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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: Hacking
Equipment: Frank costume

Well. Miss Flynn agreed to head inside, although Victoria was promptly left behind. Half success, she guessed? Anyhows, that left her in the awkward position in making eye contact with Cassie, and pretty much falling right next to her when they filed through the door. While she originally wanted to let her marinate, being in such a close proximity and ignoring her sister was way too rude for Victoria to stomach. She was raised better than that.

"Hey," So you ARE alive? she thought bitterly. "Long time no talk." NOT from the lack of trying! Seriously, what has been going on? "Been busy?" Go on, justify not returning any of my calls. How did they and up like this in the span of just a few weeks? The more Victoria thought about it, the more it smelled of a setup. She briefly closed her eyes as they went red, pinging the area in an attempt to check Cassie for the presence of her phone and trying to access it to see what the problem might have been, before she made a scene. Eyes opening again, she raised an eyebrow and gave Cassandra a quizzical stare: "Bubbles? So I guess that make me Bunny?" she said in a joking tone.

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 11 days ago

Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Avenger's Academy Student.

Those words pierced Mary Sue a little. For a moment, her face softened, and she nodded. She wasn't sure completely, but... maybe these softer parts were important. She wasn't some Spider-Man type, she knew she'd almost certainly always be working on a team. Maybe she could game this in her head as being about making sure she could be close to people so she worked better with them; maybe the best way to save people was to always remember that she wasa person. She wasn't sure, but smoothing had shifted. She felt a bit more comfortable with the idea that she didn't need to push so hard all the time.

With that, Mary Sue put her hands up at Ser Nemo and said, "He's fine! Don't worry." before turning her attention back to Darius and nodded, "I... think I see your point. Thank you." Before turning off and going to see who she could find to talk to. It wasn't long before she saw Andy, who looked to be going through it, and thought this might be a good opportunity to try to hang out with one of her teammates. "Hey." She said, feeling awkward but trying to push through it, approaching Andy, "This party sure is... a party. What's up?" She had literally no plan for how to do this, and she could feel her anxiety rising, but hoped it would subside.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

7:40 PM - Sun. October 31st, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

@Nallore@Forsythe@BlueSky44: Vicky would manage to successfully hack her sister's phone. Cassie's phone usage over the past few weeks seems to have been somewhat limited, typically occurring during the school day and during training hours. She had sent messages to the family group chat (Hope, Scott, and Vicky), to a Young Avengers group chat, and to a group chat with America and Kate. She hadn't placed any calls. Her music listening habits have been focused on soft, somewhat sad, indie songs.

"Yeah, super busy," Cassie admitted. "We were just mentioning to Diana - Vis has really been putting us through it. Way harder than last year."

Kate raised a slight eyebrow at Zelda and her obvious shyness, but she didn't say anything. It seemed to her that Zelda would prefer if Kate didn't say anything to her at all - or acknowledge her existence.

"Yeah, let's do the haunted house! It's gotta be freaky," America agreed, before the group shifted towards heading in that direction, getting into the line for the house/maze. "What d'you think Nimue's got in there? People seem pretty shaken..." she then observed, seeing as a group exited, most of them in tears.

April Flynn

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Perfuma from She-Ra

They made it to the dance, and it was everything April could've hoped for - and thankfully not a complete repeat of last year's Monster Mash. They had all linked arms on the way there, which was interesting when it came to getting their large group through the entrance to the cafeteria, and required a lot of maneuvering around like they were playing Tetris. But still, they were there. Practically everyone in the school was there too, dressed up in different costumes - April spotted Diana nearby talking with the PowerPuff Girls.

"Ooo, honestly I'm down to start with anything - it doesn't look like they've made the announcements yet, which is good. But maybe we start with dancing then, and let the lovebirds go off to Nimue's House of Nightmares or whatever it's called? I thought it was a maze? I'm confused. But whatever! It's time to party!! And pre-celebrate our wins!!" April gushed.

She nodded at what Sabine said to Leah, reaching out and giving Leah a gentle squeeze on the arm, careful not to mess up the costume. "Yeah, it's so so so so cool that you're here! So what do you wanna do first? Or anything at all? Like what's your top ten bucket list must-dos for tonight?" They were only juniors once after all - and it was their first dance as a polycule. April didn't even know how polycules danced together, but she was trying not to stress out about it too too much.

"What about you, Mads? Did you wanna dance first with us?" April then added, grinning at her roommie.

Percy Novikov

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who

Percy was not a fan of everyone linking arms to head to the dance together. It felt ridiculous and silly, like something he had already outgrown by the age of three. And furthermore, he had wanted to escort Dorian himself - he didn't imagine that Danni would be on the other side, linking arms. He tried his best not to scowl too much or look upset, but he wasn't always the best when it came to schooling his facial features, so it came out looking more or less like a slight grimace.

He was no happier when they made it to the Monster Mash, either. Percy was an old man at heart - he wasn't into loud music or crazy decorations or any of those things. He liked to be curled up in bed with a good cup of coffee, reading some archaic text. He wasn't particularly fond of having to scream over music in order to be heard, or drinking punch that - according to the movies at least - was doubtlessly spiked. He preferred to consume alcohol knowingly, once again in the private of his own room. It was easy to steal those sort of things as a teleporter.

So when Dorian suggested they go to the haunted house/maze, Percy nodded. "Of course," he said. He wasn't really into haunted houses/mazes - to be honest, he'd never even done one before, so he had no idea what to expect. It had just never seemed like his thing. But he would grin and bear it - or at least just bear it - for Dorian's sake.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Diana Novikova

Location: Avenger's Academy, Stark Hall, Cafeteria
Costume: Annabeth Chase
Skills: N/A

Diana stood in the line to the haunted house/maze she was really curious what Nimue actually had in mind, as she could see there was a group of students who had just left who looked like they were in tears. "It must be really scary if it's bringing some people into tears over it." Diana noticed as well as she let Cassie and Vicky talk amongst themselves, she then decided to step up next to Kate and Zelda, she knew that her roommate was always shy even when they were growing up Zelda was quiet.

"Are you being nice to my roommate right Kate?" Diana asked teasingly as she nudged her slightly she then looked at Zelda. "Are you going into the haunted house to right Zelda?" Diana asked she wasn't sure how Zelda would do with it, Diana had been into a few haunted houses before she did enjoy being scared a little bit from time to time.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Avenger's Academy, Stark Hall Floor Six Room 602
Costume: Castaspella
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: N/A

Madalyne linked her arms with everyone else as they started to make their way down towards the Monster Mash, she noticed everyone that was in the room as she could see some of them were dancing. While others were standing and talking, and others were grabbing punch and snacks as well to. Dorian and Percy seemed to want to go to the haunted house. April sounded like she wanted to do a little bit of dancing though she thought it would be a bit awkward to dance around the three of them if Sabine and Leah wanted to dance. The line to the haunted house looked pretty big at the moment.

"You guys go ahead and dance a little bit i'm kind of hungry at the moment and want to get something to eat and get some punch as well to. I'll come back and dance with you all whenever I get back." Madalyne said to April smiling at her bestie and started to wonder off towards the punch bowl.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Party
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive)

"Sure, we can do the haunted house." Andy was not afraid of that sort of thing. She enjoyed it more than the average person to be honest. As they were walking toward the Haunted House Mary Sue came over and said hi.

"Hey, Mary Sue. Uh, have you met my girlfriend? This is Zari. Zari, this is Mary Sue she's on my team. She does cool constructs. I don't really know how it works, but they are useful." Andy did like Mary Sue, though the girl seemed rather nervous and uptight. "We were going to the Haunted house. Do you want to join us?" She offered.

Andy glanced and saw a line forming by the haunted house. She frowned, wondering if it'd be worth waiting in line or swinging by it when things had calmed down. She also wondered when they'd be doing announcements. She wouldn't want to be in the house when the announcements were made. That'd either interrupt the fun of the house or she'd miss the announcement.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Leah Jordan

Location: Training Room B
Gear: A hot ass dress
Skills: The insurmountable will to not lose her cool under any circumstances
Oh god oh fuck

Oh, good lord. They were both asking her to make a decision. April and Sabine, the ones who had actually planned on coming, were both asking Leah what she wanted to do. This was really her on the spot, like a deer in the headlights. It felt like a shitty thing to just say, “no, I don’t want to do anything” when this was supposed to be a fun night. Why even come if she was just going to sulk in the corner? Someone would eventually come over and talk to her, probably hit on her and she’d throw them through a window. She didn’t want to dance, she didn’t want to mingle… Honestly, she wanted to hide in her dorm and pretend tonight didn’t happen. But if she did, then Sabine and April would be upset.

”Screaming? Nah. We can do whatever you guys wanna do. You’re the dance-goer-people. A haunted house sounds fine to me. I’ll punch Nimue back into the… Whateverworld place she’s from if it’s really that bad in there.” She was trying to enjoy this, and honestly? Her girls made it a lot better. At least she didn’t have to dance, imagine trying to dance with two people at once. She knitted her fingers between both of their hands. ”So… Scary shit, and then we do something you two want?” She asked.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Equipment: Frank costume

"Heh. Either that, or the qualifier results are posted in there, and they didn't get in." Victoria chuckled as Diana pointed out the people in tears, before reviewing the data she got from her sister's phone.

Hm. Vicky's calls went through, Cas' just never called back. In fact other than a few messages here and there to a few group chats, there was nothing much. Nothing much at all. And the playlist... Girl, you're not angry with me, are you? You're just sad. she thought, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. Well, that, and if Uncle is dragging you through the mud, you might just be sleeping it off any time you can. How did flesh and bone people have empathy without surveillance? Vicky could not tell anything was wrong from the way Cassandra was acting, to the point where her thought process made a complete loop and she started wondering whether Cassandra was actually feeling down or just took a liking to those particular songs this month.

"I guess it is your last year in that particular team composition. Maybe Vis wants you to go out on a high note. And pocket another win for himself. Usagi has been giving us grief too. You think they have a bet going?" Victoria proposed. "Anyway, if you need me to hack into the Framework and have Vision load into an Ultron infested nightmare scenario next time you plug in so you can get a breather, yell. I have another teammate who can help with that now, and apparently, I am now a delinquent worthy of detention - I don't even really know what for - So I might as well play the role." she scoffed. Actually, maybe I should step up my effort. I'm just going to go and kick in Cas' door next time and drag her out. Yeah!

Then she remembered something. "Actually, Cas. I got a letter from Mum a while ago and she said to come visit. How about Saturday? I think we could both use a little time away form this place, if even for a day."
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Zelda Flynn

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Rogue

It sounded like people were going to see about heading into the haunted house. While Zelda herself liked a few scary things, usually that would be watching a movie or something by herself or at home or something where her powers couldn't necessarily mess with anything if she got too freaked out. Actually she loved horror games and things like that, but she had never really gone into an actual haunted house or maze or whatever. Since she figured that there would be the most common place that she might accidentally make people's fears pop up. Or her own. So potentially make it worse.

"I like scary things don't get me wrong, but not sure the haunted house would be a good place for me to go... My powers might go and make things worse..." she said with a shrug towards Diana. That was the problem with not being super good at controlling your powers, or emotions at times really. If they go haywire they could make things worse. Actually she likely could make a haunted house more fun, depending on who she was wandering around the place with.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Viking

"Yaaaaaaaay haunted house!" she said happily jumping up and down a little bit with regards to it. She loved scary things, or at least the attempts at scary things that people did. They always were a lot of fun to her, so she was definitely curious as to see what was inside of it. Her attention shifted to someone approaching them, and she vaguely recognized Mary Sue, more of because her mom was friends with her own. However when it came to actually meeting her that never really happened, she usually stuck around with Diana and Percy instead.

"Hi there!" she said with a slight wave, "I don't think we've ever actually met, though I know about you and all mainly cause of my mom," she said, giving Mary Sue a smile. "Nice to officially meet you though Mary Sue. As Andy said we were heading for the haunted house, your welcome to join us if you want to. But we should get going before the line to get in gets to be too long if you ask me."
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 11 days ago

Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Avenger's Academy Student.

Mary Sue waved at the new girl, and forced a small smile, before nodding "Oh? I don't think I got your last name..." She felt bad for not recognizing this person by her face, but she was also in a costume, so maybe that was it? She hadn't ever been in a haunted house before, but it sounded fun. "Yeah, I'd like that!" Saying yes to what people wanted to das typically, in her experience, the best way to get people to like her. Maybe it was wrong to think about social situations like this, but she did want friends, and so she was willing to engage in some light social mirroring to get that to happen.

It was then she blinked, her dad used to talk about how he got his powers and her eyes widened for a moment, before saying, "Oh, your mom is Sparky, isn't she?" That was what her dad always called her anyway. She was relatively certain her dad almost killed Zari's mom, but now was maybe not the best time to bring that up? "Sorry it took me a second, it's nice to meet you too!" She loosened up a little bit, having a bit more context for this social interaction now. The asymmetry in information scared her for a moment, but the panic from that was melting away now.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 days ago

Danny Kingston

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume:Double Trouble

“Aw look at you, Spicy! All adorably grumpy like a little pug! You're bein’ so brave wit’ all t'ese people; don't bite anyone in t'e ‘aunted ‘ouse!” Danni patted Spicy's head, and promptly skipped away to hide on the other side of the friend group. “Wait, Mads!!! Get me a drink too pleaaaaaaase!” Danni called after her as she dove into the cafeteria fully, before turning his attention to the girls.

“Okay, so like, t'at's a great plan and all but can I please remind t'e group t'at Leah is in love wit’ t’e fight in fight or flight? You remember t’at time last year w'en Dee jump scared ‘er? If Dee'd been ‘alf a second slower goin’ ghost, I'd ‘ave ta ask papa ta play telephone wit’ ‘im! Not'in’ against t'at Leah, like sups ‘ot and all t'at strengt’ rawr, but like, get t'is girlie on t'e dance floor, wear ‘er out a bit, and t'en do your ‘ouse so t'en Leah only wants ta like, punch out ‘alf t'eir lights!!” Danni suggested, proud of himself for the logical sounding argument and not at all acknowledging he was nervous that the entire group was heading to the spooky shit first.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Dorian Gray

Location: D&D Dormitory
Skills: Halloween Costume

Dorian laced his fingers into Percy's once more. Smiling at his friends group as he waved them goodbye. ”See you guys in a bit! Just want to ‘ave some time with Perce for now if t’at's ok.” He didn't really give them the time to answer before he hurriedly took his boyfriend over towards Lady Nimue's Otherworldly Haunted House. He hoped he made it clear that he wished they'd leave the two alone for a moment. The walk was relatively quiet as the music blared in the background, fading more as he made his way towards the line to enter. Once they stopped, Dorian reached for Percy's tie and pulled him in close for a passionate kiss before pulling back away.

”You know, ‘aunted ‘ouse's can make excellent make out spots dependin’ on ‘ow t'ey're made. Some have little dark nooks you can sneak in for a moment to break away from the scares.” His hand was still on Percy's tie for a moment longer before it slowly trailed down the length of it, smoothing it out by the time he'd reached the end. He held Percy's hand again, taking a step forward when the line moved up. ”T’ank you for comin’ I know t'is really isn't your scene…but it means a lot to me.”
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

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Sabine Bassard

Location: Cafeteria
Costume: She-Ra
Skills: Perception

Sabine felt a twinge. It could be a sixth sense, it could be she knew her girlfriend, but either way, Sabine felt something off. She knew Leah wasn't a partier. Leah wasn't as social as April or herself, and April wasn't nearly as social as Sabine was, but Leah was putting on a brave face for her, making Sabine feel warm and sad. She hated that Leah was put into this position just for them, though she was also happy she was willing to make herself uncomfortable. But this wasn't your dad's polycule relationship. People weren't just stuck in situations and had to put up with it. Boundaries would be respected and fun times would be guaranteed.

"Look Leah, it's clear you would rather be back in our room doing nothing and avoiding this whole thing altogether, and the fact you dressed up and came means the absolute world to me, but I want you to have a good time. So I am making it my goal tonight to ensure that you enjoy yourself alongside us. If you don't want to do a haunted house, we won't do one. We can all agree on something to do together here. Socialize? Dance? Stand in the corner? Doesn't matter. As long as I am with you two, this is the best dance ever."

Danni's suggestion was sweet, but she would rather not have Leah punch the daylights out of someone. "I think one thing we can all agree on is getting some refreshments and snacks. So let's fuel up for the night."
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

7:50 PM - Sun. October 31st, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute


Kate rolled her eyes at Diana. "What? Of course I'm being nice. When am I not nice?" she asked. She had just asked Zelda for her name, and the kid decided to be deathly quiet and shy. She got the feeling it would've been like pulling teeth to continue trying to talk to her. Some people were just like that. And it was Halloween night, it was the Monster Mash - Kate didn't see a reason to engage with someone who didn't want to engage.

Cassie relaxed slightly, feeling a bit of the tension dissipating, unaware that Vicky had hacked her phone. She giggled a bit at Vicky's offer to make Vision's life hell for a little while, so they could have a break. "No, no, don't do that, but thanks. Umm I'll have to check and see if we have a field exercise on Saturday, but as long as my homework is done then... sure, that'd be nice to see Dad and Hope."

It was their turn in line, now, and the group went on through. The space was instantly transformed, wider and more expansive than anticipated, but also crowded from narrow turns and steep walls. The lighting was low, almost pitch black. At first, the scares were pretty standard - vents bursting with gas, pops that sounded like bullets, jump scares from possessed dolls. But about halfway through the maze, something happened - the group was separated, each going down a different path. They were being pursued, chased by....

[Check your DMs]

April Flynn

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Perfuma from She-Ra

April's face fell slightly as Mads said she wanted to go off and get some drinks, that she'd catch up with them later. They had been training together with Nimue, of course, and they were roommates and lived together, but they hadn't really managed to hang out much. It was just work and school - and then in her free time, April was with her brothers or her girlfriends. It felt like a lifetime ago that she had gotten to spend some good time with Mads. So she wanted Mads here tonight - she wanted everyone here tonight, selfishly. She wanted to see them all.

"Oh, okay!!" April said brightly.

Dorian took Percy off and April bit back a wait, nooooo - and then Sabine (rightfully) pointed out that Leah didn't even really want to be there. Why was everything falling apart? Why wasn't the night perfect? Why weren't they all sticking together? Well, she knew why Leah didn't want to be there. She didn't like this sort of stuff - she was just here because Sabine and April liked it. But Mads... Mads April didn't know about. And Dorian wanted to go spend time with his boyfriend...

... Was that all they'd have left, in the future - photos, and then everyone going their separate ways?

Panic rose up in her throat. It was too much change. It was too much change.

"Food and drinks sounds good - that way, we can all go! Well, almost all of us. Maybe we can grab some extras for Dori and Percy if they want them, they might be out of the haunted house pretty soon. Or we could not. It's not like they'll run out, right? Does food and drinks sound good to you Leah, Danni?"

Percy Novikov

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who

Had Dorian not pulled him away, Percy very well may have murdered Danni. As it was, he glared at Danni, mentally plotting his demise. His current plan involved moving every item Danni owned two inches to the left - something that would drive him mad, as he would never be able to feel comfortable again... but then upon reflection, Percy considered that that would work on him, but perhaps not Danni. Maybe it was time to take out the axe again. It had been good enough for Nemo, so it was good enough for Danni. He wouldn't kill him. Dorian would be upset with him.

They ended up in line for the haunted house/maze situation, the line was somewhat long but still moving quickly. Percy noted that the majority of people exiting seemed to be in tears. He was about to make a comment to that effect, that he thought people at this school ought to have been braver, when Dorian pulled on his tie and Percy's mind went blank again. "Ngk," Percy murmured into the kiss, tasting Dorian with his tongue, his ears fuzzy as the world seemed to melt away. He still felt dazed and confused as Dorian pulled away, saying something about the inside of the house and that he was there. Percy just nodded dumbly, as parts of his body other than his brain were awake.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Diana Novikova

Location: Avenger's Academy, Stark Hall, Cafeteria
Costume: Annabeth Chase
Skills: N/A

Diana could understand being scared and powers would suddenly flare up and something happened and a haunted house with a bunch of teens who didn't have a full grasp on their powers some chaos would certainly happen. "Well if you want to come with us through the haunted house you are more then welcome to, totally up to you though." Diana said to Zelda giving her a friendly smile, as she turned to Kate and playfully nudged her. "You are always nice i'm just messing with you, c'mon lets head on inside." Diana said as she headed into the haunted house, at first it was the occasional jump scare pipes bursting on command and creepy ass dolls moving about as well to.

Though the room was pretty dark as Diana pulled out her phone and used the flash light to give her a little bit of light, however when she did and looked around everyone was gone did she take a wrong turn somewhere? "Hello?" Diana called out, but she didn't hear anything at all, then suddenly an arrow went flying past her, as it embedded itself into a nearby wall. Then she turned to see where it had came from as another arrow flew past her and then she saw her doppelganger. She saw herself with her eyes gauged out and blood running down her face, Diana quickly started to run hoping that she'd run into someone else she recognized, cursing herself wishing that she had brought her bow with her.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Avenger's Academy, Stark Hall Floor Six Room 602
Costume: Castaspella
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: N/A

"Sure thing i'll everyone back something." Madalyne called out as Danni made a request for one, she felt bad for suddenly leaving as well to she did feel at times that she was always that third wheel. She thought for a moment she wanted to make more time to just hangout with her best friend just the two of them sometime. As Mads made it to the punch bowl, there were a few other students in line as she grabbed a few glasses as well as a plate to put them all in.

When it was her turn Madalyne quickly started to fill up the cups, and started to make her way back. "I'm back bought everyone back a little something." Madalyne said as she started to hand them all their cups. Percy and Dorian had gone off to the haunted house already by the looks of it. "Did I miss anything?" Madalyne asked looking at everyone, as she took a sip from her own glass once everyone had taken their cup.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Leah Jordan

Location: Training Room B
Gear: A hot ass dress
Skills: The insurmountable will to not lose her cool under any circumstances
Oh god oh fuck

She suddenly really, really wanted to turn everything above Danni's neck into a fine, red smear on the ground. Being called hot by him was weird[, sure, but Leah was trying to play it cool and NOT scare people away from their ideas of fun because of her. Did Danni really have to remember the one time she damn near killed someone by accident? Madalyne went off to get some drinks, and suddenly both of her girlies were trying to... Comfort her? About her not wanting to be here? Oh no. Oh hell no. This wasn't gonna work. Since the others started leaving, Leah figured she'd need to stop this before it snowballed further. So before anything further happened, and sensing that April was about to get fidgety, she wrapped one of her superhumanly muscular arms around each of them, gently bringing them in closer with a surprisingly lack of neck-shattering pain.

"Hey, girls, listen. I know you're nervous about me being, well, me about this. But I'm here because I wanna be. And I wanna be here, because both of you are here. Between the three of us, I never go to this kind of thing because I don't know how to talk to people like you guys. You two were always way better at the whole socializing thing than me. I'm not just tolerating this, and I don't feel like I'm being held hostage. I'm just out of my depth here."

And this was the truth, ultimately. For Leah, this was effectively stage fright. "But the reason I'm out of my depth, and not running off is because I want to spend time with both of you. Sure, this is new to me, but I am not letting that stop me from having fun with you two, okay? This isn't a burden to me, I promise." Ordinarily, Leah would just chill in her room, and hope people didn't know she existed. But it was different now, and she wanted to be close to April and Sabine. Overcoming her anxiousness towards large groups of people was a part of that, since they were, ultimately, social butterflies in their own ways.

Mads came back with the drinks, and Leah took hers without drinking from it, or pulling her arm off of April, who seemed like she could use a bit more grounding. "Nah, we're just standing around. Let's eat something."
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Equipment: Frank costume

This was a bonehead idea, Victoria knew. Despite trying, she still hade no progress in defending herself from magic. Truth be told, the concept of even trying terrified her more than anything she could imagine to find on the inside of the haunted house. What were the odds of something similar happening here as with Agatha's tent? Quite high, as far as she reckoned, and anything above zero was not something she should leave to fortune. It was sheer dumb luck that this did not come into play during the tournament yet.

"Last time I got involved with magic, it was very nearly fatal. True story. Now given that the house is Nimue's creation, and I have no reason to think her magic is any less potent than Agatha's... I should err on the side of caution and ignore it." Nope. It wouldn't do. Curiosity killed the bot, but she had to know. "I know I'll regret this." Vicky groaned, raised one hand in front of her as if she was walking in the dark and took two steps closer-

impor☥ nuмpy as np
frøм sklearn.mødeʟ_seℓeсʈiøn impøʀt train_ʈest_spliʈ
frøм sĸlearn.рreрrøcessing imрøʀʈ SʈandardSʈsĸaʟer
frøм sĸlearn.sνm imрøʀʈ SʋC

daʈa = np.ʟøad('daʈaseʈ.npʏ')
ʟabeʟs = np.ʟøad('ʟabeʟs.npʏ')

X_ʈʀain, X_ʈesʈ, ʏ_ʈʀain, ʏ_ʈesʈ = ʈʀain_ʈesʈ_spliʈ(daʈa, ʟabeʟs, ʈesʈ_siʑe=0.2, ʀandøm_sʈaʈe=42)

sĸaʟeʀ = SʈandardSʈsĸaʟeʀ()
X_ʈʀain = sĸaʟeʀ.fiʈ_ʈʀansføʀm(X_ʈʀain)
X_ʈesʈ = sĸaʟeʀ.ʈʀansføʀm(X_ʈesʈ)

ʍødeʟ = SʋC(kernel='ʀbʆ', C=1.0, gamma='sĸaʟe')
ʍødeʟ.fiʈ(X_ʈʀain, ʏ_ʈʀain)

aʂʂuʀaʈy = ʍødeʟ.sϙøʀe(X_ʈesʈ, ʏ_ʈesʈ)
рʀinʈ(f"Aʂʂuʀaʈy: {aʂʂuʀaʈy}")

-and stumbled back, clearly not quite okay, her movement lacking her usual grace, which wasn't absent before despite the Frankenstein costume. "Nope! Bad! Cursed!" she shook her head and arms, as if the corrupted code could be flushed out that way. She almost packed it right there and then, heading back to the workshop to restore from backup. But seeing that she still possessed most of her faculties, she decided to monitor the code for now to see if it would spread, ready to immediately treat it if needed. But if she was to find a defense against such attacks, having a sample of a corrupted code would be worth it's filesize in adamantium. "I'll be here. You know. when you emerge and need a shoulder to cry on."
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Party
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive)

Andy raised an eyebrow. So the pair of them were connected via Zari's mom, which meant her dad too. There seemed to be a lot of kids here that were children from that group. Andy didn't know much about them, but they had been operating when she was around. They were a secret group that had done missions for S.H.I.E.L.D., and that was about all Andy really knew. She felt a bit awkward around any of those kids, and of course Danni and Dorian, really more around Danni and Dorian. She may appear the same age as all of them but they had been born the year she had traveled to the future or shortly after. To her they were babies. That was probably the most difficult part of all of the time travel. She was glad that Mads didn't seem to be connected to any of them that way, it made the friendship with her a bit easier.

Then she heard Victoria yelling. She turned, the girl was at the front of the line but had apparently decided last moment to back out and not go in. She wondered why. Andy turned her attention back to Zari and Mary Sue.

"Must be scary." She gave a small shrug. Andy loved scary things so she wasn't worried about that. "So you've never met each other?" She asked a bit surprised. Their parents were friends (or had worked together) so she was surprised about that.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 days ago

Danny Kingston

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume:Double Trouble

Danni was bored. They came to a party to have fun and here they were, talking in circles about who is having fun, who's isn't having fun, blah blah blah blah. He could practically weep with relief when Mads came back, drink in hand, and he was all too happy to accept one. “T’e best, Maddie. VIP of t'e evenin’!” Danni cheered, wrapping his free arm around her shoulders.

“Food, really? Not dancin’? Dee and Spicy are gunna come out and t’ey're probs gunna be all spooked, so t’heir not gunna wanna eat! We haven't done anyt'ing so work up an appetite! Wouldn't it be better ta actually get ‘ungry first?” Danni whined, still slipping his free arm into April's and heading towards food, all but vibrating with the need to do anything. “ ‘Cause t'at maze-’ouse t'in’ ain't gettin’ me anywhere near it. T'ose people be cryin’ and I did not put t'is much body color on ta start ruinin’ it wit’ tears. Plus, who wants me ta ugly cry in t'e middle of t'is - we're ‘ere ta bask in our victory and ‘ave a relaxin’ night after grueling days of school work and trainin’.” Danni groaned at the memory, Nemo’s insane need to booby trap everything making him a little paranoid as he stared at his drink. Was it poisoned, would Nemo come over the speaker and announce it was a fucking training exercise and they had to find an antidote with the materials in this rooms?

Danni shook his head, they wer having fun. This was fun! “Okay, okay, okay. Food t’en dance, food t’en dance!. I wanna dance wit’ everyone!” Danni declared excitedly, already doing a little jig as they headed to eat.

Hidden 10 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Zelda Flynn

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Rogue

Zelda still wasn't entirely sure whether or not it was a good idea for her to go into the haunted house. Actually she was fairly certain it was a bad choice for her to go. However she wasn't entirely sure it was much better to be standing around doing nothing by herself. Even though that had been her initial plan for when she got to the dance and all. She couldn't help but be a bit curious about the haunted house though, hence she was going to maybe see about going through and seeing what it was all about.

"Alright I'm coming," she said after thinking for a moment, before she followed along after the others to see about entering the place. Zelda wasn't sure about what to expect when they entered the place, but she wasn't too sure about things when they all got separated. That certainly was not a good thing. And she ended feeling a knife fly past from behind her and she turned to look, seeing a version of herself that had decided to start trying to kill her and was throwing knives at her. Considering she didn't have her own knives or weapons, and trying to not use her powers since considering the panic that was popping up would cause some major issues, she turned away from her own doppelganger, and started running, really wanting to avoid this. And starting to regret slightly being in the haunted house at the moment.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Viking

Zari nodded her head a bit with regards to the question about her mom. "Yup, that's my mom," she said with a smile. Her mom had a few friends when it came to her old SHIELD team, though her dad didn't get along all the time with them from what she heard. The old team had a lot of people who were here currently at the school. Of course she probably could have been going to the school a bit sooner, but she had waaaaaay more important things to do then to go to school or something.

Hearing Andy's question, she just sort of shrugged, "I mean, maybe once or twice in passing... You have to remember Andy, I grew up a world away, my mom usually would come back to visit, but typically if I got brought along it was to go hang out with Diana and Percy since Diana's very close to my age and not to mention one of her moms literally fine with destroying the world from what I'm told for her and was her best friend. So I typically hung around with them, less anyone else, except my mom was still friends with Mary Sue's mom Niah last I checked and would visit her and all like that. I just typically didn't get brought along to those moments. If that makes sense. But yeah, kind of a rough explanation I guess?" Zari said with a shrug towards Andy. She honestly didn't really get it either.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Dorian Gray

Location: D&D Dormitory
Skills: Halloween Costume

Dorian loved the weird sounds Percy would make every time he'd pulled him closer. He could almost see the gears in his mind ramming to a full stop as he pulled back from the kiss, making him smile and chuckle at the sight of his flabbergasted boyfriend. His hand held on tight to Percy's, moving along with the line and thankful that Nimue was able to keep it from stalling. Now if only they could apply this sort of enchantment to Disneyland. One perk of being in California for school was being close to the theme parks, the downside was how long those lines were on hot days.

He took another step forward, thinking about the parks, lost for a moment. Even before he came here he'd loved and admired most superheros (and villains) having purchased some replicas back at Avengers Campus in the parks. Always in hopes of getting them signed by whose replica it was. He ran his thumb over Percy's before snapping back and closing the distance that had grown slightly from his daze. ”When we get in, stick close and don't let go. I've been lost in a few ‘aunted ‘ouses, but I'd ‘ate to be lost in a magical one.”
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