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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Kero
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Member Seen 34 min ago

Are any types of magic outright not allowed for the characters we make? I'm considering Key Magic but it's kinda busted so I figured I should ask.

Also, are dual attributes banned from use?
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 2 days ago

@Remram I like this character! I do have a few questions/concerns though:
1. Since Mana Skin's a bit more of an advanced technique, be aware that "Touch of Death" is just similar to it; it won't confer the same degree of reinforcement/defense that Mana Skin does until he actually improves to that level.
2. What are Painkiller's mentioned side effects?
3. If you have further ideas for the "corrupt noble/crime boss" in his history, I'd like that to be discussed further via PM, especially if you intend them to hang around him as a companion NPC or something of that nature. I'm not actually sure yet if I'd approve them being part of the royal family, but I like the general idea so it won't be any problem to sort things out!

And unrelated to the approval process, since you mentioned the inn was on a trade route in the Common Realm, would you be opposed to having Tristan recognize him? As blacksmiths, I figure they'd have had to transport their products or raw materials from time to time, so I could see them having stopped in that inn or at the trading post every so often over the years!
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Zeroth
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@KeroTypically I take things on a case by case basis, so it's not so much that certain attributes would be banned, but rather that I'll do my best to properly critique every submission until I feel satisfied that it's fair. In the case of dual attributes, however, the circumstances that allow those to happen in the first place are either impossibly rare or utterly inhumane, so to those I will give a hard "no."

For Key Magic, I've seen the movie and I'm looking through it on the Wiki right now. Since it does specify that the "grimoire lock" only works on those weaker than the user, and there are some other caveats to its usage, I'd be willing to take a look at a character draft for it. Just be aware that I'd probably be a little stricter on the spell list and whatnot for it.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Remram
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1. Alrighty, I'll be sure to amend that.

2. I wrote it up actually, but I was afraid of bloating the description. A single dose dulls the pain around 25%, but due to the lower dosage the side effects are minor such as nausea, minor fatigue, brain fog after it wears off. A double dose will nullify the pain around 50%, but the side effects including much more severe nausea, brain fog, severe fatigue, double vision, and general bodily weakness. Three doses completely nullifies the pain and as well as the mentioned side effects all of the pain that his body ignored not only comes back in full, but it's also doubled. By the way, additional immediate doses after another dose will have the same negative side effects.

3. Yeah, that's cool with me. Should I send the PM or do you want to?

Oh and that's cool with me if Tristan recognizes him. It makes sense so I see no problem with it.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 2 days ago

@RemramGo ahead and send it to me, feel free to be as in depth as you like with it since I'll likely ask a lot of questions! The side effects sound fine, so all we gotta do now is get the NPC stuff sorted!
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Databug


Member Seen 15 days ago

@ZerothI've got a good character concept in mind of a girl named Kohra Mey living on the streets who tries to join the Magic Knights almost immediately after receiving her grimoire. I haven't fully filled out her backstory and personality yet, but I've gotten her spells and skills down and was just wondering if they seemed balanced.


Lightning Bolt - Offense - Kohra stretches her hand out and unleashes a bolt of lightning at a target she has direct line of sight to. Kohra can easily launch a bolt at a target roughly 30 feet away, but can increase the range by expending a moderate amount of mana.

Conjure Cyclone - Offense, Defense, Utility - Kohra holds a whirling sphere of air between her hands, letting it gather strength before releasing it towards a target position. The miniature cyclone, roughly 2 meters in diameter, kicks up debris, sends small objects flying, knocks enemies prone, and deflects any missiles that pass through it. As long as Kohra maintains concentration on the spell, she can keep the cyclone active and move it around the battlefield. (Extra mana to keep active and move? Cyclone speed of movement? Maximum range between Kohra and cyclone?)

Whirlwind Jump - Movement - A blast of wind launches Kohra into the air, allowing her to jump great distances safely as a secondary gust of air cushions her descent towards the end of her jump. The spell can be tuned to allow for either long or high jumps. Can also be used simply as a safe fall mechanism, allowing Kohra to safely fall from up to X meters. (Base jump length/height? Scaling mana cost for increasing distance?)


Free Running - A small but muscular frame combined with years of trying to stay ahead of law enforcement have translated into a remarkable ability to get between point A and point B in the shortest amount of time. Obstacles that would bring anyone else to a halt are easily scaled as Kohra takes advantage of every minute handhold and leaps off of every close-spaced wall.

Sleight of Hand - When you're living on the streets, you need to take advantage of every opportunity you get to provide for yourself, even if it means taking from others. Kohra has managed to master the art of picking a pocket and lifting merchandise and food from merchant stands. A more mundane use of this skill is the ability to perform certain parlor tricks with cards or small objects, not always with the best of intentions when there's money on the line of guessing where certain cards or small objects went.

Grifter's Toolkit - Kohra has the ability to put on whatever face she needs to in order to get what she needs, and she also has a knack for manipulating people into doing what she wants or needs them to do. As long as she hasn't met a person before, she can be someone completely new as long as she has a little bit of info beforehand on who the person is and what their hooks are.

Let me know if these seem good and how powerful the spells should be at their most basic level, like if the Whirlwind Jump should have a base jump distance before more mana needs to be spent to increase it.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 20 min ago

I don't think "wind" and "lightning" falls under the same category or spell-tree in Black Clover, just like how ice and water are seperate types of magic aswell. That's just what I recall however, since I don't recall ever seeing one of MC's (who was a wind magic user) ever use electricity or lightning.

I could be mistaken though. It's been a whole since I watched the show.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Zeroth
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@Databug As Xaltwind said, Wind and Lightning would be two separate Magic Attributes. Wind is one of the four base elements and lightning is derived from it, but users of wind magic are never seen casting lightning spells and vice versa.

I wouldn't worry about the parameters of the spells being quite so specific. As far as their functions they all seem fine, just with the caveat that if you go with wind, you wouldn't be able to keep the lightning spell and vice versa.

I wouldn't be able to judge the skills accurately until I see the character's history, but just remember our characters shouldn't really be "masters" of most given crafts yet due to their age and inexperience. I'm also a little wary of characters having skills for "manipulation" or "reading intent" or other things like that, because they tend to lean into metagaming if not handled correctly, so of all her current skills the Grifter's Toolkit might need the most tweaking.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Databug


Member Seen 15 days ago

@Zeroth Got it! I'll stick with wind and trade lightning bolt for something more like a shockwave. As for grifter's toolkit, I'll look into changing that for something less powerful since I can see your point that it could lead to too much meta-gaming.
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 20 min ago

Mountain-noble-ojou-sama with ohoho~ laugh? Sounds fun. :D

Thoguh, I feel like her fears are rather non-appicable at the start of the RP though. And even when she gains authori-tah, they seem less like "fears" and more like "willing discardment of leisure time/activity".

But what do I know? I'm just a big ol' pile o' salt.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 2 days ago

@ERode Very nice! I do have two things to point out, though. Based on what we can see from this map, for some weird reason Tabata has an offset compass rose on the continent. This means that the Spade Kingdom is less north (despite it being wintery, right?) and more west. It wouldn't necessarily change her backstory that much, I don't think, I just wanted to point it out in case you wanted to specify any locations later on.

Secondly, I'm not so much against her Fear being what it is, but I think it's her reaction or view of it. Fears can be simple things like just "don't wanna die," although I think it's a little better when they're more about insecurities or trauma, but they should be things that actually provoke emotional response in the character. If she were shown a vision of what she fears, all the things she gave up in pursuit of her goal, and could still say "worth" then I feel like it doesn't really mean much?

Let me know your thoughts on it, as other than this I'd basically be fine Accepting.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Databug


Member Seen 15 days ago

@ZerothI have a few questions about the map graphic. First, where exactly is the Magic Academy located?

Second, it mentions a church in Nean for orphans. Do they take in orphans from all over the kingdom, and is it sponsored by the government? What's life inside the church like?

Finally, regarding the forsaken realm, how exactly does the discrimination manifest and what resources is the region known to produce?
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Zeroth
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@DatabugAs far as I know there isn't any particular big Academy for magic like, out of Harry Potter or anything. The Magic Knights are picked via Selection Exam, which seems to be free for anyone who's received a Grimoire to attempt provided they can make the journey (which seems pretty hard for those in the Forsaken Realm).

There are churches scattered all over the kingdom, and many of them also serve as orphanages or schoolhouses for the local children, especially in the Forsaken Realm's small villages. The church and state seem to be separate entities from what little we see, as far as I know there's no Pope-like figure or anything. Life inside one of these church orphanages seems to be about what you'd expect from medieval fantasy fare--a bunch of grubby little kids with big dreams that nobody wants, but who seem to get by well enough unless you need one of the priests or a village mayor to be cruel for the sake of a tragic backstory. You know, the usual.

From what we've seen, the villages of the Forsaken Realm mostly get by on agriculture and raw material production. Asta's hometown, Hage, is known for some kind of fantasy potato-analogue crop that most other people look down on as peasant food but that the orphans at the church eat with almost every meal. The Common Realm seems to have more big towns with craftsmen and merchants, along with a few touristy spots.

Discrimination between high > low classes, and strong > weak wizards, is basically just treating them as second class citizens. As far as I remember there aren't any instances of say, slavery, seen in the Clover Kingdom, but there's a lot of "you aren't even fit to shine my boots!" kind of stuff on behalf of the nobility.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 28 min ago

@ZerothYeah, I was looking at the picture and reading the wiki at the same time going ??? over the positions on the map vs the text.

Anyhow, I altered the Fear somewhat to communicate a bit more clearly the vibes I was going for. Basically still stems from the idea of not being the same person that she was when she started on her goals. Kinda like "wew, I want to be a benevolent conqueror of the continent, not just a regular ass conqueror of the continent!".

@Xaltwind Was originally going to make her super aristocratic but that was mostly a response to counteract all the peasants and criminals that were present when I first formulated the idea.

Dunno how much high-pitched ohohoho-ing she'll do, but I definitely need to get this in

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 20 min ago

Well, here we finally go.
After much humming and haa-ing, after a ton of re-working and revisions, and with no small amount of patience and help from our lovely GM, it's finally done. Apologies for it taking so long to get done.


Oh, and please pardon any spelling, grmmar or butchered words.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 26 days ago

@Xaltwind Seeing as you're constantly active on the thread and were the first person to show interest, I'd say the cs was pretty anticipated. At least by me

I love the magic. I got my username from this site back in like 2011-2012 because all my characters abilities revolved around explosions so seeing unique abilities like the second makes me happy.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 20 min ago

@Expllo Well then, happy to hear you were looking forward to it. Hopefully - aside from the magic - it didn't disappoint. ^^
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 2 days ago

@ERode Ah, I see, so her fear isn't so much giving up everything in pursuit of her goal, but becoming a different person over the course of accomplishing it. That'll do it for me then! Accepted! --oh you actually already had it in Char Tab that's fine XD

@Xaltwind Okay, so after ALLLLLLLL this work...Uh...The Bomb Bowling spell! I know, I know, I'm even the one who suggested it! But, how much of a potential size/power increase are we talking here as it "snowballs?" Like, if it's starting at the size of the classic cartoon bomb (an aesthetic which I love), I'm thinking it's like, softball sized to begin with and is basically a grenade? What did you imagine as being its "maximum" size/strength? Other than that, everything else is fine!

@Duthguy@Expllo@imia@Agunimon@SilverPaw@Remram@Th3King0fChaos@Databug@Kero No rush to those still working on characters, but I think I can put the finishing touches on the opener very soon! Would everyone prefer to start sometime this evening/tomorrow, or hold til the weekend?
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 20 min ago

@Zeroth I imagine the Bowling Bomb starts out as a softball-sized bomb, yeah. At the base level, it can get as big/wide as say a wheelbarrow, and have an blast range of... Maybe three cars parked next next to each other (at max size)? In its smallest size, yeah, it probably has the same force and power as a common, modern frag grenade, except no fragmentation.
At the highest level, I imagine it getting as big as maybe a pickup truck? And the blast being as large as an ACTUAL truck.

At bigger sizes it would have the force to knock down the walls of wooden houses, or shoddily made stone bricks. But it couldn't blast through things like actual castle walls or fortifications, it isn't that kind of bomb. Camilla might get a spell later on specifically amde for siege-warfare thougu. ^^

If this is too strong ir bit acceptable, I can always replace it with something else, just lemme know~
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