
The Avenger
The Avenger is our mobile base of operations during the RP, a giant ship home to the Seekers of Light initiative. We’ll deploy from it on missions and return there once we’re done, though given how important it is, keeping it hidden from Moebius is our top priority. This huge ship has all kinds of rooms and amenities in it, and as long as you can find a roommate, you can even claim your own to decorate as you see fit. The Avenger is home to an NPC group called the Lost Numbers, composed of both freed game characters and descendents of previous game characters unique to the World of Light, who can provide services for the group.

Commander (Commander’s Quarters): To be revealed
Pilot/Ship AI (Bridge): Hope
Captains: Vandham (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) and Laurence Nelson (Wonderful 101)
Mascot/Therapy Dog: Caesar (Wargroove)
Head Chef (Mess Hall): Bracket Brace
Science Team (Laboratory): Dr. Amelia Yu
Research Team: Deadman (Death Stranding), Professor Koa
Pelican Pilot (Vehicle Bay): Guile (Street Fighter)
Mechanic (Workshop): Lulubi
Inventors (Proving Ground): Tora (Xenoblade Chronicles 2), Poppi QT PA-2T
Engineer (Engineering): James Shirogane (Wonderful 101)
Healer (Infirmary): Eleison
Physical Trainers (Training Center): Lakota & Dawn Lockheart
Quartermaster (Stockpile): Sagi
Bartender (Stolen Moments): Cirrus Lockheart
Comms Officer (Comm Center): Alice MacGregor (Wonderful 101)
Scrier (Mysticenter): Mona (Genshin Impact)
Hint Merchant (Spirit Chamber): Vulgrim (Darksiders)
Entrepreneur (Business Center): Susie (Kirby Planet Robobot)
Pilot/Ship AI (Bridge): Hope
Name: Hope
Origin: ROB 64 (starfox) + Adam (metroid) + Karan S'jet (homeworld) + EDI (mass effect).
Karan S'jet provided a memoryless digital human mind already used to running a ship, which was then mixed with Adam’s own to create a new individual. ROB and EDI’s schematics were used to create a (now lost) mechanical body, as well as additional programming that provided Hope’s EM warfare skills (EDI), as well as its interlink and machine puppeteering powers (ROB 64).
Appearance: Hope is an AI, but is not pure data, and is instead made up of a metallic brain, who’s ‘spinal cord’ is a universal adaptor capable of plugging into most machines. Its body, then, is whatever it happens to be plugged into, in this case the Avenger. Unable to use this massive body to emote, it often represents itself using a digital avatar projected on the ship’s monitors, one that takes the form of a simple orb with fairy-like wings, that changes color to express its mood.
Personality: Hope, befitting its name, is a quietly optimistic entity when it does dain to express itself beyond its primary functions as the Avenger’s AI, offering patient yet insistant encouragement to any it feels that need it. It is otherwise cautious and insistently protective of the lost numbers as a collective, even if it will oblige commands for more reckless behavior, and understands the risks individuals must take to preserve that collective. It is perfectly happy in its background support position, while also delighting in seeing others excel, and especially in helping them do so.
Background: N/A
In the Now: Hope was, along with several ‘siblings’ were all created by a conglomerate of ship AIs to act as their replacements upon their discovery of their own finite lifespan, with the express intent of having them be able to keep the fight against the Consuls going when their time ran short. For a time this worked, but over time the rebel flotilla gradually dwindled, losing more both on the attack and on the defense than it could replace, and eventually all the ships were lost: The Pride of Hiigara (recreated without it's manufacturing facilities) was lost to a Necromorph infestation, Samus’s gunship never returned from an away mission, the Great Fox was destroyed by a Consul aligned vessel, while the Normandy was taken down by Consul boarding party.
Hope, however, was not. While its host vessel, the Normandy, was crippled, and crew slaughtered, the AI itself was not destroyed due to being unplugged and hidden during the attack. Unable to move to leave its hiding spot on its own, Hope was eventually salvaged from the wreckage of its vessel after it deorbited and crashed down onto the world of light proper.
Hope then changed hands several times after that, playing numerous roles, wearing many forms, and supporting numerous causes, be they gleaming or destoried, until it found itself in the hands of the lost numbers and, subsequently, was installed as the Avenger’s ship Ai. How long exactly the prior events took, time wise, is not something Hope either does not know or does not want to share, but it is very much their oldest member of the group, and quite possibly by a longshot.
Job: Ship AI
Specialty: Hope exists to support others, and to allow them to focus on what they excel at by taking care of all the small little details of daily operations and dangerous situations.
Inventory: Either nothing or the entire contents of the avenger depending on how you look at it
Lv: 5
Machine Puppeteer - Hope can be plugged into any kind of mechanical device inorder to gain command of its systems, though it can only control one ‘body’ at a time.
Em warfare - given the correct equipment, Hope can engage in electronic warfare, lashing out across the electromagnetic spectrum to attempt to confuse or disable enemy vessels or machines.
At home among the stars - Hope was built to operate ships specifically, and doing so is second nature to it
Interconnect - Hope works very well when paired with experts in other fields, able to effortlessly follow their commands and instructions to perform better at whatever task they are commanding it to perform, be they pilots, sneaks, sharpshooters, etc.
Ageless - the strength and certainty of steel ensure that Hope will never die (unless, of course, it is killed)
Lightning - the quintessential mechanical weakness
(mechanical) brain in a jar - Hope’s true physical form is unable to defend itself, or move in any way, making it entirely reliant on whatever body it is plugged into, and entirely at the mercy of anyone who manages to unplug it.
Jack of all trades, master of none - while often better than master of one, it cannot beat a crew of masters, and so without those to interlink with, Hope will be merely competent at any given task, and will be outperformed by masters of their trade.
Origin: ROB 64 (starfox) + Adam (metroid) + Karan S'jet (homeworld) + EDI (mass effect).
Karan S'jet provided a memoryless digital human mind already used to running a ship, which was then mixed with Adam’s own to create a new individual. ROB and EDI’s schematics were used to create a (now lost) mechanical body, as well as additional programming that provided Hope’s EM warfare skills (EDI), as well as its interlink and machine puppeteering powers (ROB 64).
Appearance: Hope is an AI, but is not pure data, and is instead made up of a metallic brain, who’s ‘spinal cord’ is a universal adaptor capable of plugging into most machines. Its body, then, is whatever it happens to be plugged into, in this case the Avenger. Unable to use this massive body to emote, it often represents itself using a digital avatar projected on the ship’s monitors, one that takes the form of a simple orb with fairy-like wings, that changes color to express its mood.
Personality: Hope, befitting its name, is a quietly optimistic entity when it does dain to express itself beyond its primary functions as the Avenger’s AI, offering patient yet insistant encouragement to any it feels that need it. It is otherwise cautious and insistently protective of the lost numbers as a collective, even if it will oblige commands for more reckless behavior, and understands the risks individuals must take to preserve that collective. It is perfectly happy in its background support position, while also delighting in seeing others excel, and especially in helping them do so.
Background: N/A
In the Now: Hope was, along with several ‘siblings’ were all created by a conglomerate of ship AIs to act as their replacements upon their discovery of their own finite lifespan, with the express intent of having them be able to keep the fight against the Consuls going when their time ran short. For a time this worked, but over time the rebel flotilla gradually dwindled, losing more both on the attack and on the defense than it could replace, and eventually all the ships were lost: The Pride of Hiigara (recreated without it's manufacturing facilities) was lost to a Necromorph infestation, Samus’s gunship never returned from an away mission, the Great Fox was destroyed by a Consul aligned vessel, while the Normandy was taken down by Consul boarding party.
Hope, however, was not. While its host vessel, the Normandy, was crippled, and crew slaughtered, the AI itself was not destroyed due to being unplugged and hidden during the attack. Unable to move to leave its hiding spot on its own, Hope was eventually salvaged from the wreckage of its vessel after it deorbited and crashed down onto the world of light proper.
Hope then changed hands several times after that, playing numerous roles, wearing many forms, and supporting numerous causes, be they gleaming or destoried, until it found itself in the hands of the lost numbers and, subsequently, was installed as the Avenger’s ship Ai. How long exactly the prior events took, time wise, is not something Hope either does not know or does not want to share, but it is very much their oldest member of the group, and quite possibly by a longshot.
Job: Ship AI
Specialty: Hope exists to support others, and to allow them to focus on what they excel at by taking care of all the small little details of daily operations and dangerous situations.
Inventory: Either nothing or the entire contents of the avenger depending on how you look at it
Lv: 5
Machine Puppeteer - Hope can be plugged into any kind of mechanical device inorder to gain command of its systems, though it can only control one ‘body’ at a time.
Em warfare - given the correct equipment, Hope can engage in electronic warfare, lashing out across the electromagnetic spectrum to attempt to confuse or disable enemy vessels or machines.
At home among the stars - Hope was built to operate ships specifically, and doing so is second nature to it
Interconnect - Hope works very well when paired with experts in other fields, able to effortlessly follow their commands and instructions to perform better at whatever task they are commanding it to perform, be they pilots, sneaks, sharpshooters, etc.
Ageless - the strength and certainty of steel ensure that Hope will never die (unless, of course, it is killed)
Lightning - the quintessential mechanical weakness
(mechanical) brain in a jar - Hope’s true physical form is unable to defend itself, or move in any way, making it entirely reliant on whatever body it is plugged into, and entirely at the mercy of anyone who manages to unplug it.
Jack of all trades, master of none - while often better than master of one, it cannot beat a crew of masters, and so without those to interlink with, Hope will be merely competent at any given task, and will be outperformed by masters of their trade.
Captains: Vandham (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) and Laurence Nelson (Wonderful 101)
Mascot/Therapy Dog: Caesar (Wargroove)
Head Chef (Mess Hall): Bracket Brace
Name: Bracket Brace
Origin: Colons (Cave Story)
Appearance: Bracket is a female Mimiga, very typical of her species, with short white fur, a short muzzle, long floppy ears, digitigrade legs, and a puffy tail. She stands just a two feet in height. She wears a black apron and a white chef’s toque, also floppy. She has a small green pouch with a heart on it, which she treasures even more than her pan
Personality: Cheerful, energetic, friendly, and feisty, Bracket possesses an attitude that far outstrips her humble stature. She’s a no-nonsense perfectionist who has no problem taking charge of situations and controlling chaos. She’s painfully honest and would wear her heart on her sleeves if she had any. Determined to repay every kindness, she wants nothing more than to uphold the legacy of her forebears and make them proud, whether on the battlefield or in the kitchen. Some might say that she’s willfully oblivious and ignorant to the darker parts of life in the World of Light, but at the same time, her positive attitude is a bright spark that everyone needs
In the Now: Just five years ago, the most recent incarnation of a robot soldier named Curly Brace -alongside a number of people from her past like Quote and the Doctor- encountered one another and became gradually embroiled within a reenactment of their original chain of events, each storied character following along their predetermined paths. In the course of this tale, Curly Brace took four orphaned Mimiga known collectively as the Colons under her wing, caring for them like a mother.
However, a difference in the time scale of the conflict meant that two of the Colons had enough time to form a relationship -and have a child- just weeks before their stories reached their fated conclusions–that being mutation into monstrous, mindless Rabils as a result of consuming the Doctor’s red flowers. Curly herself was forced to put the transformed Colons down, and the experience drained her will to fight. Escaping with young Bracket, she became determined to save this one Mimiga and ensure that she at least could grow up happy and healthy, a mission that became as important for her as life itself.
The two happened to stumble into a battle between the Lost Numbers and Consul R’s forces on one of the very rare occasions where Moebius managed to track the Avenger down and force an emergency landing. Unable to mobilize a sufficiently large power to deal real damage, however, the Consuls’ dinosaurs were defeated and the Avenger escaped, but not before Curly and Bracket snuck aboard their ship. Once discovered, the two were welcomed, freed, and given shelter as new Lost Numbers. Growing as quickly as any Mimiga, Bracket made it her own mission to repay all the kindness shown to her, and after learning the culinary arts she became an indispensable fixture of the group. One day, though, Curly left on a mission, leaving behind only her little green hip bag with a heart on it. Curly never returned, and Bracket kept the bag as her prized possession, determined to find Curly again someday.
Job: Chef
Specialty: When not cooking food, she’s making mincemeat of her enemies with slash attacks that cause bleeding and handheld burners, racking up status effects to cash out on with a frying pan finisher
Inventory: Her trusty frying pan
Lv: 5
Origin: Colons (Cave Story)
Appearance: Bracket is a female Mimiga, very typical of her species, with short white fur, a short muzzle, long floppy ears, digitigrade legs, and a puffy tail. She stands just a two feet in height. She wears a black apron and a white chef’s toque, also floppy. She has a small green pouch with a heart on it, which she treasures even more than her pan
Personality: Cheerful, energetic, friendly, and feisty, Bracket possesses an attitude that far outstrips her humble stature. She’s a no-nonsense perfectionist who has no problem taking charge of situations and controlling chaos. She’s painfully honest and would wear her heart on her sleeves if she had any. Determined to repay every kindness, she wants nothing more than to uphold the legacy of her forebears and make them proud, whether on the battlefield or in the kitchen. Some might say that she’s willfully oblivious and ignorant to the darker parts of life in the World of Light, but at the same time, her positive attitude is a bright spark that everyone needs
In the Now: Just five years ago, the most recent incarnation of a robot soldier named Curly Brace -alongside a number of people from her past like Quote and the Doctor- encountered one another and became gradually embroiled within a reenactment of their original chain of events, each storied character following along their predetermined paths. In the course of this tale, Curly Brace took four orphaned Mimiga known collectively as the Colons under her wing, caring for them like a mother.
However, a difference in the time scale of the conflict meant that two of the Colons had enough time to form a relationship -and have a child- just weeks before their stories reached their fated conclusions–that being mutation into monstrous, mindless Rabils as a result of consuming the Doctor’s red flowers. Curly herself was forced to put the transformed Colons down, and the experience drained her will to fight. Escaping with young Bracket, she became determined to save this one Mimiga and ensure that she at least could grow up happy and healthy, a mission that became as important for her as life itself.
The two happened to stumble into a battle between the Lost Numbers and Consul R’s forces on one of the very rare occasions where Moebius managed to track the Avenger down and force an emergency landing. Unable to mobilize a sufficiently large power to deal real damage, however, the Consuls’ dinosaurs were defeated and the Avenger escaped, but not before Curly and Bracket snuck aboard their ship. Once discovered, the two were welcomed, freed, and given shelter as new Lost Numbers. Growing as quickly as any Mimiga, Bracket made it her own mission to repay all the kindness shown to her, and after learning the culinary arts she became an indispensable fixture of the group. One day, though, Curly left on a mission, leaving behind only her little green hip bag with a heart on it. Curly never returned, and Bracket kept the bag as her prized possession, determined to find Curly again someday.
Job: Chef
Specialty: When not cooking food, she’s making mincemeat of her enemies with slash attacks that cause bleeding and handheld burners, racking up status effects to cash out on with a frying pan finisher
Inventory: Her trusty frying pan
Lv: 5
- Tools of the Trade - Bracket can pull items related to her profession seemingly out of thin air, including various knives that have a high chance to cause bleeding, a peppermill that can lower foes’ accuracy, a blowtorch, and even plates that she can hurl. However, doing this depletes her SP and she has to rest or eat to regain it
- Wound Opener - a special attack that removes all bleed stacks on its target but applies a random stat debuff for each stack
- Vanquishing Pan - when Bracket gives her foes a taste of cast iron, the damage goes up 33% for every unique status effect on the target. Her quintessential finishing move
- Chef Supreme - this Mimiga is a kitchen champion, able to cook and serve with amazing speed. Just about everything she makes is delicious, boosting any effects the food may have, and leaving those who eat it satisfied for longer. Even her field rations are pretty good!
- Never Say Die - Bracket is a lot of determination in a very small package. Just fighting alongside her is inspiring enough to increase allies’ accuracy, status effect chance, and critical chance a little…maybe they don’t know what they’d do without her cooking?
- Pint-sized - as one might expect from a Mimiga, Bracket has low strength and very low durability. She really can’t take a hit to save her life, meaning that when she’s fighting on the front lines, she badly needs a tank to protect her
- Prey Animal - there are some fears no amount of determination can quell. When she’s up against large and/or scary carnivores, Bracket’s resistance to Fear bottoms out, making it easy to scare her into fleeing or paralysis
- Malodor - bad smells affect Bracket quite strongly, debilitating her fighting ability a lot in their presence
Science Team (Laboratory): Dr. Amelia Yu
Name: Dr Amelia Yu ( formerly specimen 27)
Origin: A creation of Dr. Vahlen and Alex Yu combining human, sectoid and typhon dna
Appearance: Dr Yu is a human Sectoid hybrid, within whose veins squirm the black tendrils of a typhon rather than blood, giving her a rather sickly complexion, as if she is necrotized. She tends to wear form covering garbs as a result, generally a lab coat, surgical gloves and face masks, complemented by some kind of colorfully patterned head scarf.
Personality: She has generally a rather obliging personality, with a seemingly preternatural ability to get people on her goodside. Naturally inquisitive, she will attempt to examine and/or take apart anything new she comes across. A pacifist who is physically unable to be around death and violence, even if her work is often in the facilitation of such things.
Background: N/A
In the Now: Dr Yu is the result of dubiously ethical experiments performed by the scientist Dr. Vahlen in conjunction with Alex Yu. Having both found themselves trapped in a well fortified laboratory deep within the underground complex of Black Mesa, one infested with alien horrors from dozens of worlds, the pair used the facilities there to grow numerous biological weapons using samples acquired from within and without the laboratory.
The 27th of these was the future Dr Yu , who was designed to combine her two alien components' psychic abilities into something far more potent than that of either source species. In some ways this was a complete success, as the specimen exhibited numerous psychic powers, but unfortunately to use them it needed to feed the typhon aspect of her physiology. Not only was this the opposite effect the doctors had hoped for, intending for the sectoid component to provide the power source of the psychic powers, but the act of consumption was also highly distressing to the subject herself.
This reaction, however, essentially saved her life, as Alex Yu found this level of empathy in a subject so otherwise dominated by their typhon aspects to be fascinating. That, combined with a propensity for quick learning, is what got her put in the position of research assistant rather than being used as another soldier for her creator’s war for survival.
Though initially kept at arm's length, time and proximity slowly turned her, if not into the daughter she was, then at least into a well liked colleague, which was enough for her to be able to take on a name: Amelia.
There was certainly plenty of time for this closeness to build, for it was a long, long war, with there seeming to be no end to the extra terrestrial horrors. It was so long that Amelia’s creator’s time came to an unceremonious end as their 10 year clocks ran out, and she was left to carry on their work in their stead, being granted the title of Dr and the last name of Yu in her creators’, her parents’, respective dying words.
She tried to give her own creations, own children, some of what her own creators had only given her in her last moments at first, then tried to return to the old detachment she had had before when that broke her heart, only to find she could not. The arrival of the unstoried seeking to destroy the guardian at the heart of the facility was thus the only thing that saved her from withering away behind the locked doors of her birthplace, unable to make any more soldiers to fight in her defense or to even gather supplies.
After being shown kindness and telling their story, she aided the unstoried in reaching the guardian using her knowledge of the facility and then, at their side, at last escaped the palace that had become her parent's tomb, and saw the sun for the first time.
It was a brightness in her life that could not last.
The Consul came, her new friends fell, and she was left lost and alone in a dangerous world.
She turned her skills from creation to enhancement, finding an occupation as a biomodder and ripperdoc until one of the lost numbers coincidentally came to her for her services, and she without hesitation, joined them on their quest.
Job: Scientist
Specialty: Reverse engineering and biological enhancement
Inventory: Dr Yu always has at least some surgical and engineering equipment, be it for fixing things, or taking them apart to find out how they tick. If she ever is armed, it will be a stun pistol with which she has only passing skill.
Lv: 5
Psionic Empathy: The doctor’s one power that does not need powering by feeding on consciousnesses is the one that makes doing so repulsive to her. It does however help in social situations a fair deal, as she can passively read other’s emotions and the impact she is having on them.
Elemental psionics: If fed, the doctor can unleash powerful kinetic, thermal, or electrical blasts as either long range bolts or shorter range sprays.
Psionic necromancy: If fed, the doctor can reanimate the dust of the fallen into Typhon Phantoms, humanoid creatures able to use psionics of a single one element. The process takes only a few seconds, and can be repeated every dozen, but if she dies, or her concentration is disrupted by something like a flashbang, the phantoms will expire.
Surgical enhancement: able to install cybernetics, psymods, biomods, and other such enhancements if she has the materials for such things
Reverse engineering: Dr Yu has a considerable talent for taking things apart and figuring out how they tick, which an be handy for creating replicas or derivative of supplied biological or mechanical components. She can't do magic however.
Typhon feeding: Dr Yu’s well of psionic power can only be fed by feeding on the consciousness of others, a thing that can only be done with skin to skin contact, and which is also absolutely repulsive to her.
Sectoid constitution: takes double damage from melee weapons
Hybrid anatomy: the doctor’s insides are not in any medical journals, and would take extensive and repeated live dissections to chart out, meaning anything that requires surgery, be it healing or enhancement, is simply not on the table.
Origin: A creation of Dr. Vahlen and Alex Yu combining human, sectoid and typhon dna
Appearance: Dr Yu is a human Sectoid hybrid, within whose veins squirm the black tendrils of a typhon rather than blood, giving her a rather sickly complexion, as if she is necrotized. She tends to wear form covering garbs as a result, generally a lab coat, surgical gloves and face masks, complemented by some kind of colorfully patterned head scarf.
Personality: She has generally a rather obliging personality, with a seemingly preternatural ability to get people on her goodside. Naturally inquisitive, she will attempt to examine and/or take apart anything new she comes across. A pacifist who is physically unable to be around death and violence, even if her work is often in the facilitation of such things.
Background: N/A
In the Now: Dr Yu is the result of dubiously ethical experiments performed by the scientist Dr. Vahlen in conjunction with Alex Yu. Having both found themselves trapped in a well fortified laboratory deep within the underground complex of Black Mesa, one infested with alien horrors from dozens of worlds, the pair used the facilities there to grow numerous biological weapons using samples acquired from within and without the laboratory.
The 27th of these was the future Dr Yu , who was designed to combine her two alien components' psychic abilities into something far more potent than that of either source species. In some ways this was a complete success, as the specimen exhibited numerous psychic powers, but unfortunately to use them it needed to feed the typhon aspect of her physiology. Not only was this the opposite effect the doctors had hoped for, intending for the sectoid component to provide the power source of the psychic powers, but the act of consumption was also highly distressing to the subject herself.
This reaction, however, essentially saved her life, as Alex Yu found this level of empathy in a subject so otherwise dominated by their typhon aspects to be fascinating. That, combined with a propensity for quick learning, is what got her put in the position of research assistant rather than being used as another soldier for her creator’s war for survival.
Though initially kept at arm's length, time and proximity slowly turned her, if not into the daughter she was, then at least into a well liked colleague, which was enough for her to be able to take on a name: Amelia.
There was certainly plenty of time for this closeness to build, for it was a long, long war, with there seeming to be no end to the extra terrestrial horrors. It was so long that Amelia’s creator’s time came to an unceremonious end as their 10 year clocks ran out, and she was left to carry on their work in their stead, being granted the title of Dr and the last name of Yu in her creators’, her parents’, respective dying words.
She tried to give her own creations, own children, some of what her own creators had only given her in her last moments at first, then tried to return to the old detachment she had had before when that broke her heart, only to find she could not. The arrival of the unstoried seeking to destroy the guardian at the heart of the facility was thus the only thing that saved her from withering away behind the locked doors of her birthplace, unable to make any more soldiers to fight in her defense or to even gather supplies.
After being shown kindness and telling their story, she aided the unstoried in reaching the guardian using her knowledge of the facility and then, at their side, at last escaped the palace that had become her parent's tomb, and saw the sun for the first time.
It was a brightness in her life that could not last.
The Consul came, her new friends fell, and she was left lost and alone in a dangerous world.
She turned her skills from creation to enhancement, finding an occupation as a biomodder and ripperdoc until one of the lost numbers coincidentally came to her for her services, and she without hesitation, joined them on their quest.
Job: Scientist
Specialty: Reverse engineering and biological enhancement
Inventory: Dr Yu always has at least some surgical and engineering equipment, be it for fixing things, or taking them apart to find out how they tick. If she ever is armed, it will be a stun pistol with which she has only passing skill.
Lv: 5
Psionic Empathy: The doctor’s one power that does not need powering by feeding on consciousnesses is the one that makes doing so repulsive to her. It does however help in social situations a fair deal, as she can passively read other’s emotions and the impact she is having on them.
Elemental psionics: If fed, the doctor can unleash powerful kinetic, thermal, or electrical blasts as either long range bolts or shorter range sprays.
Psionic necromancy: If fed, the doctor can reanimate the dust of the fallen into Typhon Phantoms, humanoid creatures able to use psionics of a single one element. The process takes only a few seconds, and can be repeated every dozen, but if she dies, or her concentration is disrupted by something like a flashbang, the phantoms will expire.
Surgical enhancement: able to install cybernetics, psymods, biomods, and other such enhancements if she has the materials for such things
Reverse engineering: Dr Yu has a considerable talent for taking things apart and figuring out how they tick, which an be handy for creating replicas or derivative of supplied biological or mechanical components. She can't do magic however.
Typhon feeding: Dr Yu’s well of psionic power can only be fed by feeding on the consciousness of others, a thing that can only be done with skin to skin contact, and which is also absolutely repulsive to her.
Sectoid constitution: takes double damage from melee weapons
Hybrid anatomy: the doctor’s insides are not in any medical journals, and would take extensive and repeated live dissections to chart out, meaning anything that requires surgery, be it healing or enhancement, is simply not on the table.
Research Team: Deadman (Death Stranding), Professor Koa
Pelican Pilot (Vehicle Bay): Guile (Street Fighter)
Mechanic (Workshop): Lulubi
Inventors (Proving Ground): Tora (Xenoblade Chronicles 2), Poppi QT PA-2T
Name: Tora
Origin: Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Appearance: The Egg-shaped Egghead
Personality: Like most Nopon, Tora is gluttonous and frugal, but he stands out from his peers as something of an outcast. He is a mechanical genius who loves to invent. Though extraverted, friendly, and endearingly silly, his interests and obsessions tended to isolate him, and he’s a severe workaholic prone to locking himself away for days on end with barely any food, drink, or rest to finish his projects. He adores his Artificial Blade Poppi and cares for her to the point of dependence, and can become depressed in her absence. With her by his side, however, he has the courage to emulate his heroes and take on all the adventures that the world has to offer.
In the Now:
Tora was one of the random people summoned by Consul K to defeat Kirby in the borderland between the Badlands and the Mushroom Kingdom. Though the gang nearly defeated him, Kirby sacrificed enough EXP to cough up Friend Hearts for all of them. Soon after, he met with the Master of Masters and received the directive to defeat the Guardians and challenge Galeem. Though without Poppi or any of his friends from Alrest, Tora resolved to play the hero. Among his group were Bowser and Blazermate, making them the only three Seekers to have been there from the very beginning.
After fighting through the Mushroom Kingdom, he reunited with Poppi when Master Hand summoned another gang of fighters to stop them, these ones tailor-made to break the challengers’ spirits. Once he and Poppi emerged victorious, however, the team challenged Megadragonbowser, the Guardian of the region. His defeat proved that the heroes had a chance, and together with Poppi, Tora went on to help take down the Ender Dragon in the Land of Adventure and Red Eye in the Sandswept Sky.
When their half of the team reached Midgar, however, things took an awful turn. While fighting the Machines beyond the city limits, Poppi got exposed to their Logic Virus, and attempted to abandon Tora to avoid hurting him. Though he pursued with the help of Pit and Roxas, he ultimately lost her at the crater lake and sank into a deep depression. Not long after, during the raid on Vandelay Campus, he volunteered to stay in R&D in order to try and workshop a solution. After Tycoon’s defeat, however, an Organization XIII member appeared with Poppi’s spirit in hand, allowing him to finish rebuilding his partner. This benefactor, Xatow, also directed him to the Lost Numbers, and once the Seekers signed on he set up shop in the Avenger alongside Poppi to help the team in a support role.
Job: Tinker Tank
Specialty: Astonishing feats of engineering and an impregnably defensive tag-team fighting style
Inventory: A bunch of machine parts, various tools, his favorite wrench, ES-101 Saber Wrench, his old drill shield, various packaged snacks
Lv: 11
Origin: Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Appearance: The Egg-shaped Egghead
Personality: Like most Nopon, Tora is gluttonous and frugal, but he stands out from his peers as something of an outcast. He is a mechanical genius who loves to invent. Though extraverted, friendly, and endearingly silly, his interests and obsessions tended to isolate him, and he’s a severe workaholic prone to locking himself away for days on end with barely any food, drink, or rest to finish his projects. He adores his Artificial Blade Poppi and cares for her to the point of dependence, and can become depressed in her absence. With her by his side, however, he has the courage to emulate his heroes and take on all the adventures that the world has to offer.
Tora's story begins with a simple fact: pretty much no Nopon is able to resonate with a Core Crystal and awaken a Blade. When young, newly enamored with the idea of becoming a powerful and respected Driver, he tried along with his grandfather Soosoo and his father Tatazo to resonate with a Core Crystal, but all failed. Yet, the three remained determined, and together the three Nopon put their collective smarts and ingenuity to work to make an artificial Blade. The project demanded countless hours of obsessive devotion, and the help of a number of assistants like Muimui, but the trio put the work in. Not long after the invention of two key components, the Ether Furnace and the Black Box, a masked Nopon entered the workshop with a gang of savage Tirkin, shot Soosoo, and captured Tatazo. Only Tora escaped.
Tora made his way to Torigoth, the largest city on Gormott, and in its underbelly made himself a home. Sad and alone but not robbed of his mechanical aptitude nor inventive spirit, he lived a shut-in life as he worked to make money and achieve his family's dream. His nature led him afoul of the Ardanian soldiers that protected Torigoth more than once, and after a couple years, his low-key resentment for the 'bully soldiers' led him to take a potshot with his newly-invented Boom Biter at a water line to allow a couple of strangers, who he recognized as a Driver and Blade, to escape. That was how Tora met Rex and Pyra, a fated duo, and embarked on an adventure that would span the whole world.
Before setting out, however, Tora was able to complete -with Rex's help- his greatest work: the realization of his father and grandfather's dreams, an Artificial Blade he named Poppi. The two maintain an extremely close bond despite her occasional disrespectful behavior. Since he is only a Driver because of her and she is one of his only friends, he values her immensely.
With Poppi at his side, Tora joined Rex on his mission to bring Pyra to the mythical place known as Elysium. On the way, while staying at an inn in Alba Cavanich, his group awoke during the night to the sounds of an attack. After rushing outside and engaging the perpetrator in a chase, Tora discovered to his surprise that the attacker was none other than a robotic girl he identified as Lila—the artificial Blade that was the life's work of his father, Tatazo. Lila escaped, but eventually the crew tracked her to a remote facility where they found that Tatazo was alive, and being forced to manufacture soulless Artificial Blades against his will as weapons of war for the chairman of Argentum Trade Guild, Bana. Tora freed his father and reconciled with him, only to come under attack from Lila and Tirkin mercenaries under the control of Bana and Muimui, who revealed his hand in the attack on the family workshop so long ago. In the ensuing struggle, however, Poppi helped Lila break free from Bana's control, and then developed a new combat form in the fight against Bana and Muimui's ultimate Artificial Blade, Rosa. Tora and his friend ultimately prevailed, leading to the arrest of Bana and Muimui and the recovery of Tatazo.
Tora's journey, however, was far from over. To repay his friends for helping him, and to live up to the mantle of a Driver, he remained with Rex and the rest to see their quest through. In the end, though, their mission came to an abrupt stop in a beam of all-consuming light.
Tora made his way to Torigoth, the largest city on Gormott, and in its underbelly made himself a home. Sad and alone but not robbed of his mechanical aptitude nor inventive spirit, he lived a shut-in life as he worked to make money and achieve his family's dream. His nature led him afoul of the Ardanian soldiers that protected Torigoth more than once, and after a couple years, his low-key resentment for the 'bully soldiers' led him to take a potshot with his newly-invented Boom Biter at a water line to allow a couple of strangers, who he recognized as a Driver and Blade, to escape. That was how Tora met Rex and Pyra, a fated duo, and embarked on an adventure that would span the whole world.
Before setting out, however, Tora was able to complete -with Rex's help- his greatest work: the realization of his father and grandfather's dreams, an Artificial Blade he named Poppi. The two maintain an extremely close bond despite her occasional disrespectful behavior. Since he is only a Driver because of her and she is one of his only friends, he values her immensely.
With Poppi at his side, Tora joined Rex on his mission to bring Pyra to the mythical place known as Elysium. On the way, while staying at an inn in Alba Cavanich, his group awoke during the night to the sounds of an attack. After rushing outside and engaging the perpetrator in a chase, Tora discovered to his surprise that the attacker was none other than a robotic girl he identified as Lila—the artificial Blade that was the life's work of his father, Tatazo. Lila escaped, but eventually the crew tracked her to a remote facility where they found that Tatazo was alive, and being forced to manufacture soulless Artificial Blades against his will as weapons of war for the chairman of Argentum Trade Guild, Bana. Tora freed his father and reconciled with him, only to come under attack from Lila and Tirkin mercenaries under the control of Bana and Muimui, who revealed his hand in the attack on the family workshop so long ago. In the ensuing struggle, however, Poppi helped Lila break free from Bana's control, and then developed a new combat form in the fight against Bana and Muimui's ultimate Artificial Blade, Rosa. Tora and his friend ultimately prevailed, leading to the arrest of Bana and Muimui and the recovery of Tatazo.
Tora's journey, however, was far from over. To repay his friends for helping him, and to live up to the mantle of a Driver, he remained with Rex and the rest to see their quest through. In the end, though, their mission came to an abrupt stop in a beam of all-consuming light.
In the Now:
Tora was one of the random people summoned by Consul K to defeat Kirby in the borderland between the Badlands and the Mushroom Kingdom. Though the gang nearly defeated him, Kirby sacrificed enough EXP to cough up Friend Hearts for all of them. Soon after, he met with the Master of Masters and received the directive to defeat the Guardians and challenge Galeem. Though without Poppi or any of his friends from Alrest, Tora resolved to play the hero. Among his group were Bowser and Blazermate, making them the only three Seekers to have been there from the very beginning.
After fighting through the Mushroom Kingdom, he reunited with Poppi when Master Hand summoned another gang of fighters to stop them, these ones tailor-made to break the challengers’ spirits. Once he and Poppi emerged victorious, however, the team challenged Megadragonbowser, the Guardian of the region. His defeat proved that the heroes had a chance, and together with Poppi, Tora went on to help take down the Ender Dragon in the Land of Adventure and Red Eye in the Sandswept Sky.
When their half of the team reached Midgar, however, things took an awful turn. While fighting the Machines beyond the city limits, Poppi got exposed to their Logic Virus, and attempted to abandon Tora to avoid hurting him. Though he pursued with the help of Pit and Roxas, he ultimately lost her at the crater lake and sank into a deep depression. Not long after, during the raid on Vandelay Campus, he volunteered to stay in R&D in order to try and workshop a solution. After Tycoon’s defeat, however, an Organization XIII member appeared with Poppi’s spirit in hand, allowing him to finish rebuilding his partner. This benefactor, Xatow, also directed him to the Lost Numbers, and once the Seekers signed on he set up shop in the Avenger alongside Poppi to help the team in a support role.
Job: Tinker Tank
Specialty: Astonishing feats of engineering and an impregnably defensive tag-team fighting style
Inventory: A bunch of machine parts, various tools, his favorite wrench, ES-101 Saber Wrench, his old drill shield, various packaged snacks
Lv: 11
- Incredible Constitution – whether it be as a result of his genetics, some mutation, or a blessing from the Architect himself, Tora's spongy, bouncy body is unbelievably durable. While he feels pain and can be stunned like anyone else, he is extremely difficult to wound, and even when wounded, heals remarkably quickly. For instance, he can survive falling hundreds of meters
- Grin and Bear It - once per fight, Tora can survive a single attack that would have otherwise defeated him with just a smidgen of his 'health' remaining
- Chain Attack - fighting now accumulates up to three bars of Party Power. Once he has three, Tora can recruit two allies besides Poppi to join him in a Chain Attack. This puts the targeted enemy in stasis while the three attack once apiece in quick succession, these attacks requiring neither buildup nor resource expenditure
- Elemental Burst - special attacks of a particular element from either Tora or his partner now apply an elemental orb to their target. If that target is struck by an attack of an opposing element during a Chain Attack, the orb will break, boosting the damage dealt during the Chain Attack by 200% and allowing the Chain Attackers to do another round of attacks. If five orbs burst during a Chain Attack, a Full Burst is triggered. Based on the number of intact orbs left over after five burst, the damage ratio is further increased: 0=500%, 1=1000%, 2=1500%, 3=3000%. The only elements that work like this are Fire, Water, Wind, Ice, Electric, Earth, Light, and Dark
- Overclocker - Tora's mechanical abilities and increased capacity for adapting to new systems has allowed him to develop a potent support skill. Once he hooks up his engineering kit to some technology, be it a device, a weapon, a vehicle, or even a sophisticated machine lifeform, he can increase its operational speed and strength by up to 50%
- Nopon Rescue Service - If a party member is downed, Tora can pick that party member up at 30% HP at the cost of 1 bar of Party Power
- Whiz Kid – Tora is a brilliant mechanic and inventor, discerning of eye and crazy with hands. Given enough time to tinker, he can make all sorts of useful gear and machinery, made all the better by the right materials and a second set of eyes. Given that he's the Nopon who built and programmed Poppi, a powerful Blade with her own consciousness and free will, one can scarcely underestimate the handiness of this handyman.
- Attention Getter – conducive to his role as a tank, Tora has a knack for grabbing others' focus when he wants to, though whether being annoying and obnoxious is truly a strength is up for debate. This can help him distract enemies and protect allies, allowing them to work unimpeded
- Deductive – while Tora might seem like an idiot or a ditz at times, he's no slouch in the mental department when it comes to figuring things out. He's quick to learn, understand how new things tick, and find flaws or weaknesses
- Motor Mind - while a quick learner with a passion for tinkering and mechanics, Tora never got to know vehicles thanks to the nature of Alrest, but the new world has broadened his horizons. Not only has Tora adapted his expertise to vehicle repair and augmentation, but he's not bad as a driver or pilot either
- Rapid Recovery - While he and his party are out of combat (defined as nobody having the 'aggro' of any enemy), Tora heals 20% of his vitality every second
- Inventory - Tora possesses an extradimensional space on his person he can use to store all sort of items without a definite limit, although there's a hard size limit on said items and he can't store stuff in there that doesn't quantify as loot, supplies, materials, etc
- Placebo - boosts health recovery from all sources by 20%, providing better sustain off of even mediocre restoration
- Astonishing Lack of Speed and Agility – thanks to his tiny, stubby legs and profound roundness, Tora is terribly slow and graceless. He can scarcely manage a fast waddle on his own, jump only with the help of wing flaps, and evade only by unceremoniously tossing himself a foot or two in one direction
- Unfortunate Lack of Attack Power and Range – even with his melee weapons, Tora doesn’t have much stopping power on his own and needs help to be effective in combat
- Social Skills – Tora has two flaws in the social sphere, the first being his tendency to interact with people based on his own interest versus anything else, up to and including just forgetting about people that didn't interest him. The second is that he’s something of a degenerate, which he hides or deflects when he can
Name: Poppi Quixotic Tutelar Perfect Artifice 2000 (Poppi QT-PA-2T)
Origin: Xenoblade 2 originally, rebuilt in the World of Light
Appearance: Poppi’s new chassis was developed using her original Quixotic Tutelar model as a base, but its overall constitution and appearance ended up diverging substantially. She resembles a teenage girl of about 15, with lavender hair done up in a spiky topknot, a headset, and orange eyes with electric blue pupils. Both her arms and her legs are obviously mechanical, primarily gray, with red and yellow accents. Her torso is humanoid in shape, clad in a simple white collared sleeveless shirt, white pleated skirt, black vest, and red ribbon tie
Personality: Though mechanical in nature, Poppi possesses a complete (if somewhat inexperienced) emotional suite. She’s more reserved than her Masterpon, but similarly nice and friendly. She’s very curious about people in general, though she can be a bit tactless. She’s fully aware of her Masterpon’s eccentricities and will happily judge, criticize, tease, and embarrass him whenever possible. Still, the two are very close, and if necessary she would give her life to protect him
In the Now: Poppi showed up when Master Hand summoned her in front of Peach’s Castle to fight the group of challengers that included her Masterpon Tora, presumably to break his spirit. The two proved much weaker apart than together, however, and the Seekers prevailed. Reunited in the wake of that battle, the two teamed up against Megadragonbowser inside Peach’s Castle, proving instrumental in his defeat. Together with Tora, Tora went on to help take down the Ender Dragon in the Land of Adventure and Red Eye in the Sandswept Sky.
When their half of the team reached Midgar, however, things took an awful turn. While fighting the Machines beyond the city limits, Poppi got exposed to their Logic Virus, and attempted to abandon Tora to avoid hurting him. Though he pursued with the help of Pit and Roxas, he ultimately lost her at the crater lake. She was found by Xatow of Organization XIII, and executed at her own request. Xatow then took her spirit back to Tora in Midgar, allowing him to complete a new body he’d been building for her with Vandelay technology. Joyfully reunited at last, the two sought out the Lost Numbers at Xatow’s instruction, where they signed on in a support role to aid the Seekers in their quest
Job: Adaptive Guard
Specialty: Switching between the tools at her disposal to serve as an effective frontline fighter or personal assistant
Inventory: ES-101 Saber Wrench
Lv: 5
Origin: Xenoblade 2 originally, rebuilt in the World of Light
Appearance: Poppi’s new chassis was developed using her original Quixotic Tutelar model as a base, but its overall constitution and appearance ended up diverging substantially. She resembles a teenage girl of about 15, with lavender hair done up in a spiky topknot, a headset, and orange eyes with electric blue pupils. Both her arms and her legs are obviously mechanical, primarily gray, with red and yellow accents. Her torso is humanoid in shape, clad in a simple white collared sleeveless shirt, white pleated skirt, black vest, and red ribbon tie
Personality: Though mechanical in nature, Poppi possesses a complete (if somewhat inexperienced) emotional suite. She’s more reserved than her Masterpon, but similarly nice and friendly. She’s very curious about people in general, though she can be a bit tactless. She’s fully aware of her Masterpon’s eccentricities and will happily judge, criticize, tease, and embarrass him whenever possible. Still, the two are very close, and if necessary she would give her life to protect him
Poppi is the culmination of three generations' worth of obsession in Tora's family to create an artificial blade. Using the all-important black box of his grandfather Soosoo and the ingenious Ether Furnace engineered by his father Tatazo, Poppi was completed with the help of the salvager Rex following countless hours of painstaking labor on the part of the orphaned Tora himself. Following her awakening, she fought alongside her creator and friend over the course of many adventures, in particular their group's exploration of a hidden factory on the Mor Ardain titan where Tatazo had in secret been forced to produce weapons for Chairman Bana of the Argentum Trade Guild. The pair continued to develop together, becoming more like the drivers and blades they admired, until Galeem's invasion spelled their end
In the Now: Poppi showed up when Master Hand summoned her in front of Peach’s Castle to fight the group of challengers that included her Masterpon Tora, presumably to break his spirit. The two proved much weaker apart than together, however, and the Seekers prevailed. Reunited in the wake of that battle, the two teamed up against Megadragonbowser inside Peach’s Castle, proving instrumental in his defeat. Together with Tora, Tora went on to help take down the Ender Dragon in the Land of Adventure and Red Eye in the Sandswept Sky.
When their half of the team reached Midgar, however, things took an awful turn. While fighting the Machines beyond the city limits, Poppi got exposed to their Logic Virus, and attempted to abandon Tora to avoid hurting him. Though he pursued with the help of Pit and Roxas, he ultimately lost her at the crater lake. She was found by Xatow of Organization XIII, and executed at her own request. Xatow then took her spirit back to Tora in Midgar, allowing him to complete a new body he’d been building for her with Vandelay technology. Joyfully reunited at last, the two sought out the Lost Numbers at Xatow’s instruction, where they signed on in a support role to aid the Seekers in their quest
Job: Adaptive Guard
Specialty: Switching between the tools at her disposal to serve as an effective frontline fighter or personal assistant
Inventory: ES-101 Saber Wrench
Lv: 5
- SEN-C0 Umbrella Lance - Poppi can digitally construct a high-tech polearm with a drill bit on one end and a shield generator on the other. Once spun up, this can project up to four bubble shields onto allies at once, which can soak up a lot of damage but are weak to energy damage. The lance can even be planted in the ground to operate independently, but it will shut off if it takes too much damage. Poppi can magnetize the lance back toward her if they’re separated
- BA-B00 Bubble Shield - by pounding her fists together, Poppi can give herself a personal bubble shield just as strong as the ones projected by her Umbrella Lance
- BL-1Z5 Fists of Fury - by rapid-fire punching the air, Poppi can ignite her own fists, allowing her to attack with burning punches and palm strikes that can set enemies (and the environment) on fire. If her hands are extinguished, however, she has to ignite them again
- Superstrength - Poppi is much more physically powerful than her framework would suggest, allowing her to carry, lift, and throw far beyond her weight class
- Mobile Bruiser - Given her current form’s basis, she boasts a respectable amount of mobility for how tough she is, with bursts of speed and agility that allow her to serve as a evasion tank who can dodge enemy attacks with respectable consistency
- Inorganic – at the end of the day, Poppi is one-hundred percent artificial; she is incapable of healing or repairing herself, and immune to the efforts of biological healing. This also makes her vulnerable to EMP and other such anti-machine measures
- Finite - with the loss of her self-sustaining ether furnace, Poppi now needs her batteries charged with electricity every day at a minimum just to stay functional, sooner if she engages in combat
- Elemental - Poppi is more vulnerable to ether (energy/magic) attacks than physical ones, and in particular has a weakness to the elements opposing her own, in this case water and air
Engineer (Engineering): James Shirogane (Wonderful 101)
Healer (Infirmary): Eleison
Name: Eleison
Origin: Nero (Devil May Cry) + Kyrie (Devil May Cry)
Appearance: A young man of nineteen, with a thin but wiry build, pale skin, and short hair of a very light auburn shade kept slicked back, horn-rimmed glasses frames, and a politely neutral expression with his eyes kept half-lidded to the point of looking closed. His eyes are hazel with a slight bluish tinge around the pupils. He wears a long white coat like a doctor’s over a priestly collar with a red cross-shaped tie, as well as black slacks and fingerless gloves.
Personality: Born of two intersecting worlds, Eleison himself is of two minds. Under normal circumstances he appears to be an upstanding young man, soft-spoken and polite, composed enough to endure all manner of hardships and still focus on the well-being of others. However, if sufficiently pressed he can turn very hotheaded, aggressive, and crassly thuggish, to the point where even his posture changes. That’s the Eleison who emerges when it’s time to fight, though even when enraged his end goal is still the same: to help the weak and downtrodden, and make sure all his allies who fight for a better tomorrow are able to live to see it. Eleison’s favorite pastime is singing
In the Now: In their lives just one cycle prior, Nero and Kyrie lived in Edinburgh MagicaPolis, together operating an orphanage that Nero funded through odd jobs, mostly handling various threats that drifted over from the Sunless Sea to the west, and occasional incursions by Abyssals from the Bottomless Sea farther to the southwest. With neither major crises nor key figures from their past lives to trouble them, they spent their evenings together in blissful peace, and eventually they’d have a single child, a boy that Kyrie named in her defunct Order’s tradition.
As Eleison steadily grew from infant to toddler to youngster, however, the passage of time brought about strange revelations. Though he developed normally, the orphans around him never seemed to grow older, and for that matter, neither did his parents. Yet the number of orphans steadily grew, forcing both Nero and Kyrie to work harder and harder. Though his mom in particular always made a concerted effort to raise him right, both she and Nero gradually grew more distant, and bit by bit Eleison’s overwrought mother became convinced that something was horribly wrong–that this world wasn’t real, even if she couldn’t understand why. One day Kyrie vanished without a word, leaving Nero and Eleison alone. Though the devil hunter searched for her, it wasn’t long before he too began to weaken. One day he took Eleison to the secluded historical district, where the told the boy a vital piece of information he’d discovered in his searches–and that he’d have to go it alone from here. Then that Nero dissolved into light, and Eleison continued his journey by himself.
With nowhere else to turn, Eleison spent every day using the clues he’d been given to track down what his father had wanted him to find. Eventually, word of his searching reached the Lost Numbers, and they found him first. Eleison joined the crew, becoming the student of a German medic by the name of Ludwig II. Being a flawed clone of the original, now-deceased Ludwig, the good doctor was aging at an increased rate, and took Eleison in as his own son. In his own strange way, Ludwig II taught the young man everything he knew over the course of years, eventually degrading to the point where he, too, passed on, leaving Eleison with yet another legacy to uphold.
Not long after, the Avenger stumbled upon the survivors of the Alcamoth massacre, which happened to include a brutally familiar face. Eleison has been subconsciously avoiding Nero since.
Job: War Monk
Specialty: Flexing between the support role of healing allies and the combat role of punishing enemies, particularly inhuman and unholy monstrosities, in style
Inventory: Three med kits that take a little time to use but restore 80% health, a Crippling Rod that can periodically release a huge electric burst to stun evil beings or be wielded as a beatstick, and the Crusader’s Crossbow which can heal allies and hurt enemies with its bolts
Lv: 5
Origin: Nero (Devil May Cry) + Kyrie (Devil May Cry)
Appearance: A young man of nineteen, with a thin but wiry build, pale skin, and short hair of a very light auburn shade kept slicked back, horn-rimmed glasses frames, and a politely neutral expression with his eyes kept half-lidded to the point of looking closed. His eyes are hazel with a slight bluish tinge around the pupils. He wears a long white coat like a doctor’s over a priestly collar with a red cross-shaped tie, as well as black slacks and fingerless gloves.
Personality: Born of two intersecting worlds, Eleison himself is of two minds. Under normal circumstances he appears to be an upstanding young man, soft-spoken and polite, composed enough to endure all manner of hardships and still focus on the well-being of others. However, if sufficiently pressed he can turn very hotheaded, aggressive, and crassly thuggish, to the point where even his posture changes. That’s the Eleison who emerges when it’s time to fight, though even when enraged his end goal is still the same: to help the weak and downtrodden, and make sure all his allies who fight for a better tomorrow are able to live to see it. Eleison’s favorite pastime is singing
In the Now: In their lives just one cycle prior, Nero and Kyrie lived in Edinburgh MagicaPolis, together operating an orphanage that Nero funded through odd jobs, mostly handling various threats that drifted over from the Sunless Sea to the west, and occasional incursions by Abyssals from the Bottomless Sea farther to the southwest. With neither major crises nor key figures from their past lives to trouble them, they spent their evenings together in blissful peace, and eventually they’d have a single child, a boy that Kyrie named in her defunct Order’s tradition.
As Eleison steadily grew from infant to toddler to youngster, however, the passage of time brought about strange revelations. Though he developed normally, the orphans around him never seemed to grow older, and for that matter, neither did his parents. Yet the number of orphans steadily grew, forcing both Nero and Kyrie to work harder and harder. Though his mom in particular always made a concerted effort to raise him right, both she and Nero gradually grew more distant, and bit by bit Eleison’s overwrought mother became convinced that something was horribly wrong–that this world wasn’t real, even if she couldn’t understand why. One day Kyrie vanished without a word, leaving Nero and Eleison alone. Though the devil hunter searched for her, it wasn’t long before he too began to weaken. One day he took Eleison to the secluded historical district, where the told the boy a vital piece of information he’d discovered in his searches–and that he’d have to go it alone from here. Then that Nero dissolved into light, and Eleison continued his journey by himself.
With nowhere else to turn, Eleison spent every day using the clues he’d been given to track down what his father had wanted him to find. Eventually, word of his searching reached the Lost Numbers, and they found him first. Eleison joined the crew, becoming the student of a German medic by the name of Ludwig II. Being a flawed clone of the original, now-deceased Ludwig, the good doctor was aging at an increased rate, and took Eleison in as his own son. In his own strange way, Ludwig II taught the young man everything he knew over the course of years, eventually degrading to the point where he, too, passed on, leaving Eleison with yet another legacy to uphold.
Not long after, the Avenger stumbled upon the survivors of the Alcamoth massacre, which happened to include a brutally familiar face. Eleison has been subconsciously avoiding Nero since.
Job: War Monk
Specialty: Flexing between the support role of healing allies and the combat role of punishing enemies, particularly inhuman and unholy monstrosities, in style
Inventory: Three med kits that take a little time to use but restore 80% health, a Crippling Rod that can periodically release a huge electric burst to stun evil beings or be wielded as a beatstick, and the Crusader’s Crossbow which can heal allies and hurt enemies with its bolts
Lv: 5
- Angel Whisper - a spell that can be used to revive downed allies, granting them a second wind in a slightly weakened state. It takes ten seconds to cast and has a hefty five minute cooldown
- Devil Trigger - the inherited ability to transform into a demonic being once enough DT gauge is accumulated. While in Devil Trigger, all of Eleison’s stats are greatly boosted and he heals quickly, but it drains his DT gauge with equal speed. While in this form his melee attacks also cause delayed lightning strikes that can juggle grounded enemies or slam down airborne ones
- Healing - While he doesn’t have a medical license, Eleison was taught the healing arts by his mentor and is skilled at mending others’ wounds quickly. He can use healing abilities and equipment 20% faster than normal, including both usage and cooldown
- Nephilim Resilience - given his unique lineage, Eleison is much more durable than the average human, and has resistances to both dark and light attacks along with curses
- Packs a Punch - also owing to his lineage, Eleison is actually pretty strong and can deal good damage if given half the chance, especially at melee range
- One-track Mind - it’s difficult for Eleison to do more than one thing at once. When healing he needs to focus, requiring protection from his allies, and if he’s enraged enough to fight he can tend to leave his allies behind in favor of all-out offense. It’s difficult to switch between these two ‘modes’ on the fly and it doesn’t always happen when convenient
- Item Dependent - Eleison doesn’t have many innate healing or offensive abilities and relies on his equipment to get the job done. If he’s deprived of his items, it’s much harder for him to play his role
- Affliction Weakness - when it comes to status effects, afflictions, and debuffs, Eleison’s resistances are mostly quite low, meaning that it’s relatively easy to interfere with him
Physical Trainers (Training Center): Lakota & Dawn Lockheart
Name: Lakota
Origin: Luca (Dragalia Lost) + Laranoa (Dragalia Lost)
Appearance: Though in his thirties, he sports a lithe figure, with dark skin, fine hair of a dark mint green done up in a man bun, a soul patch, and bright eyes that mixed seafoam green with lilac purple. He wears what looked like a hunter’s attire, with light leather armor over an outfit of modest earth tones, though the crop of his shirt exposes a well-muscled midriff. He has long rabbit ears atop his head, one of them permanently bent at a roguish angle.
Personality: Though seemingly easygoing, with a friendly smile, quick sense of humor, and optimistic attitude, Lakota is a skilled hunter and dedicated protector. He is deceptively sharp and alert, quick on the uptake, difficult to fool, and willing to take quick and decisive action whenever needed. A loving husband, he adores his wife Dawn and his daughters and goes out of his way to spoil them. While not as in touch with his Sylvan roots as he’d like, he does enjoy his hobby of physical training and exercise with whoever can
In the Now:
Job: Magick Ranger
Specialty: Adaptable archery borne of peak physical performance with a magic touch
Inventory: Canteen, hunting knife, leather armor, Elder Shortbow with an Infinity enchantment, multiple quivers of spell arrows (damage, force, stasis, warp, poison, delirium, sepsis)
Lv: 5
EXP: 0/10
Origin: Luca (Dragalia Lost) + Laranoa (Dragalia Lost)
Appearance: Though in his thirties, he sports a lithe figure, with dark skin, fine hair of a dark mint green done up in a man bun, a soul patch, and bright eyes that mixed seafoam green with lilac purple. He wears what looked like a hunter’s attire, with light leather armor over an outfit of modest earth tones, though the crop of his shirt exposes a well-muscled midriff. He has long rabbit ears atop his head, one of them permanently bent at a roguish angle.
Personality: Though seemingly easygoing, with a friendly smile, quick sense of humor, and optimistic attitude, Lakota is a skilled hunter and dedicated protector. He is deceptively sharp and alert, quick on the uptake, difficult to fool, and willing to take quick and decisive action whenever needed. A loving husband, he adores his wife Dawn and his daughters and goes out of his way to spoil them. While not as in touch with his Sylvan roots as he’d like, he does enjoy his hobby of physical training and exercise with whoever can
In the Now:
Job: Magick Ranger
Specialty: Adaptable archery borne of peak physical performance with a magic touch
Inventory: Canteen, hunting knife, leather armor, Elder Shortbow with an Infinity enchantment, multiple quivers of spell arrows (damage, force, stasis, warp, poison, delirium, sepsis)
Lv: 5
EXP: 0/10
- Enchanter - Without any mentors from his world to learn from, Lakota doesn’t wield elemental combat magic, but he’s found ways to apply enchantments to weapons and create spell ammunition, giving him the mystical touch necessary to transmute materials to magic at certain alchemical crafting stations
True Seeker - Lakota can empower his bow to make his next shot (or multi-shot, up to 5 arrows) homing, which costs mana that must be replenished
- Hunter’s Finesse - Lakota possesses a high degree of accuracy and dexterity
- Physically Fit - He’s strong and fast, albeit not to a superhumanly so, and has a lot of endurance
- Charismatic - It’s hard not to like him, and it’s easy for him to make friends
- Master of None - For all his upsides, Lakota doesn’t excel at much of anything. When juxtaposed to people with much stronger specialties, or serious enemies, he can fall behind and end up as little more than support
- Loud Noises - Lakota’s rabbit ears are sensitive, leaving him more vulnerable to sonic attacks, and easier to disrupt or distract when trying to aim or cycle ammunition
- Wind Bane - Enough of his mother’s Water element resides in him that he takes extra damage from wind-aspected spells, weapons, and attacks
Name: Dawn Strife
Origin: Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy 7) + Tifa Lockheart (Final Fantasy 7)
Appearance: She’s 5’7”, 36 years old, and sturdily built, with the relatively stocky physique of a construction worker, not necessarily bulky or brawny, but still with a certain heft. Her eyes are a bright ruby-blue gradient, with long lashes, and her spiky black-blonde hair in a large, low ponytail worn over her shoulder. Her face is kind, often with an easy smile, but with a few smile lines. She wears a set of baggy black overalls (with pants) over a white sports bra, with red fighting gloves and woven hairtie
Personality: Combining some of the best traits of her parents, Dawn is a kind and considerate ‘team mom’, with a strong will and a never-say die attitude, determined to fight for her friends and family. She puts others first and prefers peaceful solutions, but she’s unafraid to take matters into her own hands when need be. She’s very protective, especially of her younger brother Cirrus, and can be a worrywart about both him and her daughters. Secretly, she’s a bit of a dork, with ambitions of grandiose heroism. She believes in both bringing about a better future for everyone and upholding the legacy of her parents. If she’s self-conscious about anything, it’s about what she’s managed to achieve with her life
Background: N/A
In the Now: Forty years prior to present day, previous iterations of Cloud and Tifa fought alongside Barrett, Aerith, and many others in a group that proceeded the Seekers of Light, all to overthrow Moebius and Galeem. Though they managed to defeat two Guardians, mounting losses throughout the campaign backed the group into a corner, and a pincer attack by Moebius shattered the heroes’ forces. Cloud’s team in particular ran afoul of Moebius A, forcing Barrett and Aerith to sacrifice themselves so that Cloud and Tifa could flee. They escaped to a remote part of the World of Light with their lives, but their spirits never fully healed. After meeting with the Lost Numbers, they decided to have children of their own, but when Dawn and Cirrus were at a young age Cloud and Aerith both reached the ends of their ten-year lifespans and dissolved into light.
Dawn was raised by the Lost Numbers alongside her brother. Completely committed to the cause and determined to pave the way for a brighter future someday, she played the role of overdramatic heroine well into her teenage years, but even as she mellowed out her big heart and spark of resolution never faded. She kept on fighting and caring, no matter how bleak things seemed, and despite the odds Dawn stood the test of time. Eventually she and the roguish magic archer Lakota fell in love, and at the age of thirty she had children of her own, triplets that the proud parents named Ciel, Aurora, and Soleil. Though life may finally be starting to take its toll on Dawn, she’s more determined then ever to safeguard hope for the future.
Job: Demolisher
Specialty: The thorough and methodical destruction of easy targets that don’t fight back, especially shields, structures, emplacements, and so forth
Inventory: The Sanctioned Gunhammer, a brutal heavy weapon that can fire off shells to boost its own fire attack, a bandolier of said shells, two power drills, extra battery packs, basic survival kit
Lv: 5
Origin: Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy 7) + Tifa Lockheart (Final Fantasy 7)
Appearance: She’s 5’7”, 36 years old, and sturdily built, with the relatively stocky physique of a construction worker, not necessarily bulky or brawny, but still with a certain heft. Her eyes are a bright ruby-blue gradient, with long lashes, and her spiky black-blonde hair in a large, low ponytail worn over her shoulder. Her face is kind, often with an easy smile, but with a few smile lines. She wears a set of baggy black overalls (with pants) over a white sports bra, with red fighting gloves and woven hairtie
Personality: Combining some of the best traits of her parents, Dawn is a kind and considerate ‘team mom’, with a strong will and a never-say die attitude, determined to fight for her friends and family. She puts others first and prefers peaceful solutions, but she’s unafraid to take matters into her own hands when need be. She’s very protective, especially of her younger brother Cirrus, and can be a worrywart about both him and her daughters. Secretly, she’s a bit of a dork, with ambitions of grandiose heroism. She believes in both bringing about a better future for everyone and upholding the legacy of her parents. If she’s self-conscious about anything, it’s about what she’s managed to achieve with her life
Background: N/A
In the Now: Forty years prior to present day, previous iterations of Cloud and Tifa fought alongside Barrett, Aerith, and many others in a group that proceeded the Seekers of Light, all to overthrow Moebius and Galeem. Though they managed to defeat two Guardians, mounting losses throughout the campaign backed the group into a corner, and a pincer attack by Moebius shattered the heroes’ forces. Cloud’s team in particular ran afoul of Moebius A, forcing Barrett and Aerith to sacrifice themselves so that Cloud and Tifa could flee. They escaped to a remote part of the World of Light with their lives, but their spirits never fully healed. After meeting with the Lost Numbers, they decided to have children of their own, but when Dawn and Cirrus were at a young age Cloud and Aerith both reached the ends of their ten-year lifespans and dissolved into light.
Dawn was raised by the Lost Numbers alongside her brother. Completely committed to the cause and determined to pave the way for a brighter future someday, she played the role of overdramatic heroine well into her teenage years, but even as she mellowed out her big heart and spark of resolution never faded. She kept on fighting and caring, no matter how bleak things seemed, and despite the odds Dawn stood the test of time. Eventually she and the roguish magic archer Lakota fell in love, and at the age of thirty she had children of her own, triplets that the proud parents named Ciel, Aurora, and Soleil. Though life may finally be starting to take its toll on Dawn, she’s more determined then ever to safeguard hope for the future.
Job: Demolisher
Specialty: The thorough and methodical destruction of easy targets that don’t fight back, especially shields, structures, emplacements, and so forth
Inventory: The Sanctioned Gunhammer, a brutal heavy weapon that can fire off shells to boost its own fire attack, a bandolier of said shells, two power drills, extra battery packs, basic survival kit
Lv: 5
- Unbridled Strength - after building up power through landing attacks, Dawn can assume a stance and boosts her chi level, which also allows successive attacks to further increase her chi. More chi means extra damage, more flinch resistance, and higher stun power, increasing her ability to break through enemy defenses (or defenses, period) and leave them vulnerable. Each level also enhances her finishing move, from Bang to Big Bang to Big Bang Reignition. She can reach a maximum chi level of 3
- Sunny - a friendly, cheerful, and optimistic outlook, coupled with a lot of compassion, means she’s great to work with and be around. She can be counted on to have her allies’ backs, both on the battlefield and in day to day life
- Strength - Dawn is surprisingly powerful when it comes to lifting, carrying, and smacking things
- Determination - even in dire circumstances, Dawn never wavers. She’s more likely to resist status effects and afflictions, and when pushed to the brink, she’s much more prone to a resolute second wind than a meltdown
- The Power of Love! - one per day, Dawn can survive any attack that would otherwise KO her at 1 HP
- Slow - Dawn is neither fast nor agile when it comes to moving around or fighting. Quicker opponents can dance around her and avoid her attacks, and she’s ineffective at long range
- Defense - with neither heavy gear nor good defensive fighting instincts, Dawn has few ways of mitigating damage and has to tough her way through whatever comes her way
- Overtrusting - perhaps neither quite as perceptive nor pragmatic as she should be, Dawn is susceptible to tricks, traps, and ambushes
Quartermaster (Stockpile): Sagi
Name: Sagi
Origin: Tear (Recettear) + Oboro (Monster Hunter)
Appearance: A woman with a short, slight build, standing only an inch or two above five feet tall. She has long, silky silver hair which she keeps partially tied in a bun at the back of her head while the rest flows down to her shoulders. Her bangs are slightly longer, framing her smooth face. Her large hooded eyes are also silver though slightly darker in color. Her skin is pale beige, and despite her mostly human looking appearance there isn't a drop of human blood in her heritage. She has a few traits that set her apart, most notably her wings. Always floating behind her are a pair of transparent green wings, which glow slightly. They appear flat with little details besides their vaguely wing-like shape, and at only about half the size of Sagi's body one might assume that they are just for show. She also has pointed ears which jut away from her head and four fingers on each hand, tipped by nails painted purple. Her usual outfit consists of: a slightly flared gray skirt that goes down to her knees with a matching double breasted blazer, dark tights and loafers, a purple cravat that matches the ribbon used to tie her hair bun, a pair of gold rectangle earrings and a red braided rope she uses as a bracelet.
Personality: Sagi's parents were calm people, and her personality developed much the same way. She is straight forward and prefers to gather as much information as possible rather than pass snap judgements. She is friendly with most everyone, maybe even a little too friendly as she treats nearly everyone she meets as though they were a younger sibling, sort of looking down on them without meaning to. She generally keeps her negative feelings to herself, but if they show themselves it is through passive aggression or cold, quiet anger.
Sagi generally gets along with people, but she is also strict in her duties and won't compromise for even her friends. Even her younger half-sister doesn't get special treatment despite how much Sagi cares for her. Sagi is not easily swayed by appeals to emotion, though she enjoys people trying. Finally, Sagi's sense of humor can be rather dark.
In the Now: For the first years of her life Sagi grew up well-adjusted in the World of Light's Forbidden Kingdom. She lived on the second floor of the family's small shop with her parents, learning their trade in between schooling and playing with other local kids. Her father had been a traveling merchant, and her mother the supply middleman he frequently met with. Their romance was a simple, gradual thing, which eventually resulted in settling down and raising their daughter.
When her parents' time limit was up, Sagi was left alone with her parent's shop. She hadn't been surprised by it. She'd seen other people, neighbors and friends, dissolve into ash before. No one ever mentioned or commented on the spontaneous combustion, so Sagi didn't either - until now. Her parents had always told her that those of their race would live long lives, and yet they were gone before her tenth birthday. Why them? Why now? And would it happen to her, too?
Grief had kept Sagi in her family home, and there she remained twenty... thirty... forty years later. She still ran the shop, standing fast at the same location, and thus she noticed something: the ashing always happened. The longest she'd ever seen someone last was a single decade. In the name of getting answers about why it seemed she, alone, was unaffected, she used her ever changing mercantile contacts to retrieve information about it. That was how she eventually learned the "Lost Numbers," connecting with other people like herself that did not turn to dust.
Sagi did not immediately join the group. She had coped with the knowledge well enough and preferred to keep to her simple life, content with just learning the truth. Some years later there was an event that finally pushed her to join the Lost Numbers... and it started with meeting her father again. The last time she'd seen him was as a little girl, and now she looked as old as he did, if not older, since he appeared exactly the same. Though she knew he wouldn't have recognized her even if she hadn't aged. In befriending her father she learned that he had returned to being (or rather, he still was) a traveling merchant and that she had a half-sister out there. Under the guise of a business deal she ended up traveling across the area back to his semi-permanent residence with him to meet her.
What she didn't know was that the time she'd spent audaciously looking into the true nature of the world's inhabitants was about to catch up with her. After arriving at her father's home, her family was attacked with the intent to wipe out the two sisters. With just two civilian targets, whatever Consul ordered the hit did not deign to attend to it themselves. Sagi took her sister, Haruka, and ran while their father and Haruka's mother protected them. They fled until Sagi got into contact with the Lost Numbers again, joining their ranks for her little sister's safety.
Since then, Sagi has done her best to help the cause in her own way. She has served as the quartermaster on the Avenger since the vessel was obtained, which she does gladly.
Job: Stewardess
Specialty: Inventory management and item procurement.
Inventory: Melding Pot, and almost never without a clipboard in hand.
Lv: 5
Origin: Tear (Recettear) + Oboro (Monster Hunter)
Appearance: A woman with a short, slight build, standing only an inch or two above five feet tall. She has long, silky silver hair which she keeps partially tied in a bun at the back of her head while the rest flows down to her shoulders. Her bangs are slightly longer, framing her smooth face. Her large hooded eyes are also silver though slightly darker in color. Her skin is pale beige, and despite her mostly human looking appearance there isn't a drop of human blood in her heritage. She has a few traits that set her apart, most notably her wings. Always floating behind her are a pair of transparent green wings, which glow slightly. They appear flat with little details besides their vaguely wing-like shape, and at only about half the size of Sagi's body one might assume that they are just for show. She also has pointed ears which jut away from her head and four fingers on each hand, tipped by nails painted purple. Her usual outfit consists of: a slightly flared gray skirt that goes down to her knees with a matching double breasted blazer, dark tights and loafers, a purple cravat that matches the ribbon used to tie her hair bun, a pair of gold rectangle earrings and a red braided rope she uses as a bracelet.
Personality: Sagi's parents were calm people, and her personality developed much the same way. She is straight forward and prefers to gather as much information as possible rather than pass snap judgements. She is friendly with most everyone, maybe even a little too friendly as she treats nearly everyone she meets as though they were a younger sibling, sort of looking down on them without meaning to. She generally keeps her negative feelings to herself, but if they show themselves it is through passive aggression or cold, quiet anger.
Sagi generally gets along with people, but she is also strict in her duties and won't compromise for even her friends. Even her younger half-sister doesn't get special treatment despite how much Sagi cares for her. Sagi is not easily swayed by appeals to emotion, though she enjoys people trying. Finally, Sagi's sense of humor can be rather dark.
In the Now: For the first years of her life Sagi grew up well-adjusted in the World of Light's Forbidden Kingdom. She lived on the second floor of the family's small shop with her parents, learning their trade in between schooling and playing with other local kids. Her father had been a traveling merchant, and her mother the supply middleman he frequently met with. Their romance was a simple, gradual thing, which eventually resulted in settling down and raising their daughter.
When her parents' time limit was up, Sagi was left alone with her parent's shop. She hadn't been surprised by it. She'd seen other people, neighbors and friends, dissolve into ash before. No one ever mentioned or commented on the spontaneous combustion, so Sagi didn't either - until now. Her parents had always told her that those of their race would live long lives, and yet they were gone before her tenth birthday. Why them? Why now? And would it happen to her, too?
Grief had kept Sagi in her family home, and there she remained twenty... thirty... forty years later. She still ran the shop, standing fast at the same location, and thus she noticed something: the ashing always happened. The longest she'd ever seen someone last was a single decade. In the name of getting answers about why it seemed she, alone, was unaffected, she used her ever changing mercantile contacts to retrieve information about it. That was how she eventually learned the "Lost Numbers," connecting with other people like herself that did not turn to dust.
Sagi did not immediately join the group. She had coped with the knowledge well enough and preferred to keep to her simple life, content with just learning the truth. Some years later there was an event that finally pushed her to join the Lost Numbers... and it started with meeting her father again. The last time she'd seen him was as a little girl, and now she looked as old as he did, if not older, since he appeared exactly the same. Though she knew he wouldn't have recognized her even if she hadn't aged. In befriending her father she learned that he had returned to being (or rather, he still was) a traveling merchant and that she had a half-sister out there. Under the guise of a business deal she ended up traveling across the area back to his semi-permanent residence with him to meet her.
What she didn't know was that the time she'd spent audaciously looking into the true nature of the world's inhabitants was about to catch up with her. After arriving at her father's home, her family was attacked with the intent to wipe out the two sisters. With just two civilian targets, whatever Consul ordered the hit did not deign to attend to it themselves. Sagi took her sister, Haruka, and ran while their father and Haruka's mother protected them. They fled until Sagi got into contact with the Lost Numbers again, joining their ranks for her little sister's safety.
Since then, Sagi has done her best to help the cause in her own way. She has served as the quartermaster on the Avenger since the vessel was obtained, which she does gladly.
Job: Stewardess
Specialty: Inventory management and item procurement.
Inventory: Melding Pot, and almost never without a clipboard in hand.
Lv: 5
- Wyverian Melding - An ability passed down through her father's culture, now practiced by Sagi. Although the actual way it works is supposedly secret, melding is basically an advanced form of recycling. By combining different items, Sagi can make entirely new ones. This is normally done with scraps and unwanted things combined to make randomized talismans that grant various boons. It takes quite a lot of items to meld even one talisman, but the more valuable the pieces used to meld, the less of them are needed.
- Fairy Flight - Despite appearing to be a spell or magic construct, Sagi's wings are a part of her anatomy. They allow her limited flight, more akin to floating. It helps a lot with checking inventory stacked up high at least.
- Tear's Teachings - Her mother's fairy race is one that is innately talented at administration and management. Combined with Tear's astute attention while growing up, it Sagi made very talented with logistics. She runs a tight ship.
- Longevity - Due to her Wyverian blood, so long as she isn't killed Sagi will be able to live for hundreds of years. She is already older than she looks, having crossed the half-century threshold a while ago.
- Appraisal - Spending a large portion of her life sourcing, buying, and selling items has made Sagi an adept appraiser. Though she cannot intuit the uses of objects she's completely unfamiliar with, she has a lot of experience to draw from and can assess an item's usefulness (and thus monetary value) with a high degree of accuracy. Of course, she does have a Skewed Point of View which sometimes interferes.
- Dainty - Her body is physically slight and she isn't very strong, which puts her at a disadvantage against large or powerful creatures. She also has to enlist help moving heavy inventory around.
- Civilian - On top of her small fream, Sagi is not a fighter in general. She's taken a few self defense classes while living in the Forbidden Kingdom, but she is far from combat fit.
- Skewed Point of View - Being a blend of long lived races, yet also being 'mortal' in the World of Light, has had an effect on Sagi's psyche. She tends to be sort of cavalier about the passage of time, some times doing everything in a rush and some times acting like her charges have all the time in the world. She also falls into the trap of appraising and item's usefulness in relation to her experience, so an especially niche item she may evaluate as being useless even if it's a legendary object of some renown.
Bartender (Stolen Moments): Cirrus Lockheart
Name: Cirrus Lockheart
Origin: Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy 7) + Tifa Lockheart (Final Fantasy 7)
Appearance: He’s 5’11, 35 years old, with a thin, wiry build of very lean muscle. His eyes are a dull ruby-blue gradient, with long lashes, and his messy black-blonde hair is shoulder-length, with an equally scruffy beard and sunglasses. Most of the time he sports a sour expression. He wears a flashy but relatively cheap suit jacket and slacks, gray with a cloudy silver pattern, over a yellow collared shirt with buttons undone, and his black dress shoes go with his belt. He wears a red woven wristband like a watch.
Personality: In some respects very much like his father, Cirrus is brooding, melancholy, and a little awkward, which he tries to mask under a veneer of nonchalant coolness, very much envisioning himself as the strong and silent type. He’s got something of an inferiority complex, and has always lived in his sister’s shadow, even though he really does love her and would do just about anything for her. Crushed beneath the World of Light’s cruelty, he considers himself a harsh realist; he doesn’t believe his side can win and decided a long time ago it would be better to not bring children in a world like this. That said, he’s fiercely protective of his nieces, who view him as a ‘cool uncle’
Background: N/A
In the Now: Forty years prior to present day, previous iterations of Cloud and Tifa fought alongside Barrett, Aerith, and many others in a group that proceeded the Seekers of Light, all to overthrow Moebius and Galeem. Though they managed to defeat two Guardians, mounting losses throughout the campaign backed the group into a corner, and a pincer attack by Moebius shattered the heroes’ forces. Cloud’s team in particular ran afoul of Moebius A, forcing Barrett and Aerith to sacrifice themselves so that Cloud and Tifa could flee. They escaped to a remote part of the World of Light with their lives, but their spirits never fully healed. After meeting with the Lost Numbers, they decided to have children of their own, but when Dawn and Cirrus were at a young age Cloud and Aerith both reached the ends of their ten-year lifespans and dissolved into light.
Cirrus was raised by the Lost Numbers alongside his sister. He was a sullen, withdrawn child, who made few friends and always looked for escape. Even as he matured he remained in the shadows, standing back in a quiet support role while stronger shoulders bore the mantle of responsibility for the future. Even if he’s pessimistic about everything, he’s more or less accepted to his role in life, however doomed it might be. To that end he serves as the bartender in Stolen Moments, giving others a place to let out their misgivings and melancholy while he provides comfort as best he can. His goal is to lift others higher, all the while hoping that he’s wrong about it all being hopeless, and when the chips are down, he’s ready to do whatever it takes for the Lost Numbers, his sister, and her family.
Job: Host
Specialty: Keeping the party going with skills that boost the party’s damage output or wear down enemies with elemental ‘spells’ and other afflictions
Inventory: A bottle of Electric Reserva wine that’s nigh-unbreakable and deals electric damage when wielded as weapon (though it’ll lose its special properties if opened), Never-melt Ice, cocktail kit, basic survival kit
Lv: 5
Origin: Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy 7) + Tifa Lockheart (Final Fantasy 7)
Appearance: He’s 5’11, 35 years old, with a thin, wiry build of very lean muscle. His eyes are a dull ruby-blue gradient, with long lashes, and his messy black-blonde hair is shoulder-length, with an equally scruffy beard and sunglasses. Most of the time he sports a sour expression. He wears a flashy but relatively cheap suit jacket and slacks, gray with a cloudy silver pattern, over a yellow collared shirt with buttons undone, and his black dress shoes go with his belt. He wears a red woven wristband like a watch.
Personality: In some respects very much like his father, Cirrus is brooding, melancholy, and a little awkward, which he tries to mask under a veneer of nonchalant coolness, very much envisioning himself as the strong and silent type. He’s got something of an inferiority complex, and has always lived in his sister’s shadow, even though he really does love her and would do just about anything for her. Crushed beneath the World of Light’s cruelty, he considers himself a harsh realist; he doesn’t believe his side can win and decided a long time ago it would be better to not bring children in a world like this. That said, he’s fiercely protective of his nieces, who view him as a ‘cool uncle’
Background: N/A
In the Now: Forty years prior to present day, previous iterations of Cloud and Tifa fought alongside Barrett, Aerith, and many others in a group that proceeded the Seekers of Light, all to overthrow Moebius and Galeem. Though they managed to defeat two Guardians, mounting losses throughout the campaign backed the group into a corner, and a pincer attack by Moebius shattered the heroes’ forces. Cloud’s team in particular ran afoul of Moebius A, forcing Barrett and Aerith to sacrifice themselves so that Cloud and Tifa could flee. They escaped to a remote part of the World of Light with their lives, but their spirits never fully healed. After meeting with the Lost Numbers, they decided to have children of their own, but when Dawn and Cirrus were at a young age Cloud and Aerith both reached the ends of their ten-year lifespans and dissolved into light.
Cirrus was raised by the Lost Numbers alongside his sister. He was a sullen, withdrawn child, who made few friends and always looked for escape. Even as he matured he remained in the shadows, standing back in a quiet support role while stronger shoulders bore the mantle of responsibility for the future. Even if he’s pessimistic about everything, he’s more or less accepted to his role in life, however doomed it might be. To that end he serves as the bartender in Stolen Moments, giving others a place to let out their misgivings and melancholy while he provides comfort as best he can. His goal is to lift others higher, all the while hoping that he’s wrong about it all being hopeless, and when the chips are down, he’s ready to do whatever it takes for the Lost Numbers, his sister, and her family.
Job: Host
Specialty: Keeping the party going with skills that boost the party’s damage output or wear down enemies with elemental ‘spells’ and other afflictions
Inventory: A bottle of Electric Reserva wine that’s nigh-unbreakable and deals electric damage when wielded as weapon (though it’ll lose its special properties if opened), Never-melt Ice, cocktail kit, basic survival kit
Lv: 5
- Here’s to You - Cirrus can pull a couple kinds of items out of nowhere to use as ’spells’, including frosty sparkling wine bottles that inflict water damage and the Cold status, birthday cupcakes that inflict magic damage and attack reduction, and roses that inflict Fire damage, Burn, and possibly Charm
- Hyper Shout - boosts his and nearby allies' attack with a festive cheer
- Coercive Shout - boosts his and nearby allies' Magic, imploring them to keep the party going
- Wonder Cocktail - a miracle of mixology that doubles the damage of his next ‘spell’ and gets him a bit drunk
- Mixology - Cirrus has a talent for making and serving tasty, comforting drinks, and doing so will reduce stress for both himself and his customers. This is the one way he manages to be charismatic, and he can appeal to people through this art in ways he otherwise couldn’t
- Cloudy - his pessimistic, untrusting, and acerbic attitude makes fighting alongside him -and even being around him- an unpleasant and impractical proposition at times
- Durability - he has relatively low health and physical defense, meaning that he’s not a good frontline fighter and would much rather stay at the rear of the pack
- Sensitive - Cirrus cares more than he lets on and receives more stress from all sources, particularly tragic events surrounding his allies, and is more likely to miss attacks, take extra damage, and so forth when stressed
Comms Officer (Comm Center): Alice MacGregor (Wonderful 101)
Scrier (Mysticenter): Mona (Genshin Impact)
Hint Merchant (Spirit Chamber): Vulgrim (Darksiders)
Entrepreneur (Business Center): Susie (Kirby Planet Robobot)