
Ability Scores
Melee 0 | Agility 4 | Resilience 2 | Vigilance 2 | Ego 4 | Logic -1 |
Defense Scores
Melee 10 | Agility 14 | Resilience 12 | Vigilance 12 | Ego 14 | Logic 9 |
Melee d6 x 2 + 0 | Agility d6 x 4 + 4 | Ego d6 x 2 + 4 | Logic d6 x 2 -1 |
Extra Info
Rank 2 | Health (30 x Resilience) 60 | Focus (30 x Vigilance) 60 | Karma 2 | Damage Reduction N/A |
Full Name: Daniel Kingston
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 17
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown - Dyes it black
Distinguishing Features: N/A
Origin: Mutant
Team: Excelsior
Base: Avengers Academy
Alignment: Chaotic good
Hobbies: Cooking, Dancing, Gossiping
The adopted son of James and Casper Kingston, Danny was never a child without love. Although born in Genosha, his earliest memories are of New Orleans after James and Casper moved there following the collapse of Genosha. Pops worked at an auto shop, the strong order of oil caked into Danny’s early memories, and baby Danny was always dazzled and amazed at the outfits his Pape put on and the glitter, shimmer, and glamor of his shows. He remembers sometimes when Papa would be him because Pops had a guest at home and he always terrorized the backstage areas if they had one, wearing Papa’s feather boas and shoes even if they were too big. And when Pops would come pick him up, the half hearted scolding was seconds before the fond sigh, the quiet click of the camera, and a kiss on the forehead.
Although he was an only child, and he made sure to milk that he was with, Dorian was such a constant presence in his life, he felt like a sibling rather than just a friend. They’d watch Saturday morning cartoons, playing superheroes as their favorite show, She-ra and the Princess of Power, played in the background. When Danny whined at his parents to put him in dance classes so he could be a performer like Papa, his first solo performance was danced to the theme song and he demanded Dorian be there.
Of course, Danny was an impulsive wreck, moving through interests like clothes. One week it was painting, the next it was roller skating, and the cycle continued until he stumbled into cooking. The truth of the matter was, his family wasn’t known for their cooking skills. Pops had picked some up to feed the family and Papa wasn’t allowed in the kitchen unsupervised after the cupcake incident but sometimes Danny was craving a specific food and when he was, everything else was terrible and deserved to be trashed because it wasn’t the food so he decided he learn how to do it himself. As is expected when a 10 year old decides to cook without consulting his parents, the end result was an absolute mess but Danny had a blast through the entire process, even when half of it ended up on the wall. He was then also promptly banned from being in the kitchen unsupervised but got that lifted as he grew into the art.
Before his mutation presented itself, he planned to become a chef with his own shows and restaurants. He started his own Filterella, KingstonsKitchen, and grew it into a Snikt! and has a decent following that he likes to randomly pop on live with. He also posts random updates about his day under #shitIdo for easy filtering because he likes to and he finds it fun to include more people in his life (hear about how awesome and pretty he is).
Although he knew his family was wary about the x-men, he was always a little jealous when Dorian talked about his time there. He got to go to a hero school and Danny was stuck in normal New Orleans. They’d had dreams of being superheroes together when they were kids but between Danny’s struggle to stick with his interests, Pop’s general disapproval of superheroes, and a million flashier, easier things to get into, the interest faded until F-Day. His powers presented before Dorian’s and the old dream of theirs seemed realistic again. Sure he teased Dorian about getting powers first and sure he had to twist Pop’s arm to get him to agree (James barely lasted a day of tears and the cold shoulder before he relented) but with their approval, Dorian and Danny headed to Avenger’s Academy, bright eyed and bushy tailed, together.
Yes, it was hard and yes, it was a culture shock and yes, he called his parents sobbing to come pick him up because he missed home more times than he could count on one hand, but now, he's fully committed to rocking this Superhero thing. Superheroics are super interesting, the normal classes are bearable, and getting to set things on fire and looking fly as fuck doing it was right up his alley. Kicking butt in the Contest of Champions and taking top spot would just be the perfect thing to take home to Pops and show him this was exactly where Danny was supposed to be.
A difficult one to stay mad at for long, Danni is a highly energetic, fun loving, touchy feely golden retriever. He makes friends as easily as he breathes, and he attaches quickly and deeply with little more than a few days' time. He bounces rather than walks, sings rather than talks, and finds something to enjoy in every situation. He can make sunshine out of rain clouds and always has a shoulder to lean on, a hand to hold, and a conversation to ease away the sting of all the unpleasantness life brings. He's silly and ditzy, seemingly directionless at times, but he cares deeply for those around him.
Of course, he isn't all fun and games. Danni's emotional state can fluctuate wildly, especially when he feels like he isn't being included or appreciated. He is used to being able to command all the attention at home, doted on left and right by his parents and family, but handles rejection, real or perceived, very poorly. He's the waterworks kind of kid, rather than the feet stomping, ground pounding kind, and he'll start sniffling if he even gets an inkling someone might tell him no. He is demanding of people's time, rarely pausing to consider that maybe not everyone likes a gangly teenager in their lap yapping away at a mile an hour, and rarely respects people's personal boundaries, always pushing, pushing, pushing until something snaps.
- Signature Attack: Elemental Blast (Hotshot) - Danni has spent two years training his control over his Hotshot, giving him an edge when making an attack with it.
- Clueless - Danni's difficulty to focus on any one thing often leaves him vulnerable. He has trouble on Vigilance checks to spot hidden or invisible things. Enemies have an edge of Agility checks to sneak near or past him.
- Quick Learner - If Danni fails an action check, he has an edge on the check if he tries the same action again on his next turn.
- Hounded
- Heroic
- Linguist: French
- Mental health condition (ADHD, PTSD)
- Mentor (Ser Nemo)
- Obligation: School
- X-Gene
- Young
Basic Powers:
- Flight I: Danni soars into the sky.
- Prerequisites: None
- Duration: Permanent
- Effect: Danni can fly. His combat flight speed is equal to his rank times his Run Speed. outside of combat, they can move at three times his Flight Speed.
- Accuracy 1: Danni is an ace with ranged attacks.
- Prerequisites: None
- Duration: Permanent
- effect: Danni adds +1 to his Agility damage multiplier, and they gain a +1 bonus to Agility checks other than attacks.
- Accuracy 2: Danni is a sharpshooter.
- Prerequisites: None
- Duration: Permanent
- effect: Danni adds +2 to his Agility damage multiplier, and they gain a +2 bonus to Agility checks other than attacks.
Elemental Control (Fire):
- Special Effects triggered by a fantastic success -
- Fire: Sets target ablaze, dealing 5 Health at the end of each of the target's turn.
- Elemental Burst (Fire): Danni Hotshots an enemy.
- Prerequisites: None
- Action: Standard
- Duration: Instant
- Range: 10 Spaces
- Effect: Danni makes a ranged attack against an enemy in line of sight. If the attack is a success, it inflicts regular damage. On a fantastic success, the enemy takes double damage instead and the elemental type's special effect.
- Elemental Blast (Fire): Danni hurls a fireball.
- Prerequisites: Elemental Burst, Rank 2
- Action: Standard
- Duration: Instant
- Range: 10 Spaces
- Cost: 5 or more focus
- Effect: Danni makes a ranged attack with an edge against an enemy in line of sight. For this attack, add +1 to the character's Agility damage bonus for every 2 points of focus they spend. On a success, an affect target takes that total damage. on a fantastic success, an affected target takes double that total damage and suffers the elemental type's special effect.
- Elemental Barrier (Fire): Danni conjures a wall of fire.
- Prerequisites: Elemental Blast, Rank 2
- Action: Standard
- Duration: Concentration
- Cost: 5
- Effect: Danni forms a wall of fire within his line of sight and up to 10 spaces away per rank. This covers up to 2 spaces across (vertically/horizontally) per rank. Danni makes an Agility check and compares the results against the Agility defense of any target in the affected spaces. On a success, Danni chooses which side of the barrier the target winds up on. On a failure, the target chooses. On a Fantastic success, the target suffers the element's special effect too.
Attacks against the barrier are against Danni's Ego defense. Any attacks against it that do 10 points of damage or less are instantly absorbed, and the barrier continues. If an attack does more than 10 points of damage, it destroys the barrier. Either way, the attack leaves those behind the barrier unharmed.[e
- Elemental Protection 1 (Fire): Danni envelopes himself in fire.
- Prerequisites: Elemental Barrier, Rank 2
- Action: Standard or Reaction
- Trigger: The character is attacked or otherwise in danger.
- Duration: Concentration
- Cost: 5 Focus
- Effect: Danni protects himself with fire. Any attacks against him that do 10 points of damage or less are instantly absorbed, and the protection continues. If an attack does more than 10 points of damage, it destroys the protection. Either way, Danni remains unharmed.
- Elemental Prison (Fire): Danni envelopes enemies in a dome of fire.
- Prerequisites: Elemental Barrier, Rank 2
- Action: Standard
- Duration: Concentration
- Cost: same as Danni's Elemental Protection power.
- Effect: Danni picks a point within their line of site and traps any chosen targets within up to 5 spaces times his rank in a fiery prison. The character makes an Ego check against the targets' Agility defense inside the spaces. On each success, Danni traps the target inside the perimeter. On a fantastic success, targets suffer full damage and the element's special effects too.
Attacks against the barrier are against Danni's Ego defense. Any attacks against the prison are absorbed as if against Danni's Elemental Protection power. If an attack does more damage than Danni's Elemental Protection power can absorb, it destroys the prison but no one inside is harmed.