Guin wasn't exactly surprised to see Scott and Jean at the front steps of the mansion - they weren't around as often as they used to be, but members of the previous team line-up still dropped in from time to time. Once an X-Man, always an X-Man (although, other superhero groups tended to have this problem as well - such as the Avengers).
She wouldn't describe herself as being thrilled to see them either - she wasn't particularly close with either Scott or Jean, and she tended to find them somewhat patronizing at best. They reminded her of people who had peaked in high school, unable to move on, perpetually reliving the glory days. And they were good people too - so good that it made her roll her eyes. It'd be easier if they messed up more often, if Jean went Dark Phoenix more than just one time, but for the most part, they were Xavier's golden children.
Needless to say, Guin was neutral at best when it came to running into Scott and Jean. Pietro had dragged her along, and she hadn't fought it - in her weird funky headspace, she knew deep down it was probably for the best. She gave a half wave, half salute to Scott and Jean.
"Don't you already know she's not here?" Guin pointed out bluntly, her gaze directed at Jean.
Runa was lost deep in thought, staring at the small can that Bethany had handed to her. It was a strange thing, a cylinder of sorts - when she shook it, she could hear the liquid sloshing around inside. There was no discernable way to open it - it was completely sealed on either side, without a cap to unscrew like a flask, no stopper to remove either. Just smooth, cheap metal. Discretely, Runa glanced around to see how others approached the problem, but then realized all those who had opened them had already done so. She'd been so focused on this challenge that she had missed her cousin enter the room, too, alongside Edus. "Are you enjoying yourself, cousin?" Runa asked, before quietly banging the can against the edge of the counter - perhaps that would create an opening?
Avery Spellman

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~
"He probably looks the same," Avery reasoned with a slight laugh - babies were bald, too, after all. And their heads were somewhat mishapened and wrinkled, and their mobility was similarly limited. The main difference, they supposed, would be in attire - although it would not surprise them if they were to learn that even as a baby, Professor X wore a suit and tie.
They headed up to the attic with Carolina though, being careful not to breathe in too deeply - they figured it was probably incredibly dusty, and they didn't need to have a coughing fit. Their lungs were relatively new, but given how their deafness had transferred over to this body, Avery figured any pre-existing lung damage was there as well. They didn't need to add onto it.