Fionn MacKerracher

Tyaethe's further musings on the Wild Hunt went ignored as Fionn scratched irritably at his left hand. He could only imagine that it had started itching the second that Gertrude had begun the actual work of summoning Fiadh...the itch had subsided, somewhat, but in the place of the worst of it had set in a dull throbbing sensation. Maybe pulling, off towards whatever room his particular fairy had been summoned to. Luckily, he was rapidly given a reprieve in the form of Renar's own gathered information.

"Why do you insist on calling her that?" he asked, furrowing his brow over at the noble-born knight. "Look, if the relationship bothers you, you can just use her name..."

Truly, it was baffling. But, he rapidly shifted over to the much more pressing topic of Duke Thedric's current madness, frowning and scratching at his beard in thought. "I feel like Niyar would be too well-known to go without being called as such, especially in a duke's reminiscences...or at least to go without the greenness being mentioned. The odd friendly Nithyr, maybe? If he said something about wishing he could go back to those days, but then rejected her offer to play with him, she might have thought she was doing him a favour muddying his senses and making him act like this, no matter what he said against it. Could be something more unique, like, but a friendly Nithyr causing problems is about as expected as an unfriendly one deciding to turn a poor traveler into their newest game piece..."

He glanced over at Tyaethe.

"Well, we may go see what Fiadh has to say, unless Gertrude bursts through the door right now with some news. You don't think I should've gone with Gerard and Rolan, do you?"