【Time】 Night
【Location】 North Pass
【Interactions】 None
【Equipment】 Magic infused collar | Simple bow | Coin pouch | Various herbal satchels | Simple bone dagger
When the tables turned on the monkey man due to Cyrene’s craftiness, he did what he did best. Eros had a knack for being crafty himself. With bristled hairs, Eros rolled his body in one direction, freeing his torso before just as rapidly rolling his body in the opposite direction to free his feet.
With a grunt and a red glow to his irises, he hopped to his feet, glaring into Cyrene's eyes filled with desperation.
“Don’t. You. Dare!” Eros growled as the rope was being torn.
Cyrene looked up at Eros with the last strands of fibers in her mouth. Pausing as she thought about it, she ripped her head back with a jerk snapping the last of the fibers. Finally, she managed to free her hands as her wrists held the last bit of the rope around them. Standing to her feet she looked at the searing-eyed Eros “I will honor my agreement but I will NOT be held in chains.” Her eyes narrowed on the man as she attempted to size him up. “You help me. I help you. With mutual respect given. I will not be your captor or anyone else’s.” Her tone was firm as each word was enunciated slowly and fully to ensure he understood her words.
A snarl was escaping through Eros’ gritted teeth as his eyes illuminated in the darkness of night. The desire to beat Cyrene until she could hardly move crossed his mind. All it would take was a sudden pounce and a well-placed strike. As prepared as he was to do just that, a chirp from Beebee caused him to narrow his eyes. Another chirp filled the air, causing Eros to let out a low grunt as he straightened his posture.
Cyrenes eyes flicked between the small creature and Eros noticing his change of tune as the creature appeared to communicate with him.
“Fine! I’ll only tie you up when I need rest. But I am not helping you. I am helping myself get enough amas to… To feel like I’m free, I guess.” Cyrene’s brow raised slightly at his comment as he let out a second grunt. “You can walk ahead while I gather my rope… A rope that you ruined,” He grumbled as he gathered it up. She’ll pay for that. I don’t care what Beebee thinks.
Taking a few reluctant steps, she looked at him as he grathered the rope continuing to grumble to himself. Rubbing her wrists as she turned back around she followed his instructions and continued to walk the path that appeared to have been traveled a time or two. I could run.. Cyrene thought for a moment as her eyes darted around the foliage that engulfed them. However, Elrand snuck into her mind once more. His toothy grin and deep chuckle echoed as the hairs on her arms raised. She wrapped her arms around herself tightly as if a protective instinct took over her.
A friendly chirp came from Beebee as he hovered over her right shoulder. Cyrenes eyes met the small creature’s as she offered it a smile as his large black eyes peered upon her curiously. He chirped once more as he rotated his body to face behind her, almost as if to draw her attention to the fact that Eros was absent.
Seeing the small creature's reaction she stopped to look behind her, scanning for Eros as she realized that he hadn’t been following her. “Where’d he go?” she asked the tiny creature. Unfortunately, all he did was chirp again. Beebee was far below having the intuition and communication skills of other animals but for some odd reason, Eros didn't make it seem this way. Loneliness was a hell of a thing…
“Ha!” Eros’ voice boomed as he ran from his tent, causing Cyrene to jump slightly at the outburst. Now equipped with a few extra items. He was wearing a backpack, had a bow with a quiver of iron-tipped arrows, and a wooden spear in hand. Cyrene watched Eros jog towards her and yet again, Beebee chirped. Looking over at Beebee she smiled softly before it fell as Eros re-approched.
“That seems a bit excessive”
“Excessive? Tch.” Cyrene's eyes scanned over all the items he carried with him. If he thought of using any of those things against Erland he would be quickly humbled. “Planning on hunting game with that?”
“Hmm.” He gave a guttural hum as he poked his index finger right between her shoulder blades, against her spine. “Walk forward Siren. My tools are none of your concern. Focus on which you’ve been poor at. Walk!” Eros demanded.
Letting out a heavy sigh match with an eye roll, Cyrene began to move one foot in front of the other once again. “You know… I could have just ran when you weren’t looking. But I didn’t… So maybe a little more respect would be nice.” she said between gritted teeth as her eyes stayed focused on the trail in front of them.
“Respect? Heh… Hehehahahaha! Respect?! For a Siren?! A flesh eater? A murderer? Beebee, do you hear this?” Eros was finally smiling again. Beebee let out a chirp as he found his place over Eros’ right shoulder. “Right. I shouldn't commend a Siren for being bad at being a deceitful wretch. If anything, I’m only grateful for having such an easy catch to sell. You walk. I talk. My amas will stack high as the nest of a falk. Heh. That's how things-”
THUMP Before Eros could finish his sentence Cyrene’s fist met his face with a strong force, enough to knock him slightly back as it planted against his cheek. Her brows were furrowed in anger and frustration as she stood in front of him. “Kiss my tail, you stupid monkey boy.” She knew he would retaliate but she promised herself she would never be silent any longer. “I hope you choke on those Amas. You don't know me.” She turned back around and began to march off in the same direction, this time with more aggressive steps as she growled under her breath. She continued marching even as Beebee chirped repetitively from where she had left Eros to taste her wrath.
Quick and deadly the wooden spear flew. Its blunt base crashed violently into the back of Cyrene's head. As it made contact with her, Cyrene stumbled over her feet before swiftly turning back with furrowed brows. Her hand reached for the back of her head while she grit her teeth. She had to stop every fiber in her being from tackling the monkey boy but it wouldn’t get her anywhere. Instead, she reached down and grabbed the spear from the ground, taking a moment to admire the craftsmanship on it, she tossed it down towards his feet. “You dropped this,” she said before turning back around and continuing to walk as she huffed under her breath.
“You just can't help but lie. I threw this-” Eros picked the weapon up from the ground. “-at your big thick head. Strike me again and I'll show you my true strength. Two orcs, remember that. Two!” Eros trailed behind her with his hairs still slightly bristled. Cyrene was hard proof that acquiring wealth was never easy, no matter the method.
“Two small ones maybe….” She said in a snarky tone as she twirled her hand in the air with a flourish. She couldn’t help but hold back a grin as she could tell she was getting under Eros’s skin. They hadn’t even made it out of viewing distance of the shore yet and already she was testing him. This was going to be fun.
Since the last spat, the trek to Roshmi had remained relatively quiet on the path going south. Sucking of teeth here, low grunts there, but all in all peaceful albeit only several minutes had spanned. The greater and lesser moon provided enough illumination for the two to not require a torch light.
But even low visibility was not enough to shroud the two from the desires of foul beasts. Eros’ ears twitched ever so slightly as he picked up the very faint sounds of steps. One, two, four… no. So many pattering feet! The steps were coming from the thick wooded area to the right of the dirt path.
“Halt, siren.” Eros’ eyes glared in the direction of the faint steps that suddenly stopped the moment he spoke. “We have curious friends or hungry adversaries.”
Cyrene stopped at Eros’ concerned tone, looking back she paused to see his expression focused on the surroundings around him. Her eyes darted slowly back and forth trying to catch a glimpse of movement off in the darkness.
Catching a glimmer of light in the corner of her eye she noticed a long stave shaped stick, if something was coming after them it was better than nothing. Reaching down she slowly grabbed it, careful to not make any sudden moves.
Eros let out a gruff grunt before stepping forth adamantly.
“Leave this to me. You won't be worth much if you're scarred or missing a piece.” Holding his wooden spear firm with both hands, he raised it overhead. “BRING IT ON FOUL BEASTS! I, Eros Amaris of North Pass will crush- will run you through! I said come! Come and face my might!” He had shouted suddenly.
Letting out a drawn-out sigh she looked over at the large stick she held. She tossed it off to the side as she took a step back to the famous Eros of North Pass to handle the situation. Perhaps if she was lucky, whatever was lurking out there would eat him and she wouldn’t have much to worry about anyone.
Walking towards a large tree she turned to lean against it, her eyes settled on Eros as he prepared his attack. Too bad the lurking beasts acted before he did and burst from the treeline with one flying over the two and placing itself closest to Cyrene. The other two beasts raised and spread their wings as they bared their jagged teeth. Their pale faces and red eyes could strike fear into the heart of the unprepared traveler, their antlers and talons tipped sharp enough to gore or slash the most formidable of prey, and their wings gave them the ability to move swiftly to avoid those daring to fight back. Eros and Cyrene found themselves being pincered by three fierce perytons!