@ERode WHAMMO! Up for review.

Star Elemental (Formerly: Human) | 56 | Genderless (Formerly: Male) | 200cm (6'7") | 0kg (0lbs)
0th Circle | Stars / Celestial Bodies | ♫

Star Elemental (Formerly: Human) | 56 | Genderless (Formerly: Male) | 200cm (6'7") | 0kg (0lbs)
0th Circle | Stars / Celestial Bodies | ♫
Born Klaudios Athanatos, the Ichor-Blessed Master of the Stellar Domain was once mere mortal, just like most people. Klaudios was the younger of two brothers, the second son of a pair of merchants. His family was quite well-off, not to the extent of nobles and royals, no, but certainly a cut above peasants and laborers. As a result, he had a good childhood, with proper education and upbringing, something that was taken for granted by most. He had never been orphaned or subjected to any traumatic experience. Really, there was nothing to write home about his early years, but that in itself was notable in its own.
Naturally, his parents expected for him and his older brother to continue the family business once they came of age, however, unlike his economically talented and thrifty older brother, Klaudios' passions lie elsewhere. As far back as he could remember, Klaudios always had his gaze set above, toward the infinite stars dotting the boundless aether. While his parents and brother were busy counting coins, he engrossed himself in observing celestial bodies, while they tried to find the most profitable venture, Klaudios attempted to divine the meaning of each constellation. The rest of his family might be satisfied with earthly endeavors, but not Klaudios, the aether was where he belonged.
As a result, after his parents passed away peacefully in their old age, Klaudios' brother was the one who continued the family business, he and his own family now that he had a wife and children of his own. Meanwhile, the younger Athanatos still had his neck craned upwards. Ever the estranged uncle, his only companion was an orphan dragonkin girl named 'Frederika' that he hired as his assistant as his limited mortal body still required to be maintained. Due to the regular contact, they became a surrogate family of sorts.
Over the decades, now well into his 50s, Klaudios' ambition only grew, he was no longer satisfied with being a mere human, confined within a flesh vessel full of limitations, if only he could become one with the stars...
One day, in a stroke of fate, his prayers were answered as a piece of a falling meteor - no bigger than a gold coin - fell right into him. The celestial projectile smashed through the telescope Klaudios was using, then continued all the way through into his eye, embedded deep in his skull. By all logical explanations, he should be dead, severed from his mortal coil, and to be fair, it could be true depending on how one looked at what happened next. At that moment, Klaudios Athanatos was no more... and in his place, Almagest the Star Elemental, Master of the Domain of the Stars. While the ethereal entity shared Klaudios' memories, experience, and parts of his personality, it'd not be erroneous to say that they were an entirely new being.
As Almagest, they knew what must be done, the path to true divinity was possible, they must gather more ichor to one day ascend as the One and True God, and through this Divine Ascension, the very stars would be within their grasp...
But they couldn't do so alone, a journey must be made, trials and tribulations to conquer, allies to gather, and there was no better place to start than Oratorio, the Fortress-City That Watches the Abyss.
It was a star that once ended the Thousand-Faced God, thus twas' only fitting that a star would ascend as the next.
Naturally, his parents expected for him and his older brother to continue the family business once they came of age, however, unlike his economically talented and thrifty older brother, Klaudios' passions lie elsewhere. As far back as he could remember, Klaudios always had his gaze set above, toward the infinite stars dotting the boundless aether. While his parents and brother were busy counting coins, he engrossed himself in observing celestial bodies, while they tried to find the most profitable venture, Klaudios attempted to divine the meaning of each constellation. The rest of his family might be satisfied with earthly endeavors, but not Klaudios, the aether was where he belonged.
As a result, after his parents passed away peacefully in their old age, Klaudios' brother was the one who continued the family business, he and his own family now that he had a wife and children of his own. Meanwhile, the younger Athanatos still had his neck craned upwards. Ever the estranged uncle, his only companion was an orphan dragonkin girl named 'Frederika' that he hired as his assistant as his limited mortal body still required to be maintained. Due to the regular contact, they became a surrogate family of sorts.
Over the decades, now well into his 50s, Klaudios' ambition only grew, he was no longer satisfied with being a mere human, confined within a flesh vessel full of limitations, if only he could become one with the stars...
One day, in a stroke of fate, his prayers were answered as a piece of a falling meteor - no bigger than a gold coin - fell right into him. The celestial projectile smashed through the telescope Klaudios was using, then continued all the way through into his eye, embedded deep in his skull. By all logical explanations, he should be dead, severed from his mortal coil, and to be fair, it could be true depending on how one looked at what happened next. At that moment, Klaudios Athanatos was no more... and in his place, Almagest the Star Elemental, Master of the Domain of the Stars. While the ethereal entity shared Klaudios' memories, experience, and parts of his personality, it'd not be erroneous to say that they were an entirely new being.
As Almagest, they knew what must be done, the path to true divinity was possible, they must gather more ichor to one day ascend as the One and True God, and through this Divine Ascension, the very stars would be within their grasp...
But they couldn't do so alone, a journey must be made, trials and tribulations to conquer, allies to gather, and there was no better place to start than Oratorio, the Fortress-City That Watches the Abyss.
It was a star that once ended the Thousand-Faced God, thus twas' only fitting that a star would ascend as the next.
0th Circle Ichor-Blessed
Divine Protection of the Stars
Starting Benefit
❖ Ichor: 0
❖ Wealth: 0
❖ Paladins: 1
❖ Followers: 0
❖ Resources: None
❖ Artifacts: None
❖ Property: None
❖ Wealth: 0
❖ Paladins: 1
❖ Followers: 0
❖ Resources: None
❖ Artifacts: None
❖ Property: None
Divine Protection of the Stars
❖ Domain of Stellar Navigation: When directly exposed to the starlit sky, one will always be instinctively aware of the four cardinal directions.
Starting Benefit
❖ Treasured Companion: 1 Paladin. You've granted your Grace upon someone whom you trust deeply.