Eon Tower
Currently Active Reavers:

Veteran Reavers

“Never forget that you are of the Tower. Remember your training, and you just might make it out alive.”
Arteus Navarre Irvin
The Magus Headmaster and Chief of Staff of the Eon Tower. A handsome man in his prime, he is the youngest member of the organization to obtain the rank of Grandmaster in several generations. In his younger days, he earned fame as a Reaver by racking up countless accolades and was often given express permission to act as a lone Reaver. Truthfully, he was seen by some as a ruthless and callous sorcerer, and crushed any foe that stood in his way without remorse. His infamy had earned him the moniker “Void Serpent.”
He eventually decided that he grew tired of taking orders under the jurisdiction of the Association, and he decided to use the influence and resources he had accumulated in order to establish his own sect. He, along with some trusted colleagues and people of special expertise, founded what is now known as the Eon Tower. He envisioned it as a private sector in the Association that can act on it's own in various cases and not have to bother with the frustrating bureaucracy of the higher ups. Although, this has made the Holy Church keep an even closer eye on them, must to Arteus's chagrin...
Still, he presents himself as being a poised and cordial man who is polite and professional to everyone he meets. He is entrusted with the most skilled Magus under his leadership, and competition to join his unit is the fiercest in the Tower. However, even seasoned mages who are accepted under his wing often complain that he is something of a taskmaster. Often setting unreasonable goals for his squads and sending them out on what could be best described as suicide missions. It doesn’t help that the high council of the Magus Association is silently up in arms about giving what amounts to an upstart humbug such a high ranking position and responsibilities. Still, even they can’t deny that his methods have produced results that have contributed largely to the organization’s sterling reputation, in addition to producing a generation of expert Reavers.
Arteus has shown proficient mastery in all forms of magic known to the tower, favoring Elementalism, Galdr, and Void magic. There are some peculiar rumors that he’s mastered some forbidden spells, but this has not been confirmed.

"...I'll keep going down this path no matter what. For their sake."
Rozemyne Levina
A recruit to the Tower who was only brought on a few months before the recent batch of new members and a powerful elementalist from a small residential district in the Republic. She commands high proficiency in manipulating the elements of Fire, Water (Ice), and Wind. In addition, she can summon familiars using invocation in order to further augment her spells.
A stoic and somewhat somber person, she rarely speaks about her past and seems to grow uncomfortable when it becomes the subject of conversation, leading some to believe it may be riddled with tragedy. Still, her renown had reached the ears of the Headmaster, who promptly offered an invitation of recruitment into Eon. While it doesn’t show, her loyalty to the organization is unwavering, and values her allies on the field.
She wields her sorcery using a powerful magictech staff named Gungnir. It has a large catalyst crystal in the top of the scepter that changes color depending on the summon she invokes. She also make use of 3 summons to strengthen her attacks: Caienne - a bat like creature with fiery fur, Devion - a sinister eel-like spirit with sharp fins going down it’s spine, and Icarus - a large hawk covered in an emerald down and brandishes huge talons.

Some better know Roze as the Witch of the Triad.

"The sheer thrill of the hunt is all a Reaver needs. What say you, greenhorn?"
Xashan Vhastia
A veteran Reaver who's been at Eon since it's inception. Back when he was a solo freelancer, he was a magus of some renown. He had the opportunity to fight alongside Arteus on a few missions and was notably impressed with the man's mastery over the six principles. Eventually, Arteus told him of how he had the idea to establish his own personal sect at the Magus HQ, and invited him to join it when it he got it running. He felt a natural kinship and intrigue with the man and his proposal, also being someone who likes to do things his own way. He's consider him a brother in arms ever since.
A bestial Belua, he has the looks and the disposition of a proud lion, and has the power of one to boot. While in battle, he puts his proficiency of Elementalism and Alchemy to full use. The wields the power of Earth, mainly using it in the form of sand. His impressive alchemic knowledge allows him to transmute it into countless tiny strands of a golden alloy that he uses to supplement his combat, both close and mid range. These skills have earn him the moniker 'Beast of the Golden Sands'.
He's quite jovial and enjoys joining friends in a good laugh, but he can also be very snide and domineering. It's put him at odds with others more than a few times.

Brunhyldia Amelia Selini
"The Void contains vast knowledge, and the Light shall be the guide."
An immensely powerful sorceress whose expertise in both Thaumaturgy and Void theory is known far and wide. Both she and Arteus served under the same regimen during their time before founding Eon. Both were regarded as prodigies by even the High Council of the Association. Many people find themselves off put by Irvin, but she trust and understands his intentions more than anyone, having fought with him for so long. She assists him in overseeing the daily goings of the Tower and providing support for new recruits.
Much like Irvin, she has fully mastered all six principles of sorcery. In particular, Brunhyldia is able to freely combine the energies of both Thaumaturgy and Void to create the sinister magic known as Chaos. It is a rare and primordial ability that allows her to influence phenomena around her in various degrees.
For other magical abilities, she gathers around her alchemic crystals that grant her a high level of control of void energy not usually seen, transmuted from an unknown substance that seems to resonate with black magic. Along with this, she generates purifying light in various forms. From weapons to shockwaves, she can also make chains that even bind miasma abominations.
Her power has caused her to the earn the moniker, "Witch of Chaos", throughout the magus world.

"I'd advise you to take your training and studies seriously. Otherwise, I might just decide to cast you away into the watery depths."
Ruecian Valeniquen
A serpentine Belua with the appearance of a handsome young man. He serves as a combat instructor of sorts, drilling newcomers to the Tower on their specific field strategies and battle tactics. He is a man of few words, and when he does speak he expects those he's instructing to listen as if there lives depend on it (which it rather does...).
While appearing cold and rough, his has a soft spot for those close to him, particularly his little sister.
A powerful Elementalist and Inovker, he calls forth a mighty Ryujin spirit to drastically increase the power of his water and ice abilities. Naturally, the Tower quickly sought him out for his skills and battle insight.
Administrative Staff

"I'm a man of simple pleasures. Booze, guns, and the sweet smell of reconstruction at work!"
Johannes Childes
A senior Reaver whose led a sterling 40 year career in the field of monster hunting before the Tower was created. A gritty old timer who underneath the roughneck bravado offers a profound insight into the world of magitech theory and battle tactics. It's no surprise that shortly after conceiving Eon, Arteus personally sought him out and insisted that he join their fold. The Tower's robust system of magitech weapons are an attribute of his creative mind. He's retired now, and mainly serves as the Tower's blacksmith/mechanic and as an advisor for aspiring alchemists and budding magitech researchers.
Even at his old age, though, he's still willing to volunteer for the most dangerous missions with a childish smile on his face, eager to test out whatever new firearm or tech suit he's toiled away at. You'd be hard press to find a better gunslinger, using a self-transforming alchemic gun with bullets to boot. He also imbues the bullets with various elemental effects to further bolster his attack power, though he sometimes uses too much power and becomes more of a danger to his allies along with enemies.
While not on the job one can usually find him in either his personal atelier, which serves as more of an arms factory and alchemy laboratory for the Tower, or drinking the night away at any local bar in town. Be prepared for his shop to reek of rusted metal, chemical fumes, and cheap liquor.

"Hmm, let's see: This one is usually native to the Bethlahelm region in the southwest, we've also seen an increase of this species in the Novak Marsh in the Northern swamp area. This particular beast has been nomadic in most observations, but as of late has been behav- ACK!!! Where did you come from?! Don't sneak up on me while I'm in the middle of research!"
Naomi Schuller
An avian Belua and recent graduate from a research institution dedicated to the studies of various magical beasts that appear around the world. Being at the top of her class, one would think her accolades would've have net her a lucrative role at a Triple A firm. However, due to having no real work experience and no chances to prove her scientific theories, she found it to be a nearly impossible task to find any work. Thankfully, through a chance meeting, Arteus took quick notice of her knowledge and offered her a place as a magical beast advisor at the Tower in exchange for funding her research. Of course she hastily accepted the proposition.
Not being particularly social, she often goes through the motions of causal conversation as quickly as possible, getting back to her studies and tirelessly working to reach new breakthroughs in the fields of magical beast research. Though whenever the subject is something that interests her or if it can related back to her research in some way, she won't stop talking any time soon. While a bookworm through and through, she has taken strides to improve her stoutness as she knows going out to the field is the best way for her studies to bear fruit. Though she would rather not if she could help it...
Her main means of defense are utilizing sharp talons afforded to her by her species and a bit of mid level wind magic.

"By combing alchemic reactions along with invocation, you'll then achieve perfect harmony as a synergist. What is a synergist, you say? Well, I'm so happy you asked!"
Nadia Whitsett
A interesting alchemic scholar born to a family of invokers in the republic. She often goes on about wanting to usher in a new sorcerous principle that she calls 'synergy'. Based on what she says, it's based on strengthening the power of a invoked spirit and the amount of time it's summoner can maintain it in the Material World by utilizing alchemic reactions to continuously transmute nearby energy as fuel. As one would guess, she hadn't gotten much ground with her theory as of yet.
Still, it shouldn't be ignored that her alchemic and galdr knowledge is superb for one in her field. So much so that even Arteus decided that she be fit for the tower as an invocation adviser.
Being from a family of such, Nadia can summon various sprites around her, she supplements their abilities by utilizing various potions and transmuting magical energy from a grimoire she carries with her.

"Feel free to take what you need from the library. Just make my life easier, and return everything on time. I also would appreciate a generous donation every now and again~"
Kiff Luther
A magus who spent his days in the past exploring ancient ruins. He'd tell you that he was a respectable archeologist, but other will say that he was a treasure hunter with questionable morals. Still, he was able to collect countless grimoires and magical artifacts during his escapades. Wanting a quieter life, he decided to quit the seeker gig and open a bazaar. Many were impressed with the items and texts he had for sale, but didn't appreciate the outlandish prices he sold them for.
He eventually gained the eye of Arteus, who convinced him that he knowledge and wares would be more appreciated at his private sect. He now serves as a librarian for Eon, which houses countless grimoires and magic items.

"Goodness, so reckless aren't we? Let's fix you up."
Elaine Gardner
A seemingly mischievous, but kind apothecary in service to Eon. She was once a magus who acted as a medic out on the field, assisting in purifying areas and people of miasma that haven't fully succumb to it's effects. She actually close friends with Brunhyldia and agree to join the Tower at her request.
She earned her name by the impressive way she imbues her potions and medication with Thaumaturgic effects, being able to cure those afflicted with the early stages of miasma corruption.

"Ah, I've discovered a new recipe!"
Bellum Hawke
Another senior member of the staff who specializes in Elementalism and Alchemy. Her practices have led to massive strides in the fields of agriculture and forestation. She imbues her cooking with Alchemy to give it some extra flare, combing it with flora and fire to expand upon it's effects. Most of the time the result rivals five star cuisine, but only the Gods know what happens when she gets to excited with experimentation.
She and Johannes were a part of the same regimen back in the day and often banter with one another.

”I guess there's a place where even someone like me can belong.”
Rana Schuellen
A youthful woman who was once a researcher working for the Association. Despite her lack of actual combat experience, she was selected to lead an expedition of magus to survey and area that was attack by a greater abomination. All but her and a few others survived the encounter, which left her scarred.
After speaking with Brunhyldia, she was selected as the Tower's operations servicer and administrative secretary. In addition, she can also act as an advisory for Thaumaturgic studies under the other staff members. She is grateful that she was given a second chance to sustain herself and further her pursuits in the field of magic in a new perspective, but she is still recovering from her past ordeal.
Other New Recruits

"Such is to be expected of a genius like me~"
Evelyn Grace
A young magus who recently received her license from the Association. Standing out amongst her peers, her application to the Tower was accepted and she hopes use Eon as a foothold to establish a career as a world famous witch. She's mostly motivated by delusions of grandeur, due to hearing of the accomplishments of the more senior members. Her heart's in the right place at the end of the day though.
She has high proficiency in Element manipulation and Void usage. In particular, she can combine the elements of fire and lightning to create a plasma-like element she calls 'star'. Using the essence of Void, she can lessen gravity's hold on her - allowing her to fly around on her staff. She can also use this ability on her surroundings, levitating objects and other people as she sees fit. She's also currently perfecting a technique that fully combines her elemental techniques with her usage of void, something she refers to as a "Nebula Field".

"The voice of the gentle streams have been troubled as of late..."
Lapis Valeniquen
Another recent addition to the Eon team of Espers, she is Ruecian's younger sister. He objected at first to her joining the field, but seeing the promise she held and feeling it'd be easy to keep an eye on her, he placed his faith in Arteus and his team to keep her safe.
Like her brother, she can freely conjure and manipulate water. She is usually seen with her familiar, Hachigan, a spirit resembling a tiny octopus. She also has a unique esper ability that allows her to communicate with sea-faring creatures, calling it the 'voice of the stream'.
She's a bit more forth-coming and friendly than her older sibling.