep my sanity during those dark times than I can count. I owe you much, and I hope we can reconnect now that I’m back. I looked into your future, you’re always the life of the party.. |
Everleigh.Thorn | |
![]() " While your future isn’t with us, I still wish you the best. If anyone can protect you from father wolf it’s the feds." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Actions. Your actions brought the PRA raid and for that I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to trust you. I hope you can find peace in those cells |
Leon.Richoux | |
![]() "Your future scares me.." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I try to not look at your future. They can be frightening. Maybe seeing you again and talking to you again will change how I feel. I don’t know what you like to drink but I suspect it’s weird |
Stormy.Carson | |
![]() " You’re our eternal protector." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You protect. You’ve always protected us and you will continue to do so. As far as I’m concerned you’ve earned free drinks for life. Back in the day I wish we could’ve been closer. I know I will make up for that here and now. Why did you have to get so hot? You age very well into the future |
"Lyss".Burns | |
![]() "My first crush. I’m glad I was right about you." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I do want to know what your little book contains. In every future, you would never let me see. Regardless, I’m glad to see to doing so well. If you ever need a look into the future you can count on your friendly oracle in these uncertain times. While he’s a fed, go for it. Mamma gets what mamma wants |
Anya.Baksh | |
![]() " You are a loser, honey you’re an uptight little bitch who plays games with the dreams of others. You don’t change. You never want to change." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You are a cunt. I don’t know what made you into this horrible person but one thing is for certain, I won’t let you ever get power over the coven. It’s not like you’ll have any dreams to steal from me. You have the power to do so much good, and yet you squander it by being a petty, vindictive, shadow of Sloane. I would have a hundred shots with Sloane before I have one with you. |
Adora.Phoenix-Prescott | |
![]() "You are always our strongest. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I will not let your sorrow consume you." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You were dealt the toughest hand of everyone in our coven. Your saved me, you saved Luca, and you’ll save us all again before long. It’s who you are, and I want to be here for you now. I never got to say how sorry I was. I should have told you what I saw. If you knew, you might’ve done things differently |
Layla.Hyacinthus | |
![]() " You will not be the voids next victim." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I don’t know what I can do, but I will see you free from that abuse. I admit I do not know you all that well. I think we walked in different circles, and it feels like today was the first time I met you. But I am here for you if you ever decide you need a friend. I can let you know what a free future looks like. You can’t end up like her. |
Jasper.Wilde | |
![]() "A fed? Really? That’s who catches your eye? Bro I can see the future, why try and hide this?." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I can’t tell you how excited I was to see you again. It’s like no time has passed since we last saw each other, and I’m so happy you got sober. I’ll be hanging out with you a lot more again and that means I get to judge you for your taste in women. Like bro common. I am just glad that you’re with me today. I missed our friendship, I missed our adventures, and I am glad we get to do it all over again. |
Lila.Blackwood | |
![]() "The sister I got to know. I’m so glad to be back with you. _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Words will never describe what you mean to me. You have become this strong, independent, young woman who is no longer afraid of what others say. You are authentically yourself and that is all you need to be. Though I am noticing something weird with you. It seems like that ever since we sealed The Maiden. I see terrible things coming your way, and your future is filled with it. I think you should talk to Britney again, if the future is any indication the sealing did not go as planned |
Sloane.Faris | |
![]() “I know I fucked up. I should have done more." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Look, Sloane... everything you said about me back in the day was absolutely right. I was unreliable, I was always trying to make myself look the best, and when it mattered the most I failed us. I should have asked you for help. You were rude, but you were honest. Maybe if I asked for your help, I could have made more sense of what the possible futures were telling me. Instead, I thought I knew best because it was my curse to bear and people died. I got a free pass for my failures because. my. curse. is. unreliable. I am also sorry that I let Jasper be Jasper to you. I should speak up more, I should be doing a lot more to calm the tensions that have built up, but I can't. And for that I am sorry. I've kept up this facade of hatred towards you for a decade already, what's another year more? |
Britney.Williams | |
![]() "You did good helping me seal The Maiden away, yet you must do more." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | What you did back then is.. hard to forgive. Impossible to. I will never have it in me to forgive you for what you did to all those poor people. Were we fighting for our lives, and did the surge in support help turn the tide in our favor? Yes. Was it the right move to do it without offering it as an option first? No. You should have asked. Given people the choice. Once we saw what we were fighting, and what would happen if we lost, I know I would have said yes, and I often wonder how many others would’ve as well. You know she did not do what she said she'd do. Why do you hold onto hope she'd do better next time? |
Drake.Blackmore | |
![]() “You were kinda an asshole. I am not surprised you still are." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I never quite got your popularity. Sure, you did a lot to help us out back in the day but you also put us in dangerous situations when you tried to do too much too quickly. I had hoped that a decade removed from the chaos of our youth would calm you down. Dairy Queen proved me wrong. You are still the same hot-headed jock who can’t control his emotions. I hope you stay away from the new coven, but I won’t push you away. You did too much for us for me to shut you out completely. With that being said, I will keep an eye on you. I hope time around the rest of us will help you out some more. He hides more than he says. Keep him far, far away and don’t let him in. |
Alizée.Altieri | |
![]() "You did too much for us for me to wish you dead." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You were a strong presence on the battlefield before, but that parasite you called friend did much damage. I hope we can honor your memory by getting rid of him forever more. The void is rough, but a strong ally to keep. Don’t push him out so soon. He will be of use before long. |
Eksa.Thresh | |
![]() ”I wish we hung out more. Now, I only see you when i stop by the mural." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | We will figure out who did this to you. The dead should not concern you. Focus on the living, and focus on the ones worth your attention. |
Linqian.Han | |
![]() "You’re a spark in an otherwise dull affair." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I did not know you well enough before. I hope we can change that now. Out of everyone in the church, you showed me that you have the right kind of energy. If I am to last in this new coven I need to have friends like you. I am sure we’re going to see those fucks again soon, and I hope we can both tell them to fuck all the way off together. You would do well to keep the distance you had. She would not be a good friend, she would not be someone who can help you become who you are meant to be. |
Luca.Oliviera | |
![]() "I fucking love you dude" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Luca, I hope you know how much you mean to me. Back in our old coven days, you were unapologetically you. From the time I met you until now, you have never stopped. Because you were you, I was able to be me. I think I would’ve still been little old Michael for another couple of years before the crushing weight of living that lie forced me to embrace the truth. Luca, your strength helped me come out. I owe you much more than I will be able to communicate, and much more than I can repay. As such, if you ever, ever need anything you can always reach out to me. I will always be there for you, and I will not stop to help you with anything if needed. The Rot is a powerful ally, you should remind Luca that through great pain comes a power that can not be replaced. |
Tayla.Choi | |
![]() "Welcome back, and for fucks sake can you just shut up about missing work." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Tayla, girl, let’s be real with each other for just a minute. I.. Don’t.. Care. We’re all adults, and most of us don’t have the luxury that someone like Jasper has. We all have work. We are all taking PTO. Yet we are still here because some things are more important than work. I for one like living. I for one do not want to be a name etched into the back of the mural. I get it though, PTO is useful and I’d rather not waste it either. Do not worry about this one. This one is not a threat to us. |
Finn.Reid | |
![]() "This list keeps getting longer.." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | It makes it hard to come visit. I worry I will see someone new soon. Father wolf is your focus, don’t worry about his victims. Remember them, but worry not. |
"Edict".Devola | |
![]() ” You got a bad rap. I don’t know if I trust you, right now, but I can be here if you need help" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Edict. There is a lot I wanted to say to you but I don’t know if my words would carry the meaning I intend. You tried to use your lux on me, and I think I should hate you for it. But we were all kids gifted grand powers and expected to behave. I also don’t think you did those actions because you simply found it fun. I hope I am right that beneath the smooth-talking exterior, there is someone who just wants to be liked above all. Do not interact with this one. Do not talk, do not look, stay far away from him. |
Kali.Mahendra | |
![]() "I promise I won’t speak ill of the dead." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Why did you become a fed though? He thought he could change the world. He thought wrong.. |
Simone.Le.Fay | |
![]() "I need to stop reading. I can’t read any more of these.." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I will stop back another day and stay and chat with everyone here. I just can’t today. Avenge them. |
Clancy.Patrick | |
![]() "What are you?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You say you are related to our former leader. You say she told you about us. But I get the feeling I should not trust you. I get the feeling that there is something I should be weary of. A strong ally, perhaps. |
Jack.Hawthorne | |
![]() "I am glad you’re back." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I never really got the chance to know you before. I think by the time I realized that I did not want to be the afterthought of the group you were already gone from shimmer. It is a shame because I think we would’ve been decent enough friends. Stay far from this one. He will only bring us misery |
"Sully".McPherson | |
![]() "I looked up to you when we were kids. I am glad that you have continued to exceed my expectations." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | It’s weird to think of everyone from the before times. You are always the one that surprises me the most. Our community is such a beautiful and wonderful place, and it is made ever brighter to have you amongst our ranks. He is acceptable.. |
Everleigh.Thorn | |
![]() "I hope you don’t stay behind bars for long." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Fuck the feds, and may you see the light of day before long. Another threat. |
Leon.Richoux | |
![]() "They said that we were a cult. Now, I am not so sure after hearing about your temple." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I don’t know how you can handle your chained mistress. If The Maiden was anything like that, I would have sealed her away a long time ago. I think that I would be open to getting to know you better, so if I catch you around wherever our coven calls home next I will say hi. This one is a problem. You would be wise to stay far from his cults influence. |
Stormy.Carson | |
![]() "You’re still the same kid I remember, next time we’re in a fight I know where I am hiding.”." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Stormy, I hope you have been well since the old coven days. You were always so nice. Whenever someone would try and bully me you were there to quickly have my back. Not many others did that for me. For that you have my eternal thanks, if you need help with anything I am but an ask away from being there for you. Stormy is unreliable. He is a self-centered, egotistical fool. Do not let your appreciation cloud your judgment today. You must stay far away from him, and you must never ask him for help. |
"Lyss".Burns | |
![]() "I’ll be honest, you left at the right time. Any longer and you would’ve felt the same crushing loss I did when we disbanded." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I remember you well. You were just a normal, run-of-the-mill, member of the coven. Yet you always seemed to make an impact on the battle whenever it sprung up. I think you saved me once, but it is easy to make a mistake because of the robes we wore. Still, I know you did a lot of work in that final fight so I am glad you’re still with me. She did not do half of what you remember. |
Anya.Baksh | |
![]() "I get why Lynn dislikes you." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I don’t know where to start with you. You have the foundation to be someone truly special. To waste it the way you do is so frustrating. I would give anything to have a power like yours. I am almost glad your power is restricted to the dreaming world, I couldn’t imagine the ego you’d have if you could do anything in the waking world. With that said, you are not 100% evil. If you ever need help, I will help you. Do not go poking around in my dreams, and I will not have my crows shit over your perfect image. She would be a powerful friend to have. Do not let your friends corrupt what little power exists in the coven. |
Adora.Phoenix-Prescott | |
![]() "I owe you much more than I can repay. I would not be here if it weren’t for you." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I am sorry that I was not there for you, that we as a coven were not there for you, after the battle with the snake. I owe you my life. Hell, I think we all owe you our lives and our success that day. I understand why you left, like who would want to stay around a place that did not care for you after you lost your best friend to such a gruesome death? I know being back is probably doing a lot of bad things for you right now, so you will have all the space you need to reintroduce yourself back into the ranks. I hope we can be better friends this time around than before. Forget the weakling. Focus on the strength of the coven and let the failures fall away |
Layla.Hyacinthus | |
![]() "You are not alone, you were never alone." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You are always welcome to join our group if you ever need a place where you belong. I don’t know what the monster has said to you, or what you plan to do from where, but if you choose to stay with us I will welcome you with open arms. She will make a most powerful ally. |
Jasper.Wilde | |
![]() "A fed? Really? That’s who catches your eye? Bro Lynn can see the future, why try and hide this?." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Jasper, Jasper, Jasper..tsk tsk tsk I missed my best friend. We had no excuse to not hang out these past few years, and I am glad that you decided to come. Maybe I can see what your shop looks like now that you’re more successful. You don’t know what it meant when you adopted me into your friend group, you embraced my transition without fuss, and you have always gone to bat for me. It is time I return that favor. If anyone messes with you, they mess with me too. He has more power than he can wield. He would do well to remember his limits before he tries to summon something that will kill him. |
Evelynn Ann .Serenelight | |
![]() "You mean the whole world to me. I let us drift apart when you moved away, never again.” _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Lynn, you know I love you right? You are the best friend a girl could ask for, and then some. Though we have to have a talk soon about your drinking habit. I know it is something that has been passed down your bloodline like some fucked up tradition but I worry about you. But you’re back. And for right now, that is all that matters. I hope you decide to stay here. I have the spare room, gran loves you, and with your remote work, I don’t think it will be a big issue. If you do go back home for work, I demand we keep in contact with each other. This one needs more training. Her curse is a gift in the right hands. While she is terrible with it now, she will be a very powerful friend to keep for the future |
Sloane.Faris | |
![]() “I don’t know why, but for some reason, I get the feeling you think I am the same kid from our last meeting. Things have changed." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I don’t think I am meant to hate you like Jasper is. I dislike you plenty, but that is healthy. I can respect what you did for our coven back in the day, and I can respect what you were trying to do for the coven before I learned that you were hoarding all those artifacts. That was dangerous. That was stupid. That was the kind of thing Jasper expects from you. I know you will prove him wrong time, and time again, and I will be sure to make him see that you are not the worst person to ever exist. You’re just a lot. I hope I can prove to you that I am not the same pushover I once was as well. You are wise to let her have a chance. |
Britney Williams | |
![]() " There were a few reason I came back, and I’m looking at the first." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Britney- Oh, my first crush. Everyone who hates on you for what you did would have done the same thing if the roles were reversed. We were fighting to stop the end of the world as we know it, sacrifices had to be made and you did what you had to do to help us survive. I do wish you would have done more after the fight to cure those you afflicted but that is my only complaint. I hope now, that the coven is back together, we can catch up sometime over a bottle of wine. |
Drake.Blackmore | |
![]() “Bro, what’s this I hear about you decking Sloane? The fuck is wrong with you." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I don’t know what to say to you other than “what the fuck bro”. Why did you hit Sloane? From what I can hear you guys were arguing but that’s no fucking excuse. You’re much stronger than me, but do something stupid like that again and I won’t be afraid to step in. Maybe my absence has been felt. Maybe I should have never left everyone, and maybe I should have been there for you when things got rough. Let’s meet up, let’s talk, and let’s see if we can work through that anger of yours. Maybe it’ll help me with mine. |
Alizée.Altieri | |
![]() "You will be remembered." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | The Void will be help responsible for your death. |
Eksa.Thresh | |
![]() ”i can’t remember what you did" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | It was weird looking at the painting and seeing your face, and it was weird looking at the mural seeing your name. |
Linqian.Han | |
![]() "Oh hello again, I’m glad to see you still around" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | i can not stress how excited I am to see you again my friend. I know we had a few periods of our friendship going on the back burner but we always found our ways back together. Was it a mutual hated person? Maybe. Was it the fact that we’re both two cool people who found different ways to keep friends? I think that’s the more likely explanation. Let’s meet up again. You’re always welcome in the studio, or we can catch up at a bar you don’t work at. |
Luca.Oliviera | |
![]() "If it’s not my favorite man, I’ll ask Stormy to put up his aura so I can give you a hug." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Luca, I am beyond thrilled to see you again. But I have to admit there is a guilt that knaws at my mind. It is something that I feel terrible about. It’s is something that has kept me up for a single night, maybe two. And that is I have yet to show you my art. I have yet to show you all that our childhood inspired. And before you say ‘oh, thanks! I don’t think that’s a good idea because I have this crazy ability to rot everything around me, but you can send me a photo! I have plenty of burner phones’ consider this. I want to make my art available, accessible, and that starts with me making that effort. Let me figure out how to, and I’ll treat you. So. Tell me when you’re free, and I’ll open up the exhibit. |
Tayla.Choi | |
![]() "A coven is not defined by the strength of its magic, but on the strength of its members. We’ll always be strong with people like you around" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | So, I heard about you severing your connection to your lux. I could never cut myself off from mine. I could never. That’s a strength I don’t have. I’m glad to have you around |
Finn.Reid | |
![]() "When I painted us all I never thought I’d be painting more death.." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | A toast to the fallen. |
"Edict".Devola | |
![]() ” Edict. You are not someone I thought I’d miss. But I did. I missed you bro." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Edict I don’t know why, but I missed you. I missed your weird voice, your crazy ideas, and I just missed you. Talk to me the next time you get the idea to burn a church down. That wasn’t a good look. |
Kali.Mahendra | |
![]() "What can we do to honor our dead" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I don’t know why, this has to be personal. |
Simone.Le.Fay | |
![]() "I don’t know where to begin _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I don’t think I’ll ever get used to seeing your name on this mural. |
Clancy.Patrick | |
![]() " There’s something off about you" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I will keep both my eyes on you. |
Jack.Hawthorne | |
![]() "I never thought I’d see you again.." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I think you should swing by sometime. I’d love to hear the tales of your adventures. I think it’s just the inspiration I need. |
"Sully".McPherson | |
![]() " Do my eyes deceive me? Is that Sully? And why do I hear the angelic sounds of a chalice? You think you can cook up some extra tasty cocktails?." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I was hoping to see you. I’m sure that you’re still the same person I remember. But I want to be sure that you know that I find it unacceptable that you haven’t stopped by to help me out even my paint ran low. I should have reached out to someone like you when things got rough for me. I could’ve used a friend to talk to, someone who would have listened but also help pull me from the darkness that was eating me alive. Still, I’m just glad that you’re around now. |
Everleigh.Thorn | |
![]() " This too shall pass." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I’ll toss some money on your account |
Leon.Richoux | |
![]() " Hey….Leon. I see you’ve been busy." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I don’t think I knew you as well as should’ve. Though if we ever wanted to hang we’re going to go far, far, far away from that cult you call home. |
Stormy.Carson | |
![]() " You sir are a calming presence in these chaotic times. I may need your help soon" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Friend you are a sight to be sure. I’ve heard so much about you through the grapevine. I can not think of someone who makes a very teacher than you, and I’m so glad you took the time to come back and be with us. |
"Lyss".Burns | |
![]() "I with judge you for thirsting over a fed. I’m catching enough flack myself for the same reason" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I So. A fed caught your eye? Me too, me too. Don’t worry I’ll never judge you for it, especially not for that man. |
Anya.Baksh | |
![]() "I dislike you. Not for your association with Sloane, not because Lynn hates you, I just dislike you because you’re dangerous.." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I hope I dream a dream of these words so you know how I truly feel. You are dangerous. And not in the ‘oh I’m powerful, I can do it all’ kinda ways but in the ‘i will run your life over a dream’ kinda one. As well, you can influence the dreams of everyone. So anytime you tell us what someone dreamed I know you’re lying. You’re changing the dreams of others, blackmailing them with them, and pretending that makes you important. You’re not. And I think deep down you know that. |
Adora.Phoenix-Prescott | |
![]() "I don’t know how to show my gratitude without making things worse" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I think we’re all aware that you have suffered, and I am sorry that I don’t know how to make it better. I know I would be dead right now if you didn’t stop Scott from chasing us back in the day. And I know I wasn’t there when you were suffering after the battle. If you need anything all you need to do is ask. |
Layla.Hyacinthus | |
![]() " We have your back." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | You do not need to worry, Jasper is here and I’ll do everything I can to make you feel welcome in the group. |
Lila.Blackwood | |
![]() "We were all so close in the past. Let’s not make the same mistakes again" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Looks like everyone’s favorite bird lady is back and better than ever. You look amazing, you sound so confident, and I’m so proud of the person you’re growing into. I think our group will be able to help guide this new coven in the best ways possible. |
Evelynn Ann .Serenelight | |
![]() "Lynn, Lynn, Lynn. I missed you Lynn.” _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Lynn, Lynn, Lynn, I can’t begin to thank you for everything you did for us back in the day. And I’m sure you’ll do it all over again in the here and now. Don’t let what the others say get to you. No one else knows what it’s like to see all that death, all that failure, and still have the ability to prevent it all. I see a lot of the same things in you that I saw in myself before. If you ever need a sober buddy, or to just talk, I’m always here for you. |
Sloane.Faris | |
![]() “I’ve hated you ever since we first met. I don’t know why, but I don’t think I’ll never not hate you.” _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | I know you’ll never see this, and I know you must think so low of me. I know I hate you for no reason. I know this hate has infected others around me, and I know that others have fed off it. I am not sorry. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Anya Sunita Baksh She/Her | 27 | Indo-Caribbean | 5’2” | 124lbs _______________________________________________ Superiority _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Yes, I’m better at that than you. Perhaps you should try harder." ___________________________________ Academics ⫻Anya is academically gifted, and had no choice to be anything else growing up. She was a straight A student, and got the highest degree grade possible. She doesn’t actually use her degree. She’s intelligent, but mainly in an academic rather than practical sense. Musical Instruments ⫻From a young age Anya learned the piano and violin, and is skilled in playing both. This was something that came more from hard work than natural talent. Imagination ⫻Anya has always been imaginative - in fact, as a child she was more interested in reading and writing than school. Her parents tried to stomp this out, but she was eventually able to channel it through a different medium - magic. Spell Creation & Development ⫻It took Anya a while to truly discover what her affinity was, and since she’s been actively developing spells and improving those she already has. She’d count it as a skill, because she’s clearly better at it than everyone else. Subtle Scamming (“Business Acumen”) ⫻ Anya’s business is partly a scam, as she offers to get rid of people’s bad dreams or aid their sleeping when she really only does it for one night - and uses it to manipulate and dig up information on people. She’s very good at selling it, ahd the fact that it’s a scam at all is well hidden. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "It’s not my fault that I have everything - good looks, intelligence, and strong powers. You should blame my parents." With clear confidence in her appearance, Anya stands out even with her petite stature. She’s slim with long legs, but a bit of fat around her stomach from focusing more on books than exercising. Anya always dresses to look her best, with a preference for nice tops and skirts of varying lengths - from barely covering everything to well past her knees depending on her audience. She enjoys dressing up and has a large wardrobe, allowing her to vary from the normal with pretty dresses or turtleneck jumpers for the winter. The colours vary depending on what she’s feeling - muted greyscales to soft pastels to dark reds. Anya has enough of an interest in fashion to pick out nice outfits each day, specifically tailored to customers or the people she thinks she’ll be interacting with. Most of the time she’ll wear high heels, helping boost her height. Anya has medium brown skin in a cooler, more reddish tone. She takes good care of it and is rarely found without makeup, another weapon in her repertoire to make an impression. Compared to her teen years of bright eyeshadows and long wings she goes for the more subtle looks now - a variety of brown eyeshadows with the occasional purple and champagne highlights along with minimal eye lining or subtle dark brown wings. Her sizeable lips are normally done in a two tone style, with a brown upper lip and edges and more pink shade to the lower lip. Sometimes she will change this to a more intense maroon and red. Her eyes are a medium brown with subtle green hints, looking almost hazel in the sunlight. Her black hair is incredibly thick and falls in waves down to her waist. She wears it in a variety of styles - loose, ponytails, loose buns and twin braids if she wants to change things up. Anya has two lobe piercings, always adorned with earrings although they’re often covered by her thick hair. She used to have a septum piercing, which she got at sixteen, but she stopped wearing it in her early twenties so it’s mostly healed over. |
Drake.Blackmore | |
![]() "I don’t understand what Jade saw in him." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 4/10. Strong, but too reckless. Refuses to listen to those that know better than him. Drake was a typical case of someone with a strong abstraction who couldn’t use it wisely. Instead he would just run headfirst into danger and drag everyone else along with him. No wonder his wife died. Anya feels sympathetic for what happened, but it doesn’t change her dislike for Drake. His inability to stop and think frustrated Anya to no end. She hopes he’s matured after all these years, but doesn’t particularly want to meet him again anyway. |
Britney.Williams | |
![]() "She has nothing to feel guilty for." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 8/10. Smart, resourceful, does what needs to be done. Once it came out that Britney had been adjoining other people non consensually, Anya was one of her few supporters. While she wasn’t especially vocal about it, as that would be a bad look for her in the group, she was very clear with Britney privately that she didn’t see a problem with what she’d done and tried to talk more neutral members of the group around. Anya honestly doesn’t think Britney did anything wrong. She did what had to be done under the circumstances. Really, she’d saved many people’s lives. Everyone else just didn’t have the guts to do it. |
Alizée.Altieri | |
![]() "All that power yet she can’t decide what to do with it." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 0/10. Killed by her own actions. Anya will not let the void take another. It’s too much of a nuisance. |
Eksa.Thresh | |
![]() "She shouldn’t have come back." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 0/10. Father wolf victim. |
Linqian.Han | |
![]() "Poor Jinhai, stuck with someone like her." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 2/10. Her personality destroys any use her abstraction would bring. Anya doesn’t understand how such a man as smart as Jinhai could have such a stupid, irritating twin. Perhaps something went wrong when they were both developing. Anya has practically no good opinions about Linqian - not only is she a bitch, but she wields her abstraction with little thought to the consequences. While Anya was saddened to hear of Jinhai’s death, as he was one of the best of the group, she has no plans to offer sympathies to someone like Linqian. It was a shame she didn’t die instead. |
Luca.Oliviera | |
![]() "Ah, poor Luca. If only he’d move on and use the gift Britney gave him." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 3/10. Too much of a coward to fully use his power. Pathetic. Another one of Britney’s “victims”. Anya doesn’t know Luca well, since he joined late and she didn’t last that long in the coven afterwards. It was clear he wanted rid of the apparition and Anya didn’t approve of that. Surely he could learn to control it if he tried hard enough? Though his dreams recently have been quite disturbing, so maybe there’s something going on there. |
Sloane.Faris | |
![]() "It's a shame that Sloane doesn’t know how to fake friendliness. She’d get so far if she could." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 8/10. Would be more beneficial if she learned tact. One of the most useful abstractions. While Anya disagrees with Sloane’s idea that it was their duty to protect St Portwell, there were plenty of other things they saw eye to eye on. There was a shared “sympathy” (as much as either could feel that) over the state of their abstractions during the Stygian Snake era, with Sloane having lux types that were difficult to blend and Anya having so many she didn’t know what to do with them. However Sloane thought too little of her contributions, which frustrated Anya, and Anya thought too much of her own. Anya kept in touch with Sloane after the coven dissolved, as she was useful. It was a mutually beneficial relationship when Anya returned to St Portwell - through her dream visits Anya could help persuade former coven members to hand over their artifacts, and could use it to find others that needed to be stored away. Anya agreed that it was best they were in the hands of someone sensible, but didn’t want to take the risk on herself. Sloane was the perfect choice. This eventually grew into a genuine friendship. Anya has a good opinion of Sloane, and is unbothered by her demeanour. She’s learned to easily read the small changes in Sloane’s facial expressions, and understands her completely. She’s likely the only person Anya considers a friend. Lately, Anya’s slightly concerned that she’s growing to care for Sloane too much. |
Tayla.Choi | |
![]() "Without lux she doesn’t exist to me." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 0/10. Severed herself from her lux, useless. Anya knows that Tayla no longer has an abstraction thanks to visiting her dreams, and thus has a very low opinion of her. She’s just resigned herself to a life on the bottom rung without an abstraction, and has made herself incredibly vulnerable. Anya hopes for all of their sakes that she doesn’t come back. |
"Edict".Devola | |
![]() "It’s a shame the old leaders were too virtuous to see his uses." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 7/10. Knows how to use what he has to his advantage. Anya and Edict have a mutually beneficial agreement to work together, and have kept in contact for the past ten years. They meet in his dreams, resulting in knowing things about each other that normally wouldn’t be shared. Anya doesn’t trust Edict and knows he doesn’t tell her everything, but the reverse is true as well. He is one of the few people she can truly be herself around - he knows what she’s really like, and there’s no problem there. There’s mutual respect between the two, and they work well together. It’s difficult for Anya to tell whether she actually likes Edict, or merely views him as a business partner. His company can be enjoyable, but equally irritating. But overall they get on well, and there’s an ease between them. Their close relationship and working together is kept secret from everyone else, however, as it benefits neither of them for it to be out in the open right now. |
Kali.Mahendra | |
![]() "Shame, that he died.." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 0/10. Dead. Not one of us, anyway. |
Simone.Le.Fay | |
![]() "She could have avoided her death, if only she tried harder." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 0/10. Dead. |
Jack.Hawthorne | |
![]() "I’m looking forward to exchanging stories when I see him again." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 9/10. Strong abstraction and knowledge, too much of an ego. Jack is one of the few people in the coven that Anya “gets on with”, in that she can have an equal conversation with him where she’s normally looking down on everyone else. If anyone’s close to her equal it would be Jack. Back in the day she was happy to pass on what she’d learned from her family to him, spending time together pouring over books and trying to figure out new spells. They had incredibly similar passions, and egos - which is the main area they clashed. There were some heated arguments between Jack and Anya about who’s way was best, who’s idea was right, but that’s water under the bridge. The fact that Anya actually deigned to have arguments with him, rather than just dismissing him, show’s how much she thinks of him. It’s not so much a past friendship, though, as a mutually beneficial partnership to improve their magic and knowledge. |
"Sully".McPherson | |
![]() "I can’t believe Sloane let him take the chalice back. It was much safer with her." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 0/10. A bumbling fool. The chalice would be better used in another’s hands. The only positive thing Anya has to say for Sully is that he supported Britney near the end of the coven, the only time he actually used his single brain cell. Otherwise Anya has nothing but disdain for him. He used an ancient artifact to provide teenagers with beer, turning the coven into a party house when it should have been a place for learning and getting rid of paranormal threats. He was incredibly unreliable and ran when the going got tough. All in all, it would have been better for everyone if someone more sensible had the chalice. |
Everleigh.Thorn | |
![]() "I’m sure prison will treat her well." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 0/10. Rightly jailed. |
Leon.Richoux | |
![]() "Such a shame, his lux was the best thing about him." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 4/10. Strong but uncontrollable. Just as likely to be a danger as it is to be an aid. Ten years ago, Anya both got on with and clashed with Leon. They had their similarities coming from long, proud lines of adepts, and his mastery of orange lux ultimately helped her figure out hers when it was the one she struggled with most. However, his self decided role of an enforcer was just irritating. When you put two people with superiority complexes in the same room it’s difficult for either of them to come out happy. So while Anya would go to him (reluctantly) for help with her orange lux, she also disliked the way he acted superior (ironically) and pushed his ideals on others. When he sacrificed his lux to seal Lady Lelou inside of him, she lost most of the good opinions she had of him. Adjoined had their places, but his lux had been too impressive to be worth the sacrifice. |
Stormy.Carson | |
![]() "He pushes his morals on all of us as if we should care." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 7/10. A strong protection is needed for others to shine. Anya feels mostly neutral towards Stormy. He was smarter than the other “jocks” of the group, and less reckless - along with being irreplaceable in the battle against the snake. However, he was one of the most vocal against Britney. Morals always got in the way of strength, and Stormy was the type to not back down when he’d decided something was wrong. Anya just couldn’t get along with someone like that. |
"Lyss".Burns | |
![]() "I enjoy visiting her dreams." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 6/10. A personal army she could easily turn against us if she wished to. Lyss’ dreams are some of the more interesting ones, so Anya does enjoy visiting them. Lyss didn’t socialise much in the old coven, and she always held back a bit - which Anya didn’t approve of. But her abstraction was a strong one, used relatively well. She isn’t one for moral grandstanding like many of the others, which does improve Anya’s opinion of her slightly. They didn’t talk too much, so Anya views Lyss mostly neutrally - if with the view she could do more with her lux. |
Evelynn.Serenelight | |
![]() "I suppose your opinion is formed from a supposed future? But what about the ones you’re not telling us about?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 0/10. A false prophet, rarely predicting anything useful. Evelynn seems to hate Anya, and Anya thinks very little of her. As a result, Evelynn’s opinions of her also matter little. Ten years ago Evelynn “used” her abstraction to help them see future possibilities and draw up plans, but so often it didn’t lead to an outcome any better than one without them. And how much was she keeping from them? And now? Is Evelynn foreseeing all of their deaths and keeping it to herself? Anya doesn’t trust Evelynn, though she keeps this to herself and just treats her coolly. There’s no point giving someone like her the time of the day. |
Lila.Blackwood | |
![]() "If you have a problem, I will try to help. No, I don’t mind that your friend dislikes me." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 5/10. Has so much potential, but refuses to use it. Anya has a relatively neutral, if barely existent, opinion of Lila. She didn’t do anything notable ten years ago, and Anya only knew she existed because she made it her job to know and remember everyone. She’s changed a lot since she came back, it seems. There’s more crows, and more of a backbone. Anya plans to observe her - both in the waking and dreaming world - to see if she could be an ally when away from her antagonistic friends. |
Jasper.Wilde | |
![]() "It’s alright. Many don’t recognise brilliance until it hits them in the face." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 2/10. Wastes his talent by fixating on a hatred for someone much better than him. Just as Jasper dislikes Anya by association, Anya dislikes Jasper for his hatred of Sloane. It’s unfounded and quite frankly incredibly irritating. What little goodwill she had towards him was quickly destroyed by his actions, and she still doesn’t have good opinions of him. She would gladly knock him down a peg or two, but generally treats him as she does everyone else - diplomatically, with a few snide jabs. It’s not her fault he’s not smart enough to see who are the ones in this coven who can truly help them all, and who have been holding everything together for the past ten years. There’s no use wasting her time on the opinion of the weak. |
Adora.Phoenix-Prescott | |
![]() "Yes, Lisa’s death was your fault. What are you doing to fix that?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 1/10. Too busy wallowing in self pity to do anything useful. Anya once had a high opinion of Adora. Along with Clementine and Vanessa, she was a powerhouse of the coven. It’s safe to say they wouldn’t have survived without those three. But after Lisa’s death she abandoned her abstraction, and has barely progressed from there. If she feels so guilty, why not do something about it? What is there to grieve ten years over? Anya doesn’t understand, and just finds her pathetic. She needs to move on and do something with herself. Thankfully, her dreams are more interesting than the rest of her life - and have given Anya plenty of material to work with. |
Layla.Hyacinthus | |
![]() "I’m afraid you chose to side with the wrong Apparition." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 1/10. Not much of an issue before, more dangerous now. Painfully naive and easy to manipulate. Anya viewed Layla as little more than one of the many fighters in their ranks, hardly remembering her name and face. She contributed very little against the Stygian Snake and came with issues too annoying to be dealt with. Her opinion of her has only grown lower upon finding out how easily she was manipulated by the Void, and the House of Cards in turn. While Anya wouldn’t care, she agrees with Greyson that the House of Cards will be a problem - and Layla could be, in turn, so she’ll work with him to deal with it. Whether that means manipulating Layla herself… well, that’s something she’s considering. |
Clancy.Patrick | |
![]() "I’m sorry for your loss, at such a young age." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: ?/10. An unknown. Needs more investigation. Anya didn’t know Ashley had a cousin, even with all her dreamwalking. On the outside, she’s welcoming to him - taking his leads and offering condolences. But she’s suspicious of him, and plans to keep an eye on him even if he’s just a kid. Most kids don’t climb down from a church’s rafters. |
Kenshiro.Murakin | |
![]() "His adventures in other realms are sometimes more interesting than dreams." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 8/10. Strong, well trained. Lacks some flexibility and has grown reckless. While Anya and Kenshiro aren’t particularly friendly, he is one of the few people she respects. Just like her, he comes from a long lineage of adepts. That gave a base level of respect, and his strong magic made him someone Anya viewed as an equal. There was a hint of jealousy there, too, for how easily Kenshiro seemed to be able to use his gold lux - the one type Anya was unable to tap into during the Stygian Snake, even with help from people like him. But she kept this hidden. After all, they were very different magically. Kenshiro learned spells from spellbooks passed down from his family, and Anya had to develop her own. Anya views Kenshiro as one of the more useful, and tolerable, members of the old coven. |
Aaron/Aryin.Thorne | |
![]() "Like attracts like, no wonder they’re so close to Linqian." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 3/10. Stupid, restricted. Anya doesn’t have a particularly positive view of Aaron/Aryin - especially as Aryin. The restriction of lux type to form seems ridiculously limiting to her. While how it works is interesting, Anya doesn’t particularly care past that. They were in different circles and had very little reason to interact ten years ago. She hopes to keep it that way. |
Amara.King | |
"Her dreams are a little difficult, with so many of her." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 7/10. Strong abstraction, dangerous side effects. Anya and Amara got on reasonably well, ten years ago. Amara came up with good battle plans which Anya agreed with, and was strong enough in a fight to gain some respect that way. Her friendliness with everyone was always something Anya found… irritating. Perhaps because she didn’t understand it. |
”Luna”.Inoue | |
![]() "A spy among our ranks that we don’t need back." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 0/10. Works for others. Anya never trusted Luna, and was never friendly with her. This worked in her favour when it was revealed she was working for a St Portwell mafia recruiting teenagers. This tarnished Anya’s view of her further, along with the House of Cards itself. What kind of group needed barely functional teenagers to keep running? Knowing that the House of Cards is causing issues makes Luna a person of interest for her right now. |
Bé.Rochefoucauld | |
![]() "He’s a kindred spirit, I suppose. We understand each other were others do not." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Usefulness: 8/10. Smart, useful abstraction, like Sloane could learn some tact. Anya and Bé understand each other, even if they’re not exactly friends. With them both lacking in empathy there just isn’t that need there for them to get emotionally close to each other. But they’re very similar, and Bé is one of the few people Anya can be a bit more of herself around without the friendly and good facade she’s built up. She does find the fact he doesn’t bother to hide it like she does a bit infuriating, while simultaneously being jealous of it. She doesn’t have the family money to fall back on - or family at all. But overall, Anya has a positive view of Bé - he’s one of the people in the previous coven she was closest to. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Drake Dean Blackmore He/Him | 26 | British/Japanese. | 5'11ft | 197lb _______________________________________________ Integrity. _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "I couldn't save Jade, so what good am I?" ___________________________________ Basketball ⫻ Growing up, Drake was the star of his basketball team... at least when he played it. He played a ton of Basketball, officially for his school or just on the streets, and he was pretty good at it. He often practices shots to relieve stress, but even he realizes he's out of his element. Fist-Fighting ⫻ Drake was always a trouble-starting shithead, and fights were pretty easy to come across in his hometown. He's a pretty good scrapper, even without martial arts training. Social-Butterfly ⫻ Drake's pretty good when it comes to people; he's grown up his entire life being at the forefront of his family and getting to know a variety of different people. He knows how to deal with people and knows that a lot of problems can be solved by being a listening ear. Firearms ⫻ Drake likes guns... he's a mean shot with a pistol, and don't ask me what he can do with a carbine. Sealing ⫻ Taught to him by his father, Adam, Drake knows how to seal Apparitions by outlining a knight chess piece. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Ladies, off the market indefinitely." Drake carries a youthful and energetic aura around him; almost as if he is still a teenager, he still has the same energy. He's ready for anything exciting to go down, and his movements are quick and spastic; he can't seem to hold down all of that energy within him. However, he kind of acts like a model (a very goofy ahh) model as he's prone to making melodramatic poses, almost as if someone is taking a picture of him. It's weird. Though he has a great, well-shaped body from years of athleticismsm and bodybuilding, he will gladly remove his shirt and flex if you ask. He's exceptionally well-built, and his body has complemented his body shape well, though I will say his legs are the most defined because Drake was a runner before anything else. And he has a great ass, and his weiner is eight inches long. He is around the average height of a Caucasian male. Speaking of Caucasian, Drake is British and Japanese, but you wouldn't be able to tell given that he looks one hundred percent white other than the fact that his eyes are slanted. His skin is coated with various scars because he is a rough player when playing sports. His elbows are shit because he fell on them a lot, his knees are covered in nasty scabs, and his knuckles are scarred and bruised from fist fighting. His teeth are also very shitty because he's missing a few, and he should have gone to the dentist more. Regardless, the Blackmore Family has excellent genes. Drake Blackmore, here is a connoisseur of jackets! His favorite hobby is finding a cool ass jacket and flaunting it, his favorite being leather jackets. He dresses pretty simply, wearing jeans or shorts and a T-shirt with a jacket. He doesn't do the whole accessory thing except for sunglasses and his gloves... though Drake wears a wedding on his right hand and a silver ring that says ADAM on his index finger. |
Britney.Williams | |
![]() "The ends do not justify the means because they're shaped and defined by them." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Drake and Britney did not interact much during the battle with the Stygian Snake. That mainly was left up to his older sister Victoria; however, once it came out, just what Britney was doing to people was to rope them into the fight... Drake's opinion of her took a nose dive, and she was one of the main reasons he left the old Coven. Drake thinks that Auri was out of her damn mind for inviting her and Luca back. The other Blackmores respected Britney initially, with Victoria being her friend. However, they vehemently disapproved her actions and her continued participation in the Old Coven. Though, Victoria mediated when the others were going too far. |
Alizée.Altieri | |
![]() "Maybe I was too harsh on you... Maybe we could have helped you..." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Drake and Alizée were incredibly close during the fight against the Stygian Snake, with Alizée being an honorary member of the "Blackmore Party." The two fought bravely, and Drake saw Alizée as his little sister, which hurt when Drake and the others discovered that Alizée was going out at night and hurting people. During his brief time in the old Coven, Drake gave Alizée nothing but the cold shoulder, and the fact that she wasn't kicked out was one of the reasons Drake left. He had no idea Alizée and Ashley fought, or she was kicked out. Since then, Drake has been hoping to run into her while doing his vigilante work and put an end to her. The other Blackmores didn't like Alizee at all for what she was doing, however Victoria felt as if they should had helped her rather than treat her like a monster. |
Linqian.Han | |
![]() "Firecracker hated Victoria. And I hated Jinhai." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Drake and Linqian got along reasonably well, with their firey personalities and abstractions synergizing well. However, it was ironic given that Drake despised her older brother, and Linqian despised his older sister. Despite that, the two kept in touch, and Drake was saddened to hear that she also lost someone to Father Wolf. Victoria and Linqian famously didn't get along, however Victoria always thought that she was a dumbass. Amanda and the other Blackmores got along with her. |
Luca.Oliviera | |
![]() _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Drake and Luca didn't have much of a relationship of note. Luca joined the Coven towards the end of the battle with the Stygian Snake, and Drake left shortly after. However, he was one of Britney's victims, and thus, Drake feels some guilt for not pushing for the Coven to help him. He is saddened to hear that, even after ten years, Luca still has the Apparition adjoined to him. Drake will stop at nothing until Luca gets help. The other Blackmores wished to help Luca out with his problem, however they were simply not equipped for it. |
Sloane.Faris | |
![]() "I took things too far." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Drake and Sloane have a bit of an odd relationship. Given Sloane's attitude, she would be just another member of the old Coven Drake would have hated. However, the two have a professional partnership, given that Sloane and Drake have a similar mindset of protecting St. Portwell from supernatural forces. has been marking dangerous Paranormals for Drake to defeat, and Jade saved Sloane's life after she distracted the Stygian Snake. The two have been ridiculously close until Jade's death. Victoria respected Sloane and knew where her heart lay... despite her being rough around the edges. She is pissed at Drake for losing his cool and hitting her, but understands that she was out of line. Though, Amanda and the other Blackmores passionately disliked her. |
Tayla.Choi | |
![]() "She looks different. I don't know how she will back up her big words." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Drake and Tayla didn't exactly get along too well, given that she was one of the most scathing critics of Drake's reckless stunts. Drake didn't care; he thought she was nothing but a square... but he felt sorry for her once her boyfriend, James, was killed distracting the Stygian Snake. Afterward, she disappeared, but Drake heard that she had fallen into hard drugs. There's that fleeting thought to try and patch things up with Tayla. The other Blackmores didn't interact with Tayla much, but Victoria understood why she left. |
"Edict".Devola | |
![]() "The more things change, the more they stay the same..." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | For starters, Drake refuses to call him Edict. In the old Coven, Drake, and Greyson did not like each other. The two were the classic example of when egos collide, which has led to them being openly antagonistic towards each other. The old Coven probably vividly remembers that they got into a fistfight with each other that was cheered on by some before it was broken up. Drake was probably the most openly antagonistic towards Greyson and called to have him removed due to his shady roots. After the Stygian Snake was defeated, Drake only heard secondhand about Greyson from Victoria and the others. He is thrilled to have to deal with Greyson again. Victoria knew of the Devola name and attempted to keep Drake in line lest they break his knees. Though, they told Drake of how much of a scumbag he was in the Old Coven. Victoria is personally surprised Auri invited him back. |
Jack.Hawthorne | |
![]() "Last I heard, he was on his adventure." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Many would think that Drake and Jack did not like each other... with Drake constantly dunking on Jack every chance he could and openly finding his edgy schtick intolerable. However, beneath it all, Drake respected Jack and his contributions to the old Coven; as edgy as he is, it took balls to fight the Stygian Snake. Perhaps deep down it was some friendship. The two fell out of contact after Drake left, but according to Victoria, he went on an adventure in the All-Verse. Drake respected that. Alongside his decision to return, however, Drake feels that he may have been too impulsive and messed things up by attacking Sloane. Victoria and Jack worked together in their missions to recover the Apparition Killer and Bull's Ring and hold him in high regard. Amanda constantly dunked on him, too. |
"Sully".McPherson | |
![]() "THE BEER CHALICE!" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Possibly the closet person to Drake in the Old Coven, second to the Blackmore siblings. A member of the affectionately claimed "Jock Squad" with Leon, Stormy, and himself, Drake vividly remembers partying with Sully while in the Old Coven (and also sneaking into a few with Jade after he left). He was the one to first make the Cum Chalice joke about Sully's Agent. Drake kept in touch, and they partied a few times afterward but fell out of touch for a little bit after Sully fell on hard times. Drake's marriage with Jade had just started. He was happy to see Sully make it out of the woods and to see him again. Victoria, surprisingly enough, respected Sully for his parties as they helped the others relieve stress and brought some of the more shy members of the Old Coven out of their shells. She regards Sully as a family friend, while Amanda loved partying with him. |
Leon.Richoux | |
![]() "Howl, wolfman!" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Another member of the Jocksquad that Drake vividly remembers fighting alongside. Though he admits that he wasn't as close to Leon as he could have been, Drake remembers Leon punching monsters to death, and he thought that was pretty badass. It was short of the inspiration for his Lightning-Aura spells, but Drake was at the very least during the fight against Lady Lelou. He saw it getting sealed into Leon, and Drake was pushing for the Wolflady to get sealed into some rock or something. The Old Coven didn't help, and Drake left - but kept in touch with him, seeing him often at his gym. Victoria and the other Blackmores have no strong or notable opinions of Leon |
Stormy.Carson | |
![]() "I wonder if he ever made that magic condom..." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | The good ol' shield to Drake's sword! Literally. Stormy was a member of the Jock squad, as Drake calls them, and a proficient barrier generator that saved Drake's ass a few times. Stormy was there when Drake managed to get himself killed trying to save Jade nearly and after Drake let his emotions get the best of him. Drake appreciates that and how he wasn't open about criticizing him for his actions during the fight against the Stygian Snake. Drake made sure to keep in touch and earned respect from Drake for refusing to give Britney a break. The rest of the Blackmore family deeply respects Stormy's help in the Old Coven's battle with the Stygian Snake. |
Anya.Baksh | |
![]() "Victora has told to never trust you. " _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Drake has hardly, if ever, interacted with Anya. They were in two different cliques, but the few interactions that Drake has had with her have made him not want to interact with her at all. Despite not contributing much to the fight against the Stygian Snake, she believes she is superior and full of herself. Drake didn't even realize that she had returned, but he would always keep his eye on her. Victoria worked with Anya in the Old Coven and learned that she is probably not the person she says she is. She warned Drake not to trust her and to keep her eye on her. Meanwhile, the other Blackmores didn't like her either. |
Evelynn.Serenelight | |
![]() "Your abstraction is nothing but a guess anybody could make. I am only concerned about what's happening here and now." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Drake and Lynn didn't interact a whole lot in the Old Coven (though he thought that it was ridiculous that she went out with the trio in fights against the Stygian Snake). Drake didn't find Lynn's abstraction reliable and barely listened to any of her predictions. However, he was friendly towards her nonetheless, especially since she was friends with Victoria. Victoria liked Lynn and thought very highly of her, taking her predictions deadly seriously when taking action. Amanda liked drinking and partying with her and kept in touch. |
Lila.Blackwood | |
![]() "You finally grew a spine; I'm proud of you." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Drake and Lila hardly, if ever, interacted, but had a feeling that Lila didn't like him. He respects Lila not only for fighting in the Coven despite her lack of confidence but also for finding herself and discovering the person she was always meant to be. Despite Lila's dislike of him, Drake will be friendly towards her. The rest of the Blackmores did not feel one way or the other about Lila. |
Jasper.Wilde | |
![]() "Art bro!" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Drake has a similar stance to Jasper as he does to Jack, ironically enough. He constantly dunked on him for being a hipster artsy-nerd, but underneath it all, there was a sense of brotherhood between them. He respects Jasper for following his dreams and becoming an artist despite thinking he's a lame ass hipster! Though, at the time, Drake didn't like how he constantly rode Sloane. Drake calls him his "Art-Bro". The other Blackmores didn't feel one way or the other about Jasper. |
Adora.Phoenix-Prescott | |
![]() "I know you don't like me, but I should have saved Lisa..." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Drake and Adora constantly butted heads in the Old Coven. Adora was continually critical of Drake's stunts, how he never took it all seriously, and how he always partied, and Drake always thought that she was a self-righteous bitch. Despite his dislike of her, Drake understood where Adora was coming from and respected her for her contributions to the fight, and he felt some pang of guilt for the deaths of Saskia and Lisa. At first, he thought she was a crybaby for ghosting the Coven, but Victoria managed to get him to turn around. He has no clue that she returned to the Coven, but he would be friendly with her despite it all. Victoria didn't like Adora or Lisa but respected both due to their contributions in the fight against the Stygian Snake. Victoria was saddened by Lisa's death and understood why Adora had gone ghost, though she thought that Adora should never have come back. The rest of the Blackmores didn't like Adora either but understood she was too strong to get rid of. |
Layla.Hyacinthus | |
![]() "... Who?" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Drake was heavily against a ten-year-old in the Coven, and he was on the leadership's ass about it. Despite that, Layla was always lowkey and kept to herself, but Drake was always suspicious of her. Though, as far as he could tell, she was just a nobody in the grand scheme. The rest of the Blackmores had little idea about her. |
Luna.Inoue | |
![]() "... Auri must be out of her damn mind if she lets her back in." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Drake and Luna hardly interacted with each other, and he always had a bad feeling about her. That lousy feeling turned out to be very warranted when it turned out that Luna was poaching members of the Old Coven for the local mafia group. Drake despised her for that and was happy to hear she was booted from the Old Coven. However, if Luna tries to worm her way back in, Drake would be the first to want her ass gone. The rest of the Blackmores practically share the same sentiment as Drake. |
Aislin.Rose | |
![]() "She's my friend but she's too naive." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Drake was the one who brought Aislin into the Coven after saving her from Alizee... Drake and Aislin, since then, have had a very close friendship that extended to after the Old Coven had fallen apart. However, Drake thought Aislin was too forgiving of Alizee for what happened. Despite it all, Drake invited Aislin to his wedding with Jade. The rest of the Blackmores don't interact with Aislin much in the Old Coven, but they still see her as a friend. |
Kenshiro.Murakin | |
![]() "The man! The Legend! The greatest!" _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | An extremely close friend to not just Drake but the rest of the Blackmores. He was there to save the guy from the Stygian Snake when he first arrived in St. Portwell, and since then, the two have been close - probably the closest person he's been to outside of the Jock Squad. Even after the defeat of the Stygian Snake, the two have remained close, and Kenshiro visits the Blackmore estate, often telling tales of adventures and offering gifts. As stated before, Kenshiro is a friend to all the Blackmore siblings, even Victoria. She takes the triplets on the land that Kenshiro owns when he comes around. |
Ayrin/Aaron.Thorne | |
![]() "Be your true self, that's all I can say." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Another one of Drake's buddies during the fight with the Stygian Snake. Drake often got Emily off their back when she was being an asshole, and the two fought alongside each other. Drake sees Ayrin/Aaron as a friend and wonders when (or if) they will return. The rest of the Blackmores don't feel one way or the other about Aaron/Ayrin. |
Amara.King | |
![]() "Friend." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Despite hardly interacting with one another, Drake and Amara had a good relationship. They partied whenever and Drake thought that she was one of the few members of the "smart club" that didn't have a stick up their ass. However, they fell out of touch after Drake left the Old Coven. The other Blackmores don't feel one way or the other about Amara. |
The.Void.Heart | |
![]() "Glad they put you away." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Drake never trusted the Void Heart and despised him for turning Alizee into his puppet. However, he felt he should have eliminated The Void Heart before it became a problem for the rest of St. Portwell. |