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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: War Room – X-Mansion

Antoinette didn't have to explain much past her initial comment about Mary. Jean and Scott filled everyone in nicely, plus it did seem Klara understood what Annie was talking about as she had tracked Mary to New Orleans. With a proper direction, Antoinette was ready to go back to her room and grab her go bag. She'd probably leave Arnold behind this time for one of the other students to look after. Going to space had been a bit much for them both. However, Max reacted far more quickly than any of them. He opened up a portal, and quickly jumped through, calling for people.

Antoinette took a few steps forward, wiggling her nose as she peered through the portal. She could see a lovely home, plus some concerned people staring at the portal. She opened her mouth to say something, but then several people on the other side of the portal started talking.

”Uh, Max, we should grab some supplies before we rush in,” she said.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Guin Stark

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: N/A
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Guin hadn't realized she'd been quiet for a moment, until the sound of a portal opened before her - one that went to an old yet timeless home in New Orleans. Her mind had been buzzing with information, her thoughts moving so fast that even she couldn't fully understand them, more flashes than coherent ideas. Thoughts of Mary - of how she had used to be, how she now was, and how she might become. Thoughts of the Phoenix - and the destruction that it could wreak upon the universe, not just Earth. She had her father's itch in that moment, the urge to put a suit of armor around everything and everyone - anything to protect life against something unknowable, unstoppable, unreasonable.

She rewound the conversations around her in her brain - Pietro had asked her how she was - I'm fine, she answered, aware that Jean Grey could hear her too. They had a destination - New Orleans - but no plan of action. The Phoenix was a force of nature, a being of fire and life - how could she fight that? She couldn't just build a gun to kill it - and anything she did to hurt the Phoenix, it would hurt Mary too. It was one thing to think about the fact that she might have to hurt her friend... another thing to actually take the steps to do it.

"Jean, you're the expert with the Phoenix. Is there any other way?" Guin asked bluntly. Is there any other way than killing her? she finished, knowing Jean would hear her thoughts.

Avery Spellman

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Avery had similarly fallen silent, although their thoughts weren't organized the same way as Guin's. There was a deep elation bubbling within them, an earnest joy - Carolina and them had kissed. She wanted to be with them. Fears and concerns aside, they couldn't help but be excited, couldn't help but want to hold her hand, to confess to her every time she had brightened up their world when she stepped into a room, every moment they had almost confessed their crush but had been too afraid to do so.

But this joy was mixed with horror - that the Phoenix was returning, the Dark Phoenix was returning. That wasn't something small - wasn't some villain that they could show up as a team and pummel into submission. The Phoenix was a cosmic power, as terrifying as it was great. It was a god in ways that Asgardians could never be. And the only thing that quelled Avery's panic was the knowledge that Max was there - and that the Phoenix was in Max's home town, giving him an advantage. Surely he had to have some sort of anti-Phoenix spell in his tower?

Runa, meanwhile, frowned as she considered all of this information. She knew of the Phoenix - not in the ways that the X-Men knew it. Her connection was more intimate. The cosmic force had inhabited her grandmother, from her mother's family, when her grandmother became pregnant. Traces of the eternal flame still flowed through her blood. She tried to recall what she knew of legend - what could be done to avert this tragedy.

But all that came to mind was that sometimes, fire was needed to raze a forest in order for new growth to begin.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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Peregrine Mayfield

Location: War Room
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day

This was all a bit much. And Perry felt her regular 'can-do' spirit wasn't going to get them through this. Perry knew about the Phoenix Force, what mutant hadn't? She never knew the extent of it. And from the sounds of it, Mary was both in danger and a danger to others. If Lance is to be believed Mary had some alternate identity that was cause for concern.

She really wanted to be thrilled to be going to New Orleans but she knew hero work came before beignets and gumbo. "I'll admit I don't know much about the Phoenix and all the inner workings, but I keep hearing emotions in this conversation. That's something I do have experience in. Unsure how I can help but I'll do all I can."

The tension in the room was thick. Everyone was questioning or asking what to do. Would they be able to help Mary or was this a case of putting a mutant down for the greater good?
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX Writing=Gravity / The Whole Spectrum of The Stuff

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: X Mansion - War Room
Skills: Power Mimicry

When Scott and Jean relayed what was going on, Jaclyn's mind went back to Asteroid M - the fiery teleportation Mary had utilized to save herself and Jaclyn, and more so, the brief moment when something had seemed off about her. Jaclyn now had the feeling she might've "met" Mary's alternate personality.

Scott phrased it as most likely Marygold was struggling against one influence or the other, but Jaclyn worried -what if it was both? Caught in the middle of a mental tug-o-war within your own mind...Distress presently rose in Jaclyn's.

However, someone else's was soon to catch her attention. Max wasn't looking well. Then suddenly he was reacting as though they already had a game plan to follow. What was he doing?

Jaclyn's mouth fell open slightly as it dawned on her a second before Max articulated it -his family. His actions still held an air of prematurity, but Jaclyn could understand the motivations behind his impulse. If that's where Holo was, she'd be feeling an worry-induced raise of temperature right now.

Instead, as she listened to Max relay what was going on to the individuals who made up that family -herself not aware of Casper's biological relations- individuals who, at another time, Jaclyn would've taken more active interest in, she couldn't help feeling a sense of foreboding from Max's actions.

To hear him tell it sounded as though the Phoenix itself had landed, already realized and a moment away from living up to how most had come to know it.

By Jaclyn's perspective, the Phoenix was not exclusively a being of destruction but a sacred entity to be respected. From what Jean said, it sounded like the destruction had occurred from mishandling; manipulation. Knee-jerk reactions and keyed-up actions weren't likely to be good, especially when emotions played a key part here, no matter how natural the motivation or logical the priority.

And that was just considering the Phoenix side of this circumstance.

Jaclyn's attention shifted then between Guin and Jean when the former posted the question of "any other way?", and a different sense of foreboding affected Jaclyn, one mixed with sadness as she felt the implication. Surely it was too soon to consider there wasn't any other way, wasn't it? Was Jaclyn in fact the one who was reacting out of step with the circumstance, not understanding how immediate the gravity was?

She felt not.
After all, if some of the old guard had been contacted, there's no way they would be dragging their heels if things were that eminent. More likely, Jaclyn thought, the old and the new would be mixing, with this meeting being conducted over distance via the two telepaths on each respective team.

"Let's try not to panic," Jaclyn said gently to Max, reaching out a hand towards his shoulder after she'd stepped through the portal. "There's time enough still to be levelheaded about this." Somehow she gained more calm from her own words, as though speaking them made the reasoning more true, despite her feeling like the outsider of this experience.

She'd also made eye contact in turn with the others in the antique room, as though assuring they still had time to breathe with this information, at least, and kept her ear out for the continuing discussion just on the other side of the portal.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Mansion - Danger Room

Ed leaned in and whispered, pointing at each person and telling Klara their name so she would know. He did it for everyone, even the ones she had just met, mostly as a refresher and just in case she had forgotten already. Names were hard, especially in large groups. The only one he didn't name was Runa since he figured Klara would know her cousin.

He listened to the back and forth about Mary. He was unsurprised about Mary's mental health. He had had his suspicions since the other world. Sometimes Mary wasn't quite right and that aligned with what was being discussed, that was before the Phoenix had even appeared too.

Max opening the portal did give them faster access to New Orleans, but he agreed with Annie, that they should gather things before jumping in. Max seemed to be a jump-before-looking type. Ed did have his equipment on him so if they all left right away he would have everything he needed. Ed raised an eyebrow and waited to see if the whole group would follow Max, or if they would make a plan before diving into an issue they knew precious little about.

Only Jean's perspective could shed light on these issues. It was important to know if she would be joining them. If she did there was a possibility of the Phoenix force being upset at her. It was a risk. One they'd have to assess if they were willing to take. There was also the matter of, whether Jean wanted to go near it. Guin had opened the conversation a little with Jean. Ed knew some, mostly tabloid versions, of what happened with Jean and the Phoenix. He would not make negative presumptions. If she was here it was to help. But how much help was she willing to give?

"Jean, I realize what is happening is going very quickly, but before the rest of us decide to follow after Max I think it is important to know your stance on the matter. Will you be joining? I, at least, understand if you have no desire to be in the same city as the Phoenix force. There is risk involved if you go. But your knowledge would be invaluable."
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 day ago

Pietro didn't really seem to believe Guin about anything like that, but he knew that she wasn't going to admit anything was wrong or something like that. He turned his attention towards the bigger issue again at hand, as several people seemed to be asking Jean for her input on the scenario. She hadn't seemed to say a whole lot with regards to everything at the moment, so he was curious as to what her thoughts were.

Jean had to think for a moment about the situation, about everything that she knew with regards to leading up to it. Hearing Guin's question, including the one spoken through her thoughts, it took a moment as she hesitated with regards to the answer. "..The Shi'ar might have something to allow the entity to be removed. They fear it's power more than we might, but they also have worshipped and treated it like a god a long time ago. So they likely would have something, though not sure how the relations between them and Earth is right now. However they are more likely to be more likely to just kill her than to remove it. There isn't a need to despair though, there always is a chance for hope. Marygold was, at least fully in control, even for just a moment which is what it seemed, yesterday. Which is when she called out for help. Even if she is grappling, if we can get her to be stable for a few minutes, we might be able to get the entity to out that way, it is a possibility."

"So... We have a chance to get the thing out before it gets too bad then?"

"It is possible yes."

"Time is running out though that much was obvious from what's been being said, so we're kind of working against the clock."

Lance glanced over to see the portal that Max had decided to summon up out of nowhere and jumped through as he clearly was freaking out and talking to others there. Though he was making the situation sound a lot worse than it currently was based on the information they had. Actually, they didn't have a whole lot of information to go off of aside from the fact that she was in New Orleans. "...And he thinks he's in charge again because of what exactly? We don't have a plan, or even a more specific idea of where she is when she could literally be anywhere in New Orleans, the area isn't exactly small."

"And a lot of things could change in 24 hours," Mira pointed out, looing at Max and those through the portal. She had no idea who it was that was really on the other side or who they were at all, having never met any of them.

Pietro looked through the portal, and recognized a few of the faces on the other side. Namely those of James and Casper, mainly from the whole reality warping incident his sister had caused a while ago. Though he didn't recognize the other guy there, and it was a bit obvious that Casper was freaking out a bit from the portal just being open. So he definitely wasn't going to go through the portal at the moment since not a whole lot of people were heading that way.

Jean heard the comments from both Perry and Ed, and she nodded her head slightly, "That might be helpful. Emotions are difficult to grasp sometimes but it is what makes us human. Though it is the major weakness point for the Phoenix when it is in a host. As for whether or not I'll join you all, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't going to. The Phoenix Force itself is neither good or evil, it actually tends to be a necessary being to exist, and even if we could destroy it in some way, I never would. The Phoenix might have partially been responsible for my death, it has saved me more often then not. I'd prefer for this to not end like it has before."

"Things won't happen like that again, we know partially what to expect of how this could potentially end, that gives us an advantage we didn't have last time in solving this before it gets worst." he commented, and looked over at the portal Max had created, "Though not sure if we should head out without at least a vague idea of what we'd want to do once we do encounter her."
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Carolina Reed

Location: X-Mansion, War Room -> New Orleans
Skills: N/A

Carolina looked at Avery and smiled gently gripping their hand in a loving way, she was still really happy that she was able to say her true feelings for them as Carolina gently gave Avery's hand a loving kiss. Her attention turned towards the others in the room for a moment her eyes turned towards Jean and Guin for a moment. "Well it should depend on who we will be talking with, if it's Mary we are talking with then we should be able to talk to her calmly. If it's the Pheonix that is in control and we are talking to it, we should try and convince it to leave Mary willingly, either to find her a new host that it'll be able to work with or convince it to leave Earth entirely." Carolina said, as she thought for a moment.

"If it's Chrysi, the other personality which some of us had encountered in Wanda's reality we may have to fight her which is something we should try to avoid if possible." Carolina suggested, she really didn't want to fight against Mary unless they actually had to and hoped that any confrontation can be avoided. She looked at the portal she had said what she needed to with her suggestions and started to make her way into the portal and onto the other end. Carolina looked and remembered James a little bit as well as Casper as she waved at them meeting them in Wanda's reality to.

Bethany Bell

Mansion, War Room -> New Orleans
Skills: N/A

Bethany listened to Carolina as she spoke about her plans she wanted to avoid fighting Mary if it was possible at all but she knew that it could be a possibility as well to. Which she probably knew that everyone wanted to avoid as well to, as Carolina stepped through the portal she looked at the rest of the group. "I want to avoid confrontation as well to if it is possible but we won't know who we will be talking to.

"But the Shi'ar thing should be an absolutly last resort if Mary or the Pheonix or whoever is in control decides to attack us or whatever." Bethany said, it really was hard to know who they would be talking with but she did hope that they would be able to talk to Mary whenever they meet up with her she stepped through the portal as well to and coming out the other end looking at the people Max seemed to know.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX Writing=Gravity / The Whole Spectrum of The Stuff

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: X Mansion - War Room
Skills: Power Mimicry

Jaclyn had first looked, then stepped, back through Max's portal, her actions suiting her feelings as she was more with the War Room discussion than with Max at the moment.

Jean and Scott's input was reassuring -as Jaclyn was thinking, the situation wasn't at crisis point yet. They had time enough to think things through, consider their individual situation -Mary's was different than Jean's.

The Shi'ar were an avenue potentially good to know, but silently Jaclyn agreed it wasn't one to go down at this juncture.

"If emotions are key, we should look at doing whatever would be least emotionally charged," Jaclyn had nodded to Carolina, but presented this suggestion to Scott, feeling deferent to him and Jean given their experience. Though only Jean's ongoing presence had been explicitly addressed, Jaclyn assumed Scott's may be counted as well; as far as she was concerned, that made him the one to run things by for a definitive, pinned-down action plan.

"Mary definitely shouldn't feel like we're seeing her as a powder keg, for instance," Jaclyn had shifted to generally addressing those present, though at that moment her gaze fell in thought. "Especially if.. .I think I might've encountered Chrysi on Asteroid M. . ." She thought now not only of that mission, but what she knew of the ones that preceded it. Whatever degree of major Asteroid M fell on the scale in Mary's mind, it was at least a contribution to the compound stress of being an X-Man. "Does anyone know if certain stress brings her out? Maybe a ground is what Mary needs, or has decided she needs, for either situation and she's trying to find that with Gambit -assuming that's why she's in New Orleans. Since she didn't come to us, interjecting ourselves in. . .maybe that wouldn't be helpful. Though we need to know how it's going so we can get involved if, or when, we should."

Feeling sure on certain things while less so on others, Jaclyn was partly making suggestions and partly thinking out loud.
Respecting Marygold's space, sensitive as it may presently be, while keeping duly close and ready, seemed a prudent fundamental objective.

Ready to do what, was the next.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, Fashion, Perception, 2 Grimoire Spells l
Current Outfit: Header Image

James took a moment to collect himself, biting back a nasty retort in the face of Max's colleagues. He understood the panic, but Max knew damn well why the X-men weren't an acceptable topic here, why joining them was such a debated decision. His heart broke at the fear in his husband's voice and James stepped between him and the portal, the three stepping through put on the back burner for a moment. Casper always came first.

“Casper, babes, can you go get the emergency bags from the room? I swapped out Danni's clothes last month so they're not the old ones but if you want any of your products, I figured you'd know better what you like.” James spoke evenly, leaning in to press a kiss against Casper's cheek and laughing a little as Danni grabbed Casper's robe. “And then think about where you want to go. We could do a beach trip - we've haven't taken the kids on a proper one yet. What do you think, Ben?”

Casper was frozen in place, his skin clammy with a sheer layer of sweat already gathering. His mind was divided, tumultuous memories playing all at once - and as Max approached him, reaching out to take his hand, Casper flinched. He stepped backwards, just out of Max’s reach. He didn’t move away from James though, as James moved between him and the portal.

But even seeing his husband in front of him wasn’t enough to shake the darkness from swirling around in his mind. ”I… the bags?” He was having trouble focusing, even on the sweet press of James’ lips to his cheek, or his son grabbing onto his robe.

Ben was more focused. He narrowed his eyes, not angry at Max, but angry at the fact that Max was about to place himself in harm’s way. But he knew he wouldn’t be able to argue Max out of it - and Ben knew that he couldn’t go too, that someone had to stay with Dorian to protect him… and James could probably use the help, given how much Casper was shutting down. “I think the beach would be good. Maybe Thailand.” He then glanced at Casper again. They’d need to keep an eye on him.

Guilt rushed through Max as he watched Casper take a step back. He thought he could separate his home life from his time with the X-men, but it was clear that at some point they'd intermingle, and he didn't expect it to happen like this. He looked back at Annie, nodding as he tried to figure out how best to handle this new situation with Casper slipping. ”Penguin, that sounds like a wonderful idea. I forget not everyone spent their lives on the run with supplies at hand, so why don't all of you go grab what you need and we can meet back in 10 minutes or so?”

He felt Jaclyn's hand reached his shoulder, trying to calm him down and plead for him to be more level headed. He hadn't realized it till then, but his heart was racing. The potential threat to his family has spiraled him out, much like Casper was doing now. He heard as Lance mentioned how they had no plan or idea on where she even was, and it clicked to him he hadn't verbalized a single thing.

”Sorry everyone. In all my panic I forgot to mention I have a lead…or two. Mary and I met in New Orleans, along with Gambit and what has been assumed to be her alternate personality,Chrysi. There's a place called the Thieves Guild, if she's contacted Gambit it could be that part of her has regressed back to that time, or there's some form of safety there I don't know. There's another mutant in New Orleans that would know of its whereabouts a bit better, coincidentally one I may need to Shephard out of here as well if she's up to it. Some of you may know her as Renegade. And if that lead dries out, we have several casters here than can locate her I'm varying ways with the Mystic Arts, myself included.”

Max closed the gap between himself as Ben, reaching to hold his hand as his fingertips grazed the side of Bens. One hand gently squeezing his sons cheek as he looked Ben in the eyes and spoke softly. ”I'm sorry, I'm sorry for all of this. I got so worried I leapt without thinking knowing damn well I can't fly…If you guys need anything, anything at all while I'm fighting this, don't hesitate to call me. I'm only a Portal away.”

Ben closed his hand around Max’s, holding his lover’s fingers for a moment - and perhaps the last one they’d ever have. “Don’t worry about us. James and I can handle this. Focus on… focus on coming back, okay? And if you need back up… I’m here.”

Damn, James needed to get Casper out fast. “Yeah, the bags. Just in case we had to move on the fly again, you remember? Come in, let's head to the bedroom and grab them.” James gently urged Casper to turn around, and started herding him away from the portal and the people pouring through.

Casper hesitated for a moment, before nodding numbly. He was normally so talkative, so chatty, so vibrant - but as he opened his mouth to speak, the words didn’t come to him. He let himself be turned away from the portal, from the X-Men - tried to will himself to feel the soft fur of his robes, to just feel his body. He couldn’t though - couldn’t control his breathing, his heart rate, his mind. All he could do was shuffle forward slowly, heading in the direction of his and James’ bedroom.

“I can handle both the kids for a while if you need me to, guys.” James offered. God knew James wouldn't be able to stay behind if Casper was throwing himself head first into danger and he certainly wouldn't begrudge Ben his opportunity. “Just help me get Dorian settled when we cross over and you can zip right back.” James normally wouldn't have an issue getting everything together for everyone but he'd need to get Casper comfortable first so that he wouldn't bolt as soon as he took his eyes off the man.

“And whenever you all finish dealing with this, I'll be happy to come and patch you up. Just don't come back here.” James offered a strained smile to three guests.

”How did I get so lucky to have a husband like you? And your five as family?” Max said with a bit of a sigh as he smiled warmly towards Ben. He made his way over towards a nearby broom closet located within the hall and opened the door. He ran his fingers along the edge of the frame until a second portal appeared, this time to the lovely beaches of Thailand. Max closed the closet door and looked back towards his husband. ”Tell James and Casper this is their way out. When you guys are ready, take this closet door to Thailand, have fun, and don't worry about me. I always make it back in enough pieces for James to fix me up. Till then…”

Max made his way back towards his original portal and looked at the two that had crossed as well as those behind the gateway. ”When you make it through we're going this way, through my portion of the house. Don't need any X-men going through the Kingston Side of the household.” He said as he directed everyone to go the exact opposite side of where he'd placed the second portal.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: War Room – X-Mansion

Antoinette smiled softly when Max focused back and answered her. He was missing some vital points of conversation in the war room, but he also seemed to understand that jumping the gun wasn’t the best move. Antoinette watched Max’s family organize themselves to leave before she focused on the war room once more.

Antoinette agreed with Jaclyn. If they all went in to get Mary, there was a very good chance it would set her off. Honestly, it would probably set any one of them off if the whole X-Men showed up on their doorstep with guests. A few people going to talk to Mary would likely be better than all of them, but if they were all in the general location, then they would be close if there was some fallout.

”My enhanced intuition can sometimes give a read on if a decision is good or bad. Once we decide how to approach Mary, I can check to see if we have a higher chance of succeeding. Although, I do agree with Jaclyn. I think fewer people going to help Mary is better than all of us. If only not to overwhelm her.”
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Guin Stark & Avery Spellman

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: N/A

Runa saw there her opening to render aid, when Jean Grey mentioned that the Shi'ar had a means to contain the Phoenix - or rather, to remove it from its host. Without their aid, it seemed a likely solution in this case would be the death of the host. Runa couldn't recall any Asgardian technology for removal of the Phoenix - and time was limited, they couldn't afford to venture to Odin's hall only to come out with nothing. "I would like to be of service," Runa said, still standing on the side of the portal that was in York of New. "As princesses of Asgard, we can treat with the Shi'ar and ask for this device. If that is acceptable to you all, then any who wish to come may travel with us by the Bifrost to the Shi'ar throne world where we can make our petition."

Guin nodded, mulling everything over. Max was really raring to go hunt down Mary in New Orleans, trying to find Gambit through some connections with the Thieves Guild. She paused for a moment, taking out her phone and scrolling through the contacts. Most of them were people she'd known as a kid - members of the Avengers that had been programmed in as a safety reason. And then there were a good portion of X-Men, the current team, and a few older members. And under R, after Rhodey, was Rogue. She shot a quick text to Rogue, saying that their scans indicated Mary was still in New Orleans, and asking if Rogue knew where she might be in the city.

"I texted Rogue asking her where in the city Mary might be. I think we should do two teams - one can go with the Asgardians to get the device from the Shi'ar, the other half can locate Mare and try to keep her calm. Maybe if she's up for it, we put her on ice for a while - just until we can get the Phoenix Force out of her. It's stress that brings the other personality out in her, so the calmer we can keep her, the better."

Avery bit their lip, not too sure what to do, what they could say to help. They didn't have a plan to offer beyond the ones that had already been shared. They didn't have any experience or knowledge in this area, they'd never fought the Phoenix before, they'd never even really thought about the Phoenix before. All they could really do was listen to what others had to say and try their best to help to save the world.

It wouldn't be too bad to go to space, they thought quietly - they'd missed out on the last time the X-Men left the Earth, and traveling by the Bifrost would be a once in a lifetime experience... If that idea was pursued, maybe they'd go see the Shi'ar. As much as they hated the idea of alone time with Klara after everything they'd done to her, of course.

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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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Peregrine Mayfield

Location: War Room
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day

Things were ramping up at the X-mansion party and the guest of honor was having her own belle of the ball drama to contend with. Max was also.....processing in his own way. To his credit, Max was knowledgeable and a strong magic user. "Emotions will be key then. Not only Mary's, and by extension the Phoenix's, but ours as well. Charged emotions could leave people in vulnerble states and say or do something wrong, so everyone needs to do a little check in with themselves."

Perry led by example. She was feeling worried, anxious, but hopeful. She could feel the emotions swarm as she laid control. "I can help anyone with those pesky feelings if need be. Think of it like a mini-therapy session minus the super cool couch you get to lay on. Oh and top priority is helping Mary, obviously. No other alternatives to consider. So are we squadding up as one or going into teams?"
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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Ed Penior

Location: Mansion - Danger Room

"If teams are the way we are going I'll stay here and help Mary." The two had connected, he felt, during their second to last mission. She had trusted him when he knew something was wrong with Klara. On top of that, he had no desire to return to space. Once had been more than enough and the second time had fully removed his desire for space exploration.

For now, he remained on the Mansion side of the portal. It was clear that it was Max and his family's home on the other side of the portal and he wasn't one to wander into people's homes uninvited. Especially when those people were powerful sorcerers. Ed remembered one family member who had booby-trapped most of his home so anyone without the passcode or an amulet key would be kicked out of the place painfully.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 day ago

"...Max does realize cell phones exist right?" Lance couldn't help but comment, looking back towards him as Max was dealing with whatever drama he had decided to portal into and caused.

Mira glanced over at Runa as she said that they could see about going to ask the Shi'Ar for the device that might work to remove the Phoenix. She staying behind and helping out Avery was what she had done the last time the team had a space adventure. Going through the BiFrost to go talk to an alien race might be fun adventure. That actually seemed like the group she wanted to go with, as they were leaning towards doing that sort of thing at the moment.

"Sure, we can see about doing that. We'd have to be a little careful though, The Shi'Ar can be a bit difficult at times. Though unsure who is their leader right now. Things have been a bit chaotic over with them. But whoever wants to go talk with them we can head that way."

"So some of us leave and go try to get something from the Shi'Ar, and others stay behind to hopefully figure out something and try not to make the situation worse. Sounds like fun. I missed out on the last space adventure, so I think that I'll go with to see the Shi'Ar for help and get whatever it is that they might have."

"Well, definitely sounds like splitting up is the better option, especially since there seems to be the consensus that not everyone should immediately go to confront her. So two groups would definitely make it so that there are fewer people. Who wants to go to space and talk to the Shi'Ar, and well whoever is in charge there right now."

"Last encounter we had with them, it was Lilandra who was the leader there. Though that was a while ago, so it could have changed since then."

"Well, I'm not sure who is the leader there, but just know that their title is usually either the Majestor or Majestrix. Depending." Klara added. Her knowledge of the Shi'Ar was fairly limited, but she did at least remember that.

The information that they had was somewhat outdated a little bit it sounded like with regards to the Shi'Ar, which could be either a good thing that they haven't had too many interactions with them at all on Earth, or bad since they don't have a lot of info to go off of.

"...Guess that only leaves the question of whose going with what group since that sounds like the best option to me based on how the conversation has been going. Ed and Mira already made it clear which groups they would prefer to go with. That just leaves figuring where everyone else is going, and then figuring out where we go from there..."

"Well... I'm going to probably stick with whatever group Guin wants to go with..." Pietro commented, figuring he'd make that a known thing.

It had taken a few minutes, likely due to some conversations happening on the other end of the phone line, but Guin would eventually receive a short response that was straight to the point. New Orleans Botanical Gardens, we'll meet you there.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Carolina Reed

Location: X-Mansion, War Room
Skills: N/A

Carolina stayed on the other side of the portal still within sight and earshot of the others, as they started to discuss who was going with what group. She hadn't been to space yet like the others had as she looked over to Avery for a moment wondering what they were going to do, but then again a part of her did want to try and see and talk to Mary. She stepped back through the portal and looked at the others for a moment before deciding.

"I'll go with whoever else wants to go into space and talk with the Shi'Ar." Carolina said while looking over at Avery Mira wanted to go to space again which was good and Ed seemed to want to stay back here and talk with Mary. While Pietro opted to do whatever Guin decided to do which was understandable him wanting to be with Guin as she watched her texting Rogue

Bethany Bell

Mansion, War Room -> New Orleans
Skills: N/A

Bethany listened to the others as they talked and stood on the other end of Max's portal, she was kind of tired of going out into space as well to and wanted to stay here and talk to Mary. Carolina and Mira both opted to go out into space with Klara and Runa to get whatever device that they had to get the Pheonix out of Mary.

It looked like Ed also wanted to stay here as well to try and talk to Mary he clearly seemed to be tired of space to. "I'll stay here then and with whoever else decides to stay here then." Bethany said as she stood on the other side of the portal while listening and hearing Max and his family talking amongst themselves.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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Peregrine Mayfield

Location: War Room
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day

Perry listened to the conversations and took in the information provided. She wasn't eager to go back into space so quickly after escaping the last time. Granted this would be her choice. Still, she figured she could be more helpful on the ground in New Orleans than with the Shiar. She could use her emotion powers better, at the very least.

"I think I'll stay here and help the others. Not so much looking forward to going back into space so quickly. Plus, I think my powers would be better suited for the team here than up there." She said pointing up towards the stars. However, she would go where needed. After all, both missions sounded important.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Antoinette McCarthy

Location: War Room – X-Mansion

Antoinette thought about the power balance and where she might be more useful. She felt her powers were uniquely situated to help with either situation. Space. Antoinette had done that a couple of times.

”I'll go to New Orleans. If Mary wants or we decide, I could give her a different reality that might keep her calm. What sort of supplies other than the usual gear might we want? I can go pack for everyone,” she offered. Antoinette glanced at the open portal with New Orleans in the background. The art and music scene was incredible there… Maybe she would get a chance to take in the sites.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Maximillian Gray

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, Fashion, Perception, 2 Grimoire Spells l
Current Outfit: Header Image

It made sense that Guin had the number to one of the old X-men, and it helped that she was also tied to another member of the Thieves Guild as well. Max was glad to see that she'd, in some roundabout way, taken his advice about following that current thread. He wasn't personally aware of which members were currently where in New Orleans, hoping Rogue was one of the ones stationed here given that Gambit was a point of contact. Guin had given her own bit of knowledge out, and it quickly took the wind out of Max's sails. ”If stress is the trigger for her changes, then it's probably best I ally myself with the Shi'ar group. Mary and I don't exactly see eye to eye all the time and I fear my presence could pose an extra challenge if I'm there. Besides, as I've mentioned to some before, my powers are unbridled Chaos, which could create a stressful situation if not careful.

I'd hate to have to over work Perry when she should be focusing on helping Mary. So I'll go with Runa and those that accompany her.”
Max said as he looked at all those present and tried to think of any more help he may be able to dish out before they are separated. ”There's a few things to note, New Orleans is a supernatural city. So you may be able to find some help with the undead there Perry. Some helpful ghosts may of spotted our wayward Phoenix. As for the casters, any spells used to track or well anything should be done outside of my home. It's warded against any magic that isn't mine, so your magic won't be good in there. Aside from all that, anything else we should know about the Shi'ar? Customs? Procedures? Things we should be wary of? Save for the titles you'd mentioned.”
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Guin Stark & Avery Spellman

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: N/A

Guin was absolutely not going to be checking in with herself emotionally. The more she could keep all of this down, the better. If she took a moment to actually feel everything going on in her life, not even thinking about what was going on with Mary... It would be all too much. It'd feel like a thousand knives stabbing her at once every second that she was sober - every second that she was trapped in her mind, in her body. So even though Guin nodded at Perry's advice, she wouldn't be taking it. She'd have time for feelings later. Or maybe never, if she was being honest. Never sounded good.

"I'm leading the Earth group," Guin said, glancing at the message on her phone. "Mare's at the Botanical Gardens. Let's go." She paused for a moment, before quickly shooting off another text - not to Rogue or any member of the X-Men, but to her father.

She wasn't strictly speaking with her father at the moment, but this could be the end of the world. And if things went horribly bad and the X-Men weren't able to stop Mary, then Guin owed it to everyone alive on this planet right now to alert the other people who might stand a chance of stopping her - permanently, if they had to.

"I'll - I'll go with the Shi'ar," Avery said. "I mean, with the group that is going to see them." Their face burned with embarrassment. It was a bit silly and maybe even immature of them, especially as they had just confessed their feelings to Carolina, but they still had feelings for Max - feelings for this ancient wizard. And here there was this new person, who clearly seemed to be involved with Max... He was cute, with serious eyes and tension in his shoulders - athletic and lean too. Avery could see why Max liked him. And they couldn't help but compare themself to him, to look at Ben and try to see what the ancient mage saw in him - and what Max couldn't see in them.

They tried to refocus their attention to the information that the Asgardians were giving them on the Shi'ar, or even just to focus more on Carolina. The jealous tendrils uncurling inside of them weren't healthy.

"I'm with Max," Ben said simply, his tentacles withdrawing into the portal inside his body - for the moment. He didn't leave any room for anyone to question it.

Runa addressed Max's question: "The Shi'ar Majestrix is advised by a high council, so our appeals should be made with both the Majestrix and their advisors in mind. We will need to approach them with extreme caution. The Shi'ar have many weapons that are deemed unforgivable on Asgard - such as the erasure of entire lineages, your bloodline coming to a swift and permanent end."

She then paused. "I'll summon the Bifrost. Whoever is coming with me, please follow." She then turned and made her way out of the mansion, heading out onto the lawn. There, she raised her staff to the sky. "Heimdall, if you please."
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX Writing=Gravity / The Whole Spectrum of The Stuff

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: X Mansion - War Room
Skills: Power Mimicry

Jaclyn had eyed the goings-on on Max's side of the portal off and on until he came back through. She hadn't caught everything -and honestly wouldn't have tried to, personal as things were- but tension and fear were clear -just not the full context. Though it seemed more related to them than the present situation. A summation confirmed by the "just don't come back here" statement from the one who gave the strained smile, and Max's follow-up direction of not needing the X-Men to go through the Kingston side of the house.

What was also clear was the attachment Max had towards his family.
A small, empathetic smile crossed Jaclyn's lips. Fleeting in its presence, though the emotions remained.

It was good to know about Annie's Intuition ability and Perry's "mini-therapy sessions" -she'd made a sound point about everyone's own emotions. Jaclyn give a nod to her.

It was a bit too busy for Jaclyn to properly assess her own emotional state, a lot still to pay attention to before she could to herself; breaking up into teams having by then been proposed.

Edus was the first to state he'd be on the "stay" team. Jaclyn sensed his disinclination to return to space and couldn't blame him.

Perry actually voiced hers, and brought up another good point to consider: power allocation.

As Jaclyn was essentially a chameleon powers-wise, her consideration was based more on who else she'd be with; what gaps she might be able to cover. Meeting with the Shi'ar didn't seem like a place powers would necessarily be needed, where as meeting with Mary could escalate into a confrontation and, even before Jaclyn paid conscious thought to the matter, she knew where her feelings were decided: helping people was literally in her job description.

"I have experience with different -complex, personal situations from the youth I've worked with, and I know some different tacts to try when a situation can't be related to directly. I'll be staying here, too."

Her brows then went up at Annie's suggestion of placing Mary in a different reality if need be. Power allocation considered, indeed. To Annie's subsequent offer of packing for everyone, Jaclyn answered as she smoothed a lock of hair behind her ear: "Thanks, Annie. I'll go grab my own bag once we're finished here."

Max had something of further interest to add, in respects to New Orleans. Jaclyn had never thought of the place as supernatural, though now that it was stated as such it made perfect sense in her brain. She also noted Max seemed more settled as he stated which team he'd join and why. His husband had stepped through the portal to join him. When this was all settled, Jaclyn felt like she really wanted to get to know Max better and his family.

As for now, everything seemed to be falling into better place.

Guin affirmed her leadership of the Earth group and gave them a location to go thanks to Rogue.

Jaclyn cast a sensitive smile towards Avery before saying to the Space-bound group at large, ahead of them following Runa: "Take care, you guys."
With what Runa had stated about the Shi'ar, Jaclyn's uncertainty about that avenue was affirmed.
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