I'm too lazy to make an untransformed banner so you're going to deal with this message instead.
"This school is a maze... Where am I?"
Homura empathised with Suna's thought process, but she didn't agree with it. Magical girls were put in place to protect the natural balance of the world, to fight against the inhuman and protect the humans. They weren't put in place to act as the law. Even so, that thought remained buried among many other things, something Homura was starting to grow accustomed to.
She couldn't read the girl, neither her body language or her face betrayed any kind of worry or singular thought. There was always a hint of something deeper, something that the pinkette's eyes couldn't pierce. Instead, she sipped on the drink so graciously offered to her by Suna and recalled that school just so happened to be the next day and time wasn't on the girl's side.
The pinkette went about her goodbyes, doing her ritual "See you later"s and "I had fun!"s before she disappeared into the night as a pink flash, melting away into just another one of the many stars in the sky.
Idle chatter could be heard through the sun-lit hallway as Homura and a few friends conversed and chatted about mundane school-girl things, trifling matters like which way you should eat a choco-coronet or just how much they'd been glued to their tiny cell-phone screens like zombies. Their conversation ended briefly, within an instant, as Homura ended up walking into another student. It was her own fault for not looking but the yelp that followed made her seem like the victim in this unlikely vehicular accident.
The offer of the hand went accepted as Homura grabbed it with her soft hands, a contrast to the rougher hands that Rei had. Homura took a moment to bow in apology as she got to her feet, "S-sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going." She commented, accepting the blame and hoping the other would forgive her. But as she looked up, as her bow ended and she finally caught a glimpse of the person she had just bumped into, she was confused.
She remembered the night before, remembered a girl stood upon a telephone pole or power line. The same imposing image was now before her, now at least dressed in the garments of the school. She hesitated for a moment before apologising once more, for the day before. "And about last night too, I also... Wasn't looking." It appeared she hadn't learned her lesson from the day before, but she wasn't ready to get involved with the detention club yet. She just hoped that Rei would spare some mercy on her, now that she's walked straight into the leader's grasp.