4x Laugh

She held up the item in question for him — and the rest — to see, proud as if she were a mandrill holding up a newborn lion cub.
"Kobolds? Aren't they the cutest! Dad totally got me some for the manor. So cute."
"Huh? Wowers, did you guys get your brains eaten by a mindflayer or something? I mean as servants! SERVANTS! DEFINITELY SERVANTS THEY'RE TOTALLY GETTING PAID AND 100% LEGAL NOT SLAVES OR ANYTHING ELSE."
I was chatting with friends about this RP and a horrifying concept entered my mind:
Planescape AU where Sigil has an internet connection and social media
Which begs the question: would your character be on social media? I have a feeling I know which characters would or would not engage with that sort of thing but feel free to surprise me.
In the case of the factols, I have a feeling most of them would only have a social media account to promote their factions. Skall in particular is a very old lich, so I imagine he's like an technophobic grandpa. Rhys would be the one who engages the most with their followers. I can imagine them liking or responding to every post they get.
Is this how this works? Oh yeah every letter I push shows up in there, cool! Okay hi! Tanrith here! The Lightning Fang of the Stormclaws!
Everyone remember to make the most of your life! Don't let the rough patches keep you down!
Zaraknvyr reached to stop Tabiah when she offered to 'go first' and 'make sure the coast was clear'. There were two things wrong with that:
1) If she went first, it could only possibly be to warn those on the other side of a portal to ambush him when he himself passed through.
2) If the coast was rife with danger, his need of the feline required him to go first to ensure Tabiah's own survival.
However, a third idea crept into his mind that was worse than both of those combined.
3) If Zaraknvyr goes first, Tabiah may still be here when those Bleakers inevitably come down in search of this very same portal.
His hand retracts and he nods. Those Bleakers poaching his wizard would be the worst possible reality of all, and thus he lets Tabiah proceed.