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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Are you still in? Yeah, why? Meet me at the usual spot. Be in good shape. What's the rush? We've got a new job. Details? Encrypted. Meet me. Fine. Give me 30.

Took you long enough. Traffic's a nightmare. What's so urgent? We're hitting a [D̡̗͍̘̬̜̎̕A̦̲̤̩̓́̅̇T̛͖̠̄͊̃̂A̰͑͒̎ ̢̜͔̎ͅC̪̅̇́͒Ò͔̫̙̺͇̍̒͝ͅR͍̎͐́̆͝R̘̘̺̩͍̀̇̉͗͊Ù͈̦̻̒̌̽͝P͕͇̼̈̀T̻̘̓͋̽̐͊̈́I̛̗̺̣̠͛̚͜͝ͅO̮̮̼͕̥͛̆͊̓̐͆N̪̥͍̩̄͑͊]. Again? This one's different. They're up to something big. What kind of something? Not sure. But someone's willing to pay a fortune for it. Sounds risky. That's why they hired us. Any backup? Just us. Great. What's the plan? Infiltrate, retrieve, get out. Simple enough. Don't underestimate it. We move in five.

You good? Yeah. You? Got what we came for. What about security? Dealt with, permanently. So now what? Lay low. Wait for our next move. Should we be worried? Always.

Welcome to Neon-York! The year is 2177, human cybernetic augmentation and robots are commonplace, and recently, a series of crimes have reverberated the Pyramid-City of Neon and Chrome across all of its three city layers. From the lower-city districts to the upper-city penthouses, no one seems safe, as a clear connection between them is missing save for one: a complete wipe of the victim's brain. As private investigators, fembot fatales, slumdog mentalists, and possibly mental cases too, you will deep-dive into crime scenes, computer systems and cybernetic minds across the city to uncover the madness behind the mystery.

(Image source: Rolly Rocket by Valenberg on DeviantArt

About the Game

Neon-Noir is a comfy-dystopian cyber-sleuthing RPG inspired by the settings and the feel of Cyberpunk 2077, L.A. Noire, and Eclipse Phase.

We are currently FULL, so please check back later. Happy to have you!

The code of conduct:
  • Standard board rules apply.
  • Don’t be a d*ck (but don't be too easily slighted either).
  • We play a minimum of once-weekly updates.
  • Rolls will be made using FateBot on Discord (link will be PM'ed to players).
  • Though roleplay may involve mature themes, there will be no explicit 18+ roleplay.
  • Anything else can be discussed and determined by the group in OOC.
  • The GM decides on matters that can’t be resolved by the group, and can always be consulted.
  • Keep real-life politics, religion, and drama 'off the table'.
  • Most importantly: Have fun!

The Fate Accelerated PBP system (thread): in this game we will use the Fate Accelerated system adapted to play-by-post. It is a minimal system of rules for collaborative storytelling games (see the thread if you want a thorough explanation with many examples, or here for a one-pager quick-reference). As it is a narrative-first system, play will not be very different from your usual RPG on this site. The changes will mostly be in how challenge and conflicts are resolved (elements of randomness), in that players are rewarded for acting in-character (even when that means getting into trouble, or failing sometimes), and in how players can add to the setting. If you have any questions about it, please don't hesitate to ask me. I will remind players of the rules as they become relevant, and will check-up with you, and update these as we learn what does and doesn't work.

Submit your Character Sheet for approval in OOC or via PM, using the template in the Resources below. Notice how it is quite minimal. This is on purpose: this lets other players quickly understand your character and how to interact with them, it gives you a lot of freedom in how to apply and develop your character in-game, and through the Fate system, these aspects can come back to help you (without your character becoming overpowered), or bite you in the ass. In my experience, it works best to focus on a few meaningful aspects you’d find interesting to play rather than choosing what you think is ‘optimal’, or very rigidly pre-defining the entirety of the character. Also consider if it fits the established setting (see the Glossary below).


Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Previously on...


Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Eviledd1984 @Izurich @KazAlkemi @AwesomeZero5 @Expendable

First introductory post is a-go (party crackers all-round).

Please add your CS in the character tab, and then we're off. I'll send you the discord link via PM

Next week's post, I'll introduce some complications into your scenes (feel free to write some setups yourself that I can bounce off of, if you'd like), and then we'll get a bit more into the rolling and that good stuff. For now: have fun :)
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

(just a reminder that we'll use the FateBot on Discord for our rolls, with the /roll2 [modifier] [description] command)

(also, just to be clear, and I can't emphasize this clearly enough: the rolling is to make the story a bit less 'on rails', if you will. I may set difficulties and play out the opposition, but I'm not actually against you as players, so even if rolls fail we'll just roll with it (hehe) and try to make it interesting in some other way than 'yay! we succeeded')
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Expendable
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Expendable The Certifiable

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

What sort of noise is coming from the building? I've got an interface collar, but am I armed? Do they trust me with guns?
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Expendable I was in a rush to finish the post before going on vacation so I may have skimped on details. The information you have is that there's a surveillance drone and armed guards about, so it's likely one of those. As I was writing I was imagining one of the guards, but if you want, you can choose yourself if you have something cool in mind (maybe someone's trying to escape?). I also imagined your neural interface collar to be an upgrade to the one you had, with wifi if you will, hence some of the suggestions for hacking their comms. As for weapons, I don't think lethal guns are an option quite yet, but some kind of stun weapon or another utility tool (jammer, smart-net launcher, holo-decoy, flashbang mini-drone, quick-hardening cryo-foam dispenser, or again, if you have something cool on your mind, I'm not gonna stop you, unless it's a pocket nuke or something. If you feel unsure, you can always pm me). Still, your partner has lethal weapons, so if you feel like it or if push comes to shove, you can always control her for a bit (like how AwesomeZero did with Mr. Rizzo during his chase). Keep in mind certain things might draw more attention than others ;)

In general, if I don't fully describe things, I'm giving you full permission to use the ambiguity to do awesome things or insert some of your own ideas in the story... Within reason, of course. I can be more explicit about this in the future if wanted. If you are unsure or want my or the other players' input, always feel free to ask via pm or the discord. This is what EvilEdd did for the blutwolfe and Kaz did for his electric brass knuckles, for example.
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Izurich @Eviledd1984 @AwesomeZero5 @KazAlkemi @Expendable OK, so this seems like a good point to end the session and start a new one. Everyone has either gone through some action, or are in the middle of a bit of a cliffhanger. So imagine the dramatic music swelling, all your scenes cut to black, credits roll with a ‘next time on Neon Noir’, and all that jazz.

With each new session, your fate points (the points you use to invoke aspects to influence rolls, or to use your stunts/abilities) are refreshed to at least your character sheet’s refresh rate. If you have more, you keep them all.

Furthermore, I think that we’ve hit a minor milestone here - everyone has had a significant enough event or choice in their story to develop in some way -, so for the next session you may CHOOSE from the following as a reward:
  • RENAME a character aspect
  • SWITCH the bonuses of 2 approaches
  • REPLACE an existing Stunt
  • GAIN a new Stunt

@KazAlkemi I changed Varis Hark's name because I liked the 'Harm' typo (?), makes him more ominous.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 16 min ago

Haha, okay. Sounds good
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

To any and all who still dwell here: I unfortunately have decided to pull the plug on the game.
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