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Hidden 4 days ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

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Chandelar: Shi'ar Throneworld

The group had first had to take a brief detour to Asgard, namely so that the Shi'ar could be told that they were coming. Since dropping in uninvited to a race that was known to fight first and ask questions later in the past sometimes was probably not the smartest idea. Lance had decided to tag along with the group, figuring it better to not crowd what the other group was going to attempt to do.

The Bifrost landed them directly onto the Shi'ar Throneworld of Chandelar. The main seat of power for the entire empire, yet not the actual planet that was apparently dubbed the Shi'ar homeworld. That was another planet entirely. In the brief bit of info he had managed to figure out before they ended up going straight there was that there were hundreds of worlds that were technically all a part of the empire, even if the Shi'ar themselves weren't as massive of a force.

"...So are we supposed to just wait around for someone to get us or are we supposed to just walk in sort of?"

"Fairly certain we're supposed to wait here a moment. Probably best not to wander off."

"Considering what this place looks like, wandering away would definitely be a bad idea right now..."

"Ironically this isn't even the Shi'ar homeworld. It's just where they rule from, their official homeworld is a planet called their Aerie, though not sure if it is still around somewhere. With so many planets under their control it is possible it is still out there somewhere. Though that's mostly been speculation in general."

"Got it, so angering them might be a bad idea... Honestly though, we're kind of a bit desperate here right now so we've got nothing really to lose than to ask them for help then right?"

A few more moments passed, before there was the sound of footsteps heading there way, and what looked like a group of people heading over to them. "We've been expecting you. The Majestrix is waiting, as well as a few members of the council," one of them said, looking at the group, "To say many are curious as to the purpose of this visit, however we must be going. Follow us, and do not stray." With that, they headed back the way they came, a few of them seemingly were waiting for the group to pass by so that they'd follow after the group.

New Orleans Botanical Gardens

The gardens was a fairly beautiful area that the group would eventually be able to reach. It was fairly quiet, not a whole lot of people around at the moment. Which truthfully could be a bit of a blessing in disguise in the event that things went poorly.

Guin's phone buzzed with a response from her father, but whether or not she chose to look or not, it was fairly long, but in essence it was essentially just a what are you talking about and what's going on??? sort of response from him. Pietro wasn't entirely sure where in the gardens Mary was, she could be just about anywhere. Though the idea of being here actually was not a super comforting thought.

If things went sideways they literally were in probably the worst possible place to fight her in. Both if she used her plant based powers, or potentially choosing the gardens as fuel for a very large bonfire.

"So... What should we do? I mean I could race around to find where she is in here, but well, that might just alert her to the fact that we're here before we actually want her to know. The wind kind of is a dead giveaway. Then again there is a chance she already knows that we're here cause the entity sees all practically... So who knows?"

"There is a chance that she already does know, a decent one at that, which also gives some slight hope. Since she hasn't attacked us or anything yet."

"I mean, I guess so? Any ideas again how to find her in this place from anyone or anything like that?"

"Well looks like we're about to have more help with looking around here," Cyclops said, before pointing slightly up at the sky.

A few moments later, two figures landed on the ground, one having flown carrying the other. And the pair seemed to be nonother than Rogue and Gambit. They looked over at the group now, "Well, what's everyone waitin' around here for? This is the most likely place in New Orleans she'd be."
Hidden 2 days ago 2 days ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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Ed Penior

Location: New Orleans - Botanical Gardens
Skills: Magic
Magic cloak (like Dr Strange that allows him to fly)
Protection Amulet from Klara

Prior to heading to New Orleans Ed made sure his items were in order. He gathered his cloak, he didn't often wear it in the mansion. Something he was thinking might be important to keep on him after their forced space adventure. He also put on the amulet from Klara. Its power would be useful in this fight and he was thankful for the kind gift.

Ed holds up the spell components for his tracking spell. This close to her would lead him in a straight line to her so it wouldn't take long to find her. "We don't have to be too obvious. I can start tracking her." He nods at the two new to join them in the garden.

Mary likely knew they were there, especially considering how Rogue and Gambit had just arrived. He sets to his spell, taking his time to make sure he did it right. Ed held a chain with a crystal at the end, the crystal was wrapped in the strand of hair he had from Mary. It snapped to attention. "She should be that way.
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