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Hidden 11 days ago 10 days ago Post by Bounce
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”A Song of Garth & Fire, part IV” [ post theme ] [ prev | next ]

Beachrock, Massachusetts

He’d read the page probably a dozen times over.

Each time he tried to turn the page, he just started over again from the top. One finger tapping against the paper as he sat in his patrol car on the side of the road.

The manilla envelope bore the return address of a law firm in Boston. The header at the top read: In the superior court of the state of Massachusetts. Not far beneath that were the words David Theodore Wilson, Defendant.

She was divorcing him.

Absently, the man fidgeted with the wedding band on his hand without even being conscious of what he was doing. He’d been wearing it for eleven years. Twelve this next July.

They were supposed to have gone to New York for their anniversary, a trip they’d been saving for, except Dewey had gotten COVID and then their schedules had just never aligned for it to happen. Next year, they’d told themselves. And now it seemed that money was going to pay for lawyers.

With a sigh, the man tossed the papers and the manilla envelope they’d come in onto the seat beside him. He plucked a stained coffee cup from out of the center console and tasted coffee that had gone cold.

Eleven years. Dating through college. They’d actually met in high school, but had both been seeing other people then.

Now he was being asked to sign his name and let that all go.

As he started to fidget with the wedding band again, the radio suddenly came alive. “Adam-12, 10-21, over.”

Picking up the handset, Dave brought it toward it as he answered, “Adam-12. 10-4.” Then, he hooked the handset back into its holder on the dash.

Police band had too many people listening in. 10-21 was the code to tell him to phone dispatch, which would then be whatever they didn’t want to say over the radio.

Pulling out his cellphone, a swipe of his thumb and a quick tap called up his most frequently dialed number.

“Beachrock Sheriff’s Office.”

“It’s Wilson,” Dave announced, holding the phone in one hand as he spoke. “I just got a 10-21.”

Through the speaker, he could hear the sound of shuffling papers as the dispatch looked at their notes. “We just got a call from Bessie Chambers.”

Joys of a small town. Everybody knew everybody. Bessie Chambers was a retired school teacher. Had been Dave’s middle school math teacher for Seventh and Eighth grade in fact. She’d probably lived in Beachrock since before he’d been born.

“She said she was out on her kayak and encountered a body in the water.”

Already, Dave’s mind was filling in the parts unsaid. Bessie liked to kayak out on the coast. Kept up an old cottage that probably dated back to the Twenties. Small as hell, even for one person, but it had ocean views and a small pier.

“Kayak was too light to try and rescue, and water was too deep to get out. Sge dropped a pin on the location and believe the body should be washing up on shore.”

“I’m near the old fisherman’s wharf,” Dave said, already starting the car. “Near here?”

“Dropping the pin to you now.”

A ping signaled the arrival of the geo tag. “Got it,” Dave remarked, hanging up as he pulled up his phone’s navigation app and started to pull back onto the road.

As he did, he grabbed the handset and announced, “Dispatch, Adam-12. 76 to 10-32, over.”

“Dispatch. 10-4. Out.”

A drowning. Not exactly what Dave had wanted to have come up on his first day back.

+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +

3,600 feet below sea level

The sediment hung thick in the water.

Stirring, the old sorcerer found himself winded and barely alive. Instead, glimpses of a hellish scene seemed to fade in and out as Vulko went in and out of consciousness.

He could feel the presence of others mulling around him. Rescuers? They seemed to be systematically picking through the debris.

A moment later, a pair of hands hauled the battered sorcerer from off the ocean floor. In his disoriented state, it was a moment before Vulko was even aware of being carried away. Details began to filter through the fog that seemed to muffle his brain.

These were guards. The royal guard? No. The royal guard didn’t wear this attire. These were... soldiers?

The edge of consciousness brought with it a deep sense of dread as Vulko realized that these were Venturian soldiers. Here, in Shayeris.

As his head hung down, the sorcerer tried to find the strength to look around. Venturian soldiers. On all sides. Moving through the city.

Shayeris had fallen.

Brought before a chapel on the edge of the city, the sorcerer was shoved down onto his knees. He knew even without raising his head who it was waiting to receive his submission. “Prince Slizzath,” Vulko spat dryly.

“I’m pleased you’re not dead,” the sorcerer could hear the mocking tone, the feigned concern, rolling around in his mind as the dark prince loomed at the makeshift throne up on the dias. “Having the Chancellor of the Silent School perform his duties overseeing the coronation will be a welcome show of tradition. Once this mess is cleaned up, of course.”

“You mean give legitimacy to your coup,” Vulko uttered flatly, at last finding the strength to try and raise his head.

The prince’s purple eyes were aglow with a hellish light, like a demon’s that were dreaming. “I wasn’t aware that legitimacy was a concern,” Slizzath remarked candidly, before repeating, “The king is dead. Long live the king. This is the order of things.”

Vulko just fell silent.

No longer amused, the dark prince made a dismissive gesture. “See that his wounds are treated.”

The soldier’s hands roughly seized the sorcerer, hauling him up from the floor.

“Oh, and Vulko. You’re in shock, so I’ll forgive your obstinance. This time,” the prince warned darkly, flashing a devil’s smile. “But make no mistake. The Chancellor serves the king of Shayeris. Serve well... and live.”

+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +

Beachrock, Massachusetts

The police cruiser rolled off the asphalt, tires digging into the rocky sand as Dave went off the beaten path toward where the geo tag had indicated the body had been seen.

Even assuming it had washed up, the tide could have put it anywhere. “Dispatch, Adam-12. 23 10-32, over,” he announced, speaking into the radio clipped up on his shoulder. The weather had turned cool. The season was over, so there wasn’t likely to be many people about on the beach.

Indeed, Dave found a cold wind coming in off the bay, and not a soul in sight on the beach.

“Dispatch, 10-4, out.”

Walking down to the water’s edge, Dave let the tide roll over the top of his boots as he scanned the shore and started moving up the coast. For all he knew, the body could have washed up somewhere behind him. If it had washed up at all.

To be honest this whole thing felt like a snipe hun...

There. A shape stuck in the sand, as the water ebbed and flowed around it. As Dave started moving toward it, something was gnawing at the back of his mind. Something that made his pace quicken.

It was small. Petite? An overwhelming feeling of deja vu caused a cold sweat to break out, as a dread came over Dave.

Like he was reliving his worst day.

It was a kid. Face down in the water and sand. Kneeling down beside the body, Dave began to go through his duties with a numb sort of detachment. Pulling out his phone, Dave switched it to voice memo and began recording for the report he’d be drafting later. “Possible male. Maybe teen. Black hair. Clothing is...”

Dave stopped, his attention focused on the red and blue attire. The shirt was made of something like shark skin?

“What the hell are you wearing?” Dave uttered softly.

The body moved.

Dave Wilson probably lost at least ten years of his life in that moment, the jump scare causing him to drop his phone into the water.

He ignored it. Instead, his hands went to the boy’s neck. Two fingers pressed against the skin.

The color drained from Dave’s face at the realization that the boy was alive.Hooking one arm around the child’s body, Dave hauled the boy ashore with one hand while the other grabbed the radio. “Dispatch, Adam-12. 10-52. Repeat, 52.”

“Dispatch, 10-4, 52.”

Laying the boy down on the beach, Dave rolled him onto his back and was mentally running through his CPR training. Pulse, check. Breathing...

As though answering Dave’s unvoiced question, the child’s mouth opened as he seemed to start gagging. Then came the water. A proverbial geyser of water-vomit.

As the boy started to gag a second time, Dave went to turn him onto his side.

Instead, Dave watched with a kind of amazement as the world turned upside down. It was only a second later that his mind registered the fact that the boy had come up from the ground and, in so doing, tossed Dave aside like a used tissue.

He hit the beach in a rough landing, trying to tuck and roll too late. Pain shot through his knee and back.

“Adam-12, 10-52 is 76.”

Great. At this point, Dave wasn’t sure if that ambulance was for the kid. Or for him.

Catching his breath, Dave came up into a crouch and realized that the boy was now sprawled out in the sand.

A hand outstretched, deep hand impressions like the child had been trying to claw his way back to the water. Moving back over to the boy, Dave confirmed that the boy was breathing now. But out cold.

Just what in hell had just happened?
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Hidden 9 days ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The Lanterns

The Bus, Above the the Rockies

Hal was walking back from the kitchen to his room with a small armful of snacks when he passed Sinestro walking towards the back of the plane. "Hey, bud, where you going?" Sinestro looked a little confused at being called "Bud"

"Are you accusing me of being some sort of flower?" He asked.

"No, bud as in Buddy. Pal. Friend... My Dude..." Hal replied. Sinestro still looked a little confused, but smply rolled his eyes.

"Green Lantern, come with me." He ordered. Hal looked around for some convenient place to put the snacks, before remembering he had the ring, creating a bubble of green energy around his snacks and sending them off to his room, before beginning to follow Sinestro. "Green Lantern, you have become rather proficient with that ring. I am pleased with your progress that you have made controlling it." Hal was rather taken aback. This was the first time that Sinestro had really, genuinely complimented him.

"Thanks." He replied.

"I do no say that lightly. Many lanterns take years to properly come to terms with the power they wield, especially the military ones. Military discipline usually stamps out creativity, which is an absolute necessity in order to get the most from the rings." As they reached one of the aerial insertion airlocks, Sinestro stopped. "The point is, that your aptitude in dealing with Deaths Head, your power with the ring and your unshakable will have given me the confidence to make the following decision." He said as his own Gold Lantern costume descended over his suit. "I am going to be gone for a while. Maybe a month by your Earth time. I am going to go out to a less populated part of the galaxy and make some noise. Draw Ronan's attention away from Earth." The surprises just did not seem to stop rolling with Sinestro.

"Wait, that's suicide. If he catches you-" Sinestro interupted him.

"Which he won't."

"All 7 Lanterns didn't stand a chance last time, what are you gonna do by yourself?" Hal asked.

"The difference is that i know he is coming and i will be able to make traps. Draw him in. Keep his attention to that part of the galaxy away from Earth. In the meantime, you sort out the affairs of your planets petty squabbles and get the information on the blue, indigo, star sapphire and orange rings. When i return, we will continue the search with far more time available to us." Sinestro put his hand on Hals shoulder. "Can i trust you with this Green Lantern?" Hal was REALLY confused by this. Sinestro was almost acting like a completely different person. But then again, the fate of the universe was at stake, so he didn't really know how Sinestro acted when the chips were down.

"Of course. I've got May and Dex to back me up. I'll keep them in line and on task. When you get back, we'll have at least 1 more Lantern recruited." He put his 3 fingers up "Scouts honour"

"I will keep you to that." Sinestro replied, before pressing the button to open the air-lock to step inside.

"Wait, aren't you going to help us with transfering Deaths Head? You are the one who said he's a master escape artist. Also, have you told Fury?" Hal asked, grabbing his arm. Sinestro pulled himself free and stepped into the airlock. "Also, how are you even getting to space?"

"Deaths Head's ship is an old IG-2000. I know how to hot-wire it." He replied. Hal was interested to know that starships could be hot-wired. "It will get me anywhere i need to go. Also, it'll make it look like Deaths Head has chased me off this planet and to the quiet part where i can dump it and make Ronan think i'm recruiting over there." He replied.

"Doesn't answer the question about Fury." Sinestro pressed a button to close the airlock and shrugged, before pressing the final button and being sucked out into the air. "Ooooooh Fury is going to KILL me..." He groaned. He then saw Dex down the coridor, dragging the shattered remains of his green orb filled with snacks after he had clearly clawed his way into it, taking the snacks somewhere safe. "YOU KNOW YOU ONLY HAVE TO ASK TO GET FOOD FROM THE KITCHEN!" Hal yelled down the hallway to Dex. Dex stopped, stared straight at Hal and took a large bite out of one of the twinkies, not even chewing it, just swallowing the bite, wrapper and all, while staring Hal in the eyes to assert his dominance. "Nope, that's it, i'm checking myself into the grippy socks spa when we land. I'm done." He turned and stormed away "I'M DONE!!!

LaGuardia Airport, Queens.

One of the less used runways had been used for the Bus to land quietly. With any luck, nobody would know what was happening until Deaths Head was safely in one of the Green Cells. Clamped in irons made from both Green and Red lantern energies, he was marched to a secure van. "You plan to keep me in some little Human jail, yes? This should be most amusing" He laughed as he was bundled into the van along with Hal, May and Dex, the pair keeping his manacles on him while May sat in the front with the driver. The drive was quiet. Hal could see Deaths Head's eyes constantly scanning the manacles as well as the rest of the truck, formulating a plan of escape.

"Food-Can cultist is brave to attempt escape with Dex-Starr next to him." The cat growled. Hal was surprised Dex could read expressions like that. But then again, Cats always seemed to know what humans were thinking. Deaths Head stared at Dex, remembered the claws in his tongue and simply went back to scanning.

As the truck arrived down at the Manhattan Waterfront. Deaths Head was quietly loaded into a small and inconspicuous looking tugboat. "You are being transported to a secret underwater facility known as The Raft. There, you will spend some time in custody until such time as a grand jury is convened to hear your case and then a trial will commence." May told him as he was sat in a cell down bellow."If you are found guilty, your stay may be much longer."

"Spare me your mockery of justice, human. I would get more compassionate justice from a Quintesson." May didn't know what one of those was, but she suspected they weren't compassionate creatures. "But we both know i will not be here for long, yes?" He grinned.

"Your cell was custom designed to hold something 1000x stronger than you. You'll be a nice trial run for when we finally catch that one." She sneered. As the boat headed out into the bay, Hal stodd just in sight of the small cell holding Deaths Head, looking out at the Statue of Liberty.

"You know, May, first time i've seen her from sea level. Only other times i've been to the big apple was for air shows. So, only seen her before from the air." He said, knowingly. "She's french you know." He smiled, as if that factoid was somehow not common knowledge. Hal wasn't particularly sea sick. He had served on Carriers before. Gotten his sea legs. As the boat arrived at what looked like a small navigation Buoy, it stopped alongside and ropes were fastened. Hal engulfed Death's Head in a bubble of Green Energy and was just about to take him out when suddenly he heard a commotion from outside.

"HOLY SHIT, CAST OFF, HARD ABOUT!!!" He heard from the skipper. Hal dropped the bubble, but not the manacles and rushed above deck as the little tugboat rocked hard in the building swell of the harbour. Hal got above deck just in time to see the immense wave.

"Oh shit indeed!" Hal replied. He needed to think fast. Putting his ring hand out, a green bubble encased the top of the Tugboat to make it watertight. The boat was then engulfed in the wave, the undertow dragging it down under the water, but the immense amount of air Hal had trapped inside helping to make it bob back up to the surface. But just as the boat was about to crest, suddenly Hal heard a shattering sound. As if Glass was being smashed and Stone Cold Steve Austin was making his epic appearance to challenge him. But it wasn't a wrestler, it was water. Hal looked to see that, in his haste to save the boat, he had completely forgotten abut Deaths Head. He had left the cell door open from when he was taking him out. He couldn't see Dex and now water was rushing into the boat from the exit Deaths Head had presumably made for himself. Hal quickly closed the smashed spot with more ring energy, but the water had rushed in quickly and they were slightly less buoyant now. He tried dragging the boat to the surface with the ring and did succeed, but the boat was now low in the water. Hal looked around, maybe to see Deaths Head, but he couldn't. But he did see Dex slowly floating through the air towards the Statue of Liberty itself. "DEX! HELP ME!!! HELP THEM!!!" Hal called after he cat, but Dex seemed to have his own priorities, none of which included helping Hal. "May!" He looked around and saw May with the phone to her head, but then looked at it.

"No signal" She grunted.

"Get to land, i'll head over to help the people on the island." Hal said, floating up and seeing the little tug make its best possible speed for land, while being tossed around on the waves like a bead of sweat in an aerobics teachers cleavage. As Hal ascended, he saw something streaking through the water at breakneck speed towards he island as well. "Deaths Head?" Hal set off flying as fast as he could to try and keep up with the being in the water. But as the person came up with a survivor in hand, Hal quickly realized it wasn't Deaths Head... No, this one was a girl... And a hot girl at that. Hal slapped his own face hard "JORDAN, WE ARE ON THE JOB! NOT ON THE JOB!!!" He grunted under his breath at himself. Hal looked around to see others in the water. "Fear not, citizens, the Green Lantern is here to rescue you." He said, waving his hand around. Pointing to the water, a long beam of green energy shot out under the water and he began hauling people up using a large, solid net that was strong enough for people to stand on, but had holes so the water could drain. He managed to pull quite a few people up and brought them to the top of the statue's lookout post at the top of her torch. Letting them step off. Dex was laying in loaf-mode on the parapet of her torch looking down. "RED LANTERN, YOU MAYBE WANNA HELP?" Hal yelled at the cat. It stared back at him, before the tail flicked a little and a red rope lashed out to grab another person out of the water. "Thank you!" Hal said through gritted teeth.

"This one smells of haddock. I will look after them." Dex replied, hauling the person up to the relative safety of the extended arm. There was a groan from the copper and steel structure as it was hit by forces it wasn't particularly designed to be hit by. Hal had been a little trigger-happy with the ring energy so far and he didn't want a repeat his his fight with Deaths Head. Luckily, he had charged up as the last thing he did before leaving the bus. Hal looked at Dex again.

"The arm isn't the most structurally stable, it's why it's closed to the public. If you want to stay here, you're gonna need to use your ring energy to reinforce the structure." Hal said. Dex seemed to mull it over for a second, before he flicked his tail again and red energy seemed to flow through the statue of Liberty's arm to reinforce it and make using the torch as a temporary rescue post into a viable option. Hal looked at the people clinging to his net structure, despite being able to get up and walk around on it comfortably. "Please move to the torch. I need to rescue others." Hal said. "And do not touch the cat, he is NOT friendy. I repeat he is NOT friendly."
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Hidden 8 days ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 21 min ago


Iris couldn't help herself, she didn't even hear the beginning of the opening line. "We really need to talk about boundaries Doctor-"


"No. You don't get to just call me up and play the name card, you just show up at my door one day, knowing my real identity after violating my privacy, tell me what to do. Say you can help me, now I'm in the middle of a crisis and then you just call me up, on a number I never gave you. So what do you have to say for yourself? What excuse for violating my privacy are you going to use this time?"

"Iris look at the news."

Iris scoffed as she pulled her phone down low, swiping the call away all the colour drained from her face as she saw the headline. "ROUGE WAVE HITS ELLIS ISLAND" The photos were all blurry, clearly taken by shocked New Yorkers at the wave that came from within the bay rose up and headed towards the famous statue.

Pulling her phone back up to her ear as the colour drained from her face. "What do you need me to do?"

She heard the sigh from the other end of the phone.

"You are a Superhero aren't you? Well this seems like a time to go and be, well, heroic."

Checking on her maps she couldn't help but laugh. "That's nearly 600 miles away, to get there in time to do anything-"

"You'd have to run at over thirteen hundred miles per hour."

"-that's ridiculous, I've not even cracked the sound barrier yet and that's what, half of that?"

"You can do it."

"Well thanks for the faith Doc but-"

"This is nothing to do about faith." Iris had to admit, for some reason. That stung a little bit. "Before you went too fast for it and ran through a wall you were nearly at one thousand miles per hour. Had it not failed, you could have been going faster.

Iris sighed. Whether or not she ould do it, Wells was right. She had to try. "Okay."

"Good. Now get to the airport. You're going to need to make space, and break the sound barrier while you're not near any buildings or people. There will be a shockwave and we want to try and minimise any collatoral damage with everything else that is going on, and most importantly?"


"Run Iris, Run."
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Hidden 8 days ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 1 hr ago

“Okay, can we chill out for a second? As a representative of Earth, I-”

“-say we just kill him.” Rachel interjected on Garfield’s plea.

Lobo let out a dark chuckle. “You can try.”

Rachel turned her eyes on him, the pair glowing with magic for a moment before widening as they shifted back to their normal purple. “Your soul isn’t part of the cycle of life and death? And how did you manage that?”

Lobo stood, the floating weapons trained on him shifting up to keep their fixation. “Yeeeah, I’m too bad for Hell, too good lookin’ for Heaven, and too buck wild for Purgatory. Only reason I haven’t popped your eyeballs yet is because I don’t wanna break my stuff trying.” Slamming both his fists against his chest, he cried, “I’m fraggin’ unkillable baby!”

“Fair enough. Like I said, I’m only here for the green one, what’s your business with him?”

“Nuthin’. I’m a bounty hunter, and the Tamaranian chick is playing hard to get. The green kid’s just in my way.”

“Good. I’ll take him and you two can sort out the rest.”

“I object!” Garfield cried. Before he got the chance to make his statement, Rachel hovered over, glaring right into his eyes. Garfield only flinched for a brief moment. “You’re just gonna let him come here and do whatever he wants? I don’t even know her name but I’m not going to turn away from someone who needs my help!”

“Think with your upper brain for half a second. We can’t kill the bounty hunter even if we tried. Unless you know of a nearby volcano or got a business card from that wizard-”

“Volcano wouldn’t work. It’s a scuz but I’ve walked out of ‘em before. Hurt’s like a bastiche though, so you better-” Lobo called.

“The people of this planet have two brains? I’ve never heard of such a being in all the cosmos! Not without two heads, that is.”

“I was talking!

“...Just the men.”

“Oh! And yet this doesn’t seem to increase their intelligence by significant amounts. Curious.”

“Wow, okay, rude.” Shaking his head, he insisted, “Look, we just need to make it more worth his while to drop the bounty. He had some other aliens to pick up, what if we help him with that in exchange?”

Koriand’r frowned. “Among them would be my father and mother, and a few other Tamaranians loyal to our faction. I would like to gather them all and return home, but do not have the means.” Lifting her hair, she tilted her head to reveal a dark diamond mark set to the back of he neck. “Furthermore, we are all branded. The Gordanians only temporarily released us with the intent of reclaiming their captives at a later time. Lobo may merely be the first to try and claim the bounty.”

Rachel looked at Garfield again, waving her two hands towards Kori. “You defend her now, you defend her from an entire extraterrestrial race and all the resources at their disposal. Cut your losses now and let’s move on.” Shaking her head, she muttered, “Unless you’d rather die free than live the rest of your life as my thrall.”

Garfield wracked his brain, before something clicked. “Well, if he’s afraid of someone more powerful...” Turning about, he offered, “Didja know that her dad could definitely beat up your dad?”

Rachel raised her fist, jabbing Garfield on his upper arm. Lobo shrugged, “I hope so! Space dust don’t put up much of a fight. Not that he had much fight back before Lobo Day.”

“...What’s Lobo Day?”

“The day I genocided my home planet and catapulted the empty husk into our local star. I celebrate the anniversary every year with my favorite diner slop and the home movies I made on the day.”

“...Okay we need a plan B.”

“Don’t kid yourself, you never even had a plan A.”

Rapping his hand against his skull in thought, he calmed himself when Koriand’r placed her hand on his shoulder. “I do appreciate you efforts, hero of Earth, but as they say on my home planet, there is a time where one must accept the they are forever within the Laznian’s maw.”

The cultural reference being lost on him aside, Garfield understood the meaning. “You...you’re giving up? What happened to refusing to give in?”

Kori shook her head, “If he really has casually genocided one world, I cannot let him do the same here, not after you so gallantly came to my aid. Please, green one, take solace in knowing that your kindness has given me something I can never return.” Garfield felt his spirit crumbling, but he had no words to offer. Head raised high, she took a step towards Lobo. “Very well. I, Princess Koriand’r of Tamaran, surrender myself to you.”

Rachel lowered Lobo’s weapons, but the Main Man’s face didn’t contain relief, glee, or smug certainty, instead falling to a careful consideration. “Princess?” Scratching at his shaggy hair, he grumbled, “You fraggin’ serious?” He glanced between Koriand’r and Garfield’s confused faces. “Fraggin’… Catchin’ a few loose war prisoners is one thing, but Tamaran throws some sick parties.” He took a few steps, pushing past the floating weapons before lowering his head down on the hood of a car, crashing through the metal and leaving a heavy dent. Shaking his head, he muttered, “One sec.” Pulling some device out of his pocket, he tapped a few button before holding it up to his face. “Hey scuzzos! You didn’t say there was Tamaranian royalty in the bounty. I don’t do royalty, not for that chump change. I want five times what you’re offering for the lot. ...Double? You think I’m fraggin’ around? Nah, forget it then, just give me the deposit back on the tracker… Hey, hey! It only broke because of your prisoner, I didn’t do a keezy thing! You give me that deposit back or-he, what’s your name? G’nahsa? Yeah okay G’nahsa you give me that deposit back or I’ll fly over there and pull your nasa out of your quin through your-DON’T YOU HANG UP ON ME! I’M GONNA FIND YOUR FAMILY, A GALLTRIAN ACIDSKIFF, AND MAKE SURE YOU ALL GET REAL FRIENDLY YOU KEEZY FRAGGIN’ BASTICHE YOU DON’T CROSS THE MAIN MAN LOBO, YOU HEAR ME!?” With a roar he threw his comms device on the ground, the metal bouncing off the sidewalk into a building window and crashing through. Picking up the damaged car he let out another yell before tossing it into the window after. Catching his breath, he threw his hair back before turning back to the three teens. Wiping at his forehead, he muttered, “Negotiations broke down. I’ll deal with those scuzzers later. ‘fore then, what’s the best slop you got to eat on this rock?”
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Hidden 8 days ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"You truly don't know what you've just done, do you?"

Bruce's uncle confronted him, and the displeasure was evident in his tone and expression. The conference room was nearly empty, except for a few eager individuals hoping to have a personal conversation with the newly appointed CEO. Despite Philip Kane's composed facade, a subtle glimpse of his unfiltered thoughts was ready to break through, catching his nephew's full focus.

"Shutting down the entire arms division, canceling those DoD contracts without reason, will cost the company millions! Not to mention, our competitors will surely swoop in to grab those contracts, especially Powers Technology. They've been eagerly waiting for an opportunity to gain an advantage over us, and now they've got it." Philip's hands clenched as he exclaimed, struggling to contain his outrage. Yet, his anger cut deeper than it seemed. To everyone else, it appeared as a simple objection from a man on his way out. But to Bruce, it felt like a desperate final plea to change course now before... Before what, though?

"I understand your concerns, uncle." Bruce smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I have already devised a plan to recuperate any lost profits during this transitional period."

"It isn't just about the money." Philip nearly shouted; his frustration was pretty evident. After taking a moment to collect himself, he stepped back from Bruce and continued in a last-ditch effort, "Your decision will definitely ruffle some feathers with the investors and partners I've dedicated sixteen years of my life nurturing for the company. I can't bear to see all my hard work undone by a mistake that could simply be overlooked. Your father would agree with me and berate you afterward."

The room fell into stunned silence as Philip's final words hung in the air, nearly every eye focused upon him. Frantically, he quickly tried to backtrack, stammering, "Ah, that's not what I meant-"

Bruce felt the tension in the room escalating as if any criticism of him or his father was forbidden. Emilia, in particular, was appalled by the remark and wasted no time in contacting security to have him escorted out of the building. It felt not just insulting but also as if he was being treated like that fragile child all over again. That was almost two decades ago; he had managed to move forward in a positive and healthy way. At least, that's what he told himself. But just before things could've gotten any more awkward, Bruce cut in to defuse the tension and carefully approached his uncle. "You could be right, Philip. My decision might indeed disappoint my father. Unlike you, the chance to have that personal connection with him was taken from me, but I've dived deep into how his decisions made Wayne Enterprises a global powerhouse. Thomas Wayne was ambitious, yet never lost sight of the principles he pledged to uphold as a doctor long before even inheriting the company."

"You see it in the several donations to the ICRC and other humanitarian agencies for his own pocket. Keeping that in mind, my father would actually agree with me." Bruce declared firmly to the whole room. His uncle was stunned and disheartened, realizing he couldn't sway his nephew to reconsider. With a heavy sigh, Philip began to leave the room, feeling utterly deflated, even though security was on its way. He hesitated to leave, then turned to Bruce and spoke in a hushed tone:

"At least you're as brave as he was—you'll need it."

Bruce stared at his uncle in surprise, struck by the veiled warning that seemed to be the only piece of advice he could offer. Emilia came up to him and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am." Bruce answered warmly as Lucius Fox joined them. "While I disagree with Philip's comments about your father, he does have a point about the financial hit we're going to face. I really hope your plan pulls through."

A member of the board spoke up nervously. "GCPD should be at least be open to hearing our offer, especially with the recent increase in crime."

"I still think it's too risky to get involved with them given their... reputation," another border member interjected.

"That's why we should be helping them out," Emilia chimed in.

"This isn't a guaranteed deal, and I am exploring all other options. I hope to have lunch with the commissioner soon to discuss a potential partnership. In the meantime, I want us to prepare for the worst-case scenario regardless." Bruce declared as he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket, quickly pulling it out. A text from Alfred flashed on the screen that made him chuckle: Harvey insists on talking today. Meet him at the cafe near his office.

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Hidden 7 days ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Jasper and Marty stood on the observation side of the observation window as Jubilee sat in bed and sipped on a blood pack through the de-needled IV tube. To an outside observer, the whole situation was a farcical sight. The pair were in spare scrubs, their suits taken, first for trace evidence, and then for laundering, covered in blood from desperately trying to restrain a frenzied Jubilee as they were, and now they were in a near-daze watching the teenage girl sucking viscous red liquid through plastic piping that stretched and corkscrewed and looped on itself like a silly straw, with no small amount of enthusiasm. She looked like a kid with a capri-sun. The arm that held the blood pack had a thick leather strap wrapped and bolted around the forearm, which in turn was secured to a chain that trailed to the floor. The chain rattled as Jubilee shifted around, squeezing corners of the pack to pull the last of her dinner out.

Jasper turned away, walking across the small room away from the window to sit in a fold-out chair that had been put against the wall. Marty turned around and leaned against the wall. The men looked at each other in silence for a long while, before Jasper just rubbed his eyes. He should have been in bed six hours ago - or at least half-asleep on the couch in front of the television, a drained glass of whiskey threatening to tumble out of his slack hand.
"Are you sure that's okay?" Marty asked, turning his head to glance at Jubilee again in his periphery before looking back to Jasper. Jasper just looked back with a nonplussed expression.
"The blood pack. Are you sure that's okay? It's meant to be a donation."
"Oh it's being donated alright." Jasper said, pushing his head back and leaning it against the wall behind him, closing his eyes in search of a brief respite.
"I mean, is it safe?"

Jasper frowned, and lifted his head again to look at Marty with a furrowed brow.
"It's a blood pack. No one's getting hurt. You'd prefer the alternative?"
Marty shook his head, going slightly pale as he thought about that orderly's torn-apart corpse again. He looked back through the window as Jubilee balled up the empty blood pack and wrapped it in its own tubing before tossing it across the room into the bin. It fell in with a smooth entry and the girl gave herself a short subtle fist-pump for the shot.
"Aren't we encouraging it, though? Shouldn't we lock her up? Put her in a cell?"
"Christ, Marty, she's just a kid."
"She's a vampire!" Marty said, wheeling around to look Jasper in the eye.
"Well I don't have a fucking protocol leaflet on VAMPIRES, Marty, do you?!"

Jasper was stood up, his face reddened and voice raised, the distance between him and the junior agent swiftly covered. Sitwell was a tall man, and he loomed over Marty, who cowed beneath him.
"No, sir. Sorry." He answered. His voice sounded small. Behind them, Jubilee listened through the glass. Jasper could see her ears twitching. It apparently didn't matter that the observation room was supposed to be sound-proofed.
"No. I didn't think so." Jasper said, his voice returned to its usual measured, even tone. He stepped back. They were dealing with a complete unknown, but he had to remain in control; Marty's concerns were but a small example of a greater evil that Jasper knew lurked within SHIELD. He'd already personally destroyed of all pending biological samples from the girl.

He walked to the door, leaving Marty behind.
"I need to talk to Nick. Until then, you do nothing. You say nothing. Your only job is to make sure she's looked after, and looked after well. Whatever you think - whatever you feel - she's still just a girl, and she still needs our help. And that's a damn order."
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Hidden 6 days ago Post by Half Pint
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Half Pint

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Volume 1 - The Heir of Dorado
New Suit, New Enemies

Necalli stalked through the trees, stepping from branch to branch high above the jungle floor as his newly enhanced senses guided him quietly towards his prey. His new Black Panther suit he wore clung to his body like a second skin, its design masterfully crafted for stealth and agility. The matte black vibranium weave was so dark that it seemed to swallow the moonlight, rendering him almost invisible in the dense shadows of the jungle canopy.

Hints of vibranium shimmered subtly throughout the suit, woven into its very fabric. Shimmering purple accents traced in veins along his gauntlets, boots, and mask. The suit was more than just armor, it absorbed impacts with ease, redistributing kinetic energy to protect its wearer while maintaining Necalli's agility. The vibranium also reinforced the retractable claws in his gloves, which gleamed faintly under the light as they silently extended and retracted. Sharp enough to tear through metal, they lay dormant until needed, hidden in the folds of his fingers.

His belt carried compact smoke bombs, designed to vanish in an instant into a thick, suffocating mist, and poisoned darts crafted from bone, tipped with deadly venom. Necalli's spear, sheathed at his side in its collapsed form, was also made of vibranium. Its sharp edge gleamed with faint purple etchings, and its handle extended at a moment’s notice, transforming it into a deadly weapon capable of cutting through nearly anything.

The helmet, stylized after a sleek and fearsome panther, offered perfect visibility in the darkness. Its feline contours merged seamlessly with the suit, the vibranium reinforcing key areas without hindering his movements. The eyes of the mask glinted in the darkness, catching the faintest light as Necalli moved, with a simple tap it could change to Nightvision or Thermal. Not that Necalli needed it, the heart shaped herb had enhanced his eyesight to see in even almost pitch black.

Draped across his back was a thin, durable cloak, made from a fabric interwoven with vibranium fibers. It added a layer of protection while still being light and flexible, allowing Necalli to vanish into the environment at will, like a shadow fading into the night.

More reports of invaders had come in, and they were only increasing. Necalli had been surprised when he first confronted his father about them, but even more surprised when he was made privy to how often these events were happening. His orders as always, were to dissuade them from coming back, send them down a wrong path and scare them off hoping they wont come back.

Necalli thought it was all so pointless. They'd done this time and time again what would make this time any different?

As he neared the location they were spotted at, a concerning smell reached his nose. Smoke. Man made smoke. He picked up the pace, brushing past trees quickly as he began to see the clouds of black fumes rising up from the ground. What's worse was the sound of the hiss that caused it all. Flamethrowers. These savages weren't content with being turned around. They wanted Dorado, and if they couldn't find it through normal means then they'd burn the jungle down to find it.

Necalli felt a surge of rage pulsing through him as he clung to the tree. How long could this go on for? Would they allow these men to burn the whole jungle down to reach Dorado? And what then? Hope the shield holds up? By that point these soldiers will have taken their photos and Dorado would be revealed to the world anyway. It was time for action. Necalli could no longer stand idly by while his home was destroyed.

For a moment a faint glimmer of doubt took hold of his heart. Taking action without the permission of his father was tantamount to treason. He glanced across the burning jungle to a burnt tree, still somehow standing despite its base engulfed in climbing flames. On it crouched the first Black Panther, the man Necalli had seen watching him during his spirit journey. He had been having these hallucinations since then, seeing ghosts that weren't there. He took this as a sign. The first panther wouldn't stand for this, he would act.

He slid the spear from his belt and flicked his wrist, causing it to extend to its full length in his hand.

Necalli crouched low, watching from above as the mercenaries with flamethrowers moved through the undergrowth. His muscles coiled like a predator's, his spear vibrating faintly in his hand. The jungle crackled around them, consumed by flames that these men had set to flush out anything, and anyone hidden in the dense foliage.

Necalli's anger simmered beneath the surface, ready to explode. These invaders weren't just intruders; they were destroyers. And this time, words and warnings wouldn't be enough.

The first mercenary didn't even know what hit him. Necalli dropped silently from the trees, his suit absorbing the shock of the landing. In one fluid motion, his spear sliced through the man's throat, the body collapsing in a heap before he could let out a scream. His retractable claws flashed under the dying embers of the firelight as he dragged the body into the shadows before the others noticed.

The jungle swallowed the sound of the kill, but not for long. A flamethrower hissed in the distance as another mercenary swung around. "We got something!" he barked into his radio, noticing his comrade's blood trail leading deeper into the jungle. The roar of fire flared up again as he sprayed the surrounding trees, desperate to flush Necalli out.

Necalli crouched low and rolled forward, narrowly avoiding the brunt of the flame. The fire splashed against his suit, but it dissipated harmlessly as the vibranium weave almost all but neutralized the heat. He moved, a blur in the darkness, closing the distance between him and his next target.

Two more men appeared from his right, weapons raised, their flashlights cutting through the smoke and shadows. One of them shouted "There!" as he fired a burst of bullets in Necalli's direction.

Necalli twisted his body, gripping the end of his cape and swinging it around him as a shield. The vibranium infused fabric flared out around him, hardening upon impact with the bullets. The rounds slammed into the cloak, stopping dead in their tracks, the kinetic energy being absorbed harmlessly into the suit. As the fabric fluttered back into place, Necalli reappeared, his claws gleaming in the moonlight.

He sprinted forward, the movement so fast the men barely registered him as more than a blur. The first soldier swung his rifle, trying to get a shot, but Necalli was already upon him. His claws extended, slicing through the barrel of the rifle as he knocked it from the man's grip. Necalli brought his fist down, claws puncturing through the soldier’s chest plate, then spun, using the body as a shield against incoming fire from the second.

The remaining man panicked, spraying bullets wildly. Necalli flicked his wrist again, hurling the body of the fallen soldier forward, crashing into his comrade with a sickening thud. He followed the momentum, leaping into the air, his spear aimed with deadly precision. It pierced the first man's back straight through the second, pinning them both to the jungle floor.

For a moment, there was silence, broken only by the crackling of the fires around them.

Necalli's breath came steady. His suit pulsed faintly, redistributing the stored energy he had absorbed from the earlier attacks. The flamethrowers hissed in the background, the inferno threatening to consume everything. Necalli reached for his belt, tossing a compact smoke bomb at the remaining men who had been watching in horror as they swung their flamethrowers around to burn him. It exploded in a cloud of thick black mist, obscuring their vision completely.

Before they could react, Necalli was already inside the cloud.

One man screamed as claws tore across his chest. Another fired blindly, the muzzle flashes giving Necalli brief flashes of his desperate face. Necalli ducked low, then surged forward, his elbow slamming into the man's jaw with a satisfying crack. He dispatched the last with a fluid motion of his spear, the blade slicing clean through the flamethrower tank strapped to his back. The mercenary screamed, but it was too late, the equipment burst into flames, engulfing him in the fire he had unleashed on the jungle.

Necalli emerged from the smoke, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed the scene. He crouched beside the fallen mercenaries, his enhanced senses picking up something strange amidst the scorched earth and scattered equipment. As he sifted through their belongings, he noticed a small, reinforced tactical pouch attached to the leader's belt. His eyes narrowed, it was too sophisticated for regular mercenary gear.

Carefully, he removed the pouch and inspected it. The material was heat resistant, designed to withstand extreme conditions, and the lock required a complex code to open. Necalli tapped into the technology integrated into his suit, scanning the lock with his mask. A faint, almost imperceptible pulse of energy disrupted the code, and the lock clicked open.

Inside, he found a set of encrypted documents and a compact tablet. The tablet's screen flickered on, revealing fragments of communication logs and schematics. Strange symbols and coded instructions jumped out at him, along with blurry coordinates that linked back to several key locations around Dorado. One logo caught his attention. A stylized claw, stamped repeatedly on the documents and interface.

He looked over some of the equipment around him. It was cutting edge technology for the outside world, largely unmarked, but some labeled with the cryptic initials L. Corp. Necalli's eyes narrowed. He didn’t recognize this name, or the claw symbol, but it was clear this wasn't a simple mercenary mission. Whoever sent these soldiers had deeper plans for Dorado than just exploration or looting.

Necalli pocketed the tablet and encrypted papers. Whoever was behind this operation had vast resources and ambition, and it was clear they weren't going to stop until they uncovered Dorado's secrets.

Necalli stood, the jungle crackling and smoldering around him. The hunt was far from over. His father would find out about his transgression, and no doubt he would be punished. But before that, he would take this evidence to his sister for research. Hopefully she could help him track whoever it was encroaching on their territory.
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Hidden 5 days ago 5 days ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 17 min ago

"Owwww!" I whined, rubbing the back of my head and untangling myself from my chair.

"Heh-HA! Whadda spaz!" Flash guffaws in that instantly identifiable and irritating manner he has.

"Sir, could I go to--"

"Absolutely, Mister Parker." Came the instant reply, before I could even finish the sentence. He scrawled on a Hall Pass and handed it to me, with the intent I go to sick bay.

"Oh, whatta rip! How come Parker gets to cut out while the rest of us have to--"

"Chalk it up to a four year unblemished record of honesty, good grades and stalwart effort, Eugene."

"Ehhhh... not worth it."

"And since Mister Thompson seems to have such eagerness to have the opportunity to turn those grades around to earn the same goodwill... Surprise quiz." Papers began to fall to desks.

"Oh, Come On!"

As I open the door and turn back to look at the class, rubbing my head and the phantom pain it should presumably hold, I briefly hold Flash's eyes for a fraction of a second.

But it was more than enough.

"Thanks a lot, Parker. You're dead meat."

Great. So I guess I've got that to look forward to.

Minutes later I'm swinging down towards the Financial District and the Battery, trying to put all of this behind me.

I've got to come up with better excuses than pratfalls. My dignity's not going to be able to take much more.

S P I D E R - M A N
S P I D E R - M A N

Oh, I should probably give you the hows, whats and whys. Bigshot journalist that I'm trying to be now...

...alright. Bigshot newsmedia website administrator who they presumably let me write the occasional thing, because they actually want me for the other things I can do.

Don't know the Hows and Whys. About to find that out, I guess.

But the what?

Extreme flood warning. Swells over twenty feet coming from Manhattan, bearing down on Liberty and Ellis Islands. Liberty Island apparently taking the brunt.

Only thing is... I'm looking at a bright, sunny day.

So those hows and whys. They've got me peaked. Piqued?

They've got my interest piqued. And me swinging for the peak of a stupidly high building to do something less than sensible. That's it. That's the way that goes.

"Pe-- Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man... This is a reeeeally bad idea."

As I lean back in the saddle, every wall-crawling fibre of my being stretching the full tension of the webs, that are about to slingshot me across the water, my gums flap as they do when the tension of the moment isn't lost on me.

Two miles. It's two miles from The Battery to Liberty Island.

I've had Spider powers for-- less than two weeks, in some capacity? There's no chance that this ends well.

"This looks like a job for-- well, if I'm being honest, Superman. But since this isn't his city, I guess we'll see what the resident web-slinging representative can do about this."

I release and the webs fire me across the water.

"Oh... I am... I am going very fast. And down. Too down. Too much down!"

I see a ferry beneath me, and manage to tag it with a webline, and with a hard yank using my other arm as leverage, I give myself a little more loft just before I would have splashed down into the Hudson.

"Probably should have tried to land on that ferry..."

Whizzing by at a flat trajectory, my eyes almost pop out of my head as I see a woman run past me on my right.

"Overtake on the left! Tourists! Not gonna... try and catch me? Well, alright then, I'll figure out the water landing by myself..."

This is not going to be fun.

Then I see it. Ahead, small at first, but growing fast with the speed I'm moving at. A tugboat. Small, and looking even smaller from how low and heavy it was sitting in the water.

I'd like to say I aimed, but physics wouldn't be that complimentary to me.

I manage to raise my hands in front of my face, just before I slam into the side of the tugboat.

Shocked people turn and stare.

"Now..." I say, panting heavily in shock. Both hands and feet pressed firmly against the hull. Almost too stunned by what happened to move.

"Did anybody see how I just did that? Because I'm gonna want to know how I just did that."

I jumped off to solid ground and started lending assistance to soaked tourists, who were being rescued by the two women already there. Directing them to the higher ground that Lanterns were providing.

"Also, I'm pretty sure I--" I pat around my hips. "--I did. I'm gonna need for some of you to spring for the ferry the other way, because I'm pretty sure that won't work on the way back, and I left my wallet in my other pants. Cabcharge? Somebody spot a Spider-Man an Uber? If we all just throw in a buck this should work out easy..."
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Hidden 3 days ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 21 min ago

"Run Iris, Run."

Digging deeper than she had yet as she raced down the runway she didn't so much hear, as feel the sonic boom. She had done her best to commit the directions to memory as she took off cross country. Lightning tickled at the edges of her vision, each step taking less than a fraction of a second as she powered along the interstate. She couldn't see the shockwave, but she knew it was following her. Rocking cars in her wake, everthing at this speed sat perfectly still. Nothing even came close, Iris was like a bolt of pure electricity.

Coming skidding to a halt at the edge of the bay she was nearly knocked over as the air caught up to her. Several people screamed. "Don't worry, I'm here to help!" Iris managed to push out inbetween breaths.

"With-?" Iris turned to the source of the voice, an older man with a thinning moustache.

"The tidal wave?"

There was murmurs of confusion around her, some panicked, some laughed.

"You sure you aren't lost lady? This is New Jersey, we don't get no tidal waves."

Iris walked over to the railing at the edge of the water looking out towards the bay. There Lady Liberty stood, same as always. From here it looked perfectly dry, boats were still sailing towards it. Nothing seemed terribly amiss.

"I don't, I don't understand. He just called me and-"

"Called you? Whatever you're taking to run fast is messing with your head, the phones are all down!"

"No wait, they've been back, are they down again?"

The man just waved a hand dismissively at her, bored with the conversation.

Pulling her phone out from her trouser pockets through a special flap in the suit, Iris unlocked it and as if on cue, the time jumped. From 12:09 to 12:00. The bars of service were replaced with a SERVICE UNAVAILABLE. Her most recent call? 12:07. Her confusion and reverie were broken however when she heard the screams. Turning towards the group of people, she pivoted again as a wall of water rose up perfectly stationary. Then it was as if it was pushed towards the statue.

Focus Iris.

She looked over the barrier at the water. There were several species of bug that could run on water, boats practically floated once they were fast enough. Iris took a run back giving herself a block to pick up speed.

This isn't the craziest thing you've done all day. Which was an absolutely ridiculous thought to pass through her head, however true it was. Taking a deep breath, and ready for the inevitable plunge, she ran for it. Jumping the banister, pushing herself over it - thanks High School Gymnastics, she landed on the water.

Iris had to refrain from panicking as her first foot sank slightly. Her second sank slightly less. Building up speed she ceased to sink until she was running along the top of the water. The time it took for Iris to work up the courage to take the leap, the wave had already hit. Water washing and swirling along the concrete island at the base of the statue of liberty.

She started grabbing people out of the water, throwing them - as delicately as possible - onto the remaining island.

A flash of Red and Green overhead, someone tried to call something to her as they went gliding passed. She didn't notice however, as a plume of water shot up in the air right in front of her. Twisting, she lost her footing and fell. Bouncing and skidding across the water tumbling head over heels she eventually landed in the water, dazed and confused.

Looking around she saw a young woman helping pull others to safety. "Hey did you see tha-" Before Iris could get another syllable out of her mouth she felt something clamp around her ankle and pull her under. Gasping as she went down it took all her discipline to refrain from gasping out. Eyes open in the murky depths she saw a humanoid figure in the water beneath her. Kicking at what she suspected was its face, she was rather surprised by the fact that it felt like kicking metal rather than squishy flesh.

Which probably wasn't good.
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Hidden 22 hrs ago Post by Half Pint
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Half Pint

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Volume 1 - The Heir of Dorado

Necalli had rushed home and pushed through the heavy doors into his sister, Yaretzi's lab. He could instantly feel the hum of advanced technology surrounding him. The sleek, polished floors reflected the glow of various holographic displays that floated in midair, cycling through data faster than his eye could follow. Glass walls sectioned off different workstations, each filled with cutting edge equipment that looked like it belonged in a facility decades ahead of the outside world.

In one corner, a massive quantum computer whirred softly, its core emitting a faint, bluish glow as it processed vast amounts of information. Digital interfaces covered the walls, projecting detailed schematics and intricate 3D models that flickered and rotated with a simple wave of Yaretzi's hand. Drones hovered near the ceiling, quietly observing the various experiments in progress.

At the center of it all was Yaretzi, perched on a stool at her main workstation, surrounded by monitors displaying lines of code, chemical formulas, and real-time simulations. A holographic keyboard materialized as her fingers moved, each keystroke shifting data across the screens.

"Yaretzi" Necalli called, his voice breaking the soft mechanical hum. He was still in his Black Panther suit. His parents had known better than to hide anything from Yaretzi, despite her age she was by far the smartest of their children. It would only have been a matter of time before she figured out what was going on. Necalli took his mask off.

She glanced up from her work, her brow creased with focus. "Necalli? What are you doing here?" She spun on her chair to face him. "Before you ask, no I can't give you a brain transplant, despite how badly you need one." She grinned. Her brother was in no joking mood and she could feel this. He'd usually send a verbal jab back her way, but this time she was met with only awkward silence.

Without a word, he pulled out the encrypted tablet and the documents he had found on the mercenary leader. "I need your help. This is serious."

Yaretzi wiped her hands on her lab coat, rising from her chair and stepping closer to inspect what Necalli laid out on the workbench. Her eyes flickered over the files and the tablet with growing curiosity. "Where did you get this?"

"Mercenaries attacked the jungle. I stopped them, but their equipment, it's more advanced than anything I've seen. They were after Dorado."

Yaretzi’s fingers brushed over the tablet. "Did they say who sent them?"

Necalli shook his head. "I didn't exactly leave them in a 'chatty' mood after I was done with them. But look, this symbol" He said pointing at the claw stamp. "This is on almost all of the documents and some of their equipment had 'L. Corp.' printed on it. Does that mean anything to you?"

She blinked, clearly taken aback. "L. Corp? No, I've never heard of them."

Yaretzi turned to her computer, quickly plugging the tablet in and pulling up the files. The screen flashed with layers of encryption, but her fingers flew across the keyboard, navigating the maze of codes. "This is…sophisticated. Whoever they are, they're not just some low-level thug. They've got money and resources."

Necalli watched her work, his jaw tightening. "I figured as much. That's why I needed you. We have to know who we're dealing with."

Minutes passed as Yaretzi continued to crack through the layers of security. Finally, she managed to pull up some initial data, but the details were still fragmented. "It'll take more time to get through everything." she said. "This encryption is like nothing I've seen before."

Necalli's frustration grew. "We don’t have time. They'll be back, and next time, they’ll be stronger." He glanced over his shoulder. "Yaretzi, I’m afraid father won't be happy with the methods I used to get this information. I've gone against his orders, but I need to protect Dorado. When he finds out what I've done I might not be able to-"

Just as Necalli was about to finish, the door behind him burst open. His father, Moquihuix, stormed into the lab, his face dark with fury.

"You defied my orders!" Moquihuix's voice was like thunder. "I told you to deal with them silently, to leave them alive! And now you’ve endangered us all!"

Necalli spun to face him. "Father, I couldn’t stand by and do nothing. They were burning the jungle! They're close to finding Dorado! I had to act."

"You had no right!" Moquihuix's eyes blazed with anger. "You're not ready for this responsibility. Not ready to be Black Panther! You've compromised everything we've worked for!"

"I couldn't just sit back while the council debates in circles!" Necalli’s frustration boiled over. "We're running out of time! Everything we've worked for will be a pile of rubble if we let these savages find us!"

Before Necalli could say more, Moquihuix gestured to the guards behind him. "Take him to the holding cells."

Necalli's eyes widened. "What?!"

"You need to learn discipline." Moquihuix said coldly. "Until I decide otherwise, you'll stay there. Perhaps then you'll understand the weight of your actions."

The guards seized Necalli's arms, and despite his resistance, they led him away. Yaretzi watched in shock, unable to intervene, as her brother was dragged out of the lab and toward the underground cells.

As the heavy doors closed behind them, Necalli#s mind raced. He knew the danger Dorado faced was far greater than his father realized, and now, trapped in a cell, he was powerless to stop it.
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Hidden 21 hrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Supermaxx dumbass

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

ISSUE #9: A Soldier's Plea

A Fortress in the Mountains Germany

In the mists of old memory, a castle stood in Alpine mountains. Field guns and anti-aircraft turret stood sentinel on ancient stone walls. Men in grey-green woolen uniforms patrolled the parapets. They were gaunt-faced, pale ghouls who'd seen too many winters with too little food. Symbols of evil were pinned proudly to their sunken chests: the swastika, clutched in the talons of an eagle; and the head of the hydra, with its many reaching tendrils.

Below the walls, the castle courtyard bustled with activity. Frantic soldiers fought to roll nine massive boulders into a circle while imprisoned craftsmen carved occult runes into stone. A gaggle of officers directed the work. Among them stood a tall, slender man with dark hair and emerald eyes. The corners of his lips never fell from their slight smirk.

"The work is nearly finished. The Führer will be pleased, I hope."

Another officer looked up, astonishment and bewilderment plain on his face. "The Führer is dead, sir. Months gone."

"Oh, is he? Drat." The emerald-eyed man's grin rose a little. "Then his heir will be most pleased, whoever they are."

With a flourish, he clapped his hands and stepped forward, raising his voice to address the garrison. "It is time to begin! Someone bring me my staff. Light the fires. The wonder weapon we shall use to win this war will soon be upon us."

The officer to speak up furrowed his brow and walked briskly up behind the emerald-eyed man. "Sir, you said Herr Shmidt sent you here-"

"Yes, Mr. Smith, good fellow."

"Shmidt. But we have not heard from him in some time. Not before you showed up out of nowhere with all this talk of- of magic and, well, the officers have some concerns-"

With a flick of his wrist, the emerald-eyed man sent a handful of pixie dust directly into the Nazi officer's eyes. He spat, sputtered and coughed, waving in the air to clear it. "W-what the devil did you do?!"

"You trust me implicitly. With your life and the lives of all your men."

The Nazi stopped. He turned his now bloodshot eyes toward the strange sorcerer with the pixie dust. "I trust you implicitly, of course." He stumbled for a moment, righted himself, and then threw up as crisp a salute as he could manage. "Hail HYDRA!"

The sorcerer waved him off. "Yes, yes, hail HYDRA. Now leave me to my work before the Allies arrive to spoil the fun."

"The Allies, sir?"

Moments later, a plane engine could be heard hollowing in over the mountains.

"Oh, goodie, right on schedule!" Loki Laufeyson declared, taking his staff from the hands of an aide and waving it in wild patterns above his head. The ritual fire danced in concert with his motions, and the voices of old spirits rose up in song.

Former Soviet Prison Siberia

Thor clutched his head as a spike of pain racked his mind. Moments from a forgotten past slipped through whatever enchantment plagued his memories. These were stranger than he cared to admit, seen not from his own eyes but from...

He felt his throat go parch. A cautious hand went to the wall so he might rest a moment. He needed time to think. Time to parse what was happening to him. These fragments did not explain the whole of the mystery, but they offered some few answers. T'was his late brother that placed this curse on him, clearly. And it explained how a man of present day Midgard might know the ancient rituals of summoning.

Was the wielder of this shield not the honorable warrior Thor assumed, but instead an old agent of Loki seeking aid from his patron? That felt wrong somehow, as if he knew the answers yet it remained just out of reach.

"Answers. He will have answers for me." Odinson grumbled, shoving off the wall to rise once more.

It was only then that Thor noticed the guard hammering a baton against his back.

"Hm? Oh, my deepest apologies, warrior." Thor turned to face the man.

The guard, mid-swing, made direct contact with Thor's face. The god could only offer a remorseful look in response before knocking the man unconscious with a light punch. He tried to be gentle: it was the least he could do for humiliating the poor soul in the midst of battle.

Onward into the facility Thor pressed, following the sounds of battle as best he could amidst the chaos. With casual swings of mighty Jarnbjorn, he shattered the chains and broke open the cells of any prisoner that asked it of him. He had no idea who any of them were or what crime they might have committed to end up in a frozen hell like this, but it mattered not. Thor was already thrashing their wardens; to leave them here would only doom them to the cold, harsh future of a broken prison with no one to watch over them.

Thor tried to kill as few mortals as he could manage, but it was a difficult task. They were such fragile creatures. Skin like glass and bones of bark shattered more easily than he was used to. Still, he felt little guilt for the deaths he did bring. Each and every one of them would pass on to the gates of Valhalla. Carried to those halls by the Valkyries, they would be met with an endless well of ale and jubilation for all time. What better life could there be?

Somewhere up ahead, someone uttered his name.

Faster than anyone his size had a right to move, Thor charged forth. He stopped caring for petty things like hallways and doors. Instead, he lowered his shoulder and shattered concrete to make his own path. Guardsmen and prisoners alike scattered in a panic as he broke through wall after wall, finally emerging where he first heard the call go up. Here, he found a bruised and battered soldier doing battle with a crimson sorceress.

That was him. His square jaw, golden hair and bulky frame stood out like a beacon in his mind's eye.

"Never fear!" He bellowed, lifting his axe high. "The ALMIGHTY THOR is here!"

The shield practically leapt from his hands as Thor tossed it across the room to the soldier it truly belonged to.
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