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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Isla Gill

Location: Byjerlfal City, Commercial District Museum
Mentions: N/A

She listened politely to the enlightening talks on Eidda’s creation myths. A titanic Pokémon pulling the land up from the bottom of the ocean…three ‘helpers’...it sounded as though many of the other ones she had heard of before, to a degree. They all did have some parts in common, some parts not, though…what were those three, Isla wondered. What did they stand for? Were they…actual areas, like the three lakes, or…something else? The titanic one in the center looked…oddly similar to ones she had seen before. Carvings on ancient Groudon in Hoenn, that’s what it reminded her of. Curious, curious. He expanded continents, too, said by some to create such things in the ancient times. Was this…Groudon? Maybe? It could be something different, though, some…ancient cousin to the Hoenn legend?

“If you want to know more, it'd be better to inquire at the Society in Giervor. I’ll be heading back there myself as soon as Director Matthias finishes his business here. If you want to stay, I won’t stop you but I think it should be a little quieter downstairs now if you want to look at the exhibits…though if you go to the Winding wood, give Director Matthias my regards and ask him to hurry will you? I’m rather bored here in this museum. I’d much rather be out in the field…”

Well…she wasn’t really sure if going to another city was the best idea. Not after Byjerlfal went how it went, Isla wasn’t altogether eager to see another place, not so soon…hm. Winding Wood, that sounded like an interesting place, and maybe that was where the dig site was. After all, what else would this Director Matthias be looking at except that dig site? Something that could shed light on a creation story, the very beginning of the region as it stood today, wasn’t something a historical society just…ignored, was it? Maybe he was there for something else, some other site, some other project, sure, but in that case…it would still be something out in the field, something away from the city.

The name ‘Winding Wood’ didn’t really fill Isla with confidence, though. She wasn’t too unsteady as far as navigating, but on the island it was pretty hard to get exceedingly lost. If you walked far enough, you always did seem to find the coast or something that led to the coast and, sure enough, if you walked along the coast you’d find the road. A forest…Isla had never dealt with one of those, not on the mainland. Hopefully there’d be something of a route to lean to, to not get lost. If it was a major enough site, then there’d be something of a disturbance to follow, though…roadmarks from cars or cut-through foliage, maybe, something like that. That or they would be far more subtle about it. Well, in any case, it’d be a good test drive for the new Pokédex. Isla had hardly thought about the weight in her pocket.

“Thank you, Ms Lillian. I’ll be sure to let him know. Thank you for your time.”

With that, she started to make her way out from the museum, trying to avoid whatever people downstairs there might be.

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Crusader Lord
Avatar of Crusader Lord

Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 1 day ago

Clarissa Ryte

Wailord's Rest Cafe, Industrial District, Byjerfal City

(Urban Exploration)

“Oh, you must be from outta region? You visiting Eidda?” Beryl responded with a friendly, inquisitive tone.

"Er, somewhat I suppose. My family moved to Eidda two years ago from Orre, but I've never seen anywhere outside of the south side of Mireth for the most part..."

“Ah, but Miss Keira - she’s the Gym Leader here. Runs the resort and is a bit of a legend here in Byjerlfal. Friendly enough gal, just uh, don’t get on her bad side or you might end up taking a long walk off the pier. That scary lookin’ guy over there taking bets works for her.”

Eh? EH?! The...Gym Leader? Miss Keira was the gym leader of Byjerfal, and one who seemed to have muscle on-staff and had someone running a betting table here in the cafe? This really was taking a page out of the Orre Rulebook, as it were, especially with something so shady and the potential danger being so real. At the same time, it was simply a surprise to find that sort of reputation outside of someplace like Kanto or Orre or something to her mind. Didn't expect a proper slice of home to appear in front of her as they were going about Byjerfal, but apparently big cities had their own problems. Hmm.

Clarissa's eyes breifly narrowed as bit as she took a breif side glance at the betting table from afar. Trying to be subtle, as it were, or the like.

....As long as the sort of things her parents had lived through back in Orre, the sort of "Shadow Pokemon" crap, didn't pop up she wouldn't stir up trouble where it wasn't needed. In fact, that would be her general rule here if possible, unless a certain gym leader and contest star was dragging her into something funky later. Or, well, perhaps she was just teasing a defenseless girl being crushed in a crowd at an airport. Ugh. Either way, she supposed.

But her gaze would turn back to the friendly cook, baker, and waitress in front of her just in time to hear what came next from Beryl and her admittedly somewhat adorable Wobbuffet.

“I’ll have that special riiiiight out. Don’t you worry. Wobby keep ‘em company would you?”

“Wobbu!” A friendly salute and an excitable grin.

Wobbufett would proceed to take the two to an empty booth, should they want it - though before they could get very far, Clarissa might note that the mood around the betting table had taken on a decidedly less friendly atmosphere…

She didn't need psychic powers to try to figure out how the betting table seemed to feel, but all the same the psychic felt a somewhat cautious vibe in the back of her mind. To that end, she tried to reach out a little bit to get a read on the emotions in the direction of the betting table more specifically. See if she could keep tabs somewhat on the increasingly less-than-friendly atmosphere coming from there already in case anything came their direction. No mind reading, just...trying to keep tabs on the emotional situation there was all a little bit.

Either way she was happy to let the happy Pokemon lead them over to a booth, though along the way even Sir Lopsalot seemed to pick up something of a 'bad vibe' from the table on his own. The Buneary didn't waver in walking next to the Wobbuffet along the way, but his ears seemed to turn toward the table. He'd even glance from the side at it briefly, as if trying to keep tabs on if anything potentially dangerous came in the direction of his trainer. He'd even look to the Wobbuffet breifly to see how the defensive Pokemon reacted to it all, before returning to his own vigil again in turn.

Still, Clarissa had to admit to herself that the smell of cooking food was certainly something pleasing to her nose. The smell of fresh seafood, baked goods cooking in an oven, and the smell of hot frying oils, among other things coming from the direction of the kitchen, were certinaly things that brought a certain sense of calm to mind. Albeit it also made her stomach-

*rumble rumble*

...yeah. She knew that was going to happen again this time at least. But she was still hungry enough from the trip and such thus far, and had not attempted to take up the costly airline snacks. They wanted how much for a simple bag of peanuts?! But she wouldn't lose her cool, and hadn't over the matter either. Just as long as they could get a hot meal in them, pay, and leave without any extra trouble here. Most trouble she wanted to deal with right now was the Murkrow, and they had somewhere to go look for them during the daytime now as well. Perfect for trying to dig up something to catch before the day waxed on too long and she had to book it to the Contest proper.

Though yes, she did need to check and see if Ripley was still willing to wait for her to come back after the contest. Not that he couldn't take up his own business, really, but more just wanting to stick in a group on her part. It was a safety tactic and such even back home, really, and old habits perhaps died hard. Albeit traveling urban or wild landscapes seemed to carry their own dangers here anyways.

"Geez, I'm more hungry than I thought - this place's gotta nice atmosphere, eh?" He pondered allowed, giving Clarissa a nudge with his left foot from across the booth.

The psychic's head had come to rest somewhat on her hands after they'd been properly seated, almost starting blankly down at the table as she'd gone back into thought again. Yet at her compatriot speaking and giving her a subtle nudge, her eyes quickly came back up to look at Ripley without batting an eye. She would likewise keep her tone low and only where she and Ripley could hear, frankly, to try to avoid drawing any notice from those at the betting table. Albeit 'try' was always the best term to use there.

"Yes...a rather interesting atmopshere here really. But it feels more like 'background noise' than anything if we keep to the edges here, perhaps, and don't draw attention or put ourselves in the potential crossfire somehow."

Or draw the ire of the local gym leader at that. Though if it came to a Pokemon battle, for some reason or another, they'd have to be prepared. But a bar fight? Er, that was more random chance if anyone came crashing their direction that needed telekinetically-moved away from hitting them. Worst case she'd have to use her telekinesis to try to protect them otherwise perhaps...and she didn't want to have to really. Not now. Not at the start of everything, and not making any sort of a mess of the nice cafe and most likely Beryl's hard work to boot.

"Bun? Bun. Bun bun?"

At least Sir Lopsalot's ears seemed to be on the job, even if he was trying to chat it up with Beryl's Wobbuffet some more in the meantime. In that vein she was glad he had something to do, though she'd also likely share some bites of food with him when it finally came out fresh and hot. Was a normal habit for the two of them, albeit she'd have to see if Pokemon Centers had any general food for the pokemon of trainers stayying the night there perhaps.

Still, she had to keep her head on her shoulders. Head low. Mouth shut. Keep silent, but stay aware. For a second it really was almost like she was back in Orre again....her home...for better or for worse. Eidda? It...she...well, she didn't know much enough about it yet, really, to comment much at all on anything more than having physically been living in the region for the past two years with her family. Howevver, hopefully the nice hot food would come out and they could eat, pay, and then leave before anything got 'worse' enough. Not that all of this didn't spark some more curiosity in this 'Miss Keira' a bit either on the side, admittedly, for the psychic trainer herself.

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

After the Pidgey started to fall over, Camila threw the Pokeball she had waiting. "Gotcha!" She exclaimed as the ball flew through the air and smacked against the bird's shoulder. It then looked to ricochet off before turning back towards it and firing a light at the Pidgey before capturing it. The ball fell to the ground and started to wiggle a few times before clicking. "We did it, Snow~!" She happily exclaimed again, lifting the small fox Pokemon up. It happily yipped in reply as it allowed her trainer to carry it.

Walking over to the Pokeball, Camila picked it up and put it on her belt before walking over to the one she had missed earlier and pocketing it. "Well, this is a fairly common start for most Pokemon trainers I suppose. Not that I'm really one of course." She mentioned, setting Snow down again. "Well, we should be finding this mute woman."

With that, the continued. They saw a Deerling and a Bunneary but finding this woman was the first thing in her mind at the moment. The two just kept walking for now and soon, they came upon... Something. A bunch of guys with Pokemon in cages and... A woman? "Ah. Big. I fully understand now." The assistant mentioned looking at this woman. If the description wasn't enough, the lack of reply the woman gave the rest away. She walked up to the situation with a frown. "And what would a bunch of thugs from the Casino want with a bunch of caged Pokemon? Prizes for the people that can just pay up while you rob the rest of them?" She asked, disliking what she saw in front of her. "It's also not nice to gang up on a lady, you know?" She added.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Byjerlfal City, Commercial district.

“Well, hell…” Kennet frowned, seeing the scene. “Come to think of it, he started acting up after I let him out for a flight near the other side of the park…” He’d shake his head, moving over to Richard as he’d he’d grab the Munchlax by its lower body, hefting and lifting him with a bit more relative ease then Richard might have. “Good thing I’m used to movin’ heavy pokemon sometimes, I reckon.” He’d chuckle, the fletchling in question roosting on Kennet’s shoulder. “Lets get this fella to the center then-ha?!”

Before Kennet could take a few steps, a green-furred pokemon darted out from the underbrush and slammed right into his leg, causing him to stumble slightly.

It was a Sprigatito…

“...hm? Oh. I see someone’s already decided to give this food-thief some mercy…” A person Richard would be somewhat familiar with would walk up from the opposite side of the small clearing. The feline pokemon batted playfully at Kennet’s leg before running back over to Laurel.

…perhaps this was just a coincidence.

“Friend of yours?” Kennet glanced at Richard.

Byjerlfal City, Museum

Commercial district

“Good day. Do be careful on your way out and don’t get lost.”

Thankfully, getting lost would be difficult. Making her way back down stairs and out of the staff area, Isla would find herself back on the main floor. The Museum had cleared out mostly, though she could still see a large crowd of teens and kids. Heading back out onto the street, she’d notice Riley, the man arguing with Lilian earlier had left for the moment. That just left her on the streets of the city once more, the hustle and bustle and noise of large crowds drowning out most things.

Curiously, she could see a young boy with an odd looking Growlithe snickering and running down an alleyway next to the museum…it was probably fine.

Byjerlfal City, Commercial District
@Bartimaeus@Crusader Lord
Urban exploration

The atmosphere at the table was quickly breaking down. Their voices were getting raised now and the man who seemed to be more than a little irritated already, was slowly frowning deeper and deeper as the seconds passed. One of the sailors slammed a fist on the table, leaning over it and a stack of money angrily. A few other sailors were seemingly rallied behind him. Apparently, he lost a bet on something and he was growing increasingly agitated.

Nothing that they had to worry about yet, though…

“Wobbu?” Wobbufett would reach out and pat Sir Lopsalot on the ears before pulling out a notebook and pen, tossing a small menu of drinks onto the table as if asking what they wanted. Notably,it was already written in the book before getting confirmation. Ripley might notice now that Tuule had gotten up from his own seat and was walking over to the betting table, likely having noticed the heated atmosphere. A few words were exchanged between him and the sailor.

“I don’t care, this guy’s a liar and a cheat-!” Their voices were finally raised enough to be heard above the usual din, catching most everyone else's attention.

“Quiet now, son.” Tuule gently interrupted him. “You’re the one who made a losin’ bet, don’t be a sore loser now. What’d you even bet on lad? One of the usual fights here?” When a quiet yes from the sailor followed, Tuule continued. “Now, you don’t really want to accuse Miss Keira and her associates of doin’ something like cheating, lad now do ya? Making a headache for everyone is only going to get ya in trouble.”

“Tch…whatever, Tuule.” He’d shove the older man a side with a small snarl before walking off with a few other sailors.

“That’s why I hate these folks.” The rough looking man taking bets replied. “Think just because they know the oceans they’re hot stuff. That said…Tuule, I got a proposition for ya.”

“Don’t even need to ask if this is going where I think it is.” Tuule replied with a chuckle. “Sure, I’ll take a fight.”

“Right, then. Alright! If anyone here is brave enough to fight the Gym Leader of Rivenwall, Captain Tuule in a one on one match, step into that ring!

Of course, they could just leave and not, too.

Route 1

The red-headed woman visibly flinched, apparently not having heard or seen Camila approach. She’d glance between Camila and the suited men, tilting her head curiously to the side before a sharp-toothed smirk formed on her lips with a shrug. The sunglasses on her nose shifted lightly as she’d motion for her to come on over.

“Huh, this ain’t none of your business either.” One of the suited men said with a snarl. “This is our operation and it doesn't involve you. We caught these pokemon fair and square.” The redhaired woman snorted…and proceeded to flip them off with both her hands.

“Oi, you got some spunk for a mute freak.” One of the suited people shouted, pulling a pokeball from the inside of his suit. “Why don’t the three of us teach ya a lesson, brat!?” The suited man released a pokemon onto the field in front of him - A vaullaby!

“Haa…guess we’re doing this.”

“Hey, if we get pinched for this its gonna be your head on a platter!”

The other two soon released a pokemon onto the field, too. A shroodle and a Starly, respectively.

She might have time to scan them, if she wished, but the three seemed pretty eager on fighting. Didn’t seem the red-haired woman had any pokemon of her own, though.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 3 days ago

Bjyerlfal City || Outside Camphor's Lab || Morning
"Hmm," Yuu clicked the roof of his mouth as he witnessed Remi instantly adapt to the situation, as well as watched as the Cottonee flew out of the path of their partners Yawn and landed directly behind Slakoth. However that wasn't the only thing he was taking note of as his gaze shifted over to his battle partner, squinting at her. While Vivi was loudly buzzing and whirring, cheering on both Jojo and Aster, Yuu was silently contemplating the lack of communication during battle.

Yuu quickly mused over this quickly, noting how detached from the battle she looked to him. He would of liked to chalk it up to the two being bonded with each other long enough for them to wordlessly communicate what they wanted, but she didn't even try anything, not even a single gesture. Rubbing the bottom of his lip, Yuu returned his sights to the fight, taking note of Aster's drowsy nature, as well as the positioning of Jojo on the battlefield when compared to their opponents.

"Not too shabby with your quick thinking there... but will it be quick enough," Yuu mused out loud, raising an eyebrow as he snapped his fingers and pointed to the battlefield and giving his partnered trainer a sidelong glance. "Have Aster follow my lead," Yuu hastily stated before going back to guiding Jojo, "Jojo, use Quick Attack to grab and smash Cottonee face-first into Slakoth!"

"Rio," Jojo cheerfully responded, nodding as it whipped its head to the side and stared down at the Cottonee. Narrowing its red eyes the Pokemon used its burst of speed to quickly dash around and dive towards their opponent. As it attempted to make this strike, the moment its paws were driven into the Cottonee, it would grip its fur and keep the momentum going, launching himself forward towards the Slakoth.

"Lets see if we can ram those two into each other and hopefully redirect the Absorb onto the Slakoth... if she even does anything," while it seemed Yuu's attention was completely on the fight, his eyes would sometimes drift over to the ninja girl. Every time it did, his gaze became a bit colder, calculating, and even piercing.

Beyond the plan going through his mind, there was another smaller thought nagging at him - What was she going to do next, if anything at all?
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Richard Evans
Byjerlfal City — Park

Though it wasn't backbreaking strain, lifting the injured Munchlax off the ground was no easy feat. The injuries weren't life threatening at the very least, but that didn't mean they could just loiter around in the process.

The appearance of a familiar face, however, did pull Richard's attention away from the Munchlax—at least, for a moment.

"Uh... More acquaintance than friend, I'd say?" he responded, glancing over towards his Rotom phone as it beckoned him over. "We're technically coworkers, if you want to get nitpicky. Met her about... Half an hour ago?"

It took a moment more before what Laurel had said registered in his mind, though.

"...Wait, hold on. You know what happened here? Actually, before that: can you help us bring this Munchlax over to the Pokemon Center? Doesn't really matter if this guy's a food thief or whatever right now, but if you could at least fill us in as we get moving that'd be great," Richard said before glancing down towards the injured Pokemon. "It wouldn't exactly be safe if it was their Trainer responsible for this, y'know?"

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Thayr
Avatar of Thayr


Member Seen 1 day ago

Isla Gill

Location: Byjerlfal City, Commercial District
Mentions: N/A

Isla looked down the alleyway, the cogs in her mind working frantically to figure out what exactly she wanted to do. Yeah, before it had been pretty simple. Adults who knew the museum better than her had been looking for the kid, trying to find him, and if she joined in there really wouldn’t have been much of a change. With him outside, though…would the adults know to look in an alleyway? Would they know to find him? He had a Pokémon, so he couldn’t be totally in danger from the whole wide world, yet…people were looking for him. People were trying to find him because, one way or another, surely they cared about him. If he just…disappeared, that couldn’t be good.

She started down the alley, pausing again after a handful of steps. He was snickering, running about. It was…a joke, maybe? It was all just a game to him? Isla considered…well, he’d be found soon, if it was a joke. If it was a joke, he’d get bored enough after one time or another and go back to where the others were, back to the museum, though…hm. The girl considered it a bit more. What if he got back and they had already gone? What if he tried to get back and was lost? What if some criminal or another tried to get his Growlithe from him? What if he…she didn’t know, got injured in one way or another, couldn’t get help because no one knew where he was? Isla knew that, at certain beaches, if you weren’t careful you could get sucked under the water, wrapped up in seaweed, or fall and hit your head. If that happened and she’d just shrugged, walking away…

Oh, heck. In some ways she hated having a conscience. Isla snorted, petting at Dancing about his collar with a mild vigor to wake him up. She could feel those little movements, that rustle of the feet against her clothes, a stretch to get fully awake. With that, she began to make her way down the alley, careful enough to not be too loud, to not get caught surprised by something around a corner.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crusader Lord
Avatar of Crusader Lord

Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 1 day ago

Clarissa Ryte

Wailord's Rest Cafe, Industrial District, Byjerfal City

(Urban Exploration)

Well, a bad gamble was not something one could avoid the consequences of. Literally. But perhaps that was the lot of sailors? What few sailors she'd been around any in the first place anywho. At the same time, it was somewhat eye-opening for her to see another Gym Leader of all people in a place like this. Or did he often come here? Maybe just once in a while? Perhaps it was also the contest, after all, as another Gym Leader was here participating in that. So it wasn't as crazy, but still surprising enough to learn as they sat there waiting on food.

However, despite a internal sigh of relief at the sailors having left and moved a lot of negative emotions out of the area...it seemed things weren't quite over yet.

“Right, then. Alright! If anyone here is brave enough to fight the Gym Leader of Rivenwall, Captain Tuule in a one on one match, step into that ring!

Fight...a gym leader? Right here? It wasn't a formal league challenge, but it at least was a tempting offer if the psychic had to admit the truth to herself. Yet to do so right out of the gate, as her first trainer battle, of all things? It was an idea that seemed ever so stupid, foolish, and naive at best! Yet all the same it was a chance to get a true taste of their future aspirations, her and Sir Lopsalot at least that is, even if it was in the hard way. What chance did either her or Ripley have to win if they did try though? Little to none at best.

But still, she'd keep her cool and they could just-


Clarissa felt a tugging at her right sleeve, and snapping out of her train of thought would look to the side to see Sir Lopsalot. The buneary would motion toward Tuule with his free arm, the other one tugging slightly harder now at the psychic's skirt. She would raise an eyebrow as she looked over at where Tuule was, and then back down a the little Buneary. The gaze of the little Pokemon did not break from her eyes for even a second either. Steely. Hardened. Determined, even.

Was he-? Really?! No, actually, it made more sense than not. A lot more. Headheaded little Buneary was something else when it came to raw determination, and he seemed to want to start their adventure by hopping into the deep end. He had...well, it was safe to say that when the little bunny wanted to do something, or she did otherwise, they were usually a pair no matter what. Not that he wasn't already a bit stubborn at times, but to want to challenge such a strong foe like this? Hmm.

"Bun! Bun bun."

Nope. This was one of 'those' times, it seemed, and without any warning. In that vein Clarissa would sigh aloud, running a hand through her hair for a moment before looking back to Sir Lopsalot and giving him a simple nod. It all went without having to say anything else at that point, but no words would dissuade him. More like it was a an affirmation for herself to try to steel herself for what was to come. However, the psychic would look over at Ripley before she did anything else.

"We'll be right back. Please keep our food safe until then, Ripley, if it comes out sooner than later."

Politely standing up from where she sat on her side of the booth, the new trainer would walk in the direction of the rough-looking man and Tuule (as his name seemed to be). Sir Lopsalot, for his part, would seem to go into a steely expression as he hopped along with her. Not a word or sound from the litle guy the whole short walk over, but even so he seemed to be determined to go through with things. Trying to deal with the whims of an adamant little bunny certainly was something, though in this case she had already felt a little curious about this anyway. Hmm. Perhaps they both had a problem.

"We're brave enough to take that challenge. Strong enough to? Well....we've got to start learning somewhere on this journey."

A small run of adrenaline pulsed through her blood vessels for a moment. Anticipation, perhaps? Hmm. They would have to see.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jill Brookes

Location: Camphor's Lab Mentions: @Savo @Rune_Alchemist

As her ploy fails and the drowsiness started to overtake Aster, anyone would note the Aipom's attitude towards this fight take a sudden turn from playful to frustrated. Her eyelids droop and her body starts to feel heavy, and she has to keep angrily shaking herself as she tries to focus on her opponent. Everything else around her seems to lose importance, all she cares about is giving the sleepy Pokemon a piece of her mind. Aster charges forward as fast as her tired body can must and attempts to lay several scratches on the Slakoth.

While this happening, Jill's previously laid back demeanor did shift as she visibly winced. She knew Aster well enough that she wasn't about to take this situation lying down. Had they not been in a battle, she would have intervened immediately to stop her Pokemon from attacking. However, given the situation, she had a feeling that that wouldn't be acceptable here. Instead, she shot Nevine an apologetic look.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

This situation was interesting at this point. A Pokemon battle? Well, she wasn't sure what she should expect from a bunch of thugs. At least they didn't resort to trying to punch her or something. She cleared her throat and looked at the mute woman next to her. "Let's not provoke them any more if we can help it." She asked before looking over toward the thugs. "Anyhow, if this is how we're doing it. So be it." The Pidgey she had just caught was... Well, still probably not up for battle. "I hate to put you on the spot Snow, but looks like you're the only one that can fight."

Snow seemed a small bit hesitant knowing it was up against three Pokemon at once though. "It's okay, you have the type advantage for the most part here." And, if Powder Snow was aimed properly, it could hit all three opponents. Snow seemed to pump itself up a small bit. Luckily, it didn't have the fairy typing quite yet so the Shroodle didn't have a type advantage at this point. "Powder Snow!" She commanded. Those men sent out their Pokemon already so they were ready right? "Focus on the flying types first!" She called to her Pokemon. They were outnumbered as it were, she needed to preemptive attack.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ripley Lennox

Mentions: Clarissa (@Crusader Lord) Location: Wailord's Rest Cafe

The prospect of starting off their journey by challenging a gym leader like Tuule was an.. interesting one, to say the least. Ripley had, in honesty, thought about it briefly before the offer was even given. But, while he was often one to move before thinking, there was something about the proposition that made him pause. He looked down at Zorua as the dark Pokémon intently watched their companions start to leave the table. For all the battling they'd done to get them this far, he wasn't sure if they were really ready to take on Tuule, of all people.

But it seemed Clarissa and Sir Lopsalot didn't have similar reservations. Rip watched in turn as they got up. He offered a smile at Clarissa's request. "Sure thing! I won't let Zorua eat it all, I swear.." He said, glancing down at the Pokémon as it licked its lips.

Either way, he'd watch on as his friends approached the gym leader, leaning back in the booth to watch the interaction with a hint of suspense. Part of him wanted to accompany them right away, but he figured, at least, they had all the time in the world to commit to such a challenge. At any rate, it was sure to be a great show - and a good opportunity to see what sort of battle prowess the duo could muster up. It seemed Zorua was equally excited to see what happened as it stared intently from the booth, eyes glued to their new friends as they approached Tuule.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Byjerlfal City, Commercial district.

Laurel’s cheeks colored a small bit of red as she’d glance to the side.

“...Here.” Laurel pulled something out of her bag - a Max Revive! And handed it to Richard. “Simply put, I’ve already taken care of what happened here. That little food thief should be grateful I decided to stand up for it, hah.” Laurel ran a hand through her hair with an annoyed huff as she’d grab Verdue from the ground and hold the cat pokemon in her arms.

“Uh…well, thanks? Kennet said, a bit perplexed at both Laurel’s words and the manner at which she spoke. “This should get the little guy back on his feet at least…though it might still be a good idea to take him to a pokemon center.”

“Well, that is none of my business.” Laurel rather taciturnly replied.

Assuming they did use the Max revive on the Munchlax, the hungry pokemon immediately sat up.


“Well, you two can probably handle it from here, so I’ll be taking my lea-ah!” Before she could make an exit, the Fletchling zipped off of Kennet’s shoulder, and decided to make its new nest, right in Laure’s hair. “G-get off you stupid bird!”

The bird in question, only chirped irreverently.

“Ahaha, I think he likes ya miss.” Kennet grinned.

“Well that makes one of us - ah, Verdue wait-!” The Sprigatito leaped out of Laurel’s arms and playfully walked over to the munchlax before batting at it a few times. “...looks like I’ll have to. Fine. I’ll come with but just know my time is extremely valuable.”

The now trio made their way from the park, back into the commercial district and towards the pokemon center. The now awake Munchlax being a bit easier to carry than if it had fainted. It was a quick trip and once they were there, they’d be met with the pokemon centers staff and a team of nurses.

”You’re the one we get a call about? Nurse Joy, don’t you worry we’ll take care of this little guy. A team of Chansey and a few other handlers would take the injured Munchlax from them, the little guy seeming a little confused as to what was happening, but upon one Chansey rather firmly stuffing an apple in its mouth, it went along without a fuss. “If you would wait out here, I’ll file a report and get it sent to the police.”
The inside of the pokemon center was sleek, decorated in pinks and whites with a pristinely washed and cleaned floor. A small waiting and rest area was to their left with vending machines, a Cafe and a standard pokemart had been setup on the other side in typical fashion.

“Ahem…well…” Laurel hesitantly spoke up, the Fletchling still nesting in her hair. “If you’re still interested…I was having a picnic with my little Verdue. That food thief showed up and decided it wanted to steal my food when I was distracted by Verdue being uhm…cute…” She’d cleared her throat. “A-anyways I tried running it off. Some utter fool decided I needed help. Suffice to say I ran him off and then went to buy a max revive…and then well…we stumbled on the other. That’s it.”

Well, it was rather anticlimactic perhaps, but at least the situation seemed resolved for the moment. Seems like she was being a little evasive, but it didn't seem like she was lying about having dealt with it herself, though.

Byjerlfal City, Alleyway

Commercial district

Stepping into the alleyway next to the museum would reveal that it was surprisingly clean and well kept, at least for an alley. It seemed like the area behind the museum was pushed up against a bunch of other buildings. Some large, some small, but either way the effect was the same - a veritable maze of corridors.

Thankfully though, she didn’t have to go too far to find Zach.

The boy in question had messy violet colored hair, and he was wearing a sporty tank top with the upper half of a yellow suit hanging around his waist. At his side was an odd looking growlithe. If she scanned it with the pokedex or happened to know her stuff - she’d realize that it was a Hisuian Growlithe.

It seemed as though…he was meeting with a few other kids around his age, if a little younger.

“Alright, now that we’ve gotten away from the others!” He’d say, excitedly to the group of about six others. “We can explore Byjerlfal all by ourselves!”


“We can go to the industrial district!”
“Why would you wanna go there! I wanna see the contests!”
“Yeah! I Bet we could even sneak backstage!”
“I-I wanna see the lab! And the park! I hear there’s lots of pokemon there we can’t find in Wailport…!”

It seemed at least there was nothing nefarious going on here, just a bunch of kids being kids and sneaking out so they could see the city more…

Wailords Rest
@Bartimaeus@Crusader Lord
Urban Exploration

“Oh? It seems we do have a challenger.” The rough looking man at the table chuckled, watching Clarissa walk over, being led by an eager Buneary. “Alright. Bets. Who says the kid gets their ass kicked?” Seemed he didn’t have a high opinion of her chances. There was a small laugh from the gathered sailors, but she did hear a few shouts telling her to kick Tuule’s butt in turn - seemed if nothing else they were eager to see an underdog fight win.

Tuule himself simply watched Clairssa approach with a cool, steely expression. A small twinge of a smirk plastered on his weathered, old lips, hands in his coat pockets as she’d walk into the arena the club had.

“Brave lass, aren’t ya?” He’d say. “And a brave little rabbit huh?” A small chuckle as he’d pull a pokeball from his coat pocket. He’d bring the pokeball up to his face, gazing at the ball with a light smirk. “Normally I’d say you’re far too weak to weather a storm, lass, but lucky for you the sea’s fairly calm today.”

Stretching the arm out, Tuule would open the pokeball, and out came-

The Aron stood strong in front of Tuule, letting out a little battle cry of challenge.

This was not a good matchup, but then again, Tuule was a steel type expert…it was unlikely going to be a good matchup for a normal type, regardless of what he chose.

The Wobbufett had already taken their drink orders, disappeared into the kitchen and returned with whatever their drink preferences was, even if they didn't actually tell them, somehow. Don't think too hard about a Wobbufett's psychic abilities. Beryl would be out a bit after, bringing with her the food she had just cooked up.

"Oh, your friend fighting Tuule?" She'd say. "Ooh, that's not gonna be a good matchup. Normal Vs. A steel type. Hope that little fella knows some fighting' type moves."

Outside of Camphor’s lab

“Heh, I’m not worried about me thinking to slow. You should be worried about you thinking too much.” Remi responded, a confident smirk as he’d hear what Yuu would be doing next. Jojo would launch himself towards the Cottonnee and Remi, who’d seem entirely unconcerned would watch as the Riolu sped over before Cottonne could get the absorb off - though it didn’t quite go as Yuu had planned. “Cottonne, stop the attack!”

The fluff ball would let out a small squeal and powered down the attack, earning a small annoyed huff just before he got the absorb off, forfeiting his turn and attack it seemed as he was pressed into the Slakoth for instead, extremely minimal damage from behind as Aster would unleash a flurry of scratches in the short time her body had.


The Aipom struck the Slakoth with blow after blow, managing to land quite a few before her body finally gave out, forced to sleep as the drowsiness finally overtook her, falling asleep right in front of Slakoth.

“Hey Nevvy, they know an Egg move, right?” Quietly, Remi would whisper to Nevine so that Yuu and Jill couldn’t hear.


“Follow my lead this turn, then and use it. Also tell Slakoth to spin a little!”

“Cottonnee, leap into the air and use Helping Hand!” Following instructions, Cottonne prepared to launch itself into the air, using its lightweight to float fairly high into the air as its body glowed in a faint green light, intent on powering up Slakoth’s next move. Notably, the Cottonnee had moved out of range of what a single quick attack or leap could get to it.

“Uhm…Slakoth…Hammer Arm on the Aipom and…spin?”

Slakoth was already raising its right arm, admittedly, a bit lazily - but if that thing hit Aster, it was going to hurt. Its other arm was lightly pulling itself along the ground in an effort to turn itself to face Riolu. With Aster on the ground in front of Slakoth, there was no dodging it unless someone else did something.

Route 1

The woman glanced towards Camila, shrugging and stuffing her hands in her pockets in a lazy, mildly unconcerned manner as she’d instead relax her shoulders, move behind Camila, give her a thumbs up with an encouraging ‘you can do it’ look. It did not seem like this woman had any pokemon whatsoever on her person.

Immediately upon battle start, A gentle dusting of snow would start to fall thanks to Vulpixs Ability, Snow Warning, boosting its defense by one stage.

“Ah, jeez, that little brats got a hidden ability!”

“Doesn’t matter we out number ‘em! That red over there doesn’t seem like she has a pokemon!”

“Shroodle, hit ‘em with a Leer!”

“Vullaby do the same!”

“Starly, hit that fox with a tackle!”

Shroodle was surprisingly fast, able to give a small cry of affirmation as it’d move away from the birds to avoid being hit by the powder snow, an angry, menacing glare being delivered to the Vulpix, lowering her physical defense - but Vulpix was able to act faster than the Vullaby or Starly as she inhaled, a blast of frigid, cold wind blasting towards the two birds. Vullaby took the brunt of the attack, covering for the weaker Starly as it stood strong against the frigid gust of wind, but as it too would start moving -

“Vulll!?” The vullaby let out a startled cry, its leer move unable to work?! This left it floundering as it tried to figure out what happened, but it didn’t stop the Starly from speeding out from behind the Vullaby now, making a beeline for Vulpix with a flying tackle, slamming into the fox pokemon and knocking her back a bit as the Starly immediately returned behind the Vullaby.

“Oi, what gives Vullaby!?”

“V-vull?” The pokemon seemed just as confused as the trainer.

“Well don’t just stand there! Do it again!”

“V-vulll!” The Vullaby squawked, clearly unable to use a Leer attack for some reason.

“Tch, whatever, just use Gust then!”

It didn’t seem like the pokemon had any problem using a gust attack, however.

“Shroodle, Acid spray!”

“Starly, use a quick attack!”

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Richard Evans
Byjerlfal City — Pokémon Center

Though some part of him expected Laurel to help, a Max Revive was the last thing that Richard had expected to receive. On top of actually helping the injured Munchlax, the other girl had gone so far as to get something this expensive for...

Well, given her story the Munchlax was probably wild? Even so, that sort of gesture did stand out to him despite the somewhat sour first impression he had of her.

"...Huh. Well, if you've handled the culprit then that's one less problem on our hands," the young man responded as he used the item on the injured Pokémon in his arms and watched it perk back up. "But we should still make sure that there wasn't any long-term damage done, just to be safe."

The rest of the walk over to the Pokémon Center was rather uneventful, thankfully enough, and before long the nurse and a squad of Chansey had all but carted the Munchlax off and left the three people who had brought it in behind. The results of that assessment remained to be seen, of course, but that did mean that they were at least stuck here for a while. At the very least, though, Laurel seemed to take this moment as an opportunity to fill the two of them in on some of the details about the incident. Given how she seemed to know the most about the situation, she'd also likely be the one to fill out the paperwork; whether that would amount to anything was anyone's guess.

"Hm. Well, some stranger choosing to resort to personal physical violence on your behalf raises a few red flags, but if you dealing with them—whatever that's supposed to mean—didn't teach them a lesson, hopefully a visit from the police might," Richard said as he settled down in one of the nearby seats before glancing at the Pokeball still attached to his belt. "It'd have been one thing to try and use that as an excuse to capture it, but that felt like violence for the sake of violence."

The young man took a deep breath before briefly glancing at the other two people waiting with him.

"...Bit of an odd segue here, but I probably need to get my own partner here at least used to battling at some point. I don't want to throw her into the figurative deep end right away since she seemed like the type to be easily spooked when I first met her, but we have to start somehow. You two got any ideas on how to help, maybe?"

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jill Brookes

Location: Camphor's Lab Mentions: @Savo @Rune_Alchemist

The moment Aster fell asleep, one could see a change in Jill's demeanor: a moment of panic flickered in her eyes as she quickly considered all the options available to her. From what she could recall from those many fights she had watched on the television, the way trainers usually woke up their pokemon was veer Awakening or a special type of berry. She had neither of those things.

So how else could she wake Aster up?

As that question ran through her mind, it was like a light bulb going off in her head. "One moment!" she said suddenly before turning around and running back into Camphor's lab as fast as she possibly could. She rushed into the reception area, pausing briefly to scan the area. She laid eyes on one of Camphor's assistants - Frieda, if she recalled correctly? - and quickly ran over to her. "Excuse me, do you happen to have a bucket I can borrow? I promise to bring it back," she said, speaking very quickly. She paused before adding, "Also, do you have a bathroom?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 1 day ago

Clarissa Ryte

Wailord's Rest Cafe, Industrial District, Byjerfal City

(Urban Exploration)

“Brave lass, aren’t ya?” He’d say. “And a brave little rabbit huh?” A small chuckle as he’d pull a pokeball from his coat pocket. He’d bring the pokeball up to his face, gazing at the ball with a light smirk. “Normally I’d say you’re far too weak to weather a storm, lass, but lucky for you the sea’s fairly calm today.”

Stretching the arm out, Tuule would open the pokeball, and out came-

Ah. That was an interesting Pokemon for sure.


Sir Lopsalot would roar out in his little Buneary voice as a battle cry of his own in response to the Aron. He even decided to flex his arms and ears in response, just to accentuate the point.

Clarissa would pull out her Pokedex-like device to scan Tuule's Pokemon for herself somewhat quickly. It was certinaly another curious Pokemon that piqued her interest somewhat, but at the same time was not perhaps the best matchup in type from the looks of it. Steel/Rock. Not much of a good thing for a Normal-type to face in general, she figured, but Sir Lopsalot was definitely not unprepared either. She had learned about about type advantages in prior schooling though, at least, to get an idea of things before coming to Eidda. Not that Orre was perhaps the most up to date either....but it wasn't nothing at least. Still, the psychic quickly put the device back in her pocket to avoid stalling the start of the battle out.

Still, to hear some of the sailors cheering from her depite the odds was somewhat amusing. Heh. They wanted an underdog to win, perhaps? She couldn't guaratee a win, but the two of them would assuredly do their best to do so!

"Sir Lopsalot! Use Defense Curl!"

To that end, the Buneary would contract his body to curl up to raise his physical defense! Though how Tuule would respond, well, Clarissa had no clue. But to raise the defense of her Pokemon a stage would be useful at the start, she felt, to get a little more potential surtvivability and see what her opponent would kick things off with in the meantime.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The woman she was trying to helps seemed... Nonchalant about all of this, really. Tossing her hands in her pockets before moving behind her and tossing her a thumbs up. Camila wasn't sure about the woman and she had to take a fight for her. She better get a big thank you for this later from her and her motorcycle riding friend.

Onto the battle, the Vullaby seemed to have something wrong with it. It didn't seem to be able to use leer for some reason. Though, gust was something that seemed to be usable. How odd. "Snow, try to dodge and attack with Powder snow. If we can knock out one, then we might have a chance. Focus on the birds!" Quick attack would not be something easy to dodge so Snow might have to take a bunch of hits by the end of this. Damn. They might have to head back to the city early. That would be fine but she was hoping to be getting to the next place she could.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Isla Gill

Location: Byjerlfal City, Commercial District
Mentions: N/A

Isla desperately tapped on the Pokédex as it began to speak up, looking over the Growlithe with the overmuch fur with about as much gusto as she simply did not want. Bringing the volume down to a whisper and listening halfway to the prattle of the virtual Professor, the young girl was quick to weigh her options. Of course the group of kids wasn't all that mischievous, she hadn't expected them to be, and yet…some part of her still said that they might find some amount of trouble in the city, or might miss their bus. Well…maybe. Maybe, maybe. Surely they knew their schedule better than she did?

Although…they seemed eager to go to places that there'd already be adults at. If they got into trouble there, there'd be people to step in or help or…something. Isla's imagination struggled at the prospect, all things considered. She wasn't used to the bustling city and…no, she checked, still wasn't intending on getting used to that. All things considered…Isla weighed it again. Maybe they'd be fine. It couldn't be any worse than what her parents had done, in retrospect.

She backed away and out of the alley, mind made up that they couldn't be in too much danger. After all they seemed comfortable enough, confident enough. That was the sort of thing you had with some level of knowledge. Coming back onto the street from that little incursion, and pausing for a moment to frown at all the dang noise, Isla made her way to Route 1 and Winding Wood.

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Byjerlfal City, Commercial district.

Laurel at least, seemed like she was relieved they weren’t going to press the issue if the sigh was anything to go by.

“Well, if that will be all then,” However, she did not seem to be too keen on hanging around, at least until the Fletchling still nesting on her head made an irritable chirp. “...take this ornery pokemon back, would you?”

“Ahaha, I think he likes ya miss.” Kennet replied with a cheeky grin, not making a move to recapture the Fletchling.

“Well, that makes one of us…”

“Aw, don’t be like that.” Kennet turned his attention towards Richard. “Well, if she’s particularly shy…the easiest way to help a shy pokemon is to start with some confidence boosting, right? A no pressure battle is always a good way to go about it.”

“Haa…what use is a pokemon that is too shy to protect their trainer?” Laurel replied with a dismissive huff. "...perhaps something happened in its past that made it timid? Pokemon aren't too different from humans really and perhaps it needs some help.”

“Aha, you worded that a little harshly but I think I get your point.” Kennet pulled something out of his pocket. “That said, I think I know what to give you for helping me now, Richard. Here, I think this should help your pokemon a bit, too.” It was a tiny bell on the end of a red thread.

”Richard obtained a Soothe Bell!

A small bell to be tied, held, or otherwise worn by a pokemon. It rings a soothing melody that seems to be beloved by pokemon and calms them.”

“Might help your partner stay a bit calmer in battle.” A small look of realization dawned upon Kennet's features. “Ah! Fletchling come on we gotta get going. We’re gonna be late for the delivery. Hey, if you’re ever by the ranch stop by! I’ll give ya a proper thanks for helpin’ me out here later!” Unless stopped, Kennet proceeded to leave the pokemon center. Fletchling gave a chirp, and followed Kennet out.

“Sprrri?” Verdue was now nuzzling Richards legs, giving him a cute, wide eyed stare.

“Tsk, Verdue, leave him alone. No one wants your fur all over them…” She picked up the cat, who proceeded to meow cutely and rub itself against Laurel’s clothes, getting its fur, all over her. She seemed totally fine with that. “Ahem…well…it was good to meet you, Richard.” Laurel glanced to the side, seemingly unsure how to continue. “I know that country bumpkin said a battle might help. Perhaps training it against some wild pokemon would help? Or you could always find a trainer willing. Now if you'll excuse me...”

Verdue raised one of her paws, as if volunteering. Perhaps Richard could request such a battle from her.

Byjerlfal City, Alleyway

Commercial district

“Growl?” The Hisuian Growlithe cocked its head, looking towards the direction of Isla but by the time it had done so, Isla had already vacated the premises. It was probably fine to let the kids be kids, as it were. They had a pokemon with them, so they’d probably be fine…though maybe Isla could have joined them in their escapades, was she so inclined. Making her way out of the city would be easy enough, and as she neared the cities edge from the commercial district, she’d slowly find the noise and hum of city life slowly fading away into the background as she came upon….

-Route 1-

Now then, what would she do from here? Perhaps she was curious about the winding wood, despite the professors warning…

Wailords Rest
@Bartimaeus@Crusader Lord
Urban Exploration

“Preparin’ for a typhoon is always good, but don’t get complacent!” Tuule shouted. “Aron! Metal Claw!” The Aron got low to the ground, wiggling its body as it’d take off running towards the Buneary. Sir Lopsalot was much faster, pulling its body into a defensive posture, curling its ears around its head as Aron’s claws shone with a silver sheen. Lashing forward, its claws hit the Buneary…sending Sir Lopsalot bouncing across the floor, but with his defenses raised it hurt much less than it would otherwise.

“Back off, Aron! Being too aggressive will get one sunk faster than an anchor through the deep!” To this end, after bouncing the Buneary around, Aron would immediately move to put some distance between itself and the Buneary.

Now what would Clarissa do?

Route 1

The starly was first to move, covering the distance between itself and Vulpix in a near blink of an eye. It slammed its body into Vulpix, sending the fox pokemon stumbling backwards and knocking it off balance. Shroodle was already rearing its head back slightly - but then immediately stopped, its eyes almost seeming to widen in terror as its movements were slowed. This allowed Snow to regain her footing, inhaling as another gust of frigid air would blast towards the Vullaby and starly.

“Vuuulll!” Vullaby, once again, took the brunt of the ice attack, flapping its wings as it blasted a powerful gust of air towards the fox and cutting through the frigid air. It hit Snow, sending her blasted backwards, rolling along the ground.

At least the Shroodle missed its attack at least, Vulpix being knocked around by the gust causing it to land onto the ground on a puddle next to her.

As Snow got back to her feet, Camila could tell she wasn’t doing too well. Vullaby seemed just as injured as she was. It was having trouble standing, one of its wings hanging at its side while it glare angrily at Snow while the Starly continued to use the Vullaby as a shield. Shroodle was scurrying a bit away, still seemingly terrified by something.

“Hope you have another pokemon in there, lass cuz your little fox looks like its on its last legs!” One of the suited men shouted derisively. “Vullaby use-”

The ground under Vullaby suddenly opened up, and as the flying type was taking flight in order to avoid the Dig attack, a sandy colored pokemon with black stripes launched itself from the ground, clamping its jaws around the flying type, hitting it with a vicious Crunch.

“H-ha!?” The three suited men were, understandably, shocked by the sudden appearance of a Krokorok as it slung the Vullaby around in its jaws, the flying type squawking before it was rather savagely tossed aside into a tree.

”The opponent Vullaby Fainted!
Snow grew to level 6!”

“Kokoko.” As it stood between Camilia and the three men now, it seemed to be…laughing, calmly staring at the three of them.

“Thanks for being a good distraction.” The somewhat familiar voice of the girl she had met earlier interrupted from somewhere behind the men. “It amazes me how useless and blind criminals are.” If Camila happened to look, she'd notice most of the cages were now empty. The white haired woman would toss an empty one to the Krokorok, who’d catch it in his jaws and proceed to chew and crunch it until it was useless scrap and spitting it out in front of the men.

“E-ey! That’s gotta be some cruel and unusual punishment!”

“Says the one locking up pokemon.” The woman said towards the men as she turned her attention to Camila. “Hey, cutie. Clean up those two will you? Krokorok there will help.”

The Shroodle and Starly suddenly seemed very concerned about their chances.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Richard Evans
Byjerlfal City — Commercial District

As the others made their suggestions, Richard sat by in silence and contemplated the options that were presented to him. Before he had pitched the question, the young man had considered a slower and more measured approach to get his Snivy to gain a bit more confidence in herself. A battle—at least in his mind—was always a far more serious affair, but if it came to one with no stakes...

Richard's train of thought was promptly broken as Kennet offered a small bell to him. Nothing about the item struck him as particularly noteworthy at a glance, but the following remark about it meant that it was at least worth trying to use.

"Thank you," he replied, a smile on his face as he took the bell before letting Snivy out of her Pokeball. The Grass Snake Pokémon seemed somewhat startled at being brought out so suddenly—and in a completely different place from where she had been moments prior, no less—but seemed to calm down slightly when Richard beckoned her over onto the seat next to his. After a brief moment of hesitation, though, she complied and walked over, only for Richard to tie the bell around her neck.

"Mmm... Yeah, that should do for now," he said, moving back as the Snivy curiously batted at the bell and caused it to ring. The smile on her face as she rang it a few more times seemed to put Richard at ease as well, if not for a different reason than it did his Pokémon.

"Yep, that works. Thanks, buddy; hope to see you again in the future," Richard said to Kennet as he bolted out the door before turning his attention towards the Sprigatito rubbing itself up against his leg. Laurel promptly picking it up and suggesting a battle thereafter, though possibly somewhat implicitly, caused him to shrug and take her up on her non-offer. Her Sprigatito seemed to be open to the idea, given its own reaction, so it was worth asking at the very least.

"Well, I don't want to keep you for too long if you're in a rush, but if you've got some more time, I'd like to request a battle with you. You did suggest one, after all, and your Sprigatito seems to have caught on to that, too."

There was a pause before Richard turned back towards his Snivy and seemed to think for a moment before patting her on the head.

"You're okay with that, right? Sni-hm... Nickname might be in order sooner rather than later. Luna, maybe?"

The newly-named Luna gave a little cry of assent and nodded in turn.

"Luna it is, then. Right, then; I won't hold it against you if you refuse, of course," he continued, turning his attention back to the other Trainer, "but it would be greatly appreciated."

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 3 days ago

Bjyerlfal City || Outside Camphor's Lab || Morning
Yuu's unblinkingly stared at Jill with a look that was no different than one of a disappointed parent, his shoulders drooping and his mouth twisting into a dissatisfied scowl. Yuu could read it all on her face: this girl had no idea how to battle at all. "And her partner, Yuu's eyes briefly drifted over to Aster, his frown still just as prominent as before yet it was a bit softer than before.

There was some pity in his eyes as he blew the air out from his nose before focusing back on the fight at hand, scrutinizing the Cottonee and Slakoth. Yuu clicked the roof of his mouth, "That Cottonee is surprisingly good at taking hits. Two adapted Quick Attacks and it doesn't look too worse for wear, but the Slakoth at the very least looks to be in some obvious pain, no doubt due to our combined attacks."

As Yuu mulled over the situation, his gaze now focus on the secretive duo. Their interaction was brief but it looks like Remi was planning something. Yuu ignored the panic on the ninja girl's face, unfazed by this event before she spoke up. "What do you mean one moment, you can just pause the b-"

Yuu instantly came to a full stop as he witnessed his trainer partner, Aster's partner, bolted towards the lab doors, "H-hey, what the hell are you doing?! You can't just turn tail and abandon your partner! Get back here and start acting like an actual... daaauggggghhhhh!" Yuu was gritting his teeth as his protests fell on deaf ears as she ran away into the lab, his cold blue eyes now smoldering as he whipped his head to look back on the battle.

"First she doesn't participate in the battle, now she runs away?! Why do I always get paired up with trainers that flail when the going gets tough," as Yuu stewed in his anger Vivi, shifted from cheering on the duo to looking over at the now infuriated boy, floating over to give him a small tug on the hair and buzzing with worry. The moment he felt that small pull he visibly deflated, "Right... thanks Vivi... I just, don't know whats going through her head and that's troublesome."

Whatever ridiculous reason she had to run into the lab, it was already done, but he wasn't just going to leave Aster out to dry like their partner just did. For now he had to do something about that impending Hammer Arm, otherwise that Aipom wasn't waking up at all. Yuu's eyes glanced back over to Jojo before looking back over at the snoring Aster, then back to the sluggish movements of the Slakoth, quietly analyzing the situation.

"Jojo, follow my lead and quickly pick up Aster," as Yuu exclaimed this the Riolu looked over the Slakoth who was beginning to wind up their attack. Utilizing his superior speed, Jojo darted around the slacker pokemon, keeping a close eye on their movements as he approached the slumbering monkey. Tugging at the handless limb, Jojo pulled one of Aster's arms over his shoulder whilst wrapping an arm around her torso and lifting her up.

Riolu peeked back, chirping in with a "Rio," as if to ask whats next. Yuu silently calculated their next move. While there was a slight delay in his guidance, Yuu deftly snapped his fingers and shouting at the top of his lungs, "Alright Jojo, give your legs everything they've got and hop forward as high as you can!"

As Yuu stated this, he hoped his booming advice would at least stir Aster a bit, but beyond that he also intentionally timed his instructions in a way to not only hopefully give Jojo enough time to make the jump, but also take advantage of how Nevine was acting. "While the timing will be tight, as long as Jojo avoids the attack she should find it difficult to adjust the way her Slakoth is swinging. After all, it seems Remi is the brains behind it all."

Jojo nodded back at Yuu with a quick "Riri," as it turned back to face his opponent. While the Aipom did weigh a bit he did have to move quick as that arm was coming in hot. Bending his knees and gritting his teeth Jojo put all of his strength into his legs to launch himself upward and forward.

If everything went as Yuu had planned, Jojo and by proxy Aster would find themselves not only avoiding the heavy, powered-up strike from the Slakoth but would be on a trajectory to land atop said Pokemon, stomping on the Slakoth in the process. Despite it happening in mere seconds Yuu could only hold his breath as he awaited the results of their maneuver.
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