a meanie bo beanie has appeared
Name: Juri Han
Origin: Street Fighter
Personality: A cruel young woman who enjoys destroying and dominating. A hedonistic thrill-seeker with a mean streak a mile wide, Juri Han is no stranger to the physical pleasures this world has to offer. And no stranger to death and murder, either. She insults and berates most people around her for their perceived weaknesses. Spend enough time around her and one might discover the gaps in the façade. She finds her life has a lack of purpose and direction. It's her own fault because she pushes everyone away with her hideous demeanor, but she is also lonely.
Juri hates rules and being told what to do. She hates tyrants and authoritarianism. Anyone who is true to themselves and lives for themselves can earn Juri's respect, and she has worked with others in the past to achieve her own ends. Mainly power, or revenge. She has a soft spot for animals, particularly arachnids. She'll kill other killers without a second thought but tends to let other people who get in her way off with a harsh beating.
She has acted selflessly in the past, coming to the rescue of others in need. Ask her why, and risk being insulted, or assaulted should one push their luck. She leaves the truly innocent out of it, and when she spots the truly evil, they disgust her.
Despite her thuggish, short-sighted behavior, Juri is highly educated and well-read.
Juri is no stoic. She possesses an excitable, curious demeanor, if only often to find out whatever the 'problems' are and exploit them. Should something be too boring, she'll immediately discard it and try to find the next thing to entertain her. There's playfulness about her that can make her appear almost innocent. Often times she'll play up the crazy killer role, despite being quite grounded in reality. All this to say, Juri Han is a very complicated woman.
Background:Juri Han was a martial arts prodigy at a young age. Extremely studious, she worked hard to make her parents proud. Even as a young girl she couldn't deny the thrill of destroying her opponents. She loved her mother and greatly respected her father, who was renowned nation-wide in Korea for working as a criminal prosecutor. But when he went after Shadoloo, the evil Dictator M. Bison struck back. In the attack, Juri's parents were murdered, and she lost her left eye. Whatever life Juri Han could have had was over. Juri learned the only real law in this world was the law of violence. Kill or be killed.
Juri sought power, greater strength, and revenge against M. Bison. To this end she joined the rival criminal organization SIN as a researcher. She built much of the technology behind the Feng Shui Engine herself. She worked for Seth, the android. When all out war broke about between SIN and Shadaloo, Juri enjoyed the chaos, and played both sides. Eventually she betrayed Seth, killing one of his last back-up bodies, and took over. She made an attempt on M. Bison's life by herself, but failed. SIN didn't last long under her rule. Despite having actually conned, duped, and backstabbed her way into the power she claimed to be so hungry for, she quickly let it all come to ruin because of the responsibility involved and lack of direction. It's not like she actually wanted to take over the world or deal crazy psycho power drugs or run an army or whatever the hell it was evil overlords did all day. It was way too much work and not her style. After murdering anyone else who worked on the Feng Shui Engine so only she would know its secrets, she left.
Eventually M. Bison's evil schemes caught up to him, and he attracted the attention of the heroes of the world. Juri was no hero but she was an opportunist who took advantage to get revenge. While she did help save the world, and even saved some of the heroes from harm (there's nothing she hates more than brainwashing) in the end the one who got the pleasure of killing M. Bison was that goody two-shoes Ryu.
Part of her chaotic nature is sometimes doing selfless things for no reason. Why she re-programmed and resurrected Seth in a new body and let him roam free, she has no idea. Maybe it was just kinda funny?
No longer having revenge as an excuse for her schemes, she has spent her days since wandering around trying to find something to do, working contract jobs as hired muscle or assassinations. To what end, she doesn't know. There's a sense of tragedy about her, and it's becoming increasingly difficult for her to hide it.
In the Now: Juri is as aimless as ever, but the World of Light has presented her with ample opportunity for distraction. She has been going around stirring up trouble and trying to find ways to entertain herself. Naturally this means finding work to fund her habits. And with Juri almost anything is on the table.
Job: Scout
Specialty: Close-range Rushdown
Inventory: Feng Shui Engine: The artificial left eye given to her by SIN. She can use her ki to empower it for dramatic effect and returns. By itself, however, it is capable of detecting and giving her a general gauge of the power level of a sentient being she scans with it. It's also a universal input and output port for her hacking skills.
Smart Phone: A modern day cellular device capable of long ranged communication, access to networks, currency, a wide host of boring games Juri hates, camera, pictures of spiders, identification, etc.
Sports Motorcycle: For travelling around at high speed. For leisure or business.
Lv: 5
EXP: 0/10
Abilities: (Powers, spells, special moves, an iconic piece of equipment, and so forth)
Skills: (Passive abilities, outstanding ‘stats’, and talents/proficiencies)
Weaknesses: (Practical limitations, detrimental ‘stats’, and deficiencies. Include three)
Spirits: (Any spirits your character possesses should be listed here with their type)
Rapport: (You can keep track of your Rapport here. As you level up Rapports, consider linking the posts here and listing what they give you)
Origin: Street Fighter

Personality: A cruel young woman who enjoys destroying and dominating. A hedonistic thrill-seeker with a mean streak a mile wide, Juri Han is no stranger to the physical pleasures this world has to offer. And no stranger to death and murder, either. She insults and berates most people around her for their perceived weaknesses. Spend enough time around her and one might discover the gaps in the façade. She finds her life has a lack of purpose and direction. It's her own fault because she pushes everyone away with her hideous demeanor, but she is also lonely.
Juri hates rules and being told what to do. She hates tyrants and authoritarianism. Anyone who is true to themselves and lives for themselves can earn Juri's respect, and she has worked with others in the past to achieve her own ends. Mainly power, or revenge. She has a soft spot for animals, particularly arachnids. She'll kill other killers without a second thought but tends to let other people who get in her way off with a harsh beating.
She has acted selflessly in the past, coming to the rescue of others in need. Ask her why, and risk being insulted, or assaulted should one push their luck. She leaves the truly innocent out of it, and when she spots the truly evil, they disgust her.
Despite her thuggish, short-sighted behavior, Juri is highly educated and well-read.
Juri is no stoic. She possesses an excitable, curious demeanor, if only often to find out whatever the 'problems' are and exploit them. Should something be too boring, she'll immediately discard it and try to find the next thing to entertain her. There's playfulness about her that can make her appear almost innocent. Often times she'll play up the crazy killer role, despite being quite grounded in reality. All this to say, Juri Han is a very complicated woman.
Background:Juri Han was a martial arts prodigy at a young age. Extremely studious, she worked hard to make her parents proud. Even as a young girl she couldn't deny the thrill of destroying her opponents. She loved her mother and greatly respected her father, who was renowned nation-wide in Korea for working as a criminal prosecutor. But when he went after Shadoloo, the evil Dictator M. Bison struck back. In the attack, Juri's parents were murdered, and she lost her left eye. Whatever life Juri Han could have had was over. Juri learned the only real law in this world was the law of violence. Kill or be killed.
Juri sought power, greater strength, and revenge against M. Bison. To this end she joined the rival criminal organization SIN as a researcher. She built much of the technology behind the Feng Shui Engine herself. She worked for Seth, the android. When all out war broke about between SIN and Shadaloo, Juri enjoyed the chaos, and played both sides. Eventually she betrayed Seth, killing one of his last back-up bodies, and took over. She made an attempt on M. Bison's life by herself, but failed. SIN didn't last long under her rule. Despite having actually conned, duped, and backstabbed her way into the power she claimed to be so hungry for, she quickly let it all come to ruin because of the responsibility involved and lack of direction. It's not like she actually wanted to take over the world or deal crazy psycho power drugs or run an army or whatever the hell it was evil overlords did all day. It was way too much work and not her style. After murdering anyone else who worked on the Feng Shui Engine so only she would know its secrets, she left.
Eventually M. Bison's evil schemes caught up to him, and he attracted the attention of the heroes of the world. Juri was no hero but she was an opportunist who took advantage to get revenge. While she did help save the world, and even saved some of the heroes from harm (there's nothing she hates more than brainwashing) in the end the one who got the pleasure of killing M. Bison was that goody two-shoes Ryu.
Part of her chaotic nature is sometimes doing selfless things for no reason. Why she re-programmed and resurrected Seth in a new body and let him roam free, she has no idea. Maybe it was just kinda funny?
No longer having revenge as an excuse for her schemes, she has spent her days since wandering around trying to find something to do, working contract jobs as hired muscle or assassinations. To what end, she doesn't know. There's a sense of tragedy about her, and it's becoming increasingly difficult for her to hide it.
In the Now: Juri is as aimless as ever, but the World of Light has presented her with ample opportunity for distraction. She has been going around stirring up trouble and trying to find ways to entertain herself. Naturally this means finding work to fund her habits. And with Juri almost anything is on the table.
Job: Scout
Specialty: Close-range Rushdown
Inventory: Feng Shui Engine: The artificial left eye given to her by SIN. She can use her ki to empower it for dramatic effect and returns. By itself, however, it is capable of detecting and giving her a general gauge of the power level of a sentient being she scans with it. It's also a universal input and output port for her hacking skills.
Smart Phone: A modern day cellular device capable of long ranged communication, access to networks, currency, a wide host of boring games Juri hates, camera, pictures of spiders, identification, etc.
Sports Motorcycle: For travelling around at high speed. For leisure or business.
Lv: 5
EXP: 0/10
Abilities: (Powers, spells, special moves, an iconic piece of equipment, and so forth)
- Feng Shui Engine - Access to the powerful array of abilities her artificial eye grants her, including scanning for a nearby power levels and hacking, and with further level ups, super attacks and techniques.
- Fuhajin Stocks - She can enhance her special moves by doing a ki-enhanced kick. This increases the utility of her special moves in a variety of ways. She can store up to four.
- Drive Gauge - Six internal 'bars' of energy to be used for various Drive techniques. It is expended on blocking, working as a guard meter. The upside compared to say, Sakura or Karin, is that while she has Drive Gauge, she takes no chip damage, and reduced blockstun. She starts with the ability to spend two bars of Drive Gauge to use a powerful Overdrive Art. Overdrive Arts are powerful versions of her special moves, made even more effective if combined with a Fuhajin.
Skills: (Passive abilities, outstanding ‘stats’, and talents/proficiencies)
- Taekwondo Ki User: - A martial artist of superhuman strength, speed, and skill. Able to easily overpower common force multipliers such as mundane swords, guns, explosives, etc. She can project her internal force and energy out from herself with dangerous close ranged ki projectiles.
- Speed - Juri is incredibly fast and agile, even by Street Fighter standards.
- Skill Name - Skill Description
- Skill Name - Skill Description
Weaknesses: (Practical limitations, detrimental ‘stats’, and deficiencies. Include three)
- Burnout State - Once out of Drive Gauge, she incurs many weaknesses. She takes increased chip damage and block stun, and loses access to all Drive related techniques, making her defense severely weaker and limiting her damage dealing. While in Burnout, a significantly hard impact will Stun her, leaving her helpless for several seconds. Even if she blocks an attack it is possible to Stun her should she hit the environment hard enough as a result.
She loses Drive Gauge when she blocks, when she is hit with a punish counter, or when she is hit with an attack that costs the opponent some of their own resource. Super, mana, energy, focus, whatever it may be, if it is a limited power it will take away some of her Drive Gauge on hit depending on the damage and cost. - Punish Counter - While Juri is able to capitalize off the mistakes of her enemies with her techniques, there is a tangible benefit from doing the same to her. Catching her in the recovery of performing an attack will sap some of her Drive Gauge and exacerbate the effects of the the attack. For example, an attack that might have normally just knocked her back a few steps may rattle her energy for her to collapse to her knees should it hit her after she missed an attack.
- Short Range - While she has numerous methods of closing the gap that might make her dangerous an opponent who relies on long range, she has no notable proficiency in anything like marksmanship. Her ki attacks are mostly just for controlling space just outside of the range of her hands and feet.
Spirits: (Any spirits your character possesses should be listed here with their type)
- Spirit name - Type
Rapport: (You can keep track of your Rapport here. As you level up Rapports, consider linking the posts here and listing what they give you)
- Character A / Character B - D Rank 3/5