Elliot Witt
Also known as Mirage, The Holographic Trickster
Game Origin
Apex Legends
PT Imp Pack
The host has gotten a little smaller and more pale. His goggles have become a black armored plate with a built-in zoom feature, but less visibility, and are lined with teeth on the top and bottom. His torso harness has been added to, with oblong black shoulderplates in the shape of the Imps’ heads, including decorative curled horns, and teeth on the straps. There are two tubes like scuba tanks attached to the back of the harness, vertical along his back.
The host has gotten a little smaller and more pale. His goggles have become a black armored plate with a built-in zoom feature, but less visibility, and are lined with teeth on the top and bottom. His torso harness has been added to, with oblong black shoulderplates in the shape of the Imps’ heads, including decorative curled horns, and teeth on the straps. There are two tubes like scuba tanks attached to the back of the harness, vertical along his back.
Elliot is generally an upbeat sort of guy: He cracks jokes, sees the humor in most situations, and even when he's upset it usually comes out as witty remarks towards what's going on. He's always the cool dude, mister popular, loving having the spotlight shine on him and the fans cheer for him. Every choice he makes revolves around an entertainment factor and how much he can wring from a stunt, attempting to pull in the sponsors and rake in the revenue.
However, despite his seemingly huge ego and self-centered nature, he's actually quite the team player. He'll pick you up when you're down, never desert you in a firefight without your consent and he might even share supplies, free of charge if you remember you owe him one. He can be surprisingly compassionate and willing to listen when someone needs it, and for a friend he'll stick his neck out with no hesitation. Just don't get too upset when he gloats about helping you out.
The above mainly dictates the 'Mirage' he uses as a front, however. What he wants people to see. Elliot is quite panicky on the inside, and through stressful situations his composure can crack and show an uncertain side of his personality. When on his own, he tends to act more somber with his peppy demeanor disappearing, quiet and calculating as he has nobody to pretend for. Often these are when he is at his most effective without distractions, but his discomfort and negativity can be impactful to a point where he slips up, no different than from his cocky showoff attitude getting him into trouble. Elliot rarely allows this part of himself out to others, and probably won't let it out to anybody in this mysterious world, unless he truly gets to know them.
Born on the planet of Solace, a planet within a small cluster known as the Outlands on the fringes of the Frontier, Elliot was the youngest of four brothers. Due to this, he always attempted to use tricks and pranks to stand out, mastering the art of fooling others to get attention. Being the baby of the family, he became the tried and true favorite of his mother, and the picked on but endeared runt for his brothers. Growing up, Elliot's brothers partook in the Frontier War while he stayed behind with their mother, becoming an engineer specializing in pilot holo-tech as it was his mother's passion. His brothers never came back, leaving Elliot and his mother alone to work on their devices, which he constantly used to try and cheer her up in the form of practical jokes, but the loss of three sons had obviously taken a huge toll on her.
She slowly but surely began to see progressing signs of alzheimer's, forgetting the names of her sons on occasion, or mixing them up. Talking about the father that hadn't been around like he was there the whole time. As Elliot grew into an adult he became more and more concerned for his mother's mental health, eventually deciding that home care just wasn't enough anymore. His mother was placed into a specialized facility for her own preservation, Elliot paying out of pocket for the expenses. This had made life hard, and while working in one of his part-time bar jobs, he began to hear of the Apex games and the fame that could be made along with fortune. Seeing opportunity, he readied his holo-tech and qualified, competing in the games with enough wins to be granted Legend status, becoming one of the fan favorites in the Outlands.
That being said, Mirage has seen his fair share of drama from within the Games. From discovering a rival in the form of another Legend named Crypto, to seeing the arenas he fought in be blown up, have meltdowns, freeze over, then somehow end up on fire again. This didn't even mention the incidents he has gone through with other legends, such as the blackmail he ended up on the given end of in regard to a certain Loba Andrade joining the games and wanting to hire him for a mission to find some machine parts, which went swimmingly, I assure you. Adding onto this that the next woman to join the games was one Ramya Parekh who became a forced roommate of his and the drama and painful antics never seemed to end. Especially since directly after that, one of the planets he fought on had it's arena blown up. Again.
It happened during a match. Mirage was forced to go solo, having lost both of his teammates. Creeping about, he managed to make it to the last two squads, the bright painful zapping ring closing them all in as Elliot planned to make a final, drastic push to try and find victory. There'd never be a finalized decision to the match however, as a light brighter than the ring could ever hope to be took the contestants, the Kings Canyon arena, the planet of Solace, and the entirety of the Outlands, though Elliot is oblivious to the idea that more than him disappeared during this event.
Mirage is a highly agile mid to long range fighter, using a mixture of fast movement, repositioning and deception to outwitt his opponents on the battlefield while using the weapons at his disposal to actually clear them out. He's also an engineer, capable of building, repairing, or modifying machines or general electronics.
- Holographic Decoy - Mirage can deploy an identical holographic decoy of himself, which can mimic his movements, display what he's holding, and make audible footsteps. He can also send them on direct forward walking or running paths, even deploy it during a slide to send it forward in a fast sliding motion to fool enemies. Or he can leave them standing or crouching in place to look like a sitting duck.
When shot, they make a horrific static-y "You got Bamboozled!" sound effect. While they can usually endure multiple weaker attacks before dispersing, stronger attacks cause them to fade after one hit. After a decoy fades, or if Mirage simply wishes to dispose of the old decoy for a new on at his position, he has to wait at least fifteen seconds. And obviously, because they're holograms, even if they don't disperse it doesn't mean they absorb bullets, rather they go straight through. It could cause you to waste precious time if you think it's the real one, however... - Vanishing Act - Mirage cloaks for up to five seconds, moving stealthily across the battlefield while invisible to the naked eye. Using an Item or Attacking causes his cloak to instantly end, but he can interact with objects like doors and levers, or reload his weapons without dispelling his invisibility. If damaged during cloak, he flickers and becomes momentarily visible due to suit damage. He can also be spotted by alternative means, such as thermal vision or other methods of detecting life, as the ability only masks him physically. After Mirage becomes visible, this ability goes on a one-minute cooldown.
- Abyss Toddle (PT Imp Pack)- Mirage has gained a moderate increase to his swimming speed and visibility while underwater. Furthermore, he can repel water to remain on the surface with no change to his overall movement speed.
- Ping - Mirage can mark up to two locations, objects, or enemies within his view for him and his teammates to see with colorful, easily identifiable symbols depending on what he's trying to convey. These markers can go out of Mirage's sight once made, and will follow the pinged target over long distances, allowing for Mirage to track an object or individual, and can help teammates keep track of (or ambush) enemies in combat by giving away their location.
- Feast - Mirage couldn't resist the temptation of food, and even went for seconds before facing off against The Lady. Eating anything will restore his health in addition to its actual effects. He'll also receive a fast-diminishing attack boost after eating.
- Mobility - Mirage is an agile fighter, sprinting for long periods without running out of breath, easily vaulting over obstacles or climbing short walls and going into long action slides into giant springy jump pads all while keeping his aim true.
- Weapon Proficiency - Mirage is capable of handling firearms of a wide variety, not limited to pistols, assault rifles, sniper rifles, and shotguns. Due to the technological advancements in his own universe, energy variants of these types of weapons are also easily understood. (Think E-Tech guns from Borderlands, or Brute Spikers from Halo)
- You Got Bamboozled! - When a decoy is attacked, the attackers position is relayed to Mirage. This is only the position at the moment of the decoy being shot, and does not track the target afterwards unless the decoy is struck again, to which it will update the location of the attacker.
- Engineering Knowhow - Mirage is certified in mechanical and electrical engineering, able to fix, modify, or create machines based on the materials on-hand. This can make him helpful for general repairs on vehicles and equipment the party may have, and he can also find his way around a computer effectively, though he's not a hacker by any means. His true specialty is Holo-Pilot tech, technology based around deception and invisibility in and out of battle, ranging from full-body holo-suits to cloaking devices for items or even entire vehicles, if the resources he has allows it.
- Terrain Expertise - Mirage is able to navigate complex locations much easier from his experiences in exploring the Belly of the Maw, making use of things he'd of seen as obstacles before to push himself ahead and keep pace in more crowded environments, gain positional advantages over his opponents, or simply evade in a more effective manner using the terrain around him. Rubble and general path disruption is much less of a problem, and navigating places outside of combat even brings a little enjoyment.
- Not my pretty face! - Mirage can fight hand-to-hand and will if necessary, but he isn't the most durable, so taking hits isn't in his favor.
- Keep your mouth shut, Witt! - Elliot is great at using his words for mindgames and perhaps even motivation, but he is also really good at pissing people off when he doesn't intend to. Relying on him for negotiate is a terrible idea, especially if he has reason to dislike the individual(s) they're trying to convince. He also stutters a whole lot when scared, which probably doesn't help either.
- I came, I saw... I won! - Elliot tends to act cocky and show overconfidence in front of others to try and impress them. This can lead him into wonders of trouble, though Elliot's still not stupid enough to throw himself into certain death to prove a point. He's also very prone to accepting challenges, especially if someone talks him down about not being able to accomplish the task.
- Stubbier (PT Imp Pack)- Mirage's new height and shorter limbs make a few things from the past harder than before. Somebody help him reach the top shelf, please?!
- Thanatophobia - Witnessing the death of his diving-suit clone and hearing it's last words has left an imprint on Mirage, making him much more afraid moment-to-moment about his own demise. Prone to becoming anxious and stressed, he cannot sleep full nights even in the most peaceful and protected of places without disruption, causing him to be restless and show fatigue easier.
- PT-Imp Pack - Mirage fused with this Spirit at Link's suggestion while traversing the Bottomless Sea. Being his first interaction with a Spirit, it was somewhat jarring, and while his lessened height brought some personal worries, he came out of it still himself, with some sick clothes, to boot.
Kindred Spirits
- Claptrap, The Fragtrap - Both are obnoxious butt-monkeys in their own series, often being belittled and made fun of. It was only natural for a bond between the two to flourish, but God help anyone who has to deal with both of these talkative idiots being in the same room.
- Pathfinder - Mirage's closest friend inside and outside of the Apex Games. Despite him trying to repress it, in fear of what he's already lost in his life and not wanting to connect to another person he'd lose. Pathfinder himself is a MRVN unit that woke up in a warehouse on Solace one year, and has been looking to find his own purpose and creator ever since: Joining the Games in hope of becoming famous enough that his creator would notice him.
- Timothy Lawrence - Body-double the C.E.O of Hyperion, Handsome Jack, he took to getting a major reconstruction surgery to pay off his student loans. In all ways imaginable he was changed to be Jack, though his more nervous and uncertain personality has a tendency to fall through the cracks. Unfortunately due to poor contract reading Timothy has become Hyperion property and has been forced to 'be' Handsome Jack forever, though the madman's death in his own universe has at least allowed him to act of his free will.
- Wingman - The Wingman is a powerful revolver, capable of dealing heavy damage in singular shots, taking six shots before needing to reload. It uses a standardized ammunition type known as 'Heavy Ammo' which is used across many of the Frontier's firearms.
- Arc Star Grenades x1 - Arc Stars are grenades shaped sort of like ninja throwing stars, that stick on impact before releasing a disruptor explosion after 2.8 seconds, causing heavy damage to shielding devices and machines, and blurs vision along with lesser damage against living targets after exploding.
- Jetpack - A jetpack used in the Apex Games for skydiving into the arena, and preventing damage from long falls. Grants Fall Damage Immunity as long as it's equipped to Elliot.
- Mirage's Duds - Mirage's clothes made specifically for use with holo technology. Though he can fit the equipment onto other suits, it'd take downtime and definitely couldn't happen during a mission. If he loses this or it's destroyed, he will be unable to use any powers/passives that involve his holo-tech.
- Heavy Ammo - 100 standardized Heavy Ammunition. For use with weapons such as his Wingman.
- Pirate's Doubloon - Mirage found this while digging for buried treasure. It's chipped, but still pretty to look at. He assumes it may have some light value.
- Coconut - A coconut Mirage found, fallen from a tree. He figures he can use it if he becomes thirsty, or as a makeshift blunt force object if necessary.
- Scallop Shellx5 - Pretty shells Mirage found in the sand. He hopes to eventually turn them into a necklace as a reminder of his vacation.
- Spotted Egg - Mirage found this egg in a sand mound, though felt conflicted about keeping it. Wanting companionship, he is attempting to care for the egg to see what happens when it hatches.
- Mysterious Fossil- Mirage dug up this heavy beauty while looking for buried treasure. He likes it as a souvenir, but wouldn't mind having another purpose for it one day.
Overlord Mao
Game Origin
Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention
Mao has gotten taller, reaching teenager height. His skin tone has darkened just a touch, dark eye shadow is applied, and the left half of his hair has actually gotten less spiky, as well as turning dark brown. An array of bandages crisscross his chest under his shirt, which has gotten just short enough to expose part of his midriff. His shirt has also split at the shoulders, revealing his upper biceps, with the lower part becoming long fingerless gloves. His red coat has turned more of a vermillion and gained a hood. His shoes have turned orange and gotten both longer and pointier. His personality has gotten scrappier and more sarcastic, with a mild kleptomaniacal streak.
Mao is the abrasive sort: Definitely confrontational and an aggressor, he isn't afraid to state his mind and push towards a goal with full force, though he isn't without reason despite his stubbornness. He's had to comply with others in the past to reach his endgame, and he'll do it again if it means reaching a conclusion. He realizes his situation and knows his Overlordship has been stripped, leaving him on equal footing with others, and therefor doesn't actively try to make those around him submit like he might back home. That being said, it's not like he's your friend either, kindness and rudeness are opposites in his world: To be kind is to be a delinquent, and to be cruel is to excel. So his rudeness and general dismissive attitude of others can come off as terrible, and truly it is, but from his reality that is simply how the world works.
Mao is also... Quirky, when it comes to his hobbies. He (not admittedly, mind you) is a huge fan of Super Heroes, and finds himself partaking in very questionable studies such as 'proper school skirt lengths', 'optional amount of food poisoning to kill a classmate', or 'how many books you have to burn to cook a turkey'. He's an oddball and not in a positive way, some would find. The way he'll happily use individuals as live experiments for him to prod and stab at show sadism in his personality, and in combat he has a tendency to play with his food and knock around opponents a bit more than necessary. Though if this is purely to stroke his own ego or if he's trying to weaken them to the point of strapping them to an operating table is undecided. It's probably best to assume both.
However, Mao is currently undergoing a mental infection caused by attempting to force himself to be a hero so he could slay his father. He is slowly leaning into being compassionate and considerate of others, something he quickly attempts to dismiss when it comes up as he isn't willing to accept the changes within his own mind. Slowly but surely, he is gaining more heroic tendencies, and to what extent this will carry on, he isn't quite sure. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't afraid, and as such he will lie about it, as one such as himself shouldn't fear anything, let alone something as pitiful as some delinquent emotions. He'll find a solution, and smash this kindness back into the depths below the Netherworld itself, so he can fully go back to his old ways.
Mao was raised in the Netherworld of Maritsu Evil Academy, a Netherworld entirely based around one giant school, where his father ruled as the Overlord, or Dean, and he himself was the number one honor student with an EQ (Evil Quotient!) of 1.8 Million. He has held a grudge against his father ever since he was young for accidentally stomping on one of his precious video games after he had fully grinded all of his amazing characters, and has made it his mission in life to dethrone his father and become Dean himself.
This has lead him down a path of many trials, from stealing a Hero's title and power, to having to seek the truth about how he feels within his own heart to unleash his true potential. He's fought against beasts of all kinds, the upperclassmen, and even the occasional teacher that decided to get in his way in the Overlord's Path he was paving: All of it supported by his loyal servant Geoffrey. The one man Mao never felt had any sort of control or judgement towards him, ended up being the biggest foil of all, as he revealed as Mao grew stronger that he was in fact a Hero who raised him to be the ultimate fight, to claim his power and then purge other Netherworlds. Mao had no choice but to face him in combat, and by the end, the Overlord's Son came out victorious. Sparing the Hero's life, but enslaving him as a victim for experimentation as punishment.
After all of this, Mao found his father to be passing away slowly. He had been hoping to raise Mao to be a kind Overlord, and was proud of the majority of his choices along his journey. The boy still felt his more evil ways to be superior, but couldn't lie that deep down, he respected his father and somewhat wanted to fulfill his wishes by being the best Dean he could ever be. Soon after his father's passing. Mao himself became Overlord, and began trying to run the Academy how he saw fit.
This wasn't destined to last long, however, as when he went to deal with some 'Baal' guy that was disturbing the Netherworld, he'd not been met with a demon, but with a blinding light. Mao was underestimating Baal's power to begin with, but not even the Tyrant Overlord could have resisted this light. Despite the brightness, their Netherworld was truly snuffed out. And it's left Mao in a very pestering situation...
Mao is a short to mid-range fighter than attacks with sword strikes and non-elemental magical blasts.

- Blast Finger - Mao discards or sheathes his weapon, charging non-elemental magic in one hand and delivering a brutal punch, while attempting to grab hold of his opponent with his other hand to blast them point-blank with a full strength magic blast. This blast can also be used as a sort of short-ranged magical burst, but doesn't travel very far. It does, however, cover a wide area in front of Mao, which can be helpful for clearing his general vicinity.
- Magichange - Mao can turn non-humanoid creatures into temporary weapons, the type of weapon and it's effects/power depending on the creature's own attributes. Transforming a creature grants Mao access to their abilities for the duration of the Magichange, though usually tempered to work with the weapon transformation. When Magichange ends, the creature used will be K.O'd.
- Evil Modification - Mao gains access to four mechanical limbs that emerge from beneath his coat on command. Each comes with their own dangerous attachment to dish out pain or to be used as utility where applicable outside of combat: a pair of large dissecting scissors, a drill, a buzz saw, and a comically large surgical scalpel.
- Guayota Shell (Shayne & Aurox) - Mao can summon Aurox around him. He acts as both weapon (able to strike on his own with the sharp claws on his long arms or envelop Mao’s own) and armor (able to block incoming attacks as a durable stone armor). When active Aurox is tethered to Mao and drains his energy at a low but constant rate. He can, however, replenish himself from nearby energy sources if given a moment.
- Fetch - Mao and Aurox can temporarily split apart, allowing Aurox free movement on the battlefield to pursue enemies for a short period of time without the hinderance of his host. Attempting to wander too far, or grabbing an enemy will cause Aurox to quickly be pulled back and reverted to an armor state around Mao. A grabbed enemy is forcibly pulled towards Mao's position for a follow-up attack.
- Shine Beam - Mao can use his charged magic to fire non-elemental beams from his hands to assault enemies. Fires a fast and narrow laser that can twist and turn mid-flight, blocking off routes or caging opponents in the trail it leaves behind while potentially snaring them by piercing through their bodies. Upon stopping, the beam quickly bloats, expanding to dig into the caught victims and further limit their movement before disappearing after a short period of time.
- Dean-monic Might - Mao is a full-fledged demon, displaying strength to pick up foes that tower over him, and speed to rush down his opponents that'd dare to try and escape. These feats would make most think twice before going toe-to-toe with him, though he's far from invincible. Especially in this World of Light...
- Mad Scientist - Mao's Evil Quotient of 1.8 Million leads him into partaking in torturous dissecting and experimentation on living beings to sate his own curiosity about how they tick. This has led him into being able to identify primary traits and weaknesses of creatures on the fly. While exploiting weaknesses is nice, this has a surprisingly simple effect: Due to his excessive knowledge on humanoids he gains a juicy damage bonus against them, knowing all of their precious little weak spots.
- Innate Magic - Mao has an innate attunement to non-elemental magic, spells that cannot exploit weaknesses but also cannot be resisted by natural affinity. Of course, his connection to magic aids in defending against it as well, able to take a fireball like any other punch to the face. Unless it's a massive fireball... Or a massive punch to the face?
- Chilled - Mao has a weakness to Ice attacks, taking roughly 30% additional damage from them. Adding to this, Mao has a distaste for cold climates in general, and seems to always perform worse in them unless he is heavily clothed to compensate. Who thought an Overlord could be such a wimp?
- Four-Eyes - Mao's glasses are unfortunately not just for show. Without them, his general vision is much worse, though he especially has trouble with things the farther they are from him. This impacts the accuracy of all of his attacks, and makes it more difficult for Mao to observe his surroundings in meaningful detail, or even spot threats so he can dodge them. His general worse-for-wear eyesight also makes him a unlikely candidate for using firearms or bows.
- Sickening Kindness - Mao takes his high authority in the Netherworld very seriously, and that includes maintaining the evil expected of the #1 Honor Student of Maritsu Evil Academy. To the point that acts delinquency, or as a normal person would call it, Kindness, can make him physically sick and weaker. Though it's only when Mao himself is committing acts of kindness and he or someone else is acknowledging him doing it that he'll become weaker. He's still distasteful of general kindness from others, but seeing someone else hug a puppy isn't going to weaken his combat ability. It might make him puke a little in his mouth though.
- Of Two Minds (Shayne & Aurox) - Though technically an extension of Mao’s own spirit, Aurox is argumentative, resentful and prideful. If not handled with care he can act out, refuse to help, or even actively hinder Mao. He may even self-manifest and offer unwanted interjections.
- Ara Mitama (Royal) - Demon Spirit obtained from Primrose. Mao's violent nature easily swayed Ara Mitama to serve him as a Striker, able to cast an assortment of spells or serve as a temporary shield with it's innate Physical Resistance.
- Shayne & Aurox- An unlikely combination of fighters that tried to interrupt Mao's fight against The Dragonborn beneath Rocket Inc. Supposedly slain during one of Ciella's AOE attacks, once the battle ended Mao decided to turn their combined Spirit into his own experiment, fusing with them and gaining an unruly internal ally.
Kindred Spirits
- Raspberyl - The number one delinquent in Maritsu Evil Academy, and regretfully for Mao one of his closest friends. Where he once considered her to be worthless, her aid saved him more times than he could count. He owes her respect but his attitude refuses to give it, instead coming out as insults though she knows him well enough to tell his intentions. People have rumored that the two are in love, but Mao denies such a thing! He doesn't 'love' anybody, let alone some delinquent twit! You want a sword in your face, do you?! Then say something that idiotic to Mao's face!
- Dr. Alexander Nox - Alexander Nox, creator of 'Nox Gas', the ultimate pesticide. He takes pride in his insect killer, and in the name of science, decided to push his toxin beyond the literal insects and instead test it on the metaphorical ones: That is to say, humans. He has no value for human life beyond an individual's intellect, and will happily entrap individuals to see how long they can last against his work. After being discovered and almost turned in to authorities, he faked his own death and entered the Apex Games not as Alexander Nox, but as the mysterious and brutal scientist known as 'Caustic'. He has risen to become one of the best with the use of his unique weaponry, and takes joy in knowing every battle is an experiment in the making.
- Longsword - An average longsword, not the most competent of weapons but far from the worst. Mao wields it in one hand with surprising finesse.
- Hard Candyx1 - Healing candies from Mao's world. Pop one of these in your mouth and your wounds will soothe in no time! But they will rot your teeth...
- BBQ Saucex4 - Drinks and condiments in Mao's world restore magical power. Mao just wishes he had some ribs to slather this sauce on instead of just drinking the damn stuff...
- Vandal Scarf - A long purple scarf of synthetic fibers from a far-flung future. Worn by the savage space pirates of the Fallen race, it is a symbol of ruthlessness and terror
- Heirloom of the Slain - A steel spear with an austere design, its metal polished and its wood both dark and hard. Although not as long and defensive as some spears, its compact make and large head allow it to inflict above-average damage.
- Power Punch A potion that temporarily doubles the user’s size, increasing damage output but lowering relative speed and making for an easier target. Because the potion’s so small, one gulp is enough to deplete it.
- Respectless Rubber Glove Despite being a glove, its primary use is as headgear. When worn it provides pretty much nothing in the way of armor, but increases the likelihood and duration of Rage, Taunt, and similar effects. Plus, you can drop it at someone’s feet to initiate a Duel if accepted, which will cause both the user and the target to be unable to damage anyone but the other until the Duel is finished.
Kazuma Kiryu
Also known as 'The Dragon of Dojima', 'Fourth Chairman', 'Uncle Kaz'.
Game Origin
Yakuza Series (Specifically 0, Kiwami 1, Kiwami 2)
Kiryu can come off as quiet, imposing, and to most, terrifying. A fairly large man with a usually quiet demeanor upon first meeting, he carries a tone that marks the seriousness of his words. He's a straight to the point type of person, not liking when people stall or beat around the bush for too long. His mind is fairly grounded, melded by experience and it allows him to converse on numerous topics, giving a precise if short summary of what he thinks.
He's an understanding individual, thinking it clear to let people live life the way they prefer. He doesn't judge people on their choices, unless they appear harmful to those around the individual, though will still question someone to at least sate his own curiosity.
This is just biting the surface. While Kiryu may seem to have a somewhat cold exterior, he's quite colorful underneath it all. A fan of many activities you'd never expect, he can find a lot of joy out of life and shows willingness to give most things a try, at least once if they're within reason. Whatever he's doing, he puts his heart and soul into it: Taking it extremely seriously be it passionate karaoke, racing miniature cars, or golfing.
Despite being fairly wise, his quiet nature is also because he's a bit awkward. He doesn't have a lot of tact, and can be thrown off surprisingly easy depending on what's being said to him. He has a normal routine of methods he thinks can solve most problems, and they can occasionally make things worse, or generally don't make a lot of sense in specific context. He can find himself making an occasional misunderstanding varying in severity, his mind sometimes wandering to bizarre places that don't yield the result the other person is hoping for, which only adds to things sometimes going wrong.
But, despite this, he will do anything in his power to help someone in need. Be it buying a dirty magazine, beating thugs threatening a person, or playing couples' therapist, Kiryu will attempt to address your troubles if asked, and can surprisingly effective at things he's never even tried before. Despite his head-first approach, he has a fair amount of wit and strategy that allow for him to approach numerous situations. Seeing someone in danger, be it friend or stranger, can easily get the man ready to attack. He always looks out for those that need it, and doesn't expect much back unless it was something he was promised.
Kiryu's biggest soft spot is with children: To correct them, set them on the right path, or just generally look after them is his goal. That being said, being a soft spot doesn't mean he's always soft. He can be harsh when it comes to correcting kids, but also tries to make up for it where he can. Despite lectures he is mainly kind, and understanding: He's willing to go to quite far lengths to try and bring them a smile if they're upset, and if they are in need then he's the first responder.
Kindness aside, Kiryu also has a pretty rough side. When it comes to thugs, dirtbags, or any sort of P.O.S causing a problem, Kiryu is barely a step behind them. When confronted with someone who disgusts him, he's not above insulting and then assaulting them until they learn their lesson. And if they cross him in a severe way, such as harming someone he cares for, or absolutely stomping on his moral code, he will not hesitate to wage a one-man army against them with all his might until he has the opportunity to beat their face in. This rage will never lead him to murder, however. He refuses to cross that line, no matter how much his anger might push him to attempt to do so. He always keeps his morals first, which can be jarring when he's stomping someone's head like it's a watermelon, as self-defense is a different story entirely. His biggest hope is whoever he beats down decides to become a functioning member of society, rather than the scum of the earth, but believes that defending himself and those around him from incoming threats does prioritize over extending mercy to those that chose to pick a deadly fight with him first.
He's not naive enough to trust that it will work, at least not anymore, but will still try, hopeful. He's willing to give people a second chance depending on the situation, which some might think is reckless. But with his wish to have more peaceful surroundings, he'd be relieved to have someone change their ways rather than throw their lives away against him.
A full summary of events can be found Here for the curious. It is too much for me to write in it's entirety, the beginning of Yakuza 0 all the way to the end of Kiwami 2, and this link provides a good writeup already. Instead what is provided is a not-totally awesome summary of these three games. I highly suggest if you care about the backstory to read the link's material instead. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Kazuma Kiryu is a man who has lived a life of constant motion, which was good in some ways and bad in others. From orphan to Yakuza grunt, he's always carried an ideal of how they should act. Respect, peaceful to the common man, not absolute thugs. Things a father-figure taught him mixed with naive dreams of comfort, and respectfully wanting to make the man proud. This reality has been shattered for him from a young age, specifically starting at twenty when he was placed into a situation involving him being framed for murder by Tojo Clan superiors in order to get at the man who looked after him.
Out of respect for the man who brought him above an orphan's life, he was one to fight back against this framing, to the point of leaving the Tojo Clan. Unfortunately, this only pushed the blame further onto his parental figure, bringing him grief and making him strive to find the root of the problem, which set him on a journey of pain and strife involving betrayal and the longed for piece of land known as the Empty Lot.
Through his journey, Kiryu found himself in many violent situations, and even taking time to run a real estate business to fund his mission. Though there were those that'd help him on his way, just as many would find their lives ending prematurely as the deeper delve into the entangling dramas of the Tojo Clan and it's subsidiaries. A steeled resolve and pure heart carried Kiryu forward through worsening situations, acting as a one-man army against boundless Yakuza trying to get in his way.
By the end of it all, Kiryu corrected what mistakes were made and managed to clear his name. He rejoined the Tojo Clan, and from there on he was 'The Dragon of Dojima', and noticed as one of the strongest men to ever grace the clan's presence. He planned to carve out a more peaceful life, but Kiryu never got to rest for too long.
In the coming year, he'd end up in prison for ten years, taking the fall for a murder for someone else of his own choice. By the time he was released, things were in turmoil, and he had to quickly work to try and patch things back together. Such has Kiryu's life been for a long time, when his fists would do the talking for a lot of troubles he himself had.
He attempted to reunite with his father figure after ten years, at the funeral of the third Tojo chairman. only to see him shot in front of his eyes. He lived, but Kiryu became the suspect of the attempted murder and it turned the Tojo Clan on him, especially with a large drama revolving around ten billion yen having everyone on edge. Once again, Kiryu had to fight to clear his name, beating down everything between him and the root of the situation. He found comfort and motivation in one Haruka Sawamura, a girl with similar origins to his own. The child was searching for her mother, and showed a determination that motivated Kiryu to not only help her, but to also take her under his wing as a protector as they worked towards their goals.
It was during this struggle that Kiryu also lost his father figure, who gifted him the will of the Third Chairman. This only fueled Kiryu's fury and drove him to barrel through every opposing force, trailing right up to the two sources of it all. A bloody fight proceeded, but it didn't stop Kiryu from coming out on top.
Unfortunately, Haruka would barely get to see her mother again. The last time would be after she was mortally wounded, being left with a few parting words. Kiryu took full responsibility for Haruka afterwards, attempting to clean his hands of the Yakuza yet again. However, in the will of the previous Chairman, Kiryu was appointed to become the fourth. Not one to take such a role, he passed it onto a man who tried to protect his father prior to his death, so he could focus on Haruka full-time and operate as a father.
While paying respects to his father figure, the appointed Fourth Chairman joined him. Where, tragedy struck as he was shot and killed by an at the time, unknown group. His death throwing the Tojo Clan into chaos yet again, Kiryu took it upon himself to yet again solve the problems the clan faced. This included finding a new potential chairman and attempting to form alliances, the former going decently but the latter absolutely going to hell through the betrayal of one Ryuji Goda, who had the view of one 'Dragon' being able to exist, seeing Kiryu as the ultimate test for his own worth.
Ryuji planned war against the Tojo Clan and the place they called home. Kiryu prepared as best he could, but numerous angles kept him on edge as more players entered the game. A thought to be purged mafia simply used Ryuji's need for self-worth to push their own wishes to destroy the Tojo Clan, and Kiryu came to discover that the man he thought was dead, the fourth chairman, was actually a member from this mafia seeking revenge upon the clan as well.
By the end of the conflict, most sides were dead. The only two standing were Kiryu, and the man he came to deeply respect, Ryuji. A bomb the fourth chairman prepared atop the building they stood on was ticking, there wasn't time to escape and neither wanted to. Kiryu gave Ryuji the fight he wanted, and proved through sheer strength, despite the bullets he'd taken prior and the blood leaking from his body, that he was nobody to consider a pushover regardless of the state he was in. Both were ready to die on that rooftop, injured and still trying to throw hands until their last breaths. Unfortunately, a conclusion to the fight or the explosion would never truly happen, as before a potential blast could take them, a light that engulfed the dark night sky. and everything around them, leaving Kiryu in yet another situation that he'd find himself having to fight out of.
Little did this World of Light know the Dragon it was unleashing upon itself by bringing him here.
Out of respect for the man who brought him above an orphan's life, he was one to fight back against this framing, to the point of leaving the Tojo Clan. Unfortunately, this only pushed the blame further onto his parental figure, bringing him grief and making him strive to find the root of the problem, which set him on a journey of pain and strife involving betrayal and the longed for piece of land known as the Empty Lot.
Through his journey, Kiryu found himself in many violent situations, and even taking time to run a real estate business to fund his mission. Though there were those that'd help him on his way, just as many would find their lives ending prematurely as the deeper delve into the entangling dramas of the Tojo Clan and it's subsidiaries. A steeled resolve and pure heart carried Kiryu forward through worsening situations, acting as a one-man army against boundless Yakuza trying to get in his way.
By the end of it all, Kiryu corrected what mistakes were made and managed to clear his name. He rejoined the Tojo Clan, and from there on he was 'The Dragon of Dojima', and noticed as one of the strongest men to ever grace the clan's presence. He planned to carve out a more peaceful life, but Kiryu never got to rest for too long.
In the coming year, he'd end up in prison for ten years, taking the fall for a murder for someone else of his own choice. By the time he was released, things were in turmoil, and he had to quickly work to try and patch things back together. Such has Kiryu's life been for a long time, when his fists would do the talking for a lot of troubles he himself had.
He attempted to reunite with his father figure after ten years, at the funeral of the third Tojo chairman. only to see him shot in front of his eyes. He lived, but Kiryu became the suspect of the attempted murder and it turned the Tojo Clan on him, especially with a large drama revolving around ten billion yen having everyone on edge. Once again, Kiryu had to fight to clear his name, beating down everything between him and the root of the situation. He found comfort and motivation in one Haruka Sawamura, a girl with similar origins to his own. The child was searching for her mother, and showed a determination that motivated Kiryu to not only help her, but to also take her under his wing as a protector as they worked towards their goals.
It was during this struggle that Kiryu also lost his father figure, who gifted him the will of the Third Chairman. This only fueled Kiryu's fury and drove him to barrel through every opposing force, trailing right up to the two sources of it all. A bloody fight proceeded, but it didn't stop Kiryu from coming out on top.
Unfortunately, Haruka would barely get to see her mother again. The last time would be after she was mortally wounded, being left with a few parting words. Kiryu took full responsibility for Haruka afterwards, attempting to clean his hands of the Yakuza yet again. However, in the will of the previous Chairman, Kiryu was appointed to become the fourth. Not one to take such a role, he passed it onto a man who tried to protect his father prior to his death, so he could focus on Haruka full-time and operate as a father.
While paying respects to his father figure, the appointed Fourth Chairman joined him. Where, tragedy struck as he was shot and killed by an at the time, unknown group. His death throwing the Tojo Clan into chaos yet again, Kiryu took it upon himself to yet again solve the problems the clan faced. This included finding a new potential chairman and attempting to form alliances, the former going decently but the latter absolutely going to hell through the betrayal of one Ryuji Goda, who had the view of one 'Dragon' being able to exist, seeing Kiryu as the ultimate test for his own worth.
Ryuji planned war against the Tojo Clan and the place they called home. Kiryu prepared as best he could, but numerous angles kept him on edge as more players entered the game. A thought to be purged mafia simply used Ryuji's need for self-worth to push their own wishes to destroy the Tojo Clan, and Kiryu came to discover that the man he thought was dead, the fourth chairman, was actually a member from this mafia seeking revenge upon the clan as well.
By the end of the conflict, most sides were dead. The only two standing were Kiryu, and the man he came to deeply respect, Ryuji. A bomb the fourth chairman prepared atop the building they stood on was ticking, there wasn't time to escape and neither wanted to. Kiryu gave Ryuji the fight he wanted, and proved through sheer strength, despite the bullets he'd taken prior and the blood leaking from his body, that he was nobody to consider a pushover regardless of the state he was in. Both were ready to die on that rooftop, injured and still trying to throw hands until their last breaths. Unfortunately, a conclusion to the fight or the explosion would never truly happen, as before a potential blast could take them, a light that engulfed the dark night sky. and everything around them, leaving Kiryu in yet another situation that he'd find himself having to fight out of.
Little did this World of Light know the Dragon it was unleashing upon itself by bringing him here.
Neutralizing opponents in the most brutal way possible, and accepting every side quest.
Heat - Whenever Kiryu lands an attack or grab, the heat gauge begins to fill. Once filled to a certain point, he will begin glowing with a blue aura, making him more difficult to knock down and allowing him to unleash a Heat Action, a brutal attack on one or more opponents using weapons, the environment, or the enemies themselves if they're lucky and Kiryu doesn't feel like using his own fists. Kiryu can store enough Heat for up to two Heat Actions, though Heat is also lost when he is hit without blocking. If Kiryu goes on the defensive for too long, he will also begin to lose Heat at a rapid rate regardless of damage taken. When a battle ends, Kiryu retains leftover Heat and it flares up during the start of his next encounter.
- Dragon of Dojima -Kiryu is an experienced and powerful close-ranged combatant, able to stop pouncing tigers mid-air and blow them back with focused punches, pick up heavy items to weaponize by slamming or throwing, and lift people twice his size to toss them around. Add on his brutal nature when it comes to fighting, and you've got a living, breathing bulldozer (Hopefully) on your side.
- Komaki Style - Kiryu has been trained by multiple masters, but a notable one is Komaki. Kiryu has techniques to counter opponents or additionally, disarm them (Though disarming does require Heat,) and can quickstep around enemy attacks, or entirely around enemies of similar size before delivering devastating attacks of his own while his opponent is open.
- Minigame Mastery - Kiryu has partaken in an immense amount of activities over the years, and with his sheer tenacity and overly dedicated nature has become quite adept at all of them. Be it racing pocket cars, danceoffs, arcade games, or numerous games of skill such as pool, darts or shoji. He learns quick and aims to do the absolute best he can at every activity, even if his emotional investment can seem a little... Strange.
- There Just Ain't Any Winnin' Against An Old Hag - Kiryu has a weakness when it comes to elderly women. Due to... Difficulties, throughout his life, they entirely overwhelm him. Add onto the fact that he was bad with girls to begin with, and that he'd never hit a woman, and they can pretty much run all over him without issue, no matter the intent. This can also make him a liability against female combatants.
- Bullet Stun - Kiryu can tank a lot of physical damage, but bullets (And piercing projectiles in general,) are a problem. Where some heroes can keep running after such an attack, Kiryu will either be stunned to his knees or entirely floored after being shot. He can get back up, but enemies can cause him to lose valuable time in a fight because of it.
- Long-Ranged Issues - Kiryu's not much of a ranged fighter. He can throw items short distances, but enemies in good positions or distanced away from him have an advantage as he has to try to dodge while closing the gap. A lack of ability to fight at range only increases his projectile vulnerability.
- N/A
Kindred Spirits
- Haruka's Marble - A pink marble ball, given to Kiryu as a gift from Haruka. A valued possession, but not really worth much outside of sentimental value.
- Toughness Z x2 - Drinks that restore the user's health by approximately 20% each.
- Cigarettes - A pack of cigarettes, mainly used for their intended purpose but he can also use them during Heat Actions.
- Lighter - A lighter, mainly just used for lighting his cigarettes. Though it has any applications a small amount of flame could, he figures.
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