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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 16 min ago

The jangle of keys, the echoing clatter of sensible heels on hardwood, as the mathematics teacher of Caulfield Grammar picked up her pace for her first class.

A long disorganised line of students stood outside of the classroom, waiting to be let in.

She'd well enjoyed her break, and the second coffee was just starting to hit, as she fit the key in the lock and turned the handle.

As the door opened something seemed off in the darkness. Wrong. But without the light she couldn't tell what. She flicked the light on and gasped.

Behind her the students started to laugh, others began to sigh in frustration, others gaped upwards in wonder.

"So who's ready to get to work on non linear equations, Teach? Negative transformations today, right?" Banjo asked, from his now illuminated desk.

"Get. Down. From there."

"Negative transformations... does something to the parabola. Can't remember. Bah! That's alright, we'll learn it today..."

"Principal's office. Now!"

"Well... now that might be difficult..."

Every desk, every chair, was stuck to the ceiling. The posters that decorated the walls had been turned upside down, even the whiteboard at the front of the room, had somehow been detached and turned upside down in it's place. The markers and duster eraser had been attached upside down to the shelf of the whiteboard, either by glue or tape. Everything in the room had been moved. The attention to detail was impeccable.

"See... I'm wired in up here." He removed his hands from where he sat and remained unmoving, in his chair, at his desk, upside down on the ceiling. His grin widening further.

"OH! Upside down. Negative transformations make the parabola upside down. Write that one down... that'll be in the test, for sure..."


- - -

A man in a disheveled suit and tie was led around the campus, in conversation by an older, more formal member of the faculty.

"--and as we leave the Science Wing, and pass through the Quadrangle to the otherside, we can now see the new Technical Studies, Electronics, Woodshop and Engineering Wing, which has recently been fleshed out in full."

"Nice. Nice. All above board. Pretty swanky." Banjo's minder said, as he looked around at the recently revamped facilities for the wing they evidently took so much pride in.

"Yes, I'm sure young-- what did you say his name was, Mr Ablett?"

"Errr-- Garry. Junior."

"Hmm..." Came the Principal's skeptical murmur.

"Two 'R's. I know. I hear it all the time. 'Isn't that like--?' No. No relation. Never heard it before we came to Melbourne, now it's all the time. 'Oh! Your name's like that footballer bloke'. 'Wha--! No. Two 'R's. But it's very similar.'"

"Anyway, I'm sure young... Garry. Ablett. Junior. Will make great use of this wing. Appeal to a lot of his fancies, yes?"

The Principal pointedly asked 'Garry Ablett Senior', holding aggressive eye contact until he finally caught the man's attention.

"With his... GREAT INTEREST in personal engineering and construction projects..."

The Butler finally caught the less-than-subtle pointedness of his comments, but was unable to place the why.

"I'm sorry. We'll be unable to accommodate your son at this given time. Please collect him from outside of my office on your way out..."

The rejection was met with bafflement.

- - -

"Wha-- What di-- Hooooooow?" The Butler stammered and stretched out, as the pair sat in the front of his car, presumably in search of a new school for the boy.

"Three day weekend." Banjo replied glibly, reaching up his sleeve, to try and uncoil cabling, before throwing it in the back seat.

"That's not a bloody answer!"

The boy furrowed his brows. "Isn't it?"

"How do you get yourself kicked out when I'm just getting the tour of the school?"

"Hey, it's not my fault you were too busy to do the tour until after I'd already started... I'd been there like a week and a half."

"THAT'S NOT... ...that's not the point I'm makin', mate. And you know it."

"I'm more surprised they kicked me out, rather than had me fix it first... They're gonna wreck that room tryin' to take it apart now. So dumb..." A slight melancholy hint on the statement despite having been there for such a short period of time.

"Need your bloody head read..." The Butler muttered re-doubling his focus on the road with a shake of his head.

- - -

Location: P.R.C.U Campus - Lillian Morse's Office
Welcome Home #3.033: So, Are We Done Yet?
Interaction(s): Lillian Morse - NPC
Previously: Cheap Wine and a Three Day Growth

Banjo rested his hand on the door handle, reading the name plate of Rory's aunt, Lillian Morse. Holding a beat, before he turned the handle and stepped inside. Closing it behind himself.

He sat down in the chair and turned to look back at the door and saw the bare patch where the hanging clock was missing. He chuckled to himself.

Awkward silence. More of the awkward silence, and trying to use the weight of the social situation to get him to speak.

Seven... Eight... Nine...

"Now, last time you were here, we discussed that I would have a look at the feed from the Trial setting. You didn't decline, which as has been stated here is a tacit agreement to my doing so."

Banjo gave a wide smirk, and his nostrils flared with a single sharp exhalation.

"We also discussed that if you weren't willing to open up and respond, that I would be making enquiries about you outside of this environment, with the purpose of... coming up with enough information, that I might be able to do part of my job here. That being, come up with suggestions, comments, thoughts that might make things easier for you to come to terms with things in your life. Again, without declining this was accepted as tacit agreement."

His eyebrows raised and the smirk didn't budge as he waited for what would surely follow.

"Well, I've since begun to undertake... both of these things."

"And I haven't spoken to Rory, because I felt given the circumstances there may be some form of conflict there, and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. But we'll start with the latter."

"So what I hear is that you--" "So, are we done here?" "--have a longterm girlfriend called Calliope DeLeon." She read off of her notes. "By all outside accounts you're very happy with her, and should be. You're majoring in Law. As is she. A lot of people have... very strong opinions on you." His smirk widened.

He wanted to say "Is that it?" but bit his tongue and just sat and let the words wash over him like a rock before the incessant tides.

"Does that all sound... accurate?"

Another question to draw response. Met with obstinate silence and a mildly amused expression. Lillian let the question hang for an uncomfortably long time.

"And I'm assuming that your decision to come here dressed in that uniform is probably either some kind of statement, or call for attention."

Banjo kept tight-lipped about the fact that he'd seen Rory wearing his own, although he couldn't be certain that in Rory's case he hadn't merely forgotten. He kept tight-lipped just in general.

"Would you like to move on to the events of the Trials?"

Another uncofortably long silence. Eventually punctuated by another singular nostril flared exhalation.

"So, what exactly is your relationship with this Haven Barnes?"

Another uncomfortably long silence. A provocative question. Getting desperate for response now, he felt.

"The two old--" "So, are we done here?" "--er men who appeared..? Were they both teachers of yours?"

Another lengthy pause of awkward, uncomfortable silence.

"How long have you had claustrophobia?"

Banjo's expression went from a cocky smirk, to one of disappointment.

"Really? We both know THAT would be on file."

He rocked his head back and stared at the ceiling. Amusement starting to wane and giving way to disinterest.

"I notice your limp is still there. Is there anything you want to share in regards to that?"

Complete disinterest.

Just pull the file. We both know you could just pull the file.

"Are you harbouring any resentment regarding that? Especially since it appeared to come from someone sharing the appearance of Calliope? Do you feel there was anything subconsious there? Again, do you think there could be any ties to how you view this Haven Barnes person?"

She pepered a few questions in. More provocation. Obvious provocation at that. The interest returned in the form of humoured amusement.

"The people older than you, all seem to take up antagonistic roles in your own Trials and how you see your life. Do you think this rings--?"

His head rocked back with a bored snap and he just stared at the ceiling shaking his head at it all. She interrupted her own question, she was so taken by the dramatic act of boredom, since it was an actual response to what was being said.

"So, are we done here?"

She checked her watch. Thirteen minutes. He'd gone early. What did that mean?

"What exactly are you hoping to gain from any of this?"

More prolonged painful silence.

"There are a few therapeutic methods to dealing with claustrophobia, if you would like us to possibly visit some of the--"


He cried out. Breaking the silence.

"You know... you never realise how long an hour is, until you just keep repeatedly getting subjected to the same bullshit over... and over... and over... and over again. And then you can see on the horizon, that that same bullshit will be coming around next time as well."

Lillian looked shocked as he finally broke the social surface tension of the wordlessness.

"I get told I talk a lot... and I do. But I can take the awkward, prolonged silences. They're a doddle. I can handle them standing on my head. I can appreciate the provocative bullshit as an effort to get me to say anything, even in anger. It's just the repeated gearshift... crunching... back to the stupid... and tedious... It's bloody brutal." He gestured changing through the stickshift, and double clutching.

"I was actually gonna talk today, and then I got distracted by seeing how this was goin'. I thought there might actually be somethin' reasonable to discuss before I came. So how about I kick off?"

"My leg hurts me. For the most part it's okay. I got given painkillers but I don't much like the thought of taking them because I know what can happen. It doesn't normally start to hurt until I'm about two or three hours overdue for one." He rattled a small pill bottle. "But the pain isn't what's fucking hurting me. This is buggering up m' whole lifestyle. Diet. They've got me on a bullshit exercise and physiotherapy regime... I'm expected to do not only in my own time, but they also want me going for a daily physio session where I'm subjected to fresh Hell, because of the exercises they want me to do and they want some of it supervised so that my solo form isn't doing more harm than good. I hate it. As a general rule, I want to be left the fuck alone. And everything to do with THAT and this." He went from pointing to his leg, to swirling his finger around gesticulating to everything in the therapist's office. "Is not my bloody scene."

Lillian scrawled as fast as she could trying to take it down.

"I feel guilty because I feel I got off light compared with everyone who was stuck in there, and because I figured it out... twice. And then got overconfident and let this happen to me. So now I get to deal with the product of my own stupidity, branding me and screwing me over for three months, possibly longer. I usually am one to get irritated in life from time to time, but right now, I'm mad all the fucking time. Even when I don't show it."

Mad. Feelings of anger. She double underlined.

"I'm madder than a cut fuckin' snake. But I feel I got off light, and everybody else around me, if you've seen them, has clearly had it worse. So I've no right to shove it in any of their faces. I feel I owe it to them to keep things light around all of 'em, and it's worse for everyone else I come across who didn't go through it because 'Fuck 'em. Someone's gotta eat it'. And the worst part is, I'm mad about shit that most people have to deal with on a daily basis. What right do I have to be mad about having to eat right, exercise, and not use powers that most people on the fuckin' planet don't have anyway? So I'm mad. I'm mad about shit that I KNOW is stupid to be mad about, and it's the only thing relating to all of that which is still really bothering me."

"Calli's awesome. But somethin's askew. We're not talkin'. Not really. But again, I know she's been through worse than me, and I'll be damned if I'm going to dump my shit on her when she hasn't had time to process her own yet. To repeat, she's great. And if you say shit about her again, or imply shit with Haven, I'll shut down and get transferred and I don't give a fuck how much stupid I have to eat and keep my mouth shut through."

"And Haven's basically been like a sister to me. We came up through similar shit. Maybe you'd like to ask that question to your nephew instead. Likewise about the uniform. Fuck 'conflict', you want me to talk, you get the good with the bad."

"So, are we fuckin' done here?"

Finally, there was another pregnant pause in the room. But despite how long it hung in the air, it didn't feel nearly as awkward of uncomfortable as any of the previous. Perhaps it was that Lillian filled it with the scratching of a pen, or perhaps it was because it meant there was momentum now. A direction.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Location: Faculty Housing - Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean
Take On Me #3.034: Suspicious Minds
Interaction(s): None
Previously: After Coffee

Standing over a desk with a piping hot mug of black coffee, Miguel Ramos, the Fist of the Alexandria Foundation, studied the monitors in Teresa Torres’ apartment. A direct feed to H.E.L.P.’s security system had given him both eyes and ears across the entirety of the Pacific Royal Campus but there were far too many blind spots for his liking. Out of respect to the students’ privacy, the security in the dormitories didn’t exist outside of common areas and most of the campus grounds weren’t monitored, meaning the surrounding forest and trails were entirely vulnerable.

Too many variables for his ability to accurately account for, and that was without taking into consideration the students themselves. You had students who could fly, those who could teleport, phase through walls, travel underground, and the list went on and on. Without limiting students to specified routes and essentially putting the campus on high alert, the Fist had no way of controlling the variables.

It would have been well within his power to issue an alert to the Chancellor and install the Foot’s soldiers across campus but then Daedalus would have been alerted to his presence and their game of cat and mouse would be over.

Pacific Royal was subsequently the safest place in the world for Hyperhumans while also being incredibly vulnerable and void of the necessary precautions that would have stopped the likes of Daedalus, or even Hyperion from making their moves. Time and time again, the school had proven exploitable to members of their own kind while still keeping students and the surrounding community safe from the world that hated them.

While Torres would never voice it, both she and Miguel knew that Daedalus had to be one of their own. The Foundation was no stranger to experimenting on their own, and while most experiments were conducted in a safe, controlled environment, there was one girl who had been put through such horrific experiments that she was extradited by the former Chancellor of P.R.C.U. for her safety. After that, those experiments, and in fact that entire level had been ordered to be shut down.

Shortly after that, the abductions started.

Originally there was no pattern. Students would disappear and those that reappeared were too traumatized to help, bearing scars, stitches and other signs of invasive procedures. Some of those who reappeared claimed to be ‘healed’, their Hyperhuman abilities gone or at the very least inert and nigh-undetectable. Then a pattern began to emerge, firstly vulnerable students who had no family to come looking for them and then, subclass Hyperhumans. Hyperhumans who appeared inhuman or had extranormal features, appendages or otherwise couldn’t walk down a street without alarming the general populace.

No matter how many times they changed security clearances, and rotated staff, the experiments had continued and each time they were discovered, Fist only arrived in time to find an abandoned laboratory covered in blood stains. More than once a victim had died in his arms, too severely drained of blood to survive until help arrived.

While several students had vanished in the wake of the Chancellor’s takedown of House Orcinus, the Hyperion’s Children sect that had been lying in secret under Pacific Royal’s nose, one particular name fit the pattern.

Robert Arkwright.

A large man who appeared more akin to a troll or an orc than a human. He wouldn’t have been easy to subdue in a direct fight which either meant that Daedalus had ways to get a victim to come along willingly, or Arkwright had been sedated and transported otherwise.

The Fist took a long sip of his coffee, pouring over the notes he had gathered over the last few days. Robert had last been seen the day before the Trial sabotage, and while plenty of evidence pointed to the idea that he had sabotaged it, Naira Cameron took that fall. None of the other incarcerated Orcinus members tried to pin the blame on Robert either, which either meant he wasn’t directly involved or still held some sort of leverage over them.

But Miguel had to believe Robert’s disappearance could only be connected to Daedalus. Which meant he needed to return to the Southern Plateau. There was only one place to make someone as large as Arkwright disappear and that was the forest.

And if an orc fell in the forest and no one was around to hear it, would it still make a sound?

Miguel finished his coffee and adjusted his tie. If there was evidence to be found in the forest, then it was as good as found.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by webboysurf
Avatar of webboysurf

webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: Academic Quad, P.R.C.U. Campus - Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean
Take on Me #3.035: Know Your Enemy
Interaction(s): Mary Tyler

"Hey, I got your text... what do you need, Rory?" Mary seemed surprised to see Rory in the library, let alone hunched over a laptop in a study room. He had a notebook open to a blank page, ready to take notes. More than any of that, though... there was a strange look in Rory's eyes that she couldn't quite place. He seemed... determined. Angry. Afraid.

"Right, uh... I..." He didn't know how to explain what he needed, what he was doing, or why he was doing it. Filling her in on his secret assignment seemed like a bad idea. But Mary knew him well enough to tell when he was lying. Middle path, then, was the best option. "I'm looking at some stuff from the Trials, and I was warned it wasn't going to be pleasant."

Mary raised an eyebrow, taking a seat at the small table across from him. She leaned forward, chin in her hands as a small and devilish grin formed on her face. "What, too scared to ask Kat-"

"No." Rory's response was quick, and instinctual. Mary pretended to be shocked, but they both knew she had effectively got under his skin. Rory shook his head. "Besides... a lot happened this weekend. Before it all went bad. I..." He hesitated. He didn't quite know what to call what he had going on. They never really put a word to it. Last thing he needed to do was rush it, so he'd have to settle for the next best answer. "Look, Katja's not interested."

"Her loss."

"Yeah, thanks." He rolled his eyes, catching a glimpse again of his laptop screen. A folder full of video files was there, waiting for him. Surely, there were other ways to root out a traitor.

But all other leads were, for the most part, dried up. And with Lorc out of commission, the team all on edge, and morale this low... he needed to narrow the suspects. Besides, it would only be a matter of time before the others found out what he was up to. If he could secure himself a head start before that happened, he'd be set.

"I should get started..."

Rory sat in front of his laptop, sliding on an old pair of headphones, and opening up the first video file.

It was hard watching someone break down. Mary was lucky she only had to see Rory break. Rory watched all nine. He had to pause frequently to wipe tears from his eyes, or to stand up and pace around the room. By the end, Rory just slammed the laptop lid closed and rested his head on the table. His notebook was filled with the names of everyone, some crossed out and then re-added and crossed out again. His head pounded in his skull, his chest and every muscle in his fiber felt heavier than they ever had before. If he had the energy, he would be angry. Seething. But after watching it all, he just felt tired. He wanted to go home.


Mary walked behind him, rubbing his back softly the same way he had when they were young. "It's over, Riri. It's over."

Rory shook his head, eyes screwed shut as he hid his face in his arms on the table. "No... not yet."

Mary paused her movement. He never let her get away with calling him that. She reached out towards the notebook next to Rory. He panicked, slamming his palm over the notes. He didn't look at Mary, but she got the message. She backed away, leaning against the wall and folding her arms as he shoved the notes into his bag. "It's about the Trials, isn't it? Don't tell me you're beating yourself up over-"

"They wanted to recruit me, Mary."

Silence followed for a moment. Neither of them knew how to talk about it... or him for that matter. Eventually, Mary walked back to her seat and silently sat down, watching him as he pulled the notes out again to clean them up.

There were a few individuals he was fairly confident couldn't possibly side with Hyperion's Children, especially after the footage. The thought of Banjo taking orders from anyone was laughable, especially not the maniacs worshipping the guy who put him in the hospital years ago. Calliope was unlikely... even if the actual shotgun to the leg wasn't real, the odds they would do that to their own was unlikely. Plus, Calliope was just as unlikely as Banjo to follow the beat of their own drum. Her and Banjo had arguments... but no argument would ever drive her to Hyperion. Last on the absolutely free and clear was Haven. He paused as he crossed her name off the list. He wanted it not to be her... but the simulation tried to kill her. The images of her were going to haunt him. Now that he knew what Katja's powers were capable of... borrowing her power before confronting the traitor might be best.

His pen hovered over Katja's name. She suffered more than some in the simulation. Carving into a wall of flesh with your bare hands didn't seem like the kind of thing Hyperion's children would be for. He had never asked Katja much about her past, but what little he could piece together made what he witnessed even worse. The simulation tormented her psychologically almost as much as Haven. It haunted her with her past. But the simulation mocked him too. Did everything it could to break and mold him. And it molded Katja. Katja broke in the simulation, and what he saw wouldn't leave his mind. She was one of two who were truly willing to kill. But kill wasn't the right word. Kill was what Amma did. Katja slaughtered.

Part of his mind settled on Katja's behavior before the Trials, at breakfast. She was off... but confrontational when pushed. Maybe, just maybe, she had known. Was that why she was off that morning?

If Katja was the traitor... would anyone be able to stop her from hurting the team?

Could he stop her from killing Haven?

Had she always been holding back?

Rory moved his pen away from her name. She wasn't his first suspect... but after what he witnessed, he wasn't sure he could trust her.

Rory looked down at Harper's name, sighing as he crossed her name off without much hesitation. Like Haven, the simulation seemed to revel in torturing her in ways he couldn't even imagine. He hadn't seen her the past few days... he felt bad for not noticing the fresh scars when they all got out. He didn't know she had a sister. He didn't know a lot of things about his friends. But he was certain, between the simulation and the way she clocked how Katja was off at breakfast, she couldn't betray the team like that. In the same breath, Rory crossed off Gil's name. He got it worse than Harper did, and his continued presence in the hospital to recover was a sign that he was a clear target to be taken out. The simulation tried to kill him as much as it tried to kill Haven, it seemed.

Rory put a question mark next to Amma's name. Part of him wanted to cross it off entirely, but he knew it would be irresponsible. She had hurt him. She also used that power to save Haven. He didn't understand their interaction fully, but he understood enough. She didn't only act in her own self-interest. For a moment, she was a team player. Of course, then she turned around and hurt him. He had felt what he could only imagine to be a fraction of her power. After having seen what had happened in the simulation, that was her at her weakest. Despite the healing, lines of skin on his arms still felt raw. But at the same time... it felt like there was something underneath her words and actions that were hesitant. He knew what it was like to play a part, and to wear a mask and hope no one noticed. Even when Amma attacked him, it didn't feel like her. He didn't know how else to put it. He couldn't cross her off, but he would be surprised if it was her.

He hesitated as he hung his pen over Aurora's name, before finally placing a question mark next to it. Aurora was attacked, surely. But the danger she faced was minimal compared to the others. If anything, it felt like the simulation was trying to groom her. The fear she expressed seemed real... but Rory was so jaded at this point her couldn't tell if it was just an act. She seemed to be in a position to say the right thing at the right time for her teammates... but she seemed more devastated at the thought of being abandoned than anyone else. She wasn't his top suspect.

Not when Lorcán was on the list. He, out of everyone, seemed to suffer the least. The scar was nasty, but the tone of how the simulation toyed with him was more theater than anything. Or, more accurately... it felt like how the simulation tried to groom Rory. Aurora was there to seduce him, the evil version of him had a cool name and a scar that it ended up passing on to the real him. It didn't hand him Hyperion's robes, but it might as well have. Compounded with his behavior in setting up for the Trials, his connection to Aurora, his weird vibes with Amma, and the fact he was willing to kill in the simulation. They weren't real, and even Hot Shot could tell that surely. But out of everyone, he was one of the most likely options on his list. Besides Rory, Lorcán was set up as the only other true heir to Hyperion. Him, Rory, Katja, and Amma.

The only person Rory knew wasn't a traitor was himself.

Rory hoped Tad was wrong. Based on the footage, it looked like he was.

Rory closed the notebook, his head pounding as he stood up and shoved everything into his bag. Mary had tried talking to him, but stopped when he wouldn't respond. She had never seen Rory like this. He wasn't just vacant or absent, not even cold.

When Mary looked into Rory's eyes, there wasn't any light in the bright blue eyes.

He looked dead.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Qia
Avatar of Qia

Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Science Wing - Pacific Royal Campus
Take On Me #3.036: You're So Vain
Interaction(s): Unknown Number / Nameless Insignificance
Previously: Wing to Wing

‘Hey Rora, I was thinking it would be great to do something fun together tonight or maybe tomorrow if today is too sudden. How about we plan a movie night?’

‘Alternatively, we could go shopping with the girls. I think most of us still need to get dresses for the dance. What do you think? Let me know! 😊’

A flutter of anxiety surged through Harper as she pressed the send button and placed her phone down with a shaky hand. Her fingers immediately began to drum lightly on the desk, a subconscious attempt to release her pent-up nervous energy. Please, please say yes, she silently begged, her eyes flickering back to the phone every few seconds. The past few days had been tough for everyone, but she felt that Aurora, most of all, needed a break from everything that had happened.

All the while, her professor continued his lecture at the front of the room. Despite her best efforts to stay attentive, Harper found the whole thing to be a monotonous drone that did little to capture her interest. His voice, steady and unchanging, created an almost hypnotic rhythm, each word blending seamlessly into the next. The classroom’s dim lighting and the soft hum of the air conditioning only added to the soporific atmosphere. The brunette’s eyelids grew heavier with each passing minute, and she blinked rapidly, trying to fend off the drowsiness that threatened to pull her under. She shifted in her seat, crossing and uncrossing her legs, hoping that a change in position might help her stay awake. Her fingers tapped restlessly on the edge of her laptop now, a silent plea for the lecture to end. The clock on the wall seemed to move at a glacial pace though, each tick adding to her struggle to remain conscious.

The sudden buzz of her phone on the table shattered the monotony of the lecture, jolting Harper from her drowsy state. Her heart skipped an anticipatory beat as she glanced over, a flicker of hope igniting within her. The screen lit up, displaying a message from an unknown number—one she did not recognize immediately. Her excitement quickly evaporated, replaced by a sinking feeling of disappointment. Not Aurora. The brief surge of hope dissipated like a popped balloon, leaving her feeling deflated.

On the preview of the message, she read the words ‘Hi???’, finally sparking a flicker of recognition. Her memory quickly pieced together who it might be: one of the few contacts she had reached out to earlier, someone she barely knew and whose name she'd never bothered to save. She recalled having to coordinate with this person in the past, their interactions marked by a lack of cooperation and a palpable tension. One she desperately hoped wasn’t present still. There were notes to be borrowed, after all.

Her fingers hovered over the screen before she tapped to open the message, bracing herself for the snarky tone she was likely to receive.

And did.

Attempt #1: Fail

‘Hi!!! Were you here for Matt’s Biochem class yesterday? Missed it 😣.’

‘Hi??? You missed a lot then! but I guess that’s what happens when you skip class. Maybe try showing up next time? 🙂’

And there it was. Typical, Harper thought, shaking her head slightly, feeling her frustration bubbling to the surface. Her fingers flew across the screen, typing out a response before she could fully think it through.

‘Thanks for the life advice, Dr. Phil. Now, about those notes…?’

With a sigh, she backtracked the message, deleting the text with a few quick taps. Closing her eyes, she leaned back in her chair and looked up at the ceiling, exasperation etched across her features. This wasn’t the time for a petty argument; she needed those notes, if only to guide her still foggy mind.

“You got a pretty nasty hit there,” one of the healers that had attended to her had remarked, their voice gentle yet concerned. “So far, there doesn’t seem to be anything to worry about, but if you find yourself struggling don’t hesitate to reach out, okay?”

Harper had merely nodded her head at the time, her face a mask of inscrutability. She’d had zero intentions of seeing anyone. Because here was the thing:

She despised hospitals.

She had spent too many hours in the cold, impersonal atmosphere she associated with them growing up. And if things continued on their current trajectory, she knew that feeling of dread and anxiety would never go away. And she needed it to go away. But not like that.

Pushing aside her irritation, Harper took a deep breath and typed out a new message.

‘Look, I really need notes for what I missed. Can you help me or not?’

She paused for a second, rereading the message. It was direct, perhaps a bit too blunt, but she didn’t have the energy to sugarcoat her request. Harper hit send, watching as the message disappeared into the digital ether.

The response came quickly, the tone unmistakably cold and cutting.

‘You really have a lot of nerve. Don’t tell me you 4got all about it?’

Harper frowned, racking her brain for what they might have been referring to. As if having read her mind, her phone buzzed again, a new message lighting up the screen.

‘You told me that I was incompetent and pretty much unreliable cus of it. All because I had a ‘poor track record’.’

Harper’s frown deepened. The words stung now, but she couldn’t deny having said them when she gave it some thought. She had always prided herself on being straightforward, but perhaps she had been too harsh here. Before she could formulate a response, however, another message appeared.

‘So, why would you want anything from me, Sergeant Baxter?’

Harper blinked, her head tilting to the side in vague interest as she realized something. Wow, proper grammar this time, and through text too. That’s new. And they'd only been texting for five minutes!

She was so proud.

A smirk curled on her lips like a cat stretching in the sun, her fingers moving to type a response.

‘But look at how much you’ve improved already!!!’

Harper, of course, did not send this message either. Her actual response instead showed the amount of sincerity she could muster at that moment.

‘ohhh mbbbbb! 😓’

Right 🖕

Harper's fingers stilled, her smirk fading as she stared at the screen. The message hit harder than she'd expected, her earlier irritation giving way to a sinking feeling of regret. She put her phone down, her fingers drumming restlessly on the desk once more.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Skai
Avatar of Skai

Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Canis Dorm - PRCU
Take On Me #3.037: When Doves Cry

Interaction(s): Rory @Webboysurf
Previously: Know Your Enemy & Wing to Wing

Haven’s feet dangled off the roof to the Canis Dorms. Her sneakered feet gently rocked back and forth as she waited patiently for the window below her to slide open. Her large wings, finally splayed open for the first time since the morning, were happily soaking up the last of the sunlight as the day began to draw to an end.

It wasn’t her cliffside view, but its proximity to him made it worth it. She was just fine enjoying the sky from Rory’s dorm if it meant she’d know as soon as he made it home.

Home. The word had blown through her mind as easily as a leaf in the wind. It had her heart fluttering, and filled her wings, cheeks, and chest with a warmth that she hadn’t expected but welcomed gratefully. It wasn’t a name for the dorm room in particular, but for the person that breathed and slept within it. The man she couldn’t wait to see after such a long and stressful day.

She didn’t worry about where he’d been. She didn’t fret over how he would receive her if she popped in his window seconds after he opened it. Instead she continued to enjoy the peaceful moment, because she knew that she wouldn’t be alone for much longer.

Calli’s words breezed through her thoughts. ”Remember to keep being you.” She thought she’d done pretty well today, even if she hadn’t paid too much attention in class. The classes had brought up painful memories and feelings, fresh wounds after they’d been torn open by the trial, but she’d sought out a solution to it before coming to rest on this roof. She’d done something for herself after days of seeking solace within Rory’s arms. She even found comfort in Harper, whom she’d been grateful to open up to. It was a bit of a surprise that Harper was the first to hear about her past. She thought that it would be Rory, when the time was right. He’d have to find out sooner rather than later. She was just wondering how she would bring it up to him when she heard the door begin to open within the dorm below her.

Rory was barely put together as he entered into his dorm, pausing briefly to look at Lorcán’s closed door with red puffy eyes. He sighed, pulling at his loose tie to loosen up its grip around his neck. He opened up his bedroom door, tossed his backpack on the ground, and stood in the darkening room for a long minute. His eyes locked on the closed window. He wasn’t sure if he should open it. He wasn’t sure if he wanted her to see him like this. He knew she wouldn’t care, but he did.

He also knew the last thing he needed at the moment was to be alone. Rory moved to the window, sliding it up and slumping onto the bed, removing his tie fully and tossing it across the room onto his desk.

Haven felt her heart do a flip as she heard the window slide open below her. She shook her wings out beside her, preparing to spend the rest of the night inside, as she pushed herself up onto her feet. With no time wasted, Haven stepped off the side of the building and caught herself midair in a powerful downbeat of feathers and muscle. She climbed into the familiar window same way she did every evening, careful not to graze her wings against the windowsill as she slid inside.

“Honey, I’m hoome.” She lilted playfully. The first thing she did was remove her sneakers, tucking them by the windowsill this time instead of leaving them scattered as usual. Her bag she set down on his desk, a small smile spreading as she picked up his tie. “Did you wear your uniform?”

Haven held the tie in her hand as she turned to face Rory, one corner of her lips turned upwards in an amused smirk. Her dimple was as deep as it could be now that she was in Rory’s presence.

Then she noticed his body language, slumped on the bed as if he’d lost the champion hyperball game. Except this looked worse than a simple defeat. The smirk dissolved, concern immediately passing over her features like a dark cloud. She moved over to the bed slowly, a million scenarios passing through her head as she did so. The redness to his eyes told her all she needed to know, except for what had happened to make him cry. Was Lorcán okay? Was it the trials back to haunt him?

“Hey,” she began softly, concern audible in her tone. “Come here. I got you.” Her hands reached out for him, a welcoming embrace that promised as much comfort as she could give him.

Rory reached out and buried his head into Haven's chest, arms wrapped around her tight as he let a few tears fall into her shirt. As his eyes were screwed shut, he fought hard against his imagination to avoid seeing the flashes of torture again. His grip around Haven tightened further.

It wasn't a good idea… but someone had to know. He had to talk to someone.

”I saw it… all of it. Jim recorded it…” His breath caught in his throat, the next words the hardest to choke out. ”They chose me to spare… they wanted to make me like him.”

Haven enveloped him in her arms, her wings following suit as she felt the first tears fall onto her chest. All thoughts about her day replaced by the need to make him feel safe. She wanted to ease his pain. It was the first time he’d cried in front of her, and it felt like her heart was slowly being crushed at the sight of his pain.

The cause of his pain was worse than what she’d imagined. She didn’t understand him at first, her brows furrowed in confusion, but at the mention of a recording the words pieced themselves together. Her heart broke for him. Her body tensed in his arms, and yet she held him closer to her and buried a hand in his hair. She kissed the top of his head, tears beginning to prick at her eyes.

“You… watched all of us? Why?” She asked softly. “What do you mean, like him?” She was so confused, and yet she didn’t care. All that mattered was that he was hurting and she couldn’t imagine how much pain he’d endured watching his friends go through the horrors of the trial.

Rory kept his head buried and hidden against Haven. He wasn't ready to let her see his face. He knew he had let the cat out of the bag, but the words and explanation took a moment for his mind to parse together. He'd have to settle for partial answers. ”Investigation… Need to for the investigation. Jim warned me…” He paused, composing himself as he felt his voice quiver as he trailed off. The second answer was easier. ”They wanted to make me Hyperion… Haven, they wanted to make me like him…”

Those last words shut Rory up, his heart seizing more in his chest at the pain. He had been afraid for years that this is what people saw him as. The full-throated realization and acceptance that he wasn't just seen as Hyperion, but actively desired as a replacement, scared him. It scared him more than anything else possibly could.

Well, except for what he had seen that day. Seeing what Haven went through had shook him more than anything. Hyperion’s Children tried to kill her. The simulation tried to pluck her wings, caged her, and then tried to kill her. He didn’t understand everything that happened, but he knew enough to be devastated.

“Rory, you– you could never be him.” Haven’s voice was softer now, yet it carried the weight of her words with it. There was no way he could become anything like Hyperion. His heart was too kind. She knew that he would never kill another soul, even if he was pressured into it

It was hard to control her emotions as she tried not to think about how he’d seen her own recording. She couldn’t stomach the thought of it. He’d seen her fears, her desperation, her despondence, and her near death experience. He’d seen her life played out before her, used against her, and she hadn’t had a chance to tell him in her own words. It had her body tense under his touch, no matter how desperately she craved the feeling of him in her arms.

Her tanned hand began to rub circles along his back. A feeble attempt to soothe the both of them with the gentle motions. It didn’t do her any good. As much as she wanted to push her own experience into the back of their minds, a part of her wanted to know how he had taken it. What he thought of her after seeing her at her worst.

“You… you saw mine?” Her voice cracked as she spoke the words. “Were you alone? He didn’t make you watch alone, did he?” She swayed where she stood at the edge of the bed, her mind playing twisted games against her. She wasn’t sure she could remain standing as they discussed what had plagued her for the last few days

Rory let go, lifting his hands to his face to wipe away tears with his sleeves. He slumped back on the bed, before falling onto his back and turning away from Haven. He didn't want her to see him like this, especially when she was the one who had to live it. He was only a spectator. A voyeur.

”I… I brought Mary with me. Just to be there in case I…” He didn't know what he was going to do. He didn't know how to verbalize what he had felt. He shrugged off any effort to finish that thought, turning back to her central question. ”I saw all of it. Everyone's. They… I thought the simulation was just messing with me when it showed what it wanted to do to you.” Rory stared blankly at the side of the wardrobe that rested against the foot of his bed, his hands clenched into tight fists in front of him.

Haven could feel the world shift under her feet. The tears that had been welling in her eyes began to spill down her cheeks and gather at her chin. She crawled onto the bed, her wings drawn tightly to her back as her protective instincts took over. Careful not to disturb him, she sat on the other side of his legs, her back leant against the wall. Trembling hands reached for her head, brushing back the baby hairs that lined her face. She sniffed as she tried to steady her voice.

“I’m sorry. You should have heard it from me before you watched it.” She looked down at where he laid. Her tears continued to fall even as she tried to reign them in with a shaky breath. “I couldn’t say it before, because– because I gave up. And then Amma saved me, and I saw myself-” Her breath hitched as she wrung her hands within her lap. “The salon, the motel, the home, the forest… all of it. That’s what my life was like before I came here. It’s hard to talk about.”

“I thought I’d have more time to process it before I told you.” She wiped a tear away with the back of her hand. “I’m mortified that Mary saw it, too, but… I’m really glad she was there for you.”

Rory shook his head, taking a deep breath to steady his voice. ”You don't have to apologize. I don't understand all of it, your past. I want to know, when youre ready. But I… What bothers me isn't your past. Haven…” Rory paused, more out of instinct and obligation than a desire to keep lying. Haven, based on what he had seen and heard, was just about the only person he could trust without a doubt for something like this. But more than that… Relationships are built on trust. She trusted him, and it was time he showed it back.

Rory pulled himself up into a sitting position, pushing himself back so he rested against the wall. He reached a hand out to hold Haven's, staring ahead but refusing to hide his face any more. His voice was soft. ”Someone in Blackjack might be working with Hyperion's Children. Some of them have been on campus for a while. Jim needed help investigating… and I want answers.” He paused, gritting his teeth. His tone grew more cold and detatched. ”If one of us is with them… I want to look them in the eye and ask how they could do that to their friends.”

Rory turned to properly face Haven, a flash of anger on his face as his eyes briefly glanced to her wings and her temples. ”I want to know why they were willing to kill you, Haven… or if they even knew.”

Haven’s wide eyes stared into Rory’s as his words sunk into her heart. Her tears slowed almost to a stop. “You really think?” The anger in his eyes, as they looked over the places on her body that had been targeted in the trial, answered it for her. She thought of what Aurora had said before, and her heart began to thump in her chest.

“Aurora was told that one of us betrayed the team. I didn’t- couldn’t believe it. I can’t imagine any of us planning something like that.”

Blackjack had each other’s backs. They were her new family. How could one of them knowingly put the team in harm's way? How could they walk into the trial knowing what awaited them inside?

“But Jim is never wrong… I can’t believe you’ve been holding onto that all of this time.” Her hand pulled his into her lap, the other joining it to gently trace the contours of his knuckles. “If they knew, then they were willing to kill the entire team and themselves to prove their point.”

Rory was left a bit speechless. He didn't precisely know what to expect… But there wasn't anger in her voice or movements. He let her run her fingers over his hand, staring down to watch her as he mulled over her words. Even then… her conclusion didn't sit right with him. He couldn't imagine any of them walking into the hell they faced… Though, not everyone faced an awful fate. He was a good example of that.

”Jim mentioned something about them being… departmentalized. Kept separate, and not knowing everyone. There's a chance they didn't know. I can't believe any of us would-” He stopped abruptly. That was a lie. One of them would. ”I don't think the… Spy, i guess, would have gone through with something like this. If they did…” He didn't know how to finish that sentence. He didn't want to dwell on what he would do if he was wrong.

Rory shook his head, his brain screeching to a halt and reversing. ”You… Haven, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I didn't want you to have to deal with this… It's hard to look anyone in the eyes right now. I feel like a… like a monster having to suspect everyone. Hoping I can find whoever it is before someone else gets hurt.” His eyes briefly looked back to Haven as he finished talking. The image of the neural link being violently ripped off was burned into his memory. He didn't want to know what they would try next.

Haven’s heart twisted as she thought further on the subject. It would make more sense, and she desperately hoped they were right, that whichever teammate it was had no idea about the trial. She couldn’t stomach the thought of willingly allowing the team to be put through that pain. She didn’t feel angry, at least not yet, because she didn’t want to believe that there was someone in her new family that would harm them. It was going to break her heart if it was true.

She turned to Rory with incredulous eyes as he tried to put some blame on himself. How could he be sorry for this? He didn’t ask for it. His eyes moved to her temples, and she knew what he was thinking of. She remembered the moment like it happened yesterday. A fresh tear fell from her gold and greens and when she spoke, her voice was filled with sorrow. “Rory, you’ve had to shoulder this. You had to watch the tapes in case they told you anything. You’ve been alone in this, but I’m here now. I want to help in any way I can.” She squeezed his hand in her lap to emphasize her next point. “You have nothing to apologize for. You aren’t a monster, and you never could be. The person to blame is the one who messed with the trial.”

“If it was someone on our team, then… we need to find out who.” She said after taking a deep breath.

Her eyes looked between his blues, the understanding in them clear as she saw the pain within him. She knew it was going to be tough to scrutinize their teammates. She had a feeling that this was the reason why his shoulders seemed to carry so much weight in the past few days.

“I’m here to help you with the weight. You can lean on me, Rory.”

Rory shook his head quietly for a moment, sighing a little as he leaned his head back against the wall. ”I don’t want you getting involved, Haven. Not directly.” His voice was calm and tired, and he closed his eyes. ”I know you’re stronger than me… but if it’s any of the people I think it is, that won’t matter.” His jaw clenched for a moment, thinking back to the images he saw of his teammates fighting with their backs against the wall. ”I also know I can’t stop you from trying. And I know doing this alone could end up getting me killed.”

He pulled his hand out of her lap, and shifted his body to look at her directly. His hands rose to her cheeks, cradling her face and wiping away tears with his thumbs. He wore a serious expression, eyes dim with all but a glint of fear. He took a breath, and looked her straight in the eye. ”You were graced with beautiful ears, Wings. Just… listen in. Keep an ear out. If you hear anyone say anything weird, or confess to being up to something, or talk about what they went through in the Trials… let me know. And if you hear me cry out for you, I need you to find Jim or Torres.” He paused as he spoke that last name, regretting that request. But kept a serious expression as he elaborated. ”Preferably Jim. But if you can’t find him quick… I can only hold someone off for three minutes.”

“Like hell I’m leaving you to fight them by yourself.” Haven rebutted, even as she fought against the urge to shrink away at the mention of the Foundation representative. She looked between his eyes, a line forming between her brows. “Who do you think it is, that you think it will get physical anyways? Even if- if they chose to follow Hyperion, do you think-” She stopped herself, her eyes blinking back fresh tears.

She couldn’t accept that one of their own had willingly let the Trial attempt to kill them. Yet… if they did, they would probably have no issue with hurting them again. The way Rory spoke about it, it seemed he already had a few suspects in mind. It was hard not to let her own mind wander, to focus on the possibilities of who it could be if her own strength wouldn’t be much help against them. A few already came to mind. Those who had powers on a higher level, or the one person who could beat her in a fight. She didn’t want to dwell on any of their names for long. She took a breath and placed her hands over Rory’s, holding them to her face so that he wouldn’t pull away from her. Her eyes were serious as she nodded once.

“I’ll find them. Whoever is closest. Even if it’s her… but you have to promise me that you won’t get hurt.” She tilted her head into his right hand as she placed her left on his cheek, her thumb tracing the bit of stubble that had grown on his ungroomed chin. “I thought I’d lost you once, and I don’t think I can handle it again. Please don’t confront them unless you think it’s safe to.”

Rory gave a faint, soft smile. He turned his head, brushing his lips against her palm to plant a small kiss. He closed his eyes, then nodded, turning his head so she could continue tracing his face. ”I'll be careful… best case scenario, we're all wrong in the first place.” His voice was almost pleading for that sentiment to be true, but it failed to travel to his eyes. His eyes were still filled with a mixture of concern, fear, and sincerity.

As he looked into Haven's eyes, he felt a surge of emotion pour out of his chest. His breath caught as he stared at her. The gravity of their pact caught up to him. He moved on instinct, closing the short gap between them to plant a soft kiss on her lips. He didn't know how to describe the mixture of pain and comfort that poured out of him in that moment. As he pulled from the kiss, and his eyes slowly opened, the words that rolled out of him were sudden. ”Nothing is going to take me from you, Haven.” His voice trembled a little as he spoke, more out of raw emotion than uncertainty.

”I promise.”
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

They came in through the open window.

Under the cover of night, they stole quietly across campus, undetected, casting no lingering shadows as they approached the dormitories. Scaling the building with ease before slipping quietly inside the Canis dormitory. Asleep in the bed was a pair of students, one belonged, the other did not.

They were not there for the one who belonged.

Two men flanked either side of the bed, while a third stood reading, his weapon trained on the pair while they slept. Liquid sprayed through the air and onto the floor, as a pair of syringes were tested before being inserted into the pair, ensuring there would be no fight and commotion to wake the rest of the dormitory.

They bound her hands first, then her feet and lastly her wings before gingerly removing her from the bed and scaling back down the side of the dormitory before disappearing into the night, they prize in tow.

No one any wiser they had come or gone.
Location: Pacific Royal Campus - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
Take On Me #3.038: Break My Baby
Interaction(s): @Skai - Haven Barnes
Previously: After Coffee

The first week of classes was rapidly vanishing for Blackjack and the rest of Pacific Royal as clouds rolled in with a cool Autumn breeze. Having finally made it over the hump, the senior class quickly became less occupied with their final year of classes and more focussed on the impending dance.

Especially given the change in dress code.

Normally, no forethought nor effort needed to be made into one’s formal attire. The school was built on military traditions and a dress uniform had been provided with specific stipulations in place for its use. The Senior Dress was one such occasion where the dress uniform typically would have been used. However with the Foundation’s meddling, the uniforms were out the window and with a themed dance approaching, students were planning trips to the mainland in the evenings in order to shop and find that perfect outfit.

One such trip had been planned for today by several members of Blackjack. Following the series of unfortunate events that had befallen the team, it seemed only logical that they blow off some steam and head over to the mainland for shopping, dinner and drinks.

Unfortunately, as they waited, there was no sign of Haven. No familiar sound of wings beating overhead, no cheerful call as the girl hurried along the ground. Instead they stood, waiting by the ferry with no communication about this sudden, unusual tardiness.

Haven of course had no say in the matter.

Her eyes were wide with fear as she lay strapped to an operating table in a foreign room that had once been the hidden workshop of Isabelle Christianson. The defunct transportation pad, the same one that had allowed Hyperion and his forces to secretly invade Pacific Royal, now hummed active again as a man in a dirty lab coat hurried about between unwitting students now being used as experiments in some twisted vision.

Vials labelled with various words like ‘Subject V’ were arranged neatly in a nearby case while a syringe was loaded with one reading ‘Subject R’ above Haven. She tried to scream but with no avail as the gag in her mouth restricted all noise. Several enclosures lined the walls, bodies hung suspended inside, their breathing laboured, if their chests moved at all. Lacerations and stitches marred their bodies while black marks from outlines stained their skin.

“There, there little bird,” A less than calming voice said as the man in the lab coat appeared over Haven, illuminated by the hanging lightbulb overhead. The front of his lab coat was covered in a blood stained smock while a mask hung around his grey-stubble-covered chin. His hair seemingly had a mind of its own as it stuck out in almost every direction while holding a pair of glasses just above his forehead.

“She said you had wonderful wings,” He mused, stroking one of the feathered appendages causing Haven to wince and struggle against her restraints. “They truly are majestic.” He added, before a small snarl twisted onto his face.

“Shame we have to clip them.” He snapped, his personality almost changing on a dime as Haven fought the lump forming in her throat. The man picked up several vials of blood, drawing Haven’s eye to the small bandage on her arm, they had taken blood, her blood. She watched the madman’s face as it twisted and warped, something seemingly crawling beneath his skin, fighting to get out before the man pulled an inhaler, taking a deep huff before sympathetic grey eyes looked down on the restrained girl.

“Shh, shh, shh,” The man in the lab coat stated, roughly wiping tears from Haven’s eyes with a gloved hand. “I’m not a monster,” He stated, seemingly returning to Jeykll again before Hyde peeked out from under a smile revealing slightly yellowed teeth, stained from years of smoking and too many cups of coffee based on the horrid smell coming from his breath. He began to rummage through a tray of tools and needles before speaking again.

“You’ll be sedated again before the procedure begins.”
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

“What is this?” Lorcán’s voice cracked as the shade with Aurora’s face guided him through the forest, the flames parting as the psychopomp led him back along the path the stag had run.

“These are your first steps,” She responded, “Come, don’t delay, there is someone eagerly waiting to meet you.”

“Someone?” Lorcán repeated, “Waiting to meet me?” He asked, more confused than ever.

“Yes,” The psychopomp replied with Aurora’s signature smile, her eyes lighting up, the pinch of her cupid’s bow and playful dancing at the corners of her mouth. “She’s incredibly excited, she’s waited your whole life to meet you.”

“My whole life?” Lorcán asked, repeating the odd verbiage. The roar of the inferno was slowly fading in his ears the closer he got to the light at the edge of the forest. Shivers were running up and down his body, chills setting in as he slowed his footsteps and pulled away from the shade.

“I don’t want to go yet,” He stated, looking back towards the fire. “I’m not ready yet,”

“University is a big step,” Aurora replied from beside Lorcán as the pair looked out over the beach. It was the first weekend of September the year after Hyperion’s attack, the first year that Aurora and Lorcán were transitioning from the Collegiate programs into University. Aurora had declared her major in psychology, but Lorcán had yet to declare his.

As usual, nightmares had brought Aurora out to the beach, but for once, she wasn’t alone in the growing anxiety that came when the sunset. Lorcán’s stomach was in knots about moving into University and joining Blackjack, the same team both his parents had been on when they were students. The pressure of legacy was doing a number on the boy’s usually relaxed demeanor.

Lorcán looked to his right, Aurora was dressed comfortably in a pair of leggings and a baggy sweatshirt in a colour that managed to both bring out her eyes and accent her hair. He had seen her in a swimsuit, in uniform and even in a dress and still, there was never a time she looked more beautiful than she did now.

The pair had spent many nights out on the beach in this very spot. Lorcán swore it was the best spot on the entire island to look at the stars. They’d been out late before, but never to the point where they were both taking turns stifling yawns.

Lorcán looked down, feeling a weight against his shoulder, copper-toned hair catching the corner of his eye as he realized Aurora had fallen asleep against his shoulder. A smile crossed his face before he stifled another yawn.

Maybe this year won't be so bad after all.

“It won’t be, but you need to come with me.” Lorcán felt smoke fill his lungs again, prompting a cough as he took a step forward towards Aurora again. He knew she wasn’t his Aurora though and he felt himself starting to freeze, he felt worse the further he got from the fire.

“Please, Lorcán, come with me,” The psychopomp sounded eerily like Aurora as she pleaded.

“I can't lose you.”
Location: The Infirmary - Pacific Royal Collegiate & University
Take On Me #3.039: Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Interaction(s): @Melissa - Aurora Mitchell
Previously: Live and Let Die

Two days had come and gone since Lorcán had been transferred to his private room. A nurse had been in each day to change out his bandages but the wound underneath continued to look worse despite the salve. The veins in his arms had become blue while the skin spreading outward from the wound became darker and darker, the lacerations turning nearly black. The smell of the wound itself was absolutely putrid, nearly causing both Ripley and Cassander to gag on multiple occasions.

Aiden had convinced Tori to walk back to their apartment for a decent rest while both Ripley and Cassander had returned to class. That left Aurora alone at Lorcán’s side while the young man continued to slip in and out of consciousness. Even when he was conscious, Lorcán was rarely coherent, the fever and infection in his body leaving him in states of delirium.

Rothschild had joined Aurora and was curled up beside the girl on the small sofa adjacent to Lorcán’s bed. Tori had been ensuring the girl still was getting what sleep she could, eating and had plenty to eat. In a bittersweet way, it seemed that Lorcán’s mother had been enjoying having both Aurora and Ripley around, treating the pair as if they were both her own daughter having never had the chance to properly care for girls before.

The days had started to blur together.

Aurora couldn’t tell you how long she’d been sitting there, watching as her best friend fought for every breath he took. She felt absolutely helpless, but there was nothing to be done but wait. Her hands were tied, and that in itself was debilitating. But she found solace in staying by Lorcán’s side, keeping him company even if he didn’t realize it. She didn’t want him to be alone, and knew he’d do the same if the roles were reversed.

The redhead leafed through her book as she sat on the sofa, mindlessly running her fingers through Rothschild’s soft coat as she attempted to distract herself. She looked up from the words on the page every few minutes, as if she didn’t believe the consistent and metronomic beeping of the monitors. For once, the girl opted not to have her headphones in, the sound of Lorcán’s heartbeat the only thing she wanted to hear.

Needed to hear.

Rothschild let out a small whimper, lifting his head to look at Lorcán before exhaling impatiently and placing his head back on Aurora’s lap, pushing his brow under her palm as if to demand more affection from the girl. His head suddenly snapped to the side, the dog’s black lips curling upwards as a half snarl was caught in his throat only to disappear, replaced by a happily wagging tail as Aurora’s eyes were drawn to a man who had somehow entered the room.

He stood there for a second, as if just as lost about how he ended up in the small private room. A hand decorated with a signet ring rubbed over his smooth, bald head before he tugged on the blazer of his suit, turning to greet Aurora with a smile.

“Apologies for the intrusion, Miss Mitchell,” The man bowed humbly, “I rarely get much say in it.” He vaguely explained before turning to Lorcán unconscious form laid out on the bed beside him. An outstretched hand gently hovering over the bandages, as the man examined the boy with a familiarity that should have made Aurora uncomfortable. His nose wrinkled in protest at the odour coming from the decaying flesh before he took a step back and once again straightened the neatly pressed suit he wore.

“Ah,” He stated knowing, “I see my grandson has run into some trouble in the Northern Forest,” Jonas concluded, looking all too nonchalant about the entire situation. “Have they tried a salve of crushed chrysanthemums? It should help slow the spread.” He added, taking a seat across from Aurora before crossing his legs.

“And how are you, Miss Mitchell holding up? I imagine seeing him there like this isn’t the start to your final year that you had hoped.”

Aurora nearly jumped out of her seat, startled by the man’s sudden appearance, her novel falling to the floor with a dull thud. Gasping, her hand had moved to rest over her heart, pulse having skyrocketed. “Dr. Lehrer,” She breathed, recognizing him instantly with confusion in her gaze. However, it dissolved quickly, her conversation with Lorcán from the other day coming to mind, remembering that his spontaneous emergence happened from time to time. “I guess this is how everyone else feels when I just teleport in… I gotta stop doing that.” She stated, more to herself than to him.

The redhead watched as the older man examined Lorcán, raising an eyebrow at his neutral expression. She would have assumed he’d be just as torn up about this as the rest of Lorcán’s family, given how close she knew they were, asking questions and wanting answers. But at his mention of the Northern Forest, she realized that Jonas likely knew something that they didn’t, and nodded in response.

“I’m not sure what they’ve tried, but I’ll ask the nurse when she comes in to check in on him.” Aurora replied, leaning down and picking up her book and setting it on her lap. She reached out towards Rothschild and began petting him once more, seeking comfort as she spoke. “It’s been a rough couple of days,” She admitted, the bruise on her face, which had begun to fade, seemed to warm at the thought of the Trial on top of Lorcán getting injured. “I’m trying to stay strong, for him and for his family, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was scared.” Her blue eyes drifted over to his unconscious form, sadness in them evident.

“How much do you know?”

“I know many things, some that can ease suffering and many that are irrelevant.” Jonas replied, “But I am vowed to also allow the natural course to proceed, I am not of this here and now nor is this my place to interfere.” His expression softened, as he reached a sympathetic hand forward toward Aurora.

“And I know, that is unbearably difficult to hear. From where you’re sitting, I have all the answers and the means to save his life, to spare all of you the pain, the anxiety and the worry.” Jonas squeezed Aurora’s hand, “But truthfully, child, I unfortunately am not the one who can save him. Another still has a role to play and so the river continues to flow, no matter how many times I step foot into it, it continues to move around me.”

The redhead felt her eyes start to water, unable to stop the flow of tears that began to slowly fall over her freckled cheeks. It was cruel, that Jonas seemingly had all of the answers and yet, he held them just out of reach. But as angry as it made her, she knew it wasn’t his intention to do so. Aurora removed her hand from his and stood, not wanting the older man to watch her cry, and walked over to stand by the bed where Lorcán lay.

His tanned skin was dull, devoid of his usual sunkissed glow, and he looked fragile lying there, normally so strong and sturdy. “I can’t lose him Dr. Lehrer,” She almost whispered, resting her hand on the edge of the bed. “I thought he left me, during the Trial, and I truly didn’t know how I was going to go on.” The girl looked up at the older man, “He’s all I have.”

“Lorcán is suffering, his family is suffering.” She swallowed, “If I could switch places with him, I wouldn’t hesitate.”

“My child, I do not mean to be cruel,” Jonas replied, “I practically see you as family, much like my beloved Aiden and Victoria. Not to mention, my grandson.” He stood, walking over to Lorcán again, “But switching places with him would not lessen the suffering, do you think fewer people care for you?” He asked, looking back at Aurora.

“The only thing that would change is that he was there and you were here,” He motioned, “Aiden, Victoria, Ripley, Cassander, they would all be here worried and anxious for your well-being. That’s not including the rest of your teammates, Miss Baxter especially would likely be researching everything she could to find a cure.” He paused,

“Nor your own mother,” Jonas added, “Lorcán would have moved heaven and earth to ensure she was here if the fates were turned. No, the suffering most certainly would not be less.”

He clutched his chest, before he suddenly disappeared and then reappeared again.

“Oh Miss A, I’m afraid our time has come to a close.” Jonas stated, vibrating again, “If I could leave you with one thing, after he wakes up, just-” And then Jonas was gone, his sentence unfinished and Aurora was again left alone with only Rothschild who let out a small whimper before putting his head down between his front paws.

“Hey ‘Rora, I’ve got some time between classes, can I grab you a snack?” Ripley burst into the room, barely looking up from her phone as she asked the question. The older girl's lack of immediate response was enough to draw her attention upward.

“You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”

Aurora quickly wiped at her tears, not wanting the younger girl to witness her losing her composure. She didn’t even have time to process everything that Jonas had said, all of his words rattling around in her head, more questions swirling in tandem. “I’m fine,” She deflected, knowing that Ripley wasn’t clued in to the older gentleman’s ability to show up from beyond the metaphorical grave. “Yeah, I should probably eat something, a snack would be good.” She mustered a smile, hoping it didn’t come off as forced as it felt. “Thanks, Rips.”

Turning around, Ripley ran out the door, her face colliding with that of another as a mess of red hair was pushed into her mouth before she managed to spit it out.

“Geez ‘Rora, you need to warn a girl before you teleport-” Ripley scolded before realizing that neither the hair nor the face belonged to Aurora.

“My apologies, friend, I just wanted to check on the boy from the forest.” The redheaded woman replied.

“You’re Alyssa right?” Ripley asked the familiar looking woman. “The one who found him?”

“Myself and Lucille Calder,” Alyssa replied.

“You really didn't see what attacked him?” Ripley asked as Alyssa's eyes darted to the left, before she nervously bit her bottom lip.

“I’d love to tell you the whole truth, but I can't.” Alyssa replied. “I hope he gets well soon.” She offered solemnly while backing into the hallway before spinning on her heels and heading in the opposite direction.

Ripley looked towards the vending machine remembering the snack she promised Aurora before opting to follow Alyssa.

Hanging back, she watched as Alyssa ducked into a room before silently slipping down the hallway and peeking into the room to see Alyssa alongside another young woman who she assumed had to be the woman who helped her bring Lorcán in.

Reaching to the side of her head, Ripley took a hold of her ear before taking a deep breath and giving it a tug. It popped off with less resistance than she anticipated before peeking around the corner again. Neither Alyssa nor her blonde companion noticed her and Ripley took the opportunity to quickly lob her detached ear across the room watching it land on a sofa cushion. Focusing on her ear, Ripley began to hear Alyssa’s conversation.

"If the cousin is asking questions, then Aurora will start soon too. Blackjack has a history of...prying."

Luce shook away memories of campfire soul-spilling and peer-pressured revelations.

"Lucille Calder, you know I can't abide lying." Alyssa retorted. "We should divulge the whole truth, even if they don't understand."

"It's not about understanding. They just won't believe us."

"We go to a school for people with superpowers. Ellara is wrong - they're more open minded than she says, they'll listen."

Luce pinched the bridge of her nose. In a way, this clash of perspectives was why they'd survived their 'gap year' so well, and continued to be such a steadfast pair. In other ways, it irritated Luce, especially when Alyssa held her to account. Being back at PRCU made Luce antsy, and she was certain Alyssa could see it.

"Superpowers are one thing - there's plenty of science to back it up. But there's no literature on Limbo, Ünterland, wendigos, or anything else we encountered in the last five years." She sighed, absent-mindedly drifting her fingers over one of the many scars that criss-crossed her skin, most of which she'd picked up during the pair's adventures in their time away.

'Good thing you can heal' indeed.

"Look. If you want to march in there and tell Aurora her boyfriend is dying because a wendigo infected him and is now attempting to devour his soul and turn him into the very same ravenous monster that we'll then have to put in the ground just like the first one, then you go right ahead. But it won't make a difference. The fight's up to Lorcán now. You'll just incite panic."

"He's not her boyfriend."

"Whatever! It doesn't matter!" Luce replied, exasperated and half-yelling, throwing her hands up. "If we want to fix this, we need Ellara. Can you get her back here?"

"She left me enough to make a summoning rune, I can get her attention."

Ripley ducked out of sight as the pair exited. Running into the room, she retrieved her ear before bursting into Lorcán’s room finding Cass had joined Aurora. They turned to look at her while Ripley looked from Cass to Aurora and then Aurora to Cass and back again.

“Do either of you know what a wendigo is?”
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Skai
Avatar of Skai

Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: ?? - ??
Take on Me: #3.040 A Bird in the Hand

Interaction(s): Madman or Monster?
Previously: When Doves Cry

It wasn’t anything like the trial.

She hadn’t had a chance to fight for herself.

When she first felt the grogginess of sleep wear away, and the feeling returned to her limbs, she immediately knew that she was no longer in the safety of Rory’s dorm. She felt the soreness in her back first. The same familiar feeling of her muscles stretched taught, the joints located at the center of her back close to popping out of their sockets, and the uncomfortable pressure of straps and vises against her plumage. Her body laid supine. Her ankles, thighs, wrists, and chest secured by leather belts to the table beneath her. Her wrists and ankles were especially sore for a reason she hadn’t grasped yet. Her mind was foggy as if she was waking from a long, late afternoon nap.

At first she wondered if she was having another nightmare. Her heart ached, hoping that it was true. That she was dreaming of the trial once more and soon she’d really wake up in Rory’s embrace. The one thing that instilled fear in her, that told her that the situation she found her body trapped in now was real, was the absence of a cold metal table sapping the warmth from her body and wings.

The cushion on the table beneath her wasn’t cold metal, but a warm and stiff blend of synthetic polyester. It reeked of cheap antiseptic fluid and old blood, enough that her own diminished sense of smell could pick up on it. When she wrinkled her nose and tried to swallow against the burning in her airways, she also noticed the presence of the gag in her mouth.

It tasted of old rubber and the same antiseptic fluid that had been used for the table beneath her. It kept her jaw shut around it, its tight strap reaching behind her head to put a slight pressure against the base of her skull. Her mouth was full of the nasty thing. The places where her teeth met it were rough. As if someone’s teeth had dug into it before. That realization alone had her terrified, wondering if she would be awake for whatever was to come in this reality. She was forced to breathe through her nose to get any air, which only had her breathing harder and faster as panic began to creep up her straightened spine and into her chest.

She finally dared to open her eyes. The surgical lights above her nearly blinded her at first. She had to squint when she first opened them, until the outlines of the bulbs began to reveal themselves. Once she’d adjusted to their harshness she wished she hadn’t. She first clocked the syringe suspended by equipment above her. The needle was longer than any she’d seen before, it’s tip sharp and threatening. The liquid within it filled to the end of the syringes barrel. The Subject R written on the side of it left her wondering what it was, and what it might do to her if it- when it was injected into her. Where would it be placed? Were the vials injected in alphabetical order? Her heart began to thump in her chest, and she tore her eyes away from it to inspect what else she could see beyond those bright lights.

The room beyond was dark, dingy, and devoid of the brightness that the trial had summoned for its imitation of the Foundation. The lights above her cast a blue shade over what she could now see were cages along the walls. Her heart rate began to skyrocket as she looked in them with wide, fear stricken eyes. The people, students, within were hardly alive. All in various states of pained existence. Her heart twisted at the sight of their sewed up wounds, outlined by black marks. Whoever had painted them was a harsh artist. A judging eye. There was no doubt that they believed their mission was to rid the world of their unnatural growths brought on by virumosis. She could see where some had their flesh re-made. Maybe they’d had scales for skin, or fur where hair should have grown. The others must have had extra appendages, like herself. Where those limbs must have been a part of them were now empty spaces, a horrid line of stitches holding their skin together.

Her stomach knotted as she thought of herself soon hanging in their place, nausea passing over her. She imagined herself faced against the wall. A patch of grafted skin sewed into the space on her back where feathers sprouted and wings protruded from her. They were going to take her wings. They were going to cut them from her. She felt terror bubbling up her throat until it escaped her. The gag in her mouth served its purpose, her scream muffled so well it could have been a whisper. No one would hear her pain. No one would find her in this nightmare.

She could have screamed again, until she heard his voice.

Her hands immediately balled into fists. Her nails dug into the skin of her palms. The name he called her incited terror, even if the man that appeared in the light above her looked nothing like the one who had named her Little Bird before. Her wide eyes took in every detail of him. His wild grey hair, the dirty glasses perched upon his crown. The stubble on his chin was worse than Rory’s had been.

Would she ever see Rory again?

She saw the wet, fresh blood splattered over the dried, old gore on his apron. She could tell it hadn’t been washed in ages.

Her blood would be on it soon.

His gloved hand reached for her feathers, caressing her wing as if it was cherished. Her reaction to it was visceral, even if the restraints put her at his mercy.


Her mind immediately thought of Torres.

The man’s change in demeanor was sudden. Her body froze in place, relenting against the fear that took hold of her. His grey eyes had changed so quickly from something of admiration to something of hate. It unsettled her to the core. She swallowed against the tears that were now welling in her eyes. She saw the vials of blood he examined and knew that he had already taken from her by the bandage on the soft spot of her inner elbow. His face shifted, a primal instinct within her telling her that there was something worse hiding under his skin. HIs face was just another mask.

More masks. More gloves.

Her tears began to spill over. Her eyes were pleading as he looked upon her with sympathy. She flinched when he reached for her face, expecting more malice instead of his false ministration. A harsher version of what Rory had done to her earlier.

How long had she been gone? Did he even know she was missing yet?

Would there be anything left of her when she was found?

Would they ever find her?

The man’s attempt to soothe her only made her tears come faster. The yellow grin he wore promised that his confession was a lie. He was a monster beneath his skin. He had destroyed the other students in the room. He’d consumed their souls.

He would soon consume hers.

Haven’s eyes turned towards the lightbulb that hung above her. Her chest rising and falling as her breathing slowed. She found herself drifting back into the state of despondence she’d felt in the trial. Her mind sinking inwards, going to a place where she could hide until he inevitably put her under. Where the monster couldn’t reach her.

She tightened her fists at her sides. Blood pricked where her nails cut into the flesh of her palms. She didn’t want to lose hope. She didn’t want to accept this fate. Her mind was telling her to let go, but her heart was telling her to hold on. She found herself pleading with whatever power in the universe there could be. She begged to be with Rory again, to be hugged by Harper and Banjo, to chat with Calli…


She wanted to sit with Aurora on the beach. She wanted to show Lorcán to the Rockies. She wanted to tease Gil about his smoking again. She wanted to laugh with Katja in the gym.


She needed to fly over the island one more time. To fly through the mountains, and over the valleys of the states. She yearned to be in the forest once more, to feel the bark of a tree beneath her skin. To experience that weightlessness of flight, the wind rustling her feathers, and the wet feeling of a cloud as her fingers passed through it.

She wanted to keep her wings.

Please let me keep my wings.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Location: Infirmary Wing - P.R.C.U. Campus
Take On Me #3.041: Daybreak

Interaction(s): N/A

Gil’s phone buzzed quietly on the plastic tabletop of his bedside counter, sending small rattles through the arm attached to the frame of the bed and stirring him from sleep. He reached out blindly behind him, gingerly patting around for the offending object, and a series of unwieldy taps on what he assumed to be the screen’s surface soon achieved the desired cessation of interruption.

It was only then, his eyes still defiantly shut against the pressing appointment the alarm was predicated on, that Amma stirred slightly before him, and he remembered - with a far more alerting jolt than the alarm had provided - that she had spent the night. All of a sudden he was enveloped by her presence; the warmth radiating from her curled form beneath the blanket (a merciful separative curtain between them), the scent of her pluming up and around him, the ever-so-slight movements in the bedsheets from her sleeping twitches and cresting breaths.

She stirred, yes - but seemed to remain asleep, and Gil wasn’t sure whether to wake her. The infirmary attendants had been content to let him sleep late these past few days, the rest conducive to recovery; it wasn’t a stretch to think they’d allow the same for Amma, and it would likely only be when the first meal of the day was delivered that they might discover her absence from her assigned bed. Not that he doubted PRCU had ways of monitoring the whereabouts of their patients.

There was the aftermath to address, as well, the implications behind their conversation and the shared slumber, psychically intimate if not physically. Gil hadn’t dreamt, hadn’t returned to the night terrors of wax replicas and consuming faces. It had been a peaceful sleep, an abyssal rest, and the best he’d had since escaping the trial and being interred here on the ward. He suspected the awkwardness might sweep it out from underneath them, whatever it was, anyway - it seemed all connection between them flourished under the cover of dark, and he felt as if the harshness of daylight would blast away the kinship they’d found in the ethereal silver of moonlight. Perhaps he’d simply let her sleep, envious of her slumber, and they could…reconvene? Would she want to? Would he want to?

He looked down at her porcelain profile, gentle in sleep, eyelids fluttering. Yes. Yes he would.

The alarm buzzed again, and this time Gil picked up the phone entirely and switched it off, rather than snoozing as he’d inadvertently done so previously. He spared a second glance at Amma, but she remained unconscious, and at that he resolved not to interfere; if the alarm had failed twice, he wouldn’t presume to adjourn her rest unnecessarily. Instead, he swung carefully out of the bed, grabbing his crutches from where they leaned against the wall, standing with but a few scant moments of awkward balancing, and fishing clothes from the chair in the corner as he hobbled to the bathroom to change and relieve himself. Today he was getting his cast removed, a final session with the resident healers (who had spared as much of themselves for him as they could following the sabotaged trials, and were now encouraging a more natural healing process for the remainder), and a boot fitted to accompany some physical therapy. Ideally, he’d been told, he’d be discharged by the end of the day, provided he proved stable enough under his own power.
Perhaps Amma would need to visit him at his dorm. Perhaps he wouldn’t presume to think Amma desired a repeat. Perhaps he might entertain the reverie, though.

He slunk out of the room deftly and quietly despite the sticks propping him up, leaving Amma a lingering glance, a cooling space on the bed where he’d lain minutes before, and a text from his phone that read as follows:

Gone to physical therapy. No dreams. Drop by again if you want to talk more about mending.

Thank you.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Location: Pacific Royal Campus - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
Take On Me #3.042: Broken Bones
Interaction(s): @Skai - Haven Barnes
Previously: Break My Baby

“You love these wings don’t you?” The man asked, looming over Haven running a hand through her feathers, tugging at them and caressing them. “The very thing that marks you as a Hyperhuman, as a sub-class, as a freak, you’ve found pride in them, how interesting.” A snort echoed through the room followed by a slight snicker before the man in the dingy lab coat continued to speak.

“How inspiring,” He cackled, “Where are my manners, I am Daedalus, the architect of a future of a world full of Hyperhumans who have pushed the boundaries of their evolution.” Daedalus boasted, a smug smile plastered over his face. “It’s a real shame you aren’t all as cooperative as Subject V, I could make you truly beautiful, Haaaveeen.” He dropped his tone to whisper, the way he said her name causing Haven’s blood to curdle in her veins before Daedalus gently wiped the back of his hand against her cheek, smearing Haven’s tears with sweat, grime and blood.

“Would you like to meet Subject V?” The madman asked Haven, spinning the girl around so that her gaze fell on the assembled remains of a person.”She’s beautiful isn’t she?” He asked Haven before softly caressing the skull of the woman’s remains.

“In another lifetime, she was known as Vanessa Bordeaux, the first victim of the Crestwood Killer. But what most people fail to stop and ask is, why Vanessa? Why was she targeted instead of, say, her brother?” Daedalus asked, looking at Haven as though he was engaging in a back-and-forth with the gagged young woman. “Vanessa Bordeaux had a Hyperhuman ability never since seen, the ability to imbue virumosis in another. Yes,” He stopped, pausing dramatically before continuing.

“She could create Hyperhumans. Did nobody ever wonder why all of Vanessa’s closest friends were Hyperhumans?” The man simply laughed to himself as though Haven had told him a hysterical joke.

“But thankfully Vanessa’s gifts carry on and we were able to exhume the body and recover enough DNA to replicate the effects of her abilities in others.” He smiled wickedly.

“Even in other Hyperhumans.”

He danced almost gleefully before gesturing to the syringes lined up nearby.

“By introducing trauma into the body and suppressing the existing Hype-Gene, we are able to force a new mutation whereby the Hype-Gene completely changes classifications to compensate. We can further accelerate the process by introducing DNA from subjects A and Y.” Daedalus proudly explained to the hostage Haven. “Though the true key was unlocked from Subject 00, the only one who evER GOT AWAY!” He roared, his mood once again changing on a dime before Daedalus kicked over a nearby light and sent a tray of instruments flying across the even more poorly lit room.

“HOW DARE THEY TAKE HER FROM ME!He roared, “How dare they tell me to stop, what I was doing was for the benefit of us all! I am our saviour!” Daedalus was practically foaming at the mouth, jumping up on the gurney and leaning over Haven, spittle flying from his mouth every time he hit a dental sound and his tongue clicked against his stained teeth.

“Shh, shh, shh,” His tone softened as he stroked Haven’s face again before gently climbing off the gurney. “There’s no need to worry, Haaaveeen,” Daedalus soothed, looking down at the girl fondly.

“I won’t let anyone take you from me.”
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by PatientBean
Avatar of PatientBean

PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 40 min ago

Calliope sat on the hospital bed, holding one wrist with her other hand as she rubbed it. Her mother sat in one of the other chairs close by the bed, though her attention was taken by whatever was outside her window. Calli couldn't see clearly but she made part of the hospital's roof with some of the air conditioning units going and not much else. Her mother must be really interested in air conditioning.

The door opened and Calli tensed up thinking it was her father when she saw that it was the doctor that saw her the other day. The doctor was a kind-faced man with light brown skin and dark hair that was turning gray despite how young he looked. His eyes had tell-tale crinkles on the sides as well as by his cheeks, formed from constant smiling and laughing. Calli had never seen those before.

"How are we feeling today Calliope? You remember the scale I showed you?" he asked, pointing to the sign on the nearby wall. A scale from 1 to 10 with 10 having a giant smiley face next to it and 1 with a frowny face. Dr. Richmond had talked her through it to report how she was feeling. He made sure she knew that it wasn't just if she was in physical pain, but also if she was feeling sad or scared or anxious. Dr. Richmond prided himself on his work with children. The other doctors and nurses knew he was wonderful at his job, able to make kids feel calm and safe even in the face of dire circumstances.

Calliope remembered the conversation and remembered what her father told her after the doctor left the room. "10." Calliope said that with sure finality, as if just by her answer she would be let go and they can go back home. She at least could be in her room with her toys.

Dr. Richmond smiled warmly. "That's very good! I am glad we are taking such good care of you." Dr. Richmond glanced at her mother, who was still taking great care to ensure those air conditioning units were up to snuff. Calliope couldn't fully tell, but she noticed his warm smile dropped ever so slightly when it was apparent her mother would not look at him. "Well, if all is going well we can see about getting you out of here soon. We have some final things to wrap up, but if all goes smoothly we can get you back in your own comfy bed by tonight. Mrs. de León? Would you mind if I have you step outside to talk to the nurse to finalize some of the paperwork? Should only be a moment."

Her mother finally turned to look at the doctor. No emotion on her face as she nodded her acknowledgement and stood up and made her way outside. Calliope felt like her mother was a ghost, just roaming the halls with no rhyme or reason to any movement. It was like her husk was there, but any semblance of her mother had been yanked out a long time ago.

Once her mother was out of the room the doctor turned to face her as he pulled up one of the chairs and sat down. "Calliope, I am so happy to hear you seem to be feeling better, but you know you don't have to lie to me, right?" Calli tried hard to remain stoic, but internally she felt herself fall. The doctor must have seen it too, but to his credit, he did not show it. "I know you said you fell off your bike at the park. But is that all that happened?"

Calliope's mind flashed back to the moment. She didn't lie. She did fall off her bike. What she did not say was that she was pushed off. It was a park in her neighborhood so very few families ever were there as most either didn't have children or they had children that were not near Calli's age so she was often on her own or with her sister. Though more and more lately her sister kept to herself and avoided going out at all costs. Calli had wanted to ask but everytime she did her sister would get mad and shut the door in her face. Calli was sure she heard her crying, even when their father wasn't the cause.

So that day it was just her and her parents. Her father was on his phone constantly and her mother was reading a book, which left her to her own devices. Calli actually did not mind these moments. She could even imagine herself as a normal kid hanging out at the park before she went home to a family who played board games togehter or had movie nights before being tucked into bed with a story and a kiss.

But that was not how it was. Every so often she would catch her mother looking at her with a weird expression on her face. One that could be worry or sorrow. But it would be quickly erased, replaced with her vacant stare or with a wine bottle.

That day at the park she was riding around when she saw a dog. The dog was not on a leash and did not appear to have any owners. It was curled up under a tree and looking around. Calliope could tell it was probably sad or scared. She looked back at her parents, noticing they were too engrossed in their own things, as she made her way closer to it. It looked at her and did not move. She slowly reached a hand out. The dog allowed her, sniffing her hand as if to test her, before she was able to pet it. She could hear the dog whimper lightly. The poor thing was abandoned or worse. Calli felt a sort of kinship with the being.

Until she felt her bike yanked back, causing her to fall forward, hitting her stomach and lower parts against the bike. She felt the anger behind her as she saw her father. "What the hell are you doing? Do you know how many diseases that thing could have?" Calliope wanted to respond, but felt no response would be justifiable. The dog uttered a low growl. "See? It could bite you at any moment and then where would you be?" Her father grabbed her wrist and yanked, nearly causing her to fall off. The dog took that as a sign as it finally stood up and jumped at her father, biting his leg. Her father yelled out in pain and swung his leg around, attempting to get the dog to unleash him. Calliope could only look on in horror as the dog was flung every which way before it let go. Her father turned and reared his leg back before Calli looked away and could hear the yelp the dog let out. She didn't want to see what happened but she heard her father curse under his breath. Before she knew it, her bike was being moved forefully as her father kicked it, causing it to fall to the ground with a heavy thud with her on it. She felt her leg throb in pain and her arm catch herself. She looked up at her father, who was staring back. His attention was caught elsewhere and Calli looked to see two women walking forward. They clearly heard the commotion and wanted to see what happened.

Her father quickly scooped her up in his arms. It was almost loving had he not been the cause in the first place. "My daughter and I were attacked by a wild dog! Please call the police! I need to get her to the hospital!"

Dr. Richmond waited a beat as Calli replayed the scene in her mind. "Kids will be kids, after all. It is not out of the question that there are accidents. I only want to check because you falling off your bike explains the cuts and bruises on your leg and arm, but not the ones on your stomach and upper thigh. I also noticed there was no dog bits anywhere on you despite your father saying you both were attacked by a dog."

Calli must have expressed some worry on her face because Dr. Richmond held up a hand. "You're not in trouble, Calliope. I just want to know what happened so I can do my job properly. So, is what your father said true? Is there anything else going on?"

Calliope looked into Dr. Richmond's eyes, hoping he could tell what she wanted to say. What she wanted to tell any adult that showed a modicum of care. All the words left unsaid. But he was like every other adult she had come across. If they truly cared, they were silenced. If they didn't, they were bought. Or scared. Or forced. Calli may be young, but she was not stupid. A teacher didn't quit halfway through the school year randomly.

Calli nodded her head. "It's true. My father saved me and he was hurt."

Dr. Richmond smiled again. "Well then, I am glad you are okay." Calli noticed he didn't express gratitude her father was okay also, but Calli left it at that. "Well then, let's get you processed and out of here. Your mom should be finished." Dr. Richmond grabbed the doorknob but did not exit right away. Almost like he had more to say, but he turned the knob and left her alone. A brief moment of peace.

Location: Southern Plateau, Dundas Island - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #3.043: Scars and Bruises
Interaction(s): N/A
Previously: The Sum Of All Things

Calliope recalled this moment. She had been noticing that the Trials were bringing back memories that she thought she buried. Moments in time that were there, ever present, but she thought she had control of. She was starting to see all of it being brought back to the forefront.

Dr. Trinh sat there as Calli spoke about such memories. Each one should have felt like a weight lifted off of her, but instead she felt the pressure forced on her shoulders. Like she was being buried alive.

"Why do you think this memory became so vividly remembered?" Dr. Trinh asked. Calli thought about it, but didn't quite know why.

Sensing her hesitancy, Dr. Trinh continued. "Oftentimes trauma can come back at any moment, even if there is no identifying trigger for it. It's called re-experiencing. These can be flashbacks, nightmares, or even simple body reactions, such as a panic attack from nowhere. The fact you can recall this memory so clearly Calliope is, and this is going to sound odd, a good thing."

Calli must have looked surprised because Dr. Trinh continued. "I don't mean it's a good thing it happened or that it is causing you distress. But remembering it is a good first step to overcoming it and processing it. Doing so will heal you. It is much easier to heal pain we can identify than pain we cannot."

"I know we broached the topic of forgiveness before and had a lengthy discussion about it. Do you remember?"

Calli did remember. Dr. Trinh had spoken about forgiveness as a means of healing. Forgiveness was for Calli's benefit and was to heal her of her pain. Forgiveness did not mean that the actions taken would be seen as "good" or that it wasn't still painful or hard to deal with. It also did not mean that there was no blame to be had. Dr. Trinh highlighted that it would be a part of her, but it did not have to consume her. Forgiveness would be a large step forward, but who did she forgive? Her father for his constant abuse and belittlement? Her mother for allowing it to happen and never questioning it? Her brother who tried, but ultimately failed, to be a protector of her? Any of the other adults who saw a young girl hurting and either stopped caring or couldn't quite hack it enough to save her?

"Yes, I remember. I am not ready to forgive them."

"What about Andrew?"

Admittedly, this took Calli aback. Why was he brought up? "Andrew didn't do anything to hurt me. He's been a support for me ever since we met. There's nothing to forgive."

Dr. Trinh waited a moment to see if the silence would be filled. "Then why are you punishing him and yourself?

Calli started protesting, but stopped. "By your own admittance, Andrew has been a support for you. As you and I both know, supports are vital for treatment. It is important to surround yourself with people you know have your best interests at heart so you can rely on them. Yet, in the past couple of sessions we've had, you haven't mentioned relying on him much at all. I get the sense there's something there. Something, perhaps, the both of you are too scared to admit?"

Calli sunk inwardly again. Hadn't she been having those same thoughts for a while now? Yet, when it was broadcasted to her in such a way her therapist noticed, that was....it made her feel small.

"That's not a failure on your part Calliope. Nor is it a failure on his. Relationships take work and communication is essential. Whatever is playing around in your mind, I can all but guarantee it is on his mind too. Conversations, even hard ones, are necessary if you truly care about one another. Think about it. Talk to him when you're ready."

Calliope sat up a bit straighter now. Dr. Trinh was right. Her conversations with the others, Lorcán being hurt, amongst a slew of other things. She could not reasonably be there for others if she could not stand for herself. She needed to.

She just hoped it wouldn't be a mistake.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Skai
Avatar of Skai

Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: ?? - ??
Take on Me: #3.044 Two in the Bush

Interaction(s): Daedalus @Lord Wraith
Previously: A Bird in the Hand

No matter how disgusted she was with the feeling, Haven didn’t jerk against her restraints when she felt his gloved hand pawing at her wing again. The muscles in her back twitched. Her breathing hitched with each stroke of his fingers. She stared into the lights above her and endured it only because she had no other choice. The slurs… sub-class, freak... they felt like weights placed onto her chest. Her breathing became slow and intentional. If she couldn’t control what was happening to her she would control the racing of her heart. She’d control her fear and keep the panic from consuming her.

It was becoming increasingly hard to fight the dissociation. It would be so easy to just disconnect… to become a shell of who she was.


She didn’t want to lose herself. If she allowed herself to give up again she feared she would never leave the table she laid on now. That once this madman put her to sleep, she’d never wake again.

So she continued to dig her nails into her palms. The pain grounded her as it always did. She added the madman’s name to the list of people who had wronged her. She added his face to her memory. She knew it would come to her in her nightmares anyways. Just like she knew how the way he spoke her name would haunt her for the rest of her life. Daedalus was just another tormentor in a long history of pain and fear.

That thought alone made it easy for Haven to look him in the eyes again. She could see the monster hidden behind those grey eyes. She smelt the metallic tang of blood and musky sweat that he left behind on her cheek. It stung her nostrils. Another wave of nausea overcame her as he spun her, and she looked upon the skeleton laid so lovingly along the table nearby with apprehensive eyes.

She wasn’t sure if his ranting was a blessing or a curse. It prolonged her torment. It had her anxiously waiting for him to grow bored with her. Agonizing the moment he picked up a syringe to sedate her and begin his work. He was telling her about his twisted dream. How he felt inspired to tear people apart and make them new.

He described his method of torture in a way she didn’t fully understand, and yet she still saw the overall picture. She felt panic beginning to build in her chest again at the thought. She tried to control her breathing, and yet she still felt like she was struggling for air. Her heart was an increasing rhythm that she couldn’t control any longer. He was going to rewrite her DNA. She’d be put under and when she awoke- if she ever opened her eyes again, she’d be completely different. Maybe her heart would remain the same, her memories, her fears… but her body would be forever changed. She’d be a new creation. A different type of freak.

She was only given a second to process it, and to realize who Subject 00 was, before his loss of composure broke her concentration. Terror struck her like lightning as he kicked over the light fixture. Her teeth added new marks to the gag in her mouth. She anticipated his fury to turn onto her. For the monster to take control of him and strike her next. A whimper escaped her throat as he lunged for her, smothered by the restriction of her jaw. Her hands flexed at her sides as he knelt over her. His hot breath and spit hit her face as he roared into her ear. She turned her head to the side, eyes shut tightly. The restraints painfully held her down as she made a feeble attempt to defend herself, but it was no use. Her body trembled beneath him instead.

She couldn’t breathe.

His hand caressed her face again, and she felt him lower himself to stand beside her.

Her chest shook as she began to sob. The sound smothered by her gag. Each breath she took through her nose was a gasp for air. Her heart felt like it was going to burst from her chest. The panic consumed her. It kept her from filling her lungs. It denied her from sinking into that safe place at the back of her mind. Where she desperately wished to go to now.

Daedalus said that no one would take her from him, and she believed him.

"They won't let us go. They won't let you go."

Amma didn’t mention him.

Was this how she felt all those years ago? How would the raven-haired woman feel if she knew that Haven was going to suffer her fate now? Would she come to aid the poor winged woman again, or would she run from the monster that harmed her?

She was asking too many questions again. The thought sent a bittersweet pang through her heart that only made her cry harder.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by webboysurf
Avatar of webboysurf

webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: Canis Dorms, P.R.C.U. Campus - Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean
Take on Me #3.045: Anywhere, Whenever
Interaction(s): Harper @Qia, TEAM BLACKJACK
Previously: When Doves Cry

Rory's head felt heavy as the bleary fog of waking up clouded his senses. It took him a few moments to notice his phone alarm had gone off. He pulled back the covers, trying to be careful of Haven's wings as he slid out of bed to silence the alarm. His eyes shifted to the open window, and then to the bright sky. He looked down at his phone, startled by the time. This wasn't his first alarm… this was an emergency one he set to remind himself to take a shower before class. His eyes shifted back to the bed, ready to wake Haven up. But she wasn't there.

Rory's vision was blurry as he rubbed the weariness out of his eyes. At first, he was hurt. They had made a habit out of going for a morning jog together. Though, the pain turned to guilt. He had lied to her, perhaps she needed time to think over everything. He sighed, resigning himself to take a shower and skip out on his morning workout. He slid on some boxers, and walked over to pick up a towel he left drying near the window from the day before. He nearly tripped into the wall, his foot aching slightly from stepping on something soft but firm. He looked down towards his feet.

Haven's shoes were still there.

And so was her bag.

Rory dropped the towel he had managed to snag, and rushed to his phone. He quickly unlocked it, and scrolled through his contacts. He hit Haven's number first. His heart plummeted as he heard a distinct buzzing coming from her bag. He ended the call, moving up a contact in his phone list. He tapped her name, and lifted the phone to his ear again.

As soon as he heard Harper pick up the phone, Rory's panicked voice practically screamed into the receiver. ”They took Haven! Right out of my room, middle of the night! She's gone! She fucking said it would happen! Bastards!”

Harper woke with a start, her heart pounding in her chest as the shrill sound of her alarm clock pierced the early morning silence. The blurry world around her slowly came into focus, and she squinted against the soft, golden glow of her desk lamp, which was still on from the night before. She blinked a few times, trying to clear the fog from her mind and shake off the remnants of sleep. As she took a deep breath, the familiar scent of the sea mingled with the crisp morning air seeping through the slightly open window, bringing a soothing calm that began to ease her racing heart.

Harper’s desk was a chaotic landscape of crumpled notes, thick textbooks, and a collection of empty coffee cups, each one a clear sign of her marathon study session that had stretched well into the night. She had dozed off with her head resting on an open textbook, her notebook beside her filled with hastily scribbled equations and half-formed ideas, evidence of her frantic efforts to catch up. Despite the disarray, a small, satisfied smile played on her lips as she surveyed the scene. She had done it; she had finally caught up on all the work she had missed, and the sense of accomplishment was enough to make the mess seem almost beautiful.

Almost. She hadn’t quite lost her marbles yet.

Stifling a yawn, Harper got up and started cleaning up the mess, her thoughts drifting to the day ahead. She had planned to spend it shopping with some members of her team, hoping the lighthearted activity would relieve their individual stresses and help her reconnect with specific ones like Katja. The last time they’d talked, Katja had seemed burdened, and Harper hoped this outing might help uncover those issues, which were bound to be compounded thanks to the trials. However, a nagging doubt lingered in the back of her mind. What if the outing didn’t go as planned? What if Katja’s burdens were too heavy to be lightened by a simple day out?

As if in answer to these worries, her phone buzzed on the desk, and as Harper reached for it, her eyebrow arched in surprise at the name displayed on the screen. Rory was not one to reach out casually, and their interactions had always been sporadic at best. So why was he calling her of all people now? Curiosity piqued, she swiped to answer, a greeting already forming on her lips. However, she was quickly interrupted by the panicked voice on the other end and the words spewing out of it, her hands almost dropping her phone in the process.

“Rory, calm down. Tell me exactly what happened,” she said, her voice steady but urgent. She could hear the rapid, shallow breaths on the other end, a clear sign of Rory’s distress.

Rory took a moment to catch his breath, pacing through his room as he tried desperately to slow himself down. ”Haven’s been sleeping in my room. I just woke up, and she’s gone. The window was still open, her shoes and bag are still here. Both bags…” He paused for a second, a lingering fog still seeming to hang over him that he couldn’t quite shake. He shook his head, as if trying to shake it out. When it wouldn’t leave, he grunted before continuing. ”She said she was told Foundation students like her went missing.”

Harper’s pulse quickened, a wave of dread flooding her senses. This was it. This was her worst nightmare coming to life, the one terrifying thought that had haunted her ever since she and Haven had begun investigating the Foundation. The moment they had uncovered the disturbing truth about the missing students, a dark cloud of fear had settled over her, and now it seemed to be materializing.

Her mind raced, replaying every clue that her and Haven had gathered. Amma and Tiamat. She was now convinced they were separate names, if not separate entities, given the girl’s raw, unfiltered reactions during the trials. Harper suspected that Tiamat was intricately connected to Amma in some way. But whatever it was, her instincts told her that there was a good chance this connection extended to the ones responsible for Haven’s disappearance.

Then there was the missing student, whose abilities mirrored Haven’s, a similarity that had always unsettled her and hinted at a deeper, more dangerous conspiracy. It suggested a pattern, a deliberate and calculated selection process by Haven’s abductor, one that she couldn’t yet fully decipher. Why them? What was the motive behind targeting individuals with such specific abilities?

And finally, the faculty at PRCU, once revered as unwavering pillars of trust and guidance for Harper, had recently revealed themselves to be unreliable and shrouded in ambiguity. Their motives were cloaked in the same secrecy and deceit that Alyssa had hinted at, casting a long, dark shadow over the institution she had once held in the highest regard. This disillusionment had truly taken root after Amma’s cynical speech on the beach, where she had laid bare her view of the manipulations at play. However, it was Haven’s sudden disappearance now that was the final straw for the brunette, solidifying her growing mistrust.

Harper had always prided herself on her intolerance for incompetence, believing there was no excuse for it, especially in an institution that had weathered so much turmoil over the years. In her eyes, the trials had been a turning point, a moment that should have prompted the implementation of stringent safety measures to prevent any further incidents. Yet, here she was, grappling with the harsh reality that those she had placed her trust in had failed her once again, and in the most devastating way possible.

“Listen…” she began, her voice cutting through the heavy silence that had settled over the call. “I don’t know how much Haven told you, but we need to rely on ourselves now. We need to inform the team about everything. No teachers, not even O’Neil. We can’t trust them anymore.”

And when she considered those words further, she knew she couldn’t trust herself to handle this alone either. Not this time.

”That's not a good move.” His words were sudden, rushing out before he could think them through. He panicked. He couldn't tell Harper what was going on and what he was up to. He needed another excuse. ”Half the team is still down for the count. Lorc's out, Rora is checking on him, Gil doesn't need more stress… even Banjo has a bad leg.”

He paused, staring at the open window. He wanted to claw the surge of emotions out of his chest. But he took that moment to catch his breath. A weird realization dawned on him. ”Wait… have you and Haven been…” His voice trailed, as he didn't exactly know what they could be conspiring about. That didn't matter as much to him. ”Not important. But OK, let's say we don't let Jim know… How do you plan to find who took Haven?”

With each compelling reason stated, Harper felt the fragile hope inside her begin to give way to a growing sense of fear. Fear for the state of her team, whose cohesion now seemed precarious. Fear for the institution she had called her second home for the past year, a place that now felt like anything but. Most of all, fear for Haven, whose fate was shrouded in uncertainty. The gnawing dread of not knowing where her winged friend had been taken, or if she was even still….

Harper pushed back the tears that pricked at her eyes, threatening to spill over.

“I don’t…know,” she said weakly, her voice barely above a whisper. In that moment, she felt small and overwhelmed, the weight of the situation pressing down on her. Her hands trembled slightly as she gripped the phone tighter, seeking some semblance of control. Closing her eyes briefly to gather her scattered thoughts, she added, “Maybe there’s something we can find. Some…clue.”

Rory sighed into the receiver. He had hoped that, as per usual, Harper would have the answer. Or anyone, for that matter. But no. More mysteries, more collusion, more secrets. And Rory Tyler was left trying to hold himself together as everything crushed in around him. He shook his head slowly, trying to compose his thoughts.

”Canis Dorms. Come take a look, see if you and your Elf eyes can see something. I'll throw on some clothes. Then we let the team know.”

Rory’s voice was haggard and flat. He stared blankly at a pile of clean clothes he hadn't bothered to fold. Without much warning, he hung up. He didn't have any more words to say. He tossed on an old t-shirt and some wrinkled jeans, leaving his room to settle on the common area's couch. He sat straight, staring at the blank TV without focusing on anything.

When she heard the frustrated sigh on the other end, Harper felt a sharp pang of guilt for not having the answers they both so desperately wanted and needed. She knew it would be better not to dwell on her shortcomings, and in any other circumstance, this would have been easy for her to do. But now…it was so damn hard. The whole situation pressed heavily on her, making it difficult to push past her feelings of inadequacy. Biting her lip, she forced herself to move once Rory hung up, grabbing her hoodie and throwing it over her tank top. She shoved on a pair of jeans with trembling hands, each movement a struggle against the overwhelming sense of helplessness that threatened to paralyze her just like it had during the trials.

Only this time there was no Lorcán to save her.

Once she arrived at the Canis dormitory, she found Rory sitting on the common area couch, staring blankly at the dark, unlit TV as if it might suddenly offer some answers. He looked more defeated than she had ever seen him, his shoulders slumped and eyes vacant, lost in a sea of troubling thoughts.

“Rory,” Harper said softly, her voice gentle as she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, hoping to snap him out of his headspace.

Rory jolted at Harper's touch, a moment of shock before he returned to seeming a bit dulled. Lost might be a better word for it, though. His eyes darted, his heart raced, and his breathing was shallow. As he looked up at Harper, any semblance of the Rory she had known was absent. He stood up and walked towards his room, opening the door for Harper and motioning inside. ”Tell me what you see,” he ordered, an unusual gravitas to his demeanor that was often lacking. It was his voice, but it didn't feel like his words.

The room was cleaner than he usually kept it, but kept with his usual chaotic disorganization. Sporting equipment had been haphazardly shoved under the bed. A pile of clothes in a laundry basket were relatively freshly washed, but still unfolded. The walls were decorated in pictures from his time in PRCU, along with wall adverts for various games and events he had been to that would usually hang on pin up boards around campus. Haven's clutter was mixed with his, some of her clothes and notebooks mixed in with his around the room. Rory stood in the doorway. He didn't want to disturb the scene more than he already had. He rubbed a soreness in his neck, watching Harper carefully.

Harper followed Rory into his room, her mind instinctively activating her ability the moment she stepped inside, as if it too sensed the urgency of the situation. Almost immediately, a sharp spike of pain shot through her head, causing her to wince and deactivate her powers. The sudden intensity of the pain was overwhelming, and she pressed her hand to her forehead, her vision blurring momentarily.

As panic threatened to rise within her, Harper did her best to stabilize her breathing and regain her composure. She focused intently on the rhythmic in-and-out of her breaths, willing herself to push through the discomfort that clouded her mind. Gradually, she felt the panic begin to recede, though the confusion still lingered, a stubborn fog that refused to lift. Nonetheless, she turned her head, waving the other off with a shaky hand. “I’m okay,” she said, more to reassure herself than Rory. The words felt hollow, but she clung to them, regardless, a joke forming on her lips. “Forgot to warm up,” she added with a weak smile, hoping a touch of humour might lighten the heavy atmosphere and ease the tension that gripped them both.

Harper's pain and confusion shook Rory from his stupor, his hand instinctively reaching up to settle on her shoulder and give it a light squeeze. His face, formerly devoid of feeling, was washed in concern. He hadn't checked in on her the past few days, and given what he had seen… it was cruel to have to involve her in anything so soon. Guilt welled up inside, before dissipating. Harper would have kicked the shit out of him if he didn't involve her immediately.

”Take your time, Hawkeye.” He flashed a weak smile, panic and fear plain as day behind the facade. He gave Harper's shoulder another squeeze, taking a step back. He hovered in the doorway, before he simply shook his head and took a step back towards her. ”If you need me to, I can do it for-”

Harper shook her head firmly, cutting him off mid-sentence.

“It’s fine. I’ve got this,” she insisted, determined to see this through herself. Taking a deep, calming breath, she reactivated her vision, this time bracing herself for the inevitable pain. She let it roll over her in waves, accepting it rather than fighting against it. As the discomfort surged through her, the room around her came into sharp focus, every detail crystal clear. The textures of the furniture, the subtle shifts in light, and even the faintest movement became vividly apparent.

Harper’s eyes moved to the window first, noting the subtle marks on the sill where the intruders had likely gained entry. The faint scratches and scuffs told a silent story of their stealthy approach. She followed the barely visible shoeprints that trailed from the window to the bed, where the sheets were rumpled and an indentation marked the spot where Haven had been sleeping. The scene painted a vivid picture of the intrusion. “There were three of them, I think, judging by both the quantity and differences in each print,” she described, pointing at the window. She then turned to meet Rory’s eyes, her gaze intense and unwavering. “They got in through the window.”

Something gave her pause then, Harper’s eyes immediately moving to her friend’s neck. A small, reddish mark stood out starkly against his skin—a needle mark, undoubtedly from a syringe filled with something to stop him from interfering. A sedative, perhaps? Or something else she would have to be concerned about? The possibilities were endless without seeing the chemical for herself. Either way, Rory seemed physically okay so far, at least. Still, she found her hands reaching up, tapping the mirrored spot on her own neck as if to check for a similar mark.

Although that was as likely as this entire thing being one very unfunny joke.

“They did something to you. Do you…feel anything?”

Rory reached up to rub the spot on his neck again, recalling a strange soreness. ”I… felt foggy when I woke up. Slept through a couple alarms I think.” He looked to the window, then the floor. Three people came in through his window… kept him knocked out and took Haven. This was a coordinated effort. A team.

Rory sighed. ”I'll let everyone know. You think you can get us a trail or something?

In answer to his question, Harper walked over to the window and glanced outside, her eyes meticulously scanning the sill and the surrounding area. Bent bushes and faint trails in the grass hinted at the intruders’ escape route, a subtle but telling sign of their hurried departure. She leaned out, following the path with her eyes as far as she could, piecing together the direction they had taken.

“I can see it,” she said, her voice tinged with a newfound determination. The feeling that she’d lost for a bit in her room came rushing back tenfold.


Rory whipped out his cracked smartphone, pulling up the group chat. His message was short and simple. He didn’t care if this was a trap. He didn’t care if this was all part of the traitor’s plan. He had to try.

>Haven’s been kidnapped all hands Canis Dorms ASAP.<
To: Oops All Wilds (Team Blackjack)

With the text sent, Rory quickly yanked one of his duffel bags out from under his bed, tossing it onto the bed and shoving a spare set of clothes and a couple water bottles into the bag. He felt something roll into his foot, looking down to see an old baseball bat of his. He hesitated as he looked at it, before quickly reaching down and wrapping his fingers around the grip. He lifted it up into his hands, knuckles white as he gripped it tight. His face returned to its former blank expression. He tossed it into the duffel bag, zipped it up, and slung it over his shoulder as he slipped on some shoes and headed for the door.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Location: Pacific Royal Campus - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
Take On Me #3.046: Hell Or High Water
Interaction(s): @Skai - Haven Barnes
Previously: Broken Bones

Having sedated Haven again, Daedalus moved to a sink to scrub up for the procedure. Pained groans from his other subject echoed from a covered cage nearby eliciting a snicker of amusement from Daedalus as he looked around the labyrinth-like sub-basement that lurked beneath the Academic Quadrangle. This area was off-limits to staff and students alike, having been condemned due to flooding in the foundation years ago. Previously used by Isabella Christianson as a lab while she was in the employ of Yakob Kowalski, it had since been locked up while the Academic Quadrangle had been lifted onto a new foundation through a feat of Hyperhuman ingenuity.

That left the sub-basement disconnected and completely vulnerable to rats such as Daedalus.

Behind him, seated around a small card table were the three Hyperhumans in his employ, his agents who carried out the retrieval and disposal. They sat there content with a couple of bottles shared between them and a greasy pizza from who knows where. Cards in hard, wagering bottle caps from pillaged Hyper-Aid.

“Gentlemen, and lady,” Daedalus interrupted, leaning over the table, “I’ve put the girl down for a sleep, nothing worse than operating on an anxious subject. In the meantime, I should like to drain the boy of his blood, where have you placed the body?”

“The boy?” The first man asked only for the woman across the table to shoot him a glare. Massaging his temples, Daedalus took a deep breath before explaining.

“When I sent you to capture Haaaveeen, you said there was a boyfriend. As we can’t afford witnesses, I told you to kill him and bring me the body. Her boyfriend contains the very blood type we need to continue these experiments, it would be comparable to Subject Y except more readily accessible. Now, where’s the body?”

Two blank stares met Daedalus’ face as the woman began to shrink in her seat, her glare intensifying.

“We didn’t bring no body.” One of the men stated as the other eagerly agreed.

“Yeah, we injected him with the sedative, same as the girl and left him there so as not to arouse suspicion over two missing students.”

“You left a witness?” Daedalus snapped only for the one male to shake his head.

“No, he was sedated, he didn’t see anything.”

“You were supposed to use the poison.” The woman snapped, suddenly growing bold enough to speak only for a stern eye from Daedalus to quiet her again.

“Oh,” The first man replied, the realization suddenly dawning on him.

“Right,” The second man interjected, “Oh, right. The poison. The poison for the boy, the poison chosen especially to kill the boy, the boy’s poison.”

Reaching down to the discarded belt and bag, Daedalus picked up the syringe loaded with the poison, holding it up as if to prove his point before driving it into the neck of the second man. Injecting the syringe, he watched with a cruel sneer as the man’s eyes rolled back into his head, foam appearing at the mouth before blood poured out of his eyes and ears.

“What did-” The first man protested only to find a pair of blood-stained gloved hands on either side of his head. The last thing he heard was the sickening snap of his own neck before his lifeless body slumped into the chair and landed hard on the table.

The click of a gun caused Daedalus to pause as the woman managed to stand and draw her weapon before the madman turned on her too. The twisted surgeon simply smiled as he threw his arms wide.

“Oh please, please shoot-” The sound of the gunshot echoed through the thick concrete walls as Daedalus looked down to see a patch of crimson quickly pooling beneath his clothing. He laughed wickedly before an ethereal-like form discarded the body, the wispy blue essence swirling through the air before merging into the woman’s body. She staggered backwards for a few seconds before cracking her neck.

“Please shoot me.” She laughed looking down at the weapon and holstering it. Looking at their previous body, Daedalus smiled wickedly before skipping away merrily from the corpses. Wheeling their supplies on the nearby transportation pad, Daedalus rounded up their samples and victims before taking one last look at Haven.

“I told you, I won’t let anyone take you from me.” She sneered before pressing a button that set off a chain reaction of small explosives. Water from springs within the island began to rapidly flood the sub-basement as Daedalus and his experiments were whisked away by the transportation pad leaving Haven to suffer a watery grave.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

“You’re not Aurora,” Lorcán protested before the molten-eyed boy pulled back as the psychopomp became more insistent, leading him further from the fire as he body became colder and colder.

“I can’t go with you, you’re not my Aurora,” He repeated, looking through the smoke towards the dark canopy overhead, “I heard her, I need to get back to her.” Lorcán cupped his hands over his mouth before yelling.

“AURORA!” It was only met with the screams of creatures barely held at bay by the quickly residing fires.

“You’re going to break her heart if you leave,” The shade of Aurora argued, holding a hand out for Lorcán to take.

“I’m going to break her heart if I stay,” Lorcán argued, “I have to get out of here, I’ve been gone too long.”

“I know the way out, I promise you, I can show you the way.” The psychopomp urged, holding out her hand again, “I only want to help you, Lorcán. Just take my hand and this can all be over,” The took a step back, pushing her hand out further, “Please, Lorcán just take my hand and put an end to all this suffering.”

But Lorcán shook his head, turning to run before he tripped. The forest around him seemingly disappeared, the heat of the fire was replaced by the warmth of the sun. He toppled forward, falling for what felt like an eternity before falling through a glassy surface. Water splashed over his face, the familiar smell of the ocean washing over him as Aurora’s giggles filled his ears.

“I told you I can’t balance.” She stated, pushing her own wet hair back from her face. Lorcán’s heart skipped a beat as the sun refracted on the gold heart pendant, water droplets collecting on her skin, slowly following the subtle curve of her collarbone before disappearing between her bosom and into the sea.

Her smile was warm and mischievous, accented by her delicate jawline and heart-shaped face. Blue eyes like the sky above lit up with amusement as Lorcán steadied the board and held it again for her.

“One more time, Lady Dude, no more clam dragging, we’re getting you upright on this board.” Waiting until Aurora was kneeling on the surfboard, Lorcán clambered up behind her, gently placing his hands on her waist. His breathing quickened as his hands touched her bare sides, ensuring he kept them above her waist while keeping his arms from wandering beyond the small of her back.

Slowly, he moved his hands upwards, pushing water droplets aside as he traced her sides before joining their hands and slowly bringing her arms outward. A few playful squeaks and squeals escaped Aurora as she swayed slightly only for Lorcán to steady the board.

“You’re tickling me,” She managed to spit out in the midst of her fit of giggles.

“Not intentionally,” Lorcán replied before Aurora suddenly spun around and danced her fingers along the male’s ribcage. Lorcán reflexively pulled his arms in, as he twisted to get away before feeling two hands firmly plant on his back and he was launched back into the shallows again.

Shaking his long hair, Lorcán sprayed Aurora with a fresh shower of water before taking hold of the surfboard and tipping it. The sudden motion sent Aurora toppling from the board before she found herself caught in Lorcán’s arm, noticing for the first time just how big his biceps actually were.

“You caught me?” She asked, her ribs hurt from laughing as she looked curiously up to Lorcán’s face only for a pearly white smirk to come as the reply. The young man quickly lowered his arms, dunking Aurora under the surface as the girl squealed in protest, splashing as hard as she could before Lorcán let her free as she scrambled back to shore.

“I don’t think surfing is for me,” She called, “But that looks like a great wave, why don’t you show me how you’d do it?” Aurora gestured towards the horizon as the swells began to pick up.

The acrid smell of smoke returned as Lorcán’s nostrils flared. He turned to the swells, watching a wall of fire engulf the horizon and spread across the shallows as it raced toward shore. Getting out of the water, Lorcán ran across the beach only to find himself back in the forest, a scream echoing behind him.

“Aurora?” Lorcán called into the empty forest.

“Sorry, dude,” A voice replied as Lorcán turned to see a different woman leaning against a tree. “You’re stuck with me now,”

“And how are you supposed to show me comfort, brah?” Lorcán retorted to the shade as she stepped out of the shadow. She pulled down her hood, allowing her vibrant red hair to spill over her shoulders before holding out her hand and igniting the air into a blade of plasma.

“We’re past comfort,” Ryan smiled, “Now is time for a lesson in letting go.”
Location: The Infirmary - Pacific Royal Collegiate & University
Take On Me #3.047: Think About You
Interaction(s): @Melissa - Aurora Mitchell
Previously: Knockin' On Heaven's Door

Ripley’s question had hung in the room for a few seconds before Cassander broke the silence.
“Where did you hear that word?” He asked, as Ripley sheepishly shifted from one high top clad foot to the other.

“Do you know what it means?” She asked, avoiding the question as Cass raised an eyebrow before shaking his head.

“Not really no, I mean, I know what I think it means but you’re now the second person to bring that up.” He replied referring to his trip with Aiden. “I think it’s some kind of creature, I did a quick search and it comes from a Native American myth but nothing I turned up really explained what’s happening with Roth.”

He looked through his shaggy blonde bangs, his green eyes studying Ripley’s body language. She had clearly done something she wasn’t supposed to have.

“So I ask again, where did you hear the term?”

“Uh,” Ripley’s voice trailed off a bit while her eyes looked to Aurora for an ally. “I may have followed that Alyssa girl instead of getting that snack for ‘Rora.” Ripley muttered, “And I may have thrown my ear into a room to eavesdrop on her and Luce…” She paused, turning back to Cass accusingly.

“Wait!” She snapped, “Where did you hear it?” Cass let out a sigh, it wasn’t that he was purposefully withholding information, it was that Aiden had asked him to remain vague about their trip to the Northern Peninsula lest all of Blackjack suddenly go up there looking for clues.

“When Aiden and I were in the forest, we encountered a woman named Ellara, it was her who told us about the salve and she mentioned a wendigo.”

“Luce and Alyssa were talking about reaching out to an ‘Ellara’, do you think it’s the same person?”

“How many people do you know named Ellara?” Cass snarked, prompting Aurora to interject.

“Not the time, Cass.” But her face contorted into one of confusion as she backtracked, going back to what he had said previously. “Wait, salve? What salve?”

“Ellara mentioned a salve made of crushed chrysanthemums would slow the infection, and Uncle Aiden had one made when we got back two days ago. But unfortunately, it didn’t have any effect.” Cass replied, running a hand through his hair. “It was pretty unconventional, so Uncle Aiden wanted to keep it pretty quiet.”

Aurora’s eyes went wide, “Chrysanthemums?” She blurted, “Jonas told me that a salve of crushed chrysanthemums would slow the spread, it didn’t work?” The girl shook her head in disbelief, the older man’s words from before coming back to her.


Both Cass and Ripley repeated the name at the same time before looking to Aurora for an answer, Cass taking the lead once again.

“When you say Jonas, you just mean a student right?” He asked, “You’re not talking about Aiden’s mentor Jonas, former Chancellor, suspected Hyperion, tainted legacy Jonas?”

“Leo always referred to him as his grandpa,” Ripley interjected, before Cass shot her a look. “Well he did,” She argued as Cass rolled his eyes.

“Either way, that Jonas is dead,” Cass retorted, turning back to Aurora, “So who is this new Jonas?”

Realization crossed the redhead’s features.

“You don’t know… do you.” She breathed, remembering a few seconds too late that Lorcán had only just found out about the late Chancellor’s ability to show up posthumously, and Tori and Aiden had kept it quiet prior to that for a reason. The looks on Cass and Ripley’s faces said it all, and she cursed under her breath, running a hand through her copper locks, perplexed and a little distressed that she had revealed this secret instead of them.

“No, I’m talking about Jonas Jonas, as in Dr. Lehrer, Jonas.” Aurora bit her lip, trying to find the right words to explain it properly. She sincerely hoped Lorcán’s parents wouldn’t be angry with her, she couldn’t wait to have that conversation with them. “He’s dead but he’s also… not. I don’t know how to phrase this correctly.” Taking a breath, she tried her best.

“Jonas he, he can travel to different points in time, but he doesn’t exactly control where he goes. So yes, he’s dead, but past versions of him are, well, not.” The girl looked at Ripley, “You just asked me if I had seen a ghost, it was because Jonas paid me a visit a few minutes ago. Took one look at Lorcán and knew exactly what had happened without me needing to tell him, but couldn’t reveal anything other than to try a salve of crushed chrysanthemums.”

Aurora conveniently left out the part where she had told Jonas she’d switch places with Lorcán in a heartbeat, and the subsequent lecture.

“Aiden can explain more about it when he’s back, just let me apologize to him first for being the one to break the news.”

“I think the only way any of that is going to make sense is when I’ve had at least three drinks in me.” Cass replied with both hands pushing on either side of his head. He shook his head several times still trying to wrap his mind around exactly what Aurora had just said.

A small knock on the door interrupted the three as their conversation came to an abrupt halt. Turning to the door, a woman dressed in scrubs and a face mask held up a clipboard with Lorcán’s chart on it before stepping in.

“I just need to check on the patient,” She stated, Cass’ ears piquing at her voice. “I’ll just be a sec if you all don’t mind stepping out of the room so I can do a full examination.”

Cass looked at the woman again, her emerald eyes locking with his before she gave him a small wink and closed the door.

“How did Luce and Alyssa say they were getting in contact with Ellara?” Cass asked, interrupting Ripley as she struck up another conversation with Aurora.

“I didn’t understand to be honest with you,” Ripley replied, “Something about a summoning charm? Rune? I don’t know, it sounded like they were talking about witchcraft or gibberish at that point.”

“Stay with Aurora,” He ordered, “And shoot me a text when that ‘doctor’ leaves Lorcán,” He added before rushing away without an explanation. If Ellara was already in that room then he had no doubt that the other two were nearby, or at least one of them.

Rounding a corner, Cass saw the flowing locks of red hair leaning against the next adjacent wall just outside of the rooms in the secure wing..

“Townsend!” Cass yelled, causing Alyssa to jump, turning to see her classmate. “Townsend, why is Ellara in my cousin’s room?”

“You know my cousin?” Alyssa asked, “Wait, are you the blonde boy with cute eyes?”

“She said that?”

“She also said you were a moron.”

“Yeah, she said that,” Cass replied, “Still doesn’t explain why she’s in Lorcán’s room.”

“Ellara Van Abrams is the only chance we have to save your cousin from death.”

Was the only chance you had to save your cousin.” A voice replied from behind Cassander as Ellara made herself known. “I didn’t expect to see you again so soon,” She said with a small smile to Cass, before looking between both him and Alyssa.

“Your friend, cousin, whatever he is, he’s a goner. There’s nothing more I can do for him now.” She stated. “In a human, his Ünterseele would have already begun to devour his Überseele and the transformation would be irreversible.” Ellara shook her head, letting out a small curse that Alyssa didn’t recognize before the older woman continued speaking.

“But even as a Hyperhuman, even with the Einseele,” Ellara paused, “It’d still be a kindness to kill him now, the death he’s going to experience is far more painful than the transformation ever would be.”

“His unter and uber what?”

“What do they teach at this school?” Ellara asked with a raised eyebrow while turning to Alyssa.

“We’re really not that kind of school, school has a bad case of the ‘mundies’ if you know what I mean,.” She replied,

“I have no idea what either of you are talking about!”

Ellara shot Alyssa an exasperated expression before she looked back at Cass.

“Under and over soul.” She elaborated before further explaining, “The Überseele, or oversoul is seated in the brain. It contains the thoughts, memories, and personality of an individual. The Ünterseele or undersoul is seated in the heart. It contains the appetites, emotions and fears of an individual. You Hyperhumans however have one ‘unified’ soul. It comes with a lot of benefits, but it also means for your friend he’s being ripped apart.” Ellara eyes locked with Cass’

“Where a human would either become a wendigo or other undead hellion, your cousin will become an empty vessel as his soul is completely devoured, and an empty vessel is the perfect host for something far worse than a wendigo. I suggest you mourn his loss now and destroy the body while you still can.” Ellara warned, “Because I can assure you, that whatever comes through that portal, will take more than this school combined to put down.”

“You can’t ask them to do that Ellara Van Abrams,” Alyssa began to plead before Cass spoke over her.

“Better yet, we’re not going to do that.”

“Then you’re fools who’ve already damned themselves.” Ellara snapped back, “I’ve already saved you twice, don’t expect me to come running back here if you choose not to heed my warning. A vessel void of a soul is a surefire way for something to break free of Limbo, and there’s a reason that those that dwell are neither welcome on this plane nor Ünterland.”

“So you’re just going to leave?” Cass replied.

“I told you, there’s nothing I can do here so unless you want me to kill your friend, then I’m leaving.” Ellara replied ditching the scrubs and taking her leather jacket back from Alyssa who had been holding it. Adjusting her weapon holsters before swinging the garment over her shoulders she looked at Cass.

“Look, I’m not unsympathetic to your plight, but this is a futile fight. I’m not giving up, I just know when I’m beat and unfortunately there are people out I can still save so I have to keep on the Path.” Turning to leave, Ellara paused one more time.

“I hope you two do listen to me, but in the highly likely chance you don’t,” She gave a small smile, “I’ll hope for a miracle.”

Cassander watched for a few moments longer as Ellara continued down the hallway before she was lost in the infirmary staff and visitors making their way through the hallway. Shaking his head he turned back to Alyssa.

“I should talk to Aurora.” She said, taking a step before being stopped by Cass.

“No,” He replied, “She needs to hear it from me, you’ve done enough, but it’s time we start bracing for the worst.” He stated, “I can’t believe we’re going to lose Lorcán.”

Cass turned to leave, waiting until he had rounded a corner out of sight from Alyssa before he ducked in an empty room and closed the door.

Even that wasn’t enough to cover the angry sobs that followed.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Rockette
Avatar of Rockette

Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Flashback. Infirmary Gardens . - P.R.C.U. Campus.
Take On Me #3.048: sugar.
Interaction(s): gil. - @Roman
Previously: Won't Be A Thing To Become.

She awoke with a subtle start; vibrations of awareness swept through her entire body, down the length of her spine curved and flush against the warmth at her back, cheek pillowed on the crook of her arm and opposite fingers nestled against the pout of her lip where a shuddering breath brushed over the delicate touches of her gestures- the same hand that had been entangled with his the night before. It was the coming dawn and the feathering light chasing away the comforting shadows that Amma realized she did not suffer any sort of nightmare or terror, she had slept, such simplistic sleep and comfort afforded to her waking world. Her lashes fanned against her cheeks, blue eyes still wreathed with catches of exhaustion, illustrating her usual intensity with softer features that beheld a sort of glow. She felt Gil move and became just that more aware of his presence and the quiet exhales of sleep before he stirred and came to at the sounds of his phone’s alarm. Amma’s breath stills, her eyes falling shut, not prepared to acknowledge that she had slept in his room, that she had pursued the comfort of night and companionship here, the slight tranquility that fell over the two of them with cords of tension that spindled through and down to her core that hummed with appetence. She felt him: felt the wealth of his stare, the weight of his body as he moved, her breath heightened to catch up on the cage of her ribs before she smothered that slip of a whisper against her arm and curled inward, preserving the warmth sought and given through the night.

He didn’t disturb her, and she was grateful, for she did not know if she could withstand the depths of those steel-blue eyes witnessing her in such vulnerability.

Implications donned the day, the touches of sunlight luring her further away from her feigned sleep whilst Gil assumed his morning, content to let her remain, the intimacy is not lost upon her, but Amma can hardly discern what it even was that had swept betwixt them by just the grace of touches alone. When he departed, her eyes immediately snapped open, and an uneven slip of a sigh fell over her pout before she arose, blanket pooling around her waist whilst she studied the cold space left behind. Her gaze lingers, lids panned down low, an unnamed emotion woven into a medley over her heart eerily calm where she palmed her scar and smoothed away at the ache bundling there. A phantom slice of pain and power that bled red and silver, the remnants of pleading mercy woven through her mind, a scream and a cry of fear of death given by her kiss. A declaration to the monster that had won and the undeserving spoils of a life she had taken.

Amma spared one final glance to where Gil had lain beside her all night, where he had not moved to touch her, where they had simply been, where the physical temptations had been replaced by something that dwelled within the mystery of an emotional connection under the disguise of moonlight and shadow.

She sighs, one hand sliding through the waves of her hair, nails clutched against the crown of her head where wistful trills ebb and flow, a laugh that hummed with all the hopeless wonder of the world.

The timing could not be worse.


An afternoon breeze found Amma lying beneath a dogwood tree, sunlight filtered through gaps of leaves and branches, delicate catches of wind slid through waves of midnight hair draped over the stone bench she reclined on, eyes fixated on her phone trembling in her grasp. Darling rays of light suspended over her frame dressed casually in lace and an oversized jacket hued olive and trimmed in black. Her thumbs continuously pressed and slid over the fortified glass of her mobile, twitching fingers caressing the case as she continuously typed and deleted message after message, unable to acknowledge the wealth of emotion that sunk betwixt her ribs and tormented her spirit postured over the unknown.

Lorcán was hurt.

The group text she had begrudgingly accepted filtered with some numbers saved and others not, the simplicity of words lost to the truth of what had occurred. He was here in the infirmary like she was, like Gil was, and no further news had been proffered and who was she to demand otherwise? None had visited her whilst she remained locked in solitary, none had inquired about her affairs or state of release or healing. There were no messages from Blackjack as the days carried on and the only text she had revealed in her recent recipients gave her eternal pause every time she clicked back to it.

Gone to physical therapy. No dreams. Drop by again if you want to talk more about mending.

Thank you.

She had no method with which to reply, fingers hovering over digital keys, lashes fanned against her cheeks as she memorized each letter and clicked out of it once more. She allowed her phone to relax within her grasp as one arm draped across her brow and the opposite left to hang off to the side, the grass brushing across her knuckles whilst she glared at the swaying tree above. It was not often, if ever, that Amma was left out of sorts, spiraling into the uncertainty of where she belonged and questioning the beat of her very heart that seemed spliced through and through with hate, desire, and a comforting wealth of emotion found next to a man she had hardly spoken to before. Did the path of vengeance afford her minuscule doses of comfort? Did revenge owe it to her for the yearning wealth of companionship that ventured beyond the physical? Amma’s mind listed back to the forest clearing and the intensity of heat that had fanned away at her core, their powers that had forged into a singular unit of raw, unfiltered energy and having felt the entirety of him through the sluicing manifest spiraling through her even now.

A whispering voice, one that was seeded deeply with malice and doubt, the face of a demented creature looming on high that spun through her a hated voice that fed upon her ambivalence like a glutton.

The unexpected and the always desired.
But never chosen.

Amma laughed, a rueful sound spun from her risen chest as she breathed, punching out the ironic humor of her life undone. For she was a creature of life unforgiving and uncaring, she carved her path through the world without regret, spun hated words of truth that none wanted to hear, tore her hands through the shuddering veil of reality to take what she wanted, a woman of vanity and hubris, the sins of humanity compounded through her for all the oppression she had endured under the hellish dark of her past.

Yet here she lay, undone by a simple text. Undone by the reveal of helplessness. Undone by the very in-between in which she dominated and lived her life. Her faults within and without and a question that hazed through her half-lidded stare.

What did she want?

But, now, lingered the exact quantity of what everything entailed. Did she want to visit Gil again? Did she even want to be friends with Katja, Haven, or even Aurora? Did she like Lorcán? Did she want to visit him too? Could she even bring herself to do so?

Amma won’t find the answers now, but as the day continues and the breeze sweeping through her fringe turns cold and the sun banks yonder the clouds of twilight, she finds the answer to at least one weighted inquiry as the hour tolls midnight once more.

Down the hall, alone, no guard to hasten after her haunting steps unhurried and unbound, a sweeping gesture down a familiar door that yields to her touch as if awaiting her very arrival by the heralding of the shadows soft and delicate along her profile. Gil is once more tossed within the throes of a nightmare, beaded sweat and laden groans at whatever stalked his dreams, the revelations the trial had revealed to him about his very self always known but ignored. Amma is beholden to his figure under the disguise of the night, a time now belonging to them, a moment she cannot place or name, and perhaps she did not want to. Perhaps he didn’t want to.

But then, what did Gil want? Did she care?

Carefully, Amma approaches, silent, as if unreal, hair tumbled down to her waist as she studies his features and commits such to memory. With their inevitable discharges from the ward, she wonders if they could even continue meeting, and if so, would he come to her dorm? Would she dare venture to his? If neither could sleep alone, what did such even entail? Did it have to mean anything, she wondered, tucking wayward strands of black behind her pierced ear. As if feeling her there, but unable to acknowledge her presence by the vice his nightmares maintained, his grip suddenly turned lethal and clutched at the space where she had lain the night before. Amma hesitated, a fluttering gaze bidden to the line of his arm before sweeping down where his cast had been traded for a boot to allow further mobility. She considered leaving, if only for a moment before she rested her hand on his, entangled her fingers with his own, and marveled at the immediate tension that unspooled through him and quieted the hellish sire of his terrors. She knows then that she cannot leave.

Slowly Amma entered the bed to lie down beside him, facing him this time instead of offering her back, the line of their bound gestures not allowing for another position, thus she told herself, the blanket provided creating another barrier between them. For maybe an hour she lay there, counting her breaths and his own, cheek pillowed on her arm, eyelids fell halfway through her gaze aglow in the shadows of the moon, silver framed on her lashes before sleep finally claimed her.

For the second night in a row, Amma Cahors does not dream.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Rockette
Avatar of Rockette

Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Infirmary : Campus Grounds : Canis Dorms. - P.R.C.U. Campus.
Take On Me #3.049: survival.
Interaction(s): katja. - @Zoldyck & rory. - @webboysurf & harper. -@Qia
Previously: sugar.

They don’t question where she has been, not that she would have any answers to give.

Her guard resumes, only the one, as her state of mind was still under suspicion, and now inquiries had turned towards what she had endured, gleaned from the Trial’s foundation and the evidence spelled out in her simulated tortures: the injections, the experiments, the Hell she had proclaimed as her eternal rest. Amma denies it all, refuses to spare the tale of her fears and the memories she cannot repeat, many clipped and hazed, many burdened by terrible pain and a ringing in her ears she cannot diminish. Every time she tries, a terrible roar sounds, a bellow of a netherworld creature, the screech of a beast - a monster - that pleads for an end that will never come.

Though still encouraged that she attend therapy regularly, Amma had been discharged temporarily under a probational period courtesy of Jim's direction that she was permitted to participate in classes and the excursion planned by various members of Blackjack. Further suggestion had been given that she return to the infirmary for a final observation- there was more talk of her blood, something uttered about anomalies that Amma had heard before, but could not recall where such admissions had been stated under a blanket of cold fog. She had sent a text to Katja, her first attempt at their agreed friendship, inquiring if she would accompany her to the mainland to shop. There are many notifications gone unanswered on her phone, the group message and numbers left unsaved, and another that loomed over her heart, where she had read it the day before over and over again, failing to recognize the hitch in her breath and the boiling panic of life rent asunder. That lingering fact that they were not allowed to see him siring anger and want. A desire she could not label, a horrid circumstance of fate too in knowing she was close and yet incredibly far away. Amma couldn’t spare her thoughts then, and she could not do so now, especially with another text left open-ended with gratitude spun heavily in a digital font. She had stared at the message for so long it was permanently inlaid through her mind, and whilst she did not answer him back at all for the entire day -

Amma had returned to his room under the whisper of midnight.
She had woken up before him the following morning, before his alarms, and noted the peace upon his brow, the lax features allowed with a moment of simplicity, the mask of many and all slid away under the ethereal glow of moonlight. His hand clutched against her scarred fingers, the canvas of her past and her pain somehow lesser with the way he held onto her through the night. An anchor to dispel the nightmares she had found him swept under once more, only this time he had not woken up and she could bring herself to do so again.

Now she clenched said mobile betwixt her fingers, the smooth casing warm beneath her cinched gestures tucked away into her pockets, black pants belted over her inked hips, a snug and fitted blouse of grey with long sleeves to ward off the Autumn chill with her mane of black hair pinned half up, the remainder left to smooth against the curve of her back. Katja had met her outside the infirmary where she later confirmed everyone would be meeting up at the ferry that would transport them to the mainland.

"I've never been allowed on the mainland before, this is a first." Amma provided, her attempts at conversation relaxed, courtesy of the actual rest she had been able to achieve the last couple of nights.

"Well, shame your first experience with the mainland happens to be this shithole." Katja chuckles softly to herself. "But I guess it does have its charms. How you feeling about that though? To finally be let off the leash, so to say?"

"It's not complete freedom, watch list and all that, I have to be back later today for a final evaluation. But, it's something..." She uttered, a lock of hair twirled around her index finger as they walked.

"I fear complete freedom isn't in the cards for any of us in the immediate future. Guess that just means we gotta make the most of the moments we're given and enjoy them to the fullest."

“I suppose,” Amma rejoined softly, unable to deny the truth of her words, the moments given with the midnight hours where something she could not name had bloomed upon whispers and clashing blues. The sudden vibration of her phone pulled her attention elsewhere, rapid-fire messages scrolling across her screen where her brows plummeted, confusion laced through her features as she stopped, sudden whorls of scarlet bidden to the fringes of reality that lanced through the ground. Quakes from the depths below, bathed in a writhing silver as she read the texts over and over and over again.


"Haven..." Katja stared at her phone for a moment, its screen cracked under the sudden pressure exerted upon it. She only looked up when she felt that familiar sensation next to her, those crimson tendrils of wicked energy. She hesitated for one, two seconds, looking at Amma like a startled animal who knew it was about to be punished.

But that feeling was fleeting, quickly overtaken by concern for Haven, and for Amma.

Katja dropped her phone and reached for Amma's shoulders, braving the energy that coiled around the smaller girl. She shook her once, twice, thrice.

"Snap out of it Am! Valkie needs saving, and she needs all the help she can get!"

Amma snatched her palm around Katja’s wrist, a sudden swell of energy bidden around her shoulders, silver flames alighted in her blue eyes as crimson cords snaked and snapped over her arms, unable to dispel the tremor that ran through her very bones.

“I made a promise once,” she whispered, lashes fluttering against an onslaught of memories unbidden, of a time and place where she fell through the ashes of the damned, where she had screamed and cried for all the wrongs of the world and the cruelty of power and life unbound. Where she begged and pleaded, for the hand in the dark that reached out to her, for the one who asked her what her name was, that dubbed her as precious and lost and forsaken- the one she –

The one she had -

“I know.” Was all she said, releasing the manacle grip she had, slowly plying her fingers away as she looked down at her phone once more. “Canis dorms, right.”


In hindsight, Amma doesn’t know what she expected, much less what could be done. Students had gone missing before and perhaps it was this that inspired her actions, back then there was little to be done, helpless as she was suspended in the dreaded dark upon the chasm of her agony. Those darling phrases lent to her waking world where the eternal pain remained as the tether to her lamented soul spent and drenched in red. The fury though was much the same, kinship to the vengeance she sought, to the redemption promised, to the malice that slid through her veins and churned over her flesh. The world once more held breath on the fringes of Amma’s intentions, her posture taut and rigid, arms crossed as scarlet threads of power warped over her shoulders as writhing serpents of ill intent and promise, the steps up to the dormitories looming before her.

When Rory stepped out, with Harper not far behind, she could not prevent the way her eyes dropped and landed upon his arms, the marks there sliced over muscles, angry slivers partially faded but still feathered in red, memory served of how she clung to him with the desperation of a wild animal. She would never admit it aloud, but she felt still the weight of the chains cinched tight around her throat and arms, still felt the needles pricking her skin and the way she stood now with her weight rolled away from her braced ankle, the scar on her chest an aching reminder that Amma knew she’d forever be damned with.

“If they have taken her,” Amma began carefully, mindful of Katja standing next to her- mindful of the distrust she knew would be marked in his gaze. “It’ll be near impossible to find her. I know you don’t trust me.” She shook out the weight of her powers, red sparks flung from her scarred palms, attempting to dispel the unease pinging down her spine.

“And I don’t care. But, I do know that many went missing while I was at The Foundation, and none were ever found. None were reported. But we noticed.”

And were helpless to stop it.

“If it’s…” Amma paused, a subtle tick in her arms, an anxious habit that bid her inked fingers to flex and crack, her rings adorned through her quivering gestures, gleaming with one in particular beset with a precious red jewel. “They used to take me down, through the dark, the lowest rooms imaginable, where no light could reach.” The same room where Rory had found her in the simulation, the fissures in the walls churning with the endless sea beyond, the deepest recess beyond even hell where only cold emptiness remained. She did not say so aloud but kept the intensity of her stare locked onto him, willing him to understand what went unsaid.

“That’s where they’ll have taken her. If they’ll even let her go, if they –” A ringing peal of agony sheered through her lobe, a horrid and anxious sound that bid her eyes shut, plumes of red and black whisked through her hair and down her back before it fell to her feet and churned away at stone and dirt, eating away at the world that was helpless against her might.

“A name. No, names. Many given and many taken. My name.” Names, she thinks, the countless monikers fitted to her past, the many now that burdened her heart and mind, the monster within lain dormant at her struggles, curiously soothed and complacent despite the shudder of her breath as she fought through the haze of her fiendish memories. Amma did not know if she could revisit those tortures once more; but if she could offer figments of her power to save those without; if she could offer the last of her strength to save those who owed her nothing; if she could soothe and placate another of their demons and fears; if she could accept friendship from another who she had harmed. If Amma could face all the wrongs the world had done to her and stand in defiance to the hated dark she would never admit that she feared.

Then maybe she could help to save the girl who refused to leave her behind, who offered to watch her back even when she openly mocked her hope.

Hope that she found alighted there in eyes of blue and hazel, but hope could only take one so far, and Amma knew she had none left to spare or give, as hope died long ago with the heart of a ten-year-old girl.

“I don’t know the campus like most, and I can’t go far without being with one of you, and they don’t want me gone long from the infirmary, but I will offer my power to you to help find her.”
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Melissa
Avatar of Melissa

Melissa Melly Bean the Jelly Bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Infirmary - Pacific Royal Campus
Take On Me #3.050: Blue
Interaction(s): The collab you've all been waiting for. @Rockette
Previously: Think About You

“Stay with Aurora,” Cass ordered Ripley, “And shoot me a text when that ‘doctor’ leaves Lorcán,” He added before rushing away without an explanation.

Aurora watched as the blonde boy hurried down the hallway and disappeared, clearly heading somewhere specific, a man on a mission. She realized that he likely knew something that she didn’t, which was more unsettling than anything else, and made her anxious. She reached up to fiddle with her necklace nervously and glanced down at the younger girl standing next to her, taking a shaky breath.

“Hey, Rippers, I’m uh, going to go for a walk…” She conveyed honestly, sounding distant, “Can you keep watch until I get back?”

“I uh, don’t want-” Ripley began to say before looking at Aurora’s expression, “Forget I said anything, I’ve got this.” She replied, stifling a sniffle before nodding vigorously.

The redhead snapped out of her momentary daze as she heard Ripley’s uncertain reply, kneeling down to the brunette’s level and mustering a sad smile and facade, tucking a strand of the girl’s hair behind her ear.

“I know this is scary, Ripley, but you are so brave and Lorcán needs all of us right now to be strong.” She extended her little finger towards the girl, trying to listen to her own words and not be hypocritical, “I pinky promise I’ll come right back.”

“I mean, if you pinky promise,” Ripley squirmed before rushing forward and wrapping her finger around Aurora’s extended one. She gave the older girl a quick hug before pulling back.

“I’ll be right here waiting,” She smiled sadly.

Aurora nodded at her before standing up and making her way down the hallway, aiming for the Infirmary Gardens. She needed a reprieve, even if it was momentary, still processing everything that Jonas had said, plus the added weight of Cass and Ripley’s findings. She turned down another hallway, and was about to head for the double door exit but a man standing outside of a patient room caught her eye. He seemed out of place, screamed force and chaos in an environment meant to promote healing and sanctuary. Walking past, she stopped suddenly as she beheld the lithe figure behind the glass with raven hair and tattooed skin.

She knew that Amma had been taken away after the trial, but she didn’t realize that she was being kept here in the Infirmary. Aurora’s body seemed to hum, the memory of her unbridled power coursing through her veins during the trial, their short lived moment of partnership coming to the forefront of her mind. With everything else she was grappling with, she hadn’t given the girl any additional thought, never thanked her or wondered how she was handling everything, which in itself was a wrong she needed to right. She looked to the guard, gesturing to the room.

“I’m one of her teammates, from Blackjack. May I…?”

He contemplated for a moment, determining if he would allow such a visit, before stepping aside with a nod and permitting her to enter. Twisting the knob gingerly, Aurora walked into the room with an abundance of caution, clearing her throat to seemingly announce her presence.

“Hi, Amma.”

Having only just returned to her room perhaps an hour ago, Amma was not anticipating visitors or even entertaining the notion of speaking with anyone; for her waking world had been devoid of lingering nightmares or hardly contained rage in the following days since she had been sleeping in Gil’s room for the last couple of nights.

Now her body bristled in recognition, spine gone taut, posture drawn back as her hand clutched around her mobile phone, noting the many notifications gone unanswered, and met the sky blue eyes of Aurora. Her visage was usually one of beckoning dawn with her halo of copper hair spun through with gold, but a haunted look bloomed over her features, wariness weighted upon her shoulders and a certain air that bespoke of her sorrows. All of these were magnified by the bruise that faded out into pale edges upon her temple and brow.

“Hello… Aurora.” She carefully set her phone aside, arms crossed with the fabric of her white tee-shirt scooped around her scar, fingers clasped over each arm currently concealed with a nondescript black jacket to cover her fresh bandages.

“What…” She paused, head tilting down curiously as she studied her, lashes sweeping high and low. “I’ll admit. I’m surprised to see you here. So, I’ll simply ask why you’re here.”

“I, uh,” Aurora hesitated, struggling to find the words as Amma examined her keenly, feeling exposed in her current state both emotionally and physically. The redhead similarly beheld the raven haired girl’s demeanor and body language, how she seemed to straighten and retract from her, the scars that littered her visible skin and likely trailed underneath her coverings, her dark circles and sullen expression. The trial had certainly gotten the better of them both, their wounds only secondary to what she knew lay beneath the skin.

“I was walking past, on my way from Lorcán’s room.” She paused, realizing that she wasn’t sure if Amma was aware of what had happened to him. Cass said he told Blackjack, and Rory reached out to the team via text, but it was better not to assume. “He, uh, got attacked the other day in the Northern Forest, if you didn’t know,” Aurora exhaled shakily, pain evident in her voice, “He has some type of infection but they don’t know what’s wrong with him.”

“But I saw you were in here, and wanted to thank you. For what you did during the trial.” She took a step towards where she was sitting, approaching the girl warily, “We would have been dead if it weren’t for the power you gave me, and I know that it came at your detriment.”

Amma pauses, fingers clenched and balled into fists, nails spearing into the bedsheets where sudden swells of red arise, coiling through her rigid gestures, and when Aurora takes a step towards her, she flashes her eyes suddenly aglow in silver and blue, marking her where she stood. The world quaked at her toiling influence, heightened by the sudden breadths of empathy for what Aurora must’ve felt for Lorcán at that moment. For what she is uncertain she is feeling in that split second the information is spared and she can hardly navigate those emotions that strike at her heart.

“I know… I guess, I just didn’t realize how severe it was.” She breathes, arms trembling with the grip, her words understating his condition's severity.

She doesn’t want to talk about the trials, she couldn’t even confess such to Gil the first night or any other night, and she certainly doesn’t want to relive the hopelessness she felt in the last moments when she had given the lasting remainders of her power to them- so that they may yet live as she was dragged into Hell.

“As I told Haven… If I had made it out alone, it would’ve looked suspicious. Though, I suppose that doesn’t matter.” Amma carelessly lifted her palm, gesturing towards her room, marking the damage to the floors and walls, the ceiling that too bore her wrath. “Still in solitary for another day or two…”

“What-” She exhales with a sigh. “Do they know what attacked him?” It’s the first she has been made aware outside of the simple texts that had been given as of late.

Aurora noticed how Amma tensed, how she seemed to shake with a fervor reminiscent of her own. It was unexpected to see her have that type of reaction, similar to hers but also different in tone. Where the redhead’s woes manifested in anguish, tears and cries, the raven haired girl radiated anger and tenacity. But where they were alike was in the pain they both felt.

Her eyes darted around the room as Amma waved her hand, only then coming to notice the marks and destruction that marred her surroundings. Aurora would have previously been wary, alarmed, but instead she simply felt numb and unbothered, all of her energy and fear were dedicated elsewhere. Swallowing, the redhead took another step closer, testing the waters although she knew her first move towards the bed had been met with distrust.

“They don’t, unfortunately.” She replied, crossing her arms over her chest as she seemed to hug herself, hide herself. “The medics seem to think that whatever it was is not of this world, as crazy as that sounds.” The girl inclined her head to Amma, “They’re doing what they can, but,” She sniffed, trying to hold back the sadness that threatened to overtake her like a tidal wave, and spoke softly.

“It’s not looking very good right now.”

“There are many inexplicable things of this world that do not belong,” Amma mutters quietly, eyes gone far off and distant, dissociated from the unfamiliar emotions she had been victim to as of late. Unable to define the irregularity of her pulse and waspish rage that made her want to lash out, her entire body rigid and unyielding, feathering pearls of red and silver dotting the frame of her lashes, clinging to her visage that struggled to don the barrier of the creature that did not care.

“The monsters are very much real.”

Amma feels her moving closer, drawn to her sorrows, and hears the tears threatening to fall upon the delicate misery of her voice- she’s surely about to break, crumble in within the void of her heartache- and she hates her for it. Bound in the chains of her past, bound in the barbed wires of her rage and pain, unable to personify her feelings so carelessly; so easily. Mend, instead of sunder, she thinks. But how?

“Your tears won’t save him,” she whispers. “If he is to die soon then why aren’t you there now? What’s the point of coming here to thank me?

The raven haired girl's words never ceased to send shivers up Aurora’s spine, it was in her tone, her departed gaze as she spoke. She was haunted by unseen demons, her life clouded by the shadow of a burden that was challenging to describe. Having felt her power before, it was this she knew to be true, and she was unsure if she could ever put into words the weight that bore heavy on her heart for knowing and understanding that discomfort.

This time she was the one who bristled, the directness cutting like a knife, her question striking her heart instantly. The redhead already knew that things were grim and there was nothing to be done, and yet her words still stung as if salt were poured on the open wound. What was the point? Her sadness quickly morphed into defensiveness, a bite in her following words that wasn’t there previously.

“Because you showed me a kindness I didn’t believe you to possess, and I was wrong for assuming you to be anything but,” Her brow furrowed, “It was because of you that I am able to be here with him now,” Aurora elaborated further, “It’s also because of you that he was able to find me. Not only did you lend your power to me, but also to him, and for that I am grateful.”

“I’m well aware my tears won’t save him, but it hurts when you might lose someone that you love.”

The words came out before she could stop them and she bit her tongue hard, the tang of her own blood dancing across her teeth.

“Kindness? Love?” Such bitterly stated words fell from her gnashing teeth, bone slid against the pout of her lip, tongue bathed in the fated red that filled her mouth on a shattering laugh that struggled beyond her aching ribs. “Is that what it looks like? That dejected and hopeless look in your eyes.” Amma stood up from her bed, thick lines of black and red spooled across her sheets, left in her wake as she approached Aurora.

“That haunted and drawn exhaustion I see in your face.” She breathed deep, a shuddering breath that eclipsed her reasonings, witnessing all that she was true for, the admission that filled the depths of her room and refused to abate now that they had been spoken aloud. “What is love then, if not the most painful thing I see in you, the most painful thing I saw in her.”

Aurora didn’t falter as Amma stepped closer, they were a similar height even if one had a gaze of stars and the other of stone, but nonetheless at each other's level. The French girl’s words rang of disgust and distaste, and that lit a fire in the redhead that did not get a rise often. How dare she take her woes and twist them so, take a beautiful thing and morph it into something so ugly and undesirable. As much as it hurt her to feel this way, to feel anything at all, she wouldn’t change a thing.

She did not know who this her was that she spoke of, and yet, she did not care. For if Amma had known love at one point in her life, evidenced by the venom in her voice, she should understand where Aurora was coming from.

“Emotion is not weakness, Amma, so much as you may think that it is.” She stated strongly, trying to maintain her composure. “It may hurt, but I still feel fortunate that I have someone that I care this much about, someone who makes me feel,”

“I’m sorry that you don’t.”

“Because they’re all dead.” A statement, a confession, one laced to the brim with vehemence, an unbridled fervor inspired by the words flung at her, gilded in flame like her hair and meant to scorch her with shame. But Amma only felt longing, a deeply seeded yearning that spiraled into hunger, that craved something she could not name.

“You don’t know how I feel.” Even she did not know, but she would not spare Aurora those whispers, could not for all the world that quaked at her mercy, for all the woe and pain that cantered through her life in crimson maladies and song. “The emotions that come from this- with this.” The HZEs within and without fled her palms, coiling betwixt her scarred fingers liken to snakes that spun around her wrists.

“That has cost me everything.” Amma breathes, fingers curling into her palms to snuff out the manifest of her powers, the weight of her heart suddenly burdened by a weariness she could not place. She tells herself she does not care, she tells herself this over and over, and over again. She paid the price once, she would not - could not - do it again.

You sure about that?” The redhead challenged, her facial expression tense, lips drawn in a thin line and brow raised as she went toe to toe with the raven haired girl. Something about her current situation, the rage that she felt towards whatever had attacked Lorcán was finding its outlet now. “Not that I owe you an explanation, but you’re not the only one that’s experienced loss,”

“My powers have also cost me,” She spoke freely, unafraid and brazen as she raised her chin in quiet defiance, “They may not be destructive in the way that yours are, but they destroyed my life as I knew it.” Aurora exhaled shakily, eyes misty and heartbeat thundering in her ears as she chose to share a piece of herself with the girl, one that not many others knew, her own weight that she carried day in and day out.

“My mother had to give me up because of my abilities. My stepfather would have killed me had he found out what I possessed, what I could do,” Her voice cracked, betraying the intensity in which she spoke, a single tear rolling down her cheek even though she tried to hold it back, “The only person who ever loved me abandoned me. She could be dead for all I know, I have no clue where she is now.”

“So don’t stand there and tell me that I don’t know how you feel.”

“You’re right,” Amma rejoined with a snap of anger awash over her teeth edging into a feral smile, drawn up straight, meeting Aurora eye for eye; the sky blue of her stare the herald of a righteous figure donned in the light of love, alight in anger and defiance to the void that swirled into her own depths, the storm striking upon the fringes of her control. “You don’t owe me an explanation, just as I owe you none.”

“But you know then what it feels like, to be abandoned for all that you are. For all that you could be. Abandoned because they are afraid of what you can do. You’re just like me.”

We are monsters.
Afraid of you. Afraid of me.

“Not once, but twice. Locked away in the dark because they couldn’t control the beast any more. Given all the power in the world; made into what you fear the most. And they use you for it until it turns to ash and death in your hands. Until you no longer know where she begins, and you end." Amma watches her tears, the one of solidarity bidden to her touch where she reaches up, ghosts her fingers over Aurora’s delicate features and catches it there upon the rise of her scars, the fissure in her voice reflecting the fissure lain within her soul.

“To be so loved and wanted, to be able to cry so freely.” Amma withdraws her hand, the pads of her fingers swept over the healing bruise, a small coil of her power tracing down the line of her cheek as exhaustion once more found way to her body, sunk down deep into her bones, a terrible buzzing once more clamoring betwixt her ears.

“Take that anger and use it to find out what happened to him, Aurora. Be there for him for me – For I – “ Amma laughed, a delicate sound that betrayed the depths of her words. “Be there for those of us that cannot.”

Amma’s hostility was palpable, her cold and harsh words that detailed her misfortunes jarring, and yet her gestures were not such, her motion tender and fluid as she reached up towards Aurora’s face. And as she met that single tear, the redhead’s breath hitched, shocked by her gentleness amongst the chaos her powers wreathed. That ghost of a touch, and the words that accompanied it felt foreign coming from her lips, such a departure from prior words of suffering.

She was right, they weren’t all that different.

After all, they wanted the same thing.

Aurora simply nodded, a silent acknowledgement to her statement, words steeped in raw envy. She took a step backwards, creating distance from the raven haired girl, but not before uttering words that she thought she needed to hear.

“There are good people out there, you know. Ones who don’t abandon and aren’t afraid. It took me a while to find them, to find him,” The redhead felt another tear trail down her skin, unashamed of the sadness that bloomed in her heart for it was her greatest strength, “But he was worth the wait,”

“I know you'll be able to find that too.”

Amma doesn’t say anything, for she no longer had the words to spare, instead she allowed Aurora to step back, where she mimicked her retreat and too furthered the distance between them. A creature of light, and one of dark, both that had been cruelly undone by the world, for all that this universe owed to them, and for all that it took in retribution for powers undone. She curls both arms over her middle and gazes out from the small window her room is afforded, and in the light of the late afternoon that slants through the pane she says:

“The monsters are not supposed to win. The monsters are meant to be killed. To die.”

“But until that day comes, I’ll face the world for this role I have to play. For everything that I’ve done. And if someone is waiting for me there in the end… Well.” Amma simply laughs. “You’ll face it too.”

Aurora’s eyes glanced over to the pane, the golden rays casting dark shadows on the ground, and it was then that she realized that Amma was no more free here than she was while in the clutches of the Foundation. Her laugh, that wicked laugh, tore through her flesh and singed like flames, but it wasn’t fear that it triggered.

It was sympathy.

There were many things she wanted to say, but the redhead turned on her heel, knowing that the girl would rather perish than to entertain her pity, and headed for the door. Before she twisted the knob and exited to sit by her love’s bedside, she returned her gaze to Amma.

“For what it’s worth,” She paused, noticing her irises were the same shade of blue as hers. “I don’t think you’re a monster, Amma.”

Amma simply held her gaze; a mirror, a window, a girl who was known as beloved, a girl who could express all the things that she could not. A girl who mended, rather than sundered, a girl who suffered and was all the more beautiful for it because of what she found within her heart- the strength to love.

You accepted the script before you even read it. The only part you need play is the one you write for yourself.

For the first time in what felt like years, maybe even longer than that, Amma simply nodded in quiet acceptance as Aurora made to leave her room, watching her return to where she knew she could not- no matter how badly she wanted to.

“You’re wrong. But, thank you, Aurora.”
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Location: Southern Forest - Pacific Royal Collegiate & University
Take On Me #3.051: Temper Temper
Interaction(s): None
Previously: Hell Or High Water

The shade of the thick canopy overhead offered a cool reprieve from the midday sun as it beamed down over the Pacific island. Though still a temperate climate, Miguel could feel small beads of sweat dotting his forehead as he slipped his long coat off his shoulders and swung it over a forearm.

The forest path was well trodden, little evidence would be found on the main passage that most students and faculty took. But the brush was disturbed off the path, and the Fist quickly found an area that had been more well trodden. Deep footprints from burdened bearers remained even days later. A dart remained behind on the ground, nestled in the tall grass illustrating the hurry and sloppiness of this conquest.

Daedalus was growing more desperate.

The click of a gun behind him gave Miguel momentary pause. His ability began to kick in as thousands of scenarios and their logical outcomes raced before his mind. He could roll out of the way, he could spin and disarm. There was a chance of slipping on the damp soil though, the leaves beneath his dress boots didn’t exactly afford him the traction of a paved surface. But as the wielder of the weapon spoke, Miguel allowed himself a semblance of a grin before he relaxed at the intonation of a drawl.

“Y’all have five seconds to explain why you’re on my damn island.”

“You have a fifty-six percent chance of making that shot without me breaking your wrist and taking your weapon. Do you really feel that lucky, Chancellor?” Miguel replied while slowly raising his hands to the back of his head before bringing himself to his feet.

“Never tell me the odds.”

Without warning, Miguel spun around, dipping out of the line of fire. To his surprise, there was no shot, no echoing bang disturbing the forest. Unhindered, he attacked with a series of quick strikes, only to find his fists striking against Jim’s psionic barrier in a futile effort.

“Y’all didn’t see that comin’?” Jim asked, spinning the unfired gun around on his finger before holstering it beneath his arm. “I remember the last time we fought, I was still just a welp wet behind the ears and you still looked like a dog’s breakfast,”

“Ah, yes, the tenacious agent,” A slight tone of recognition marred the Fist’s voice, “I am surprised you don’t walk with a limp after I broke your leg in three places.” Miguel replied, relaxing his hands to his sides.

“Oh I still know when the rain’s coming thanks to y’all,” Jim snapped back with a sarcastic tip of his Stetson. “Now then, we gonna keep pissin’, or you all dried up and ready to talk ‘bout why Torres has y’all lurking around my island.”

“Where’s your mind reading special lady friend?” Miguel replied with a wry smirk. Jim cracked his knuckles before rolling his neck.

“Oh I won’t be needin’ her to get words outta Nakamura’s ol’huntin’ dog.” Jim replied, “Hate to have to tell Torres I put her hound down because it got rabies.”

“I thought we were done ‘pissin’’” Miguel stated flatly, “As you know Chancellor, the Foundation has its own reasons for being interested in P.R.C.U.”

“I’m well aware of that, but you’re looking into the disappearance of a student who was associated with Hyperion’s Children. Now, either y’all are looking to add some muscle to the Foot, or there’s more than meets the eye here.”

“Does the name ‘Daedalus’ mean anything to you?” Miguel retorted cooly, “I believe he’s infiltrated your campus and is hell bent on continuing his mission here.”

“What mission would that be?” Jim asked, crossing his arms unimpressed.

“To create a new breed of Hyperhumans.” The Foundation’s Fist replied.

“Tell me, how much information did your predecessor leave about Amma Cahors?”
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by webboysurf
Avatar of webboysurf

webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: Canis Dorms, P.R.C.U. Campus - Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean
Take on Me #3.052: Say Your Prayers
Interaction(s): Amma @Rockette
Previously: Anywhere, Whenever

Rory’s eyes locked on Amma, the world seeming dull and muted as all he could see were the recordings playing back in his mind. Amma’s cryptic conversation with Haven, the sight of what she had done to save her… and the sight of her power rolling through Haven’s wings. The two that arrived there to help were two of the last people Rory wanted to involve. When his eyes turned to Katja, he instantly looked away. The last time he saw her, she was covered in blood and viscera. It was so easy for the two of them to kill… and now he was dragging Harper into a mess with them.

“Thank you… Amma, But Haven isn’t just another statistic.”

"No, no, she won't. I made a promise I would never let someone suffer what I have. To become..." There was a pause in her words, as red tendrils of power radiated from her form.

"The world has enough monsters."

”Glad you’re here… just waiting on the rest of the team.”

A small exhale left Rory’s lips. After everything, nothing had changed. Same speech, same act. The forced, weak smile on his lips showed gratitude. It disgusted him to twist his face like that. He took a few steps towards Amma on their approach, making sure to keep Amma between himself and Katja. He got close, enough that that sickening feeling of her field of influence crawled over his skin. His faint scars itched with familiarity.

While his smile remained, his whispered words were slick with disdain as he leaned in close. ”I trust you’ll be good to your word… she reminds you of someone, after all.” He paused for a fraction of a second, just long enough to let any semblance of recognition slip in. ”If your powers touch Haven again… or you threaten her, I’ll finish what we started in the Trials.”

“Yeah?” Amma breathed, a whisper punctured through her words donned in a warning, a manifest of the creature that recognized the man before her, leaned in close as she canted her head and dropped her lashes against the sudden glow captured in her eyes. “Don't forget it was I that saved her while you were running around in a mask.”


The fake smile remained plastered on his face as he leaned back, looking down at Amma. It failed to reach his eyes. He lifted a hand, placing it on her shoulder and giving a small squeeze. Anger ran through his veins like ice, but she was right. He took a breath, and gave a small nod. ”I saw.” He looked down at the marks on his arms, before slowly removing his hand from her shoulder. The smile on his face slipped away. Ego tripping, threats... those weren't him. Those were...

Rory clutched at the strap of his bag. This wasn't the time for this. ”I made her a promise. And I need help keeping it.”

Something visibly coiled through Amma at his words, something unmarked and unnamed that writhed against the hand clasped over her shoulder whilst she swept her gaze up to meet his frigid glare that marked her on the spot for everything that went unsaid between them. Her fingers splayed and cracked, nails marked into her palms as a shuddering breath swept through her lungs and inflated on a trembling inhale from her fury bristling in response. Amma exhaled on a nod, reigning in the rage, clamping down on the red that angrily sluiced away beneath her skin and thrummed down her back liken to a serpent tongue that flicked away at her spine.

“I'll make sure you're able to keep that promise. Just like mine.”

Rory gave a nod, the exhaustion on his face evident as he turned away, walking away a few paces. He folded his arms over his chest, his nails digging into his skin as he desperately tried to keep everything in. She was right. No matter all his big talk… he was right there. He should have woken up. He should have locked the window. He should have known they would come. He should have done something, anything, to save her. And now… he was just tagging along. He readjusted the strap of his duffle bag, just to give his hands something to do as he buried his anger and frustration down deeper and deeper. Amma knew he was useless here. Harper wasn't at 100% and was still doing more than he had. Katja would break down doors and walls all on her own until she found her. Rory couldn't do anything but follow their lead.

Haven needed the team.
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