Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood Beach

"Either is fine with me." Andy had gotten better at fighting in the year she had been at Camp. Prior to coming here most of her fighting had been taught through scrapes or a few decent older homeless people. She remembered when her dagger was given to her. Long before she knew what she was, but after her first fight with a monster. It was because of the monster she hadn't been surprised by a dagger that could pretend to be a bracelet.

Here and now, she grabbed one of the practice swords. Even in a society that could heal wounds easily it was always better to practice with dull and blunted weapons. Bruises were a lot easier to deal with over gushing blood. Practice was necessary though.

Location: Camp Half-Blood Roman area

Niah joined Nancy to lead Leandra out of the camp. The oath had been bound. There was the chance Leandra tried to find a loop hole or something. But for now they'd be done with her.

One less worry for them. It felt like the mountain of worries weren't any smaller. Why had Leandra betrayed them? They were supposed to be Legion...family. Niah would die for New Rome if she had to. Leandra had betrayed it to not die. It was non-sensical.

Niah was stone faced as she marched out of the tent toward the border of the camp. She didn't want to talk in front of Leandra anymore. Anything that needed to be said to the others could be said after she was gone. But there was Demetri.

"This does not involve you." Niah said, her voice was colder than she intended it to be.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by DragonicQueen
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DragonicQueen Little Bluebird

Member Seen 10 days ago

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

She hoped no more sticky accidents would be happening. Sera changes into the clothing and fixes her hair. "Oh yeah, lets go and meet them then." She agreed, getting her shoes back on, thankful that they didn't get filthy from the breakfast mess that was dumped on her. "There, ready to go, Kiera?" Looking over at her sister. "I don't really know my way around the Roman side all that well. Probably because I haven't needed to be over in their uh side of the camp that much."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Kirah@Morose@KazAlkemi@Trainerblue192 Alexios looked at Zeke and gave the demigod a glare he was still very much jealous of Zeke and Demi but he didn't say or do anything really as he waited quietly for Nancy to come out. Hercules looked at Zeke and smiled as he approached him and gave him a hug. "Hi!" Hercules said happily, he was still very much attached to Zeke, Kirstin, and Leda when the two picked him up as a baby and brought him to safety. Alexios looked at Niah when she spoke to Demi he thought that it was a little bit harsh for her to say but it wasn't really his place to say. "So shall we walk her off to the borders of camp?" Alexios asked them all wanting to change the subject.

@kittyluna45 "Well i'm glad that you are here now." Eva said to Stella as she reached down and gently started to pat Arbor on the head ruffling his grass like fur. "We were about to start loading some of the strawberries up into the van here soon." She said as Eva gestured to the parked van nearby. "How was your little walk?" Eva asked looking at Stella as she started to pluck off a few more strawberries putting them into her basket.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half -> Arena
Skills: N/A

"Alright then." Kristin said as they made it over towards the arena without any issue as Kristin grabbed a wooden spear off of one of the training racks, it was dull of course but still hurt if you swung it at someone. "We can pair up then, Andy and me, and Isaac and Janelle sound good?" She asked the three of them as Isaac nodded as he reached for a wooden sword and shield and started to put on some padding as well to.

"Yeah that works well for me." Isaac said as he adjusted the pads making sure that they were comfortable while he waited for Janelle to get ready. Kristin grabbed some padding as well to for herself putting it on over her chest, arms and legs, while looking over at Andy Kristin also reached for a wooden shield to. "I'm ready whenever you are." Kristin said letting Andy make the first move as she got into a fighting stance.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Kiera leaned back on her bed slightly as she looked around it was pretty nice, as her attention turned back towards Sera seeing her sister getting out and nodded. "Yep i'm ready to get going." Kiera said as she started to stand up and stretched slightly, she had been to the Roman side a few times before either to grab a few things or if she had to attend a meeting of some kind with all of the other cabin counselors and the senators of New Rome to. Though the meetings were always really boring to her and found that she sometimes nodded off during those meetings.

"The Roman's side is pretty easy to navigate they have the Praetor's tent and then the large tent for their meetings, and then the tents for their five cohorts." Kiera said as she started to stand up and looked at Sera and smiled as she made her way towards the door to their cabin and held it open for her. "It's not to far from our cabins anyway which is good." Kiera said as she closed the door once Sera left and made her way over there.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

🌈👻 Leda Storm 👻🌈

Location: Tartarus
Skills: N/A

Leda couldn't decide if she could run them out of there fast enough - maybe she'd get lucky, maybe she wouldn't. The more she thought about it, the more uncertain she felt in her own abilities. The more that doubt crept in, and she faltered, frozen in place, unable to make a choice and push them into an uncertain fate. Flee or fight. Fight or flee. What difference would it make - would both options end with them dead? Well, Mads reforming elsewhere, and Leda... being gone, most likely. Erased.

Damasen. She knew that name, though. Giant. But kind to mortals - to demigods. He'd even helped Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson escape Tartarus. It was still a risk - maybe a trick? Could a giant pretend to be a different one? But names had power... And the longer they stayed there, the more pressing it became to make a choice.

So slowly, gingerly, carefully, Leda crept out of her hiding spot, clasping the bone sword. "My name is Leda Storm, daughter of Iris. And this... This is Madalyne Crane, daughter of Trivia, and praetor of the Roman Legion," Leda rotated her sword, so the hilt was aimed towards the giant, rather than the sword. "You helped our fellow demigods before. Will you help us reach the Doors of Death?"

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood
Skills: N/A

Nancy's emotions were stilled for the moment, the calm in the eye of the storm. She was so tensed, so stressed, so anxious, so fearful, and so angry that she was just numb, a numbing that brought focus and clarity however, rather than inattention. Once the majority had filed out of the tent and left, Nancy escorted Leandra out, alongside Niah, Zeke, and regrettably, the cyclops. But their procession had hardly begun before it was halted, as Zeke just... walked off to talk with Demi. Her eyes widened before narrowing, the calm temporarily rippling with fury. She had half a mind to scream at him, to ask him what the hell was he thinking? This wasn't some stroll to the border of camp - this was Leandra. Leandra. She doubtlessly had some sort of scheme, some sort of plan - everything she had done was an act meant to deceive them and if they didn't watch her like a hawk, if they went to chitchat with Greek boys... Leandra could escape. And burn Camp Half-blood to the ground, just as she had burned New Rome.

So at the same time that Niah said this does not involve you at Demetri's offer of aid, Nancy quickly snapped out a "Absolutely not." This wasn't a game. And now, now this blasted god of parties thought he was part of the escort? A vein in Nancy's forehead throbbed.

"Ezekiel, your company clearly calls to you. The rest of us will escort Leandra off the grounds," she ordered, scowling, before ushering Leandra along, moving in the direction of the camp's border.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 30 min ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Roman Side - CHB

Ezekiel startled when Hercules pulled him in for a side hug. He looked up at the mythological creature before he chuckled and smiled. ”Hey, Herc.” When Leda had initially insisted on saving the cyclops, Zeke had been against it. Diaper duty was a nightmare until they got the baby back to Camp-Half Blood. Then Zeke learned of Leda’s passing, of being trapped, and suddenly Hercules wasn’t so bad. He was a reminder of Leda. After all, she named him. It was like having a piece of her still around, and well, Hercules had grown quickly and was quite helpful around camp.

Ezekiel winced when Niah overheard and shut Demi down, with a resounding “no” from Nancy. Ezekiel swallowed and rubbed the back of his neck before he looked at Demi. The guilt showed plainly on Zeke's face while he looked at his boyfriend. He didn't want to choose, especially with Alexios sinking his hooks into Demetri more and more. Speaking of the self-righteous prick, Alexios instantly injected himself into the task of escorting Leandra to the border. Zeke glowered at the party god, wanting nothing more than to punch him in the face again. Why would a god be anything but self-important, throwing himself where he wasn’t wanted or needed. And then Nancy rejected Zeke.

His heart plummeted into his stomach, Zeke’s focus shifting back to his half-sister. Zeke had been walking on eggshells for weeks, months, in an effort to support Nancy without smothering her, and now she was dismissing him. It was worse than falling from the climbing wall after being knocked out.

Zeke stood there for a moment while he watched Nancy lead the group. The keychain in his pocket felt like a weight. He looked back at Demetri, a pained expression on his face.

”D, I….I’m sorry.” Zeke swiftly kissed Demetri on the lips before he dashed after Nancy. He couldn’t help but feel he had just made a choice that would dictate his future.

Zeke brought up the rear of the group, keeping a few paces back so as not to interfere. He had wanted to see this through for his sister and for himself a little bit, but he couldn’t help his feeling of guilt from leaving Demi behind. Again.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Janelle Gauger

Location: The Beach -> Arena
Skills: N/A

Janelle followed along after the others to the arena. She was fine with any sort of option that Kristin mentioned, whether it go two on two or just paired up for sparring. They eventually reached the area, and just sort of nodded her head when Kristin suggested they just pair off and spar that way. "Dat wahrks fine wit me," she commented with a bit of a shrug. This was going to be a fun sort of thing to do.

She wandered over to the weapons, and grabbed a staff to use, since it worked out the best for her to use that, even though she'd be fine with a few different weapons. It was definitely the one she was most comfortable with, given her own staff doubling as her cane to more easily move around and all. Janelle readied herself to spar, trying hard to more or less filter out the sounds of others and focused, though she was more of waiting for Isaac to make a move first, namely since that would help her pin point where he is compared to others.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell


Did he expect for them to say no? Yes. Did it still rub him the wrong way in which they'd said it? Also yes. Niah spoke first, telling him this didn't involve him. Like hell it didn't. He was one of the demi-gods that was betrayed by them, they'd lost a Greek to Leandra as well, and what's more she was the first kind soul he met at New Rome. On top of all of that this was happening on their soil, Greek soil. Something inside of him started to bubble, threatening to boil over at her cold words. But Nancy was what set him over the edge.

Belittling him and rude remarks towards him were one thing, but the passive aggressive comments dripping with venom aimed at his boyfriend? That was off limits. To make matters worse, Zeke didn't even defend himself or say anything other than apologize to him before running after his mess of a sister again. ”There it is!” Demi said as he slowly clapped. ”There's the Roman hospitality that I've grown to love. The whole reason why Leandra betrayed your legion, your people. You're noses are so high up you can even see the people in front of you dying for your attention, or at least a modicum of respect. You were a bitch before New Rome fell and you're a bitch now. I would've hated to follow you too. The only good Roman's aged out of the system and left.” He snapped back at the pair. A part of him had wanted to do it in Leandra's voice, using his power to give voice to the voiceless and grate Nancy further. But he held back, a lot. ”Clearly I'm not wanted here, Alexios let go plan that party. Better than hanging around here for people who don't care.”
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood (Arena)
Skill: Sword Fighting

Andy got geared up and joined Kristin on the Arena's practice field. She had done a whole lot of practice fighting on this field. She had learned how to fight beyond some rudimentary jabs here. It held a lot of memories even though she had only been at camp a year now.

Andy held her sword up and took the starting stance. But her grip was wrong and she realized it quickly as she stepped forward and almost immediately dropped the weapon when she went to swing. Kristin didn't even have to try to defend. Her face grew hot and she quickly scrambled for the weapon to try to recover. It was probably a good thing she was sparing Kristin and not one of the boys they'd have made a lesson of the fumble.

Her recovery was not much better, the only saving grace was that she didn't drop the weapon again. Kristin could easily block or step away from any attack Andy tried. The heat in her face had spread and she was getting more upset with the mistakes and failures.

Location: Camp Half-Blood Roman area

Niah wished for a moment the ability to curse people. This Greek did not understand the Romans. Why they stood together in battle. The Greek way of fighting was chaotic and unorganized. For the Romans standing together, shoulder to shoulder, relying completely on those around you was everything. If you couldn't trust your shield mates death was sure to follow. Niah was aware that Demi liked Leandra, which was precisely the reason she didn't want him with them. She couldn't trust him.

She didn't say anything back. Fighting with him would only piss them all off more and drag this out. She marched on one side of Leandra. There had been a time when she had trusted Leandra. It burned to have been betrayed. The broken oath was like broken glass under her feet.

She clenched her fists and jaw, marching on to the edge of camp. Niah was ready to keep going. Pass the edge and march all the way back to New Rome and take it back right that damn moment. No wonder the Greeks and Romans weren't supposed to share space. They were too ideologically different. Maybe some of the Romans who suffered under the strict rule of New Rome would have been better as Greeks.

"I'd rather fight another damn dragon." Niah hissed through her teeth.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood
Skills: N/A

Nancy stopped in her tracks as she heard Demetri’s grating voice, shaking her to her very core. How dare he say such things?! How dare he call her a bitch, insult her leadership of New Rome?! He was too stupid and small and naive and innocent to understand, to really comprehend the severity of Leandra’s crimes. His world was parties and sunshine - he could never comprehend war, or suffering, or trauma. He was useless - more than useless, he was an obstacle.

Her duty called for her to ignore his words, his challenge, and see Leandra delivered into exile. Her duty called for her to put the people of New Rome and Camp Jupiter before her own feelings - before the things that mattered most to her in the world.

Nancy had always done her duty.

She took a deep breath, as the red cloud of anger filled her mind.

She counted to three… but didn’t make it past one, as she lost control.

”Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking f*****!” She wasn’t seeing clearly, as she sprinted back at Demetri, and in front of the God of Parties, she struck him across the jaw and the chest, tackling him down to the ground. She was too incoherent to say anything else, frothing with rage, with anger. She had one knee on either side of Demetri to keep him pinned, and she punched him over and over again, blackening his eye and breaking his nose. She didn’t stop, she didn’t pause to think. All she was thinking about was beating him as much as she could until he could never make another stupid comment again. Blood from his nose smeared on her fists, and she didn’t care. She was going to kill this fucking boy. She was going to kill him.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> Strawberry Fields
Skills: N/A

Arbor's tongue lulled out of his mouth as he was petted, and he seemed to arch up into the petting. Stella giggled a bit as his grass fur was ruffled up at that point. She looked at her half-sister and then nodded as she said they were going to load up the van. "I can help pack up the van if you want. I'm not planning on doing much else today. I was thinking of sparring but well... that didn't seem to happen." She sighed as she went to go back to picking.

"The walk went well, going to have to plan to make a cake for Andy for her birthday when it comes up. She's never really had a cake before. So I'm gonna have to make her a strawberry cake that my dads made for me for my birthday every year." Stella continued to gently pluck berries and put them into her basket. She hummed a bit at that point, relaxing a bit as she kept working, letting herself get immersed in the greenery around her.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by DragonicQueen
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DragonicQueen Little Bluebird

Member Seen 10 days ago

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

"Praetor and cohorts.... so like basically the leaders and cabins for the demigods? Or is it entirely something different?" She questioned as the two walked to the New Rome side of camp. Curious as always, the girl wanted to know about the Romans just so she wouldn't look too foolish. Thankful to have help from her older sister if she ever had questions. Of course Sera could ask just about anyone in Camp about New Rome but hey might as well do so now as they where going over to that area anyhow.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@kittyluna45 "Oh strawberry cake is really good, i'm sure Andy would love that." Eva said giving Stella a friendly smile as she started to put the strawberries that she had picked into the basket. "Follow me and i'll show you where to put them." She said motioning for Stella to follow her over towards a station where a few of their other siblings were putting the strawberries into wooden crates.

A few satyrs were helping and were putting wooden lids onto the crates and were hammering them shut and then they were transported over towards the van. Eva's attention turned back to Stella wondering why she decided to not train. "Why did you want to change your mind with training if I may ask?" She asked Stella while she was gently putting the strawberries she had picked into the crate.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Arena
Skills: N/A

Kristin watched as Andy started to fumble with her weapon as it fell to the ground, she remained where she was while holding her wooden training spear. She quickly noticed that Andy was either getting upset or embarrassed that she was messing up. "It's okay Andy." Kristin said trying to reassure her in a friendly way. "Take your time and relax Andy." She said allowing Andy to try again to make the first move.

Isaac stood there adjusting his training gear on his arms and legs and chest while Janelle grabbed her staff. "Ready?" Isaac said to Janelle as Isaac would quickly run over towards Janelle with his wooden sword. He would manage to land a hit on Janelle's side which would hurt slightly but not to much really.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

"Yeah it's basically kind of like that I guess, they do things really differently than we do really." Kiera said to Sera as they entered the Roman's side of camp. She looked around to see where they were, she then stopped holding her arm out to Sera for her to stop, as she could hear sounds of what sounded like a fight was going on. When Kiera looked around the corner she saw that some kind of fight was breaking out but she couldn't see who was actually fighting as a few Romans quickly sprung in to try and break it up.

Hercules quickly grabbed Leandra pulling her to the side it looked like she wanted to intervene or something, but she was held by the cyclops as Nancy went full on Hulk on Demi. Alexios quickly stepped in and pried Nancy off of Demi from beating him up even further shoving her towards some other Romans who went to try and break it off. "Calm down all of you!" Alexios yelled loudly as he went to Demi's side and knelt down helping him back up to his feet and produced him a small bottle of Nectar for him. "Are you okay?" Alexios asked Demi.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Tartarus

Madalyne watched closely as Leda stepped out of their hiding spot and revealed themselves to the giant she still wasn't completely sure if she should trust Damasen or not. She decided to step out shortly after Leda and bowed her head slightly hoping that he would be willing to help them out. "It is nice to meet you, if you are willing to help with any aide we would be very grateful." Madalyne said to Damasen as she watched the giant very closely.

Damasen seemed to soften at the mention of Percy and Annabeth, remembering that he did help them out years ago during the war with Gaia, though he tensed up slightly at the mention of the Doors of Death and that they were trying to get to it. "I can get you there, however Tartarus has put a large number of other monsters in the way and it would be dangerous to approach." He warned them. "It is about a days walk from here but if you really want to go i'll help you." Damasen offered.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 30 min ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Roman Side - CHB

...people who don’t care. Demetri’s words cut through what was left of Ezekiel’s heart. First, Nancy ripped it out, and then Demetri squished it into the ground. No matter what Ezekiel tried to do, be an asshole, be generous, or compromise his feelings, he wasn’t good enough. He couldn’t be enough.

While Zeke felt everything shattering on the inside, everything was exploding on the outside. He watched Nancy launch herself at Demetri after calling him a derogatory term, one that made Zeke feel sick to his stomach.

His entire body vibrated with a deep anger that he hadn’t felt since he was a kid when his powers had first developed. Ezekiel felt he was on the verge of losing control, but he didn’t care because everything was out of control anyway.

”EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP!” he screamed. He looked at Demetri, who had blood streaming down his face; Nancy, who had Demi’s blood on her hands; Niah, in her quiet rage; and Alexios and Hercules, who were holding people back. ”Nancy, you can’t use that word anymore. Demetri, Leandra may have been your friend, but she has a long history with New Rome. One that predates your friendship. Everyone just…back off and worry about yourselves.” Zeke had moved to stand in between both groups at this point. His back was to Nancy while he looked at Alexios helping Demetri, the final nail in the coffin.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

🌈👻 Leda Storm 👻🌈

Location: Tartarus
Skills: N/A

"It's dangerous to be in Tartarus," Leda countered. Every minute here was dangerous - it was dangerous to remain, just as it was dangerous to leave. Sure it was probably more dangerous to get to the Doors of Death. And yes, she didn't know what would happen if she died a second time, now that she was a ghost... but she wasn't going to spend the rest of eternity in Tartarus living in fear. She'd rather find out what a second death would mean. And Mads... well, Mads would just reform in Tartarus. There wasn't anything for Mads to risk or fear losing beyond time.

"When can we leave?" she then pressed. She assumed Mads was down for this plan - once more, Mads' didn't have the risk that Leda had here. And the sooner they made their stand, the sooner they could return to the world - the sooner that Leda could see Kiera again. The sooner that they could help to save everyone. The sooner that they could go home.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood
Skills: Audiokinesis

The god of parties peeled Nancy off of Demi, his body like steel that she couldn't fight back against, as much as she wanted nothing more than to continue to scream, to continue to pound her fist into Demi's face over and over and over again. But the god shoved her, and she fell into her fellow Romans, and she felt a legionnaire restrain her. She shoved, trying her best to break free, to close the gap between her and Demi again - but she couldn't shake the legionnaire off, even as her blood was boiling.

And then Zeke, Zeke was screaming too.

Zeke had to understand, right? He had to see what his boyfriend had said, how much of a moron Demetri was - how deeply he had insulted all of Rome - how much he needed to pay for that. Instead, he corrected her language - she was too angry to really register it, to even really consider what she'd said - instead, she glared forward, seeing her brother turn his back on her. She didn't hear another word he said, her ears ringing. So she only saw - only saw him face Demi and not her, choose Demi and not her. Of course he was going to choose Demi. Of course. What else could she have expected from a Greek? They didn't understand. They didn't want to understand.

If there was one person that Nancy hated most of all, it was herself.

She let out a scream of frustration, of rage, and she bent the sound waves around her, sending out a shockwave - the legionnaire restraining her fell to the ground, as did Zeke. And it wasn't just her blood that was boiling, her skin itself was hot, throwing off heat. "Fucking coward! Always hiding behind others! Get the fuck up and fight me! You think you're so fucking smart, so fucking clever, but guess what? You're a goddamn idiot. If you're so convinced that Leandra is the person you think she is, then YOU can go with her in exile! Go and see the person she really is, because you two fucking deserve each other, you absolute piece of shit!"
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by DragonicQueen
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DragonicQueen Little Bluebird

Member Seen 10 days ago

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

She stopped right away once feeling Kieras arm going across her chest. "W-woah, what the heck is going on?" Seraphina questions upon seeing the fighting. Hearing the words being thrown out into the open air, having to cover her ears upon the scream from Nancy. "Eek....She ah....sounds really angry at Demi." The demigod was out of the loop with what was even happening. Sure she was curious but maybe it was best to stay out of things for now. Looking over at her sister to see if she was going to step in and help or keep away from the others.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell


As soon as the words had left his mouth, he regretted them. In his pain and anger he had wanted to see Zeke hurt, to see all of them hurt. But when he saw the look on Zeke's face, it broke him. It was no surprise to Demi that Nancy had attacked him, that was just the type of person he'd grown to expect her to be. If her words couldn't touch him, then her fists would. It wasn't too dissimilar to the bullies back at school, even going as far as to use the same words that they would. Zeke was new to all this, to the base calling and having someone use a part of you you can't help against you like it's meant to hurt. For a moment, Demi hardly fought back, not even going as far to protect himself as he was lost in his own thoughts of familiarity, of a pattern. He'd run his mouth at a bully, and they'd beat him up.

He felt the weight of Nancy being lifted off of him, turning to see Alexios was kneeling beside him with some Nectar, nectar that Demi declined to drink. Much like when Arthur had given him a cube of Ambrosia to heal himself and he simply pocketed it instead. He deserved these wounds he thought, more so as he watched the pain tear inside of Zeke. Demi was going to let it go, to simply walk away. But then Nancy hurt Zeke. Everything went out the window there, all he could see was red as he reached for those darker emotions inside of him trying to get a grip on them. Shadows rippled around his feet but bade no commands from him. He glared at Nancy, then saw Zeke once more on the ground and something broke. Shadows swirled around Nancy, entangling her as they began to slam her back and forth like a rag doll before lifting her up off the ground. ”Beat on me all you want! But don't you dare harm a single hair on Zeke's head or it'll be THE LAST THING YOU DO!”
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood (Arena)
Skill: Sword fighting

Andy was embarrassed. She hadn't even done a good show of the skills she had gained over the last year. Instead she looked like a fool. She reset her stance and took a moment to center herself. Andy nodded and moved again. This time she did better. At least the sword didn't fall out of her hand for no reason other than clumsiness.

She swung at Kristin and the attack was blocked. Andy used the moment of concentration Kristin had on focusing blocking to sweep around and knock her knees out from under her. Kristin fell to the ground and Any stepped back. She felt better now, though still not totally satisfied.

Andy waited for Kristin to stand back up and then went back into a ready stance. This time allowing Kristin to move first.

Location: Camp Half-Blood Roman area
Skills: Odikinesis

When the fighting had broken out Niah considered letting it play out. Nancy obviously needed to get some frustrations out. She shouldn't have used that word, but Niah wasn't going to be the one to say that when Zeke did. But the fight ramped up. It was moving on from school yard fight into powers. That was dangerous.

Niah took a long soothing breath and let the calmness of it sweep over the others. The anger starting to dissipate. Normally she wouldn't have used that on Nancy. Niah knew Nancy hated it. She hated doing it. But the heat that was radiating from one of her two best friends in the whole world was too hot. Things had gotten too out of hand.

"This is not the appropriate way to vent frustrations. We have a task to do right now. I am sorry that you don't approve of it Demetri. You, however, are not Roman and do not have a say in this. Just as if you were involved in judgement of a Greek we would not be welcome. Nancy, I am sorry." She did not add qualifiers to her apology to Nancy. There was too much that needed apologizing for.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> Strawberry Fields
Skills: N/A

Stella nodded as Eva said to follow her and she did so with her basket full of berries. She smiled and waved to her other siblings that were there and started helping to put her berries into the crates. She made sure to look them over, making sure that only the best got sorted out for shipping, but to be honest between Mr. D's magic and the care of her siblings and Mr. D's kids and the satyrs, the berries were in great shape and there were not any that she had to toss aside.

She paused when Eve asked her why she had changed her mind, and Arbor nuzzled and nudged her, as if to encourage her to tell the truth. "Uh... Janelle was there. I'm... I'm never sure how to act around her these days. I know I didn't know her well, but... I... I know it wasn't my fault either, but... I was on the quest with her brother and he... he... he didn't come back. And I did. I don't think she holds ill will against me, but I... I can't imagine it can be easy."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Janelle Gauger

Location: Arena
Skills: Heightened Hearing

Janelle was waiting for Isaac to make the first move, just sort of listening to her surroundings, wondering when he would strike first. Sometimes it took a little while to orient herself completely, so he was able to strike her a few times with his sword quicker than she could defend herself. Took a moment for everything to orient itself again, and she managed to pin point him again, before she went on the attack.

She managed to land a few hits on Isaac that were fairly solid. Whirling her staff around as he managed to hit him a few times and knocking him back. Listening again to ensure that hopefully this time she heard him before he struck out at her to allow her to more easily dodge his next attack. This was definitely going to be an interesting sparring match to say the least.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@kittyluna45 Eva looked at Stella for a moment and nodded slightly towards her as she listened why she ended up changing her mind, which she could understand. "I know that sometimes whenever you or someone goes out on a Quest you may never see them again." Eva said as she looked down for a moment, she had lost a good friend of hers several years ago on a Quest. "I know it's the hardest on Janelle since it was her brother. She probably needs a friend now more than ever you know." She said as she loaded a few more strawberries into a crate and made her way over towards the van putting them inside with the others.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Arena
Skills: N/A

Kristin was surprised to be knocked down onto the floor as she looked up at Andy and gave her a smile. "Good job." Kristin said as she slowly stood up using the training spear as support as she slowly pulled herself up to her feet again. She studied Andy for a moment as she slowly circled her. Kristin twirled her training spear around in her hands before going forward and charging at her, she ended up missing her hit.

Isaac stumbled backwards from a few hits that Janelle managed to hit him with and smiled as he got back into a fighting position again. He watched for a moment seeing how Andy and Kristin were doing before turning his attention back to Janelle. Isaac would charge forward towards her and managed to swing his practice sword at her landing a solid hit and knocked Janelle onto the ground. "Are you okay?" Isaac asked as he approached her and held out his hand for her.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Thanks you Niah using her powers everyone that was in proximity of the entire scene would feel a wave of calmness overcome them in order to stop the fight from progressing. Alexios would move next to Demi and gently rested a hand on his shoulder while looking over at Demi in a comforting way. "How about we take a moment and relax, and walk away for a bit yeah?" Alexios suggested to Demi seeing him restraining her with his powers.

"I'm going to intervene." Kiera said as she looked at her sister, whether Sera wanted to join her or not that was up to her, she quickly moved over towards the group and got in between. "You all need to think, this is exactly what Tartarus wants us to be doing, fighting amongst ourselves." Kiera said looking at Zeke, Demi, Niah and Nancy she really hated to see all of her friends and allies fighting amongst each other.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Tartarus

Damasen thought for a moment rubbing the beard that he had on his face as he met Leda's gaze asking when they would be able to leave. "We can leave in an hour, I can make you two something to help for protection." Damasen said as he made his way towards a chest that he had that was very large. Madalyne looked over at Leda for a moment wondering what he was going to be giving them, but she did have to agree the sooner that they left the better she really wanted to get out of Tartarus.

"Help yourselves to any food or anything you find useful." Damasen told the two young demigods as he grabbed a few bones and what looked like leather as well to. "What do you think?" Madalyne whispered to Leda, she didn't really trust that they were getting help from a Giant of all people. Though then again they didn't really have much of a choice and they had to trust him.
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