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Hidden 9 days ago 9 days ago Post by Thanqol
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Bella and Redana!

Princess Redana Claudius was trained from birth to be the hand that controls Ceron and all her daughters.[1]

The true ways. The secret ways. Many lessons were too secret even for the Assassin handmaidens who were expected to die for the Imperial Heir if required. If Empress Nero was asked, what was the difference between her daughter and an imposter trained from birth to replace her if required, her answer would have been simply the mysteries of Ceron. Too powerful a knowledge to leave the Imperial bloodline, even to the most trusted handmaiden.

That is not to say that Mynx did not get lessons. It's just that those lessons were deliberately, embarrassingly, humiliatingly wrong. The pheromantic wards she has cast to interfere with formation instinct have more in common with a novice scout who is signalling that she needs to be punished. The tone of voice she uses to issue orders does not resonate on an invisible frequency that inspires fear. Her attempted grapple, an attempt to emulate Redana's Olympic wrestling performance, results in her ankles being pinned against her ears. Mynx could emulate Princess Redana down to the DNA, but she does not have Zeus' blessings of authority and the Ceronian hunters are all too eager to show her exactly what she was failing to protect herself from.

Redana, how does it feel to see yourself with torn clothes and crimson blush, thrown roughly at the feet of your mistress Bella?

[1] One might wonder if childhood exposure to art and literature that emphasized the chaining, collaring, gagging, and forcing submission upon defiant wolf-warrioresses left some sort of psychological impact on Princess Redana.


After the Pylons, the next miracle of the Endless Azure Skies is the Matter Decompressor.

It's almost astoundingly stupid in its simplicity. It is simply a very large Grav-Rail. No mystic circuitry runs through its depths, no hidden weapons, not even particularly elegant seams where steamrolled and spaghettified planets have been welded together. Civilizations live here too, but these are far more tenuous and fragile than those eternal bubbles of the Pylons - like everything else to do with the Decompressor the fact that it functions at all is the miracle. It is the club of macroengineering, and its role is to crack the skull of black holes.

Because that is what is in the centre of this spectacular ring. An entire black hole, the ultradense wreckage of an imploded supergiant, being squeezed in the centre of this cyclopean ring. And with the characteristic brutality of technology of this age, the black hole's infinite gravity - so deep that time itself cannot escape - is being reversed. An endless plume of hydrogen emerges through the narrow hole of a focusing lens, like air escaping from a punctured balloon. A forested pylon nearby breathes in this flow and breathes out a nitrogen/oxygen mixture - paper thin in the vast void of space, but if you stood close enough to the pylon's outflow, you could breathe it.

You could breathe it. In space. The Endless Azure Skies has determined to get the sheer atomic mass that they need in order to realize their dream they need to harvest black holes. Black holes plural - in the distance, the light of the stars goes dark as a fleet of macroengineering tugs haul the next fallen star into position. By the time the current occupant of the Decompressor has been reduced to a breath of fresh air the next stellar object will be ready to slot into place.
Hidden 5 days ago Post by Tatterdemalion
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Tatterdemalion Trickster-in-Veils

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Well, firstly, like, you have to understand, there's differences, right? Sure, admittedly Mynx looks like Redana's memories of herself, only all manhandled by a bunch of uncouth Ceronian braves and tossed to Bella, likely to be imprisoned and brought back to Tellus by the Praetor, and Bella back then probably would have insisted on securing the prisoner personally, working through her complicated feelings of desire and resentment with every restraint, every unnecessary humiliation, every article of clothing removed to ensure that Dany wasn't hiding anything she could use to escape, ending the runaway princess's dreams of adventure with lock and key and well-secured muffling, and maybe by the time they'd gotten back to Tellus Mommy would have decided that actually Bella made a better princess than Dany did and that she was changing their places so that Dany was the maid and Bella was the princess, and Bella would probably need to make sure she was on a short leash just so that she wouldn't try to escape, and, and Bella would have Notes on her wardrobe and the need to make sure she wasn't hiding anything, and then after several months of tension Bella would kiss her so hard that it bruised, and they'd tumble into bed and Bella would start telling her that all that time she wished that she had permission to touch her oblivious brat of a princess like this, and aren't you being so loud, princess, didn't you learn that a good maid is thoughtful and demure and holds her tongue, and...

Sorry, what was the question?

Right, so. As Ember, Redana's already incredible imperial physique was funneled into being a perfect Ceronian knight. She looks like the princess's sister: a little taller, a little leaner, sharper of tooth. There is a distinction between the person she was and the person she became. And usually this is where you'd say "and it's impossible to tell where that change began," but it's absolutely when she crossed the Lethe and joined the daughters of Ceron. If she never had, she'd be like Mynx now: small, fair-skinned enough for her blush to be radiant, panting, (poisonous) drool beading on the lips she can't reach, squirming as if that will save her from Bella, not when she's in Bella's clutches, Bella never lets go once you're there, she'll toy with you and grip you tighter and all that wicked huntressness will come out in a way that's so, so hot, and come to think of it this is probably a balancing of the scales over what happened in the depths of the Eater of Worlds, so it's okay that her tail is thwap thwap thwapping against the back of her own thighs, bared by her Ceron-Pattern Tactical Shorts, it's obviously just because she's proud that she caught the Princess and is going to get headpats and Bella will do that thing with the ear and she'll just have to stay upright with knees turned to jelly in front of her pack and...

Oh shoot Bella's looking at her now.

"We," she says, and her voice cracks into a squeak, and she overcorrects downwards. "We, uh. The Princess is ours." What is she doing. "As you ordered." Why is this doing it for you, Dany. "Made sure not to, uh. Rough her up. Too much." The head is right here, Bella, with the associated triangles. It is so ready for headpats, Bella. And an evil laugh maybe?? Possibly?? For her??

(Not that that's going to happen. She's only interested in Mynx because she's needed for the plan. There is no chance that she is going to be distracted by sexy impromptu "captured-the-princess" roleplay. Get your head in the godsdamned game, Redana. And stop wagging your tail clean off your thighs.)
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Phoe
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Phoe Idol Obsessive

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Bella's hand descends on Ember's head. She pushes her fingers through those luxurious tangles of hair to rub at the spots behind her ears, half in praise and half in contemplation. This is a moment where she would like to close her eyes and breathe the moment in. She does not dare. The smirk that plays across her face is so calculated that it might as well have been a part of one of Vesper's plans. Her spine is locked, her ears perked to maximum alert. When her tail twitches it does not curve so that the effect is a whiplike thrashing that instantly cancels out into absolute stillness, instead of the natural and happy sort of twitching Ember is so generously demonstrating.

"That's excellent work, Ember. Good girl."

The petting is an expected reward, but it is also an essential act of survival for the woman who should be in control here. Mynx was even more sensitive to biochemical reactions than Bella, and a single whiff of anything that could be interpreted as guilt or nervousness would be the end of everything she needed to accomplish. But as long as her hand stayed on Ember, stayed on Redana, as long as she could smell those little wisps of perfume and pleasure, her breathing stayed her own. A tale as old as time, really.

...And that was the fucking problem. Talking to Omn, talking to the Hermetic, talking to her fill of blustering Azura tyrant windbags, even just reading the store of literature she'd managed to pilfer across the trip, everything on the topic amounted to the same basic bullshit. Servitors as a concept were built around hard coded behaviors that everyone assumed just overrode the rational thought she knew they were capable of. There was a time when she wouldn't have questioned the wisdom, but since crossing the Lethe she'd seen too much, done too much, said too much for it not to start boiling her blood. Her fingers clench and Ember yips in surprise as claws suddenly dig into her scalp. Bella hastily splays her fingers and strokes with the back of her hand until calm rules the pair of them again. Shit.

What did she have for proof? Nightmare chimera of a Servitor that she was, Bella was an unholy combination of a traditional maid and a bloodthirsty warrior made ill by the scents of battle. But even though she still had zero leads on the sort of species she was made from the one thing she was certain of is that she'd been built to be a follower. Take instructions. Accept orders. Bend herself into shape to fit the needs of the person with the plan. She'd been lifted to the status of Praetor despite being a failed Imperial Maid because it pointed a ship in the right direction for just long enough to unfuck a problem that Nero was having. The awkwardness she felt about it all was only matched by the sheer rush of power that came from doing it well.

But. If that had been programmed, what the fuck? She was built for three distinct functions in an empire when most everyone she met seemed built for less than half? With that absurd lack of specialty she might as well... might as well just be... she could... call herself...

Her hand falls to her side.


Bella pulls her hand up again, twisting her fingers upward toward her face in a way that emphasizes her claws. Her smirk mutates into a horrible, toothy grin that belongs on a monster more than anything else. She steps forward, and her body flows like liquid. The swing of her hips is perfect, the bend of her waist is mesmerizing, the motion of her leg is smoother than silk. Her hand flips through her own hair with the careless of a cat, and when she feels every feather soft strand brush against her skin it tickles the pleasure centers of her brain almost as much as holding Ember had.

These are not the answers to her questions. Was there any hope at all of calling her sister home from her soft and pretty dream? Who the fuck knew? Maybe it was hubris to trust in a hope placed on such a high pedestal. Well if it was, the moonlight washing over everything was already the perfect cure to burn herself and all her madness away.

"Well now Princess," she purrs, "How many times does this make? Oh, don't get up on my account! You never were one to pay attention during etiquette lessons~"

She stoops down on one knee and grabs Mynx from under her chin. When she leans forward, her spine curls like a bow and the buttons on her shirt strain against her breasts as they are pushed forward. After a heroic several seconds, the top one bursts free and strikes the 'Princess' on the forehead. Bella's grin widens as her face falls into shadow. The gleam of her teeth and the twin colored lights of her eyes are the only points to focus on in the void covering her features.

"Oho, why that face? You had to know this was coming. Or maybe you tried to forget? No matter how far you run, even across the Lethe, you will never be safe from me."

A claw descends with agonizing slowness, resting against the fabrics of Redana's glorious but impractical dress. When it begins to slice through the material at the chest, it draws a chorus of howls from Ceronian warriors across the room.

"This is just like on the Eater of Worlds, isn't it? I've been waiting so long to pay you back. You remember what you said back then, right? Or do I need to peel you out of this ridiculous clown suit to shake it loose?"

The claw descends lower, the dress sighs. She is watching, Mynx. Watching you. What will you do now?
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Balmas
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Do other Azura rankle when they're being managed?

… Do they even notice?

No, really, honest question. There are… well, there're a frankly staggering number of things she's. Not discovered. Discovered is the wrong word. Realized? Had the curtain pulled back on?

Figured out. Things she's figured out through exposure to people with different needs built in at the molecular level.

Do they notice when that disarming smile comes through and peels back the layers of defenses?

You're never supposed to. The entire game is designed to let the administrators get on with their no-doubt important work without thinking of all the many, many steps that have to function at every level.

… two sugars, please.

… three.

Just leave the bowl, please.

It's built into her just as surely as in any servitor. The only difference is that now she's aware of it happening.

…and yet.

And yet, it's--

It's different, right? It's not managing. Not giving a series of easy, quick bursts of success, not out of a need to serve or a, a, an instinct, or--

She swirls the tea in her cup, and stares over its lip at the bundle of fluff in her tail.

She's expected to say something, she's sure of it. But the words, not for the first time in the past few weeks, refuse to come.

Alas, timelessness, alas.

Clink, goes another spoonful of sugar.

It's not their fault, indeed.

She stares again at--yes, at a friend. Not a Synnefo and his charge, but someone who, in a time of deep distress--and she's sure of that, even in the complete absence of any ability to point at what indicates it--a friend who took time to reassure her.

There's probably a fight breaking out somewhere in the ship. A debate over how a baton was passed, or something to do with the Ceronian's pet magos.

She takes another sip, and holds him as tightly as she dares. Security, warmth, and, yes, friendly comfort.

"It's… nice, not to have to wage this alone," she admits. Lets the sentence dangle, as if to invite the comment. How long have you been alone? How must it feel to have… Well, a listening ear?

You can tell. She keeps secrets for her friends.
Hidden 2 days ago Post by TheAmishPirate
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TheAmishPirate Horse-Drawn Tabletop

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

A noise. A tiny hum. A faint bleat, in rhythm with each breath. Breaking, cracking, crinkling at the command of the muscles enveloping him. A sound allowed just a little bit of slack, a little room to play.

He may as well have shouted.

Savor the sounds you gently coax from him, Dyssa, Knight of the Publica, Savior of Beri, Friend to Sheep. There are a deceptive many tucked away in those endless wooly depths. Tangles in a soft heart. No word will pass until the way is clear. Gently. Carefully. Surround him on all sides, but leave an opening for the retreat. Let him speak, when he is ready.

”It is.” Which surely isn’t it. “It has been a while.” Obviously. Not it either. “This is…better. I.” Quiet. The tightening rhythm continues. Patient. A tail snakes gently through fluffy curls.


“I just wanted to see everyone again. I just wanted to be out.” There’s a lot of days packed into that word. Out. Perhaps it is best if it stays that way, for now. “And I’m glad to be here. Believe me. I am. So grateful. It is better.” He feels the squeeze of reassurance. He is understood. “But we’re still in the Skies, aren’t we? We’re still going to be here. Even if we go to the Shogunate, or beyond. Someone still chose to make the Ceronians restless, forever.”

And someone chose to make countless people sick and anxious in the void of space. And someone chose to make Assassins who were doomed to die under the weight of a curse. And someone chose sheep to staff a Manor.

How dare they. How dare they.

He doesn’t make her think of an answer. That’s not a question meant for answering. ”I am lucky that I can do something for them. The Ceronians deserve better.” There is a perilous uncertainty in the rest of that thought. Mercy, that he did not speak it as a prayer. “There is much that I cannot do. I am just a chef with some bureaucratic training.”

He stops.

”Thank you, by the way. For arriving in Beri when you did. I wish I could have been there to see it.”

He considers.

”...I was stationed on board the Slitted at the time. We. Could not see much, from that height.”

How much has he really helped? And how much has he let happen?

The Summerkind needed so much. The Summerkind needed to eat.

A nice meal feels so small, now. So does he, compared to the Knight encircling him.

The coils of the Crystal Knight crushed. Smothered. Squeezed until there was no room left for him, and then squeezed harder. Until she was the only thing that was left. Whatever resembled a sheep was full of her. Belonged to her. Consumed by her.

The coils of Dyssia, Knight of the Publica, squeeze tight. Tight enough for a small, small sheep to fall apart, and yet remain whole. And not one step tighter than that.

“We ought to think of a prize the Ceronians would value in the short-term.” His mouth is the only part of him still moving. His tea sits unfinished. “I think,” and he is thinking of the Knight. Not of his untouched plate. “That could give us the leverage necessary to…”

Both coils, he resists.
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Thanqol
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Princess Redana!

The Lethe washed away many things. For her, it washed away fear, pain, regret and doubt. She drank of it greedily and deeply, downing mouthful after mouthful of that cool water until only her hopes and aspirations were left. She wished she could be a Princess and perform her role perfectly. She wished she could sacrifice so that those she cared about would be safe. And, somewhere a few ribs below her heart, she'd had a very quiet and hungry wish that somebody would remember what she'd said carelessly and jokingly and not let her squirm her way out of it.

It bubbled up from inside her. An emotion that was completely incompatible with being Princess Redana Nero. The desire that someone would want to take revenge on her. That all of her teasing, poking, prodding and skirting around the line might somehow mean that when the assassin came for her, they were coming for her and not the person she was impersonating. It was a perversion, a kink, an entirely unacceptable vanity to imagine that the death she was programmed to yearn for might be because of who she was. And of all the wants in her head, that was the one desire that split her from her mask.

"You won't get away with this, Praetor," she said, holding up the words, the bait - just in case. Maybe you're just confused? "I'll escape, just like I always do," she knew exactly how hollow that sounded over the tearing sound of her dress. "And - and when I do - you'll..." words jumbled in her mouth; the scripts she's following no longer aligning.
Hidden 22 hrs ago Post by Phoe
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Phoe Idol Obsessive

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Oh, you do remember. I can see it aaaaaallll over your face, hmhmhm~"

Bella presses her fingers under Mynx's chin. With the palm, she pushes upwards. Her other hand descends, claws outstretched, until the clothing fit only for the Princess Redana gives up the game at last and goes flumphing to the floor in a puddle all around her. A snap of her fingers, and the ropes are around those delicate, pale wrists. Tugging them above her head, lifting her to her feet. Forcing her chest up and out, with nothing to do but watching all these eyes watch her back.

"You told me you had so many ideas, back then. For ways that I could punish you after you humiliated me the way you did. But then? You stupid, worthless slut, you never. Said. A. Thing."

Bella descends on the dress with the fury of a lightning bolt. Her claws carve it to tatters in the space of this single, vicious strike. She snatches up a tuft of it and folds it into a perfect square, murder written in her eyes the entire time. She rises to her feet. Tall and imperious, something much larger and more dangerous than a mere Praetor. Her hand once again clenches around Mynx's jaw, and she squeezes to the edge of pain. Just enough to let her mind take over and imagine more. Just enough to pry her mouth open, so she can pack it full of that stupid, shredded dress and watch the drool start forming at the corner of her lips.

SMACK! The back of her hand crashes across Mynx's cheek. SMACK! The palm hits the other side on the return. SMACK, SMACK, SMACK! Hard enough to color that perfect face. Hard enough to draw out tears, to make shoulders slump against ropes now pinned against the ceiling.... and hard enough to make those soft and slender thighs press tight against each other and those delicate toes curl at the ends of their feet.

"You're going to need to endure this." SMACK! "I'm going to have to be very mean to you." SMACK, SMACK! "Things have never been more dangerous than they are right now, and your useless ass is a long walk away from where I need it. Just know this: it's my turn to drive this time. It's your mess that needs cleaning. And I. Will have you. Pay me back. For every. Little. Mistake. And prank. You have. Ever. Pulled."

But the blows stop there. Bella takes a deep breath, and she sighs. It feels so strange, using memories as a weapon like this. But in the end there just wasn't anybody in the entire galaxy who knew the Toxicrene Adept, Mynx, as well as she did. There wasn't anybody else who could do this job. At first it seemed only right to let her live out this fantasy, out of guilt or maybe just a selfish desire to have there be some kind of Redana on this ship. Before she knew better. But if they were Human there were standards to uphold. If the pair of them and everybody like them were all Human, then it wasn't all right for them to be anybody but themselves.

Bella slides behind Mynx and drapes her considerable weight against her prisoner. Her body presses close, and the backs of her fingers slide up and down the length of Mynx's butt, waist, ribs, shoulders, and neck; pressing firm on all the little spots where Mynx should be meaningfully different than Redana, and waiting to see if she yields to that reality. She plants a kiss on each reddened cheek, soft and wet to soothe the pain, and plucks the sodden packing from that constantly moaning mouth.

"But none of this means we can't have some fun, does it. How about we play Twenty Poisons, until I figure out the best way to show you your place? Here's a good first one: which of us are you hoping is going to be the one to fuck you, when we're through? My wife?"

She pushes Mynx's head up and over to look straight at Ember, then drags her tongue across Mynx's ear.

"Or me~? Oh! Don't tell me! Maybe you're thinking you'd like to take us both at once <3"
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