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Hidden 4 days ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX I know what I know.

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Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: New Orleans - Botanical Gardens
Skills: Power Mimicry

OfAll turned her attention back to Peitro, who clearly had taken on the manner of a bickerson. That is, she knew responding to him with the fact that saying what he did wasn't the problem so much as being here at all with that mentality, wasn't likely to cause anything else than a back-and-forth. Which in her experience was one of the most grating things to have going on in the background when you had something going on in your own head.

Which brought things back to Guin, as OfAll could tell he was half focused on her. That settled it - something more was going with their acting leader. How could things already feel so sideways when they only just got here?

OfAll had just had the new idea to suggest Pietro go out and around the surrounding area of the Gardens, to make sure there wouldn't be a bunch of locals coming around -or within a danger radius, though who could say what that could be- but that now fell into the category of what she didn't think he'd take to, right. With his speed anyway, he could always accomplish the task after things fell over completely.

Which fortunately, didn't seem to be happening. They seemed to be righting just a smidge, in fact. OfAll's attention following the thoughtful action of Guin asking Mary if they could try something, and Mary responding in the affirmative. The eye colour flashed OfAll's mind back to Asteroid M. She'd noticed the full shift in Mary's eyes then and questioned to herself if it was the Phoenix. That hadn't quite fit...now she had that piece of the puzzle. Despite this trace of Chrysi, OfAll could feel -not in any uncanny way- a little less tensity in the air as her eyes shifted back to Perry at Mary's concern for her.

She wasn't sure if that had something to do with it - Mary's caring emotion working like putting a stone on the "calm" side of the scale?
At least it meant they were treading okay so far.

Given their proximity, OfAll heard Antoinette explain her plan to Guin, and OfAll herself resumed her visual in-take of the Gardens' contents, while also thinking of a Plan 2. If not Mary's powers, which would be best to manifest? She wasn't going to add herself to the number of telepaths. Though OfAll could show remarkable skill for a power she wasn't familiar with, touching someone's mind without a lot of experience was way too dicey to chance here.

Maybe Edus's power?
OfAll looked back at where he was standing near Jean, and got the impression he was doing his own kind of in-take and problem-solving.

That felt like an apt term to describe any of the team right now: problem-solvers for the greater good -of Mary, their team, and a whole lot more. She had a thought for how the others were getting along, far far away.
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Guin Stark

Location: New Orleans Botanical Gardens
Skills: N/A

Guin bit her lip, thinking through the options - not that they had many. They could try to seal away Mary's alternate personality, something that historically never went well. Repression wasn't the answer, as tempting as it was. Part of her wanted to put an inhibitor collar around Mary's neck and knock her unconscious and give them more time to sort everything out. Something she was sure that Mary wouldn't consent to, something that would then trigger doomsday all the more sooner. She wanted to put her best friend on ice, and find a way to slowly and methodically take out the Phoenix and isolate Mary's mental illness. She wanted to wrap a suit of armor around her mind and save her.

Annie's suggestion was incredibly tempting.

But she couldn't help but wonder if it was wrong - if instead of repressing the other personality, they should try to integrate them into one - or to somehow clone Mary and put the alternate personality in its own body. "Mare - does that sound okay to you?" Guin then asked, leaving the coin toss up to the person whose autonomy was in question.

Avery Spellman

Location: Chandrilar
Skills: N/A

Ben's eyes narrowed slightly at the Majestrix's admission. She was Xavier's child? He didn't share Casper's trauma, and he found him to be exhausting in the best of times, but Casper was like a brother to him. Every time he saw something connected to Casper's abuser, his heart swelled up with anger. It was why it had been so contentious between Max and himself when Max had gone off to join the X-Men - and why he couldn't decide if he hated the Majestrix or pitied her. She was Xavier's daughter. She was also Casper's sister.

And then, the shameful part of him that was a mold of his own father, wondered if they could use it to manipulate her.

Meanwhile, Avery felt completely out of their depth. Everything was already intense enough, meeting Xavier's mysterious alien child wasn't even something that they could begin to properly process. When had Xavier been to space? When had he been to space long enough to have a kid with someone? And if Xavier's kid was the ruler of a mighty empire, why hadn't they known? Did Xavier know? If he knew, why didn't he use that to help mutants - why didn't he ask the Shi'ar to come and push for change? It's what Avery would have done, had they been in that situation.

But mostly, they couldn't get past the revelation that Professor X fucks.

It was such a distracting and foreign thought that Avery almost missed Xandra's explanation about the device, how it hadn't been tested, and the relative urgency that they needed to operate under, due to Shi'ar law. The same urgency that had driven them here - the very real possibility that Mary could be about to lose all control and kill billions of people in the lapse.

"You have my assurance, Majestrix, that the Midgardians' error will not be repeated," Runa vowed. "I will see the host dead myself if needed."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 days ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Shi'ar Throne World
Skills: Current Outfit: Header Image

Lance asked the question that was on everyone's mind. Who was Xandra’s father? And why would they know him? Luckily for them, she wasn't about to hold the information like a guarded secret. She was open and honest as she mentioned Xavier was her father. Another child of Xavier, Max thought, he surely gets around. He willed himself not to roll his eyes at the mention of him, but listened on. He scrutinized every syllable of her statement. Xavier wasn't much to her, an afterthought, a stranger who's name you happened to know and could mention to form some tangible relation to another.

Max had thought about using this relation as a string to pull, a way to sway their need to help them at their cause. But pulling the “we are family” card wouldn't work well here. It wouldn't be detrimental per se, but it also wouldn't be beneficial to mention it. There were concerns about the last time this was an issue, and that was fair, but Runa had stood up and already mentioned that she would ensure we took care of the host should it become a problem. He stepped up near Runa, finally speaking after having given her a deep bow. ”Majestrix, my name is Max, and I stand by Runa of Asgard in this matter. Should the device fail, and our options become exhausted before this entity becomes a threat, I will use my magics to help ensure the host is dead. I cannot abide more of my people dying and in the grand scheme of things, her sacrifice is worth more than her life.”
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