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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Mansion
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day

Ok, Klara was cool. She was good people. Perhaps Perry was too quick to judge. "Oh thank you! I love playing around with fashion and mixing trends. Perhaps when this is all done we can talk shop a bit. I am curious what Asgardian's consider high fashion. Perhaps we can compare notes!"

Everyone else seemed ready, though it appeared Ed would not be joining them. Perry wasn't too surprised, he didn't seem like much of a joiner. "So are we doing standard Clue or updating it with our own rules? It never made sense to me to play a character that was the murderer and guessing yourself still won the game. Wouldn't a murderer be actively trying to throw people off? But since we have noobs here, the standard game would work too."
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: l
Current Outfit: Header Image

Third times the charm he guessed. Max was glad to see that Klara had no recollection of him. A third fresh start, hopefully not one that would end up pitting them against each other or having one of them lose their souls. This Klara, however, seemed much more relaxed than the others. A clear mixture of the visuals of Wandaworld with a mentality leaning towards Limbos Klara. ”Have to agree with you there. Love practicing my magic…when it doesn't go horribly wrong that is. Ed you're more than welcome to join us. You can even dress up too. It'll be fuuuun.” Max sang.

”As for the rules. I figured we modify it. There may be a killer amongst us still, but that's for the danger room to decide and us to find out. Maybe have it so that whoever is the killer should try and throw off the trail. Add their own red hearings, or purposely make false deductions to throw off a scent. All while the others attempt to figure out not only who the killer is, but if it's one amongst us or not. I think adding that element of the unknown could help keep everyone on their toes.” Max said, nodding in agreement to Perry's question. But really it was all dependent on how well the Danger Room could handle such a situation.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Bethany Bell

Mansion, Kitchen
Skills: N/A

"Alrighty then." Bethany said as she searched around and found some cola that was in the fridge and grabbed that before getting back up and turned to face Runa handing her the can. "Here you go." Bethany said as she closed the fridge behind her and leaned herself up against the fridge slightly. She could hear the group in the other room talking about a game of Clue from the sounds of it, she never did play the game really growing up. But given the last time they did play a game with Runa and Klara around it was Loki who did it, and that game didn't go out all that well or fun at all really.

"So what do you two want to do anyway?" Bethany asked as she looked between Runa and Lance, they could join that game of Clue, but she wasn't really all that interested in it either really. Bethany was still enjoying the quiet day so far and nothing to crazy or dramatic was going on either and just enjoyed talking and hanging out.

Carolina Reed

Location: X-Mansion, Library.
Skills: N/A

Carolina blushed slightly when she felt Avery squeezing her hand and met their gaze and held it for a moment before nodding towards them. "Sounds good lets head up to the attic then." Carolina said giving Avery another smile as she gently took his hand and started to head up the stairs and up to the second floor.

She thought about the old uniforms that the older X-Men team used to wear was actually pretty interesting and wondered if they could find anything like that up there. Or anything else that was interesting in there as she started to giggle slightly. "Maybe we'll find old baby pictures of Professor Xavier or something like that while we are in there." Carolina pointed out that would be pretty amusing actually to see.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: Mansion - Outside
Skills: N/A

He followed along after them back into the mansion, heading for the kitchen and going back over to the table that he and Bethany had been at before. Lance was just sort of thinking now about the question that Bethany had asked about what they should do now. And honestly he had no idea, before he honestly been thinking about just reading or something like that really.

"Not sure honestly," he said to her with a bit of a shrug, before looking over at Runa, "Anything you want to do Runa? Or we could just sit here and talk some more or something like that." He was fine really with any sort of option or something like that right now. Things were calm, and so it made it easier to just relax and have conversations at the moment. So he was fine with any options the other two came up with.

Location: Mansion - Hallway
Skills: N/A

Klara thought for a moment about whether or not she wanted to join them or something for the game, before eventually settling on shaking her, "Nah, I don't think I'll join in. I usually would likely be more of the person you send to take down the person whose the murderer, less figuring it out, I don't know, I just don't have the patience for that sort of thing really."

"Well the offer stands if you want to join in," Mira commented, shrugging her shoulders a bit at the conversation.

She just nodded in response, before looking at Perry, "After your game we can talk then, how about that? I think it'd be fun."

Mira half tuned out what was being talked about and glanced over at the conversation with regards to what sort of rules they'd play the game with. "Whenever I've played, usually we turned the person guessing themselves as the murder into a joke. Laughing at the idea they wanted a reward and were trying to get it for themselves or something amusing like that. I don't care what rules we play with though personally."

Over where Pietro, Guin and Annie were, the speedster just shrugged a bit when it came to the idea of who could be at the door or something like that. "I mean, I'm fine with seeing whose there or not. Doesn't matter overall to me. Could be just about anyone."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Mansion - waylaid in the hall -> Kitchen

Ed had no desire to join the game. He nodded to the group and gestured to the Kitchen. "Well might as well head toward the kitchen. Sure to be someone in there." There were lots of places the X-men could be, but they had already run into a significant chunk of the group. It shouldn't be too hard to find the others. They'd likely be in the kitchen or outside. Or their rooms, but Ed didn't care to bother people if they were in their rooms.

Entering the kitchen, Ed held the door waiting for Klara to follow him. He glanced into the room and saw that there were a few in the room. Klara would obviously know Runa, but he didn't know if she would actually remember Lance or Bethany. So that was another two marked off his mental list to introduce her to.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Outside – X-Mansion
Skills: Running

Antoinette looked at Guin with concern before she looked at Pietro. Should they do something? Antoinette didn’t know the struggle of addiction, but she knew the struggle of having PTSD. Some days were good; other days were really bad. In the beginning, a car backfiring would set Antoinette into panic attacks. Nowadays, it was only when there was heavy gunfire that she started to hyperventilate; going back to that day, she heard her mother being killed.

Antoinette swallowed and looked back to the car and the door. ”Well, we are already here. May as well see who it,” Antoinette said and marched ahead to see who else was here aside from Runa and Klara.

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Bethany Bell

Mansion, Kitchen
Skills: N/A

Bethany handed Runa her soda and went over and sat down at the table and started to think about what to actually do as she looked at Lance for a moment and then over at Runa who was pretty quiet. She didn't have any intention on joining in on the whole Clue game that some of the others were wanting to do. She really did hate having to dress up, Bethany preferred her usual clothes and dressing up in a costume was just really tacky to her.

"We could order some food or something if you want, or maybe see about watching a movie or whatever in the living room." Bethany suggested as she turned her attention towards the kitchen door as she saw Ed sticking his head into the room. She smiled and gave Ed a slight wave towards him. "Heya Ed whats up?" Bethany asked him.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Mansion
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day

Perry did her best to hold in the fangirl squeal as Kiara wanted to talk to her about fashion later but it came out as a small wail-like echo before she clamped her mouth shut. "Cool. coolcoolcoolcoolcool. Yes, later sounds good. Once I wipe the floor with these jokers in the game I'll come find you." Perry turned to the others, ready for the game to begin.

She was happy Max seemed to take her suggestions. Being the murderer and hiding the crime would be super dope. Should she be this excited about murder? Probably not but that was Future Perry's and Future Perry's therapist's problem to handle. "Let's get this show on the road already! I didn't get dressed up to stand around."
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 45 min ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: X Mansion
Skills: Power Mimicry
Current Outfit (magic): two piece gown + embellished collar

This game of Clue was sounding better and better as Max suggested the Danger room assign who, if any of them, were the murderer, and that person then try to throw a wrench in the works. It seemed a more fun not to mention logical way to play.

A slight, though friendly laugh then escaped Jaclyn's throat at Klara's response. Jaclyn understood what she meant. With a nod to Mira's comment of the offer standing, Jaclyn then waved to Klara. She would've said "nice to meet you" except that Klara was still engaging with Perry, so you could say, Jaclyn said it with a smile, as she took a step into the portal Max had opened up between the hallway and the Danger Room.

Jaclyn's listening was then divided between Mira's voice and Perry's, and Perry's excitement won out. A "wiping the floor with their opponents" personality always added something to a game. This seemed like a good group to make things doubly entertaining. Who knew what would the Danger Room would add? "We better make sure to program things correctly so this doesn't turn into 'Danger Clue'," she added to Max, herself still straddling the portal.

Though her own words seemed to land in her head just then, along with some from earlier regarding magic going wrong. She stepped through the portal with her other leg, then, properly standing on the Danger Room side of it.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: l
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max gave Ed a tight lipped smile before nodding. Whatever his reasoning was for not joining them it didn't have to be personal. At least he'd hoped that it wasn't personal given their last major conversation. Klara didn't seem too keen on joining either, and Max doubted Runa would want to as well. Then again having the Goddess of Lies be the killer and attempt to throw them all off would be a massive undertaking for them alone. A short wail cut into his thoughts as Klara and Perry seemed to be hitting it off well. Watching as the new girl seemed to try and play herself off as cool. Not that she wasn't, but she most certainly wasn't smooth. His mind briefly flashed back to when he was like her, or more so. Having had his powers glitch out and make a pillow of the man he was crushing on, promptly lighting it on fire and all hopes of ever dating him.

Max stepped into his portal,giving Perry a cocktail smile. ” I didn't realize you were in such a rush to lose Perry. But if you want I'll go easy on you.” He teased with a bit of a chuckle. ”Danger Clue doesn't sound too bad. After all, there may still be a killer on the loose. And what better to burn off loose threads than another good old fashioned murder. No witnesses to tell.” Of Course he doubted that anyone in the mansion would willingly kill one another especially for the sake of a game.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: Mansion - Hallway
Skills: N/A

"Sure thing, I'll talk to you later then," Klara said with smile towards Perry, before she took off after Ed towards the kitchen.

Mira stepped through the portal, now that they were outside of the Danger Room itself, they had to obviously set up the programming for what it was that they wanted to do. She headed straight for the main computer set up. "Alright Danger, let's see what we can do here... This probably is a bit more fun than watching all of us run around and fighting robots or training sessions or something right?" she muttered, more to herself than anyone else. The ideas of the game were simple enough, and she'd be able to set up the programming so it would more or less be a random draw to determine who was the killer, but there were a few other special sort of setups that needed to happen before they could go for the game.

"Ok, I can program most of everything to say the least, but obviously there are a few things we need to get squared away. Namely the setting that you want for the game. Do you want it to be more of classic Clue where we're in a mansion? Or do you want something different? Reason I ask is because there are a lot of versions of the game with different theming and boards, so we probably should get that squared away before we step in. I can have it program so that it's random whose the killer, the weapon and the room or area depending on the theme we go for." Mira said simply towards the others as she started working on setting up the rest of the system with regards to the basic rules of the game. The cosmetic options would be a simple addition to say the least. "I'm more wanting to just keep it with the classic mansion, but if anyone wants something different just say the word. I'll also give each of us more or less our own little electronic pad to keep track of clues. That will also let you know if you are the murderer or not, since it seems like we're going the route of the killer trying to trick everyone. But no cheating and showing it to others. It'll also have the sort of "cards" so to speak that you can show when someone suggests if we go that version. Or we just go full Sherlock Holmes on the whole thing and just have a mystery to solve. Lots of different ways this can get set up."

Location: Mansion - Kitchen
Skills: N/A

Lance shrugged slightly at the idea of just ordering something. "We could do that, or we could go out to get something even if we wanted to." he had no preference on that sort of thing, he heard footsteps as Ed entered the kitchen. "Hey there Ed," he said with a slight wave, before he saw Klara eventually come into the room after him. Waving slightly at her now too.

"How have you been Klara?" he asked her.

"Alright, just wandering around trying to remember people, or I guess in some cases being reintroduced to people I've already met before. Though you are one of the few faces I do know the name of at the least Lance."

"Well guess that makes things a little easier then for you doesn't it?" He knew she had some major memory issues. When they had found her and she got snapped out of everything, she had been missing a bit of time. So it made sense that she likely was having issues remembering the more recent things.

"I guess so," she responded, before looking at Bethany. "Though sorry... Can't quite say the same for you... Your name starts with a B though right? Or something like that?"

Annie and Guin
Pietro just sort of shrugged. "Alright, let's go then," he said to her, though he sort of dragged Guin along since he at the moment didn't want her to be left by herself, and also because hopefully it might help to have some form of a distraction.

They'd head for the front door, and see two people walking in having a bit of a conversation about something, though it seemed like when they got there that they were catching the tail end of it.

"Everything is probably fine, Gambit does tend to worry a bit too much."

"Well we were closer anyway, so we might as well check to see because I'm sure he convinced Rogue to take an impromptu trip up here. Besides, I think he might be right to be concerned."

The two voices belonged to none other than Scott Summers and Jean Grey, who glanced over in their direction seeing them there. Scott gave them a slight wave, "Hey there. You wouldn't by chance know where Marygold is would you?"

"We need to ask her about something," Jean explained, though not really sharing any details or ideas on what that could be about.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Mansion - Kitchen

"Hey" Ed smiles and waves. "Anyone want something to eat?" Ed asks. Even as he does he sets about making some sandwiches.

"That does only leave a few more people Marygold, Annie, Guin and Pietro. At least of the X-Men group. There are a lot of other people around the Mansion. But you don't have to worry about most of them." Ed explained while spreading mustard on some bread.

"But we can continue a tour of the place even after you meet everyone."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Bethany Bell

Mansion, Kitchen
Skills: N/A

[color=696969]"Going out to eat sounds like a good idea actually if you guys want to go that is."[/color[ Bethany said looking between Runa and Lance, when Klara and Ed stepped in, she smiled and gave Ed a slight wave. "Hey Ed." Bethany said when Klara addressed her, she turned her attention over towards Klara. She remembered that Klara had her mind messed up a little bit during some of their recent adventures she got up and made her way towards Klara and extended her hand towards her.

"It's Bethany, but if you want I go by Beth as well to for short." She said as Ed started to make a sandwich. "We were thinking about what we were going to do for food actually." Bethany said she hadn't seen Marygold in awhile and she knew that Pietro, Guin and Annie were somewhere around at least. "Well Marygold she hasn't been here for awhile now actually. Guin, Annie and Pietro are somewhere around here though i'm pretty sure." Bethany told Ed.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Bethany Bell

Mansion, Kitchen
Skills: N/A

"Going out to eat sounds like a good idea actually if you guys want to go that is." Bethany said looking between Runa and Lance, when Klara and Ed stepped in, she smiled and gave Ed a slight wave. "Hey Ed." Bethany said when Klara addressed her, she turned her attention over towards Klara. She remembered that Klara had her mind messed up a little bit during some of their recent adventures she got up and made her way towards Klara and extended her hand towards her.

"It's Bethany, but if you want I go by Beth as well to for short." She said as Ed started to make a sandwich. "We were thinking about what we were going to do for food actually." Bethany said she hadn't seen Marygold in awhile and she knew that Pietro, Guin and Annie were somewhere around at least. "Well Marygold she hasn't been here for awhile now actually. Guin, Annie and Pietro are somewhere around here though i'm pretty sure." Bethany told Ed.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Foyer – X-Mansion

Antoinette followed Pietro and Guin, glancing over at her friends a couple of times before they reached the front door. Antoinette’s eyes widened in surprise at who was standing in the X-Mansion foyer. When it came to X-Men royalty, these two were definitely at the top of the list.

”Hi Jean, hi Scott!” Antoinette waved eagerly at the both of them before she frowned at bit. ”Mary hasn’t been around the mansion much. Last I saw her was two days ago,” Antoinette informed them. ”Did something happen?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Master EffeX
Avatar of Master EffeX

Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 45 min ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: X Mansion
Skills: Power Mimicry
Current Outfit (magic): two piece gown + embellished collar

At Max's comment to Perry, Jaclyn decided to try and flex a little more of her character persona, and put on a fake snooty look.
This turned to mild puzzlement as she didn't quite catch Max's drift when he responded to her, but never to matter.

Attention was turned to the programming of the sim. Jaclyn liked how Mira seemed to be speaking to the computer as though it were a living participant in this, too.

When Mira asked about the setting, it was news to Jaclyn that Clue didn't always take place in a Mansion. She knew of different character sets and objects, but not of a differing location among the versions.

"Well it seems you've thought of most everything," Jaclyn remarked, speaking in a tone of voice with such an accompanying manner that it was clear she was putting it on as her character, "personally I've no preference for whether the events will be 'in the cards' for us or not. As for setting though, I do," -at this she placed her hand in a slow, dramatic gesture upon her own chest- "think I'd like a break from Mansion living." At this closing remark, she gestured in a loose reference to the very Mansion they were presently in.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by PatientBean
Avatar of PatientBean

PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Mansion
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day

Max had decided to challenge her, the poor fool. Little did he know how often she read mystery books or listened to true crime podcasts. She was practically an expert apart from the actual police training, but since when did that matter? She lifted her hand in a mock anime laugh pose and proceeded to chuckle loudly. "Oh, how amusing. This will be fun then. When you lose Max I promise to be the most gracious winner."

Mira was getting ready to set it up. "I would like a Sherlock Holmes-esque game, but I am open to whatever. A change of scenery will be good." she said, indicating towards Jaclyn. She was ready to jump into character and win this thing. No one else stood a chance!
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: l
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max was about to suggest the Mansion setting, namely Xavier's Mansion. A place most all of them would be familiar with so as not to get lost. He knew parts of it, mostly the notable locations within the building but even then he spent most of his time back in New Orleans with his family. But from the sounds of it, everyone else wanted it to take place somewhere else outside a mansion or manor. He tried to think on it, and a huge part of him wish he'd known this aspect ahead of time. If so he could've had an archeological themed Clue in where everyone dressed like a character from The Mummy, (Brendan Fraisers version of course).

”I'm fine with it being outside of a Mansion setting. Could Do Beach Side Resort or House, or a Mummy's Tomb. Worlds our Oyster really.” He chuckled at Jacklyns play on words, thinking for a moment before he came to an answer for the rest of the questions asked. ”Sherlock Holmes version sounds great. It'll be all the more satisfying that way when I beat Perry at her own game. No offense darling, the decks just stacked in my favor is all.” He said with a playful grin. This was shaping up to be an exciting evening of fun for them all.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 9 days ago

Guin Stark

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Guin wasn't exactly surprised to see Scott and Jean at the front steps of the mansion - they weren't around as often as they used to be, but members of the previous team line-up still dropped in from time to time. Once an X-Man, always an X-Man (although, other superhero groups tended to have this problem as well - such as the Avengers).

She wouldn't describe herself as being thrilled to see them either - she wasn't particularly close with either Scott or Jean, and she tended to find them somewhat patronizing at best. They reminded her of people who had peaked in high school, unable to move on, perpetually reliving the glory days. And they were good people too - so good that it made her roll her eyes. It'd be easier if they messed up more often, if Jean went Dark Phoenix more than just one time, but for the most part, they were Xavier's golden children.

Needless to say, Guin was neutral at best when it came to running into Scott and Jean. Pietro had dragged her along, and she hadn't fought it - in her weird funky headspace, she knew deep down it was probably for the best. She gave a half wave, half salute to Scott and Jean. "Don't you already know she's not here?" Guin pointed out bluntly, her gaze directed at Jean.
Runa was lost deep in thought, staring at the small can that Bethany had handed to her. It was a strange thing, a cylinder of sorts - when she shook it, she could hear the liquid sloshing around inside. There was no discernable way to open it - it was completely sealed on either side, without a cap to unscrew like a flask, no stopper to remove either. Just smooth, cheap metal. Discretely, Runa glanced around to see how others approached the problem, but then realized all those who had opened them had already done so. She'd been so focused on this challenge that she had missed her cousin enter the room, too, alongside Edus. "Are you enjoying yourself, cousin?" Runa asked, before quietly banging the can against the edge of the counter - perhaps that would create an opening?

Avery Spellman

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

"He probably looks the same," Avery reasoned with a slight laugh - babies were bald, too, after all. And their heads were somewhat mishapened and wrinkled, and their mobility was similarly limited. The main difference, they supposed, would be in attire - although it would not surprise them if they were to learn that even as a baby, Professor X wore a suit and tie.

They headed up to the attic with Carolina though, being careful not to breathe in too deeply - they figured it was probably incredibly dusty, and they didn't need to have a coughing fit. Their lungs were relatively new, but given how their deafness had transferred over to this body, Avery figured any pre-existing lung damage was there as well. They didn't need to add onto it.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
Avatar of BlueSky44

BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: Mansion - Danger Room
Skills: N/A

"One based on Sherlock Holmes? Well you are a bit in luck with that actually... Doesn't require much programming on that part since the online game actually has a map based on Sherlock Holmes. So can just download it and move on from there..." she said, before messing with the computer a little bit more. Eventually she took out four different electronic pads and handed the screens to the other three before keeping one for herself.

On each screen, the group would be able to see the map as well as the list of suspects, which included their own names, as well as to fill out the 6 person roster included the names for Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty. "Alright, we should be good to get started, program is running, once everyone steps inside of the room it'll randomly decide whose the murderer, the weapon and all of that sort of thing." she explained, before eventually passing through the doors and into the area itself. Upon entering they'd find themselves in the central area of the map of their own Victorian London.

Location: Mansion - Kitchen
Skills: Light Manipulation

Lance glanced over at Runa, noticing her seemingly having difficulty with the soda can. He sometimes tended to forget that she likely wasn't used to everything still on Earth, and apparently that included a can. He slightly moved his fingers, almost in like a tapping motion of sorts, and Runa would see a little bit of light, barely noticeable so only she saw it, go around the pull tab and pop the can open for her before the dim light disappeared.

"I've been enjoying myself truthfully. So much fun wandering around," Klara responded, giving her cousin a smile.

"Yeah, we were debating getting something for food," Lance said with a shrug, before addressing the other comment about where the others were. "Think last I saw them they were outside or something, not sure what they were doing but who knows? As for Mary, she's still MIA as Bethany said," they had been talking about that sort of thing earlier too. Though just about anything could be going on with that, she wasn't sure what was up or what to expect.

"Sounds fine to me," Klara then added, addressing what it was that Ed had said about meeting everyone and continuing to wander around afterwards.

Annie and Guin
Jean got a concerned look on her face when Annie mentioned Mary not being around for the past few days. Though she did have a response to the did something happen question, sort of anyway. "We're not entirely sure actually... As to answer that question I don't typically try to probe, and look for someone that way. Add on the fact she likely could block me out and tell if I was looking for her would have potentially made it worse. "

Scott pulled out his own cell phone and started flipping through his phone, "Ok, so she hasn't been here in a few days. The weird message Gambit got showed up yesterday, and he called us last night to see if we could get a hold of her, since we were closer and could stop by." he explained, before putting his phone back into his pocket. "But this doesn't bode well if no one knows where she is."
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