Guy Attard

"If the gods chose a nation, they did so 800 years ago."
19 | Male | Perrench-Djamantese | Baronet | 7.68
❖ [ Soldierly ]
Raised in Djamant, Guy had always had a "work hard, play hard" attitude to most things. However, for better or worse, he has become even more rigid. He wakes every day at the same time. Manages his responsibilities with great care and order. Trains and maintains what he has to be prepared for. When he is given an assignment, he follows it to the letter. It provided a structure that made him uniquely fit to start schooling but deprived him of his old habits of cutting back. Every now and then, he fondly remembers swimming through old shipwrecks.
❖ [ Loyal, Trusting, Commodore ]
Guy didn't come to learn what loyalty was until he trained with his fellow frogmen. What it means to trust someone and to give that trust back unwaveringly. To trust so fully in someone's character that even if one doesn't personally agree with them they do it because of that trust. That is what it means to have loyalty.
❖ [ Patriotic ]
His mother inspired a great deal of patriotism in the boy. Cultivated from a young age, Guy was primed to see Perrence as his true home. This was accidentally reinforced by his father's hardened outlook on his new wife and new child. Having few prospects, Perrence provided a place for Guy to find pride and self-determination. His collective experience has made him a sycophant for them and a fervid protector. His pride stretches to protecting what he knows as Perrence and fighting against those that would threaten it, externally or internally.
❖ [ Tolerant ]
Tolerance was never taught to him but it was learned by not having too many negative experiences. The Djamantese people were mixed and merchants came in all the time. Even when he was being trained and indoctrinated in Perrence, He worked with Eaiko and mixed folk for most of the time and had to learn to respect different people. This has led him to a crossroads on how to view Revidia and the other Central Alliance members.
❖ [ Curious ]
Guy had always been curious about everything around him. Before he was molded into a soldier and became obsessed with Perrence, He was reading books with his mother, learning, and asking questions. Before he had become such a Perrence loyalist, he was striking up a conversation at the port with people of all shapes of life. Even his tolerance is based on his natural curiosity of people. He often loved swimming and exploring shipwrecks and the reefs. For the first time, this curiosity has been met with acceptance and has even been encouraged by the academy. With this encouragement and Guy now finding satisfaction in trusting and getting to know someone deeper, Guy has found himself very satisfied in his life.
Raised in Djamant, Guy had always had a "work hard, play hard" attitude to most things. However, for better or worse, he has become even more rigid. He wakes every day at the same time. Manages his responsibilities with great care and order. Trains and maintains what he has to be prepared for. When he is given an assignment, he follows it to the letter. It provided a structure that made him uniquely fit to start schooling but deprived him of his old habits of cutting back. Every now and then, he fondly remembers swimming through old shipwrecks.
❖ [ Loyal, Trusting, Commodore ]
Guy didn't come to learn what loyalty was until he trained with his fellow frogmen. What it means to trust someone and to give that trust back unwaveringly. To trust so fully in someone's character that even if one doesn't personally agree with them they do it because of that trust. That is what it means to have loyalty.
❖ [ Patriotic ]
His mother inspired a great deal of patriotism in the boy. Cultivated from a young age, Guy was primed to see Perrence as his true home. This was accidentally reinforced by his father's hardened outlook on his new wife and new child. Having few prospects, Perrence provided a place for Guy to find pride and self-determination. His collective experience has made him a sycophant for them and a fervid protector. His pride stretches to protecting what he knows as Perrence and fighting against those that would threaten it, externally or internally.
❖ [ Tolerant ]
Tolerance was never taught to him but it was learned by not having too many negative experiences. The Djamantese people were mixed and merchants came in all the time. Even when he was being trained and indoctrinated in Perrence, He worked with Eaiko and mixed folk for most of the time and had to learn to respect different people. This has led him to a crossroads on how to view Revidia and the other Central Alliance members.
❖ [ Curious ]
Guy had always been curious about everything around him. Before he was molded into a soldier and became obsessed with Perrence, He was reading books with his mother, learning, and asking questions. Before he had become such a Perrence loyalist, he was striking up a conversation at the port with people of all shapes of life. Even his tolerance is based on his natural curiosity of people. He often loved swimming and exploring shipwrecks and the reefs. For the first time, this curiosity has been met with acceptance and has even been encouraged by the academy. With this encouragement and Guy now finding satisfaction in trusting and getting to know someone deeper, Guy has found himself very satisfied in his life.
Guy stands at an impressive 6 foot and 2 Inches. Broad-chested and a sizeable back combined with a trained body makes him seem much more athletic than the average Biro. His arms are longer than average, and you can see it play out in his control over weapons. Well defined physique obtained from his training is holding strong. His skin is relatively light for the amount of activity he does though freckles have started to pop up on him.
His face isn't outright handsome but isn't bad given his background. Blemishes mark his face from either sun damage or other small accidents. The most noticeable marking is a scar that crosses down from his forehead, across his left eyebrow, and narrowly misses his eye. It is rather deep but has softened over time. He maintains a level of facial hair considered appropriate and takes a great deal of work to keep himself looking sharp.
For days that he toils on land, Guy wears a sturdy tunic that has minimal frill to it accompanied by plain pants and a well-maintained pair of boots. He chooses more earthen tones for these, trying to not stick out and focus on functionality over style. Still, he wears a piece of jewelry to separate himself from the common folk from time to time.
For the days at the school, he tries his best to adopt the latest trends of Ersand'Ernise though at times he goes with basic attire, not having the care or money to match the elites at the school. He'd rather have a few very reliable set of clothing that he could actually maintain.
Informal events are met with loose, flowing outfits that allow him to move as he pleases. He will even break out the few adornments he has to have fun. He tends to not buy many outfits for these events and instead has organically built up a closet worth of things and a box of accessories. Many of the items Guy keeps are given him to by friends and he places great importance on them.
Formal events are different. For those, Guy would be ashamed to not go all out. He was taught by his trainers that dressing the best in formal events makes what you represent seem strong. He will spend weeks ahead of time planning his outfit with notes on how to best represent himself.
Something of notice is that the very astute can see the off coloring of his skin. He's never been caught on it but from time to time he tries to obscure it with the right garments and if needed, makeup.
❖Djamantese- His Father tongue and the basis he learned other languages.
❖Perrench- His Mother tongue and the language he finds himself the most comfortable with.
❖Revidian- He learned this language solely for espionage and has a good grasp on common speech and even some accents within the enemy nation. It is a rather foul language, all things considered.
❖Avincian- He learned this one like any other noble but he has been honing it to make it more natural.
❖Constantian Eaiko- He learned this from teammates and from working in Thalakos for some Eaiko harvesters. His greatest feat is talking underwater.
❖Virangish- Guy mainly leans on his knowledge of Djamantese and substitutes some additional study to be able to read and sound like a 4-year-old making up words every now and then.
❖Torragonese- Guy is shamefully barely at a conversational level for the language. If only he had known which way that scorpion would side, he would have studied it more.
Goldblood Oceanborn
Journeyman Chemist
Guy has extensive study and training in Chemical. It was by far one of the most prolific schools he used for infiltration. During his training, he used it to make people more amendable to him while boosting his own physical abilities more subtly. Deteriorating to the hull of a ship to setting up large explosions, Guy found the most use of the school of Eshiran. Ersand'Ernise had deepened his understanding of Chemical mixtures and has made him not only more well-rounded but also gifted him a more delicate control.
Journeyman Magneticist
The next school was taught to them with 2 purposes. 1 is to resist internal chemical attacks that can lead to their capture and end themselves quickly in case of capture when combined with Chemical. Later on, they were gifted multiple Drudgunzean Gold Threshers for operation and as such were taught the art of taming using Magnetic as the main instrument of control. He has built further on this at Ersand'Ernise to better his own abilities as a beast master and to give him some unsuspected firepower.
Adept Kineticist
Like most Oceanborns, he excelled in kinetic enhancement. These were built on in the military where he honed his enhancements to his own body to make it a weapon in close quarters. Silence was key for their role, so he was instructed on the functionality of Sonic manipulation. There with the help of his Eaiko squad members, he learned how to use Sonic magic in the water to further his detection range and how to find hidden things. He started to practice Kinesis much more regularly after coming to Ersand'Ernise as it seemed to be the fashion of laid-back nobles to use it for every whim.
Adept Arcanist
Something that was not taught to him by Perence was the School of Ipte, Arcane. He was focused on the Chemical and Magnetic specialties while others in his group focused on the utility side of Arcane. Coming to the school gave him time to learn about them and he followed his comrade's training, learning illusions and luminescent. An interesting combination he found is using Chemical, Magnetic, and Arcane to supercool the water. With this, he could easily manipulate this mixture to turn instantly frozen and then liquid again. How practical it will be in the field has yet to be tested but he found some pride in his talent as a scholar there.
All of the squad members were given a thresher companion to help increase their odds in missions. He received the runt out of the kindness of their instructors and he has been taming it well. He even taught it some fun tricks.
Guy was born in a small town in the northeast of Perrence, not terribly far from Revidia. His birth came as an unwanted arrival as his family was about to return to their home in Djamant. They stayed there for a few months for his mother, Liana, to recover from childbirth. Guy was the 4th child of the line with two older brothers and one older sister. His father paid him little mind but his mother was affectionate towards him. She would sing tales of the Great Perrence to him and often said that him being born in Perrence was the greatest blessing he could have been given.
Growing up he was given freedom to do as he pleased by his father. He was the third son and was given to his mother to raise him into a proper Perench noble. In between studying under his mother, Guy spent time in town, at the ports, or any number of areas. He would play in the shallow waters and take risks jumping cactus. Guy remained unaware of his nature until he was quite cruelly tossed into the sea by his brother. He could breathe underwater!
After that Guy found himself going on many underwater adventures. Exploring shipwrecks, discovering treasures, observing nature, and stealing some thresher eggs. He met a few Eaiko but was mainly nervous because of the myths that sailors told about them. However, he often found his curiosity kept him watching them like a shy child. However, his mother intentionally let it out that her son was an oceanborn and the Perrench made an offer for him to join Légion de la Flamme Sacrée. They came, offered Guy's father compensation and there was nothing else to say, Guy was off to be trained without ever knowing a father's love, he was treated coldly by him even towards the end.
He trained with a team of Eaiko and other people like him. At first, he prided himself on his noble blood and being born in the golden fields of Perrence unlike most of them. However, he changed. They were working for the Perrence too and he had grown close to them. He moved up the training list and felt he was a shoo-in for captain. He was well-liked, well-trained, well read. He had it all. Instead, it was given to his rival. He didn't even make the cut.
It was a sad day, goodbyes were given. He was bitter but he knew better than to let it show. he wasn't going to sour his former team. They were going to be doing the Lord's work and he wouldn't let his own feelings cloud that. He packed up and headed for the doc when his instructor stopped his just before he boarded a ship to Djamant. He handed him a letter along with a pouch that would change his life course. A privilege given to him for the sake of Perrence! He was now a Biro at Ersand'Ernise.
Besides discipline, it would be the basic want to improve for the sake of Perrence. Everything he learns furthers his worth to them and he finds that to be more important than other goals. He hopes to learn enough to one day be entrusted with the training of new recruits and instill in them the same will as he has. To fail that would not only be a shame but be a failure for all he has worked for.
Quite a few sets of formal and informal clothing.
Jewelry and other adornments he gathered naturally over time.
- A utility knife made out of Eshiran's gold, a unique memento from his time in Thalakos. It was said to be a present from his former teammates. He is unaware that he helped pay for it.
- An old necklace with some Virangish writing on it. It was the only thing Guy had ever been explicitly given by his father. Despite his issues with him, he finds himself cherishing it.
- A signet ring belonging to his mother's noble line, saying if her needs he should use it. He has no intention on burdening his mother's blood.
- An Eaiko sash that was gifted to him from a close friend and at one point romantic rival. It is too bold for him but he will still wear it for that friend.
A few vases and coins that seem to be from the avincian era. He found these in very old shipwrecks around his home.
In his room are various maritime things, some goggles, and other random assortment of things. For a somewhat serious person, he keeps a very particular honey from Djamant well stocked.
Jewelry and other adornments he gathered naturally over time.
- A utility knife made out of Eshiran's gold, a unique memento from his time in Thalakos. It was said to be a present from his former teammates. He is unaware that he helped pay for it.
- An old necklace with some Virangish writing on it. It was the only thing Guy had ever been explicitly given by his father. Despite his issues with him, he finds himself cherishing it.
- A signet ring belonging to his mother's noble line, saying if her needs he should use it. He has no intention on burdening his mother's blood.
- An Eaiko sash that was gifted to him from a close friend and at one point romantic rival. It is too bold for him but he will still wear it for that friend.
A few vases and coins that seem to be from the avincian era. He found these in very old shipwrecks around his home.
In his room are various maritime things, some goggles, and other random assortment of things. For a somewhat serious person, he keeps a very particular honey from Djamant well stocked.
A Rosy Thresher: Given the most wonderfully creative name, Pebble. He has had it for around 2 or 3 years now. It was the runt but had grown to near full size with lots of love. Guy has been slowly training it to respond to stimuli to help him search for things quickly with its immense sensing range. It is still in development as it can be hard to train threshers to do complicated tasks. But as long as he can provide an item, scent, or thing for it to search for, it can find it and more or less guide him with weak pinches. Or sometimes pinches that are way too strong. That is just how Pebble rolls.
A Puffhound: This fantastic lady was given to him at the age of 13 after nearly losing an eye on one of his adventures. She is precious in every way and very well-trained. Sadly, Guy could never get rid of its stubborn belief that it is a lap dog. It is immensely friendly and loves everyone. Her name is Penelope the Great.
A Puffhound: This fantastic lady was given to him at the age of 13 after nearly losing an eye on one of his adventures. She is precious in every way and very well-trained. Sadly, Guy could never get rid of its stubborn belief that it is a lap dog. It is immensely friendly and loves everyone. Her name is Penelope the Great.
TBD, probably 2 or 3 things.
S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S
❖Espionage: Just a skill he was taught and one he makes use of. Along with it came certain techniques used to manipulate people, set traps, destroy evidence, and all the basics.
❖Sailing: A skill he had learned from his home and reinforced with military training. He is quite a capable sailor and finds it to be fairly relaxing.
❖Geography: They were taught the basics in training, but Guy has expanded past that. He uses the vast resources of Ersand'Ernise to build a collection of maps and to make little war rooms. He even whittles the miniatures himself.
❖Martial Training: Sometimes the best way to deal with things is with no magic. So, Guy like any other soldier, was trained to fight proficiently with many weapons and with his hands. He prefers spear, sword, rifle, and his own hands. He isn't too proficient with firearms though he tries to improve himself.
❖Survival: The missions he was trained to go on could be long and drawn out in the water. They were taught not only how to survive on land but in open water in terrible conditions. Most of these skills are learned and haven't been practiced in a long time.
❖Sailing: A skill he had learned from his home and reinforced with military training. He is quite a capable sailor and finds it to be fairly relaxing.
❖Geography: They were taught the basics in training, but Guy has expanded past that. He uses the vast resources of Ersand'Ernise to build a collection of maps and to make little war rooms. He even whittles the miniatures himself.
❖Martial Training: Sometimes the best way to deal with things is with no magic. So, Guy like any other soldier, was trained to fight proficiently with many weapons and with his hands. He prefers spear, sword, rifle, and his own hands. He isn't too proficient with firearms though he tries to improve himself.
❖Survival: The missions he was trained to go on could be long and drawn out in the water. They were taught not only how to survive on land but in open water in terrible conditions. Most of these skills are learned and haven't been practiced in a long time.
W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S
❖ Poor Management: He falls into putting too much on himself and lets his superiors put unjust work on him.
❖ Women: He finds women to be in need of help and has fallen for more times than he liked for a pretty face much to the despair of his purse and teammates.
❖ Lone Actor: Despite having trained for group activities, he finds himself being more self-centered after not making the cut and being sent on a solo mission.
❖ Stubborn: Once Guy makes up his mind on an issue, he tends to stick with it unless there is a good deal of convincing evidence or argument for it.
❖ Longing: Guy craves companionship. He had always been more reliant on those around him for that but since coming to the school, he has been hard-pressed to make friends and has felt displaced by it.
❖ Women: He finds women to be in need of help and has fallen for more times than he liked for a pretty face much to the despair of his purse and teammates.
❖ Lone Actor: Despite having trained for group activities, he finds himself being more self-centered after not making the cut and being sent on a solo mission.
❖ Stubborn: Once Guy makes up his mind on an issue, he tends to stick with it unless there is a good deal of convincing evidence or argument for it.
❖ Longing: Guy craves companionship. He had always been more reliant on those around him for that but since coming to the school, he has been hard-pressed to make friends and has felt displaced by it.
Guy started as a 7.33 after he finished growing. It was a respectable RAS for a low noble. However, he had been slowly tipped off by people of potential aberrations and he just so happened to have reason to go to those locations with usually a few people. He now is at a commanding 7.68 and has become familiar enough with the risks and benefits of black aberrations.
Guy has done some work in Thalakos on his off-season. Gathering and selling Eshiran's gold using that very human face of his. It was a job his close friend set up for him after not making the cut. He made many friends there and has gotten a little bit of metal along with some experience handling the workhorses of the operation, Black Devils. The last thing they said to him was that if they had one too many eggs, they would send one to him. He secretly hopes it wasn't a joke, but he is unsure if he would be capable enough to handle such a beast.
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