Character Quote: “They were wrong about me. They said I wouldn’t last ten minutes… but it’s been eleven.”
Name: Juniper Micheal Mayfield
Aliases: June
Age: 36
Birthday: July 29
Ethnicity: White
Birth Place: Vestal, New York
Gender: Male
Pre Outbreak Occupation: Drama teacher
Languages: English, ASL
Height: Six feet zero inches
Weight: 142 Pounds
Body Type: Thin
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Skin Tone: Light
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: No scars. Small tattoo on right shoulder of a crown with stars on the points. He has pierced ears and wears earrings
Personal Style: Juniper has a short hair style, he sometimes wears eyeliner or lipstick but no other makeup. He often wears a bowler hat. His ears are pierced, and his favorite earrings often involve stars or flowers in some way, or light shades of blue and/or pink. He likes fashion of all genders, he has suits for nicer occasions that he likes to wear, and has a looser definition of ‘nice occasion’, because he likes his suits. For casual times, he can wear plain tank tops, sweaters, blouses, skirts or jeans. He doesn’t like shorts or short skirts, because he doesn’t like how it feels to have just part of his legs covered so he always wears long pants or long skirts. He needs glasses, but sometimes would wear contact lenses. He likes to paint his nails light blue, light pink, or black. The picture with the flower earrings is the vibe of his everyday style. When in drag, his style is very campy, eccentric, and colorful, with motifs of weird patterns, rats, eyeballs, and bones.

Creative * Impulsive * Kind * Scatter-Brained * Outgoing * Anxious
Sexuality: Bisexual biromantic
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Juniper is one of the more talkative, friendly people you may meet, and one of the least shy. One of the first things you’d notice about him is how much energy he has, from the volume and speed of his speech, to how much he moves around when he talks, he is a very energetic fellow. Extremely passionate about the arts, Juniper knows, with almost alarming detail, the history of theatre and drag, to the the point you may wonder how one person keeps all this memorized. Comes in very handy for his career as a theatre teacher. He knows a good amount about anteaters as well. He has a quick moving, somewhat eccentric mind that is great at coming up with new direction ideas for the school plays he directs, all though it also leads him to sometimes say things that might not make sense, or seem completely off topic. His random habits, like pacing a lot, a tendency to make up words, and singing whenever he is/thinks he is alone, as well as the fact he somewhat often wears makeup and women’s clothes, have led some people to think he is weird, others to think he is cool. He has a love of animals, especially anteaters (they do good work), and you can see by his office at school, stickers on his phone, decorations in his home/etc that he definitely has one favorite animal. When you first meet him, what may stand out is his volume, fashion or quirks, but getting to know him you will see what stands out is that he always wants to do the right thing and has a good heart.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
Habits: Singing to himself when he is (or thinks he is) alone, pacing when thinking, saying ‘crapcrapcrapcrapcrapCRAP!’ when panicking, says words slightly wrong or combines words (like Glinda from Wicked, examples: disgustified, encouragize, complimentisult)
Hobbies: Theatre/Acting, Music, Writing, Apocalypse Research/Prepping, Swimming, Drag (Performing and Watching)
Fears: - Tall heights
- Earthquakes
- Ants, especially in a large swarm. Other bugs, even typically ‘scary’ ones like wasps or tarantulas, he is fine with or even finds cute. Only ants unnerve him. One of his earliest memories is falling asleep while playing outside and he fell asleep on an anthill and woke up to them crawling on him. Probably it wasn’t even a huge amount of ants, but he was a kid, so it felt like it.
Likes: - Anteaters
- Theatre/Music/Performing
- Flower and star patterned things, brightly colored things, blue or white colored things
- Brandy
- Fruit, especially blueberries and apples. He also likes fruit flavored things or baked goods, especially blueberry pie and green apple jell-o
- Puns
Dislikes: - Food being left out (attracts ants)
- The idea that theatre/drag/performance arts/music isn’t important
- Beer
- Being interrupted
- Cold weather
- Feeling left out or as if he’s weird

Pre Outbreak Skills: (Pick five skills that they had before the outbreak happened.)
- Aikido (Martial art, his aunt and uncle made him take self defense classes when he was young)
- Music/Performing/Stage presence
- Some weapons
- Lock picking
- Extremely good memory, word for word on scripts of plays he was in years ago, huge backlog of useless(?) facts that he can spurt off at any time.
Post Outbreak Skills: (For players who are submitting during the start of the RP keep this blank these will be added as skill rewards throughout the RP. If you are submitting a character after the first arc you may add five to start with.)
What Do They Carry On Them: This includes your clothing, jewelry, your wallet, your id, your keys; cash (denote which country), a picture, lighter, cigarettes, weapons you may carry, shoes, purse, bag, pistol and so forth. If it is not listed you are not carrying it. Again, keep it grounded in the real world. Limited to spots provided.
- Clothing - Bowler hat, flower shaped dangle earrings, black frame glasses, flower pattern long sleeve button up, women’s blazer (Black with white buttons), nice fitting black jeans with flowers embroidered on the back pockets, white socks, doc martin boots
- Wallet -Seventy five dollars USD, credit card, car key, house keys, photo of his Uncle Willard, driver’s license,ID, Staff ID for his job, random coins from other countries + Chuck E. Cheese/plastic coins/other useless coins, paperclips, crumpled coupons some expired, random scrap of blue velvet material,
- Pistol
- Some portions of shelf stable food and one of those water bottles that has a filter in it
- Plushie toy shaped like an Anteater. His name is William and Juniper finds it tough to sleep without it
- Sticker-covered smartphone with a charger case.

Life Before The Outbreak Juniper Mayfield was born in Vestal, New York and had a normal life until he was three, when his father, Jimmy died. Worried about caring for him alone, his mom, Mori, panicked and called her sister, Mary worried about raising a son alone. Mary suggested that Juniper’s mom move to stay with them in a different part of New York, and so Juniper was raised not only by his mother, Mori Mayfeild, but also his aunt Mary Bell, uncle Willard Bell, and grew up with two older cousins who were like siblings, Marsha and Karen who were twins to each other. Marsha and Karen are seven years older than him. He wonders about his father and likes to hear stories but has no memories of his own about his father. While Juniper’s mother is very much about only believing things science has proven, the Bell family who was helping raise Juniper were doomsday preppers and taught him about how it was actually scientifically possible for zombies to exist, how they’d work, their weaknesses and such. Mori thought it was strange but was mostly just grateful to have help raising her son.
When Juniper was six years old, his first grade class put on a showing of Henny Penny, he played Ducky Lucky and fell in love with theatre and performing. After that, he was in every school play. He also took music classes, and in high school got into drag performance under the name Vari Strange. In the world of theatre and drag, he has made friends, but outside those communities some found him to be strange or eccentric or too hyper/loud and didn’t get close to him in high school. He is very friendly though. He started learning ASL at age 21 when he started performing at drag bars, he saw an (interpreted) Deaf drag performance. One queen had vibes he really liked and so he kept going to her shows and started recognizing a few signs and then decided to learn. He’s not completely fluent but can have a conversation. May need to fingerspell sometimes. Later the bar had a performance that was featuring both hearing and Deaf queens, he eventually met her and she taught him about drag and became his “drag mother” (a mentor some drag queens have who guide them in learning the art of drag).
As he got older he decided he also was interested in teaching, and, after working for awhile in film, ads, and theatre performances, became a drama teacher at a school, where he is now. Though he doesn’t perform as much theatre anymore, he directs the school plays each year, and performs drag as Vari Strange on the weekends at local gay bars, where his drag persona is somewhat well known in that community in the area, people who watch drag shows tend to have seen a performance or two by Vari, (although they may not necessarily know that Juniper is her, as he wears a lot of makeup and looks quite different as her.) He has sort of an avant garde style as her, hence the name. His aunt and uncle both passed away recently, but they live on in the form of what they taught him about the end of the's probably accurate, right? And what are the odds he'd even need it anyway?
He had a girlfriend called Alice who dumped him a few hours ago, right before the CDC put out the first warnings of the disease mentioned in the RP. Probably unrelated to anything though...?
Survivor's Personal Journal:
Theme Song: “Love, Me Normally” by Will Wood Extra Information: Plants Vs Zombies, The Quarry??Monstrous Regiment.
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